Great Reduction i AS WE CLIP HOM0R0S1TI1S. -IN- WALLJAPER WHITE BLANKS, From 5c. to 12o. per roll. ELEGANT GOLD PAPER, ' 7 'i From 12c. to 50c. per roll. Fine Gilt Mossed Papers, From 20c, to $1 per roll. Colored Borders at one-third the regular price. Gilt Borders and Decorations t half tho iiciinl Ttrier. , , , Eggshells won't settle tba cough-fee w maow oiiuacs, complete wtiCn your'o dcctotlnt: n cold with spring roller, 38c. and up, A full and complete line oi Fringes from 14 to 75c. per yd Curtain Poles, complete at 40c. and upward. Paints, Otis. Varnish, Brashes and Faint' rt Supplies a specialty. Paper bang tail, Plain and Decorative House and Sign Palnllnc, Graining. All WonreucAUANTKEi) A. Bayer, atfrtml BANK BT., I.KHIOHTON. Estate Notice. Estate ot JACOB SMITH, Into of Towamonslnf Township, Carbon county, Ta., deceaped. letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned In the above recited estate, all persons Indebted to said estate- are requested to make Immediate payment, and those liavlnr legal Claims win present ino name muioui uoiaj to proper order for settlement to AllUAllAM HMITII. Administrator. Pleasant Corner, Muhonlnc twn Carbon co.,Pa. or his Attorney, E. It. 8IMVKRS, Esq.,Mauch HAVE YOU BEEN AX J Carpet Store ! He has tho agency for the best carpet-sweeper in the world viz: 66 IPUfi IS.!? 1?, (H 1.9 ? Postmaster Vilas lias decided that fe- male clerks may marry and still retain tholr clerkships. A wise and just decision. I Subscribe for and read tho CAimoN Advocate. There Is a little girl In Baltimore who goes out Into the streets, begins crying and eets tba pollco to try to And her home. She gives an accurate description of a bouse, He has INGRAIN CARPE f at 25 cents ; but wb'en such none is reached sbo always BRUSSELS at 50 cents a yard and up- (IrtlarA It It tint Mi a -Srrnt nnn Tnn Miiap i . . . drvshekerhreo pol AG0" DUV SHADE, walking about the city with her, and at reaay on roner, at u cents. nlgbt admitted that sho knew all the while largest size uaivanizeu-bonna yvasn Tub, $1.60 ; second size, $1.25 ; third size, 90cst. where bcr home was, and could have cone to It at any hour. The confidence man now refers to I himself as a Faith Curcr, ll'oinan's fancy for rlb'ttns dales back to tho tltno of her creation. An agent Is not always a gent. Book canvasser and lightening rod men please notice. He takes Carpet Rags in Exchange and deals honorably with all. Bncklen's Arnica Ealye. Tho best salve In the world lor cuts, bruises, aorcs,ulccrs,salt rhucm.fevcr sores, tetter, cliappcu hands, chllblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monoy re funded, rrico 25c. per box, at Thomas'. 804 HAMILTON STREET, AL1ENT0WN, PA, Chunk. Fa. marcl)3l-ow- The South Afrlran diamond fields last jcar yielded gems amounting to 3,048,809 carats, valued at ovr 520,000,000. Tho Dutch are taklnc olland at the rate of eight acres a day. During the lasi two centuries, it Is estimated, 1,000,000 acres of land hayo bcon reclaimed from the sea. In the past flfty.'four years Great Brit ain has tripled her wealth, Franco ncarlj quadrupled hers, while the United Stales, since 1850, has multiplied In riches six fold. Norfolk, Va., claims tho distinction of being the world's greatest peanut market. It disposes every year of 2,000,000 bushels of peanuts, most of which aro grown In Virginia. A suit for the possession of a red Irish setter is on trial In Atlanta. Last spring a disputo arose as to the proprlctonshlp of the dog, and tho animal was arrested and sent to the Fullon county all, where It has been eyer since, awaiting trial. Tho dog occupied a prominent placo In court, and was tied to a ropo held by the bailiff. The Safest Hedlclne. To have about the house at all times It Simmons Liver Regulator, It will harm uoono. It will benefit all who may have attacks of Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Head ache, Constipation, or other ailments result ing from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Keep it always in the house, and vou will have a family physician near who will save you many dollars and much suffering. -A Iniiriaf wlm la fi.a.All I .. T.. .j I - it r . 1 f I " " !:""t, ill jluuiu AU new Dpnng OtyiCS now in writes home that he was astonished by the 610CK, . precocity of the Hindoo children. Many All new Poods m a new store. ",ou,.Bro Sttl"m "en t an age " wnen otuer children are learning the alpha All oia gooas wore sum out ui oet. une of the most export carvers in auction. W00(1 110 saw was a boy of 7, and many ol Stat WMte Ml PartT. w" I fhoit inrtna oo. ic. iuc. ana izc. Jfer nece. fijiound To Whom it May Concern. All persons aro hereby forbid trusting my irifA HA UAH HIIXYKItn on mt nrenunt. she havlnRlett my bed and board without Just cause or provocation, i win pay no neuis omercou rracvins aiier mis uaie. GARNER HILIA'EItn. Lehlghton. Ta., aprll 27, ln88-w3 SAIiXSMEM WANTED. Permanent positions In onarantetd with HALAltY and EX-" TRNSKfl PAID. Anv determined man can sue- eeed -Kith us. I'ecullar advantaees to beginners. Stock complete, Including many fast soiling specialties, umni tree. Address at onre. (Name this paper) BROWN BROTHERS. NCIUJKRTMF.X, ROCHESTKR, N. Y. aprll S3 zm' WEAK NERVES Patse's Cilebt Com rouse Is a ltorva Tosli) which nortr lalla. Containing1 Celery awl Ojca. thomi wonderful nomt BttniulanbsU ipw(Uly cures all nerroua dlnorant. RHEUMATSSM TAirc'a Ctleet Compouio inrWi ft blood. It Ct1ca out tiraJacUuacd, which causes lihrumntom. uul lcEtorc tbo b)ood Tnakinff orirann to n healthy condition. It in the true ruueur for lUieiunttlam. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Tumi's Celeut Courocjm qn-'cldy rtstoim tho llrrr tad kldnc)-B to pirlKt uoulth. TUe eiirtUT iowr. crmblntd lU.cen-e toala, radon It Uio best remedy tor u klilaey comptiduta. DYOPEP80A Taint's Cclert Coisvoxtkv t troiurthcna the utomnch, tad quirts thnnrrenrt Utdln. tiro rnrnoa. 'ihia 14 Tvhy U cures oca toe vrorso cjuob of L)yspcpFia. CONSTIPATION rxncK'fl Cciebt CowporxD la net k cathKr. lie. It in n lnxatU-n, giTlntr f-ary nd iistural nctlnn totholwirrU. Kctfularity surely lol- neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Btsmacn c-m and Liver Diseases, Rheumitlsm, Dyi. """v . . 'pcpsla.and all stTactlons of tho Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's m Establishment fw iw Tailorii TO THE PEOPLE OF WEISSPORT ill VICIM1TY: Upon Invitation from some of the representative citizens of your town, I hayo decided to open a Tailoring Establishment in Weissport, Jfyknowlcdito of maklng-earments was caincd principally in tho City of NewYork. I am also h craduate of the Cuttins Schools of that city. And after Yars of practice In both tiuuing ana juaKing uusioin uiotuiug in some ot ineuest nouses in botu xsow xoiKam I'liuaticipiiia l tuliiK l ina' assure you mat all work entrusted to my caro shall neequa at least to the best obtainable in your neighborhood. Very Respectfully, V3-GIVE MR A T11IAL J AMES OLIVER, am & 9 Have opened up their immense new stock of Spring and Sum Morphia was discovered in opium by mer Goods, including all that is new, novel and beautiful in Sertuerner In 1803. -There aro $1,000,000,000 worth of dla- VV ftTfttftf S. ( 1T1 fiTfiS. (:nr IrSP.TfiWS. monda In llin nnrlH I ' " ' On tho bvorago 100.000 pooplo cross the Brooklyn bridfte eycry day -i wo nundred thousand Infants undei two years old aro believed to bo farmed out In France. Elegant Gold Papers, 15c. and 30c. Per Piece. Herant Gol Enitaeil Papers, 86c and $1.00 Per Piece. Pelts and Ingrains, ana OUC .rer iriece, I x "avu ueen aeat n one car ten yeart a . . .... , and Part,aI1-V deaf 5n th0 0,n tw, LULnlJilA WAI I) N 1 monlusi a"e been treated by ear special!) " . - - ... - ' I .Ir.rttnca nn.l t I' . It i need Ely's Cream Balmforabout a month 1 And my self greatly Improved andean heai well and consider It a most valuable remedy. 1 had also nassal catarrh, and pain over m eyes, which troubles also have entireh disappeared. D. B. Yates, Upper Liale, Co., Samples and estimates sent free. Ex perienced workmen sent to all parts ot the city and country. All coods warranted free from arsenic, perfect, and fnll length. M. Merigan, MAKK.1ST ST., Philadelphia. Cheviots, &c, &c, which they -will'malce-up in suits the latest style and best work manship observed at wonderfully low prices. For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best makes at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in 1223 aaW o . s . . ' I- - F. .- Si 4 a h 9 M w2 S I? bli o go v .g 2 Ph I S r-s-12 imj QJ sC a.. "tOji rr r en n 1 A certain Philadelphia family seems to bo of very fragile material. There are ten persons In it, and they have experienced 33 fractures of bones during tho past fen yeais. Two Trotestant citizens of Madrid were lately condemned to six mouths imprison ment for refusing to kneel before tho Vial Icum. The liberal newspapers aro Indig nant at mis display of intolerance. Mrs. Eliza Wilcox Is the only person oorn m mo white House. She was the onlj daughter of President Jackson's 'adopt ed son, and was born in. tha presidential mansion during tho administration of "Old Uickoiy." -A revivifying of nature's latent forces occurs ever spring. At this time, better- th mi at any other, the blood may bo cleansed from the humors which infest It. The best and most popular remedy to use for thU iiui,uu uajoh vompounu extract ot S:r- saparllla. II n (ra BE B nats. uaos, necicwe DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Eespectfully, Clauss (fe Bro., The -Tailors, BANK STREET. LEHIGHTON. jrAOQUAniTBD WITH THU GBOSItAFHY OP THE OOtTNTHY, Wlli OBTAIf MTJOU VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE H .t! C g P 33 I1 O 22 I f ' 5 rl i S 03 PS 3 o 03 O Q A low estimate puts the number cf persons supported by all the forms of em ployment fuulshed by electricity at 6,000, two. There are forty-three log school houses in Iowa. This Is toe number given In the report of the State Superintendent forl8S7. -Alexandor III of Itussia Is going to spend $650,000 ou a monument to his father In the grand court of the Kremlin at Mos cow. One hundred and twenty bull fights were given In the City of Mexico during the past yoar. Seventeen bull fighters were wounded, and one professional and two amateur fighters killed, A year ago Miss Clara Moore, of Uln- clnattl, went to visit frlecds In Los Aogel es, Cal. She had a few hundred dollars with her, which she Invested In Southern Califgrnia lands, and In the boom that followed sho sold out her property at a net gain of $125,000. There Is a man in the Kansas penlten tlary who, beginning with a term at Sing Sing yeats ago, has served bis tlmo In res ular succession in the penitentiaries of Hen York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, in dlana, Illinois and Kansas. Thero were lynched daring the year 1637 in the United States no fewer than 133 persons. Of tha various States and Territories, Texas heads tbe list with fif teen lynching!, and Mississippi Is entitled to second place with fourteen to her credit. AH the victims were males, eighty of them being negroes. Queen Victoria dislikes tbo electric light, and refutes to have It In her palaces, She has at length psrmltted one of tbe royal yachts to be lilted with electric lamps, except her sleeping cabin and saloon. It Is said soft oil lamps bast suit tbe com plexions of elderly ladles. a IQ ADTXtB. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its central position and closo connection with eastern lines at Ohlcsvrro and continuous linos ot terminal points, West, Northwest, end Bouth 'west, mal:o it tho truo znld-linlc In that transcontinental chain of steel Tvhioh unites tbo Atlantic end l'acltlo. Its main lines and bronchos include Olil- ouno and Rock Island, in . uuiuiutbuuino, WD&OiUUBU, vllle, Audubon, Hfirlan. duthrlo Centra and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin. Trenton, Cameron, Gt. Joseph and Kansas City, In Missouri: Loavenworcll end Atchison, In Kansas: Minneapolis and St. Paul, In Mlnnoaota ; Water- it also oirers a c medtato piacos, DAY COAC SLEEPING luc City) restful Cret- landcltios. and Inter. ast 'ITalna offinn PULLMAN PAT.AnR Atchison and Kansas tj"i hnlrlnv thvM.rrl. -class tickots. a THE CHICAGO, KAWSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (CHEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to FeJr bury. Nelson, Horton, Topeka, Iloilntrton, Hutcmnoon, WIeulU., CaJdwoil, and all polnto In Southern Nebraska Interior Kansas and beyond. Entire paeaencer equipment of tho celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal lasted track of heavy steel rail. Iron and stono brldsrea. All safety appliances talnty, comfort and luxury assured. ty,oer- THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE , and iaoorto. Its Watertown Broncn traverses tho most produotlvo lands of tho great "who&t and dalrv belt" of Northorn Iowa, flouthwastcrn Minnesota, and fiast. For pouTlo: Oou Dji, Leavonworth, Kansaa City, tjUnnoopolls, and St. PauL Tloketa, Maps, Folders, or any ueelrod. Information, apply to any ket Omoe In the united Statea or Canada, or address C. ST. JOHN. E. A. HOLBROOK. G6ti xssao omasa o, ill,. mv Tici?t & suit ifBt. "Try Ayer's Pills" For Itheumntlsm, Nfinrnlgla, and Gout Stephen Lansing, of Yonkers, N. Y., says : " Ilecoiiiinonucu as a euro for cliromo uostivnness, Aycr'H rills Iiavo rclloved mo from that troublo nml ulso from Gout. It every victim cf this dis ease would heed only threa words of mine, I could banish Gout from tint laud. These words would be 'Try Ayer's Pills.' " " By tho use of Arer's Pllli ntone. I cured myself permanently of rheuma tism which hud troubled mo several months. Tliexo I'llls nru tit once. harmless and cIToctnal, and, I heliero, would provo a siicciflu la all cases ot iuclpicut Rheumatism. No medicine could have served mo In better Htend." O. ti. Ilock, Comer, Avoyelles Parish, La. C. F. Honltlns, Novnda Cltv. writes : "I havo used Ayer's Fills for nixteon ears, aim i ininic iiieynroine Dust run u tho world. We keen a box of them In tho house all the time They have cured inn of nick hcadavhn and neuralgia. Since taking Ayer's Pills, 1 havo heuu free from these, complaints." 'I havo derived crcat benefit from AVor's Fills. Flvo jcorH ago I was taken so III with rheumatism that I was unablu to do any work. I took three boxes of Ayer's Fills and was entirely cured. Since that time I am never without a box of these -pills.- Fotor Cliristciisttii, 8hurvooil, W is. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rnnrAREO by . Or. J. C, Aver & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil Dealer. In Modtclno. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. 13 WEEKS. Tho rOLICE GAZETTE will bo msllrd, ro rely wrn pre), to any addrss in Ilia TJol d Stmts fur three months nn receiit of One IDollar. Llbersl discount ollnwed to nnslmufb-rf zents nnd clubs S.mtile comes mail6l free Vddrw nil orders to niciurtD ic. fox. Way 30,l885-ly Fhskl!! 6quark, N. Y Is Consumption IncaraMtt Head the following! Air C H. Morris. Xcwarlt, Ark., ay "Was down will. Abscess of LnnsH, ulid friends and uhvsl- cinns pronounced nio an Incurable Consump tive. Begun taking Dr. King's New IMicov cry for Consumption, nm now on my third iioiuc, anu able to overee the work on mi farm. It is the linet medicine every made.1' .Jesse Middluwnrt. Deciitur. Oliio. s:iv! Hnd it not been for Dr. Kinn'sNew Discov ery for L'onsu nipt ion I would hayo died di Lung Troubles. Was given iiii'by dottnrs. Am now in ilest of health." Try it. Sample uoiue nee ni i. u. a nomas' Drue store. - Flower Osrden nd Lawn. When the soil of the lawn becomes dry and firm: enough to allow walking upon Ii without injury, go over it with a stiff stabh broom, which will lako up leaves and olhei rubbish without pulling up the grass, as a rake would bo apt to do. If there-arc an) laigu weeds, such as docks, dandelions, etc., full litem up by tho roots, while Hit ground Is still soft. A vcty convenient ah. in this work Is a "spud." A home-uiadt one, constructed of an oM, broad and thli lilsel, fitted with a lmndlo threo feet Ions. s belter than those sold at the store lrlm all broken branches of ornamema. rees, and prune shrubs, loo. Thin then. needed; but avoid formality. Dlvldi clumps ol perennial flower roots and bi Iberal with tho neighbors. If bvddliiL plants will be needed, push the propagation of fiaiiluius and sueh Ihlnjs. PATENTS!! FRANKLiB E HOUGH. Micilor or American & Foreiau Patent 023 P st., near tf. S. Patent Offlrc, WASHINGTON, D. O. VII business before United States Fatent Ofllci Utenitert to lot moderate lees. Patents procure! n the United States nurl all I'orvlcn Cmmtrlef trade Markt end LabtU reKlKtered. Itejectei tnullcntlnns relived niulnrnspeiiteil. llunrniii ion nnn nnvieu as 10 nniainini; l'aienis e neer nllv furnished ulthont elnme. Send Sketeli oi uotlel tor Vr.EE oMc'.on s to rate ntaullltv. Copies of patents furnished for 25c. eacn. tSf Correspondence solicited. Icor IF YOU Buffer Any Pain Have Any Corcncco Havo n Lamo Csck Pad Anv Voaltncsa Just co or con 1 Btraight as you con to tie dnig ctoro and Insist on liATlnj TIU3 TJOIOTJQ HOP PLASTER rrWILIi cuto ond neTcr Cilia to ctve lnstn-t rcller. rrcjarcd mm frcai noj. Iio.loc'-r and S HEATH riaoEalaain. Bold cTCry. Sz. wero. 03 conts, flvo fcr -'ii.-. S1.00 or miUM firco ca 1 PaIiMS rooclrt or price. AND Taorcrfcctlooornactra AaUtPC nm ntfr Co.. no.tnti. Hwnco OTTAWA, ILL, SOKT, snn nOAD CARTS. rest lnada. iwmIHvaIv. Ha riict to httftn In town' I on a for rwo lUmUutod THE ABOVE IS OUR NO. G JOCCeftG CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED. Sfrongpsf, Kcatcst and best Cart made. Bides Easier THAN A BUGGY. GAY & SO! OTTAWA, ILL. RfllHRnW RIIPTIIFIF RRlihf ...... .ww ! w i uiiia KJU r?li ( I It S'.p1 ""bleand Perfect relolo.j, 1 SZ!?&""'tt"i-, b.'Jr olreclar ith teat" Htr! irHl t . . . 1 1 r, . . ZJK!!SL mmm'aJPrfa t" "iBf of inrclcnl " r"-3 .u uM.m ana rem.!, our e ? id male ana lemal. oar aix OonaultaUau xxm cad Jnvfted? ilaltr. Bo MffaBre. All DruraliH. SJa, Wc, and S". fn-Mred onbT by Dr. Seta Arnold. Mad. Ci(v, Weomuiiau a. X. March 3l-m3 iKOPPOSITE L. & fi. UBPOT,-tr BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, PA Has just opened nn entire new lino of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Cpmpris.nR all the very latest styles in White Goods. Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuokera and Fancy Dress Patterns oi (he very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockervware, lassware. Wood and Willowware of the best makes nt low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Feadv- mado Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought lor at any other general store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great ariety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Pricos. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the lance las been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store m tins section. (Jail and be convinced. Respectfully. July23.371y ' . REIGEL. tho Products retained on the Farm. The value of a crop does not depend en tlrely on tho uiaikel price, but partly upoi he uses to which the crop Is applied. A corn crop If sent to market, may bring but Ittle more than the cost of its production out It is equivalent to a certain amount ol raw material, which can be converted lnli some other product more in demand,- sue! as beef, mutton, milk, poik or poultrx. Nor can the real value of the crop bo est! uated by the amount received fur tin meats sold, as a large portion ol Iho crop I- fl over ami lelulned in the shape o! manure. Careful experiments havo beei. made In order to determine Hie amount oi potash, nitrogen and phosphoric acid let ill the iniiiiuie after the food has passet liiough the bodies of animals, bat nu cei aln resu Is can uu obtained owing U Jitlereuccs in the digestive capacity oi animals, though In trials of tno ieekt juration, wheru green fodder and grail, naye been fed, It was found that (J2 pu cent, ol all the nitrogen, SU per cent, of al tho phosphoric acl.l and (13 per ccut. of all .he potash remained In the manure. Till ijiou-.i that the food Is only partially di jested anu assimilated, and that the valu ot the crop must be cousIdmoJ uot.only ii egard to Its market price price and It: product but also to Its futuro use in pro lding a second crop. Wheieconceutrateu loods, such as Unseed and cottonteec ueals, aru used the value of the manure is still greater, and If tho prices obtained fui ucat and milk be no greater than tho cost of food and labor the manure alono will .'tve a largu prottt, as from 20 lo 40pei cent, of the food used is retained on th laim In the manure, and the larger tin. iioporlion of nitrogen in tho food (as will linseed meal) ihe giealer the valuo of the manure hi pioporlloiuo lis weight. If tin total value ot a ton of linseed meal be est! mated at tUO, tho feeding aluu may he slated at $32, and the manure Yaluo at $2b but corn-meal give's a feeding valuo of uiit of a total of iU, leaving $7 to be re turned in tha manure. If the manuie be uot retained on tho farm, but sold at its, real value, It woul I, therefore, be as much 4 product of the food as meat or milk, but it is morn eeouomical to retain it, for ihti. reason that lis removal adds lo its cost. .Many cattle foods are really cheaper thau their mannrlal value, and may be applied Jhcelly lo the tana; but this depends upon the quality of the soli aud Its deficiency any particular clement. The value of the manure lo the land depends upon Its pre ponderanceof sorau special lament. Potash luanuies aro valuable. oiMiiliogenous soil. out possess little value on soils aboundlu in potash, and all these matters are to he considered In the final estimates. AFFLICTEDUNFORTUNATE AFTER ALL OTHERS rAlUCONSULT LOBB, 329 N. ISth 8L, below CallowMIt, Phils., Pa. a)yaars'eTp.rlenclna11BrECIALdt9MiSM. Perma ceatlrres'oroctboMwrakraedbyMrlrlndlKrrtloiis Ac. OallorwrltA. AdvlrflfTOaud'trlctlyconfldett. llt Ilom-si 100, rn. UU, audf to MiraulDgt. 40-Sao4 btamp ur Ilock. March 31-yl AGENTS WANTED ENTIRELY NEWBOOK TO SELL AN The most wonderfully complete collection of tbe absolutely useful and practical wblch bos over tcca published la any nation on tba globe. A marvel of everyday value and actual monoy earnlnst and money saving to every possessor. Hundreds upon hundreds cf beautiful and help ful engravings. Its extraordinary low price be yond competition. Nolhln; In the whole history ot the boos trade like It, Helect something of roal valno to tbe people, and tales are sure. Agents looking tor anew and orst class book, wrtto for full description and terms. JO days' time given Agents without capital BCA1I WELL Ss CO. Pjhiadclkhj, fa. tsbU-BQ That Highway of Nations, The broad Atluntic, is ever a ttornn .liiough fare. Yet blow the winds ever at .icrueiy, und ride tho waves eyer .o lottlly eiimeu must man the good chips, tourui ivill brave the patsuge, and cummeicial iruvelers and buyers inuat the centres of loreign trudu und nianuiaUure. Thai atrocious malady, seasicknens, togetiier will .olicky pains and much iuwurd uueusiueia s ot'len endured when Hosteller a ctouiacli Hitlers would have lorliied the voyagora aguiusi uiem. beacuptnius, anu In lact a ults and veteran travelers are acquainted witti tne protective value ot tuts extimabl preventive und remedy, and are rarely iinprovidccl with it. Kmigranfs to tho far vYttsttbiiuld use it as a ealeguard aguiuat malaria. Hcek the aid of the JUllttrs for dyspepsia, coualipation, liver complaint, Kiduoy troubles, and all ailments that impair the harmonious and vigorous action of the vital powers. Tha young pear ttees should not be forced too rapidly In growth, as It has been demonstrated that the blight does not as readily attack trees that grow slowly as dose these that grow quickly. A grass crop may be gron n In a pear orchard oc casionally, hut such a crop would ruin puacn otcuaru. Forced growtn of pear trees has destroyed many valuable young orchards. An excellent Insect deal i oyer is said to be alum water, made by dissolving pound of alum In threo quarts of water, If the alum tvater be added to whitewash It will not only Improve the whitewash but kill vermin In the poultry-hsuse when the whitewash shall be applied. It requires more labor to engage in L'tiardenlng as compared with farming, bat less land Is required. The most profitable crops are not those that give the largest yields, but which bilnt; the highest prices compared with the cost. Milk fever is moto pioyalent with overfd cows than with any other. After tho cow Is dried off she should bo given plenty of bay or allowed on the pasture. Sho lhould have no grain except at night, when a limited allowance of ground oats may be provided. If she becomes tno fat before calving tba chances will be that she will have milk fever, ll'lien velvet gets plushed from pres orts hold tbe parts oyer a basin of hot wat er with the lining of the dross next to tbe water. The pile will soon rise and resume It's former beauty. A bag- of bot salt or sand applied ts an aching face or limb, is ofteu a treat r lief. The rubber bags that can la filled with hot water and then tha neck screwed up, are also a great oonvtnlence,' especially la slsknsss. .-. PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, &c. New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable, us to do ill kinds of Job Work, in the best style, and at extraordinary low prices. Mail orders receive immediate attention. MTT AMI 1 JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. IS I1EAUUUAETEUS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, AXL KINDS OF COAL, fcn 0PS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. ANKWEILER'S fferings ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 250 child's pleated suits from 4 to 12 years,, only,$1.00. Over 2000 Boys and children's Suits in all thq.Iatwt.igtvles, Corded, Pleated, Norfolk, at '$1.50. $2.75 and $2.00. 225 All-wool Suits, $2.50, 3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and up. 5000 Men's Suits of all descriptions, make up any style, from $3.50 to $25.00. All of our own make. Over 1000 pair good strong working pants only. $1.00. 500 Pair Boy's Knee Pants, fiom 4 to 13 years, 50, 75, 1.00. Extba Bargains in Our Custom De partment ! Nearly everybody knows of the Popular Harris Cassimere of which we have purchased over 50 STYLES at less than half the cost of manufacture. Suits to measure $15.00 ; worth from 18.00 to 20.00. Special Offerings of 15 styles in All-TPbol Goods suits made to order $10.00. Call soon as the Bargains will not last long. KOCH e& SltA'KWEIJLlillE. Hotel Allen Building. Contro Square, Allontown. .KM VA Ki RIMOYAL I have removed my entire stock with an additional fresh supply of tho more fashionable and seasonable entsXadles & Ghildrens Shoes -CONSISTING OF- Ladies' Fine Kid and Spring Heel Shoes, of all grades and sizes, at the lowest prices in order to meet my competitors. I will not be undersold. My new stock is complete in every particular. Tha old stock will be closed out at and below cost, A cordial iuvitation is extended to my Jorraer friends and patrons to call at my new store, ono door above Sweeny's Corner Store. Respectfully, LEWIS WEISS, DANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, PA. apr.U-jt
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