ORIGINAL CMP CASH STORE I BARGAINS Which Mean "What tho Word Implies I Wo arc In n potltlnu tills seavmto offer piirh Inducsment a will open tlio eyes it nil wlionrn prejudiced to t!ie CAmt ryktkm. It Is an undisputed rart, which we Imvo proven time and niralri, Hint we i?lfe moro value for a dollar than any other store In our line In this section, but this season we lire offering more bargains than ever. .Double Cotton Flush Stand Covers, at (Be.; worth 7c. Stand Covers, Silk Flush Centers with Itnw Bilk Borders, $1,30: worth ?1.T5. Itaw Silk Stand Covers, esc.; worth Wc. Gent's Nlelit Shirts, made out of best quality muslin, plain, 8Tc; laney, $1.20. Ladles Extra Fine Swiss Jersey nibbed Vests, We.; worth 70c. Ladles Medium ITeavy Jtlbbed Vests, je.; worth 33c, Gent's Heaw (Ivey Mixed Underwear, 23c. a piece or 00c. a buIF; worth "oc. a suit, Ruchtnirs, Collars and Cuffs. Gloves, Neekllos. Hoslerv, Handkerchiefs, nibbons. Velllnus. .ler seys, flannel Shirts and Cnrdlean Jackets, wo haVo In great varletv. In new stvles and at pi Ices that can truly bo called bargains, 8llk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers are bore In all the new colorlnirs and latest desicns. These (roods come to its direct from the makers, ho middle-man's profit Is ndded to the cost. J. T. NUSBAUM. Bank Street, between South Street and Plum Alley, I.chlRhlon, Pa. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1880 LOCAL EVENTS OUT UP. Tho best 12 mo. books In tho market for 25c at Luckcnbach's, Mauch Chunk. Genuine Rogers croups at I.ucken- bach's, Maticli Chunk. Thirty-six veterinary surgeons havo registered In Lehlch county. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at Henry Schwartz, on Bank st. o Samuel Apple, aaed 73 years, was run over by a runaway team In Allcntown, Sat urday night and killed. Lehigh Valloy brakemen are now sporting their new caps. The first month of our public school ' term ended with great promise of future success. The Carbon county teachers' Institute will be held In the opera bouse, here, dur ing the early December. Supt. Snyder Is already at work on Its arrangement. Everything In the lino of furniture at Kcmerer & Swartt's. Prices always lowest and goods the best. o The world do move. Lehlghton will soon have a water supply, a hose company, a band with new uniforms a model park, a new brldgo across the Lehigh river, ma cadamized streets, &e. Yes, verily, the world do move I Rev. J. Alyln Rcber, pastor of the ZIon's Reformed church, Lehigh street, is the owner of a newMlller organ received a few ays ago. Many towns are naying uieir r-ypnoiu II. It. Peters, the tailor, during the month of September took measures for suits and parts of suits to nn amount ar-I greatlng 2,500. No flics on I'ctors. our It has been said that the (Imp box for letters and papers on the postofllrp iloor should bo mado somewhat Ii gei- tnarcoiu mo lalotho 'falLof mall." j Real estate on Hank street brings a!-1 most fabulous prices. 1.00Q was recently asked for n twenty-foot front lot, but sad to say the owner didn't get It. Knbns, the north Bank strcot 6love man, will enpplv sou with ii heitcror ranno nt lowest prices. See him beforo pui chasing clscwhcrn. Wcrk was commenced last Frldav on laving out the Tark, which when onco put In order nicely shou'd bo protected by neat Iron fence Rlghtl The members of Arlon Comet Band are at work collecting for new uniforms, nnd It Is pleasing to note that their efforts, In this direction aro not In vain. Ihe.y will probably be equipped about Christmas time. . A peculiar coincidence. Last week Harry Kreidler, of tho firm of Trexlcr & Kreldler, carriage builders, received a let ter from Harry Kreidler, carriage builder, El Paso. III. It Is peculiar In tho fact that tho names are tho same, also the business nnd that they aro total strangers. Remember that now Is the time to get your etatloncty for the fall trade. Every 'justness man should call at the Advocate ofllco nnd examine our samples for letter, nolo or billheads, envelopes, cards, circu lars, etc., and get prices. Jl'o claim to gel out as neat stationery as any office In the State. Religious services In the Presbyterian chtirclron Sunday morning at 10.80 o'clock and In the evening at 7.00 o'clock. To these services all aro cordially Invited. Tho Lord's Supper will bo celebrated in the Big Creek Reunion church, on tlio Reformed side, T. A. Huber pastor, on Sunday morning, Oct. 27, 1889. Prcpara loty services Saturday previous at 2.30 p. ra. All aro cordially Invited to attend. nenry Bowtaan, one of tho oldest members of the Bowman family, of this county, died at his home in Bowmanstown on Saturday, aged 75 years. .Tho funeral took placo from his late residence Wednes day at 10 a. m. Deceased was widely known through an active an honorablo businoss career, and leaves a largo circle. of relatives and friends to mourn his death. The funeral was attended by a large con- courso of relatives and neighbors of the deceased. , Mrs. Samuel Ohl, of West Pent), was burled last Saturday. Mrs. Ohl had reached the ripe old age of 05 years and 8 days. W. D. inillams, contractor, states that If no unforseen circumstances takes place, he will bo ready to let the water in to the pipes on or beforo November 10th. The reservoir Is so far advanced that It is now about ready for lining, and for this Durnose 71.000 bricks havo been ordered. The tlrst annual drawing, for the ben ofltof the Lehlghton Base Ball Club: is advertised to take placo In Gabel's Ilall.on Saturday, December 7th, 1880. You will certainly buy tickets, and so glye the boys a "boom." Samuel Evett.of Beaver Run, who ha6 been prospecting for Rold on tho nom farm in Mahoning, has struck a vein of gold MAUCK CHUNK CLIPS- OUR "STROLLER.!' ' ruori.K who comk and go. i in feyer and other epidemics but Lehlgbton.L flT(J fcel , wWth jjr. R . . , .1 ........ .11 tin., fa In I continue- thus let tho proper authorities see to It that the gutters are kept Clear of rub bish, while house holders should keep a close eye on the deadly back yard and alley. Railroaders, you can sayo a good day's wages by buylug your watches from D. S. Bock, Lehlghton. o Tho usual fall dtlll and parade of the second battalion, 4th regiment of tho K. G. E.. which came off at Freomansburg recently was in every way successful. Four commandertes participated.. Samuel Seller sold two horses on Sat urday; one to Mrs. P. sfiarkev, of Mauch Chunk, and the other to C. H. MacDan lel, of H'elssport. Call at Kemerer & Swartz's on Bank street, and seo tho largest stock of furni ture, carpets, etc. You can save money byKdoing so. , o Jfary Tarpcy, of Easton, was struck by a Leblgh Valley passenger train, at Glendon, Sunday night, and her right leg -was cut off above the ankle. She was taken to St. Luke's Hospital. There will bo communion services In Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church next Sunday morning and evening, when twen ty new members will be received on certifi cate, making a total of 71 since January last. Orders left at this office for butter, eggs, live and dressed chickens and coun try produce generally, wholesale nnd re tail, will be promptly filled by W. H. Klotz. 45-lw Daisy, tho 8-year-old daughter of Nathan and Maria Krum, of Bank street, died on Sunday afternoon last after a short Illness with diphtheria. The funeral took place Thursday rooming and was largely attended. The family have the sympathy, of the community In this hour of their amictlon. John Connely, a moulder, employed In the Lehigh Stove works, who got Into a squabble at Glen Onoko some time ago, we are pleased to state, was released from lotcl Leyan on Saturday last on payment of costs. If jou want a clock or watch promptly repaired at a reasonable price go to S. Hagaman Bank street Lehlghton. 6m Trinity Evangollcal Lutheran Sunday school has Increased Its library by about three hnndred very cholco volumes. As soon as the book case is enlarged and the books properly labeled and catalogued the library will be thtown open to all regular members of tho Bchool. ''Eagle Cash, Store." New List-New Prices ! A Lot of Hosiery, Sheeting and Working . Jacket?, at very low prices. Pauts at 03c. former price $1. A few Cloth .Bound Books nt 40c, worth $1.25. Silver and Nickle-plated Knives, Forks and Spoons nt prices so astonishingly low as to surprise you. Lot of Shelf Hardware that will be sold at very low prices. ROBERT WALP. Ojip; VsldgU TUy Ksund Bouud HyUM would like to bcarfrom some capitalist who would assist htm in developing tho lodo. A sample of tho ore can be seen at this office. George Randenbush, of Pcnnsburg, Montgomery county, nn uncle of J. W. and A. W. Raudenbush, of town, and a twin-brother of tbelr father,, celebrated his 81st birthday on Wednesday, October 10th. Mr. R. is still able to be up and around, though feeble from old age. During "Fair week" John .Stark and Low. Steck, Uauk's bakers, turned out 3,000 loaves of bread, 0,000 cakes and 10,- 000 pretzels. May be they didn't hustle things. Well, we should say they did John F. H'eller and a party of genial spirits, of Allentown, wero on a fishing trio to Balllet's dam, In East Perm, on Tuesday, and were very successful In cap luring specimens of tho finny tribe A mission festival will be held in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran chinch, near Jlllport, Lower Towamenslng township, on Thursday, Oct. 24. A number of min isters will bo present and mako addresses on the subjects of education and homo and foreign missions. The public in general Is Invited. Tho services will begin at 9.80 a m. and continue during the afternoon As George A. Frey, the "candy man.' of Allentown, was driving along the road fiom Little Gap to Kunkletown on Jon day evening, he accidentally droyo ono of his horses over an embankment so severely Injuring the animal as to necessitate kill ing It, LewlsGrayer's brick building In South Lehlghton, Is well under way, ll'ben completed It will be a pretentious appear Ing residence with all modern conveniences. An old willow tree In South Lehigh ton measures about twenty-five feet In cir cumference. It is,peihaps, over one bun dred years old and may have been planted by the early dwellers In the Mahoning. We onlv sav that It might hayn been planted by them. A picture of our esteemed townsman George Derbamer, wife and family In Kemerer & Schwartz's show window, on Bank street, this week attracted much at tentionespecially from those who knew the familiar faces that beamed forth from tho frame. Samuel Gilliam, of town, whom the Republican nominated at tbelr late con vention In Mauch Chunk, for the office of District Attorney, Is out In a letter declln Ing to be a candidate. As a county nowspapcr the Cahbojj Advocate claims to meet every essential requirement:. A gl&co at our news CPV umns will prove this conclusively, si. a year; 50 cents for six months. Why not try It? Joslah Kunkle, of South Kidder, em ployed In County Commissioner Hawk's mills, at that place, met with an accident last Friday morning that caused the loss of two fingers and tbe thumb of the right hand. The unfortunate man was taken to Kresgeville, by Emory Getz, and placed under treatment of Dr. Gerhart, qf that place. The Qermama Sumgerbund, ol this place, are progretsing finely under the able leadership of William Sandherr, Charles Balrd, ot Three Springs, Hunt lngdon county, mall agent on the Lehigh Valley road between Easton and Hazleton, resigned on Tuesday night, and II. C. Brown, of Rohrersburg, was appointed his successor. This position was formerly held by William Otto, of Easton.and Baird Is the third man to vacata It since Mr. Otto's lemoval. Mauch Chunk Dally Timet, 11th Intl. Now, brother Slgley don't you really think the great Wanamak- er would do a mat thing by re-appointing Mr. Otto? ITkiiiiI (Junto of Loi-hI nnd Pcrponnl Ouiwlp from tin, Count)' Neni. Miirrinur llrnnst No. 1005 was issued by Proi Imiiiiiav.v Hs'i-r on H'ednt'Sdny morning. , Mrs. K. Evans, nf Ttinkhannofk, nnd Miss Lizzie Deltro. nf Ashland, are visit ing Judge Slroh's family. Col. Ch.ipnlnn, of Catasatiqua, piesl- dent of tho Catnsnuqiin Fogelsvll'.o Hull- toad, was In town Monday. Nathan Lclller, who was struck by a freight train at tho H'elssport crossing a week ago is around again. Henry Sclielllng, .a clerk In Miller's store, held the ticket that drew tin) gold watch chanced off by tho Crescent Canol Club last Saturday. Keystone Cotnmnmlery, K. O. L . , ac conpnnied by the Ucrmanla Hand, of Rending, run an excursion to this placo nnd Glen Onoko on Wednesday. W. K. Miller was brought here from Allentown, on Tuesday, on a warrant sworn out by his wife for desertion. The matter was amicably settled In 'Satilre Boyle's Court by the parties concerned. 15. J. Qitiim was arrested on luesdav on tho Info.mation of A. L. Hagaman, the Singer Sew Inn Machine agent of Lehlgh ton. charging him with collecting money under falso representation. After ahear Ing beforo 'Squire Boyle Qulnn was committed. Our county courtshavo been In session during the week, but the business dono hicks interest to the general public. Tho cases on Iho trial list consisting In the main of assault and battery and f. and b. cases, which with ono or two exceptions were either settled or continued Df. B. S. Erwln was married to 3iss Florence S. Cook, an accomplished young lady'of Qermantown, Pa., on Wednesday afternoon at tho residence of the bride's motherMrs. Dr. Charles Cook, In German ton n. Tbe happy couple will sail from New York for Europe on Saturday In the Burgoyne. They will spend several months In the old college of Wurzlaburg, Bavaria. Wo join with tbelr host, of friends In wishing them a pleasant tour and a long life of unalloyed happiness. Empty freight engine No. 40-1 was wrecked at the weigh locc between Mauch Chunk and Packerton, on the Lehigh Valley lial rod on Sunday evening. The engine ran inlo an open "blind" switch and, leaving the talis, plunged down a high embankment. The engineer, Peter McCarthy, and bin fireman jumped beforo tho engine went over and escaped Injury. A llttlo bo.v named Howard, who was rid ing with tic flienian, went over Willi the enjrjne, hut cseawd uil.li onlv a slight scald. The engine tinned clear over, with I hi1 wheels in ths air. Tho wrerk caused considerable delay id trains. Mr. Johrj F. Blecklev, of Jattch Clmnk.Jdied nt the residence of his father, Win. Blecklrv, of 520, Notlh 7th street, Allentown, Sunday morning, Mr. Bleckley, who had for quite a time been a great sufferer from neuralgia, went to Allcntown on the Saturday immediately preceding fair week, In tho hope of obtaining medi cal relief there fyv homrrjiailjc tieatmcnt, In which ho had great faith. As It proved, however, his malady was too far advanced to be benefitted by medicine, and he grew gradually worse until deatli came to his relief as staled. The remains were taken to Lehlghton on Wednesday morning, nnd deposited In tho Lehlghton Cemetery. Services took place at the M. E. church, at largely aitcnueu uy lie buildings as cqliablo In temperature as possiuie. nnarssaioin saving mat, many ' Personal Oowlp aboiil Peopl. who Visit I Of tlm rallp nf Hip Illness during tho! i anrtnoii Vliltlne. greater part of the venrran ho traced di-1 AtVIport and Community I'nrBcrnnlir.l I Uapt. Andrews, of Slatlngton, was In rectly to tbn imptopcr heating nnd defective Pnr v k , , ,,.,,. i town Tuesday. Aim M.h. r t i,ii....H wssiuarj r.noerns yniung menus nv ventilation of our buildings. Tim four most OFKcntial physical conditions In a school loom arc sulTlciMit well regulated j light, good air, uniform temperature of proper degree and comfortable seals. Lnhlghion. moved to this place op Tuesday. ' John Lanrv and wife, of Lansford, are tho guests of O. W. Lanry and family. Charles Buck, of Franklin, has laid a I T ? ' - ,h9""lll P Parent In front of his 48 " " 03 SO " " 04 43 " " 03 50 " " 04 fiO " " 05 68 " "88 60 " " 01 67 ' " 04 51 " ' 02 00 " " IV! 60 " " 00 540 03 10 a. m , and'were relatives and friends. m Our Public School. The twelve public schools of Lehlghton on Tuesday, Sept. 3, for a term of nine months opened with a first day's attendance of 510. The enrollment of the first month Is 540, an increase of 33 over the first month's enrollment of last term; 40 six- year-old beginners entered tho two No. 1 prlmarv schools. The School Board foresaw this Influx of little ones, and for their proper provision, opened an additional school. Tho entiro enrollment of last term was 607. It will lllcely exceed 050 this term. Tho High school has 22 students, which number will probably Increase, to 30. This year's graduating class Is an unus ually largo one as well as an exceptionally bright ono. It numbers 12, namely: .Maud Wheatley, Sallin Gabel, Etta Drlssell, Al bert Durllug, Granville Clauss, Charles Bowman, Samuel iiiller, Charles Mertz, Edgar Xander, Albert Bartholomew, Edgar G ornery and Robert Dungan. Their curriculum of studies Is In strict conformity with our regular county High school course and embraces the following nineteen branches: Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, Mental and Written Arith metic, English Grammar, Political Geo graphy, U. S. History, Physiology, Book keeping, Algebra, Geometry, Physical Geography, Civil Government, General History, Natural Philosophy, English Lit erature, Latin Grammar and German Reading. The final examination will bo conducted by an examining committee consisting of the County Superintendent, the principal, of tho High school and some other prir.cl- pal'oftho county. Tho diplomas will bo signed by the examining committee and the president and secretary ot the School Board. The examination will bi public and all fi lends of education are most cordi ally Invited to attend. Due announcement of the same will be undo. A number of necessary repairs and Im provements In and around tho school building were made during the summer va cation. The worn out old steps at the low er front gate were removed and a flight of new stone steps wero put In their place. The plank walk around the building and ihe fence around the grounds wcro both rci paired. The trees In the :ard were trimmed abd tbe tree boxes fixed up. A largo part of the slate roof which leaked badly, thereby Injuring ihe building, was taken off and the space covered with a good, durable and well painted tin roof. A new stairway was hullt from the second floor to the tlrird floor, on the northeast corner, where another room was fitted up. Each school on tho third floor now has a 1 separate stairway from and to the secord floor, AH available space in the building s now occupied. There are twelvo rooms, four on each floor. New furniture was put In one room, and all the old furniture was thoroughly overhauled and reset. The walls and celling of the High sohool room were plastlcocd and whlo, artistic borders put around both walls and ceiling. Eleven of the twelve rooms are adorned'with the American flag, placed there last spring by Lehigh Council, No. 101, Jr. O. U. A. M with very appropriate ceremonies, The members tf the School Board de-. serve credit for tho Improvements In heat ing and ventilating tbe building which they have made. The laws of health for bid us to breathe Impure air. They teach us ta have Ibit air lu oat tiomts in mu- school building Is tinat, durablo and a complete success. A twent.v-five horse power horizontal tubular bolter is used. It Is firmly set in brickwork with full flush front and other Improved fixtures. Tho draught Is uxccllenl. There are three high racks of pipes In every room, which expose morn than sufficient radiating sur facoto warm each loom comfortably In tho severest weather. Tho steam Is easily regulated us any or all of the racks may bo Mint olf or turned on as desired. The pressure can led can bo adjusted at will, from ono-fourtli-ponnd upward. Every room window has a simple but philosophical arrangement for ventilation. It consists simply of a board nine Inches wldJ which Is so placed as notto allow any heat to escapo when tho lower sash Is raised, nnd at the samo tltno It gives a supply of pure air without causing a direct draught. Il'lien tho puro air reaches tho puulls it Is already nicely warmed. Par ents can now send their children to our schools with full assurance that tho rooms arc comfortable In all kinds of weather. Tho following Is a report of our public schools for tho month ending Oct. 1, show ing the enrollment and percentage of nt- tendance of each school -and giving the names of pupils who wero present every day during the month High School No. enrolled 22 av: at. 00 Gainmar " ' Boys' Adv. Sec. " ' Girls' " . " " ' Bovs' Secondary " ' Obis' " " Boys' Adv Prim." ' Girls' . " BoYs'Prim. No.2" ' Girls' Boys' ' No. 1'' Gills' ' Total niGir school. Pupils neither tardy nor absent Albert Dur Hub, Charles Mertz, EtlRar Xander. Harry Oeg- gus, Maud Wheutley.Sallle Gabel. Etta Drisscll, Susie Walp, Carrie Newhart, Ella Ebfcert, Delia Del-'rehn, Lizzie I.entz, Lizzie Schoch, I.nelta Itehrlg, Annabel ltrokule. (lltAMMAIl BCIIOOI.. Pupils neither tardy nor absent Ira Koths- tell', llaney Straup. Wni, Brenner, Manila Ooiuery, Maltlo Walp, Emma Fortwangler, Ileitha l'arrcn, Martha Long, Mary Fcnster- machcr, Emma Walck, Ircno Wcldaw, Addle Mitchell, Ilattlo Trexler. IIOVH ADV. SKCOSDAltY Pupils neither lardy nornhscnt Edgar Seller, Ralph Itiiiulenbush, Walter Weiss, ltobtirt Hoiitz, iMniel Frey, llarry Watcrhor, Allen Stocker, Daniel Schoch, John Xander, Pierce frltzlngcr, Harry Trainer, Harry Ohl, Harvey Knartz, 1'rcddlo Miller, Thomas Webb. (llltr.S ADV. SECONDAltY. Pupils neither tardy nor absent Hattle Gi'g gus Alice MeConnlck, Eva Frttzlnger, Lulu Killing, Emma lluss, Sallle Dernier, Lizzie Oeg gus, Hattle ltcx, Lena Langkammerer, Clara Schmidt, Mary Itehrlg, Katlo DcLong, Hallle Wnlp, Emma Acker, Hallle Krum, Sadlo Peters, Ilertha 21nk, Ella, Fuehrer, Salllo Dartolct, Mamie Ithodcs, Alice Hontz, Nettlo Oeggus, lfattln Trainer, IIOVS SECONDARY. Pupils neither tard) nor absent Uharles Sanders, Eddie Schmidt, llarry Nothsteln, Horry Wagner, Wllllo Krock, Scott. Ithoads, tleorgo Meyers, Calvin Hill, Charles Walp, Hurry Ilunslckcr, Harry Spangler, Chirlcsllon- linger, Osear (licen, Ohurles Iteher, Herman ltupp. Charllo Augc. OlIiLS HKCONDArtV. Pupils neither tardy nor absent Gertie Hig hly, Hallle l'rc'y, Emma German, Lulu Peters, Emma Drlukman, Carrie Fenstermacher, Lizzie (label, Sadie Miller, Annie Stroup, Ella Webb, Alice Wcldaw. Mlnnlo Walck. Carrie Blank, Clara Ilretney, Ida Fuehrer. Llzzlo Knhns, Mat tie Ohert, Carrie Peters, Mlnnlo Ruff, Ductal! ltelchard, Mary Walp, Addle Weiss. HOYS ADV. PRISfAUY. Pupils neither tardy nor absent George New- hart. Thomas Newhart, Kobert Miller, Willie Gilbert, John Nothsteln, Wesley Uennlnger, Oliver Huch, George ltuch, Bertie BrlnkmaD', Charles Ktpp, Itobert Drumborc, Horry Deck, Robert ltupp, Wlllio Voorhect, James Xnnders, ILirry Wleand, Walter Welnllnc, David, Lauer, Fraok Mcitzcl, Joseph ltcx, Harry Sltier, Chas. Suoonhelmer, Joseph Krock, George Kurtz, Chailcs Wagner. Oini.S ADV. I'l'IMAItY. Pupils neither tardy nor absent Ella Hontz, Ella Wolf, Sadlti Hontz, Ella Hellman, Bertha Bogdanskl, Lena Lnufcr, Sophia Nothsteln, Anna Houscr, Minnie lloycr, Mattlc Helm, Mamie WcIdaw.Mlnnlo Schoch. Mabel Hontz, Mamie Fritz, Mabel Vehr, Mattle Geggua, Arvllhi Straup, Carrie Stout, Ella Wcit, Alice Welt, Lllllo Blocker, Alice Swartz, Llzzlo Miller, Emma Semmcl, Mamie' ltatcliff, Ida ltelchard, Katlo Obcrt, Katlo Trainer, Daisy Uennluger, Llzzlo Vlelhauer. Hattle Ohl, Mlnnlo Fry, Bcs- alo licber, Chrlssie Knhns. IIOVS PU1MAUV, SO. 2 Pupils neither tardy no.r absent Chai ley Bock, Iteynold Commudusky, Chas. Gilbert Charley German, Charley Ilretney, Eddie Trainer, Eddie Sella. Robert Goinbert, Clare Sheckler, John Waterbor, George Welnllne, Harry Kclchard, Willie Itamaley, Harvey Bow man, Wllllo lthoades, Alvin Remalcy, Charley RurT, Oliver Nothsteln, Edwin Weitman, Robert Horn, Willie Bella, George Walck, Edwin Hailo- man. ntiir.8 ritiMAiiY, no, Pupils neither tardy nor 8bsenl-Helnretci, Mamie Webb, Ella Htransberrv, Eva Anthony, Lulu Trexlcr, Bessie Stocker, Addle Graver, Daisy Boyer, Daisy Krum, Arvllla Itehrlg, Rena Ruch, Towandn Williams, Mary Wolfe, Sadie Nowhart, lleulah Traincr.Gertlo Clewell, Carrie Anthony, Llzle Frov, Carrie Wert, Malwl Kos- tenbader. Bessie Blank, Flora Schoch, 'Jl.ira Koons. I10Y8 rltlMAIIY, NO. I ruplls neither tardy nor absent Milton Fi Itz- Inger, Robert Ruch, Harrv Queen, Howard Frltzlngcr. Robert Ilatcllrt, Roy Froy, William Waterbor, Herce Nothsteln. Chas. Smith, Robt, WalcK, Edw. Klpp, John Bcnnlngcr, Clark Hontz, Allle Sheckler, Herbert Itehrlg, August and Julius Commadusky, Asa Obert; Edw Bender, Warren Ettlnger. Qtitr.s ritistAiiY, 2so, 1. Tuplls neither tardy nor absent-Laura Band- hers, Lily WoU, Gertie Bachmau, Laura Ctirlst man, Clara Itelctwd, Mlnpip Meyer, Kalle Wll, llanu. Gertie Fuehrer. Bessie Bretney, EUa Smith, Lily McOormlck, Hattle Strawberry, Manila Trexlcr, Flossie Doxdater, Mamie Houuh. Cairle W li. Dora ltelchard, Sarah Fry. VlKITOl.S. Co. SiiK T. A. Snyder, visited all the schools C. T. Horn, Pres. of tbe Board visited nine fchools, W. I'. Long. Sec. visited all the schools. The Misses Jfeyers, Hann, Transuo, Rcber, Lelby, Elen, Cop- ner, .Minnie Rclcbard, ll'ills, Fell, A. Balllet, II. Balllet. Jlrs. T. A. Snyder, Mrs. Stettler, Rev. Dungan, Rev. Newhart, Mr ll'erkbelscr. V. A. Hatlk. A. J Ilalllet, Elmer Yeaser, John Lelltx and Mr. Iteltz vlsltei uno or maro.f ohools. The nunlls of Ihe blah school were kind ly favored with two very able aud Instruc tive addresses. One was delivered by uo. Supt. T. A. Snyder, on Friday afternoon Kent. 18. and the other Dv Jtev. u. v, Dungan a week later. Both addresses were replete with good clear thougbtsmd annllc&ble advice. Both gentlemen are warm true friends of education, and the good work they dd In our midst Is appreciated hv us all. ' F. J. E'TETTLEX. Principal. residence. Next! Rev. A. F. Leopold has been confined to the house for several weeks with a Se vern attack or rheumatism. George n. Euzian has a lot of fire wood nnd fence posts which ho will sell at vpry rconablo prices. If you need any- thing In that llnoca'l on hlni. Mrs. Wolfe, aged 74 years, wife of Owen II "olfo, of Franklin, died on Itou- ilay and was burled on Wednesday after noon,! hi! funeral being largoly attended. Wesley Fatzinger, of Taylorvlllo, spent several days hero this week with his par onts. Wcs. Is looking first-rate, and, we are Pleased to say prospering In his now, home. Chat lla MacDanlel has become the owner of a beautiful piece of horse-flesh Levi Horn says it Is a "fast" one, and can do a mile easy In 2.402 days and 40 hours. Mac, where did yon get that nag? R. J. Hongen has taken the agency for the Callbralth Adjusting Solf-centcrlng Carriage Pole.ono of tho most useful Inven tions we have over seen. Persons owning carriages should call and seo It. Samuel Dyer, 'of fountain Top and Miss Jen, tie Graver, of East H'elssport, wero married on Thursday afternoon. May their wedded life bo one of happiness and pnuperlty,Is the wish of their hosts of friends. Prlnrlpal Kratz, of our public school, was arrested on Saturday for severely beat ing a child of John Arner's. After a hear ing beforo 'Squ ire Buck, the parties were given ten days In which to amicably 'settle the matter. Georgo Friend and Jiss Catharine Wisler, of Franklin, were united in tho holy bonds of -wedlock on Sunday by Rey. S. B. Biown. Tho young couple havo tbe best wlshci of a largo clrclo of friends for a Ions ani' bappy life. Tho paragraph In last week's Issuo saying Ilcary Chrlstman had purchased the Fort Allen Honse was crroreous, as Mr. Feist, tho owner of the place, has an advertisement elsewhere In to-days' Issue offering the house for sale. A letter from our young friend 15. F. Vogt, who Is at present In Newark, N. J., Informs us that he Is attending a day college of Phonography and expects to lake a couple of courses In short-hand and type-writing. Success to you Ben. Eugcno Everltt, of the Welssport M Mr. Bleckley, House, has lost his Thanksgiving dinner somo onn has carried off bis big fat turkey. Mnjbo Eugene Isn't mad well, If ho catches the miscreant who gobbled up his gobble! there will bo war, and don't you forgctll. Wesley Wentz and Miss Laura, daugh ter of Harry Trainer, of Franklin, were happily united In marriage ab the residence of tho groom's parents, on Saturday oven Ing. Rey. S. B. Brown officiated. The young counle will goto house-keeping lm mediately, In the nice new residence, erected by Mr. Wontz on Union Hill. May their lifo be a long and haopy one is the wish of a large circle of friends. Tlio barn owned by Alex Grayer, In Franklin, was totally destroyed by Ore on Tuesday afternoon. At the time tho barn contained a valuable horse, several wagons, farming implements and a quantity of araln which were all consumed. The fire was started by some little boys who were play lag In the barn. Loss, about $500;noln surancn. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Snyder, of Franklin, who have reached the ripoold nge of seve'ntv-flvo years, wero pleasantly surprised on last Sunday by a gathering of all their children, grand-children and many near relatives. The aged ouplo were tbe reclpteuts of many valuable and useful presents. After spending a hapoy time with their parents and partaking of a sumptuous repast, which was prepared for mo occasion, inev returned, to tneir respec tive homes, with the prayer that their parents may live to eniov many more oc casions of this kind. Philadelphia, -T.I. T. Mnlhcarii, nf Lansford, was In town Tuesday. Mrs. irililam Romlg, of Bethlehem, visited friends In town over Sundav. Mrs. Thomas Fagan, of South Easton, Is visit Ing relatives and friends In town, Miss .Laura Hofford, of north Bank strcot, Is visiting H'catlicrly friends this week. Tho genial sheriff Rabenold, of Allen town, soent Sunday In town among his hosts of friends. Ilev. O. E. Bartholomew and wlfo, of Cressona, are spending ' a few days hero with Mr. B's parents. A. J, Allcnbach and wife nnd Miss Ulaticho Beck, of Cressona, are the guests of Rev. A. J. Rcber and family on Lehlch street. Victor Bowman, of Princes P. O., was lu town on Friday. Jfr. Bowman Is a merchant doing au extensive business In the above placo. W. H'. Bowman, Esq., of SlatlngUm, formerly cashier of the 1st National Hank of this place, was In town Tuesday and dropped In to seo us. Mrs. F. P. Seimuel and daughlor, Lillian, of Lehigh street, left for Phtladcl pbla last week, where Miss Lillian is being treated for au ear affection. Tho genial Georgo Kearney, of Phila delphia, accompanied by his wife and three ohlldrcu.are sojourning with David Ebbert nnd family on North street. Mrs. H. V. Morthlmer, with two sons Ralph and Melville, left for a woelc's visit among Philadelphia relatives and friends, on the noon train Wednesday. Miss Laura, daughter of Rev. .J. C. Bllem, of Reading, pastor of tho Evangeli cal church In this place many'ycars ago, Is visiting numerous old time acquaintances here. 3. B. Price and Joseph Fisher, Es-irs., Democratic candidates for Assoclalo Judge nnd District Attorney, were clasping hands with voters In town bn Friday of last week. Mrs. John Langcnbahn, after n two months visit to her sister, Mrs. John Micssel and friends hero, returned to her homo in Leadvilie, Col., Thursday, much pleased with her ylsit. Tho genial L. A. Mantz, of the White Bear Hotel, was In town Jondny shaking hands with old friends. Al. was at que time the lightning manipulator of the smgot at tbe Carbon House,' this botough. .Ifrs, L. L. Babcock and Mrs. David Schaeffer and daughter, Miss Ella, of Ha- zieton, were In attendance at the funeral and while in town were (lOOO .Hutu for jVen, Ho.r and Clilluru. IFe have In our establishment aud offer them to the citizens of Carbon county and iclnlty, at a saving of tweniviftve rents on every dollar. Call nt Sondhelm's One Price Star Cl tiling Hall, Manch Chunk, for your fall suits and overcoats, 1 .- - i Be Sure If yon have made tip yonr mind to buy Hood's Sarsnparllla do not be Induced to take any other. Hood's BarssparllU Is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by vlrtuo ot Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curatlvo power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whoso oxamplo Is worthy Imitation, tells her experience belowt To Get " In one store whero I went to buy Hood's Barsaparllla the clerk tried to Induce mo buy theirownlusteiylof Hood's; hetoldmothetr's would last longer; that I might take It on ten days' trial; that If I did not like It I need not pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on me to change I told him I knew what nood'n Barsaparllla was. I had taken It, was satisfied with It, and did not want any other. Hood's When I began taking Hood's SarsaparilU I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like person In eon sumption. Hood's Barsaparllla did me so much good that Iwonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak ot It." Mus. Ella A. Gorr, CI Terrace Strcot, Boston. Sarsaparilla SotdbynlldroegtiU. fit tlx for 15. Prepared oiu V C. I. IIOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mais. IOO Dosoa One Dollar James Walp' store room and residence on Bank street is receiving a new coat of paint which greatly adds to tt,appearance. I'luili CoaU nml Newiunrkt. We havo fine plush coats at $20, 2fl, fSflnnd up... Newmarkets at SO, f8, S10 up to 2). All ladles aud misses In need of a garment will do well by calling at tho One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. DEATHS. Kkuh. On Sunday, Oct. 13, 18S9, Daisy Etna, daughter of Nathan And Maria Kttttn, ned HcnrSl month and 17 day I find Mi-il Tooth Powder Is without exception the bent 1 have ever used. Willi Kb aid I keep my tcoth very clean, and white, which I vrns unablo to do with any other powder I hnvo over tried bofoic. So tai n Ferdinand E. Chartard, . Baltimore, Mtf. By tho way. will von Iniv ami use Ideal Tooth Powder ? We can thoroughly rec ommend It. It. E. Nichols, Dentist, Sa Una, lC.iiis.-is, 6y, Ideal Tooth Powder Is lu my estimation, just what its name indicates An engraving 20xi!4 is given with ench two bottles. 1'rico 25 cents per bottle. , Attention! At REBER'S IlltUCt BTOJIK. Ry tliti tlnglo bottle, by 1-4 and 1-3 dnz. (lunntltlen, nml In Jobbers lots at Jobber iirlcee, irooil'd Snrinpnrlllit can alwar be ail. julvM OSLLY FUN I 1 dare s-ty ll is lo shavo with n goodj slrtrp riazor. Razors and Pocket Knives gu'ir.ititerd or no salt. Full linn of Straps, .Soap, Bay Rnm, I'tckel Cutlery, Ac. . lfvoudonot believe It, try It and bo convinced. THOMAS' Gslieii Molar Pharmacy, 1UXK SrilRKT, LulltOHTOX, PNA. Prescriptions a Specialty, the guests of Mrs. Lewis Trainer and daughter. Miss Ida, on South street. Mr. Charles Moycr ana wife, a venera ble couple of about 60 years, parents of Mrs. John Peters, and who reside In Free tuausburg, Northampton county, arc visit ing their daughter here during the. week, nud seem to bo highly delighted with their visit. On Friday afternoon of last week, Jfr. Geo. W. Morthlmer, junior editor of the Advocate, started off on an extended tour, ne expects to take a vacation of teycial weeks, during which time be will Visit Philadelphia', Baltimore, Md., Wash- IG! BIGGER!! BIGGEST ! ! ! WHAT? vercoats ! :-: Overcoats ! HONESTLY MADE UP ! We never had such a big stock of Men's Overcoats. We can show you 30 differ ent styles at 30 different prices. You will be astonished to see the high piles ot Men s Overcoats in our store. We will sell every one of them. Now is your time to select one. uon t wait until the best patterns are all sold. Our prices are spot cash. Our prices are so low that nobody can offer you any lower. We have 600 Boy's and Children's Suits. Everv bov needs a good suit. Adam MeTxrkam and Son, Below the F. O., South Bank Street. inglon, 1J. U , Altoona, Johnstown, Pitts- TT r..,U sn bttrg, Harrlsburg and other places of inter- JLJLC lis la rt liailL, lj gCl tilClll est. That bis trip may prove an enjoyable and pleasant one Is the wish of his hosts of friends. ltev. F. K. Berndt, who has been elected professor of Greek and Latin in tho Normal School at Kutzstown, preached Ids farewell sermon on Sundav last, at the Jord.tn Lutheran Church. There was a large audience present and his remarks, based on St. Matthew, XXIII, 20, were eloquent and affecting, ltev. Berndt's ministrations here were very successful, nud the people part witli him with much regret. He has the best wishes of all for success lu his new calling. Allentown Critic. ichwartz's Furniture Rooms v liALLKKV. Dr. Chas. A. Ctermnn, An old nnd highly respected physician, of this borough, departed this life on Wednesday afternoon, between 4 and ti o'clock, at. the ripe old ago of 72 years tbe day of his death occurrln on 'the an niversary of the day of his birth. The deceased was born in the coitntv of Lehigh, October 10th, 1817. His parents wero Rev. Benl. German and his wife .Vary M., daughter of Bey. Gottlieb F, Schmidt; be was graduated nt Jefferson College, Philadelphia, after his preparatory education and reading of medicine In the office of tho late Dr. Charles Jfartln, of Allentown; In 1813 he located In our neigh boring borough of Welssport for the prac tice of his profession; on the 20th day of December, 1844, ho married Mary L., daughter of Reuben Arner, of that place, who preceded her husband to the "Great Beyond" a year or two ago; he practiced medicine. In Welssport for a period of about 20 years, passing throuch mauy hardships In visiting his patients In the then sparsely settled district of Franklin and tho Towamenslngs; he then, about 1603, moyed to our borough where he con tinued the active practice of his profession until a few years ago, when his health falling he did simply an ofllco practice, The deceased leaves one son, Percy A to mourn the loss of an ever kind and In dulgent parent, The fuueral will take place this (Satur day) afternoon, at one o'clock. Services In Trinity Evang. Lutheran church. fennanentlv located near Vnlley Deiiot, fori U.ilunets and family Rroups. Ohl pictures rop- led pud enlarged. iiEl0-fiml Mum Sm'lnhlo. This Saturday evening in the Presby terian chinch, the Society of Christian Endeavor will give their fi lends and all the young people of town,, free of charge. a new, novel and felicitous sociable. A short programme. Including music and song, will be rendered, and a bappy tlnio maybe expected by those who attend. Do not be bashful. Come out nud bring a half dime or a dime with you, ami see the elephant with a . (ouih in good timol and get a seat before the riowd arrives. Admission Is ftee to eeijhody. Do not forget the time and place. Remember, mum" Is tlm word. A Mummy, with I'arryillln Item. Frank Traub spent .Sunday f i lends In Pennsvllle. Tho Reformed Sunday, school, recent- Iv.organlicd, Is prospering and adding new membeis every Sunday. Tho cental Dlldlne Snyder was on a business jaunt to Stroudsburg this week. -Quito a number of Mauch Chunk's young men visit this owu every week and, apparently, enjoy their visits very mucb. Georgo Pettlt, St., severely sprained his back while at work on Saturday. -Dlldlne Snvder has just purchased a nice match team of sorrel horses. MIssTlllle Bamford Is spending her vacation witn ner parents in mis piace. Quint. Bed Room Suites. Parlor Suites, Chairs and Tables, Bookcases, Louges, Bedsteads. Mirrors, Cradles, Carpets in great as sortment, etc. NEW BUILDING, SOUTH BANK STREET, Tlio Fall and Winter sea son ii opened here with one of the largest nisortmenU ol Fur niture erer shown outside of the larger towns and cities nnd at lrices that will surprise you for lowness, nnd at the rnrae time knosk competition in the, shade. We ask you to call because we are positive that in price, quality and our style of goods we can' more than please you. Carpets, are also a linp ol' goods we carry in stock at low prices. We also pay particular attention tcUn dertakinff nnd Embajming. HENRY SCHWARTZ, FALL EXPOSITION -or- -AT- New Council ,Jr, O, U. A. M. Last Friday evening Oak Grove Council, Ao. 857, Jr. O.U. A. M., was formally Instituted at Pleasut Corner, by District Deputy Councillor, W. II. Heberllnc. of i.uniymiip, mm .-uioiitu ivuncnioratrob, of Mauch Chuuk, asslated bv members of Lehigh Council, Xo. 101, of Lehlghton. Mt. PUgah Couuell, of Mauch Cbunk.and fciectrlc Counell, of East Mauch Chunk. About twenty-dye metubsrs were Inillated into tbe myneries of tbe order. After tha Installation ceremonies bad conclude! the visitors, numbering about two hundred and filtv, adjourned, to the commodious dining room, wb'ere a delicious bivalve feast bad been prepared, to which all did full Justice, Quite a number of those present enjoyed themselves in trlppinn tbe light fantastic until the nee sins' hours anant th' twa when all returned home feeling well pleased for having been pres. eut on this occasion, (liven Away Free of Charee. A beautlf al 8-day walnut parlor clock to every person buying N6 worth of goods, until April 1, 1600, at Sondhelm's One and pub-Hlce Star Clothing 1111, M&uch Cbunk. r.adtet Plulh Coats Xewroarktu, Jacket In all the latest styles and makes, vou can Bud at the One Price Star Clothing flail,'! Mailfti nhnnlr -.1 V '-. - w uiuHlunir run CI(. where. There arc many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as tie Ivory. They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upori haying it. 'Tis sold everywhere. REX & BROS. BON MARGHE. Prices Lowest ! Quality the Best ! The colorings in this line of different weaves, includes all the new shades and effects at prices that make tliem excellent values. We have many special things in Die6s Goods, and all ' departments, that, if you exam ine, will be profitable to you. Robe Dress Patterns a Specialty. We are headquarters for Black Goods, because wc keep the largest and he'st line at pop ular pi ices. Broad Cloths, FlRniiGlft, Tricots, Ladles CasximoreH, Sorgcs, Henriettas, Cashmeres, Stripe FlaHiels, Stripe Dres Goods, Plaid bres Quods, Plushes, TelTets, Trimming Silk, Braids and Trimmings Hosiery & Underwear. O. A. Rex & Bro. MAUCH CHUNK, PA.
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