OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KINDS OF COAL, 8& OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. era CO Excitement In Texi. Gmat excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the rcmarkablt recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was si, I helpless he coold not turn in bed. or raisi I liis head; eterybody said he was dying oi Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's I New Discovery was sent him. Finding re-1 I lief, he bought a largo bottle and a box oi I txsssssa ti Damn cj a -IS AT- Joseph F. Kex's, BAST WEISSPORT, Carbon County, Ponna. UNDERTAKER ! pined In flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Untiles nfthli Wonderful Dlaeoven Jo Obwt's Pork Packing Estnblislimentr Bank tre et, ,br Consumption free at T.D. Thomas dru'fc . -a - -i i i store. Jj'resn Jireact ana tiaices, Dr. King's New Life Pills: by the time hi Funerals nttonded with promptness, and Shrouds, Kaskets 01 had taken two boxes of Pills and two bot' ties of tho Discovery, he was well and had Doughmits and Pretzels JMlTiwd 1 Town and the surrounding vicinities EVERY DAY. Walt Wew f & Wm&e mm.- Coffins furnished at lowest prices, ALSO, DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, &c, &c, of the choicest and best quality at reasonable prices. Remember, josufh: Fo JRHJX, aprl7-lj An Indisputable Conclusion! im - m gr im . .ift. ri JNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOOaIAFHY or THE COUNTRY, WILL CtJTAi MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION THOM A STUDY OP THIS MAP Or THE I hr "made away" with my old stock and am now fully prepared for the FALL AND tho WINTER TRADE ! most FASHIONABLE STANTIAL lines of as well as SUB- fcadies, Gent's and Children!s Shoes. Udies' and Cliildren's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Laaies American & rrencn i,a 10 $4. Cents' Fine Shoes $2 AM Up Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up ! I atest styles Hats and CapsJ;sLa,LaS0 AT LOWEST PRICES. JU Tlie " COENEE STOKE." LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. apr.M-yl Office of Rochester Brewing G 9 Rochester, N. Y., May 12, 1884, tt having been for some time urged as an argument against the tbo rane of tu ubbla ficld3; d 80 by a11 . - - - - J. I mnnno A tA ma that tltA fnttrW liana t1onfv alterations, we beg to slate that, the Lager Beer manufactured Lisions'for a dust-bath in their enclosures by m is a Pure, Healthful, Unadulterated article. if it has not been done, For the Invalid and the Nursing Mother as well as for those -ww wuiprouuceiiite. nine mare is .Vi. n,nl. ;t n o l,nrmmn !t Sc o 1 i rrV. t nA t, vJcir, ct;m . "gnt-uoneu or uas a too narrow cnesi. or naaw otuiui, "o- iv u. . -aSv , i id iv "h"u uuu uviuiiomuu I l l , ,lin,l .l-t . l,,,,l. ttlant Lager Beer has accomplished much for the CanSO oi tem-1 boned horse, or one that possesses greater peranco, m weanuig many Irom the use ol the stronger drinks, strength or better points in that respect, and thousands all over the land cheerlullv testitv to its wonderlul Hut to insure certainty as to what you u..:u:nn .. l, T?..fVI;i n (:(,,C would have, the maro and horse should be vunu ui uuiiiuiit; uu tuu uiutcuuu vyuiiotikutiuii. i ... ... . S? 1 I na npnrlv thfl tvnn ripalrpd a nnssiblf An analysis oi our 13eer has been made by Prolessor Lattimore .hnn,h nn, Th1 off,nriff of f the Rochester University, a gentleman whose name is sufficient in-and-in breedipg are generally delicate guarantee of the accuracv of anv statement he mav make. We or unhealthy. Theiefore it is unsafe to tmn also produce the affidavit of Mr. Frederick Hodecker, our head breed thus' and ",et ai should niuKumuovwiiwu,!, kvj tuai, migiii. The udder of coir is a yery compll- Wit in the mind of any person. eatcd affair. Outwardly it consists of a Fttrthermore. WO Will paV S1000 to any One prOVine thai OUT series of muscular bands crossing each tattattnta and olaims are not entirely true. Very Respectfully, The Rochester Brewing Co. Of the ROCHESTER BOTTLING HOUSE, Lehighton. ALSO, AGENT FOB he Rochester Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER. Farm Motes. IIow norses Rest. "Horses can cet om rest standing." said an old trainer. Near Canal Bridge, East Wcisspdrt, Pa provided the position bo reasonably easy. but no full rest except recumbent. It Is Known of some horses that they never lie I down In tho stall though If kept in pasture .hey take their, rest habitually In a recutn- jent position. It is welt to consider whether tho habit has not been forced up on tho horse by some circumstance connect- 1 with tho stall ho was made to occupy. n that It bad a damp earth lloor, or one made of dilapidated plank, uncomfortable I to the horse that had been accustomed to select his own bed In tho pasture. 'If the horso can have the privilege of selecting his own position for resting on his feet he can sleep standing; but while his muscles may be to a certain decree re laxed, and get rest In that position, what can be said of the bearings at tho joints? Without relief through the recumbent position the joint surfaces are forced con tinuously to bear a weight of from 1,000 to 1,800 pounds This must act unfavorably, especially upon the complicated structures within tho hoofs, which nature Intended should havo periods of rest each day." Tho Chicken Yard. The fall broods should now be distinguished from the bad, and all that havo not the appearance of turning out well, should be weeded out. be feared from chicken rearing, overcrowding. By closely culling out the inferior birds, the good effect to the re maining ones In increased size and stamina, I Is often soon apparent. A common eiror Is the allowing, of too many cockerels to re main in the run. They are uneasy tor mentors, besides depriving the promising pullets of their proper food and accomoda tion. Kill or sell tuese otf as quickly as possible. Old hens also want looking oyer; It should be .remembered that after two years of age, they will not pay as layers. When It Is possible to give them CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its central position and cloao connection with Eastern lines at Chicago and continuous lines at terminal points, Wost, Northwest, and South west, make It tho truo mld-llnl; In that transcontinental chain of stool which unites tho Atlantic and Paclllc. Its main linos find branches include Chi cago, Jollet, Ottawa, LaSallo, Peoria, Ocnesoo, Mcllno and nock Island, in Illinois: Davenport, Muacatino, Washington, Fairflold, Ottumwa, Osltaloosa, vllle, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrlo Centre and Council Bluffs, In Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron. St. Joseph and Kansas City, in Missouri and Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in M town and Sioux Fulls in Dakota, and manv other nrosnerouo It also offers a CHOICE OF KOUTE3 to and from tho Paclllc Coast and lntor- Lo a von worth Paul, in Minnesota; Wator- erouo towns ana citi03. mediato nlacoi DAY COAGHEI making all transfers in Union depots. Fast Trains of ilno HTMlHfl n TIC mnrMlflnA.-. tlTTTTHIAM ti A T . A fT7 BLEEPING CABS, and (between ChlcaKo, St. Josoph, Atchison and KanEas City) restful RECLINING CHAIR CAES, scats FREE to holdors of through nrst-ciass xicuois. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends wost and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nolson, Horton, Topelta, Horinston, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwoll. and all points in Southern Nebraska Interior Kansas and beyond. Entire, passenger equipment of tho celebrated Pullman manufacture Solidly bal lasted track of heavy steel rail. Iron and stono bridges. All Bafoty appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, woll-bullt stations. Colonty, cer tainty, comfort and luxury assured. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorite between Chicago, Bock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Minneapolis ond St. Paul. Tho tourist routo to all Northern Summer Kcsorts. Its Watertown Branch traverses tho most productivo lands of tho great "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and East Central Dakota. Tho Short Lino via Seneca and Kankakee offoro superior facilities to travol between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, nnd Council Bluffs, St. Josoph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any dosiroa information, apply to any Cou pon Ticket Office In tho United Stat as or Canada, oraddrass E. ST. JOHN, General Manager. CHICAGO, ILL,. G. A. KOLSROOK, Ooa'l Tickrt ft Pass"- Agent MamnniMulu "KlUw atou." IMhwiflhilHMMMMii Cbitttau telle, ,r wiliua immlm M mm. fir U, Utu talk u k6B. -" - &r IV. WmII. Himu no Crr t Con. IUM. Mrt,IMl u4 lUuUkUo ! IU AMI wood.rful M(r a4 M. Vr, IkUrMtlBC lutraclil. ! u bMul uuf IMS4 ftl lb toibm tt lb oc.B, with llitwi UlartrbtlfrM. 'a wira." a aoHMItoa ! irrMUUU, naa Ml '' ktMNH vrltar altka day. ScalAli taf, ftrctaaa Aoarara. aithar CoaUlaa a HHj.UmI iptUfl. aw Iliad. lacbaaaUaamplila. is Taaia1 'Haaltalia au41UlBaea.aaaaru.diaBia. aaaiiilldL,4aalaaiag allUalUacCkataa4iiaopalir. kairauaaatm aMa4amTlaic, Caalalaapai. aa4 Waaraahlaa a Li... . . r, .h. ft rraaajla a Iba aiaaaat. JMUHMi. uaaiaiaiac iaa aniia aa aaiaar. raaaa naaaasu, mi iaraaaia aaa coaiaiia I walk af rabtaaca. Haw T. A ul. Af t.t,. u .Irlliu Vrtaf iaa dark aiteaf Ilia la tkattaatcllr. lkulraud. lae Ba4 U Waallk. Hal aa adfactUlai aKaalir, 1 Uasraafklr aaaalkal valk. aatatlaf aat a araj ! atek an aaar auka aaaaa, . aaallr, raaUl, aad kaaaatlf. Oaw Hmtrt Pomlar iaaca, aaallaaaUI,raUaU l4aMla,la4adlaf bmiWulI Uaartua.aaw aad aid. an Naal'a Hair, A Naval. BrMrat Mia Aaaaa FLMMnfi aoajHiai una aaiiMi nj Ha . am a pm varwaa. aiaa BaaxAaa. A HfTBl, B Kra. in S. tT tka aukar al M Dock other and attached to the abdominal! muscles for the support at the mass of the I organ. The teat Is not a simple tube, as I has been supposed, but consists of a large 1 number of ducts, which run Into four or fire or more channels or tubes, each of which discharges separately Into the orifice I of the teat. A horse should not be allowed to drink I freely Immediately after eating. lion. John M. Itnssell, ex-Secretary of the Mas sachusetts Board of Agriculture, tells of I seeing some horses in France fed on coarse I beans then watered all they would drink and Immediately killed and dissected. lie I observed that a considerable quantity of I beans has been washed out of the stomach, and some of thorn were found In the Intes tines. If wbsat, corn, cetton or tobacco be I sows or planted for successive years the I land will become exhausted and often! deserted, and lho region dcpoulated, as was the case In Virginia and inany other I States, Experience has shown that laud I annually demands a change of crops to I yelld to the farmer full reward for his In dustry, and tt Is rotation of crops that must I restore again the wasted lands of the older I States. One of thd'prlnclpal causes of heayesl In horses Is tbe feeding of dusty or dirty hay. Ordinary clean hay can always be I fed with safety if properly cut up, moisten-1 ed and mixed with ground grain, but to I fed tbo musty or dirty sorts is very Injuri ous. Clover, owing to Its liability to crum ble, often gets dirty, yen after storage, and should never he fed without being pre-1 vlously moistened. The silo put Into Use In the JFeit, would save at a small cost all the millions I of tons of corn-stalks now left to waste. which would provide acceptable and nutrl- ous feeding for tbe winter, Instead of being I a source of disease and lost of thousands of I cattle that have little or no other subsist ence. Chicken, such a Aatatlo, should! never be allowed to perch until about six I months old or the breit bene will be liable I to become crooked. There is no cur and It b i dlsqua llflcatlon for exhibition fowls. Hickory and cherry require a erowtbl of SO years before they are valuable for I timber, maple 20 jears and beeches and birches IS years. Black walnut, however, I will produce a trunk li Inches In dlamtter in as many years from the seed. A lamh aalll Kaiatn In at ah.n ll la Pw,i Dlrttif T7-kTk -fi 1 -i rrs-n I from ten days to two weeks old. There is KJ OUVO I lailL JL' CI IJLAAjCJ. . nothing better for tbetn than whole oats. ..... . . . , Place them In shallow trough where the ui ouiienur inerii lor uie conBervaiory lambs can run and the old shsep cannot, An Odorless plant food and Keep them growing and yon way command fancy prices. -Good Plata Cake. Ont cap of sugar, two eggs, scant half cup of bntter, good half cup of awoew milk, two teaspooufuls of cream of tartar, one of soda; flour to , itason U taste. To this you ish to make It I Utti nicer, oat oop f k.ajDpa4 raltlos ' dvuied n Uu. i Mr.- udUMftor oC ttvia hlodomly lUtUtnUd. Tttj tvr without cscf ptloa tbt chtpeic booki artr put 4 Im 4VBT uod or luifncf t; ua rarniia to ui dumi of tn peopis &n opportaour to tenre mi mu tar ec u,uv m to moat tntusr xmbm. id anjr omer Mriei tnew grt.; vrosu irooia coit loujr im pneo vtuca lawman serf oour&u uca on i cvmpieu ia tucu ; Thi 'AIAaxIIllI irnhlakat. A. XMVlj BrU.T.ClLMa. The Old VitbcaCfaMt. Aoffl. BjAtltanvb 0o, Jr TbercarlerilieOowB. iNtni, BjCiAUAAvvnu llfkllAVa A ah IlalL A Haral. Bf ltikaain luina. 4UUrUtf. a Jakat cure iioBttv xwatti. wrm w.rc. ' The DUmvfttl BrxetltU X Konl.' tj Mrt. Usni Tfoao. ahkJirtWaW. The Lawyer's, Secret. A vtxnu y uim h. k. Btiees Hotel i Bj K. I STKTWioii. JL lTlna.au tltrl. A. Hfltal. Bf UilTClcIL Bit. Ladr ValwtrU'o UUaeadab iM. Bj TM DVCIIM." -a Uttween Two 8Inj- A KoTtl 87 tbt atbof el Dor 1 oof lit,-' j-uiii'ri(, i jiioe or iiearUk akiwi nrB.iMraB.TeoK, A Lor MerrlBce. A hovil. By MIm Uilocb. IOmMt mm uBUty liivcrv ai, w niisiB ivaii-i! i ke I'eUen of Aid. Attoval. By Fi.nci BtaVaUTAf1 it Gran(k. A Hani. Br Un. Uivbt Wood. arrlns tha Pcttcrs. A Kant. B Un. ALSXalBOtB. A 11 wHarhl'.. lBUahtajk AMoTaL Br Hit. ASM IB Pair bot FaUe. A Krl. JLBBCBttcr CBDldB A nTN Bf MTt. HJiTUTtai , Flereace IInctBe 0tli AKnl. By Kra, kUar A. f at tan v. UkUiritJaial. The wemam UaUh A Xml, tj Pr. J.n. fioauMi, tbo uauxbtbIb. vaoin. a hot. bj h, t. CAivoeaa wit-paid cpon reeelptofo&lrlOCcnUi moyUn for book!) for 7(4 Conts tbe en tire Hit bouod to board J aaoiur. Aa to out nuabiutr.' AjmnettA All ordara filled b Call, Examine, AND Be Convinced THAT YOU CAN IIAVE PliOUIiAMMES, INVITATIONS, PAMPHLETS,' OIItOULAHS, T10KETS, NOTE HEAD3, LETTEK IIEAD3, BILL HEADS. UNVELOPESf STATEMENTS, tiusiness CAnna, DODO Ens and merchnntile printing of all kinds executed at the lowest possible rates. Our work will be found equal to that of any office in the county, and will be done at the time promised. Carbon Advocate JOB ROOMS, Bank St., Lehighton. lam i i H - fifaT-Wa win Mod tar four tltht abora booki by mall roat pi 0 ta I aa j laamry m for SO Oenui th aaura llitltobook. ariUkloth6ack.fofllt.10. Tbl.lithatraataatbuialnlabook. Urmalnr&itMmaTtnmM. PmUara iuiwi takan fort racUon. of dollar. Ja rafar u Uj nawipapar putUafia4 In KawTork. llkiwlaa to tka Commercial Ajraoclti BEST ENGLISH TWIST BARRELS m vim mm T. THIS WEEK, MENTION A COMPLETE Set of ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. A sample board showing its workings and effects. Electricity is the power of the age, and wide-awake people are sure to appreciate the efforts we are making to introduce the results of the combined study of the best and most ingenius masters of it. "We are pre pared to furnish estimates or take contracts to equip business places, hotels and private dwollings with par tial or complete sets of" alarms, taps, bell pulls or any thing in this line at short notice. a and window garden, insectcide, producing luxuriant flowers of great brilliancy and exquisite fragrance. ALWAYS ON HAND A Complete Line oi Oilfct 'Paints, Glass, Hardware, Coal, &c., &c, hk,,tWb;' t .v.. . ' . ' ' ' ' ' I joa mj add, if THE ITHACA GUfti DAMASCUS STEEL BARRELS. ifaBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBRtUCMalJrj' S35 BUST UUiJA. OLE AND BEST SHOOTING t," arwoaa, too UMeea. All laara Ton Lotet. Ii gf Uarta, lotaTclurmaLla 1-artk, AUtwaloa lUb, iW. LuX, Uitbor BuU Mala. Oloso Hard Shooting Curia at Lon Rango n Spcolalty. "sno iron osiotnjui. ITHACA CUN CO. aVaaulAS HADE. era. ReUxiwi. CVmpocaatfrq ITHACA, N.Y. t "TbntUaakabltoaercrxttmaandcarerletDcoliUlKnu' Liesche's Burglar-Proof Basil Lock AND AUTOMATIC WINDOW HOLDER. Cheapest, etronoost end only Practical Aatomat.0 Lock and Udder ta Oro Rata. It la tho only Gth Lock In tho market that dres t& ttra (ktutactlon. It li mads ot Malleable Iron, and oumrt ba broken. It li o located anil conttrnctsd that ltUlirpoaelbleforaUitef to control tt from tho cotld3, ooil la obsolntolT llorelai-Proof. It IsAntxv. cutlc In action, bolli lccldnK ua Bath the moment It closed, and holding the window at any elarratton do sltfd. ItlicqnallnaUrefpect tocordi a&dnclebt, andatose-tenthtba coiU It lkeasllpat on.iDdckn flTS WANTED. pjeked with ccrewi to match. It Is attractlr and or namectallndeslsn. It It whatiroaluio boon looklea (or (or TBirR. Sample complttkior o ntndow mallM en receipt ot 0 OtS. Uitampa. ItasBTactiaed tiy Ja R. CLANCY1, Spraotuea Ma Btitlaattl(ptf(Jk AS WE CLIP HUMOROSITIES SbclntY &ays one tlilup, and nature says another. It takes a c '' lit al of gtaco to be able to bear pr.iUe. -Any kind of an lioncst job Is bct.er than no job nt nil. -Sin lia many tools, but a Ho Is a linn Ho that Ills tlicm nl. Passion Is a bad councillor, ami uenrr- ally n bad speaker. -Take a dollar j day for your work If you can get uu more. Havo a reserve forco that will come out when you need It. -Tin! lioncst man ivho dies poor Is rich If ho only holds his own. -To bo strong In the Lord ! the prlyl lego and tho duty of cveiy child of God ; and this kind of strength it Is that Is madi perfect that proves completes! In one, personal weakness. lie who Is sure thai ot himself he can .do liothlii;;, Is the verj one to feel sura that, in tho strength ul Christ, ho can do every thins which ho has to do. The Lord's strength Is his strength, for his work In the Lord's service. Will you Miller wan Uj bIicd.-I;i nnd Livei Complaint' 8mluli' utilizer Is uuurnnteci to euro you. Sold liy Dr. Horn, Leh'iJituii ml Jlicry, WciMport. Tho fiio '-ouies when tho Insurnnet policy runs out. Kxpcct nothing from him who prom ises a ureal deal. lie that tears not II e future miiyenjo the nesent. The heavens are ns deep as our aspltn- tlons arc high. You cai.'t .u lge a inam by lih own lecoiiiiueiidutlon. To shake hands with an enemy won'i (tone for a wrong. The man With the longest swotd often sets the worst of it. a table witti tlireo legs Is often as steady as one with four. Are you mado miserable by Indigestion Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite lellow Skin? Sliiloh's Vitilizcr is positiv cure, bold bv Dr. Horn. LchiL'htun. uu. lliory, Weissport. The Dili that gets away always looks as ble ns the sea serpent. Exactness In little duties Is a wonder ful source of cheerfulness. Good credit in business Is often bettet than a fat bank account. The man who drinks lho. most hasn't always the reddest nose. Every lane lias a turn, but many of lit get tired before wo rcacti it. The consciousness of integrity give, ease and ficedoui to the mind. Take care of jour character; your ici utation will take care of itself. Catarrh cured, health mid Hwcvt bread secured, by Sliiloh'iiOutarrh Kemedy. l'rio 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Di Horn, Lehighton, and liiery, Weiosport. . He who is a straimer to Industry ma possess, but ho cantm enjoy. Whatever you dislike In another person take care to correct In yourself. God did not make men perfect. U made them pilgrims after perfection, If a man is ill toco higher bo will show it by being faithful where he is. Croup, Win opiii); Cough ami Kronchit'n inmiedia cly lelioveil bv tihiloh's Curt .-'old by Dr. Horn, Lcliiliton, and Biery Wuhik it. Myboy(ilnee years old) was recenll. taken witli cold in the head. It see mo finally to settle in his nose, which uus Mop oed un for days and nights so that It na. diflicult for him to breathe nnd bleep. called a physician who prescribed, but ditl him no good. Finally I went to lho uiu. Store and got a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm It seemed to work liko mngi. Tho boy'i nose was clear in two days, and he lias been alright ever since. E. J. Hazzanl, New York. A higher morality, lllte a higher intelli gence, must be readied bv a blow giowth The world is like a wheel incessantly revolving on which human things alter nalcly rise and 'all. Hope Is like the- sun. which, as we journey towards it, easts tho shadow of our burden behind us. Every great and commanding move ment in the anna's of the world is the tri umph of cnlhoshtsm. The talent of success Is nothing tuore than doing what you can do well without a thought of fame. He who does a base thing in zeal for a friend, burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together. Backlen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers,salt rhueni, fever sores, tetter, clmpped hands, clillblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25c. per box, at Thomas'. I EEAD IBB Carta Advocate ! ! ! And tret all tha latest nows. Including Interesting New York nnd Washington let ters. You bittor Join me. It Is the chmneit, largest nnd HEST weekly paper In tho Lehigh Vallev. Try It. Only $1 a Year. Circulation, 1,000 ! Data rrH nm i inn, mi bio, AND WILL CUltE Cat a rrh By Iking" ELY'S WEy'fevER CRM BALM A particle applied Inioeacli nostril and Is agree Hide, rrlienooentsat druggists; by mall, rcgl IitpiI, 00 cent, ki.y mtus., inuccnii. -a. iiieenwlcli, street. New York. Oct-2-Wi ml Misfortune Is never mournful to the soul that accepts It, for such do always sec that every cloud Is an angel's face. Beyenge Is a debt, In the paying of which the greatest knave Is honest and sin cere, nnd, so far as he is able, punctual. If you would Mud a great many faults be on the lookout' but If you want to Hud them iu unlimited quantities be ou the look-in. He who decides In any case, without hearing the other side of tbe question, though he mav determine justly, Is not therefore just. A man should never be ashamed o ou he has been In the wrong, which Is but saying in other words that he Is wiser to-day ihau he was yesterday. The one essential of frankness In any thing is honesty of purpose. Men who have dark or unworthy deeds to do are not apt to co about them with an open avowal of their Intentions. The world Is nnjiiit In Its judgments, to It Is In lis requitals. Speedily effaces the memory of the greatest services; and when wa can repeat them no more, w are ntg' lected and thrown aside. To Insure long lift recreation should be a part of our dally life. It makes the busy man thoughtful and keeps the thought ful man busy. It Insures health, success and the accomplishment of more work In less time and better. Books outlive empires. They fly tilth out wings, walk without feet; homes of supply are they that without money or price feed men suffering from soul hunger, loaves that Increase as they are broker, and after feeding thousands ire ready for thou sands more. If right means will ot compass a de sired, then the desired end Is not. a right end. However attractive or desirable an object of attainment may eiem, It cannot justify the use of wrong means, Unless the way Itself li right, It cannot rlf btjjr b take a at a bmu to any tad. Ma? BiTW&'WyL' l,ll!jBBaMaT HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICES. WE MANUFACTURE HEARSES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS AND BUGGIES. Mies nnd Calalosuoa cont on application. "FECIAL Inducarnent3 ta large Buyers. & SOOVJLL, V. SCHWARTZ, UNDERTAKER ! ! AND DKAXBIt LK FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITKS, BED ROOM SUITES, tit., whloh ho Is selling at lowest prloM. Carpetiuss of Every Descriptions! Ingrain to Finest Brmeesl at prices lower than the lowest. Having a DIISUIN MUl.Tiri.IRK we are en- Huieu in st u uy nAAiri.r. very naiisiacior lly. lly this method a room is represent ed carpeted, so Unit you know Just exactly what you are buying. We nlo carry a COMl'MCTK I .INF. OF FIfcU CAIM'KTS at VliltY LOW l'KICHS. Bunk Struct, Lehiyhton, Penna. anrll 10 8T-lv All nruntliti. 23c.. JMe, and 1 1 10. rrrnarrd rmlr fcl Dr. Botk Arnold. Mad. Corp., Woao.ociat.ILI. A Great National Journal. THE NEW YORK lail and Express The Advocate of the Best Interests ol the Homo Tbe Ennmy ot the Saloon. The Friend ot American abor. Tha Favorite Newspaper of Peoplo of Beflned T axles Everywhere. tales is tun euemr or eooieir. iruiuui aourco : corruption in polttlca, tbe allr ot anarotir, a hoolofcilmc and, wltb Its auwed purpose ol leklng to corruvli control elocuona and leslBla. rormany jresra tho daUr edition of the New Torr MAlC AND EXPUE&S Iui been recog. Blied astheleadlng afternoon JPr ol tn me tropolis, whuo Its weelclr edition nan been Till. FAVOlllTB IIOilK IMPr.IlIn thouaanils ot faSulleJlne?e Its great popnurtir and lnflaen-a by Its enter prise la the collection ot news, tho Pnntjr ot . Its tonaDd theaUllltyand courjgu of Us BTocacjr ol tho lilishtonaUgnontlousol pohllo lntereat. I'ull lWitho IU1L and Exrn.s wilt be a better paper thin ever, and, as a clean, Jnteresv log, lastrucilvo Home Newspaper, l.tSIir.U aiiTwhero, au.l apirea neither labor nor expense to ercwre tor its readers the verj-oeet in all dep&rtuuiia ot newspaper literature. OUR POLITICS. Wo bcllovo tho nerohllPan party to bo the trne lnatrument ot tho 1'Ol.lTIL'AI. rKOOllKHS ot the American people! and holding that the honeat enforcement ot Us principles is. tha best Kuaranteo of the national weUariv wo sbaU eup. portthoinwIthnUotirnilBhtibutwoahall always treat opposing paxtlea with consideration and fair play. AGAINST THE SALOON. Tho Man. aisd r rrnEBS Is tho recognlxed lead. Idr journal of the country n the .great Antl bulnon UepuliHcnnmoTemi-nL It beUeresthaS tbe Honor traiuoaa It exists to-day In the United States Is thj euemy ot eoolety, frnltml source ox con school Hon, ia a menace to tbo publlo welfare and do BerrosinoconaeinnauonoiaiiKooamen. . , In brief, oil who wish to have In tnelt hornet a FIltST.aliAS NLWftl'APlia cW national scope, broad views, clean pages and cooxageoni, yet kindly, ntlerances on aU ques tions ot general publto Interest, wilt sot be disappointed in the MAIL add EXrUKSs, and we respectfully touclt their lulaence and tup- t0HOn8CllirTIOS HATES Wkitclt, per year, 8 1.OOj six muntha. (IU centi: three montlit, liO cents. 1 ALLT, per year, 80.001 tlx montha. SJ.au: threo mouth-, sl-3Ui ono luanth, SU cunts. FXEIYXIXTIVIS. KTrilY RDBScniDE3 to tha WtrxxT who sends lea cent to pay for l acxlug and postage receives at present from the.HAiL aiid Kirtisa ANV Two ot onr elesant lremlum 1'ortrnltaof Wnooln, Orast, Oarfleld. Logan and Beecher, exact eoplea ot the flneat crayoa llkeneaaca, v! 1 x-jr lnchoa In else, aoa V 10 his address free and postpaid. FCB 81.60 we send tho Hail asd Exraist one year and a copy of ilunkacare great paint ing of Christ Before l'llnte, rlchlr and Uatio aliy rtprodacod In -JO colore., 'i'tia onglnal of thfe great painting wot rucently sold tur over UIOU.UOO. A.IaAUQB I.I8T of other popular and y1. uable premiums are offered to subscribers and agents ou tbe most Uberal term a. 1 hey cannot be described here. bnd lor our o lrc alar. AGENTS WANTED. We want a good agent la tTerytown and Tfl. lagewborewehaTenutone notr at work. Bend tor onr (-pedal Circuit to Agents and lee onr liberal olfcrs. rosTillASTKBU and their ARSISTAUTfa. and all others who lh to Increase their In come, win nnd this on exoellent opportunity. HAtll'LU COI'ILH aont lree all asoU. eanta. 6endtoronoonilencloo thaeddreiscs of roar friends. Adarett saiiAT Tim auu asu Vxa'Ua4j XewYor. J3eDiiis ISothstein AO EXT ron TOE 0. & G. COOPER & CO.'S Traotion Engine hasttio least gearing, Is the STitoKonsT and MOST CONVKNIBNT In use. TURin VtnnATijro Threshing Maohine .unranteed to clve host reiulu obtainable Pony ail Standard Saw WIND AGENTS WANTED to Canvass tor Advertls log patronage, A small amount of nork done with tact and Intelligence may produce a considerable Income. Agents earn several hun dred dollars In commissions In a single season and tucur no personal responsibility. Enquire vt the nearest newspaper office and learn tbnt rurs Is the best known and best equipped estab lishment for placing advertisements In news papers and conveying to advertisers tbt Infor mation which tbey require In order to make their investments wisely and profitably. Men of good address, or women, If well-lulormed and practical, may obtain authority to solicit adver tising patronage form. AppU by letter: to Geo. P. itotvKU. A Co., Ktwspaptr Advertising liureaa, 10 Brinee Stitet, 3w Torx, and full l-urKtiiAM will be seat lj retara nwtL dst-us Mills ! ENCINB for Driving Machinery and rumplng Water; The MKADOW KINO MOWEIt & KEArUIt 111(1 STAND AH D ilAYINO TOOLS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN Normal Sauare, Pa. B. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. l!nUiH struggled 20 years betneeu life uad ei.th w tli Asthma or Phthisic, treated by iniiieiit physicians, and receiving no benefit, I icss to sit on my chair day an .uis compelled during the last Byetars of my 111- icss iu sit on my cuuir uuv aim mgiu gasping or breath. My bufferings were beond uencrlp- lon. In despair I experimented on myself by .nninnuiidlngrooti and herbs and lubnling tbt medicine tliusrbtatned. I fortunately discovered tils WoNIlKUKULCUltR FOH ASTHMA AND CA- r .until, warranted to relieve the most stubborn use of Antiima hi 1'lVK MlMirriw, so that the M.itlent can lie down to rest and sleep comfort ibly. rieuie read the following condensed ex racts fnint unsolicited testimonials, all otre ent date! DllverV.lt. Holmes, San Jose, Cnl., writes i 'I find tlie remedy all and even more llian rep resented. I receive Instantaneous relief." E. M. Carson, A. M., Warren, Kan., writes: 'Was Ufati'd by eminent physicians ol this coun try and Germany! tried the climate of different dates nothing afforded relief like vourprepara loti." I, . 11. rhelps, P. M., Orlggs.Ohlo, writes: "Huf ered w Itli Asthma 40 yearn. Your medicine In . minutes does more lor me than the most cmt- cnt nlivslctan did for mc In three years." II. C. l'llinptoti, Jollet, III., wrltost "Send Ca ih ltemeily at mice. Cunnnt get along wlth- mtlt. 1 tliuflt to be one of the most valuable iiedlcliies I liae ever tried." We liave many other hearty testimonials ot -lire or relief, and In order thai all sufferers from Vstlima, Catarrh, Hay Fever, and kindred (11-u-ases may have an opportunity of testing tho tttlue of tho Itemedv wo will send to any address ntlAI, l'ACKAOK FltKE OK OIIAltOK. 11 four druggist falls to keep It do not permit hln c sell von some worthlcm Imitation by his ren esentlng It to be Just as good, but send directly ous. write your inline aud address Plainly. Address, J. ZIMMK11.MAN & CO., Trops,. Wholesale Druggists. Wooster, Wayne Co., O. size box bv mall $1.00. uly2iy IP at RAINRilW RIIPTIIRF "S"! Simple, afa, re Hub la and a perfect nuinei. It fa not a Truss. Worn Ut and Mght and iu presence forjcolten. Bend for oircaler with teetl mpninlt from Erteful Dflirr cured brthltap. 11 a nee. Addre) Central Medical and SursiCtU atltut 030 Locuit Bt at Zaaul. m, Skillful treetmeut BiTon nil kindi of tnrrfeal ndmedlcalcawfl Weakenlns dieatee andpri ate troubles in male and female onr ipeclaltr, u nnd vate troubles to male and female onr ipeclaltr rare w ; write ai beiore taklnti treatnivJteaUenliere. wuiaiuivuuoa ticm ana mvlvea. $1 13 WEEKS. Tho POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, iciirely wrsiH,'l to any tddrees In the Onl ed States for three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, tgenls and clubs Sample copies mailed fret. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, May 30,188l-ly Franklin Sqoaai, IT. T. PATENTS!! FRANK1IB H. HOUGH. Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents 925 F St., near U. S. Pateat OUSoo, WASHINGTON, P. C. All business before United 8tates Patent OBet attended to for moderate fees. Patents procured 111 the United States aud all Foreign Countries, iraa't- Marki ant LaMt registered. Itelcctcd appllcatloiu revived wid prosecuted. Informa tion mid advice m to obtaining Patents cheer fully furnished without charge. Send Sketch or Model for Fiver opinion as to Patentability. Copies of patents furnished for tie. each, f3T Correspondence solicited. I cor Ml If I Dill (iRomstas. M rVFiunnrs in B I I II I Hill I I I 1 1 11 Wilfsend upon aoolonM TREE.tbeiriicwilraW Catafoguft ofSOftjejforlffiof- Seeds mraia GARDEN IMlHEmS iiHEQUISITOFoRTHr GARDEN AiBiMco.irri wt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers