' ' " "" 1 "' "i ii I. Mm Advertising Rates For Legal Notloes. The following prices tor logal advertis ing has been adopted by the CAIWOH Advooate Charter Notices -Auditor's Notloes Commissioner's Notices Divorce Nctlccs Administrator's Notices Executor's Nolico 4 00 4 Oo 4 01 4 01 3 (X 8 00 Other legal advertising will bo charged for by the square. H. V. Morlolmsr, Jr., PuMhher. Iiohigkton Business Dirootory. yAL. SCIIWAUTZ. Bank St., the oldest furni ture house la town. Every description ol furniture always on hnnrt. l'riff varvinw WAi rKTHIW, Saloon and Restaurant, Bant Street. Fresh Laijernlwaysontap. y In season. Drop In and see ls. novl2-l; J"W. RAUDENBUSIIi Bank street, wholesali . dealer In choice brands ot whiskies, cln brandies, wlucs, Sc. tS l'atronatte solicited E SHAKO'S BllAVINO iTALOON, opposite til ADVOOATR Officii, is headquarters Jo suavlnaand hair cutting. Cigars ft tobacco sold &0 TO FKS. RODERUll, under the Kxchungi Hotel, Bank street, tor a smooth shave or i fashlonablo hair cut. cr Closed on Sunday's Koodcr's Hair tonic, cures Dandruff. J J. KUTZ, Bank stroet, manufacturer o , choice brands of cigars and dealer In al kinds of tobaccos and smoker's novelties. Cull OUTER 1I1MM, Bank stroct, dealer In ladle? JT cents, misses and children's lioolMhoes ani sllpoers. Repairing promptly attended to. Cal JAMES WALP, Bank street, steam lieatcrc stoves, alt kinds of tinware. Itooftne an; spouting a specialty. Your patronago souclled IS. KOCH, Bank street, manufacturer o . choice brands of ITavana cigars. All kind ol snjoker's supplies constantly on hand. Cal n 1'. CLARK, laser beer hail and restaurant Jr. onn. squaro, Bank street. Choice wines an Uquor and cigars. Fresh lager always on tai J 8. WKBB, saloon and restauumt. Ban . street, headquarters tor fresh lager beer an' other drinks. Choice catablos always on junf C! It. QIL1IAM, attorney at law and notar O. public, Bank stroet May be consulted li English, and German. Estate & collcctlngageiicy CIS. ItllOAUS, As'U Bank street. deaUrli . dry wods, notions, -slaasware, qiieenswart and groceries. eSuare ot patroiwge sollcted AREUABLEJEWELEug JauM-88 OI'P. I'UBLIO SQUARE. THE CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Ban street, plain and fancy Job printing a sped ,ly. Advocate one dollar per year In advance imllE LEHIGH WAGON CO., Limited, factor J, on Bank street, manufacturers ot butchei ibaker, milk, truck and express wagons g T5 OCHESTEK BOTTLING HOUSE, Thos. .1 Jr, Bock, Bank stroet, lager beer, ale, porter, singer ale, &c. Vonr orders are sollclted.SE O. J, STRAUSS, Mahonlug street, fresl Jl klDdiof vegetables lu season. Low prices. O TO BEBKU'S , sootii'bank STREET TlXCHANGE HOTEL, Bank street. Thotna.- pot. Rates reasonable lor regular & trausiet trado dealer In dry goods, notions, provisions croccrlcs, queensware,&o. Patronage solicited HfBS. DuTSOHinsOHSKV, Lehlnh, street, 1.' 1V1 headquarters for dry goods, notions, pro visions, groceries, &e. tarl'atronane solicited GET TOE BEST OAKLEY'S PERFUME AT THOMAS' DRUO STORE, BANK STREET, The Sooret Societies. KG. E., meet Monday evening ot earn weel . In (label's Hall Eegle's cordially Invited. )HN n llKltTOT.ETTi; POST. No. 431. 0. A J R., second and fourth Thursday evenings ol eacu momn, in ueuer s nan. uiuiuuun uhjku. iIOL. JOHN LENTZ CAMP, No. 03, S. ot V., I i 1J 11- fl.. IT &1 v.nf iuf and Ifii Tlili day of each month, Iteber'a IIalUUUllUeicar -i f n 1 -nanf ttrAn r nlrrttt ftt Q h WAAlf lit ! IbCUCl 3 IltMIl JL lit- kl . . v . . 7 .V , . r n.nr nfr .oil n'Alnilr All empiars invuea. u. iuma a. Our Churches. Tiff ETHODIST EPISCOPAL. South Batik street, IVI Runilnv curvW. lit 111 n. m.. DTllt n. IT1.. Sunday School 2 p. m. Vm. M ajou, Pastor. JTlRtNlTY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Suudaj 1 services. 10 a. m., (German), 7.30 p.m., (Ehk llih), Sunday school 2 p.m. J. It. KuDKn.P.istor. EEFORMED, Lehigh street, Sunday -servlcos at to a, m., (German), 7.30 p. 10., (English), suaunj suuuui 2 j. iu. EVANOELICAI South street, Sunday service:, at 10 a. m., (Oermau), 7.30 p. m (English). Sunday school 2 p. m. A. S. to n. Pastor CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coal streets, services overy Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Hammacke Pastor, i" M. o. A., meet overv Tuesday evening. X fcar-You are cordially Invited.iJ rresovterian ;nnrcn. nortnampion street. FRANK P. DIimiiT NORTH STREET, .Practical Dlaclcsmltlioi Ilorsesliocr . Is hrcoared to do all work In his line Kin tho best manner and'at the lowest prloes. Please calk norao-ee-iy. PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk St Lehlghton, LEOPOLD MEYER, PUOP'R, PACKERTON, .... Pkhsa. nl WCU-JUlunuuuici .3 iuu.J isu.kui nuu has the best accommodations tor permanent and transient boarders. Excellent Tables and the very best Liquors.' staoies attaenra. sepis-yi MANSION HOUSE ' opposite L. A 9. Depot, BANK STREET, LEUIOIITON, C, H. HOM, PROPRIETOR. This house offers flrst-claS3 accommodations tor transient and permanent boarders. It has beau newly reHttedln all its departments, and ls locat ed In .one of the most picturesque portions of the borough. Terms moderate, p The BAR Is supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and tig-. fIC3IIW.HVHH. F. T. J. BRETNEY aespecttullv announces to the Merchants ot Le--llchton and others that he Is now prepared to Is all kinas 01 Hauling op Freight, Express Matter and -Baggage very reasonable prices. By proraudonrlracp all orders he hopes to merit a slmreot publ lc stronaye. Jtesldencoi corner ot Pine apd Iron yireet, Lehlghton. , .' HOrdars left at' Sweeny & Son's Sorner Stor U rcceiae prompt neuuu- ar,12.M . ; T. t BRRTNEY. D. J. KIST.LER RosnectfuUy announces to the nubile, that he has nmned a.NKW LlVKKYSTAllLlC-rtndttint lie ls anew prepared to JurnWi Teams- for Eunetals, .AYcdiUnus or BnSlnoss.Trtp 'tho shortest no Jilcif and most liberal, terms. Orders left at the BT'ABLES, ON NOUTit STREET. ieitfhehotei;xehT;nten. ' ' fan22-Yl Contractor and Buife. (Next door to Reuben FenstermaoUer1) IXHIOH STREET, LEHIOnTON. sa VneiMe&tlcni. aad srobaMe cost ot h0lart turulJhe4'njoo spull,tfoa, AH work nuu. neoairiDK ucuujuiit .ilcuuk. w $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.2B when not paid in Advance. VOL. XVI., No. 27, Lohighton, Carbon County, Penna., May 19, 1888. Single Copies 5 Conts. i i , - 1 Professional & Business Cards. Horaoo Hoydt, ATTORNEY AT t A W , NOTARY PUBLIC, )rricai-The Boomreccntiy occupied by W. M. Rapsher. IANK 8TREET, ' - LEU 10 11 TON. PA. May be consulted In Encllsh and German, July 4-ly W. M. Rapshor, VTTORNEY ird COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Vint door above the Mansion House, MAtJCII CHUNK PENN'A. teal Estato and Collection Agerioy. Will Buy ml Sell Real Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. leCidruts a specialty. May be consulted In tnelLsh and German. , nov.a-yi C. V. Klointop, Instructor in Alusitr, toblitas' American Classical Methods a spcclaf y. Terms moderate, aug -tt W.. G. M. Soiplo, PHYSICIAN AND SUUOEON. 9O0T1I STREET, - - LEHIGHTON. tMay lib consulled In English and GormRti. 'pcclal attention gh-cn to Gynecology. Office nouns; Protn 12 M. to 2 P. M.,and rom c to P P. M, mar. 31-yl A. S. RaDonold, D. D. S., 'iiancu Ovficb : Over J. Y. Enudonbash' Liquor Store, BANK STREET, LE1U0UT0N. Dentlilrvln all Its branches. Teetli Extracted without pain. Uas adm Iplstered when requested. Offleo Days-WEDNESDAY of each Vi-eelc. O. address, ALLENTOWN, Jans-yi - Lehigh county, Ta. . I. olYIIIH, D. D. 0., OFKICKi-Opposlte VIeatls Opera Honso Bank Street, iehighton, Pa. , DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ?llllug and making artificial dentures a special ty. Local ancsthetlos used. Uas administered and Teeth Fxtractcd WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE IIOD ItS: From a a. 111., to 13 m., from 1 p. m., to 0 p. m ., irom 7 p. in., to p. in. Consultations in English or Herman. (M 16-87-ly EYE AND EAR. Dr. T. POX Visits Allentown regtdarlyon THURSDAY of iacn woeic racuce iimiteu to Diseases of the Eye aud Ear. Uffle at Uavden's American Hotel, and Office noun irom v a. At. wwr.M. jiisv niieiius iu ltetractiou ot tlie Eye tor the proper adjustment t uiasscs, ana tor tue lteuet uuu uure ui uim- at Iltf.t9- Mnv also he eonsulted at his offlco In BATH. Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at BAN- tiOlt en Monday, and at E ASTON on Tuesday ot nacn wcea. jau x-vi Horse Doctor, (Honorary Graduate of Ontario Vet. College.) Office: Mansion House, Bank St, LehihlQi CASTRATION, DENTISTRY, AND' Diseases of Horse and Cattle, STJCCESSEULLY TREATED, UmwiniiH.i.iH.wiN T.AM'E'NrES? "" SPAVIWiS IJflJilflM J W ' J Nn into Kinohnnp -r o And all diseases preralent amone Domesticated AU1IUU19. Florse ahrl Cattle Powders Prepared Suit able lor eacu uase. . Consultation Free Charges Moderate. Calls by telegraph and telephone promptly .at tended to Operations Skillfully performed .Tan 31, m Henry Nolf, XT THE CAHBOM HOUSE IS NOW- RiMii an Accoiiiiuation 'Bus, BETWEEN THE HOTG S anCl Li UGDOI. Parties called for at their Home by Leaving or ders ai any 01 iuu uoieu. Aprils, 1637 ' Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, Tn rtrAflf. Vnriptv nr . ..w..u , j Popular Store, Bank Street. Roofing1 and Spouting a special ty. - Stove repairs furnished t on Kort notice. Prices Reasonable ! ! PIIRITFNF PRI7FS ! I. . ... w Conipotition Open to All oa'the following conditions) Tolnteresttheared and also the young during the leisure hours, day or evemnr. we oner me iouowmiF unzes lur iud "HUNT FOR WOI1D3.'' For the lamest list ot words framed by the letters composing the f jio,useuum nuiu P:U RITENE s?US&?t &?ilsis l urs, ana (or ue.nexi inree iarge usu true uase offurltene each. AU lists must reach me before ueterarjer in use ana muw no accompaniea with ten trade raart.s. cut Irom packages ol 1'url. I tene.. No w ord to1e aumittea which eontilns less man tour letters; uut use no otner letters I man tnoxe eomposmie tus woru Atk vour merchxnta forthe nowderi It sells at feu Cuts A iiouud, and ts superior .to Boaplne or Ivorine. or any other soap powder made. Ulve w a trial. Insist unon toar merchant settlnc It .ana luie up xaer. A. P. SNYDER. jtfeutfal'BhlppIng Agent tofltinsylranla. Weissprt Business Directory. J. O. ZERN, M. D., W. L. KUTZ, M. D. J-ItS. ZEHN & KUTZ, Phyaloians & Surgeons. oi'PICE at tho residence ot Dr. Zern. WLlte Street, Welssport All calls or surelcal or tnedlcal treatment win receive prompt attention. iuayH-S7-u -piUNKLIN H0USE, EAST WEISSrORT, PENN'A. This house oilers nrst-dasj accommodations to the permanent boarder and transient aucst. Panlo prices, only One Dollar per day. augT-iy Joun Rbhhio, ProilU.r. -QEATS, THE JEWELER. All Kinds of Jowelry ! School Boots and Stationery. augsut7,so-ty. Tho - Woissport - Bakory, C. W. LAURY. PH0PHIET.OR. Dclhers Fresh Bread and Cakoslu Wclssport, lohighton and vlclnltios every day. In tlie store I have a Fine Line ot Confectionery rrthn r-iiiHitnvTrrii. Hnntlav tichOAls nnd fes. livals smtUed at lowest prices. deCMm. THE Woissport, Carbon County, Fenna., Henry Christman, Proprietor. Thn nnhlta Is mnneetfnllv Informed that this well-know house has been refitted and Improved toailrst rate, and able to furnish the very best accommodations ot aH kinds A Iiiyery Stable In connection with the hotel, with ample means to accommodate weuaing panics, luueraisanu pleasuro seekers with safe teams. In connection with tho hotel Is a FINE POOL ROOM handsomely fitted up. Apr23 87Iy T . Y-t . 1-.. T I. f Ul . swnf DItESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c, &c 00 TO E. H. S1STYDER, Bank Street, Lohighton. Oaoils guaranteed and prices 11 Iv as else where for the same quulilv of good J. July 18, 1885 ly I yi ID llBoBaE AT THE Central Drug Store, OPP. THE PUBLIC SQUARE Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you biw a ualr of Shoes vou wnnta cooil fit. But If vou need SPECTACLES it ls much more Important that tho KYji should be Mir A.Hh. r.nn. i.kl..li n.MI I. ...... . I. .. 1 . . .1 1 ncuuuiuniuicu wnu correct ieust;a uuu u proper- rectly before tho centre of the eyu; It you buy your snectac cs at Dr. Horu-s you Will And thi uuc oihm mopeny niienuvu io, PERSCRIPTIONS Carefnlly MmM. OCM6-1887 Accident, Life 8c Fire INSURANCE 1 A, W, RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, Uas secured the agency for the following PANIEa wblcb can be recommended to iue puunc as rerieciiy obis ana iieuaoie, The National Life Insrace Co, OF MONTPELIER, VT which ls said to be "Tlie grandest step In fair dealing within the history of Life Insurance." It proteots against adversity Iu business; It pro tects dependent ones against the contin gency of deatb 1 1 ?. l!3.i Ta si rt- OP UNITED STATES, with a reserve fund of $50,000 guarantees every policy in iuu. io otuer .com pany has ever put up such a fund. It costs but a few cents every day a good Investment, LOCAL AGENTS ARB DESIRED! Hamstw Mutual Live Stoci INSURANCE COMPANY. Fixed rates; no annual dues. Animals dl Tided into classes ot one nunarea ana flfy each. Members responsible only for losses occurring In the class In which their ani mals were enrolled. August 20, m ly The Cream -of all Doom of AdYentnre COKUESSED into OXK VOLUMB. PIONEER I I DARING HEROES I I DEEDS. The thrilling adveotures of all the hero ex niorers ana irouuer ngnters wuu inumns.oiu- laws and wild beasU. over our whole count Irom the earliest times to the present. Liv ves and exploits ot DeSoto.LaSalle.atandlsh.Uocne, :hlels.and scores ol others. Splendidly Ulus. i ..... .n .innaH tr&ted with 220 nn emtraTlnc. Low priced,' and beats anything to sell. tlm &f payments allowed AienU short of tundg HNeOVUTcO., BH( 8K81., pfilladelphU." lime un.de. liU. Fort Allen Hous T UflRN (Javluin Of Importance TO FARMERS. 1 11111 cettincr info stock,by fur 10 largest line of Grnin, Grass and Vegetable Seed to bo found in tins county. It will embrace all that js valuable and suitable for our territory, and many nov elties that are highly recom mended. It is all secured from' first-class and responsible seed louses, and can bo relied on as equal in quality to the very best to be found here or anywhere Generally it shall embrace: Corn, beans, peas, beets, cucumbers, radishes, turinp, clover and oth er grass seeds, potatoes, buck wheat, oats, etc. In novelties it includes: Dwarf Mont D'cr wax beans, Landreth's violet, prolific tree beans, giant wox pole beans, Burpeis sunhcad cabbage, golden sell-blanching celery, self-husking field com, Queen's golden pop-corn, ever green broom corn, early Russian cucumbers,West India gherkins, :ie dipper gourds, early Ohio ettuce, Tomhannock lettuce, golned upright pippe, Cleve- arid s Alaska peas, -stratagem peas, early fllame potatoes, white elephant potatoes, jumbo pumpkins, giant white fctuttga.rt radish, Becket's chartier radish, Turner's hybrid tomato, anise, caraway, sweet tennel, sage, sweet marjoram, thyme, bird seeds,red top grass, white clover. tventucky blue grass, ' welcome oatrt, silver hall buckwheat, onion sets, etc. A full line of Hardward, Oils, Coal, etc. SAMUEL SEILER, Next door to Ailrocntn ofllce, Bank Streetj Lohighton, Penna. -GO TO- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Glierkins, Sweet Pick- es, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, Jpe lead, both In low Drlccs and aualltv of goods. Our large stock Is displayed to ad vantage, an Item which purchasers will certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON, PA. Money made casv manutuctur lur Rubber Stamns.Scnd torprlco list of outfits, to j. i'. v. uormaa, ro.2i; East German St., Ilnltl more,Md..U.S.A .Oc220iv H. A. BELTS, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, AGENT FOR FIRST-CLASS Fire, Life & Live Stock I Companies. Bueclal attention ot Farmer aud others ls (alfpd to the llheral terms offered bv Ilia llP.ItKH COUNTY MUTUAL LIVE STOCK lNHUlt ANCF. COMPANY, for which I am the aeent for this county ana neighborhood. Real Estate Agency, Real Estate Bought & Sold. Collections Promptly Made. Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. aee21.sj.tl AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler anil Watctoata Bank Street, Lehighton, fenna. Respectfnlty Invites the attention ot his frleuds new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition. It-will pay you to call and Inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work guaranteed, mi raeei me race. IGN OP THE BIG WATCH, Bank St, Lehighton. eDecmber l7,o371y --. s - i Subsorib for the Advocate,- DYSPEPSIA. , iB that misery experienced when we sudV denly beoomo awaro that wo possem labollcal arrangement called it stomach. Xho stomach ls the reservoir from which, every fibre and tissue must bo nourished, and any trouble with It lssoon felt through out the whole system. Among a doien dyspeptics no two will have tho earao pro. aomlnantsymptoms. Dyspeptics of act! v mental power and a bilious temperament are subject to Sick Headache i those, uesny and phlegmatlo have Constipation, While the thin and norvous nro nbandoneu togloomy forebodings. Some dyspeptics 52.Wn,?ertu.,."r forgetful; othora hava Ereat Irritability of temper. , whatever rorm Dyspepsia may take, ono thing Is certain, U The HHilerlyhtur, cause it -. in ths jrrE, and ono thing more Is equally certain, na one will remain a dyspeptlo who will - It will correcl" Acidity or the l r. , r Kipclfoalgaisf, Allay IrrlUUon, ' AssIitDigesUon and, at the came time Start the JLivcr to working:? when all other troubles aooit disappear. "My wife m a confirm ti drtpeptle. Soma' Uue ytsrt jo by the adrlce ot Dr. Steiner, of Augusta, the was Induced lo try Simmons Llrsr Regulator. I leel crateful for tht relief It has (Wen her, and nay all who read this and an afflicted In any war, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Urer Regulator and I feel confident health will ba restored to all who will U advised." Wh. M. KaasH, Fort Vslley, Oa, See that you eel the Genuine E-J with ed Z on front of Wrapper, ( V"T NtMASSO OHLV BT 3,S,ZSran a CO., Philadelphia, Pa,1 E. F. Lucre nbach, DEALER I IT Borders & DeoorationB, Stationery, Fancy Goofls. Window Shades & Fixtures. Latest Styles, made and put up. If desired. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Rfuahos & general ainters' Supplies. So. 61 Broadway Mangh &ml Pa. lielow the Uroadway House. Dress the Hair "With Ayer's Hair Vigor. Its cleanli ness, beneficial effects on tbo scalp, and lasting perfume commend it for uni versal toilet use. It keeps the hair soft and silken, preserves its color, prevents It from falling, and, If tho hair has become weak or thin, promotes a new growth. "To restore tbe original color ot my hair, which bad turned prematurely gray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with en tire access. I cheerfully testify to tbe Efficacy of this preparation." Mrs. P. H. David ton, Alexandria, La. "y "I was afflicted some three years with Bcalp disease. My hair was falling out and what remained turned gray. 1 was Induced to try Ayer's Hair Vigor, and in a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and my balr resumed ita original color." (Bov. 8. 8. 81ms, Pastor TJ. 13. Church, St. uernico, Ind. "A few yoars ago I suffered the entire loss of my balr front tho effects ot tetter. I hoped that after a time naturo would repair the loss, but I waited In vain. Many remedies were suggested, none, however, with such proof of merit as Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began to use it. The result was all I could havo desired. A growth of hair soon came out all over my head, and grew to be as sott and heavy as I ever had, and ot a natural color, and .tfrmty ." J. H. Pratt, Bpofford, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BT Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Bold by Druggists and Perfumers. NOMORE BIG PRICES! W. S. KUHNS Respectfully announces to tho public that he ls now nicely located In bis New Slpre Room Qsp. L. Y.Roii House. BANK STREET, LE1IIGIITON, and his Irt stock a full and complete line of Stoves and Tinware ! Including the Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower. APOLO & IRVING. Stoves. Which he ..Is Hflllnir nt TTTK VRllV IJiWKRT OASH PRICES. Vou are respectfully Invited to call and Inspect his stock and learn prices before purchasing elsewhere, Roofing and Spouting will he promptly and correctly attended. Terms low us tho very Ion est. W. S. KUHNS, Opp. Round House, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. JulpSssn IY Weissport Planing MANUFACTURER OK "Window and Doon Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sashes, Mouldings, Brackets, Meas mules AND DEALER IV All Ms of Dressed Mer, Shingles, Failings, Jlemlock, Lumber, &c., &c Very Lowest'--Prices Published by Request. ANDERSONVILLB PRISON. I'ome, friends nnd followioldlors, Come, listen to my sons About the rebel prisons That we endured so Ionic. Our wretched slate and hardships ri eat No ohe can understand Hut tfiose who have endured this fute Iu Dixie's i sunny land. When captured by the clilutr), Aud stripped unto the skin, They fi'd to give us buck again The value of a pin, Kxeept somo filthy rag or grnuw, Dlicarded by tbclr baud) Anil thus commenced our prison life in DKIe's sunny land. A bust of guards smiounded u, Kacli ono with loaded suit. Wo wete stationed tn n open held, Kx posed lo rain nnd sun; No lent or tree to shelter us. We lay upon the mi ml; Aad side by side ereat numbers died In Dixie's tunny Inm!. What was our dally bill of fare In that secesh saloon? No sugar, ta or coffco there Al morning, night or noon. Hut n pint ot meal, ground cob and all, Waiatlw e could command; And for want of nro we ato It raw In Dixie's sunny laud. Our temper was full often tried By many a threat and bribe Our glorious Union to desert. And Join the rebel tribe, But though we longed to lent e the place, We let them understand We'd sooner ille then thus disgrace Our flag lu Dixie's land. How sad thoso weary moments seemed, How long each dreary day I And yet no tidings came to us From loved ones far away, While hear we lay, to starve and die Upon tho burning sand, Afar from homo and friends so dear, In Dixie's sunny land. We landed ot Annapolis, A wretched looking band, Ilut glad to be allvoand free From Dixlo's sunny land; And having gained our wasted strength, Again In Union blue. Wo paid them back our vengence soon, And whipped the rebel crew. j. v. n. Honrs With Men and Women of the Involution. THK SPV ON NEUTRAL OROUMI). Copyrightei, 1888, by Funk & Wagnnlln. Soon after the publication of my Pictori al Field book of tbe llcvolutlon I le celveil a note from tho eminent physician and scholar, the lato Ir. John IK. Francis, saying: "Coma to my house this evening and maot an old friend of mlno who wishes to see you and tell you something aboul Enoch Crosby." I was Introduced to ilr. M , a vener able gentleman, who said he had read my work with much Interest, for In'hls young manhood he had known some men and women of the Revolution. "Indeed," ho said, '1 was one of the boys of the period, for I was born In 1770 and am eighty-two years old." I thankcd.hlm for his kind Intentions to give me trustworthy information about Enoch Crosby, who appears almost like a myth in history and romance. "Lobservc," he said, "that In writing of Enoch Crosby as the original of Harvey Birch, of Cooper's novel 'The Spy,' you al lude to doubts haying been cast upon that Identity. I will tell you what I know about Enoch Crosby, personally and from my father, who was his neighbor and friend. Why, 1 have no more doubt of Euoch Crosby belin? the original of Harvey liircb than 1 havo of aiy own existence. Captain Datnum's llttlo book, to which you allude, I believe to be true; eyery word of it, sir." "Uut JXr, Cooper makes n. declaration that puzzles me," I replied. "In the sum mer of 1650 I wrote to Sit. Cooper and in quired about the trustwoitlness of Bar nutn's narrative To my surprise he re plied that he had never seen the book, though It had been dedicated to him al most a quarter of a century before; also, that ho never heard the namo of Enos Cros by uttered before he wrote "The Spy,' in 1820, nor since, until It was coupled with his Harvey Birch. He referred me to tlie Introduction of the reylsed edition of 'The Spy,' then recently published. I have read that introduction," said Jfr. M , and It confutes my conviction of the Identity of Harvey Birch and Enoch Crosby. Ho tells us as plainly as if he had spoken tlui words, that John Jay, who was Chairman ot the Committee of Safety, re lated the 'anecdote' to which he refers. Jay was, of course, In honor bound not to mention the name of the secret agent he had employed, for the character of a spy ls held to be disreputable, though It may be a patriotic one." "Did you know Enoch Crosby personal ly?" I inquired. "Vcs. We resided near the Westchester and Putnam county line, not tar from the Crosby homestead, where the patriotic hero dwelt. His wife was a distant rela tion of my father, and Crosby yislted us frequently when I was a young man. 1 was always delighted by listening to his sterlesof adventure durlujc the war, as glyen long years afterward by Captain Bar- num. When l was more man iui jears of age, In business Iu the city, I read Cooucr's Spy aloud to my aged father, at my house, and we continually lemarked Harvey Birch resembled Enoch Crosby so much!' And when Captain Itanium s book was published we recognized a truth ful record of many of the Incidents In tho career of Crosby which we hail heard from his own lips." I distinctly remember," continued Mr. M , "that while on a visit wltb my father at his country home, soon after Bar- num's little book appeared, I rode with him to Bedfoid to see Mr. Jay on some business. It was a beautiful spring day. We found the venerable statesmac sitting on the piazza ot bis pleasant mansion near a budding wisteria vine. He knew my lather well. In the course ot their con versation my father referred to Bamum's book. Mr. Jay bad not seen It. When my father observed that 'It made the then venerable Enoch Crosby the reality ot the fictitious Harvey Birch,' the old gentleman smiled and said: " 'Enoch Crosby did noble service In the war. He was' as; bold a a Jloa and as cun ning at a for.. Cooper has 'certainly told 14 much in The Spy' of what I knew of Cros by's doings. But on that subject I desire to nelthcjaiillrm or deny.' " This remark of course closed tbo conver sation on that subject. "Whon did you last sco Enoch Crash?" I Inquired. In his extreme old age. lie was called as a witness In a court held ut our City Hall about 1827, 1 think. The newspapers had already coupled his name with that of Harvey Bitch. An old gentleman who was iu tho court-room aud had known Crosby qulle intimately, but supposed he was dead recugulzcd him before the opening of coutt, and they had mutual greetings. After Crob, had testlHcd Lis old friend lntro ducud him to the audience as the original ol Harvey Birch. Crosby was Instantly made famous, for Uio newspapers mentioned this Incident in the court-room." "Cooper's 'Spy,' " continued Mr. M' bad lately been dramatized. Tlie manager of one of the theatres Invited Mr. Crosby to attend a pcrformanco two evenings of- terward, when 'Tho Sp' was specially presented for Hint occasion. Nolico had been given that the real spy would be pres ent. T lie house was crowded. Mr. Crosby was introduced to the audlnccc as Harvey Birch, when ho was saluted with rounds of applause and tho waylng of handkerchlufs." "Well do I remembor the scene,'- said Dr. Frauds, "for I was present. Greatly interested, I called on Crosby tho next day at Washington Hall, on tho corner of Broadway and Chambers street, when he told me that he recognized in '.ho play some of his own performances nearly fifty years befote. He then seemed to bo in robust health. His figure was nearly six feet iu height and erect, his shoulders were broad and his mind was vigorous. He told me he was clghty-oao years of ago." Mr. M - related soveral stirring Inci dents In the career of Kuoch Crosby as a spy not mentioned by Barnum. I bade htm adieu at ten o'clock much gratllled and edilied by the Interview, r.noch Crosbys adventures as recorded in Iho third person by Captain Barnum weie related by his own lips to the com pllcr. I can give hero only a brief account of a few of them. Crosby was a native of Massachusetts. When he was a little child his parents set tled In tbe southeastern part of (present) i-uinam couniy, xs, r. ms intner was a staunch Whig, and as Enoch grow tojoung manhood his patriotism was stimulated by the events which immediately preceded the old ll'ar for Independence. He was a lus ty youth; learned the trade of n shoemaker, aud when tho war. broke out he entered tho army destined to Invade Canada in 1775. Ho sickened on l.ake Cham plain aud went no further. 11 cstcbesler county abounded with Tories, and In time became a neutral ground scourged by marauders from both armies. When his health was restored Cnby left his homo to join a detachment of the Army at Vorplanck's Point. In u louciy piace just toward uusk on a warm day in September ho fell In with an appar ent gentleman, whom ho soon discovered to be a Tory. Crosby immediately con eclved apian for the benutli of his country. He pretended to be lo, hIUi on the way to join the British army al New York. The' gentleman Invited him lo tuny all nlght-at bis house, saying that sevewl of bis neigh bors were uearly ready to "go down," and tuui. a wuuiu oo saier lor nun to no , , . . . with them than alune. Croiby readily as sented. Tho next day he was Introduced to several of these joung Toiles, ami met a larger number of them at tholr usuul rendezvous that night. He learned their names, residences and plans. Pretending to be anxious to reach Xi-w York speedily, be departed alone, wont to ll'nlte Plains aud revealed his discoveries to the Commit tee of Safety sitting there Messrs. Jay, Piatt, Duer and Sackett. At their request he piloted a party of rangers to tbe nest of Tories which he had just left, by whom they were all arrested and taken lo White Plains jaiis. Iho Guunulttce perceiving how useful Crosby might be us an Informer, employed him as a secret agent for the- discoy. cry of Tories and their plans, agreeing to do all In their power to protect .him from harm. Equipping himself with a peddler's pack filled with a shoemaker's "kit," he started out on his perilous quest In the dis guise. of a mechanic seeking work. Crosby's Ilrst adventure1 was not far away. Just at sunsot ho was at tho door of a farm lioose craving entertainment for the night. The farmer's wife suspicious ot everybody In those troublesome times, hesitated. In qulilng what was in his pack, Crosby told her he was a shoemaker, when she said he might stay long enough to make her John a pair of shoes. Crosby, 6hrt5wdly suspec ting he was among Tories, told her he wat on his way to the British army to make shoe for tho soldiers, and that they were .then approaching White Plains. She was delighted, and when her husband came in she told him tlie good news. He greeted Crosby warmly, and he was entertained as a friend of tho royal cause. The next day he was Introduced lo the captain of a com pan.T nearly ready to join the British, and was shown by him a long muster roll. Crosby became the guest of the captain that night, who revealed to his now recruit all their plans. Retiring early, when all was quiet Crosby left his bed, sped to H'hlte Plains, revealed his discovery, and returned before day break. Tho following night the company wer all assembled at the captain's bouse. Crosbj was one of the most active among them. Suddenly the tramp of horses was hcaid un'd then a shout at the door: "Surrender, or you are all dead men." Some fled to the atlic, some to the cellar, but all were arrested, taken to White Plains, and then sent up the Hudson aud Imprisoned In the Dutch church at Fish kill village, lire miles from the landing. Crosby was among the prisoners, who were taken before the Committee of Safely, sit ing at a house near Flshkill village. When left alone with the Committee, after the ether prisoners were taken away, a plan for bis escape was formed; he was Instructed to go to a peison at Wapplirger's creek, who would give him directions about ser vice on the west side of the Hudson. Then ha assumed the name ofJJobn Brown. That night he escaped through the window of the church, adroitly ayolddlng the seutl nels. He tied to a swamp and baffled pur suers. The Committee bad becu informed that The Carbon Advocate, in IliDKmNDBNT FAMILY NEWSi-AMIt Plltl llsncd every Haluid'ay In Letilghtoit, ('.urbon County, rciintylTaula,. ; Hafrv V. Mortliimoi, Jr. - -HANK ST11KET. 31.00 Por Year in Advanoe ! Best advertising medium in tne county. Kvery description of Flaln and Fancy JOB PRINTING t very low prices. We do not hesitate to say that wo are better equpped than any ottiw printing establishment In tins section to do first-rlnss job-work, In all Its branches, at low prices. a British officer was secretly recruiting a company of Toiles for tho royal army, not far north of Newburgh, Thither Crosby was sent. He sought employment as a shoemaker a' a farmhouse, and was eu- gaccd to work on tbo farm a few days. He tried In yalu to elicit from the farmer any.'. indications of his politics. At length, while In the Held, they beard the booming'1 of a cannon below. After some conversa tion Crosbf said! " IHi&t do you think ot all this business?" The answer revealed tho Tory proclivi ties of tho farmer. Crosby led hlra on. Ho e.tprcsseifto tbe farmer his desire to join the British army it he could. Satis fied with evidence's loyalty, the farmer told him that lu a mountain not far off was a' rave, used as headquarters by a British captain, who was recruiting a company for the British army, who would be glad to tt' eelve him as a recruit, with whom he could go In safety to New York. That night the farmer piloted Crosby to Iho caye, where he was cordially received. He told the captain the story of his escape from the rebels at FUhkill, joined his company as ' John Brown, and gained tho full confidence of his' commander. An arrangement was made for a general rendezvous of tho company at a barn near Cornwall, at n certain time, to prepare for proccedlug to the British lines. Crosby now wished to send a communication t6. the Committee of Safely. To bo absent from headquarters long might excite sus plcion. He shrewdly suggested to the cap talu that Townscnd'a Rangers were nblqul totts, and If they should fall upou them "at the barn they might lulu the whole corps.' Ho proposed a partial scattering of the bajad ' until tho hour for depatture. Tho captain assented, when Crosby repaired to tbe house of a staunch Whig, whom he knew1, ' and desired him to saddle his bis horse and ' carry a message to the Committee at FUh kill. It was done. Crosby wrote: "Gknti.kmkn: I hasten this express to reqnost you to ordei Captain Townscnd'a company of Rangers to repair Immediately to the barn on the west side of Butter Hill, and there to secrete themselves until w' arrive, which will be to-morrow evening . probably about seven o'clock, where with about thirty Thirty Tories, they may find your obedient servant, John Bbowh." Accompanied by Col. Duer, ono of the Committee, of Safety, Captain ,Townsond with his Rangers appeared promptly at the appointed time and place, and secured the whole band of Tories, with the English, captain. Duer had come to protect Cros by, for Townsend chagrined at his escape' from Flshklll, might now use blm harshly. They were all taken to Fiihklll. Crosby was marched a mile from the church to a farm-house where Jay, one of the Commit tee resided, and which was tbe temporary headquarters of Townsend. The latter. determined that his troublesome prisoner- should not again escape, put Crosby In a , room by himself under a strong guard. At about midnight Crosby was awakened by a gentle touch, and saw the sweet YacV of a maiden beudtng oyer him with a dark, lantern. ' "Follow me without spoaklng," she said. ' Crosby obeyed. As they left the room the girl locked the door, led Crosby out by -a back way, and pointing to a mountain'" which lay bathed In moonlight, bade him seek safety among its crags. "But how have you effected this?" asked tho bewildered prisoner, "and what wlll'lis tlie result to your self and that careless sen tinel?" "Fear nothing for either," replied the girl, "but hasten to the mountains. I shall Instantly return the key to Townsend's pocket. Dr. Miller's opiates are wonder- fully powerful when mixed with brandy i" Now fly for your life I The sentinel shall be on his feet when the relief comes. Vou have not a moment to loso. I shall bn at Hopcn ell by the time the alarm Is given. Not another word I want no thanks Jay is your protector. FlyP Townsend and his men had fasted all day. Tlie maiden provided the captain and. the sentinel with a bountiful supner, and with plenty of brandy, which she had drugged, and they slept soundly until morning. Townsend was puzzled. How could' the prisoner escape from tbo locked room, and the key in the captain's 'pocket I ne ,con. eluded he had climDed up the chimney: He swore that If he ever caught CrosbJ again he would hang him on the spot) After a few more equally striking adven tures, Crosby, finding himself suspected by the Tories, deemed It no longer prudent to play the part of a spy and left the secret , serylce. At the close of the war he became . a small farmer, was twice married, was Just lice of the Peace twenty-eight years, kad was a deacon ot a Presbyterian church many years. He died In the town of South east, Putnam County, on Jan. 27, lS34,.iln; the eighty-eighth year of his age. Hbnson J. Lossino,LL;D. ' Original and peculiar In composition, they are bound to kill pain, sooths aad. strengthen Uop Plaster. Renews Her Youth- . Mrs. Phoebe Chcsley, Peterson, Clay, Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story f the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town: "I am 73 years .old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could ' not dress myself without help. Now I auT frw from all pain and soreness, und am able to do my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for. having renewed, inr youth, and removed completely all dlseaie'. and pain." Try a botlle, 50c and Jl, atT. D. Thomas' Drng Store. A ceitalu style of shoe button Is called "Old Jatd's Wedding." because It neyer comes off, Ayer's Hair Vigor restores natural color to the hair, by stimulating a healthy action of the scalp, This preparation also pro duces a vigorous growth of the hair, nd gives it a beautiful lustre and youthful ap pearance. Recommended by physicians, clergymen, and scientists. A' mule ls not necssarlly an artist b cause It can draw. If your hat bios off in the street follow it placidly and with gentle dlgulty, Soaas body else will chase It for you' In ibe minds of men entirely grsat there lsnt very much of themselves. ; 1 A man bearing tbo remarkale'nasM tit Bloomer Hllxiard 'died recently 'In Nw- rial nirntshea mien aw s-is -ij i LEmUTN, CARB9N FA. V,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers