"Original Ohoap Cash Store.' IRRESISTABLE BARGAINS! In order to closo out our largo stock of Dauo Shades we liavo made immense re ductions. 1'rlccs liavo been cut regardless of cost. PANCY DADO SHADES, Itctluccd from $1.00 to G3 Cents. l'ANCY DADO SHADES, Itcduccd from 87 cts. (o 65 cts. FAKCV DADO SHADES, Itcduccd from as cts. to 39 cts, FA'CY DADO SHADES COMPLETE With Spring ltoller, liciluecil irouiiscis. mucUi Thcs Shades arc full size, new patterns, and made of extra heavy liolland. This offer is worthy of your timo and thought. It will be a good investment though you do not need them till spring or summer, as when the time comes when you will need them yon will have to pay much higher prices. J. T. NUSBAUM, OppsUa Public Square, Bank Street, tnlghton, juuu it i ny. The Carbon Advocate SATUKDAY. JANUARY 8, 1887. SPECIAL NOTICE rcrsons making payments tti thin aftlpA hv ihmiitv nnlit.. .1 rw.otql unln. will please make the'm p"ayable at the WEISS' rum nisi urriuK, as mo iCnictuon utllce Is ui a money onicr onicc. Current Events Epitomized. Luztme county expenditures for 1880 amounted to $1D0,244.60. Lehigh county poor house has two hundred and seventy Inmates. Diphtheria prevails to an alarming tx tent throughout the Mahoning Valley. Weatherly will probably have an over all and shirt manufactory which will cm ploy thirty hands. For a smotth shava and a fine hair cut go to Esrang's shaving saloon, opposite the Advocate office. The grand Eisteddfod held at Lansford last Saturday Is said to have been an un- paralclled success. Go to Frs. Roderer, under tin Ex change Hotel, for a smooth shave and a faslonable hair cut. 8 Don't fall to read the advertisement headed "Save tlmo and money," and end- Ine, "All cheap for cash." Onr carrier, "Tom," doslres to return thanks for the generous manner In which our patrons remembered him on New Year's day The Lansford Recorri starts out the new year with a nlc. new dress, which In dicates that our brother on the hill Is meet Ing with success. Extensive preparations are being made by the teachers of our public schools fer theholdlng of an cnteitalnment on Febru ary 12. Its success Is a foregone conclusion. If you hav not paid your taxes for 1SS0, you should do so before January 15th instant, as you will have to pay 5 per cent. additional after that date. Don't you for get It. irhn In need of anything In the line of plain or fancy job werk, you should make It a point to call at this office. Trices as low as tha lowest and workmanship guaranteed. Thomas Evans, burgess of Nnntlcoke, who was recently impeached for malfeas ance In office aud neglect of duty by the town council, was arrested Tuesday for haying appropriated the borough fundi, A white and black spotted hound, with a little tan around the head, strayed from the residence of Edwin J. Lentz, in NIs Hollow, on Christmas Day. The finder will besnltably rewarded on returning him to the owner. For the week endln? Dec 31, there were 123,336 tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to date of 630,824 tons, and showing an de creat f 24,744 tons compared with same date last year. By a premature explosion of powder at FracksTllle, Schuylkill county, Friday, Thomas Fisher was so badly burned that he died soon afterwards. Richard Penn and Harry JcCormlck wore both badly turned though not fatally. Under the law of 1871), now In full force, there need be no trouble from tramps In this State. It provides for a year's hard work for any tramp committed by a Justice, and any citizen may arrest and take an offender before the proper tribunal. Evory community owes It to Itself to see that the law Is enforced against all offenders. Joseph Krum, of town, almost com pletely severed the third finger of his left hand at the I'ackcrten shops on Friday. He Is a carpenter, and having occasion to turn a piece of timber, he caught hisjleft hand between It and a guage, ho held In his hand at the time, with the result above stated. The wound was dressed by Dr. StipU. The following members of Carbon Castle, K. 6. E.,of this place, became Past Chiefs at the last meeting of that order: F. Doug. MIller.T. J. Heck, H. It. Krlcdler, H. V. Morthlmer, Jr., Jon. Kistler, L. O. J. Strauss, M. C. Trexler, D. N. Itelchard, K. J. Itehrlg, 11. H. Bauman, I S. Kress ley, A. Ifaterbor, L. A. Werner and II. U. Peters. Standing before a clergyman who was about to mairy him, a rustic was asked: " IKllt thou have this woman?'' The man started with surprise, aud replied: "Ay, surelyl Whoy, I corned a purpose I"' David Ebbcrt,the popular North street liveryman, furnished the teams for the bridal party who took a drive through the beautiful Mahoning Valley. Eugene II. Archer left home In .Muh lenberg township, Berks county, on the 22nd of December last, and has not been heard from since that time, ne Is fourteen years old, well built and has a horizontal scar on the forehead above the right eye. Information of the boy is desired by J. M, Jacobs, 630 Court street, Beading, Pa., who will pay all reasonable expenses. It Is a fact well known, that If It was not for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup hotel pro prietors In Florida would put their rates up to ten dollars per day. "Histories make men wise, poets witty." But what In the world does a man want with either when ho lias sprained his ankle. No sir, not these, not these I Give him but ens bottle of Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain. Price 25c. The burglars who stole $1,000 worth of goods from the jewelry store of Bock A Gloyer, at Hazleton, last week, have been captured and are now In jail at Wilkesbarre. Their names are Michael Qulnn, Sam. Sheppard, a notorious chaiacter, who has been the terror of the Luzerne county police for many ysars, and Simon Sheporwlch, a Tollsh Jew, of Plymouth, who was the re c.iTcroi iuo noitii arucies. a riiiKcrton i neisctlre assists! Dy tue Wilkesbarre police I made the arrest. Tho season for shooting rabbits closed on January 1st. The spring elections take place on the third Tuesday In February 15th Instant. Look out for spurious $20 gold pieces which nro floating around In many places. Ono hundred and fifty-two new build Ings were erected in Allentewn during 1880. Our public schools opened Monday, after a week's vvcatlon, with a full attend ance of scholars and teachers. lue "wire fence man" Is a new swindle, and we caution tho farmers to be on the lookout for him. John E. Balllet, of Slatcdale, has pur chased the United States Hotel, at Slating ton. Consideration, $0,000. Mcsslnger & Co's. agricultural works In Northampton countT was destroyed by fire Saturday. Less, $5,000. Wo ate pleased to note that Mrs. Rob ert Klotz, of Mauch Chunk, Is rapidly con valcsclng after a severe Illness. Ed. Miller, a young man residing oh Bankway, fell on tho lee and had his right arm broken one day this wesk. The new sltk mill at Stroudsburg gives employment to six hands, which number will be largely Increased however. 'Squire F. P. Lentz, of Northampton street, will please accept our thanks for favors shown during the past week. Have your sale bills printed at this office. Cheapest and best place In the county for all kinds of job printing. Mrs. John Bachuian, of Petcrsvllle, Northampton county, aged sixty-six years fell on the ice and broke her right limb. During 1880 Berks county paid out 510,000 for the killing of foxes, wild cats, wolves, minks, weasels, owls and hawks. Wilkesbarre has a sensation In the shape of a "woman In black" who infests the streets ef the old town and waylays be lated travelers. The Watchman Is tho name of a now paper published at Mauch Chunk, by Dr. Gillespie. The new journal presents a neat appearance. Sheriff RabenoM,of Lehigh connty.gave bonds Saturday In the sum of $25,000, for the faithful performance of the duties connected with his office. During 18S0 Allentown had thirteen fires which damaged and destroyed property valued at $209,887.00. Tlie Insurance of which amounted to $121,171.00. The Albion House, at Pcnn Argyle, with Its contents was destroyed by Gre en Monday night. James Provost, tho pro prietor, estimates his loss at $10,000. E. II. Hold, the popular Mauch Chunk jeweler informs us that his holiday trade was the largest slnco ho has been In busi ness. May your success continue. Ed. Rev. G. W. Gross, of the Evangelical church, will deliver an address on "Head ing" In tlie x. M. C. A. Hall, on.comer of Bank and Iron Streets, Sunday, Jan. 0th. Milt. Werner, of Bank street, had his arm caught between the bumpers of two coal cars at Packcrton last week and se verely squeezed. Dr. Seiple attended him. Weatherly people want a new Lehigh Valley depot. From the dclapldatcd ap pearance of tho building now used for that purposo we think they ought to have It. The attention of the people of Summit Hill, Lansford and vicinity Is directed to the fact that Georgo F. Huntzlnger, of the popular Switchback Restaurant, Is author ized by us to receive subscriptions and moneys for the Cadiion Advocate. -Vis. E. H. Snyder announces to the ladles of Lehlghton and vicinity that she Is now fully prepared lo do all work In tho dress-making line In the latest fashion and most durable manner, at popular prices. 1 our patronage Is repectf ully Invited. 2w. John C. Cook, of Scranton. and Miss Eva Dentinger, of town, were joined in tho hely bonds of matrimony on Christmas evening, the Rev. J. II. Kuder ofllclatlne. The young couple have our best wishes for a long life of happiness and prosperity. nere s our John, shako. Ao one can deyclop the grace of meek ness by listening to a crylug baby; ergo stop Its fretfulness by curing Its colic with Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. In the finest stock raising districts Dav's Horse Powder is what the farmers and dairy-men rely on. Twenty-five cents per pound package. Biliousness may bo arrested before It be comes bilious fever by promptly using Dr mill's Baltimore Pills. Try them. Twenty five cents. Tho Now Year brings Calendars by tho score; hut Hood's Household Calendar- Almanac Is literally "head and shoulders" above all others. The beautiful child's face, in colors, will ornament any home for the whole of 1887, and will constantly grow n lavor. I lie pad, containing the months. s neatly and concisely arranged, profusely Illustrated by wood engravings, and con tains besides the usual Calendar features. all the information worth having which is -usually given In almanacs. Hood's Cal endar-Almanac Is beautiful, condensed, practical. It may be had at the druggists, or by sending six cents in stamps to C. I. Hood fc Co., Lowell, Mass. New Officers for the Boval Arcanum. At a regular mectlngof Lehlghton Coun cil, No. 170, Royal Arcanum, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Regent Charles G. Ilanu. Vice-Regent George W. Delhi. Orator Charles Harding. Past Regent T. A. Snyder. Secretary H. J. Bretney. Collector W. P. Long. Treasurer II'. W. Bowman. Chaplain John S. Miller. Guide A. J. Koch. Warden H. L. Koons. Sentry M. G. Claim. Trustees John S. Lentz, John Semmel, Wm. H. Montz. Rep. to G. C 11'. C. H'elss. Alternate Dr. W. A. Derharaer. D. D. G.-W. C. Weiss. East Mauch Chunk Items. The teams are busily engaged hauling ice. Miss Sallie Selgfrled spent Sunday at Mt. Carmel. Morris Hooveu left far his home In iricathcrly this wesk. James Ostrutii spent several days at White Haven this week. Our public schools weie closed between Christmas and New Year's. Our young friend W, A. Selgfrled pent Christinas at Mt. Carmel. Elmer Brown whllo coasting last Sun day fell from his sled and broke his arm. The Presbyterian Sunday school held Its Christmas festival on Tuesday ovening of last week. The now foot bridge leading from this place to Pleasant Hill makes it very con venient for those living at the latter place. A T . ulnter, tho barber, has about the finest collection of bugs and butterflies In the county and has them nicely arranged n three frames In his barber shop. Rev. 11 oodbury, of Muuch Clrank, de livered a very Interesting sermon last Sun day afternoon at 8 o'clock In the Presby- terlan church t, Schwclbinz has whistle to bis brewery. added a steam Fuccxix, OOB MAN ABODr I0WH. The Things onr People Find Time to Talk About from Day to Day. Through the courtesy of tho Directors of our borough schools, tho "Man About Town" had the pleasure of being present at their regular monthly meeting held at tho office of Dr. C. T. Horn, on Bank street, Monday evening, of this week. Tho meet lng was called to order shortly after clcli o'clock with the following directors present F. P. Lentz, J. P. Smith, John Peter, Sam ucl Fry and Daniel H'leand. In the ab sence of the president, J. P. Smith presided Tho minutes of tho previous meeting were read and approved; a bill of $11.00 for charts, &c, was presented and the secre tary w;as empowered to pay the same; a bill of $3.85 for repairs, &c, was put In the hands of the chairman of the committee on "Repairs on Building" with Instructions to Investigate and If found correct, endorse and present the same to the secretary. A communication from the County Superln tendent of Schools, stating that the.Lchlgh- ton taacucrs had made full time at the late county institute, held at Mauch Chunk, was tlie means of elleltlng from thesccrc tary, F. P. Lentz, an Interesting talk on various matters of Interest to both directors and teachers. In tho matter of several teachers of the primary schools' vho had secured substitutes to occupy their positions In the sehool room during thcIrabscncc,tiot holding certificates instructing them "how the young Idea must shoot" It was decided unanimously to deduct the amount from their salary. It was concluded, however. that in caso of the inability f the teacher to perform his or her ddiies en accountwf ""-""w wiinr latusc mat me principal, M. Roberts, bo empowered to fill such vacancy during said teachers absence the substitute to bo paid a proper amount for services rendered. The Insurance nollev for $4,000 In the Lebanon Mutual Fire In surance Company, having expired, it was decided not to renew the same, but to take out tho same amount of insurance in an other company. There being no other busl ncss the directors adjourned to meet on the evening of the first Monday in February. Prof. J. M. Roberts, principal of our nubile schools was present during the evening. Your humble servant had an "expert rice meeting," one day this week.ln which the tips and downs encountered in the walk through life were pictured in rcalistlccolors. It Is the same old story, pathetically written by tho icicle of time in the misty long ago, when Icicles were but Infants and the un explored future lay before them In which to lose their coldness or melt the future gen erations to tears. However, tho Icicle nf to-day is quite as treacherous and delusive and as much of a snare as of yore; the sud den drop is just as painful, only civilization wltli Its gigantic strides has placed us In such a position that from necesslty.a sickly, half-sad smile forces lis way to our face and hides tho bitter emotions that thrills every nerye. We glided through space just as gracefully as a man who makes a frantic effort to "catch on" to some'thlnc and cuts left can possibly glide, and we landed In the same abrupt, unceremonious manner as hundreds have landed before us and will continue to land until the end of time. Already tho political cauldron has be gun to simmer and patriotic citizens are be. ginning to get themselves Into shape prior to the holding of the nominating conven Hons. The. usual number of individuals willing to serve their country with or with out consideration are expected to turn up ueuveen now and thcn. and as usual the uyiuugu election win bring' the same amount of discord. It is safo to say that at least two tickets, will be put in the field. and rumor has It that the Knights of Labor will exhibit their strength by putting up n ticket that will command the attention and attract the yoters of both parties. Should this be the case the vote In this town will be considerably "cut up" so to speak. However there Is no reliable information to be gleaned concerning the nomination of a ticket by the Knights and It Is doubtful if there be a nenrv George or a Jones, of Boston, amongst them who will sacrifice futuro political elevation by aspiring to the dlgalfied though non-remunerative position of Mayor of tho Borough of Lehlghton. nowevcr, time will tell the story and tell it well. New Mahonlns Items. All the Myerstown students went back to school on Monday. Miss Emma Hess, of Cherryvllle, Is Visiting relatives and friends In the Valley, ine juanoning Cornet Band was to Ccntrevllle, Schuylkill Co., on New Year's Day. Tilghman M. Balllet, a medical Student In the Unlverslry of Pennsylvania, Fhlhv delphla, spent his vacation at home. Miss E. LIHIo Arner. who spent her vacation at home, returned to the West Chester State Normal School on Monday, Tho beaulsful time-honored custom of holding watch-night meeting was observed In the Evangelical church of this place on New Year's eye. A shooting match for a hog was held at the New Mahoning notel on Saturday afternoon. Mahlon Nothstcln and A. U. Seldle succeeded In getting the hog. Jonas Snyder had his hand badly hurt by the accidental discharge of a pistol which ho was loading, the contents of tlie pistol lodged in the palm of his hand. . Dasii. 7. 0. TJ. A. M. Elect New Othcers. The following ofiiccis ;were elected a a regular meeting of the above order held In Gabel's Hall, Thursday evening of last week: C. Charles Harding, R. S. Harry Painter. Asst. H. S. Milton Trainer. F. S. H'. Nothsteln. W. Milton. Klotz. S. Bert. Arner. I. S. Ed. Miller. O. S. Charles Wagner. Treasurer O. I. fchoch. Trustees T, Clem. Beck, Chas.IIarding, Charles Trexler. 8. of V.'s New Officers. At the annual election of Col. John Lentz Camp, No. 05, S. of V., of this place held last Wednesday the following officers were elected for the ensuing year' Captain Al. Campbell. 1st Lieutenant Chas. McKelvey. 2nd Lieutenant W. Connor, Camp Council J. II. Hlegel, J. Ruch, R. Sevvell. Delegate J. n. Hlegel, Alternate W. H. Denharf, A Board of Trade- The citizens of Lehlghton are requested to be present at a meeting to bo held In Gabel's Hall, at 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday cveniiii;, January inn, jboi, lor ine pnr viose of organizing a Board of Trade. All parties interested are requested to be on hand. Citizens. All tho latest novelties in Fall and Winter merchant tailor ing poods at Clauss & Bro., Lelwjhton, nirvniitri Tiinnnnnnrl " fltrnn 41m TUttih " Master Workman Tcrrence V. Powder ly In his recent letter denouncing socialism and anarchism proves conclusively tho great man he really Is. He clearly under stands, as do many other-fair thinking and conservative members of the Knights of Labor, that unless tho laboring masses do not root out tho evils of socialism and nn arehlsm which prevails so extensively, and especially so in the larger cities, that tlie dissolution of tho noble order of tho Knights of Labor will be but a matter of time. This order, representing as it does tho heart and pulse of the new world has before It grand and noble opportunities in which to settle peacefully and amicably the fractional labor difficulties which arise and will continue to arlso until both labor and capital are on a more firm footing. proper way to root out the ovils and Instill new life and ylvacity Into tho order would be to follow truly nnd carefully tho object of the organization organize, agitate and educate and a new era will dawn for the Knights of Labor In which the object of their efforts will not he far distant. STUAT NUOOKTB. Interesting services were held In our churches on New Year's eve. Miner's foundry and the Lehigh Val ley Emery Wheel are both working full time. Lewis Fronhclser is rapidly pushing his two-story frame dwelling towards com pletion. A number of strangers who were so journing .with relatives and friends here during the liolida' have returned home. The now trcstllng of tlie Central Rail road of New Jersey at this place, just com plctcd, Is a big Improvement over the old concern. A grand rafilo for a No. 1 sleigh and a box of cigars will come off at MncDanlcl's popular restaurant on Friday night, Jan. 14, 1887. Blcry, our popular druggist, sports a fancy counter candv jar, and as It Is filled with only the choicest of sweets it Is safe to conclude that it is well patronized. Our popular rcstaurantcur Chas. n. McDanlcl, Is making a number of Improve, ments on his business place. Tho second story of his building has been fixed up for reading-room for tho benefit of his cus. tomers. ' Webster Weiss is making extensive improvements on tlie dwelling recently purchased from Mrs. John Deitcrllne, on White street. Among other things a com plete brick front has been put in the build lng. . A scries of protracted meetings are be lng held In the Evangelical church. It is the wish of all good christian people that tlie meetings be successful In tho dlspensa tion of the religious principles which en noble and beautify man. A delightful surprise party In honor of Mrs. Doug. Aniei came offat her residence In East Welssport, Tuesday evening. A large number of ladles nnd gentlemen were present who enjoyed themselves at pleasant repartee until a late hour. Burgess Fenner has posted up conspic uously a number of notices prohibiting the throwing of ashes, rubbish, Ac, on the streets and alleys. This Is a commendable procedure on the part of our borough au thorities and deserves the hearty sanction of our town people. Tlie grand raffle for a two thousand pound ox which came off at the Franklin House, on the 31st tilt,, was a very suc cessful affair: Levi Horn and Jacob Ilawic 'threw high and were awarded the fore quarter; the balance of the ox was divided amongst other throwers. Will Oswald and Reuben Krcsgc won' the guessing box, the contents of which amouhtcd to about $2.50. On New Year's day, at the. residence of the bride's mother, on White street, Wm. Meredith, of Atlantic City, and Miss Belle Nusbaum, of town, were united In theholy bonds of wedlock Rev. Major, of Lehigh-' ton, tying the silken khot. The ceremony was performed in the prcsenco of the rela tives nnd immediate friends of the young couple. The happy pair were tlie recipi ents of many valuable and useful presents. They left the same evening for Atlantic City where they will wako their futuro home. We extend to the young couple our hearty congratulations and best wishes for a successful journey through life. Painful Accident at Packerton. A painful accident occurred at tho Pack crton shops on 30th ult., which under the circumstances resulted most fortunately. Henry Goodyear, a foreman under If. F. Pascoc, Sup't. of bridges for the L, V. R. R. Co., had charge of the gang of men en gaged In putting up the girders, fcc, for the roof to the extension of the wood shop) and was at work on tho sea (Told when he was accidentally struck by the boom of the derrick which knocked hint down off tho scaffold head first Into the pieces of Stone and timber twenty ieet below. Ho was picked up and assisted into the office, where F. P. Lentz, tho "shop surgeon," bound up his wounds temporarily. Ho had a se vere cut across nnd down the forehead In the shape of the letter T, a severe cut across the upper part of tlie noso and un der tho chin; the cut on his forehead was from three to four inches long and through to the bone, which received a slight frac ture. Dr. Seiple, of town, stitched the wound), when he was taken to his home on L. V. train No. 5. Upon a more thor ough examination oh his arrival at Easton, the' doctor discovered that the Tight arm had been broken and tho hip joint severely bruised. That he escaped death Is miracul ous, btrange to say he walked, with as sistance, aboiit 400 feet after being picked up, notwithstanding tlie fearful wounds he had received and the quantity of blood lost. Lower Towamenting Items. Stephen Lentz is agent for the Torna do Straw Cutter. llllliatn Stronp and Chas. Prutzman are busy in the spring-bed business. O. O. Blose sold 18 bushels of peanuts during the two weeks ending Dec. 25. Edward lioyer has been appointed stib- agent by Aaron Snyder to sell the Western Washer, The new organ In the Reformed Sun day school, at Millport) was dedicated last Sunday. -Lentz's Sunday school was opened sev eral weeks ago, L. F. Kerr, is tho super intendent. Fred. Wlsler, an aged resident of Fire Line, departed this life on Sunday morn ing, Dec. 20. Tho Herse-Shoe hotel, which was des troyed by fire several weeks ago, will be rebuilt In the near future. -Lafayctt Blose and Ida Shlndler1 were jellied in the holy bonds of matrlru6ny on trtilay, Dec. 24, '66. Wa extend to the happy pair our best wishes for a safe jour ney through life. Two valuable horses, the property of Peter Weldaw, were killed on the railroad one day recently. Confidence. READ THE ADVOCATE. Feopleas They Come and flo. vuUhP.00.','10 who nmy have relatives or frlefiS iT, i L.1 Vlcm Krcn"V obllKO us b.r semlhiic in their iiiimes ana residence lor publication under this head.-lSiinoit.) -!'" A. W. Raudenbush left Monday for Harrlsburg. David Klelntop, of Ashley, spent the holidays at home. John Blocker and wife, of Ashley, ware in town during tho holidays. Jacob Romlg, of Johnstown, Pcnna., Is visiting the family of Wm. Bachman. William Kncose, of Weatherly, was visiting relatives aud friends In town on Sunday. J. F. Halbach, of Philadelphia, circu lated 'mongst old friends here during last WCCK. Al. Marsh and John Cook, of Scran ton, dropped In to see us whllo In town this week. Miss Myra Good has returned after spending the holidays with her parents In Philadelphia. Mrs. Con. Fortwangler and daughters spent tho holidays with relatives and friends at Aldcn, Pa. Our old friend John J. Marmiart. of bcranton, while In town during tho week dropped In to see us. Mrs. L. S. Houscr, of Bank street, was sojourning with relatives and friends at Bethlehem this week. -rMIsses Kato and E. LUIIo Arner, es timable young ladles of New Mahoning, were In town "on New Year's day. Mrs. w: G. M. Seinle and Miss Emma Klst'er, of South street, spent this week with Philadelphia relatives and' friends. W, E. Deriglcr, ot Allcrilown, was In town several days last week, tho" gnest of hls.unqlo Thomas Kainerer, Esq, on Bank street. Prof. Thomas M. Balllet, Sup't. of Reading Schools, and Prof. BeVan, of Cat- asauqua, while In town Saturday made us a pleasant call. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cavanaugh and Mr. and Mrs. John II. Koons, of Allen' town, spent Saturday and Sunday In town, the guests of J. H, Esch, at the'Vallev House. - List of Letters Remaining uncalled for In the Lehlghton lusi-uince, ier mo montn ending Decem ber nisi, 1000: Iiaeker, Miss Sarah Duikee,.!. 1'. Kuntz, V'm Lnnirc. W. V. Vooderllic, Ilcnjamln Wolf. Miss Allen liner, iwaiucw Sliantz, Daniel Wcyhennievrr, Slattle Woiilhprt. WllUnm norsioy, Aiocri. Persons calllncr for anv of lhn almvn lot. icrs win piease say "advertised." JAjins p. Smith, P. M. OlsanedFrom all Parts of the State I'lttsburghad a Sloo.Ooo lire one day re- uvimyi At Shenandoah, on Xcw Year's dav. several uoys were tataily injured whllo coastlnc. y uio giving way or n scaffold at Nautleoko recently live men were serious v Inlured. ine new locomotlvo worknt Lamokln. licla- iiumcounij, win soon uo put lii operation. . It. Hotter, editor and nronretor of the Jiount-Joy ukrald has been suedfor libel. ine wages of tho puddlers In tho 1-nie.T.ster 1(0111112 31111 Have been Increased e.1 r.nr nr.nt Joseph ltoger whole-salo Conrectlvcr. of .uicasier, mauo nn asslenment Moudav for 25,000. No, lfurhauceoftho ReauMnff Iron Works u men uas ueen idle lor two years was blown in on iuonuuy. uev. James Ilcarddn. a proriilncnt I,oek Haven divine, died suddenly at his humo In Hi.it piaco Saturday night. Slallln Trout, a repairman oil tho l'enna. Railroad, at Lancaster, was struck bv an enirlno nnu instantly Killed. At tho Kebruary election tho taxnavors of oiienanuoun will vote, for or nralnst lim..ii. me uorougu aeui 533,000, Wlllalm Slemmer, of the Mo'ntcoinorv Oil Works, made assIgnmentMondav. Tho record uens against apnregate S32.000. carnelgo Brothers, ot rittsburg. will erect a new stcll rail mill at llraddock. Work on the structure will be commenced In thirty days. a joung couple aged respectively 18 aud 10 were married at SlienardOah recently. Some. how of other Shanardoah always manages to lane the lead. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company ox pects to begin tho shipment of anthracite coal from tho Nantlcoke region to Philadelphia via tlie Schuylkill Valley Itallroad durlmt March: William Whlteand Peter Boker. Ironworkers Inthci'ltttsburglron Works Indulged Inanhc- husuc contest ono day recently ami both wero badly disfigured, however 'White carried oft the palm. A number Of the section men In Hie vanla of tno Heading itallroad Con nanv at ltcadlinr. im were receiving ninety cents a dayi have hoen dis missed under tho retrenchment policy ot the company, Constable Howard ncnsel, of Drumore town ship, iancaster county, shot a strange colored man at Arcadia, that county, recently, who re fused to surrender, and Itlslearod that the In juries may provo fatal. Vottsvllle was laid out In 18in. Schuylkill county forms tho 21st judicial district. I'otts- lllo is one of fourteen Iclter-carrlor iost offtcas tlie State. Schuylkill county was formed on March 11,1811, from a part of licrks and North ampton. Square miles, wo;,acrcs. M7.0oo. John AMUlams. of Norrlstdwii. who Is eon- demned to die on Iho 13tli Instant, In an Inter view null Uev. Uandall, Frlday.remarked, "that no day In the remainder of his life will ho so clcoinftis tho hist. There nro only thrco fu tures before me llnprlsonnieiit for lite In the company bf criminals, confinement for life among the Insane and death. I prefer to die," he con cludcdi Trouble has occurred at tho Pleasant Valley mine, l.iizcrno county, by an effort to run the mine with blacklegs-Hungarians and other scabs." Tho latter wero attacked Saturday morning while going to -work. The men of the olllcry recently demanded lo he paid "o'j cents ton, and tho company retaliated by lev lug new Impositions. Oh l flday last on nffrny occurred at Freds crlcksburg, a hamlet near Ilollldaysburg, which may culminate In murder. A party of men ami boys went Into the forest to li.n e ;'i chopping frolic. As usual on such occurrences there was plenty ot free whisky, Two)oi,ngmen. James Mngenfeltcrand Jacob Dnb.son, whllu rolling a l$7tgotlntoilillsputonuil Dolitoti drew a knife and Htruck I,ugciifclter In tho back with tltc abovo result, Lieutenant Colonel .I.lines F. 'Itanisey, of Danville, died Saliirdaynfternoom. Col. Kimsey entered (he war as captain of imtli l'eiuishaula Volunteers jiud came nut as lieutenant colonel of the 187th. Ho was buried Tuesday Win -we warm ourselves at li bihdit coal fire wo i' i not always think of the toll and danger Incurred hythoso who have given us this com fort. The perils of mining are tragically Illus trated by tho fact that In this State within a ear live stalw ait luotliers, the simpoit of nu aged father nnd mother, liavo been Killed. Such vim Dictate of tho Ktlver brothers at Nantleoke, four ot vvtiom were b.irled alive, last December, while tin-last of the five was crushed to deat'j on .Monday nlghti Hut men must work, iuid women must weep. Acknowledgments. Tlie following subscriptions lor tho Cauhox Aiivocatk have been received slnco uur last report i William llehler. Ivwer Tovvamenslng,. 3 on l () 1 on 2 HI 1 00 1 01 4 00 1 00 '.' it) a on 1 on l oi 1 tin 1 It! 1 ! I 10 1 I HI 3 no 1 no 1 ui 2 ui ,' 1 ' -.?!tllt'K. Kast I'enn,. Ll','i 1.- .He;, Ix-'.ilghtou,.;; iV 'd'.wldahonlng, . It. F. HoIU.nl, U-lilghtinii.. I llghmar. Hex, Minneapolis, Minn., Moses l.ehrlg, UhlKhtou liev. I', h. llerud.Hletlersvllle. Fa. Iho mas Weldaw, Mehnore, Ohio tieorge C. Deats, WelnsiKirl John Aiiite, Ms Hollmv,; i eorge W. Dlehl, Uhlgliton,....; 1'eter Veek, llovvin:instnn I;. v . lioyer, lt er Toivainenslng (icorge A. Kseh, Moscow, l'a .lames l. Ksdi. Lelduhh 1 on. Itobert Klotz, Manch ('hunk hit in Homit, I'hiinlxvllle. 1M Ileniaril Ulnanl. Mahoning tttp., , Nathan Mender. Tovvamenslng John Honk, U-hlalito ' Aluimtii Imu. V..... ...... .7. mt, i.r,si I'enn, l ui 1 (Ml v., ;. .';.., .. j,i.,imiiiiiK, .... i Miss K yiHe Arner. Westchester, l'a. 1 rof. T. M. Jtalllet, Ke.-idlng, l'a., 1 Charles Klevtcll, Wefcwiiort, 1 to UI usiiwii, iniginoii John J. Maniuart. St-raiituii, Fa.,.,..., CharlCHSi lfi-it, Uhlnlitoii..... Matt, hhivard. Siiuu.ilt Hill I rank l'Urk. Nes,iwlMihu; Mart' Sim I. l,i .1,,. ,n 1 IU 1 1) 1 (U 1 IS) 1 (10 1 u 1 UI 1 ''''i" ' ':r -W. lliljlilon, I Viidr. w Mm,.. lhlBlu.m. . .. t 1., vi is J. t hiKtin in, I Jt He liaji, M.il ll, ,. s,,,,, 1 j-liluhiou , Tuoiuuj (j.cen, Uliightou, .., 1 UI 1 00 I III) 1 UI FATTISON'S ME8SAOE. thlMSK ni iiniuuiai exniuit. ji9 qtioica from tho State airiiMIICI B II! WIH8I7.Z.1.VW2.2S. In four veins tho reduction Wnses,imfl,ioi. Tho sluklng' fiiiiil l!dV K.n.l" .ni' imo,U7, aniounthiK to Slo,iM).74ii.i. ti e s1i?1.,,.s,lmt'lc.,!:,0",,1t,ll0 lrlnclurof tho In ileMediicss ot the Slate maturing up U the year a period cl twenty-live ckni! After t hi jrar mt there, will only bo outstanding .soi,ooo h.'-f 1t,lcr tbnn !,,c Agricultural Obllego loan ot JEjVio.ofKi, payable in tho year taa. . Jil'o.Uoyernur tlunUs tho Buito can dispense u, ilSi h c tvcrii. retlltp', eatlnR houso uml hit if n.i ""V,81'8' , these should p to tho counties. If this pollev should bo nlrolfsheil tlie. office of. Ml'tTliatlliln Alinr:iUii-.Iw.nl.l 1, nl.,.n..!....i "n.vf"1r enniiilalns of the lnctrectlvcnes.1 and partiality ot t he laws for the taxation of per- 1 esuue iiiruisiies fonr-Ilttlis !,f.il"? revt,!Vl's. ,v,dlo Its iKseiscd vnluo sonly x4?c".'i" Kreatyr than that of persona proji I&L ThS "!". ,s rlR ,or 1116 'inauguration of earnest efforts to eradicate the evil and for the "" uicMiunj. iieiurnws out tlie siik- gcjtlon of a commission to consider the same. Tho legislature should designate the idaces for l ie deposit of public : money, it li uml lie IiV.ii1 n"Kroiis3 to allow the Treasurer absolute discretion. Vrlrnfi. iiMnirii.tr ir,..tif..it..... i:..i.V .............,, ,,r; ouui-. lilc annual " iirnsot many of tticni show an alaimlngly .M.uuiiiuuii.uiii.iiiiaiia nsseis. i: ti er many Of tllelll urn Itisolvnnt rtr fl.A ui.ln la :!v fniuded. " ' uu The liovcrnor would abolish fees tn tin. mn,. li.,,cnc,Fl.nl,a "ocrctury of tho Common EVJ,.lfl.imvors,,,,.consl.l,,l!lonnI nmendment tl J i ii in . uuiiriicuoii io siiiiraire ballotlMxaiir ;"'""' mm iniiniamn. lie t hlukn I lie nioney anpr.iprlme.t to el.anitles shoulll beVe fltrleteil lutlio State Institutions. The Kastoru lifnrmHi0! !' v-rcrowded. ttlo Huntingdon a I. r.rl I l.t... .L ..... 1 . . v ." ."It I IHIIIl v... ,JI. uu turn neieu anu iiiKiiuoual woyuT.M:' iii 11, v...: ... vr::":::w pi f A I '!r """lens anu would ,m,iin iafVli ." r-fjrlsl:t"ro build, it flro-proof S 'of tlie State library. He think,, tho ;i:,Sr,CloIIlci,,,lU,il5r,dfyJninedltscrea" ! "X! ."j"".'1 determlna on of capital rases re '"ffiU" "V P"'"0 "n't renewe'l. f ilio.fiovcrnnr discusses 1hn Iimmr ,...ch,. S V.,..'!)a.I,,ori11 character and only r.'.i ,,i- 'f ".. " . a reasonable number of OmiiiTi h9 ril,1,e lm?nsdlate vicinity. There ?iS i'rn0?.rlKl ."rtJ10" ot tlle '"" of "lot conduct dIVorcViVroceed require a resilience of two years lr, tl 0 s'e would prohibit tho mdliv r.V f J" ?..?ia.?' Willi, llltlHt IiiilMt-MriMa flnD...iln.. i ... ihoflovernor, after advocating civil service the "tVrnlnnV- ?ila V' ?' """vestlgaUo. ot m u e ih P"0''- He found that the charges fi'rihi'Ul?. "c.w,PaPr". "ere trim. Recalled but Vih.i .i-.l"",u" OI "superintendent II g bee, elosnl'-i I w!),u poTCf,1' V dismiss him. ThG dls ?Io nskQn,. ,rt'u Improvement. nUrei, &ViKlMatm? ,0,B ""rough a thousand r?Mr"t,?iites,,n,r'0''.ant t"1"1 act on that Wilt pre v cut such shameful abuses In Ihe future. A systemattn revision of the laws governing nn?i,Hi"J5 Pf,tlln1BeolKlcal survey of Uie Sta e, JSii.. iS l),l,'leatlon of the reports thereof, Is Si?, .,11 ?c,nmm.lul0ll T1,cro lu" already been rA,il",uJ1.!,nthl'ndertnkliiKOVcraiiilllfon dol lars, nnd there Is no visible limit to thu cost that fi?y.tV0.llnc".rc,, 110 si'W"1 a fixed time for completlngthosiirveyaudii limit toexpe-isc. lie recommends that the present laws rel.ltlns to Smtc printing bo repealed nnd that thu sub ject lie guarded by enactments definitely ilxlng Ul,""l.?ul?t tn be expended for each department! The (loVcrnnr calls attention to the neglected apportlomnaiit laws and points out tho plain constitutional . uty of the Lcglslatui c touttend tolhcni. He gives a history ot tho South I'enn and llcech Cri ck Itahroad cases, and ns a lcsult of the proceedings believes that tho competing South Venn will bo finished. Tho combination known as tho "Trunk Lino Pool" and the "Coal Pool" is a manifest violation of law and it is to have the vuestlon determined that the Attorney t.cneral has begun proceedings. The tlovernor says that tho railroad rorixirntlons have never uetended to obey the Constitution, whlch.ls not to be vvondered at "when we llnd the Leglslatuie of the past occupying nlnio.st tlie same attitude." l;or twelve years the seventeenth artl.iluof tlie Constltutloii governing railroads has been a dead letter. Discrimination Is as vv Idespi ead as ever, lie urges that no legislation will bo effective on the subject that docs not declare a violation of the prov Islons of the seventeenth nrtlclo referred to a erime nnd ntllx adequate line and Imprison ment as a penalty for Its commission. All grades and styles of ladies Coatings, at prices to astonish the most economical buyer, at Clauss & Bro.-, the tailors, Bank street. 3VT-iSl.S,IIIE3D.. COOK-DUNTI.fiKlt.-On the evening of the same nay, ny the same, John O. Cook, ot Scran- uni, mi jiiiss i-.va Kcnungcr, ot iX!nigliton. lvr.Ai i'.Hi'.ll-niJl.l'-On Decemlier 23. 18SA, at T -ii-iii "'" jiarenis m west i'enn, thi.vs Kemcier aud Jllss Sarah H. Deln. Ki;ilNS-JIKISKL.-On the 20th ult.. at Philips- m'V-.V' uy "fy-.'1- 'iryan, II. A. Kulius nnu .mas r.iiiiiia mcisei, iiom oi I'ackvrton. .vil l.l.KIt-SlINNICH, On the Sitli ult.. hv the " ; ' 1 eiers, .luwpu n. Jiuuer, OI 1X-I1IKI1, tun, and Jllss Lizzlo Jlinnlch, Wainutport. HOVKK-S15.VItLK.-On tho 1st Inst., tu Phillips- lilllfr V I liir tlii llA.f 1 1) I. ..... r.. ' ItoyL-r mid Aliss Kuimn J. Koarles, both oi X3IEID; SrpiIN.-On lec-19, !8S,ntTamarUa, Florence muj, u.iiiKiiirr oi tJOIIU ailll JCUUClia U &Hlta j ...., j, tun vim tiuti o uiijn, Stock Onotatlnna. Iteported up to 11 o'clock) by Tr. nAVK.v & l'hlladelphla. Stocks bought and sold cither ... .-inn.-.,.. ik:tiiKt-rs. in. :in n i inrii KirpHr ,ui lusii ui uu iiiurgiu. 1'iiiiuniti.i'iirA. Jan.. 5. l7i S':.V:::,:r: 2?.'i S !' 5- .V'''"1i'""""'".".'".'"'''.'.'..iioi5 II. S. 4's coupin ! i-7 i eiiiisyivauia iiaiirnau t w,u I'eiliisvlvanla&ilteadiiiL' Itallroad tfi't flis' Coal and 'NavlgatloiiCompaHy.' llutf., N. Y. & 1-lilla It. It. Co 10'4 , it.j ii. iiiiouo.. ,, New .Jersev Central Nun hern racllle Cpm , Northern l'arllle l'ref',l!.i. CO' i Oregon Transcontinental... uiuuii i ai'iuc...,.,,., Western Unlo vv est Shoi-o lsts Iiidsvlllei- .N'.islnllli.. ... ;. 73"S i.Wii irei Silver (Trades), i .. 75 80 KASKINE rTho New Quinine.; No Bail Eflect. Ho Heaiacne. No Nausea. NoRingiugEars Cnres Quickly. Pleasant, Fnre. A rOVSERFUL lOXIO. that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATIOX. And all ('criii Diseases, nollevuo Hospital. N. Y "Universally success fid." , 1 'Every patient treat-. St. Francis Hospital N.Y. J-cd with Kasklne has. been cured. Dr. L. It. While, U.S. FxanilnlngSurgeon, vvrltcst "Kasklne Is the best mcdlclno made." Dr. I.. M. (ilcssner,3ii3 Uist 121st street. New York City, has cured over X) patients vt ith Kas. kino after lulnlno and all otherdmgs had failed. Hcsavs, "ItU undoubtedly tho best medicine ever discovered." Frof. W. F. Holcombe, M. D..M Fast S5th St Jf. Y.. (lato l'rof. In N. Y. Med. roll.-irei. wrlin. "Kaskliui is suierlur to qulnlnu In llsspeeitlc iKjuer.and never priHluces tlio slightest Injury ltev. James U Hall, Chaplain Albany Feulten tlary. writes that Kasklne has cured Ids wife, af ter twenty years suffering from malaria anil ner vous dysiKinsla. Write lihu for paiticulars. Thousands iiion thouiids vtrlicthat Kasklne has cured lle ui niter all other uieillcluos falkdl Write for book of testimonials. Kasklno can be taken without any special medleatadtlce. $1.00 r bollle. Sold by T. 11. THOMAS,, U'lilghtofi, l'a., or sent by mall on lecclpt ot price. ,u .iiv ii.ii iiik .ii . ii i, ii i, ii. dec 4-ly MWarrcu St., New York. iiii-. itAntvi.-sr, cii. i BAf'iV tt'"'' ' VEGETABLE HI.OTrHKl5. 1II.ACK JIKADS. Kte., loarii g the tkia soft, clear aud Usuitu'ul. Ton. h si oh lids compound thu soft Illy ches-k An J thn t,i i-iir i.nr it lit bent tut vlrtuw -ak;. Also lnstrui-h.ins f,r pr,,Jutlnjf a luturtaat tx .in f lurcii ba'.l Jiad or nu.-x.th fai-e. AOdtvt A ii. Ktuutt ., w iua Xsrli again during the lifetime of the other p rty-nnfi hi i '"". i,rl-HeHan to cause" 'occurring L,.'1!1,?,t,.,.?.Pi""cs ?. bona fldo domiciled Jiei'e: KUI'HSLrn-'-HICI!i:!I.INC..-On Christmas Day at tho residence of tho bride's mother, bv Itev. iV - ,"l,''r I.'t'tc.r Iv'ressley and Miss Ilnima C. Heberllng, both ot LrJitehton. A Great Victory A forrlblo Caso of Sqrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla r iho winter of 1879 I was attaoked with ds. rcuuia in ono ot mo most aggravating forms. At ono tlmo I had no less than thirteen largo aDsccssciovernndoroumlmynockandtliro.it, continually exuding an Offensive mass of uiuuujr mailer uugustltig to behold, and almost intolerable to endure. It Is hnposslblo to fully describe my sufferings, as the caso was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After thrco years of misery, having been troated by t"vreiu, f was worso than ever, Finally, on tho recommendation nf w i nuntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after "oriua iaea iweive Dottles, Within the last entlrMvmrPA1'l? TO' ula!" eruptions Jiavo entirely ceased, and the abscesses havo all disappearcd.exccntthounali.liiiv.eir. hil! aro dally becoming 'smaller by degrees and 55' '" ??'. . I do notTknow what it mr mJ c.1sc nxd s Sarsaparilla has proved an effective-specino Indeed. As anevldcmw my. nratltudo I send these facw SnsollSt do know that In ana i am ready to verify tho authenticity of in'J J?"'0 J,el corresrKindenco will! "iv! faW-l A? Rot This statement is'connrmcd by W. J. nunt- "Ji'"eiii5i, d wjcKporr, a. y who calls tho vreat victors ior Hood's Sarsaparilla. Bend for book giving statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla pom Dy bu druggists, (l ; six lor $5. Mado oniy Dy u. 1. 11UOO J CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar. Estate Notice. nn'3'iE!'n ,D"l"IIIOHK,latfl of Lehigh ton Borough, Carbon comity, Pa., dce'd. L1A HCrSnnU lmlrt itnH n .n . . h. henln.","".".',.,e Payment. and these hav i i-iVh0, ' '.,st """'P w1'' present them, vv Ithout delay, In prffper order for settlement, to juai;rn s, wisiin, Elan, l, 1887-we. Administrator. For Newest Designs and Most Faalilonabls Styles of DEESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c., &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehlghton. Goods guaranteed and prices as low as else where for the tame quality of good i. July 18, 1885 ly 1 REUD THE Cariioii Advocate And got al tho latest news, i including Interesting: New York and Washington let ters. You better join me. It is the cheapest, largest and BKST weekly paper In the Lchleh Valley. Try It. Only $1 a Year. Circulation, 1,000 ! rtrjgP UL1NTON hUETNEY, lattilomible Zl3 Doot and Shoe Maker, Dink St. Lehlgkton. All irorktrarranted. WORKIN&SCLASSES ffiEfj pared to furnish all classes with employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Itiisiness new. light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from la cents to S..oo per etculug, mid n pi otxn I loii.il sum by de voting all their time to tho business. IInjs and girls earn neatly us much as men. That all who see this tuny send their address and tetttho business, wo mako this offer. To shell as are not well sal Isfled wu it ill send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full paillciilarsnnd out tlt free. Address (Ikokuk SriNhOJf & Co.. 1'ort an, Maine. dccis-iv. Executor's Notioo. Estate oi Ki.iz.siiKTit ltowaiAN, deceased late of Aiptasdilcola, Tovvamenslng township, 'Car bon county, l'a: All persons Indebted to said estate nro request ed to make immediate payimmt, and all having legal claims against tlic.snme will present them it flliout delay In proper form for settlement to TllOS. ItOWMAN, W l' ll,,u.t,,u A .l.n In.. lll t. . . . .iiiui 9 i. .no i,i3b mil anu bcstamuui Kluabctli notvman;. Lehlghton, December 18,1880-flvv ot To ADVERTISE!" S. FbrachcckforrMvte vv'.i! nrlnt a ten Una ad verilseiuent In One M'.'illon Issues of leading American Newspaper. This is at tho rate ot only one-llfth of a etnt per line, for l.ooq clrcula ti0".7,!,,8iulvf,,SCM'e"t ' ' Pkiceilhetoie Ono Million different uevtspaper purchasers ur Five Million lthadcrs. Ten lines tvlll accoinmo- uaie auuiii ,3 tvortis. Auiitess vtitn cnpvot ad vertisement and check, or lend an cents for hook of 170 pages. (ii:o. F. JtOWKLL SCO.,10 Spruce tlt( UU11 lUllt, UUCOIIH To whom it may Concern, We hereby notify all parties Fot to trust any one on our account as no will not imy any debts n i-uiiij.ii:u-ii, L-iiuer uu jarin or louniirv, alter this ilalo. We aulhorlie li. Miner, supt., Wm. II. Miner and C. D. Miner, contracting luutles. ..... M1NKU linos. Welssiwtt, l'a.. Nov. so. 188a-etv flirfYlTTJTT UllliV H. I tin u to us, and wc vt III send oufieu ,-u-'J sonielhillir nf irrpnt tnlna noil Im. portanco to you. that will start joulu business vthlcb will Im ing ouinmore money right away than auvthlur clso in this world. Anvntieean do tho work iid live at honr. hither sex i all ages. Something ntv that Just coins money for all workers. Wo vlll start jou; caidtal not needed. This Is one of the genuine. Important chances of a lifetime. Those ivtionMeiiihltlous and enter prising tvlll not delav . (lmnd out lit free. Ad dress f hue & Co., Augusta, Maine uecls-ly you can live at home, and make fnorc money stvtoik funis than at an) Hung else in til uorld. t'anllal not lifrdeil, von lire started free. Moth sexes; nil ages. Any one can dotlii-r,'ork. Uirg earnings sine from first Hart. Costly outfit and terms free. Ilclter not delay Costs jou nothing to send us jour uddrersaml nnu tnui it ..uu MBltlSO JOllttlU UOSUKIOIICO ILUalu'iit CU., rartUind, Maine. dlMy. Building Lots for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale a number ot Fine Building Lots ! Nluecly situated on Union IIIII, East Weltsport, ui lull puces lor-CHsn. A. V. SKYnKR. tseptcmbetLSO'sm Welsspoit, l'a. Just received irom Uoston, an immense stock of the genu ine Knight of Labor Shoes, which we are souing at $2.50 and $3. Warranted solid calf leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. , Cf DqTschirschsky, Hjis always oji lmnd a complete line of DRY GOODS, GRDOERIE, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, . . T . FANCY GOODS, ANI)-. . .... TOYS of all DESCRIPTION. . Which she Is selling at tho lowest prices. Dur- Ing the Holidays you can save money by purchas. ing vnur lireseiitsfroiii l.er. Iinn't full in ..oil mnA exaiulnoV'oods and learn prices before imrcliai Ingebryrhcie. nov20-tu HEADQUARTERS for JEWELRY Opposlto UicCarbon House, Hank Stmt, LtklgtVi ton, fenn'a., sells Watches! Clocks' and J6welryf Cheaper on an averago than can be bought any. Where else In the county. Call and sot. REPAIRING- InalMUbrauchM, iifatly, chouply aud prompt AISO A FULL LINK OF School Books -AND- Stationers Supplies november 20 ly The First National Tank OF L12HIUI1TON. The Annual r.leetlnn fnr K-i.n TviAtn.. Ills ltailk Will lie lirtil nf flip IttifiL-lnn. Ilnioani, Tucsdiiy, JANUAltY 11, 1887. between the hours of t nnd 3 o'clock V, 51. it,, . w. IJOWJIAN, Cashier. Lehlghton, Deo. 11, 1888. With tho coniinp of cool catlicr all licht clothiiifj nro cast " aside and wo don that which protects us from the sudden langes in the weather, so com mon at this time of the year. r e nave just .received a coitf cto line, of all the very latest novelties in Cloths, Cassimers, Corkscrews-) Woorsteds, and other goods, suitable for Fall and Winter -Wear, which we make up in the latest styles, most substantial manner at prices that astonish everybody. H'o still make those famous $10. All-wool, Suits which proved so satisfactory to all who purchased of them when we first commenced their make. Wo, make the same suit now; at thd same price, and the material ice use is as good as ever. We would call your attention, to our Gents FornisuiHE Department ! ' whicli embraces the most recent novelties in Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Underwear, &c In Ladies, Gents undjiCliild reus shoes, wo have evei-ythiiurl that is likely to be in dcmand7Wj- We invite you to call, feeling1 sure we can please you? no mat-iL ler what you want; ' ' 'f Very licspcctfidly, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. After rortyMi'V osperience la tha r reparation of mora hn Om Hundrail Thontnd appllcttloos for p4lenl ia the, Unltt bUtee nd I'oreica coun trie. th9 publUheis of the ScientlfU Aiuericen continue toCt a olloitart for patent, cafeate, trade-marks, copxt right, etc.. for the United btatvs.anj Uenuanr, and all other pountriei. ei net ia nnsnnsUil an,l ihalr faHIMjiH sra tit bbtam n.tDls in 0&n&d&. Knflinii. Fri ace i un equaled and their facilities are u&aur DrawinKi and apeclfloatlona prepared and U'1 In the I'atent O&ica on ehorb notice. 'Vrme very reasonable. Ho charge tor examination of inodela r drawm(. Adrie br mail free , i'aienvoriiinainrouin iDnnauo.irno.icea lathe MCICNTIKIO AJILIIIICAN. which tiae the largest circulation and the moat influential mh newspaper of Ha kind published Id the world. The adrantagea ot inch a notioo aver patentee) c&aersianaa. a. , This large and aplendidlr illnatrated vtwspapec ' la published AVLTlCICLVat 3.00a yMt.'andUr admitted to be the beat paper derote4 to ecienee: mechanic, iDrentioos, ngineorint work, ao rtheri departments of industrial progress puh latied In any country. It contains the names of all patentee and title of arery Invention patented each week. Try It four months for one dollar. Dold b all newsdealers. ' If rou bar an toraaUon to patent writ im )1ann A Co.. publisher of Sfllentlflo American! m llrod.af. New York. , Handbook abaai paUnli mailed re. I liavo Just opened aConl Yarl In conpcctlonf wltli my hotel lit WI'.ISSroltT ttlier can . constantly bo louml all siu ot the Best of Coal ! rtcc fully 3 low as the lowest. Given il ami bo couvluceil. Henry Christman, Fort Allen House, Weisaport. Valibanks Ktaiulanl Scales In i 'ourieeiiov yfiiino Tints mm OoeLOoaLOeaL l)e ember It, Iiii If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers