"Original Ohoap Cash Store." Gold and Silver, The holiday trade greatly tblnnctl out our stocks of JEWKLKY ami HllA'KUWAItK, but we hare since replenished tlicm with a largo lot of CHOtOK 8EI.ECTI0N3 In NhV nnd UNIQUE DKS10N8. l'crsoiis in search or WKDDINU HtKSENTS, HIKTHDAY 1'ItlIS iiNTS, or any other sort o present should nor fall to soo our seloct stock. We sell JKWKLltY and 8lLVEUVAnEsame as other merchandise, and the same low prices that prevail in all other lines of goods aro domi nant In theie. SoTcnty-Two Dozen HanteWefs. AVo havo Just opened 8 i ladles and tlents Linen Handkerchiefs, I'LAIN, FANCY BOUDKIt, HEM STITGII, These addod to the large stock on hand con stitute tho greatest assortment ever brought to town; and the prices are lower than thoy will be sixty days henoo. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opposite Publla Squars, Bank Street, Lchlghton. .lune 7. 188My. Whit They Say, "Mesers. H. Salisbury & Co. of Battlo Creek, Mich., who are ox tensive manufac turers of -Ladles and Gentlemen's furnish ing goods, say under date of August IStb. 1885: Wo have a good many visitors, and they ask what machines wo use. We tell them that we have used "Tho Davis" for sixteen years and they suit us for our work, better than any other, and that wa have tried a good many machines." The Ellsworth Kansas Neics says: The "Davis" docs a greater variety of work than nny other machine In the market, and so well, while Its appointments are so com plete and simple In construction that the most fastidious see at once Its superiority. But what pleased our fancy most was the fine decorative work, executed to perfection Itself, sewing chenille upon cord, silk, vel vet, and common cloth, making vines, au tumn leaves, monograms, roses and flowers worked in gold. Geo. ff. Nosbanm. Apt, Bank Street, Lehighton. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1888 C FECIAL NOTICE Persons making payments u to this office oy money orders or postal notes will please make them payablo at the WEISS POUT POST OFFICE, as the Lehighton Ofllce Is NOT a money order omen Current Events Epitomized. Washington's birthday will be the next legal holiday. 1200 marrage licences have baen Issued In Lehigh county. During January the days gained fifty minutes In length. Election tickets printed while you watt at this ofllce. Prices low. Tha weather last week tested the ca pacity of the""oldest resident." This Is the season for bargains In wall paper at Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk. Don't delay In looking up the remnant wall paper counters at Luckonbach's,Mauch Chunk. If you desire to see a magnificent line of wedding presents go to K. IT. Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk. For artistic paper hanging and decorat ing call on E. F. Luckenbach,61 Broadway, Jliuch Chunk. The schoolboard and town council conyene for the transaction of business on Monday evening. A new stock of clocks watches and Jtwerly for sale at Ilagaraan's store Bank street, Lehighton Pa. 8m. DeYore, tho phrenologist, who lec tured lu School Hall some weeks ago, Is feeling heads at Weatlierly. We write all our brilliant editorials, while seated upon an empty Tulip soap box, which we use Instead of a stool. Rev. Isaac Loos, pastor of the Re formed church at Bethlehem, has been sus tained by a majority of his congregation. Wall papers were never so low as they are now, and aro almost certain to go up In tha early spring. Sea Lucknubach, Maucb Chunk. Carbon county has three castles of Knights of the Golden Eagles. In each case the membership Is large and constant ly growing. A new post office rule'sentls letters to the dead letter office at the expiration of two weeks, Instead of holding them thirty days as formerly. An additional story will be added to the Exchange Hotel, during the coming spring. Numerous other Improvements are contemplated by our citizens. An Infant son of Androw and Louisa Bayer, on Bank s'roet, died of pneumonia ou Suuday evening. Tho parents have our sympathy in their sore affliction, Mr. Charles Raudenbush, ono of the employees of this paper, Intends to go fish' Ing next Sabbath, but there Is some good la him yet, as he uses Tulip soap. Rev. Thos. Wenti, of Hellertown, for merly of Lehigh Gap, was on Tuesday of last week married to Ltss Louisa Relgle, of the latter place. Bishop Bowman ofllel ated. Tho New Mahoning mall carrier had a hard lob of It last Saturday. Owing to the Immense snow drifts he was compelled to dispense with his team and make the ills tance ou foot. The second annual ball of Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, of town, promises to be a graud success. February 21, Is the date and tickets are one dollar apiece; pay your dollar and remember the date. Removed: I. 3. Koch, the tobacconist , has moyed Into his new store room under Music Ilall, corner of Bank and Iron streets, where ha will be pleased to meet all hls'old patrons and all others who need any thing In his line. Remember tho place aud make It a point to call. Sabbath services In Jamestown to morrow: Sunday school, 0 a.m.; preach Ing, 10:30 a. m.; class meeting, 7 p. m. preaching, 7:30 p. m. A regular old-fash' loned prayer meeting will bo held ou Tues day evening at 7:30 o'clock. All are cor dially Invited to attend. A soul Inspiring combination a pretty girl, a moonlight night, a fast horse, a nice sleigh. David Ebbcrt will furnish the two latter esstnttals, while Lehighton and Welssport are full of the more necessary 'requisite, and tha fellow that can't get thtro should emigrate blizzard-ward, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has been be fore the public for years, and Is pronounced by thousands superior to all other articles for the care of coughs, colds, influenza, and Ml pulmonary complaints. I used Salvation Oil for rheumatism In the fet, and after several applications was ntlrely rellevd of pain aud could walk as h11 as ever. AKK R. WATKIN9, Baltimore Md. Another billiard Is reported lo bo on Its way. Counterfeit leu cent pieces are In cir culation. The eclipse eclipsed fiaturlay evening; did you see It? Schuylkill county Is Imrdmied with a $102,000 debt. A reliable watch-maker, 1). S. Hock, opposite the Public Square. " A line assortment of wedding rings at E. If. nohl's, Mauch Chunk. There aro still one or two cases of small-pox reported lu Slatlngton. Full lino of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf Tho poles for tho eleelrlo light wires will be placed as soon as the weather per. mlts. Eyery nowly married couple should make it a point to subscribe for this paper. Paints, oils, varnish, glass and general painters supplies, at Luckenbach's, Munch Chunk. By March 1st It is expected that Slat Ington will be electrically Illuminated, so to speak. Always on time when you hayo an Ele vator alarm clock; forsaloat E. II. Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk. A reader asks Us : "What Is tho mean ing of Eplurlbus Unum?" Tho modorn definition Is, "use Tullnsoap." The periodical "find" of nn old mort gage, affecting the title of valuable lauds, has again been unearthed at Shatnokln. There was a slight wreck on tho L. & S. railroad at Bowmanstown, Tuesday evening. Trains were delayed several hours. Soldiers pensions hayo been granted to Daniel Moycr, of Lansford, and to Charles F. Dorwert, who resides somawhere In this vicinity. Sunday schools and libraries supollcd at the lowest prices. Give us at call at E. F. Luckenbach's, 01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. Steady employment during the Fall and Winter on salary is offered In another column by the YanDusens of Geneva. They are an old and rcllablo firm. w4 Great caro should be exercised In the election of borough and township officials. Tho taxpayers being the Interested parties, they should look carefully to this matter. The public Is warned against a counter feit silver Bland dollars of the date of 16S0. The die work Is excellent, but the coin is light, has a false ring and a greasy appear ance. Howard Seaboldt Is now filling the position of night operator and assistant station agent at the Lehigh Valley depot, town. This change Is mado necessary on account of greatly Increased business. A finer stock of watches can not be seen In this section than Is displayed .at present at the jewelry store of E. II. Ilohl, Mauch Chunk. It will bo to your interest to see this handsome stock and learn prices before purchasing elsewhere. A letter received from our old friend William Craig, formerly of Lehigh Gap, now located with his family In Nebraska, reports all well and happy. Mr. Craig ex pects to furnish us with a letter for publi cation at an early day. Collect, wo will look out for it. To buy watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware, go to E. IT. Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk. References: Goorge Twining, A. R. Butler, S. S. Smitlh, A. Lclsenrlrfg, T. L. Foster, James Drelsbach, llr. R. Butler, T. L. and II. Mumford, William Morris nnd many others. Please make Inquiry of the above well-known gentlemen. Milton Flory, of East Welssport, has moved Into the building next to Everett's notel, In Welssport, where ho will he' pleased to meet all old patrons and all oth ers desiring anything In the line of harness, blankets, robes, bells, whips, &e. Repair ing of all kinds promptly attendod to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf. About fifteen or twenty members of the I. O. G. T., of town, ylsited Slatlngton Monday evening in Klstler's large slelgb. At the latter placo tucy wore the guests ot Mountain Lodge, I. O. G. T. Tho visitors wore treated to an elegant repast at a late hour, after which they returned home highly pleased wjth the generous hospitali ty of their brothers and sisters. To cram one s head fnll of knowledge and the stomach full of food, and then ne glect to observe the simplest laws of nat ure are tho unfailing means to Induce ner vousness and constipation and certain loss ot health. Laxador prevents all this trouble. Price only 23 cents a package. The best remedy for the complaints of early childhood, such as colic, flatulency, i&c, Is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Trlco 25c. Offlolals to be Elected. At the election to be held on Tuesday, February 21, the following ofurlals art to be elected! Burgess. Two Counclimen. Two School Directors. One Tax Collector. m Ono Constable. One Assessor. Judge of Elections. Two Inspectors. One Overseer of tho Poor. The nominating convention of the Demo cratic pai ty will be held at tho Valley House, on Friday evening, 17th Inst., at soven o'clock. Be on hand. Towameniing Items. -Henry DoLong, of Heidelberg, moved to this place last Tuesday. Ry. Freeman will preach his fare wtll sermon In St. John's church, at this placo, on tho 12th lust. Wilson Musclilitz will move to Allen town In the spring, where ha will go into the mercantile business. The Carbon Iron Company has dls charged a number of men owing to the blowing out of one of their stacks; things appear a little gloomy at Parryylllo at there It now but one furnace In blast. widow I.cutz, mother of Stephen Lentz, died of old aga on Monday night Interrment took place In St. John's cenie- tery on Thursday. Cos. People at They Come and Oo. Miss Ella Kckert, of Coplay, wat rlslt ng friends In town this week. Mrs. W. W. Morthlmer Is spending this week with ICalnutport relatives and friends. O. W. Snjdtr, tha popular Yetsrlnary Surgeon, sptnt siyeral days thlt week with bis parents, at Lynnvllle. George Horn, of the Carbon Home, and Henry Chrlstman, ot the Fort Allen circulated at Slatlngton Tuesday, John Bender L. S. section forsman and Thomas Swarlz, who are working In Lackawanna county, tptnt Sunday home with thplr fftmtlMB. F. D. Clausi, the popular Great Bend Fa , merchant tailor, was in town fer few days this week. F. D. reports business at brisk In that region. Misses Nora Clark and Katlo McGorry, of Nesquebonlng, two of Carbon county' most mcvctiiful femaU teachers, wart th guettt' of Mlts Anula Clark, on Bank street, last Saturday. OUR STROLLER AT WEISSPORT, Interesting Items HckedUp and Assorted by mo stroller. Hltam Kulp, of Llzzard Creek, moved with his family to this place on Tues 'ay. A grand raffle Is advertised to conio off nt MacDnnlcl's Logan House, on thoOth Inst. The Chcan New York Store, closed re cently by Sheriff Gallagher, has been re opened. . MfssAllle C. Mllter,ati estimable voting lady of town, left Tuesday for lllngliamp ton, N. Y. Daniel Gtavcr and famtly,of Falrvlew, spent last Sunday lu town with relatives and friends. Mrs. Frank Laury aud daughter Ella aro sojourning with Gcrmantown relatives and friends. Owing to the unusually heavy snow drifts last wce'k, wo were for several days without Jonroe county malls. Miss Julia Snyder, an accomplished young lady of Allentown, Is the guest of Miss Mary Laury, on Brldgo street. A very agreeable party camooff at tho rcsldcnco of Milt Emery, on V hlto street, Tuosday evening. Tho usual conylyalltlcs were Indulged In until a lata hour. Table syrups, oleyen cents per quart; rlec, fiye cents per pound; cheese, twelve cents per pound; remember this, and buy your dry goods and 'groceries at Andrew Graver's cheap store. Rev. J. E. Fieeman will discourse to his Boycrtown congregation, for tho first tltnesincchls election, to-morrow (Sunday). The reverend gentleman will move to the above place on or about April 1st. Great care should bo exercised In the election of borough officials. You fellows who aro dissatisfied with the present regime want to get your work In before the elec tion or "forever hold your peace." A select party of Welssport ladles and gentlemen enjoyed themselves very pleas antly at Reber's famous Polio Poco hosllcry last Thursday evening. At a late hour a sumptuous repast was spread In tho finest tyle. Rev. M. II. Delffcndorfor, pastor of Christ's Reformed church, Allentown, will preach In the Reformed church, In this place, to-morrow (Sunday) morning and evening. Members and all others are cordially Invited to attend. Rev. U. H. Egge, of the Evangelical church, will preach his farewell sermon on the evening of February 10. The rcyerend gentleman has mado hosts of friends during his threo years stay here, and his departure will be sincerely regretted. A young man a?medDeFrehn, of East Mauch Chunk, accompanied by a Lehigh ton damsel, met with an exciting experi ence last Mbnday. While driving across the canal bridge the horse became fright ened and dashed Into a passing coal train; the force, of the collision knocking Ihe horso down, uyistting the sleigh and 'spilling" the occupants Into tha snow. Fortunately neither the lady or gentleman was Injured, the horse was bruised, how ever, and the sleigh was damaged. Swing- gates should be placed at the L. & S. cross ing by all means. ' Marriage Beccptlon, The marriage reception of Mr. and Mrs. Tfoodrinj, at the home of the bride's parsnts, on Lehigh street, Tuesday even ing was largely attended by relatives and friends. A sumptions repast was spread at about six thirty o'clock to which all did full justice. Tho young couple were the rcclulents of many useful and valuable presents coupled .with hearty congratula tions and bst withes. Among the guests present were the following gentlemen and their wives: Rey, Afajor, A, W. Raudon bush, J. M. Roberts, J. TP. Raudenbush, B. J. Kuntz, Chas. Hand, R. L Sweeny, F. P. Lontz, George Kemerer, and R. L. Koons; Mrs. James P. Smith, Mrs. E. Hlbblcr, -Visses Mollle Major, Ida Lcuckel, Ilattle, Emma and Florenet Koons, Daisy Hibbler, Emma Lcutz, Minnie Relchard, Messrs J. A. C. Koons, Tfm. Haai and John McCann. The New Music Hall. Music Hall Is about completed. The new building Is 42x00 feet, fronting on Bank street It extends along Iron almost to Cherry Alley. The building Is large and commodious, well suited for the purpnso designed. On the first floor are two capaci ous store rooms the one on the south corner being occupied by I. S. Koch's cigar manufactory. Music Half, on tho second floor, has a seating capacity of over six hundred, Including the gallery. The in terior is beautifully and artistically frescoed gold, pale blue and cream on a back ground of red tint a combination of colors that harmonize with good effect. The stage scenery represents woodland scenes, &c, Ac, and Is well calculated to meet the wants of drama or opora. On the drop curtain Is tho birthplace of George Wash ington, In all its rustic antiquity aud beau ty. Music Hall was erected at a cost of $20,000 and is unquestionably one of tho finest places of amusemont in the Lctilgh Valley, and reflects much credit on Daniel Wlcand and tho borough of Lehighton. It Is expected that the hall will he formally opened during this month. Mahoning Items. Ice houses were being filled during the past few weeks. Supeiintendent Snyder ylilted our schools last week. Charles Roth, who has been working at Lewliburg, returned home on Satur day- H e are glad to note that our old friend, 'Squire Musselman hat been granted a pension. Miss Emma Miller and Ollyer Reln- smlth, wero to Now Jersey last week and got married. -Tha regular monthly meeting of our school board was held Saturday, in the Pleasant Corner school house. i Among the visitors in the Valley dur- Ine the week were the following. Henry Relnsmlth, of Freeland; Josiah Ilerrlng, against the field. Somebody's fur would fly and of Hailetoni Anion Belts, and wife, otltE&Mlv t i - IV llKCSuarru, nun n uunuis naiuei, oi i umiuKiiuiu mo cuumy .u eacu uiner in a scram f,.,.nM rM b'e ,or conferees all on account of men who have aiansuein, uuio. no ghost of a show for a nomination. Cassidy, On Saturday the property known as - - the Normal Square church property, was rpntivl In Tn.enli Vort for nnrtnd rented to josepn Mertz, for a period oc three years at an annual rental of $55.00. m, i ,1 i m i . i.n, The following officers were elected iTrutteet Moses Miller, and AruoryHontz, Secretary, C. II. Seldlo; Treasuer, D. S. Longacre. The Immense snow drifts of last week were unequaled In the last twenty-five years. In many places the public roads have been abandoned and teauis pass oyer tha onen fields On Thursday thn mail was unable to get through to Lehighton and had in turn nnr-l? On sjntiiriluv u-a .,,,, M liti iu turn uacK. uu saiuruay wo wuuni liatv had no mall either had not Mahion Noth - the'r.Ub and wa? back by 7 o'clock in he even- 'n2 . . DASH Election tickets printed at this office "-m'SibU. thoi. bargtintinw.iipa.jPWtn'e debate which will ptr jntt rtmtmbtr wj adyittd you that w interest nil merchants. Plensa 11 u tbtui, , F. Lutktnbatb, Maush I Chunk, FROM THE COUNTY SEAT, tocai Happenings In Manch Chunk Bplcyly Written Up. Candidates for borough ofllceis are on the still hunt. Col. John Craig, of Lchlgl) Gap, was In town this woek. At present there arc only eight prison ers in tho county jail. Revival meetings aie still In progress at St. Paul's M. E. Church. Miss Louisa IEaop, an ettlmabln young lady of Welssport, spent Wednesday In town with friends. Gcorgo Enzlan, Franklin township's popular butcher, circulated 'inongst friends one day this weok. Georgo Wllke and Annie Bllllngsley, of the second ward, worn married by Rev. Tolman, on Sunday Manch Chunk, has morn lawyers, doctors, churches and grog shops than any other town In the Valley. rho great .tpostlc of temperance, Trancls Murphy, lectured to a large audl edce In O ncert Hall, on Monday even ing. Among tho probablo aspcrants men tioned in connection with Leglsla'ive honors aro Messes. J. W. Malloy, Charles Seldlc, Joseph Fithcr, Five hundred and sixty-seven mairago licenses haye been Issued by Prothonotary Esser since the marrlago licence law went Into effect, a little more than two years ago. Our young friends John Esch and George B. M. 8tockcr, of Lehighton, man ipulate tho spigots at A rmbruster's popu lar hotel. This building was lately rcmod- dclcd owing to Increased business, and Is now one of the handsomest anil most con venient hotels in this place. In tho case of Lansford Smith, JPaltcr Smith and Alice Caff rey. vs. nenryLoblen, Joseph Keenly and Ida Keenly, legatees of Isace Smith, deceased, the court on Tues day handed down n decision in favor of tho plaintiffs. Tho amount Involved wai $2000, Insurance for the life of Isace Smith, dee'd. Wall Papers! H'e direct your attention to the advertise ment of M. Merlgan, 1223 Market street, Philadelphia, dealer in wall papers. His stock Is replete with all the latest styles of wall papers, celling decorations, etc. Be sides having the largest' stock In the city his prices aro exceedingly low. Don't 'JM to read the advertisement. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for In the Lehigh ton, Pa.. Post-Office, for the week tndlng January, 28th, 1888. FUcklnfter. Daniel Kcrfms, KM Gumbert, Nathan Senhcn, Win., Nothstein, Cainmllla Smlthr llenry W., Peters, Mrs. All Snvder. E. A., Itclgcl, Mrs. I!.. Slieekler, Lewis weiunan, juary. Persons calling for any of the aboya letters will please say "advertised." James P. Smith, P. M. Successful Leap Tear Party. A very pleasant and agreeable le ap-yoar party, the first, for the season, under the auspeeles of Lehighton and Welssport young ladles, left this borougli on Friday evening for tho popular Snyder hostlory at Parryvlllc, where they onjoyed themselves until a late hour In skipping the light fan tastic toe. Under the new order of things the ladles conducted themselves in a highly satisfactory manner and deserve to be complimented on the happy and successful termination of what was, indeed, the event of tho season. Tha Lehigh Valley Tax Cass. In pursuance of an act of the Legislature of 1870, Auditor General Norris assessed the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company $25, 000,03 on the gross receipts of the com pany for tlx months, ending Juno 30 of tha year 1880, being at the rato of eight-tenths of one per cent. This tax was calculated upon the statement of the company as filed with the State authorities. Tho mon ey w not paid and on November 23, 1887, me Auaitor-ueneral caused judgment for the full amout to bo entered against the company In tho Protuonotary's ofllce In Phlla. The Lehigh Valley refuse lo pay the tax because It doubted the constitution ality of the act of 1879 Imposing It. Judges Finietter, Gordon and Reed Monday de cided that the judgment had been Improp erly entered, and ordered It to be stricken off the record. Congrestlonal Timber. Tho Democratic lenders Af tha m,v ..ntipivft. sional district will soon meet to settle upon rep rcscutatlou ami lubricate the runuhiK gear of the machinery that is to nominate candidates for Congress. Troublesome limes are anticipat ed. Well, It the tall sjciimores of tho district can't decide for themselves which of their nuui- nerisino nuiest men tnu Honor should unto Gen. Win. Lilly. Carbon county Is after Hip honor of tho first Congressman of tho new Congressional District. About half a dozen Mauch Chunk Deinoeiatlc statesmen aro said to have their hands up aud are laying awake o'nlghts speculating on their chances, but a careful and unbiased survey of tho wholo field must convince any Impartial ob server that If Carbon Is to pluck tho prize it will take tho noblest ltonian of tho lot to do it, and that bis first minis Is llnbert, commonly called l!ob." This may not bo an "iutcrcsten" nor welcome concliKlon to tho other aspiring can- Ulll.lii-3.Ullb iVV iill I JIClll 11. Tho Major, lionet er, fullv appreciates the sit uation and is very guarded nnd cautious In his remarks on tho subject, fully realizing that he may not havo plain salllng-by any means Michael Cassldy, who gave him, two years ago, the lustiest tussle ot his life, can again go into convention with nearly or quits tho same num ber ot delegates at Ills back. Cassldy might think himself able. In nfreoforall Hcrumble to pick up the three or lour he was then short. llou. Allen Craig Is tho ablest and fittest man for tho position in the county. He would be an honor to himself, the partv and tho dlri t. and a credit and help to Ihe Cleveland administra tion In which. If elected, he would no doubt play a prominent pait. Hut, Sir. Craig "has no sand in him." He can't llt-ht ami won't Ot.ht far lilm. self. If ho is ever to grace tho halls of Congress the nomination ini.st bo brought to him on a platter, and politics ain't often built that way nowadays. He unfortunately allmvod himself to be dragged Into tho Klolz-Casstdy lire ot two years ago, tho embers of which are not dead yet, hence lu a'siiuare light between himself and Klntz at this time: wel .Cratir would l nnwhere. Hon. A. (!. Hrodhoad experleiued tile sweets oi ieiwiuiu hip ukoou many years ago ami n.in never lost the tasto. He may posslhlv fall In somewhere as a compromise candidate and would make a good one too. He missed the ou- portunity of his life when he lefuscd a proffered nomination ni ine uino ui the JUou-lirockway affair. In his ease it will he most lnti.rpi.tinp- to the disinterested observer to watch Into which enclosure ho will skin should there boa drawn conteft, thn fall betuut Klotz and Craig. lie lias auiv ueincnaen uotn iiurlrg His long anil active political life. If the selection ot a choice could be left direct ly to tho people, stripped of all side Issues and outside considerations, William M. Kapsher would outstrip all others. With the machine against him he would havo up-hill work, but there Is no telling what would bo the result of a Knmii n.i nn itCii-n..,. i.it.iia. n.t.i f-n--i.ip combination between itnpsher and Cassld ' Craig, Ilrodiiead or itapslier, either one would mnn lionm fmm thA finfuMn,. w Itl, n A,.,,itv j basket no fish lu It. Il nnd by tlioso genlle- i men themselves Will fllllv reCOglllZO tills anil I ; nredict that tlieru will lo. by -oneutioi time, a hearty, united support for Hubert Klotz. Ihe only ' '"an fn the county who can shear Win. Mntehler. i Weatlierly Herald, We ara selling a big lot of wall paper below cost to mane room for an immense stock of new goods at Luckenbach'a.Mauch Ulntnk The Carbon county Mor - chants. Protective ' " Association . ii i I i . . .1 t-i 1 1 will hold n meeting at the Broad - Mauch Chunk, on the 7th IJlSt,, at 1:30 p. m. All mnmlimitc nrn vnnnootorl f n mAf , thorn no tli attend. A. F. Sntder Prei. IN THE WORLD OF LABOR, Brelally Complied for the Tollen by an Ad vocate Man Packcrton employees nro still working j but flvo days per week. Tho new Federation of Labor Is. glow ing rapidly In membership. i A building boom promises to strike ' this town during the coming spring. Last year 37.800 tons of leather were Importod Into the United Kingdom. The total number of overland passen gers to California last year was 160,000. Trade has shown up to the avcrago winter volume during the past few months. According to newspaper reports, the Lehigh slrtkors aro suffering for the neces saries of life. From 120,000 to 100,000 tons of Iron rods aro imported annually, which pay a duly of S12 per ton. According to an Easton exchange the K. of. L. Assembly, here, has but ninety- six members In good standing. Tho exports of American machinery lo .Mexico, Central and South America and Australia continue to agitato the manufac turers of machinery In Great Britain. A syndicate of Now York capitalists will build a railroad from Montgomery, Ala., to Chattahoochee, Fla. It will run through tha richest plno forests of thn South. The Reading railroad strike' is pro nounccu by everybody to bo the most rcdlculous blunder of the day. The strikers will shortly acknowledge this, It wo mis take not. A New York railroad has just ordered ten locomotives from the Rogers Works, at Patcrson, and the St, Louis and San Fran cisco Company hat ordered twenty from the Baldwins. For the week ending January 28, 1888, thero were shipped over tho Lehigh & Sus quehanna division of the C, R. It. of N. J , 70,387 tons ot coal total for year 318,624, tho same time last year, a decrease of 88,630 tons as compared with samo time last year. Tho manufacturers of agricultural Im plements In the West do not speak with much confidence in regard to the volume of business for the coming spring. A num ber of concerns havo recently gone on short time. Prices have declined, and labor de cllnes to accept lower wages. There Is every Indication that more cars will be built In the United States thlt year than ever before In one year. As Is requires two tons of bar Iron and threo tons of wheels and axles for each car, tho de mand for the products of the mills, found ries and forges will be yery heavy for this purposo alone. It Is estimated that 200.000 cars will be built. This number would require 400,000 tons of bar Iron and 000,000 tons of forced and cast Iron, maklim a total of 1,000,000 tons. Local Institute. The first local Institute of this school war u.-i held In School Hall, this borougli. on Friday evening and throinrhoiit Satnrdav. Thn extrpmn cold nm stormy weather prevented the hall from being packed by tho friends of education, yet nioro than a hundred braved the storm und weie well rewarded for tho risk. I'rnf. Iltier. of Heading, delivered Ills lecture, nu "Homo Influences." It wan replete with beau tiful comparisons, striking anecdotes and apt selections from the poets. Tho lecturo Was prac tical, as well as logical, Tho location, tho sur roundings, tho adornment and tho amusements of home, wero some of tlio leading points. The Interest and attention manifested bv tho audi ence Indicated the appreciation with which It was received. The lecture was nreceded bv recital ons and selections ofmuslc. Miss I.. Wllda Snyder ren dered 'Maclatne's Child" with excellent expres sion and dramatic skill, while Miss M. K. Major, who lias established a high reputation here as a teacher ot elocution, favored us with the beet selection sho has ever given In Lehighton. The snlillmo tratredv of tho "(Ireek llrlfln" wasm... sentcd with power and artistic effect. ine musical selections uy jnr. mem, jurs. A. I. Dulling, Mrs. T. A. Hnyiler nnd Miss Snyder en: ine selections them selves were excellent. The evening's entertain- Mnent was highly appreciated by those w ho at- tenueu; ine severity oi ins wcamer no nount de terred many from being present. Katurdav morning at 9:00 a. in.. Sunt. Sin iter. called tho Institute to outer, asclectlonof music, 'inn j?iaiiuuai iivuiii, vrusMiuguiiu ucv. major led In nravor. On motion Hunt, tinvder was elected president aud J. M. Itoherts, vice-president. I'rof. llaer gave n talk on "Memory" or the best method of cultivating this excellent iacuny oi me minu. mere are uvti elements found In llio oneratlons of meniorv. vizi rclcn. tion and recollection. To make a bad memory good and a good memory better, wo should have children learn choice selectlonsof poetry.tlirough all the grades, and our teaching should appeal to the association of ideas. Tho talk w as irractlcal. The class drill In United Suites History by L. (5. ltoethllnc was an excellent one. Tho teacher N full ol ttie sublect as well as enthusiasm. Though his method was not as scientific as some would nave, yei ins was enective, aim ins minus have their minds well stored with historical facts. It Is not so much how a teacher may teach, but what energy and enthusiasm does he put In to Ills method. Tho gentleman by his manner shows himself to be u teacher full ot life, and many were benefitted by the exercises. Tho subject of Arithmetic was presented by A. S. Ilelsel, ot Lansford. We do nut pay suOlcleut attention to addition in our schools, sometimes teachers require too much from pupils who have n oi advanced inrenoiigu. aii prouicms in lower raues snouui ne concrete, npcciai iiriu in mi llion should be clveu through all Ihe trades. even In tho high school. In the afternoon tho Institute was opened b singing "Chime, Iteautlftil Hells." I'rof. liaer gae a talk on "Method of Teaching United States History." (lenerally ne could hang many Incidents et history upon ono fact. Around great men tho leading events ot nations can be centered e should make our uescripllons ot events as vivid as posslbie.so that a child's mind will bo filled w Itli pictures as well as facts. No studv can cultivate the imagination and memory' to well as history. The work of tho teacher Is to nut uiu inli tho urv laets so mat Interest w-lll hn awakened. Afterthaiiklngthoteachersforthelr attention, tho professor hid adieu to all and took the 3:0(1 p. m. tram to nil another engagement. School lllsclnllno ana L'ltl7enshlit " wn the subject of a paper read by. I. M. ltobcits. Tho following aro some of Hie leading points; There are four great factors that enter into the training of men for tho duties of citizenship, viz: the Family, the Church, tho l'ress and the ruhllc senooi. i ne in mi v ist no oldest ami smallest form ot organized government. It maybe the atiodeot forco aud fear; the place where dis obedience, disorder nnd vice dwell together; or ii may i)eiueuaoiuiiionoiioe.ioaceaiiu virtue. 1'rum the last class of families the Stale receives her loyal sons and devoted daughters. If en vironments ot home are corrupt aud debasing. In nlnu cases out of ten the child will he bad. and logically will the citizen bo a bad citizen. I h Church has uouo much to nrcnarn men for the duties of citizenship as well as the duties of life. The church lias done a great work lu leno vatliignnd purlfljingtho character of the Indi vidual, the family and the nation. rile l'l-tiss I a nowertul utrcnt In eriucatlitf? tli people. All Independent and noii-partlzan press has done much to overthrow hoHsisin.nnd aronsn the manly Independence of the masses, it Is doing a noble work lu purifying the political at- mnspher and relegating demagogues nnd hood lers to private life and to tho penitentiary, and demanding virtue, honesty and fidelity as the right standard of truo citizenship. The School Is tho fourth factor. The various forms of discipline to be found In tho school are: luciiisci u ne or lorce: me u sc ni no oi tact: 3. The dlsclpllno of consequences i 4. Tht discipline of conscience. Miss liood, the energetic aud faithful teacher of our lowest primary room, gave an excellent urui in nuiuuer wotk wun n cias.s oi uino pupus. The skill and Intelligent 1 bought w hlch she man ifested In developing the Idea of number and furm In tho mtud of it child, places her In the front rank of primary teachers. Shu has given much time and thought to the study of the best methods of teaching In the primary grade. Her professional zeal and enthusiasm are among her leading characteristics. The teachers wero In terested and educated by tho points that were taken up In the various stages of number w ork. "Industrial Education," was ably discussed by J.J. Uevan. This Is an advance m the right direction. If the government can afford to give manual training to Indian children, how much more should they a fiord the means to experl ranut with the children ol our own race. It teaches them habits of Industry, and to heroine useful .citizens. It dots not mean that every Iwy must become a carpenter or a machinist, no mora than It means that a student of Greek or Uillu should become a teacher of those languages. i no iireseui icacners were not to train ine pupils, hutsTtllled mechanics. Tho subject was ably and forcibly presented. A discussion In whUh J. M. liobeits, and A. 8. Belsel participated. and assisted by the other pupils, did much to .i'. .i",'""B",'s tucces. There were over sixty teacher present, and Bunt. T. A, Snder thanked them and the people for bavin, mr uavini eome It. M. .1. ' Just received Irom Boston, , an immense stock of the cenu- 1 t . , 1 , - i ' me Knight ol Labor Shoes, jwhicl. we are selling at $2.50 and !3, Warranted solid calf leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, solo agents for Carbon, county. Our stock of hand made shoos cannot b lsoat by any dealtr ia the asunty. Salt Rheum The agonies of those who suffer from severe salt rheum aro Indescribable. The cleansing, healing, purifying Influences of Hood's Sarsa parllla are unequalled by any other medicine. "I take pleasure In recommending Hood't Barsaparllla, for It has done wonders forme. I had salt rheum very severely, affecting me over nearly my entlro body. Only those who have suffered from tills disease In Its wont form can Imagine the extent of my affliction. I tried many medicines, but failed to receive benefit until I took Hood's Barsaparllla. Then tho dlseaso began to subside, the Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now I am entirely free from the disease. My blood teems to bo thor oughly purified, and my general health Is greatly benefited." Lyman Allun, Bexton V. E.'Cliurcb, North Chicago, 111. "My son had salt rheum on his hands and tho calves ot his legs, so bad that they would crack open and bleed. Ho took Hood's Bar saparllla and Is entirely cured." J, D. Stan- tok, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From 108 to 135 "I was seriously troubled with salt rheum for threo years, and receiving no benefit from medical treatment I decided to try Hood's Barsaparllla. I am now entirely cured of salt rheum; my weight has Increased from 103 lbs, to 135." Mns. Alice Smith, Stamford, Conn. It you suffer from salt rheum, or any blood disease, try nood'a Barsaparllla. It has cured many others, nnd will euro you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by All druggists. glitlzforfS. Prepared only by C. I. IIOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowtll, Uim. IOO Dosos One Dollar Annual Statement -OK T1IE- Receipts and Expenditures -OF- Carbon County. For the Yenr Ending, Dcc.31,87 Samuel Ricicrt, Treasurer, DR. To balance on hand Jan. t, 1S8" $ nam 48 TO AMOUNTS RrJCI'.tVKDrilOMTAltCOr.l.KCTORS Harrison Wentz, Parry villa bor., for '6t 32 M . .1. noyie, AiaucnununK oor. ism 15 85 I. 1. Levao. Franklin tw-n.. irr.s -s ao !'. 1'. lloyer, Parryvitle bor.. 18815 an oo l). I). Uerhard, l'acker twp.. 1880 ait 75 Dlldlue Snvder. 1'nrrvvllln bor.. irrc. .. An 7.t (1. . Misbaum, Lehighton bor., tsstl.. ,103 05 J. F. Chrlstman, I'enn Forest twp.,1888. 155 07 (lodfrev HHtinc-cr. r pnfph tirn . IftMA ot rrr T. . Stelgerwalt, Hast l'enn twp.,1889 SS 8 Jno. Painter, Mauch Chunk bor., 1880.. Jlo 1,1 r.. . ueniit, wcameriy nor., 1886.... 2 .18 C. O'Donuell, E. M. Chunk bor., 18S8. . 4Cfi 83 A. II. Uombert, Mahoning twp., isms... ;bi 48 11. Kimkle, Tonamensing twp., 1887.... 400 W) II. 1". Levim, Franklin twp., is87 723 no Oodfrey Hettinger, Lehigh twp., 1887.. 2H3 81 Bernard ogt, Y elsspoit bor., 1887 .15.1 so John Strohl. L. Towamenshnr. 1887 not .11 bh on 2M 00 ii. u. ueniara, racKer twp., 1887 Emory (letz, Kidder twp., 1887 Dlhilne Svnder. l'arrwille bor.. 1887... 200 77 494 58 1030 00 161 82 GO 00 2544 42 718 22 STfii a.1 (1. W. Nusbaum, Lehighton bor., 1887.. i in. Kennedy, uuisauueiwp., 1887. .... i.vmiv.ij, iiiiauiiuakni,, ,coi.. K. Chrlstman, I'enn Forest twp., '87. Hick Kellev. llanks twn.. 1887 It. Stelcerwalt. Kast Fenn iwn.. ira?. jno. 1 .inner, iuaucn iuunK uor., 1887.. O. It. Hoover, Weatlierly bor., 1687 looo oo T. V. Williams. Lansford bor., 1887.... 2183 09 Math Itclnsmllli, Jlahoiilngwp., 1887.. 1833 78 .,,, Looms, iiiituvii utuiiK twp., itvr, .. aw pa UNSF.ATKD LAKHS RKnKKMKM. August Uehreus 17 an Thomas w. Weaver 7 14 i.iiwaru iccoer 12 10 Miller & Derrick 37 69 TO AMOUNT lir.CKIVEl FOU HUNT. E. M.Mulharcn $ 30 00 00 00 2 00 12 on Keystone League.... noocri rtiotz..... First National Hank. JI1SI!ELMNK1I!8. John Kline. Ilial. In fnlll ; 43 SS C3 40 10 20 CO I 51 2J 00 1500 00 James (iallaglier, jury tees ror saio 01 l.cceipi hooks. ForsaloofOld Lumber.. Iroin Collectors after duplicates were settled ." From Commonwealth cases cor me. white naven bridge Total amount of iceelptsl.. Sfocn 39 CI!. By payment of orders drawn by County Commissioners during the ear '87. Hdhjd 70 Balance on baud Dec, 31st. 1887 5402 59 S 35302 29 Anthony Coll, John Arner and Josiah Williams, Couniy Commissioners for Carbon County, in account with said County for the year ending Dccember'iilst, 1887. Hit. To total amount of orders drawn during year ?i:iu ;o Clt. Bj expenditures as follows 1 CUI'IIT EXIT.NSKH, Jury Commissioners and Cletk $ 12034 iiurors lor .lauuaty session, i&qi....... low do Jurors for April session, 1887, 4)9 txl Jurors tor .lime session, 1887 MS m Jurors for October session. 1887 !U5 28 Comt Crier aud Janitor, .1. It. Hlmmlek '130 no Court .Stenographer 201 50 rnnstablu returns 103 14 TipsUives 218 00 lonstauie anil w iiuess tees in uuiuiiiou- wealth cases , 830 50 Sheriff, .lames Gallagher , 131(1 31 Prothonotary, (leorgo W, Ksser aofl 50 Dls. Att'y K. Jl. .Mulharcii, t888 7 00 Att'y W. M. Itapslier. 1887 220 00 Total couit expenses.. 9 Oiiiil 39 ASSKBSJIE.VT AND IIKKIbTRA'l ION. Bunks tw 11., W. H. Wear, assessor. lsl Banks twp., J. J. Coiiahaii,ascsior, Banks twp., Bernard Ferry, registry, Audejnied Banks twp., Bernard Mcltugh, regis 4 1X1 vn 00 211 00 ."I 00 M 00 10 OO 20 on 7 00 ,12 U) t& 00 Id on 13 00 in 00 8 00 14 00 4 00 30 OO It on 4 00 7 00 n 00 (13 00 29 00 M 00 30 00 Tt OO 25 00 32 00 28 00 21 00 in 00 18 00 s ou 10 00 II 00 15 00 4 04 22 O) 7 00 3 00 24 00 43 00 11 00 33 00 try, ueaver .Meadow. I'.. M. (.'hunk. If. Hock, assessor i;. M. Chunk, II. Hock, registry 15ast l'cnn, Jas. Andreas, assessor. . . . Itast l'enn. .las. Andreas, registry Franklin, J. K. ltlckert, assessor rniuKiiu, u. n. iucAcn, iuk"") Kidder, I), O. McLand, assessor, North Kidder Kidder. Ilmory (let., assessor. South Kidder Kidder, Umory tietz, registry, South Kidder Kidder, I). O. McLaud, registry. North Kidder Lausanne, Put. Olllesple, assessor.. Lausanne, Win. Kennedy, registry..... Lehighton, C. Trainer, assessor, Lehigh, Jas. Julbert. assessor Lehigh, Dan'l Cannon, assessor IChlgh. James Culbert, registry I,. Tuwamensliig, W. riiijuer, 1880 u lowameiising, v. outlier, assessor. L. Towamenslug, W. Snyder, reglstiy. I jtnlord.Jolin llresliu, assessor Lansford. Jolin'llresllii. reclstrv.. Mauch Chunk twp., Morgan Jenkln, assessor Mauch Chunk twp.. Frank McCann, registry, nosqueuouiug ,.. Manch Chunk twp., M. A. Bonner, reg istry, SumniltHlIl Mauch Chunk, 1st Ward, A. (i. Peters, Maucti Chunk? 2nd Ward,' E." T.Kn'cuie, registry Mahoning, A. II. (iombert, assessor.. Mahoning, A. 11, llnmbcit, registry.. .- l'uckertou, Alfred Mcrtr, registry, l'acker,.). C. Dinner, assessor Packer. J C. HUtuer, registry I'ariyvllle, II. II. ltltiy, assessor I'arryvllle, II. II. llltzy. registry l'enn Forest, I. Kuehner, assessor I'enn Forest, L. Kuehner, registry..... Towaiuenslug, Nat. Mender, registry. - TowainciisluK, Nat. Stemter, assessor- Weatlierly, W. U. Brown, assessor..... Weatlierly, W. U. Brown, registry II C Swartz, assistance In making the assessment for State purposes Tutal for assessment and reg t )on 50 rSsrATKli LAM) taxi's rou IMI ixn 185, Banks two., Hpyh McCiarvcy, road tax f u& 14 Hanks twp., T. J. Brady, school tax.... 30 OS E. M. Chunk, J. B. Drelsbach, school tax ISM, East Fenn, Benjamin 'otlutelu, school i tx East rena, O. W. Itehrlg, road tax is si Knnklln. 0. Kraiae. road tax 8 HI 1 Klddtri J. W. 8locu.ni, school tax...w., 23 12 Iilddr,J.S. BuwV.roudMix...., nf I Lausanne, Wtn. Kennedy, road and 1 school tax,.... I Lehigh, B. McCormlck, school tax Lehigh, Jacob Kbert, road tax I Lower Towamenslug, John Strohl, at 00 2!i 79 m IS cnooi nuu rnau tax Mauch Chunk twp., Thoi, Lynn, school tax Mauch chunk twp.. Thos. Clemens, road tax l'acker, (ieo, Kroh, school tax Packer, H. B.tlcrhard, road tax l'acker, Tilghman Cmgle, poor tax l'cnn Forest, Kuos Koch, school tax. . . . l'enn Forest, Francis 1iyer, road tax . . I'enn Forest, J, F. Chrlstman, poor and road tax , , Towniiiciislng, rani Krcsgc, school tax TowHinensIng, l'nul Smith, road tax... Tuwamentlgg, Abrnm tlrccn, poor tax. Weatherly, Daniel House, school and road tax Henry Belneinan, poor tax for Banks, K. M. Chunk, Lauianiic. 1-ehlgh, Manch Chunk twp,, nnd Weatlierly 37 Ot P7 40 68 44 303 44 4ii nn 142 an ICI 411 71 4(1 lift fill rA 3 ot sr, 8 M 200 32 Tutsi unseated land laxes $ 2I2 81 IWAl) DAMAOES, J. K. ltlckert. ruad from Wnlckvllle to Wcissport $ OT 87 Joseph Mover, road from Uhlehton to fust l'enn 101 (11 Henry Miller, road lu Franklin a 43 John Augo, road In Mahoning an on I'd. Stolgerwalt, road In Mahoning 2n no Jefferson nnd Henadiis Frederick, road In Mahoning '.0 on Total road damages 4 2fti :vi COUNT!" lllltlHIRS. White Haven bridge 4W ii Hcpalrs to other bridges tni nu Total for county blldges H.vi on Of tills amount. White Haven boiough p.itd JIKio Into the Treasury see Treasurer's ui ei lt.Cr.l.t,AK(U'l. County Com, 1ml. due for 188s S 323 iiO Countv Com. salary, duo for 1887 Mim Com. clerk, bal. due for 1830 7a no Com. clerk, salary for 1887.............. win no County Solicitor, salary for 1887 ti'.l ui County Treasurer bal. due lor 1880.. . . b,v 00 County Treasurer, salary for 1887 loon 01 County Auditors and clerk for ISS7.... tti m Couit House ami jail expenses and re pairs 1I.8J 47 Election expenses ti.Tt 7a Inquisitions 1700 Printing and stationery I3sa on Fox, mink and hawk scalps 2A3 20 Itedemptlon of unseated lauds 70 37 Stato taxes , 37 hi CO Burial ot soldiers 70 on J. s. Fisher, auditing accounts and dockets of rrothonotary and He- eorder , vi no I'cnna. Telephone Co M w bastern renltentlary, boarding pris oners 1:1.1 77 Danvlllo Stato Hospital, cai e of Insane 1 id 01 T. A. Snyflcr, County Institute 200 00 discount on money borrowed t"0 74 .Simon Nicholas, overpaid taxes 1 18 J. J. Boyle, unseated land deed' 6 7 Total miscellaneous ?13321 CO Total disbursement ?208i)ii 70 Individual Account of Cammissioners. Anthony Coll. Clt. County By balance due him for 1886., By 100 days service J 00. . By 14 days service 2 on... l.Y. 00 300 00 28 00 Hit. To orders paid by treasury $ 484 00 John Arner. CR. By balance due him for 188U By too days service S3 00...... By tn days service 0- S2 no S 14 00 300 00 32 00 346 00 . t 346 00 Dlt. To older paid hyTreasurer , Josiah Williams, en. By balance due him lor I8stf. . By 100 days service a $3 no., By 5 days service 2 nn. . , , , 8 33 00 300 00 10 00 34.1 00 . $ 34.1 00 UK. To orders paid by Treasurer , Financial Condition of Carbon County, January 1, 1888. IIKSOL'IK'UH. Balance cash ill Treasury f 5402 69 ii. u, iiaiiaguei , vaniuce uue. or Thomas Koons. balanco due on on Charles W. Lentz. balance due ID 00 HAt.ANCK DtlK IIV COI.I.KCTOJt. Richard Horn. E. Mauch Chunk, 1883. . IS 74 . uu omen, 1 utivri tun, ,00,, ' uv F. 1'. Boyer, rarryvllle, 1883 S3 10 .1. F. i-iirisiman, renu forest, ibw ur au B. J. Evans, Banks, 1886 570 84 H. Kimkle, Towamenslug, IW 200 01 D. D. (ierhard. Packer, 18S7 328 84 Dlldlne snvder, I'arryvllle, U87 148 w EmnrvOetz. Kidder. 1887.... 443 tl J.- F. Chrlstman, l'enn Forest, 1887 315 10 l'atrlck Kelley. nanus, 1887 160 83 J. It. Stelgerwalt, Kast l'enn, 1887 178 4 II. 1'. Levan, Franklin, 1887 402 21 Bernard Vont. Welssnort. 1887 14S .VI C. It. Hoover, Weatlierly, 1887 aw 00 Jno. Painter. Maticli Chunk bor., 1887., 421 46 C. O'Dnnnell, K. Mauch Chunk, 1887. . . (187 8:) John Strohl, I- Towamenslug, 1887 315 31 T. W. Williams, lansford, 18H7 27 m (1. W. Nusbauiu, Lehighton. 1887 366 01 .lames ( oiiinii, .naucn i uitiiK inp.,ixK?. mi iik Total amount nf resources. t 1104.1 31 MAIltLITlKSj School, Bond and Poor Taxes due Townships and Boroughs for Unseated IjiikIs, as follows: KAST JIAtlCII CIIUSK BOI10UOII. Dotoirgh tax for '84 aud '83 t 3 32 rm.NKLl.V TOWNHIIIf. School tax for '84 and 85 .... -5 17 31 7.1 Poor tax for 81 and 83 Kinnrn -iownbiiu-. roortaxfor '84 and '5, i.tmciiro.N noiioi'iiii, School tax '84 and '85 i 1 14 71 ito.id tax '81 nun 'iu .... Poor tax '84 and '83... LOWKIl T0WAMKN8INO. Road taxfor '84 and 'S3 16 67 rAimvvti.i.E iionot'dii. School tax for '84 and '85 ltoad tax for '84 aud '81 Poor tax for 'H and 'w 1 33 68 78 Total liablliilct. $ 63 48 Resources In excess of liabilities Si 18.40 83 James Gallagher, Sheriff, in aC' count with Carlton county; UK, To, amount of orders -drawn ouTrea.. CR. 4) 1.116 31 By boarding prisoners ... 8ol 7& Bv hulldintr rirei In tall. 212 OO By servlngjuror notice aud drawing' liming n juries.... .- By preparing election proclamation By removing Insane to asylum, Danville By fees In Coin, cases 114 10 S no SS 2) 38 DO ( 1316 31 We, the undersigned Auditors of the County of Carbon, State ot Pennsylvania, elected aud dub sworn according to law, do report that wo met lu the ofllce of the County Commissioners, Aud ited, Adjusted und settled aocordlug to law. the accounts of Baiuuel ltlckert, Treasiirer,Authony (loll, John Arner and Josiah Williams, Commis sioners, and James Gallagher, Sheriff, of said county, for the year ending December 3ist,t887. Commencing ilia work on the 1st daynf Janu ary, 1883, and completing it upon the I7tli day nt January, 1888. Ami that said accounts settled as above stated, aud of record in the office ot the Prothonotary aro correct. We also nnd that from the balance due by Tax Collectois, the per ccnUge for collection and in some instances ex onerations ara to be deducted. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seals at the ofllce aforesaid, the lith day of January. A. D., 1888. A, (i. I'KTERS. US. 18 NKR, a M, . U KAL. I'AUL WA(1 II. II. JIKA1I RAI. KAL We, the undersigned Commissioners of tht County ot Carbon, lias lug examined the State ment of the Financial Condition of Carbon Coun ty, January 1st, 1888, as complied above, do cer tify that tho said statement Is correct, and wish to add that some fees due witnesses, etc., In commonwealth cases are not lncludtd. In testimony whereof we havt hereunto set our hands and anlsed our seals at Mauch Cnuuk, the 23rd day of January, A. I. 1688. H. K. MILLER. SKAL.1 D.J. O'DOKNkLL. Uut-I J. S. HAWK, tKAUi County Commissioners. Atttst- ilK'HAlt CAttlllV, Citric feb. 4, 'tt-wi. THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN TOWN Sf ill a Booming OO TO THOMAS' FOR TURK DRUGS AND PATF.NT MEDICINES. , 00 TO THOMAS' WITH YOOK PRES. OR1PTIONSTO MAKKBURK Or PROP- HROOMPOTJND1NO. QO TO THOMAS' FOR HAIR. TOOTH AND CLOTH BRUSHES. OO TO THOMAS' TOR YOUR POCKET HOOKS AND FUKSKS-Already Filled. 00 TO THOMAS FOR YOUR HOItSE'AND OATTLE POWDER. TWUt.VE YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE DRUO UU8I. NKSS ENABLES HIM TO MAKE HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER TO SUIT EVERY OASE. IF YOUR HORSE HAS A COUCH,' USE THOMAS' .COUCH POWDER QU ARAN. TEED TO CURE. . FOR ANYTHING REI.IABLEQO TO" , Thomas' Drug Store, Bank Stkekt, Lkhkjiiton, Pa. Look for Lnrgc Gilt'Sin. All new Spring Styles now in stock. All new goods in a new store. A All old goods were sold out nt auction. Elegant While Back Papersr Sc. 7c. 10c. and 13c. Per Piece. Elegant Gold Papers, : 15c. and 30c. Per Piece. Elegant Gold Embossed Papers;. 35o. and $1.00 Per Piece. Felts and Ingrains,- 20c. and 60c Per Piece. ' , LUCRUSTA WALTON ! Samples anrl estimates sent free. "Ex perienced workmen sent to all parts of; the city and country. All goods warranted -ffV from arsenic, perfect, and full length. ; M. Merigan;1; 1223 MARKET ST:, Fcb.4-M Philadelphia. attains Stock. Large and Complete I: The Yery Latest Stiles! Clothes anil Cassimeresl 1 Corkscrews, Worsteds, U;M Best Made Clothing ! Perfect Fits Guaranteed ! Our stock of seasonable goods is larger and more varied than any assortment or stock eye'r displayed in this section of the Lehigh Valley; our prices un questionably lower than any. oth er tailoring house. These are important facts, remember them, and you will save money besides getting the best made clothing. Gents Furnishing Goods! Hats, Caps and Neckwear ! Boots Shoes and Stars! For Ladies, Misses and Gents ! Latest styles and largest stock, best .makes nnd positively lowest prices. Before purchasing else where we kindly invite yon "to call nnd inspect our merchant tailoring goods, gents novelties, boots, - shoes and slippers, we guarantee that you can save, money. Respectfully, Clauss&Bro., THE TAILORS, Snk Street, Lehighton," F. WAIL -1 ' jliiOj Rare 8 Mart 3 I I I" . I ( 1 C ' - - 1 08 IV' J in W W 't & Bi- f p -t Q
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers