The Carbon Advocate, Ml IJ1M!WNIIB.NT l'UMl.V KWHfAWill Pub lished fcry Saturday In LelilBliton, Carbon C ountv. lViiiisvliiuita. In- Vlarry V. Mortliimor, Jr. HANK HTKl'.HT. $1 00 Per Yoar in Advance 1 liewt advertising medium In tlui onulIJ lftcry doserlptlon oi l'lalii and l'aiiey JOB PRINTING- VI evy low prices, Wo do tiot liosltalo losay iiuuwe nru ucucr eqnpncu man any inner printing establishment In I his section to ilo nrst-cUss. job'wnik, In nil Us lirairtlies. at low prices. . f fQjessioflal & Bnsingsjarils. Horaoo Hoydt, ATTORN K.Y AT Ij A V , Ori'it'Ki -Tlie ltoom recently occupied by W. M. ltapslier. HANK STREET, - - LEHIOIITON. l'A. May l)f Consulted In tinellsli .mil Herman. July 4-ty W. M Rapsher, ATTOUKEY Axn COUNSEbLOtt AT LAW, AND DISTIUCT ATTOllNEY, l'lnt floor nlwollin Mansion House, M.UTOIl CHUNK, - - - I'ENN'A. Itoal Hitate unit Collection Agency. Will liny HHil Sell Ileal Estate; Conveyancing neatly done. Collecllons promptly miuU. SotlliitK Estates of DpcjilenN a siieelalty. May tin consulted In Kiigusu aim ( nor. H. V. Morthiiner, Sr., UOTATlY rUDLtt), OwifKi "Carbon Advocate" Olllce, BANK STREET, - - - IjKUKWTOX. All business pertaining lo the office will reeelve prompt attention. mar. 10 .0. V. Kleintbp, " Instructor in Music, ttulililiH' Ameilcan Classical Methods a special ty. Terms moderate. nugU-tf Henhy Noli?, -AT THE OAltlSON IIOUJMt IS NOW il an AccoiniuoQation 'Bus, HETWEEN TIlE-r- Hotels and L. V. Depot. Parties called tor at their Homes by leaving or ders at any of the hotels. April 2, 1887 W. G. M. Soiplo, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. SOUTJI STREET, - - - JEHldllTON. May bo consulted in English and Herman. Hpeclal attention given to (lynecolosy. OrrtrK Hnirr.H; 1'ront 12 11. to 2 1'. M.,nnd from o to o P. H, mar. 31-yt UitANCil OlFicn :'-Ovcr .1. W. liaudenliusli's Liquor SUire, HANIv STREET, IiEIIIGIITON. Dentistry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted .vllliout I'.iin. (las administered when rrqueslf d. Onico 1 lays W E 1) N ES DAY of each week. P. O.adrfrdss. l.lTZHNM'.Kd, Jan 3-yt Lehigh emnily, P.t. W. A. Cortright, D. D. S., OfiMi-K! Opp. tlie ' Uroadway House," MlOADWAV, - - MAUOll CHUNK. Patients Ii.ivp th benelll of the latest, improve ments In Mechanical Appliances and the llest Methods of Trent in. 'Ml In all Surgical Case. AN.-KSTIIUTIC admlulslered If desired. If pos slhle, persons residing outside of Maueh Chunk, should make arrangements by mall. Jyn-yl EYE AND EAR. Dr. G-. T. FOX Visits Allenlnwn regnlarly on THURSDAY of each week. 1'nietlco limited to Diseases of the Eye- and Ear. Olllc nt Ilaydeu's Ameilcan Hotel, and Olllce Hours from V A. M. to 3S P. it. Also altends to Hefnictlou of the Eye for the proper adjustment of masses, and for the Relief and Cure of Optl eal Defects. May also h eon-mlled at his office In HATH, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at HAN i.OR on Monday, and at HAS ION mi Tuesday of each week. Jan 2-yl CARBON HOUSE JONATHAN KlSTI.lilt, - - I'liOl'ltinTOIS, HiXK 8THKKT, IjKIIIIIHTOS. The. Carbon House offers llrsl-cUm nccommoda ilous to the traveling public. Iloatdlui; by the Uay or week on reasonable terms. CIilc Cigars, and Stables, Willi scry attentive Hostler, at tached., apriovl PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & LehlKhtnu, ' UJOPOI.D MHVK1I. PUOP'R, PACKERTON, - - - Penna. This well-linonii Hotel Is admirably lelllted, and has Hie best accomnutdatlons for permanent and transient boarders. Excellent Tables anil the icrj' Wst l.l'iuort. Stables attached. seplc-yl MANSION HOUSE, Opposite I.. S S. Depot, BANK STREET. . LEUIUIITON, C. II. IIOM, PIIOPniETOlt. This house offers first -riant accommodations for transient and permanent iHianlers. It has been newly retlttcdln allltsdeiartineuts, and Is locat ed III one of the most plctiiresiiue iiortlnns of the tiorouffli. Terms moderate, ev-Thi' IIAUls snpidled with the choicest Wines, l.lquurs mid Clisars. Piesh Uitrr on Tan. uprn-yl Amiounees to his friends and the public cener idly, that lie has now open for their ui'foimumta i lou his ie ami handsomely furnished It E S T A U It A NT, next door to the 1st National Hank, HANK ST., U'hUrhton.nnd that he Is now prepared to funi. Mi FIMt-CliU Meila nt Short Ji'otiec! The Bar Is nilllcd Willi llw best Wines, Presli Uiper Iteer ami Choice Cigars. Von are cordial y invited lo call. apr ai-j i D. J. KISTLER Uesiectfully anuouiices U the imbllc that he lias aliened u NEW I.IVKItV 8TAlll.E,amllhat lie Is now preiwired to furnUli Tisuns for 1'uiieniN, V eddlui: or Huslums Trios on the shortest ink nee ami most liberal terms. Orders left at-1 lid i Mroou House will leeeue jirompi niteuilon. 8TAUl.ES ON NORTH STREET, pext tin Hotel, Ielilldou. Jan22-Vt T r J 7q R ET NeV" ItositfuIly amiounees lo the Merehanls of I IdUhtoii and others that he Is now prepared to do all kinds of UAUUNO 01' FUKIGHT, EXDIESS Matter and Baogage vrrv rrasoiiald prlees. Ily prompt attention itt all olsler lit. h(iH' lu met It n khure of ad,li, otroiiaKB. llsldeiice corner of l'lne ami litui Iiareet. rhlKlltoa. HOrdrs letl nt Sweeny & Sou Horner Stare 11 xcorlde prompt tttodlloii. f 2.8l T J. HUKTNEY. F. A. Rabonoltl, J). D. S., warn St.1 -fiU-lTi $1.00 a Year in Advance. iNDEPENDENTTIve and Let Live." $1.28 when not paid in Advance. VOL. 2V No. 46. Lehighton, Carbon County, Penna., Obtober 1, 1887. Single Copies 5 Centra. ' 11 - i 1 1 I.. . " - ., .. . , , , ... Lehighton Business Dirootory. JW. RAUDENIU'HII, ltatik street, wholesale . dealer In choice iiramls fit whiskies, eln. uramues, wines, &c. dy raironae soiicueo, E! SRANO'S SHAVINO SALOON, opponlto Hie AI)-ooatk Offick. Is headonarters ffir snaMuganu iiaucuuinR. uumrs tonaeco soui, GO TO KRS. UODEltER, under the 1'APliiiiiRC Hotel. Hank street, for a smooth shave or a tasnionauio hair cut. jay Closed on snnuays. T .1. KUTZ, Hank street, maiiufactiuer of u . cnolce iiramls tit dears anil Healer in nil kinus oi looaccos nun smoKer s novciues. unu, Ijr.lblt IU.1.11, 1KIII1V nil vt. I , u, ill,., ill 11,1113. JT cents, misses and children's bools,shoes ami lllioers. Repairing promptly attended to. Call. k,...,..,, r...... tA.. ,.. ...ti... TAMES WAU", Hank street, steam heaters. il ulnvtia nil lltirta nf llntvnrn lliuilltifr nlwl spouiiiiit a specialty. our paironagofloucuco IS. KOCH, Ilank street, inanutaclurer of choice brands of Havana cigars. All kinds tit snioKt'i s supplies constantly on nanu. l uii Pr., i.tKei ul-ui iiiiiiiiini lusuiiuiiiii. opp. sfiuaro. Hank street. Choice nines mid liquors and cigars. Fresli lager always on tap. J, WEI1I1, saloon and restaurant, Hank . street, hendtiuartorn for fresh lager beer and oilier drinks. Choice eatables always on hand. ri n. flll.tlAM. nttnriieV nt true noil imtarv Q. public, Ilank street. May bo consultCd-ln iuigusn ami fid man. usuue coiiecioig agency. CJ1. 1III0ADS, Ag't,, Hank street, dealer In - drv irnoils. notions, trlassware. oueensuaro? ami liriK'Clies. fjsr-nnaie oi puiruiuigu uiil-h-u ITIHE 0ARI1ON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Hunk A hlieCt, piillll 11 IK! llllll j JI1LI ll lllllll . j-pv-i;i. ly. AbvoiJATB one dollar per year lu advance, THE E1CHIC.H WAC.ON CO., Limited, factory on Hank street, inaiiufncturers of butcher, baker, milk, truck mid express wagons nEASHIt & BUSS, wholesale nml wlnll con lu teelliiiiei s. Ilank street Picnics and parties supplied, vour patronage is coruiauy solicited. nOOHESTElt HOTTMNu IIOUSIJ, Thos. .1. lil'i K, ji.iiik hilt vi, i.ii;vi i'i;i:i, i.ii-, pi'iivi, ginger ale, Sc. Your oiders are sollcIteil.jSJ T o. .1. STRAUSS, Mahoning street, fiesu JJ. milk and cream delivered every morning. All klndspt vegetables In season. Low prices. GO TO REHEll'S DRUO STORE, m'Ulii imniv nit.r.iu. EXCHANGE IIOTEI Hank street, Jiiomas Mnntz, proprietor. Coach to nml from de pot. Rates reasonable for regular & t r.uislet trade BEUHEN FENSTEUMACHER, I-ehlRIl street, JKi denier In dry goods, notions, provisions, groceries, nueenswave.&c. Patronage solicited. MRS. DuTSCHfHSCHSlCW Lehigh street, Is -Jieadquartcrs for dry goods, notions, pro visions, groceries, &c I jf-Patroiiage hollelteil. B EST SODA WATER AT. ITllt-MAM DlllHt room'.,,,, ' HANK STliECT. Tho Secret Sooietics. KG. E., nieel Monday eveulnir of each week . in (label's Hall Eagle's cordlidly Invited. JOHN D. UERTOI.ETTE POST. No. 481.(1. A. R., second and fmnth Thursilay evenings of eacn uioiiiu, in j,eers jian. i.uinr.iues iumu. rtOf,. .10I1N LENT. CAMP, No, OS, H. of V V Ins E. l'a. Dlv., U. H.tllee Wednesday even in lleher's Hall. Al. Campbell, Captain. 10. (5. T., meet Frldav night of each week in . lleher's Ilall.liaiikMreet.atVpoo'clock. All leuipiais invited. t . jiuu.,j. i. Y.M. C. A., meet every evening, except Hun . day's. W'Sunilay afternoon leetiues tree. Kemerer's hall, fcSf'Vou are cordially Invited. Our Churches. MI'rrlI0DISTl.PIKCOPAIloiith Hunk street, Sunday ser Ices at 10 a. m., and T.0O p.' m., Mimlay School -! p.m. Vt. MA.iol!, Pastor. rpUlNITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunday X services. 10 a. m., ((Icrman), "Ji p. in., (ling IMi).SiiudayschiHd2p.m. .1. II. Kvititn. Pastor. RHFOltMED, lioliigli .street, Sunday sertlees at to a. in.. (Herman). t i. in.. (Euglisio. hiinday school 2 p. in. (1. W. Htiiutz. Pastor EVANdULlCATi. Koulli Mrcel, Siindav services at 10a. in., (Gcrmnli), ."A)i, in., (English), Sunday school a p. in. S. w. Oltoss, Pastor. CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coal htreets. sen lees every Sunday morning and evening. Kiev. UAMMAfM!, l'astoi. -AT THE- Central Drug Store, 0P1 Till! PllllDIC SQUAIIE ' Hank Strcor, Lcltifjliton, Pa., Is prepaied for"l)ie S'UMMEI! TRADE llll ,1 yftll Mii.l 1 )r ugs"nn tl IMotliiin ps, , Clioicc Wines vt Uquoif,. Cigars, etc. Prescrliillons Kirefully coimiounded nt all liours oi uie uuy or iiigni. Full Line o -A N I) Library & Stand Lamps, in all styles, and at all prices. Spectacles fitted to the eye and satisfaction guaranteed. Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety nt Samuel Gkaveh's Popular Store, Hank Street. Hoofing and Spouting a special , ty. htove repairs lunuslieU on snort notice. Trices Reasonable 1 1 s i i a Weissport Business Directory; J. O. KERN, M. 1)., - W. I KUTZ, M. 1), JUS. ZEUN & KUTZ, Physicians & Surgeons OFFICE at tho roshlcnce of Dr. Zcrn, Wl.lto oircci., ti eisspori. All calls or surgical or medical ttualmentwllt tei-uitr luuiiiiitnueiuioii. muyi--tl JAUKY & SinVVLl., Tho IVaissporb Bakery, Fresh llroad and Cakes ovtry day. Delivered In Lehighton nnd Mauch Cluuik every Tuesday Thursday nnd Saturday, SS-ricnlcs, Pal lies, Cunp-Mccllngs, 'WeddlnRS, Funerals supplied at short ,uotlco. august7,S7-ly TJlltANKMN'HOUSK, EAST WUIBSPORT, PENN'A. Tilts houso offera flrst-elass aceoiuinodatlons to the. permanonl lioanler nnd transient guest Paulo prices, only Ono Dollar per day. auglMy .TmiN Hifinuii, l'roprleh.r. J-IIATS, THE .TEUEIiEK. All Kinds of Jewelry ! i Bools and Stationery. aiiKsnt",sc-ly. THE Wefssport, Carbon County, Penna., Henry Christman, Proprietor The public Is respectfully Informed that this well-know house has been refitted nnd Improved lo a Hist late, nml nulo to furnish thoveiy best 111', UlllilllllUMIUllS ui an K11IUS. A Liverv Stablo lnnncctioii with tlie hotel, with ample means to accommodate wedding parties, funerals and nleasure seekers with safe teams. In connection with the hotel Is a FINE POOL ifuu.M naniisonieiy mteii up. Apna tl ly I have ,'ust oiiened a Coal Yard In connection Willi mvliotel In WEIS3PORT where ran t-nnsiamiy oe louuu an sizes 01 ine Best of Goal! at prices fully as low as Hie InncM. (llveir.e trial and he coinluced. Henry Christman, Fort Allen House, Weissport. Fait banks Standard Sonles In Connection December 18, tssuty ICE CREAM AT WHOLESALE. T am now prepared to supply to private iamihcs, picnic par ties, and all who may need III in any quantity, at the most rea sonable price and on short no tice. Quality unexcelled. All orders promptly attended to. C. W. SEWELL, Jyl(5-4m Weissport, Pa. For Newest Designs and Mint F.ishlounblo Styles of DRESS GOpDS, - . DRY GOODS, " GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c., &c GO TO 13. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods guarantee.) nnd prices as low as else whcie for the fame quality of goods July 18, IBSi-ly ' 1 READ TEE Carton Advocate ! ! ! Ami cet all the latest nows. i Includlnir lntorestlna Now York nml'AVasliInston let ters. You better join me. It Is tlio clie.apost, largest anil REST weekly paper In the I.chlcli Valley. Try II, Only $1 a Year. (Jlroulation, 1,000 ! ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Por Year. Singlo oplos, FIVE Oonts . Advertise in the Advocate. House und Lot for Sale. M. Oiie-Iiaii it, 33 x !R foot, ifltimle on jtdilgli Klrwl, urar tlie New Hound Ilouws, min nlili-li li nrili'd a cood 'lratai lfi.inir Jl.niir, ioi.lfit. A never fallliiK Weil .if J"urit Wnd'r.uuU a number ui choice Finit Treea and men on tlie lt. A Hire liome for a suiali family For ti-nus, tcr., call at Uio Cauiio! Aovocatis Ofare, Uanit Btiett una stHf FAVORITE HOME REMEDY U warranted not to contain a tingle 'par ticle of MerurV or anv Itilurlous tub ttance, but is purely vegetable. It 'will Curo all Diseases caused by Derangcmsnt of the Liver, Kidneys and Qtoinacb. If your Ltrer f out of order, then your whole tystem ii dcrarccd. The blood is Impure, the breath offensive ; you Iuto headache, feel Ungtiidt dUpirfted and nerVous. To prevent ft more terious con dition, take at once Simmons REGULATOR. If vmi lead a scdcntaiy life, or suffer with 1 ICltlnnir AUnctlnim.' avoid stimulants and take fcjmmons Liver Regulator xSure to relieve. If you have eatn Aiiythlng hard of digestion, or feet heavy after meals or simplest at night, take a dose and you il' feel relieved And sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with CmistlpAlloil, IjVHinl and j;itlouHiifH0. seek relief at once in winmftn Lirer RfRiiUtor. It docs loot t-Giu're continual dosing, and costs but a triile. It will c.tre you. If you wake up in the muring lth a bitter, bad tate in yout m.miti. JSIminon T;iycr K.-gulator. It cor xJ the Breath, and cleanses the FurrrH Tongue. Children cftcn need "me safe Cathar tic and Tonic to nve't nupr-iarhing sickness, Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stonuch. Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Child Wi. At any time you feel your syMtm reeds cleansing, toninn rcRul.itliig without violent purging, or &tu luUtlng without Intoxi cating, take (t i 113911 J.H.ZE'.LIHLCQ ,r:;!Jel?hta,Pa. E. F. LlTCKEtfBACH, nitAtTiJii in Wall Fapsie Borders & Decorations, Books, Stationery, Fancy Ms. Window Shades & Fixtures, I.atost Styles, made, and put up, If desired. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broaaway Mauch Fa. Below tho Broadway House. Sale Bills Printea at this Office. 0. f. SNYDER, D. V. Sr Mansion House, Lclilnlitou. tn (lift tllennooa iiMivn lent amongst domesticated BiiimaH. Castration purionneti witn tno iscrasseurtl desired. Orders by mail promptly attended to. All the latest and best newfs The Advocate, $1 per year; 50 cents, six months. The Fashions ! Stoci Lane anil Complete ! Tie Very Latest Sty les! lotto and Cassieres ! Corkscrews, Worsteds, &c, &c ! Best Male Clothing ! Perfect Fits Gnaranteeil ! Our stock of seasonable coods is larger and more varied than any assortment or stock ever displayed in this section of the Lehigh Valley; our prices un questionably lower than any oth er tailoring House. These are important facts, remember them and you will save money besides getting tne nest made clothing. Gents Furnishing Ms! Hats, Caps and Neckwear ! Boots Shoes anil Stars! For Lafe Misses anil Gents ! Latest styles and largest stock, best makes and positively lowest prices. Uelore purchasing else where we kindly invite you to call and inspect our merchant tailoring goods, gents novelties, boots, shoes and slippers, wo guarantee that you can save money. Respectfully, Olauss&Broi, THE TAILORS, Bank Street, Lehightoq, Pa; o I miwusur. o t a Si AKM II: "X X h sir i Tho bartender Is always doing a sliaky business In weather llko this when mixed drinks arc In such demand. It Isn't every animal that can build Its owntienbut even the lowest intelligence enn prop a gate. Davy Crockett did not understand ds mother when she said: "Bosnroyou arc wrlto: then go ahead." He did not write to his girl; but ho went expressly and brought her away hi hit arms. An clcctilo "bello" a fejnalo operator ftl tno telegraph ofllco. "Howls the furiiaco llro this morning, John',1" "Well enough to bo out, I think your honor." A lintel horror lllcs in tho soup. Tho dissipated actor who lives In a garret has somo cause lo rail at ill tic art. Useful and Hurtful Medicines. Tliuro Is a certain class of remedies for coiibtliiallon absolutely useless. These ni-a boluses and potions nmdo in great part of poiwpnyiiin.iiloes, rhubarb, gambonc, and othr worthless ingredients. TiiQ damage thoj do to tiio stomachs of tlioso who ttso tncii is incalculable, uney evacuate tlie bowels, it is true, hut always do to violent ly njid profusely, and besides, gripe the ti!, j.neir uncci is 10 weaKcn uom tlicitl and the stomach. Hotter far In ust thoAgrccablo and salutary nperlsnt, Hos tetltr't Stomach Hitters, tlie laxative effect of hich is never preceded by pain, or ac companied ny n convulsive, violent action oi i(ic oowels. un tlie conlranty, mvigor' ales those organs, the stomach has tbc en- tiny system. As a means of curinc and preventing malarial fovcrs, no medicine, can compare with it, and it remedies nervous debility, rheumatism, kidney and bladder l.,n..(t..l 1 1 I ! ... ilium,,,,,, uuu uuiul iiiuiK.iuiu .miiiems. An luterestinc addition to tho Dotmla tlon of Calavctas county, Cab, is promised in tne shape of a colony of Japanese farm ers. Land has been botmht for them near Valley Springs, and two pioneer members ot the colony are already at work on It. During the past summer the nlcht watchman and tho clerlof a hotel at Sugar Jllll, in tho White Mountains, wem both dlylnity sludchtsT and the scrub girl had ueen tor live years a teacher In a public school, and speaks French and Latin. Tho dairymen of Elgin have organized ft protective leaguo for tho winter. This man Indicate a hard winter and trouble abend with the frozen pump. Iho Verdict TJnanimonj. '. DSult.Drnggist. Binims. Ind.. testi. lies: "lean reccomincntl Electric Hilters as the very best reined v. Every bottle sold I .i . , , - v mis gijeu luiici in every case, uno man took six bottles, and was cured of Ithniimn. tism of 10 years' standing" Abraham JIare, druggist, Acllville, Ohio, affirms: "The liest selling incuicino 1 have ever handled in my 20 years' experience is Electric Hitters." Thousands of others have ddyd their tell- mony, so mat tue vcnlul is unamious that r.ici iric Jiittorsilocuro all diseases oi then Liver, Ividncys or Wood. Only u half dol lar a Imtllc at T. D. Thomas' Drug Htorc. -A London pajer Is horrlfled to learn that Americans not only eat corn "in Its green state." but "bite it off the cob." After all there Is a good deal In being used to a thing. Agent On what grounds do you claim a pension? Applicant Grandfather lost his health In tho war of 1812, and left an Impalrod'constltutlon to the family. . One of the contemporary poets asks: "Whcro are the bright girls of the past?" Our own observation Is that some of (hem are administering cautlousdoses of pare goric to tho blight girls of the future. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world tor cuts, bruises, sores,uIcers,salt rhuem, fever sores, icucr, cnappeu nanus, cinibianils, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures iui.i, ui jiu iay ic'iuiivu, iwsgunramecu to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 2oc. per box, at Thomas'. Kentucky has become so lawless that It is now no longer safo for a nutct citlzon to steal a watermelon. Tho Empress of Japan, who Is coming to tins country next month, will travel in- cog. Two or three of tho Imperial Princes will escort her. Tho President cannot attend tho fair at Dallas this fall, and he thus deliberately roregocs tho pleasure of seeing tho only genuine Itvc-legged calf In tlie world. b. W. Jleacb. Mansfield, Pa., says: "1 hnvo useil Dr. Setli Arnold's Cough Killer and it always relieves my cold, Jlolhcrs, always use Dr. Seth Arnold's Kiullitnrv f,.l CI 1,1.... fVHInl J.. A nuIJ, safe tonic. Sioc. Hello Gentle is the name of a lass who at a recent rifle match in Scotland won eight first prizes. Tho policeman who never arrests any body but little boys might be called a va riety of collarer Infantum. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fragran. perfume. Price 23 and 50 cents. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and llicry, Wcissiort. Most women die happy feeling that the bustle of the world's behind. If a man could bo divorced from his creditors how busy the courts would be. Wiiloh's Cure will Immediately relieve Croun. Whonnin(T CVlllnll find 1lmnrli!tle Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Hiery, -"I aim to tell the truth." "Ves," in terrupted an acquaintance, "but you are a very bad shot." -Horse racing Is an cuter-prizing occu pation. Ministers are about the only servants who do not have "Sunday out." It Is the silent watches of the night render alarm clocks necessary. 1-or Dysnepbla and Liver Goiunluint. vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitaliior- It never falls to cure. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lvhigliton, nnd IHery, WclssiKirt. No, you may may not understand why a saw long Is like a crank, but If you look dose you will see that they aro both off their base. "One boat and ono boat make two boats," said a Dulutu kindergarten teacher as sue pointed to the harbor. And aftet thinking a moment one of tho pupils asked: "Don't one foghorn and one fog horn make toot two?" A Xosal Iniector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh llemedy. Prico EO cents, Sold by Dr. Hern, Lehighton, and Uicry. VYcissport. What Is au Infant? Something that makes a pocktt of its mouth. Au exchange speaks of "a tramp 500 miles long." What a capacity ho must i haye for pie. J People are apt to feel proud of all the I good trait their children ehow and wonder where they got nil their bad onet . MY HAUNrED HEART. My heart Is haunted, dearest A spirit bright Is there; An Image dear I treasure, A lace so sweet unit fair. My heart Is sadly bleeding, l'lcrced tliiougli by C'liplil's dait j And 'tis tlilnc Image, flailing. That fillt my haunted Iiom t. My limit Is haunted, dearest; At curly iiibrn I rlw Ami, seeking then tlie 'Spirit," 1 look Into thine eyes. Atcve, my heiut Wiiclilng Tli vet) haifUopari; Itut lliy face 1 cat ry always Within my haunted heart, My health haunted, dealest, Thyfaco Is evertbere: And always, to my bosom, Thine image will I bear. And thouah, at close ofoculug, ' A.fow shot t hours wo part, Thy taw Is bilthtly uilrroieil. Sate ui my haunted heart. My heart Is haunted, dearest Thy spirit pure Is there; And I deem myself, most happy Tldno Imago bright to bear. Oh, heal the spot wheie Cupid lias pierced his cmcl dan I Hut always still thine Image Will crown lay Iiaimlril limit. Harry Bonalto's Mistake. BY UMTll K. KJUUlmVOOIl, The niin came down In torrents. The large pine trees which surrounded Pine Hall were creaking and moaning dismay ingly. 1 he sea, a quarter of a mile distant, lashed furiously against the rocks, and the white spray spurted mockingly above tho angry, seething waters. Every now and then a sharp Hash of lightniug anil a loud peal of thunder would rend the air, and cause the inmates of Pine Hall to look rt one another with awed faces. In tho largo and magnificently furnished Urawiiig-rooni, a iiro crackled merrily, nnd the occupants a gentleman about ilyo-and-thlrty and a beautiful lady twelve years Ids junior, were seated listlessly before It. The handsome blonde head of tho gentle man was thrown back Indolently, and tho long, slim feel wcro placed comfortably on an ottoman. Tho oyes were closed aud ap parently ho was asleep. The lady's beautiful brown eyes were fastened wistfully on tho face of her com panion. Tears gatheicc! on tho drooping lashes, and the red lips quivered piteously. A violent peal of thunder rent the air. which caused them bofh to spring to their feet in alarm. "Suoh beastly weather!"" exclaimed Harry Donaldson, Irritably, straightening himself and giving his niustaeho.a savage jerk. "If ono had company it would not be so bad; but another fortnight llko the ono we have just passed and I'll pack up, bag and baggage, and go to livelier parts." rJ.ho warm blood -rushed to her face, but she said nothing. Sho knew well that her society was a matter of Indifference to hr husband. "Shall wo hayo a game of chess, Harry?" asked his wife timidly. "1 should go lo sleep over It," he 11113 wered, indifferently. "llllllards then. Harry?" feeling sure sho had suggested something which would strike him favorably. "No fun at all to play with you." without raising his oyes. "I llko to play wltlt ono who Is a better player than I, or, at least, pretty evenly matched." Loulso Donaldson walked to the window, and laid her sad little face against tho cold pane, and raising swimming brown eyes heavenward, murmured: "Oh Heaven 1 shall 1 ever win his love? For ilvo months I haye borne his slights and liidlffsrcnces, until I feel like giving up! Kpr iivo months I haye been his loving but unloved wife. For tho sake of my money ho tolerates me, -and God knows I would giye my heart's blood for him. If I only had my sweet mother's patience, I might In time succeed, but sometimes his haughty Insolence drives mo nearly 'frantic, despite my lovo for him. Hut I shall not glvo up!" and sho turned resolutely and walked up to her lniaband. "Hatty, you you like singing, shall 1 slug for you?" and the small hands clasped and unclasped nervously. "Slnglug, Louise, would irritate mo be yond measure to-night, for I have a slight headache." This M'as ijtilto too much for poor ne glected Louise, and she hurst Into tears. Harry Donaldson gazed at his wife In as tonishment as ho slowly raised himself to a sitting posture. "What's the matter, Louise, are you sick? What aro you crying for?" 'Sick I" vehemently "yes, Harry Don aldson, sick at heart! Aro we always to.llye this way? Am I never to bo anything moro to you than the servauls which do your bidding?" She drew herself up proudly. A bright red spot glowed on cither white cheek, and her breath came In low, quick gasps. Ever slnco her unhappy martlago she had borne his Indifference calmly and patiently, but to-night her Insulted wifehood rose above her better judgment. ."Are we always to live thus I lteally.Mrs. Donaldson, I cannot grasp your meaning. I believe when wo were married that was the agreement. I married you for money, and you married mo because I asked you, I suppose." Harry Donaldson stroked his long mus tache coolly, and silently regarded his wife. Loulso Donaldson's face grew whlto with anguish, and she grasped the back of a chair for support. T Imagined as much this long while. but to hear the truth from your your Hps 6cenis " She stopped suddenly, a dark red suffus ing her face. "Since you married me for my money. I wish you joy of It. I lost that for which I cared most, nnd tho money Is of little con sequence to uie. Take It and enjoy it to tho fullest extent," Hhe turned and walked proudly from.the room, dosplte tho llttlo aching heart be neath the heaving bosom. "Hy JqtcI" ho ejaculated Incredulously, his eyes fixed on tho door through which his wife had passed. "JPio would have thought that she bad so much spunk? She has always been so docile and gentle. Loulso is jut my style, and I llko her bet ter oyer day, Guess I'll go and ask her forgiveness, kiss nnd be friends. No, I won't, cither," his eyes fixed thoughtfully oh the celling. "Sho'll bo all right In the morning, and shall bavo forgotten all about tho llttlo episode. " It Isn't best lo humor these women too much they soon lln.l It out." In tho room above ids wife was pacing tha floor, her hands locked before nor and her large cyos fixed vacantly on the rich Turkish carpet at her feet. She paced back aud forth for very nearly an hour. Tho llttlo ormolu clock struck ten, aud with tho last stroke she raised her hnad resolutely. "I'll do it! I shall go away to some quiet nook, and perhaps, In time, tho pain In my heart may grow less." Having come to Ijjls resolution, she mechanically changed her shimmering dlir nor-drcss for a plain traveling-dress. Crossing to a small escritoire, she penned the following lines: "IlAltitY, IPlicn you read this I shall hayo gono out of yourllfo forover. In the second drawer, to tho right, you will find my bank book now yours. I have no further use for ono. H'lien vou think of me If at all think of me us doing this ior your nappincss. liOUlsi:. Throughout it all she had maintained a certain calmness, but when sho reached tho drawing-room door, behind which her hus band sat placidly smoking, she staggered and leaned against tho wall. ' "Good-bye, Harry lovo life all, good bye I" Her face waswliileand drawn, and the largo, humid brown oyes had a world of anguish lu them. Tremblingly, though firmly, she opened tho hall door and passed out In the storm. Tho clock sttuck twelve, and still Harry Donaldson sat musing by tho iiro. "I'll not disturb iouise to-nlgbt. Sho has been dreaming long ere this. I'll He down on tho settee, and in tho morning 1 hope tho rose lints will have returned, and everything pass on smoothly Loulso is a dearlrlS , nfter all, and I ought not lo have spoken to her.tho way I did, but I shall mako amends In the morning." And ho closed his eyes lazily. "Where Is Jtrs. Donaldson?" he asked next morning, upon entering tho dining' room, and finding her accustomed place empty. "Mrs. Donaldson has not arisen yet, answered the sorvant. "Very well, Peters, I'll wait for her." Ho missed his wife's llttlo smiling- faco and bright talk. Something else lie missed, too, as he glanced oyer the costly silver and china. Usually a bouquet of freshly-cut flowers, on which the dew still clung, was placed by or near his plate. For a half hour hc liitercd about, listen lug eagerly for tlie patter of his wife's foot steps. At every sotind hu would turn, only to be disappointed. "Loulso must sleep unusually sound this biomlng. I'll go and. see what keeps her." And hu softly ran tip the stairs and tapped lightly on the door. No answer. Again he tapped a llttlo louder. Still no answer. Calling her name gently, he opened I he- door aud walked lu. Imagine ids surprise when ho sar that tllo snowy bed had not been crumbled; the pillows bearing no Impress of a llttlo brown head. ' ,!Good Heaven!" he cried, thoroughly startled. "Louise, Louise I" he called; "wheio ato you?" He could not account fur that Indescrib able something which settled on his heart and made It feel like a lump of lead iu his bosom. Instinctively he walked toward his wife's pretty llttlo Inlaid escritoire. The inkstand with tho gold pen still iu it as though .used hurriedly, attracted his attention and ho leached forth his hand and picked ni tho open sheet of paper. Quickly his eyes scanned tho hastily written words. ll'itli a low, bourse cry ho crumpled tho uoto la bis Jinnds. Ho seemed suddenly to havo iurnml into marble, ho looked so white and still. Louise, ids wife, gone! In au lustaut the livo brief month! of his married life passed before linn. With a keen pang of remorse, he remembered bow he had neglected her. Every ono else's wishes had been consid ered before hers, yet she boro It like an angel, never had sho complained of his ne gligence or Indifference. Tho night before had been the only out burst, and ho knew well that ho had been tho causa of It. Again ho read tha brief note. "How meanly sho must think of me," he groauedr "Only last night I told her that I had married her for her money. How did I know that under my self-love and ly ing dormant In uiy heart, a passion for my own wife had slowly awakened. Oh, Louise, Louise, my poor neglected wife, I fear the knowledge has couio too late!" I Then tho sun went down that night, tho blinds wcro drawn and the doors of Pine Hall wcro closed for many u long, weary day. Such a pretty spot! Tho neat little white cottage with Its bay-windows and little ivy- coyorcd verandas formed quite a plctureiu tlio soft hazy light. At least so thought Harry Donaldson as lie sauntered by and passed on down tho shady road. It was very nearly nine months ago that ho had closed Pino Hall, yet he looked ten years older. ThoJ gay. careless, devil-may-care ex pression bad vanished and given place to a sad, remorseful oue. Tho bluo eyes were no longer laughing aud Indifferent, but grave and preoccupied. 81 "I shall never find her," he would often murmur brokenly. The little white cottage had some subtle attraction for him. The cool white curtains gathered grace fully back, and the scent of roses always brought fresh memories of his lost wife. One evening, just as the moon was ilslng and casting a soft radiance over the iittlo town situated on the lthine, he stood lean ing against a tree, his eyes fixed vacantly on the little Ivy-covcrcd cottage before him. Suddenly there floated out pu the still night air, nfew low chord in which Advertising Rates' For Legal Notices. Thf following prlcos fur legal advertis ing hits lieeji adopted iiy the Caiidon Advouati:. (Jliartor Nolleos -Auditor's Kotlcos -Uotnnilssloncr's Notice!! Divorce Nntlrcs Atlmlnlsfrator's Nttticw Uxccittor's Xollee - - 4 00 - - 4 (Jo 4 00 . 4 00 a 00 - - 0 00 Other legal ad vurt Isljig will be charged for by tho sipiartj. H. V. itorthlmer. Jr., PuMhher. sweet, plaliillyo voice joined, singing "In the Gloaming:" " 'It Was best In Irate ymi thus, dear, lies! fin ini lUiftTii-s! ,r lne." Tho last lines were so low as to bo almost Inaudible, yet the low, impassioned words readied Harry Donaldson as ho stood erect, tho hot blood surging madly through his veins, and his heart beating Xo suffocation. Already he had torn tho gato ppen nnd was rapidly walking toward tho houso when a well-known form stepped through tho low window. Ho iliejv back In the bhade and feasted his eyes on tho ife, lovely face raised long ingly lo tho soft, bine heavens. "Harry, my husband, where are you to night?" Unconsciously the words foil from her llpl, and a laige tear rolled down the sad llttlu face. "Here hero,uiy own-darling my wife!" he cried, itimblo longer to restrain himself. Ho sprung forward and clasped her in his anus. The face so near his .own grew as white as a snow-drop, and a stifled shriek broke from tho parted Hps. "Louise, darling, don't you know me?" and he prcssd his lips passionately to hers. "Oh, Harry, is It you comeback to mo?" "Ves, dear, if you will have mo after all that I have made you suffer. Can you ever forgive me, Louise.? Put your arms around myneck, llttlo one. und say I am forgiv en." ' " Shyly two wlilte aims were clasped around his neck, and a low "volee whisp ered: "I havo nothing to forgive." Then afier . little hesitation: "Harry, when did you learn to to lovo me?" "When 11 wu too late, my wife; when I found that I had lost you." With a sigh of content tho little dark head sank on his breast. HE WANTED WATER. Ono of those "English muffs, yo kno',1' went over Into "Iho States" tho other day from Canada. Ho took lo glngs at au Inn in n bonier village, which shall b,i nameless. Ho had dinner; and among those whosat at thu table with him was the walting-mald whom ho designated as "servant!" hut 1m received an Indignant correction froin tiio landlord, "Wo call our servants 'helps.' sir. Thcv are not oppressed; thcv nro not Russian serfs." "All light," said the Englishman: I shall remember. ' And hu did;' for in the monnnc bo awoke tho whole house by calling out at the top of bis voice, .which was like tho tearing of a strong rag: "Help, help!' Water, Water!" In an Instant evcrv nerson punal tn dm task, rushed Into tint romn- with a pall pf watcn ' - , v "I am much obliged to vou. I am sure he s.iid;.'biifl don't want so much -water, yo kno' I only want imough to sbnvp with." "Shaye with!" said the laudlord: "what do you mean by calling 'Help! Water!'? We tuouglit tho house was afire." "You told me to call tho servant TIcId.' and I did. Did vou think T wnnM erv 'Il'aterP when I meant flrol" Tho explanation, II would seem, was sat. lsfaclory. 'Xolhlng Is more discouraging to, an averago man than to road about the weighty proceedings and learned discourses of the doctor at Washington, and thon reflect that all thu physicians ho ever met haye failed 10 mane ids liver work rythmlcally and smoothly. The Hvrrog"! woman thinks a great deal more about t lie condition of her crimps than sho does about the condition of her soul, and the average man wouldn't llko her half so well If sho didn't. 1110 railioads arc'DoiisJi!iruptlie pas senger stuvo iu ant icipafioii 'of tho regular fall and winter trade. 'They aro also nego tiating with undertakers and cemeteries for reduced rates, says an exchange A fortuno teller can hit a woman's case nluo times out of ten. "Vou'vo had sick ness and trouble. You'll have some prop erty fall to you. Vou do 11 ot have full con fidcucclu your husband, lleware! ho Is deceiving you. Vou havo a very gcntlo nature. Everybody loves you. Vou hayo bad trouble with a relative; It was not your fault, llowaixj of a blue-eyed woman with a mole on bur left check; she will make you trouble. Good-by ! call again." -Little things upset the plans of llttlo men, but solid honesty stands solid to the end. Tlds woild would bu a very great world if It were not so wasteful of its money. When Invited to dinner Xaturo won ders what she will get to eat. Culture wants to know what she Bhall wear. -Not an editor has been mangled hy a railroad smashup this year. Trains may go through weak bridges, into' open switches and over embankments, but so long as tho Interstate commerce law re mains Intact the editors will also. The oil trust, the whlskoy trusfandall the other trusts, groat and small, are fol lowed by rumors of an oyster trust. If the country stands any such menace to Its life, liberty anil pursuit of happiness itha'sniore patience Han wo give It credit for. iho life insurance system will not be complete until somo plan of Insuring the llfo of tha life company Is perfected. -louug ladles had better bo fast asleep than wide away. When Is a young lady like a whale? H'hcniho pouting. -Pat can bco no reason why women can not bo medical men. An accomplished barkeeper In New Orleans mixes drinks in sis different lan gudges. -A genius Is popularly supposed to be one who can do anything except mako a living. A beau dismissed by a bello, and an arrow dismissed by a bow, are apt lo start off Iu a hurry- A Iiore. Tho man who persist) In talking about himself when you wish lo talk about yourself. Avoid argument with ladles. In spin. niog a yarn among silks and satins, a man Is sure lo bo worsted. " iriiy did Adam bit the apple?" asked a country school-master of one of hit schol ars. "Hccause he had no kulfe." was the Answer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers