Advertising Ra es, For lioal T'oi'cui.. Tho following price, f i 1 -k '1 advi;r US lias been Adopted, by Hie CAlilinN AllVO.dArK. Ohtrter Notices - - - $4 00 Auditor's Notices - - - 4 Oo Commissioners Notices - 4 00 Divorce Notices - - 4 00 Administrator's Notices - - 3 00 Executor's Noilce - - - 8 00 Other legnl-ailvHrMslngwlll becharged for by Mm square. H. V, "lortMm-r. Jr., PnHlsher. Wcissprt Business Directory. -JJliUNKI.IN HOUSE, HAST" WKISSrOKT, l'GNN'A. Tills house offers llrst-class accommodations to tlio permanent boarder and transient guest ranlo prices, only One Dollar per nay. mig7-iy .Tojin ltKiima, Proprietor. Oscar Ckristlnaii, WRtSdfOltT, lA.- Livery and Exchange Stables, rimy rldhfscarrUirot nnd safe driving hnr-cs. llest accommodations to agents and travellers r.ti mill fuinr.r.iiiii nrrinrn nronmtlv attended TO. aivemeatifal. inay2l-I The - Wolssport - Bakery, 0. VI. I.AUIIY. rnOl'lHBTPB. - . l. I,-..-., Prttrna In WPIMnnrt lshlghton and vicinities every day. . In the store I htivo a l'lne Lino of Confectioner) or tne noiiuuy av..v - 1 vals supplied at lowest prices. decMin R. J. HONG-SN, HuCCEMSOtt TO ClIAUliKS BCHWKlTZKll, Near the Canal Bridge, in J5AST WEISSPORT, Ponna., Is prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing and Horse-Shoeing, tveryrtcasonab!o,rTlees. TtltK SHTTINH A HPUOI AL'l'Y.Alio, AKent for tlie P. P. Mast Eoad Cart, Hie Cheapest and Best on tlio niarkot. febJ,-yl Mprters for CMlAfiESJ Henry Christmas AT THIS Fort AUcn House, Wcissport, Sells tlio Popular and Celebrated Burlington O and O York 8IN3LE AND IOUBLS 0AP.rvIS.QE3 At prices that are considerably less than compe tition. I have all styles and qualltlet which I wish you wntildilot fall to imped before making purchases. inayll-3in Retailers of FRUITS go to SEAGER'S EAST VDISSPORT,Penim., He receives a'car-loacf of iresli fruits every week, including evervthinir seasonable, such as Peaches, Watermcls, Cantaloup es, &a, &c. Lt will pay you to leave your, orders with him save freight' ancl'; have" goods de livered free. Over Canal Bruno I Weissport. UNDBRTAKSR AND DUALKIi IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITKS, BHD ROOM SUITES, ., r.-. Trices the very lowest. Quality of goods tho best. Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. Caakbt.s, Coffins and Shrouds, AVe have a fulnino which we will furnish n the lowest possible juices. Flour, Peed, k&c, ( if the choicest quality at very reasonable prices. Call and bo convinced. JOSEPH P. REX, Aprl4-ly 12AST WLIHSrOHTv DENTISTRY. Dr. J. A. Mayer &Scn. Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER, a (Iraduate from tho Dental Department of the University of Pennsylvania, has opened an oflico In the samo building with ills father, second tloor In tlio llay Window, M BROADWAY. MAUOlfCIIUjiK, PA., and Is now prepared to receive every onom need of llrst-class uentnl servieo. lune 8-80-tl Lehighton Business Dlroolory. VAL.SCHY'AKTZ,llankSt.,tho oldest furni ture house In town, livery description of furniture always on hand, l'rlces very low. WA. VKTKK.H, Saloon and ltestaumnt. Hank . Street. J'resh fjljeralwaynonUp. oys n season. Drop In and see us. novts-tv SItANO'8 S11AV1NO 8AI.OON. opposlto the AitviitiiTK (lrk-uiK. 1st liwutniiarters for shaving aniljiaiinulllng. Cigars & tobacco sold GO TO Fits. ItODRUPU, under tho Hiehangc Hotel. Hun!; street, for n smooth shave or a lashlou'.iblo hair cut. I if Close! on Sunday's. Boeder's Hull- tunic, euros luiidrutf. A KUA!.l.aBW"U. 1.1U2SS3 oi'i". rcntuc hijUAUi:. Till! CAKI10N ADS'IXATB OI-'l'ICK, ilank street, plain nml faic') job printlnx a specl ly. AHYor.vTK one dollar per year In advance. JXi. llAl!llvMlbclU.n.iuk street, wholesale , dealer tn eSioice nraiuls of whiskies, gin, brandies, wlnra, ttf fa" IMtroaaito solicited. Our Ohurohos., MKTHODISTKPISOOI'aY. South flank street, Sunday karvieesnt 10 &. n., and p. in., riuuday School 3 p.m. ItjlV. DpsoANf IVwtur. mttlNlTY LUTIIKIIAN, Iron street, SumU) 1 servl.'ea. 10 a. in.. (ltenn),7.0f p. in.. (Sns lTsh). Sunday Ji 11. KtiliKit.raslor. Ti El'OltMl'.l), Wtttfi street, hnnday.serylees rL at 10 a. in.. (flerinaii), 7.09 p. iu (KnulUh), "uudav school 4 p. in. .1. AuviNltnnKlt,lEstor. TJiV AS1ELICAL. South street, Sunday service;. Jj at to a. iii.,(i5eruiaiu. T.wp. iu.. tBnehshl Sunday schooU p. m. J.Sj'kvviiait, I'.utor. stracis, services ever)' Sunday morning ami OVCLUOg. itAi.uAHHAvnn a asm.. $lsOO a Yeai' in Advance. VOL. XVII.. No 49 rofossioiial & Business Cards. Horaoo Hoydt, "ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ' NOTARY PUIILIC, Di'FiCHt-Tho Itoom recently occupied by W. .M Hnpsher. . BANK STREET. - - LEIIIGIIT0N. PA May be consulted In English and German. July 4-ly .W. INI. Rapshor, ATTORNEY A!n COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AND DISTJUOT ATTOUNKY, l'Irst door above the Mansion House, MAUOII CHUNK, .... fENN' teal Estate and Collection Agency. Will Bu ml smi itn:ii i'Thhtn. iloiivpvniu bur npnllv done. Collections promiitly made. Settling Estates of icc.'dents a specialty. May bo eon'ulteil In Eiigllsn and uerman. "uv. -a-y i W. G. M. Seiple, fllYStCtAN AND BURGEON. SOUTH STREET. - - LEIIIOHTON Mav bo consulted in Enalish and Oerman. lnrfnt iLttnitttnn irtvpn to tlvneeolocv. Okkick Hotfitfl; t'lom 12 M. to 2 I. M.,and 10111 U It. V I ill, Jli.u.oi-J . 3. Rabonold, D. D. S . ncii Oxricit ! Over J, W. llaudenbush' Liquor Store, BANK BTREI3T, LEHIGHTON. .;entlstrv In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted vlthoutlMin. lias administered when requested. Onice Davs WEDNESDAY of each week. P.O.nddiess, ALLENTOWN, Jan 3-yi . A.eniKu comny, i ! F. i. SMITH, D. D. S., Onico opposito the Opera House. Bank Street, ieh ;t ton, Pn. .....m.nn.nt. TVT ITT 11'U 111. A Vr-l 1 1PU Filling and niaklng artlCclal dentures a special- Jas administered and Teeth Fxtractcd W1TH- IIItT PAIN. OFi'IQE HOURS: From 8 . ni., to 12 in., from i 1,. 111., 1U U I'. I"., iIU I 1'. ., l bonsultatlons In English or t'.erni.m ODIco Honrs at Hazlcton -Every baturday. Dct 15-87-ly Dr. H. B. REINOHL, Graduate' of Fhlla. Dental Colleae. DENTISTB Y I IN ALL ITS'DUANCHES, Pcrseryaiion of tlie Teeth a Specially. 0Fl'ICa!,p:-'ni.-ta( 3AIt HALL, 'Hartot Square, liauch Chunk. llllANCH OFFICE: AST - MAUCH - CHUNK, Two Doors North of I'ost-Olllcc. TFFICE HOURS: 1 to oa, lu. and 6 to 7 p. m. April 23-3m DR. G. T. FOX lib Main Street, Hath, I'o. KT'KAHTON, BWAN HOTEL, TUESDAYS. 4TALLK.VTOWN, AMKIH)ANlIOTKt.lTIIUIISIIAY iT llANflOn. IlUOAUWAY 1IOUSK, JIONIJAYS. 11ATII, WltD.NBSDAYH ANU SATU11I1A Y. Onlco Hours From 8 a. m. to 4 p. in. l'lactlcf ira Hud to diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat JfifAlso. Refraction of tho Eyes for the adjust ment of glasses. Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges,' In'Greafc Variety nt - - Samuel Graver's ' opular Store, Rank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs Jiuinshctl on olinrt notice. Ileasonahle! ! FRANK 'P. DIEHL, NORTH STREET, , Practical Illacksinltlut ITorscshocr Is prepared to do nl work In his line -In tho best manner and at the lowest irlccs, IMeasectll. nov"Jt-d-ly. PACKERTON HOTEL. Midway between Maueh Chunk & Leh'sihton, Z. ll.O. HOM, Vroprlctor. l'ACICEUTON, - - - rN.v. '1.1. lnn..... Ilntnl 1ft,. .An,n.l .....I 'ias the best accommodations for pennmicnJ and :ransleut hoarders. Excellent Tables and the ;ery nest Liquors, stables attached. lau.Vyl MANSION HOUSE Opposito L. S. Depot, BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, C. II. HOM, FlIOFRIETOR. this houso offers first-class accommodations for ransleut and permanent boat ders. lt has been i-wly reflltmlln all Itsdenartments.nnd is loent. fd In one of tho mot iileturosuue portions of the borough. Terms moderate. r&- The bAlt Is uipplled with 'lie choicest Wines, Liquors and "Igurs. Fresh iger on Tap. nprl7-yl T. J. SRETNEY tespectfiilly announces to the Merchants of Le ilghton and otheis thathels now prepared to do all kinds of n AUT.TNG OF FREIGHT, E.X'l'ItESS lAiiEti and Baggage On reMoimble terms. Onlera nle nt Sweeiiy'g Corner store or at my rwilden eoft f ISRSt.. a hhp the d-metery, will receive prompt at8n tifin. i'alrouaie solicited, - For Nowfel pMigua suit Mnat Fiublonablii Styles of IHtESS GOODS, -DRY GOODS, -GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SIEVBRWARE, &c, &c. GO TO B. H. SNYDER, .Bank Street. Lehighton. Goods eusranteMl snd price as low r'M where for thesame quality ofg'l. Julrl8,l885-ly ' J TH23 VETERAN'S PEIIND. Cures Wounds, Bruises, Strains, Actios and Neuralgic tP Sciatic, PROMPTLY ! PERIVIANEFJTLY. AT DKUUGISTS AND DKALEKS. Ilir CHARLES A. VOCELERCO..Bll!ar.U. 3SS 1 Horso Doctor, (Honorary Graduate of Ontario Vet. College.) Olce: Carina House BaiiaSL. LeoigliloD CASTRATION, DENTISTRY, xn I) Diseases of Horse and Cattle, SUCCESSEULLY TREATED. Special and Particular Attention paid to bAUENESS :: SPAVINS, Splints, Ringbone, Uoofbound, nil all diseases prevalent among Domct'catcd Animals. tils Horso and Catllo PouMers sold li Mm elf and stores generally. nsultatlon Free rharges Moderate. Ca Is bytelegraph and telephone promptly at alt n led to upeiatlons Skillfully Performed AT TUB Central prng Store, OPI THE l'UHLIO SQUAIIE Hank Street, Tichightou; Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR - PiircDnntrs nn !IKMMsta 1'ine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library ijamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! f When you buy a pair of Shoes you want a good nt. Hut If you need SPECTACLES lt Is much tnoro Important that the EYE should be accommodated with corrcet lenses and a proper ly lilting frame which will bring the lenses di rectly beforo tbecentreof the eye. If you buy your spectacles at Dr, Horn's you will And the above points properly ntlended to. PERSCRIPTIOHS Caefolly CoiiiiiQMilcd Octl5-tSS7 New Liver, iFed Store AT PAUPER TON. LEOPOLD MEYEItS rr, nn ..fuliv lr,,, ,. people of Packerton and' iclnity Ihat ho has Just Jii.-in;ii hlltlil Bl'AIJI.IS on IlEAVElt St., wiieru pHrsoua can no S'lnpilcil with Good, Safe ng Puiposra at very lowest Riles. Hi eoimcc lon tlierowllh he has also In Ntock the very best brands ot VLOUlt mid VKVlt, aIUcIi lie will sel' it lowest Prices. Attention, Builders ! ' TIlP ntuIoraicnioH 1 tit .-,. Li.... hiiimii ?h ? m iim Is i'rilre i to supply, at w KMtesho with (i()Oi) .SiUM2 for m)lI(i)IN(i i i i i , " um! I1 1 m tlltf 'stl'es ami LEOPOLD MEYERS, 'eh.'ly Packerton, Pa. D. J. KISTLER I'osectfully announcos to the nubile mat be lms !.V iV, "" i" iiinusn joams for Funerals CarGoV IllmsB" w Si ..'!' "Ie STAJlLia ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel. Lehlshrnn. Ian2"iv. Howard Deifenderfer, Om'osith tub I' Squahi:, Hank TJIliliT, I.KIIiailTOX. lIANUF AOTOItBU OF . FINE . OIQARS Aln a Choice Ijine of TOBACOOB. ClOAns, AND SMOKERS SurPLIE3. jJWfDou't Forget to CalltSj) SHOEMAKER'S Horse ai Cattle Bowfler. ' Joshua Shoemaker, Proprietor OHBIlltYVILI.i:, P.O., Northampton CO.. DlIrTIONH-ForBhoMe.mWesiioonful.two " (1" "'. For a Cw. 1 (easpoonful "i1,1" " n sk.k, tvvlra a day. The f"r Hogs. 1 or Poultry mix with leed. tT"i M(ler It prepared attertherecliw of the late Hr. II ). wilnoii, und la the genuine artlele. o utrs ot aoove named animals should lve It Wmff Pains iW And INDEPENDENT " Lohighto'n, Carbon County, Penna. October 19, " HOW THE PLAN WORKED, "Your whito roses aro just coming Into butt, Lally," said Aldrlcli Cono, as he catno lu from tho garden. "Blossom Hodgo is nt Its prettiest now." Tito colTeo cx haled 'n fragrant odor, tho fresh baked biscuits wcro of tho most dclicato brown, and tho chickens broiled 10 a uirn, out jurs. uono s laco woro niosttragio expression, as sho Bat with nn open letter in her handr "Aldrlcli," said slie.hystcrically,'.' what am I to do? Hero's your Aunt Elllng- liam coming Here next week with her six children and tho nurse! They're had the measles, it seems, and the doctor has pro scribed country air, bo they've decided to inflict a four weeks' -visitation upon met "Oh," said Aldrich, guiltily, "I forgot to tell you. Ilnideo Claro wants to come hero tliis summer. She requires perfect quiet to finish her new novel, and bays sho retains such a delightful impression of Blossom Hedge from her last summer's yjsitl" "Oil, does sho, indeed?" said Mrs, Cone, dashing tlio cream and sugar reck, lessly into tho sea green china cups, "Aim wo must remember that your cousin inllclnnu has kindly volunteered to send Andromeda hero for tho sum mer, so that sho may forget that Iovo ailair of hers with Jack Jocelvn." "I'm afraid wo haven't room for 'cm all," Baid Mr. Cono, reflectively. "Oil, yes, you have," Baid Lally, with tears and laughter struggling in her voico. "They'll sleep on the hall hat rack, on tlio garret lloor or tho cellar shelves, sooner than forego the oppor tunity of getting good country board for nothing! And I shall do os I did last year get along without a new winter suit and do my own winter housework, because tho housekeeping bills wcro so lieavy during the summer. All our re lations are very particular, you know, nbout their eating and drinking, and we had to get now hair mattresses for the Johnson-Stnytkes, arid re-carpet Haidco's room because she 'perfectly abhorred' tlio out pattern. "It's outrageous!" said Cono, carving uio cniciiens. "uut i uon t know how wo aro to help ourselves without being tircaaiuity ruue. "Tell them plainly that they cannot come. "Our relations, Lally?-' remonstrated Cono. "It's an Imposition," said Lally. "It's only for a little while, my lovo, Let 'em couie.i "It will bo forall summer, Aldrlcli." "No, it won't. Til sco to that!" "What do you mean?" "I've got a plan in my head, my love." "A plan? , "Yes. You'll see.. Only don't ask any questions." "uur, Aiuricn, pleaded the young housekeeper, with every hospitabloCim. pulse risinc ui in her heart, "mm """ill-bo as pleasant as Punch to 'om. my love sco if I'm not." "Aldrich, what aro you going to do?' "Doiit I tell you, Lally. that it's a protounu secret?" "But you'll tell me?" "I'll tell nobody!" And to this platform Mr. Cono stead fastly adhered, In spito of Lally's protes tations and entreaties. 'llio authoress arrived, with several huge trunks, a typewriter nnd a ham mock. ( Miss Andromeda Falkland came by the next train "iiko Niobe, all tears" and Mrs. Effingham, her nurse, and hoi 6ix noisy, troublesome young convales cents, brought up the rear. "Ten peoplel" said Mrs. Cono to that trustworthy and reliable confidant, her self. "Oh dearl oh, dear! I might at well have taken a situation for general housework in a summer boarding house.'' "I don't see," said Mrs. Pepper, the minister's wife, "what that young Cone is thinking of to allow his wifo to bo so overridden with relations. Tlio weather is very hot, and bho is far from strong. And I am told thoy sleep themselves on a sofa bedstead in tho parlor to make room for that swarm of parasites." "My dear," said tlio good parson, "are you not . expressing yourself rathei strongly?" "I'm only speaking tho truth," said Mrs. Pepper, Hut it soon transpired that Mrs. Cono's visitors, like Barnum's happy family, could not agree. Miss Haidee Clara could not write without tlio accompaniment of perfect silence, Tlio littlo Efllnghams could not divert themselves without tho hoots and shrieks peculiar to their tender years, and both Miss Claro and Mrs. Effingham took exteption to tlio mournful banjo notes on which Andromeda Falkland was wont of in evening to bewail Iter blighted love. "Thoy aro quarreling like cats and dogs," sighed Lally to her husband. "Let 'em quarrel," said Aldrich. "What larks, ma!" said Erskino Ef fingham ono afternoon, as ho returned from a successful raid upon the liens' nests in thu barn. "Wo'vogot to take our hammocks and croquet out of the Maple lot." "What for?" petulantly inquired his mother. "Cousin Aldrich has sold it." "Sold it? How very inconsiderate of liim!" said Mrs. Effingham. "Sold it to whom?" "To tho cemetery people." "What!" "Tlio cem-o-to-ry peoplo," enunciated Master Erskino. "Tho railroad's a-goin' right through tho old grave yard, and they've got to havo u now placo. I heard Cousin Aldrioh toll tho carpenter to bring that load of fence posts right oil, and I heard him say, too, that it didn't matter so much because tliero had al ready been two or threo interments there." "Interments!" gasped Mrs. Effingham "under our very windows? Goodness .gracious mo! I never heard of such a tiling?" "If ye plasu, mlVumT" saidTb'elia, the nuiso, "that accounts for it." "Accounts for what?" "Tho ghoit. mum all in whito!" ut tered Delia, with chattering teeth. "I seen it last night, mum, as tho church clock struck 13; an' I seen it the night be fore. An' I don't wonder, ma'am the poor, dead bodies belli' dug up nnd scat tered around tills way. And if you plase, ma'am, you'll suit yourself at once, for not another week will Delia O'Hourke live next door to a church yard!" "Ma, ma," whispered Florence Efllnc-1 Jiam who had eagerly devoured overv word of tho discussion "I'm afraid of ghosts. Delta says chests, come after Live and Let Live." Httio girls lt tlioy nout" "Will you hush?" said Mrs. Effingham clasping her Hands In despair. "Aldrich wnat is tills Have you sold the Map! lot?" "Sold it! Why shouldn't I?" said Mr, oono, who just then camo in with string or speckled brook trout. "Thev uiteiiii iub it enpiiui price, and I'm not ricn nmn. " "But to a ccmoterv!" "I don't know n quieter neighbor than a cemetery," saiu Aldrich. "And I'm told," said Mrs. Effingham with a shudder, "that somo interment! navo already taken placo!" '!I didn't suppose you'd mind it, Aitnl iMiingiiam," said tho young host. "Mind it! Why, it's a semi-bnrliarous proceeding!" cried tho lady. "Do wi llvo in a civilized country, or do wo not?' "Mai" screeched Itudolnh Efriiiirlmm tho second son, jerkinir ut tho mntprnnl skirts, "hero's a load of lumber nt the nars n real big load. Bo you suppose that's lo make tho cofilns out of?" Just then Miss Clare stalked, a la Lady Macbeth, upon tho scene. "I attach .no importanco to vulgar f upeiBiiuon, - saia sue, glaring nt Mrs. Effingham.with whom sho was no longer on BiHjiiiung terms. "UI the dead I en tertain no fear. But tho living aro quit a uitteront tiling. And I certainlv saw a man, Cousin Aldrich, prowling nbout tlieso premises last night, witli a dark lantern." . "ino ghost! ' squeaked Delia. "I seen him, too! I did, with those eyes, the Diissttl salntA betuno rao and nil harm um oui oh!" "Peace, foolish woman!" said Haidco, "iliis was no shade! It was ti burly thief, intent no doubt on mischlof. 1 fcaw him try to open tho back parlor suuiici, ami tnon Neighbor Foxloy'e wagon drove by, and ho disappeared as if by magic. And I want v6u to undor- stand, lAIly," to Mrs. Cono. "that I can't stand the nervous shock of this tort of thing. My profession requires that Bhould bo surrounded by peaceful calm, i icavo nero to-morrow." "Air 111 go wid ycz," said Delia. "I can t sleep nights in a placo whero burtr. lars is clitnbin' up tlio trellis work, and jroor ghosts come stalkln' around when the church clock strikes midnight, and a wioie wagon load more coinih'. to niorry or next day,, from the cimctery! ucnriionei tno like or it ntver was heard before!" , "Ma, ma! can't wo go. too? Wo'rc afraid to stay nt Blossom Hedcro nnv longori pienuetl tlio little Eflinghauis, in cnorus. And so thero was a general exodus, "Aldrich. is thlq h-n'o?" anirl Afvu rv vyhen the last express load of trunks had jdisappcared around the curve of tlie road. Is what true? You're not nfrnid of jrhosts, Tire you, Lally?" "Wo! but" "Don't fret, my dear," said Cono. com posedly. "Tho cemetery has purchased a lot. but It liannens tn ha Mania Hill four miles to the east of us, - I'm not to urwju-.uu".i;'--ior- irsKino -iitungliam e blunder.' 'But tho load of lumber?" "I've sold tho place to Doctor Bassett ana lies going to build a tern of Queen Anne cottage I can't imagine any pieasanter neighbors than tho Bas, setts will bo; can you?" . "Y-yes," said bewildered Lally: "but tho interments that had already taken placo there? You said yourself "My dearest girl, don't you remember mat wo buried Mime, your pet spaniel unuer tno swcetbrier busli there? and the two canaries, last fall?" "Oil, Aldrioh, uren t you ashamed ol yourself! "Who I? Not in tho least." "But tho ghosts, Aldrich? tho bur glars? "Here comes Andromeda." said Mr. Cone, with a sudden assumption of more than judicial gravity. "Come here, you falso damsel, and own up at once what I'vo already been sharp enougn to discover for myself." Uli, Cousin Aldrich!" stammered poor Andromeda, blushing celestial rosy red, and trying vainly to hide- her face behind tho blue ribboned banjo in her nana. 'I am neither Delia O'Rourke, nor the Effingham children, nor yet Haidee Clare," mercilessly went on Aldrich. "And I shrewdly suspect that tho ghost was Jack Jocelyn in a white tennis Suit, haunting tho green field beneath his sweetheart's windows, and the burglar no other than Jack Jocelyn in black. climbing up tho trellis after n letter, which ho woll knew whero to find," Andromeda blushed redder than over. "Now I'll havo no moro of tills," said Aldrlcli, with mock sternness. "Con fess, young woman, at.onco, that you anil your lovo altatr are at tho bottom ol all this mystification. Jack Jocelyn line owned up. "Oh, Aldrich!" sobbed Andromeda, "And will you, too, turn against me?' "Not a bit of it." Bald Aldrich Cone. cheerfully. "Don't fret, littlo one. Jack lias just told mo that he has been ap pointed to a thousand dollar berth in the general postoffice, and I'vo written to your mother that things are all right, .w .1 . wv, lunuu, uiiu ib ion b nec essary lor him to play ghost out in tho cold any longer." Andromeda throw herself, weeping wiiu joy, mio Lfliiy uone'a arms, and i . . . . r i . .1 mo m u nuiuuu rujoiccu lugeiiier. Aiuricn sullied. "My plan hasn't worked so badly.' said he. Helen Forrest Graves in Phila, delphla Saturday Night. a rcoiuso near London has tor rears item his coffin under his hod. Ho also has his tombstone, duly Inscribed, on hand. Mr. Duthle, botanical director for northern India, advocates tho use of the flowers of the Calligonum for food in northwestern ludia, An Englihli Protestant has discovered that the recent stnko in London was "the work of Jesuits, plotting, as ever, the ruin of Eng land." . A bicycle which can bo mmloliitoanuadrl- ycle nnd can bo used by either man or woman, has been invented by n Lancaster genius. Exiierbnents by a Parisian scientist havo proved that daylight entirely ceases in the waiers ot tne .mediterranean at a depth el ,oio icei. Boon Itt, afjialnese student who was gradu ated at Williams college last June, will enter the rresbyterlan Theological seminary at Au- ourn, is. x., imsiall. A littlo girl 7 years old, living nine miles southeast of Smith Centre, Kan., has plowed twelve acres of ground for fall wheat with a three horso riding plow. A young housekeeper of York, Pa., bought a cbickeu recently, but returned it to the dealer and got-another because it had a can cer. It was the first gizzard she ever saw. Cudleigh Mason, of Martin, Tex., a special from thero asserts, has discovered on his place, whlla boring a well, a spring ot water that makes those who drink lt dance involuntarily. 1889. STRAY BITS. Thora is a growing demand in England for human skin leather. . William Nickel is the proprietor of a 0-cent storo in Butler, Pa. An excellent quality of brown paper can bo produced from peat fiber. A Plttston, Pa., clothier announces a "great Johnstown flood sale of lino clothing." Samuel ICoufTmaii, a York county tobac co grower, has somo leaves over flvo feet long. Tho pockets of tho British infantry coat ore to bo sowed up till tho men aro on nctive duty. Richard Burton, of Denver, wanted a di vorce from his wife on tho ground that sho squints. It has been discovered that ono of tho most valuable oils used by tho old masters was walnut on. A former teacher of Latin In onn of t.h high schools in Indiana Is now driving a dirt cart in Wichita, A canal 230 miles lone is to bo built for navigating purposes in Now Mexico. It will be thirty feet wide. Tillie Meyers, a 10-vear-old irfrl of Titna. ville, Pa., recently gathered a bouauot of second bloom lilacs. Tho mummy market is now so overstnt-k-ivl that lovers of tho antiauacan obtain sneci- mens for loss than tlOO. Tho English royal' hounds will ba nhnlisdinl .after next season, nnd tho hunting establish ments at Ascot broken up. The production of 6oan In England Is about 45,000 tons per week, of which between 3,000 and 4,000 tons aro made In London. An Augusta, Mo.. ladv started out to col lect 1,000,000 postage stamps. Sho has accu mulated 200,000, and Is ready to sell out Eighteen tons of stoel disannear ilallv nn tho smglo system of tho London nnd North western railway, through wear and rust. Boino electrlo railways will bo laid alonir tho rivers of northern Ituslo, whore tho ex treme cold endures during a great part of tho year. A Wndsworth. O.. man has a lmmnkin which is almost cubic in form and is as lnrso as a soap box. 116 will exhibit it nl the county fair. A pumpkin weighing 220 pounds was takpn to tho Westchester countv (Pa.) ntrrioultnral fair, and thirty-one weighing at least 100 pounds apiece. Thero is a spot in Siberia nbout tlilrtv miles square whero tho irroimd bus not. thawed out for tho Inst 100 years, and where ie is irozcn to a depth of sixty foot. A trco bearing peaches ot nn unknown variety and of prodigious size some of them ten inches in diameter grows in the yard of vyinisuan ocouiier, at unamuersburg, Pa. A small picture was lately sold at tho Hotel Drouot, in Paris, for n hundred froucs, which, on being veriiled as his work liv M MeUsonier, was immediately resold for 18.000 irancs. I'ew peoplo know that the povornmont issues a stamp or mo donom nation of $00. Such stamps aro used on becond-clas3 mail matter, aud aro rarely seen by the general public. Tho United "Kingdom paid last vearmora man .5,io.ouo lor margarine. Tho United States consumed 45,000,000-pounds. In tho previous year the consumption was 4 1,000,000 pounds. x The Eiffel coiiTura is to bo Introduced into London life from Paris, and will bo enfirelv composed ot uair. xne oack hair is to bo worked up to any permissible height to ena very taperlngly. Henry Bradley, the head porter of the unayetie notel, Philadelphia, is said to havo made $100,000 out of his position. He owns a $15,000 house, in which ho lives in great comtort and some luxury. Melon sandwiches are mado with a sllco of well frozen Ice cream, cut from a brick mold and placed between thin slices of water melon. On a yellow or whito porcelain plate tne enecc is very pleasing. Somoboy8of Princeton college tore una nunarca leec or sidewalk tor a widow named Nevis, nnd sho sent them a great big sweet cake with enough poison in it to have killed twcuty-Uvo peoplo had they eaten it. Tho whole of tho work on tho Islln farm. iioug island, is dono by the S50 in.ano pa tients who live tliero. Many of them aro ex cellent laborers, skillful and steady, as Dr. MaaDonald, who has had charge of the work there during tho past summer, can testify. A complete history ot tho late Johnstown flood is being prepared by the editor of The Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegram. It Is claimed will be tho most accuratoand interest ing matter that has nppcared upon this sub ject;, ine net proceeds ot tho sales will be applied to the relief of tho printers, orphan cnuaren and aged men and women who suf fercd by tho flood. CANE AND UMBRELLA NOVELTIES, Silver etched to represent the grain of bine wood constitutes n plain handle of n recent maice. Tho inveterate dlco gambler is now using a cana with ms favorite implements secreted in tne handle. Bather nin&Ivo fit appearance is a silver snako colled twice around an Imlinnciino of tne same mciai. A pull box and small mirror are contained in mi umbrella bundle that ill doubtless soon havo a largo sale. Tho natural tusks ot n wild boar encircled by twisted bilver wire at its connection with tho stick make an attractive cane. For those whoso business keeps them out late at night a walking stick with a silver alarm whistle atUched is mot useful. An umbrella head of Japanese make is of solid silver nnd represents three monkeys playing among the branches of a cocoanut tree. An' old design for umbrella handles that has recently been revived consists of Dresden china painted with scones from the old mas ters. For thoee who think a silver head too con spicuous small oxidized silver tassels, which glvo n wood handle a decided finish, have been produced. Small gold leaves, tho veins of which nre delicately delineated as clinging to the smooth surface of a short gold crook, form an elabo rate and costly handle. Au exceedingly unique silver handle for an umbrella or walklug stick simulates boiler plates riveted together Into tho form of a diminutive steam accumulator. Blue enamel forms tho background for some beautiful open silver work on a recent importation. Mythological figures with at tending animals are artUtically reproduced In color. A beautiful piece of silver work Is a handle representing the curved trunk of an oak tree. At intervals the plain wood of the tree, where the gnarled bark is supposed to have been worn off, is shown. Jeweler's Weekly, The largest sailing khip In tho world, the Palgrave, left Bandy Hook recently for Java with a cargo of 132,000 cases of refined e troleum, or about 1,U20,000 gallons. It is the largest cargo ever exjiorted lu anyone vessel. The officers of the United States shin En terprise have been hospitably entertained by the Duke of Argyla at his castle, at Inverary, Scotland. The Enterprise is the first foreign war ship that ever suited up the waters of JjOcu iyno. Two large teeth, In an excellent state of preservation, have been picked up on the beach at Wtthernsea, Yorkshire. They are ot ivory, weigh about two pounds each, and ore supposed to have belonged to the mam moth elephant $1.28 when not paid in Advance. - Single Copies 5 Cents HOMES OF GREAT WRITERS. Horace E. Scudder lives In Cambridge, mass. The hohlcsof Lowell and Holmes nre nt Cambrldgo, ilnss Albion W. Tourgeo lives in n lienutlfuf house nt Moyvllle, N; Y, T. B, Aldrich has n houso on Mount Ver non sireei, in joston, Mass, Col. Hay's rcsidenco Is one of Hie most ele gant and imposing at the capital. Tho home of Will Carleton Is a threo story orown stone mansion in iirooklyn. The Bowens of Tho Independent llvo in splendid stylq In 'William street, Brooklyn. Georgo Bancroft's Washington rcsidenco Is ono of the most comfortable nt the capital. Samuel L Clemens resides in Hartford, Conn., nnd his house Is onn of the most tasteful nnd inviting In that city. John Foord.the brilliant editor of Harper's Weekly, lives on Stnton Island, as'doesnlso vv imam vv inter, tno poet nnd critic. airs, jiinry aiapes uouco. editor or Bt. Nicholas, occupies nn elegantly furnished flat in Fifty-ninth street, New York, Geo. Boker, the rich poet and playwright, lives in a nig nouso near lllttenliouso square, tno lasnionoDio center ol Philadelphia. Edgar Fawcett has snug bachelor apart mcnts in one of the New York uptown flats, Where lie weekly entertains his friends, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's Washing ton houso' is on K slroet, near Farragut square, and its furnishings nre luxurious nnd nrtistic.. John T. Trowbridge has been for many years a resident of Arlington, near Boston, nnd llift Iiomn is nun nf tlm n.ocf. nHrani pa featuros of the rtlnrn. I n,if-.o. i i j ...... ,,,,,,. a iiuuil- All VUIUUKU, JU3L untnmn s nome m uamden, lust ai Philadelphia, is a lltflo story and so, nnd its furnishings aro plain to Df bareness. across irom i a half bouse. tho point of bareness. Thocottogont East Gloucester. Mass.. oc- cupicU for so many years by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, is familinr to ovcry reader of "An Uld Maid's Paradise." Julian Hawthorne, until a short time azo. livod in a curious old houso on tho outskirts of ono of tho sleepy towns which frlngo the snores ot ijong island. Hev. Joseph Cook lives In the winter on BcAcon Hill, the aristocratic and exclusive section of Boston, nnd goes in summer to Ills rami on the shores of Lake George. Prances Courtney Bnnlor lives at Win chester, Va., In a houso that is a relic of the vanished days when tho slave holders of the south were nn untitled but powerful nobility. W. D. Howells made himself a cozy home on ueacon inn, in lloston; but since his con nection with the Harper's compelled his re moval to Now York, ho has taken to living in noten Mrs. Harriet Bcccher Stowe nnd Charles Dudley Warner llvo in nortford. Tlie lotter's cottage Is a cozy, gabled roof cottage or brick, almost hidden from passers-by by a inicK growtu oi eim, uircn nnd chestnut trees. ROYAL FLUSHES. Queen Victoria has a lieautlful touch on tho piano. The czar of all tho Itusslas plays a hand-. somo Silver cornet. .Queen Marguerite, ot Italy, makes herself happy at the piano. Tho ho,i tlfiil ornnr.., of- Aotrli mlemllrllw on th ltb.r. 1 The empress of Japan is proficient on tho "koto," tho national Instrument. Queen Elizabeth, of Iloumanla. plavs with equal skui on tne harp and piano. Queen Louise, of Denmark, recently cele- tirntn.1 l.or 7-il llr)Mninnilii... Prince Henry, of Prussia, Is a composer and pertormer on the violin and piano! Thn Mnrr nf TtTr rntlvr vtclM t1n tnmh of Garibaldi nnd placed upon It a wreath. w""0 -'J .v. uvwa kiiu vviuu iving ueorgo, ot ureece, piays an Kinds ol lunw uii uaiui uuiia uiiu winu glasses oi all (erent snnpes. Irinco Iuis de Rohan, one of tho foremosj of Austrian sportsmen, shot his 12,000th buck recently at Chaustrick. Prince Albert Victor will return from In dia, whither ho goes this fall, by way of unina, japan and Canada. The Princess Christian, daughter ot Queen Victoria, has prepared three illustrated ar ticles for tho forthcoming volume of Tlie English Illustrated Magazine. ldnce Bismarck received over a thousand telegrams of congratulation on the occasion nt tin. tivntifT-.cuviiTitli nnnlvnrMv if lilo nn. ...,.. jiuiiiumjiii.iu.niraiueiii, oi me iruMuan oau- inet. uttio iving Aicxanuci oi cserviais much impressed n itu a scubo of his own dignity. He can bcarcely write throe lines on nny topic without using the expression "I, the king." Tho littlo king of Spain is now 3 years old. and is able to walk, talk and communicate with his subjects. At 8 o'clock, when the guard Is relieved, his majesty shows himself on the balcony. The musio of the baud makes him jump. The sultan, says London Truth, is much alarmed by his Increasing obesity, and he has just summoned Dr. bchweunengcr to Constantinople from Berlin, for whoso ac commodation a palace on the Bosphorus, at Tberapla, has been prepared, whero he is to stay for a week. Princess Lilly Dolgoroukl bus a Russian fetualo orchestra at tho Paris exposition. iho young women are dressed In the na tional costume a white blouse and skirt with bauds, of embroidery and a spangled red velvet coronet. Even tho player of the uassoou is n woman. Tho health of the Prlnco of Wales lias so far Improved that the apprehensions felt by his relatives as to tho existence of a clot of blood, which caused so much anxiety a mouth since, aro for the moinent allayed. His high ness has been warned of tho probable conse quences of any undue exertion. WORDS OF THE WISE. God oft has n great share in a little bouse. He who stays in the valley will never get over tho hill. The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thlug at once. Cecil. Everyone Is weary; the poet In seeking, the rich In keeping, the good In learning. Of making ninny books there Is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh, iui:ii siuuy is u m-uriueu oi tne uesu. Tho slothful man salth: "There is n Hon without; I shall be slain in the street." In months of sun so live that months of lain shall still lie happy. J. G. IVbittier. Though the Lord be high, yet hath he re spect unto the lowly; but the proud he knoweth afar off. Many people are sincere without being sim ple. They do not wish to be taken for other than what they nrs; but they are always fearing lest they should bo taken for what thy are not. Penelon. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Henry Clews' hobby is his 50,000 bath room. ' Judge Maurice J. Power has a mania for walking. Socretary'Wiudom is a great believer In pedestrian exejeise. Gen. Lew Wallace received 115.000 for his story, "Ben Hun" Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts. Is the finest linguist in congress. Henry Irving has crown much stouter aud has placed himself ou anti-fat diet. Mr. Bourgeon, the Baptist preacher, is gradually becoming a confirmed Invalid. I he Carbon Advocate VII tKIIEl-RNDRNT FAM1LV Nl'.VVM Ar-Rtt Pub llshcd every Saturday In Lelughton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by l-J arrv V. Morthimoz Jr. - -HANK HTRGbT. 91 00 Per Year in Advanoe I llest advertising medium In thetounty, Every descriptions Plain and rancy JOB PRINTING t very low prices. We do not hcslUUU that wo are better couliined thaiinnrot 1 rliittnp establishment In this section todoilist-class lob-work, In all Us lunches, nl low prices. Bri&ht'c Disease. Trn.Tcnr-01.1 Child Hnred After l'nlluro of Four Phylrlnos. lb Mrlllllnclrl.tfn scar at km mm ltn a!i-fc In lUrch, IS-3, with scarlet fovcr. When rccoTCrin no vug n govern cou, wiu. ii acTstorwl Sriftht'i ei vao uionrya. in uiitM. rel xnA were terribly swollen: nli bad a burnlnc foTtrjuid 11 the ,Tui;!oai of in asnrravatl "to of Brlirut'i Di3Miao. ronror our bi-nt i-lir'l. l.vtinttendolhcr, mu. n.tuuub buccchh, ana Hor Lira wa3 Despaired of. Dot amolhrr's loyoanil rrnrcm nrmm,n(iliim. cullies, sad I dc tormined to try Drt David Kecncdy'l ntVL1LU ..aiut-ujf. iiiiuioiu jicnumit, i. r. This was tlast rcaort, and I hrcd, allhouitli my little danrfh. tCrS C8M was a mr aerern on. Il,nt -r...,. Itemody would do f or hrr what It hiul dono f or other! whoso condition hail not been, r,rrmlii-lj-, m hope Iocs. How happy I am that I determined nron this cuuuo-iur n improvement was Monro prrertlbl. Tlio fever left her -her flPBetltnimr'mrivi.i. .iuiiiiuai!iiiE.iorimna,imii onn Iiy on taa welt known Atlddmoiln.1 Rrmntm.. i, tl...i.. ... . Words fall tpeipreasi my n-atllu,ln,nd i cannot too wmeat'yrecoiamendtho 1'avoritfl nnmedi-. ibvL. .i ni ...... r. .. . ... y ." only nti'h ''.-t-n attiThc clao Dip em oftetilraa Tt ""."wl 'l ra-ci of i.hniM lTim, .W rllaordera. toi.i Dr, Kennedy's Favoriy emedy. Dlt. DATID KENNEDY, HONPOUT, N. Y. iwv Dixiorss. uyalldnirrtata. Two hundred and seventy-five ladles are fTlnen m uo Unlltd Stntcs and occupy , w. j uw iiiuiLg mo I " " ou-u. . """" vvanien. i tmn . , . f') "1 J"1? "l ' V- dliSRltS, for a ft"' ?, 1 n" MrfWne, ,' f,rc " nnd ' fcmcdy, discoveerei tiinliij P.Tr .t;Jl.rt.l Lr .i. u..j i5". , kidneys it is a positive V rvLZ",?Z L" tionmul clearing up the complexion it aloes wonders. Children like it. Everyone praises it. I.arge,-size package. 50 cets. At all druggist'. enameled violets with diamond are as popular as ever as scarf pins. A Scrap of Paper Saves llorlllfe. ltwas iuit an ordinary Aninri,h paper, but leaved her life. Hhe was In tfm in g last staues or consiiinnilno inirf !., nii.-Bt.i.n. . sho was Incurable and could live only a short i merino weigncd ess than seventy pounds. King s Ijcw Discovery, and got a sample bottlei t helped her, she bought ft helped ,n Cl ibt2"8,,t am:'"r " srew better fast, continued its use and Is now stioniri-r. iu.Rit.hv: rosy, plump, weighing i pounds. Por fuller paitit'Uhirasend stain p to W.H.CoIe, Druggist, toit Minlth. Trial bottles of lhlu nn,ic;f;ri J;:1 eoveiy irce at ltlilllilfS drug store. Bangle bracelets possess fnainrna tiiot make of them a permanency. llrforiulty Prom might's Dlse'aaa. H. I) Vi. .'Iiiuti.l. .. TV . X. r says Aug. '.Ol 1.1888: -'Dr. nv!,l IT.n.J.i. Favorilo Iteinedv. nf Itond nut TJ F liau cured our daughter of Bright's Diiease.after !l" otllor means had failed. She was so I swollen she measured 4o incites around u,e ,,,'' a"u 1,8Incl!c? LeJw ,lle ke. To say that we feel thankful for such R.Ioon i ooi a poor eXBtessi.n " m Ijmiuiui parents. Porcelain riding whin han dlo nrA n- ri. cent whim with tho fair sex. A HISNSIIILK MAN Would uso Kemp's Balsam for the throat TCm" . .1 7'" ,n"re casesol t-ouchs. t "V ' T".P. 1,..' ni " .hj uuj i Hlf.llll'llltl. I lin Iirniiriittrtr line niilliAi, a druggist to give, von a sample Bottle Free to conv ice you ol me merit ol Uiis preat r. I eti i.argo Homo oucanil 5il Jrs. Lanctry has a coltapn at T.onr. Branch during tho summer. roiwii ni;Ai. Last evening n person givinglhenanie of G. It. Thompson registered at Hunt's Hotel, aim ucsireu in uo cnueu in season to make the 12 p. m., train br Chicago. Being un able to awaken hlni. tho room was entered by means of tho ventilator oyer the door, when tho irentleniL , war fonntl tn Ia Ja He was an advertising acentfor btdphurBlt- I . . t . , 1 . icr,,, wlm. i,as an i-xitnsive sale. The coronor returned a verdict of death from I liiiiirt dlkti.'i.n. Tlin lunlv will l ..nt ...i iinmeciiaiciy. UN. coiirnciAl Mario Jansen has a houso at WInthron on the coast, near Boston. Tho Mavor'a MestmrR.MiLV w h nni4 for requesting the Mayor to Incorporate In hit next message the fact that many of our molt prominent citizens have been eured otrhenma Item, neuralirla and kindred rnmnllnt hv lil. vatlnn Oil, and 10 recommend this Taluiblo medicine. It muatbocood. far Atervtini1vr.iinnini.nni I, We moan Dr.liulrs Ccugh Syrup, fries cti. The Tuxedo suit for ladles consists of a blouse waist, skltt and sash. Vigor nnd Vitality Are uiilckly given to even part of Iho body by ILod's riarsaparilla. That tired fcoling is entirely overcome. Tho blood is purified, enriched, and vitalized, and carries Ilea ill liibtead of disease tn every organ. Tlio stomach is toned and strengthened, tho appetite restored. Tho kidneys and flyer aro roused and Invigorated. Tlie brain is refreshed, the mind mudeclear nnd ' ready fur work. Try it. Every girl should dress 'lino and purse will allow. as well as her OltOSS CRUELTY. 1'n rents too itcijucntly permit their child ren to sufl'er from headache, tits St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc,, when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, dizzinccs, dyspepsia, neryubs prostration of eighteen years standing, after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs. K., of slek head ache for 35 years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty fits a night; others from this vicinity could be mentioned who have been cured by that wonderful nerve, food and medicine ii. ,uiii'o( .icniui;. my" luumiu. ,.i morpldnc, opium or dangerous drugs.-Fiee Ur. .vines, rvemne, wmcn contains nn sample bottles may bo had at lhcry's or ihoiuas' drug store. Paris has had a touch of Anglophobia In the way of drefs. Al.r, MKDIUAL, authorities atrree that csitarrk la no more no lets than an Inflamma tion el le unisg memurans oi lam saasi air paitages. Naval catarrh and all catarrhal aHettloni of the head are not diseases or the blood, and It la a serious mistake to treat them sasuch. No conscientious phyilclan ever atteiaptl to da so. It la held bv eminent medical I men that auoner or later a aiieclno will be found rydiacaee irom wiucu aumanuy aunera. The faciijuilily ua In aaaunilnic that for catarrh st leait a oaltlve cure already exiits In ly I Cream llali alro. A brlcht Idea In cold links consists of a knot and bar, each centered with a dia mond. HIS H01VTt:ltItlIlLYMANGia;D. A shocking: accident ocenred at the Union Knitllu Id I ui. whereby Iiaao Uox was horribly mnitlatMl. Kurt Via Oil the Fauioua Fain Cure wai nulekly applied and recovery soon followed you can try this great remedy for U cents. If von want t drive awBTDTlneMla-Wlliom. neai. Constipation, Poor Aj, petite and all evils arlilng from a dliardered Liver use Dr. le'i Liter ltegulator. Trial bottlei free at T. V. 1 nomas, ti oti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers