'Original Cheap Cash Store." Superior deality Hols Me!! "Mail's Goto Rio Coie" AT 20c. PER TOUND is superior to all others, IT IS I'EHGKCT IN FLAVOR I IT IS ALWAYS FRRSH 1 IT NEVER FAILS to Flcase Consumers! l rt li . -r. , r I 11 "niuuanmn uoiucn mo is n iiilmi ltiuii1 i . ,. j. Ifl , ill n 1 lUllfTt K t"U D!lGt.,lWII Ul Willi;,! DI'VVIU, III" I tentlonhas been given. Appreciating the vaiuo of freshly roasted collCe, we liavo tins special brand roasted every few days and as the t master is perfect In execution the S3 in tho beZoni;' Zo advise 'eon mmor. tn f.Fin,1 tl lw.m..l.. Tltnff nrn I thus Insured a much better cup of collce than when it is ground at the storp and ol- lowed to stand perhaps for several days. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opposite Public Square, Unnk Street, liChlgliton. .Tune T. 188I-t TheOarbon Advocate SATURDAY. JULY 44. 1888 . Current Events Epitomized. Moon eclipso July 22. Ifext holiday TlianksEiylns: Bay. South Iletcllicm Is to have a national bank. Tho Lehigh county grain crop will ho Immense. ricnlc bills neatly and cheaply printed at this office. There aro. forty-two pi Isoners' In the Lehigh county jail. To yote you must ho registered" before the first of September. Card photographs $2.fi0 per dozen at nishel's gallery, Lehlghlon. A reliable watchmaker: I). S. Hock,' opposito the TuMic Sauaro. Goto Val. Schwartz's for all kinds ot furniture. 1'rlccs very low'. . Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf It is unlawful, to catch trout now. Please Jetncmbcr this, it may save you $10. v Chicken thclycs aro reported as work lngtho henneries in all partsof country dis tricts. The Wayorof Bcthclhcm has ordered that the Sunday closing law ho strengontly enforced. Kemerer it a warlz have received an other largo lino of bed room and parlor suites. Prices low. B. Y. You are right. Your do; once assessed becomes personal property, You can recover damagas. Before buying carpets go to Kemerer & S waltz's and see their large assortment. Prices beyond tho reach of competition. David Ebbert hires out fashionable rigs at lowest rates. You want to remem ber this when contemplating a pleasure l trip. Dav IdEbbert lias erected anew varanda In front of the dwcllfng on Bank street occupied by Thomas Ash and Mrs. Kemer er. Tho trout-fishing season In Pennsylva nia will close on July 15. Black bass, Dike and pickerel fishing is- now at its lielglit. Tlie malaria eflluyia arising from Bank street cutters Is not only a stencil to tlie nostrils but it is a disease breeder of tho vorv wnmt kind Our neighbor, Engineer John Esrang l tt,., i.imiw M.ul nf n. liraml now bal.v girl. It came on Friday, jlothcr and child ara dolne- Well. On the 30th in st., by tholtev.-J.Zcnter, . PMiiiMiutrir. Tl. .t.. .InmM HMpv and Mrs. Annio Olcwell. of town, were married, -We extend congratulations. Every horse in Jimroe countv. as far as known, suffering from glanders has been "killed and the ownors hayo been reimbursed by tho live stock insuranco companies. Tho mark down of summer clothing has commenced. Seersucker coats and vests at 00 cents. Sergo coats and yests at $2.00 and $2.25 at Soudllelm's Ono Prlco Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. For some causo or other the Democratic i-nlltr tn hnvn tftkn r1aen tn WIeaniPft onera I poncd. A large number of people were dlsapointed by tho commltteo's action. xne iiaeioion proiessionai uaso uan club will play ball with tho Loliighton club on Friday, 20th, at 3 o'clock in tho after- noon, on Jho old fairgrounds. Don't miss this game it promises to bo unusually inter- esting. The Prohibitionists of Lehigh county will hold their county convention in Slat- Inctou on Fridav. July 20tli. Itov. J. A. f5tnmntnr. nf llrnnltlvn. nnw sneilillnp his summer vaca.on at Macnngie. will address me convention. iiayo you weas eyesr ii you nave, irv a pair of London smoked spectacles or eye slases: Xhey will give your eyes instant roll! frnm tha lirletitravs of the sun For re let from the bright rays or 1 10 sun. l or salo at E. II. Hold's Jewelry Store, Susoue- lianna street, Mauch Chunk. Tho attention of tlie people of Summit Hill. Lansfordand vicinity Is directed to the fact Uiat Georgo F. Huntzlnger, of the popular owucuuacK Jieswnraiu, is uiuuur- lzod by us to icceive subscriptions and moneys for tho CAitnojr Advooatk. Sabbath Serylceiln Jamestown, Sunday school at 0 A. M., I'reacuing iu;w uv Dastor. Preaching 7:301. M. prajcr meet ing with teachers blblo study every Tuesday eyening TSiu r. ai. Jiyeryoooy coruiauy Invited to attend all of these services Nameless craves. Some meaure should be taken tending to a remoddeling of tho old Gnaden Hutten cemetery. Everything Is in disorder here tombstones cracked and broken and half covered with growing weeds, and Ih mounds In many cases ara ten wltb lue ground means. Fix it up. by al " 3 Tho Daughters of Liberty auxlliery to the Jr. O, U.. M.. wa, formally instituted hore on Tuosday evening with thirty or lotiy cnaner meraoers, incinuing mo mosii pieasiimiuruvurjonu nen melon ajargnat ...i..ui. r.iiAS r n-i ...... I tendonee. I am In eni-mut in iuiHnr order starts out under verv lavorable clr- order starts oui unaer Ttry ravoraoie cir cumsiaace bo uiwo uan uu uu it.-auuauiu excuse for failure. -Packerton IL E. Church, Sabbath Evening. A Gospel Tsmporance Mootlns wilt lie neiu unuer mo. i. J. u. x ai me above named place and time. Atcliolccpro Rrammo will be teryod, and several ad dresses delivered. Comal C. S. Il'itiss, W. C. T, Fob Salk. Between oun and two aerasof land rdantcd with choice fruit treis. on which is erected a two and one-half .lory frame house containing nye rooms, ana all necessary outbuildings, Tho nroierty Is located In Franklin township, and is de signed for a pleasant and agrecablo home, For terms and particulars apply to or ad' dress, A. A. Hatch, Weissport, l'a. 31 The "doz days" commence July 15th, Tbls season, wblcb we bell eye lasts six weeks. It regarded by many persons as more unhealthv than that which Immediate- It precedes or succoeas u, ana as nciug a time when mankind are more liable to . .. , . attacks from disease through exposure or ImprudeucA In their general bauiis man inv other. If thert Is no foundation in fact for the bellof H Is a superstition of cog suuaiBg. Lewis Graver has secured the contract lo turnlsli tlie brick for Susuaum's new 8ioro building on Hank street. Graver's brick manufactory has been In successful oporixtton for a niiintier of "oars and Is on Of tho solid enterprises of tlie town A. A. Hatch, of Hast H'elsspnrt, Is the agent for a very handsome, well-bound photograph album. Olio of tho prettiest and most substantial that c have teen In soiuo tlmeT Tho price Is only $1.05 You want to get ono. tf, When In Mauch Chunk asjaln slop In fit. T! TT ITntil'o Ami ourt (lift 1'irfrnsl Aanl-( ...... .....vu-, .,,, f ..,. i., ,. ... .,. ....... "tlt IIU1IU3UUJU 0I1)U1WUIU BillMllJ , .. , . In l,,ls scctIon- Ono glanco will prove tho correctness oi mis assertion. Our jovial old friend Fritz Miller, the popular Bank street saloonlst, passed his J'!'"' " Wednesday, Frit 13 UalO Anil IlCirty aim WO tHlSl Will SO many more unnlycrsarlcs Wm. Manlz, has had tho fitter along his Coal strcot property paved. Corrcctl Now let other-property owners follow sulto and Coal street will be a "thing of beauty and o joy forever." -The larue stock 01- gold and silver watches displayed ot E. II. Hold's, tho popularuwclcr,stalicU e,mnk iasncvr I UCUIl UlUAHUU 111 11119 BUllIUU, Lewis Qcggus has erected a neat iron fenco in front of Ids Northampton stteoi resldonce. Tho addition makes his home attractive. For pretty rings and diamond sleeve buttons, call and- take a look at tho largo assoituicnt at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk. John Ilcahm, of Jamestown, a Lehigh Valloy brakeman, !who had his left hand mashed last week Is improving. -Tho Lord's Supper Will ho observed in tho Lutheran church on Sunday morning and evening. Lehlghlon has now about ten or twelve secret beneficial societies in a flourishing condition. Proposal for Attondlssc the Street Lamps Borough of Lehighton. Lei'iighton, July 12, 1888. Scaled proposals will be received by the undersigned until .seven o'clock P. M., Saturday, July 21st, 1888, for attcnlng the street lamps during the fiicol year, com mencing July 21st, 18S8. Jno. T. Sr.HMF.i., Secretary. Mahoning Items. Prof. N. M. Balllet attended the teach ers Slate Convention, at Scranton la9twcek. Ed. Nolhstcln and family of Leliigh- ton spent Sunday with friends In the valley. Our teachcis examination will bo held in tho Pieascnt Corner High School, August 11. Mrs. John AVallton and (laughter, of Summit Hill, spent last week with Mrs. Thomas Musselman. Prof. E. S, Stofllet who lias had charge of the Normal Square Institute left for his homo at Scigfrled's Brldgo this week. On Sunday afternoon wo had the pleas ure of hearing a very eloquent sermon in the St.. Jolm'sTiliiireh by our pastor W. II. " ' 11 1 omji-i-i., muu, uuu avii un., - At a special meeting of our board of school directors on Monday evening. It was decided lo erect two new 6chool build ings in Bcayer Ban. At the same time teachers salaries were reduced from $30.to $27, and from.$2S lo $25. -Mr. E. S. Stanvalt left for ids home in "ledo, Ohio, on Thursday. He expects 10 relum "f1" tu0 middle of Aug. During Staruall's stay in the valley, he has mac'le walllr flIcd3 alld llas Pioyen himself to bo a "rsl class Painter of. building, portraits (scenes, Ac, and excellent pencil artist. Last Saturday night (better said Sun- ua3 r morning; mere were lliree young men (?) fislllnS wI" dynamite In the Mahoning Creek- . To our knowledgo farmers never objected to fishing on their property with Uook and 1Ill0 tok '""id spear or sclnc. ut to have fellows come in the depth of nS't and fish with dynamite on another man's propert'. at a distance less than two hundred yards from his house is unendur able The. names of these three follows are wen Known lo tuo writer. They were ca"K,lf in l,"e act, and it u only ihrough 1,10 "'nuness ol llioso who caught them tbat tIiey do not n 'bo penally of the ,aWl "owoyer, should any other fellows, or-these some fellows bo caught a second tilllc' shall suffer the penalty1 of the law. Knights of the Uoldsn Eaglo. Tho following address was made by II, it. jvrciuier, last ilonday cyenlng, upon taking his seat as Noblo Chief of Carbon Castlo, K. G. E. : Bin Hnioiith a.mi IIiiotiikiih: - I wish to mako a enmrks before cnterliij- upon tho duties ot this office. To Miy that I am grateful ioruns, anetiier honor conferred upon me, hi electing mo to tho highest post in our Order, U out rcebly expressing niyeiatttiide. 1 haio lllleil tins post before, been your representative twice mul HOW linanllllOUslV Chosen your Chief aetllll, '.TffiTSS shouM have choen rtilleicnt, but m beholding uie current ihat dilfleil mo liere, I coiiclmlntlt must mean tlie welfare ot the Order, In the execution otthose Important duties and trait 11 s"a" uo ",y eMM or ,0 l,crfo them nily, fcarleMy aml im,mnlaI1Vi ,, , tnlst , , . al)le t0 ll0 ,t , swll m.lmier Hmt luay ri.(lomul totlieadrniicenieHt of our Kloilous luinclploi. For am errors that I may unintentionally coin- ndt I nk your kind forbearance mid c harilahlo 'SZ as I piwsris to be at the helniot a body ofmrii such asUaihou Castlo Is coniposcd of It lindlt- fleult task. Few ot our innnliers know or real ize the amount of tluieund hard uoi kit rco.iilres rora ouio( niei id ill iiiuiseli to properly do Ills duty, and with all the ttmo and Much-It Is Imposflble to please all, for tho Biuuihlcrs 111 gnuniue wneiner )on ur nipii or wroi.g. For bOiuo t lino oast there has been verv llttlu Interest nianltcsteil In thn work ot the (lastle, consequently the old or tlrst Jove for tho Order will have to be rekindled, or 1 cannot pervo us ourjniui. uururuer is a iraieinai one, and all wrongs, whether real or fancied, should b righted befoie tho closing ot the nsious, and uo mention of any of our TrausaetloiLs should be inauo omsiiio ineso (.asiio walls." lleinember l Uovr. J1'? w orW ,hllt knlpnthood bond Is not lainyth.butapureandunsehlihtle. Now PrcMiern.tiiaiTOinpllsli inyolini I must vour solemn ouniraiioiiH inev nrn i i.wiAnrr have your hearty supportandcjvoiK-ratlon. Not ' fft KFH K "B'i.SStSKK lis regular alteudance-n makes It so much uiore m uml ,,1?"""-r ",8 'our FMf- S - 1 bo here under most any circumstances. It Is so i pieasaui iu souuu inisaavei ana se6 even' otneer t his ndst and the seats all ailed by the mem- S-cio'ck and" W win spicy and Interesttug. During my flrst term as --"",: " "i ' rs; ''""!. " canuidato It can be done again. If we prove true to our motto and stand by the Noblo Chief and we cannot help but win. Once more i rarnesiiy urge e-ry onicer aud member to be regular In aitimdum i, and thank you for the Tributo of Bospect. WllKUtls. It lus rvle.isorl Almli'Mv lixl in his lnlhillo wisdom to remote from our midst lAimo iieim. iiioreiuro ou u HMUHfji, inai nc mm iu iiudhuo vuvuuft slon to llio will or lllui Hli.idofilLull t hint's fur the advancement ot Ills kluiidoin, u cannot help but mourn the loss of a faithtui scholar. Kksolvd. That tlm srinnathv of our Sundnv school be extended to the family and friends of U)P um:easru, RKI.OLV1ID. That aennv of tliA.so renolntlnna bs furnished thu family of our deceased brother. and ono sprnad ou the inlnuts of ths Sunday I u-lntll- anil molilalia! In IhA einnnli invn. school, aud published In the CinnoH Auvo- DATK. O. A. Clavss, j J.T. Hkhhi-l, VCommlttce. A. J. l.mK.Mir.miEit, i Wedding rings, all sizes, shapes and prices, at E, H. Hold's, Mauch Chunk, COUNTY SEAT CORBESroMCE. . Timely Topics rithily Written tfp by a Ver satile QuUHst. Constabio Georto Williams wa on important business to Philadelphia this week. -Henry Gcoige, of Now Yoik Muv, will talk on "Labor aim Tariff" in Courullotiso Friday evening. Admission free. The trustees of the Dlmiiilck Memori al Library, aro preparing to etect tho build ing for library purposes. It's about time. Tho Jarlon Hose Company will hold n grand musical concert In Consort Hall on tho evenings of August 2, 3, Mid 4. Tho affair should he- well patronized. 'Nathan Stcmblcr, of Townm 'using, will bo a candidate before tho Dtjii.ocrnllc county conycntlon for tho nominal ion of jury commissioner. At least so thoy say. Tho frame building occupied by the Central lfallroad offices Is being moved about one hundred feet south of lis present location. This will Improve llio.idn.iy somewhat. In alluding to the Democratic candi dates for public offices the Philadelphia Mercury of tho 8th Instant says: Mr. Esstr Is now sorying his third trim in the office to which ho aspires for re-elect Ion, and his administration has been so dean and able that no one can bo found w I o is willing to contest tho claim with him. 1 bo fact is as complimentary to him as it It creditable to tho party. From tho Sunday Mercury, 8th, Philadelphia. Mr. Georgo W. Esser, a leading Carbon county politician, was at tho Glraril House over Sunday. Me. Esser has been prothonotary of his county for nine years, and his services to tho people are of such as to always command his re election. This long continued public servlco In that section of tho state Is a thing unknown, on account of the rulo of otation which applies simply to all elective ofllccs. The liepubllcans of town organized themselves into a Harrison and Morton club on Thursday evening. Much cnthu Ism was evinced on the occaiion, They start tho campaign in this county with ylow, and express a determination lo whoop things up lively for the county ofllces. ll'ebcllvo they will do il, too. Already they are guaglng the stremrth of this, that and tho other fello-v to sco what can bo done. They have settled on Eddie Mulharcn for tho legislature and Thomas Kcmercr for Associate Judge while tho shcrlllllty and proth6natary nominations will go to men who they believe can pul1 through Acknowledgements. ' The foUowliig'subscriptlons for IhoCAit- iion AnvocATi; have been received slnco last report: IIhv.J. I!. Freeman, llovcitonu. l'a..., $ 1 00 1 00 '. 00 CO Joslali liiieh.Tranklln township diaries Kern, VYclssport Ohas. sSeltwali, Franklin., kov. A. m. AieiirKam, (.oiuimua Win. Woods. Ijellhruton 1 00 1 00 J). H. Htnuip, lliightnn I 00 Uiiillrey Peters, Jlidionlng 1 oo ..lines l . Hiimn, UMUgmon I 00 Dlldlne anydcr, j'arryvllle AUilrcw J. Ilalllet, Andover, Mass., i 00 I 0.1 i on win. Tiiouipson, Jiauen uiiuni; fllius.- Hroeutlc. lIilirliloii GO uev. ii. uainmacite, j.ciusiuou.... i uu Lewis Itau. LclilKhton t 00 j. i. uciunnger, wcissport John llehler, JMimcli Chunk l oo I Oil 1 (10 1 00 jii, niccKiier, i.uismni Km, Jleliitzlcniun, 8latlntrton. ....... Charles llrost, llilKhton , Jos. Slrolmi. l.ehhihtoii Frank .aim, I-olilglilon 1 00 h. wciin, weissiinu. Mrs. Kchafer, Kast Wls)iurt on l no Fackerton Spooials. - Landlord i'eyCrs has so far recovered as to bo able to attend to business. Mrs. Alexander, nu experienced nurse of Philadelphia, is visiting her relatives, the McDanlel's. Frank Connor, superintendent of the Sheridan Iron Furnaces, was Islllng rela tives in this section, this wcel This disti let has lost tho seivices of Miss Annie Sewcll, one of the best leach 'crs of a primary department In the" county. Slio will take charge of tho Jamestown school and give It the attention and 1m pctus much needed. Miss Sewel! isarjulet but untiring worker goyerning with ease, II will bedlfllfult for our district to replace her. ' Tho school board met on Monday evening and selected L. M.Beidler, of the Forwarding Office principal of our schools, and Miss Aimio Sowell to take charge of tlie Jamestown school. The primary department at this point is as yet vacant; wo trust, for tho benefit of tlie scholars, that a "good selection may be made by the board, Our county politics will soon oxciclso the attention of the candidate. We hope to sco a strong, thoroughly Democratic. ticket nominated -a winning ticket from tho start. There need bo no oxcuse if good, competent, capable, popular men are not selected. A failure to do this will be to count defeat with eyes wido open. A strong ticket this fall will win. In conversation with many of the tax payers of tho district we find the desire general for a good teacher for the primary department of Packcrton. Tho directors owe It to the patrons of the school to secure tho ycry best teachers. There should bo no hurry; our primary department Is really tho most Important, therefore, get an as sistant to Principal Beidlcr who Is tlior oughly capable. Powderk, In tho strongest language urges tlie K. of Ii. members to boycott cof- fco so long as that article remains under the control of tho "coffco ttust." Just so, and this Is the way for wage workers boycott by their vole, tho party, tho men, who advocate n tariff that creates and up holds theso trusts. High taxation produces monopoly; enriching the licit and Impovcr- ishing the poor. Boycott the principle that makes the "coffeo trust" possible. Gen, Hancock said, "The. tariff was a local question," Truly so; It is being dis cussed in every locality. If the advocates of tariff reform are wise, thoy will make use of every possible agency to agitate the matter. Every voter should understand just what effect the tariff lias In hureasing or lessening his chances for success. Much is heard of the happy condition of labor under a high tariff and the Republican platform says high tariff, and more of It, Is labor happy and prosperous? Let the wago worker ask the question: Docs a hi tariff benefit inei Shall I yoto for a con tlnuation of high tariff? Capsiicd. Jos. S. Webb purchased a row-boat aud placed It on HtjUiaan's Dam a few days ago, and ou Wednesday morning Invited four of his friends, lz: Lew. (ieggus, I- A. Werner, Jolm Klotz and James AVebb, to so with him to try tuo boat, It proved a t) party tho boat was A 1, the water deep, aud that srowd got safely aboard, and all went niero us a imuilsge bell, till they had reached nl.mt ten jurds from tho shore, when as stated fiemrua attemnted to oneu the Ihrolili to give tier more iteani, hen over went bo boar tumbling the eullru party into about ten feet of w ater. Then such a scramble tor the shore, and such a drtpplug wet party was never seen as they stood shivering and shaking on the bank. Not one ol them suuiei able to do Justice lo the occasion, tilt In1e(eggus, with lluitterlng teeth and nt buklng out oTthetr sockets, exclaimed : T-h-o-t-w-a-s-a-d-a-m-w-e-l-r-l-d-el Poor Werner spit out aoout a gauonoi water aim in ms ex citement shouted. 1'arrv. swords fornardmarrh. So far we liav mil learned when the tiartv ulll Important to You ! LumoimiK, July 11, '63. Ho. Ahvocatb: For long tlmo yoUr Valuable paper has invited manufactures to locale thelr-iudustries In our crowing town, and your endcavuis. will ot last bo crowned with success If tho proper . steps aro taken at onco. Tho object of this com munication is to Inform tho citizens of Lo liighton and vicinity that with adequato in ditccmcnt and financial subscription, our town may secure In a very few niontlis tho branch plant of a large silk mill, llko Alien town, Bethlehem, Oatasauqua, and quite ecently our sister town Weatherly. Le- hlghtou too may have ono of these, Indus tries which will help build up our prosper ous borough, by giving employment lo sev eral hundred of its- inhabitants. Tho un derslgncd is the agent of n firm of silk matifacttircrs who has been authorized to Inform our people as to the conditions and Inducements requisite to pioctiro tho loca tion of tho mill' in our town. Lclitghton js. but one of seveial Lehigh Valley towiis which aro held under advisement by this firm, and in order that our town may be selected, special Inducements must bo of fered and active measures taken at once. Your subscriber whllo giving tho head of the llrin as complete a description of our town as ho was able, did not fall to men- Ion that wo hoped to have the town sup plied with water in a short tlmo and this fact seemed to havo considerable weight. Thereto! c tho directors of our water com pany have an immcnso lncentivo to put forth all their energy to push the artesian well to water depth as. soon as possible. The company nsk of the citizens of Loliigh ton to furnish a sullablo site and erect thereon a building as specified by them and which will cost nhout $30,000. This can he done by forming a company for the pur pese, the silk firm paying n certain rato of Interest on money invested and finally pur chasing tho building. The silk thin v 111 nut about S-CO.OOO Worth of machinery Into the building and employ 00 or moro hands. A rapid calculation at the average r,ato of $0 per week for 200 employees would bo an Income of $50,000 per annum to tho wage earners of our town, The citizens of Lc highton haye, never bad such an opportuni ty for so profitable and safe an Investment which will benefit the community, euhence the value of property and build up the town. None I think can fall to see tho benefits accruing from the location of such a mill employing 200 of our people, .and it remains with tho public spirited and enter prising Inhabitants whether or not Lehigh ton secures this Important manufacturing industry. The question is can we afford to allow this opportunity to slip? There is no reason why Lehighton should notsecurolt, but In order to do so prompt action is necessary as other towns aro making great efforts to Induco tho firm to locate in them. For obvious reasons it Is impossible to ghe fuller details in this communication, but further information may be had from -the subscriber. In a case like this tho absence of '.a Board of Trade In our town Is h( once foil, as such a body could propeily encour a'go such an enterprise but it is to be hoped that tho want of it will not hinder tho for mation of a company at onco to erect the building of a silk mill. Thanking jou Mr. Editor, for tho court esy extended, nnd hoping that jou wjll in the future as you have in the past tcn courago manufacturers to locate In our beautiful burgh, and that jou will do al in' yom power to arouso tho people to a senso of their interest and advantage In this case I am yery truly. . A. K. LEtJCKF.i,. .D.flt L- Officers. The ofllccrsof tho above order were form ally installed on Tuesday evening last b a delegation of the sauio order from Culasau- qua: ; . - - - . ; Couneillot II'. J. Hebcrllng. Associate Councillor Laura Troxlcr. Vice Couneillot Emma Krcssley. Asso. V. C. Emma Lcntz. It. Secy. C, W. Trexler. . Ass'tUC Emily Hongen. Fin. Seeietary Ed Miller. Treasurer Edward Itatcliffe. Guide Bcsslo Leibcnguth. "'' Inside Guldcr-Salllo Wert. Outer Guard Wm. McCormlck. T,ilAA. A .inl.nl 1l.n...t.l T- Graver and Ohas. McKelvey. Cut In Half. What Is Cat in Half 1 Why our prices aro cut in half to dispose of some odds and ends; two or three suits of a kind w hlch remain out of lots and must do sold regardless of cost, as wo are not go ing lo keep them for ornaments, but will glvo you Hie benefit of tho following lots of suits which haye been marked way down S3 light colored boys' suits which sold at 10 aie marked down to $0. 103 men's suits which where sold at S1Q and $15 are marked down to $7 and $0.- J23 children's suits havo been marked down to ono-lialf their former price. There are a great many other odds and ends at remarkably low prices. Call on Sondheim, the Merchaut Tailor, at hls Ono Prlee-Star Clothing Hall, Jauch Chunk. S5.00 Reward. Five dollars reward will be paid for the two heaviest heads of cabbage grown by using Arner's Victor Phosphate, which Is especially made for this crop, and has no superior for tuo price, wiilcli is S33.00 cash. per ton. All persons competing for the prize will send us tho weights, sworn to before a Justice of tho Peace, and tho prize will be paid December" 1 st, 18SS. A. Aruer & Son, .Manufacturers, New Mahoning, Pa, Wall Paper; Wall Paper, at 5c., 0c..7c..8c, 10c. Gold Papers at 10c 12c., 15c, 20c., 23c, iiUCtObUC. JS. If. 1UCKKXB4C1I, 01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. They Never fail. "No. 3 Fulton Market, N. Y., Cm-. January 2ti, 18S-1, f. I h ive been usiug Brandreth's Pills for the last ten years. Ihey are a wonderful medicine. There Is nothing equal to them as blood purifiers and liver regulators. But I wish to state how remarkably thoy cure rheumatism, ami now easily; 1 was atlcctcd by rheumatism of the lei's. My business (wholesale fish dealer) naturally leads me to damp place. 1 was so bad I could not walk, anil at night I suffered fenrfullv: I tried Balsams, Sursaparilla and all kinds of tinctures, but tho did roe no good and 1 vas alraid ot being a cripple, i llually oom menced using Brandreth's Pills. I took two every night for ten nights, then I beeaii to improve. I continued taking them for forty days and I got optirely well. Now, whenever sick, i take Jirnnurctu's 1'ills They neyer fail. J. N, IlAnnts. Tribute at Beipcct- Wiieukas. It has pleased Ahulehtv God In bis infinite wisdom to fake from us. Mrs. Luetta (lesBus, one dearly beloved as & member tit our Suuday Bcuool, aud highly esteemed by all who Knew uer, ineieiore oo u ltESOLYKl). Thative deeDlv mourn lte.rdeiur. tore, and sincerely revret tlifj loss ol her faith ful attendance, UKIne refuge, however, Iu the thought that alter having ended her eaithly strtto she has Joined tho bleued school ot the redeemed in heaven. ItESOLYKD, That wo tender our earnest and heartfelt svmpathias to the arilleted family and commend them to Him who alone Is able to si lence tho grelvlnc spirit, ltusoLVKD, That a copy of the above resolu tions be furnished tho family and published Iu the Oauuox AilVOOATB. J T. Nkmmki i O. A. Clauss, '-Cummlttsa. A. J. UrZKMHRUKli, I AMONG THE. WAflE WORKERS. An Interesting Batch of Labor Notos Special for Ye Wcrklngmen. Lehigh Valley cnslnecrs havo received orders to crnse carrying persons on tlicir engine. Tlie Weatherly shops tiro building two largo locomotives for tlie Lehigh Valloy Kail road. In Lancaster, P.i., titcre are three cork factories. The annual nroduction is 150,- 000,000 corks, Or one-lmlf of this country's mantilacture. Tho combine at San Francisco has been broken by tlm importation of Australian coal. Forty thousand tons were received in a week recently. Tlie Jersey Central officials havo al ready rcmovod " several of their ncwly-im jKiintcd passenger conductors on tho New Jersey division. fchamokln has organized a Board of Trndo which pronascs to btart a manu facturing boom. A manufactory of door knobs is under consideration. It will tako about $50,000 to establish ii. The Brotherhood of Locomotivo Engi neers will be twenty-five years old on Au gust 17. and it is proposed to have a grand celebration of Hie anniversary on that day at tho place of its birth, Detroit, Mich. In 1833 there were 800 steamboats. 350 locomotive and 18G0 stationary engines In tho United States. Pennsylvania had 333 stationary engines, more than any ollict Stale. Louisiana was next with 274, and was followed by Massachusetts, New York nd Ohio respectively. At the shops of tlie .Pennsylvania Railroad Company; in Altoona the building of n complete locomotive, ready for nso upon tin! rood, was accomplished recently in sixteen hours nnd fifly-fivc minutes. This is reported to be tho Iwst time on record, beating tho Baldwin works, by teyen hours and five minutes. pTIio Florida Times-Union says: "We believe that tho time is not fur distance when the manufactures of the South will not only supply the home demand for tlicir products a demand which in most lines is now supplied almost exclusively from tlie North but that those products will be ox ported very largely to other countries, and that our commerce will he a great factor in the trade of the world." A correspondent flf tho Labor Tribune tells of tho first groat strike in Great Bl itnin'a coal fields. It was In 1852, after a law had been passed which prevented tlie employment of women and children, and tlie reduced incomp of tho miners by this law made tlicir wages hardly enough to feed them. They were out twenty-two weeks and lost, but after they went back to work they necr began tlicir labor till 7 and 8 A. M instead of coming at -1 and 5 o'clock, as they did before tho strike. News Items. -Somo two months ago at Shenandoah, Jrs JJcgues'sar murdered her husband by splitting his skull wjth a hatchet. She has slnco been confined In thecounty prison at Pottsvllle awaiting trial. When the Ds trlct'Attorncy called the case Monday It was. discovered that tho woman was a rav ing maniac Thd trial was thereupon sus pended and the woman was sent to an In sane asylum. A row between Hungarians took place at Jilnesvlllc, a' small mining vlllago locat ed two mllesfrotn Hazlcton.Monday night, iu which eight, of their number wcro stabbed with knives Tho citizens of tlie place became demoralized ahd no effort was made to stop tho fight, which contin ued until nearly midnlgh.. Ebuls Bus, nged 25 years, was lodged in jail Sfondav morning charged with com mitting an outrageops assault on ICatle Neme, aged 10 years, of East Brunswick Township, N. J. Bus met the girl on a road on Saturday, dragged her into the woods and beat and abused her until she was Insensible. Ho had been pursued by oillcers nnd citizens until M onday rooming, when he was caught In a swamp below South Bi'ver. Mahoning Items tty Sash. C. F. Both, of Steinsyllio, spent a few anys ai uomo lilts wecic. Last week Joseph .Mitchell moved wiiu ins lamuy lo wiiKesbarre. Humor has It tbat Thomas Mertz. will in tho near future tako unto himself a wite. irbileout driving on Sunday Godfrey Peter's horse fell and broke the shaft of his carriage. imam SItler has purchased a solf binding reaper, tho first of the kind in the vaney. Our farmers have nearly finished hay Ing and harvesting. The hay and grain crops this year aro very good. Tho rain In tho fore part of tho week, although it retarded haying and harvesting soinew hat welcomed by all. Tho benefits which the growing crops, corn, potatoes, etc., derived from it were great. Albort Ilaldeman and Albert Fenster macher, the two Alberts claim to bs tlie two best fishermen In Carbon county. Tiicy were fishing on tho "glorious Fourth" and claim to hayo caught Ihold your breath while I whisper It) ono fish. Nobody but themselves even saw this fish and it is a question whether they did; but they say they did and who would doubt tho word of fishermen? -On Saturday, July 28th. in the after noon ami evening, the New Mahoning Cornet Band will hold a picnic In the beautiful grove near Hoppes' mill. A number of other bands aro expected to be present and a grand time can bo expected. Don't miss It, Dash. Personal Mention. Mr. Ifouck, of Lebanon, was the guest of Prof. T. A. Snyder this week. Ed. Harbor and wife, of Allentown, were guests of T. D. Clauss and family tills week. Mrs. Charles James, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Mrs. II. V. Aforthluier for several days last week. Miss Minnie Boyer, an estimable young lady of Allentown. It visiting Miss Minnie Peters on Bank street. V. II. Nnsbaum, of the "Original Cheap Cash Store," was on a business trip to Seigfricd's Bridge, ou Monday. Charles M. Sweeny and wife, of Bank strcot, were at Easton on Tuesday attend ing the f uncial of Mrs. John Sweeny. List of tetters Remaining uncalled for in the Lehigh ton, Pa Post-Ofllce, for the week ending July 7, IBS? fiable.o Koons Dertha A. I Hoffman, Miss Emlra Parke, llrlntnn .1. xoung, sirs. matt. Tcrsons calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised." James P. Smith, p. M. Low frlses Ur Job Work. We take pleasuro is calling attention to pno fact, ylz: Wo are now equipped with the latest styles of type and the fastest run ning pressos which enable us to turn out at very short notlco and in the best style job work of all kinds at prices ExcEKDrxoxY i.ow. Please remember this, prices ten to twenty-five per cent, less ttan elsewhere. lbs Switch Sack Bchiluli. Trains leave Switch-Back Depot, Jaucli Chunk, 8 SO, 10 10, 11 37 A. M.. 2 20, 3 45, 535 P. M. Sundays 1 50. 215, P. M. Leavo Summit Hill, 9 40, 12 20, A. M., 2 00. 4 55, 0 10. P- M. Sundays 3 00, 4 00, P M. THE STROLLER AT WEISSPORT, Local Gistlp Picked TJs and Assorted by the Stroller nnd his "Ohum." Our young friends C. W. Laury, It. J. Jewell, Lowis Horn, Leopold Kuhr, Chas. Boyer, of this place, and Charles G umber, of Allentown, wore out camping this week, Bob thinks that Leopold Is a great success as a cook. "Hams aud coodlo fleck" van Ishcd In great order and It makes Lewis smllo whenever you say anything about it. A fair audience assembled In the East Weissport Chapel on Sunday evening to hear E. D. Decker, of tlie Mauch Chunk GW Oaxcttc, talk on the atl-obsorling tcmpcranco question. Tho speaker Is said to have handled tho question very thorough Wo had intended tills week publishing the names of our citizens, together with tho amounts contributed, toward! tho ob servance of Hie fourth of July, Thoy Bre, however, unavoidably crowded out by press of moro Important matter. Wm. Arner, who was killed In the mines at Ncsquehonlng by a premature ex plosion was burled in tho cemetery hero on Monday. Deceased was aged about sixteen years and was a former lesldent. Wo understand that our friend Chas, II. Scldlo, of Normal Square, Is an aspirant for thoassoclatc Judgeship. ThoDcmocracy could not find a better man, wo would liko to sco him make tho nomination. Tho camp meeting lo bo held at Bow- manstown next month will no doubt be the largest ever held In lids section of the State, Already several hundred tents have been engaged. According to tho report of undertakers In tills section there have been less funer als slnco the 1st of January than In tho same period in any previous year. Good. Weissport has two now railroaders of courso wo wont give 'cm away. It .hap pened nt Harrlsburg where they missed connections, you know. Boy. S. B. Brown, pastor to the Evan gcilcal church, will exchange pulpits on Sunday with Key. J. S. Newhart, of tlie Parryvlllc circuit. Somo of our old soldiers talk of hold ing a re-unlon of veterans hero somollmo in September. The matter should be pushed. A. M. Scheffy, of Chicago, 111., repre senting Gormcly & JciTry, bicycle manu facturers, was In town on Tuesday. William Hollingcr, of White street, yotcd for Harrison In 18-10. He'll vole that way again, according to report. Joseph Bex our popular furnlturo deal er reports business as being fair to brisk. Drop In and sec him. Our young friend II. G. Shoemaker was seeing 1. fil best girl In Northampton county over Suuday. -Tho trestling work on L. & S. road has been strengthened by the addition of new beams, &c. Kcv.' Leopold, of Norrlstown, was so journing with friends hero during the past week.- Barber Harman, over tho canal bridce. has put In two beautiful now shaving chairs. Miss Annie Opllnger. of Danicisville. Pa., is visiting G. H. Buck and family.. Sirs. W. II. Knechl, of Mauch Chunk, was in town on Tuesday. New, Advertisements. Home Evidence No other preparation has won success at homo equal to Hood's Sarsaparllla. In Lowell, Mass., whero It Is made, It is now, as It has been tor years, tho leading medicine for purifying tho blood, and toning and strengthening the system. This " good name at homo" Is Ma tower ot strength abroad." It would require a volumo to print all Lowell peoplo havo said In favor ot Hood's Sarsaparllla. Mr. Albert Estcs, living at 23 East Pine Street, Lowell, for 15 years Pooplo of Lowol I employed as boss carpenter by J. W. Bennett, prcsidont of tho Erie Telophono Company, had a largo running sore come on his Jcg, which troubled him a year, when ho began to tako Hood's Sarsaparllla. The soro soon grew less In sizo, and In a shorf tlmo disappeared. Jos. Dunphy,2ll cen tral Street, Lowell, had swellings and lamps on his face and neck, Praise Hood's which Hood's Sarsara- Sarsaparilla rllla completely cured. Mrs. O. W. Marriott, wlfo of tho First As sistant Flro Engineer ol Lowell, says that tor 1C years she was troubled with stomach disorder and sick headache, which nothing relieved. The attacks came on every fort night, when she was obliged to take her bed, and was unable to chduro any noise. She took Hood's Sarsaparllla, and after a time tho attacks ceased entirely. Many moro might bo given had wo room. On tho recommendation of people ot Lowell, who know us, wo ask.you to try Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldbyalldruggltti. 51elxfor3. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Notice of Application for Charter. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be niado to the (iovemor of tho State ot Pennsylvania on MOXIlAY, AUtiUST etli, A. I. m, by Frederick Leuckel, Wm, H. Ash.Tlios. Kemerer, David Hbbcrt and J, I,, (label, under the Act of Assembly entitled "ah act to bito vine roit the incoiipoiiation akd nKaixA. tio.n or ceiitaijj cortl'OitATioHH" approved the 20th day of April, A. D., 1871, nnd the sup plements thereto, for tho Charter of an lctandsd corporation to bo called "The Lehighton Water Company." the character ad object ot which Is to supply water to tho public In tho boronuhs of I hlfthton nnd Weissport, In the County nf Carbon, State ot rcnnsjlvanla, and to such pcrsn is.part nprshlns. nnd associations rrlillim tlw.n-in nnii adjacent theretoas may dcslro tho same, .nut for the o purposes to have possess.aud enjoi all tlie rights, benefits and privileges of said Ai-t ot As- sotuoiy ana mo supplements (Hereto. HOItACK IIKYDT, Solicitor. July 12, 1SS8-W3 Estate Notice. Estate of ANNA OEfiflUH, lato of the UorougU of Lehighton, Carton county, deceased. All persons know Ine themselves to be Indebted to said Estate are requested to mako immediate payment, and those lmvlni; legal Claims against the same, wilt present them without delay la proper order for settlement lo JOHN (il'.dlillH, I l.KWIS UKUUUK, IChUhton, July oth, S8w Executors. DIVIDEND NOTICE. I IKQl .,W1" 1.11, J,l11t, 111 JlllllllUll, I A., a Semi Annual Dividend of TUB KH fiilt CENT on tlm Capital Stock was declared, payable on andatter July 11, U8i. w w imwai Ay, i iiMiier. July l, tssa , i Coatilai&lxo full -and complete tins of both HARBISON 8s MORTON ti rreit itaodird beifirt. IlU'd, wltb numerous aurrb par. Iruif. Among tD tuttou will t found ths ium uf Sena, tort Frr,aua41r, lUwir, ttUs. John X. Uiur. popuUa t -ror. ot Uut., McKUUyof Oblo, writ., ok Ita Tariff. Cabot Lodf . aod busK, of otban ot' ha promt" Banco. Too My mulkmtu Gtit indirtiJ tX4 Aaf, Jf. Cm. Don't bo Induced to fftl any otoar. OU. taoca oo btftderaoco aawopajr oil baiftil chargta. Sood &1 caatc lo rc. tunc for ou(fJ and bo tn first la tho fitld. or wilt for full particular woVCpaclal Tornd aant freo to til. WINTeR4COrt.,6prln.flald(Ma, I Tejchers' Examinations For 18S8 will bp held as follows; Kast WelsiK)rt for 1'ranklln townhlp on Moii (Jay, Aug. o, HiKlsoiidale for Parker towmhlp op Tuesday, Aug. 7. Itnekport for Lehigh and lausatitip township' on Wednesday, Auir. a. Kast Haven for Kidder township on Thursday, Aug. 0. Pleasant Corner tor Mahoning township mi Saturday, ttjf. 11. Hast Penn for East lVun township on Tuesday. Aug. H. Millport for Lower TowntinSnsliu: township on Thursday, Aug. It!. Stemlcrsvlllo, for Upper Towainenslns township on Natureay. Aug. 18. Stony Creek School llouso for renti Forest tonnsbln. Saturday. Aug. 25. Lehighton (Special Kxamlnationi, Saturday Septa.'. Just received irom Boston, nn immense stock of the genu ine Knight ol Lnbor Shoes, which we nrc selling nt $2.50 nnd !t)3 Warranted solid calf leather. Clnuss & Bro., the Tnilors, sole ngents for Cnrbon county. Our stock of hnnd mnde shoes cannot be bent by any denier in the county. PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, -Programmes, Price Lists, New presses, new tvne nnd t all kinds of Job Work, in the iuw prices, lunu oraers receive JOT3 ROOMS, Bank Street, The wonderful bargains nt tho DON'T MISS Lehighton and Weissport. Finest Goods ! Latest Styles ! Hats, Bonnets, Notions, and Dressmaking. lirst-class City Milliner always ana saiismcnon given. Wt are. showing a large and choiro line of Cotton Dress Goods. Ginghams at 8, 12 1-2, 25, 31, 45 and 50 Cents per Yard. Saiines at 4, 8, 12 1-2, 2535 ana 37 1-2 Cents per Yard. ' ; Challies, 8 Cents per Yard. Pennelope Suitings, 8 Cents a Yard. Batistes at 10 and 12 1-2 Cents per Yard 634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a. October 30 1S7 CAMBRIDGE ROOFING GO. JIANUFACTUHEH3 OP .-S!fiSSaii CROWL'3 STANDINGBHlf SEAM. Ste EL ROOFIN Alio Plain Hoi led, Corrugati., Crira.nxl Edit mi I.adrd Iron Hoofirm Hiding nd ceiiinr. .AjcenU vuUd la evvry oountj. bena (or c&t(Uora and umples. CAMBaiDGE, OXIXl REPS BO! NEW AND STYISH MATERIAL FOR SUM MER WEAR. SO INCH TWILLED CHEAM CLOTH.-A heaullful creamy material, fashionable now for Ladies nnd Children. RICH" all-wool Crepe, Finished Allialrcx-s In dlfl'erent qualities. All-wool Cream Twilled Cashmeres. Handsome Cream Wool Henriettas, Pilmmer weight Cream Tricot. Special drives in deeji Swiss. KLOTJNC1NGH. JJeautiful flower imlterns with work heavy and odd. Eyelet and flow er de-sii'tix on beautiful cloth. Allovcr work In wide and handsome rich designs. OIIANTILLY FLOUNClNfiS. Just received another lot, and we oflerthem atdecided bargains. Tlie patterns aro rich, have elegant iioinls and are well covered. Ladles interested in this line should examine these goods before purchasing. They ar marked low, and we aro jKwilive they will go quick. STYLISH SATEENS. Our bales of French Sateens have been marvelous. Wo can only account for our great success from the fact that the goods were tlie very best to bo had, styles the choicest, aud prices lower than yon could buy tho same goods in Eastern cities. A few choice patterns left. MAItSUILLES QUILTS. We cannot help metioning Quilts. For we know many stores in large cities do not show you tho assortment, nor do they give yon the close prices we do. Our sales in this department havo been something elegant, and if good lion ejt goods and low prices will increaso our now large sales, we will do our best to meet .this end. We ore showing eight dlflcrent finalities of Marseilles Quiltsralso a fine line of Crochet Goods. WHITE GOODS. Wo have everything desirable. A FEW PARASOLS to close, while our stock of Silk and Gloria Umbrellas is compUte DllESS GINGHAMS. -Just opened. Over fifty Ptylos to select from. Opposite American Hotel,! H And get all the latest news, 9 including Interesting New York and Washington let ters. You better loin me. It Is tho -cheapest?, largest and HKST weekly paper In the Leliiah Valley. Try it. Blanks of all Kinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, Shipping Tags,' Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, ' Circulars, &c. excellent fnriliMps nnnhln no f a " vaanuiv S-AO l,r 11 U best style, ant exd taraordinary immediate attention. Lehiglaton, Pa.i 5 M! Millinery Stores of and Lowest rices ! in employed. All goods guaranteed' npr21 5) PATEHT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers