The Carbon Advocate I.EIIIGHTON, fEMKA. ' SATURDAY, OOTOMUBR 19. 1880. KKIKIIKII AT T1IR I.KIItflltTOM VOBT-OrriC AS SEOOND CI.A8S MAIL MATTKR. liu Fids Circulation Larger than that of any Weekly Newspaper In the County, . r The Lansford Record continues to ln allude to the Advocate as hU "ancient enamT." Hr'er Ju"alIoy you're unkind at best. The Lansford Record last week com menced its lltU Vol. bright and nowsv as aver. Hon. James IK. Mallov makes a live paper and deseryes success. MANT of the sign boards at tie dlffeent croH roads throughout the county are umn tellecablo. "Indistinguishable and badly in seed of paint. According to law the super visors of the several districts are to keep an eye squinted on these boards and see that they are kept In proper condition; a neglect of this duty Is finable. It will pay to bear this fact In mind keep It green. -In other words, Ik the United States District Court for the Western District nf Texas judgments of $1,000 have been recovered against the Bli Grande Ballway(Companv and W. L, Glddcnson the charge of importing aliens from 3fexlco under contract to labor In the San Tomas coal mines. Tbo case against them was so clear that the defendants con fessed Judgment Several other cases of this kind are poudlng in Texas. Tills is an off year in Pennsylyapla poll- tics, and for that reason the Republican majority In the State may not exceed 30,- 000. It will bo a shame .upon the party, however, If It Is allowed to fall below that figure. All of which means, fellow Re publicans, that you should brace up. Philadelphia Preat, 12th Inst. Oor ei teemed contemporary evidently sniffs war in the far distance. IKhilb the Lehlghton JFater Company are at work laying water mains throughout the town would It not be a wise moye for tomo of our progressive citizens to do something In the matter of giving this town better illumination? Slatlngton, Jauch Chunk, Lansford and Wealbcrly bave electric lights, while Lehigbton peo- pie tumble about on dark nights In the blinding glaro of the small measly coal oil light. It is Insufferable! The following: act defining the rights and regulating the use of bicycles and tricycles In this Slate will be of Interest to users of the ''machines" and the public generally: Section l. Be It enacted, etc., that bicycles, tricycles and and all vehicles propelled by hand or toot, ard all persons by whom bicycles, tricycles and such other vehicles ar used, ridden or propelled upon the public highways of this State, shall be entitled to the same rights and subject to the same restnctlons, la the use there of, as are prescribed by law in the cases of per sons using carriages drawn by horses. Section 2. All Acts or parts of Acts Inconsis tent herewith be and the same Are hereby re- Approved the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1889. JAMES A. BEAVER. BROADBRIM'S N. Y. LETTER. When a couple of years ago the Jietho dlsts met In national conclave at the Metro politan Opera House, I thought them the finest body of men, lay or clerical, that I had ever seen assembled nnder a single roof in any part of the world, I bave seen man; ereat assemblages, both here and in Eur ope, where the imposing symbols of official dignity lent light and color to the occasion, but up to that time I do not recollect ever seelngany public body t hat compared with the Methodist National Convention. This week- has been marked by an as semblage which, lor distinguished ability, ptety, dignity, Intellectual culture, has Dover been surpassed and hardly equalled on this side of the Atlantic. To be a mm- Istcr of the Episcopal church is no small honor: to arrive at that distinction Involves long years of patient study and self-denial and intellectual culture much beyond the average of his fellow men. To be selected as a bishop from such a conclave as this argues superlative qualities among a body of men intellectually above their fellows. Assembled In St. George's church were all the bishops In the United Stales, with very few exceptions, and In addition to these were hundreds of distinguished clergymen and laymen, to whom Episcopal honors could add neither dignity or power. It was a grand sight and one that will be remem bered as long as life remains by those who were privileged to see It. The sermon of Bishop Whipple of .Minnesota, was worthy of the occasion, and not a word of It was -Iqst on that yast and distinguished assem- bly. Never in any Episcopal body before was there such a broad and catholic spirit displayed as In this. There was not a single dissenting voice when the venerable bishop exclaimed, In a voice almost drowned with tears: "One of the great hindrances to the speedy evangelization of the world is the division among Christians, and tho saddest of all sthls is, that tbe things that separate us are not necessary to salvation. There are blessed signs that tbe Holy Spirit Is deepening the spiritual life of long separated brothers." And again he exclaimed with fervor: "Denun elation will not silence unbelief, and tbe name of Infidel has lost all its terrors." The only Inference to be drawn from Bish op iKblpple's magnificent sermon, and the unstinted praise with which it was re ceived, is (hat henceforth the Episcopal church will welcome wltUopcn arms assist ance from every Christian source, that can aid the propagation of the gospel of Christ and tho evangelization of the race, If this be tbe end and aim of tbe conven tlon it will go forth from our city with a nation's benediction, and not only the Episcopal church but all Christendom will bave occasion to rejoice that tbe ancient barriers of piejudice and conventionalism are broken down,and tbe Christian church no longer boond by the mere shadows of form and creed, marches onward as a united army U tbe accomplishment of tbe creat work wbere Christ Is all and all. It fs hardly necessary to say that the bishop;. tbe priests and the lay visitors were royally atertalne4. Our richest families mostly m .h EdIscomI church, and New York has a hulldlni specially provided for Episcopal entwtalwnenu, tbe .gift of the sainted Catherine Wolfe. Trinity church, too, is one of the richest church corpora- lions in tbe world, so that thtx.wasno ....... .....u. rpt.n uki.hmi.i n.ui. tlon of tbe founding of the Episcopal church In tbe United Slate, of Amerioa church 'lias been a success In every respect. Sunday was a red letter .day In all tbe Episcopal churches, every pulpit being graced by a bishop, and the attendance Wis lbs Urgttt seen In New York for a Bwids the Usaops Uir were many dlsllogulsbetl clergymen and I laymen whose reputation Is world-wide. I Prominent among theni were the lUverend Mr. Ralnsforth, the English athlete atad bold exponent of muscuar Christianity, with the strength of a Hon and the heart of a woman, whose lite 1 dedicated to the poor and suffering almost without fee or reward, and the Reverend Hebcr 0. New- UIIUI l 1 II 14 UbllVlul I J II UUI HUWV.IW. jjTe, ,PPie and Aaron's rod has failed t0 undermine bis staadlnc In the orthodox Kplscopal church. Everybody seems pleased and happy; tbo little tussel over the apostles' creed and the alterations In tho Book of Common Prayer, only served to cement a stronger union, and so passes In to history the centennial celebration of the founding of the Episcopal church In toe United States. Tuesday was a memorable day. As I sat at my desk writing I heard the thunder of guns from the Navy Tard. What could It be? The wildest flight of Imagination could scarcely concelyo It. A negio born In slavery, who never know his father's name, doomed by his birth to the bitterest degradation and the. lowest estato that man can know: who for one half of his life never dared to set his foot within the limits of the Slate where he was born for fear of being triced up to the whipping post, sailed out of New York bay In a na tlonal war ship, to the thunder of guns, as the representative of tbo grandest Republic on the face of the earth. Jn history or fic tion there is nothing like It. It is over twenty years ago I was on my way from Jfalne to New York and I had telegraphed .from Boston for a stateroom on one of the magnificent steamers that ply between Fall Rlyer and this city. I, was tired and sleepy on the arrival of the train at Fall River and went at once to my stateroom, and lying down slept for a conplo of hours. I then arose and walking out In the main cabin saw an elderly col ored gentleman dozing In one of the chairs I passed htm by, but on my return took closer look and saw It was Frederick Douglass who bad been down in ialneat Mr. UlalmYs Invitation to stump the State for Gen. Grant. I roused him up and asked blm what he was doing there, and learned that he bad no stateroom, nor could he get a berth on that grand New England boat. I at pnee offered him half my stateroom, which he was glad to ac cept. and It was a service he never forgot, And now be goes forth as a nation's repre senta'.lve to a Republic founded by his own people, which so far has scarcely demon strated Its capacity for self government Perhaps the arrival of this new prophet, who has demonstrated In bis own proper person the highest possibilities of bis race. may help this benighted semi-barbarous Republic on Its way to the light. Let us hope so at leist, and bon voyage to our departing minister. But while Frederick Douglass was steam. lng down the bay on a national warship an extraordinary scene was being enacted In one of the Criminal Coutts of New York The Court room was crammed to suffoca tion, men cranea tneir neaus, and many stood up on the benches despite the stayes of the Court officers, when the Court crier rapped on the Judge's desk and exclaimed In a loud voice, "Ob, ycsl oh, yesl James Flack, James Flack, com'o Into Court, 1 and there before the bar stood the Higl Sheriff of New York arraigned for felony; the felony consisting of a conspiracy with certain Judges and Court officers to pro cure a fraudulent divorce from his wife for the purpose of marrying a creature by the name of Cherry with whom he had been living for eighteen years past under the name of Raymond. Sheriff Flack Is a bookbinder and keeps a large number of Deopie employed, among whom are some very pretty girls. Eighteen years ago Mr. Flack became Infatuated with one of the book sewers and went to live with her under the name of Raymond; a son was born to them who Is now eighteen years of age, and here Is the extraordinary part of this affair, that for eighteen years he could have carried on this llason, living at fashionable boarding houses and hoiels as Ifr. Raymond, and never got dc.tected. It Is not as If be were an unknown man; he was one of the best known politicians in New York, a Grand Sachem away up in Tammany who, bad sufficient Influence to claim to claim tbe two highest and richest offices In its gift, the County Clerk and Sheriff, each worth nearly one hundred thousand dollars a year. Beside the Sher iff In tbe criminal dock stood his only son the son who bad conspired against bis own mother In favor of his father's harlot. No wonder he bowed bis bead In shame! Nothing meaner or more dastardly crawls the earth to-day than he. Els old mother confided In him; she trusted blm Implicit ly; he was tbe darling of ber old age, her only staff. His father bad deserted her, but she still bad a son to whom she could confide her sorrow, and he, Judas-llke,pre- Pared the PaPers that betrayed her. Such a crime is almost past belief, but that was tbe offense for which William Flack stood Indicted on Tuesday last, Yuum Klppur, tbe most sacred holiday In the Jewish calendar, occurred this week, and secured a very general observance from all orthodox' Jews. Tbe last day of the sacred holidays that precede Youm Klppur Is observed as a strict fast, not even a drink of water being allowed be tween sundown and sundown. Of late years, however, there has been quite a large body of Jews who still claim to hold to tbo faith of their fathers, who have not been especially strict In tbelr observance of the orthodox ritual. To remedy this reptehenslble laxity, a Rabbi of great sanc tity and learning was Imported from Rus sia over a year ago, and backed by some of our most Influential Hebrews, ho went for these profligate sinners without gloves, but tbe thunders of tbe Pentateuch and the lightning of the Talmud made no more Impression on their rhlnocerous bides than "Tbe Saint's .Rest" or "Bunyan's P1I- grlms' Progress." The- rebels are known as Progesslonlsts. They only attend the synagogue when they feel like It; they don't observe fasts, but whenever there is a feast about tbey are generally on deck, Pork chops are no strangers to their menu. and In many ways they bave made them selves offensive to their more orthodox brethern. This year on Youm Kipper they started In to bave a dance and jollification while the orthodox party, only a few doors sway.vwere mortifying the flesh with fast lng, tears of repentance and prayer. This WM to much ,or flesh "d blood to stand. ,0 thoy Bollot of c'"0 and they went 'or the Jewish Heathen; Ihey smashed tbe window,, broke the fiddlers' fiddles and "I?81''? tw lb heretlM tu"h VteA tobe called on to protect the public peace. "Behold how good and how ; .u,U untuw.Cin. " 10 Pn"7' t Goibv i nlaa.anl If la fi,. . n .1 .11 . - . i Yoi'Bs Tbult, BROADBRIM. Tbe room now occupied .by Joseph Webb In tbe Nuibaum property on Bank street. Is to be vacated by about January J si, jiw, accoruuig H "town 111," THE 'VVitATrlEntA' MUItnKU. Full Account of tlio Deed Tim Kacape and Arreitt of the Murderer IIU Suhse- quent Confession. The borough of Wcathcny, In the upper end of this county, was the scene of a most terrible murder at an early hour Saturday morning. The victim was Sabllla Walbert, wife of Albert Walbert, a car builder In the IPeathcrly shops. Tho murderer was William Oliver Stangley who boarded with the Walbert family and who also was em ployed in the car shops at that place. Tbe place where the deed was committed was n a small story and a half house on the side of a hill In the tear of the Presbyterian church. The family consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Walbert, a son and daughter and the boarder Stangley. The story as told before tbe coroner's iury Is that Jfrs. Walbert arose from bed at tho .usual hour and pre pared breakfast for her husband and son. Mr. Walbert upon coming down stairs said to his wife, "you bad better call Stangley, as it is near lime for him to get up and go to work." Mrj. Walbert answered and said that Stangley told her last nleht that he was not going to work to-day as he did not feel well. Just then Stangley came down stairs and passed out of the house In to the yard. After finishing their break fast, the father and son left home and went to tbe shops. " Tho daughter Ida, aged nine years, who was still in bed at this time, arose about ten minutes after eight o'clock. Not see lug her mother sho started up stairs to look for her. Upon reaching tho top of the stairs she met Stangley and Inquired of him "whero'd mamma?" He told her that her mother had gone to Hazlcton and would not be back until ten o'clock. Ida then went to go Into tho bed room, but was stopped by Stangley, who sent her to neighboring store. Tho child went out and upon, returning Bbortly afterwards found Stangley mlsslug and the back door of tho house locked. She got Into the house through a side door and went up stairs to get her third reader. Entering the sitting room, tbe first thing that met her eves was her mother lying on a lounge, blood flowing from her mouth. Tho child ran out Into the street screaming that her mother had fainted and was dying. Several neighbors went to the house only to find the woman cold In death. IFlien the news becatno known, excite ment ran high and In a short time hun dreds of people were on the scene. Coroner W. W. Buck, who resides at Weatberly, was among those early on the scene and empanelled the following jury of Inquest: 'SquiroJ. W. Hunter.foreman Thomas Roberts, Silas Bltner, Andrew Horlacher, Dr. J. B. Twecdle and Hiram Sharp, The post mortem was made by Dr. Twecdle. Tho woman's face was badly bruised, both eyes being discolored and the bridge of the nose blacked and swollen This was evidently done by the man's fist, stunning her, after which be drew a re volver and fired the fatal shot. The ball. which was of 32 calibre, entering tbe right breast above tbe sixth rib, passing through the inner lobe of tho right lung, passed up through tbe heart, causing fpstant death After committing the deed, the murderer placed his victim on tbe lounge, straighten ed out her limbs and clothing, locked the doors, went to his own loom, changed his own garments which were all blond stained and put ou his best suit. lie then fled. but not however without taking with blm what money there was in tbe bouse,besides two watches. After leaving the house be was seen o log over tbe mountain and later on at Black Creek Junction wbere he boarded passenger train No. 23, and went as far as Slatlngton, In which neighborhood his parents live. The town council af once offered a reward of $50 for bis capture an Constables East, Kessjer and Druckenmll- ler started at once In pursuit. The mur dered woman Is aged about 88 years, Stangley Is a man of about 32 years, about five feet eight Inches high, slender figure light complexion and has a sandy mous tache. Three weeks ago Stangley quarreled with the woman and then threatened to kill her. For this be was arrested and given hearing before 'Squire Hunter. The mat ter was settled, be begging off and Mrs, Walbert paid tho costs. Stangley brooded over the affair and thus determined to com mit the deed. Tbe verdict of the jury Is "that the de ceased came to ber death by a pistol shot through tbo heart, and from the evidence adduced tho jury believed Stangley to be the murderer." This Is tbe first murder ever committed In the history of Weatberly. The murder er was captured Saturday evening at Slat lngton and was committed to jail at Jauch Chunk. Tbe body of tbe murdered wo man was brought Lehigbton Tuesday morn lng, and Interred in the cemetery In this Stangley, since bis incarceration In jail at Mauch Chunk, has made the following CONFESSION. That he killed ber In the kitchen under some provocation brought about by ber scolding blm for not going to work. That be first knocked her down with bis fists and shot her as she lay prostrate pn the floor. Two bullets were fired at her, the first passed through one of bis fingers aud took no effect on Mrs. IFalbert, but the second passed through ber body as stated in tue nrst part 01 this artle e. Aftrr having killed her, he carried her up stairs into tne parior. ire aiso slated that always liked her, but she no longer liked him. This evidently gives us the key to me motive mat prompiea tne murder. Oh lealousy, thou ugliest fiend of hell. All otuer passions naye tneir hour of thlnklnc, and hear the voice of reason. Tbis-alone oreaus at tne nrst suspicion Into frenzy and sweeps the soul In tempests. But wny suould tnere be lealousv betwnn boardet and tbe woman of tbe house? The man now in custody for the murder and the woman whose death was hastened by him, can best answer this question. Life Indeed Is real and earnest, but It Is not always what it seems to be. You Can Make Fire Dollar By leaving ypur measure foraflnean'd stylish suit or overcoat at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Our fit and workmanship compares with any House in tue valley. Dr. Hlgbee, State Superintendent of Schools, has Issued an appeal to the schools to obssrve Friday, Oct. 18th, as Autumn Arbor Day. He states that appropriate exercises should be held In all tbe schools so that a sentiment may be created among tbe children by which in the future homes and even towns may be beautified with shade trees In yards and bordering streets, Men's, Boy and.Clilldreu'a Overcoats. We can show you 2500 overcoats and uisiers at from f 1.60, M, $4, $3, up to $20. lou will save your car faro and day' wages by calling at Sondbelm's One Price Star jClothlng Hall, Mauch Chunk, for your suits and overcoats. Kunkle Brothers, of Kresgeyllle, are creeling a Jarg carriage factor; and black smith iboBt POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nowder never vnrles, A marvel of nurltv. strength and wholespmeiicn. More economics I ttin.ii the ordinary kinds, and cannot bit Rnltl hi competition with the multitude oflow test, slim t weigni, aium or Diiosiinain powuers. sola only In cans. lioyal Ilaltlnn Powder Company, wan street w. y. 'tneir. Election Proclamation. Pursuant to an Act of General Assembly of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relating to the elections In tho Commonwealth. Approved the2d day of July, A D.,18C9,and further supplement thereto approved January 30. A. D., 1874, 1, Hiram l L,e van, Sheriff of tbo County of Carbon, Penna., do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county afore said that on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, being the 6th day of November, A. D., 1880, at which timo the following oillcers are to be voted for: One person for State Treasurer of Penn sylvania. Ono person for Astoclale Judge of Car bon county. One person for Dlstrlct.Attornoy of Car bon county, I also make known and give notice that the place of holding too aforesaid elections in the several Townships and Boroughs of tho said Countj, will be respectively as the places hereinafter designated, viz: Banks Township, Audenrlcd District, at the scnooi nouso in Aimenrieu, unu iseuver Mcauow District at the school house at Leviston. Ill a.ild irnmo.liln East Perjn Township, at the public Penrose George, In said Township, house of tjiwfir Tnwntnpnslnt? Tnwnshln. Mlllnnrt nla. Irtct, at the public house of George D. ttchlllcit, in saio. Disirici. Little (Inn District, nt the nubile house of itouerc iieury, in &mu Misim-i, Bowmansrown District, at tbe nubile house of imvi uutii'iimii in sum xunusiup. Franklin Townshln. at the nubile bouse of .loiiii nenriK, in said l ouusinp. Leli tditon lloroutih. at the nubile house of jonaiuau jusiier, in saiu uorouKii. Lausanne Townshln. at the female school house, llnck Mountain, In said Township. Lehluli Townshln.lri the school bouse at ltocli port, In said Township. Wcatherlv Boroupb. at the nubile house ol BUas a, llttner, In said lioroggfi. First Ward of the RoroUL'h of Mauch Chunk. at the otljce of County Commissioners. SecondWard of the Borough of Mauch Chunk, it the nubile Souse of Fcter Stuhl. In said Bor ough. Kant Mauch Chunk Rormmh. nt the rmhllc houso of tharles llass.tnsald KoroiiKli. Mahnnlnc? Tnwtiftliln. at tltft nuhlif. Iinunn nf Thoiripson McDautel, In said Township. Tackerton District, ut the public school home In said District, Penn Forest Townshln. at the nubile buse of Knos Koch, In said Ton nshlp. Towumens Inc Townsh d. nt the nubile house of F. F. Selberllng, In said Township. l'acker Towns ho. at the nubile house known as llartz's Tavern, in said Township, Mauch Chunk Townshln. Xesauehonlni? Dlf- trlct, at the public house of Ilenjamln Oxleyi lu Nesnuehontng. Mauch Chunk Townshln. Ifaeklubiirn In Dis trict, at the publlo school house, lit the said Dis trict. Illoomlngdale District, at the public houso known as the White Dear. In said Dis trict, Summit III11 Boroutrh. at the Iron Hall, in said Uorough. Kidder Township, North District, at the house formerly of George A. .Stlnson, now known us Sfriiters.ofllce, at Lehigh Tannery. Kidder South District, at the public house of Freeman ecu, in a. im District. Welssnort liorough, at the public house of iienrY.itirisiiniin, in saia uorouvu. Lansford Borough, at the public house of Geo. Hvans In said Borounli. I make known and give notice, as in and by the 12th section of the aforesaid act I nm directed, that "every person excepting Justice of the 1'eace, who shall tiold any office or appointment of croflt-or trust un der the Government of the United States or of the State or city or incorporated dis trict, whether commissioned officer or oth erwise, a subordinate officer or a-ent "vho is or shall be employed under the Leslsla ttve, Judiciary or executive department of this Stato or tne united states, orofanv city or Incorporated district, and alto that every member of Uongrcss and toe heels lalure and the select and common councils of any city, commissioner of any Incorpor ated district, Is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the olllce or appointment or Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that lib Inspector or Judge, or any other ottlcer of said election, shall be eligible to any olllco then to be voted for. free. 5. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of tbta Commonwealth, the polls shaliibo open at seven o clock n. in., and ctosoat seven o clock p. m. Given under my hand at Mauch Chunk, tuird day or uctoDnr, Anno uotnlul one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine. and ot the Independence of tho United States the one hundred aud thirteenth. IIIU AH P. LEVAX, October 10-8w. Sheriff. Q0MP0UND. Sure Cure tor Coush'. Cot Is. Consumption, Hoarseness, Sore mid alldlseasesiiftbe HronelUal Oruans. Thou-Miidst-an testify as to Its efficiency. J'rli-eai uud 50e. For sale by al linguist. fcblC-yea To Whom it May Concern. Due notjee Is hereby given that HKCKIE M. UOltN.iU'e ItUSSKl.. luivlnji let! n.v brd and boartt wlllioutjust causi- or tuuvlcu'im I will no loiiRer ne resimiibiaDie lor tienu oiunu.-liu by her uftiT this date, September iSlh, JS50, al! Of vtliien uu now naiu uoiieo. fU ID . llDItN. sept. 20 at. IJICihtrn, IM. iTT 1 IkTITIW Tls-V LE8M EN to sell Nursery stoi k W 4 N1 'H I All (iouds wurrauti-d Klrn-Cl.i II iixi lAiiivrouuitiit pleasant, uiofluible positions fjr tne ihrht men. Qnnd mil.irles and expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to oeuinners. jio previous experience necessary. Outfit free. Wrlle for terms, i lk li ira-'iv ClIAltLliri II. CllASi:, Nurseiyiimu, Ituoh'-ster, H Y. Mention this paper. , Kepc yi-uin f ti-v circumuon is "rowing ivta. because w c furni-1 all the latest local news in the best style. Sample w. WAITED: ,Y few live, .-nuei-tie nbable men to travel and rolicltunlt-rs for ou' i ur and ornamenuil nurscrv stock. Pei inaupiit minim meut, salary uud expenses to the right im-u. , liu capcncuco ueui-asary. i.-iiu puilicumrs. address, 11. G. Cbase & Co., HSQ South l'enn Square, I'lilUdelphla. Oct.5 tw THE LEHIGHTON WATER 1. Lehtghton, Pa-, Sept, 28, 1689. The Capital Stock of the Lehlehion WAte. Company has been !uci eased to $20,om. The subscription book of the Company u now open at the Secretary's office. Twenty Dayt preference is given the or iginal stockholders from the above date, Johk S. J-ENTt, Pmldent. HoTi.D SAf lt, ftarr. Oi Ca For Sale, tho . Fort Allen House, IN WRIfWI'OllT. Cnrlinn Pomitv, I'd.: Trite Moderate; Terms lieasonable. For particulars, addiess, J. FKIHT, i,pti9-4m Mountain Top, l.tiz. Co., Vn. AT PRIVATE SALE. Tfio undersigned otters hU FAUM, with the tlUIMHNGH thereon erected, sit'l.ite In Ma honing Valley, three miles from the llorouch of Lcliluliton, Carbon County, l'enua., at I'rlvate Hale. Tile liurin comprises Two Tracts of I.ttnd separated bva Public ltoad leading to Heaver nun: tue unci uiion wn en t ie itn in iil nm lion which tne urn erected contains 12 Acres, more or less : the lm- prorements arc a Two-Story Frame Dwelling, 24 x 30 feet, with Kitchen nttaclied, 12 x 14 tecti u.vhk uiuii, znxau leei, wuu nKon aneu lu tichcU, tox 28 recti Carpenter am ll Dlacksmlth suop, 10X21 recti none. Mill Wl V m l.n, ami otner outbuildings. The other tract contains 21 Acres, more or k-ss. nearly all cleared and under good cultivation. The 'property Is an eligible one, and will be sold at a reasonable price and uit ens ii-iuis. Amuy on ino premises, VI UAV1U JIUI JI1N8, octl9-m3 Mahoning valley, Va. AS EASY WAY " GET A GOLlTwATOiL Only $1.00 n Week. Wo are now formtne Clubs for the finest Gold, Gold-Filled and Silver Watches inaDU- raolurcil lor both Ladies and Gentleman. We put In these watclias a movement made by elthor of the following comosnies: Elgin, waimnii), llnmpaeD. elc,, to nut the purcbas or. A club for a gold watch al $40.00, consists of lony memoers, ami each member pays Jl.uu a week. A drawing Is mado once a week, and the member whose name Is drawn gets his watch Immediately, ho still continuing to pay $1.00 a week until ha has paid for it, at which time anil all lortv members win have re ceived and paid for his watch. The last person to receive his wstrfh will be made a present of i naodcome chain, OUR GUARANTEE. Every article bought from us must be just as represented, nnd we are willing nt any and all times to make good the failure of any article -sold, to be as represented. This Is tbe Best, Cheapest'aml most Convenient way to buy a w nidi through our Co operative Club System. We give a first class Elgin or Waltliam stem winding ond setting movement, which we luarantto tor two vears. The case Is warrant ed, by a written guarantee to wear for twenty years, The above is why wo give you more for you! money than any one elso and why we are do ins the largest watch business in the world We sell only first quality goods. Why not be in owner of a Gold Walch whenever you have me. cnnDoe to get one. Join the club at once inly $1.00 down and then $1.00 a week until the wotsh isiiuid. Please call or send me vour name and ad dress and 1 will call at your houso and show you simple.vor if you are ut a distance I will send full particulars. Agents wanted .everywhere. Write for terms aud circulars. CIIAKLKS M. KF.HUIU, Fiiqxt Sl (Opp, Dank) Catasivqva, Pa. riHLAlKLlMIlA,rA, Easo at onco, no operation or luHa ut uino iroin uuameBS. uuses iironouuceu lit curabld by oilier wanted. &onu ior uircmar. Advice Free. Office Hours 0 to 3, CURE GUARANTEED. COLLEGE OF COMMERCE "Olrard Balldlnf.' Broad and Chtitnnt Bts.. Fhlla. 33nl rear. Deit lactlltiu for traloloK roniiic men and woiren in the Torml Cnitona and Practice of BUSINESS. SuDerlor SHORTHAND Course. 18teacher. Students may enroll at any time. Send for Circulars, containing addreise by lliihop Vincent, Hon. John nauMiutHr, ca-uov. i-ouoon, ana omen. Yuos. J. VaicxsTT, Principal. !7v 2uy-' announces to the people of Le- highton and vicinity that he has commenced the Merchant Tailoring business near the corner ol Lehigh and Carbon Sts. in this borough, and that he is prepared to exhibit to purchasers over Three Hundred Styles o Suitings, Pantaloonings and Overcoatings. which ho will furnish at from ID to 15 per cent, lower than any other house. Fit and workman "U' g""""!"."" augiisttvil AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler' and Watchmaker, Bank Street, Lehigbton, ilenna Itespcctfnlly Invites tbe attention ol his friends andtlie citizens generally to his Immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely; at Prices that defy competition. It will pay you b cM and Inspect my slock before purcbasini; REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, nnd all work guaranteed, Don't Forget the Place. Me CJ'amplelilij, SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH, Bank St. Lehigbton. eDeember 17.o97ly FIFTY DOZZAJtS for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP BUSINESS COLLEGE 1703 Chestnut St., Pallida. 1'onltlouM forC2radnatcs. Tliuo required 3 to4nioii. jn:nr xMiiieu. lien Cours ot Stady. Circular $ rce v V" name uui paper. VOICE I from Ohio. II r la a porlnlt of Mr. dirt- an. af Maltin. flLla. H wriliii "Wh l woikou (rm fur 42 U month t I law hsisin iimrr forK C Ailrn Cos Ibumt mud uuLU. (tool and eflcn nuktlO a Uy. iuigntdj W. II.uaickiso William KUn, Ilirmburr, I'd. IV rttt "1 bar never known antthing io !) Ilka your at bam. Miinuy ipcik oram tne urn 10 pay nt or ftiiSfi W J. LI mora, (Jan for H vrrtiaa- "I Uaka ao erdtr fur your album at Itlmoat avtrr bout Uit Mr I profit U oftan at mucnaa K2 U HiJ?w'or ,inlflt day'awork." Va? " Otbaraara duing qtilU at well fHSjm'"9 h" DOt i a. Lraeta from their !ttn Fr Mb lakes bold ofllilarranti butluet pllta uii grand woDia, Shall we start YOU in this business, itadtr - Wrilaioieaaitd learn all about tl foryoamtf Wa art itartlnf many mi will aiart you If you don t dalay unit! auotRrrgttaabeadofyoulayoarpart af Ipa country. If yon aka luut you ill b alia to 4ck up rold fart. o-leuU-Oa a muuti a iirfvtfd toantifaciuma aato lAtOOU leu tlullitr JMioo8Dil! Albinua an lo baaold lotba .rplc f. SUaaib UonJ m lU-jnl I'rtutaoa bilk Valval I iut C'banuinflt dtrnrntMt iiialdaa ll ,udnl albiunaiulba Muiio. Lanrt-itt u. bnniul baigalai orer knowa. Artnu mii ted Ltieraltim Ulf mutiny tor rngtot; Any ouacaa bacbuta a aucccuful arnt Sella llwlf m alght llllla or aa talking seeaaaaty brraver ahawH, evary out anla l pur. S,. Aguu laaa ibuMaaada of ordara wlib rapidity navar brakitewu.. brt-at prufiia a all rry worker. Agaataar lug eVrtMuaa. ltdjaaauaka at murb aa man )o,rfader, can do aa ll aa auy oua. Foil IwronuaUoai and laraua rr. la tho whu unil lor aame, wtlb partleuUrt akd tirma for our Vaaul Ulbka Hooka and S'ariodicala. ftar you kaow ajL kaauU yoa tiutld to gu no rurihtr, wky no harm la 0o. AtfJr. at, C JlILUS . V . AVOUIA. JU If J Lb . FBEYd C71 V J- irw I. C3 flH CLOTHING! Grand Fall Opening Ibb loyga Mcms CLOTHING! Our new line lor Faix nnd TTintku is the finest nnd lamest wc have ever shown. Childrens Suits and Overcoats, over 300 Styles. Hoys Suits and Overcoats, oAer 325 Styles. Men'ri Suits and Overcoats, over 400 Styles. We make special mention of FALL OVERCOATS in Silk Roll and tfatin Lining, from $15.00 and upwards. TFe invite your special to our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, which is filled with a large assortment of hirrh erade snecinltips Ct rn - m o luting; jlrousekings ana UVERCOATIngs. In Gent's Furnishings nyiy tempting. Koch & Siiankweiler, Centre Square, Hotel Allen Building, Allentown. if mm mm. French Novelties -AND- In Great Variety and 634 Hamilton is the cate Lehigh Coal & H Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Agricultural Implements and Repairs, Field and Garden Seeds, Phosphates, &c. We desire lo call special attention to our Hoofing Slate, BuiS0 "nd A full supply of which we h,ave constantly on hand. Orders taken for LUHlber. General Jgents for the Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards Seiler's Corner, North Bank Street. Persons who are Interested in the Management of PICNICS OR PARTIES, Will find it to their interest to have the undersigned furnish them with the choicest ICE CMJEJLM JLWl JFJEWJE We take great pride in our manufacture of Ice Cream, of any flavor desired, and do not hetitate to pronounce it the very. uest to oe nau m uus section, uur wholesale prices, when we supply picnics or parties, are always very low, and the quality," wo again repeat, is the Best. Soliciting a call when in need oi anything in our line, we are, Respectfully, Nusbaum & Culton. GABEL'S BLOCK, BANK STREET, Lehighton. Try Our Popular Brink MILK SHAKE. PLAIN AND FANCY New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do all kinds of Job Work, in the best style, and at extarordinary low prices. Mail orders receivo immediate attention. "GUSH ADVOCAH" JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehighton, JOBWORK Bill Heads Note Heads Letter Heads Statements Envelopes, Programmes Price Lists, GLOTHDTCr! ami 1liBilreii'$ $6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00, a c r our line of novelties are exceed- Plain Goods at Lowest Prices. St Allentown. price of the Advo for 52 weeks. ardware Pa of all kinds nicely executed at this office. Prices low. Blanks of all Kinds Wedding Stationer Business Cards. Shipping Tags Sale Bills Ball Tickets, Circulars. &c. GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, w et Pick les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, ahd all kinds ofchoico Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, IPs lead, both In low prices and quality of goods. Our large stock Is displayed to ad vantage, an Item which purchaser will certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. E. JF. XjUCKb nbach, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE rAPKIt HANG ING. HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTING AND GRAINING. Competent workmen sent to any part ot the county. HEADQUARTERS FOB Wall Fauers.Borilers&DBCorations. Largt assortment, and the latest styles. Books, Stationery, Fancy Goois WINDOW SHADES. All grades. Sliade making ana putting up promptly attended to. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Manet CM Pa. - Below the Broadway Honaa. HORACE 1I11YDT. JOHN SKABOLDT.Jb Heydt 8c Seabbldt Successors to Kemerer & Ffeydt INSURANCE AGENTS Office i Bank street. Prompt attention given to every kind ol In. surance. Weissport Planing Mill, MANUFACTURES OK Window and Dooii Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sashes,' Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER IN All Ms of Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c., &c. Very Lowest Prices. ELY'S CatawrH .ream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Fain ana Inflammation. Bsals the Soros. Restores the Benis of Taste and Smell. TRY TBE CUBE A particle Is applied Into each nostril aud is agreeable. Price CO cents at druggists ; by mall, registered, eocts. JJLV BROTHERS, M Warren St., New York, august IT, 1883 Ladies, save your Carpets, Furni ture and Paintings from Destruction by using mm 'in "i i in i wim It makes absolutely no dust or dirt when using, thereby saves women's time and labor. Try it; sample free at J. T. NUSBAUM'S Ordinal Cheap Cash Store," LEI I IQ UTON.PA lSJySm If any dealer ini da tut tfc w. X., voocw tt liuuu b u.ui. mm price mej iwvhiuii in ii. uuna m tamL W. L. DOUOLA9 $3 SHOE OKNTLKMRN. Best In tbn world. B.eo iKNrrlNK ham IRveimlDA li OK. E4.00 HANM-6EWKD WKLT RBQB. 3JJ0 POI.ICe'ANI) FAKMXKf SHOK. .25 WORKINOHAN'H 8H01 4.0O ud BJ1.15 BO8' StlHOOr, IHOM jut nuaa vx voagnn, sanoa ana um. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE la'd?.. Bms Material. Bt Stria. B4 WtllaSJ, It not fold brroar feJr, rMt w. u Dovaum; hkooktok. mam Kramlne W u Douglas' n.toshoM torjot1 men and LadM. A&aaa MvHrkam & Son. Azsnti MWtMrXUN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers