The Carbon Advocate, An iNIlEfKKIIKXT FAMILY NKwsrAritn Pub lished every Saturday In Lehlfihton, Carbon County, l'cmisylvaul.i, hy Harry V. Mortliimor, Jr. HANK STRUM". $1 00 Per Year in Advanoo 1 Hot advertising medium In tlie county. Kvery doserlptlon'o'f Plain nnd Faaey JOB PRINTING It very low price We do not hesltato to say that we are belter wjunpod than any other prlntlmt establishment In Hits, geutlou to do llrst-cUss Job-work, lit all Iti branches, at low prices. Advertising Rates For Local Notioos. The following irlcc for legal Ing Ins been adwvtod by the CAttno? Advocate. ClMTtor Xotlccs - $ 00 Auditor' Notices - - - - 4 00 Commissioner's Notices - - 4 00 Divorce NctlsX-s - - - - 4 00 Administrator's Notices - - 8 On Executor's Noltco - - 0 CO Other letfaladytMlslncttliilrecharged for $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1 .26 when not paid in Advance. VOL. XV., No. 35. Lehighton, Carbon County, Penna., July 16, 1887. Single Copies 5 Cents. by the square, H. V. Mirthlmw. Jr., PuNIsfceN ij0 Professional & Business Cards. Horaoo Hoydt, ATTOBNBY AT LAW, Ornoi-TUe Boom recently occupied by W. M. lUpjher. BAKK STREET, - - liEHIOHTON. PA. May be consulted in English and German. July -ly , W. M. Rajisher, ATTORNEY o COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND DISTKICT ATTOKXEY, First dor above UwManstou House, MAUCIl CHUNK, - - - PENN'A. nal K.stata and Collection Awney. Will Any and Sell lteal Ustatp. Coiivsyanciiis ; neatly done. Collections promptly road. Scttltun KstatMpf nee, dents A specialty. May be consulted In Eaetlsh and Uerninn. nov. a-ji H. V. Morthimor, Sr., KOTAttY POBLIC, Orrics: "Carbon Advocato " OffW, na-KK STREET. - LKlIlGltTON. All business psrtatalns to the offleo will Tea? prompt aueniion. C. V. Kleintop, Instructor in Music, RaMjliis' American Classical Methods a special ty. Terms moderate. mu n-u Henry Noli?, AT THE CAUItOX HOUSE IS NOW Running: an AccoMilation 'Bus, BETWEEN THE Hotels and L. V. Depot. Tartles called for at their Homes by Lcavlne or: ders at any of the hotels. April t, 1837 W. G. IM. Seiplo, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SOUTH STREET. - - LKIIIUHTON. Mar be consulted In Kncllsh and Herman Special attention Riven to Uyuecology. OKricit Houns-, Trom IS M. to 2 V. M..and from o to 9 1. M, mar, st-yl P. A. Robenold, D. D. S. Bn kcu Orncn : Over J. W. Uaudcnbush's Liquor Store, HANK STREET, LEUIOItTON. Dentistry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without '.tin. tias administered when requested. omco r'vs WEDNESDAY of each week. T. O. ad- r:is, MTZKNBKIM, Jan 3-y t Ildgli county, I'll. Cortright, D. D. OrrtCK: Opp. tho Broadway House," BROADWAY, MAUCII CHUNK. ratieuU have the benefit of tho latest improvo osnis In Mechaulcal Aprllaucvs and the Hot Methods of Treatment in all Surzieal Cases. ANESTHETIC administered It desired. If pos- sioit, esrsons resiaiuxouisme ni muiicu cnuiiK, shsuld make arrangements by mall. J)H-)'l EYE AND EAR. Dr. G. T. POX Visits Allontowii regnlArly on THURSDAY of taeu woeic rracuco iimiica io Diseases oftlio Eye and Ear. OITlc at Havden's American Hotel, and Office Hears from 0 A. M. to 3iM I. M. Also attends to Refraction of the Eye for the irnnr adjustment 1 masses, anu lor ine itcuci cal Detects. tliial.o ha eoiKi.lted at his ofllca In BATH. Wednssday and Saturday of each week, at RAN COR en Holiday, aud at EAS10N oil Tuesday uf eacn wees. jn i-ji CAR30N HOUSE JONATHAN KIsrLER, - - PROPRIETOR, Bias: BrausT, LmitauiuK. Th rtsrbnn House offers nrstlass aeeomnioda Hons to the tratcllng public. Iloardliu: by the car or week on reasonable tei ms. Choice Cigars, Wfuesand l.lquom always on hand. Cood Sheds, and Stables, with very attentive Hostlerk, at tached, aprio-yl PACICERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lchlglitou, LEOPOLD JIEYKU, TROP'R, PACKERTON, - TsNXi. This well-known lintel Is admirably refitted, and has the hett ueeoiniiiodatlous for Dcrmaueiit and transient boarders. Excellent Tables and the very best Liquors, siamcs atuenru. sepie-yi MANSION HOUSE, Opiioslte L. A 3. Depot, BANK STREET, . . LEH10IITON, C. II. 1IOJI, ritOI'RIETOU. This homo eltcrs nrst-ckiss accoinmndatinns for transient and pennaiient boarders. It has been newly redttcd In all Its detriments, and is locat ed In one of the most picturesque port Inns of tho borougn. Terms moueraie. wr i no ii a 11 is supplied with the choicest Wines, l.tquora and tjigars. rrcsn iigeron lap. tiprij!, Announces to his friends aud the public gener ally, that he has now open for their accommoda tion his new and handsomely furnished BBSTAU R ANT, next door to the 1st National Bank, BANK ST., Lf blghton. aud that ho Is now prepared to furn ish First-class Meals at Short Xatice ! The Bar Is supplied with the best Wines, Fresh lAgsr ucer ana uuoico Uigurs. You are cordial- y Invited to call. aprfl-l D. J. KISTLER Respectfully announces to the public that he has opened a NEW LIVltRY STAltLE.and lhat he Is now nrenarcd to furnish Teams for Funerulft. Weddlngsor Business Trips on the shortest no tice and most liberal terms. Orders left at the Carbon House" win receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel, lehighton. Jan72-yt T. J. BRETNEY Ilespoetfully announces to tba Merchants of Le Hchton and others that be Is now prepared to o all kinds ot Hadling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at r rr reasonable nrtces. By nromDt attention to all orders h hopes to merit a share of public raVTonage. Risldenre; corner ot Fine and Iron rt-eet, Lehl h on. Orders le't a Sweeuy & Ron's Forner Store r.ll! KCidrrrcdPt ttedllen W. A Lohighton Business Dirootory. JW. ltAlIDKNntlSH.Bank street, wholesale . dealer In choice Brands of whiskies, Kin, brandies, wines, &c W ratronago solicited. ESltANU'S SHAVINO SAUlON. opposlto tho Advocate OrrtCR, H headquarters for shaving and haircutthiK. Clear. & tobacco sold. GO TO Fits. IWlDEKElt, under tho ExchanRC Hotel, Hank street, for a smooth shave or u fasblonaMo lialr cut. isr Closed on Sunday's. J 4. KUTZ, Hank street, manufacturer of . choice brands of clears and dealer In nil kinds of tobaccos nnd smoker's novelties, tall. PETHIt HEIM, Hank street, dealer In ladles. Bents, misses and children's boots.shoos and sllpucrs. palrtiiB promptly attended to. Call. JAMES WALP, Bank street, steam heaters, stoves, all kinds of tinware. Hooflnir and spouting a specialty. Your patronaga solicited. IS. KOCH. Bank 'street, manufacturer of . cliolec brands of Havana cigars. All kinds of smoaer's supplies constantly on hand. Lull. n ! Cf.ABK, laKer beer hall and restaurant. on . souare. name street, tnujre wiursnn'i lluuiirs and cigars. Fresh lager always on tap. JH. WEBB, saloon and roslnorant. Bank . street, licadnuaitcrsforfrraMaiccrbcerand other drinks. Choice eatables always on hand. s. It. C.ILHAM, attorney at l.iw and tiolaVy O. public, IlanK street. May on cnusuiwu m EiikIWi and lienuau. Estate & collecting agency. CD, 11I10ADS, Ag't,, Dank street, dwdcrln . dry uoods, notions, glassware, nueeusrare. and groceries. tssSharo of palruniige toileted. THE CAItBON AHVOCATE 01'FICK, Bank street, plain and fancy Job printing a sped ly. Advocate one dollar per ear In advance. THIS 1.1.11 Kill V,liU;s l.llliuvn. .J-iuij on Bank street, manufacturers of butcher. Limited, factory irers nf butcher. baker, milk, truck nnd express wagons -a. i-a writ HUSH, wholesale nnd retail con fit fcctloncrs. Bank street, llcnlcs and parties supplied. Your patronage Is cordially suiicucu, OCHESTER BOTTMNO HOUSE, Thos. J. lleok, uaiiK sireei, lager ucer, " i"1" ginger ale, &c, lour urucrs mc nuuuivcii.& O. .1. STRAUSS, Mahoning street, fresh . milk and cream delivered every Morning. I kludsof vegetables 111 season. Low prices. GO" TO RliBKlfS DHUOOTomv v.irni?r.r TSXCHASUE HOTtN took sircc . j'l jitintt. propneior. iwicn mnun iiom REUBEN EENSTEK.MAUIliu:, iaiiukii .irevi, ilejler in dry goods, notions, provisions, Kinccrios. iiuecnsare,&c. I'atvonagfl solicited. RS. DKTSCHlltSCHSKY. (.high street. Is Iimiclnuarters for dry goods, notions, pro Islons, groceries, &c. tay-fatroiiage solicited 3 EST SOD A WATER " BANK .STREET. The Seoret Societies. K 0. 11, meet Monday evening of irh wcel In liabel's Hidl. Eagle s corillally luvlted TOIIN D. BERTOLETrE POST. No. H, tl. A .1 , uu..r1 .....1 r.mrf, Tliiirad:iv pventlll'S o J It', second aud fuurtii Thursday evenings of i month, In Rcber's Hall. Comrades Invited. each COI. JOHN I.ENTZ CAMP. No. ft',, 8. of ., E. 1-a. Dlv.. V. ., meet Wednesday even lug In Rcber's Hall. Al. Campbell, Captain, n r m-t- l.rlir nf 1i"h .VPI'I: 111 I. It'clieVs'lla:!. Bank street, nt Tao o'eloek, All Templars Invited. A. W. Holts, C. f. VM. V. A., meet every evening, execpi nuu .l.n.'u jv-ntiilr,v :iftprnnnti lectures free. Kemerei-H nan. i;t-ou am curuiuu? hiviuu, Our Churches. imiODlST EI'ISCOPAL.South Bank Mrect, , Sunday services at 10 n. in., and p. m., Sunday School . p. m. W.M. MAJort, I'.istor. p. m. TRINITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunday services. 10 :i. in., ttleriuani, ".30 p. in., (Eng- lln).nllllU.iy.HI-10012p.m. ,l. II. IVUUKIt.Iusinr. REFORMED, I'hlgh street. Sunday services at to a. in., (Herman), .m p. in., (English), Sunday school 2 p. m. (1. W. stiiiitz. Vastor. EYANiiEI.ICAL. South street, Sunday services nt 10 a. ui.. (Herman), 7.Wp. m (EnglMi). .Sunday school 2 p. in. (!. W. Guoss. Faster. CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coal streets, services every Sunday morning and evening. Uev. Hammackk, Pastor. mm 4 AT THE Central Drug Store, orr. tiik fubdic square Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Is prepared for tho SUMMER TKADE with u frcili supply of Drugs and Medicines,- Choice "Wines & Liquor. Cigars, etc. 1'rcscilptlons caiefullv ciunrHiiuided at all hours of the day or nlgliL Pull Lino of WALL P -A N D Library & Stand Lamps, in all styles, and at all prices. Spectacles fitted to the eye and satisfaction guaranteed. M. HjEILJUAK, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Miller and Dealer In Flour and Feed. All kinds of CHAIN HOUC.IIT AND SOLD at KiyJUlUl MAUKK1 KATES. I would respectfully Inform the citizens of this piaceanuwcinllythat 1 am fully prepared to supply them with all kinds ot The Best of Coal From any mine, at very LOWEST PRICES. ! jylil. M. HEILMAN. far n t nmm Ml u is nu feissprt Bnsines Directory. J. O. ZERN, M, ., W. L. KUTZ, M. D. QHS. ZEItN & KUTZ, Physicians & Surgoons. OFFICE at the residence of Dr. Zoru. WUto Street, Welssport. All calls for surgical or medical treatment will receive prompt attention. tuayU-87-tf JAUllT & SEWKLL, The Weisspnrl Bakery , Fresh Bread and Cakes uvcry day. Delivered In LclUghloii and Mauch Cbunk every Tucsdaj, Thursday and Saturday. tSP-Pknlcs, Parties, Cami-MccUngs, Weddings, Funerals supplied at short notice augusll,7-ly -piItANKLIN HOUSE, KAST WEISSTOUT, PENN'A. This bouse offers first-class accommodations to the iiennanciit boarder and transient guest, Panic pilccs, only Ono Dollar per day. nug7-iy . Joiik ItEiiitio, Proprietor. J-KATS, THE JEWEI.EH. All Kinds of Jewelry ! School Boois asi Stationery. augsut7,RC-ly. THE Welssport, Carton County, Penna., Henry Christraan, Proprietor. The public Is respectfully Informed that this well-Know house has been refitted and Improved ton (list rate, mid able to furnish the very best accummodatlous of all kinds. A Livery Stable In ennneetinn with the lintel, with amnio means to accommodate wedding parties, funerals and pleasure secKers wjiu saio xeaiuH. Iiu-imnecllonulththehutellaa FINK POOL ROOM haudsBiiitly fitted up. Apr23 s;ly OESTS WASTED t TO SELL THE NEW Improved Western Washers ! 40.000 Now in Use! And sales constantly Increasing. It ixk leads them all. Buy no other., Write for sltlvelv terms. AABOX F. SNYDElt, Mfc's. Agt.. augtS-ly Wclssiit, Carbon Co., Fa. liE I have lust opened n Coal Yard In connection with mv hotel In WEISSPORT where can constantly be found all sizes of tho Best of Coal! at prices fully as low as the lowest. Glverr.c trial and be convinced. Henry Christman, Port Allen House, Wois3port Fairbanks Standard Scales In Connection December IS, 156ly For Newest Designs ami Most Styles of Fashionablo DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods guaranteed and prices as low as else iv lino fur thesaiue quality of good l. July 13, 1881-ly 1 1MD THE Carton Advocate ! ! ! Ami get all tlio latest news, i including Interesting New York and Washington let ters. You bitter join rue. It Is the climoest, largest and 1SKST weekly paper In the LeliieU Vallev. Try It, Only $1 a Year. Circulation. ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Per Year. Single opies, FIVE Cents. Advertise in the Advocate. House und Lot for Sale. One-halt jit, 33 x 189 feet, situate on Lehigh Street, near the New Round TVu-siorv Frame House, 10 x 2S feet. A nover falling Well of Fure Water, and a number of choice Vrult Trees and Vines on the lxt A nice home for a small family For t ins, &c, call at tie cuefcCN ADVOCAir OSes, uirjc arrest . Fort Alien House I ! Jmi WIND, STARS AND SEA. nr WH.UAM rnEscoTT rosisit. The wind and the stats and the sea. What song can bo sung of these three, With words tot axe written In lines? Ah, God of Uio stars nnd the sea, The voice ot the song, It should bo The voice of the wind In the pines. The voice of the song, It should bo Tho voice m the coast of the sea, Step-mother and wrecker of ships; As deep nnd ax hoarso as tho tune Bleak Labrador sings to the moon. With rocky and cavernous Hps. The wind nnd Hie stars nnd the sea, Tho Arctic night knoweth the three; No other sojoui tier It hath, Save death and these three from ot old, To whoso abode throned In tho cold, No living thing knoncth the path. Thcio nothing to grieve or rejoice E'er lifts up tho sound of Its voice A world ere tlie birth of a soul; A thousand long nges speed by, Still glimmer the stars lu the sky, Still whistles the gale from the Polo. Amid the unharvestcd plains, Tho blossntuless land wbcra death rclsns. The wind slugs of doom aud of graves; It sings of tho days when the world Shall crumble to sand, and be whirled Like dust In the teeth of the waves. Whrre Ico mountains thunder nnd crash, Whcro frozen waves gurgle and dash. Where love never came with Its tears Like n lost world's desolate cry, Shrills sea-vt Ind to sea and to sky, Aud only the car of lod ht-.irs. Bessie's Pink Parasol. BY OEI1ALDINF. FLEM1XO. "Well, Ucsslc, lf you really want tlio pink parasol, yon must try and do without the new mantle" Mrs.Kilot remarked thought fully. "Oil, I liave set my heart on the para sol!' llessle answered promptly. Uessla was a pretty irirl of seventeen, stralslit and supple of form as a young wil low; she had a shy, sensitive face, with n lovely ulld-rosu tint changing and wavering In each dimpled check; her nut-brown hair clustered in little short, silky rings oyer a proud little head, and her long-laslird eyes were two great witching orbs of I.iuchlng, luminous brown. "You see," Mrs. Eliot continued, as she jotted down another Item to the list of ar ticles Immediately to he purchased, "you see, after Jacky's bicycle. I haven't much to spend, and, besides, I want to get Cora a nice new dress." "I don't sec why you need get things for Cora Mortimer she isn't anything to us," said Jacky, a handsome lad, nllh the laughing, shining eyes of Ills older sister Bessie. "Cora's dead mamma was my dear friend years ago; tlio poor child has been left witli very little fortune; she Is grateful for every kindness shown her, and her ward robe is anything but abundan'," said Mrs. Eliot, who was one of the most sympathetic and benevolent of women. "It wus kind of you. mamma, inviting her to spend the summer with us," said Bessie. And she shows her gratitude hy taking Waiter Vivian away from you, sis," Jacky commented, with scornful indignation in his boyish tones. What nonsense, Jacky. Your sister isn't engaged to Walter. And Cora the poor child Isn't to blatiio if ho happens to urefer her," the pleasant-featured, mlld- votccd mother said rcbuklncly. 'It Isn't a qUQitiou of preference," Mas ter Jacky returned with an air of superior sagacity. "It Is n question of Walter he- llcving that gill's fairy tales about sis and somebody elo." "Thore. never was anybody else," cried pretty Bessie, looking startled. Jacky assumed nu air, very pitying, and of vast Importance. "That's all very well to s.ay, you know; but who Is to believe Jt when you Icavo your love-letters lying around loose for that girl to pick up and read if she likes 1' he responded. "Cora wouldn't do anything so petty, so dishonorable, Bessie declared. Hut the wild rose tint had blanched from the lovely cheeks, and the great luminous brown eyes were clouded by sudden pain, Long ago her tender child-heart had passed Into the keeping of Walter Vivian handsome, fascinating Walter yellow haired and eagle-eyed grand and com manding of foini and presence, like some strong and gallant Korth King in days of old. And he had always seemed so like a lov er until Cora Mortimer had come among them. Latterly he had seemed changed some how. She no longer heard the tender, merry laugh she loved she no longer saw the tender smile in his fine eyes on bonny blue. lie had become somehow saddened and sobered, and Bessie, noticing the change, had wondered and grieved. But she was loath to bcllcvo that Jacky had solved the enigma. She refused to think 111 of Cora Mortimer of the girl, whom her mother, In simple hospitable kindliness, had made a summer Inmate of their home. And thoso love-letters had seemed such Illy, harmless things. They had been the youthful effusions of a cousin who had professed for her some. thing more than a cousinly affection. Out she had never responded to one of them; she had always snubbed tho foolish lellow unmercifully. Arid no doubt bo would now ' laugh heartily over that juven ile folly; anyhow he bad been for some time married to a charming littlt lady whom he adored. "I will think no 111 of Cora. If Waller cares for her, If be has never cared for me, I must try to be glad as long as he la hap py. And I must be kinder to Cora for his sake," she meditated, as she sat In her low- rustic rocker among the rose-viues of the veranda. They were living for the summer in an old-fashioned country house hy the sea, And Walter Vivian resided not far away In one of the grand villas which doited the shore road between her own home and fashionable resort a mile or so down the beach. The morning was perfect, and she gaied upon a scene of summer peace; but Bessie was too heavy of heart and too disturbed o mind to heed the delightful sounds and sights about ber. Walter, changed and saddened, and no longer her own, came between her an 1 tho Ight ol the sea the beautiful sea which el It t rod beneath the sun like a stre ch of eJoth-of-gold studded with rainbow gems. His voice camo between her and the aouud of tho sweet, low Wcere the breeze which was blowing halm across tho far- way bloomy hills. As she recalled all lie had been to her,all be might never be acaln, her mood altered. If It is Cora who has Indeed changed htm, if she has Indeed wilfully come be tween us, I shall hate her with an aveng ing hate. I could watch the sea close oyer her; I could listen to her last shriek, with out feeling one throb of pity or without lifting a hand to save her," Bersle thought, her dimpled fingers clinched, her luminous eyes full of smoldering flame. . Tlio hours elapsed, and Bessie, too mis erable for exertion or to note the Hying monionts, was still sitting there among the oso vines when Mrs. Eliot returned. "Here is the pink parasol, Bessie," said her mother, placing the coveted article across her lap. "It was tho last one of the lot too; there is not another of Its descrip tion to be had this side of the city." Bessie took It up listlessly and opened It. As she dtd so, there wnsa peculiarly soft sweep of drapery along the rose-trellised eratida, and a peculiarly toft voice lisped forth voluble admiration. "Oh, how too exquisitely lovelyl What too utterly delicious shade of pink! And those sweet llttl butterflies and cherry- blossoms are really hnnd-palr.tcd 1 My dear est Mrs. Eliot, Isn't It too cruel I can't af ford a parasol just like It? My darling lies le, do please lend It to me just this oncel Mr. Vivian has Just begged me to walk with him down the beach. Oh, thanks; how sweetly kind you always are!" Miss Cora Mortimer was possibly apos- tiophlzlng, thanks to her own audaclty,for she certainly had not yet been acrorded permission to borrow tho parasol. With a soft, subtle, sinuous inovemont, peculiarly icr own, alio had simply drawu It fiom Bessie's surprised and listless hands. Mlis Mortimer was a rather attractive girl, and one of stylish appearance. She had a trimly molded lliture with a certain slow, serpentine grace lu every pose and motion. She was always ptettlly dresscd, her scant, yellowish red hair was always prettily arranged. Ucr features were delicately cut, there was a pathetic and perpetual smite upon tho thin, crimson lips, and beneath the short, colorless lashes her yellowish eyes were forever blinking like those of a kitten In the sun. "Bessie will be only too glad to let you use tlio parasol, dear," said Mrs. Kliot, peaking for Benlc, who had not uttered a yllablo. Aud Mr. Vivian shall bring you a nice bunch of thoso splendid wild columbines which are swinging just the sweetest bells all down the ledges of the beach,1' Miss Mortimer lisped effusively as she tripped away. , "Isn't such exquisito condescension just oo preciously excruciating now," Master Jacky commented, with an indescribable accent and expression of mimicry, as the young lady disappeared down the path to- nurd the beach. But still Bessie was silent. Ucr lovely face was white as death, but the (lashln; eyes and quivering nostrils bespoke the tempest suddenly aroused In iter young breast. Beautiful Bos tie will .never recall the passion and pain of that hour and the aw. fill hours which came after without ashud lor. Her benumbing misery had changed to feverish disquiet. The breath of the roses sickened her; she fell stilling, choking, in tho peaceful calm about the pleasant old house. And presently In that spirit of unrest, she, too, wandered toward the sea-beach. As she walked slowly onward, her eyes fixed on the great swells as they rame tumbling in through the last gold-and-ruby splendor of the sunset, quick footsteps startled her, and she turned to look straight Into the pale, changed face of Waller Vivian. Her look of wonder puzzled him. "Is It so astonishing to meet me here?" he queried, after his coldly polite salute. 'I can see I startled you." I had supposed you were walking with Miss Mortimer," she replied simply. "1 have not had that honor; In fact, I have not met Mies Mortimer In several lays." he returned, with reserved cour tesy. And so he bowed, stepped aside to let hcrpass.and the next second she was again alone. "I'm afraid Jacky was right about Cora's ability to Invent fairy tales. Walter never begged her to walk on the beach with him that's certain," Bessie thought with scornful wonder. "But It's equally certain that even If he doesn't care for her at all he will never be the same to me again. My love Is mine no more; I must be desolate and wretched till I die," she sighed. But If Bessie bad happened to look back at that moment, she could teen her lover standing motlouless, watching her with eyes full of doubt and trouble. "It Is bard to believe tliat Bessie Eliot was but trilling with such a love as mine," he was thluking, "that while I deemed her heart responsive to my own, she was the sweetheart of another. And I cannot sup pose any man without encouragement would pen suet. Idolatrous letters. No doubt I ought to be grateful to Miss Mor timer for informing mo of this prior at tachment, but I cannot be. My Bess!c,uiy little love, Is lost to me forever." And while ho stood there yearning to follow her to clasp her in his arms and Implore her to assure him it was a miser able nightmare dream, lhat she was true and his alone, Bessie was receding sorrow fullv from his .tight. She had reached the steeper bank where the columbines swung their royal purple bells from the fissures In the many ledges when she noticed an odd bieak where the turf and earth had been freshly dislodged as if by a falling body. A closer Inspection showed that some person had Indeed fallen, and In the des cent had struggled desperately to regain a foothold. Bessie gazed fearfully down where (b yellow surf was lashing the lagged rocka below, but nothing was visible. Whoever had fallen had succeeded tUinberlnj safely back again, she thought. Slio was turning away when she espied something nodding laally, like a gigantic pink lily, to and fro in an eddy beneath tho lowermost ledge. Every vestlga of color blanched from her startled face as sho gazed. The pink something, nodding on tho ris ing tide, was her own parasol, nnd beneath it In a tangle of floating laces she caught a glimpse of Cora Mortimer's ghastly and unconscious countenance. Only a little while before Bessie felt she hated this girl with a vengeful hate. "I could watch tlm sea close over her, I could listen to her last shriek without reel ing a throb of pity or lifting a hand to save her," Bessie had thought. The sea was closing over poor, wicked Cora now, as she lay there senseless with the rising tide already creepiug about and Infolding her. For oim Instant Bessie drew a fierce breath and set hrr white teeth hard upon her whiter lips, but the next she was her own true, noble self again. There was no time to call for help; what was to be done sho must do unaided, and there was not a second to lose if sbq woutd svac the girl from death In the pitiful sen. How she clambered down tho ledge she never knew. A single incautious stop, mi atom ol crumbling earth, might have end ed her own biaye young life; but she neith er paused nor hesitated. Aud at length, with her tender hands bruised and bleeding, sho gained the low ermost ledge, ami then with one last su premo effort and with superhuman strength she drew tho insensible girl to a place of safety. As she accomplished her heroic act, an agitated voice from the bank above Bent an encouraslng call down to her. Oh, Walter!" was all she could falter forth, as a sense of blessed relief brought a burst of nervous tears. As he had stood watching her recede from sight, he had been ruled at last hy the earning of his great love, and so had fol- lowcu her. "Bessie, brave child, keep your courage until I can bring somebody," he called tenderly down to her. All tho Imperishable love of his strong true heart was In that tender, agitated call. A divine rmllc flashed thiough the tears of the lovely face uplifted toward him. Bessie needed no further Injunction to keep up her courage. She know that whatever their estrange ment had been, she was beloved, nnd she felt life to be a glorious jiosscsslon. A half hour later Cora Mortimer regained consciousness lu tho pleasant sitting-room of the Eliot house. She had been stunned and cruelly bruised by her fall, ai:d It would be weeks before she would be quite herself again. The knowledge that Bessie had sayed her life aroused all that was womanly In her false and shallow soul. "Why did vou not leave mc to drown as I deserved," she sobbed in bitter reiuorse. I told Walter what was untrue about those letters; I bald htm they were written hy a lover to whom you had long been be trothed. I thought he would learn to care for me lf I could turn his heart from you. But the cyil I have done, Bessie, I will un do." But the confession she. made to Walter Vivian was not necessary to completo his happiness. He had already achieved a happy under standing with lovely Bessie, and was only too penitent for having doubted her. 'But there Is always something lacking somewhere," philosophic Master Jacky says: "you ought to have tho pink parasol as a souvenir, and you haven't." For the pink parasol, which had revealed Cora's danger and vlilcli had hastcued a happy wedding, was submerged in the surf and lost forever. THE TASTE. One negro called to another: "Come ovah yur, Jim." "WafTur?" "Got suthin' good." "What Is It?" "Pollynarls watah." "Pooh, vvatah!" "'S good, though." "Wh.Vs tasto like?" "Like yer foot's asleep." THE KINDLY LANDLORD. Landlord Good morning. Glad to sec you dimming tho lawn. I haye a notion to reduco your rent. Tenant That would be appreciated. But was not trimming the lawn. I was gathering a few plantain leaves. Thej make fair greens for a poor man. Landlord Do you mean to say that you are supplying your table from this yard? Tenant Just a little. Landlord Dear, dear. It grieves mo to have to raise tho rent, but you know your self that no garden truck is mentioned In the lease. NEEDED MOKE THAN 0N. "John, do you remember when wo used to swing on my father's front gate?" "Yes, Maria, I do." "And tho moon used to look so beautiful, John." "It did, Maria." "And the stars were so bright?" "They were." "I wonder if the moon Is so beautiful and the stars just at bright now as they were then, John." "I presumo they are, Maria." "Then why can't we swing on the front gate now and look at the moon and the stars and the bluo night skies, with their fleecy clouds, as we used to do then?" "We can, Maria, If wo want to?" "Then, John, let us go out to the front gato for awhile, and see if It will seem any thing like it used to." "All right, Maria. You go out and try It awhile, and if you like it maybe I'll take a turn at it." . But Maria thought him too much of brute to do anything ot the kind. CUBIOUS MI5UNDEUSTANDINO. Mr. DeGallant "Isn't she charming tc- nlght?" Miss DeBeattty "She's perfectly lovely, Why don't yon go and talk to her?" "I can't get a fhauce." "She is alone." "Alouil She Is surrounded by admirers." "Oh, you mean that Miss Pert. thought you were referring to that dear Ultfe white-haired oWJadjf In the coraer." Br. W. E. G, Ugh! Xaity stuff. ApothecaryNasty, doctor? Why, it's your own prescription. Violet Ma, how do people know that it's a man in tlio moon? Mother (sadly) Because It's always out nights. A Texas newspaper has come to gilcf. The foreman locked up the forms, then the Sherill locked up the editor. Tho Beginning to the End. The beginning of disease Isu si ght debility or dlsoiderofsoinoof the vital ortaix.tlui sto.naih. mc uiur orme oowcis iMiiaiiy. mere lire uja- JJITIJIIV ly 1I!(IIU1J?, Ill,' ,l,l'l 1 iiuiimii.-3iiiiil-.iiil' skin l'iii-as lammv und unln-.Htliv l.iokliiLr. t eie are p.ihi3 III tho iisIiIlMc or through the right s louiii-ii- iii.iuu. iui) (linux is mien an uuer prostration of the physical energies, perhaps a lutal Issue. But if I tin illin.-iUtv Is mot In lime with Hosteller s Stomach Bitters, which Is always efieetlve us a remedy, and It should bo resorted tontun early stage, there will be no rea.-on In apprehend (hose Injurious suhsitimnl effects upon thu system often entailed by entirely cured diseases. Far belter Is it, ulim, to employ tills .iaie remedial ugciii in lever iiuu ague, iniuouici malarial complaints, than luiluiue und uthei notent dniirs. xihleli. even when tlii-e do nrmc effectual for a lime, lulu thu stiniiacli and Im pair mo general lienitii. Perhaps you never thought of it, but tlio most touching thing in nature Is a dog': nose. It Is said lhat apoplexy is more frc qucnt in Bordeaux than lu any other city in tho worl I. It Is so plentiful that they pu 1 in ot les and txpo t U as! kind o wine. Backlen's Arnica Satve. Tho best salvo In tho woild tor cuts. bruises, sorcs,ulrers,snlt ilmcm.f ever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re- iunueu. rnco z.ic. per oox, at mourns'. Cucumbers, college graduate's and other green things are now plentiful. Magistrate Did the prisoner uiako a full confession? Policeman No. sir. He made the confession when hu was full. Dr.t'razcr's Magic Ointment- ! A sure cure for all bolls, burns.sores.cuts, flesh wounds, sore nipple, hard and soft corns, chapped Hps and hands.. Price ."0 cents. Sold by druggists. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, O. Sold by ''. Thomas, tho druggist. "We are going to have a cold wave." said Jenks, gazing wisely at the sky. "How doyouknow?" nsked his friend. "Because my vacation begins to-morrow." Dr. Frazior's Soot Bitters. Frazier's Boot Bitters are not a dram shop beverage But are atrictly medicinal lu every senw. They act stronsly upon the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels open aud regular, cleanse the blood and system of every Impurity. Sold by druggists, $1. At Thomas' drug store. It isn melancholy fact that the brilliant banker who Is spoken of as "a young Na poleon of llnaucc" always finds his Walci loo sooner or later. An End to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Hurrirlmr, III, ays: "laying received so much benefit from Electric Bitters, I feel it my dr y to let cull' ring humanity know it. Jluvc'h I a running tore on my leg for eight ynuo; my doctors told ine 1 would have to have the bono kcmjied or log amputated. I used, instead, thro - bo llesuf Electric Bitters mid setcn l.oxts iiucklcn'N Arnica Salve, and my leg is now bound mid well." Elcc'rie Bitters i re sold nt fifty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve allioi. per box by T. I1. Thomas'. The Chiislian name, of all beggars In Mexico is 'pordioselrs," "for-God-sakes." Asa translation of our word "tramp," It is rather poetic. Hay Eeyer, Asthma. Immediate relief. Fontuttio's Cure. For sale byC. T. Horn. The next time an Englishman surcr clllously declares that this country has no ruins, just call his attention to our peach crop. Glad tidings. Belief and cure of throat and lung disease. Fonlaino's Curo is guar anteed to cure a cold in 1 hours- Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. IlerrMost says "Anarchist will male his mark." Certainly, when ho rubs up against anything. No Cure No Pay. A new departure in medicine! Fontaine's Great Discovery re moves the cause of disease; namely, dis ease germs. This guarantee means some thingfor "Knowledge Is power." For sale at Dr. C. T. Horn s drug store. An exchange announces that Tenny son's gout is well. Ibis must be a new kind of gout. For blood, liver, kidney and stomach diseases use Dr. Lloyd's family medicine no cure no pay at u. i. Horn s ueutral Drug Store. Sarah Bernhardt, on being askod by an admirer the meaning of "cotumcllfaut," replied, "Zo propalt capair." For dyspepsia or sick headache use Dr. Lloyd's family medicine no euro no pay at (J. l . Honrs central uiug buire. Traveler One day, and only once, I saw the Mikado. It was atloklo, and a sight It was. Boston Lady Excuse mr, cousin, but here In Boston we hoar operas, The Uev. Geo. II. Thavcr, of Bourbon, Ind.. savs: "Jtotn invhclf nnd wife owe our UrcH to ohilolrs Consumption uurc." Sunt by Dr. Hoin, Lehighton, and Bicry, Weiss port. Wife Oh, doctor, Benjamin seems to be wandering In his mind. Doctor (who knows Benjamin) Don't trouble about that ho cau't go far. Are you madu mlscrablo by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzincbs, Loss of Appetite, Yellow bklnr bhiloU's Vltlllzer is positive cure, bold by ur. tiorn, ivcnigiiion, anu uiery, Weissport. Two little girls of 7 and 8 aro playing together. "Aud jour papa, what docs he do?" asked one of them, "Whatever mamma says," Why will you cough when Bhiloh's Cure will lm'vo immediate relief. Prico 10 cts.. 60 cts. and SI. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehigh ton, und Diery, Wcibsport. Lifo Is very cheap in Savannah. A mau killed another in that city the other day for stepping on ills dog's tall. Sliiloli'i Catarrh Ileinedy a positive cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria and Canker Moulli Sold hy Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Bicry, Weissport. Book Agent Is the lady of the house in? Servant Maid There are two ot us. Which do you want to soe. Tens of thousands of Colds lead to Con sumption, Fevers, Settled Coughs, Asthma, CronchitU. Cronn. Wooplnu Cough. iSic. Immediate relief by Dr. Scth Arnold Cough Kilter. Physio la necessary at times for Biliom.. nest Costivenrs, &c. Use Dr. Scth Ar nold's Bilious Pills. 25c. Mothers, teething and fretful children need Dr. Arnold's boKlblng and Cordial. ;DiUsUt,2oe. THE GREAT LIVtR DISEASE. SYMPTOMS? 5 wilt) brown dirt pain ft tli mistaken for khehmAtfiin 1 1 Hitler cr b.d I..U In tnotthl 'ue to.ioa nunc lorcieii Lick. tide, ur loliiL wftcn mistaken for khekmstiiiHi nnur .t(,iHf-h 1am orap- Kvtltf lometimrf pauMft V..1 s-,tTth, .llulRi v nrt ftt-M Miitillon lMiklll iujice.ii.Hi : Jomcls rostUs and hi, headat'lid 1 of mnroTyUh ft painful ci tation cf h?in fitted to do omrtWV whkh ought O nam ueen uonet atDllilTl tow spinrsi luivfrnow fppcjrancecf the lkln ind e)ei t idrycpugtn ferer, ! nsnel , the urine i t:nty nnd hijjb-wloredi uid, if allowed to ftiaud, depusiu ft icUimcnt SIMMONS LIVEII REGULATOR, l'UHELY VKGIiTAULK, AN tfftCTUU SPiCinC rOA Malaria, Dyspepsia, CoiistlimHou, llllluusness, Sluk Headache, Jaundice, NaustiA, Colic, Mental Depression. Uowel ComplMntS, Etc, Etc., Etc., Is generally used In the South to Mthim the Tor pid Liver to a healthy aflion. Il acts wldiout disturbance to tSt system, diet or occupation. It regulates tho Uvor, and causes the bile to act as the purge. The excess of bile being removed, a tonlo effect -Is produced and health U perfectly restored. The Itcgulator Is given with safety and the liapplest results to the most ddlcate Infant, For all diseases In which a laxative, altera tive or pnnrotlve Is heeded It will give tho most perfect saii.facTlon, The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in tho World I ( THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS X LIVER REGULATOR I See that vou gtt the genuine, with the red on front of Wrapper, prepared only if J. H.ZEILIN & CO., u raorairroas. PHILADELPHIA, VK E. F. Lucre tfBACH, DAALEIl IN WALL PAPERS, Borders & Decorations, Bools, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Window Shades & Fixtures, Latest Styles, made and put up. If deslrea. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Hancli CM. Pa. Below the Broadway House, Sale Bills Printed at this Office; HEADQUARTER forJEWELM Opposite Hie Carlion House, Hume Hired, Lehigh ton l'ciin a., sells W atclies ! Clocks and Jewelry, Cheaper on an uver.iKu than can bo bought any where elMi In the county. Call and soe. REPAIRING In all Its branches, neatly, cheaply nnd prompt ly aiiunueu lu. ALSO A FULL LINK OF School Books AM) Stationers Supplies noveniber 28 ly U.S.LITZENBERG, ato .Special Kvainluer U. H. Vcuslou tllllce.) Military Claim Apt, W ALT .ENT ) WN, Pknna. , rn.nn.ilA. r-l.llt1t Till- lVnflltlS. IllCrft.'lSQ (if Pension, llomity and all manner of claims aifalust the t'overuuicnt. Ten years exi!lenco In the Pension business and marly Uveas bpccialtx audncr lu Hie U. . Pension Oftlco. I make, a specially of increase ciaimes. JIav21-m U, B. L1TZ12NI1EK11. 0. W. SNYDER, D. y. S, Mansion House, LehlEhton, Uutlre attention devoted to tho diseases preva lent nmoiiLst domesticated animals. Casuuiioii, peiforined with the L'cnsseur It deslr:U. Order by mall promptly attended to. All the latest and best news; The Abvocatf, $1 per year; 50 cents, six months. SWEENY'S er Store ! Finest Forolean Dinner Sots; Tie Famous Belmont Sliap. 103 I'lccos lltiluiottt Dinner Scls j Wft icily Ilrcoratiou, $22.00. 103 rifcesHelmoutliliinorSctsj Elgin Decoration, $20.00. 103 l'Icces Belmont Dinner Sets; MerU din Decoration, $17.00. 11 rircrs Berlin Tea Sct Iludsuu Decoration, $5.S0, 14 I'ircrs Berlin Tea Sets Cnmhridgo Iifcoiiitlnn, l3l.l!S. H I'lt'ces Dirllu Tea Sets; FalrmotiHt Decoration, $0.50. 40 Pieces Wltlto Granite Wore, Only $8.00. The above Goods are Guarrnteod agaiusi C ruling mid arc of lite best Chinawure, p, M. Sweeny, 8c Son, AT- The CORNER STORE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers