"Original Cheap Caah Store." .Wo have bccu bu8y the past ten days opening our4 HUG 111 FALL STOCK and are now prepared for increased business : Tlio beautiful tilings now In our stnro are Vkcttliy I lie especial ntlcntlon of tilt slRlitseers. Persons contemplating a trip to Lehigbton during the Carbon County Fair arc cordially in vited to inspect Our Large Store and the Goods it contains. Such an exhibition of the choicest products in the market cannot be seen elsewhere in thisscction. J. T. WUSBAUM, Opimlte l'ubllc Hquarp, Hank Street, Leblirbtoii, .liinii 7. wl-ly. A FAMILY RELIC. Wo nil know with what lnlile, nml chmi ten derness, tlio tattler mid mother ol n family uf- fentlmo recant old pieces ot furniture.) u picture, a piece of cracked elilna, which to others may seem uselcM, lint which, to them, Is closely Identified with tlio dear old days when they first "went to housekeeping." An Instance, worthy of notice, ciune under the writer's oliseivnllon atsSallna, Ifnasiis! A family, m Avjikh nl)afs Sewing Machine had been In me for the past 18 years, wcro nhont to lose their Art born a liandsonio young lady hy niaril.U'O. Tlio inies- tlon arose as to what thelirldo should carry to her new home, as the iiartleular gift of father and mot tier. It was promptlydecldcd thatnoth- lug could he so ajipraprlato as the sewing ma chine. The mother looked at the dear old ma chine, which had served her so faithfully for so many years; upon which baby's wco garments had been made, and upon which had .just been finished her wedding trosseau. The tears well ed up Into her gentlo eyes, and alio said to the father, ,-wc cannot let It go." After standing u moment In sllmice, tendeily regarding tlio fam ily friend, they decided to give their daughter, to carry to her new home, n Kew High Arm l);ils YertleaW'Ycd Sewing Machine, feeling ns?urreil that It would be to her, In j ears to come, all that the old machine had been to her parents. Geo. W . Nnstanin, Apt, Bunk Street, Lehigbton. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1." 18S7. ql'IICIAL'NOTICK l'ersons making payments 0 to this oltleo uy money orders or postal notes wilt please make, them payable at tlio WKIbS l'OltT I'OSTOKFltll!, as the Lehlghlou Ofllqe Is NOT a money order otllce Current Events Epitomized. See Sweeny's new ad. Cranberries nt Sweeny's. Thanksgiving Day comes next. Lclilgliton was well rcpiesenteil at the "Allcnlown fair." Wall paper, homers and decorations cheap at O. Itehrlg's. That fell disease, diphtheria, Is said to bo abating at Weatherly. Primes, mediums and culls sweet po tatoes at Sweeny's Corner Store. Call. An advertisement planted in tlio Ar Yooatk Is bound to bring the best results. J. W. Raudenbusli has had his Bank street residence nicely repainted during this week. Kiirntturcjof the best makes at prices to astonish the buyers, at Konicrer & Swartz's. tf Our youne friend V. K. Newmeycr, of Mahoning, will accept our thauks for a bas ket of etioico grapes. All the latest designs In fall nilllnery goods nt the popular New York Millinery Store of Miss Alrenla Grayer. Sw. The Lehigh county Institute will be held In the Court House at Allentown for the week commencing Nov. 21. Actions speak louder than words, henco go and buy the Singer Sowing machine from C. F. Delliert, Bank St. Lclilgliton. Absconding cashiers should always take a box of Tulip soap with them, as there's nothing In Canada that can equal The Sweeny and Moore baseball club of Drlfton, beat tho Lansford club Tuesday In a warmly contested game at the latter place. Before you buy a fall hat or bonnet call at the popular New York Jlllllnery Storo of Miss Alyonla Oraver on Batik street. 3w. The G. A. Tt., cleared $450 at their festival several weeks ago. A complete report of all monies collected, Ac, will be printed at an early date. A number of our pcoplo accompanied the Josiah Connloy excursion over tho Switchback Sunday last. The ride was a cold but cxhtllarTitlng one. In tho obituary notlco of S. C. Stuart last week It should hayo been "that for twenty-six years deceased was blind," and not thirteen as It nppearcd. Mens' suits, boys' suits, rcllablo suits and good suits, marked down to rock bot tom prices at Sotulheim's One TrlccStar Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Remember, Miss Alvcnta Graver has in stock only tho most fashionable millin ery goods. Call before yon purchase else where Lowest prices, and best work, fiy, If your watch or clock don't run cor rectly, take t to nagamatijon Bank street, and If It then falls to keep time, ho will make no charge. March 20 Cm For the week ending on tho 24th Inst., there were 73,307 tons of coal shipped over tho L. & S. R.R.,a total to dato of 3,070,204 tons, showing an Increase as compared with tamo date last year of 151,2:38 tons. Austin Boycr, attornoy for the heirs of Samuel llartman, deceased, will expose, to public sale on the premises In Franklin township, on Saturday, October 1st, sixty acres, more or less, of valuable farming land. Tlio attention of tho people of Summit Hill, Lansford and vicinity Is directed to the fact that George F. Iliuitzlngcr, of iho popular Switchback Restaurant, is author ized by us to teceivo subscriptions and moneys for the Caiuion Advocatk. An Organist Wanted, at the rcnnsvlllo Church, Carbon Co., Va., on Sunday tho 2d day of October next applicants will have a chance to bo heard, commencing at half past nino o ciock in tlio forenoon. A liber al salary will be paid. John Harter, .losiah Andreas. Tho I'resbylerlan congregation nt Ilok endauqua will be favored next Monday eve ning. October 3rd. t-UIi an Instructive to,.. ture on "James A. Garfield, the Martyr President " Tho lecturer will be Rev. IT. Margetts, formeily congregational preacher hi mo greni my oi London. Lincoln Belsel and Miss Bcsslo Kycns, of Weatherly. were united In tho holv bonds of matrimony at the residence of tho brble.s patents, Mr, and Mrs. David Evans, Weatherly, Tlninvlay a week. Tho Anvo- date congratulates tlio happy young couplo and wishes fcr them a safe nnd pleasant journey wirnugu mo. Tho Woatherlv Hernhl wnnts tho farm ers of (Jnakake and Laurytown Vnlloys to hold a fair In the former place. Jf tho farmers In tho upper end were wide nwako ana enterprising they would make their ex hibits at the Lehigbton fair and hayo tho advantage ot securing premiums on all ills plays worthy of notieo. Suppose they at tend the fair noxt week, and try It. Did you consider that you can savo irom i to a on eacu uoys' sun you buy at oonuneiurs uno rricooiar t loining Hall, Mauch Chunk. We have over debt hun. droit boys' suits which wo sell nt &i, $!i and upwards, and guarantee Our prices to be lower than elsewhere. You will do well by calling on. us and examining our stock of suits and overcoats before purchasing elsewhere. Cranberries at Sweeny's. Ri'mcnilicf tho county fair. Buckwheat enkos ami wnslit! Court coiivcncj Monday n week. -JLook out for sliatpers noxt week. llcware'of pickpockets next week, Our stores nro doing ft good Imslnoss Autumn leaf parties nro very popular. U'all paper, flvo cents per roll, nt O, Rchrlg's. Allentown Is talking about n soldiers' monument. $400,000 Is represented' lit the Allen town public school buildings. Chow-chow,plcklesnnd mixed mustard nt sweeny's corner otoro. uait. Full lino of Ingrain nnd Brussels car sets nt V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf Before purchasing clscwhcro, sec Ivcnv crer it Swartz's largo stock of furniture, etc. tf. The Carbon countv Institute, will con venn for the week commercing December Mil. For best makes of carpets nt lowest prices, go to Kemcrer & Swartz, Bank street. it Rev. Mohr, of Catasauqua, will preach In the Reformed church, on Lehigh street, to-morrow (Sunday). Moproo county office seekers "do most respectfully announce themselves" to the attention of tuo voters. A substantial brick pavement has been laid In frontof MalilonRetchard's residence on Northampton street. A lady says: "Tulip soap makes good, strong suds. I used It with complete suc cess upon two booK ngenls." Tlio school directors and members of the town council will asscmW In regular mommy meeting on aionuay evening. Upright Piano, but Htllo used, for salo nt Croat sacrifice. Anolv at office of tho .Mansion House, JH.nicli uiiunK. aw Hals nnd caps of nil tho leading styles, nlso ngent for tho Youman hat Sond helm's One PrI:o Star Clothing IIall,Mnuch unuiiK. According to nn act of the Legislature ot 18S0, it Is only lawful to shoot partridges' from October 10 to December 15, dates In clusive. Col. John D. Bertolc.tto Post, 4S4, G. A. It,, will participate in tho unveiling of the soldiers' monument at Bethlehem on October lltli. Tlio press is tho watch-dog that guards the hen house of our liberty and protects tho clothes-line of our rights and It nlso advises you to uso Tulip soap. Nusbaum.at the "Original Cheap Cash Store," has just put In his large stock of fall and winter goods. When you como to tho fair noxt week don't forget this. B'o nre pleased to note that our old friend Victor Bowman, of Bowmanstown, who, for somo town past, has been severely Indisposed, is rapidly convalescing. Pottsylllo paid $10,000 damages to a lady of that place, this week nil on account of n broken pavement. Lclilgliton can seo a pointer In this which It can use to advan tage. Jacob Swaycly nnd James MIrtzlcr workers In the Iron oro mine nt Macungle, Lehigh county, wcro burled under several ton of earth last Saturday nnd instantly killed. Mrs. MaryBnchman and David Mantz have put substantial plank pavements In front of their Lehigh street residences. This Is a valuable pointer to other property holders on that street. Thero Is a man going around tlie coun try taking subscriptions for "The Ladles' Book of Fashions," and offering as premi ums worthless chronios. Ho Is pronounced n fraud by our exchanges. Wm. Lewis, of Ncsquehoning, the can didate for commissioner on the Labor tick et, was n Lchlghtonlan during last summer when ho run tho blacksmlthlng establish ment on Iron street. Will Isngood fellow. For tho week ending Sept. 24th there wcro 81,402 tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making n total to dato of 5,720,534 tons, nnd showing an in crease of 005.070 tons coninared with same date last year. The game of baso ball between the Lc lilgliton nnd Wclssport clubs, nt tho latter place on Saturday, abounded with errors nnd was won by the home club In a score of twelve to twenty-five. Al. Bartholomew umpired the game. Counsel Had tho accused anv dlstln. gulshing features by which you recognized hlin? Witness Yes, sir; ho was bow-legged In both eyes caused by riding behind old plugs. Moral? hire your teams of David Ebbert, on North Street. Ladles and misses, do you know that we keep all tho lcadlns stvlcs of iacke.ts. newmarkcts and plush coats and sell them for less money than they can be bought elsewhere at Sondhcim's One Price Star uioiiung llau, Mauch Chunk. Jake DcFrehn came out Monday even ing dressed up In his band uniform of twen ty years ago. The old Lehigbton band had a membership comprising somo of our most respected citizens of to-day. Jake, wo un derstand, beat tlio big baRo drum. Leopold Meyer, of tho Dolonsburg Ho tel, has flrst-rato accommodations for six or eight good boarders, at i3.50 per week. Persons who wish tho comforts of n homo should not miss this opportunity. Leopold keeps n nlco clean nnd qulot place. That old Democratic war horse, Fred. Schmidt, of Lower Towamcnsing, will nioyo to this placo with his family in tho courso of a fow weeks and occupy one of his dwellings, on Bank street, Mr. Schmidt ond family will ho heartilv welcomed by our people. C. L. S. C The members of tho Chan. tauqua Literary and Scientific Clrclo will please remember that the first meeting be ginning me course oi M nmi 'SS Is to bo held nt Dr. Selple's on Tuesday evening October 4. All interested v.lll please attend. By order of Secretary. A castle of the Knlchts of thn Golden Eaglo will be Instituted at Slatlngton on the evening of October Cth. Sir Knights of nil the castles. In this county have been Invited to participate. Tho application for charter coutalns tho names of Slatlngton's most piummein, citizens. David Cassidv.of Catasaunua. has been granted n pension of $21 per month and ar rearages amounting to US8 by the U. S. Government. Cassidy is now In Missouri where he went to collect evldonco In rela tion to his claim. Ills family If in tho Le high county alms house. Nnoml H. IIowclls, daughter of Cnpt. T. II. liowells. of Seiefrld's brldm. n united In marriage to Ryan R. Pock, nt the noiue oi iier parents on mo aand instant, William Obert. of town, and S. E. SlninVt. of Normal Square, participated .is giooms- meii un me auspicious occasion. Tho courts of this Stalo liavn ,lrcl,1,1 that no boundary fence can be mado of barbed wire without the consent of the par- ma imjimy mo iuijaccni. lanus, nnu any man who nuts such fences aloncr thn lil"b. way renders himself liable for all injuries ii-suuing id biock passing along tlio high way. Wall Paper. Before getting m our inn siock ot wan paper wo oiler: Browns, at ... 5 cents. Whites, " . ... o cents. IU "... 12 cents. Bordets at one-fourth tho regular price. Thcso prices will soli them quick. K, F. Luekcnbach, 01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. All who nro In possession of facts of local Interests, public Improvements, new enterprises, etc., will confern special favor uj ai'iiiiini; me same io mis otuce. Clergy, men of al! denomination are Invited to scud US items of religions Intelligence ( on. I farmers nro requested to commnnicato for puuiicanon ino result of their experiments and observations. When I was a boy my mother used to Wliallop 1110 CVerv llav oil newmit f nr. Ing out so many suits; butslnce my mother Ken. iiii-iii iiiiuio io orucr nt sonitlicim's Ouo Price Star Clothing Hal), Mniich Lhunk, I hayo no trouble with wear or rip. nnd their prices are as low as the lowest. All-wool suits made to order at ?I0, $15, nun up, uiin iiiii pu convinced. Among the laws nasscd bv thn T.iil.i. turo of 18S7, Is tho following: "It shall bo the duly of assessor or assistant assessor to keep an account of the sovernl dnv hv him actually employed In tho performance of his duties and make return of the same to tlio commissioners or the county, verified by oath or affirmation, and for each dav necessarily so employed he shall receive tho sura oj iwouonarj. OUR STROLLER AT WEI8SF0RT. Interesting Itomi ricked Op and Assorted bv tho Btrollsr. Miss Sarah Laury is visiting Allentown relatives nnu menus. Building operations nre being hurriedly ritsiicu towarii completion J. R. Dluimtck was in town seeing old acquaintances on Tuesday. Mrs. P. Alfred Andrews Is so: with Wllllamsport relatives and friends, J. D. Bcnnlngcr and wife, of Whlto street, spent Sunday with friends nt Allen- town. Mcln host Chrlstmati, of tlio Fort Al len House, Is about again nftcr n short 111 ncss. The P. O. S. of A. Initiated forty mem bers Into tho secrets of tho otdor during the past several wccks. W. K. Reed Is Improving tho nnnear anco of his rcsldcnco on H'lilto street by tho nutuiion oi n vcranua, Misses Lulu nnd Gusslo Grnvcr, wo nro pleased to state, arc rapidly convalescing auer n long nnu severe illness. "Dr." Pohl contemplates n trip to the wild west nt no distant day. Tlio "Stroll er" says luck, to tho doctor, .nvcry time, It is expected that tho Tycoons will cross bats with tho Athletics, of Mnuch Chunk, to-day (Saturday). A good game is cxpecieu. The postoffico was moved Into tho eei oral store of Andrew Graver Tuesday. So hereafter when you go to the postoffico for your advocate don't forget the place. Our old friend John F. Blcry, who left this placo about seven years ago and located In New Castle. Washington Territory, is at home on n visit. John looks as natural as ever, David Kicsgo was buried In tho East r ciaspuib uuniiiiury nisi, ouiiuny. lcceascu as n member of John Lentz Cnmp 03. S. I V., which order attended his funeral In body. For Kale A i! nt YntnU fKl.nl.l horses, nrrpil nnvnrt nml ntnlif man olvlflnn Jiands high, weigh twenty-four hundred MAIinJ. 1 . 1 (, . 1 . . . . . I . I'uuuua, uuiacs in ui5i,-cmss conumon nun will be sold rcasonablo; apply to O. Christ man, Fort Allen House, irclssport. Andrnw Ornvni n rntnft.n.l fwitn fl.A city with a full and complete lino of the latCSt And best. fif.vlAQ In fnlt nml ivlntnf dress nnd dry goods. Our lady readers should not fall to call and Inspect this largo Stock before purchasing elsowhcrc. Hcnrv Miller, tho Dnmnnratte timntnnr. for county commissioner's grpwlng strong er witu tuo people as the lime for holding the election approaches. Mr. Miller Is a Democrat In every sense of tho word, nnd will make n canabln .mrt pelfflont. nnlilli servant. .Our rrnnlnl frtor,.! nir.tn1 r!..n..AH f Mnnnfnln Tmi T,.1.tln I.. i.in -l. .auu.. ...... u,,j itu.iu 111 LUVtll LUIS HUUJi purchased tho old Andrew Graver home stead and also the building occupied by Charles MacDanlel as aresldenco on White street. The "old homestead" will bo put In thorough repair. A new base ball club has been organ ized here, comprising all the old residents. "Man" hnQ fllrmml na .'wm ,n.l.. staml. Tho first game will come off either n T T T..I Tl. 1,. ... at ijvux 4UI1I ur riru xinc. 110 WOUlllglVO tho names of the players but for tho fact that thn "KtrnlW 1l! n Inn'ilfti. rnjm,..! fn. Ids neck. ,Art6 Pmnl'l-An.. (HM.!l 1 . .,,..1 TflPfiflnv nffni- n elirf Illn... TAAnnn. " "J H limbos. AVUl.Urt3tll was the mother of flvo children, all of whom Miryivo ner. wocxicnu our sincere sym pathy to the sorrowing husband, relatives .1111 frlpmla nf M,n ilapnioA.I w. .HvUkVUI.U. ,,iiu itiia tllllU mother, n faithful wife and n good ncigh- uur. iiHcrineni, iook piaco on J riuay. KTTfAT.T Tn ll,. rrnmn Af l.n l.nll ...... a., uic gituig ji U.W1 last Saturday between the Lehigbton club nn.l t!, TVA.n. . .1.. had to contend not only with tho good play- ln! Of Mm visitors lint nlon nltl, nk and ridiculous decisions of the umpire. n ueii nic ieiiiguiou ciuu piays again let them n-tr. n ninn tn nmntrn tlm n beardless boy who 'knows no moro'nbout wan iniiu nuea mo man in iuo moon. Lower Towamensing Items. Tllllllnn Knv.lni- nt T I II !,.. Into tho coal business. St. .Tnhn'ft Slinilnv KM.nnl nwiiv,.. l... wvuuui tunju uujf- Int? an orfran trnm flip nt nmniu,,!. nti. " 13 - - - - ..,v l't W.VUd Allllfa- Cd at their lllbllen A fnw vonra nrrn Wtttt dollars was the sum realized. Thn Ttefnrmp1 mnml,nr nf Gt lnl.nt. church wlil observe the Lord's supper to- mnrrnnr fRnndfiirl nml ln-n n.aalr-. r.. . date tho Lutheran members of tho same cuurcu win cetcurate the samq event. Simon Bloso has a valuable horse ho dlslres th plsposo of. Con. An Important Dntv. Voters W?fn rllil nnl tax last yv must now pay such tax on or before Oober 8 to enable them to voto in November. Those who voted on age last year must pay a tax this year if they desire IO Vote. !11lr1 thn tV Timet l.n nnf.l 41. !.... days prior to tho election. Theso nro re quisites ot citizenship which every voter should attend to for himself, and those who have not douo It should do so at once. Ne glect of it will result in disfranchisement. This Is an Important year in polities. Tho resiui-ui tuo elections will nave a marked Influence 011 tho comlnt? nrcalilnnllnl ivm- lest. Evcrv citizen should ouallfv himself to vote. Tho Carbon County Fair. Wfl linnn tn enn T.nlttnlitm. An.n1.,l . . week with vUltnra frnm All n.t. ...l. como to attend tho annual exhibition of the maroon county industrial Society to bo held on their beautiful grounds for tho four days commencing October 4th. Wo look luiwiuu m seenii; our agricultural and nieelifinlrnl frtnnrla m.tn n f.u AVi.ti.utAn v.. .".-. '. ...I. VAUlUlllUll of their labors so that others who may cuuiu iu bco mm learn" win go away ben efitted, while tho exhibitor will reap due reward by tho handsomo premiums offered bv ilin Knplotv T at .1.. four days of tho exhibition, at least cease labor for ono day and attend the fair in company with their sisters, their cousins, their uncles and their aunts. From Wild Creek Valley. Jack FrOSt madn Ills niinAnrfltw.a nnn morning recently, but did no harm to vcg. ctatlon. A nln ntn limine ttm a..ilnn. Af A tt Klbler, will bo held on "Indian Hill" Fri day, for the purpose of cutting brush, etc. A grand shooting match for a fine calf will pnmn nff nn "Tttrtlnvi TTtll tt ..v... T , , j ........ . t , . L 111 1 1 ,1 J , John Eckhart, Jr., will raanago tho affair. Dr. TTnrrmnn ,1 vnlninnm, Philadelphia, was tho guest of Jas. Streng ii ,nu ButvittiHccua, i-iiu nocior uau nn opportunity to practice whllo here. Miss Luclnda- Smith returned home ftom n ono year visit to her slster'-Eliiilra nt Akron, Ohio, last week. Miss Smith Is an accomplished young lady and Is heartily uuii:ujiieii jiuuiu. Jt'MllO. Mahonintr Items. Mlssesllcllle and Ida Patton, of Hnz lcton, spent Sunday In the valley. George SIckel, of Ellmspor't, Lycoming county, was the guest of Charles Roth last week. Peter Miller mill fatllllv will tnni'a tn Plymouth next week. A surnrlse nartv In linnnr nf Mr Tl-iw- Id Miller came oil last U'ednesday. Our farmers are engaged threshing their bnchwheat. Mrs A. ZelHer mnreil tn Tfiiiiatmnfl this week. Mrs. &tr.l1i TTnnt7 nmul Cl va.h n,.n of the oldest Inhabltnnts of this township, died last week. Tlln elnelllfT nvfil'laiia nFlliA fnll Inntt of tho Normal Institute will bo held In the Evangelical church this (Saturday) eyen- inn. Mahlon Nothsteln, who a dozen or mnrn vnnrn nun titnvn.1 frnm Will, V'l.la hall to New MaUonlnii, Carbon county, last n in tuinpaiiy wuu 111s son tvauace paiu a visit to relatives and friends In and about mo 0111 nomc at michsvllle, this county, nnd had a very pleasant time. Mr. N. is a first class blacksmith, nnd Is established In buslnes for himself, and getting along very prosperously. Allentowu JJemorrnt. Josiah Mnsselman and Harrison Miller arc building a fish dam which they will stock with carp- Dasu. - IHndow shading and fixture at low prices, at Owen Rehflg's. Fooplo as They Corns and Go. llev. B. F. Powell, of Panyvllle, whs Iti town Wodnesdny. J. Georgo Snyder, the Allentown horse man, was ncro tins wcck. Dr. W. W. Rebcr, 'was on a business trip to Philadelphia, Tuesday. C. E. Snyder, of Slatlngton, made us nn agreeable call while In town Mon- uay. Wnllaco Snyder, of Lehigh street, wns onn nttsincsstiip to Allentown on Mon day. Prof. II. A. Kclscr. of Mahoiiliiir. was among tho visitors In town last Tues day. Our genial friend Ed. II. Schilling, of 1'iuiaticipiiin, dropped in to seo us last Fri day. Miss Mattlc Shadle. of Bank street. spent several days nt Allentown during last WCCK. Mrs. W. A. Peters, of Bank street. spent a few days with Allentown friends last wecir. ItenUter mill tlnftnntnr lT.n.ln,..!. nt Mauch Chunk, was in town Tuesday seeing 1119 menus. MUs MnrmfnT.ilnl,....! nf T.l.lnl. .tHAnl Y .'.-ftn.v ..wituuiu,vi ... Villon ObLUUb, is SOtOlimlnrr wttl, rnlnttvns nr.,1 Mflmle nl TSi.n::t7T;...p " .. xiiiiniiciiuiia. , SOllrfrtoml lrnf 'I' T TIn,lllt f lt.1 v... .....( j .v.. a . ha. i.niiivbVi iturtii' Ing, whllo In town Saturday made us n Dlcasant call. Mlaa 'Krni,,., Tciimio nf -tll.lt..t1..1.tn .-JL' . w ..i.ihi, uiiauuilJlllu, was mo guest ot airs. u. v. Morthlracr, during this week. Our young friend Horace Raudenbusli, of Aldcn, Pa., spent several days this wcck wuu 1110 loins nt nomc." ItflV. T,V A Ttnir nf TT.ulntnn ....... ' ......... 1 v. a 1 .... ... ii j iiiva In town this week and did not forget to uiuku me xvnvouATHoiucoavcry agrecablo cnu. Misses Battle Levcnand JennlnMvers. ofSelgfrid's Brldsrc. snnt several davu with Leopold Myers and family at Packer- ion, 11113 WCCK. Misses Ella and Marv Chrlstmitn. n. uuiauiu young lames or I'litioacipnia, were -ur Kuesis oi jiiissijiiiio urcen, on ifank. way, oyer Sunday. Frank C. Wlntermuln. of Fast Maneli Chunk, tho United Labor Pnrtv jor jicgisicr anu jtecoracr, while In town xiiuiauitj uiuppeuill UJ SCO lis. MISS NoiR Itlinflile. Wlin lids linnn tn. jouriimg wiui rciatiycs and friends at Phil- auctpnia lor the past llyo weeks, returned nome iiiursuay evening delighted with her visit. MISS. T.l5rtn Tv"nr.f nf Vl.nton V "V- has returned after a prolonged visit to York ouiiu relatives ami menus, nnu lias again taken charge of Mrs. M. Culton's mtlllnary store here. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for In the Lehighton Post-ofllco for tlie month ending Septim ber 30th. 1887: Ansel, .lack I Kriuii, .Teff iiurns, itev. unas. (2) Lentz, Jonas liart 10 eniew, .1. T. Meslmer, Jllss Kosn I,. Ilartlinlelnew. .T n 1 lrotliol i n,..i Campbell, W. (Snyder, Miss Klla Dlvlney, Jlrs. Sallie It. Vlsncr, David ( arnian, Jas. Walter, Miss I.lzzle fl IAS .lnlltl If I llTnt..,. Uln,.,. Jones, Hanuiei Weilev. Miss Mien Foiihion Melutzer. John Persons r-nillntr fnr nnw nf tlio almm lnl ters will please say "advertised." James P. Smith, P. M. Ease Ball. The f.nhtollfmi Tinsn Kail nl I. l.., banded for this season with a oercentago oi .ut. inis nas oeen tne uest club Lehigh ton has ever linri. nml nnr nltUnno nnn fAnl 1 , ...... u i, . 1 ......JIO v..... itvi proua that there was not a town in Carbon 1 . . ..I . i mat, tuiuu iHUUUUt: Up IO UOWU lllCUl. They ended the season last Saturday at Wclsanort with ?in pnqv vlnfnrv lv A at exit ing the Tycoons of that place In seven in- uiu3 uy u auuiu UI AO iu is. KJMV OOys liaii things their own way from beginning to our! nml nin.vm1 n HfMnce rriiA tiia ,nni. j-.j-w .vtvua iwuvii Alio TUAIitlB cr was terribly cold, In fact too cold to play ball and most of tlio errors mado wcro ex cusablc. The following is the score bv In nings. Lehighton 0 4 0 a 0 5 125. Tycoon 1 0 17 0 1 212. Ike Appointments. At. .1 lllPHttlirr nf tllA iltrAnfnr. nf tl... r..M ....... v. . . .. V. UUIA.HIO Ui L.l U U4I1- bon County Industrial Society held SepU 24th, the following appointments were made to assist rhirlnrv tlm taW Vntm 1&ia a i " - --- ... .uw 1 WVlMf lilt VllIM.inrTlinm nna tr Ita unnntntAh tlnLr.. clerks, J. II. Arncr, J. W. Raudenbush; Bun: Keeper, a. u. nox: unving, is. Hex, Jacob Krclscr; fair house, Ezra Newhard, Supt. Owen Klotz, John gcheckler, irm. Horn, Amos Eaches; observatory, Tllgh mati Itnx; linrsn AVItann T?K..t Peter; cattle and poultry, Jonas Kolb, E. j. xcieio, repairs, jjaniei stiocmaker; fence watch. .Teff. Itn Amno vimrt wm Schadle; marshal, Edwin Senslngerj night .irni.il, vica. jvciiierer, ju. Jvocn. xne stand privileges were sold nt a loss of from four to five hundred dollars to the Society .formal Square Sqnibt. -I'mf. Tf. M. Ralltnt tvno car.tn,. f.U.wl. hero last week. u. iiuuicr. ui iiioouuuguaiu, spent last Sunday with D. M, Balllet. flhnrlna Prltr nml T. TTn,,!. .-in. , ,r. " ...... nuubu, ii im mull families, are the guests of John Nothsteln. The Corner Stone Club, of Mauch Chunk, nlcnlcod In ITonnea' n-mvntn".t Run. day. -."nmml. va ivntil.l III... . - - ., ..au ,WJ IUUU11 iu print the other part of your letter, but can not, mvlno tn thn fnnt flint nnnA nt compositors can read Pennsylvania Dutch. rrot.JN. M. iialllct, who left hero a few days ago for Columbus, Ohio, met with an accident wlllln nn 1il Innrnni. nrl.o.nl... l.t. right arm was broken. The people of this KMiuncio ourry io learn or air. Jiaillct's misfortune. Noiimau Parrvvllle Items. Tho boys enjoy chestnutiug. A nilinlinr nf Parruirtllltna innl. I.. II... Switchback Sunday. TllA tiannl niltnliarnf n,i.ln,.., n.n..L were In attendance at tho Allentown fair. Mrs. Tims. Snnlnr lina ntiitiia,1 from a delightful visit to South IJethlehcm inuuus. i Snnak thIfvos lirtvn Konti iifm-Mun, . cessfully In this vicinity. Keep a sharp iuuhuui, iui iuciu. Tlllillnn Nnvilnr nf tnn... A T TT j , vu.iu, aiiu mvau llauscr, of Lansford, were Iu attendanco nt mo .monroe county tair tuts week. Rev. Peters, of Slatlngton, delivered a VOrv Internstlnn. riUnnnrcn tn n lam. 01. .11 enco In the school house last Sunday. On Monday ovenlng one of Georgo Snyder's horses ran away going up our main street at n rapid gait, thereby causing much excitement. Rey. L. Wormau, of Lansford, filled tlln lllllnlt. tn tlm Vvatin.nlt.i1 lnBt Friday ovcnlog. The reverend gentleman's uiaiumoa nu i.ncriisiing uuu instructive. Tho Lehighton fair next week will be well attended uy our people. Daisy, Normal School. The closing exercises of Normal Institute will be held in the Evangelical church, New Mahoning, this (Saturday) ovenlng, October 1st, at 7:30 o'clock. The follow ing Is the programuio for the occasion: I'AKT 1'lltHT. l'nyr Itev. U. W. (Jniss. Halutatery Mlnnlo K. lloppes, lieclamatlon Martha tlerber. Kssay "Idlfuess," l'haon Kelscr. Oration "Tlie Mission of the New World,". .Al bert E. (Under. Ileclanmtlou David Uchleitner. Kssay "Henry W. IoiiKfellnw-'Ida .Iniinerinaii. Oration "Life Is Short,". Wllloughliy Wertmau. Declamation Uilah Meitz. Hrcltatlon-"Tbe ItiiruiiiB Khlp,"..M. K.KIstler. Omtton "Paddle your o n Cnnoe," A. (1. Miissehnau. ncclamatlmi Willie MHler. l-:saj "The l loneis nl the Field," Mary A. Kutler. Oration The Perils of Our Country,". . William enser. I'AUT SIXON1). pfcliiniation Uljkscs Eberts DlaloBiie-"A Hard Case," Albert lloppes, Jolin Frltr, 1U titrauli. Kssav ''Tho l-'aitlug Iaf,"..AuiaiuU K. Ilalllet. 1 icclaiiiaton. .Meta Notlmtclii Oration "Tho Visible and tho Invisible,"....!, W. Sltler. Wa?l ! M. llolllcl. aleUlctory o. 1). Kresslf. Sf'Sv,-., llythe BclKxp. llenrdlctluii itev. li. W. Orofji. Tho music for tlio occasion Is furnishftJ hy Miss Emma L. Seldle and Ell Hopped Quartette. All are cordially inyited to lp present on the occasion. t IN THE LABOR WORLD. BPchlly Compiled for the Tollsrsby an Ad vocate Man , -Parlor k&ts nro to bo abandoned on the tjoitrni italiroad. -MoOO Is paid In ways every month to tlio employees of tho Nazercth Knitting num. Hl'lio United Stntos Labor Uurcau Is abobt to hegln an Inquiry Into tho condition ot riuroau employees. -A largo frnmo addition has been built to tlo Lehigh Stoyo Works and nt nn oarly uy ininy now men win nnu constant em ployment. Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has declared a quarterly dividend of 1 1-4 per cent. The employees never declare n uiYiuenu. An addition Is being built to St.Luko's Hospital at Bethlchcui,tho money for which was uuiiinuuicu uy worKtngmcn wiioticvot cd one day's pay for that purpose. The Rlandon rolling mill, ono of tlio largest establishments of tho kind In the Schuylkill Valley, and which has been out of blast for somo months, will bo In full blast early in October. Tho Lchlch and Kcliuvlkllt final Mr, chances Tncsdav nproed tinrtn mi mlrnnen If fifteen to thirty cents per ton upon an- inniciio coai ai iuo mines. The advance win mite ciicct uciobcr 1. Hie abolition of poverty can heycr come; there must from necessity bo two classes me lien anil uio noor. lint tlm betterment of tho condition of laborlnc masses can como and will como If thn Knights of Labor move and net right the programme ol their organization. A morteatro for fiftv million dnllnr against tho Central Railroad Company of iiKu uuioujr mis niuu iu iviiiccs-ijairo iuon day in the ofllco of tho Recorder of Deeds. It is in favor of tho Central Trust Company, of New York, Is dated July, 1887, and is to run ouo nunurou veais, ocaring o pir cent, interest. he strike of the coal miners In I.ehlMi region still continues. Sunnlv store linvn beenestahllshcd In many of the towns and tho strikers nro not mado to want for the necelsarles of living. It Is propable, how ever, that the difficulties will soon bo ad just cfl ami tho minora will go back to worif. .We note bv our exchanges that m.niv miners are leaving the coal regions with the intention oi seeking employment elsowhcrc A largo number of Hungarians, Poles, &c hayq secured tickots and will leave for the "old countrv" at an earlv dav: this should havq tho effect of bettering tho condition of tno miners and other cmnlovecs In nnd about tho mines. If tho coal oncraLors of tlm Lolil"h m. glon hope to slaryo tho miners Into sub mission they are harking up tho wrong tree. Tons of provisions will bo dealt out in this region to tho strikers should tho strlko con tinue very lone. Never were men he.l.tnr provided for during any siege that tjicy have been engaged In, than will thoy during tho present trouble. That will be very consol ing to thoso who are battling for the right. 2'Jat'n Speaker. Tho Knlchts of Labor urn mnvlnn- themselves to be a powerful organization. In demonstration of their faith In tlm tectlon of American Industry tho Knights employed by tlio Heading Kallroad Com pany on Tuesday compelled the captains of two foreign vessels which arrived at Phila delphia to employ white members of tho Knights at union rates In discharging their cargoes instead of employing foreign crews to do the work. The anthracite coal trade is now fairly "booming," and tho demand for all sizes of coal excepting pea and buckwheat greatly exceeds the production, which Is curtailed by a strike in tho Lehlch reclon. Not nnlv is all tho newly mlneif coal now being for warded from the mines going directly Into consumption, but the accumulated stocks of anthracite at tidewater shipping points mo ueing uraw upon as wen to niaKO up tho deficiency In the output. Tho extent to which ortranlzcd labor can actually advance, the value of labor oyer whtf labor would bring without such or ganization is a subject which has received but little attention from employers or em ployed. Labor answers by referring to all tho numerous advances that hayo been made, which it counts as so mucli gain. Employers deduct Increased cost of rent and living and Increased expenditure Induced by higher wages. The gain, while some thing, Is less than It appears to be on ac count pf offsetting onuses. Record. Tailors Wanted, Two Pants makers wanted, also, a hov and two girls that can sow wanted as ap prentice's to learn the trade girls that can not sew need not apply, at Clauss and Bro., Bank street, Lehighton. A Bare Opportunity. Tho uuwslsned desires to retire from bnslness and therefore offers his large and extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, nats and Caps to any person or persons desirous of going Into business. A largo established trade, possession granted at any time. Lewis Wkimi. Lehighton, Pa., Sept. 10.-3w Resolntions of Condolence. At a legular meeting of Col. John Luntz Camp No. os, S. of V., held on Wednesday evening, .September 28th, 1887, tho following resolutions were unanimously adopted! witmtKAs. It has pleased the Oreat Com mauiler to call from our midst llrother David M. Kresire. In whsie death this liimn : lnt n good and faithful hiemberi iieiomto, inaiwiuiowo uow with submission toHho will of tlio Oreat Commander, who itoeth all thhiKswell.we do not the less deplore the loss of our departed brother. Rttolved, That wo oxtond to the parents and friends ot our deceased brother, our heartfelt sympathy In this their hour ol sorrow, Retolved. That thn charter nf thU fnnm Im draped for the period ot thirty days; that these itsuiiiiiuus uu apreuuuil iuo unnuies, puuusnQU In the Cauuok Advocate, ami a copy present ed to tlio family of our deceased brother. 1'. 11. Ulll.I.Kl!, i riiAiit-Ks MoKei.w, V Committee. W. II. DRNHAIti), ) AttOBtlon Railroaders. No extra charco for railroad niuii. Thn United States Life Insurance Co., in tlio city of New York, has oeen dolnc business tho last thlrty-clght years; has one hun dred and 'twenty-two dollars for every one uunureu uouars liabilities. This company Issues an Incontestable, nou-forfcltable In vestment policy. Tlio lusurcd ncod not die to win, but can withdraw In cash tho lull valpo of tho policy at the end of fifteen or twenty years. The lusurcd will net as largo a per cent of luterest as any other invest ment would of like' security, besides enjoy ing that many years insurance free. If you will kiudly send mo your age I will prompt ly give you an estimate of a policy on your own life; you will then bo ahlo to judgo In telligently as to whether It would prove a profitable Investment to you. Yours very truly, W. M. Sell, District Agent U. S. Llfo Insurance Co., Slatlngton, Pcuna. The Ingenious methods practiced hy swindlers of late, and tho great number victimized, should bo a warning' for every person to nxcrclse judgment and caution. Almost dally accounts appear in the news papers of some now schemo whareby by people have been swindled out of money. The safest way Is to havo nothing to uo with Btrnngo peddlers and traveling quack medicine men. Patronize your town mer chants and consult your physician If you need medical attendance, and run no risk of being swindled. Assemblyman Charles Smith, of New York, is decorating his new saloon in a most peculiar manner. The floor is covered with small raarblo blocks. On each slab a hole has been bored, Into which a silver dollar has been firmly cemented. Seven hundred dollars were required to complete this decoration. Besides this, the beer pumps, gas fixtures, etc., are ornauicnted with silver dollars. Just received irom 13oston, nn immense stock of the genu ine Knight oi Labor Shoes, which we are selling at 2.50 and $3. Warranted solid calf leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. Our stock of hand made shoes cannot be bent by any dealer in the county. General Falrchlld in his address to tho Inombor of the Q. A. It., nt St.Louls, xuesuay saiu inai. no wns pieascu to an nounco the ovldence of permanent and healthy growth of tho (1. A. It., tit id tho strong Ioyo tho order cutcrtnlned for tho people of this country. That this may continue, lio earnestly cautioned every mombor that ho keep a watchful guard over lilmsolf when he acts or speak as n member of Uio Grand Armpof tho Itcpubllc and not unconsciously further schemes foreign to tho legitimate purposes of the organization. Arttclo 0, forbidding tho uso of tho organization for partisan purposes had, so far as ho know, been strictly obeyed tho letter nnd spirit said tho ndjutnt general's report showed the total number of members homo on the rolls of tho order at tho last encampment was 320,400. The number reported Juno 30, 1887, was 372,- 074; actual gain m flvo quarters, 40,157. The amount reported expended In charity March 1S80, to March, 1887, Inclusive, is $213,034,53. This money was disbursed to 17,007 comrades and their families and 8, 000 others were assisted, giving 20,000 In dividuals who had received benefits during the year. Ho spoke feelingly of tho death of General Logan, and recommended that the offer of Joseph Hr. Drcvel, to transfer tho cottage at Mt. McGrcgorln which Gen. Grant died to tho Grand Army, bo referral to tho incoming Commander-in-Chief, with authority to make necessary arrangements. Tho growth of tho order, ho thought, ren dered It necessary to havopermanent licad- luarters, and ho recommended that thoy bo fixed nt somo central point and that an assistant adjutant general bo put In charge, According to recent statistics tho mem bership of Christian churches In the United States Is distributed as follows: Methodist Episcopal, 4,340,510; itoman Catholic, 4,- 000,000; Episcopal, 430,531; Moravian. 10. 080; Baptist, 3,G82,207; Congrcgatlonallst, uurlstlan Union, 120,000; Friend. 100,000; Adventlst, 07,711; non-Episcopal Methodist, 18,750; Presbyterian, 1,082.432; Lutheran, 010,830; Ileformcd. 250,074; ucrniau fcyangcllcal, 125,000: Mcnnonltcs. 80,000; Church of God, 45,000. The total Is 15,772,800, and if wc set down the mem bership of churches not mentioned at tho large total of 1,000,000, and count tho Na tional population at 00,000,000, wo have 43,227.200 men, women nnd children In the United Stales who are members of no Christian church. The common reckoning Is that ouc-lif Hi of the population are voters so that two-fifths of the 42,227,200 persons net members of churches will represent the men and women over 21 years old in the country who are not professing Christians, Tills is to say, that the non-church-mcm hers In this country number 17,200,880. Iho Norvcs of Taste. The discovery that heat Influences one set of ncryc-polnt's in tho skin while sensations of cold are re ceived by another set. has been followed by somo Interesting experiments, by two Italian physiologists, which Indicate that tho various tastes result from the exciting of quite distinct sets of ncrvo-fibres In tho tongue. The prolonged application of Ice removed the sensibility for all tastes sweet, sour, salt and bitter. Cocaine destroyed tomporarlly.of course sensibility for bitter only. Other substances, such as caffeine and niorpbIa,rcduccd tho po'wcr of discrim inating between different degrees of bitter. Dilute sulphuric acid had a peculiar effect. causing distilled water and oven quinine to lasto sweet at the tip of the tongue, al though tlio bitter of tho quinine was else where lasted as usual. An oxcbatigo says a new and novel method of raising money for churches Is most cheerfully recommended to all con gregations given to heroic exploits In the way of fairs, festivals and allied devices for raising money. A box is placed In somo convenient placo, and upon the birth- day of any member of tho church or Sun day school that nerson nuts In nennlno nnr. responding to the number of years, and each six months tho box Is opened aud a snug sum realized. If tho church has a large congregation tho amount will be surprisingly large. The boxes arc called birthday boxes, and havo become quite popular In many towns whcio the scheme lias oeen tried. Tho Stuff of Dreams' Most dream representations, according to tho Invcstl catlons of H'lindt. emanate from actnal. thoush weak. Impressions on tho nerves during sleep. Thus, an Inconvenient po sition excites visions of 'laborious or pain ful experiences, difficult respiration nro- uuces iuu agony oi iiiguimare, uying is suggosicu uy iuo riiyiumic movements of breathing, nudity hy a fall of clothes from tho bed. crawling thing, by sklnlrretatlons cct. Tlio reproduction of past memories Is associated with events which haye left a profound mental impression. Louis T. Hcblsso has been awarded tho contract for the monument of Prsident Harrison to bo erected In Cincinnati, O. Tho famous sculptor Ezeklel was Iteblsso's most promlncntrlyal for tho contract, ltcblsso was born In Genoa, Italy, in 1837 He went to Cincinnati 1857 and has made a high reputation as a sculptor. He mod ule Jicrncrson oiaiue in Washington. -As a rulo. tho vcrv rich men are not thoso who build up a community aud creato booms. A single business man. full of life nnd snap and enterprise, who Is not afraid ts talk and talk senso and knows how to advertise, is worth any dozen rich men. wuo usually only laae advantage ot other peoples Dooming to increaso their values. Tuo liver-pad. gin cocktail and uauer bustle ate luxuries, hut Tulip soap Is a necessity. According to tho Lansford Jfecoril. Hugh McGarycy declines to stand for coun ty treasurer on the Labor ticket. Tho worthless soaps of foolish nre- jtldlco should bo supplanted by the reliable soap of liberal sentiment 'tis Tulip, best in use. Home Evidence No other preparation has won Buccess at home equal to Hood's Barsapartlla. In Lowell, Mass., where it Is mado, it is now, as it has been for years, tho leading mcdlclno for purifying the blood, and toning and strengthening the system. This " good name at home" la "a tower of strength abroad." It would requlro a volume Pooplo to print all Lowell people . havo said In favor ol Hood's OT Sarsaparllla. Mr. Albert I nWnM Estes, living at 23 East Pino k Street, Lowell, for 15 years employed as boss carpenter by J. W. Dennett, president of tho Erlo Tclephono Company, had a largo running eore come on his leg, which troubled hun a year, when bo began to take Hood's Sarsapirllla. Tho sore coon grew less In size, and in a short tlmo disappeared:. Jos.Dunphy,21iCen tral Street, Lowell, had PralSO swellings and lumps u . , on his face nnd neck, P000 8 which nood-s sarsapa- Sarsaparllla rilla completely cured. 1 ' Mrs. a W. Uarrlott,(wUo of the First As sistant Fire Engineer ot Lowell, says that for IS years she was troubled with stomach disorder and sick headache, which nothing relieved. The attacks came on every fort night, when she was obliged to take her bed, and was unablo to endure any noise. Sho took flood's 8arsaparllla, and after a tlma the attacks ceased entirely. Many moro might be given had wo room. On the recommendation ot people of Lowell, who know us, we ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparllla HoUbyalldroixUUi. flitlxforfs. Pit p&rtd only by C. t, II OOO CO., ApothdCtrlM, Lowell, Uau. iOO Doses One Dollar PURE ! EFFECTIVE ! I ELEGANT 1 1 ! REBER'S NEW DRUG STORE, 111 the Old gtanl; Unfler Iter's Hall, Ml Street, LehiEhtOD, Pa, Medicines all New, Pure, Effective & Elegant. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Toilet Articles, Fancy Soaps, Chamois Skina, Spongos, all kinds Biushos, Combs, Perfumery oml everything ulso ihi itho Druggists lino kept in great -variety and of most excollcnt quality. PHYSICIANS' PltESCIUl'TlONS CAIIKFUM.Y COMPOUNDED. I N. B. Two llcguliu- Physicians always in attendance Dr. Rober. the older, can alwavs lm fnntwl nml in mnAv fn mvo j j ...... &u w O advice, and to prescribe FREE Funiisliin' medicine of first quality, ana at as reasonable charges as can he had elsewhere. Office ana Consultation Rooms Conycnlent io Rett Mi Store; Established 1867. Adam Mehrkam & Son, CASH HOUSE-LEADERS IN LOW PRICES ! TMM Z,A.nGimW STOCK t Three Times Larger Than Last Fall- READY - MADE CLOTHING ! DRY :-: GOODS! Ifatfs, Csijs9 Hoofs and Shoes! Douglass' Challenge $8 Shoe. Competition is what we want. Tho more competition the bet tor our business. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, Adam jtlelirkaiu fc Son, Sept K am Bank - ITall and Winter Bress Goods 1111 Double-width Flannel, all-wool Black, Grey and Brown Fifty-inch Camels Hair Home per xara. Wool Plaids, three colors, at oO cents a Yard. We have a large line of Dress Plaid and Plain. Our large line And contains Choice Novelties at Low Prices!. H. GUTH & SON. 634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a. October 30 lbG 2 Doors above tho ." Old Stand," Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Per- fumery, Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, Musical Instruments, &c, &c. LOOK FOR SIGN OP IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KINDS OPS. PUBMC SQUARE, Bank Street, MYER -::- BRENNER, IN LEUCKEL'S BLOCK, LEHIGHTON, Opens the Fall WITH COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS OF Cotton and Woolen Underwear, Dry Goods and Notions, Overcoats, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. And everything else usually kept in a first-class general store, Call, inspect and bo convinced that far low prircs this store takes the lead. jgpDon't fail to Call ! Familiy Flour $2.20 Per Bag. Goofl Quality ! I ! Re-Established 1887. Street, Lehighton, Penna. IN - is Brown, Blue, Green, Garnet, Mixed at 37 cts. a Yard. Spun, Four Colors, at 50 cents Goods at Fifty cents a yard in of Dress Goods is now complete GOLDEN MORTAR. OF COAL, &e. Lehighton, Pa. & Winter Trade Ready-Made Clothing,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers