TUo P.Ql-hnn Arlvnonfl srouijd to-day an It utood fifteen years ago, I Ho waiDOIl MUVUUClLW when4Uayii erect tlio host possible men to " tlio ofllco where they can do tlio most Rood, LEniOIITON, I'A.t regardless of farty. We bellovo In electing SATURDAY, OOTODEIt 1, 1887, Mic best men to tli6 several offices, so do ... - ,L the Knights of Labor; wo believe that "In- HjrmnKn at tiir t.KitKiiiTON post-offick as dnstrlal and moral worth, not wealth, Is the s room tiiiAHR mail mattru. tnje ,lnruiRrti 0t Individual and national Going along Wall stteet I stepped Into the Stock Exchange In tlmo to hearltro name of a man called whoso absolute fair uro was for less than ono hundred and forty dollars, yet I recollect the day, not lnoro than four years ago, when I was sit ting In a broker & office on Uroad street, and I heard him quoted as worth at lea9t for county Treasurer on the Labor ticket. This may bo on account, of Hugh's deter mination never to take anything uncer tain. ' TiiEnic Is some talk about an early ses sion of Congress to teduco tlio surplus rap Idly accumulating In thu treasury vaults, but there Is as yet no substantial ovldenco as to when Governor Heaver will call an extra scstlon of the legislature to pass tlio reyenno hill. priatnpss." so do the Knlchts of Labor:wo three millions. Ho had Just bought a block Jfccorrf of ,,.,,,. i,inni,.,ti,n Knlehta of Labor of Delaware and Lackawanna and had wit tip a margin ot fifty thousand dollars; an- Accoiidjno to thu Lansford last week, Hugh JcOarvoy will not stand organization was rlovcr intended as apollll At n recent meeting of anarchists held in New York City one of the Amy speakers exclaimed "We know not who thrcwlho bombs at Chicago, but God bless the men whodldl" And still In view of this there are men and newspapers who ask " II 111 rail bodv.so iln a blciuaiorltv of tlio Knlahts other broker expressed surprise, and tho of Labor: wo believe that Us formation was ono who had bought the slock iieciarcii Intended to check aggressive menoply that that ho knew positively that his client was will InnvltahlvleadtothomuDcrlzatlonand worth thrco millions In solid cash. Last boneless deeradatloh of tho tolling masses week ho went to tho wall for one hundred nml that thcio. Is moro real and substantial and forty dollars. If It wero not for the benefit to be obtained by honest, thought- Ives and tho Wards' such a thing would ful and aggrcsslyo opposition to the corpor- seem to bo almost inconceivable; yet not atlons by demands which find their adjust- moro so than ono which came under my ment In arbitration than by a political eye List week In tho pollco court. Tho movement which may and will Inevitably I Tombs Is always an onsavory place tome lead to a total disintegration of the oiderl but I cannot stay away from It; It has a fascination for me, though, heaven knows, I naturally skrlnk from scenes of suffering and pain. All arouud you represents tho shady side of life. Alcn and women whoso faces are seamed and scarred with crime which was formed for so noble a pnipose. BroaflMui's llew ml Letter. New Advertisements, Tiipsie Avtto want paying bitua TINSii turiil ortiiMclliiir iignitMhonll JL SPIU.V HI ollic in ,'AS. 1'. W1HTNIT Mununninn, irtiliee Is injnliril In ,IA' I(lH'lllHt- , .111.1 ,11 It 111 SKV. N V. No ex- Is lice. Steady wbrk the rear lound. All si nek warranted In gfjod condition. JmielLiin Sncclal to tho Caimion AnvoCATB. r.ast week wo laid at rest a man who for stand before the bar or In tho prison pen, the Chtcago anarchists hang?" Will they many years past has been qullo an Important and mingled with I hem boys and girls, and hang? of course they will unless a common figure In our local politics. Only two months justice Is outraged. Tho bomb throwers I ago I gave him an extended and not yery POWDER Absolutely Pure. This iwwdcr never varies. Aniarvelof purity, were found guilty and sentenced to death and they have no morn reason to hope or look for executive clemency than havo any other batch of common murderers. flatteilnc notice, for then I did not dream this particular morning, alter uieiiiicvcs that tho end was nulte so near. Mike Crccan and tho drunks had been disposed of, tho was ono of the natural rcsnlts of oursystem policeman brought forward a loathsome oh. of municipal politics, a system which has ject begrimed with dirt and covered with debauched and corrnotod our city govern- rags. Tho complaint was vagrancy; ho ment till It seems as If (ho alono could had been found sieepingin a deserted siapie pnrlfv It. Mr' Crccan's lot was cast In the and had frequently been seen feeding irum most aristocratic district of New York, lmt the garbage barrels along tho sidewalk. often little children, their llltlo faces be- strength and wliolcsonieness. More economical grimed with dirt and hard as stone. On than (lie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In iHjRE BONE DUST ! I J'ure Hone Dnst giirun?cert li be free from allies, muck, sand or any other worthless in gredient Intended to make up weight mid bulk. I'tiro llono Ideal It a land fertlllrer "that mnks far ahead of all phosphates: prnellcnl farmers know lids and appreciate tlio tact. We Inn on targe quantity ot 1'UltU IIONE MJjiT on Iiiutd which we will achat very reasonable prices. All orders promptly attended to. l'atroiiagdrcsiioet- lully solicited and sitt tsf.ictton giiarunlerd. JOSEPH 013J5RT, l.oliigliton, Vn. Aug. n.-Siu. eoinpctitlon with tlio multlliido ot low test, shoit weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Itoynl linking l'owdcr Connaiiy,joo Wall Slreet, N. Y. auk 24-mtl No Cleveland banners will bo allowed at St. Louis, by reason of the fact that Palsy Falrchlld, Bloody-shirt Forakcr and that blatant blackguard Tuttle are to bo present jjV mcan!1 0f Ti hand of well drilled hirelings Yet this man a brief six years ago was an ami taae pari in me ceremonies, rraunun ttnJ heelers ho succeeded In making his lionorejanurespccieiimerciiaiii.weii-io-uu, i . ... Q A I I H L" M Dl IC III Cleveland will bo present, but not as a influence felt In every portion of the city, with a lovely wlfo and two beautiful chll-yV. nMU ULIN DUOlj, waver ui uiiu oniony garment, which lur an,i it u not bevond oucstion that his oron. inn ciiuiuen wero auuuKeti wiui years has been hurled with the nnknown treahery tp his party absolutely changed diphtheria and both of them died, the dead upon tho many battle fields, but as ,MO Presidency of tho United States at the mother contracted the dlseaso and sho too Accident, Life & Fire INSURANCE ! Bank Street, Lehighton, H. A. BELTZ, JUSTICE OP' THE PEACE, AflENT l'OU FIKST-CLASS Fire, Life & Live Stock Itisuraiice Companies. .Special attention of Farmers and others Is called to the liberal terms ottered by tlio MiltKH COUNTY M U T II At, I.t V H BTOCK INSUR ANCE COMPANY, for which f um the iitrenl for lids County and neighborhood. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST FITTING, BEST MADE AND' CHEAPEST CLOTHING. An immense assortment of Summer Fabrics in stock, comprising nil the very latest styles in 0ofclis,CJassiiiiers.Corksorews,CheTiots, Worsteds, &c, &c, Made up in the latest styles and most substantial manner at. prices that positively defy competition. Satisfaction guaranteed You can save money by having your clothing made by H. H. PETERS, The Tailor, EXCHANGE HOTEL EOjLMG, LEHIGHTON, PA. one who by evory deed and action has en- last ecct0n. Among politicians generally deavored to obliterate the lines of section- It was wcll UIllicrstootl that nothing could allsm which rccogni7.es no norm, nosouin, he done In Mlko Crcgan's district without no east; no west, but a common country for ,nonoj and that monoy had always to be a common people. Tjik circulation of tho AoyocATis Is con stantly Increasing which fact conclusively proves the superiority of the Advocate over all the county journals In giving the best assortment of miscellaneous news, In teresting correspondence, Including the popular Broadbrim's New York I.etter.and editorial comment on the passing events. The subscription price Is only one dollar a year fifty-two copies, two hundred and eight pages, 1004 columns every year and you have a history of passing events that otherwise would cost you ten times the amount. Send us your name and one dollar. placed In Hike Crccan's hands. Ho tri'st ed no lieutenant In monev matters: what- pearcd. and when next seen was a poor over dividing was to bo dono was done by him In person, and It was always under stood that tallhful services would be well paid for, All offices had a money value with him, and If the candidates of his own was taken. II lien discovered, tlio lallior had been In tho rooms three days with his dead family, his reason almost gone. For a tlmo he rallied and went mechanically about his old tlmo work, then ho dlsap- HUp. "KTrjtimi'll Lift TllClll'!lllPO Prt . iuu J.1UUUUU1 jjuu xuimiuuuu uu, OF MONTPELIER, VT., lias secured the agency for tho following SUHSTANTIAL INSUltANCK COM PANIES which can bo recommended o tho public as Perfectly Safe and Itellable, abandoned drunkard in tho streets. When his story was lold, used as he was to such scenes, tho eyes of the judge niolstoned.and ho pronounced sentence In a voice chokhif with grief, for he had known tho man In nartv did not rav him ho was ready on the Ue days Of his prosperity and had sat at ills lame, uni did not recognize nun in ins ragged misery till his name was mentioned. Such Is New York life. We are now fairly launched In tho Fall campaign, and If present Indications will enable us to form judgement of tho future. Instant to march lits forces right Info tho enemy's camp. It was his frequent declar ation If you want yotes you've got to show up with yer cash. It is wonderful that such a person could ever have got a foot hold In any respectable community, but which Is said to be "The grandest step In fair dealing within tho history of Life Insurance." It protects against adversity In business; It pro tects d e po n don t ones against the contin gency of death I 1 ii OF UNITED STATES, thopall was borne by oneof the foremost law-1 we are likely to have a very lively political Tire Prohibitionists of Carbon In conven tion assembled some weeks ago put in nom ination the following ticket, which, while It represents the minority part)-, Is made up of strong and substantial elements and for genuine morality leads most others: County treasurer, Hon. Levi Wentz, of Lower Towamenslng; register and recorder, Ed. A. Packer, of Jlanch Chunk; county com missioners, Solomon Ycakle, ll'elssport; J. IK. Hunter, Weatherly; auditors, John Martyn, Sr., Banks; M. E. Slnyard, Sum mit Hill. In the campaign of 1880 the Prohibitionists polled two hundred thirty. flye votes for Charles Wolfe, for Governor; dow th question uppermost In the minds of Prohibitionists must cerl alnly be : "What can we do for our comity ticket?" Unde niably strong In all particulars morally speaking each and every candidate should by natural right possess sufficient magnet ism to draw from the liepubllcan, Demo cratic and Labor masses a complimentary yote which would glyo a Prohibition show ing of four or flye hundred yotes. Of course our Prohibition friends must go to work and keep their nominees before the people to do this. True, they cannot elect their ticket, that would be impossible, but then an Increase of several hundred votes could not help but draw a smllo from the Dryest of the Dry. yers and statesmen In tho land, and a ulogy was pronounced on bis virtues by ono of the judges of our Courts. ll'hat Is there that Is so terribly ruinous In political defeat? John Kelly, a man stalwart and hale, after his defeat at Chic ago never raised his head. For fifteen years ho had kept tho most turbulent and ungovernable political organization In the United States practically at his feet. Up to his final defeat no Democratic leader could successfully withstand lilm, yet In a few months tills strong man because an utter and hopelerst ruin. Hubert O. Thomp son was another of our great local political loaders. He made and unmado men; ho ruled conventions with a rod of Iron. Ho took tho best office in the city himself and parcelled the others out among his hench men as If the revenues of this gieat city were part of his private estate. We collect In taxes each year not far from forty mill ions of dollars, and oyer a large part of this yast sum, directly or Indirectly, Mr. Huibert O. Thompson assumed almost ab solute control. It was during his censorship that the boodle aldermen, now immortal In Infamy, were elected.and eyen that dlsgracof nl thley- Ing gang was sarcely bad enough Jo rouse New York from Its lethargy. When Hu bert O. Thompson was driven from public with a reserve fund of &T0,AOO guarantees every policy in full, jno otner com pany lias ever put up such a fund. It costs but a few cents every day a good Investment. LOCAL AGENTS ARE DESIRED! Harrista Mutual Live Stool INSURANCE COMPANY. . Fixed rates; no annual dues. Animals di vided Into classes of one bundled and fify each. Members responsible only for losses occurring In the class In which their ani mals wore enrolled. August 11, 1HS" I y fight. Tho United Labor Party has com. milted Itself to the principle that good polities and good religion are twin brothers, and It seems to me that this Is a sound doctrine, for good religion cannot flourish under a bad government, neither can theie bo good government where religion is Ignored. United Labor and Autl-Poyerly have chosen Sunday night for their gather ings, and we have scarcely had such niest lugs since tho days of iloody and Sankey, Certain It is that no political leaders for many years haye had the personal populari ty of Henery George and Dr. McGlynn Whereyer they appear tho crowds go wild over their presence, and the forces of United Labor appear to be thoroughly or ganized. Thero seems to bo no question about tlio leadership Inside of their own organlzitlon; all eyes aro turned on Henry George, and even Dr. McGlynn, who re fuses to follow the Pope, looks up revereu tly and affectionately to Henry Gcorgo as Bring your job work to this hehalls him the great leader, But It must office Infest stvles and best not bo lorgottcn mat mere is a rrogressivo i i.: ,.... r Labor Party which Is no. for Henry George. Workmanship guaranteed a party that repudiates his land theories and don't caro a straw about Anti-Poverty, and when It comes to voting at tho polls will bo found more deadly enemies to Henry Gcorgo than he will find among tho Democrats or liepubllcans. The battle, of Real Estate Agency, Heal Estate Bought & Sold. Collections Promptly Made. Bunk Street, Lehighton, Penna. Sept. 3, W.-tm Lost Heward ! Uwt. on tlio ailli tilt, at l'arryvllle an Knullsli lleglo Hound, answers lotlie name ot "Mike," uiaiked lll.ick and While llli two black ears The finder will lio well IttiWAltDKI) on lelurnlo ItlCUIIHN MCDANIISI 3w rarryvllle t'.i, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 01' VtiliV VAI.UA1II.K - HEAL :-: ESTATE!! rn...i.i..ln..tnu.l .i.1..lr.lo,..n ..r ll....u...ln d Catharine fiusb'umi, lat! At the Uormiidi ot Vt cissiiort, i;aroon eouniv. ra., dec it, will sell ut public sale on the premises on Monday Oct. 3rd, 1887, iHiiuinuft i. in., inr ttiiiiMMiiK Yuiiiauiu ie.il estate, to-wlt: All that eerlaln Ixit or l'leee of (Irounir, situate on Kivc-r -sliect, anil numbered 111 the man or Wot oisa d horoinrh 01 ve ssmut. Carbon comity. Pa., No. -n. The Improvements inereon are a lira nnu one-nan siorv Brick Dwelling House, I 27x23 feet with Summer Kitchen, 7x24 feet, and niaoie. utvfcxr.f',,. aim oilier neiressarv ouutuiiu- lm?s. There is also u welt of good water on the premises, Sr Terms and conditions will be niaoe Known ai lime aim piaen 01 sale uy joifN t. NimiiAuar, Administrator of the estate of Cath. Niisbaum, Sentiotd To Whom ii May Concorn. All nersous am hereby foibld ticsnasslnir on the l.uiilsof the iiuilerslKiied, yltnated In Uiwer TowanienslniJ: and I'lirrvillle.tor the purpose of hiuithif;, Sc., persons found trespassing will he dealt with to thu nil extent of Hie law. I'liisw. tsi.ii.Mun, Octt-sw uwcr Towaiaeimlns. la U.S.LITZENBERG, 1 1 a : .. E i.iie npeeiui uxnminer u. r. reus: Military Claim Apt ALLENTOWN, Pbnna., Prosecutes claims for Tensions', lneiexse ot renslon.llounly and all manner of claims npcaliis. the government. Ten jcars experience In the I elision business ami nearly live lis apeeiai itx imluer in the II. iS. l'euiloii Olllee. I make a specialty of Increase clahnes. Mawi-f.ni U. S. MTZKNBKUO. r i Ota of Hooks ter Brew II uOb; It has been said that If the Chicago An archists hang that their widows and or phans will offer themselves up as a sacri fice for the "good of, the cause" If this be to, than a description of tho"ones" to be sacrificed may not prove uninteresting to our many readers: Mrs, Spies, a colorless, dimpled, statuesque beauty, with deep-set dark blue eyes," should die first. If appear ances go for much, but as she is childless h. T,Oa 111,1a in nltta f 4l,a 1 1, nn, "wlif la vuro nrnafnl t. I... moyenienu, UW-ilo nana ana complexion of a quardoon and an affectionate mother," has two attractive Children to Immolate. Mrs. Kneel, "a quiet unobtrusive little wo man ot 55, who is fond of home and slm- olllee he still had power enough among the November will be the niost perplexing and boodlo aldermen to havo tho naming of his uncertain that this State has seen for many successor, and a political tramp was plclccd years, and it will be entirely safe for all up whose name had novor been heard In political seers to suspend the prophecies Now lork, and whose unsavory history at until the day after election. ,m. . .aBteu . u.o .mro aim com- UrooWy rejoice,, wltli exceeding great I-i.cu : uuaiiuuimiciii, 01 111. giiu-i;. r-, ,. t,l ,.,, f ,1rrl,o,.l.. RociinsTEit, N. Y., May 12, 1884. It having been for some time urged us an argument against the .use ol malt liquors, that they were unfit lor use by reason of ad ulterations, we beer to state that the Lager Beer manufactured by us is n Pure, Healthful, Unadulterated .trticle. J or the Invalid and the -Nursing Mother as well as lor those who simply use it as a beverage, it is a light and nourishing stim ulant. Lager Iseer hns accomplished much lor the ennso o tem perance, in weaning many from the use of the stronger drinks, nml 'thousands all over the land cheerfully testify to its wonderful cuects in building upgfhe Euleebled Constitution. An analysis of otuVlJeer has been made by Professor Lattimore of the Rochester University, a gentleman whose name is sufficient guarantee ol the accuracv oi any statement he may make, We occupied. At the close of tho service lmn- cft" also piouuco ino auuiavit oi iir. reuencK iiotiecicer, our iieau drcds rushed forward to shako their be- brewer, which must certainly set at rest all doubts that, might pllclts," has the hardest duly of all to per form, as her six children aro all grown and I district, and he was opposed by General will decidedly object to being sacraficcd. I Splnola, a Tammany Braye, and a trusted This was the man to whom Now York en trusted tho expenditure' of ton of the forty millions which she collects, and whose vote was potential In tho expenditure of tho fifty millions which will be expended on tho new aqueduct. With men seeking votes when millions upon millions were at stake the services of a politician of Cregan's slilp was of Inestimable value. Ho had at his back a well drilled army who obeyed him without question, knowing that sooner or later the reward would come. In our last !,.(,,., T rn in . . .. . evil.......... ...u.mujuo nice was Hie lie- ,..,! nn.tnr l,r ll,A 1,n,l n,tl,,l.lnl . xl .1 ! publican nominee for Congress In Cregan's m ulu "" lisou Doctor Taliuagc, Is back at his old post, Ills annual return Is always a season of jubilee; hut on Sunday last the Tahcrnaclo outdid itself, and the result was one of the most tremendous gatherlncs ever seen within Its walls. The seating capacity of tho Tabernacle has been largely Increased iliulng the iiimnier, and long before tho service commenced not a seal was lobe had and every Inch of standing room was Mrs. Fischer, "only 10, Is a lovely brunette with melting black eyes," but has three little ones ready to he murdered, Mrs. Schwab, "who used to carry tho red Hag In the processions," Is childless and must be content to die alone. Mrs.Flelden ."Isn't a bit pretty but has a very pathetic ap pearance," and can contribute a number ot Infants to the holocaust. Mrs. Oscar Neebels alreadydead. Lings unmarried, and It Is not supposed that the "beautiful and wealthy young girls In love with lilm', will feel called upon to kill heiself. IK the preamblo setting forth the prin ciples of the Knights of Labor we read that "We havo formed tho onler of Knights of Labor for tho purpose of organizing and directing the i power of the industrial masses, lieutenant of John Kelly's. With any thing like a fair show Mr. Klco would havo been elected by a handsome majority, Mr, Cregan got seven hundred dollars of Mr. Klco's money, and when he found ho could get no more sold out to the democratic can didate and General Spinola was elected Tho Infamous nature of tho transaction, and tho posltlvo proofs of treachery mada the Kcpubllcau County Committee resolved to getild of Mlko Cregan and his heelers, The trial was an exciting one and, conscl ous of his jrawer, Aflke Cregan defied the committee At last he was expelled and then ho fell back on tho voters of his district, and by manipulating the primary ho won by nine votes; the evidence of fraud was again so flagrant that tho election was thrown out and Cregan realized that his power was broken forever, he took to drink good. A new candidate for pulpit honors ap peared In the City of Churches In the per son of lley. It. Ii, ATereilith, lately of Uos ton, known as tho sailor preacher. He is a minister of great eloquence and sterling character, and is undoubtedly destined to create a great sensation In. Brooklyn. Yours truly, DitOADiiuiM. that our not as apolitical party, for It is more." Surely the Knights of Labor, who, under and last week died suddenly a ruined man, me caption oi mo unueu i,anor rariy.lato- it Is useless to attempt anything like sym ly put. in norumauon a county uckci must patliy for such a person or such n life. His have und'rstood this. They could not eas- Influence, whatever hohad. was evil. Them From Our Exchange". -An exchaugo says that thu saner kraut crop wiB be a failure. -A whl to sparrow has excited tho cull oslty of tho residents of Egypt, Lehigh county. Aiiraiiam, Isaac and Jacob seem to have been tho grand Jewery that first In dlted the lilbln. I he new comet recently discovered by astronomers in thy northwest sky Is now visible to tho naked eye; It Is rapidly mov ing eastward, Is large and bright and will undoubtedly become moro brilliant In a few weeks. Furthermore, wo will pay $1000 to any one proving statements and claims are not entirely true. Very Respectfully, The Rochester Brewing1 Co. Of tho ROCHESTER BOTTLING HOUSE, Lehighton. ALSO, AGKNT FOU The Rochester Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER. lly have- preyerted the reading of the pro- can bo no greater crime against liberty than c T' " ' ZTZ , , , """"J001 nmhl wldel, v,n!l,, in fnii ii, nrininu. .i.,,......!?.,... . ... ... . ' .. Convention will asseuiblo Iii Ifarrlsbiirg on amble which contains In fnll the nrlnelnlp I ,ini,o,..,i. i,ii.., , ...,' . I "'i-v.v of the order which Is designed to elevate, voter, and ih.it. urn r, ,n.i i 0flber 11, 12 and 13. An extensive pro. advance and protect the Interest of those and persistently, and to theso crimes aro who "earn their bread by the sweat of their dne whatever prominence ho had in our brow." In exercising the right of sutlrago politics. There can be no better evidence Knights of Labor are cautioned to assist In ot his treachery than that he professedly a nominating and supporting with their votes Republican, should bo able In this over- oniyaucn candidates as will pledge their whehnlnglv Democratic city to hold a lit support to JvulRht of Labor measures. In cratlyo olllee for twelve consecutive years. the Democratic and Republican convec- J which hundreds of Democrats would have tlons, held 'recently, there must haye been been exceedingly willing to fill. Rut the u iiukc reprctcniuiiui! oi iiuigms oi i.aoori man is dead, aud notwithstanding tho amongst the delegates. 1 hese men assist- hundreds and thousands of dollars-whlch ea in maKing me nominations for their re- passed through his hands In tho shapo of spectlva partles-nomloatlng In several In- political blackmail and political plunder.he V-i' ,f- T . i .i.ni... m.mi,. ..r ii.i -.!. i, . u.i i . . ' mo drive ins ueail - ...... m.,. w.tic, iuu wiut uuuuab JC1II11IU39, WllUOUl IlOIUe, have long been Identified with tho labor estranged from his family; tho men who rMliKfl In this rnnlitv n,id frmn nnHv irln- I fnlb.i.'A.l I. In, I.t- l.t. I.. ... ., . ,. . I z,:;: i' ,:J"" .c: zvr: . i.ea,i was found m u.. n,aJ w.j..v, . in ....J ,lMVlJ,a a, fc, I ,4 ll 1UIJUU-U BUU1U IIU1U Uf OlllCr 1Y UlS I ..Una .1 1., iudj umoi nu),njit ujr uuueat tuuii lumneii i luiiiieni iiiciics. JUS ueatli is not without a moral. Ho had great energy, Immense will power and remarkable control oyer men. Ho made his enemies fear lilm, hut he bound his friends to him by personal I obligation. With a good character and an honest purpose he might have achieved an honorable position In society; as it Is ho Inks into oblivion, or if remembered at all It will be as one who sowed the wind and gramme has been arranged tobo taken part In by the prominent Sunday school woikers of the State. There will ho a heavy crop of nuts this fall. Hickory trees am burdened wllh the largest crop for fivo years, whllo there will be an abundance of walnuts, chestnuts, harJennls and butternuts. The' gathering of (ho nut crop means many a broken limb for yeiiturehiiuio boys. George Davis, living near Nantlcnke. drove from that place for his home on Tuesday night on a load of lumber. During I was caught hi a wheel and torn off The body was on tho lumber when the team arrived at the house, and about two CO 3 banal Call, Examine, -ASH- Be Convinced t-TIIAT YOU CAN HAVK- whom they "assisted in nominating" for I the several county otllces. VVebelleye that I the Knight of Labor deUgates who assisted In making the Republican and Democratic nominations understand this and will stick close to party lines. It is but right that they should, In view of the fact that there can be no great or substantial good 'at tained by tho election of the United Labor ticket. The Advocate stands on the same I reaped the whirlwind. Harvest Eicorilon The Cireat Rock Island Route ((.'. R. I. & 1. H'y) will sell' Oct. 11th, Harvest Excur sion tickets at one fare for tho round trip, to principal points In Kansas, A'ebraska, North-western Towa, Minnesota aud Dakota Limit 30 days from date of mle. For tickets or further Informatlor, address E. A. Hoi brook, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago, III, ess PBOURAMMUS, INVITATIONS. PAMritLvrrfl, omuur.AiiB, TJUKHTS, NOTE HUAIIS. i.urrisit nAim. II1I.I. 1IUAIIS, KMVUr.opEM, STRATUM I1NT8, iiusiNassu A It IIS, DOIKIIiliS. and niercliantilo printing of all kinds executed at tho lowest possible rates. Our work will he found equal to that of any oflice in the county, and will he done at the time ijroniised. Carbon Advocate JOB I nootvis, Bank St.t Lejiighton. panada hbiibw CD T3 CO June till I Announce This Week ROYAL - STOCK - FOOD ! Tt. is nut 1111 in 19. His lllliclin lmrra ntwl crMa IV.- TK .. 1 ' til, -11,-, il,r,l,llwl 1 l,nci,fk1 fi... t- . , .1 1 .. .. 1 . , , . i uLojiuui iui iu yuwu ;ucs, Illlll W0U1U IKIVISC all who have slock of any kind tocive it a trial. 1 have also received and have on exhibition an entirely new IILlJUJI.' Ill IUU llilJl III a. ii h. m.n u imi i It. is mnflo oiitirulv nf rnot.lvin linlt.wl (..it,.... c l.. . :.. .1 ....... ... uuiH.,1 luuiuui iiiiui ; i!j ju niirablv Mtitcd tn nut nn tlio rnnf nf n lir,t-,, no r, 1, both ornamental and useful. By its use you avoid the risk of fi.ll: i. ..:!. i i i i . .. liming niiuiiii uunuiiiiy on your ncaa or ureaiung the rool,ol leak age aroillld tlio eliimnev nnrl nf hnvimr n limicr, ,;,- .. l.: after every little storm. The nrice is no more tlmn It will entn . L " v VWOl, IV put on a brick one and it will out-wear half a dozen of the. A Full Line of HARDWARE on Hand T Plenty of COAL in Stock and More is Coming. j 9 I am now fully prepared to meet all demands ol the purchasing iitotic witti a iuu anu complete line ol Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, El'IfiOVISlONg, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Gaps, Readv-MacJe Clothins:. Cloths &. Cassimers. v Ulf - My prices are )ositively as low as the lowest. The people of litinyiuun, i iieiuuion, .mmescown anti surrounumg vicinities are respectiuuy mvireti to call and inspect my large assortment ol ....... i i i i ,1 gL-uuiu & um: yuuus ueiure purciiasing eisewnere. ROBERT WA LP. Proprietor of the EAGLE STORE, opposite the L. V . .Wound Mouse, Bants: Street Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase CO ss mmm$ CO -IS AT- Joseph F. Hex's, EAST WEISSPORT. Carbon ouiity, Penna. UNDERTAKER! Funerals attended with promptness, and Shrouds, Caskets or Collins iurnished at lowest prices. -ALSO, DEALER IN- FLOUR, FEED, &c, &&, of the choicest anil best quality at reasonable prices. . Remember, -jrosisra p. hex, Near Canal linage, ljast Weissport, Pa. apr!7-ly s ffie Piece You Want!! 1 have "made away" with my old Block and am now fully prepared for the Gomimg Summer's Trada with one ol the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB STANTIAL lines of Ladies', Genfs and Children's Shoes. aesds" Pfiist" hoes $2.NI Up! Ladies American & French Kid $2, to $4. Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up ! Latest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST PRICES. A.t The " CORlSnEiR STOHJE." LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. tprJW GO TO SWEENY'S Comer Store O Itjfl Cliow-Chow, Mixed Mustard, Pickles, Cabbage, Cod Fish, Corn Beef, Citron, Sweet Potatoes, Mincemeat, Wntcrmelons, Panannas, CranbeiTies, Lemons, Onions, Peanuts, Sweit.cr Cheese, Canned Goods m Season, And everything else usually kept in a first-class general store, in cluding Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Ohma ware, &c, Sic. REMEMBER THE irner Store ! LEHIGHTON, PA. A imneil remedy for Consumitlon and ills eases ol Throat nnil lames. New LUn anil Vlcor follows Its iw. Ask tor Daker's oil mid Mult, or write, lo JNO, O. BAKER & CO., Oct. m:m rilll.AUEU'KIA, ra. THE Kansas Trust & Baukino: Company OV ATCHISON, KANSAS. SliNATOU 1NOA1.I.S, - - President. Oilers Boaranteeil I'ann liondt of Eastern Kansas. .Seinl-anniial couiions payable at the Chatham Nat tonal ISank, New York. Eastern UfUcui 187 llroadway, New York. I!, sr. Mauley, Gen'l M'K'r. Send for iiamnhlet. AHS!7-lm rANTK"-I'AIHSfwr Fall aud Christ " mas l'r.ide, lo tnko ItKlit, pleatant work at their own lioim-a. si to $a per day ran bo quiet ly made. Work sent mall any dUfcmec. l'ar-IlfJ!la.5?.l'4,C- .Jfomvnlnu. Address atonco, (!lti:sc:EN'r AUT :()., ht Wllk stieet, Uoston Yon'll find It good to regu m lato The oraani of both tmall and great. It checks B(c Headache. nadtbewoe Tout tad Dyipeptlcs orer know, Besides 'tis pleasant to the taste. So none need gulp It down In haste.. Farm For Sale, The underalgneiVofTcrs at private sale a valuable farm situate, In East I'enn town ship, Carbon county. Pa,, about four and one-half miles from Lehlgliton. The larm contains KOUTV-SIX AOPiES, twenty-six of wlilcli arc under good cuUHatloti, and the remainder is In timber and brush. On It Is a Two-Story Double Dwelling House and nlso a Swiss llarn, anil all other out buildings necessary. A stream of water runs thiough the farm and it contains a never falling spring. Also an orchard of all kinds of fruit. Wo will offer a rare chance, lo the buyer. Apply to KDWAKl) FKYJIAN. East Penn, Pa. Or his son I. A FAYETTE FRYMAN', Weatherly, Pa. Switchback Railroad. TEA INS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS i SwltehbaCkl)eiot-8:30j 10:10; 11:37; '.2:20; 3:43; 0:35. Summit Hill 0:10; 11 :10; 12:3); 3:iS); 4:35; 0;I0. SUN DAYS Hwlthhaok Depot li50; 2:11). Snminlt 11111-3:00; 4:00. T. L. JIUJlFOltD, Lea. & Jfcr, II. J. MUMFOUD, Supt. & I'assr Aat. OEPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUA11LE llV t'lrlllf, HIIll 111 lllt,'vll.'ini. (if Mil nnlmnln.l. Issued out ot the Orphans' Omi t ut jiili;li coun ty, there wilt He sold at liublio sale, the following valuable propei lies at the tlmo mid place men tioned, to wit: Tuesday, Oct. 4, '87, as TWO o'clock 1. M., on the premise Nos. 11 and 11. NO. 11. Alt thatceitaln lot or piece of ground, situate on tlio east side, of Cherry street, In the borotiRlt of Hlatmeton. county of Lehigh aud Statu of lvnnsjlviiula. bounded and described as follow s, to w it : Ileulnnlni; at I lie south-west corner of a lot marked purpart No. 12, thence along Hie same north 7B degrees, east 80 feet to a post, thence along lots marked purparts Nos. 12, 1, t:i and 8, north ali degrees, west ua feet lo a post, thence along lot marked purpart No. o, north T3i degrees, east N) feet to a post In a public road and lands ol the Ihlgli Valley Jt. It, (!o., south 87U degrees, cast 3lii leet lo aost, thence south hijj degrees, west 2C3 feet to a post at Cherry street, thence along said Cherry slreet north Kit, degrees, west 10J feet to the plueo of teK,.lSl,.,.,fTi.K:l.,!!,J"".,.S 0NK AV,tK antL NINE Uiu.: 1'EltCllLM. Tlio Improvements tlicrcon consist ot a large TWO STOltY Frame Planing Mill, 85 by 40 feet, together with lumber sheds and other outbuildings, sltuatn along side otthnL. V. It. Jt., making It wry coincident for tills busi ness whluli liasTieencsUhll-died for about 15 yrs. NO. II. All that eprtalu Iract orpleeo of bud, fcltiute between Walnut mid Cherry streets. In thu IioihiikIi nrsialiiiKtou, county of Lehigh and State of lviiii)liaiila, boiiudeif aud described ii.sIollos.lowit: IWgiuiiiiig ut Hie iinrlfi-wcst corner, a lot now or lately owned by Wilson W'rtM, I I...,,.... 111.111.. IV.iln.i, dIm.1 ......I. .1. degrees, wiikt 3lfl feet to a losl, tlience along Itace alley, including the same, north 4H de crees, east 3I'J feet In ll liovt. thenen nlnni. rliMrv sheet, liieludlng tlm same, 4ut feet Ui a post, Hieiieu miuIIi W, di'groes, wia,t sol feet loa (misi, iiieucu uiong purpart no. jo anu lot or ground lu longlng lo ismrad Kent, north li degrees, west 189 feet loa wst, theuee by lot of Wilson West, south Uli degiees, west ICO feet to' the place ut beginning, containing Tllltl'.U AdllliMaml NINETV-ElflllT l'lillCUES, Tills tract Is eiy desirable for town lots. Thursday, Oct. 6, '87, At IIOW.MANHTOWN HOI-EL, Carbon county, l'a., Nos. I'J and 87. NO. 11). All that eettilln hit ni- ,,le.A nf li.ti.1 sltiuile In Enst Penn Townsliip, county of Car bon and State of l'ennsjlvauia, lioiinded and ileserlbeil as follows, lo wit: lleglnnlng at a stone, llieiiee by lands ol John Ilailer. uorlh 85 degrees, east ra perches lo a stone, thence by lauds of Tlionias Seliaffer south 17 degrees, east 33 310 lierclies lo IL IMist llieiiee liv IliuufiMiM south (!) degrees, east 0 7-10 perches to a stone, uii-ut-v immiiii ii uejirfeNeasi au pel cues lo a IKisl tlienei' by lauds bile of lleoivH l!i., l..inl u.nii. 7,4 degrees, west 43 iierches to a wist, thence south ia ilegrees, east 'JO perche to a ist. tlienee south 77' degrees, west as jiercbej lo a past, llienco by lands of, lohu liachuiau north ca degiees, east lul li) peiclius loa stomt ilionce by the name iirolhsM, degrees, west 17 perches to a ixisl, theuee uoilb sii degrees, west 48 lierchestOU stone, thfli,, north r.s, if iwraM K.iat SW Nrchiw to a tlone, theuee ;., degrees, west B )erches lo the place of beginning, containing 30 Acres -and 28 Perches, more or less. Of whlell leu neres Iiiiva Iu.au snlil Thereon Is erected adwellbig bouse U by 14 feet, I staldesoliyao feel, and other necessary out buildings. NO. 87. - All iliat certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east sldo of a public road leading from the Kuwinehaniia It. It. deMt at rarryvllle lo llowiiiansvllle, tiKiitnl alioutaou feet south of wild iteiHit. Iiarlug a front of 4u feet and too feet deep. Ilieliiiproteineiits Ihereon consist ot a two and one half story Frame Dwelling House, U) by 24 feet, a small kitchen attached, and other uecessarv outbuildings. lielng I h real estate ot John llallict, deo'd. Cxtlldttlolls will lie ih:ii1m bnniin 1111 rlnv nt aloby ' Vrailt lAamlnistrator.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers