'Original Ohoap Cash Store." Lot No. 2. This week we liayo opened our Second Laiioest lot of Parasols and Sun UmMlas. This assortment contain an elegant line of Coaching Parasols made from the choleeit silks procurable, with Fancy metal, Celluloid and Natural Handles. Black Satis, Silk Linicd 1'aiia sOLS, trimmed with deep black lace, with fancy natural and carved handles. Gloma Silk. Sun and Rain Umbrel las, with paragon frames and Silver, Gold and Natural Handles. This Is the most serviceable goods known. Our entire stock Is of this season's production; not one of last season's styles Is here. They were made by vety reliable manufacturers In the best possible manner. One eieat advantage the Ladles have In purchasing here Is, they are alwavs sure or setting ttio newest styles at most roou erate prices. J. T. NUSBAUM. Opposite Public Square, Bank Street, Lehlghton, June T. 1384-1 The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. MAY 10. 1883 Current Events Epitomized. After a resident here of almost twenty years Enos Albright and family moved to Allentown on Afonday where they will make their future home. The family bnyo made hosts of friends during their lone residence here, and their moving away Is much re gretted. For a number ot years, u Albrleht was the manaser of Gabcl'i hard ware store; he filled the position carefully and creditably until railing nesun com pelled him to resign. The family hare me best wishes ot all our people ror pros pcrlty and happiness In their new home. A wonderful cure. Scrotal Uernla, familiarly known as rupture has been treated and cured with entire success by Dr. O. W. Snyder on a horse belonging to George' Hofacker, of Slenilersyllle. The case had been pronounced lncurcablo by several old and experienced horse doctors, yet by a skillful and delicate operation per. formed by means of Skewers too rupture was removed and the horse Is now sound and well. We congratulate the doctor on bU success. Mrs. L. M. Barry, of Philadelphia, drew a large audience to Gable's Hall, on Friday evening last to hear the talk on "Orsanlxatlon. Its needs and benefits." The lady was frequentlr'applaued and the lecture was much appreciated. As we said la a prey'ou Issue, we reltterate now. these fmnuciaiKs are a great oeneut, consequent y very advisable. The programme arranged for Decora' tlon Day wbich appears elsewhere In to day's Issue Is directed to tbe attention of our readers. Tbe demonstration of patriot ism on Memorial uay will surpass mat 01 snv Drevlous occasion. Our business men and private citizens should decorate their homes and stores with evergreens and bunting. Manager Faga, ef Mauch Chunk, will bring his base ball club to town on Satur day afternoon to play a game of ball with the home club. The former nine beat the East Mauch Chunkers on Saturday last to tbe soul stlrlng tune of 7 to 0. So we can look for a fair game presumably. Summit Hill will play hereon the Seth. Carbon county Is represented in tbe West Chester Stato Normal School by the following persons: I.lllle E. Arnei, New Mabonlne; Joslah W. Day's. Lansford; Emma E. Xoons, Leblghton; TJ. S. Koons, Wei -sport J Jonn M. Kuntz, Audenrled; LUIle M. Richard, Leblghton; Annie K. Thomas, Lansford. Williams, the photographer, of Mauch Chunk, still remained at tbe old stand Corner Broadway & Susquehanna streets, where he continues to turn ont .first class work. .Cabinets $3.00 per dozen. Go at once as- he expects to remain but a short time. Assessor George Aflller has posted up In several places notices calling attention to the fact that all able-bodied men haye been enrolled In the military enrollment list of the commonwealth. An appeal for exemption can be made up to September 1st. Considerable work has been done toward the grading of Coal street this week. A number of men under Supervisor New hard bayo been doing tbe work. The hill Is not lowered in any respect, but the im provement is commendable nevertheless. Stick this In your bat for future reference: The Supreme Court has decided that the five per cent abatement allowed on taxes paid within 00 davs after notice as given by the collector, does not apply to road tax that must be paid in full. A dog, thought to be mad, created con siderable excitement on Nortbamoton street Thursday by biting a young child of Nath an Houtr. Dr. German attended to the child, and William Blank dispatched tbe doc In double qutclc order. An exchange tells of a fraud travelling over tbe county representing blmselt as an ye doctor. He performs a supposed oper ation and winds up by demanding an ex horbant fee. IFatch for him. and let film haye it with a ten-foot pole. The street scraper recently purchased by the borough authorities was put to work on Bank street this week. It Is understood that tbis thoroughfare will be evenly grad ed north and south. A big and commend' able lmrroyement. There will bn communion scrvlco In the Evangelical church on Sunday. C. K. Lehr, the newly appointed Presiding Elder will discourse In German at 10 a. u., and English In tbe evening at 7:30. H. S. Kline, Pastor. Buy your men's and boy'a suits at Sondheim's One Price Star Clothing Hall. Mauch Chunk and you will get honest goods for your money and If not satisfied return tbe goods and we will refund tbe money. Services In Jamestown, Sabbeth school, at 0 a.m.: preaching, 10:30: class meeting. 7 p.m.; preaching, 7:30; prayer meeting on Tuesday eyenlng. A cordial invitation to all. C. BUBHB, pastor. Rev. C. Burns will preach on Sabbeth eyenlng In Packerton M. E. church, bub jeet: "Liquor and Labor." A cordial in vitatlon to the public in general. Work- Jog men specially Invited. Tho Lehlghton post office will have tbe money order system, commencing with tbe next fiscal year July 1. This will prove a great convenience to strangers working in our town. Orange homes, almond dishes, toast racks, baking dlsbes,bon-bon boxes.Freneh couee setts, olive aunts and an enaiess va riety of new silverware at E. H. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. A needle which accidentally run Into tbe heel of Miss Lizzie Miller's foot about ten or more sears ago, on Thursday last worked Itself, out of the fore part of the same loot. Buy yourself one ot those popular all- wool men's suits at Sondheim's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Only $10, elsewhere they will cost you $12, The Slatlneton National Bulk has lust declared a four per cent dividend, and Added one thousand dollars to the surplus iund. A new train schedule went Into effect on-the Lehigh Valley railroad last Sunday, Four new trains nave Been put on. All-wool men's Dints made to order ior 5 at Sondheim's One Price Star Cloth ing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Weddlnr rines. nlatn and diamond sapphire, rubles, opal and emerald at E. m. uours, ununx. Leopold Meyer, of Fackertoa, who was seriously 111 last week, Is reported as convalescent. A reliable watchmaker; D. S. Bock, .opposite tbe Public Square. Almost dally arriving, sew goods at Kemerer A Swartz's. Headquarters for silverware at E. II. Hohl's, Jfauch Chunk. Dust-proof, on-tIi4 aulck.trala rail COUNT! SEAT CORRESPONDENCE, Timely Topics HtMljr Wrltton Tip by Ver satile QulMst. The Wanetah Hotel at Glen Onoko will ba nrwncd for the season next Monday. The management of the hotel has been placed In the hands of M. O'Brlan, of Kane, Pa. This gentleman is an experi enced hotel man, having been connected with lares establishments In Thousand Islands and at Jacksonville, Florida. Chief of Police George Williams cap tured Peter Baronooski, a Schuylkill county murderer, at Penn Hayen Junction on Tuesdav. and took him to Potlsvllle where he Is now confined. This Is another feather In the hat ot our chief police. Messrs. Robert Klotz, Michael Uassldy, Ed. Heivert, Allen uraig, or town, anu v.. T T) ..... .. r 11T . I. - ..i PatliAh'a Ant,. gresslonal committee were at Stroudsburg on Wednesday. Rey. and Jin. Tolman celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage on Monday. A large number of friends were present. Our ball tossers will glye Lehlghton's dandles a tussel on Saturday mat mej wont soon forget. Game will be called at 830, Col. John Craig, of Lehigh Gap, and Dr. J. G. Zern, ot Welssport were among the prominent gentlemen In town Mon day. Sewell, our popular baker, Is doing a rushing business, Charley is an agreeable and pleasant gentleman and deserves sue cess. C. A. Rex. of Rex's Bon Marche. was In New York City this week buying stock lor ws tarm near Leblghton. Dr. J. A. Jlfaver was In attendance at the Lebanon Vallev Dental Association in session at Reading this week. 'There are a counlo of fellows In the Mauch Chunk Gun Club that closo both eyes when tbe shoot. A cane of laborers were employed scraping Broadway of loose top ground on Monday. East Mauch Chnnk has a Railroad Men's Christian Association. List or Letters Remaining uncalled for In the Lehljli ton, Pa., Post-Office, for the week ending May 12, 1888. Clewell, Kate Moyer, Mrs. Theresla I'eunman, Charley Roebrlg Jonas Mehuler, Hiss Emma Wehr, Miss Emma Welder, John 1' riizinger, aiiss lua ii. Green, Tim ma Koch. Annie M. Kreltz, Henry Miller, Edward Jr, Persons calling for any of tbe alnsye hitters will please say "advertised." James P. Smith, P, M. Normal Square. John D.Bertolette Post. 484. G. A. R, of Lehlghton, will visit the cemeteries in this place on tbe Sunday previous to Decoration Day and pay an appropriate tribute to their dead comrades. The ladles oung. middle aged and old should be interested in this glorious work and have an abundance of flowers on hand. Miss Carrie Lentz. of Slatlngton. Is now pleasantly domiciled with .Mrs. Kate Nothsteln, our fashionable milliner and dressmaker. Messrs. J. H. LonzacreandlrnSeldel. of Muhlenberg College, South Bethlehem, spent Sunday at home. Tbe New Mahoning Brass Band Is getting In order for the Decoration Day exercises. Charles Mertz. of Pleasant Corner, has become a Normal Squarclte. Zflss Ltllv Lentz. scent Sunday with her sister at Lehigh Gap. Jonas Snyder circulated at Jfauch Chunk this week. Told. Pleasant Corner Squibs. It Is quietly rumored that Mrs. J. T. JfcDanlel will give a quilling party on Whit .Monday. The same to conclude w 1th delightful bop in the eyenlng. A number of our citizens are hatching chickens by means ot the incubatoi Invent ed by A. H. Seldle. It's a daisy. Leornard Cochran Is Improving tho general appearance of his farm by tbe erection or new sheds. fences, etc; Amon Hontz smileth now because his good wife has presented blm with a bounc ing naoy Doy. Our farmers are experiencing consider able Inconvenience on account of the cold weather. James JfcDanlel and JKm. Creltz were at Mauch Chunk on Saturday. Our folks complain greatly sluce the removal of the post office. Osvllle Helntzleman circulated in West Penn Sunday. We are pleased to note tbe success of James McDanlel who It teachlug a select school at Oak Grove. Parents should not fall to send tbeir children. Geikie. Personal Mention. W. S. Bovd. of Summit Hilt, the gentlemanly and agreeable agent for Dr. Davis' Switchback Baking Powder, Clean zlne, and other popular medicinal prepara tions, was in town Friday and made us a very pleasant call. An attractive Switch back Baking Powder advertisement will he found elsewhere In to-day's Issue. Our readers should give It a trial, It Is highly spoken of by housewives. iflss Jennie Meyers, an estimable young lady or Selgtrled's Bildge, was at her Packerton home for several days last week. Thomas Jinklns and bride, ot Cata- sauqua, were sojourning with Lehlghton irienos ior a iew aays mis week. W. If. Bowman, cashier of the First National Bank, was on a business trip to new xoric vnj mis wees. Our eenlal friend A. H. Bowman, of Allentown, was here on Wednesday and iook dinner with Jake. Miss Etla Snyder, of Lehlsrh street. spent Sunday with relatives and friends at juston. Nathan Zimmerman, of Pleasant Corn er, gave us a pleasant call on Wednesday. -Miss Jennie Huehes. was vis tine her parents at aiaucn inunic, on Monday. Ut. A M. Klstlcr. of East Penn. was In town iFednetday. George Brlnkman. of Peely. Pa.. Is home on a visit. Weather Correspondence. Owing to the crowded condition of the Insane department of the Middle Coal Field Poor House, fifteen ot the Inmates were removed to me Slate insane Asylum at Danville. Tbe L. V. R. R. Co.. fur nished a special car for their transporta tion. And now the Presbyterian Deonle In tend to build an addition to tbelr church. JPlth tbe cbucbea that Weatberlv row has and those that will be added this summer, Weatherlyltes can say, "Surely this is the nouse oi uaytd and the gateway to Heaven.' The cat shons at this nlica are crowd ed with work although they are going with a full force ot men. Hereafter, we undei stand, all cars are to berepilred here while tbe new work will be done at Packerton, A Mr. St. John of Cincinnati. Ohio. Is exhibiting a vanelv of birds and animals in Miller s Hall. Tbe collection Is worthv me cost oi au mission to any one who is any way interested in natural history. Mr. J, G. Miller our enternrlslne raer, chant Is at present reoalntlnir ha Horn building. Quite a number of new buildings will be put up this summer. Tbe Episco pal iuurcu win aoous Be unasrrooi. r-K Folander suDnosed to have commit ted a muraer near rollsvllle was arrested Tuesday at Penn Haven Junction while ou his way to liuuilo, and taken back to Schuylkill county for a hearing. Tbe borough authorities are opening me new streets preparatory ior me new station which will soon be built for tbe accommodation of our traveling public. Our public schools will close the latter pan oi mis month lor a three months va cation. Spabtam, Cbsap Pants. Buy men's and boy's pants at Sondhelm1 One Price Star Clcthlng Hall, Mauch Chunk, Boy's pants 96 cents up to tl&O men's pants from 76 cents to $600. Yon will get onibu&4x4 seats warth ot goods OUR STROLLER AT WEISSPORT. Town Gossip as it Is Toll to Our Special Bo porter, A very pleasant wedding came off a the residence of Ephrlam Romlg on Satur day. The contracting parties were his daughter, Jilss Anule, and Isaac Bartholo mew, ot Scrnnton, Miss Lucy Romlg, tho bride's sister, and Charles Whitehead, acted In the capacity of bridesmaid and groomsman. A large number of guests were present and the gifts were numerous, costly and useful. The wedding supper was a feast fit for the Kings and was heartily enjoyed. The young couple start out on life's tcmptatous sea with fair pros pects and the best wishes of a host of frlonds. The Stroller offers congratulations. We have a base hall club, and It's a dandy too. Tbe following gentlemen con stitute tho knockers, so Mac says: Boyle, McConnell, Goth, Wassuem, Cunningham, Arner, Roth, McDanlel and Reed. They have Issued a challenge to play Ifeatherly at Lehlghton on next Tuesday. Oscar Chrlstman has mado n big change In tho general appearauce of bis popular livery stable. He Is doing a num ber one business, too, since he has taken charge of the same. If jou need a fancy turnout glvo him a call. The young wife of Mr. Shaffer who was seriously burned some weeks ago by her clothing accidentally Igniting, was taken to her home a few miles below Pbillpsburg, N.. J., on Monday. A certain ittllow dipped himself, atl ot a sudden as it were, into tho Big Creek one nlgbt recently. Comment unnecessary, only don't do It some morn. A delegation of Washington Camp P. O. S. of A., were at Millport ono night this week conferring a degree on the mem bers in me camp at mat place. A special sermon to Bertoletto Post G. A. R., on Sunday evening a week In tho Evangelical church. Rev. Brown will discourse. There was a strike at Snyder's planing mill on Saturday. Six or seven men went out; their places have been filled by new men. Kiss Sallle Hevdt. of Ashley. Pa., spent several days recently with Aflss Mary Liftuiy, on boutu iiridge street. Miss Hannah Cole, of Bath, was the guest or her sister, Mrs. Uriah Fatzinger, oyer sunuay. George Lasrry and family, of Mauch Chunk, were In town seeing friends on Saturday. Our citizens turned out exceedingly well to see Faughpaugh at Allentown on Monday. Chas. Roth and family, were at Ham burg, yislllng relatives and friends oyer Sunday. Mrs. JJollo Meredith was ylsltlng menus at Maiden i;reeK, ra., mis wcck. Rev. S. B. Brown and wife, were visit ing Reading friends this week. Austen Boyer circulated In Allentown, one uay iuis wees. Barber Herman, will move his family, to town soon. Robert Grayer was down couutry on Sunday. List of Jurors Drawn to serve at the June term of Carbon county court commencing on tbe 18th proximo. qrasd junons. Acker, William, carpenter, Weathorly Anthony, Robert, farmer, Franklin Prutzman, Zacharlas, laborer, Kidder, N. Brelthanpt, John, laborer, Kidder North Berlin, Henry, blacksmith, Franklin Bover, Edward, farmer, L. Towamenslne Deal, George, carpenter, Lehlghton Farley. James, blacksmith, E. Mauch Ck. Fath, Thomas, laborer, Lehlghton Grill, Nicholas, gent'n, L. Towamenslng Hunstcker. Joscnb, farmer, Franklin King, Peter, engineer, Lansford Keller, Patrick, laborer Beaver Jfeadow Lyons, Samuel, Jr. laborer. Summit Hill Lewis, Edward, miner, Audenrled Lovid. William, farmer. L. Towamenslne Mulbearn, J. Jr., laborer, Beaver Meadow O'Donnell, Frank, laborer, Summit Hill neis, r. J., merchant, weaver Meadow nA.nt rv.niAl v.., -nM iwiuiki uauici, laiwn, jt cuu Staudt, Matthias, watcnmakei .Summit Hill Scboenfeldt, Fred, teamster, M. 0. 2nd W. Thompson, Wra, saloonkeeper.M. 0. 2nd W. Williams, jonn, it. engineer, bausrord pktit JUBona. Albertson, Frank, laborer, KIdder.'Nortb Bube, Adam, H. laborer, IKeatberly Belford, Cbas. Jr. laborer, Parryvllle uower, m. ii cleric, Ji. Maucn Uhunk Bretney, Clinton, shoemaker, Lehlghton Beck, Daniel, laborer, Mahoning Boyle, John J., laborer, Audenrled Cortrlght, W. A., dentist, M. C, 1st W. Chiistman, Jacob, laborer, Kidder South Campbell. John, carinscector,M.(7., 2nd W. Clauss, T. D., tailor, Leblghton Dorwood, Francis, carpenter, Franklin Ebert, Reuben, farmer, East Penn Gill, Joslah, tanner, Mahoning Helnbacb, Joseph, carpenter, Kidder N. uagenoaucn, bimon, laborer, racker Hoffman, Ira, engineer, Summit Hill Harlan, Joslah, farmer, Penn Forest Hannbn, Michael, miner. Summit Hill Jenkins John E. miner, Nesquehonlng Koch, Milton, laborer, Lehlghton Kreidenwelss, John, laborer, Lehlghton Krowes, Robert, carpenter, Lansford Knewbley, John, conductor, M. v., 2nd W. Kline, Wm. brakeman, E. 3auch Chunk Klotz, Joslab, carpenter, L. Towamenslng Lentz, Charles, farmer, Mahonlnz .McLaughlin, Joseph, plastercr.Sumtnlt Hill Mcuiniey,uernard,uraKcman,M. (,'., 1st IK. MarKie, uuaries, lauorcr, farryvlllo Maura. August, shoemaker, M. C. 2nd W. McGorry, John, cigar makcr.Nesquebonlng MciNarnara, tiios., miner, ueaver Meadow Obcrt, John, clerk, Lehlghton O'Donnell, John, teamster, Summit Hill Ittluy. Edward, supervisor. Nesquehonine Rlckert, Henry, tinsmith. Summit Hill uyan, Mlcnael, laborer, l.ansrord Rlnker, Robert, timekeeper. Parryvllle Sharp, Condy, miner, Summit Hill Scbueble, Charles, gentleman, M. C.,lst W. seiaie, u.ii. mercnant, Mahoning Seiber, August, tailor, Weatherly Tbelder, Henry, farmer, Kidder North Tweedle, Wm. u. miner, ileyer Meadow Williams, Ueoree, shoemaker, M. C 1st W. lKlnterstien,uarry,A., laoorer.l'enn Forest iroodbrldge, luke, machinist, Lausrord TBAyERSE JUKOBS. Anthony. Simon, laborer, Lebleh Brlnkman, Henry, stone cutter. Leblghton uresiin, uavid, miner, ueavtr Meadow Butler, James, miner, Nesquehonlng Carr, Thomas, carpenter, Beaver Meadow Carlton, Henry, laborer, Lehlghton Campbell, Patrick, miner, Summit Hill Uoyle, t'hlllp, brauenian, M. u., 1st. W. Collins. James, miner. Nesquchonlcc Dutot, Thomas, gentleman, M. C, 1st W. DIeckman, John, merchant, East MC Dean, John, fireman, Mauch Chunk 2nd W. Edwards. John if. miner, summit Hill Eberlr, Charles, laborer, M. C, 1st If. ienner, josian, it., laoorer, IKeatberly Gerra, Patrick, Inn-keeper, Packer ileoerung, J as., merchant, Mauch (JbunK Hughes, George, miner, Nesquehonlng Htller. G. B.. conductor. E Mauch Chunk Issenian, Joseph, car Inspector, Leblghton Johnson, Henry Jr., miner, summit mil Kennedy, Mhos. J., carpenter, summit mil Krum, i'eter, farmer, franklin Laury, George, agent. Franklin i.enti, joel, farmer, Franklin Musselman, Reuben, carpenter, Welssport Mertz, Granville, laborer. Packerton North, Frank, miner, Beaver Meadow Nunemacner, Jos., plasterer, M'h Chunk Price, David, butcher. Summit Hill needing, lienj., shoemaker, Audenrled. Riley, C saloon keeper, Nesquebonlne Schwalm, C, blacksmith, Beaver .Meadow scblnkey, Wensel, blacksmith, Leblghton Senstnger, E. R., shoemaker, M'h Chunk Sweeney, Hugh, brakeman, E M Chunk Sharp, Charles, miner, Lansford Travaskls, John, gent., Beaver Jfeadow Tyson, trrank, laborer, Weatherly Watklns, T. A., miner, Nesquehonlng Just received lrora Boston, an immense stocic oi tne genu ine Knight ot Labor Shoes, which we are selling at $2.50 and $3. Warranted solid calf leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. Our stock of hand made shoes cannot be beat by FOR KNIGHTS OF LABOR. Items of Industrial Importance Qlo&tel for the Muses, A New York city tenant made a verbal agreement lth his landlord that ho should have tho house for another year. Afterward the house was sold, and the now landlord brought suit to compel the tenant to - leave. Tho Jury was composed of twelve landlords worth over $30,000 each, and they decided In favor of the tenant, 6hn Evans, of Summit Hill, has two forces of six men each working day and night sinking a slope back of the Catholic church near Beaver Meadow mines. Tho slope Is now 100 feet deep. There is a good vein of coal at that point. As soon as the slope is finished a breaker will be built and houses erected. Tho Whcellne fW.Va.) Caniflnters' Union has decided that members who hall work at outside jobs after the conclusion of. their nine-honr day shall be fined $6 for the first offense, $10 for the second and shall he expelled ntney shall disobey me third time. For the week ending May 12. there were shipped over the L. & S. division of the C. R. It., of N. J.. 121. 209 tons of coal. a total for the year to that date of 1,700,123 tons, an icrease or 00,400 as compared with same date last year. Trade is picking up lu all section') of the country; wages are lair to middling and future prospects are very encouraging. Near home we see a general revival of the entire business interest that is very en cou raging. 'The Detroit Frek Press has estimated the number of men employed at iron mln- inrin ine x.aao superior uum m iov,vuv, wacrcs were reduced irom oto lu per cent on February 1, Miners get $1.65 a day. The foundation for the new breaker at No. 2 Drifton is nearly completed. Tbe breaker will be built of iron. It will take over a year to complete It, The Packerton car shops have on imud a suUiciency of orders to keep that institut ion in good running order during the com ing year. Freelands soap factory has bevu in operation since last Monday. The Lehigh Valley shops at llnzletnn is said to be full of orders. -A new coal breaker at Buck Mountain is nearing completion. Tho several brick yards In this locality are rushed with orders. Meyers' stone quarry, at Packerton, is doing a big business. -Business is brisk at Miller's plaining mill, Weissport. Mahoning Items. Charles ifertz moved to Normal Square on Tuesday. Washington Maurer, of Summit Hill, moved on his farm, Tuesday. The other day! William Sitter's Ice house and blacksmith shop were destroyed by fire. Moses G. Frantz, who spent the win ter at Mansfield, Ohio, returned homo last week. Mrs. John Nothsteln was to Philadel phia last week to replenish her stock of millinery goods. A mock trial Is to come oft lu the Nor mal Square School house this (Saturday) evening. All are Invited. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in tho Evangelical church on Sunday afternoon. A sneclal meetlne of our school board will be held in the Pleasant Corner school house on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning. May 27th, a dele gation of the G. A. It., of Lehlghton. will decorate the graves of the soldiers burled In St. John's cemetery. Tbe New Mahon ing and Normal Square Sunday Schools and Washington Camp. P. O. S. of A., of Weal Penn, headed by the New Mahoning Cor net Band, will also participate In the exer cises. DASH. Programme for Decoration Day Ceremonies. Tbe following is the programme amused by the Committee for the observance ot Decoration day In Lehlghton and Weiss port: ORDEB OF PARADE. The line will form at one o'clock, aharn. on Bank street, right resting on Iron street, In 'V be lollowlne order : uniei Marsnau ana Assistant uarsnau. U. A. It. Drum corps, Flrlntr Bnuad. John D. Dertolette, Tost 481, O. A. It., Soldiers and Bailors not members. Carbon Castle, III, K. O. E., Unaden Iluetten 1xlge, ess, I. O. O. I-., Lehlghton Cornet Hand, Lehigh Council, 101, Jr., O. U. A. M Lehigh Hook and Ladder Co., Welsport Band, Washington Camp, 122, P. 0. B. A., WUi port. Franklin Lodge, 2087, K. of II., Welssport, Washington Camp,- ut, r. 0. 8. A. Parry, vlll. Bowraanstown Band, Washington Camp, 2S, r. O. S. A., Bow. manstown, Speakers and disabled Comrades, soldiers and sailors in Carriages, Mounted Aids, Oreanlzatlons and Citizens in 'busses Or cnr. rlages will pleasa take the left ot the line. IiOUTEOF PABADE. Ud Bank street to Ochre, out Ochre to Second down Second to Iron, out Irou to Third, down Third to Elm, out Elm to thu Cemetery. AT TUB CEMETERY. The scholars of the several Sabbath Schools will form In ODen order outside of the inites of the cemetery and hand flowers to the Decora ting Committee of the O. A. K., Singing Memorial llymus to the tune or "uia Hundred. Biurle Recall. rrayer by ltev. J. 11. Kuder, Selections by Philharmonic Society,' scuuns u Oration a by ltev. Wm. Malor. Selections byThllharmoulc Society, Remarks by Rev. A. S. Kline, ucurumiuu. rarA collection will be taken at the eates to defray expenses. The parade win reform in me order as be fore and proceed to Welssport. Route down Elm to Bank, down Bank to Bank- way, down iiankwav to welssport. to Lu theran Church, where the several Sunday Schools will form In Open Order and dis tribute nowers to Decorating committee. MEMORIAL SERVICES IN PUBLIC SQUAnB. Prayer bv Eev. Charles Burns. intone oy tne Sunday schools. Addressly Kev. s. 13. Bronn. Oration by Prof. T. A. snyder. Auuress uy nev. iaas. uurns. Benediction. When tbe column will reform and return to Leblghton and the parade.be dismissed. The committee Kindly ask the citizens to participate In the exercises ot tbe day. The several oreanlzatlons are also Invited to proceed with tbe Post to Parryvllle on tbe morning of Decoration day. Those deslrlnc to do so will please report at tbe Post Headquarters (ltebers Hall) at 6:30 a. ni., sharp, In order to make tbe 7:17 train. Tbe exercises will be short and the parade will return to town at 9:30, a. m. Wm. C. McConuiCK, Chairman, Joun Bousr, Secretary ot Committee. O.&. R. Inspection. The Comrades of John D. Bertolette Post. 484. O. A. R.. are hereby uotlQed to attend the Annual Inspection, la full uni form, on Thursday eyenlng, May 24th Inst., at eight o'clock. Every member Is expect ed to be present uy order, H. V. Mobthimkb, Sr., fost commander Attest: Alfbed WmrriNouAM, Adjutant. 1S00 to Select From. Buy your boy'a aults at Sondbeim's One rrico star ciotnmg uau, ftiaucn uuunic. 1600 to select from: prices for 81.25 13 910. Vou will positively saye $1 to $2 on eacn suit, can ana ne convincea. WallFavsr. WallPapsr, at 6c. 6c. 7c. 8c.. 10c. Uoid Papers at 10c. 12c. 16c.. 20c. 26c.. mk. to ouc. rs. r, l.uckknbach. 01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. Hopevllle, Luierne county, Is to have a new Catholic church. Don't foreet tbe place. Eemerer Jt Swartx, near Carriage Works, for bargains in furniture, carpels ana baby coaches. A number bt Leblsbtonians took In the great Fcrepaugu show at Allentown on jMonaay. Large sales testify to the fact that Kemerer A Swartz does fair desllnis. Full line of Inxratn and Brusseja. car pets at V. Schwartt. on Bank street ' tf A (1x9 Dougherday Model Press for a1 cheap. Apply at tbl otHce. Oo to Val Schwarts's for all kinds. oi fnmlfnra PHmi itra fw . Acknowledgements. Tho following subscriptions for tbe Cam bow Advocate have boeri received since last report: raul Kresge, Towamenslng t l ou Thomas Mantr, Lehlfthton 1 00 Wm. Kberts, Kreeland, ra i ou Ed Chrlstman, Lehlghton 1 oo Sol. Freeby, Katt Penn.. 1 oo Oscar Watcrbor, Tackerton I 00 Menry Dauter, Beaver Run 1 no S. O. Ilalllet, Mahoning W Kllllan Iloffaeker, Towamenslng l oo James Wert. Philadelphia l eo Al. Carnppell, Lehlghton 2 oo Vf; J'.M.'cl"lerL&iinncPoits. Minn.... 2 oo Alfred Kibbler, Townmonsing S 00 lAL1" Trainer, Txjhljthton l CO Kd Smith. Lehlghton i oo W. J. Klstler, Mabonlng 2 oo K. M. Albright. Allentown 100 W.l'.Illcry.Wcls.ipoit I oo A. O. Swartz, Lehlchton.... 1 00 Charles Roth, Welssporl so Ed. Uans, West Penn loo George Brlnkmin, Lehlghtnn co Charles Howell, Mauch Chunk 1 oo KllllaiiStehlim;, Lehlghtnn 1 00 I. Nothstem, Saudy Kun, l'a 3 co The Water Cemtaltte will Eepert. The committee appointed some time ago to procure estlmatRS or. a water tiunntv for Lehlghton boruogh will be ready to report uu tnesnay evening next, at b o'clock in Gable's Hall. All citizens interested are requested to be present. A. J. Durmno, Chairman. Sliver watches. t5 and unward at E. H. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. Tremendous assortment to select from. The Slatlngton JVetes of Wednesday sav: "Yesterday Mr. Reuben C. Rueli. who for the past nineteen years has been a very nigniy respected ana esteemed rest dent of this boronsli. movd with bis fum. Ily to Lehlghton, where he has purchased uio oanery on nank street, formerly kept uj August Kurtz, winch business bo pro poses following In tho future. Mr. Ruch oy nis manly bearing and Integrity wou a host of friends, who while being loath to sen him depart, wish him abundant success in nis new home. Buy your Indigo Bluo Grand Army suits at Sondheim's One Price Star Cloth ing Hall, Mauch Chunk. You will get full value for your money. Trice's, $8, $10 ami ii per suit. The attention of the people of Summit Hill. Lansford and vicinity is directed to the fact that George F. Huntzinger, of the popular Switchback Restaurant, is author ized oy us to receive subscriptions and moneys for the Caiwon Advocate. The finest assortment of clocks eyer uispiavrn in mis section of tho State, can be seen at Hohl's jewelay storo, Afauch Chunk. Tramps are becoming a great nuisance in some towns. Get measuered for an Indigo blue Grand Army suit at Sondbeim's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Afauch Chunk. Prices range from $12 to $20. FIELDS Fit ABE. n the 12 day of May by the ltev. 8. B. Brown, nt the RvAnenllcm nnnnn. age at Welssport, William n. Field of Parry- BARTUOLOMKW-ROlUO.-On the 12th day of May, at the house jol Ephratm Romlg, the mewof Scran ton and Annie Roraig of Welcs- port, ort. KNian-CItOSSLKY.-On the I3th dav of UK May, at the Evangelical parsonage at Welss port, oy ma same, cowin iienniKh of w port, Lizzie Crossley of East Mauch Chunk. Seller's Gorner. I have lately added to my stock the celebrated Blue DiaiHu Roofing: Slate! and also other brands. And Flastering.Building Lime and Builder's Sands. A Variety Cellar Grates. .f 'have the usual stock of Comont, Pewter Sand, Plaster-Paris, Blue and White Land Plaster, Phosphates, Coal, 11 aid ware, Oil, &c. I have the most complete line of Farming Implements, Tools, and Repairs for the same. Garden anl FieW Seeds. I am sole agent for The Allen town or Breining s Ready Mixed Riints. ilfy prices are popular and my goods desirable. Your orders are solictcd. SAMUEL SEILER, Next door to Advocate office, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pennu. Horse for Sale A Good Strone Horse, about 11 Tears old, a sdendld worker; will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to F. Wif. IOHN, Jayl2-4t Lehlghton, l'a. A MODEL PRESS Will do all your own Frlntmc or am moneyprint trurfor other. Your bor can run It Outfits, tio, $20, r, or mora, according to slie-ooo u gooa u anomer, la use all over the world. Full Information In a book called How to Print. Free with samples of Model; preai worr, upon p-i plication, jkaarzu . THE MODEL PRESS COMPANY, Um'd, 2 Area Etritt, PUiatotMt.: See what Is said about The Model Press. My Model Press netted me In three mouth over (300.00 I never had Instructions In printing be tire, yet I set up and printed 10,000 deposit tickets on ray Model Press tho day alter I received It.-l have made more than double what my Model Press cost me the first tno months. -Have done about SW0.0O north ot work on my Xo, I Model Press, It beats all. Alter three years' use I find my Model Press as good as Dew. Hie Model Press Is well built and ought to last hall a century. The Model Press Is fully equal to the largest and costliest ma chines tor fine Card and OHNEKAL I1USINESS rjrlntlne. Anv smart bov can turn out hundred oi dollars worth ot work every year, even with one ot the smaller sizes. Address. The Model Press Co., Ltd., 018 Arch Street, mayl2-jl Philadelphia, Pa. Auditor's Nottoe. In Re. Kstate of Ab-1 In the Orphan's Court of raham Moycr.dee'd. y Carbon County. April I Term,lSM. The undei signed Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court ot Sarbon County, to make dis tribution ot the money In the hands of the Kxecutor In tho above stated matter, will meet all parties Interested, for the purposes ot bis ap pomtmen at o'clock a. m., on TUKlUllY, MAY 29tb. lMa, at tbeotdce o( Messrs. FKBY. MAN & KKIPEK. Attorneys at Law, on Broad way, In the Borough ot Mauch ttbunk, Carboa Count, Pa., whtr aU parties. Interested may attend to sresfol and prqye' their rtalratorbe torrrer dArrtd $ocarmoft:n4nsid fund. New Advertisement. Home Evidence No other preparation has won success at home equal to Hood's Sarsaparllla. In Lowell, Mass., where It Is made, It Is now, as It has been for years, the leading medicine tor purifying tho blood, and toning and strengthening the system. This " good name at borne" Is "a tower of strength abroad." It would require a volumo to print all Lowell people have said In favor ot Hood's Sarsaparllla. Mr. Albert Bstes, living at 23 East lino Street, Lowell, for IS years Pooplo of Lowol I employed as boss carpenter by J. W. Dennett, president ot tho Erie Telephone- Company, had a large running sera como on bis leg, which troubled him a year, when be began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. Tho sore soon grew leas In size, and In a short time disappeared. Jos. Dunphy , 214 Cen tral Street, Lowell, had Praise swellings and lumps on his face and neck, Hood's which Hood's Barsapa- 8ar8aparlla rtlla completely cured. r Mrs. a W. Marriott, wife ot the First As sistant Fire Engineer of Lowell, says that tor IS years she was troubled with stomach disorder and sick headache, which nothing relieved. Tho attacks came on every fort night, when sho was obliged to take her bed, and was unable to endure any noise. She took Hood's Sarsaparllla, and alter a time tho attacks ceased entirely. Many more might be given bad we room. On tho recommendation ot people ot Lowell, who know us, we ask yqu to try Hood's Sarsaparllla BoldbjralldnigtrUU. g1ilxtor&9, Frepuedonlr byO.L HOOD CO., Apothetarlei, Lowell, Mui. IOO Dosea Ono Dollar Over Canal Brfte E. Weissport. Joseph F. Rex UNDERTAKER AND DKAI.RR IN FUJINITURE, PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, &e.. &c. l'rlces the very lowest. Quality ot goods the best. naimHt-unn gimnimeru every particular. Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds, Wo have a full line whleli wo will fnrtitih at the lowest possible prloes. Flour, Feed, &c, Of the choicest quality at very reasonable prices. Call and be commceu. JOSEPH F. REX, Aprl-ly KAST WKISSroitT. Hit. 11. U. SCOTT. Dn II. It. MtlNOHL. Drs. Scott 8c Reinohl, Graduates ot Phlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS nitANOHEK. Perservalion of Ihc Teeth a Specialty. OFFICE IIOUUS ! From 8 a. m. to lip. m. OAS UAVL, Market Square, Mauch Chunk. BHANCH OFFICE: EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK, Two Doors North of 1'oit-Omce. OFFICE HOUIiS : 7 to 0 a. in. and R to 7 p. m. April 2Wm GUARANTEE. We guarantee the SWITCH-BACK BAKING POWDER to be absolutely free from all injurious substance, and to contain only the most wholesome ingredients. Ash your Qrccer fcr it Soli only In Cans. UAKUFACTUSFD IT Switch-Back Baking Powder Co., SU7"S7UtIT April 28, t88S-ty-e HILL. PH. Tbe undeislcned announces to the citizens of Leblghton and tbe surrounding country that ho has opened a shop for the Repair of Machinery ! Such us Agricultural Implements, Hharpon Ing Lawn Mowers, Urindluc Planer Knives, Paper Cutter Knives, Scissors, &c.t Steam Pit ting and Pump Work, and manufacturing Ornln Pans. Farm Rollers, Root Cutters, ic. All work guaranteed at the lowest prices. W. G. MITCHELL In Rear of Gabel's hardware Store. LEHIGHTON, Penna. April 28. ly LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. Having struggled 20 yrars between life and ucmu vuui AiTiiiiA or i-jitiiisii, ireuicu u. cmineni ynyaicians, una receiving no utricui was compelled during the last scis of my HI ii. neas to sit on ray cimir any anu nigm for breath. Mv suffcrlnirs were bevoiid i gasping uescrlp- tlon. In despair 1 exwrl minted on myself by compounding roots and herbs and Inlmllnc the medicine thusobtalned. I fortunately discovered tniS iVONOERFUL UuRS FOR ASTHMA AKD Ul- TAItnii, warranted to relieve tbe most stubborn ease of Asthma In Pi vb Minutkb, to that the patient can He down to rest and sleep comfort ahly. Please read the following condensed ex tracts Irom unsolicited testimonials, all ot re cent dutet Oliver V. It. Holmes, Han Jose, Cal writes "I find tbe remedy all nd even more than rep resented. 1 receive Instantaneous relief," U. M. Carson, A. M., Warren, Kan., writes. "Was treated by emlneutpbyslclansof this coun , try and Germany t tried the climate of different lUWM uuiuuig nuurueu react ine vuurprcpura. uon- U B. Phelps, P. M., Orlggs, Ohio, writes i "Huf ered with Asthma 40 years, Your medicine In minutes docs more for me than the most emi nent pnysician am ior me in tnree years. ft. C. PlluTDton. JolleL III., writes : "Send Ca tarrh Itemedy at once, cannot get along nun out It. I Ond It to be one ot tbe wont valuable mpdlelnfii I have evertrlfed." We luve many otlier hearty testimonials ot eurfl or relief, and In order tb&t all aiiflirera from Asthma, Catarrli, Hay Fever, and kindred ill- seases mar hare an opportunity ol tfbttnir tee value oi the Itemedjr we will snd to any address THIAL rACKAOK FtlEK OF C1IAROK. It tout druxgut falls to keep It do not permit blm o sell you soma worthless Imitation by bis rep luniittorxjustassooa, out seua airecu) AddrtSJ, JZUIMKfiMAK & CO., Vrops,. whaleiale Druurliti. Vooiter. wavnc Co.. O. 111. nie your wn nuu auure.9 lusiuij. FULL WEIGHT. ! STRlCTLrL PURE. Machine Shop D. urn Cash, and 10 Pair Single Pants 600. 48 Pair Pants at $1 per Pair. HI4 bought nnd put on sale 96 Men's Suits. 96. Price $11.00. Four Patterns. Four. When we say our shoes are solid, free from paper or pressed! leather soles or paper counters, they are so. If not so, bring them back when half worn out and we will give you your money back. ADAM HEHBEAM k SON, DON T MISS The wonderful bargains at the Millinery Stores of ..MMS. JM VW7JLTOJ9 Lehighton and Weissport, Finest Goods ! Latest Styles ! and Lowest Prices ! in . - Hats, Bonnets, Notions, and Dressmaking. Eirat-class City Milliner always employed. All goods guaranteed and satisfaction given. apr21 , American Satines. We call especial attention. Unparalleled exhibit of ' American Satines at 12 l-&c. a Yard. ; These goods we haye the. exclusive sale for the Yalley, tkey cannot be found in any other house, unless through purchase pf us ; they are the groat success of the day. No such color print-' ing and such perfection of finish have heretofore been reached bv American makers. The styles are the very latest Paris designs; It is almost incredible that such goods can be offered at 12 eta. rer yard. They are certainly not equalled by any goods which are sold under V5 cents per yard. Terra Cotta, Mahogany, lin blue, Bronze, Old Garnet, Cream, JL UUH- iicmiiuuii on cci, October SO 1887- CAMBRIDGE ROOFINL GO. M4HUP.VCTUKE1IS OF GROWL'S i$3k PATENT STANDING wWll SEAM. Steel Iron tlootin Hiding ami CAiilajr, AttuU wat4 La eou&tr, bead for cit&lcfu aoa atrspiM. CASIBRZDQE, OXXX MR BO! KHKNOII SATEEN CUoIco Novelties and Special Colorings. We are sliowlne Trj ' choice and new tilings la French Sateen; all the odd, antique shades and tlnU Of, silk are reproduced la these exquisite Sateens of the best French manufacture See our goods before orderlnsfroru samples which often repsesents styles carrle.l from other seasons. ! WHITE MARSEILLES QUILTS. We are offering eitra values In soft Imported Maisellles Quilts, In Egyptian and Chinese patterns, at nrlces which we are sur are away below the prices formerly asked for the same goods. We also have a complete line ot Crochet Quilts. HENRIETTA CLOTHS IN NEW COLOIIS.-Beautlful Bnlsh, soft and elegant foi easv draping, unequalled for the price. In Spring and staple shadas: Navy, Green. Garnet, Tan, Black, Cream, Brown, Mode. LADIES CASSIMERE. This new and fashionable fabric Is one of the most, deslrablr materials for ladles wear this season. Being 48 Inches wide It cuts to good ad vantage and makes a rich dress at small expense. Call and see them, Opposite American Hotel,! Cash Only. 5 EM! Included in the colorings are Reseda, Serparit, Gobe Blue Navy. Brown, Tea and Gray. a -uj;. Miioiiiuwii, rcniiu e m m 1 i cc , B1 roofini MMC1E. any dtaler in the oounry. lex vt.vu sU box Ut uau ll.oo, lulrtlf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers