GreatReduction1 in WALL PAPER! WHITE BLANKS, Fr6 5c. t 12o. per roll. XLEGANT GOLD PAPER, Txom 12c. t 50c. per roll. Hie Gilt Mossed Papers Jrom 20c, to $1 per roll. Colored Borders at one-third tke regular price. AS WE CLIP HUMOROSITIES.I fiucilen'i Arnica Salr. Tho best salve In the world lor cuts, bruises, sorcs,ulcers,salt rhuein,f over sores, tetter, chapped bands, chllblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25c. per box, at Thomas'. HAVE YOU BEEN AT rimley's Carpet Store Ho has tho ngoncy for the best carpet-sweeper in the world viz: B 3 He has INGRAIN CARPET at 25 cents j BRUSSELS at 50 cents a yard and up wards. A GOOD WINDOW SHADE, Tho greyhound Is a headlong animal A blind teacher would naturally haye bad pupils. A miss is as good as a mile if she is readv on roller, at 4.0 cents ) -1 1 f 1 1 1 H. 1 ' "I'm on my last lap." as the tomcat said when bo finished a saucer of milk, Society has been likened to a pie. Wo can dispense with no part so easily as the Largest size Galvanized-bound Wash Tub, L.00 ; second size, $1.25 ; third size, 90cst. reiH. RnrrWa nnrl TWornHrmn "PP crust, i There Is H uru me usual price. He takes Carpet Rags in Exchange nnd deals honorably with all. Uo- somethlng peculiar about Gravity In tho earth It attracts, while In a Window shades, comnlete man it repels Mi unrinir rnlW HRp ar,A im -In the West.-Sbe-Do you ever see t O ' I I Am. than lliftl In thn East? A. lull ana complete line 01 n0. The sun never sets In the East. Fringes from 14 to 75c. per yd Curtain Poles, complete at 40c. and upward. 7taU, Oil. Varnlth, Brushes and Paint- r supplies a specialty. Jt'aper nang lac.' Plain and Decorative House nd Sign Painting, Graining. JCll Work Guaranteed A. Bayer, H BANK ST., LKHIOirroN. Estate Notice. BiMeef JACOD SMITH, lato of Towamensluc Tawnshlp, Carbon county, Fa., deceased. Letters of administration having been granted a the undersigned In tho above recited estate, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested t make Immediate payment, and those having tfl claims will present the same without delay a proper oruer lor Bruiemeni id ABKAIIA1I HSIITH. Administrator. Rtasant Corner. Mahonlnir tu n.. Carbon co..Ta. r nil Attorney, E, It. 8IEWEB3, Esq., Manch cdusk. r. marciii-sw; WANTED ! ! iTo canvass for one of the largest, oldest KNOWIt NUKBKH- Most liberal terms. J. M. GRIMLEY, 804 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENT0WN, PA, I ( iety ft GENTS H established. BEST KNOVI IKS in the country. W. & T. SMITH, GENEVA, nprli-lteow Unequalled facilities. UENKVA NUK8EKY. Bstabusnoa ism. V. Y. s A JL IS Si M WB positions WANTED. Permanent 'guaranteed with 8ALAKY and EX-1 fKNBES PAID. AnT determined man can sue. cad with us. Peculiar advantanes to beslnners. Cteck complete, Including many fast selling mcuiua. vuwh ucc. Address at once. (Name this paper) ' ' BROWN BROTHERfl. VOMUMTMEH. ItOCHKSTF.n, N. Y. The Batest Medicine. To have about tho house at all times is Simmons Liver ltegulator, It will harm no one. It will benefit all who may have attacks of Biliousness. Djrsnepsla, Head' ache, Constipation, or other ailments result ing from a disordered lilver or btomacn, Keen it always in tbe house, and you will have a farailv nlivsician near who will save "-. i -,-. i i.! you many uouars aim oiucu Buuurims. A Vermont woman broke her jaw, and her husband facetiously called her tho "ex- speaker. -A citizen who Insisted that he could live on one meal a day,afterwards privately explained that he meant oat meal. -A tender ballad just published by Texas composer Is entitled "Why Did They Cremate the Old Hair Sofa. Notwithstanding tbo fact that Mrs. Cleveland Is a perfect lady, It must be con fessed that she elves a great many people tho shake. Jfiss Beane(of Boston) Literary merit I brings a sure reward, Jliss Porcllard. Our I Howells made oyer $50,000 with his pen last year. One of mr children, a cirl about nine ! years old had a very bod discharge from her head and noso of a thick, yellowish matter. Wo hod two physicians prescribe for her, but without benefit. Wc tried Ely's Cream Balm, and much to our surprise, there was( a marked lmm ovement. vv e continued us- mcr the uaim ana in a snort time me ais- charge was apparently cured. O. A. Cary, uormng, is. x. VAv llroi!.. T have been afflicted with ca. tarrh, I purchased a bottle of your Cream 1 Jyknowledce of maklnc carments was eatned principally In the City of New York'. IS dmbound 9 WEAK NERVES FivrVn CxmttOoxouHp in t Itrrre Tosla TthJch nerer ttli. .CqnUlnlmr Oely and Co cm, UioM wonderful nerra ttlniulijitMt pHdUr cores til nerrom dKorden. RHEUMATISM Vknrc Cclebt Cowromro ptirifle ttw blood. It drlTM out the 1 actio cld, which Cannes Xlhsnmatlsm. and rector tbe blood in akin 7 organs to healthy condition. It la the true remedy for BheumaUtm. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Finnc's Cctut Coiipottttd Qnlckly rMtorn the liver ud kidneys to perfect health. Thli curdtlTe power, combined wltn IU. nerra tonics, iniiea it tho best reaiodr for all kidney compUlnta. DYSPEPSIA Paikzs Oixjcbt CourotrxD strefifftheni the atomach. and quiets the nerrea of the dices, tire orffana. This ta hy it curM CTta the worse cases of Dysperela. CONSTIPATION rxnTT.'B Onxnr Ooktochd Is not esthsr. tio. itURiBxfttiTe,81TUiireae7ananatnTfti action to too Dowel", jueguuntysumy ioi- The Old Doctors Drew blood, modern doctors cleanse It i Iienco the increased demand for Altera Uvea. It Is now well known that most diseases are duo, not to over-abufidanco, but to Impurity, of tho Blood ; and it is equally woll attested that no blood medicine is so efficacious as Ayer'a Barsaparilla. " Ono of my children had a larao soro break out on tho lee. We nnnllcd eimplo remedies, for a while, thinking me soro wouiu suortiy neai. .uut it grew worse. Wo sought medical advice, and wore told that an alterative medicine was necossary. Ayer'a Sarsaparillq being Recommended above all others, we "used it with mar vclons results. Tho soro healed and health and strength rapidly returned." o . o . .Armstrong, w oimar, Texas. "I find Arer's Saraanarllla to hn nn admirable remedy for the cure of blood diseases. I proscribe it, and it does the work every time." E. L. Fater, M. D., iaanuattan, lvansas. "We havo Sold Avor'a Rnnnnnrllln. horo for over thirty yeara and always rocommenu it wncn asxea tonamothe best blood-purifier." W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. Aver's medicines continue to bo thn standard remedies In sptto of all com petition." T. W. Bichmond, Bear Lake, Mich. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED ST Or. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Man. rrle l; six bottles, 5. Worth ti a bottle. R URB3 Nerrou Prostration, Nerrons Headache, Eocomnjended by rrofertmlina bnslnoM ' Nsnralgla. Nenrou. Weakne... Btomach 'ZX'Z.tZZ. ana Liver DUee, Rbeumatlim, Dys. v "i ..u.m.. 'pep!ind all aCTccUon or tho Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's aUMiMUlUell V New Tailoring Establishment! TO THE PEOPLE OF WE1SSF0RT ai VlCDilTY : Unon invitation from some of the representative citizens of your town, I have decided to open a 13 "WEEKS. Th rOLICE GAZETTE will bo mallwl ecurrly wrapfJ to any addrtss In the Uni rd Blstes forthrro months on tecelct of One Dollai?. Liberal discount allowed to postmattxrs igenls and clubs Sample copies wailed free Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, i May 30,1885-ly Fbjlnklin Eqoare, N. Y Tailoring Establishment in Weissport. Balm. It has effected a complete cure. U. U. Abbott, U7 urand Ave., Allegheny Uity, fa. Miss Porcllard (of Chicago) Why, we wouldn't call that anything out In Chicago. My Uncle Jim cleared twice that with his smallest pen. When it comes to hogs, Jiss Beano, Chicago is king. A gay and highly fashionable party of young men were soothing their weary spirits also u graduate of tho Cutting Schools of that city. I am Cutting and Making Custom Clothing in some of the best houses in both New York and ie l may assure you mat an worK entrusted to mv care snail hoc TIUALS And after years of practice In both equal Philadelphia I think I may assure you that all work entrusted to mv care shall bi at least tome nest obtainable in your neignbornood. ui ve MJS A Very Respectfully, JAMES OLIVER. PATENTS!! FRAMLIB H. HOUGH Solicitor of American & Foreign" Patents 025 F st,, ncar U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. All business before United States Patent Office attended to ror moderate fees, ratents procured in the United States nnd all Fori urn Countries. ireae .vnrtt ana Laotit registered, lieiccten .itinllcatinnq revived annnroACCuTPd. Informa tion and advice ns to obtnlnlnu ratents cheer uuy lurnisnea wiiuoui cnargc. ocna OKeicn or uoaoi tor J; ree ovinion as to ratemnmntv. Copies ot patents furnished for 25c. each fgr Correspondence solicited, I cor All new Spring Styles now in with soda lemonade, which thoy coaxed . ir a j through long straws in an ayenuo clab last WOCK' night, and talking languidly over a recent All new goods in a new store. All old goods were sold out at auction. Hept Me Bad him, c. 7c. 10c. and 12c. Per Piece. Elegant Gold Papers, IBc. and 30c. Per Piece. IM Gold Emliossed Papers, 96c. and $1-00 Per Piece. Felts and Ingrains, fOc. and 60c. Per Piece. IMi WIspg Hop Piaster EEOTHIR, A Sight of the Weather A flash of lightening.. The Irish Question-"What shall It be i PR QTA WA TnW boy.?' I.UUI1UU I n Tf ni lUM .1 Tha Kansas cvclone has blown himself Staples and estimates sent free. Ex-1 all to pieces. ferienced workmen sent to all parts or the Bank Examiners Burglars. .y turn country. All Kooas warranteo tree A winflnilllThA ot.mKn nrli.fl?ht. Wrm r n I r rwrfmnt.. n H f ill 1 lannfl. I a . - a ' I .nu- m.ll o ..til v.,. laurels proudly in the breeze. The paper banger ought to succeed; he's stuck on his business. Many a man who tries to ride a hobby gets thrown finally. It Is useless for tbe rejected lover to think the girl will pop. Rheumatism is caused by an acid in the blood; therefore, external treatment affords I no permanent relief. To eliminate the poison and make a thorough cure of the di- I scase, nothing else Is so efficient is as Ayer's I Sarsaparilla. Give it a (rial. Price $1 Worth 2 a bottle. marriage In high life. A Vacant Lpt An old maid. The National Anthem The baby's. What kind of a bull Is It? John or a I Papal? A Qreat Battle Is continually coinrc on in the human system. I Tho demon of impure blood strives to gain I victory over the constitution, to ruin health, I to drae victims to' the crave. A koou reli able medicine, like Hood's Sarsaparilla is I the weapon with wdicu to defend one s sen, I Imva IliA ilftannrntA pnemv from thn field. I and restore peace and bodily health for which, they will make-up in suits the latest style and best work- ""VJ""" l 1 i j . j in I ; iiiuiiDuiu uubuivl-u aii vuuujfiuuy lovy priuus. Have opened up their immense jiew stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, including all that is new, novel and beautiful in Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews, Oheyiots, &c, &c, A Beonllar nd rioewfUl oomMnatlon ofSooth" Inst pa1n-klHlrtg& strengthening agents FreihUopSjIIemloct Gum and Tine Balsam. Pain, aorentei and we&kseAfl In tha book. aide. kidneys, chest, ahonlder, nook or limbs, are all Instantly relieved andonred. ' ' BwMtf xtcsu( mi&bia ana never-iaumeWR r rantedthAbnat Blaster known. Boldoverr tiher. Prloo SBoUj O for f 1. Mailed (or price. uur i'IaAa iuu uu. rropnevors, notion. OTTAWl, ILL, ManoZacb- orera of . ROAD CARTS. onw Htlon- thei carU, Will Ururnith'4 it nhoUi'la! Inei to barer la towns' hrs htrs ns actuL M. Merigan, VVd MAxtrLlST ST. Philadelphia. o I I4 .9,3 For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best makes at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in Hats, Gaps, Neckwear, &c. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Respectfully, Clauss & Bro., The Tailors, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. THE ABOVE 13 OUR NO. O JOGGING CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED Strongest, .Neatest ani best Cart madoj Elder Easier THAN A BUGGY. GAY SON, OTTAWA, ILL. t2 J- o u ?2 ' r 1 . W m g L. 1 03 O S t. C3 o P. p CO u O . 2 o ' t: CD 0Q ta 8 8 CO m rt Ct3 . 11-9 r" H i o a O S Vtl WliUmad is so vers-a-tlle as to lie called a poetical brick.- Some people are so constituted that! they would kick at a football match. The career of tho spring chicken Is I short. It never lasts longer than till necks- tweak. Tommy Papa, what Is a 'rural lay?, I Papa I should say It was tha Hayseed I combine to cotem New York city. Justice Duffy to pickpocket In the I Tombs Police Court: What's your business?' Showman.' Ho, ho, showman, eb. What's your I line? 'Legerdemain.' 'Now'you see It; now you don't?' . "That's about It, Judge.' 'Six months. See It?' 'No, I don't. ' "Do you bo lie yo tuere is any such a thing as luck?" asked a young man of an old bachelor. "I do. 1'ye had proof of It." "In what way?" "I was refused by five girls when I was a I young man." Joe, the colored waltlng-man, came in I early one mornlog to make a flta fori Ellsha Carr, a sort of eyangellst, who was I stopping with Joe's master. It was cold, I and tbe ground covered with snow. "Have you got rollglon yet, Joe?" asked I Mr. Carr. "No, sir." "Well, don't you want to get It?" "No, sir j I don't kno as I does," "Well, you'd better want to get it. Tou'd better want to get to heayen, where It will I be warm, and you won't hayo . to make I fires on cold mornings." This struck Joe with force, and he "studied" oyer It for awhile; then, looking up with a puzzled expression, be asked; "Tell me, lit. Carr, is dey any white folks up dar?" "Yes." "Well," sighed Joe. "You nee'n't tcrl tell me, cf dey's any white folks' up dar, dat niggers won't hare ter make fires fer em I" way day will never be so popular as pay day. The man In the moon has one advan tage over bU terrestrial brothers the ful ler he gets the more brilliant ht growt. WL MAM RELIEF & JWAOQUAINTED WITH TOT OEOGBAPHY or TOT OOONTHT, WILL OBTAIW MUCH VALUABLE INroHMATIOIf rROM A STUDY" OF THIS MAP OP THE RAINBOW RIIPTIIRF Simple, uta. "lUbl. and perfect retaln.r. It Is not a Truss. Wem Da .nd Nlht and fii preionM forgotten. B.nd for clrcnlaVwlthlMti. tn.n. ArldrMs Central Medlca andBurslcai WMS? ?20 W"" St, 8t. LouljTMfc B .rfli'ij feUn.nt rlfpn all kind, ot aarrieal eakenlns dlaeasea ana prr ltr. Bo lewliera. &l.aHnt771MlsllHja1 ftiUWIiglslIlaltJ. Xtt Drajfflats, Sc. fiOo., ttnd 01 06. 1-rtMred only by CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Ita control nosltion and oiobo connactlon with Raj. torn linen at nMnir and continuous lines at terminal nolnta. Wont. North wo at, nnd HnntTi- west, make It the truo inld-llnt: In that trans continental chain of Bteel which uoiirco tuuauauuu uuu ruciuct xu ifliun uquj ana oruncaes inciuao uni- F INTEREST TO FARMERS, That Highway of Rations, ho broad Atlantic, is ever n stormv ihroiiglifura. Yet bloir tlie winJs over so uercely, ana rido the waves ever so loftllv. seamen must man the good ships, tourists win uravo mo passsgc, ana commcrcmi travelers and buyers must visit the centres of foreign trade and manufacture. Tlinl atrocious malady, seasickness, together with colicky pains nnd much inward uneasiness 18 oitcn eudurca when ffoatetter's Stomach umcra wouiu nave lorti'iea tno vovneers against incm. oca captains, ana in luct all lalts and veteran travelers aro acquainted with the protective value of this estimable preventive nnd remedy, and aro rarelv unprovided with It. Emigrants to the far wesi Simula tiso it as a saiceuard aeainsl malaria. Seek the aid of the Bitters for dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint, Kidney irouiiles. ana all ailments tbut Impair the harmonious und vigorous action of the vital powers. Notes. Of all home-made fertilizers for the potato crop none is superior to unleachcd wood ashes. To have n, c;ood orchard it should be cultivated and manured every year, and no crop raised in it unless It be clover, and llko a bank account It will not honor your drafts without the previous deposits. uaniei uaicneior says mat wlicn or chard grass and tall oat grass are sown to gether, at the rate of a bushel of seed each to tbe acre, they make "a tremendous crop," and may be cut twice In the season for bay or frequently for soiling pur poses. A New England farmer says he has brought up a farm tb produce 50 tons ol hay where live years ago It would produce only 5 tons, by the use of raw fish as a fertilizer, lie bought 200 loads of skates and lobsters for Qly cents a load and mixed it with muck and dry soil, Formerly the farm would keep only a horse, a yoke ol oxen and two cows; now It keeps thirty cows and seven horses. Manure should neycr be placed In con tract with the roots when setting out a tree, but used for a mulch or top-dress' Ing. Try early sweet corn, for early fodder and evergreen for succession.. Tbe very best time to begin liberal feeding to develop tho dairy cow is when the calf first begins to cat. Milk should bo fed to young animals warm and never in any other condition, Overloading tho stomach of a hungry call is followed by worse consequences often than by a little stinginess. A practical butter-maker says: "1 Qnd that from open setting a, can of cream raised when the cows are fed" hay and grain will make 30 pounds ot butter, for the same quantity when the cows aro feeding on grass, 20 pounds." Don't Experiment. xou cunnotailora to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are in danger. .uiisuiujjuuu aiwujs seems at ur&t only coin, vo not permit any dealer to impost upon you whii somo clieuo imitation ol JJr King's New Discovery for Consumption, v.oius, inn oo sure you get me genuine. iJecuusc be can make inoro profit lie mav tell you he bus some thine just as cood, ui just tiic same, uon'i uo ueceivea, but insut upon getting Dr. King's Hew .Discovery which is guaranteea to give relicl in a Throat, Lung, nnd Chest affections. Trial bottles 1'iee at T. D. Thomas' Drng Store liarge iiottles$J. March ai-ra? caso, JoMot, Ottawa, LoSailo, Peoria, Qeneaoo, Mollne and Roclc Island, In Illinois: Davenport, Musc&tlne, Washington, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Ookalooso, vllln, Aiinnnnrv. Hitrln-n. vTliit.Viriii nrvtrrt fiTvrt r?miTifll TUnffti fn Tnwa. Trenton, Cameron. Bt. Jocoph and Kansas City, In Missouri ; Loa'venwortll uuu jiiuuiouu, ill iuaa; jvunupqpuuo aou ou J .Paul, in Minnesota; Water town and Sioux Falls In Dakota, oml many other prosperous towns and cities. It also offers a OIIOIOB OF ROUTUS to and from the P.iciflry Coast and Inter. jepots. vast Trains of lln aopn. Atchison and Kansaa tire t-class tickets. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS &, NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and Bt. Joseph to Palp- oury, noison, udtos, -xcpsica. aensgron, nutcmnaon, wicnita, uaiawc and all points In Southern Nebraska. Interior Kansaa and bevond. Knt' passenarer equipment of tho oolebrbtod Pullman manufacture. Solidly bai AFFUCTEPUMFDBtUNATE AFTCB AU. OTHERS rAIUCOnBUUT LOBB, 329 N. ISthSt7blowCtllowhlll,PMIa.,P. a) jmti' rrrlentelnll HuciiXdlwMM. Perms- March Sl-yl and modern lmnmvnmnntj. talnty, comfort and luxury assured. Iron and Htono bridrras. All Hfifntv snnltnnnfl. AGENTS WANTED THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Its Watertown Branch traverses tha most produatlvo lan da of tbe Croat "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern MinnsaotsmdKaf..' onors une via oeneoa ana. asanano oners superior racmuoe to UwtU in Cincinnati, Indianapolis. Lafayette, and Qounoll BluflB. MUJaiwS. Dn.Iavonworth.KaneaaClty.MlimeapollswSt PadlJ, , Tickets, Maps'. Toldera, or any dOBlrod lnfpnnStl.PU, Applz to any Oou M.VUfW JMW. WM.VWM WWW. WMUtM, v . Oont: Tho Short betwoen Clnclnna' Atcnioon WorTl! pon Ticket Qftlce C. ST. JOHN. Oeawal Xssaew. OIIIOAGO, ILL, AttrAaM E. A. HOLHKOOIC, M TisketfclWr imk. TOlwiTiTlT'DT'T.V 3ELL Tho most wonderfully corapleto collection of the absolutely useful and practical which lias ever been published in any nation on the globe. A marvel of every day value and actual money earnlnti and money .saving to every possessor. Hundreds upon hundreds ot beautiful and tielp- I ful ngravlw;9. JJsextraordlpary low price ba- yond cqmpstltion. puupslp.tne wnole history ot the boftij trade, Ike It, Select .souietklus, of real VaJi-toftie peoiiev anil sales ere sure. Agerfslopklng for anew and.flrst class book, write tor full description and terms. 30 days' I lime given Agents without capital, aCAlf JitRIiL S CO, ruiLADtia-uiA. l-u. teblt-mt farm and Household. Vnckwhcat, wheat and oats rank first among egg-producing foods. Corn Fritters. Take two cups canned corn, add three eggs well beaten, a table' spoonful of milk, enough flour to make the batter just drop from a spoon, then fry In boiling lard. Unclean eggs' should bo washed or wiped when gathered. The shells are porous, and pungent filth may penetrate and spoil tbe meat. ggs for long keeping should not be washed only wiped. It requires more lafcor to engage In gardening as compared with farming, but less land Is required. The most profltab crops are noc those that give tho largest yields, but Which bring the highest prices, compared with the cost. Shepherd's Pie. Spread oyer a small platter, thoroughly buttered, warm mashed potatoes, mixed with milk enough make It a .little soft; set In the oyen brown; pour over It minced cold mutton warmed in a little thickened gravy. Sweet corn (dried) is improved by add Ing twice as much sugar as salt in cooking it. Turnips cooked in the same way are better than when boiled with meat. Tars nips boiled in water slightly Baited, which Is thickened with a grayey made of rich milk, with a little flour stirred in, when the parsnips are tender, are excellent. The' best way of killing weeds is to preyent them from growing. Whon the corn Is plabtcd, If one will stoop down apd stir the soil with tbe finger, he will see great number of fine, white, silky threads lu it. These are tbe first' growth of the weeds, and If the land is stired at this time, the weeds are killed by millions with but little trouble. It is not thought that the practice of spraying orchard trees with arsenical solutions will-effect tho bees which gath nectar from the bloom, if tbo spraying Is done at the proper time, that Is, just after the blossom; have fallen. The-applies; tlon before that time is injudicious at best, as the larva enters tbe fruit after tbe young apple has formed. A nice, .healthful pudding for desert may lio made by putting a layer of stale bread Into a saucepan, then a layer of fruit, sugar,, more breadj fruit, etc., un.Ul the pan is full. Then add enough water to moisten all well, jrinkl sugar over top, which should be bread, and bake until done the bread should be browne.d nicely, Servo with cream or rich milk. Fruits' in general contain but little nutriment, but are of value as a food from their appetizing anj.pleasant tasto; from their supplying In an agreeable way water necessary- to food, and from the gentle laxatlye effect of the acid present. In addition, both frul's and vegetables supply tJip-body with potash. In this way they counteract the scurvy engendered by a diet of salted meats. Sweep from the walls toward tbe cent er of the room, and take up all thedlrt there with a dust pan and a small broom, sweep with long, even strokes, always lift ing the broom from tbe floor and holding It flat over the spot It was raised from for a moment to keep the dust from flying about (he room. The new unworn brooms should bo kept for tbe carpets; partly" worn ones will do for sweeping flag stones, cel lars and rough places. A broom which la wetted occasionally wears best. BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, PA Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising nil the very latest styles in White Goods. Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockervware, lassware. Wood and Wlllowware of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats. Boots, Shoes and T eadv- made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought lor at any other general store in this vicinity. Carpets. Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as tho same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price ias been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and ate being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store in this section. Uall and be convinced. llespctlully, July23-871y fcMOS REIGEL. PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, && New presses new typo and excellent facilities enable us to do all kinds of Job Work, in the best style, and at extraordinary low prices. Mail orders receivo immediate. attention.. JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. 9 3 -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE Paints, Varnishes AXL KINDS OF GOAL, OPS. PUBLIC - SQUARE, Bank Street, Leliigliton, Pa. KOCH & SH a& a. ttk a ureat sp ANKWEILER'S rinor Trennorgr BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! 250 child's pleated .suits from 4 to 12 years, only $1.00. Over 2000 Boys and children's Suits in all the latest styles, Corded, Pleated, Norfolk, at $1.50, $2.75 and $2.00. 225 All-wool Suits, $2,'50, 3.00, $3.50, $4.00and up, , 5000 Men's Suits of all descriptions, make up any style, from $3.50 to $25.00, All of our own make. Over 1000 pair good strongworking pants only $1.00. 500-Pair Boy's Knee Pants, from 4 to 13 years, 50, 75, 1.00.. Extka Bargains, in; Our Custom De partment! Nearly everybody knows of the Popular Hams Ca'ssimere of which we have purchased over 50 STYiES at les&ihan half the cost of manufacture. Suits to measure $15.00 ; worth from 18.00 to. 20.00. - - Special Offerings of 15-stylBS in All-TFbol Goods suits made to order $10.00. Call soon as the Bargains will not last long. KOCH fc SIIAOTtWISIIilSIC. Hotel Allen Building. Centre jSquare, Allentown. BIMOvM I have removed, my entire stock with an additional fresh, supply of the more fashionable and scnsonnble GentsiaissilO iuisSfiGes COKSISTIXO OF- Ladie,s' Fme-Kid and Spring Heel Shoes, . -:,of degrades and sizes., at the lowest prices -in order to mpfetymy competitors. - I will nof be undersold-.' :My ;riew Btock'is complete in every particular."" Thp old-stock will-be closed out t-and below cost. tAv r cordial invitation is "extended to my former friends" and patrons Jo call at my new store, one door above Sweeny's Corner Store. Respectfully," LEW S WEISS BANK jSTREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. r.U-yl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers