w ... spR- w. 1 ..u., m.i minim uiiuiiiuiiiihmmmmwmhimMHHIMHHHHRHHMIIRMIIHH FrflnbP.llinnl D K a x aeon Horso-Shoor & Blaoksmlth, Koith Sticot, Lchighton, I'enna. The undersigned having purchased tho Carbon Ilouso lllacksnilthSstand, Is prepared to do any thin'? tn his line nt tho verTlowest nrlees. Don't fall tn call. All work dune in the best manner and at low juices, FRANK P, DIEHL, Mayil-6ra North Street. Lchtghton. ASTHMA AND REMEDY. rTiixfnrr RtriifreTi1 2a vrar. hetwoen life and death with Asthma or rirrrlisic, treated by emtr.ent physicians, and receiving no bc'iefU.T. was mini clU'il during the Ust Syears ot my Ill ness to sit on iny chair day and night rasping tor breath. My safferlnns were hej mid descrip tion. In despair I experimented on myself hy roninonndtnR roots nucf herbs and Inhaline; tho medicine rhus obtained. I fortitnatelvdlscnvorcrt this WoNDEIlFUI.CUltR KOK ASTHMA ANDCA TAlircli, worranted to relieve the most stubborn rase ot Asthma In Vivv. Mint'teh, so that the patient can Ito down to rest nnd sleep eninfoit nhly. rieine read tho fonouhiK condensed ex tracts trom ttnsollelted testimonials, nil ot re cent date i otlvrrV.lt. llnlmes, San Jsie, Cal., writes: "1 find the remedy nil and even more than rep resented. I receive Instantaneous relief." K. M. Carson, A. it., Warren, Kan., writes: "Was treated by cmlnentphy.ilel.insof Ihlseoun trvnnd Germany: tried the climate of different state nothing aflVmledicllef like vouvpripira tlnn." L. n. Fherps,F. M.,Orfi.X!,.nhlo;wvlteif '-Suffered wrtli Asthma in years. Your medicine In .1 minutes does innrc fur me than the most emi nent phvslclnn did for ine In three years." II. (. Plimpton, Jollct, 111., wi lto.s : "Send Ca tarrh Rtm'ify at once. Cannot get alonst with out It, 1 Una It tn be one of the most valuable niedlcliiei I have cvertrled." We have many other hearty testimonials of cure or relief, and In ordev that all sufferers from A'sthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever, and kindred di seased mav have an nnoortuii tv of testmir the value of the. Remedy we will send to imv nddros TRIAL PACKAGE 1'KISE OF CIIAlCnH. 11 vnnr rii-nemst rails to keen ft dis not nermtt him to sell you some worthless Imitation byhlsrctv- reseutlnir It to be Just as good, hut send directly to us. Write your name and address plainly. Address, .1. ZIMMERMAN i CO., Wops,. Wholesale Druggets. Wooster, Wayne Co., O. Full size box by mall JIM, Jtdyafy DatarfsI ELY'S CREAM BALM JSmsSB Cleanses the Head. Allays Inflamation Heals So res. Restores the Senses, Taste Smell, Hear ing. A rvic7c - F.EVE K Hive Cure. X particle applied Into each nostril and Is agree able, rrlco co cents at-drugglstsi by malt. regis tered, CO cents. Circulars tree. ELY liltos., urnjElsts, owego ,N, Y ucj'.mbku Henhy Miller Weissport Planing MANUFACTURER Olf Window and Doou Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sashes, Mouldings, Brackets AND DEALER IN All Ms of Bressei Lmabsr, Shingles,. Pailingsv Hemlock Lumber, &c.,.&c Very Lowest Prices. Apr. w y. Tho Common Sonso LIFT and FORCE PUMP Makes a complete Fire Deiai1nient for any Country Home out of a isiuiimm wond pinup, at l very small cost. ortli Fifty Times lU Cost If T" ik i puiuianrc,aui extremely nanuy lot lots of other things. Heady for action lu unulelitti of a minute. KuerKetlc business men whuulllKlvfltt proper ttteullou are nnntod lo bundle tills iiumniii very town lu Femisylraidi, Nevv Jersey. Mary- kiid will bo accorded Iho control of saltableter' hwij uui nircHuy ucvupitHi, CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, MANUFACTURER Of all sites and stlus of wood iniuips, OfflCe: 24 N. U. ClTV IlALI. S)IIA11K, Oposlto llroad St., BUitlnn V. It. it.. I'lHI-AHEU'llU, l'A. (ill 16 1st eow Get tho Advocate, Subscribe for the Advocate. $1 n year the Advocatc rU thf latest and best ueivs. P. I 1 BEL AS WE CLIP MOROSU'IES. What Is ttiere to excellent as tlio spectacle of an oM man who believes In Ills fellow mr-n? It was a cloudy day for tlic man who went up In a balloon. Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world wo live tn I Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glen? and oceans, anil thousands of means of enjoyment. Wo can desire no better when in perfect health; but linw often do the majority of people feci Ilko giving it up disheartened, discouraged anil worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every niH'erer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Oitr.KN's Acousr KLntVEn, will nia'te them free from diseate, as when born. Dyspepsia and l.iver Com plaint are tho direct causes of seventy-five per cent, nf such maladies as Ililiousness, Indigestion, Sick. Headache, Costivcness, Nervous Prostration. Dizzineti of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distress ing symptom. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful eli'ecl. Sample bottles, 10 cents, Try it. Cultlvato forbearance till your heart yields a flno crop of It. Pray for a short memory as to all unktndness. Lord bless yon I There nln't notbin' in a man's house, n'r In the wide world, that can take the place of. babicsl Ought to ba Known by All t The wonderfully quick and certain re lief afforded by Fontaine's Cure In cases of cold, cough, croup, bronchitis nnd as thma. It will cure a cold In 12 minutes I The lint dose will filvc relief. It will cure croup in as many minutes. A child 8 lltn may be saved by us timely use. it is a radi cal euro for Asthma. It should always be lit the house, ready for an emergency. Can on, or any person alloru to take a risk. when you can absolutely guard against UV WhoopliiK-cougli, consumption and bron chitis will Yield to this medicine, when Mners have failed. Sold at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store. -The most delicate, tho most sensible of all pleasures consists In promoting the pleasures of others. The only rational living is well-bred respect for your stomach and bodily ac tivity lu the open air. Your Home oa Fire Not the house of wood, or brick, or stone rn which you live, but your bodily tenement may be in terrible danger from smoulder ing fire which you mukonoeflbrt to quench. Tho great danger from impure blood is that it debilitates the system, and tho digestive organs grow weak and inactive. Hood'i, Santa pari 1 la combines the bcit kidtiev and liver iiiviuraiurs, wjui mo ucbi aucraiivcs and tonics, all from lh3 vegetable kingdum, ii l i .1 i. . ,. caretuiiv nn.i iinucrsiaimiiigiv prepared in a concentrated form. It purities, vitalizes, ml enriches the blood, mid tones un tlic ysteni, giving tlic whole bodv vitality, and ellectually guarding it against tho attack ot uiscase. -You cannot dream yourself Into a character; you must hammer nnd foige yourself one. It is the man who goes tip In a balloon on the Fourth thai is most sure of having a high old time. All medical authorities agree that catarrh is no more nor less than an iiiilammation ol tlic lining membrane of the nasal air pas sages. .Nasal catarrh and all catarrhal illtctions of the head arc not diseases of the blco.l, and it is a serious mixtaku to treat theni as such. No conscientious physician ever attempts to do so. It is held by emi nent medical men that sooner or later u epecilic will be found for every disease from which liumanity Millers. The facts justii'v us in assuming that for catarrh at least u uisitivo cure already exists in Klv's Cream Balm. The black, kid glove thai will not crook Is as far oil as the elixir of perpetual youth. Grand temples are built of small stones, and great lives made up of small events. Ladies will find relief from their Costivc ness, bwimming in the Head, Colic, Sour Stomach, Headache, Kidiuy troubles etc.. uv i.inuiy it iilso oi ouumous uiyer licguin tor alter dinner or supier, so as to move the bowels once a dav. Mothers will have better health and the babies will crow min e robust by iisincr tlic lteirulator. 1 fan infant shows signs of Colic, nothing like a few uiojra in oaier ior reiiel, alio ucnuillu Hat the red A on front of Wrapper. Modesty Is to worth what shadows are in a painting; she gives to it strength a. d relief. Hay Fever, Asthma. Relief cuaranterd l'ontalno's Cure. For salo bv C. T. Horn. Actions, looks, words, steps, from the alphabet bv which you may spell characters, AO Cure JiO Iw. A now ilenai turn In mi-meal science! x'ouiaiue s cine fr thrnn and lung diseases has cured after all othet remedies failed.. For salo at Dr. C. T. Horn's druy store. Xcxt to acquiring good friends, the best acquisition Is that of good books. Dr. Lloyds family medicines no cure no pay at u. T. Horn s Central Din: Store. -Chance opportunities mako us known lo others, and still more to ourselves. For Ilheumaiism use Dr. Llovd'n fam. lly medicine no cure no pay at C. T. uorirs uentrai urug store. Conscience Is tho voice of the soul; the passions aie I lie. o!ce of the body. Hackuielack." a lastine and fraerant perfume, l'rice 23 and CO cents. Sold bv ur. Horn, Uelnghton,aiid Iiierv, 't-iuiiort -llie word "Impossible'' is tho mother tongue of little souls. Klliloll'a Giro will immedintelv Croup, WhoopiiiL' Coned anil Hnmclililu Sold by Dr. Horn, Lchighton, and Uicry, 11 I IDOJ'UI I. ilan cannot live exclusively by Inlclll genccaud self-love. For Dysnensia and Liver Cnmnl.ilnt vm. have a printed guarantee on every bottlo of Shiloh'a Vitnlizer It never fails to cure. bold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Bicry, Love Is a ssyere crltla. Hato can par don more than love. A Nasal Injector free with each lmiilo nf aiiuon s unarm uemedy. 1'iico fiO cents Sold by Dr. Horn, Lchighton, and Biery! The chronic deadhead looks'upou tho Interstate Commerce law as a thing of llits passed. Are you weak nnd wcary.ovcrworked and tired? Hood's ijarsaparilla is jutt Iho modi cine to purify your blood and r-ivn v,, ,.... i: - - ' niicitj;iii. l ins is a glorious and a favored land for fellows who don t gel left. Every recommendation of Dr. Setli Ar nold's Cough Killer is warranted genuine, and One Thousand Dollars will le paid by i.uiJ,,ci(jio u. mis rcmeuy io any per son, who, upon iiivestigntiou, finds tliit siateincnl to lie untrue. For xalo bv nil druggutB. Price 25e. 60c. and fl.Oi) per bottle. ' Dr. Scth Arnold's Soothing nnd Quieting Cordial for children, ltctojimcnded by mothers nnd mutes. 25c. Mrs. James Brown Vottcr Is a poter. You can buy her phutographs taken In 140 different attitudes. None of them, how oyer, Include the attitude necessary In sew lug on her husband's trouser buttons or dclng up his other shirt Domestic life has no finer picture tf conllndiug love than that of the husband wearlnt; a smoking jacket of hit wife's malms and Irvine to make believe that It 1 1 u Uai diTloely E1SKINE f'Tho Now QuininoJ GIVES M Appelilc. Kcw Slrenst h Quiet toes. appy Days. 3wcet Sleep. A rOW-lilt lUL IOjYIC. that tho most detlcato stomach will hear. A SPECIFIC VOli MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And alt derm Diseases. TUB MOST SCIENTIFIC AND fiUCCKSS FUI. 1U.0O1) rUUiritlt. Snperlurtonnliilno. Mr. 1'. A. Miller, B30 Kast isoth street, New York, was cured bv Knskine of pltreme mul.lrl. Hi prostration after seven years snfferlus. Ho He had run doivn from 175 imunds to P7, becan on KasUlne lu June, lfi5, went to work In one month, regained Ids full weight In six months, (lululno did him no Rood whatever. Mr. Uldeon Thompson, tho oldest and one ot Iho most respected citizens ot PildReport.Conn., savs: "I am ninety years ntiigc. and for the last thrso years have suffered from malaria and the clfecti nf iiiilnlne poisoning. I recently bcitan with Kaskluu which hrnke nn the malailannd Increased my weight T2 ponnifs." Kasklne ran Im taken. wtthont any special mcdleal ndTlce. SI.ODiier bottle. Hold by T. 1). THOMAS,, LelilRliton, I'a., or sent by in:ll on receipt of price. Tho Asent for KASKINK has on pnhlle ex filhitlon a remarkahlo Manikin, or model of the human body, slinwlmc the stomach, heart, limes, liver, snleln, kldnrvsimd other organs nnd parts In heauli and lu disease, lly nn Inspection the alllleted rim seo the nature and location of their troubles ami learn how KASK INK relieves and cures iiiem, Tlin KARKINK CO.. deel-ly BWnrren St, New York ELY'S CREAM BALM It not a liquid, snuff or poirder. Applied into nottrilt is quickly absorlrd. It eleanMa Vie head. Allays inflammation. Jlcalsthe sores. Jieslorcs thestnaes oftattt and smell. COcentt at Vrugnhit; hy roufl, reglelmd, CO cents. ELY BROTHERS, Dnisslsls.OTfcgo.NY. CURED! 1 tit ftP TRIM Tisrcc th moit lkrtllcal ft most Tlulent attack: lunuref comffirti.lil1pfm.H tf ilccta cures vhoro till otbrr rcnirilieii fml tl pin wining lor rrbuiiA. jih nciinn is iiiinicainif! nircri .itnu rpi inin riiu h: curom cllectcdln all CUKA.ll.Ii tJAM.s it pcrmaacuu area n. atar to n tt ir unc," J uul, j inn tl Diftn Anlimnt-l 'X ftfn votlret rtitor U fackhh toy bcr'mi rnrt." That, i'ttl-m. aormta litbma rrt I aUTcsclftJia ftfiu ltccicrl My r'hyiltorttomenil4 Germia Aithois Curt. ItLJ enrat lua." itrt.lt f Tt,t,kt I nt... Il rJTbi&u4 of tUulur Lrltrn ca flU . JUL anj tfracrlrlF. ncrmnn Anllimn (!m-e In rtAA v nil 1ir-K irifltiat fiOc.aud Sl.nr mint bvteflt n rrfcir-iri v04 if v; Vf "it?.1?". Central Carriage Works, ilauk Lehigliton, Pa.; ) UOUlQl Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, la the molt snbetantls manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices Repairing Promptly Attended to TBEXLEU & KKEIDLER, April 29, 188 yl rroprletori. Red Jacket Force Pump any Depth of well. for Slncle Cylinder, ... Double " No l'nclthiK-box Pump. $18 0(1 I' l 00 Buckeye Force Pump up Seventy-five Feet. to Single Cj Under, Donblu " SH 00 18 60 Rumsoy Foroo Pump, $13.50, Depth up lo seventv-flve feet. Rumsoy Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty feet, sa.00. Iron CMeru Pump from WOODEN PUMPS AND CHAIN PUMPS. FIVE tier cent, off fur Cash. JOHN II. II. ACICXlt. Ancnt, Wki.l Hinkeii nnd CisTKit.v Iti'iLiiKn. Hank way, Lehigliton, opiwsltetliuold l'rlntlncrOlllee, uov.ia, BO,-yi TAN". 'm-:iK f.pfl lTHf ir.-ia jii.oxriiKs. m.Acit iii:ads. nie., lcavli.g tlio skin Huff, cluir and UwuilfiiL Touch with tills rmniKiund tho soft lily cliwk. And the briulit flow will Lest Its virt ilea trwak, Aho Instruetlons for proiliicliis a luxuilant KrowtlioflialronnliaM h.-mt or sniooth foco. AJJress A. D. fSTtm'tu CO Aim St., New York WORKING CLASSES MJHEfJ nureil to furnish it classes with I'lnpliijiiieiit ai lionie, lliu whole nf 1 lie time, nrlor their spare moment. I'.iislncs ueir. llRht and profitable. l'rnoni of either rx t-asily earn froinM cents to S5.no ier ci'iilni;, niiil 11 nroiiortlonal sum liy Ue. vntini; all their time to llm business. Hojh ami lilrls earn nearly as much as men. That iill uho are llili may semi their Hililri'ti and tektthc buslnciu, w e make this offer. To such a are not well Katlificd we ullleend one dollar lopayfoi tt.n trouble of nrltlng. Full paHirulani and out tit free. Address UKOnuu Btinso.s & Co.. l'oit au, Maine. dcclfi-lv. In bo maoo. Cut thl out nnd re linn to ns. nnd we Mill tend jou fill soinelliliti! of crcitt value ui.d Im IMirtunce to jou, ttiutnlll Mart joulii busmesf which will lirlnK i on In moro money rizlit nnu than an) thine else In tUis world. Anyone uui du me wnrK iiim inti in nome. tinier bcxi an uuch. rnnirtlilug new Hint Just toliii liMiney for all winkers. V illl start oii: imuIUI nut iicmli-.l This Is oue of tlic itrniitui', iiiiiuiriaut clianres of a llfi'tiuie. TIkuu who are ambitious and enter (insiiiK win nor utia. lir.uiu muni tree. Ad dress TltiiK c Co., Auinista, Maine, dtcis-l) AFFLICTED ayeUNFORTUN ATE After all others fail consult aa H. 15th St., below Callo wMU, Phlla., Pa. SO ytar.prlcntehiUKtM'.'IAI, ilUc.it. Per mancnllr retiorca lhot wc.Vrned by tail' Inditcre tloiu fte L'allorvtuc Advice free and .irlctly con. Wcnn.L Ileun ii.mSi.ud to. tvtcinji. ! re 1 i iimr-fever St. BE YOUR OWM DOCTOR. THE QRANDCST Remedy of the Age. -CUSHMAN'S-' MENTHOL INHALER, AfTanta quick relief of Nouralpln.Hoadacly Tovor, rir'Sitlifartlrai piiritWd or monur nt aaiai. Biz ornt In tUmin. and thp Inh.l.r will ,-, J7.H-., i. ckII, puatnii. mid, and If, at the utlnllon 01 Srsdura tromfla receipt roa are not uUifrrd Trltb It. riTacii, ' rn it. d,i ii rcccirea la eoua ooodltlon. roar raonar will bo turandnt Linuuiua (mimoniau nulled Ire.oa tpeuoatlon ' H. CUSHMAN, Tlirco nix-nro. STIrlv. nf S5..iS85in 'A TENTS ! ! FRANKLIB II. HOUGH, Solicitor or American -& Foreign Patents 025 F et., near U. 8. rnlcitt Ofliee, WASHINGTON, D. C. All business before tlnlted States Patent Ofllce attenilerl lo for moderate fees. Patents procured in ine iMiiien niiurs anil an Foreign iminiries. trade Marlt and Labelt reirlstercd. Heleeled nnnllcnllunH revived nnilnrnsecnted. infiirina. uon nun nnviee as in ooiaming l aicnin rnecr fully furiilKlird witliont charge. .Send Sketch or Model for ! r.nic opinion as to rntemauilltv. Agency in the U. S. possesses superior actitttc3 for ootntnni! i'ateiits or asccrt.iininc; the I'atentabll itv of Inventions. Copies of patents furnished for 23c. each. W Correspondence solicited. (cnr. $1 13 "WEEKS. :o: Tho POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, eeurely wrafpeil, tn any address in the Uni ed States Tor three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed lo nostmnalors. apenis and ciuua sample copies mailed treo Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, May 30,I885-ly Franilis Eqoabk, N. Y. Subscribe for the Caimon Advocate $1 por year. Tnc clicanest and best. SHERIDAN'S CONDITION POWDER Is sbnolntcljrjiTiro nnd Mphlr ronrenfratrd. Ononnc Ii north a noitnd of nnv other khid. It In Uriel ly a medicine to w clvf n 1ft fU. Nnthlnc on coiih w IH rmVo hens lay like It, It cure chlcVrn cholrra and all diicnifi of hen. Uwortli Itswdcht In crold. IUui fr.it rd book br mull frm. Sold evirywherc, or f nt hy mM for 2 cents In stamps. IV-lh. tin ran, f I; by mi'l, f l.'JO. Fix rans In fitprtnn. rn pnM. fr IHU 1. B. JQUXSQX : CO.. Uoatun, 51ns ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Royell & Co., Newspaper Advorti.lng Bureau, IO Spruaa St., New York, Bond lOcts. for 100-Pmqo Pamphlet. TO CONSDHPTIYES. Tho nndorslgnod having been re stored to health by simple means, aftci sufforinj? for sevcrul years with a tevere lunrr affection, and that dread discaso Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers tho means of euro. To those who desiro it, he will cheerfully send (frco of charcc) a oopv of tbo prescription used, which thoy wiU find' a sure euro for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. Ho hopes all suflorers will try his Remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Those do slring tho proscription, will please ad dross, Itirv. Edwaiid A. WlLSOS, Williamsburg. Kings Co., New York. MM i Btubri lipxu I bv W&l BaUlbrClumu Address a GENTLEMAN, vous Prostration, Seminal 'Weakness, Prcmatii.ro Decay, and all tho ovil ef fects of early indiscretion and youthful folly, is anxious to mako known, to others tho simple modo of self-cure. To those who wihh and will clvo him their symptoms, ho will Bend (free) by re turn mall a copy of tho reclpo so suc cessfully used in ins case, 41IUll-l ill whuuvmw, j dn in inij PiH""W,v, 43 Cedar St.. N. Y. 5 BEEE'S IHP6MD tlBCSUflSiW-UllU ACCURAIt Atg DURABLE. 1 1I turlsai, l-rtuin, II IC MiiFtimruBiTn. MAIXH UION WUSIU, BaE RAINBOW RUPTURE RELIEF , UURE. Blmple, ar., relUMo and a Mrfact rMaluai It I. not a Yrus. ttorn UajriiTiSwi'IiWi? S.ld. ata acarn, k.l thaw wtia rlla to SUuua Oo.,1'o.IIm4. .i.,,ll r, rra.. fall larotm.llon about waik wttlcb tUtr caa do. and ll.au hum.lh.i .in ... tbam fram tA t& Mr da. b.u arala..tt'd laad.r Ellb.ri.l.ycmnituald. Capllil bo nQilred. Yog ar. Hartl It. Tbo.a aho nan .1 iut, aiaaUUaulf aura at mo liula rotfcwu. XII U UK Cure mnrAntPMl iiyI)r.J. II. Mayer, iciiou,fniia. .. . . i . r-iseaionce. No oncrallbll or tiuilni.a ilMnv 1 1tntt.q..!. ... cures. At Ktystoue House, lfeadliif, Ta., 2nd Saturday of tacU uioulli, Kiud tut rkeuLus jl. srFARmns7To7sr I TK feJtM&i Ii DURABLE. Z kuitveiivv luttlMl OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. Hcmember This. Job work at this office. Subscilbe for the Advocate. Our circulation Is rapidly Increasing everybody reads tho Advocate. Advertise your tales In tho Caiidon Advocatb. Tbo latest local news the Advocate. You can havo salo bills printed at this offlco while You wait. ' All will do well to liavo their salo bills printed at this office. A position In our 'Public Sale Register" is worth consider able. Salo bills, picnic bills, and horso bills printed while you wait. Subscribe for nnd read the Advocate. $1,00 per year all the news. Job work of all descriptions at this of fice. Low orices. nursery Stock. Edward O. Graham, the popular and well known Nurseryman of Rochester, N. V., desires to makeairangements with one or two live, energetic men to tako orders for his Nursery stock. He lias a choice stock, including fine specialties. His In ducenients to beginners are particularly advantageous. He fulfills all lie promises, and Kuarantccs to furnish strictly first-class stock, no can clveactlve, square, uprleht lueu good positions, nnd desires to com munlcato with a few such men, wlih a view of securing their services. Write to him as soon as you have read this for terms and full particulars. Remember, only square dealing men need apply. Addross, Edw. O. Guaham, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. V. Cw. Farm and Garden Notes. Early-cut hay, cured green, gives color and flavor to butter. The land planted with early peas and beans may be made to carry a lato crop of squashes or cucumber plckels. A little nioro caro for tlie ornamental trees would add greatly to tlio beauty and value of tbo farm homestead. Tlio grcUcst economy In growint; corn consists In tlie manner of planting Itby listing, afllrms an advocate of this plan. Upon the first appearance of holes In tlie currant leayes apr.lv white hellebore, Mulch the bushes; Hits will prolong the season. Celery plants are sometimes set out on land adapted to tliem after clearing off early crops of spinacli, onions, lettuce, etc., ami plowing. wire netting, two Incli mcsli, Is now cheaper than boanls as material for fencing poultry, and can be more easily arranged witli less labor. As a rule allow a newly planted grape vine to bear but a single slioot. Do not allow voting vines to overbear. Two clus ters are enough. i oung cattle should not ba allowed to Krow fat, and young dairy cattle least of all. Oats nnd bran aro tho best to feed the calves in addition to the hay, ns they are not fat-forming. "Tlio earlier fruit Is thinned the more profitable tlin operation," says the Ameri can Agriculturist, "If one lias fine early apples, peaclies or pears for a new market." No farmer need sit down and expect ome one to furnish lilm n ready-made sy 'em or plan of conducting tils farm. He must inalte it himself, Is tlie opinion of an icule agriculturist. At sheep shearing employ only skilled ml careful hands. Care In folding the fleece affects Its price. Tlrks will leave the shorn sheep and go to tlio lamb.. which should be dipped into tobacco or other dip. T rhori.tng plants for bedding, those that combine fino flowers In profuslon.wlth asbort stemmed stocky habit, presenting a round pleasing bush, with tho blossoms a llttlo above the fotlaga ara to bo pre ferred. A grower of forest trees In Kansas plants the trees two feet apart, in rows eight feet from each other, and In this space raises a row of corn and pcfatoes each year until tho Irres are large enough to shade the ground. Sheeu multiply fast and returns come from them quickly. The owner of a well managed flock has wool lo sell In the Latter part of spring, lambs In midsummer and mutton at other times of year, besides sup plying his own table. The nnterrhlnnm, which used to be known almost wholly as thn snapdragon and which few persons who grow It call by its proper name even now. Is one of our standbys among flowers. It Is a perennial, but it will bloorn well the first summer. Ono of thn best border plants Is the aslllbe. It has very protty foliage, above which Its plumes of purest white flowers are borne In an airy, graceful fashion which makes It a conspicuous object wherever seen. Very easily grown and always a favorite. In haying, be ready to cut a field as soon as tho grass Is In proper condition; a delay of a few days will greatly Injure the quality of thi hay. Io not start thn mower nntll the dew Is off, nnd cut only so much as can be well cured and cared for. nay caps often pay for their cost in ono slnglo sea son. The following is said to be a good butter test: l'lace the butter In a deep glass vessel, nn ordinary test tube will do; let It remain pear the fire where It will keep melted for several hours; the lot It solldfy. The pme butter will bo on top. Tlie remainder will lie tallow, lard or other adulteration used, and distinguished by Its color from tho yellow butter. It is best to teach little chicks to eat cracked com nnd wheat when about three or four weeks old. If fed continually on such food they will take no other, and will eyen do without rather than eat grain. The only trouble with soft food is that It digests so rapidly that if given all their crop will hold, in two or three hours it is empty, then they are hungry all ntejitlong. A good feed of cracked corn and wheat at night will keep them contented. Excitement In Texas. Great excitement has been caused In the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by tlio remarkable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so hclplcKs he could not turn in bed, ur rah. his head; everybody bald he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discoicry was sent him, Finding re lief, he touch t a large bottle and a box of Dr. KinJNew Life Tills: by the lime lie had Uken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of tho Diicoveryjie whs well and bad gained in f!eh thirty-six pajnds. Trial bottlm of this Ureal Discovery for ' couiiumplion free nt T. D. Thomas' drug store, Call, Examine, AND Be Convinced THAT YOU CAN HAVlf rilOUHAMMES, INVITATIONS, I'AMniLETS, oiRoui.Ang, TICKETS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 131LL HEADS. ENVEr.OPE3, STATEMENTS, 11US1NKSS OAIJDS, DODOEKS, nnd mcrclmntilo printing of nil kinds executed nt the lowest possible mtcs. Our work will be found equnl to that of nny office in the county, nnd will be done nt the time promised. Carbon Advocate JOB ROOMS, Bank St., Lehightno. CO For Sale by A. WHO 13 UNACQUAIKTZO WITH THE SEE CV CXAMIiUHQ CKICAG miunf SMI I S&xlp i a o u s i mm vtexzr. " " ' ' : f. ROCK ESL&RSD & PAOSFSO l'Y By reason of Its central pssttlon. clooa rtlntion rirlaclpal linen East ci Chlenpo nn'! continuous Htiea nt traliiaf points West, lcrthwcjf ami BoutUwctt 13 tho only truo roidaia-Enlt in ta.it IroassciDtinOTtal Byttsra -which Lavllcs nan lacU ltatco travel nnd troSlo In oltior dlraotion between the Atlontio and Pacific. 'f he Itock Islam inaii line nnd brnnches lncla.la ClUcajrOoIollat, Ottawa, Ln Baue, J'ooria, tlcaosoo, rocouno and aocK uns, wasftlr.eton, i'aivuoia, ot lilolnss, Inrtlamla, Wintercit. lT.nR.v Plh, It- r.rirjnT.. T.AaTfAnvmrtri KUnnoapoUs nn:l St. Paul, In l'linucsota; Watcrtowa in Dakota, and hundrcda of intormcdlalo citiaj, towna and villaca. THE GiliiT ROCK ISLMflD KOWTE Guarantees Bpeod, Comfort and Safety to those vrlxo travel over It T.a roadbed la thoroughly ball-.3tcd. IU trach in of heavy tteel. Its brldcc.3 aro uolld structures of cf5no and Iron. Ita rolllnir utoclc lo porfect as hurrian skill e?n ruato It. It ha3 all tho naoty appllane-w that mocucnieal coatu h?3 Invented and eipsrlenoa prov-d valuable Ita practical oporaUou i b ecaacrvntlvo and nc .hcd-leal-lta dlaclplina strict and exacting, 'i'holuxuiy of Its paesenccr aocemmoaa ttous Is unenualod In tho Wet uns4nraanl in the woilu. CKAia a Ana. THES FABflOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE To .1, a . li.ru.4- " i . n lino VntrtAn rriilr.nr,n nnrl T.flnti Iir,nlt3 nr.d St. Pad, thi3 route solid aat S!prcoo Tralna r-.in dally to tho sumrnjr reasrls, plcturectiuo localitlos and huntlnar and fljlilnrr rrroundo of low and Mhuiecota. '.ho rich wheat llelda nnd firrcsiner lauds of Inter or Dakota aTO reached via Wntortcwii. A ohort desirnblo route, via 0 snicft nnd nanitaknn, oSars ctrrrrior InaucOTiesti to travelora botweon Cincinnati, IndlanapolH, I.afayott8 and Coimcil Blnff.. Ot Joajph. Atchlcon, Loavontvorth, Eancaa City, Llinnoapolis, St x'anl and lutir mcdlate points. . , ,, , , . All clansca of pttrona, espoeially families, ladles and children, receive froni offlelala and craploye3 of Hoci Island trains protection, respectful courtesy and Unf & T?c?euJ,ir.ps, Folders obtainable at all principal Ticket Offices In tho United States and Canada or any desired information, addross, R. R. CABLE, Pm't & Gon'l bI'gVi Chicago. E. ST. JOHN, Asj'tGen'IM'g'r, Chicago. Having bought the stock of A. J. Litzenberg er, I am now ready to supply my friends with any thing in my line. Will have an assortment Of New Goods in by Next "Week. Mr. Litzenberger is retained by me and will be happy to see his old friends and wait on them. SAMUEL SEILER 1st door above the Advocate Office, Bank Street. Way H, 167- MYER BRENNER. Leuckel's Block, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Has just returned from New York with rt large and substantial stock of the very latest styles in Boots :-: Shoes Slippers which he is Belling at Eock Bottom Prices. Also a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, &c., &c., always on hand at prices low as the very lowest. Call and be convinced that we have bargains for everybody. A full line of the Very Latest Styles and Substantial Makes of READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, At piices never helorc equalled for lowness in this town or in tho Lehigh Valley. MYER BRENNER, - LEUCKEL'S BLOCK. May l jUi ' TOM. WOEIt EQUALLY AS WELT. ov hodhii aro.NV UNti au ok TUU WI3TffItN 1'ltUll'E-l. IT IN TJ.NXIKE ANY OT11UU BULKY IS TUU VfuItLD. CAN BE ATTACHED l'i'ANV C"UMON WALKI.Nli rLOW IN riVE MINUTi.3 TIMK. AND 18 WAUItASTFn T. IT nn INOIIEASE HIE MUST ONE 1'OUNU. BO SIMPLE A CHILD 8T110NQ ESOUHII TO 1)111 VE A TEAM CAN OPEIUTE IT. WIU. TUUN A SQtJAltE COftNLIt WITH. OUT EAISINO TtlE PLOW. TUB QNLY rLOWMAUEWlTHAFO'lT LKVEll TO STAIIT TUE KHNT OF PLOW ABRUPTLY IN TUB CnOTTND On ELEVATE IT TO SKIJt OVEIt THE TOP OV FAST 8TONE3. AROUND ROOTS, JiTC. We n-an Ingot). I, llrom.n toactu. agtnt It -rrr town In tlio I'. R. , wtitausforonrUbcnlterms ud pricai. E. S. DANIELS & CO., HAVANA. N. Y. J. Litzenberger C33GKAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY. VKA TH!3 MAP, THAT TH2 ic:ana, in luinsu; ajayjniiorc, jjilsco- nnrl Atnhi.non. ill lttrtfifLi?: Albert IjfiA. c ri Over E. A. IICLDROOK, Gen'l Tkt. ti Pen. Agt., Chicago. K8-0P8S18Q Ryder & Son's LA NIG MILL! Eait Weissport. Carton Connty Fa. Is tho Uco to purchase, at ho moit rauonaM prices, DUKSSHD LUMBER, of Ml kinds, vlti Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, &c. BRACKETS MADE TO ORDER. Tlio Mnrhlnoy Is all new, and only the bo.it in I'lianirs t'liii'lori-il. All urtklea .ire uuarantead ot bctt seasoned material. Orders ly mall re ceive prviniit attention. Your patronaca invlteU. STORE." We li.ivo, also, In connection with tlia tibove business a COMMODIOUS STOltf, nhrracan alnys lie foimil one of Ibelarirest auilticsta sortmeiiU of BftY OOODS, NOTION'S, UKOOURIKS, PKOVISIONS, OARHETS, OIL CLOTHS QUEKNRWAKE WOOUWAItE, HARDWARE DOtlTS, SHOES, HATS AND UAFS Hay, Straw, Flour and Feed, And In fact any and everything usually to b found lu a ktrli lly nrot-ci.ii t'ountrv Store. No niutler lint jou want, auk font and we can sup ply you at prlrei that will linwk all competition far Into tlin slmilo. OallaiKli.ee us, and ne will ronvince yuu ol tlio truthfulness of uurassortion. liuuiemlK.'r the l'lace N. SNYDER & SON, East Weissport, Penna. January t, 1S87. Q WITHIN C. SHCRTLIDOE'S ACSSK7 3 For Vcncg Men ted Icyt. Media, r 12 miles fiOin l'hllailplphla. riled priceTr every uxpense, evrn books, Kc. No extra eharr es. No Incidental expenses.-No eximlnatlan for nil mission. Twelve experienced taichtri. all men, and nil graduate.. Hperlsl opforlunlllta lor apt students tn ailvance IxpUilT. Special drill for dull and backward boys, ratroas r students may select any studies or cboos th re Kular KiikIIsIi, Hcloutllle, luisiurss. Classical cr I'l ill r.nelneeiliigroiiriio. 8tudenls fitted at Me dia Academy aro now In riavard, Tala, 1'ilnca ton and ten other CollrRes and rolrtacbnlo Schools. lOktiideutssciit locollrse In 1U, It In 1W, 10 In l!ti, 10 In mt. A graduatloc elasa every ear lu tho commercial dvpitinoat. X l'liyslral and Chemical laboratory, Kymnaslum and Hall Ground. Iloo vols, added to Llbraiy In !W. l'liynlcal apparatus doubled In 1110. Media has seven tlnirchrs and a linpranc ebarlei whlrli prohibits Iho rale nt all tntexlrallag drinks. For liewllliittratcd circular jddrtu the l'lint'lual and I'roprlclor, HWITII1N C. SHORT I.lOUl:. A..M.1 (Harvard Uraduate) Media, Ta. Aok. 7. l-ly. LADIES! Do Yonr Own Dyelnc, at Home, ith PEERLESS DYES They will Dye cyerytblns. They are sold every where. I'rlco loe. a packase a cnlors. They have no equal for StreiiKth, llrlitlilncss. Amount In I'ack.'iKo or for fastness of Color, or Non-fad-lue Qualities. They do not crock or smut. For salo by T. O. THOMAS, nov.ts-ly Druggist. ANDREW BAYER, DKAI.KK IN Wall Paper and Deoorations Window Ehtdfj Is Falntera Suppllei, Papsr Hanginj, Home and Sun Palatln Caliomlnff and Oraining. Dank Struct, Ihlchton, fenn'a. Oct. Mn Mean 1Kb at home, and make mora money atwoik funis than atantlhini: elso in tho world. Capital not needed; sou ara Sfartl'd frri' llolh si,vihi. nil ua Anvnn---H do tho work. LarRearninzs sum from flntstart. Costly outfit nnd tenns free, llettcr not delay. ('4ctyou nothlnit tokend ns jour address and llllfl llllt.tr 1'niMIMI.I.a ..n.lulll .Ii.-.., .... H.llALLiCTr & Co., Portland, Maine. decieiy Dennis Nothstein AGENT FOR THE O. & G. COOPER & CO.'3 Traction Engine lias the least gearlns.U the STlioKriEaT and HOST CONVKNIBM1 111 use. Til Kilt VlURATIKO Threshing Machine guaranteed to ch o best resuiuouiainaoie Pony ani stanOard Saw Mills ! MIND ENGINE for Drlvlns Machinery nnd l'uiuplng Water i The MEADOW KINO MOWER & REAPER, and STANDARD HAYINO TOOLS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN, Normal Square, Pa. i:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers