TheCarbo nAdvocate SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1888. RKlMtHD AT TUB MIMIOIITON rORT-OFKICB AH HKC'OVl) ffLAM MAIL M VTTK1U It is iMroasmLE to iiblikvk that the authorities of tlio Uratlicriiooil of Loco mollvo Englceers lmil any knowledge of tho criminal dynamite plot ligalnst tlio Durllnfiton Kallrond which sovctal of Its members aro accused by riukcrlon "de tectives of liolng cngngfd In. Thero U no moro conservative labor organization In the United States than tho llrothorhood. Iu no other organization are tho officers more watchful of the conduct of tho members or moro fully determined to uphold law and nnlnr (imlpr Tail Iclrcuiustanccs. Tho Brotherhood has always kept down rad Icallsm In Us own ranks, and has always opposed It In every other labor organization Tl lias refused to aflllate. co operate, or hold any relations with any other body that seemed to have any radical tendency, and has. for ttil reason, stood nloof from both the Kulchts of Labor and tho Federa tion of Labor. It has often been boratcd on this account, but It has pursued an un flinching course In this respect. If the half dozen ot Its members changed with being concerned In tho dynamite conspiracy are really cullty. It may bo taken for crantcd that tho Brotherhood, as a body, Is In no way cognizant of, or responsible for, their criminal conduct, and will re iolco In seolne them brought to pnnlsh ment. Tho representatives Qf the Brother hood have mado haste to express their abhorrence of tho alleged conspiracy, and lo declare that tho Brotherhood will not defend Its accused members In their trial, but will leave their caso to take Its course In tho courts. The friends of tho accused loudly assert that tho IMnkcrton detectives "put up a job" on them In order to damage tho Brotherhood, and, If so it be thore ought to bo no difficulty In showing the fact upon tho trail. The Brotherhood has boon boycotting tho Burlington Railroad ever since tho failure of the strike three month ago; but, In doing so, they claim that they have been careful to keep within tho lines of legality, to refrain from any breach of law, and, much moro, to prohibit oven the slightest act of violence under any circumstances whatever. In view of tho record they have made for themselves during mauy years, duo weight must bo given to Chief Arthur's declarations this case. New York Sim. In this week's issue or nw Journal o . United Labor will appear a letter ffoni Qeneral Master H'orkman Powderly which ho calls attention to a "corner" coffee and adylses abstention from thobev crage until this corner Is broken. "Boycott coffee." ho says. "Do not buy one ounce of It until this reign of plunder Is at au end Go to your grocer and tell him not to lu vest In a pound of It and ask him to watch for the turn of the tide In Now York. To do as I suggest will work no Injustice to the men from whom you buy your grocer les. Do not buy your coffee, but buy somethln else In Its stead and when you do invest in coffee again have the article you invest In analyzed to see if It has not been tampered with an adulterated and then traco the adulteration until yon find It, and you may be Buro you will trace It to the action taken in tho Coffeo Exchange of New York. "Mechanics, laborers, miners, farmers and Knights of Labor generally, practice a little Eelf-dcnial for a time, brcakthe corner In coffee by refusing to buy It. Let us test tha law and sec if we will be arrested for boycotting an arlclo made too dear rougues who boycott the bast interests of the people. A "taiuff rots sunrLuu," a okeat big, monopoly-breeding, trust-protected tariff, with Its pennies lor worklngmen and millions for "bosses," will no longer be taken down at a gulp by worklngmen. New Jersey Unionist. And why should It be? Both Itepupll- cans and Democrats have repeatedly do clarcd In party platforms for n fair and judicious revision of tbo present high tariff laws that raako tho "rich richer and tho poor poorer," from year to year. Jt'c, you and tho rest of tho folks of tbo Common' wealth, dou't want frco trado becauso aro not prepared for It, but we do want tar reduction, fair and square, as promised by both Republican and Democratic parties from time to time. Tno mosr womcEiis, who aiie locked out are not so foolish as lo blame tho tariff for it, but the blamo is put where It belongs on the miserable greed and selfishness tha employers who have not justico enough to glvo the workmen their fair share of the benefits. But the day will come when they will haye to do It. Bccord. And Parker Is foolish enough to Insist that a fair, square and lutcllfsent revision of tho present war tariff will be detrimental to labor. It is so, however, with nine-tenth of the partisan organs to daythey would sooner hayo a high pro tective tariff to benefit corporations than reduced tariff with benefits for tho over- --worked and muchly under-paid. Thero It nothing more superlatively Inconsistent. Tub ohqaiuzujo or tuu jhox mould ers employed in tho Lehigh Stove Foundry, this place, Into an Iron .VoulJcr'g Union a few evening's since, Is, perhaps, one of the most sensible moves that could havo been made by tha employees In that establish ment. IPbrkcrs lu eycry branch of Indus try should bo organized to protect their In terests, both Individually and collectively. It was for want of organization that the moulders employed iu the fonndry here, were from time to tlino compelled to sub mit to unjust and uncalled for reductions in the rate of wages paid. Tilth the mould ers thoroughly organized no such toni-fool-ery will be put up with. Is this not right . If not, why not? Somehow on otheu TOq tvoal Gazette forgot to remark that iho'foundry and fur nace works hero, which havo beeu idle for the past ten days, shut down owing to the tariff agitation. This would be in full ac cord with his view of It. Slclcy knows as much about tariff as a cow does about baseball. it is A urrtE nix eablt for the campaign liar, but he'll get thero Just the same before this, tlie great season of un certainty winds Itself up in dead despair or Buuio uiucr political urug. OUR PHILADELPHIA LETTER PniLAUEtmiA PaJune 20,'8S Another Carbou county Democrat has been appointed to a good Federal position. This time It U Jonah J. Marklcy.of Frank lin township, to a clerkship at $1200 per annum In the Surveyor's Department of this city. The position Is an agreeable one and the salary attached Is more agreeable. Mr, Markley will find lu Survoyer John M. Campbell, a most pleasant and gentle manly sapsrlor, on whose sourtaay aid good qualities are admirable at all times. 1 tsides this the .Surveyor is a number one Democrat. It is permissible to say lu tills councctlon that Jfarkley owes his success largely to a contest In which he partici pated in Franklin township some two years ago. Although beat at that time ho was not forgot. Wo earnestly and heattlly compliment our friend upon his appoint ment. A cold-blooded inurdor was perpetrated In this city on. July 6th. Without any warning whatever a follow by tho natno of Cole attacked, at his loardint; house, on Christian street, a young man named JIc Allstor while asleep, with a hatchet, Ho first struck him on tho head with tho blunt end and not being satisfied thus, ho revers ed It and cut him a few fatal dashes in the skull. The conscnuouco Is that McAHst- r died a fovr minutes after tho assault. This bloody deed was committed .while tho young man was asleep; no quarrel or any thing of a quarrelsome nature Is attributed for the crime. It was pure doylllsh wick edness. Until within a short llmo ago tho two men wcro firm friends, Colo has con fessed lo committing tho crime the after thing will be the rope and gallows. If tho patriots of 112 years ago could have, beeu in Philadelphia on July 4th, '63 and beheld tho results of tho great work founded upon the cornerstono as primarily .djusted by them, they would have Indeed been struck with wonderment. And If thoy could havo perceived and appreciated the Manifestation of joy and rejoicing In dulged In upon the same day in honor of that great work, they would havo per; eclved the great wisdom of their acts as accomplished through terrlblo struggle, so that the unborn generations could enjoy the equality of liberty. Did Philadelphia adequately commemorate these hallowed privileges? Did It do honor lo the natal day so full of rcmlusccnccs? Yes It did It fairly outdid Itself. It was a day given to vociferation, rejoicing, &c. The prln clpal features were the military pirade In tho morning, tba seivlccs wor. at Imle. pendenco Square, wheie Qen, Jos. Hawley dcllyercd a very eloquent address. 1 Special to tho Cahbon Advocate. BROADBRIM'S 11 1 LETTER Among tho wonderful productions of nature In tho diamond family Is a class called "round bort;" or by tho French, "extream duretle." Until recently It was supposed to be the hardest substMico In nature. One specimen belonging to tho Tiffanys was placed on the polishing wheel hundred days, with a wheel revolving 2700 times a minute, under a prcssuro of forty pounds, and it never phased that diamond; The question then arose anions scientists here If thero was anything In naturo harder than that gem; but It was definitely settled this week by a gentleman Ih Montreal, named John Keenan, who Is In Epossesslon of something harder than Tiffanys' jewel, namely, his cheek. John it will bo remembered, figured as tho prliiclpal of tho tioodlo thieves. His particular branch was tho division of the swag; and to his credit bo It said that Keenan neycr got let t. In tho golden days when these plunderers had possession of tho city, when franchises were worth a solid mllllou In cash, John Keenan was a solid man. Thero wero rare plcklncs about the Board of Aldermen, and thougli John as clerk, had a healthy pull there, ho did not conflno his attentions exclusively to that department, but nosed about whoro'er there was anything good to take, from reu-not stove up. While Hubert O, Thompson was stULin the Board of Public Works, and tho contracts for tho now Aqueduct, to the value of fifty millions, wero 10 bo given out, John Keenan went to ono Day, a famous contractor on the Pacific Railway, and gave him to under stand that ho had tho authority to grant those contracts In bis breeches pocket and he would let Clark lu for an equal division of the plunder. Clark thought this was like manna, from tho skies, so ho drew up an agreement In which ho assigned to John ono clean half of tho city's stealings After a tlmo Keenan came to Clark and told him that his pull was not qulto as strong as he thought it was, and that Clark would have to take his chances alon ... : . i. ... ... .... uu mo umer uiuuers. uiai K . Hid so, senilis mo contract, on whlcn lio toro up his agreement with Keenan aud threw It In the fire; but my bold Keenan .did not tear up his agreement with Clark however, and this week this exiled thief and boodlersues Clark in the Now York Courts, calling on him for an accounting of his profits, Talk of adamant, or bort, or extream duretto, It would not comparo for a moment with this rascally Mates-prison bird's cheok. This outlaw who dares not set his foot on tho soil of tho United States claiming tlio pro tection of our courts. Cheek I before which brass molts llko water and adamant crumbles Into dust. mui'eui inuecui u was a lively sensa tion when George Charles Speucer Church lu, JJuke of Marlborough, stopped Into Mayor Hewitt's onlce on Friday afternoon accompanied by a few friends, and his bride wily Warren Ilammersloy. and requested Ills Honor to marry them. The brido - Is worth five millions; and If It wero not for the fact that Imprisonment for debt Is now abolished In Her Majosty's dominions, His urace might now bo a lodger In the Kims' Bench, White Cross Stroet, or somo other sponglng-bouss, as many of his betters have Veen before him. It Is only a short time ago since Ills Grace appeared at Now- port, bringing with him as unsayory reputation m any Englishman who has favored us with his couipapy for tho past twontj years. Faw more scandalous lives are to'ba found in tho British peerage than that or Ue titled vagabond who on Friday last, joined fortune wilh one of America' fairest .daughters. It is safe to say Jf It were not-for his titles he would hayo boon kicked out of her bad: door by her servant! If he had dared lo aspired to her band, and It Is also ecjially certain that If It had not beeu for her millions His Grace would hatdly havo wiped his ducal shoes on her. It was a, matter of bargain and sale bom sides. &ho got u tills and ho got money. This will bs good news to tho gamblers, horse jockeys aud cent per .cent money lenders, who can now see their way to daylight. The Mayor tied tho knot wftb the air of a veteran, clvlng tha brido a royal salute, as he declared it was about the only chance ha might have to kiss dueheis. I fear me that her ladyship will find ber position In England uncomfortable, Wales may possibly grant ber an audience, but Windsor and St. James aro closed against her as long as Queen Victoria lives, The same may bo said of three-fourths of the respcctablo houses ot England. The courts, when they granted tha Duko's first wife her divorce, whom he cruelly beat and maltreated, gavo her tho privilege of marry ing Again, which was expressly forbidden him. Tho elite of society in England, will, under tit clrcutnstancf j, regard har as sort of ItU-fcandid wlf. t best, .. dear pries for Ulgh-ajlrttyi woman to pay, r f oven for the titles of the hero of Blenheim-' Malplaquet. In the elegant seclusion of Blenheim , however, which a grateful nation voted to her husband's great ancestor, she will bo ablo to learn something of the history of tho Churchill family, from tho great duko himself to his sister who was the mistress of King James II. In view of tho past history of this faithless roue and brutal wlfo beater it rcquiros no occult wisdom to draw the horoscopo of tho uu fortunate woman who has just cast her lot with his. Slio doscrves no sympathy how ever,' for sho went Into the dlsrcpntablo bargain with her eyes opon. That ho will squander her millions, boat, abuso her and eventually discard her and drlvo her back to the United States there Is Uttlo doubt If the man is true to his nature. Then, when ruined in fortune, broken In health, crush ed In spirit, sho returns to die In her native land, sho will curse tho evil hour when sho bartered home, family, country, frlcuds, for less than a mess of pottage. . Plymouth church has formally received Us new pastor, Dr. Abbott, but It-will scarcely be appropriate at his regular In stallation to read that most admlrablo scripture lesson, "Behold how good and pleasant It Is for brcthcrn to dwell together In unity." Sweet peace has fled from Plymouth church and It Is now a house divided against Itself. Mrs. Bccchcr. dis likes her groat husband's successor and tho Rev. Mr. Ilalllday, so long Mr. Becchcr's faithful assistant, has refused him tho right hand of fellowship. That which only few weeks ago was like the rumblo of distant thunder has broken out in clamor ous rebellion and will not be put down. 1 expect every day to hear of a largo and In fluential secession, and perhaps the setting up of a new Plymouth church. Perhaps Dr. Tarker, In tho safo seclusion of lils London Temple, may now congratu late himself on the peril ho oscaped. Verily, verily, I say unto you, many are called but few aro chosen. Tho other day, Fred May, who Is ono of ourgoldcn youth, got drunk aud amused himself by Insulting ladies In tho .street. A policeman tiled to arrest him and lie did his best to shoot tho policeman, hut One of tlio Finest was too much for him, ho knocked tho pistol out cf his hand with his club and then ho proceeded to ornament his mug after a manner only known to tho ellto of our metropolitan force. Mr. May is the person who licked Mr. Bennett some years aco in front of the Union Club House for a violation of decency In his sister's parlor on tho New Year's cvo preceding, This led to a duol in Maryland, when May missed Bennett and Bennett fired In the air. Bennett was engaged to Mnj's sister" atrthe tlmo and the scandal of the transac Hon becamo so notorious that Bennett lied to Europe, and he has not often honored us with his prosenco since. But Fred May, who was considered quite a handsome man, becamo after that a lion In society, and nil tlio girls wished that they had a big brother like him to staiid.up and do their fighting. IIrhen sober Fred Mny was not a bad fel low, but the deuco of It Is that he was not always sober, and whcn'ho got his skillfull of whiskey or champagne he was qulto as likely to insult and abusp his dearest friend as his bitterest enemy. Besides all this he was an ugly customer in a squarn stand up fight, though as lie discovered a week ago he Is no matclijor a policeman's club. The policeman knocked him out, aud throwing him into a passing cart like a sack of salt lodged him in tho station. Ho slept all night In a cell on the soft side of a blank, and next morning with a lot of other frowzy drunks appeared beforo the sitting magistrate. For a faslonablo gentleman he was a sorry looking picture. His linoclolhes were torn in ribbons, both His eyes were blacked, on ono side of his face Is a scar that destroys his beauty and which ho wll carry to his grave, and his head was cover ed with cuts Inflicted with the policeman's club. His trial has not yet come off,but ow ing to his pull ho may escape the pcullcn ttary for attempting to kill tho policeman. He has lain on his bed for two weeks, at- teneded by the doctor, the son lest man you ever saw. Moral of all this: Look not up on tho wino when It is red and don't touch whlskoy at all; oven if the.Bovernment takes off the' tax and you can get gooa Bourbon for scventy-fivo cents a gallon. May tho angels guard us, for tho church es are all closed aud tho shepherds are off for Jerusalem, Bankok and TIppcrary, Is our weather eyo open, for the deyil goeth about llko a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Two murders and thrco suicides maik our eutranco on tho season of holiday out ing. Not much golden promise lu that, still with much of evil thero Is balm In Glloa'd. D. O. Mills presented to tho city a mag nificent building as a training school for male-nurses. A boon to poor humanity; far reaching and bcncficlent is this gift which shall stand as a monument of this rich banker's bounty when ho himself Is ashes. Long years ago on the banks of tho golden Sacramento Broadbrim was tin neighbor of Mr. Mills for many years. It was then he laid tho foundation of that colossal fortuuo which finds the noblest justification lu Ibis magnificent gift. Our glorious Independence Day passed happily without serious accident, and was on tho wholo one of the most enthusiastic that we haye had for many years. BROADBRIM. B0IIISIDE3. Ton Fay YourTaiei and Takes Your Choice- Kevubucan. Ashland ocal. It sounds well! Har rison and Morton, and it means victory In November, It is a ticket that llepublicans .can rally round and cheer with pride be cause both candidates are men of ability, sound records, and blameless Jives, and under these leaders tho Itcpubllcan party starts out an aggressive campaign and an aggressive campaign always means victory for tbo Republican party. Philadelphia I'reM. Wo confidently be lieve that our Democratic friends will make a hopeless battle In Indiana this year, but It Is oyldent they intend to make a dosper ate one. WhUe they assume to regaid it as a safe Democratic state, they have no such confidence, as is evidenced by the fact that It is propored to locato there the moil skillful organizers In the service of" the Democratic Natloual Committee. IPlth the other states couceded as certain to go Republican, Indiana would put the elector al vote for Harrison and JUbrton within four of a majority, 'tt'ithbul discussing any ot the other states which havo been re garded as doubtful, It Is seen how impor tant Indiana Is. That It will go Republi can this year we do not now doubt. Democratic. New York Times. It Is not what the Domocrats haye done, excopt what has been done by a President far better, stronger and braver than bis party, that has sent the moral weight of tbo country to their side. It Is what the Republicans haye done to disgust and repel conscientious and lnde ptndent voters. It U the fact that the control o( tu Kepubllcan party orgaolza- t Ion has fallen into tho hands of men to whom politics is merely a trade like any other, and who haye wade It more dlsrepu-1 table than almost anv other. It Is tho I Stovo Elklnses and Tom Plaits that haye wrought this revolution. It Is tho prtotor lan guard putting up tho Euiplro at auc tion. When a party arrives fit that stale In which It Is a serious question whother a man cannot buy Its nomination to tho Presidency with money paid to tho "lead ers," and when the "leaders,'1 put out n platform which Is simply a speculation upon tho gullibility of th? rotors, Intelli gent and conscientious voters must feel that such a parly has - outlived Us useful ness. It 1.1 not proposed to entirely relievo Iho country of this taxation. It must be ex tensively continued as tho sourco of tho Government's Incouio; and in a readjust ment of our tariff tho Interest of American labor engaged In manufacture should ho carefully cousldercd, ns well as the preser vation of our manufacturers. It may he callod protection, oi by any other .name, but relief from tho hardships and dangers of our present tariff laws should bn devised with especial precaution against imperiling tho existence of our manufacturing Inter ests. President Cleveland's Jessage. Lower TowamensinB Items. -Tho Pennsylvania Mutual Fire Insur ance Co., has notified all delinquents lo pay their assessments and Interest duo on their premium notes. Tlio officers of said company aro very careless they also ylolato tho duties of their ofllco, as they levied an assessment lo cover tbo loss of tho Chicago fire and they did not collect tho Same from all policy holders, and henco they levied a seC'.nd assessment In 1887 on all policies that expired In 18SS and com pelled them to pav what olhnrs refused to pay.' ' -L. F, Kern, engaged In the manufac ture of lee creiui to bo sold at wholesa'e rates. -Anlhonv Snyder of Stcmloisvlllo died last week and was burled on .Toliday of this week In St. John's cemetery. OUK TABLE. An OliEficN Valt.kv The Juno milliner of the Wimt Hiioun magazine li accompanied bj-a larsocoloied supplement oltlieClicliulcin valley, one of the sub-viilluyn fit the beniitltnl and laaiout luamciu'. i nc i neii.-ueni v.uiey n one oi me lcailliiR fruit ralsnlg sections ot Oregon, and from a dcscrlMtvc article In the mnirazlno lc .-ltmears that much eholee fitilt lanil Is for salo thero at iromsi&.niilps'i.' per acre. Tlio number also contains an lllustiatcd nrtlclo on Wasliintttxii county, also a portion of tlio fertile Willamette valley, w hicli otters cooil cheap homos to thous ands. Other descriptive, articles, pcetrj, fiction and a laii;o amount of aluahle Infoimatlon about the entlro northwest comnlcto the number, Tur! Wwrr Silour. ts the only pnblh atlon on tho laenic coast inaKiiis a spcciairy oi iiotcriutiiK and HluMiatliiL' Iho resources and Industries of thORrcat noitlinct, and should ba taken br everyone Intcrc-ted In, or desiring to learnabout' Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, llritlsh Columbia or Alaska. A large supplement In tints or colors, accompanies every number. Inbll9hcd at I'ortland, Oregon, by 1 . Samuel, at 32.50 per year. Slnglo copies, 25 cents. W Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A nrv el of purity, strength and v holooineuess. Store economical than tho ordinary kinds, and cannct bo fcoldln competition with the imiHItudo of lo.v test, short weight, alum or phosiihalo powders. Hold only hit cans. Itoyal Daktng Powder tMinp iuy, loo Walt Street N. Y. :ui-.' U-int I Lehlghton Business Directory. VAU RCTIWATlTZ, Bank St tho oldest furnl ture house In town. Kvery ctcscilptlou of furniture always on hand. I'l lees very luw. WA. rUTHIt.S, Saloon and ItcsUturant, Bank . Street. Fresh I-ageralwaysontap. Oys n season. Drop hi aud seo us. ' navllMy IpSItANO'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the J Auvucatk Ofpick, Is lie.-idiiiarters for shaving and halrcutttng. Cigars & tobacco sold. TO FK8. KOIEi:i:it, under tlioT-xchaiigc W Hotel, Hank Ntieet, for a smooth shave or a fashionable hair cut. fay- Closed on Sunday's. ltocder-s Hair tonic, euros Dandruff. j,jjLIAu! jKWl!I,KU: D. S. nocir, jau28-6S on. I'Um.IC SijUAItK. mllE CAllUON ADVOCATI! OFFICU, Hank i street, laln aud fancy job printing a specl ly. Auvocath ouo dollar jier jcar In advance. T W. HAUDKNIIUBH, Hank street, wholesale J. dealer In choice brands of whiskies, gin, brandies, wines, &e. gar l'atronage solicited. Out Churches. JlfliTHOUIST EriSCOl'AISouth Hank street, HL Sunday cervices at 10 a. in., and 7.30 p. m., Sunday School 2 p. m. Wm. Ma.ioic, I'aslor. TKtNITY LUTlinitAN, Iron street, Sunday services, 10 a. m., (Herman), 7.30 p. m., (Hug. lish), Sunday school 2 p.m. J. II. Kuiiitii.Pastor. EKFQKMEl), U'hlgh street, Sunday services at 10 n. m., (Oernian), 7.3U p. m., (English), Sunday school 2 p. m. EVANriELICAL, South street, Sun, lav services nt 10 a. m., (Herman), 7.un. in., (English). biindaytehoolap. m. A. H. Kune, I'ustor. pATHOLIC, comer Noithamptoii and Coal v sireeia, temccv every ounuay morning and evening. liny. Hammackk llstor. raisrmtT of the condition of the V FIUST NATIONAL HANK OF LEIIK1H. TON, Isuua.,at the close of business, June aotli, HESOUItCES. Loans and Discounts S11S.2RI 7 werurmis necurcn aim unsecured lirt 7S V, o. iMjiiua luBcvurp eireiiiiilion 71 ono 00 Other stocks, bonds and inoitgajres ... 34,03003 Duo from approved reserve iujeiiis 7,707 si Duo from other Natloiuil ltaiiks 3 S07 ta Due from State Bank aud Hankers.... s.uo; 10 Heal ostate, furniture and fixtures 8 OS7 b Current expenses anil taxes paid a'loo 21 rremiunis nam wan vlirt na uuu ua.t 113110 Hills of other Hanks CiU CO Fi actional paper currcucy, nlckelsuul - ccntsl 10 41 specie..-. 4,ioono (.ryui icuurr iioies D.332 06 lteUemptlon fund with U. s. Treasurer (5 per cent, circulation). 3,35 09 ToUl j imli o . . . . LIABILITIES. capital stocK paid in 75.000 00 Surplus fi'ud 0,700 00 Undlvldcdproflts 7,355 28 National Hank notes outstandlns CT.M) 00 Dividends unpaid 100 so Individual deposits subject to cheek: 100,713 00 Certillcd checks ill cn Cashier's checKS outstaudlng is 77 Due to other Natloual Hanks 10.C15 42 jjud iu nuiie uaoKS nuu uaiiKers V7 Total 275J18 44 3til E Or 1 ZHK AYXYAXIA, I Couxty or Carbon, f BS I, W.W. Bowman, Cashier of the abovenamed Bank, do splemnlyswearthattlieabove statement 19 true ui uie uesi 01 tuy Kiiovvieage auu oeiier. V. W. Bowman. Cashier. Subscribed and sworu to before me this Mb day nf .Tint iRfij, - HOIIACR HtA'DT, N. V. OOHRHC-ArrMT: 'Tiiofi. KaHKnsB, 1 A. J. iU'hliso, Directors. JUP. HOFFOUl), 1 July . M. To Whom it May Concern. All persons are hereby loibld medJUne with live followlnj; ui-tlule oi ltortpnsl Froiiertyi 1 Hay Maie, 1 carriage. 5 suta o Single Harness, lbleltfh, r Dog Curt, and 1 Saddln, nowlupos' teuton of How ard ( Inlstiuan. as tho saniear my property and oalv loaned to him during my pluuure. Mis, JULU BOYElf, a uij tin, ec-vta- rrauwuj xvtp. Fa Over Canal Britc E. Import. Joseph F, Ilex, UNDERTAKER AND DliAI.I'lt IN FURNITURE, V Mtl-OR SUIT US, BET) ROOM SUITES, &c . Price the vrry titwMt, rjimllly oi Komi IHO best, HatlafnCllan guaranteed hi veryiiartlel(ir. Caslcots, Coffins and Shrouds, Wo llavo n full Hup which wo nlll furnish at the lowest posslblo pi tees. Flour, Feed, &c, til tlm MmleeSt quality at very reasonable prices. Call anil be convinced. JOSEPH F. REX, Aprl4-iy ' KAST WKISSI'OUT FULL -7r- WEIGHT. ft (Girl jfeT STRICTLY 5- PURL GUARANTEE. We guarantee the SWITCH-BACK BAKING POWDER to be absolutely free from all Injurious substance, and to contain only the most wholesome ingredients. , Ask your Orscer for It. Sold only la Cans. MANUFACTURED IY Switch-Back Baking Powder Co., SUMMIT HILL, PK. April 28, tsSS-lJMV Oscar Christman, . WF.ISSl'OllT, l'A. and Exchanqc Stables, Kasy riding carrlagoi and safe driving horses. Best accommodations to np;ciits and travellers. Stall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. (live men trial. mav21-ly MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE i ti Tr nr nr 1 1!pd norm Papered? D9YonYantYoarliik,ii,K.3.tca3",uie,,? 5 1 urmr 1 -aperour (Celling Decorated? IF YOU DO BUND FOIt CI-IA.S. GOTH. The saino caro and attention given lo tho (iarrel nx the Parlor. Tho newest Ideas and tho latest nuveiiies 111 Hanging uecornuve wall rnpers. Painting, Graining, Glazing,&c, Competent vvoikinen sent to all parts oftow'n and county. Kallsfaetlon guaranteed. Prices as low jis me lowest. Menu postal and we will call at tho house. )iT1(;p In Oil. HOIIN'S Iru SUro, llauk Street, Catarrh ely's CREAM BALM. C lu a 11 s on the Nnsnl I'ass.tjrf , Allays I'dln .-.nil 1 11 II 11 111111 ntiiiu, llciils (lie .Sores, It s I (i r on the Senses of 'fasto ntul Smell. DM HAY-EEVERTRY THE CURE. A iiartlelc nnnlled Into each nostill ninl'lsarce- able, l'rlco ft) cents at druggists! try mail, regis tered, rai cents. F.I.Y llltllS.,GlVurron Street, Animal Financial Statement. Receipls and Exuenililnres of LCuiWioii ScM District, Carta Comity, Pa., For fear Mw June 4th, 1880, itccuirTs. Cross amount tax duplicate for school purposes , $ siio S6 For building purposes.. .. ; roc I W Total $ els.-. 0 Deduct abatement S '.'is do Deduct exonerations, deficien cies and errors cn so Deduct collectors commissions 170 49 3 450 la Total tax receipts 9 6734 ui Cash from former treasurer 100 77 Halo ot lots 07s 00 Miaio appropriation 60s 25 From other sources, hall 1 cut, etc CI 00 Totalrecelpts 3 TiSi 93 F.XrENDITUIilM. raid teachers' salailos. wi 00 l'ald Interest 011 bonds ill!) T11 I'ald on former loan iimo no raid on fuel contingencies. C12 H7 I'ald on turiilluro&apparatiis 196 23 Paid repairs ft now building, on 2 l'ald salary ot secretary TR oil l'ald salary of treasurer, etc.. M 01 l'ald miscellaneous cxi-cmas ST 7G - $ cum in IManiw In treasury $ 313 10 lirAlTri l.VTION OF MI3i:i.l.ANKOU8 RXWJNSIW. I'ald the KusiiuehSTina Mutual l'lro Insurance Company. $ 28 co l'ald J. I. McCaUey, Hchool Journal. .r. 7 00 raid II. V. Jlorthhner, adver tising financial statement. 13 00 Paid II. J. lirctney, auditors fees , 4 CO raid W. H. Marcus, repairs ofspal , sat raid J. M. Koherts, diplomas 4 SO Total 3 67 75 WM. 1. UNfl, ITcsldent. Attest :-F. I'lUltCK LUSTZ. Swretary. We, the undvrslsaed, auditors or Ihlchton, Carbon county, having carefully examined the above-accouuts of the treasurer, And them cor rect to the best of our knowledge ami belief. II. J. 'nBTNjtr, ) U J.11AU8MAN, Auditors. J.JI. Been, I RESOURCES & LIABILITIES IlKSOUHOES Cash In the treasury 9 313 10 UACaiTlES. Bonded ludchteduess S2I2D0 00 Uablllles In excess of resources sowm do Liabilities In uxcoss of resources, June elii, i7 raoso ItKOAVITULATION OF INDEIVTF.DNF.S3. Hoods fiutjtandhig at 5 per cent fWVA Go liondsobtktandluy at 4 pert-cut- two 00 Attest :r rthltOE LENTZ, Bscretiry. Juno Ww - Leopold Meyers PACKEKTON, Ru, Losaco of Dolan Stone Quarry, Is now prepared to supply at short police All Kinds of BUILDING STONE, of tho very best quality at prlcos tlio LOW EST, l'ersons contoniplatlnir building will positively sayo money by calling on LEOPOLD MEVBHS, l'ackerlon, ami learning prlcos. marfJ-05 J. T. NUSRAUM, Lclileliton, will also furnish prices 011 application. The Unilcislcned announces In the citizens of Lcliljihtoii ahd tlio surrounding country that lie has opened a shop for tlin Bepair of 9 Machinery! Such as Agricultural Implements, Sharpen ing I.1WU Mowers. (Irlndhu- l'laner K'lilvivs l'aper Cutter Knives, Scissors, &c.:Sleni Fit ting and Pump Work, and ninmifaoiiirlng drain f uus, rami jvuners, iioot vuucrs,,c, All work guaranteed at tho lowest prices. W. G. MITCHELL In Rear of Gabel's Hardware Store. LEHIGHTON, enna. AiirilHS. ly ASTHENIA AND HEEV3EDY. Having struggled 20 years between life and ueaui wilh Asi-fiAiA or i-iixiiisic, ircaieu nv ciuiucni pnysicians, ami receiving 110 nciciit, 1 was compelled during t he last Bvears of mv Ill- lies to sit 011 my chair day and night gasping for breath. Jly guttering were beyond descrli- uuii. in ut-siair 1 cpenuicweii on mvseil n compounding roots and herbs and Inhaling the medicine thusobtalncd. I fortnnatelvdiscoveicil this WoNur.nrui. CL'itE von Asi iim a ani C"a TAmm, warranted to relievo the most stubborn CaSO OI ASTHMA 111 1- IVK MINlTr.8, SO tll.1t tile piuieiiL ran no uuvvii 10 rest auu sleep coiniori- iiiuy. i icaso reau inn lonovung condensed cx irui-is 110111 iiuMHicncu testimonials, an uire cent date: Holmes. San Jose. Cut., writes "I find tho remedy all and even 11101 e than rep resented. I reculvo Instantaneous relief." K, St. Carson, A. II., Wnrrcn, Kan., w riles "Was treated bycinlnenttihyslelansofthlscoun. try and Germany: tried the climate of different um r-. uuiiiuiK iwiuiucu reiici uku vouriirepaia. Mnn ' L. 11. l'holns. 1 51.. nrlL'L'S.OIiIn.u-Hlos, "Kiif. cred Willi Asthma 40 years. Your medicine In iinmuies noes moro ior 111c man mo most cnil uent lilnsletan did for mo In three sears." II. 0. l'llnvpton, Jollet, 111., writes: "Mend Ca tarrh ltemedv nt once. Cannot, ire-i ntnti" wlin. out It. I linil It to be ono of the most valuable medicines 1 havo ever tried." We havo many other hearty testimonials of cure or relief, and In order that all suHereis from Astnnia, unarm, nay i-cvor, ami Kindred di seases may havo an opportunity of .testing the vatuo 01 ine iteincuy wo win senuinniiv address llllAI. 1-AUllAlil'. i-i.i.i-. ui ( iiAKiii-;, 11 vour druggist falls to keep It do not penult him ui$)i uu miiiiu Muuiiiess iiiiuaiiuu ov 111s rep cscnthislttobotustasgond, lint send directly in. ,11, ,11111 ii.iiiii, uini .linn ,-9s niuiiiiy. Address, ,F. KIMMUKMAN & CO., Props,. Wholesale Druggists. Wooster, AVavno Co.. O. lifl box uv mall 81.00. lulysiy PURITENE PRIZES! Competition Open to All on the. follow Ing conditions: Tnlntcrcsttheagvd and also Iho young during Iho leisure hours, day or evening, wo ofTcr the following prizes for the "HUNT FOIt VOHIM." For the l.irgest list ot .words framed by tho letters composing the iioiiseiiuiu worn PURITENE we will glfo Ten Dollars; for Iho next laigeU aeveu uouars; lor 1110 next largest list i-iiu Dol lars, and for tlio next three largest lists One Case of l'uritcno each. All lists must reach me beforo December 16th, 18S8 and must bo accompanied with tell trade.lliarSR. cut from li.-iek:l."eoT I'nri. teno. No word to be admitted which contilns less man lour letters; uut use 110 other letters 111.111 iiiu.M. uuiiunjsiii luu nuiu Ask vonr merchants for Hie mwilrr: It sella :it Ten Cents a iioiind, and :s superior lo Soaplnoor Ivorlno. or any other snap powder made, (live It 11 trial. Insist upon vour merchant getting It .vim uuu 110 miiei . A. F. SNYDER, Oeneral Shipping Agent Tor Pennsylvania, uiiioiimv, eAitnoN co., fa. Henry Holiv -AT THIS OAltllON IIOUSU IS NOW- an AcGommoOatlon ' 11KTWFCN THE Hotels and L. V. Depot. Parties called for at their Homes by Iavlnc or ders at any of the hotels. April 2, 18S7 JIGENTS WANTED!8! ma To canvass for one of the lamest, old- t H H estalillshed, IIEST KNOWN NUIiHUea IKS In tho-country. Most tonus. Uncniialled faclllllos. (1KNKVA MiltSHltY. Hstahlhlied 1810. W. & T. SMITH, U15NHVA, N. Y. ' aprll-ltcow aprll-itc 5000 BookAgontsfrnntctltoscll TDS LIFE AND PUBLIC 8EUVI0ES OT mm Cleveland lull J complet from hU I my hood to Mb nomlnatLrn In t. Louf f, with perianal teminii ma-. e. Intidentt nd met loit, PfofmW llluttt&tej with t-iel pomaiti tad woo-1 cnzravlnn. Tli book to c ntalnaa nupcrU Porttait and afdtl and complete LlVB Of Mil 9. CLEVELAND, together with a rompleta binrraphy f tha ctutjklata tot tha Vlo-Trealdtaoy, Jt'i I the tntyaulhtn lie Lft. lon't Ij indutej to get anv other. There will probably ta unauthnrlruJ LUe, but this la tha right one. Cend soeeQta In ic. turn pa and be tha first In th fleld, aad Uiua reap tha golden harveau Writs for fall pirticw fare nl Fperlal Tarmi tent frea to all, Addrc'i WINTER ACO.fruU.,6prlnsnetd, Mass. Dr. II. II. SCOTT, )n H. 1!. HKINOHL Drs. Scott & Reinohl, flraduates ot l'iilln. Dental College. DENTISTli Y I IN ALL ITS UltANClIl'S. Psrseryalion of Uic Teetii ir Socially. OFl'iOE II0UK3: From 8 a. in. to c n. in. 0.VS HALL, Hatket Square, Manch Ohuni. nilANOIl OI'FICKi EAST - MAUOH - CHUNK, Two poors North of rost-Offlee. Ol'MOK IlOirjlS: 7 loo a.m. and 0 to 7 p.m. Arrll3-3m Stovea, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at SiUMUBL Graver's opujar Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting n special ty. Stovo repairs famished on short .notice. Trices Reasonable ! I We are positively headquarters for anything in the way Boots,, Shoes, H(ts and Gaps, Gent's Furnisliing's, Children's Beady-Made Clothing, Carpets, IJng's, Matting-, Matts, Oil Cloths. Moor and Stair, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, The largest stock. The largest assort ment. .The lowest prices to he . found in this region. We Make Shoes a Specialty. If yon are having any trouhle in get ting fitted in shoes, call and see us. We claim to he ahle to lit everyhody ; we carry a full line of shoes in all the different styles and widths, in hand-sewed, Goodyear welts and machine sewed. Wo want to call special attention to onr Patrol Shoe, in bals and con gress, at $3.50. They aro specially adapted for. railroaders or men that do much walking, or in fact, everybody that appreciates comfort in foot-wear. Come aud see what we have. So trouble to show goods. Hespctf y, Opera House LEHIGHTON, NO NAMES NAMED. To wliom does tin's apply ? PERSONAL. ToJlr. JIr. and Hl 1 You will not be unduly called itiiou, nor will )ou bo subpoeiied toappoar or give KVlDENf'i; 1'Olt Mvwii. l'unlt & Waunellm, llio NEW YOItK publlslicri, lnuinucli aa action on your part must bo yoluutory, but should you voIiuiteroou woufil receive liberal compensation for your troanle. 1 on need not! Willi tlirni, liuwevr,tinlMslniiarchoI a good opiwrtuniU to stcure a tleilreblo aud prorttabla buIiiux4 agency, or tnsto known of some aultable IKPI- YIDUAI. a)io is aud whom ou wwdd like to be friend. Tliny r now advortlslng m (oIIohk In jour locality ami lu adjuinloi: couatie, olw In eer atnte and territory In tbe Union, we want rnlie'le, cuerd'tlc find ambitious' nun and wtfiaen u uln auuuly the dewaud for our imb- llcatlons. xlu Held Is a rlcli one, and wliUe the trade, wlildb U doing liuincusoly, cau-not bglu to corer it, W SO per rek laay readily be made by eArntxt work In a personal (Mnv.iM -an oppor tuulty for profitable mplomcnt not to nibiaed If sou aro I'IKAXCIAEIjY riNCHKB. or desire to Increaae yoiur Income any wav, or If u aro prepaied to devote your whole llmo to tbo work so as to make tbe meat money, uww la your time. Write to u atones. Addreim, with aetno par ticulars, Agerey Dijuuluinnl, FUNK & HrAGNALLS, 18 and 20 Astor I'lac. NEW YORK. Tills is exuctly w hat Hiey udverttse, and tluy will do all they say. That ou nrlte to them nl onee If )ou want money, and i-mtau or in srwre for yourselves aa ajeni-y U thi. vctiKimwD bouse, Is the advice ot A I IULM). MISTAKE of YDER, Block, PA. L. Douglas $3 Shoe. roB GEKTLE1IEN. The only line $8 Seamless Shoe lo the world mad tvithout tacks on sxiia, Aa stylish ami durablo a those costlng$s or SB, and Imrlng no tai'ks or nails to n ear the stocking or hurt the leet, makes them as rondortabla and well-fitting na a band sewed shoe. Hut the best. None f;enulna unless stamped on koltom " V. U Oouk as $3 Klioc. warranted." V. I.. VovaxjLes ti snnE, tha original and only hand sewed wait Si shoe, which equals custom-made shoes costing from (9 to (9. V. L. Polio-las flM SnOE Is unsxcelltd for heavy wear. w.l. DouniAH fi 8noE Is worn brail l)riT, ami la the bust acliool shoo In the orld. All the above goods are made In Congress, notion and Lace, and lf uot aold by ;onr dealer, virile W. I U0UULA8, DBOCKIOV, Maaa. A. MEHRKAI & SON; Aleuts,, IiEniUlITOK.": - - PA,- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers