i torn Advertising Rates For Legal Notioos. Tlio following prices for legal aaver.fs- in; has been adopted by tlio OAnnofi Advocate. Charter Notioos -Auditor's Notioos -Commissioner' Notices Dlvorco Notices Administrator's Notices Executor's Notice - $4 00 4 0( 4 4 U 8 0( 3 (X Other legal advertising will bo charged foi by the square. H. V. Morthirn'r. Jr., Publisher. Iiohigkton Business Diroolory TfAU 80IIWAKTZ, Dank at,, tbe oldest furul V tura house In town. Kvrry lesci liitloti o furniture always on hand. Prl" very Imv w A. I'lSTKlts, Srtloou huU UestaiUHlit, limi In season. Drop In and seo us t Dtiwi, i' rvvu LiiiEoraiwayauu nip. iiyi novlM. JW. ItAUDENBUSlI, Bank street, nhotcial , dealer In choice nrands ot whiskies, clii brandies, wines, Sc. tT l'atronatfe solicited ESKANO'S S1IAVINO SALOON, opposite th Advocate Ofi-icr, Is headquarters fo shavtiig and haircatltuir. Clears Si tobacoo sold GO TO FB8. KODUItKIt, under the Kwhani! Hotel, Hank street, for a smooth shave or fashionable hair cut. t&- Closed on BundayV J J. KUTZ, Bank street, manufacturer o . choice brands of cigars and dealer In a' kinds ot tobaccos and smoker's novelties. Call TSETItll 1I1CIM, Bank street, dealer In ladtei JT tents, misses and children's boolsrshoes an ailpoers. Repairing promptly attended to. Cal JAMBS WALF, Bank street, steam beaten stoves, all kinds of tinware. ItooOng an apoutlnc a spoelalty. Yotir patronage solicltet IS. KOCH, Bank stret't, manufacturer . choice brands of Havana clears. All kind of smoker's supplies constantly on hand. Cal J 5 F. CLARK, latter beer hall and rentaiirati , . opp. square, Bank street. Cholio wines an quors and clears. Fresh lager always on t:i JS. WEBB, saloon and restaurant, Ban . street, headquarters for fresh lager beer un other drinks. Choice eatables always on ham. It. OILHAM, attoniey at law and notar . public, nank street. May be consulted i lgllsh and German. Estate & collecttns ugeuc CD, 11HOAD3, Ag't,, Bank street, dealorli . dry roods, notion, tlassware, queeuawan and groceries. VSharo ot patrouvgo sollctci, ABELIABLE JEWKLEK: 1). 81K)(JK, jauaa-M orp. ruuLio atiUAKB. THE CARBON ADVOOATI! OFFICE, Ban, street, plain and fancy Job printing a spec ly. Advocate ono dollar per year In advanci TnK LEHIGH WAGON CO., Limited, factor, on Bank street, manufacturers of butcbei baker, milk, truck and express wanoiiSwg nOOnESTEB BOTTLING HOUSE, Thos. .1 Jtt, Beck, Bank street, lager beer, ale, poitel Singer ale, &c Your orders are solicited..? T O. J. STRAUSS, Mahoning street, fresi ilf milk and cream delivered overy mornlnt All kinds of vegetables lu season. Low prices MO TO REBEtTS U UltUG STOKE, SOOTirBANK STREET EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bank street, Thoma Mantz, proprietor. Coach to and from dt pot. Rates reasonable tor regular & tntnslet trade EEUBEN FEN'STERMACUElt, Lehigh street dealer In dry goods, notions, provisions jirooorles, queens arc, Sio. I'atronage solicited Hfl-ltS. DRT80HIR.SOH81CV, Lehigh street, I JaL headquarters for dry goods, notions, pi n visions, groceries, (So, Esr-Fatronage solicited (ET THE REST OAKLEY'S PERFUME f AT THOMAS' DRUtl STORK. BANK STREET The Seoret Sooloties. , la Mabel's Hall Regie's cordially Invited JOUN D. BKRTOLETTE POST. No. 481, G. A H., second and fourth Thursday evenings o each month, In Ecber's Hall. Comrades Invited JIOL. JOHN LENTZ CAMP, No. 05, 8. ot V I 15. Pa. Dlv.. U. S., meet Jst aurt 3rd Thurs ay of each mouth, Rober's Hall.F.n.Mlllci.ca'. JO. O. T meet Friday night of each week li , Reber's Hall, Bank street, at 7 :3il o'clock. Al emplars Invited. W. H. KERN O. I Our Ohurohos. ETHOD18T EPISCOPAL. South Bank street Sunday services at 10 a. m.. and 7.30 n. m. ouuday School 2 p. m. Wm. m Ajon, F.toi mRINlTY LUTHERAN, Iron stroot, Sunda J, serrtces. 10 lu m., (German), 7.30 p.m.. (Euc tsh).-Bundayachooiap.ni. J. 11. Kcpgu.PastiH- REFORM UD,, Lehigh street, Sunday service, at 10 a. m., (German), 7 JO p. in., (English) Sunday school p. in. EVANGELIOAL. South street, Sunday service at 10 a.m., (German), 7.30 . m., lEnglMi) Sunday school 2 p. in. A. S. Ku K. Pastor CATHOLIC corner Northampton and Coa streets, services every Sunday morning am evening. Ukv. Hammackk l'astoi Y1L C. A., meet every Tuesday sveuina . e6T"Vou are cordially ltivited.ic Rl'reshyterlan church, Northampton street. PRANK P. DIBHL, NORTH STREET, , Practical Blacksmith Horseshoei is Dronared to do all work In his Hm In tho best manner and't tbe lowest prlocs, riease.cill, novsc-86-iy. PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Maucli Chunk & Lehlguton, LEOT0LD MEYER, PROP'R, PAOICERTON, - Pkns. This woll-knownHotol Is admirably rctlttedaud has the best accommodations lor permanent and ITHnstent boarders. Excellent Tables and th very best Liquors. Stables ntUched. seplC-yi MANSION HOUSE . opposite Ld !l. Depot, BANK STREET, - LEHIOHTON, 0. H, HOM, PROPRIETOR. This house otters flrst-class accommodations for transleut and permauent boarders. It has hevu newly roftttodla alllts departments, nnd is locat ed In one of the most picturesque portions of the borough. Terms moderate, iac-The B AR i supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Vlgars, Fresh Lager on Tap. nprl7-yl T. J. BRETNEY 'lespeotfully announces to the Merchauts of Le lUhtnn and others that he U now preparod to to alt kluds of Hauling op Freight, Express Matter and Baggage very reasonable prloes. Bv promndourtraep alt orders he hones to merit a shareof puM Jc sironav. itnHiutjnce: cruorui i-uioauu iron HirnAt. Lehtfrhton. HOrddrs tell at Sweeny & Son's Soroer Store u receiuu prompt aiieuuoir ar. 12. M T. -f BRETNEY, D. J. KISTLER lltspeftfuljy announces tothennblle that ho has opened a NEW LIVER V STABLE, and Uiat he Is uiw iirftinmrf in fiimlvh Tiuim. tn L-midvai. WeduhUfSorBujIness Trips on the shortest ny Uce andTraost Ubornl teruu. Orders loft at the '.ariHju iiothi)-' wui woivu prompt attention. STABfcEB ON NORTH STREET, out the Hotel, Lo'hljhton. tanza-vl ' Contractor ana BoJlflcr, (Kexiiloorto Iteubeu Feogtermftcher's) LF.IUOU STREET, LEHIOUTON. lU'aa'ileoanona, Bba t)Vobafale coiuf bnutif; furnished apoUaps'lies.tlo'a.I AR war aBpuiteed. Bepalrtae promptly attended to JKbatenalfrirsh)htili7ben desired. 2-ls-Iy $ 1 .00 a Year in Advance. " INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1 ,28 when not paid in Advance VOL. XVI., No 26, Lofiighton, Carbon Connty. Penna., May 12, 1888. Single Copies 5 Cents. Professional & Business Cards. Horace Hoytlt, . ATTbRNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUDLIC, JJTiort-The Roomroccntly occupied by W. M. Rapsher. ANK STREET, - LEIIIOIITON. PA, May ba consulted In English and German, inly 4-ly "W. M. Rapshor, vTTOIlNEY hd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, First door above tho Mansion House, MAUCII CHUNK PENN'A. teal Hsfcito and Collection Agency. Will Puy ml Sell Real Estate. Conveyancing ncallv done, ollectlons promptly made. Settling Estates ol leefdents a specialty. May be consulted In .nxusu anu uern.au. nor, zz.ji O. V. Klelntop, Instructor in Music, fobbing' American classical Methods a special y. Terms moderate. aug 1441 W. G. M. Solplo, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. 50UTII STREET, LEHIOUTOK. Mav bn consulted In English and German, poctal attention given lo Gynecology. Offick nouns; From 12 M. to a P. M., and rom u to u i'. m, msr. si-yi A. S. Rabonold, D. D. S., hanciI Ot riCE l Ovet J. W. Raudeubiuh' Liquor Store, BANK STRElSr, I.EUIOHTON. Jentlslrv In all Its branches. Teeth Kxtraoted vlthout Pain. Gas adinlulstered when requestod. OfTlce Days WEDNESDAY of each week. '. O. addiess, ALLENTOWN, Jan 3-yi Lehigh county. Fa. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S OFFICE: -Opposite Wleand's Opera nou Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. IlllDS nnd making artlnclsl dentures a special ty. 1joc anesthetics used, las admlnlAterod and Teeth Fxtractod WITH OUT PAIN. JFFICE UOURSr-From S a. m., to 12 m., from 1 p. in., to 6 p. ra., from 7 p. in., to 8 p. in. Consultations In English or German. 3ct 15-67-ly EYE AND EAR. Dr. G-. T. POX Visits Alleutpwn regularly on THURSDAY -of .aoh week. 'Practice Uutlted to Discuses of the Eye aud Ear. Jflloe at Hayden's American Hotnl, and Otfloe lioun from 0 A. M. to 3 :30 1'. M. Also attends to icfractloti of the Eye for the proper adjustment i Glasses, and lor the Reltet aud Cure of Optl- al Derects. May also be contilted at hlsofflco lu BATn, iVedncsday nnd Saturday of caoh week, at BAN iOlt un Monday, and at E ASTON on Tuesday of ach week. Jan s-yl Horso Doctor, (Honorary Graduate of Ontario Vet College.) Ice: Mansion House, Baiii St, LchigMon CASTRATION, DE3NTISTRY, AND Diseases of Horse and" Cattle, SCCCE33ECL1.Y TREATED. Special and Paitlcttlar Attention paid to LAMEHES3 SPAVINS,, Splints, lungbone, . nd aU diseases prevalent among-Domesticated Animals, Horse an Cattle Powders Prepared Suit- auto lor cacu uase, . Consultation Free -Cliarges .Moderate. Calls by telegraph and telephone promptly- nn ten-le'i to Oin-ratloos Skillfully Performed iau si, loo Henry Nolf, AT THE CARBON HOUSE IS NOW Mi an AccomiiioOation 'Bos, BETWEEN THE Hotels and L. V. Depot. Parties called for at their nomes by Leaving or deri at auy of tho hotels. Aprils, 1337 Stoves, Tinware,. Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Grayeu's Popular Store, Bank Street Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repuirs furnished on snort uotice. Prices Reasonable 1 1 PURITENE PRIZES! Competition Opon to All on the follon tng conditions i Tolnterest the aged and also the yoTing durlug tbe leisure hours, day or evening, we olrur the following prizes for tbe "HUNT f?OR WOIlDtJ." Fortlie Urgest list ot worils framed by tbe letters compuslnj the PURITENE vfswilljrtre Tea Dollars i for the noit largest Heveo Dollars: for tbe r.oxt largest list Five Dol lars, and for tbe next three largest lists One Case ot Puritene caoh. Allllstsrouiitroachiaobetoro Dmbertth, lSSSupd mmt be accompanied with ten trada mara. cut from oacksL'esot Purl. tene. No tvord to be admitted which cont da jess man lour lettersi out use no oiner leiiers tnantlKKie composing tbe word Ask your merchants fortlie ponder: It sellj at Ten Csnrs'a tumr, amlis seperlortooaplueoi; Ivorhieor any other sosp pemlcr mad. Dive It a trial. IcUtppou mur mranant gettluglt ftcdtskenoptber. A, F. SNIPER,. , .; Otneial aolpplog Agsot tor Pvnnsytvaula, i , LEmrjnT.T, VARBCN M., PA Weissprt Bosifless Directory. J. Q. ZERN, M. D., W. L. KUTZ, M. D. QHS. ZEUN & KUTZ, PhysiolanB & Surgeons. OFFICR at the residence ot Dr. Zern, WUte Street. Welssport. All calls or surgical or medical treatment will receive prompt attention. mayit-T-ii JpRAJiKLIN HOUSE, EAST WEISSPORT, PENN'A. Tills house offers first-class accommodations to the permanent boarder and transient guest. Panic pikes, only One Dollar per day. augMy Joux Reuiuo, Proprietor. QEATS, THE JF.WEI.En. All Kinds of Jewolry ! s and sugsutr,so-ty. Tho - Woissport - Bakory, 0. W. LAURY. PROPRIETOR. Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes In Wolssjiort, Lehlghton and vicinities every ilav. In tlio store I have a Fine Line ot Confectionery iorme ijouuav iraac. sunaav bciipo's anu ie- tlvals supplied at lowest prices. deosm. THE Wcisspsrt, Carbon County, Ponna., Henry Ohrlstman,' Proprietor. Tlio nubile Is resneetfullv Informed that this well-ltnnw house has been refitted nnd Improved to a first rate, and ablo to furnish tlio i fry best accommodations of all kinds A Livery Stable In connection with the hotel, with ample means to accommodate wedding parties, funerals and pleasure seekers with cafe team. In connection with tho hctel Is a FINE POOL ROOM handsomely fitted up. Apr23 87ly For Newest Designs and Moat Fashionable Styles of DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c., &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Stroot, Lehigh ton. Oooils guarantee! and prices as Imw as else where for thesaino quality rfuotuli. July 18, 1684 ly AT THE Centjr.il Drug Store, OPP. THE PUBLIC SQUARE Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice Wines and Liquor?, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps 1 Wall Paper and Decorations! -.01- Spectacles ! When von buv a nalr of Shout, vmt tvnnt a Hood fit. Rut If you need HPECTACLES It Is much more Important that the KYI' - hould be accommodated with correct lensesatid n proper ly fitting frame vthlch will briDK the lenses di rectly before the centre of the eye. Jf you buy ypur 8ectaeles at Dr. Horn's you vtlll find the oXae points properly attended toj PERSCR1PTI0NS Carefully mmki UCUMSS7 Accident, Life & Fire INSUBANCE ! A. W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, lias secured tbe agoncy for the following SUBSTANTIAL INSURANCE COM PANIK9 which can be recommended to the public as Perfectly Sale and Reliable, The National Life Insurance Co., OF MONTPELIER, VT., which Is said to be "The grandest step lu fair dealing within the history of Life Insurance." It protects ajainst adversity In business; It pro tects dependant ones against the contin gency of death 1 1 Mannfrs' Accident MM Co, OF UNITED STATES, with a reserve fund of ?W,000 guarantees every policy in mil. io other com pany has ever put up such a fnnd. It costs but a few cents every day a good Investment. LOCAL AtlEHTS ARE DESIRED! Harrista Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE COMPANY: so Fixed ratosj no annual dues. Animals di vided Into classes of on hundred and Gfy each. Members responsible only for losses occurring la the class In which their ani mals wore enrolled. August , im y Tils Cream of all Ms of Adrentnre C0XDEX8ED I5TO OVZ VOLUilE. PIONEER 1 DAMNG AM) HEROES I DEEDS. Ttie thrtlllDfr adventures of all the hero ex plorers aud trunuer fighters nlu Indians, out laws uud wild beasts, over our uLule country, irom the earliest times to the preieut. Lives nnu exploits oi DttKito, isaue.HtaMUti.uooue, U.OUIOU, orduy, vrocKKit, iiouie. nuusion, Car- son. L'utter. ', uoinoruia Jtw, vuu uui, uu UuUolo hill. Generals. ijUes and. Crook, groat Indian cuieu. nua sogre; i 0( Ctlujrs. Splendidly lllui ub etiiHavtiuc. Aaants Wanted AVH H w VMM, prumurana rtAnifarfa-bebUnytLjiii.Io aeu. Xtm Of Importance TO FARMERS. I am getting into stoclr,byfar tne largest line ol Urain, Grass and Vegetable Seed to be found in this county. It will embrace all that is valuable and suitable for onr territory, and manv nov- ... - . . . . ernes that are highly recom mended. It is all secured from first-class and responsible seed houses, and can bo relied on as equal in quality to the very best to be lountl here or anywhere. Generally it shall embrace: Corn. beans, peas, beets, cucumbers, radishes, turinp, clover and oth er grass seeds, potatoes, buck wheat, oats, etc In novelties it includes : Dwarf Mont D'er wax beans, Landreth's violet, prolific tree beans, ciant wax pole beans, liurpeis sunhead cabbage, golden self-blanching celery, self.huskiner field corn. Queen's golden pop-corn, ever green broom eorn, early Russian cucumbers, West India gherkins. the dipper gourds, early Ohio lettuce, Tomhannock lettuce, golned unriiiht mime. Clnvn- land's Alaska peas, stratagem peas, early Maine potatoes, white elephant potatoes, jumbo pumpkins, giant white Stuttrmrt. radish, Becket's chartier radish, Turner's hybrid tomato, anise, caraway, sweot fennel, sjipo. sweet marjoram, thyme, bird seeas,red top grass, white clover, Kentucky blue grass, welcome oatu, silver hall buckwheat, onion sets, etc. A full line of Hardward. Oils. Coal, etc. SAMUEL SEILER. Next door to Advocate office, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pennu. -GO TO- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins. Sweet Pick les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, ltH lfad. hotll In Innr nrf.o nn,1 ,.,.ll. f Boods. Our largo stock Is displayed to ad vantage, an Item which purchasers will certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON, PA. made easy nianutactur Imr Rubber Hramnit.Knfl lor price list ol outfits, to J. b. W. Dormaa, No.2I7 niore.Md.,U.8. A -OcKn H. A. JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, AGENT FOH FrjJ3T;LASll Fire, Life & Live Stoci Insnrauce Coiaiies. Hr.eclal attention ot Farmers and others U ;,,iVv';';i','sv?iv".,uJis"j '.ns..no .. . Hr , 'or wuicn i am lue acent ror Real Estate Agency, Real Estate Bought & Sold. Collections Promptly Made. Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna, aee2l,67-tt AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler ani Wateliaier, Bank Street, Lehighton, .ffenna. Respecttnlly Inrltes the attention of hi. Mauds sou we uiuens generally io bis immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition. It wm par you to call and Inspect my stock before purehaslus REPAIRING Prvmi;tlydoneatlowo5t chirgo, auU all f.oik KiuuMiiierii, Ml Mel Hie Place, 1 WUS19Sr?S ION OP THE BIO WATOH, , Bank St., Lelughton. vUecntbtr lT.oJTly Subsoriba for tke Adreeat. Money Its peculiar efflcacr Is dne NoTUiun na.'nucli to tho proocss and NOTHINQ (jm m coraponndlnsf as to LIKE IT 1 he Ingredients themselves. Take It in time. It chocks . diseases in tho outset, or tr tney be advanced will provo a potentcure. Ho Hoe Mi lie Witiont IL , It takes theplaeoof a doctor nnd coatly pro scriptions. All who lead FOR WHOSt sedentary lives will nnd nMctlT it tho best preventive or nnd euro for IndJcoitlon. Cniittlpatlon, lleadaclie, nillonsneas, l'lln and Mental Depression. No loss of tlmo, no interferenco with business whllo tolling. For children It Is most In nocent nnd harmless. No danger from exposure nriortuktne. Cures Colic, UU nrrhtna, llowel Complaint, Feverlnli ness anil Feverish. ColtW. Invalids and dellcnto pontons will find It the mildest Aperient and Tonlo they can nse. A little taken at night insures refreshing sleep and n natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken In tho morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses tho stomach awl sweetens tho breath. A PHYSICIAN'S, OriNION. "I have been practicing medicine for twenty yean and have never been able to put up a vecetabte compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (Instead of weak ening) the dlgctlre and assimiUtlvs powtr of the system." L. M. Hiktom, U.S., WMhlngtcn, Ark. Marks of Genuineness i Look for the red Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Beat and Signature of J. Il.Zellla & Co., in red, ou tho side. Take no other. E. F. Lucre nb ach, DB.AX.BK IN Borders & Decorations, Book Stationery, Fancy Goofo. Window Shades & Fixtures, lAtest Styl!. made and put up. If destrea. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Maneb Chnnlc Pa. Uclow the Droadway House, Best Cough Cure. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, no remedy Is so safo, speedy, and certain as Ayor's Cherry I'octoroL An indlsponsable family medicine. "I find Ayer's Cherry Foctoral an Invaluable remedy tor colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat ahd lung3." M. 8. Itandall, 01 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. " I have used Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral (or bronchitis and Lung Diseases, tor which I bellero it to be tho greatest medicine In the world." James Miller, Caraway, N. 0. "My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. 'Wo tried various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottlo of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the moasles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I hare no hesitation in recommending this medicine." Robert Horton, Fore man Headlight, Morrlllton, Ark. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my lungs. My wife says the Pectoral helps her more than any other medicine Bhe over used." Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Kansas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FBKPABED Bt Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cp., Lowell, Mats. Bold y all Druggists. Price 1; U bottles, 6. NO MORE BIG PRICES! W. S, KUHNS. Respectfully announces to the public tbuthels now nicely located lu bis Kbw Store Room Opp. L Y.Ronnil House BANK STREET, LEIllCllITON, nnd has In siock a run anu complete line oi Stoves and Tinware ! Including the Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower, APOLO & IRVING Stovea, v21!h.!'e. J selling at TnK VERY LOWEST liAsu rmuns. you are rrspectniuv invited to call and Inspect his stock and lejirn prices before purchasing elsewhere. Roofing and Spouting will he promptly and correctly attended. Terma low as me very iowcsi. W. S. KUHNS. Opp. Round House, Dank Street, Lehlxhtoa, Pa. umimmn it Hffi!MHssHsH Weissport Planing MASCrAOTUBElt Of Window and Doon Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Saihci, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER IV All Ms of DresseQ. -LumTjer. yhingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &&, c. Vry Lowft Pricie tlioiali THE ATHLETE'S TUOUBLE. lie could snap a rock In two, Or could break a panel through With his list; lie could wrench an iron bar And convert it to a Jar With a twist. It was said when he was sick, II o could pulverize a brick yitbhls thumb; While the way he'd smash a wall Mado his cronies, one and aU 1 lather dumb. But he read an almanac, And was taken In the back With a pain, Whllo his head began to swell, Ahd his nervous systrra fell 'Neath tho strain. Then he fancied. each disease Seized upon htm, If you (please. Like a pall. And ho saldi "1 will not strive. For It's evident that I've Got 'em all I" Soon a skeleton he grew, As he lived on ounces few Of quinine "Till medicinal advice, . Left him thinner than a nice Fire screen. So, one day his neighbors fouud Him about as big and round As a tack. And they vow there Is no cure For a case of Simon pure Almanac Honrs With In aud f omen of the Revolution. TnE LAST OF WASniNOTOS'SLlKKOUAltD, Coj)yrioi!, 1888, bv Funk & Wugnalls. l ne third time always conqnors," de clares a "wise saying." I found It verified In my attempts to obtain au Interview with the latest-known survivor 0f the famous corps known as "Washington's Mfe Guard," which was formed In the spring of 1770, of trustworthy men of tho Conti nental Army for tho protection of the per son, papers and baggage of the Command-cr-In-Chlef. Of this corps tho unfortunate martv, Nathan Halo, was an original member. It consisted of ono hundred aud elgty (licked men from different regiments. It first csmmander was Caleb Glbbs, of Rhoda Island. A new organization of tho Guard occur red at Morristown, New Jersey, at the close of tho spring of 1777, when Its numbers were Increased and a part of tho Guard wero mounted cavalry. Washington re. quired these men to be, In stature, not more than five feet ton inches, nor lets than flvo feet nlnu inches "sober, young, active, nnd well-made." Gibbs was vet their commander. Ho was succeeded at near the closo of 1779, by inillara Colfax, of Now Jersey, the grandfather of tho late Vice-President Schuyler Colfax. The uniform of the corps consisted of- a blue coat with white facings, wblto waist coat and breeches, black stockings and black half-gaiters, and a cocked ha' with blue and white plume. Their Use; was of white silk, on which was painted ono of tho Guard holding a horse, and in the act of receiving a banner from the Genius of Liberty, personified as a woman .leaning upon the Union Shield, near which was the American eajle. Upon a ribbon was the motto of the corps Conquor or Die. This dag (which I liAye seou and sketched) was mado after tho national banner of the United States the stars and stripes was adopted in June, 1777. Informed that Sergeant Ural Knapp, the probable last survivor of ICashlnglba's Life Guard, and Jfajor Robert Burnot, one ot the General's escort into the city of New York on the morning when tho British evacuated It In November, 1783, were Hy ing not far from Ncwhurgb, on the Hud son, I made threo attempts' to Visit thctn. Tho first effort was a failure ; at tho second I had a brief interview -with Major Burnet, and the last resulted in an Interesting con versation with both of the veterans, on a pleasant September afternoon. I rode first to the residence of Major Burnet, whom I bad seen on a hot evening In August. Ap proaching his house by a jtreen lane, shaded by ancient willows plantod by his on n band, I greeted tho ol J patriot as he sat In his arm-chair just inside tbe wide open front dpor of tho spacious entrance ball of his dwclliug. Seated there, I was entertained for an hour by his remini scences of tho old War for Independance. lie gave me a graphic account of the great meeting of officers at "The Temple," on tbe camp-grouuds of the Continental Army, not far from New'burgb, where, in a dignified address, Washington gaye a scathing rebuke to the unpatriotic and sedi tious spirit manifested by tbe famous New burgh Letters, In tho spring of 1783, which were the occasion of tbe assemblage. "U'aihlngton entersd the Tcmplo unat tended, after tbo officers were seated," said Major Burnet; "took a seat al one nnd of the long room, and lu a few minutes ho roe with a paper In his hand. Taklug from bis waistcoat pocket a pair of stiver- framed spectacles, he said, lu bis usual de liberate mauncr of speaking as ha placed them before his eyes, 'You See, gentlemen. that I have not only grown gray but blind In your setvice,' Theaa words powerfully touched every heart, aud from tUt mo ment every soul In tbo room vra loral to the chief and tho cause," Jfajor Burnet's father was a Scoiehman, and his mother was a native of Irrlnnd. Hit was a lieutenant of artllierv, nod was lu charge of a battery at West Point at the time of ilio discovery of Arnold's treachery. Ho was uftcrward promoted lo major, and was oue of the officers delegated to attend th meeting at "The Temple" Just allded to. Ha continued in the army uuder tbe Immediate command of Washington, and was ono of the founders of the Society ot tho Clntlanatl. When tbe Americans marched Into tho cltj of New York, ac companied by Washington on tbe day of tbt British evacuation, be commanded the rearguard. Ha was alio present at tho final parting of IVasblDgtoa with bl offi cers at Finance's Tavern In Broad street. Major Burnet was (hen eighty-seven years of age. He had soon what few men In modern times had beheld, - namely, the living representatives of seven-generation of bis kindred. Sergeant.Knspp. Ill ed a short distance from Major iflmneui Vh!la:.w; W(Hf In e-oTrsatlon;tha' venerable SeTgeAnrtrN nf s, staior tn ago, rod br at a true ps, homeward. Tho Jfajor said, with a Iraco of jealousy in his tono, "Sea how careless ly that man rides; he will have a fall yet that will kill him. I rido as well as he,but more carefully." I bado Major Burntt farewell, and ar rived at tbo house of Sergeant Knapp just as he had alighted from his bono, no left the steed In care of a laborer and Invited mo Into his dwelling. I felt sure that he could toll me more about ovonts at Warh Inglon's headquarters at Ne.w Windsor, than any other living person, and with very little preface, after we were seated. askod: "Wero you with Washington all tbo tlmo ho was at New Windsors'" "Certainly," he replied; "I was one of tho Guard, and I believe I am tbe only one living." "When did vou Join tbo Ouard?" I asked. 'Not long after tho battto of Monmouth Court-house," he replied. "I joined tbo army when I was elehtecn, and my first battle was at Whlto Plains. I was after ward with Qeaeral Wooslcr In tho aiTait at Rldgeflold, in Connecticut, where ho was killed. Then 1 joined the light infantry under Lafayette, fought In tho battle at Monmouth Court-house in New Jorsov on that terrible hot Sunday In June, and was chosen a member ot the Commander-in-Chiefs guard a month afterward." "Where did Washington reside at New Windsor?" I Inquired. In a plain, old-fasbioued Dutch farm house built by tho father of Simeon Do lt Ht," ho answered. "It was not large. but comfortable In cold weather," he con tinued, "and there General and Lady rTaaliington lived and entertained com- pauy from somo days beforo Christmas in 1 ,80 until the spring of 1781. That bouso stood In tho village aud was pulled down many years ago. Great officers of the army with their wives wero entertained there, and thero were lively times there on the Christmas after Lady H'ashlngton came." How vycro the Guard housed that win ter?" I asked. "First in tonts and then In huts," ho re plied. "The weather wat very mild. The river did not freeze up at Ncwbnrgh until after New Year. Tho bay was as clear of Ico as In May. The water-guard boats could go and como as they pleased. Why, only a few days beforo Christmas, Wash ington ordered Colonel Humphrey's to take as many of tho water-guard as be might think necessary and attempt to bring off tbe Hessian General Knyphauscn from Morris's House, on tbo upper part of York Island, or General Clinton from the city. He went with two wlmlebpats aud a bargo, and twenty-fivo or thirty men, Including officers, but did Dot succeed on account of high winds." You say General and Mrs. Washington gavo ontortalnmcnts occasionally. Were you over at headquarters at such times?" I asked. 'Always, as special gnard al the dour of tho house, or on other duty there. I shall never forget the Christmas dinner at head quarters, a few days after Lady Washing. ton came." "Why do you ca'.l hor Lady ITa-iblng- ton?" I Inquired. "Wo soldier's always called her so- She was a real lady If there over was one," he answered: Well, as I was naylng, It was lady Washington's first entertainment thero. There was troubio at ttiat tlmo lu getting poultry for headquarters, particular!; lur- keya, for thecarup had lately been estab lished, and the faruieis In. all directions had bceu robbed of their fowls by the bad soldiers. As I know all the farmers In tbe neighborhood, I was sent to procure poul try or this occasion. I bad traveled far without success, when I called at the house of General James Clinton, who was then in tbe Northern Department. His wife Molly, one of the best of women, had locked up several turkeys for her family's use, but gladly lot me have three of them for tbe genenl, with which I returned' to headquarters." "Who were at that Christmas dluiifr?" I Inquired. "I cannot remember all," be said. Sit ting lu silence for a while in summonlns memory to tbo front, ho said: "There wero two young French officers from Rochambeau'a army at Newport; Governor Gcoigo Clinton and his wife or daughter; some gentleman and their wives from the neighborhood; Jfblly Clinton (who, you know, was the mother of Dc Wltt Clinton), and tbo staff officers, two of tbem with their wives. Colonel Hamilton, Washington's secretary, was at Albany, where he bad married General Schuyler's daughter only ten days before, and did not return until after the holidays. There wero about twenty at, tbe table, which was set In the biggest room In the house. Be sides poultry, there was beef aud mutton. After dinner spiced wine was passed around, followed by pies, pudding, apples, nuts and cider. I was detailed as a ser geant, to 'take chaige ot the Life-Guard Band, which played lively tunes during the feast; and sol saw all that was going on In tbo room, for we wero stationed In tbe passage through which each guest wsut to tbe dluing-room. "On such occasions Colonel Hamilton generally sat at the head of the table, but now being absent, the Oeneral presided at one end of tbe table himself, and Lady Washington at the other end. She was a short, stout-built and good little woman. Before the guests sat dowu, the Geneial staudlng, asked a blessing with solemn tone and closed eyes. Old Billy, Wash ington' body-servant, whose head ap pealed like a bunch of wblto sheep's wool, was tbo chief waiter on that occasion, and moved with great dignity, In tbe evening some of tho young people of the ylH'se were Invited In, and all Indulged In- inno cent amusement, particularly In dancing, until nine o'clock, when tbo company broke up. Captain Colfax, who command ed tba Ouard, was a gnest at tbe dlncer, We all had a good time," Sergeant Knapp gave me many other In teresting teminlscenees of hit life a a suardiman, and I lingered until tho sun had set and tbe twilight was feat deepen- Ins. I bado the tenerabU pstrlot fsrowell, when he said: I U.Oh, I forgot to tell you-the.bett port of 1 lbs story ot tbo'nnaimanainnerai tnu 1 quarters. Thero w ?ruy and prwii fhejJarbon Advocate, IJJDKpRKDiurT Family Nbwspafbb Iub llshed every ttnturday In Lehlgbton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by Harry V. Morthlmox, Jr. - -BANK STREltr, $1.00 Per Year In Advanool Bestadvertisloe medium In the county. Every description of Plain and Fancy JOB PRINTING t very low prices. We do not hesitate to say that wo are better cqupped than any other printing establishment in this section to do flrst-class Job-work, In all Its branches, at row prices. little girl In the village, named Anna Brew ster, then In her teens, but lest than three feet high. Sho refused Lady Washington's Invitation to the dinner bocauso sho sup posed it was given only to gratify the curi osity of the other guests. She soon found out her mistake, for Lady Washington called at bcr mother' house, and little Anna wo afterward very often at head quarters. When the grew to full woman hood sho was only a yard high. Sha lived a maiden until she was seventv-flvo years old, and then died. Perfect in form, tweet In temper she was beloved by everybody. Anna Brewstor was tho smallest woman tn America." It was dark when I left tnn old guards man' door, and I rodo back to Newburgh In the light ot tho full moon. I met Ser geant Knapp afterward. It was at a cele bration at Newburgh of anhistorlcal event. There was a civic and military procession. I was Invited to rido in a barouche with Sergeant Knapp and tho orator of the day. Tho Sergeant and I wore Invited guests. Ho had a cousplcuous scat on the platform, and when tbo orator had finished hi ad dress 1 was Invited to Introduce the vener able guardsman to the people The audi ence testified their respect and reverence for tho hero by hurrahs which almost brought echoes from Beacon Hill and the Storm Ktug, looming up from tho Hudson not far off, on tho crests.of which Sergeant Knapp had seen signal fires blazing during tho old War for Independence, And when, an hour later, tho last survivor of Wash ington's Life Guard arose at tbo public banquot to depart, with a solemn but firm voice ho Inyited the whole company to his funeral. Just four months to a day from that tlmo, when lie was a littlcpast ninety- six years of age. his spirit took II flight, and many who wera at the feast were mourners at the burial. His remain were interred near tho tall flagstaff al Washing ton's headquarters at Newburgh. Ovor them stands a chaste mausoleum of brown sandstone, fashioned by the eminent sculp tor tho lato Henry K. Brown. It was erected by Company F, 10th Regiment New burgh Guards, In the early snmmer of 1800, Benson J. Lossing, LL. D The value of a remedy should be vstl- mated by its curative properties. Accord lug to this standard, Ayro's Sarsaparilla is the best and most economical blood medi cine in the market, because tho most pure and concentrated. Price $1 Worth $5 a bottle. Ouce used always uscd-they afford sueh comfort to soreness, pains weaknesses Hop Platlers. Mroc Dp. You are feclin" deuressed- vour aimed! Is poor, your are bothered with Headache. you ii ro tidgotty, nervous, and generally out ol sorto, anu want to brace up. Brace up, but not with utimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you l'or an hour, and than lenvo you in fforao condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will pnr'ify your blood, start hfcalthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality' and, give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine -you wilt find In Electric Bitter. and only 60 corns a bottle at T. D. Thomas' urug etore. What you need is a medicine which is pure, tine-lent, reliable. Such is Hoods Sarsaparilla. It possesses peculiar enrative powers. To be candid with you, Clara, w'e 'thlnk wardrobes are rather too heavy for spring wear. -It doesn't necessarily follow because a man Is a slovenly writer that bo wields a Pig pen. To the bt of our knowledge and be lief, Jawg, the trf-slckle-lst' is a. sort of amateur lawn-mower. Stealing eggs Is tio great crime after all. Tbo man Who does it Is simply getting the lay ot the land. -Some people are so timid that they bolt at the aoproach of a storm, and then the thunder Wits, too. You are mistaken, CboUy. Cutting editorials are never written with pen knives, occasionally on rural papers the work Is dona with tho shears. Yes, Angelina, passengers on thooceau steamers are usually well fed. Even If, as you suggest, the baker should bo taken sic In rough weathcr,tbere would be no scarci ty of rolls. lc tho onward march ot civilization paper fails and car wheels haye taken the place of Iron and steel, and now the rail road sandwlchIs made ot pasteboard, In stead of tcrre colta paste, as heretofore. The man who fell off (he fence Into the brambles was much nettled by the occur rence. "We hope thistle be appreciated," says a punster. TwoSt.LoulsItes baye engaged In litiga tion oyer tbe ownership of a duck. Th preliminary costs, Including attorney fees, were $48. It promises to be an expensive cauvatback suit. A woman In Boston bad to" have ber tongue silt tbe other day on account of a cancer, Jl was at first teareu tuat sue would loso tho power of speech, but th has since fully recovered and can now talk on different subjects In two languages at the tame time. She 1 unable to deep, however, as both of her tongues are striv ing to got In tho last word. Omaha is to have a corn palace this summer. A site has already been selectd and the tnanageit are now trying to doylde whether the contract for building material shall be awarded lo Chicago or St. Louis chiropodists, You may b right, Marlon, but we take exception to the stutemeut that th "great majority of society women" Ilk unruled rose-colorei note paper.. Outside of McAllister' four hundred th ladle Kneially prefer a check. A pathetic story of a itarvshng coms from tho West. The low comedian of a stranded road company, after wandering around Kansas City for several days wltb food, went in tbe pott office, aud, to Hy bis appetite, askod permission to lick th stamps. Ho couldn't chow Kansas beef. h slid, a he bad pawned h!i teeth; con sequently be was compelled to guui it. Sermons should bo put upon th list ot text-ilylo fabtlcs, Tho census ot England and Wales re cords 7,003,000 woman at wag earners, Tbe peculiar odor of -Bussla leather' U V'roducod'by'blrcli bark tAr.' th us, est waleh Is a urofwsilonal ionx. i'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers