Frank P. Demi, Horso-Shoor & Blaokomith. North Sttcot, Lohigliton, IVntm. The iiiuleMlRneit Inwliiir ptirehmed tho Carbon Jlnua Blacksmith Staiid, Is prepared ti ilo any thing In Ills lino at the very lowest prices. Don t fall to call, All work done in tho host manner mid at low lulccs FRANK P. DIEIIL, Moyll-om North Street, talilithton. D. LANCELL'S m ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. UavinR stnigKled 20 years belnecn llfo ami catliwith Aktjima or l'llTiiirtic, treated lu' mlnetit physician, mid recclvliil? no benefit, 1 as compelled ilurliia the la-il fl years of my Ill ness to sit on my chair Uav uinf night gaiplug lor breath. My sintering wrro bejoml ilci-ili-tlon. In despair I experimented on myself by ooinnoiiiiillnit roots anil herbs and Inhnllne the inetllelno tliiinobtaliied. 1 fortunately discovered this WoNiiKitrtiLCuiiK rent Asthma aniiua TArtnif, warranted to rellero Hip most stubborn caso of Asthma In 1'ivk Mimutpk, mi that the patient can Ho down to rest mid sleep comfuit ably. I'leaso read tho follou hie condensed ex tracts from unsolicited lesliinoiilnls, all of re cent date : Holmes, Han .lose. Oul.. utile: "I find tho remedy all and even more than rep resented. I rccclto Instantaneous relief." K. M. Carson, A. JI., Warren, Kan., writes: "Was treated by vmlueiit phvsli lans of this coun try and (lennany: tried the Hniiale of different states nothliiKalfoi'declrellei like vonr prepara tion." 1 11, rhelps, J', jr., (IrlKiv.nldo, writes: "Suf fered Willi Asthma 40 years. Vom- medicine In 3 minutes does inoi-u lor me than the most emi nent physician did for me It, three years." If. C. Plliiinloii. .toilet. 111., writes: "Send Cm- tarrh lteinedy at onee. Cannot f;et alone with out ii. i mm it 10 uc one in uie most vniiiaiiie medicines t have overtrled." Wo have many other heaitv testimonials ot cure or reuei, aim ill uruei luai an simererH iroin Asthma, Catarrh, 1 lay l'ever, and kindred di seases mav have an onnortiinltv of testlm the valuo of the lteinedy we will seiid to any aildiess TJIIAL. l-ACKAtll! KIIEK OK OIIAWli:. It your uruiiKist falls to Keep u do nut permit nun to sell i,ou some worthless Imitation bylilsren resentinKlttoboJustnscooil, but send directly to us. wiltn your name anil luUlress plainly. Address, J. 7.IMMIIHMAN & CO., Wops,. Wholesale Drnirclsts. Woosler. WavncCo.. O. Full size box by mall Sl.oo, Ju!y2iy ELY'S CREAM BALM Cli it- si's flip Na na! IVssngos, AI Inys 1'nlii and Iiiflitmiuni In ii, Heals llio Sen- k, IteMo r o h t li o Senso or' Tnsln r.inl Smell. HAY-EE VER Try the Cnro. A nartielnninilled intoeaeli nostril and Is ntnee able, Price m cents at ilruioriiW; by mall, regis tered, GO cents. lil.Y IlHOii., Drucjilsls, SB (Ireenwlch, street. New Yolk Oet-a-isso m IV Weissport Planing Mill, MANUl'ACTUltnt OK Window and Doou Frames, Doors, Shutters, Winds, Sashes. Mouldings, Brackets, AND DKALKlt IN All Kiwis of Dresse! Lnmkr, Shingles, Pollings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Jery Lowest Prices. pr. 9-iv. Tho Common Sonso LIFT and FORCE PUMP Makes a complete Flro Dejiaitiuent for any Country Home out of a common wood pump, at a very small cost. Worth l'ltty Times lis Tost If nu need it to piitontanre.uiid extremely handy tor lots of other IlihiKS. ltcacly for action In oiie-eli:hlh of a minute. Kneri;elie business men who will clve it profHT attentluu are wanted lo handle, this pump in every town In Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Mary laud, lifUumrc, Virginia and Noitli Caiolina, mid will lie aecoided the coutiol of suitable ter rluiry not already occupied. OHAS. G. DLATOHLEY, MANUFACTURER Of nil Mies and styles of nond pnnii. Office: 85 N. K.CITV Ham. Siii'aiir, Oposlttt llroad St- Ntattou l. It. It., prll 10 1 1st row Get the Advocate. Subscribe for the Advocate. $1 n yeartlu' Advocate all the latest and best news. , , . r f-m AS E CLIP HUMOROSITIES. Tho latest baby, llko a Champion niarksni.-ifl, Is Always up Ih arms. A coutilcrfclttlio nlco young man who mmsmres laco lu a dry goojs store A minister may not bo a brakeman, but ho doe& a groat deal of cotlpllliR all tho sanm. In Brief i and to the Point. Dyspepsia is dromliul. Dlstmlcreil liver ik misery. Irtdlgosttons fbela to good na- ire. Tliu human digestive nnpu.titns is ono of the must isiniilli4ilcit nml wonderful tilings ill existence. It is tlwlly put out i( order. Oreasv frjoil, tough fooil, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, lalo hours, irregular habits, and many other . things which ought not to be, hnvo maile'llio American people n nation of ilysiwpties. Hut Green's August Mriwer bus dono a wonderful work in reforming this sad busi ness and making tlio Ainerietiil people so happy that they can enjoy their meats and bo happy. Keinebiber: iNoiiiippiniswiino'iineaiin. Hut Oieen's AiiL'iist Flower lirinir lieullh and happiness to the dyspeptio. Ask your druggist lora bottle, Kcvcnty.fivc wills. Tho fool killer has turned his attention from tho man who "rocked tho beat just for fun," to that other remarkable Indi vidual who amuses himself by yelling "flro'' lu a 'crowded theatre. There aro some men bo stingy that they would sayo all their jokes al their null ex- pensn. A Family Blessing. Hitnmnus Liver ifeculntor. the favoiitc liomeTetnedy, is entirely vegetable, and is the unrest mid best family medicine that is compounded. No ei ml' to bo feared in ad ministering; no injury noin exposure auer taking; no loss ol time. Jlislbe ict pre ventive medicine and sale to take no matter what the sickness mav prove to bo, and, in any ordinary disease will elleet a speedy cure. UemantI tlio Clenuiue, having t lit Z- stainp on Wrapper. When a young man sits In the pallor talking nonsense to his best girl, that is capital, lint when ho has to stay in of evenings after they are once married, that's labor. A flood Appetite. Is essential to irixid health: lull at this teason it is often lost, owing to the poverty or Impu rity ol the blood, derangement of the digestive orgelns, anil the weakening elleet ol the changing season. Hood's Harsapaiilla is a wonderful medicine for eieatiiiBiui appetite. toning and digestion, and giving strength to the whole system. Now is I ho time to take it. Be sure lo get Aood's Sarsaparilla. 1 have neen a cleat suilerer Iroin catarrh lor over ten years: had it very bad. could baldly breathe. Moino nights I could not sleep fiad to walk I tie floor. 1 purchased lily's Cream I'alni and nm using it freely, it is work a cure surely. I have advised sev eral friends lo use it with happy results in every ease. It is the one medicine ubme all nllicjn made, lo euro cnlarrh, and it is worth its weight in gold. I lliank Ciod 1 have lound n remedy 1 can use with safety and that docs all that is claimed for it. It is curing my deafne&s. 11. W. (Sperry,I!iirt- lonl, Loiiii. Florida spiders aie said to capture largo numbers of snakes In their webs, hut boots still hold tho lead there as n popular snake trap. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure lor uatarrli, wipiitliena and Canker Alnutli, ."sold by Dr. ilorn, l.ehighloii, and llicry Weissport. The claim of Chicago men that they have the laigcsl beads in the country lias been verified by several persons who have seen a Chicago man going down to break fast. Tho Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, ol Ilourboii, I lid., says: "Jtofn myself and wile owe our lives loMiiloh's Consumption Cure. Mold by Dr. I loin, Lebiglilou, and Uicry, Weiss port The pen is mightier than the sword In tho hands of a great general not entirely great lu the lain war. Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Lu.ssfif Appetite, lellow Skin? Shiloh's Vililizcris positive cure. Miiu ny ur. Horn, lAdngliton, and tilery, cissK)rl. A Colorado paper exclaims: "Our dollar In danger." Sorry to heap it. Ilet on tlio wrong color. Tho best social tea repai lee. A. II, Walker, Ord, Neb., tavs : "Dr. Mill. . ..... .1.1'.. f 1 i. . i.' k.iiu ..Hiiiiii n viftn rtim-i k-ii erv rap idly and suit all who me it. Alol hers, teething and fretful children need li Kelh Arnold's Soothing mid ipiiei ing Cordial. lrue,gisls BQe. Why will yon cough when Bhiloh's Cure willgiveinunedialo relief. IVico 10 els., 50 els. mid $1. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehili lon, and Riery, WeissKirt. Man who holler through bo nose when him leep i5 scare way so many stcahncn as him littln ktlyl when him talk low In he throat. There Is sex In fruit ; haven't you heard of a mandate? HEADQUARTER Jor JEWELS Opposite tJieOarbon House, Iuiiik Street, Ij-IiIkIi- ton t'einra., sells Watches! Clocks' and Jewelry, Clieafwr on an in erase than can be bought anv il here elwi Iuth county. Call and see. REPAIRING In all lu brandies, neatly, cheaply and prompt ly attended to. 1 ' o ALSO A FULL LINE OK ScnooL Books AND Stationers Siipplies nu ember a ly NO MORE BIG PRICES! W. S. KUHNS l!esiertfull.v amioimces to the public that he H now nlceljf located lu bis New Slorc Room Opp. L.V. Romid Hold HANK STIIMiT, LKlllflllTON. nud has In ktwk a full and con plete line of Stoves and-Tinware ! Ini'luilmi: Hie Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower, APOLO & IRVING- Stovoa, Width he U scllliic at Till'. VKIIV I)W1!.ST UAhll l'ltlCI'-S. ou are resiKS'tfullv united lo (Kill unit Inspect his stock and leaiu priera iK-fbre uueh.'isiiiK elsewhere. Roofing and Spouting will lw proiiiiilly mid correctly attended Terms low the very lowest W. S. KUHNS, Opp Itound llwue, Bank Btreet, Ltliljihton, ra. JulpWH lv KASKINE (Thb N0w Quinino. GIVES M Appetite. ig StrCMtii Quiet Ncrvos. Ilappy Days. Sweet Sleep. A POWERFUL lOmC. Hint the most delicate stomach will bear. A Sl'JiOIFIC FOR MALAltM, JWElhMATISM, WERT O US PROSTRATION. And nil derm Diseases. Tltlt 510ST WIHNTirir AND SUCCESS' 1UI. IH.(K)I) ruiMMKlt. Miipcilur toipniiuie, ltcv. Wiii.l.ucas.lCeclnrdracel'hilrch. ltaven- iia.O, writes: "I cordially eiulorso Kasklnoas be na lust what von claim, an excellent subsll- tnte foi iiiliilue, wllh none of Its bad edccls. Mrs. I.ucas bad a serious form of malaria, npd was eoiitlned to her bed for luoiilliM. Kaskluu had her up and niouinl lu a few days, null In a Slioillimc. cureu ner. The Aiteiit for K ASK INK lias on imblln ex hllullon a remarkable Manikin, or model of tile human body, showing the stomach, hcail. bines, liver, splcln, kidneys and other organs and partH In heallh and In dheate. llv an liisnectlon Hie afllleled can see Ihe.ualmeii'.d location ol' their troubles ami learn bow KAHltlMnrlleves and cures them. liClters from the above persons, cKlngrull de- uiiii will oe seui oil application. Kasklue can bo taken wlthimt any special lueilleal advice. ,l.0ier bottle. Sold by T. 1). THOMAS,, U'hlglitnn, Pa., or sent by mull on reeeiiu. 01 once. Tlfi! KAHK1NK Ct)., decl-ly r.lWaircnSt. Nework. 5TS CURED!! A SUCI.K TKU1. (oo-f GERMAN flSTHlflfl CURE4,V,i Bmoet violent BiwrK ; lmurcB roiuiun&Di wct'n; ntTortl roren nbru nil other nnm1ifii full !No XTnlllnfr tor results, lit nctlnti Ih: liiitiirdinir direct uml ccrtnln, nml ui curt; I h cftrctcrtln nil C'UltAIIlJiCAKsi B"U pwmantntij ooffa ms. Berr w rno t any time," "I m tDttrety rertored to braltb by Goiiq Atttitnit Cars." Thti, Fit torn, Hamilton, Ohio. "Qtiiimi Aithmt Ture U fcll yoncWIm fcrlu ltnrrr tfLlt." Prrf. K r fStsriM, Grrmvitlt S V "MrphyiUUareoommenlad acrnitn Aiihsaft Can Jl eared me." Mrt. U. L Tetritk, Jnaottdtrrt, Oft to Tkoaitad of it at II ur Lettrn en fll. Ak any drnla 3crnmn Antlmiti tliiro iMiUr til itnitr- istnftt SOp.find ftior Rent by mail on irelnt of price. 'lYiaJ jirta,re fre tonny addreps for E9iaiu. iin.inr r attir. ni.i PUMPS ! Rod Jaoltret Forco Pump for any Depth of well. filnule Cjllniler, 18 nO Double " 24 00 No i-aeKini;-uo i'tiiti Buclroyo Porco Pump up to Sovonty-llvo Fftet Single Cjlliuler, - - - - SI4 00 Double " - - - IS CO Rumaoy Forco Pump, $13.50, Depth up to seventv-flvo feet. Rumsey Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty feel,.oo. Hon cliU'm I'uuii from ujiwiiroF.' iiii, WOODEN PUMPS AND CHAIN PUMPS, l'I VK per cent, oir for Cash. JOHN II. II. ACKl'.ll, Agent, Wki.i. Kikkkii and Cihtkun IIuii.iiku, Haute- way, U'liifuitnu, opposue no n:u rriiiuni; iniicc. nov.ia, 8U,-yi ni'fft ftt"S VEGETABLE lll.OTCIins. I!U K IIK.UW, JUc, leavlig tlio skin Holt, f lenrnii.l l-aiitlful. Touch w Ith lids coiiii.und tho sort lily clieek-. ' Andllui brlfrht glow will liehtllsvlrluesnK-dlc, Atno Inslriic-lloiis for limdiieliiQ a luxuriant, trruwlhof haironabald bend or smooth fnon. Address A. 1). t tkmi fl. (H Aim Rt., New Yorlc" WORKIHfi CLASSES MSIIi pared lo furnish a clasies wild eiiiployuient at home, the whole ol Ihetiiue, or lor their spare inomeiiK lliisines new. IlKht and prolltable. Persons of either sex easily earn finnino cents to per evcuiui;, aim a nioiKiriionni sum n de vollna all their time to tho business, linn and Klrls cam neaily as much as men. Thai all who see this may send their address and tcKtlho IhisIiips, we make this offer. Tosiicli nsarennl well satisfied e will send one dollar tonavfor the liiiubleof wrllliiK. full paillcularsaiid out- iii iree. Aimress iikowir nrir;so.N is I'd., l'oit nil. Maine. decl8-lv. l,ln l.m.lA Ct fl.l n.,t n,wl ..n il. i .in ii it. in. .iiiu in- iii armi on nee porlancn to yon, that will start ouln business which will bilnj; joiiininoie money right away than anjtlilnitelM! lu thlswoild. Anyone can do me woi k uiiu live ai. Home. j'.iiuerse; nil SonicllihiK new that Just coins money for all iiomrm. M e "III Mill I JIHI ; e:illlill not iiecuco. This Is one of the genuine, liiipoilaut chance ol iir..iim,. 'n,..uu .. i. in,... u i..... .....-. ,. .,(-. .in. 'ii..,,r .inn i-iiii-i - pl islnif will not dela. Ilmiul oullll fice. Ad diess tuuk & Co., Augusta, Maine. ileels-ly AFFLICTEDa5UNF0RTUNATE -A-itor rail otiiora foil consult HlSt N. 15th St.. below Cnllnvhtll. Phlln.. Pn. 20 years experience in all HPIH'I AI diseases. Per- tions.fitc Call or write. AKIc free ami nrlclly con fidential. Hours : ii a. m till a. and t to lo even in p. ,Drs. J. H. & J. B. Hobensack lledieal mid Surlcnl Unices. lu YliAltS 1!STAIIMSIII!I. 20(1 Koith Second Slreet, Vbllaileliihla, I'a. Jteiriilar llei'IslcriHl Plivfth'l.'inti nml Mtiu eiigiiKed in the treatment and cure ol all cases of neivous debility and special diseases, oillce hours from s a. in., io'. p. m., mid fromr. toe l. i . i lojeu on Miuniay. coiisultalloii also by mall strictly confidential. LADIES! Do Your Own Dyolne, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES . vj ijv rjrijtiium. lltJ Jirv R4( r i'rv jmvrt no iMpial for Stieiigtli, ItrlKlitnoss, Animml ri,jn. mill ti.un pi . uii! Oualltle. Ihey do uut otock nr siD'it. JVr tuim bv - t n 'i mwi u Dennis Nothslein AOUNT FOR THK O. & G. COOPER & CO.'S Traction Engine has the least Keariuii, Ii the HTIti.NiiFKT and Must l'ONVF.NIKNT III use. Tur.ilt ViiibATiNu Threahing Maohfno Ciuiraiiteed tn cite lies! resullsobtahiable Pony ana Standard Saw Mills WIND ENGINE Tor DiMiik Machinery and I'liiupbu.' Water; The MH ADOW JilN(i MoW Kit , ltHAPJ'-lt and NT A N I) A It 1' IIAUMl TOtlUS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN Noi mal Square, Pa. IvkT tv ten I lUdTW ly mm BE YOUR OWN DOGTbR. THE GRANDEST J Remedy of the Ahjc. CUSHMAN'S- 'SI AlTonls quick rnltnf ur NouraTfrfa, nondRjho. Hay rvror, Cativi-rh, Antbiiiiv, AS ST COKIIUUZD 0S2 arricrS A CDSS. tnontliatrtmlmnit lor Wrnli. pn lfrourilrniritlitlmiiottUii InMwIn ttocV.BH(a 'nuP.''ind tl,olnhnl..,.,ll fiSSl RJj.'.'ff!l0ip.a'll B1 " leii.irtton iitfitrdn. UiroaUronil tesllnmnlals inallwj freon ;pliall(in to H. E5i CUSHE'.TAN, Thvco Rivera, Midi. Meo 25.3.1835111 t PATENTS!! FfiAiiKLlSl H, IIODQH. Solicitor of American & Foreign Palcuts I12" V st., near U. S. l'ateut Ollice, WASHINGTON; D. C. All business herora United Htates Pnlent (llllfe allemled to for moderate fees. Intents pns nasi In the United Slates and all l'orelsiUViniilrlos. 'trade Nnrkt and LaMt reulstCred, Iteiected nppllcnlloiis revived alulprosecliled. luforiiia tlou and iuUIca as loobtallilut; I'Ateuts cheer fully furnished wlllioiil charKe, Mnil KKMeh or AJodci for ifKK opinion as hi 1'arentabilllv. Aijejicy lu Uidll. S. possossos silpeiior 'lcllttles for obtaliilng l'ntonte or aseerlhlillliK tho I'Ateill.lbll- itv ot invcnilonn. , Copies of patents fumlthed foiiaie, en'c t-Of Correspondence Sollcllrtt. - p $1 - ' mi. ;oi. , ... Tho POLIOB GAZETTE Will b mulled, eeurely wrapped, lo nnf aiblrsBS In the itni ed 8lHtes rorlhree mnollisnn reenlpl of Ohq Dollar. I.ibcrnl ilconnl pllnwisl lo piMlinajlnrs, nironls and clubs Sample copies mailed free Address nil orders let UICI1AHD t. FOX, Jfay S0.lSSS.1y , FSjNki.iN Sqitaiik, N. Y, Snbscviho for tho "Uahbon Advocate $1 nor ypif. vTne cheanost unci best. II imiiiin WMgim-iwr iy ,mu.y;.fvm ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any propose line of advertising- in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell 62 Co., Nowupnpor AiH'Qrtldrj Buronu, l.O Spruco St., New YorU. Bona touts, fop JOO-Paiju I'amphlet. TO C0NS1JMPTIYES. Tho undotfilgneil having been re stored to health by nlinplo nieaiis, uftci stillerinpr for several yeju-sAviUiasevero luiiR afl'ee.tion, unci that tlrend dlseaso Coiisinniitlon, 1b anxious to muko known to his fellow sufferers themenns of euro. To those who ik'Hiro it. ho will cheerfully send (free of chnrtjo) a copy of tho lirPHcription used, which they wiH nnaasuro euro lor vjonsuiiipuon. Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis nnd nil throat, -and hint; Maladies. IJh hopes all sufferers will try life iteinciiy, as 11 win coso mem notiting and may provo a blessing. Those de sirinif tno prescription, win pieaso nu Ciruss, UKV. ISflWAKD i. WIliHON, "ViHiauusburi,', Kings Co., Kow York. ftBBsjtonii kmhn Wnbi 7k, Fa, t-irqnmr i Btsndud Kagiisi ft Bit Eiili, address A orh. i'a. A GENTLEMAN, cured1" vottfl Prostration, Seminal "Weakness, Prematura Decay, and all tho evil ef fects or early indiscretion aim youtniui follv. Is anxious to nialto known to others tho siinnlo modeof self-cure. To tltoso wliotvisu and willglvolilm llieir Bymiitoms, lie will muhi tireoi by ro turn mail a copy of tho recipo bo suc cessfully ttsed in Ills caso. Address in confidence, Jamics V. PlNr-'"v, 43 Cedur St.. N. Y. i ICE'S IHPflOVED CfRCULf.R SAW-WILLS CCURAlb ahd 3 ?. CHEAP, DURABLE. t J In Infaa, WooMIhhii, tHAXAM WON WUIiai, SAS3i, pipow mftmt syi nov n Truoa. Worn Iaj tuul KJ,t A ruublM imu.l. ai.. fc,,naV V.urtSJlIf, I 1. . -..aiulUUoij rroa nud InvftoO w N 'III I ?l'"cr,,,r.l,'"l-I.MM,wUlrt.lT. Till I I.. '"H'ufurrii.llou iboul wotk .hlcli II I 1 1 "")'"l'd'u'll'll"iM,tbtUln,r iMmirWHUHan-ai;. Soma li.lo roH oi.r ('.I lu . J.jr. Ellhar I. youggoi oM. Cpll.l &04 required. Youereilarled fre. Tboe wlu. .tert u uru-e rt ktiMliltolj lore fif luujr llule fortuou. All U Ltw. run- ui'umiilii-d il'r .1 H.Miitvr. j.iiArclmt.,l'lilla, I'il. I Jilt lit .III. -A No oiiciatliiu ur Imsiiii.. il. l.-. 'ri.,.nUii..iM ..i ruri'n. At Kfyliiii( Ilium., KiMillnir, I'a., '.'nil Kiitiirday of oacli iiinutli, Ki'iul fur clieiilare. AiUlo Iri't-. fiiiiibvi V. SCHWARTZ, UNDERTAKMi!! AN I) IHLVI.Iilt IN FURNtTUUU, PARLOR SUlTli, B1SI) RO0 SUITBS, Sc., wlileli Im Unelllnviiit lowest frliv. Carpcliiigs of Every Dcscrintious! Ingrain to Finest BraisBls nt Micx. luni.i' lluin llift Liwcuf. lUtiili; a lll'Xli:S MI'l.TII'l.ll'U h r nbled Iiim-II l.y HAMI'l.i: ny Siltl.lHUoi ily. lly IliU uiflli.hl a omuii U lej, til t-uriirtiil. .i )hi know Just 'iill .thai win .uc IniiliiL. alMi .Jin n I IIM1-I in If 1,1 M, i, if ntv t'Altfl l al fcllV UV J'llll K.S. Bank Street, Lriiighton. Penna. nnrlliasr iv 1 . i if 1 ?tty l ia fJrc.5 OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. Water in Butter. Wlillo salt will readily dissolve at fifty degrees, It Is not so easy to get tlio Imtlcr free from the surplus water, and it Is liy tills needless water that much Injiuy Is done to liuitcr. FUty-fivo degrees would bo better, and unit tlio butler .it sixty de Brcos. Il'aler Is a great solvent of caseino and susar traces of jvlilcli will be found In all butter, however well worked but the more water remaining after woiklng over, tho Riciter the chemical action, and acting upon the minute nartlelcs of curd or cheese, It becomes rancid by well known clicmlcahictlon. butter should not con tain more Water than is necessary lo ..dis solve what salt It will retain In the forfiluf brine, and fourteen per cent, seems to bo nbout the amount. More water than this dilutes the brine, and defeats by so much the object of tho use of salt In butler lo preserve tlio casclne from ch'cnlleal change nor can this bo accomplished sayo In a tcmiicinliire below fifty deiuccs. In the usual creamery biltter, and all that made by cold setting, the maker often uninten tionally leaves more than twenty per cent, of water In butler, not understanding that, butler made frriin cream slightly acid, "re tains more moisture than that made from sourer ctenm. Tho souring breaks up the texture of the cream, and the butter separ ates better from tho buller milk. Thau all the butter-maker needs lo-do Is to chum the ripened cream at a lower temperature than Is needed for sour, lo use sail, each time In washlng'lt free bom tnillermllk, and when the reflation amount of suit Is used to season tlio butler, let II dissolve, and then by gently woiklng and packing, know that tho butter Is free from any excess of water above fourteen per cent. Then If kept below fifty degrees, and away from the Ir.llncnco of the air buller mado from soured milk must keep well. . Their Business Booming. Probably noor.e tiling has caused siieh 11 general rcyival of Iradu at T. 1). Thomas' Drug Store its tbeir giving away In tbelr customers nfso uuiry free trial IxittliM of Dr. King's New -Discovery for Consumption. Their trado is bimply enormous in-lliU very valuable hilh le I'roni the faet tlint ll always cures and ncverdiappohils. Coughs, told", iistlim.i, bronchitis, vmup, and nil throat ane lung diseases pulekly cured. Yo.i can test it before buying by gojfiug, - Trial Hollies of this fiiut Discovery-for Consumption free at 'P. 1) Thomas' Drug Slorc Notes for Farmers. It Is n good plan lo have two sets of roosting poles fur tho hens, and change them each week, set ling tlienionlsldewlien not in use. Among the most prolltable fowls lo be kept by tho farmer or villager are the Ply mouth llocks and. Wyandotles. There is no question about that. Now Is the time fowls begin their an nual itioull. The next two months-will'' bo- the eillical time with all bid fowl's. Feed noiiilshlng food but feed m form easiest digcsled. . The best of help In the poultry-yard Is not eipial lo your own personal supervision No one can attend to his own business as well as himself. Wo know by experience whereof wo speak. Tbe successful poultry man is a null of system. lie buys ivhal he needs. He works to advantage. Ho loses no time in looking for anything, lie lias a place for everything and everything in lis place. Farmers should ralso plenty of onions, carrots, beets, rutabagas, els., to lay In stock for winter food for poultry. Il will yield ample returns in the replenishment of the egg basket, as well as good, fat. table delicacies in cold weather. For a movable roost take a 2xil or 2x4 seadtllng and plane It; then nail legs lo It, after tin- style of a carpenter's Iresilo. . If it cur gels lousy, lake H'out of the. house, pour keiosene all oyer It and set il, allrel Good bye, veiinsnl The llaino will Hash all over tlio peich with a scorching licit, hut quickly go out, leaUng It In a purified eon dltloii. (Iravelseryes the same puiposo will mills mat lectlHio wllh qiiaihupcds. An aiitboilty says the grlmllng In tho gizzard may bo heard by placing' tho ear near tho fowls when their stomachs. arc full and di gestion Is taking place. Tho sound of tho giaye! stones grinding and nibbing against tho grain Is espelally audible In the ease of ducks that nre. about half grown? at which time they are Increasing lu size very fast, anu ingestion proceeds very rapidly. liaise Belter Horses. . Fashion has brought many chances In horse breeding among American farmers, and Horace has set the new style mom lorciniy or to larger purios than the American trotting horse. The American roll or is a horse capnhlo of overy service ; there is, in almoit literal tiutb, no limit to the speed In which he can tiot ono mile. and bis capuchy ."of eridiiraficey whereof men contests aro most .exacting proof, Is accepted as a faet lu the minds of all . ob servant men, while Ids patient temper, and :nttl site, comtilnml with the extraordinary muscularity wllh which trim systems of breeding hayo eniloneil hlui, render lllm an exceedingly valuable animal for any work of labor and routine. Tho farmer who is looking forward to Improvement In his stoekrmust be careful In making selection of his breeding animals, and, herein, Il Is of llibuliuost lu)ioiianco that (lie sire chosen lia an available, valu ably and In every rospeot, a choice animal, possessing Individually and aeestrally tbe best qualities which thooifsprhig fs desired to noses. Get the Advouatc. There am l,Ju5 lawyers in boston. A husband Is frequently a very great jlr prize to it woman. -A matt mutt ask leave of his stomach to lie a happy man. Cberlty, like jelly, slnulo bo sol karu fqlly away in the d.ilk as soon as made. Ilouare of the still mad; hols getting your size and concealing his own. Ibitusditv conduces lo humility. One Is only a little out of consonants with the other. It Is not until a man reaches thirty that ie begins lo wrap the small bills on theoidtddtof his roll. liOasoii and kindness arellm great pro moter! of that harmuny and hilarity which genenjte friendship and affection. Jjjilk bread dries out faster than water bread. mm 3. OPPOSITE L. BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, PA., Has just opened an entire new lino of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising nil tho very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and Fancy Dross Patterns of (lie very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. - Groceries. PrOvinionK. GrnnU:nrxrxKTnYe IneiMwyn-i-o Wood and Willowware of thg best makes at low figures. ' Cloths, Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Heady made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can he bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. t Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at llock Bottom Prices. llest quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low ns the same articles can lie purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received tho price has been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of tho very best quality and arc being sold at prices equiiny as low as tne same goods can bought atony general store in this section, (-all and be convinced. lesp?ctfully, .Tuly23-871y - &M0S REIGEL. BEST ENGLISH TWIST BARRELS ntmA DEST SHODTIKfS 1.5 . S' "VmJ. H blnc"l. ll liToT.m Lorrr. I l'&o Li.!; lSu" llutt Pi" lo. ' l-lv"i"na M - Clooo Hard Ghootlnpf Cutis BTHACA CUE CO., & PIC AUn Ti"'.r.r mmm- hOUFiNG MANUFACTURERS OP Crowrs.'.Patent.'.Standing.'.Seani, riaia r.o!lod, O.impeitEdue, Boadod Jlaila of Steel end Cbircosl Iron, nw arileit first meilsl by tho TJeyr OrleAita Kiposltlou. CaiiiHritlgc, Ohio. " Tlio Utile fiph ultra every inn a Liescnes surRiar-frooi mi AND AUTOMATIC Chrnpcsf, Stronrjest and only Practical -THE For Sale by A. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE 8 EC BY EXAMINING 8. DANIEL SL, sulky. Via v'JOi "' 'Ssj; ll BOII.Nn ROOIH. in 'S;'"''n."S?'V y u J aC.'"!"",v"rytonilnthoJI.H. :SiraintervtllA .p MMm ' vr 'if- - i : i . " - rj? CJHiGAGO, RGGK CSLAKD & PAOJFSO H'Y Dy reeeon of its CBntml rwaltlon, cloco rMatlon lo principal lines Hast of Ohltopo nnil oontlauous linen at terminal pulnts West, WortliwetttcnaOoutliweet Uths only true jnlildlo-link in t'nat tranacoi.tlnontul pyttoin whtcli Invitea and J'ttoil- uai, m iravoi ana ira.uo in ouner oirecuon mo iiOCK J.M13 llallii. Ptxiria, fl .1 n a. 17r.,.l. !...!.. k.l.U, I, I. . W ,1, U U.V'l'.ln,., W.nUIW.O. , W. MlUlilbJ.. l v ,v i.i.jr aim Wolnou, LiUianola, 'Wintereot, Atlantic. Kr.ux.yrun, Audubon, Ilnrlnn. QntUiio Contra and Cjiiaoil Illuflk, in low.".! Gallatin, Tronton, St. Joseph, Cameron mnl KniiTOB City, In IJtanourl; LrAvenworth anil Atchison, in Kanaas; Albert I.ea, Mlimeapolla and St. l'aul, ia luimiesota; VutwitoWn lu Dakota, anil liqudieJa of interiuediata clUea, towns and villages. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND) ROUTE Ouarontaos Speed. Comfort and Snfaty to thoao who travel ovar It. Ita roadbed la thoroughly bolleitad. Ita troch ii of hoavy HtteL Ita brldires urn aolld otruutiiroa or utoao and iron. Its rolling stock la perfect na liuman aluU cm naka It. It bus ull tha uafoty applianeoa that maclianical co'.lus lien invented and experience proved valuablu. Its practical operation. Is noisvrvuUvo and inotbotl ioal -ita dhi.ipliue atrlct and exar tinp. 'Dio luxury of ita poasoiitf r uucommoda tloni la vnequaled tha Wert uuaurpoasod in Uio world AIili BXVlttiSa TltAINB between Chu niro and thi, Itlo-ourl Itivor ooniat of oouifirtabl DAV COAC11EU, muiniillceut PTJIiLhtAN VAI.AOI3 1'AHLOH and 3f.Kl!l'lNU 0AE3, cilefrant DINIIfa OAItB providlnir excellent meals, and botwoen Olilcoso, at. Joseph, Atchison and Kaunas Olty voaiful ItKOLlNlWO OUAllt OAItS. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho direct, favoritn lini uatween Cblciuro and Mlinieapolls ruid fit FanL Ovor iui4 roiiKi uoua a aa express xrains run looalltlos .nd huuUny and flshiii'T croiuuU of Iowa ami flmuesota. Ihe j-lrU wna.1L lielila uili rrrasiutf lands or 1 nt. A abort dosirubleroat", vlaBenefnaudKankiJfoe, offeraauparlorinifiicusjants to truvelura between Ofliinnati. 1 mlianauolis. Lar-ivotta and 4 'ntmoil ltiufi. St. Josopli, Atolxlsor, I.oavimworth, ICuiutau C.ty, LUnuoupolla, Or. Paul and lnttn medfate iiolula. All olated of pitrcns, oapo.lally aiallien, ladla.1 aud cliillt 'u. reeolre froiu otfiolals and eiDployei of Heck Island traiuS protoction, reaiwcttul tourtuty i u kindly attention. For 'rickets. Haps, Puldnra - obtainable kL all pi India I llcket OiDneq in tb TJtiitod Qtutea and Canada or any deHlred uf. iiiiacti.u, mid.'osa, H. It, CABLE. Prq'J&aw"! Wgt, Ctuago, E. ST. JOHN, Ais'l Gcn'l it'e'r, OWcjio. U3 LS Ul(a LS LL , Stivd er& Son's & S. DEPOT,agf THE ITHACA GUB5 niuinnm S STEEL BARRELS, O fillM MAflP 3SaK Hrann.ra. JUlioancl. NjK llaliie ComiM-maW. at Long Range a Spoclntty. ITHACA, N. Y. 7 Eoofing Lidinjj' and llmi nnil ncvr Mb pi iiiu i,iw c or. WINDOW HOLDER. Automatic Lock and Holder in ilia Harkot. MOST DURA. LJ) PiMilll 4S Ttte tho only Sash Lock In tho rntrket that elves en tlroetlirficllon. It Is made of Malleable lrou, and cannot bo broken. It it m located and constructed that Itlsiropooiiblsforatlilcf to control it from tho outnldo, nmlla jliiOlulcW Burglar-Proof. ItlaAnto lndtlc lu'acllou, both locking Uio Bath tho moment It la clonal, mid holdiDS the wTudoiv at any elevation ilc- q biuwii, i.uu uuiuju hid niuuvn ai, niiytiuinuuuu,,- tired, ltigeqii.illu uHreopects tocordil ondwclsbts, nud at one-U'iith tho coet. It Is easily pnt on, and can lufntiiillod with n er.rewJrivcr by any bandy nun or li"Y. It la almnlo In action, nnd baa NO Britltta TO Wi; Alt OUT, or complicated raechaulem to Ret oat ot order. It Is finWied fn the moat artistic manner and packed wllh screws lo match. It Is attractive and or i.nniratal In cleigu. It Is what you havo been looktnff for lor yeuia. iaaiplocpinilcteforonewlndovmallcil un receipt of (O cts. lit elampa. Maiiafactnrcil by J. R. CLANCY, Srraciino, N. V B Mention this paper. itilt, vonifix:i ALi.vAmr:: OS llOIlr.It STONY l.WI) AH i Till! WIJ1TE1CS 1'iHlll.K-. U I Nf.IKIl ANY OTHlilt hill.UY 1 . Tiiuwuitij). cANiiijArrAtiirt TO ANY COMMON T V'.'.IV TLOW IN FIVE MlM.l. , IIJil . AN11 IS YAI(IUIsTl:i) N . "IO 1NOHEA8K TUU 11UA1T ON.' poti.No. no Hiun.E a cniu sTKONa r.Nou(iu to jmivu t MM CAN Ot'iniATU IT. IIIU, THUS A SQrtAlIU c-OUNWt Wil l. uui. j.aiiimi tub ruin. Hi ONLY TIjAV irviinUMTti a i?,-i XKVKR TO trouT 'run roi OP PLOW. AU1IH1TI.V IS Til (.ROI1KI1 Oil r.LI.TATO IT 'J, RIUHtOVE't 'Jill! TOP OF I'll J. Litzenbero-er GEOGRAPHY OP THIS COUIJVRY, VJLt THIS MAP, THAT THE Duiwoen uio Aviadiic OJi i'aciue. aouy o uu aumuier rusaris, piotursaoua I Jrt koL.i rirn rtiina.1 v I: i WnLeitoiii. Y A HOI BROOK. Gea'l Tkt. 1 P.i. Agt, CUaea I !LLI East Weissport. Carbon ConulyPii, U tho iaUo I'lircliiUc. fit IK' lnot iri,.M.iinri prices, . DIIRHSIIIJ J.USfllinl, of nil Mini, tir Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, ings, Cabinet Ware, &c, &.c BRACKETS. MADE TO ORDER. llin SUichlui-y U nil new, nml only Hip best ine clintiicM einployfil. All are uiiaranteeil of best seninned inntPi lal. Orilerti by mall re ceive prompt atteiiiloii. Ynnr patronage invited. We liave, also. In cnniievtliiii Willi the nbove biulnewa COMMODIOUS SlOltE, where can always be foiinil ono of I lie largest and best as sortineiiti of nm ooons NOTfOHS, . OltOOKUlKS, rrtovigiONB, OAUPETS, QUllKN.SWAlti: OU.or.OTHS WOOinVAKK, ..HARinVAIlK -iintiTS, .siioics, ' V'lllATS;ANI) UA l'S Hay, Straw, Flour and Feed, Anil lii fael any and everything usually lo be fnniiil In aslrletiy llrst-ilaiiCniiiilrv-SloiT. No mailer what jnmrant, nik font and weeiin sup ply ymi nt prlceH Ihal will knock all cnnipetltlnn far inli) the sliaile. Call anil see in, nml we will eonvlnce yon or Hie tnittifuliiCMM of ourMeitlun. Ilcnii'iubi'r the l'lai'fi N. SNYDER & SON, East Weissport, Penna. January I, 1887. ANDREW BAYER, DKAI.Kll IN Wall Paper and Doooratiort3 Windsw Shades li Painters Snrulles. Paper Ilanglntr, Honso and 8iifn Falutin uaisomuiB and draining. IL'llllr l.,.i.l I ,l,l..t,i..,. iw.h. I M. ,1,11 , I Villi II, Oct. sntiui Mean lUent linine, ami inahe mine money nt wen k fr in than atiiii)lbliif; (Je 111 ; ' "I""" ""I. iieriH-ii ; ynu nro slaileil free. Until sexes; al airs. Aiivoneenn ilntlie work. UireiiriiliiKsi.uri'fiiiitnnlKiiiit. Ctistly iiiitlltninl lenus free. Heller not delay Uslsoii iiiilhliiK tOKeinl us sour address. aiiil lut llllt; If vim mi, ii I... .... .. .11 .! . IIAi.i.Krr Co., I'ortlaiiil, Maine. ilecl8ly HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICES. VVK MAriUrACJTUHE i HEARSES. CAPRlAr.trc PHAETONS AND BUGGIES. frloea run! Oulalngniw Kent on npplloatlou. j ErcCIAU Inihcemcnia lo lartjo Buyers. ! SAVERS & SCOV1LL, J ClfJOINWATI. OHIO. (Sncecssor io Reascr & Buss) Bank Street, Lehighton, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DBAIJilt IN Choice Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. Spccinl inducements ore ex tender! to the mrinagenitsnnt ol' picnics, festivals and parties to purelinsf their coods at this stand. The best goods at the lowest prices -Quick Knlos nnd SJtYERS & SSOViLL IVEHIELES. kk ECMRT, I Small Profits is our iriottn. A fcharc of public patronage tolic i led and satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. yl3 A. A. ECKHART.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers