The Old Doctors Dow blood) modern doctors eloanar ; hence the Increased demnud (or Altera lives. It Is now well known tlint most diseases are due, not toovor-almndaneo, but to Impurity, of tlio Wood ; aud H Is equally well attested tlwt no Wood medicine Is so cftleaclous as Ayer's Sarsaparllla. " One of my clilldren lind a largo aora break out on tlia leg. Wa applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sore would shortly heal. Hut it grew worse. Wo sought medical advice, and wero told that an altcratlvn medicine was necessary. Ayer's S.usapatllla being Recommended above all others, we used It witli mar velous results. Tlio sore healed and health and strength rapidly returned." J. J. Armstrong, 'Weimar, Toxni. "I find Ayer's Sarsaparllla to he an admirable remody for tlio cure of blood diseases, l work every Manhattan, Kansas. '"We have sold As'er's Sarsnparilla here for over thirty years nnd always recommend it when asked to name tlio best blood-puriflcr." W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. "Ayer's medicines continue to bn thu standard remedies in splto of all com petition." T. AV. Richmond, Bear Lake, Mich If You Are Sick With Headaohe, Neuralgia, Rh ttmathm I'jrf pop sla, Biliousness, Blood Humors, Kidney lMsimo Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever ana Aguo, Sleeplessness, rartlal Paralysis, or Nervous Tros tratlon, use I'alno's Celery Compound and bo cured. In each or tnoso mo cause is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, Clnracter h vrr much like cloth in one respect. If uhite it can he dyed black; but 01 ce blackened it cannot be dyed white. It was a very proper answer to him who asA-ed wllV allV man the effect of which Is to weaken the nervous sys- should be delighted with beauty, ffiS 2-E that it was a quesl ion that none bibultwiu disappear. but a blind man should ask. Paine's Ceterv CoiTiDOUnd Tin npvnr was so cood as he t. t. n-nrrv Rnrtnfffleld. Mass.. writes! t-' I ...... . - f....,., .1 nnnnn, Kn AvnMTo(4 H " raine a celery wiuijuumu utuuu. m 3 aNervo Tonic. In my case a single tipttlo wrouzht a creat change. My nervousness entirely disappeared, and witli it the resnUIns affection of the stomach, heart and Uvcr.auU the whole I prescribe it, nnd H does tlio ry time." K. L. l'ater, M. I)., should be, that doth not strive to be better than he is; he never will be better than he is, that doth not fear to be worse than he was. One of the best rules in con versation is never to say a thing which any of the company can reasonably wish wo had rather left unsaid; nor can there he anything more contrary to the ends for which people mee to gether than to part unsatisfied with each other or themselves, M.uon. While Charles Cogswell was AV6r S bSrSEDfirilm, courting a pretty young woman oi Birmingham, Conn., the otner day, he dropped dead by her side. She tainted trom the shock, and was for a time likely to die Timothy Carter is believed to be the oldest stereotyper. He introduced the trade in .Boston. School books spoke ol him in 1817. He is still a living man, lives at Newton, and is ninety years of age. At Texarkana the other day i , i .... i i. a ions iiornca steer unaenooK oi mo swmacu, ueurt nuu tivvr, uuu .uu whuk tone of the system was wonderfully Invigorated. I tell my friends, If sick as I have been, 1'olno'i Celery uompouna Will Cure You! AaM Vivf Amrrrteta 1 f (Hi far SIS. PTCDafCd OIllV For the Aoed. Nervous, Debilitates. AS WE CLIP HUMOROSITISE. Bnekleh's Arnlea Salve. Tlio best salve In the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, utccrs.aalt rliuem.f ever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin ciiipllons, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money ro unded. Price! 2Sc. per box, at TUnnia.' Warranted to color more goods than any other ana take FOR dyes ever made, and to give more brllU&nt and durable, colors. Ask for tno Vlamcmi, ana no other, A Dross Dyed A Coat Colored . rt I uarmenis nenewea j cents. A Child can use them ! Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Work. At druggists and Merchants. Djo Book free. ' WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,, Props., Burlington, Yt, PRKPAttRn BY Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Filctl;i1i bottles, $5. Mass. Worth tS a bottle. RAINBOW RUPTURE Blmple. aaf, reliable and a perfect ratalnets It ts not a Truss Worn laj and Miriit nnd ltt prvnce iorffouen. Dna lor circular vmntcstl RELIEF & UUKb, npnlalt from grateful sufferers car ad hy thUntv. uaituiea. jiaareH ventral iueaicai iinu cti Institute 02O Locust Bt St. Lou I JV1 n. Hktllfr.1 (raitmant trlvtm nil klnria of anrirOnl uameaicaicaBeR. weauemDcr aifwascs ana iri rata trtmblM In male and female our specialty lie ar to vrrtte u before takina treatmtat eltenlitira uoaouiiauon irea ana mvuea. I CURE FITS! When I say Cote I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re- lurn again, i iunjiuiuou I have made tho disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A 111 e-long study. I waukaot my remedy to Oimi the worst cases. Because others have tilled li no reason for not nowreceiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Hottlb ot my Infiixiblf. Remedy. Givo Express and l'oat Omco. It costs you nothing tor a trial, and It will cure you. Address H.G. ROOT, M.C., 183 Pearl St., NEWYOBK SCOTTS EMULSION i OF PURE COD LIVER OIL ft HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. Bo dllgnlif d that it can be tauen. dlscited, and assimilated by tho mots aoBSitlT stomach, when the plain oil cannot t tolerated! "nd by the com. BlSRHQa US WB Oil W HI. lltV Kiypopnvw nklts Is math more efilcactoni. BeaatVtlile u a flesh prodater. Fentai gala rtpldly Tfhlle UUag It. 800TO'S EMULSION is acknowledged by PhvEicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for tho relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. Thi Qrtal remedy for Consumption, and Jfuting in Children. Sold by all Druggists. Plso's Cure for Con sumption la also tho bost Cough Medicine. If you have a Cough without disease of tho Lungs, a few doses are all younood. But if you ne glect this easy moans of safety, the slight Cough may become a serious matter, and several bot tles will be required. Plso's Itemed? for Catarrh la the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. , Bold by druggists or sent by mall, too. T. Haseltlne, Warren, Fa. J. L GABEL S rS HEADQUARTERS FOR T7nv717iT AT TT A "DTYttir AD1? ints, Varnishes, Glass, ELL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUAB E, Bank Street, Lehightoii, Pa, Why does a sailor know there's a man in the moon? llecauso he has been to sea. -Why is tlio north polo like an illicit whisky manufaclury? It Is a secret still Uh, What a ConRh. Will you heed the warnlnc. The slmial perhaps ot the sure approach ot that more terrible disease, Consumption. Ask your- solves if you can afford for tho aake of Bay ing 60 cents, to run tho rihk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Slilloli'n Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why mure than a Million Bottles were sold the uast year. i it relieves croup, nnd wlioomng cough at once. Mothers do not he without it. For lame back, side or chest, use HMloli's Por ous Plaster. Sold by T. D. Thomas, Le- highton, W. Blery Wcissport. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. What is it that will give a cold cur cold and pay tho doctor's hill? A draught. What docs a man take when he has mean wife? lie takes an elixir (he licks her). Prudence! trndentol In medication, as in aueht else, brudencn should bo our guide. Yet thousands cast it to tho winds. Every now nostrum ilnds its patrons, tho medical empirics of every laise scnooi navo tneir gulls. JSvcrj change m tlio gamut of hymiuug Is rung successfully for a llnio at least tlio notes being furnished by the credulous. In happy contrast to the many advertised impostures of the day stands llostetter's Stomach Bitters, now In Its third decade of popularity, approved and recommended by ..1... ...!. 1 1 I . . 1 . I ' fuijroiuiuua, iiiuursuu uy mo press oi many ands, sought and prized by invalids every where. It is an ascertained specific for prevention of malarial diseases, chronic Indigestion, liver complaint and constipa tion, checks the growth rheumatism and neuralgia, is peerless Invlcorant and useful diuretic. Kervlous people benefit by it. Try, Try Again. After trying many advertised remedies for catarrh during the past' twelve years 1 tried Ely's Cream Balm, and with complete success. It is over one year since I stopped using it and have had no return of tho ct' tarrli. I recommend it to all my friends in this vicinity. Milton T. Palm, Heading, l'a, My daughter and myself, great sufferers from catarrh, were cured by Ely's Cream mini, wy sense ot smell is restored. U M. Stanley, Shoo Dealer, Ithaca, N. Y. What stlcketh closer than . brother? A postage stamp, by gum. -Why Is a doctor In a potential mood? It's would, or should bo. PLAIN AND FANCY Dyspepsia and liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small nrice of 7ii cents to free yourself of cverv svmntom of these I distressing coinnlalntsif you think so call at our store and set a bottle ol Shiloh i italuer. Every bottle has a printed uuar Ianleo on it. Uso accordingly, and if It does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold Dy r. u. Thomas, Lehighloii, w. Uicry i weissport. DISEASES OF MEN ONLY ana, tYmkhmms, Werou labiur,ttt ftianbood.r lion and treat! (swiImiI troe by rani L Blood Potson,DIaMMsotEIclaar.Bladierandotberor mth ara ! nllitlnn unrl trout sutta of lfrrora In Youth ara &WSMVElotlPDEs3 yiatcU 3l-m3 AFTER ALL OTHERS FML CONSULT Mi. T.MTO- nutun. If au dUW w miniin aasM. 18th fit., below CaUowhlll. PhUa., Fa. S)0 years' experleac la all 8peclRl diseases. Per tuuently restores those weakened by early India crctlona, Ac Call or write. Advice free and strictly confidential. Uours,10A.M.U113P.M.,and7tolU Taalnaxo 3- Mead 2 ct, stamp for Book. Mcarhtsi-y All Kind of , Job Workj Neat and tChcap Jat tliif Office. -What Is the board of education? I schoolmaster's shingle. Why Is a tin can tied to a dog's like death? Its bound to a occur. The tall to knock out the elephant of a traveling circus, but on -;ni8 native health was no, match for the big foreigner, and was laid out stiff and stark in iust half a round. A beetle as large a sparrow has been received by the Suite Etomologist of New York. It came from Central. America, .lie has another curiosity that re sembles two green leaves attach' ed to a twig. It is called a camel cricret, and was produced in Texas. A Massachuetts cat, which lived to the age oi twenty years and two months, is buried under a granite obelisk shaped to re semble Bunker Hill monument, and deeply chiselled with the with the name "Beverly;" the high sounding addellation he- longed in life to the cat. Sailors believe Tel igiously that the frigate bird can start at day breaZ; with the trade winds from the coast of Africa and roost the same night upon the American shore. Whether or aot this is a fact has not yet been conclusively determined, but it is certain that u u:..j .i. ...:rvr.t- p , l , . li t a New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do J thousands of hopeless cases have been per- Creatures, and IS apietO ny, Ull- .. , f j , ,y , . , , , , a rfi - manenlly cured. I shall bo glad to send der lavonng condition, -iuu mues , . -r ., , . ,. . .. v , D - low prices. Mail orders receive, immediate attention. Ull 11UU1. Bill-Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, - .Envelopes, Programmes,- Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds, . Wedding Stationer", Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills. - Ball'Tickets, Circulars, &c. Bhiloh's consnmption Car. No. 1. This is beyond question the most I successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cures the worst csrcs oi Cough, Uroup, and Bronchitis,while it's wonderful success in the cure of Con sumption is without a parallel in the history Iu. un ,vo hid. uiativery 11 has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no oiner medicine can stand, ifyou have a Cough wo earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10 cents, CO cents, and $1, If your lungs are sore. Chest or Illicit Inme. nso I3hiloh's Porous Plasters. Sold by T. D. Thomas, Lehigliton, & W. Biery Wcissporl. . What la a nraist of time? I of an hour glass. IITiy Is a doctor never seasick? I used to see sickness. irby does an old rnald wear mittens? I To keep off the chaps. The mlddla lie I Consnmption Barely Cored. To the Editor Please inform your read ers that I have a positive remedy for the above name disease. By its timely use The etymology of the word honeymoon is thus given by a good authority: "Among the northern nations ofEurope there was ancient practice of newly married couples to drink methe gun or mead, u Kind oi wme made from honey (oydromel) for thirty days alter marriage Hence the term honeymonth or honeymoon. Attila, the Hun, drank so much mead tit his wed ding feast that he died." A blacA: bear that lias been eaten is a bruin-et. "Fm considerably worsted," as the stocking said. Stands to reason the reason- er when he is tired oi sitting. A long felt want a tall hat. Words of cheer Hurrah! Tiger! The rag-gatherer s businesa is picking up a little: Ihe fruits of dissension are no dcubt put up in family jars. "Jeantimo that one when another fellow lugged off your girl. One may screw up his courage and have his attention riveted. Why is a tin can tied to a dog's tail UiC death It is bound to occur. It was the ludy who thought she was "oins to swoon who had a faint suspicion. It seems hardly fair to ask a person to play downright well on an upright piano, "What is it that makes the rosy cheeks of the mothers and sisters turn pale, and steals the bread lrom the children!' asked a prohibition lecturer of a class of youngsters. "Rats," shouted a young wretch. A new novel has lately been published in raised letters for the uso of the blind. It is said it evoked a grcal deal of feeling. two 'bottles of my remedy free to any of your reaers who nave consumption if they will-send me their express and postoffice juarees. ivespectiuny, x. ASloctim, M. (J lOl X ITiiri Bl., new lUFKi "HARM ADYOCATK" How much to peep through your tele- iscopo? Ten cents. There's Ore. Pvo I only got one eye.'" What kin Is the door-mat t the deor? I A step farther. Why Is a cat's tall like the earth? I: is fur to the end. rrm tad Honssholi. In many Instances' it Is more profit abe to plow tinder Mia second ctod of clover than to cut It for either hay or seed. Clover should be grown more abund antly than It Is on many farm. When properly cured It makes very nutritious bay, containing more muscle and milk. making material than ordinary hay. It Is the custom of a great manj fanners to burn wheat and oat straw. This should never be done, even with an abundant supply of timothy aud clover. Cattle, horses and sheep will eat straw for a change. If a fattening bos shows frequeut signs of thirst it is sufUcient eyldence that it has been oierfed, which has brought on fever .and caused a derangement of the digestion, so that care should be used that an animal should not drink too much, For an apple custard pudding use one pint of grated bread crumbs, soaked In pint of cold svi eet milk ; add a pinch of salt, and nutmeg or cinnamon. Add four beaten eggs and three or four well-flavored apples grated, or sliced fine. Bake In a moderate oven In a deep dish. It may bo eaten with or-wlthout satieo. S6 much depends upon the woman that we might almost pronounce tho happiness or unhapplncss of the home to be woman' work. No nation can advance except through the Improvement of the nation' homes; and they can only be improved through the Instrumentality of women, They must know how to make homes com' fortable; and before they can know they must have been taught. Farmers generally do not yet fully appreciate the value of bran asf a ceding substance. It contains less oil than corn meal but one-fourth more flesh-forming. bone-building material. Ti Is therefore- less heating ana more healthful. By analysis its manurlal value after being fed to animals is rather more than double that of meal. Bran can usually be bought In tho fall for" about one-thl'd less than In winter. Valuable discoveries are often made by accident. For example, an Arkansas faamer relates that last year, when coans made great havoc In his corn-Held, he went to a drug store to buy strychnine with which to kill them. By mistake the druggist gave him morphine, and the next morning lie found his corr.-.leld full of sleeping cosns. He advises the use of morphlno Instead of strychnine for the "varmints." Steamed corn Bread. Two cups of corn meal, one cup of flour, three scat cups of sour milk, two tablespoons of sngar, one large tablespoon of lard, one teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon salt. Stir the sugar, and salt In mixed flour and meal; add melted lard; dissolve the soda in a little boiling water and put Into the milk and atlr Into the dry materials. Beat very hard; pour It Into a email tin pall well Unsurpassed and Unequalled In Price, Quality and Workmanship, Arc the suits, parts of suits and overcoats made out of fashionablo Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c, &c, GLAUSS BROTHER'S Merchant Tailoring Emporium, Bank. St? fjmiiMTour, icate, m&wm, glipp or Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best make at the lowest prices. You are bound to bo pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT s complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa. JMAOQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY Or THE COUNTRY, WILL ODTAIi; MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In ureat Variety at Samuel Graver's Popular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spoutingia special- ' iy. otovc repairs minisnea j on short notice. Prices Reasonable ! ! . CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its control position and cloao connection with Eastern lines at Chicago nnd continuous linos at terminal points, West, Northwest, and South west, make It tho true mid-link In that transcontinental chain of steel which unitos tho Atlantic and Pacific. Its main lines and branches Include Chi cago, Jollet, Ottawa, LaSallo, Peoria, Goneseo, Moline and Rock Island, in Illtnoia; Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty, Iowa City, Dos Moines, Indlanola, Wlnterset, Atlantic. Knox vlUe, Audubon, Harlan. Guthrie Centre and Council Bluffs, In Iowa; Gallatin, Trouton, Cameron, St. Joseph and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atohison, in Kansas; Mlnnoapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota ; Water town and Sioux Falls in Dakota, and many other prosperous towns and cities. It also offers a CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from the Pacific Coast and tntor mediato placoB, makinff all transfers in Union depots. Fast Trains of Ana DAY COACHES, eloffant DINING CABS, magnificent PULLMAN PALACU SLEEPING OARS, and (between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City) restful RECLINING CHAIR OAIiS, seats FREE! to holders of through first-class tickets. . THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nelson, Horton, Topeka, Herlngton, Hutchinson, Wichita, CaldwelL and all points in Southern Nebraska Interior Kansas and beyond. Entire f)OE3ongor equlpmont of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal osted track of heavy steal rail. Iron and stone bridges. All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, well-built stations. Celerity, cer tainty, comfort and luxury assured. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorite betwoen Chicago, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tho tourist route to all Northern Summer Resorts. Its Watertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of the great "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and East Central Dakota. The Short Line via Seneca and Kankakee offers superior facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph. Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps. Folders, or any desired. Information, apply toanyCou- E. ST. JOHN, General Hinager. UMiOAQO, ILL, Simoions Liver Regulator produced no untileasant effect upon tlio Btoroach no mat ter how long it is taken. A little taken a nlglit insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken in the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses me otomacn ana sweetens the breath. " I never recommend a mcicine unless I know it to be good. In a ministry of twenty fire years I have often felt the need of such a medicine, and when I found it I exclaim ed: 'Eureka!' " Kev. J. P. IlARr-en, Pro prietor "Christian YUitor," Smithfiehl, N. C. Every dude has a Jtead light. The baker The more Ikiead, tkleu I want. One loucli (if rumor makes the wlioU world chin, The man who hollows amen tht loudest doesn't always mean ii the most. A "Joint" debate ensues "whenever Chinese opium den Is raided bj the pallce. -. 1 1 i i Hinging Xoisss In the ears, sometimes a roaring buzzing sound are caused by cattirralt, that exceed ingly disagreeable and very cammon disease. Loss of smell or hearing also result from catarrah. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly successful rem edy for thisdiseape, which it cures by purify ing the Mood, Ifyou sillier from catarrah, try Hood's Snrsaparilla, the peculiar medicine. Alphonse: I am a poor man, Miss de Kink, but I am Indttstrotu, honest, and am bitious; and If you you would Oh, Miss de rink Alice : lilss de PInki Why, certainly 1 I haven't much to give, but yon are welcome. Hero's a quarter. ' The uso of Ayer's barsaparilla purifies the blood, btimiihites the secretions, and im parts new life and vigor to every function of the body. For nearly half a century, it has remained unrivaled as the best blood .medi cine ever discovered, He convinced by a E. A. HOLBROOK. Osa'l Xlckst ft Pus1 r Ag&. , All the men are not fools, anyhow, I Anmmpil Mrs. f.'urllv in her Vtnihand dtirlni 1 I - I - '--I a little domestic discussion. No, my dear, replied Mr. C., with true manly politeness no: there am a few bachelors left as samples. A popular poet was much attached to a young lady who was born a day before him, aud who did not return hit passion. Yours Is a hard case, said his friend. It is Indeed, said the poet; for I came Into the world a day after Ihe fair. Didn't you strike old Dundey for some money lately? Yes; I asked hltn for a loan, Well, I see by the paper that lie's dead. That's all right. He left me alone. When four women are walking abreait on the paveiuenl they will break ranks for nothing except a man with a pahil-oot. In favox of protecUon--lha. old maieV Hats, Gaps, Neckwear, &c rX.OPPOSITE L. & S. DEPOT,sjr BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON. Pa., Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles hi White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and Jr'ancy Ureas .Patterns ol (he very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions. Crockervwara.GlasHTOar Wood and Willowware of the best make's at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Beady made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach oi au purchasers prices iully as low as the same goods can be bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamrjs and Fixtures in trrwafc variety and of best quality at. Kock. Bottom Prices. ' Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low aalha same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load' of coarse salt has just been received the price has been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same gopds can bought at any general store in this section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully July23-871y AQg REIGEL. greased and with a tfght fitting top. Set (his In a pot of bolllns water, suardlng carefully against the water coming oyer the top of the mould. Boil three hours, turn out and cat with a bard pudding sauce, Keep a separate saucepan for boiling potatoes In If possible. Wash all marble dally with ammoula and water In place of soansttds. Keep a bit of emery paper In your work-box for brightening and. sharpening needles, Cloves Are said to bo a better proven tlve of moth than tobacco or camphor or cedar. New Iron should oe gradually heated at fliit. After It has become. usd to the heat It is not likely to crack. By adding a spoonful of vinegar and a little sugar to the stove blacking a high polish Is easily produced. Some jars la which laed has been kept and Rreaty pie-plates may be bleaned by putting them in a kettle with ashes or saj soda, covering them with cold water and allowing the to boll slowly for two hours Let tbem cool In the water. Scissors should also bo kept In good order. It Is a mistake to use old scissors which havo become nicked at tlio edges for trimming lamp wicks. This Is frequently the cause of uneven wicks, which smoke the chimney and tiive a very uncertain light. A sponge Is excellent for washing windows, and newspapers will polish them without leaving dust and streaks, use a soft piBO stick to cleanse the accumulations of dust from the corners of the sash. Ammonia will give the glass a clearer look than soap. If before gr)ndlne the morning's coffee the berries are heated for four or five minutes, or until thev take on a darker shade ef brown, the flayer of the coffee will be much impreved. Upbostered furniture must be brushed and carefully looked over to see that moths have not found a home In jt. If traces of these are found, go all oyer it 1th a sponge wet In pure benzine. When this is done do not have a Ore or lamp lu the room, nor for some days afterward. Leave the windows open that tht scent may evaporate. The old advice to treat a cow as a lady. Is first-class advice. If any body ean not do tlfat, and milk rapidly and thoroughly, bettor dot attempt to milk tt all. NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS ! NEW METHODS ! Having purchased the entire stock, good-will and fixtures of Samuel Seiler, we are prepared to supply his old customers and all who wish to avail themselves of the advantages we offer in tho shape of Low Prices, First-class Goods, Good Accommodations, etc., with a complete line of Oils, Hardware, Cake Meal, Cement, Lime, Sand, Plaster of Paris, Koofing Slate, Coal, Agricultural Implements and Repairs propose to re-shelve our rooms at once, and then will largelv iuorwus oar cordial invitation in extended to all Lehigh Coal and Hardware Co. 8focV Closing Out at Cost. Bargains for You, Big On account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will elo out at sacrifice prices his large stock of G8nts,Ladies&CHildrensShoes The goods are new, no shoddies or- seconds, nnd people who wisely take advantage of this great closing out sale will eecur wonderful bargnins in the slmpr? of good goods tit low prices. f . Don't Pail to Call. WE1S LEWIS BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. r.Uylp XBS1K BUSINESK B.OHIHO Probably no one thing has caused such n General revival of tride at T. I) Thomas' drug store as their giving awato their cus tomers of o many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Their trade i simply enormotiB in this yery valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can ii ! uciurv uurinjf ur kciuuk a trial uoiue jtoe, tsrg tize ili vry bottle wdrrat4. Accident, Life & Fire INSURANCE ! A. VV. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, ITas securod the agency for the following SUUSTANTIAI, IN'SUUANCE COM PANIES which ean be recommended to the public as Perfectly Safe and Reliable. The National Life Insurance Co., OF MONTPBLIER, VT., Manufrs' Accint Memnity Co., OP UNITED STATES, Harrista Mntnal Live Stock INSURANCE COMPANY, Henry Kolf, AT THK CAltUOJf IIOVSE IS Jt'OW-n an Accomodation 'fin, BET WEEK TUB Hotels and L. V. Depot, Parties called fur at their Homes by Leaviux or. , lers at any or tne hotels. April t, J88T IIOItACJI HEYDT. JOHN 8EAB0LDT, iw. Heydt & Seaboldt Snetessors to Kemerer & Heydt INSURANCE aGENTJI Offlt: Dank itft, frtaiit atttsUsa yrrso to every fcfpd rtjw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers