Advertising Rates For Legal Notlocs. The following prices for legal nr lias been adopted by the Catuion li-OCA.TK. ( 'barter Notices - - f 4 00 Auditor's Notices - - - 4 On I'ommlssloner'a Notices - 4 00 Divorce Notices - - - - 4 00 Administrator's Notices - il 00 Executor's Nollco - - - - 0 00 Other legal advertising will bo charged for by the square. H. V. llorthimsr, Jr.. Publisher. Professional & Business Cards. Horace Heydt, A T T 0 R N K Y AT LAW, NOTARY PUUMC, fFFiritt-Tho Room recently orculed by V. Jt. ltnpslier. UANIC STREET, MJIIIQHTON. PA. May be consulted In Kngllsh and Herman. Inly 4-ly W. M. Rapsher, ATTORNEY and COUNSEM-dn AT LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTOUNUY, First door above the Mansion House, MAtTCII CHUNK, .... PENN'A. Heal Estate and Collection Anenoy. Will I'ny mill Sell Real Estate. Conioyaiirlnir neatly clone. Collections promiitlv made, SettllnR Rstatesof Decjdrnts a specially. May lio consulted In KtiRllsh and German, nov. 22 yl O. V. Klein top, Instructor in Music, ltohhlns' American Classical Methods a special ly. Terms moderate. . nuis 14-tf w. a. rvr. Seipie, I'HYSICIAN AND flOItaEON. SOUTH STREET, - - tEIIiailTON. MV be consulted In Ungllsh and (lerman. i'jieoul attention Klveu to Gynecology, Offipf. Hot'RBi From 12 M. to 2 V. M., and Iromotofll'.-ll, mar. .n-jl A, S. Rabenold, D. T). S., Uuamch Office ! Over J. W. Raudcnbusli' l.lquor Store, BANK STREliT, LEHIOHTON. Dentistry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted n lUiout Pain, (las administered when requested. Office Days AVKDNESDAY of each week. l. O. addtess, ALLKNTOWN, Jan 3-yi Echlgh county, Pa. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., OFFICE ! Opposite Wleand's Opera House JBank Street, Zehighton, Pn. DENTISTRY IN AM. ITS BRANCHES. Filling and making artificial dentures a special ty. Ical anesthetics used. Oas administered nndTeeth Fxtracted WITH OUT TAIN. OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. m., to 12 m., from 1 p. ni., to 5 p. m., from 7 p. in., to 8 p. m. Consultations in English or German. Oct 15-87 ly EYE AND EAR. Dr. a. T. FOX Visits Allantown legnlarly on THURSDAY ot each week. Practice limited to Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Office "at Hayden's American Hotel, and OfHce Hours from 9 A. M. to 3 :30 P. M. Also attends to Refraction ot tho Kya for the proper adjustment iif Glasses, and for the Relief and Cura ot Opti cal Defects. May also be consulted at his office in HATH, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at 11AN OOR on Monday, and at EASTON on Tuesday of each week. Jan 2-yl Horse Doctor, (Honorary'Hraduato ot Ontario Vet. College.) Office: Mansion House, Bank St,, LeliigMoii CASTRATION, DENTISTRY, AND Diseases of Horse and Cattle, SUC0ES8EUMA' TREATED. Special and Particular Attention paid to LAMENESS :-: SPAVINS, Splints, Ringbone, And all diseases prevalent among Domesticated Aiumais. Horse and Cattle Powders Prepared Suit able, for each Case. Consultation Free Charges Moderate. Calls by telegraph and telephone promptly at tended to Operations Skillfully Performed Jan 31, m FRANK P. DIBHL, North stueet, , Practical Blacksmlth& llorscsbocr Is prepared to do all work In his Hue in the best manner and at the lowest prices, Please call. novaa-ne-iy. PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauoli Chunk & Lehighton, I.EOPBI.D MEYER, PROP'R,. PAOKERTON, - - - Tkkna. This well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and has the best accommodations for permanent and transient boarders. Excellent Tables and the very best Liquors. Stables attached, sepie-yl MANSION HOUSE Opposite I.. & H. Depot, BANK STREET, - LEIIICJHTON, 0. II, 1IOM, PROPRIETOR. This house offers first-class accommodations for transient ana permanent uoaruers. u nas ueeu hpwIv rfflttdln an Its denartments. and is tncat ed In one of the most picturesque portions of the borougli. Terms moderate. fcer-ThnUARIs ttippllsd with the choicest Wines, I.ttiuors and viiAh I?rah I .n rrar An Tan .n. tT.vl T. J. BRETNEY Rnapscttully announces to the Merchants ot l.e- alKhton ana otners liutiiou i now proparel to 10 au lunus ui Hauling or Freight, Express very raasoniSBb prices. By promudonrlraep all orders he "opes to . lerit a shareof puhl lo strou&fftt. iiesioeacei corner i rin anu iron tu.iftt T.ehlcrhtun. ;tOrders In at 8weony & Son's Bonier Store U recsiae prompt nueuuon ar. 12, 84 T. T BRETNKY. Contractor ana Baler, (Next door to Rsubtn Femtermaelisr's) tEIQH STREET, LEniOHTON. Mans and specifications, and probable cost ot buildings, tumlihsd upon appltcaMon. All work gaarantesd. IHpstitue promptly aHtudtdt ondioaterUl tarnlsnea oai!ra.'i-j-iy 'lis $1.00 a Year in Advance. ' INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live," $1 .23 w.hen not paid in Advance. VOL. XVI., No 35, Lohighton, Carbon County, Penna., July 14 1888. Single Copies 5 Cents. ' "" ' ' ' " i ' " ' ""l,'M "" 1 "' lv" i T ., , i ., , . , . ,. ,.. -.,,..... ,. . ., .,. , , , .... Weissport Bnsinm Bireclory, oggr5g yOfllOr ,1. O. ZHIN, M. ., W. U KUTZ, M. D. ZUItN & KUTZ, f Phyoioinnn & Surgeons. tll'FIOi; nt the lesldcneonf Dr. Zern, White Htreet, WVIsspni t. All calls or snralcnl or tiiedlcnl treat menl will lecelve prompt attention. mayis-T-u -JJlitANKLIN HDlISi:, EAST WEIKSPORT, l'HNN'A. This house offers first-class accommodations to the permanent boarder and transient guest, Panic piles, only One Dollar per day. aug7-iy ' JoilJf Rkiihio, Proprietor, QKATS. Till: .JRtUM.F.K. All Kinds of Jewelry ! Seliooi Bonis "rail Stationery. RitgsntTiW-ly. . The - Weissport - Bakery, C. W. I..VURY. PltOPIHKTOR. Delivers Fresh llrcad and Cakes In Weissport, l.ellli;htoii and vicinities every dav. In the stotn 1 have a Fine Line ot Confectionery forlhe Holiday Trade. Sunday schools and fes tivals supplied at lowest in lees, docl-Gm. THE Weissport, Carbon County, Penna., Henry Ohristman, Proprietor. The public Is respectfully informed that this well-know house has been refitted and improved to a ilrst rate, and able to furnish thovcty best accommodations of all kinds A Tjiyery Stable " In connection with the hotel, with ample means to accommodate wedding parties, funerals and pleasure seekers Willi safe teams. In connection with the hotel Is a FINE TOOL ROOM handsomely fitted up. Apr23 87Iy For Newest Designs and Most Fashlonabln Styles of DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWAItE, &c, &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Ooods guaranteed and prices as low as else- where for the same quality of goods. July 18, 1835 ly AT THE Control Vrug Store, OrP. THE rUllI.IO SQUARE Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c,, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest. Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! "When vou bnv u iValr of Shoes von want a goort nt. Hut II you 11ml SPKOTACMIS it Is wucu move liiiponiuH iimi uw liijv ruoihu ue iv nuine iraine which win unntr ineienscsui- roctlv before thtfcentia of the ev If oubuv your spectacles nt Ir. Horn's you will fliul the iiuovo poinia propeny uuemu-u 10. PERSGRIPTIONS Carefully OCU6-1887 Accident, Life 8c Fire INSURANCE ! A. W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, Has secured Hie agency for the following SUBSTANTIA!, INSURANCE COM' I'ANIES which can be recommended to the public as Terfcclly Safe and Reliable, The National Life Iusurauce Co. OF MONTPELIER, VT,, which Is said to be "The grandest, step In lair ueauug wiuuu 1110 uisuiry ui l.iui Insurance." It protects acalnst adversity In business; it pro tects dependent ones against the contin gency of death I J Manufrs' Accident Indemnity Co, OF UNITED STATES, wllh a reserve fund of $50,000 guarantee! every policy in tun. no otner com. pany has ever put up such a fund. It costs but'a few cents eyery day a good investment. LOCAL AGENTS ARE DESIRED! HarrislNui lital Live Stocfc INSURANCE COMPANY. Fixed rales; no annual dues. Animals dl yidcu into classes 01 ens numireu anu fify each. Members responslbla only for losses occurring in the class In which their ani mals Were enrolled. August 20, 1880 ly Tlie Cream of all Ms of Adventure CONDKKSKD INTO ONE VOMJSIE. PIONEER 1 DARING AND HEROES 1 DEEDS. The thrltlintr adventures of ult tW hero ex plorers and frontier fighters wltli Indians, out IMT3 ma nuu Dnaiu, over our wuuio cuuuirj1 tromtb enrlien tluiM to the present. Lives n.l nf rUUln T.QaIU UruH.lUh T1UnA tutu JJL tvi w-i u tui;vtV uafluciuuiiiviuwvuiiv Kenton, llrady, Crockett. Bowie. Houston, Oar son, Custer, California Joe, Wild BUI, Buffalo urti, Qenerals Miles and Crook, great Indian cuicia, nnu pcuros ui miters. o,Duuiaiv mm, rated with JW flea eugraTlng. Attests snted Low prlssd, and beau anything to sell. Tim, tor paytnaius auowta Agsnts snort oi luuu, PLAIiET Mb. 00.. Bax Jiei.. FbllsdtlnhU. fbl have lately added to my stork the celebrated Blue Oiamoni Boohi, Slate! and nlso other brands. And Pla.stering,Building Lime and Builder's Sands. Variety Cellar Grates. I have the usual stock of loiupnt, PowlevSaiMl, i'lasler-Paris, Blur and White JLnml Plaster. Phosphates, Coal Iarilwarc, Oil, &c. have tho most complete line of Farming Implements, Tools, and Repairs for the same. Garden and Field" Seeds. am sole ngent for The Allen- town or Broining's RcadyMixcd iiints. My prices are popular and my goods desirable. Your orders are solicted. SAMUEL SEILER, Next door lo Advocate ofllce, Bank Street, Lohighton, Penna. -GO TO- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins. Sweet Pick- cs, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds ofchoice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, ll'o lead, both In low nrlces and nualltv of goods. Our large stock Is displayed to ad vantage, an Item which purchasers will certainly greatly appreciate. KEMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON, PA. made casv manutnetur inn Hnbber Htainns.Send for price list of outfits, to J. F. W. Donna.i, No.217 r.u i.t-rinnn oi., imm-more.Md..U.H.A-Oe22an. H. &. WSLVZ, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AOENT I'Oll FIliST-CLASis Fire, Life & Live Stock I Special attention of Fanners nnd others is railed to the liberal ternisnffered by the lir.ltKS COUNTY MUTUAL LIVK STOCK INSU1 ANCE COMI'ANY, for which I am the auent for this County and uelKhliorhoixl. Real Estate Agency, Real Estate Bought & Sold. Collections Promptly Made. Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. ce2l,67-tt AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler ani Watcliniaier, Bank Street, Lehighton, 3nna Ilrspeetfnlly Invites the attention of bis friends anil I he citizens generally to his Immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, QjlfrAvifrava .Tanfftlvf at Trices that defy competition. It will pay you to call and Inspect my stock before purchastnc elsewhere. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest chart:, and all work guaranteed. Don't Fomet tlie Place. IGN OP THE BIG WATOH Bank St., Lehighton. ellecmber l7,eS7ly Subseribo for the Advacate. Money ,-iDYSPEPSIA. JS that misery experienced when we sud denly become nwaro that wo possess a labollcal arrangement called a stomach. tThoBtomach Is tho reservoir from which every fibre nnd tissue must be nourished, and any trouble with It is soon felt through out tho wholo system. Amonj-o dozen dyspeptics no two will havo tho snmo pre aomlnantsymptoms. Dyspeptlcsomctlva mental power and a bilious temperament nro subject to Sick Uendncliei those, fleshy and phlcgmatio havo Consttpntton, WUilo tho thin nnd nervouanrenbnndoned tosloomy foreliotliiiRs. Bomoilyspeptlca aro wonderfully forgetful! others Cava treat Irritability of temper. Whatovor form Dyspepsia may take, ono thine is certain, S Tlie underlying1, cause is in tlie JLIrEit, nnd ono thlnpr more Is equally certain. u ' vuw nu,.Gw.HiuHuB'i;iiiu ,Yuu will" It will correct Acidity of the J Stomach, Expel foul eases. Allay Irritation,' Assist Digestion, and, at the same) 11JUO 1 Start the lAver to werhine. xvnen an otner trouuiea fi soon disappear, -. "My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some" three yum ago by the advice ot Dr. Sielner, of Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator, I led grateful for the relief it hai given her, and may all who read this and are afflicted In any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Elver Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M . Kersii, Fort Valley, Ca. Sec that you get the Genuine EtfV with ed Z a f'Ont f Wrapper, f rRBFASSD ONLY BY 7. H. ZSTXm St CO., ridladolphln, Fa.1 E. F. LlJCKENBACH, DRALER IN Wail WGWB9 Borders Sc Decorations, Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Window Shades & Fixtures, I.atoft Styles, made and put up. If desired. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general ainters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Manch ChnnL Pa. H.dnw tho Broadway House. Best Cough Dure. For all diseases ot tho Throat and Lungs, no remedy is so safe, speedy, and certain as Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. An indispensable family medicine. "I find Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral an Invaluable remedy for colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat and lungs." M. S. Randall, 201 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. " I havo used Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for bronchitis and Lung Diseases, for which I believe It to bo the greatest medicine in the world." James Miller, Caraway, N. C. "My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in tho sldo and breast. Wo tried various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and tho cough was relieved by tho use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." Robert Horton, Fore man Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. " Aye's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which-had settled on my lungs. My wlfo says the Pectoral helps her moro than any other medicine she ever used." Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Kansas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. field by all Druggists. Price $1 J six bottles, t5. NO MORE BIG PRICES! W. S. KUHNS Itespoetfully announces to the public that he is now nicely located in Ills New Store Room Odd- LY.RoM House HANK STIUIKT, I.EHIOHTON. nnd lias In mock a tun aim complete una oi Stoves and Tinware ! Including the Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower, APOLO & IRVING Stoves, Which he la selling at THIS VICHY LOWEST cash rwciCH. ou are respectfully Imltcu to call and Inspect ids stock and learn prices before purchasing elsewhere. Roofing and Spouting will be promptly and correctly attended. Terms low as very lowest, W. S. KUHNS. Opr. Hound House, Hank Street, Lelilghton, Ia. dUlfCOjoTl IV Weissport Planing Mill, manufacturer ok Window and Door, Frames, Doors, Shutters, llinds, Sashes, Mouldings, Brackets, ANU UEALUK IN All KMs of Bressea Imh Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c, Very Lowest Prices ,4HjiMiMr4 Metmw Miles? AN UNAMBITIOUS MAN. Vo hot ambition, wild and wan, llefonns my life so fair. I'd Hko to bo a selectiniin, And have folks call mo "squire," lint I'd not rlimb the topmost height. Tho wind of Piruie's wild spoil, lint yet 'twould be no tnore than rl.tht, I Went to (lencral Court; And so I'd Uvo and die content In modest, shy retirement. Tls true, I may nioyo tiitn Ion n lteforc my h.ilr is urnyor, An then I hone to gain renown Aliil bo elected major; Hut I would not ho grand nnd great To make the people stnro, Hill were I governor of the state, I think 1 would not enie, N'nrlct fame's tempest-torn contiol, Mar my sweet iille!mlc of soul. I'd live the most content ot men, l'ar fioin Fame's maddening roar,' And could I go to Congress then, I think I'd ask no more. 01 course the President must be Tho man Iho people choose, And should tho people turn !o me, I could not well refuse. Hut still ambition would not h:i,m Sly fcoul'i serene, transcendent calid, 1 wish no slpemlor when I die, Hut idl things n.-nt anil plain, A cntafalipie of chnny, A sit mile funeral Ir.iln; And I would rest In pew-c content, If luy loved land should raise A million-dollar iiimnuiieut, To speak to future days. Let other toll and strain lor fame, I nm content without a name. BY OUINEllVE. At tho lattice-window of a pretty little cottagn a young girl's face could bo seen one September morning, a faco of such glowing, brilliant beauty that ore could but liken It to the great damask roses that drooped beside It, a living picture In a liv ing frame, for all about It twined the deli cate vino leayes and blossoms. "Will she never couiofc" murmured the sweet, red lips, while a look of impatient longing fell upon the fair brow. "Tho train has come and gone, she should bo here now, and ah, she is." She had scarcely reached tho froat-door before tho stage drew up by the gate and a slender figure in gray alighted. The next instant the two young girls were clasped in each other's arms. "Oh, Pcarle, my beautiful dear!" cried the younger, winding her arms round the other. "How I havo missed you. And did you have a lovely time?" "Yes, iicinc," replied her sister; but thcio was something In her tones that made her Companion wonder, and when Relne Delalro looked closer she saw that the girl's beautiful faco was changed. It had always been dellcato and faintly tinted, but now it wore an ashy-pallor; there were circles under the Urge, blu eyes and tho month looked drawn. "My darling Pcarle, you are ill." sh crled.sprlnglng forward. ''Oh, bow Strang yoli look." Pcarle turned her eyes mournfully upon her; and said, in sad, hollow Uues: "Heine, my heart is broken!" Then, without warning, she fell pros trato in a dead faint,and when she recover ed U was only to break out into wild rav ings; and so for days sho lay In tho grasp of a terrible fever, and from her incoherent words her sister cleaned her sad story. H'hllo visiting her friend, Edith Fay, she had met a man to whom she had glyen her maiden fancy; a man who bad won her love only to cast .It aside like an old gar ment; a man who had broken her heart for a -season's pastime, and had gono on his way carcle5,l, while sho had coma home to die. ShcSkno'w it was her deathblow; and Heine, Watching her In her delirium, grew to hate the man who had wrought this cruel deed; and when at last the fever was spent and Pearle lay thetc weak but con scious, she made her tell the story all oyer again, 'and wept between her tipbraldings. "Pearle, listen," she said, while her dark eyes glittered. "I will avenge this wrong. I will meet him nnd strike him back blow for blow. Ho Is looking for a wealthy girl I will deceive him. I will take our little fortune and follow him. And when we meet " Her little hands clinched; her scarlet lips closed ominously. rearlo knew she would keep her word; sho know that her sister was rarely beauti ful, that her charms were many, and that she would accomplish this thing she had sec her heart upon. A look of relief came oyer her thin face. "If he could but suffer as he has raado me suffer," sho murmured. "Ah, Edwin Varry, I am dying, but as a legacy I leave you my sister's vengeance." Heine took, her hand; it was already growing cold; tho shadows were falling upon the pinched features. She fell upon her knees with a passionate cry and bowed her head; when sho looked up aga!n,Pearle was dead. "I think that Jflss Gaspatd is a consum mate coquette." Tho speaker was one of three ladies' who stood on the wide piazza of the Atlantic House, tlie most fasbionablo hotel of a popular summer resort. The gaze of all was directed at a couple who were sauntering down the wido prome. nade, a darkly handsome young man and a bewitching vision of feminine lovliness. The form, set off by a toilet of light olive and cream, was perfection Itself, and the face under tho soft leg-horn, wreathed with mull and May-blossoms, was dazzling with Its damask tints and glorious, brown eyes and expression ot piquancy. "Oh, yes, she is undeniably a coquette," repeated the speaker. "And It is surpris ing how the men adrntra her," "Not surprising to my mind," said an' other. "She is handsome, sha Is vivacious, she is rich. Tou know they say her oi tates In the south are very txtentlr and that her income is mors than tountifol. "Then I should think she would bswaro of fortune hunters. There's Edwin Tany with her now, and his frUnd, Romnsy Harmon, dances attendants upon 111. They are both bandsom and defer, but poor; believe me, each hasaa eyt totlo main chance." "I do not believe Eiwln Vanj is a for tune-hunter. There Is somtbln rtally noble about .him, I wondtr whem the prsfers?" "Who knows?,' replied tlie other, with a laugh, and thcu another topic of conversa tion was taken up. Meanwhile JIIss Gasparil and Ksr escort had retutned and were parting at tha door. "Hemembur, the Ilrst waltz tti-nlght," said Varry, softly. A brilliant gl.uicc fjom the dark eyes answered him, and then Sllss Gasparil, the southern heiress, disappeared trom his View, to reappear In her own room as Heine Delalre. The girl rushed to tho mirror and looked long at the vision rcilected there. "I hayo won," she said, half aloud. "Ah, how I havo cheated them all. And It Is well; tho season is nearly oyer, and my money Is almost gone. Hut he will know to-night. He said he had something to tell me then ah, I can guess." ' Then n strange sadnss fell upon her, and she sank Into an easy chair. So she sat In deep thought, till a mossage was brought to her. It was scaled, and bore the familiar chlrohraphv of Homney liar inon. Heine tore it open with trembl nc fingers. It was an Impassioned confession of love; he could not llvo without Jier, he vrote,yct when ho had tried to tell her of his feelings toward her. his heart failed him. If sho wimld accept his dcyotlon let her wear a spray of lijttcinths that nlghtand he would understand. "Ah, that will be glorious," thought Heine, with only her absorbing desire for vengcanco m her mind. "I will wear his rival's flowers while ho acknowledges his love. Ah, my pour Pcarle, this will bo a triumph for us both." Yet from that time Heine Delalro was strangely quiet, and ever and anon a bitter smile wreathed her lips. Sho was decked out In regal attiro for tho ball that night, In iyory-whlto surah draped with lace, and a spray of pink hyacinths clasped at her breast by a pearl ornament. She descended tho stairs to find Edwin Varry waiting for her, and together they drifted through the rooms to the strains of a dreamy German waltz. She could seo tho thrilling glances of her companion's eyes, feel the warm clasp of his hand, and her own heart beat with a strange joy. "The last time sho was saying to her heart the last time." Then tho waltz ended, and he drew her out to the moon lit piazza. There, in a shadowy, secluded corner, he told her of his loyc.and Heine grow strange ly faint as she listened. What was tho matter? Did she love her sister's murder er? Oh, how weak, how foolish she was. Yet, looking into that earnest face, she would have vowed hojtvas houest xni Irue, but that the haunting eyes of Pearls cams between. "You lovo mc," she said, In low tones. "Listen, then; I nm not an heiress. I liavn deceived vou." " Wsre you a beggor I should yet be proud to win you," he answered. Helae was astonished; she had expected that her words would prove htm craven. "Hut I 1 have accepttd the love sf your friend, Homney Harmon," sho faltered. "Hers Is my token." She touched tho flowers she wore. He snatched them olf and threw them aside. "Yon coquette 1" ho said, Intones ef teij rlble reproach. Sha started to her feat, with her syes blazing. "What are you?,' she demanded fiercely. T'X)o not dare to reproach me. Iam Pearle Deialre's sister." , inth these words, spoken in significant tones, she left him, and sho saw him a few moments later with his friend alas! his friend no more,, for jealously had severed tho bond. That night Edwin Varry left the place. The next day Heine entertained a visitor, a fair-haired gtil whom she called Edith. 'Aud you aro to be married, Heine?" said the latter. "Does he Mt. Harmon know of your deception?" "No; but It will make no difference. I shall tell him all to-day." "Ah, you must bo very happy?" Heine nodded assent; but a low breath escaped her lips. H'as she so very happy after all? "I will show vou his photograph.Edlth," he said. "He Is really handsome." Edith Fay looked at tho framed plcturo she offered hor, and then started. Those aquiline features, thoso dreamy eyes, that broad brow from which the thick hair waved surely she had seen them before. "Why, Relne, this Is not Mr. Harmon," she gasped. "There Is soma mlstako this is Edwin Varry." "What!" cried Relne.her face blanching. "It is Edwin Varry, the man who visited your sister at our house," replied Edith Fay. "No no, I. know Edwin Varry; he Is dark and handsome, but not like that; he " "This Is the one; I would know the lace anywhere," said Edith decisively. 'Walt! I cannot believe. Let me think!" cried Heine. Then regaining her composure, she rang the bell that summoned a servant. "If Mr. Harmon Is In the hotel, tell him that Miss Gsspard wishes to sec Mm In her prlyato parlor-," she said calmlv. Homney Harmon came, and his face paled slightly, when he saw Edith Fay. Yon nd Miss Fay ate old frleads, I bear," said Heine quietly. "Rut why did you assume the name of your friend, Ed win Varry. "Why, I I," stanimcrod- the man. "What dees this mean?" "I am not Heine Gaspard, but Relne De lalre Pearle Deialre's sister. jS'ote do yen understand?" A gray pallor settled upon bis features at lis noticed the passion on that lovely f&ca. It was nothing to him that sh wao not an heiress, for he loved her as he utver loved, as lis would never love again, but the was Pearls Delalro't sister, and lis knew he co'ild not hope. "Vy vsngeanca has fallen upon anotb. or," t&Id Reine, "but ItbaDkhmyw I dls covsrod the truth ere it Cat too lato. Tou will recrst the loss of tha heiress, bat" "Ob, Qelne lieloe! pity me, I lovs jcu," b cried pesslonately. 9ht vv4 him awey and hr ejfi glsa&ed. "ChJ!" is romraanasd. "Hsrttfter I am (3 & ts you as is my wro3g3 siitsr tTV0T. Gt!" n could but sbey, Wut Rtlns kisw by tut lut look ht cast npon htr list bar vsngeauce was gained at last. Then to her friend's surprise she fell down besula her and began lo weep bitter ly. "I love Homney Harmon," she cried, "Ob, Edith, .what have I'llone?" Homney had loft Ihe place, but ha had not disappeared among the horde of wand erers, and to find Mm was easier than Heine had thought. Ono day, sitting in his room, he received a missive that restored him to hope and happiness. " Fmissi), Wo were parted through a terrible mistake. I will explain when I seo you. Como to mo and hear the story of agister's vengeance then read my heart. Heijik Dki.ahie," Children should be taught as early as possible tho wotklug of tho law of couse quences. Il'ho breaks pays. Do such anil such a thing, and a certain consequeiico must follow This Is the way In which wo children of a larger growth recognize Mint God rulas His anlvcrso; and tho earlier wo can point It out tha better. It is far more effectual, because more reasonable than the ordinary arbitrary teaching of what Is right and what Is wrong. The little tddlcs of wind that act the dust In commotion are precursors of a thunderstorm In hot weather, and of a hot wind always; so quarrels often precede a thundering time wh?ro two hlgh-tem- pcrcd poisons are concerned. -Thu capacity for happiness, Hko every other, needs continual exercise for its growth and dcvclopeuicut. If It is con tinually checked and postponed, It will wither away. -Coarse kindness is, at least, better than coarse anger; and In all prlyato quarrels the duller nature Is triumphant by reason of tls Inherent dullness. Tho good man who is reflective will find that, as his viefws on various points change with Increasing knowledge, his standard of action changes also. Somo things which he once regarded with the ut most leniency, he now looks upon as grayo wiongs, and as last as he discovers the bost path In any direction, it becomes for him the path of duty. You fight Are with fire, hut poverty with industry. Hear ono man before you answer; bear several bofore you decide. -Evary yonng person who contemplates matrimony should do so with pay-rent-al solicitude. -The young man with a slender' salary should choose for his bride a young woman of small waste. Tha best characters have a mixture of infirmities, and the worst have some re deeming virtues. Tho man who never made a mistake li his lift is deaf, dumb, blind and still un married. The Jowcr callad bachelor's button is so called because it is alwajs coming off and neyer gets sewtd on. Jatlvcs are better than actions. Men drift Into crime. Of evil they do mora than they contemplate, and of gsod they csntamplate, more than they do. So long as thou art ignorant, be not ashamed to Uaru. Ignorance is the great est of all Infirmities; and whea jiistiiied, the chicfest of all follies. A railread conductor sajs he can al ways toll what topic is uppermost in tlie public mind by listening to tho talk of the passengers as ho j;oes through the cars. -The innocence of childhood consists not in recltitude of inclination, but In In capacity for the commission of eyil. The Vivacity of children is always charming, because it Is always sincere. A grave child Is a roso.vvltliout fragrance. Love Is tho most easy and agreeable, and gratitude tho most humiliating affect- Ion of the mind; wo never reflect on the man w loyo -without exulting In our choice, while ho who has bound us to him by benefits alouo, rises to our Ideas as a person to whom wo have In soma measure for fulled our freedom. It Is one of tho problems of life how to preserve the earlier spirit of trust and hope amid tlie knowledge and wisdom born of mature experience. And it is because this problem Is too hard for many that they be gin In middle life to degenerate In charac ter. There always comes some smooth running to every skein before It Is all done. You mustn't try to seo through tho whols skecn or to stralghton It all out Into a single Hired befoie you begin to wind; that makes a snarl always. There Is al ways an end, and that Is what you have got to take bold of. Kind look's kind words, kiud acts, and warm hand-shakos these aro secondary means ot graca when men are in trouble and are fighting their unseen battles. Let not uny young woman encorage tho Idea that lovs will provo all In all to In sure happiness In marrlad life. It Is but ono of the adjuncts. And sho w''1 act wisely who, befora bestowing her hand "for better for worse," looks to secure addi tional reasonable gttaratccs for connubial bliss. VTe say- a thousand good things and get ns credit for It, but a word that Is dis pleasing brines its all kinds of reproaches. People do not learn how ta set ono thing oyer against another and thus strike an honest balance; they must sec all as In agreement with their beliefs anqjireposess ions. To appreciate a difficulty is an Im portant ttep toward overcoming It; and that it a far mors hopeful condition of mind which admits the duty and fathoms the diflctilty than that which rushes In nprepare4 and unaware of the need of preparation. Wt may teach rules of right conduct, and explain clearly their reasons and foundations; out unless ws can stlmulats ths moral lensa of a child or a man to vol untary extrcite, wa cannot hope to form or rtform character. Mjm lsnany-slded and ona of the btst proofs of hit advencamcnt it bit ability to tsvolop each side harmonleusly, suffering none to crow out of proportion and none to wither from neglect. A physician tayi that a man is shorter during the day than night. That is prob ably because hit wife picks hit pockets In the aernlng. If a burnt child drtal the e, why doti a ptrten who has bean singed Cj Cupid's torch to often haya it lingering re tard for lbs old fum? The Carbon Advocate, i rtb- nines evurr kutuaiaT 1 C&iLnu (JnitMlv. m 1 - 1 tiarrr V. Mortkimei, Jr. - -HANK HTJllMtf. $1 00 Far Yar in AAtmoo I Unit uJvwUilns medttul In tktMaikr. Krery description of Htl Vasts' JOB PRINTIIi t veiy low pi lr os. Wa d ntt httMsts t tsy that wa aro better ei?et Ikta say ether (irintlnif estohllhstit In Mis MtMva to do, flrstcUss jsb-wark, la all Its kranehei, at low trim. , There are two Ihlngs that a wtaitn will always jump at a conclasl.H xmi a mouse. Tho neglect of tha habit of acenracy seriously limits a man's personal lalstare, and also his per sonal enjoyment. The lessons'of life msktdeeptr Impres sion than tho lessons of books, btcaaic they touch the heart before they reach the head. Distress nflcr eating lirartluirn.tick head ache and indigestion are cured by IloeJ's Harsaparilla. It also creates a geexl appetiie' - Charlie DfiPyou" ever hear such a fellow to arguo as Gerber? I argued with lilm a whole hour yesterday, but he wouldn't give In. Tom You're right; 'catiso I know I had to argue with him a whole week before he stepped arguing. Charlie What a fool a fellow Is lo argue so much. Tom Yes; a perfect Idiot. "Do you bolieye in love at first sight?" "No. l'mjicar-slghted." Knowledge Is the accumulation of facts and Ideas, but education Is the Improve ment of experience. Aycr's Pills possess tho curative virtues of llio best known medicinal plants. These pills aro scientifically picpared, ar easy to take, and safo for young and old. Tlier are invaluable for regulating the bowels, and for the relief and cure of stomach troubles. It Is somewhat remarkable that even the most delicate girl Is not afraid of tak ing cold; at least not when It comes, In the form of ice cream. -It Is true that about any Issue there is much that can bo said on both sides. It' ought not however, to he sqald If you In tend your manuscript for a a newspaper omce. There aro girls who never hear a big church bell In the next block, and yet they are ableito detect the tinkling of the tiny bells oa an Ice cream cart for squares away. We liaye a speedy nnd positive cura for cnlarrh, diphtheria, canker, mouth, and head-ache, Stiiloh's catarrh remedy,. A , Nassal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath Price 00 cents. Sold by T. D. ThemaV Lohighton, V. Iliery Weissport. "Adophus, d'ye know that I'm a llttl vexed at Miss Simmons?" "What happened, Arthur, old hoy?" "Well, you know I pride myself on my singing. Wo were at the plane. 'I.'ll slag , one more song and then go home,' I laid. Wasltlato?' 'About midnight.' 'And what did she say?' 'She said, 'Cant' you ge home trst?' And aid you?' 'Yes, Adolphus. I tell you I'm a little v vexed about it. Answer Thli datitltn, No. 2. Whv do so man neonl we a around us seem to prefer te tsatr sad he made miserable ny ladigttlien, VoaaUM tion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Ceaiiac Up of the Foo.d Yellow Skin, whta fer 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh,t System Vltalizer, guaranteed to cure them. 8cld fcy T. I). Thomas' Lehirhton, W. Biery Weiit port. An old adage says that "courtesy epeas many doors." Yes, and lack of courtesy leaves them open. Wcn't somebody please invent a new adage that will tell what will shut many doors? The Ureat Strike- .f Hello! II 1 h, there! Mr. Digtstioa t What's he mutter with you down there? - Hello? Mr. Tongue, is that you? Qh,t everything is wrong down here. The hands in the Gastric works have "struck."' The food assimilation company have "shut down," and Ihe bile supply pipe line can't handle their product, and it has eyerfiown the whole region. Ycsl all stock on hand in my apartments has 'heated' and 'soured.' I havo titoppcd altogether. Can't move without assistance. Say, Mr. Tonguejcan't you Fend down a bottlo of Dr. Pierce's. Golden Medical Discuvcry? Yes. That liulfiilo man's remedy. If you do,I can start til at once. When the liver, stomach, "r bowels uro deranged, or the digestive v 'forces' aro 'on a strike,' it is the best 'agent' to et the wheels of nature in motion. Drug gists have it. Don't hawk and blow disgusting every body, lint use Dr. Sage's catarrh remedy. Some people claim that handwriting Is Indicative of character. There must be lots of shady characters about, then. An End to Sunt Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Ilarrisburg, 111., bays: "Having received so much benefit from Electric Hitteis, I feel t my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have had u running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I sed, instead, three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes Ifucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is now t-ound and well." Electric Hitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Hucklen's Arnica Salve at 35c, ptr hoi by T. D. Thomas' Jadam Diss Debar does not nd her present quartan as pleasant as Jr. IfarshV dollars. Bhllih'i Catarrh Remedy. No. i. Shiloh't Catarrh Remedy, a Mar velous cure for Catarrh, Diphtktria, Canker Muulh, and Head-Achs. ATith each kettle there is an iiigeaiout Nasl Injector Ht the more succetsful treatment pf these teat plaints withtut extra charje. Friae 9c. Bold by T. D. Tkemss, Lshightnn, W. Biery Weisspart. "I lake thslTT6BTatl!,,' ttU the young man who, after haelag la yala triad to Induce hit wealthy aaele traatfer certain real estatt ts Mai, Inhtrttta H wfetrt the uncle died. The real ettate men ars gaining trenad slowly, Your Home on Fire. Not the house of wood, or brick, or tteae, in which you live, but your bodily tenement may he in terrihle danger from tSBealMriag (Ire whieh you make ao effort to etatt, Tht treat dsnaar km impur hlaasl it that it dtbilitatet ths trtm, and Mis di gestive organt trow wtth an inactitah nood'i Strstparilla coatbinee ths best aid nev and liver invlro re tore, with the fat -al teratives and tonics, ll fresa tha s?dpfele kindapm, earefully Seal taWsaai the attacks of diltase, Sreparea in a eoneeaitaaran lora it aaaa s, vitalize, ted aaviafkeS th blase). Bt tenea up the teat, frtiaf (he fAebt Om viulitr. and enctualir tiiardinr it ataiaV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers