"Original Ohoap dash Store." SURPRISING BARGAINS Fashionable Goods. This week we have secured and placed on sale several lines of FASHIONAM.E 0001)3 Goo. 3. Buck, whose mysterious disap pearance from Allcnlown, on April 20, caused much gossip, It at the homo of hit brother, lr Ollf ton Springs, ST. T. lie hat written to an acquaintance at Allentown that domsstlc trouble drove him from that place. Mn. Sondhkim, Jonas, We noticed OUR STROLLER AT WEIS5P0RT, . COUNTY SEAT CORRESPONDENCE. Sale several lilies vi rAomu.iAinu w"vi'J I . . . , t In different departments, which we have rightly your kind epistle In last week's paper. Do termed "Surprising Bargain,,"! all whohavo vm, . wb., ou ,aId era ou seen them hare been greatly surprised. Fancy Cetton and 811k Ituchlngs, In Cream and White, Iroin 10c. to 30o. per yard. A saving ot from To. to isc, per yard. Gents Whlto Web, 8lik Embroidered Suspend ers, at 2sc., soe., sso ,42c.,50c..mc.. ota.,wc.and 80c. All fully 30 per cent, below real value. Ladles IB Button Extri Km Dongola Kid Shoes, Day Sewed, Leather Counters and Soles, Worked Button Holts and Natural Color edge on outer soles, at fi.OO. These are In tended for a $3.23 shoe. Heavy Fine Crinkled Seersuckers In elegant styles at So. per yard, Yere never retailed for lets than 12H cents. Our fellow merchants say we bio mean for lowering prices. But, what care we for that. The working people don't say sot The buying community appreciate It I So we'll continue lowering prices. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opposite Public Square, liank Street, Lehlghton. June 7. 18M-1 only joking? Adam Mehrkam A Son, big stock and cash buyers of ready-made cloth Ing, Bank street, Lehlghton. We are sorry to note the severe Illness of our jovial old friend, Leopold Meyers, landlord of the Packerton Hotel, and trust that he will soon be thoroughly convalescent. Pink eye prevails to an alarmln? ex tent with horses In many of the adlolnlng counties. Horsemen In this locality should exeiclsa a due amount of care to prevent the disease breaking out here. In men's and bey's pants we have a full assortment from $1.00 up to $5.00, and adylse all In need of a pair of good, honest pants to call at Sondhelm's One Trice Star Clotblng Hall, Ifauch Chunk. Truth Is the name of a new, bright and -T-i p. -Winn A rlwnoQTO lnle""n2 paper published In this place by I neoarpun Mavucdiu George ,t MorUlimcr. The business in- well represented in the first SATURDAY. MAY 12. 1888 Q FECIAL NOTICK Persons making payments to this office oy money orders or postal notes will please make them payable at the Wl'.ISS FORT POST OFFICE, as the Lehlghton Oltlca Is NOT a money order oftlce Current Events Epitomized, We mentioned last week that the ,. & S. freight depot was to be enlarged by an addition of twenty feet. This shows con duslTCly that our business Interests are rapidly developing, that our town Is assum ing greater proportions and that from now we are to advance with greater strides In the marchof progression. The past decade has witnessed a revolution In the general enterprise, push and vim of our people and the next ten years gives promise of things greater still. Keep the boom a booming. You don't know what It Is to live until you once enjoy the exhlleratlng and revivi fying influence of a pleasure drive through the beautiful, romantic and gloriously pic turesque Valley of the Mahoning, around which clings tales of historical Interest dating back a century and more ago. With one of David Ebbert's fancy turnouts you will see through new eyes ahJ feel as If you were born anew. Try It. Fred Hbrlacher moved the necessary machinery Into his new bottling establish ment opposite the Valley House, this week. When once In operation Jfr. Horlacher will have an establlsbmentequipped with all the latest modern Improvements for bottling purposes. The building Is large, roomy and well Tent Hated, requisites that are of great Importance In connection with the business. On Sabbath evening In the M. E. meet-ng-house, In Jamestown, C. S. Weiss will deliver an address and give a Bible Head ing on "The Lord's Supper," which Is the subject of the Sunday school lesson on that day. All are Invited to come ont with their bibles and take part In the service. The Summit Hill base ball club will cross bats with the home club to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, on the old fair grounds. The visiting team Is recognized as the strongest In thecounty,and as a con sequence a very Interesting and closely con tested' game can be looked for. To the citizens of Lehlgbton and vicin ity. It will pay you to buy your ready made men's and boy's suits from Sondhelm, at the One Price Star Clothing Hall.Mauch Chunk, as you will get good honest cloth ing there and save at least 25 per cent. Call and be convinced. "Organization, Its needs and benefits," will be the subject of an exceedingly Inter esting talk by Mrs. L. M. Barry, of Phila delphia, In Gabel's Hall, on the evening of Friday, May 11. A cordial Invitation is extended to the public generally to attend. The attention of the people of Summit Hill, Lansford and vicinity Is directed to the fact that George F. Huntzlnger, of the popular Switchback Restaurant, Is author ized by us to receive subscriptions and moneys for the Carbon Advocate. Our old Democratic friend, Ed. Reber, ot Poho Foco, has In his possession a valu able relic of ye olden time In the shape of a musical clock ot German manufacture dating back a century and more ago. Ed. prizes the old ticker highly. The new school board will be organized next month with E. H. Snyder and L. K. Boyer as the new members, Messrs, John Peter and Samuel Frey retire after three years faithful service In the people's In terests. The progresslveness of our citizens still continues. Kew Improvements are reported every day. The latest Is to the effect that James rFalp will erect a large building for the manufacture of et earn boilers. -Thomas Stucker has laid a substantial plank pavement In front of bis Bank street property. There are several others who could do the same much to the satisfaction ot the traveling public. Buy your Grind Army Suits at Sond helm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, In Mauch Chunk; they wtll only cost you $8 and $10 per anlt and are warranted not te fade. Eaos fob sale, a supply of Pekln dock eggs for hatching, at 60 cts., per doz en. These ducks lay on an average 10 months In the year. H. A. Beltz, Bank street. 3w. 144 Seersucker Coats and Vests, ten different patterns, price only $1.25, "at Mehrkam fc Sen's, Lehlgbton. terests Are Issue. It Is reported on good authority that we are to have a new Iron bridge across the Lehigh river, here. The bridge will be about four feet higher than the present one. If you owe this office for Job printing or subscription we would be much pleased for you to liquidate the account. We need the cash to meet running expenses. B, J. Kuntz and Kemercr fe Ileydt were the first parties in this borough lo ro cclvo express packages through the IT. S. Express Company. About forty of the members of the I. O. O. F., lodge have equipped themselves with silk hats. Zern A Snyder furnished the bats In bulk. You should not miss buying one ot tlioso famous, all-wool $10 suits at Sond helm's Ono Price Star Clotblng Hall,Maucb Chunk. The Interior of the Mansion House bar and sitting rooms bays been remodeled and Improved and present an attractive appcar- Coal street Is being graded. We are pleased to note this. Now, If the work Is correctly done It will end future difficulties. 1600 Children's Suits at $1.25, $2.C0, $3.50 end upwards, at Sondhelm's One Pries Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. 144 Seersucker Coats and Vests, ten different patterns, price only $1,25, at ifebrkam it Son's, Lebighton. Owen Rebrlg, of Lehigh street, is about laying a substantial cinder-block pavement. A commendable Improvement. Wanted A coat maker and ene tailor by the week. James Oliver, merchant tailor TFelssport. Jfen are are at work excavating for Kusbaum's Mammoth Kew Store build ing. Full -Hue of Ingrain anil Brussels car pets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf Taxes have been levied on two hundred and fifteen dogs by the Assessor. A 6x0 Dougberday Model Press for sale cheap. Apply at this office, Go to Val. Schwartz's for all kinds ot furniture. Prices very low. . A reliable watchmaker; D. S. Bock, opposite the Public Square. Lebighton has three drug stores, sev en doctors and one dentist. Bass Ashing will not be legal until June 1. A Victory for Oar Olob. The first League gams In this county was played between the Lehlgbton and East Mauch Chunk clnbs on the tatter's grounds, last Saturday afternoon. Five or six hun dred people were present to witness what proved to be an uninteresting and muchly one-sided game. The only feature of the came was the Lehlgbton battery. Brink- man and Relchard, who did some excellent and effective work; the fielders and base men of our club had no opportunity to show their ability, though t.t tbe bat they con clusively developed the fact that they all were heavy batters, rue Lehlgnton club Is unusually strong this year, the acaulst tlon of Smith, Rehrlg, Albright and Yenser giving It extra stability. Theii big battle will come off on Saturday afternoon, when their mettle will be tried severely. Il'e append the score for the benefit of those who could not see the game at East Maucb Chunk: I.E1I10HTON. ItllirOAK Smith, r.f ...2 2 0 0 1 Brlnkman.c.t i J5 6 2 Koons, 2b. .,3 14 0 0 ltehrlg, S3...J 110 0 Gardner, Sb.e 2 2 10 Reichard. P..4 3 0 ISO Yenser, If .. .3 10 0 0 Albright, lb.3 12 11 Him, of s 2 0o0 EAST MAUCn CHUNK, R IB 10 A Tenev. 1b-c..o Sassaman.ss.o wueluman.lto Buck, 2b 0 iieigei, CI....1 Mack, p e U'lnman.c-lbl ltuclimau, rf .0 Horn, 3b 0 Gossner, U..0 l 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 .1 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 Totals .SO 14 21 22 4 TOtalS .3 4 2110 21 Earned runs Lehlghton, St E. M. Chunk, 0. tlad base hits Tenser, It. Bolneman. Three base hits, Brlnkman. First base on balls, Smith, Brlnkman, Iteichard, 2 Albright, Buss. Lett on bases, Brlnkman. Koons, Kehrlg, Yenser, 2 Ten ev. Total base hits: Lehlghton, 18; East Mauch Chunk, S. Passed balls, Tenev, B; Brlnkman, 2. Struch out by Kelchard, 17; Mack, e. Umpire (llldea. Time, 2:40. Scorer, Will Clausi. O.A. B. Inspection. Tbe Comrades of John D, Bertolette Post, 434, G. A. R are hereby notified to aliens, me Annual inspection, in mil uni form, on Thursday eyenlng, May 24th Inst., at eight o'clock, ivery member is expect ed lo be present By order, n. V. Mortuimek, Sr., Post Commander Attest: Alfred Wiuttinouam, Adjutant. Some Hoed Law. Town Gcsslp as ii Is Told to Our Spscl&l 8e porter. The closlns exercises ot our public plinnl In tha union cburcli on Saturday evening passed off very pleasantly, tue program as arranged by Prof. Balllet for the occasion was Interesting and Instructive in detail. Especially worthy of note was the selections rendered by the Lehlgbton Philharmonic society, ana the essays uy Misses Ann lo C Scofleld, Alda Marsh and Maclna Klstler. Prof. Balllet mado a few pertinent remarks relative to 'tho duty of parents to ineir cnuuron, wuicu it -ma uo well for rmr neonle to beed. It was ten o'clock before the exercises concluded, but we could well have sat and listened an hour longer. A rule established by our merchants sometime since by which all the stores were closed at eight o'clock is not as strictly lived up to as It might be by some store teeners, ico nro sorry io note tins because there Is no reason whatever why tbe clerks should not be relieved at that hour. We trust the merchants who have deviated from the rule will reconsider their act. A very pleasant birthday patty In honor of Miss Susie Knauss, camo oft at her home on Thursday evening. The us ual convlvalltces were indulged In until a lato hour. Tho cornet band treated the party to a serenade, which was highly ap preciated. There are at present one hundred and seventy-nine members enrolled In tho Evangelical Sunday school, and tho collect ion on last Sunday amounted to J0.35. Much Interest is manifested In the Sunday school work, especially with ourjoung people. We dropped In at Belry's popular pharmacy one day lately and found ll'Ill busy as a bee waiting on a big rush of cus tomers. Alwave having In stock pure. fresh and only the best drugs and medicines he commands a large trade. Tho voune fellows who congregate at tbe churches and on the street comers Sunday evenings will get themselves In "a box" if they persist In their hoodlumatlc exuberance. Stop It boys. If you are behind in your subscription, why don't be backward about stepping up and liquidating your account. Tho money Is needed to meet the running expenses of the establishment. Robert Brevfogel caught a sixteen Inch trout In tho Ble Creek waters one day re cently. This Is tho best catch that has been made for some time. A two year old son of Milton Emery died Monday morning. Interment took place Friday. The parents have our sympathy. Business at Henry .Miller's planing mill Is humming, a large force of workmen are kept on the go constantly filling ordors. Ground has been broken for the erect- Ion of B. K. Culton's new store and dwell ing house, below Flory's harness shop. A young son of George Stein, who for the past several months has been very seriously HI, Is rapidly convalescing. Miss Laura M. Yundt spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. James Handwerk, at Maucb Chunk, Our several industries a'te rushed with orders. As a consequence our town looks llyely. Miss Ella Laury spent several days with Miss Lily Laury, at Mauch Chunk. J. F. Snyder, of Mountain Top, was with old acquaintances here on Sunday, Prof, Balllet's select school openod on JUonday with a fair attendance. Charles Sweltzer Is back at his old stand after a serious Illness. Ifenrv Shoemaker circulated in North ampton county on Sunday. The stones, for tbe pavement, over the canal bridge, haya arrived. Personal Mention. Mr. Schuyler, of Watertown, N. Y., a representative of the Kew High Arm Davis Sewing Machine, was the guest of George YY. Nusoaum on aunaay. Our old friend J. F. Brcslln, Summit Hill's popular undertaker and builder, while passing through town Monday gave us a friendly nod. Mrs. Frank Zahn, of Lob leu street. Is at Broadneadsyllle, visiting at the. bedside of a father who Is seriously ill. William Heberllng, Chas. Wagner and Web, Kothsteln, circulated at Catasauaua, on Saturday, Our popular neighbor, Daniel Baltzer, was in Philadelphia this week buying In new goods. William Thompson and wife, of Manch Chunk, spent a few bouts In town last Tuesday, The cental Ed. H. Schilling, of Phila delphia, was In town Thursday. M. O. Bryan, was at Trenton, N. J., this week. Judge S. S. Dreher. Among prominent Democrats ot the State there has of late been some talk of nominating Judge Dreher, of Jfonroe county, as the Democratic candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court. IKIiile it will make no difference whom tbe Demo crats may nominate as their candidate for this high office, so far as the result of the election Is concerned, yot we know of no oae who Is more worthy the honor of tbe nomination than Is Judge Dreher. For years he has presided over the courts of Monroe ana larnon counties witn .in ability and a dignity which is extraordinary even among judges, lie is yet in the prime ot life and has the promise of many more years of usefulness upon the bench, Of tbe highest character and integrity, possessing an extraordinary knowledge of the law and a Keen discrimination in Its administration, ripe In his judicial expeil ence, clear ana comprenensive in an ms legal opinions, of unquestioned fairness and Impartiality In all his decisions, revered and honored liy all who know blm, and most by those who know him best, Judge urener is peculiarly wen nuauneu to receive this great honor from his party. For years we have Known Judge urener intimately well, and all that we have said of blm comes of our personal knowledge of him and cciuaintanco with him. While we should of course support Judge Mitchell for the office, as a Republican, and believing him to be the equal of Judge Dreher In all respects, yet It he were to be unsuccessful in securing nis election to tne oiuce, mere is no Democrat In the State whom we would rather see elevated to the place than Timely Topics Pithily Written Up by Ver satile Qullllst. The sentiment In favor of Protbonotary Esser's rcnomlnatton Is crystallzlng. Certainly the Democracy has no better man for the office. Ho makes a safe and re liable official. The Packerton shops, a mile and a half down tbo road, represent a scene of activ ity, uruers are on nana sufficient to Keep fiyo or six hundred men at work all through tbe summer. Matthias Herman, a railroader, had his right arm crushed between tbe bumpers while coupling coal cars at Coatoort. Mon day afternoon. HO was attended by Dr. Erwin. Among the promlnont lower end citi zens here Wednosday were 'Squire Boyer, of Welssport,and Jury Commissioner Stem ler, of Towainenslng. Chatles Welso's new double frame dwelling Is about completed. It will be occupied by Court crier Dlmmlck and engineer Jeff. Davis. George Demassos. an employe at the Central round house, bad his foot crushed on Monday by a loaded car passing oyer It. Up to date there have been several ap plications made to secure the management of the Wanetbah Hotel, at Glen Onoko. Geo. B. M. Stocker. the cental manip ulator of the spigot at Armbrcster's Hotel. circulated at Easton last Sunday, Tbe U. S. Express company sriorts a brand now wagon built by the Lehigh Wagon Company, Lehtghtou. Jos ah Sendel has a cane of men em ployed razing a double frame dwelling house on Susquehanna street. Gas pipes aro being laid along Broad way to connect with Lehigh street and the C. R. R. now office. Miss Laura Wcldaw. after a delightful visit with friends here, returned to her Lehlgbton borne Monday. The Lebighton ball tossers wa-hooed the East Mauch Chunk club with a veng ence last Saturday. The Mauch Chunk club will plav ball with the East Jlfauch Chunkcrs on Satur day. Several car-loads ol Hungarians and Polanders were side-tracked here over Sun day. Harrison Bower and Ezra Newhard, of Lebighton, circulated here-on Wednesday, William Thompson will erect n double frame dwelling In the Second Ward. Peter Stahl Is erecting a new dwelling out on tho nacklebernle road. East Mauch Chunk wants a fire ex tinguishing apparatus. Mrs. Thomas Fath, of Lebighton, was In town Wednesday. District Attorney Rapsher was at Le hlgbton on Tuesday, The Switchback railroad will open on Monday, 14th Inst. Ex-Commissioner Williams circulated hero this week. Merchant tailoring. I (re have a full assortment of all the lat est styles of imported and domestic suitings and pantaloonings which we make to order from $12 up to $40, and by giving us your order vou will iave at least $5 on each suit. Call at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Maucb (jnunk. Dot a Club. People who use sewing n.acblnes of the "Singer" make will do well to be on their guard. An exchange says: Swindlers are going through the country asking to see sewing machines. It the machine Is a Singer they take out the shuttlo and put It in tneir pocKet, rciusing to give n up un less their price Is paid for it. They claim that It Is an Infringement on their patent. Of course they have no right to do any such thing. But they find plenty of victims. FOR KNIGHTS OF LABOR. J .Items of Indtutrial Iraportanoe Gleaned for the Hasjos. j Tho Knights of Albany, N.Y., railed Out the men In five breweries lost week because tha owners would not sign tho K. of i agreement. Iwo breweries have signed tho scale. One of the firms which refused the offer of tho Knights said that it would agrco to hire none but men who would become Knights, but reserved the right to dismiss whoever It pleased. This the Knight refused to accept. Tho tariff and 100 of Pinkerton's armed men aro protecting Carnegie's steel works and his Imported labor. Ills lock-out laborers can fill their stomachs with tbo cast wind and shout for a high tarlfl" while Car negie revels In the old Lnronlal castle In Scotland whero ho is to spend the summer. Survcycrs aro now running a line for the proposed new branch of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company from Plillliiul-urg to Belvidcrc, Now Jersey, intersecting tho Jiehigh and Hudson at the Oxford crossing. This will give the company an outlet to the Hudson river. For the week ending May 5, there were shipped over the L. & S. division of tho C. R. R of N. J., 80, 148 tons of coal, a total for the year tothatdate of 1,073,828 tons, an lcrease of 48,714 as compared with same date last year. The operators In the coke regions are weening out tne nuns, roles ana ewecucs. Ono firm that employs 10,000 men will dis charge all employes who do not speak English, and no others will be employed nereatter. It has been claimed that there are thir teen Congressmen who belleye with Mr. Gcorce on the land micstlon. Mr. Tillman. of South Carolina, is said to be the most out spoken adherent of the doctrine. The St. Louis Anti-Poverty Society will not senn delegates to the labor Convention at Cincinnati, which Dr. McUlynn's wing will attend. About thirty glucose manufacturers of the United States met In Cleveland recently. A member denied that a Trust wan agreed upon. The Iron ore mines at Chestnut Hill, Lancaster country, after being worked for more than 25 years, have become exhausted. Tho Southern Pacific Company's Bhops in Sacramento, where 2100 men are employ ed, will be enlarged. , A Monsoti (Me.) slate quarry owner has begun the use of tho waste slate for marblcized purposes. Twenty-three Milwaukee masons struck last week for the discharge of their non union boss. About 10,000 men are erariloycdjn the lumber business of Minneapolis, Minn. The annual production of coal-tar in France is about 60,000 tons. List of tetters Remaining uncalled for In tbe Lehlgb ton, Pa., Post-Offlce, for tbe week ending May S, 1888. Ashner, Emma J. Beer, Mrs. Clara A. lteln. Oscar O, Kreiu, Henry Long, win. Miller, Martha A. Beromtl, Mamie Wahr. Ullion. Ashner, James Hetler, Noah Kumerer, John LenUjMlss Clara Murphy. Chas. neiiu, tiamts Walder.O, Leaz Leo. Persona calling for any of the letters will please say 'advertlsed." Jamis P. Smith. P. M, aboye Tbe Supreme Court states that tbe Super visors have no right to let objects that are well known to be likely to frlgblen well broken roaaworlliy borses to remain upon tbe highway after such have boen brought to their notice or have remained long enough to imply notice, and that such ob jects are treated as defects in tbe highway tor wnicu tue township may be beia re' sponsible. While there Is no doubt that the owner ot property abutting on a road or street has tbe right to use tbe highway lor a leasoname length or time for loading or unloading lumber, coal and supplies, or building materials, they have no right to do so for an unreasonable time, nor can they convert a public road In to a lumber yard. It Is no answer to a party Injured for tbe public author ties to sav that he can have this action against the private party causing the nuisance, as the party Injured has a right to proceed against the public auuioruy or against the individual as be may choose. Knights of tbo Ooldsn Eagle. Von Steuben Castle, No. 202 (German), K- G. E., of South Bethlehem, will be In stituted -Vay 18, by Grand Chief Louis E. Stilt, District Grand Chiefs A. B. Fehr, George W. Moser, Dr. J. S. Johnson, E. F, Berkenmeyer, J. George Hinti and staff. They will be assisted by the Sir Knights ot the Castles ot Northampton,Bucks,Lehlgb, Berks and Carbon counties. The Institution will occur at the hall ot Packer Castle. No. 110. and tbe elaborate paraphernalia ot tbe latter will be used to confer the three degrees. This will be the fifth German Castle In the Order, the others being located at Phil adelphia, Reading, Fa. ; Wilmington, Del., ana Ban Diego, vat; Tha Grand Chlels will also hold a Die trlct meeting, conferring the Past Chiefs Decree and exemplifying tbe unwritten and ritualistic wort. Wall Fapir. Wall Paper, at 6c. Ac.. 7c. 8c. 10c. uoiu rapere at ioc, 12c, lSc, 20c, 25c. SUC. 10 OUC K. iT. L,UCKENBAOH, 01 Broadway, Maucb Chunk. 144 Seersucker Coats and Vests, ten different patterns, price only $1.25, at Mebrkam A- Son's, Lebighton. Just received from Boston an immense stock of the genu ine Knight of Lahor Shoes which we are selling at $2.50 and 5rf. Warranted solid ca: leather, Clauss & Bro., the Tailor9, sole agents for Carbon county. Our stock of .hand' made shoes cannot be beat by any dealer in the county. Information Wanted. Left their home. Mahanoy City, Pa., on thn 17th dav nf Anrll. Thomas and John. sons of Patrick JfcGarvey, aged respective ly 10 and IB years. Were traced to Chester, Delaware Co., Pa,, and last seen at Darby, ra,, aDOUt a o'ciocar, ounuaj, ivprn z, where all knowledge of them was lost. Irhen they left home, were dressed In their mine clothes. Any Information regarding their whereabouts will be received with thanks bv their parents, who are In great distress on account of their absence. Ex changes please copy. Attention. Commandsryl All members of Itobt Klotz Commandery, K. G. E.. are requested to meet at Gabel's Hall, Monday evening, Jfay 14tb, at TiSO o'clock, sharp, as business of groat import' ance will be transacted. Fall not. By order of L. A. Weknek, Captain, State News. A cartridge of powder exploded Tues day In the hands of Patrick Jennings, aged sixty, a miner at UicLeccett'sUreeicsiiatt, Scranton, He was so badly burned In tbe face that be ran wildly through the mine. finally dashing himself into a pool of water, wbera ne aicu. Mrs. Harriet Kcmmerer. wife of John E. Kemmerer, living a mile from Bethle hem, banged herself from tbe rafters intbe garret with a piece of flannel torn from her petticoat, Monday. She bad been Ul and brooding over Imaginary troubles for some time. Captain W. B. Hart, the new State Treasurer, was sworn In at Harrlsbttrg Mon day, and formally tooK charge of tbo otllcc lie retatnea tne retiring treasurer, m. Llveey, as his cashier. No change was made in tbe clerical force. H'llllam Showers, under sentence of death for the killing of bis two grand children, escaped from Lebanon county jail on Tuesday night. Showers .Is seventy years old and his escape is a mystery. W. C. Smith, a well-known mine boss at Wllkcs-Barre, while walking on the tracks of the Delaware and Hudson Kail- road on Saturday, was struck by a train and killed. William McCue, found guilty of murder In tho second degree at Wilkesbarre on Monday, was sentenced to ten jears Iin prlsonment. Fire destroyed property valued at 20. WU at susquenanna on mesday nigut Scarlet fever prevails to an alarming extent in uerKs county. Adam Felts, aged 83 years, suicided at REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE FIHST NATIONAL BANK OF LEHU1H. TON, Ienna.,at the close of business, April snth, 188S : ItESOUItCES. Loans and Discounts ,$119,847 63 Overdrafts Secured and Unsecured .... 160 CO U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 75,000 00 Otherstocks, bonds and mortgages. ... 3I.C20 03 Due from approved reserve agents 1,358 81 Due from other National Banks 314 M Due from State flunk and Bankers.... 125 74 Iteal estate, furniture and fixtures 8.C27 68 Current expenses and taxes paid 1.C07 82 rrenitums paid 6,2130 00 Checks and other cash items as 00 Bills of other Banks 14,307 00 Fractional paper currency, ntckels.and cents! 7 07 Specie.., 7,170 80 Legal tender.notes 5,20; 00 Uedcmptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer (8 per cent, clrcnlntlon) 3,375 AO Total .?281,271 60 LIABILITIES. Capltal stock paid In 75,000 00 Surplus fund 6,700 00 Undivided pronts 4,415 21 National Bank notes outstanding 67,500 00 Dividends unpaid 124 60 Indlvldualdcposltssubjecttocheck..., 111,403 so Certified checks 12 00 Cashier's cheeks outstanding M 26 Duo to otuer national nanus n.soi os Due to Htate Hanks ana uanKcrs 1,183 so New Advertisements, Hood's Sarsaparilia Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pre pared by competent pharmacists. Tbe com bination and proportion ot Sarsaparilia, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents Is exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilia, giving It strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial will nominee you of Us treat medicinal vain. Kjod't Bariaparllla Purifies tho Blood er eates and sharpens the appetite, stimulate tfce digestion, and gives strength to every organ of the body. It eares tho most severe eases ot Scrofula, Salt Bhoom, Bolls, Pimple, and all other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rlieu matlim, and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Barssparllla has helped me more for eaterth and Impure blood than anything else I ever osod." A. Ball, Syracuse, K. T. Creates an Appetite " I need Hood' Samparllla to cleanse lay blood and tone op my system. It gave me a good appetite and isemed to build lae oyer." R. H, HALS, Lima, Ohio. "I took flood's Sarsaparilia for eaneerous humor, and 11 began to aet unlike anything else. It cured tha humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life." J. T. RrxoN, Cambrldceport, Uass. Send for book giving statement of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilia SoldbysUdrnggltti, Sis slxforfS. I'M fred only br 0.1. ItOOD OO..Apoh !, LomU, Dm IOO Doses Ono Dollar Over Canal Brite E. felssprt. Joseph F. Rex, UNDERTAKER AND DEALKH IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, Sc., So. Prices the very lowest. Quality of goods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. Gaskets, Collins and Shrouds, We have a full Hue which we nlll furnish at the lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, &a, Of the choicest quality at very reasonable prices. Call and be convinced. JOSEPH F. REX, Aprll-ly EAST WEISSfOllT. Dlt. IL It. SCOTT. Dn It, B. ItEINOHL. Drs. Scott & Reinohl, Graduates ot Thlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS DltANCHES. Perseryation of the Teelh a Specialty, OFFICE HOURS: From 6 a. m. to 6 p. ni. OAE HALL, Market Square, Mauoh Chunk. DRANCn OFFICE! EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK, Two Doors North ot Tost-Offl ec. OFFICE IIOUIIS : T to 9 a. m. and 6 to 7 p. m. April 2S-3nv ash, and Gash Only. 00 Pair Sin gle Pants 600. 48 Pair Pants at $1 per Pair. Wo bought and put on sale 96 Men's Suits. 96. Price $11.00. Pour Patterns. Pour. SHOES. "When we say our shoes are solid, free from paper or pressed leather soles or paper counters, they are bo. If not so, bring them back when half worn out and we will give you your money back. ADAM MII1EAH & SON, INT MISS 'EM! The wonderful bargains at the Millinery Stores of MMSf. Mo U1jTOW9 Lebighton and Weissport. Finest Goods ! Latest Styles ! and Lowest Prices ! in Hats, Bonnets, Notions, and Dressmaking. lirst-class City Milliner always employed, and satisfaction given. All goods guaranteed apr21 f: Ratines! WE HAVE ONE CASE OP American Satines; Choice colorings and styles, at 8 Gents Per Yard. Never sold for less than 12 cents a yord. Total $281,271 CO STATB OK VllNNSYLVANIA, !. T. W. W. nmvman. Cashier of the ubuvenamed rtnnk.dosolemnlvswearthattheaboro statement Is mm to tho best of my knowledge and belief. ' . I - TI . . ..1.1,.- VT, ,1, UUTTUA, VU3UIC1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1th day 01 May, 1S9. - HUKAUK J1K1U1, 1. J . Coiihect Attest: 1 IIUn. JlUJlKlfKlI, 1 It. F, noFKoni), J-Dlrectors. A, J. Dniu.iNO, May 12. 88. Horse for Sale A Good Stronc Horse, about 11 years old, a splendid workey; will bo sold cheap for cash. Apply to F, Wjh. Jt)ii, Jfayl2-4t Leliichtoii , l'a Jndee Dreher. Ilazleton Sentinel (ltenl. Our acquaintance with Juds Dreher j SUlcksblnny on -Vonday, lias always been most pleasant and agree- able and nothing would be mora eratlfylng than to sea this bright lejal light elsvatad to the supreme nencii. A MODEL PRESS Will do all your own rnnunK or earn money print- nig tor outers. Your boy can run It. Outfits, wiiu rresi cobi 50. 10. IM, S25, or rnore, as good as another. In use all over the woi 1.1. Full Information In a book called How loi'rint. Frecwun sauiDles of Monti. preM work, upon ap plication. Auams; THE MODEL PRESS COMPANY, Llm'd, 812 Arch Strtet, Phlladtlphta. Soe what Is said about The Model Press. My Model Press netted nie In Hires nunith o er $200.001 never had Instructions In printing lie- tire, yet I set up and printed 10,000 deposit tickets on my Model Press tha day alter I received It. I have made more than double what my Model Press cost me the first two months. -Have done about $00,00 worth of work on my No, I Model Press It beats all. After three years' use find my Model Press as eood as new. The Model Press Is well built and ought to last half a century. The Model Press la fully equal to the largest and costliest ma elttnes for fine Card and OENEltAft BUSINEKS printing. Any smart boy can turn oat luuidred of dollars worth of work every year, oven w 1th Address. IU Certainly Will. Minister Well, Bobby, do you think you will be a better little boy this year than you were lastr Bobby (hopefully) I think so. sir; I ; Hood's i T.ovAr Tovamamlnir ltama. The V. 0. 3. of A., of Bownianstowu, Intend one ot the smaller sires. The Model Press Co., Ltd., 012 Arch Street, mayl2-jl Philadelphia, Pa. btgau taking 1 1 Sarsapai Ilia last week. Almost dally arriving, new eocxls at He merer & swartz's. Examine those boy's pants at 25 cents. CO cents and $1.00, at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Don't foreet tha place, Kemerer Swarti, near Carriage Works, for bargains in turnlt ure, carpets ana uany coaciies. 1500 Boy's Suits from $2.50, 83.60. 5 up to $10, at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing liall, Maucli ununic. Tbe program for Decoration day cere monies has been hauded In for publication will appear in our ntxl issue. 144 Seersucker Coats and Vests, ten different patterns, price only fl.25, at JuehTkam x boa's, l.eulebton. Alias Jiageie suarp, 01 weatneny, was married to William Eck, of Sayrt, on Wednesday, we extend congratulations. A Reminder. If you owe us for job prlntlnx, advertis ing or subscription please "pony tip" for we need the money to meet the expenses of this omce. to participate with Camp, No. 117. of, Piirryvule and tolu with John I. llertolette Post (i. A. It.. in decorate the soldiers graves at Parrvvllle, weisspori ami uwiguion, on uecoratiou Day, The Carbon Iron Co's furnaces at Parrvvllle are still Idle and many persons nre thereby out of employment. Itocer Brown Is bulldlne himself a dnelllne nouse in isowniauswwn; 11 is aunosi compieieu. Peter Dlose Is bulldlne a new barn, he has commenced work on the same already, Potatoes are scarce In this vlclnltv and sell at a nign price, uokfidence. MABBXBB, HKX-M0SEH.-On the lith day of April, by the Alvenla Moser, both ot Mahoning, Carbon Co. SCHOCH-BIEItMAN.-On the 82d day of A pril, oy iiiesaine ,iieorge i. rcuocn ui &ast reun. auu Angelina uierm?n ui juuuuuiug, vuruuu couuiy. SMITH BMOYEIt, On the 1st of May, by the same, Adam A. amitn, ana Emma M. imoyer, peiii ui rarryviiic unruuu vuuuiy. FULL WEIGHT. October 30 1887 STRICTLY PURE. GUARANTEE. We miarantee the SWITCH-BACK BAKING POWDER to be absolutely free from all Injurious substance, and to contain only the most wholesome ingredients. Ask your Grocer for It. Sold oru in Cans. MANUFACTURED ST Switch-Back Baking Powder Co., SU7UOTSIT HILL, PR, April 28. 18S8-ly-fi Machine Shop The undeislgned announces to the citizens of Lebighton ami the surrounding country that he has oponed a shop for the Repair of Machinery Such as Agricultural Implements, Sharpen liitr Ij&wn Mowers, flrlndluir Planer Knives. Paper Cuttor Knives, Kclssom, &c. 1 Steam Pit tine and Pump Work, and manufacturing Grain j- am, rami nouers, uoot wuuers, uc. All ork guaranteed at the lowest prlwn, W. G. MITCHELL In Rear of Gabel's Hardware Store. LEHIG-HTON, Fenna. April 28. ly GENTS WANTED ! ! To canvass for one of the largest, oldest established, BEST KNOWN NUllSEIt lKHln th countrv. Most liberal terms. Unequalled facilities. (5ENKVA NUHSF.UY. Established 1810. W. ST. SMITH. OKNEVA. N. y. aprtWteow 1 A D. IKS LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY SASSAMAN,-At West Tenn, April 3d Leopold Meyers PACKERTON, Pa Lessee of Dolan Stone Quarry, is now prepared to supply at short police Having struggled 20 years between life and death with Asthma or Puthisic, treated by eminent physicians, and receiving 110 he'ient, was compelled during tho last Syears of my I ness to sit on mv chair ilnv aim nlcht uasuli for breath. My sufferings were Ixfjond dsstirlp. John 1 I 1 11 Tf! 1 A T1TTTT TITlTrt nmniTfl isassaman, aged 69 years, 4 months andSItlays. I All KIMIS 111 Hill Mil NIt S" N K HOUBKR. At Tamaqua, April 28, Peter Houses. agca 74 years 1 mourns ?f uays- UTIITT.T 1 . WaIb.ma.. II.. . ,. , 1 , ., I .. nusuauu ui jhuiiu a.oiuumi, aifcuoj )ears,viiu it UHJ3. Auditor's Notloe. In lte. Estate of Ao-1 In the Orphan's Court nf rauain juoyer,uec u, The undeislgned Auditor, appointed by the I of the very best quality at prices tbe LOW EST. Persons contemplating building will positively save mdhey by calling on LEOPOLD MEYERS, Packerton, and learning prices. marS-Oo J. T. NUSBAUM. Lehlsbteu. will also furnish prices on application. Williams, the photographer, of Mauch Chunk, still remained at the old stand Corner Broadway & Susquehanna streets, where he continues to turn out first class work. Cabinets (3.00 per dozen. Go at once as he expects to remain but a short time. Lar?e salts testify to Uisv fact that Ksmtrer A Swarti dots fair tellings. ?tt W Whom it may Concern. All Dersons am hitrbr forbidden to meddia with one horse, two cows, one helfsr. all tbe pigs, wagons, farming Implements, all the crops In the ground, bay, straw, potatoes, chickens, &c, as the same fs my property, having been County. Pa., where all partus Interested may Jnd n uited bv me to MArtY CftRISTMArV ou atUmfloprsMntnd prove their claims or V ff Executor In tha aboentaLed matter. wiltiiiMt au paniei imercsieu, ior uiq purposes 01 ms an pomtment ut fl o'clock a. in., on TUKMHV, MAN & KElPElt, Attorneys at Law, on Broad way, in lie uorougu 01 aiaucn ununic, uarooa luravar ueuarreu irtin oomiug in 9a aam iituu. HORAOB HEYDT, Auditor, May , iiwvnv ttou. In despair I experimented on m) self by pnimmnnrtlnt? roots mid neriiu una lnimllni; me medicine thus obtained. I fortunately discovered thl WnN'IlKlIFlll.fliritK FOIL AUTIIMA ikuOa. TAiutii, warranted to relieve the most stubborn f AA OI ANTI1HA 111 f I VK JUIHUTKH. BO UUll U1B patient can lto don n to rest and sleep comfort ably. Please read the following condensed ex tracts irum uiisouuutHt lesuiauiuais, mi vi re cent aaie : Oliver V. It. Holnms, San Jote, Cal., writes "I flud the remedy all and even more than rep rweuted. 1 receive Instantaneous rellnf." E. M. Carson, A. M.. Warren, Kan., writes "Was treated bv eminent nhvslclans of this coun tryaudUermanyi tried the climate of different states nothlug afforded relief like vourprepara-tiou 1.. II. Phelps, P. M., flrlggs, Ohio, writes: "Suf ered with Asthma 40) ears, Your medicine In Sininutes docs more lor ine -man the most enil' ueut physician did for me In three years. v. rnmpiou, i out It. I nndlt to be one of the most valuable II. ('. Pllmitou. Jolltt. 111.. writM : "Send Ca tarrh Remedy at once. Cannot get along with Upper TonameiLSlns: twp., Carbon county. Pa. unuj, cnniaiiua.n, Aj,rli.et-3w Little Uap, p. medicines I have ever tried, We nave inanv oilier ue cure or relief, and In order that all sufferers from Asthma. Catarrh, flar Fever, and klndrvd di seases may have an opportunity of testing the value of the Remedy we will send to any address TH1AI. UAUKAUK rilKK Ur IU1A11UK. II vour druggist falls to koep It do not permit him ostllyousoma worthless Imitation byblsreo esentlnglttone Just as good, but send directly lulWly aoA u uoh- i laiiiiiiun on cci, miciiiuwii, i 01111 a. CAMBRIDGE ROOFINb GO. MANVFACTCKEUS OV CROWL'S STANDING PATENT SEAM. TEEL ROOFING. AIm PUia Rollfwl. Oomifated, Crimped EJro tod Bcadd Iron I looting Kidiuc and celiinc. Aceota Wivatwl in every to ant, bund lor cAt&loffue &nd umples. CAUBRIOGE, OXXXt mi FHEKCII SATEEN Choice Novelties anil Special Coloring!, We are sbowlne Ytrj choice and new thlncs in t rench sateen; an tue oua, antique snaaes ana hum oi silk are reproduced In these exquisite Sateens of the beat French manufacture. See our goods before ordering from samples which often repsssents styles carried from other seasons. WHITE MARSEILLES QUILTS. We are oiferins extra values In soft Imported Marseilles Quilts, In Egyptian and Uhlnese patterns, at prices wnicn we are sure are away below tbo prices formerly asked for the same goods. We also have a complete line of Crochet Quilts. HENRIETTA CLOTHS IN NEW CQLOHS. Beautiful finish, soft and elegant fot easy draping, unequalled for the price. In Serine and staple shadas: Navy. Green, Garnet, Tan, Black, Cream, Brown, Modo, LADIES CASSIMERE. This new and fashionable fabric Is one of tbe most desirable materials for ladles wear this season, Belnu 48 Inches wide It cuts to good ad vantage and makes a rich dress at small expense. Call and see tliem. & a aaaa be Opposite American Hotel,! mu ch cjiwnk., jpa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers