f A MODEL PI ESS i Ul Ttar FllB, ot oat HI, or mm tostseon s Xftttsa (Ml 1 tafbTE&atfnn tA aallsd HW (PrtakkMirUli MM of noon pasts: ; MODEL MIBS3 X MUr ANY. Un'. 3v wkat li Mid about The Model Press. My Uodol l'ress netted me in three month over m noT nnrer had instructions In printing uo- r, Tt I ot P and Prlntei 1000 deposit tickets m Mmliil Press tho day after I received It- 1 Have mad more than doublo what my Model rress coit mo tho first two monthi. -llavo done ahnnt Asoo on worth of work on mvNo, 1 Model ttwi. It bouts all. Alter three Tears' use Bad my Model Press as good m now. the Jttodsl rross Is woll built and ought to last half a teatury. The Model Press l. full emial to tho largest and costliest ma- olse for fine Card and OKNKKAL BUSINESS Minting. Any smart boy can turn out hundred et dollars worm 01 worK eyery je.u, uiuu ... on of tho smaller slies. Address. The Model Press Co., Ltd., 918 Arch Street, AS WE CLIP HUMOROSITIES. j "Your greatest cmrnyls whlaky,"sald the p.istor In a reprovlnff ton to an Ineor' iagible. 'Tou havo always taught mo to lovn uij enemies.' 'Yes, but not to swal low them.' A cool thief A dead ono. A striking costume One worn In a prize ring. The now version A hook for an ovc, filling for a tooth. Strawberries are always quoted at so much 'ner box.' This Is well. The box should not bo overlooked. Many a political boom flics around like tho boom of a yacht, and knocks Its owner overboard. There Is only ono thing that will make man feel happier than to find a forgotten cMnio In last year's trousers, and that Is to find a dollar In this year's. Hateful to mo as the sales of hell is he. who hiding one thing In his heart, utters another. D. J. KISTLER JJeepeottully announce to the nubile tli.it ho has ejaniid a MK W LIVKHY STAULE, and that hols lw prepared to lurnisn Teams ror t uncrais, yvoddings er Business Trips Mnaand mast liberal terms. "Carbon House" will receive prompt attention. 81'ABLES ON HORTII STREET, Mart tb Hotel, Lehlghton. 1an22-Yl Business Trips on the shortest nc uiuers leu nt me s N WANTED. Permanent positions ' guaranteed wua 3al.au i ana FENSE3 PAID. An? determined man can sue- Md with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners, stosfc complete, Including many fast celling cuuues. uuuii iree. Address at oneo. (Name this panor) iiitowN nnoTHEKS. KVMSBTMEJf, KOCIIKSTElt, N. Y pru it dm' WA1X All new Spring Styles now in ock. All new goods in a new store, All old goodi wera sold out at auction. Elepnt White Baci Papers, te. 7c. 10c. and 12c. Per Piece. Elegant Gold Papers, lfi. and 30c. Per Piece. Elecrant Gold Efflkseii Papers, 35a. and $1.00 Per Piece. Pelts and Ingrains, $0. and 60c. Jfer Piece. LUCRUSTA WALTON Samples and estimates sent freo. Ex ptrlcnced workmen sent to all parts of the sky and country. All eoods warranted free tfom arsenic, perfect, and full length. M. Merigan, 1223 MARKET ST., Philadelphia, Fcb.VSI 661 my He has INGRAIN CARPET at 25 cents; BRUSSELS at 50 cents a yard and up wards. A GOOD FPINDOW SHADE, ready on roller, at 40 cents. Largest size Galvanized-bound Wash Tub, $l.G0 ; eecond size, $1.25 ; third size, 90cst. He takes Carpet Rags in Exchange and deals honorably with all. Bucklon's Arnica Halve. Tho best salvo In tho world lor cuts, bruises, sorc9,ulcers,salt rhucm,f ever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblanrts, corns. and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money re' funded. 1'rlce 25c, per box, at '1 horuas'. Envy has a good memory. Tho lucky man can laugh at envy. Thocarlv bird often flies over the worm. The jovial clerk often becomes a surly boss. Success demands a large apprentice ship fee. -Tho most pleasant men seldom keep tholr promises. -Confidence Is a great tiling even to tho Incompetent. It is not how much wo can lift, but how much we can carry borne. That a man falls In business docsn prove that he had a bad stand. For cleansing nud healing foul and indo. lent Ulcers, sores and abscesses and rcmov ing tho bad odors arising therefrom, and for sloughing, contused and lacerated wounds darbys prophylactic fluid is unequalled. "I have used Darbys Prophylactic Fluid in hospital and private practice for ten years and know of nothlni better for slougl; ing.contused and lacerated-wounds, foul and indolent ulcers, and as a ulsintectnnt. J. F. Ileustis, Prof. Mobile Medical College. The man who Is willing to take what ever is offered Is seldom satisfied. Pot-luck Is the good tune of the poker- player. The corned beef eater gets lots of pickled muscles. Loafing Is music without sound. Unmatched Tho dark room, gener ally. Mrs. Conn Kelly lias illethur Mc Falley been nathuralizol yet, Mrs, Mc Falley? Mrs McFalley -Ylf, MolUe was was naturalized lasbt wake; but begorra, Mrs. Kelly, It didn't take, lie spakes wld as strong an Olrlsh accint as iver. s g a 0 - $ r- S m fig 1 t- 1 S 41 I bought medicine in tlurtecen states, but nothing helped me till 1 used iily s Uream Balm. In four days I could hear as well as ever. 1 am cured of catarrh as well, It is the best rocdicin ever used., Garrett Wldrick, Hastings, N. Y. I could scarcely speak: it was almost im possible to breathe through my nostrils, Using Ely's Cream Balm a short time th trouble entirely disappeared. J. O. Tich enor, shoo merchant, Elizabeth, N. J. A curled ram's born of silver ending In a griffin's head is an odd pendant for queen chain. Crochet needles of silver finished 1 the mottled oxidizing new so popular are both useful and pretty. An expensive riding whip has a handle composed of a slver claw, between the tal ons of which a large topaz is firmly held A silver button-hook having a handl resembling a section of bamboo Is a pretty attachment for the six-chain chatelaines, A peculiar design lu hairpins has Boman gold horseshoe at the top. Seven teen graded moonstones are set at equal distances on tho shoo. Fills an aching void The dentist. Upright pianos are often played downright bores. Never try to get whipped cream beating your cow. A dentist when he gets down to busi ness, has the Inside track. Fly tlmo and the base qall season arc very properly contemporaneous. It may bo remarked in passing that sllyer possesses sterling qualities. A trust company has heard of Milk River, Montana, and wants to skim and fence It In. -HAVE YOU DEEN AT- i9 nm ot7q 1 :arnof smri Io 1ms tho agency for tho host carpet-sweeper in the world vizj J. M. GRIMLEY, 804 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENT0WN, PA, It Bared mj CMld's 1Mb. "When my child wa lrn, Uis doctor ordered onset the other rood. Bhe oto ttut nn tll she neulr died. I had throe doctors, who Bld the trouble ma IndlffttUon, and ordered the food changed to Lactated Food. It saved my child's life, and I owe yon many thanks for It I regard your Food as Invaluable, and superior to all other artificial food for babies. Mss. A. J. tecmxu. Boston, llass, 15 Indiana Dace. W ISO Meals for SI. 00 FOR INFANTS and INVALIDS THE PHYSICIAN'S FAVORITE. Foaseeses many Important Advantage over all other prepared Foods. BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Psrfeotly Nourishes a Baby with or without the addition of milk. Three Sizes. 2Bo. GOo. 8I.OO. A valuable pamphlet on " The Nutrition or Infants and Invalids." ireo. It Has No Eijual. "W are rising In our nor. cry (containing forty Infants) yonr Lactated Food, and find It far superior to all other food which has been used during the past ten yean that I have been visiting physician. The B liters ot Charity, who ban charge of the institution, tay It has no equal." W. K. De Cochot, M. V.. St. Joseph's Foundling Asylum, Cincinnati, Ohio. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON, VT. lew Tailorinj TO THE PEOPLE OF fEISSPORT ai VICINITY: Upon Invitation from soma ot tkt representative r.ltlious of your town, I have decided to open a Tailoring Establishment in Weissport. My knowledgo of making garments was gained principally In the City of NewYork. I am also t graduate of the Cutting Schools of that city. . And after years of practice In both Cutting and Making Custom Clothing In some of the best houses In both New York and I'h ademn a 1 tmnK 1 mav assuro vou tnat an wont entrusted to mv care suau De cquai at least to the best obtainable in your neighborhood. S5y-G1VK M13 A TliIAL&$! Very Eespectfully, JAMES OLIVER, TITO Have opened up their immense new slock of Spring and Sum. mer Goods, including all that is new, novel and- beautiful in Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews Cheviots, &c., &c, which they will make-up in suits the latest style and best work manship observed at wonderfully low prices. For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only tho best makes at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in Hats, Gaps, Neckwear, &c DON'T PAIL TO CALL. Respectfully, Clauss & Bro., The Tailors, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. Why Is bullock a very obedient anlmalo Because he will Ho down when you ax? him. Why is a person asking questions the strangest of all Individuals? Because he' the querlest. "Fine day," said the judge as the fifth man went through the mill for $5 and costs. A philosopher, who was recently lost in thought, was afterwards fouud In a brown study. Men are like sheep; the older they are more difficult it is to pull the wool over their eyes. By tho way, isn't It rather rough on the high contracting parties to remark that a wedding went off "without a hitch?" Nothing more quickly curdles the milk of human kindness which Irrigates the creamy purity of the bosom of a milkman than for a customer t order a pint of the lacteal fluid and then tell him to "chalk It down." Doctor (who finds a tramp groaning by tho roadside) What Is the matter with you? Tramp (dolefully) My system It all run down. Doctor By what? Tramp By a dog. Th Poantnia Cacal.U now open to ciltlclsm. They call a certain tree the Maragaret- nolla in Boston. Just at present tb supreme bench Is the bamboo settee. Some peop'.t think smokod bf omei from Pittsburg cows. The favoriu flower ot tht gossip ought to be addtrs tongue. Time works wonders, bnt, as a ral,tha dime museum does not. Tb nan Ibat moves every year ought to mats a geii chess player. Speech 1C fUvtr, tllenc U golden, rfcsliiC brtten, and laughter li often Ironical. aAe aMp fjftg eMp SlTAOQUAINTED WITK THE OEOOHAPHY OF TIIE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN MUOH VALUABLE IWFOBMXTIOK FBOM A STUDY OF THI3 MAP OF THE Th ioeetiiMB vain of yer's Sana- prrilk sti & blod-prifier tSould t known to vary wife Mid nothw. It ecrxeeto ir- BinUritra, tjr tuutfLld UrenV to the vital ortjvy, nd dsstsMs tlr nystotji ef all taijwrit. TktVefjitteallyOwrJtSl. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its cantral position and cloaa connection with Eastern linos at Chicago and continuous) lines t terminal points, West, Northwest, and South 'west, xnnlco It the truo mld-llnk in that tranBOontlnentol chain of steol which unites the Atlsntia und Pacific. Its main lines and branches Include Chi- High -Pressure Living characterizes (hose modnm days. Tho result la n foarflil Increase of Driln And Itonrt IMsensos Ocnrrnl Do- Mllty, Insoninln, PnrnlynU, rtnd In- stinlty. Chloral ivwl Morphia augment the OVU. Tho mcdlclno bent ndupted to do permanent good Is Aycr'g Bar saparitla. It purines, enriches, and vitalizes tho blood, and thus strengthens ovory function and faculty of tho body. "I havo used Aycrs Barnaparilla, In my family, for years. I havo found It invaluable as A Cure for Nervous Mobility caused hy an In active liver and a low stnto of tho blood." Henry Hacon, Xenla, Ohio. "For Homo time I havo boon troubled with heart disease. I never found any thing to help me until I began using Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. I havo only used this medicine six months, but It has re lieved mo from my trouble, and enabled mo to resume work." J. 1. Carzanett, rerry, 111. "I have been n practicing physician for over half n century, nnd during that time I havo never found so powerful nnd reliable nn alterative anil blood purifier as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." Dr. Jf. Maxstart, Louisville, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. Fries (1 ; sit bottles, S. Worth 5 a bottle. !0F INTEREST TO FARMERS, Two Ways. Choose Which? There arc two uu:il w.ivs rf ilnlnir wlutt N'n. lure sometimes does Incompletely, namely, to rellovo the unwoR One Is to swallow a drastic pnrgallte which evacuates profuiely, abruptly nnd wiui pain, the other Is In take llostctterli tdnnucli liltteis, thoellcctot wlneh Is not vi olent, but sufllclcutly through, and which does nut, i;iiu uiu uuesiiiM. ii uic nrst is seiesied, tho person eniplovlntt It need not expect per manent bcnellt. anil ho ennnnt lionn tn wi-unp the debilitating reiietlou vhlrl,1enHiliA nrmnn "as IihiI (ir worse oil than belore. If, on the oilier 11:11111, 110 resoris to inu bitters, lie con rely upon Iheicstonillmi oa regular habit or body, con- it-iui'iu uiKjn i, miewm ui n iieuiuiiui iuuu in tile Intestinal connl. llesbles lie.ilthfiillv n-l-ir. ing Hie bowels, the bitters arouses it dormant her, Imparls u bencllclal Impetus to the action 0IH10 kldncss, and counteracts the early tnlnges otrbeuiu.illsin.ateiidencvtogout, and malaria 11 uii 119 loniis 113 WEEKS. :os The roMOE OAZBTTE will be motlrd eeurely wrorped, to any address in the UdI- d Slates for three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to. pnslmnslsrs. gents and clubs Sample copies mailed free Vddress all orders 10 UIOHAnD K. FOX. May 30,1 RRS-)y Fbskun Bquarii, K. Y . I01 vllle, Audubon, H itsdioq, usmeni: and Atchison, in town and Sioux Faun in padcota, an It also offers a CUOIOQ 6f IlrifTE: giedlate placev, rDaarlne all transfers 1 AY COiOUtll. eleircvnt DINING OAR SLEEPING OAUH, and (between Chlcacro, St. jJity) rosttui UEauNWQ uuAiit oabu, i mo d manv othor nrosDeroua towns and cltlaa. O to andfrom the Pacltlo Coast and Inter- sri 10 union aepois. f ast'irain or una OARS, maimlflcent PULLMAN PALAOB JO Fast Train of tine seats FltKB to holders of through osoph, Atoblson and Kansas THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT nOCK ISLAND ROUTE) Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair- Extends west and southwest from Dury, neiso: una su pssseni tainty, ooTAfurt and luxury asturod. uaa tranc or iimtv ntfll mil. Irnn unn Rmnnhrlriiri and modKi lmprorCcienM. Commodious, well-built stations. Interior Kansas and beyond. Bntlra d Pullmsm manufantnrn. flnlldlv hnl. Iron Mid stono brldses. All safety appliances lioiero: lolerlty, oer- TH FAVilQWQ ALBERT LEA ROUTE itbs fiiTorihi bsbrss Chloto, Hock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Unneapolls end St.Fsul. The tourist route to all Northern Summer Resorts. neat ana ariry csii" or C33sri23 ifKorthcrn Iowa, Sou , The 8bvi tint vtr sren yin. .nnMi, OooTlOaS . ms tna most vroductlve lands of tho Brest th western Mlnuosota, and Bast- - "3S CRd raicis5.o offers superior facilities to travel cm OuntiiC or addrM 2. A. HOLBROOKa PATENTS!! FRAELIB H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreign Patent. 825 P st., near U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. All business belore United States Patent Olllce attended to for moderate fees. I'atents procured In the United States and all KorelRii Countries, 'rails tlarki and Labelt registered. Itclected annlientlnns revived andnrosecuted. Iuforma- lion atiu luivifo us 10 uutiiiuiug 1 uieius L-iieei hilly furnished without charge. Send Sketch or Mouci lorrititn opinion as in raieniauiiuy. Copies ot patents furnished Tor 23c. eacn. tS? Correspondence solicited. Icor Hop Plaster AiOTillftrndinooMiftiliumblnaUoiiof3oot'tl ng.p&ln-ktl.lng& strengthening agent Frcih Hops, Ihmlock G&m and Pino Jlilsira, Fain. lotoiiMi and vrstncM in the taok. side. kidneys, oheat, Bhouldor, neok or llmba. ar all Inatnntlv rnllAVAd and cured. Sweet lVeh, reliable and navBr-faillnar-Wnr rn nted the Dost piaster Known, ooia every- wnore. ATica aocuu o iori joauoa ror pnw. 1101 I'LASTEU CO., I'roprlctor, Itoston. OTTAWA, ILL, Manufact urcn of ROAD CARTS. Beak i&tiW, podtlrelr. N ur Jiouoa. TtisteciTU, Will befomuh'd ai whoUi'lcj tneei to buyer in towns UnH tot Ftm liiuLrl4 siuuue. THE ABOVE IS OUR NO. O JOCCING CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED sssssssV!aT3 Strongcat, Neatest and best Cart made, Rides 5S Easier THAN A BUGGY. GAY & SON, OTTAWA, ILL. 5) RAINRI1W RIIPTIIPF Relief & filmplo, yte, rellabl. and a petfoct retainer. It Is not a Truss. Morn Dai and Nldht and its PrjMnoa foreolten. Bnd for circular withtOTtl. monlRls from gratafal aafferen cured brlUitp. Bttlllful treatment jfivon all kinds ef anrzleal ;?.1K?'.'iSa,c.8"e"- . nln dUeaaee aniliirt vata troablea In male and iemals our epeolaltr. lie fore to write u jbefore taking tltmuWwirtere. Consultation fraa and . A BlalaWTTrTTTITSBSBBl llalilM IT AU Ilnirliu, Kc.,0c tnd f 14JU trrrita onlj t w . uti au (UUUIUl fsasni. VWriA.) v syuivJaaeu r w tea gal icy I'VFlnriPfDEJ- JsrwiflJI. March Si-ra3 'AFFUCTEDlNFOBTUNiKTE AFTCR ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT 329 H. IStht.YbslowCallowhlll, Phils., Pa. Xrean,tTrleac.lnallBrxcill.dlseaaM. rsrma BeatlrredarMUiosweikenMbTSulTlndlscrettoDS fto. OiMorwrlta. AdrlcefrMaadttrlctlrconndw m. Hours 1 10 a. m. till t, sad I to W STtaligs. 3reai Btaaip tot Book. March 31-jl AGENTS ENTIRELY WANTED. ak NEWBOOK The most wonderfully eoranlete collection ot tbe absolutely uaetul ami practical which lias ever been published In auy nation on the globe. A marvel ol every day valu and actual money earning and money saving to every possessor. Hundreds upon hundreds o beautiful and help ful engravings. Its extraordinary low price be yond competition. Kothlugln the whole history of thobooic trada Ilka It. Belect something of rial value, to the people, and salts are sure. Agents looking for a new and drat class book, wits tor full description and terms. 30 days' sine tlvan Agents without aplral. hCXM MU.li 9 CO. rmLADKLfui,l'a. febll-mc- Horns, Farm and Garden. To glvo a Rood oak color to a pine floor, wash In a solution of one pound ol copperas dissolved In ono gallon of strong lye. -TIip queen beo usually lays from February to October, but early In the spring sho lays epatingly. When tlowers bloom and the bees aro gathering honey and pollen sho lays tnnro rapidly. Currant Pudding. One pound of ripe currants, a pinch of salt, ten tablcspoonsful of susar, a cup of flour, four eggs, a table' spoonful of coda and a tablespoonful of butler. Boll and cat with foaming sauce. To take rust out of steel, rub the steel with sweet oil; In a day or two rub with flnely-powdered unslaked lluio until the rust disappears; then oil again, roll In woolen and put In a dry place, especially If it betablo cultery. A very cheap way to fenco poultry from tho garden Is to stretch tbtee No. 12 wires quite tightly, and then weave In common swamp willow, sharpening the ends and sticking them In the ground couple of Inches. This fenco does not cost over six cents n rod, and Is very effect' Ive. Every time a crop Is removed tho soil loses the amount of fertility required to grow tbo crop, No soil can therefore pro dues crops unless It Is provided with food which should he In tho shape of manure or fertilizers. Keeping up tlio fertility of 'the soil Is simply feeding the future crop. Hake a mixture of hydraulic cement and skim milk for painting farm buildings and fences by putting the cement In bucket and sweet skim milk stirred In tin til tho mixture Is of the consistency of cream. Tho proportions are about one quart of cement to a gallon of milk. Color may be added If desired. This paint is cheap and durable. When llueu has turned yellow cut up pound of lino white soap Into a gallon of mill: and hang It ovor a fire In a wash kcttls or boiler. When the soap has com pletcly molted put in tho linen and boll it half an hour, havo ready a lather of soap and water, wash the linen In It, after which rinse It In two cold waters with a very little blue Iq the last Itatstn Tarts. After seeding one and one.lmlf rups of raisins, chop fine, add one half cup of sugar, the juice and rind of one lemon, a pinch of salt and one-half teaipodiiful of cinnamon. Mako puff paste, roll thin, cutout with a blscult-cuttcr, add ono le.tspconful of tho mixture, roll out the top ciusts a little thicker, make three thiuiblo Loles near tho center, and press the edges with a fluted roller. The currant and gooseberry worms hatch out about as soon as thtf leaves begi: to pit, out. They can bo found at first on tho other side of tho leaves, and a very little hellebore powdered and Mfted on them will save subsequent trouble. If the fruit grower wnlls until they- begin their ravages he can not destroy them without subjecting his currant bushes to damage that a little forethought will prevent. Where manure is not available, a very good feilllizcr, for asparagus may be auad by mixing twenty pounds of nitrate of soda with ono hundred pounds of super phosphate of lime. This quantity will 1 sufficient for a plot of fifty feet square, and It should be spread over the whole ground when It Is mellow Immediately after the ground Is worked. Frequent hoelngaround the stools or working between the rows needed for n full crop. Oue of the cheapest and best mod of destroying Insects In pot plants Is to In yert the pot and dip the plants for a few seconds In water warmed to 130 degrees, Lands plowed in tbo fall should be plowed agalu In tho spring. It is highly imnortant to have tho soil well pulverized It cannot be overdone. There Is no farm work that will pay so well as the second or cross -plowing of land in the spring. Tbe day has arrived when, to make fanning profitable, the best methods must be em ployed. Poorly cultivated lands will pay but poorly and will keep the farmer who does It poorly, poor to tho end ot time, A writer says, it is far better to prune often than to defer and then be obliged to cutoff large limbs, and ospeclally so when the sap Is flowing freely. With appl trees pruning, or rather thinning oat frequently aids materially to prevent mil dew. As Iho summer comes on so do tbe Insects, and with their first appearance should the war against them be commenced and kept up until they are all destroyed. Not only should we exterminate them for our own benefit, hut we owe It to our neighbors, for what Is the uso of one clear Ing his patch of potato bugs, or taking precaution against the squi sti bug If his neighbor pays no attention whatever to these matters? Let all keep their lots as clean of Insects as they do of weeds, and a niagniflcont crop of all kinds will be tbe result. A correspondent says she has canned pie-plant with good results by baking It Instead of boiling It. She cuts the stalks In pieces about an inch long, put In earthen pudding dishes ot on pio plates, scattered sugar over It abundantly, and baked; then sho put her cans Into a pan of hot water on tho top of the stove, and when the pis plant was tender put It and the suup formed by tb juice and tbe sugar In also, and when the can was full sealed It np. She says that the juice thus formed is much richer, and that It takes less sugar to sweeten it than Is required in tbe boiling process. g3OPPOSITE L. & S. DEPOT,-Ss$r BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, PA Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising nil the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa toous, Prints, Ginghams, MarSCillflS, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns of Ihe very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, lasswaro, Wood and Willowware of the best mnkes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots. Shoes and Readv- rnade Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach ot all purchasers prices limy as low ns the same goods can be bought lor at any other general store m this vicinity. arpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at ltoek Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices hilly as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price ins been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store in this section. Call and be ronvincedi esn"ctfullv. July23-87ly EEIGEL. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, A.LL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Leliigliton, Pa. KOCH & SHANKWEILER'S Great Spring Offerings ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! 250 child's pleated suits from 4 to 12 years, only $1.00. Over 2000 Boys and children's Suits in all the latest stvles, Corded, Pleated, Norfolk, at $1.50, $2.75 and $2.00. 225 All-wool Suits, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and up. 5000 Men's Suits of all descriptions, make up any style, from $3.50 to $25.00. All of our own make. Over 1000 pair good strong working pants only $1.00. 500 Pair Boy's Knee Pants, from 4 to 13 years, 50, 75, 1.00. Extra Bargains in Our Custom De partment ! Nearly everybody knows of the Popular HaiTlS CaSSimere of which we have purchased over 50 STYZES at less" than half the cost of manufacture. Suits to measure $15.00 ; worth from 18.00 to 20.00. . - " Special Offerings of 15 stvles in All-TFool Goods suits made to order $10.00. Call soon as the Bargains will not last long. Hotel Allen Building. Centre Square, Allentown. EEJIOTA Ki I I) IRIMW I T I have removed my entire stock with an additional fresh supply of the more fashionable and seasonable Gents,Ladies &GiiiidrensSiioes -CONSISTINO OF- Ladies' Fine Kid and Spring Heel Shoes, of nil grndes and sizes, at the lowest prices in order to meet my competitors. I will not be undersold. My new stock is complete in every particular, fhe old stock will be closed out at and below cost. ' A cordial invitation is extended to my former friends and patrons to call at my new store, one door above Sweeny's Comer Store. Respectfully, LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON.PA. ar.M-yip dually Eiclttd, Not a few of (lie citizens of Lehtghlon have recently bacoina greatly excited over the as tounding facts, thatsereral of their friends who have been pronounced hy their physic ians as incmahiennd beyond all hope-suffering with that dreaded monster Contumntion -have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discoyory for Consumption, the only remedy that does positively cure all t lira it and lung diseases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, audlironcliills. Trial bottles free at T. D. Thomas Drug Store, Urge bottle 50 cents and 1.00. PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds, "Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, &c. JNew presses, new type ana excellent mantles enable us to do- nil IrinrlH nf Job Work, in the best stvle. ant exd tarAordinnrv" In w ririces. Mail orders receive immediate attention. -i AM! ABYOGAffi JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa.
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