'Original Ohoap Cdah Storo." "Wear Resistors," Wo have Inst opened four more cases of those TAMOU9 MiOivrON " HiiOUtl-forntrnnt$2.7. They uro equal to nny $3.73 Slide In Uio market. Balmoral, Ballon and Consress. $2.25 for $l.BO Three case? of ladles 2.Xl Kid, Olovo Top Foxed Itutton Sboas have Just been received std 'oro marked down to 4t.80. 1'ANCY WltlTINfl rAPKK In boxes contain Inc2l sheets of paper and 21 envelopes .it ifc, 150,, 20c, 250., 2o., S2c 40c, and KM. Tills Is considered the chear est lot of paper ever brought to town. Our sales it OKNUINK fo'rM&i WntTE OllANITE QUKENSWA11E hive tiecn very large this spring, mid we have iidt heard of one in stance where the Roods liiive not Riven saIsfac tlon, Wo have at nil lines a largo, stock of tills cclebratod ware and to sejlluir It fully 20 per cent, lowor than It can bo bought clsowhcre. j. t, husbaum;. ijpnoslts Tubilc Square, Bank Street, TxsTilalitou. .lunu 7. ISsMy. PRUDENCE dictates thai great care should be taken in the selection of a Ecwlng mach inc. Wc cotririiend the Davis Vertical-Feed. Tiiis rrta'6hiVie is a gem, wliich, once obtained, will never be exchanged. It is the favorite for the f.itriily, and "tile possessor ot orie is always glad torccoiritricnd it: It is' the only nlachihe on which all hinds of sewing can bo done "without basting. Geo. t Nusktim, Agent, Bank Street;, Lellighton. The Carbon Ad vocate SATUIJDAY. JULY 1(1. 18S7. to this nfilce uy nroiiry orders or postal notes svlil please. imkt tbem pnystbh nt ihc WK1SS I'DlfT roTOlirlCl:!.,nstuo LidilKhton OIUco is NOT a lnoneV oi iler omco Knlghta of the doldsa Easl: Tlio followlns ai'o the c'fflccrs u't Carbon Castle, No. Ill for le ensuing six months' term! Past Chief, II. 1!. Kreldler Noble Chief, 11. II. Bowman! Vice Chief,..!. Mi. Uowuian; nigKI'flesttU. II. I.aury; Vener able Hermit, John Graver; Master of Jtecords, 0. W; Bower; Clerk of Hxclu?(uor, Edward J. Ttehrlg; Keeper ot ll2chequer, 'Jonathan Klst!cr;Sir Herald,!.,. A. Wcf her; "Worthy B.trdj John Hummel ; Worthy Chaiobcrln'lh, Witi: Wateibor; Eislgn, i'. S. Krossley; Esquire,' 1). Y. Klnker; l?'ir:t Uuardsman. L. 1'icKforct; Second (Jilahls nan, L. O. J. Strauss; Tiuslcc, Daniel iJalUcr; Representative to tlio Grtrfd Castle, II. It.- Kreldhjr.. Normal Squara Itoins. Our farmers are busy harvesting. The crop will bo about as usual. Dennis Xothsteln was on a bnlBes jaunt to Lehle.h cuunty ddrl tHa week. Don't miss tb"b its cream and water rnnlon party at John Notlutcln's on the 10th Instant. Chlldrnns' IJa'y frill be, observed, iii the iformal Square Sunday school on the COtti Of August. . Prof. E, S. Scha'frV'r, N. M. galliot, Calylu Arrior arid o'-hers will de liver addresses. The New Mahoning hand has been engaged to discourse music On the occasion. Everybody1 Is cordially Invited to attend. Ilcnry llpber and wife are tho guests of D. Nothstcln. Noi:uAt. FroMftltion Coduty Convention". Tho County Convention of tha rroiilbl- llon party will he held in the Court Houie, fit Mauch Chunk"; to-morrow (Saturdat) July 10, 1SS7, at two o'clock In the after noon. Eight delegates to represent Carbon county at the Prohibition Statu Couveutlnn which convenes In Uarrlsb'u'rg, August 24, are to be elected, arid two person's will he named to .act for this county ou the State. Central Committee. Candidates for all iho county o'fflcas will be put in nomine tlon tai a rep'ort of last year's work of the executive committee, will be read. Good Speakers will be present, The chairman of the county committcH extends a cordial In vitation to all friends of prohibition to be present and ta'Se rn active Interest In the affairs of the convention".' Teachers' Elimination. The Carbon county teachers' examina tions for 1887 will be held as follows: At' Kast Welssport, for Franklin town ship, oii Wednesday, August 3. At Iludso'ndale,1 for Packer township, on Friday, Auguit 6. , At Hockpo'rt, for LettglV an if L'au'sanne townships, on Tuesday, August l). At Pleasant Corner for Mahoning town ship, on Saturday, August 13. Xi Ba's: Tcnn, for East Perm township, 6n Tuesda JO August 10. At East HaVc'n', for Ivlddcr township, on Thursday, August IS. At Millport, for Lower Towamensfnjf township, on Saturday, August 20. At Stemlersvllle,for UpiierTowamensiog township, on Tuesday, August 23. At fJocli's Hotel, for Penn Forest town- shlp, on Saturday,' SepU 2f. The examinations will be In writing and all' applicants slipuld' .coib'o pff pared wjitf paper and pencils. Ho certificates will be granted to applicants under seventeen years old. Sleeting With Mach Success. II ii sc pleasure for us to note that Arner & Son, ot IeW Mahoning, manufacturers of pure bone suer-iliosphates and bone meal arc meeting- with unprecedented suc cess In the sale of their justly celebrated brands of fertilizers. Guaranteed to' be free from dtrt, sand, muck, ashes, oyster shells, ground lime-store or any adultera tion whatever, the farmers of Pennsylvnla baye plctecfd' In- them a confidence which grows stionser' year after year as they har vest their largely increased crops. The in gredients of Arner A Son's phosphates are nitrogen of ammonia, phpsphotlc acid and poUib. which places tlrelr phosphates far ? head of all others. By closil pbsenation row year to year It has been discovered what the plants most require to produce tho best results at lowest possible cost- consequently tbe manufacture of a phos phate the base of which Is animal bunos mixed with pure chemicals only. Farmers will do well to try Atner Je Son's phos phates; they are guaranteed to produce the Vest results. OUBKEHI EVENTS EPITOMIZED. Hows Items BoUsd Sown for Hasty BeaAnfs, From Week to Weft. Keep cool. Don't gamble. Dry SundayS nra popular. A marrlago is on the tapis'. Another'clrcus will be hero. County fairs will soon be In order. ' Thefenre 100 castles K. G. E., In this State. Head tho advertisements they repre sent bargains. A Comtuandry of tho K. O. K. Is to be organized at Lausford. Thosa who worship at tho shrine of Tulip soaparlse purified. Choice selection of fine jewelry at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk, Instead of a "brick,11 take home to your wife a cake of Tulip soap. An act ot the Assembly makes tt a penal law to work a horse that Islauie. It Is easier to slake tho thlrt of a not tnmlcss barrel than get along without Tulip soap. Tho new residence of Rev. Hatnmake, on Northampton street Is rapidly Hearing completion. A tramp who stole a box of 'Tulip soap concealed his Identity by washing himself with a cak'e of It. ,. The sixth annual meeting of the Lehigh Valley M'cd'lcal Association will convene at the Delawaru Water Gap, Augjjsl 17. Building operations In this borough continue good more buildings, have been erected so far this season than In any past year. The dedicator of the hew Catholic church at Frecland last Sunday was a grand success three thousand s'rangers visited tho town,, -iTlic.j'r. O. U. A. St., base ball club hereby challenges the "Tailors" to play a game of ball on Saturday, July 23. A. I,. Bartholomew, Captain. John Blosc, nextdoprtoT. D. Thomas' drug storo, has opened a wholesale and retail candy ami confectionary More, and Inylles the patronage of tho public'. -If your watch or cloik don't , rrtrt -co rcctly, tako It to .lIagainau,on Bank street, and If It then falls to keep time ho will make no charge. March 20 Cm Th"3 following county officers are to be elected In this county at the fall election: county treasurer, register add recorder", commissioners, auditors and jury commis sioner. Tho Lehigh Vdljny Temperance Camp meeting will convene at Freenlansburg. three millcs below Bethlehem, on July 25 to 29. Good sp'aakeis liavc been, engager! for the cccasslon. For the week ending on tho Oth Inst., thcro were 80,052 tons of coal shipped over the I.. & S. lv.R.;a total tpjlate of 2.403,583 tons, showing ah Increase as compared with siimo.rtate la3t year of 130.001 1",S- Tlie fifth annual cxeuiiian tif tin Sr. niid Jr. .0. IT. A. M., and Daughters of Liberty fioln Mauch Chunk to Lake Hop- atcong, N. J. Stopping all stations will como off on the 23rd Inst. Be sure and go with the excursion. '. The State Liquor Leaguo was in tes- slon at Allentonn this week. President lel!,sr resigned Ms poslllon owing to a class of members who set all laws at de fiance thereby a'loiishig public feclln; against the organization. Tlio attention ot tho people of Summit Hill, Hansford and vicinity is directed to the fact that disofce F. Huntzlnger. of tho popular Swltchbact iiifstattriint, Is author ized by tii to' iccelvq subscriptions and nionevs fdr the Caudo."? fibvbcAyfa. Now Is the tltpo for Ciieai Wall PfKit as we aro offering over half of our entho stock of Wall Paper and Borders at one-half and some less than half the usual price. Do not miss this oITer. E F. Lucre n.siiACH, 01 Broadway, ilauch Chunk. 'SttJJ in the. jewelry store- of E. II. Itt'hl, Mauch Chunk,-and see tho finest display of gold watches' ever seen Jn this county. Mr. II, Is iriereisjpc; his stock and business so that he should feel highly do llghie.l with his lemarkab'.e success In his business. . . All the necessary tools for a tirst-class blacksmith shop, together with about one hundred horsesbocs, lot of old Iron and hollows for sale ch'eap. Apply to Owen I'ebrle, I.chlah street. Bare chance for any one intending to go in the blacksmith lug business. ... Prof. T, M. B.illlet, formerly superin tendent of the schools of Carbon county, was in attendance at a teacher's meeting In Burlinton, Ya., recently Whe.ro he de livered ail address on "The Feeling's and. their Culture." The, iVcc Press of that city speaks very highly of him as an edueaWr. Communications on live topics of gen craf ihtrest wMl be received and published In tho columns of tho Auvocati: "free gratis' for nolhlng." The writer must, however, In all cases sign his or her name, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. Address all communications Editor of CAiiitox Advocate. The new song "Where have they laid my darling," by Ogdcn Is a song of great depth and sweetness It will compare favura- hly with "Stay at home my heart and rest," but Is entirely original and cliaiacteristlu of Its author. Everyone who beats the melody will acknowledge its beauty. Trlc 35 cents, Ign. Fisher, Publisher, Toledo, Ohio. Tho Anthracite coal tradoln the month of July is unusually very dull, and this month Is not fin exception to that rule. While the coal business at present Is' not active there nra visible Indication of an Improve ment, giving promlso of an excellent fall trado, and tbe outlook Is very satisfactory to thoss engaged In mining riml sfilpolng anthracite. Major B, M. Shenton, of Po tstown, has been appointed chief scale Inspector of tho Central K. It. of New Jersey, with headquarters at Mauch Chunk. In 1800, Major Shenton was foreman of the. marble works of Starr1 & Son, Philadelphia,' where the Soldiers' Monument In Falrvlew; Ceme tery was made, and tbe large marble eagle on top was sculptured by Mr. Shenton We have just r'eceTvcd from the pub lishers, Dltterllne A Kline, Mauch Chunk, a copy of Clover Waltzes, which have lq a short time become unusually popular with musicians all oyer the country. Clover Waltzes Is not difficult to play, yet there Is an Inexpressible harmony of expression throughout It that cannot help but delight and please. For sale by S. C. Whcatly, prlco fifty cents. Don t fail to got a copy. The game of base bill' on tho old' fair grounds Monday between the tailors and clgarmaliers resulted In a score of twenty one to forty-five In favor of the tailors, Special features ot tbe contest: llllt.Ofauss' graceful base running; James Ycnser's oc. tangular curves; Strauss' apparent lassl tude In spinning the bases; the meritorl ous work dona by "Bucky;" the heavy bat ting by Web. Clauss; tbe ease and grace with which "Sigey" didn't catch several "flies," and tho rapidity with wblch Uie tailors run up the score. Nuf ceu. Pay your taxes. Beware of sneak thtlves. Candidate are blooming. Harvesting Is about over. Woatherly gets tho silk mill. Huckleberries are a'bundaut. u Wo are on tho lastlialf of 1887. -Hatleton didn't get the slllcmlll.' White Haven wants an educational In stitute. . , . i-A. S. of V. Camp will be organized at Easton. It IS 'against the law to shoot robins at anytime. Jamestown Is to have a now school building. Handsome silverware at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. Thirty-two prisoners are confined In Lehigh county jail. Farmers In Berks county report a failure of all rrops. Thero are five insane prisoners In the Luzerne county jail. New anil rich designs In rings at E. H. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. Luzerne county has ninety-four prison ers CQnfhicdln the county jail. C. F. Delbert repiwrs all kinds of sew ing hiachlno, Work guarantcd. Thero died In Berks county recently i man aged one hundred and two years. Danlal Bachman; of Bowmanstown, lost an Interesting child by death one day this week. , Hoop's Golden Show will tent In Lc- hlghlon sometime during thn month of September. No wonder wo poor country folk get confused occasionally when they call Mauch Cbnuk a city. A Heat porch has been bullt lii' front of Robert Wnlp's Eagle S'.ore and residence on Bank street. Tho young fellows who had their fingers 'burned" last Saturday will probably know better next rime. Tho residences df Eerls Trainer and Frank Gerber, on Lehigh street, haye been nicely repainted. Tho Chautauqua Scientific Circle and tbe Philharmonic society, of towrii will picnic at Glen Ondko Saturday, The AuVocatK govs Into more homes than any other county paper. Advertisers should bear tho above fact In mind. Mis. Thos. Swartz who, a few weeks njSo, opened a laundry in tho rear of . Holm's shoe store. Is overcrowded with orders. George Miller oiir popular contractor and builder. Is erecting a two-story resi denco for George Stuher, the tousorlal ar tist: Lost A Jr. O. U. A. il. badge, be tween the Carbon House and L. Y. Bound Home. Finder will please return It to this office. Our bona fi.Io circulation Is unquestion ably larger than that of any othur county paper. Reason we give all the latest and best news far f 1.00 per year; A team coiupused of members of the Order of Tontl challenges any team of any other secret order of lowil to play u game of ball. Golden Eagles preferred. Mrs! Annlo Miller Uas moved her dressmaking establishment liito her new tesldence on Lehigh street, five doors from Elm, where she will ba pleased to receive all old and now patrons. tf. There Is nothing more delightful thnn a pleasure! rldu through pur picturesque Valleys at this timo ot the ytar. David Ebbcrt furnishes flno rigs at low rates, Livery, on Nort!) street. The star which shine? with so much brilliancy In tho northwest sky, disappear ing below the horzon at about eleven o' clock, Is not- otl electric light as many peo ple suppose, but Is the planet Venus. Wo are hotter pippared th'an auy oUier printing establishment In tho Lehigh val ley to do all kinds of job work at tlio lowest rates. A trial will convince that wo ire headquarters for latest styles and best workmensti'p. For the -eight days ending July 0, there were 1-10,400 tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to date of 4.2S1.073 tons, and shotvlifg an in crease of 502,700 ton's compared with same late last year. Special sermons 6n next Sunday, in the M. E. Church, by the pastor, Key. W'va. Major. Morning topic, "Jacob's Dream." Evening "The songof Moses amlthe fn'rab." To be proceeded by a soul-lnsplrlng song ervlce. A cordial wcieoine to all. Leopold Meyer, of the. Dolousburg Ho tel, has first-rate accommodations for six or eight good boarders, at 8.60 per week. 'crsoris who wish the comforts of a home. should not miss this opportunity, Leopold keeps a nice clean and quiet placo. The Haileton Sentlntl was recently purchased by Wallace, Maue & McCloskcy Tbe new management promlso to make up a newspaper In eiery respect superior to nny published in tho coal legions and we believe they mean it. We welcome It to our table. A very enjoyable birth day party in honor ot Mrs. Leopold Meyer came off at her residence at Packerton,Tucsday; Among those present from a distanco were Mrs, Chas. Armbrvi.ster, Mrs. Chas; Grayer, Mrs, Dunbar, Mrs. Hnoa Dlchland Misses Lizzie Shlllltigcrand Mary and Ida Dichl. The usual conviyalltfcs were indulged in.' Competency in school teachers shouli bo the only requisite, expected and Insisted upon.' Tho work of educating tho children should bo more than a money getting occn patlon; a love for tho work;' a qualifica tion to Instruct, not hear recitations; a firm but .courteous government of pupils, are requisites which no successful teacher can avoid, Tho harvest Is nearly over, the crops arc belli gathered in, and now comes the time for the annual harvest sermons lu the country churches lii accordance wlthbod. old-time custom. Discourses appioprlato to the occasion aro preached, the churches are frequently decorated with flowers and evergreens intertwined with the products of tbe fields and the ceremonies,' bavin special reference to the season of tho year, are solemn" and infnresslfe. Several parties who lost their hard- earned and much needed sheckcls by ignorantly rushing into the games of chance last Saturday nail me gamblers arrested and In.thls way secured aieturn of their "boodle." Jt Is surprising to noto the number and character of the Individual who became victims of the various ddylce: pursued by the gamblers. We refrajp from mentioning any names, but would s,- "boy'ii don't do tt some more, you ci.il neyer beat a man at his own game." Jnst received lrom Hoston an immense stock: ot tno genu ine Knight of Labor Shoe's which we are selling at $2.50 and' $3. Warranted' solid calf leather. Clauss & Bvo.,' the Tailors, eole agents' for Carbon county. Our stock of hand mnde shoes cannot be beat by any dealer m the county. OUR BTEOLhEIl AT WEIBStORT. .Interesting Itsms licked Hp and Aasortedbr tho Strbller. Miss Mary .7. Lauty Is sojourning with Mrs. Frank Clauss at Great Bend, Pa. A twelve-year-old son of Monroo Berg er died recently from drinking lee water. Misses Euima and Ella Snyder, Allen town ladles, are Visiting Mrs. W. II. "Os wald. , . George Itapp, our popular drover, was on a business trip to BofYalo, N. Y.', this week. Ed. Solt,' t1io'y6iing man who was bit ten In the hand 'ty a copperhead snake some time ago Is rapidly convalescing'. -"Welssporl will ba represented at tho Prohibition County Convention Which con venes at Mauch Chunk on ll'id 10th Inst. Pay your taxes before the expiration of sixty days and you will save five percent, on tho total amount. lie maid Vogt col lector. A grand rafije for aiolld gold watch and a box of cigars will come off at the Logan House, this Saturday evening, July Id. Bo on hand. Tho faro on the L. ifc S. Railroad, be tween Welssport and Olcn Onoko has been reduced tickets for the round trip, thirty cents, one way twenty cents. Solomon Ycakel, Joseph Rex, 'Sqnlro Boycra'nd P. J. Klstlcr visited Ilia battle field pf Gettysburg recently and report be ing highly edified with tbe trip., The ono-leggod and one-aried men of this plaoo and Lehlghton will play a game a game of base ball on the old fair grounds In the fatter place, snmetimo soon, By tho breaking of an axle on a coal car on the L. & S. road recently, fifteen cars were tlirown down the eiribankmcnt near lha Pari yville bridge. Navigation on : tlio canal was stopped for some lime. No one hurt. A base ball club composed of first-class material and to bo dnown as tho "Orient als," was organized hero this week. Game! Ill be played with tho best c)nb3 In tho county and wo stake otir pile that tho boys" won't be left. One of our popular shoemakers and a own town butcher lost five or six dollars piece by the thlmblu rigging game as blayod by the gamblers last Saturday. They both swear that they won't do It some more, but time will tell yea, time will tell. At the regular meeting of the school directors held Monday evening Prof. J. F. Snyder was elected principal of our public schools nnd Miss Laura Yunrtt teacher of tho primary department. Importailt Im provements are being made in and around tho school building. ' A mistake. Tho article appearing un :r the head of "Welssport Stioller.stallng that three pliyslclaus weio regul.irly at tending me, Is a mistake; Dr. Andrews has ery satisfactorily treated mo throughout the whole of my sickness, assisted by Dr. Uerman. . Euwaud Solt. C. E. BarthoicmCK', of Lehlghton, a Reformed theological student, delivered an Interesting discourse to a large audience lu the Lutheran ami Reformed chinch lu tills placo last SunJay evening. Our young friend has the making of an eminent divine and wo trust to hear great tilings of him In tho future. -Wo aro pleased to note that-our bor ough council his taken the advice of the OAlino.v Advocatc and laid a stib'stantlal plank walk from J.ho Lnhlgh bridge to the Yeakel property. The action of the bor ough council Is highly commomtiid by our taxpayers ami conclusively proves that they are awake to tlio interests of our town and lie peoplu generally. Let the good work proceed. Nursery Etock. Edward O. Graham, tho popular rnd well known Nurseryman of Rochester, N. ,' desires to make airaiigcincnts with one ur iwu jive, i-iicrKGiic men 10 iaKe orueis for his Nursery stock. He lias a choice stock, including lino specialties. Ills lu lucements to beginners aro .particularly advantageous. He fulfills all ho promises, and Rua'i-iote&s to furnish stilctly first-class stock. He can give active, square, upright men good positions, and desires to com municate with a few such men, with a view of securing their services.. Write to him as soon as you have read this for terms and full particulars. .Remember, only square dealing men need apply. Addros3, Edw. O. Graham, Nurseryman, Rochester, N, Y. . 6w. District Camp Meotlng. . t .The cistern portion of Potts'villa District Evangelical Association, comprising Le hlghton, Welssport, Parryyille, Mauch Chunk, llazlcton, White Haven and Wi'.kesbarre, will held a union camp meet ing in David Beltz's grove, four miles from Welssport, on the road jeadlng toStemlers vllle, couiirioncing' on ilonday, August 1st, and continue until Monday cvonlng", Aug. Sth. Tho groyo Is beautifully located, with good water near by. Tents can be rented at the following rates by applying to Rev, G. W. Gross, L'elffglitbu. ,Tert 12x12 without floor, $2.75; tents 12x12 with floor, f3.25; tents 12x12 with floor, and bunk, 1.75. Good boarding can be had at the following rates: Scas'on tickets, twenty flyo meals, $4.50day tickets, seventy-five cents, suopcr and bieakfast. twenty-five cents each,' dinner thlrty-ftvo cents. Camp iqulppaga fhlppd free on both railroads; coaches will run to the grove at special times; parties coming should In form the committee of the time of their arrival. On the Sabbath nothing will be sold but the necessaries of life. A Showman Accidentally Killed. Saturday night whilo the employees of Wallace & Co.'s Show , Were tak'lug' down the largo centre pole of the main tent one of the guy rope attached thereto broke, causing' tho pole to fall with great force upon the head of an attachco named Al bert Kesllng, aged about thlrty-flvoyear, of Wythesvllle, Yliglnla. Kesllug'shcad was crushed, blood oozing from both cars, caus ing Instant death. Deceased has an aged mother Myitis' In Virginia of whom' ha was the sole support. The body of deceased was taken to Kcmerer Swartz's under taking establishment on Bank clreet and on Sunday morning 'Squire Bvltz empanel led a jury foreman,' If. . Morthlmer; Granville Bfc'tney, Oscar Swartz, David Ebbert, Wash. Scboch and W. W. Morthl mer who, upon viewing the body and hearing tlio evidence, rendered the follow ing verdict: "We, the jury, Ond that said Albert Kes llng met his death by being accidentally struck on tho head by the centre pole of Wallace & Co.'s circus, on the night of July Oth, 1837; that the falling of the pole was caused by tho breaking apart of one of the guy ropes, which was purely, accidental tho management and employees being exonerated iroin uiame. Kesllng was burled In the Gnadden nut ten cemetery Sunday afternoon the circus company paying' all expenses. .The burial of the dad fliowiqan was In charge of Kemorer 1- Swartz, the) popular Bank s(ret undertakers, who .furnished a handsome cotUn and gave the strangnr a christian burial. The members of the firm are spoken of In tbe highest teims for the, christian raauner In which tbev con- ' ducted the funeral cottage. Reckless Squandering " Our Reply. "A little more limn 12 years ago a puullc. sehool house was ciTCtedMViOOtloUara were reeklesslv sqntn1cr'd, Uio nHpavers wero dis gusted to a man and tnr that reason In rating against Ihe wnter Issue thuy "will be actuated, (to., ny tho unwise ami uuiileorant aetlon of ttiu cllool board 12 or more years ago." The "lieok- less Squanderers" wero as near as wo recollect, Urnnvtllo Clauss, flee'd., lion. Zaoh. Lpiig.decU, Philip Miller, It. .1. Yonnkin, Hon. A. J.-Duflliij. John S. Lent anil K. B. Rcber. M. D These gentlemen were tlio members of the school board at that tune iind wero and still are as honorable and ns rese te1 as any Lehlghton ever had, and acted ns wisely as tho writer of the above quotation wroto ''unwisely." They were almost nil property holders. hcav taxpayers and friends of Our common school system nnd. Of course, at tho limn met with gicat opposition from the enemies of the same. And to prove the above "disgusted to a man" a baso lie, tlio mom radleil q'f them were re-elected after the "ltuek less Squandering." The author of the above quotation Is an avowed enemy, of our Flee School System nnd lakes no interest In our schools, and upon Uro si tghtest oc casion that presents itself lie, vents Ids spleen in lauguago similar to the quotation. The Oaii liOJf AdvoCAVk Is nil wrong bpn the public school question mid should bo set right to live lu a free school country. Because a Fjee Press must bo In accord with Krco Schools, which with Kree Speech forms the Tripod upon which our Alivuilcan Liberties n'ro founded. Take away auy one of these props and our Mbuity and Fiefdom will fall to thu ground. And besides, why discuss, Our school System Is a decided question llxcd law of tho latid-ot Constitu tional adoption, and lo who talks and writes against It "spits against the wind." Our Tree aclinp! is tin poor man's Seminary, Uio poor man's Collcge.the pear man's chtldxvns' llazaar, which tlio rle.h otuUr country magnanimously help to support, llie Nursrfy of tho S'atlonto make good citizens. This Is why the sunslblo and patifutlc rlclituumdiiiurlugly support It. Hat enough out n't justice to tho dead our friends our honorable citizens wo ducnicd It our duty to give this Information; not so much on our own iiccmuit who lire nllvc,wo can de fend ourselves, but on account of the dend, who ramiotdcfulid themselves from the Insinuations of the detainers ot the dead. Strangers also might think that tho abovo named had defrauded the public. Tills Was an-' other motive lor wilting theso few lines for the purpose of removing any wrong Impressions. "Ou'oot tb'eiu" Nathaniel, II. Rnmtn, M. D. When w'e wrote and published In last week's CAn-on- AnvocATit tho assertion that "a littln more ttian iv,e u years ago a public school hotiso was erected S45,(x was recklessly squandered, &c," there was no Intention on our part of lmpunglng (lie .character of the llvlug or defaming the memory of tboso who lmve "gosa to meet their fathers." Wolsave nlwnja been of thu uplnlorj that Uio school bo:Ud ot 18?2-73 unitED when iheynllowcd tho contractor and builder ot tho school house to alter the phius and specifications ot the architect which so greatly lnci cased the cost of lite buHdhig, If we arc not greatly mis taken tho first cosfwns to bo somewhere lu the ucuhborhood of fls.Puoto rt,ooothU cost was u.NFpUT!j?fATBLY. Increased fei $15,00 by the reason abovo sturcd tho members of tho school board wero tlio mily paitlcs who could have pre vented the said "unwise and unpleasant action," hey failed pid-o so, and In default of which to day tho tax payers of U'hlgljtou aro burdened nun a scnoi .ucnt o:.$!2,qco or winit tliellrst ost ot tho school building wasto have beon but tho end Is not yet, threo years nioro and a new school Imlhllug will have to be creeled, H will be then that Uio. unwlso and unpleasant action of Ihc school board" of '72 73 will become more forcibly apparent to every" tax payer, uo matter how imich f buy may have condoned Uio action of said school board in (ho past. It Is exceed lugly poor -liiglc for uu Intelligent gentleman ti ciaim uiai occausu juo members oi tne scnoo: board where all property holdeis and heavy tax payers that thu poor, who cam their bread hi tho sweat of their brow, should be burdened f A' years with a debt which common seuso mu.it most certainly disapprove. r.f. The writer tf h above communication Is tight, theio whs creat opposition against the el ection of a schgol building oveil lit a cost of 122,m, and tho CAniiotf.ADvoc.iTK did all In Its power, by fair and honest reasoning, lo convince the tax-payers that It was for the good of the town and the rlsjug generation that a substnutlal school bulldlug should bacroricd.but It DID hot favor tliccrcctlonotabultdlqg such as the school directors ot "72-73 allowed to" hd erected at a cost of about S 13,000, nnd' which Is a hurien niitqi the lax-pavers or t:us borouiiu. Wo admit, we- did not t?ke into consideration tho property owners and heavy tax-payers of wliteh the school board was composed when we said that, tho "tax-payers Were disgusted to a man" by erection ofa Sts.ooo building, and the only lcasmi tuba ascribed to their ro clectlon and vlndlcllon for, tho rprjtleys ui.sreg.mioitiie interests oi me tax-pajcis and the future welfare of our borough Is the pecul iarity v.idcli has. characterized many of the elections hold In th'ls town during former years and to which It Is unnecessary for us to further lecur. The writer of the abovo communication claims that the -OAiiuotf Advocate "is an avowed enemy of nur Free School System, and takes uo mtcrcst in oiu- schools, and upon the slightest occasion vents his spleeif lu language slinlllar lo the quotation." . The snthor of tho pfeccdlng sentence lias been a subscriber to theCAUIiON Ain'ocATK since tho first number it as IsWcd on November 23, lS72i.hu Is recognized as nn In tollIgenLiwusfieiitiDitsand christian Eonllemau. yet fio knowingly, wilfully and maliciously mis represents the cdilor.of the CAnnosr AuyocATB oy an assertion wmcn can only bo Classed In tne category of common falsehoods and which the. writer posltUoly knew to be a base and uncalled for pi cvarlcatlon, considering tho fact that since the first lsue of the Advocate we have pub lished more blatter endorsing and fitftheilhgtbB cause o! education than nil the other papers In Carbon county combined. It the writer of the communication doubts this tho Inspection ot our nnwspaper flies Is at his option, Tho wi Iter of lha above article evidently wroto thoughtlessly nnd whilst lu the heat oi passton, else ho would most assuredly have observed that we failed to cast a slnglo reflection upon tho Integrity of ho school board of which ho was a memberi consequently Ilia magnaiilmoiis.nctloti of mr much esteemed friend Is uncalled for, still It will uo no luirm us there aro many citizens now In this towu strangers to the story connect ed with Ihe "elephant" on the hill, nndllwlll undoubtedly ba Interesting In tho extreme for them to learn that the generous "property own crs, heavy tax pavers nnd friends of our common school system" were the Individuals who. placed mi unwlso and uncalled for school debt upon the shoulders of men who unfortunately tire not heavy taxpayers and property boldtrs. lui'-onchislou, wa endorse as we have .ever done, thu common Sehool sthtein, knowing that It Is the only means Jar. advancing civilization and placing upon alilghcr pl.iuc the- Inalienable rights of all people a cause for which wo left our home ami family and. Imperiled our life for o' .-r three years upon, tho luttle fields of the late ll. war, while other men with an expressed en U,.s!asni only equalled by the cowardice which rilled their Lear's remained at home and laid the foundation ot fortunes which arcumniulated later on. Heaven ever protect tho rJlars nnd Mtrlpos! and the poor, over-burdened tax-payeis uno una shelter under them. "Wallace & Co-'a Railrcad Show. Last Saturday morning, bright and early, Wallace ft Co.'s World's Menagerie, Inter national Three Ring Circus and Alliance of Novelties arrived In town from Slating ton via L. V. Railroad. Shortly afterwards an unassuming, elderly gentleman, carry- a small hand-bag dropped Into our sanctum Introducing himself is Willis Cobb, press manager Wallace & Co.'s Railroad Show ho paid the advertising bill and furnished the "boys" with tickets for the "circus." Mr. Cobb has b'eeu In the show business for a quarter ot a century, not from neces slty but rather from Inclination; he Is a gentleman' In every sense of the word, au for courtesies to the press during" his stay here no lias the advocate s thanks, The grand street paganent was an un paralleled success exciting the wonder of young and old lu Its immense pioportlons, The circuit performances wero much ap preciated by large audiences during tbe day and evening. It would occupy too much (pace to separately enumerate the many excellent features ot this justly popular show, sufDce it to say, that in every par- ouun, ouiulc iiv ivU a a v . Liiau nvrrv .i i. . . - . . tlcular It surpassed by far any slicw that hsj, yet visited Lehlabton. IH THE liABOR WORLD. Sr dally Compiled for the Toilers by an Ad vocktn Man. Frecland has iwolvc hundred Knights of fwbor. During June 10,000 men struck against 10,1500 last year. Forty thousand people In Chicago are compelled to work seven days a Vf.cet. After an Idleness of soma 'weeks tho Reading Lock works haya vosttmcd opera tions. Laborers In Argentine, Ark., work fourteen hours a day and recleva seventy five cents. A co-bftarat!vo clothing establishment has bean formed by Knights 'of Labor in Cleveland, Ohio. It Is said that 10,000 persons have been permitted to land during tha. hist year In violation of tha law against contract labor. Thero aro three hundred and eighty five silk mills lii the "United Sttrs with thirty thousand employee's, $25000,000 Is Invested, The .CraAe Irofl Company will pay their employees every two weeks In, accord ance with tho new law. Right, let other corporations follow suit. During 'ha month of Juno tfie cement works In and around Cdplay shipped 891 cars, containing 39,000 b'arrelsor 11,104.414 pounds of cemeuU Tllsls tho largest ship ment of cement made from Any paint in a month In America. A call has been Issued from Reading Pa., for the organization of a State Federa tion of Trades, to bo composed of unions and workliigmen's organizations within the State, Its object being to strengthen the National Fedoratlon arid effect a combina tion of tho various unions, not afilllated with tho Knights of Labor. Tho demand for l'abof Is still fully up to the supply lu nearly all handlcirufts. In a few branches thqre is an Insufficient sun ply of skilled labor. Iu some, Tew localltes common labor Is In excess, but the work men have means to get away, and do not loiter, long Idle. .Very few changes are being made In wages. Several eight hour victories; have been qulotly won, Tha development of bituminous coal lands tills year will be greater than for any year since tlie war. Largo tracts for de velopment havo been bought lip, and lha coal from most of these wil) be In tho market by the first of next year The Pennsylvania, Reading and Lehigh Valley companies ex pect by new connections to get Into ether bituminous tenltory than which tliey now reach. .... Ifr. rowdcrjy Is strongly opposed to thn admts.slon of pauper Immigrants from abroad and to Chinese Immigration Nor :!oes ho take kindly to the Italians and Hun carlans. Uo thinks the admission of tlicso pcoplo degrades American labor and endan gers the public welfare,- Thq Master Workman comes from a section of the country where the effects of evil pauper mmlgratipnare predoiulnent and his re marks on .the subject arc undoubtedly based on personal observation. two railroads controlled by the same company were chartered at the State De partraent llatrlsbiirs, Tuosday, with i capltil stock of $23,030,000. They are said o pa a part of tha Baltimore and Ohio and Lehigh Valley .scheme to run a line from Now York to Pittsburg. The first Is the Carbon, Schuylkill and Western Railroad Company, whoso capital Is $20,000,000. Its length will be about 325 miles and the road will traverse Carbon, :cbiiy!klll, Centro, Huntingdon. Blair, Clearfield, Cambria and Indiana, ctlunttes. Meetings of strikers held Mondav tha Coriricllsvillo coke rigio'n Indlca'to tliaV. tliey aro still determined to hold out far tha ad vanco. The Miners' District Assembly yesterday passed, resolutions denouncing the importation of armed force3, arid call ing upon Gov. Beaver to remove the Plnk- erfon men from tho rcglun, s their presence reflects on tho coke workers' loyalty to good government, is a menace to their homes, and an Insult to their patriotism Tho delegates als9 tendered their services to the Sheriff and local authorities to pre serve and maintain good order. There are two mem to dig coal In the mining regions where one can find employ ment, and tlfc wages of mining have not been ndyanccd, The ijiiliQad companies have moro .coal to carry than they have cars to trausport It In locomotives to pull It to tho market. . There, ,is, no , clrcuin stanco larking which should tend to cheap en prices to. the consumea; but the coal business Is done In a corner by a few pias ters e"f .transportation, who make prices to suit themselves. They don't call their combination "a Coal Trust," but that what it Is an Illegal and . Irresponsible dovlce for cheating every man Iri the wbolo country whq bjjys a ton of coal. Down with tyrannical pollcles.of monopoly. . . People as They Coma and do. Wlllard W. Hunt, of Slatlugton, was in town Tuesday. non. A. J. Dtirllng was on a trip to Wllkesbarre Thursday. O. B. Slgley,' of tfio Mauch Chunk Ga geffc-TVniCS, was Jn town Saturday, Patrick Lawjer,of Nesquehonl.ng, while In tovyn Saturday took In the circus. . W. II. Barnes, a qomposljor on the llazlcton rlaln Speaker, was In town over Sunday. . j . ,. . Mrs. George Bower and son, of Cata- sauqua, were visiting Lehlghton trlends this week. Mrs. C. D. James, of Philadelphia, was thq guest of Mrs. II. V. Morthlmer, Sr. this week. , . . , Over jovial friend Thomas Fagan, of Easton,, while In town Monday dropped In to see us. E. A. Decker, editor of the Mauch Chunk , Times made us a pleasant call Wednesday. . . Messrs C. W. Swank, A, L. Hnlvey and E. Berrcns, of Lutisford, wero In town Monday evening. Misses Hattto DePue and LllyTralner, llazlcton ladles, visited Lehlghton relatives and friends this week. Jacob Sclgfrid and wife, of Bath, were the guests of .Thos, Swartz and wife, on Bank street, over Sunday, The genial W. C. B161ock, successor to R. S. Mcnnamtn, dee'd of Philadelphia, spent Wednesday evening with us. W. n. Miner, of the Slatlugton foundry while In town Monday dropped In to see us. Will reports business brisk having orders ahead for one year. Joseph DeFrehn, of Lehlghton, was n town on Wednesday looking up bis chances for the Democratic nomination of Register and Recorder. Joe Is in' the field to w'n and means to win "If Us In tha wood, Wealbetiy Herald. Propoul for Attending the Stroet lampi Sorougb. of Lehigh wa. Leuioutun-. Jnlv 0. 1887. Sealed proposals will be received by tbe nnuersicned until seven o'ciock i . ii. Saturday, July 10, 16S7, for attending the street lamps uuruic tne nscai year, com i - . j menolng July JU, 1887. Juo. t. SBMMEt, : Julyf-w$. ReertUry. Work of the Sfchool Board. Tha second regular meeting of tlf Lo blghton SchttOl board was called to order by tho president, W. Penn Loug. at the. olUceOf Squire Lcntz, on Northampton St. (UohdAy evening at eight o'clock with tho following directors present: W. P. Long, t". P. Lentz, Samuel Fry", John Peters, M. 6. Bryan and Dr. C. T. Horn. Tho minutes of tho regular and two special meetings wcra read and approved, Tho committer on repairs reported that thuy ha.l Inspected the school building and surroundings and suggested a number of necessary Improvements which will bemat'a at an.caity day. Threo heavy Iron josts win bo run through tbe school buildings, In accordance with the adyice of the enm mlltec of experts who Inspected thu build 6oinfillmo since. Under tho head of new business the foUowingtrfcpliors were elected. High sehool J. Morris UobeiU. MJ 75 tlrammer school W, K Ervnii, 45 IntermcdlUe school Miss llattlo Koons. ... as Hecondary Jllss Asglo Iliiuk :ia 4th 1'rlnrary Miss Alice Montz SW 3rd Primary Miss Myra llrhrig... 2" 2nd Pilmaiy Mlss-Ktta (iraver. IK 1st Primary Miss Mvra tiood ,., so 1st frlmary, asst. Miss Magglo ltowjui'il,.. so The school and building tax rate for.leS7 was fixed at ten mills each af(r "which tho luiiowinguuis wero orueru paid. Assessment 8usq Mutual lire In.! Co.l.$25.C0 irexirrnnu urcinoy ouuuiug accounts 4,u H. Snvdor. merrfmnitlcp. T Horn. oil. Jtn 1.31 CIS 31 6.1 I3.ro J. U Oabie, ropes. &s ... Lewis Wnlck. relifllra arhnnl riilr. -v . CAnnox advocate prmtlug statement Upon mot on It was atrreed that tlio school term should Commence on. Monday, September Oth and .continue nine month. On motion adjourned. PURE ! EFFECTIVE BEBEE'S NEW n tlie Oil Stand, Mi Mar's Hail, Ml fet, Lehlghton, Fa r Medicines all ITe V7, Pure, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Toilet Articles, OhamolB Skins, Sponges, all kinds ond everything elsa In fivD.-unlsts Una kapt quality. riilSlUIANS' I'HEbCHII'TlONS CAREFULLY CUAU'UUtfDlSlJ. irail Weiglit ! Goofl. Measnre ! ! N. B! TiS'o llcKiilrtr ritvsicians always in attendance Dr. Reber, the older, cau always bo found and js ready to give advice, and to" prescribe FREE Furnisbing medicine of first quality, and at as reasonable cbarges as caii be had elsewhere. OlUce aiii Coiisultalion Rooms Comeiiieiit to Reljor's Mi Store; Established 1867. I wolild respectfully announce to tho public that I am now fully prepared to sunply you with any thing in the line of HARD WARE OILS,' COAL -AND- This cut represents the PUMP ;g which I put up most and which has given satisfac tion every time. It is suitable for . any depth, works easy, is simple and. riot, liable . to get out of order. We are putting them in at a lively te. Hose and pump extras on nana.- specialty REPAIRS: I maie a MACHINE 0T Bauk St., Leliig'litoii: n (30113 -IS HEADQUAltTERS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE ALL KINDS OF COAL, fee.- OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street,- Leliighton, Pa; 2 Door3 aljovo t&'o " Oltl' Stand," Bank Street,- Lehlghton,' Use Thomas' Root Bcjer Extract, - One $5 cgnt bottle makes ti Barrel of goocTROO'T BEER. IOOK FOK SIGN OP Home Sviderrcr No other preparation has won success r home equal to Hood's Sarsaparllla. .'-' Lowell, Jifasp., where It Is made, It Is nc as It has beep for years, tho leading ntedicl . for purlfyh's thq blood, and toning strengthening tho system. This ".good t.ilr. at homo" Is "a tower ct strength abroad " It would Tequlre a volun -Pooplo to print aU. Lowell peor , have aid In faypr of ltoo Ot Sarsaparllla, , ,M. Alb.r. InuiVkll Estca, living at Past rit uo wo 1 1 (rcct( Lowell, for 15 year. emrloyed ns boss carpenter by J. W.Bcnmt'. president. o( tho Erld Telephone Company, had alaijeo running tore -eoma.orl hit leg, which troubled blr.1 a year, when ho licgan t takc Hood's Sarsaparllla. . Tho so'ro soon grew less hi size, and in,a short llmo disappeared. Jos. Dunphy.sMCefi; .; trr.l Street, Lowell, had. PralfJG swellings and lumps u , , on his faco and neck, nooa which IIoc-d'sBarsapa- SgrobparlllR rllla poraplotely cured. -. Mrs. O. W. Marriott, wlfo ot ha First As sistant FIro Engineer ot Lowell, says that fix IS years sho was troubled with stomach disorder and sick headache, which nothing reilcvcd. Tho attacks came on every fort night, when she was obliged to take her bed, aiid'Vi'as unablo to endure any noise. Sho took Hood's Sarsaparllla, and niter, a time tho attacks ceased entirely. y , Many raoxo might bo given had loom, On the rcfu32nendailcn of people ot Lowell, who know us, WO ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparllla Boldbyalldruzgliiti. SU.ltotf5. l'roparodoitly by O. I. HOOD CO., Ajiotllocarici, Lowell, Man loo Doooa Oiib Dollar 1 1 ELEGMT ! 1 1 i DRUG STORE; Effective & Elegant. Fancy Soaps; Biusheg,' Combii, PerfYtmory In grnvt variety and of mose excellent Good Quality!!! Re-Established 1887. 'T GOLDEN MOTAW,' ""gPIP.' 1 i i 6-1 ill 2 i 4 .i -hi 41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers