BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. THE ORAHDEST !Remcc5y of the Ago. AHfonlx qnlctc relief of Jfcrralgia, Hfindrcbc, Hoy Fovcr, CitarU, Arjtbma, AMD BTtflnttn;: CSS X?ftX3 A BUM. tVSn' lufwtl'fi c.iarant-Pfl or raccey refunded. Sit annnths trfMitrannt tor 6J emits. Ilj-bur druggist has iioU'io InhrWIn 8tocV,prndM enU In stamps, and the Juhnler will bo forward! by -null, pofctopntwirt and iff ftttrmjtrtiriitlnn o flvdi,vs from its ropfliptyoit arer.rt fwitlifird with ft eiToite, oil mkt return It. if roceh ed in guud condition, onr money will tin rnfnndsd. Ulrculurend teelirnoniitla mailed freo on application " H. D. CUSHMANp 'J'irco Etvcro, Alien. I)CO. 23, 18KVniS. WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY To Replace Broken Cane. 3 RE-SEAT YGUn CHAWS. Anybody can apply ,JTo Mechanic acodeti. Pnrnilnre & Hartas TRACES. In buying new Chairs, ask for tLojs with. Habivood's lied Leather Finish .bc!b. Tlwy never trcar out. December 25, tsso cm PATENT UMFREEZABLE Uanuf aetnrcd ou Earth. Absolutely I'.i freeza tie. Iiislheitroest UyM ikt. We fiuarisiitcfl onobottla will so tttocirthrMtimea nsfarftaK'iyotlitr Uottlu liluu. It la TIIH BKST UQU11 1ILUEC boin water colored with dry Mur, butia Felon tiUcftlly imuufno tured.frotlwtiti ImroFBiMotOBpot dr fitroak ibo clothes. cniTY-sTRn:sTH. tbe abovo ci.M i Inuruertoprovo be abovo cM facts, buy the goods, tcstttiem youiFclf, and bo .convinced. Hundreds of 1 houssrds of Dotilci Sold end not Ono .Complstnt. GUARANTEE CIIE3 illGAL CO,, (Limited.) 2120 4 21B0 Itaco fetrccf, rillLADEtPIIU, PA. Uceeuiber23, 1S86. This imper la kept on Me rtt tbe oince of DVERTISINq IME3 BUILDING gflffij PUMDELPHIA. ECTIUkTCC For liwmm ADVEUTliUG roCC COIIMAICO nt UowsstCceh nnton rtiuC SH1ITH BROS. EXTRA DOUBLE FLAVORING i.f "jr. Always uniform) rcconiBicnded for 1 PUMTY, STKENGTH andFLAVOB. SSU3BTH BROS. Stronger Family Ammonia, For General Cleaning rnrposcs. SW38TH BROS. Extract of Jamaica Ginger. Auk jour Grocer for Smith Ilros. Extracts, and tako no other. 9R1ETH ERGS.. V Akron, O. December 25, lE80cin FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American S Foreip Patents, 023 V st near U. S. I'ateut Ollice, AVASHINGTOX, I. C. All bUHtness before United Slates Patent Oftlce uttended to for moderate lees. Patent, procured in the United States and all PoiviisnCut'.utric. 'it ail Marti and Lattlt replsteied. llejected niipllcatious rcMved aiidinoseeided. Intornia t Ion and advice as to ohiiiluliiy Patents ehui'r fiillyfurnlslied without ehari!e. Scud hUeteh or Model for Pltnit opinion as to Patentability. Agency In tlio U. S. jiossossos superior Vicilttlos for obtainlni; l'atcnts or ascertaining tho l'atentnbil I Ity of Inventions, Cojiles of patents furnished for 25e. each. tS Corre.poiidcnco solicited. lecu. 13 "WnHOi'KS. The rOLICE CAZETTK will be mulled, cnrely wrapped, to any uddrasj iu tho UuN cd States furthrco mouths mi receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to po.tinafUrs, ss.ut. snd clubs 6umple copies mailed free. Address all orders to ItlCIIArtD K. FOX, Mar 30,1895.1 Fkaskum fqiiASt, N. Y I CHAI R SEATS I C3 The enly perfect J3 LIQUID raTWASH BLUE mm IK ffiir vm 1 W. ipMl vjl V ask tBJi cnacFii 133 ir'lR l 1 AK I "I, AB . . ' iiiiBn. inn mmm. THE. NEW QUINIME, Kaskin E WHAT THE BAY A110UT IT IK 111 MAhAllIA, DYSPEPSIA, Norvoua Debility, Liver, Lung & Kidney Disease. Tho eminent ami celebrated Dr, Olossncr writes : "line HASMVr. On, Drah sini, "Tito first greatest successes I hail with Knsklnn wore In thills and (over, malaria, nervous ileblllty, rlieu tiiallsin,)iin'iislamul liver illsensoi. unit I con sidered at that time It was undoubtedly tho lifat tnniUoJiif ever illsenv ered, hut I was even then unfamiliar with Its really wonderful powers In curing nil the other germ diseases and disorders, particularly where tho blood had beiomu dis eases or impoierwicu nun inc ingestion impair- Strictly speaking, Knsklno Is tho only blood icr we nave, l use it in vcrv inrirciv wi t isrceiy unfailing surccss In all diseases peculiar tow men and children. In over three Imndred eases havn rtirfrl thfiro has never been tho IkuI clTett follow Ins Ita iwf, and It h Mr mintrlor to Hitv tonlr or nerve meUldno ever known lo tho medical profession." Very truly your I. M. (Jr.K8Arc)t, M. T)M aco Knt I2int street. New York. Prof. W, F. Holcombe, M. ., M Kast 5tli Rt, N. Y,. (late Trof. In N. Y, Mert. College), "KasKine h supetlor to quinine In Its specific power. nnl never produces the slightest injury to the lienrlnir or constitution." Tins U. H. Kxamlnlnc .Surgeon, Dr. I R. "White, writes: "Ko-sklne h the best iiKdtrliiu made," at wrii.pi. ( livery patient trraled with HopitAlfN. Y.:i Sired"0 bCC" dlsclll,rKD" Hcllovuo Hospital. I. Y., " Universally succcss- liu." Ht. .Joseph's Hospital, N. Y., "Its uso Is consid ered indtspcimble. It acts perfectly." Kasltlne is pleasant to take and can be used without special medical counsel. Send for the great bnok of testimonial.',, unpar nlldeil In the luslnrv of medicine. St.mii biiltle. Sold by nil drusaisls or snrit I null nr. rie uipilre. jiii. i iv i. i. v..., rie.vt-ly WWnrrcn St., New Yolk, Sold by T. 1). THOMAS,, I.chlKhton, Va. North Carolina. On the Carolina Central Rail road, in Gaston County,' WANTS WHITE American Settlers!! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Arc offered those lmvlnsr means to en- Trlanufactnring Enterprises ! MOUNT HOLLY . Is endorped bvona nnho Rtronnet liattm.nU!n the South, and has tho ii'pnorl of tho State oKI- cihis. j uero are live v ouon baerories in me iniinediate neighborhood, and the nrftfct'tiii-M nrn. poso to mako It the ltir$p&t manuracliirlna cen- 1 U III .lllllll I .11111111 I, small ! arms otirom live tn twenty acres, ad Jolnlnutho town, can ho had at from MnntoSlon. Hiieruiiy Miucu lur nulls, veijcraiues at.u Reneriil i.uiiiuiK. i. v. lit.AItii. Muvis-sm llaleluli, N. 0. Do You Supper -1'ItOJI- Lie or Throat Tro Malaria or Blooa Poison ? fs Your System Broken Down from Over-Work If so, and you want Inunedl.ito reliof and a per- iiiuui'ui cure, cutnu lo Southern Pines NORTH CAROLINA, For the Winter. This Is tho highest point In tho Lone; I.raf Vine regions nt this Country, situated Immediately nn the KAl.KKIII AND AUUUSTA ItAII. l'.OAl), 07 Miles Smith of l'.aleiKlt, In the midst of an unbroken plno forest FU'TY MII.UM IN UACH DIUKtri'ION. Many Nuithern people aro building coltaircs at Uu Pines for Winter uso, and somo for per manent residence. Tho hotel nt Southern Vines It owned and iimiioscti oy air. w. H. ltaynionu, ot KcwYoi lio irdliiff Houses under the management of rutin-, mint uiiuuiii, .-iiaswcmiscus, iew lot anil X'v .Iriv. ltallroad Stailou, Post'OHloe, Telogranh, and all conveniences. Kyery Invalid vinltlng tills place ltasbocn bene- r'o'r special rates of fare, addt ess, P. V. CLARK, G. P. A., Seaboard Air-I.ino, Ituleliih, N. 0. Catarrh ELY'S CREAM BALM Glut relifj at tnct and Curti Cold to Head Catarrh. Hay Fovoi JVe a Liquid Snuff or 1'oudtr Free from injuri out Drugs anif vwfm TS rtVJ "CAM ii y .rjr,-rr HaY-EEVEK OTcntitt Odort, A liartlclo applied into each nostril and Is agree able. Prlco M cents at diucgUttj hv tmlLresls. tercd, co cents, circulars fr.u. lil.V li litis., Urueslits, On eg j, N. Y. Ott-.'-tssa p raster Vithoc.t doubt liOlJi:3Trlajtorniivlfi. tvvn P4 fcVP-Lltacuj lUad or psluortoroaaan, icattct ti vla, eovoro, E.;r-las, JCioiiey Dtau&a, fa I l3wtl Um cvriy curt t scTvnoaslJi any part h" 71Taprtlcaof tlicltrpru&;era Virtues oft C'JL-billCil ill & UiVOAE fltlirl r.BtfpfHro-11. risit I riTUIi P. " ? f A-K A'-f CO.. itCJtOU. Jl'AM. Ilff Buddies ! WM. DUFFY 8c SON. of East Mauch Chunk, aro prepared to do til kinds of Plastarinn aud Oruamental Wori, at (holiest notice. Orders bv mall will re ceive prompt attention. Teiiua moderate for Cwul work. seulStf Lewis H. Relirig, Slate Roofer. ni:PAIRlNO promptly attended In at ahort nutiee and on reasonable terini. WORK GUARANTEED. Address i ritlNCE'S T. 0., Carbon County, suO-ly, mount oily I mm J 8 AS WE CLIP HUMOROSITIES. Boston lias six editors oyer eighty. Utica Obsercer. Sceuis as If It would linvc been just as easy to say.: Boston has clj(hty six editors. Londun considers licv. Dr. l'hllllps Brooks tlio most satisfactory American .preacher over lienrd In England, A Sensible Man would two Kemp's Balsam for tho throat and hums. It Iscuilnz mom cases of couch. colds, asthma, bionchltls, croup and all throat and lung ti onirics, than nny other racdlctuo. Tlie proprietor has authorized Blcry, of M'clssport, and '1'homas, of this place, to refund your money If, nftcr tak ina three-fourths of a bottle, relief Is not obtained. 1'ricoCOc. and $1. Trial size free. -Tho remains of Mrs. A, T. Stewart In tho crypt of tho cathedral t Oarden City are guarded day and night. N i The Only Wa7 to Conquer Dvrcpla. It is tierfectlvnronostornusbi introduce beiraln and other arttlulal solvents Into tho stomach, in the cxpect-itlon that they will assist digestion by nciin uu 1110 mou llieji. iney win uuu nnr Is It possible thus tooveicomo dyspepsia. Tho only way to conquer that disorder, and prevent tho numerous Ureases and disabilities which It assuredly piovolie.s, Is to renew tho activity of ;asiric ncuon uy .strciiRtucniiur inc siouiacu. lostetler s stnmacli It tiers eriuueates Lue luosl Invctrrato forms of IndlRCstlnu by restoring vlLilltv to the allmentarv nriransjind Uioso Avblch are tributary to them, Tho llccr, the bowels.tho Kioncys aim ine nerves, no less titan n:n siomacn cvncrltnce tho Itivlzorntlvo elTccts of that stand nrd tonic, which posise.salleriitivc proierllcs thatBreatly enhance Its beneficial inllui'tice,and Ric a iicrmanence to Its clTecta which they wouiu uoi oiiierwtso possess. Mrs. Laritrj la said to bo writing a novel dealing with English life In Kngland and America. Tliu wondcrfal Healing propcrtiei of DRtbya TrophrlactU Flaid in case of Accidents) for Sums, Scalds, Cuts, YVounds. etc Ita protnnt uso will Invariably rolicre ami prevent Erysipelaa, Qangrvno, or I'roud s lesu. uwing to the cleansing ana iiavify 112 (Uialitie? of tho Fluid tho most obstinate Ulcers. Bolls. Carbunclos and Itmininc Sores are rndrcd pura and healthy and speedily eurid, no other application being necessary. -Ex-Prcstdent Antbur. it Is saldj was the first member of a New York Thirteen club to die Ouftht to b) Known by All ! The wonderfully cmiclc r.nd cortain re lief alTorded by Fontaine's Cure In cases of cold, cough, croup, bronchitis anil as lima, it win cure a com in lli minutes! The first dose will clvc telief. It will cure croup In as many minutes. A child's life may be saved by Us timely use. It is a radi al cure for Asthma, it should always be n the house, ready for an emergency. Can you, or any person afford to take a nsk, when you can absolutely guard against It? Wiiooiuns-cought consumption and bion- chltts will Yield to this medicine when othora have failed. Sold at Dr. C. T. Ilonis drug store. Kaiser Wllhclm has given $12,000 to ward orectltig the Lucher monument In iJcrlin. AVIiat Is a cold in tho head? Medical authorities say It Is duo to atmospiieilc genus, uneven cioiitin!: or tha body, rapid coollns when in a perspiration. Ac. The innortnnt point Is, thai a rolil In tlio head s a ceuulne rhinitis, an inflammation of the liultis mcmlirane of tlio nose, which, when linchecKcd, Is certain to produce a catarrhal condition for catarrli is essenti ally a "colli" which natitro Is nolotigcrablo to "resolve" cr throw off. lily's Uivant 15alm lias proved itssupcriorltyi anil snffcr- is iroin com in me lu'ad sliould resort to it before that common ailment becomes seated anil cuds in obstinate catarrh. Quocn Victoria visited the churchyard at Crathlo shortly before her departuro iioiii isaiinorai, ana uepositcu a memorial wreath on the grave of John Drown. Did you ever stand over a wash-tub In which clothes were bein washed fitli com mon brown rosin soaps? If so, try Dhey- uoppin.'s uoiiAx soap next wash-day, and note tho difference. Tho best Is the cheapest always. Quoen Victoria can draw If she can not write a successful book. Her sketches of Highland scenery aro pronounced super lot to thoso by many Scotch artists. Sim.oii's cough and consumption euro Is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con sumption. Sold by Ulery, Welsspott, and Horn, i.eiuyiiion. kittle Jildred Howells, the eicven year-oia uauijliter of tlio novelist, Is an artist. All tho illustrations in "A Little Girl Among the Old Masters," arc hers. Glad tidings. Relief and cure of throat and lung disease. Fontaine's Cure is guar anteed lo cure a cold In V2 hours. Sold by u. x. iioiii, uruggist, Bill Xye is in vory poor health again and fears that he will bo compelled to givo up literary work. Tho public will bo losers if he doos, That hacking couch can bo so nutcklv cured by Sblloh's Cure. We guarantee it. nr. u. x. itorn, i.olilghlou, audUIery. it eisspuri. What Is said to bo a fact not generally known is that bees collect from only ono description of tree or plant at a time. Croup, whooping cough anil bronchitis iinineuiaiciy relieved bv Sh o h's Cure. Sold by Horn, I.ehlghton. and Blcry, at 1 1 uiaaiiujt. e 0 W The Prussian minister of education has decided against the admission of women to the universities as students. Brown plush makes very stylish wraps when artistically made with bead trim uilng. nui-y ono is aware mat when a person with a cold retires for the night ho experi ences a tickling in the throatandadllliuulty In breathing. One or two doses of Seth Arnold's Cough Killer will reuioyo troubles of this nature.and give tho sufferer a good night's rest. : Givo it a ttlal and so be con vinced. ior salo by all -druggists. Tri 2 jc. COc. and 81.1)0 per botllof 4 Dr. Seth Arnold's SugarTCoatcd BIHotis i ins uiieuiiaiieii ior cosmetiess, jaundice. uver iroiiuics, 'dc. Irlcycilug is becoming ltuinensly popular, among tho women of Kngland Stop that cough, by tho use ofJVyer's Cherry Pectoral tho best Bnecjfie for all throat and lung diseases. It will allay In lamination, aid respiration, and strengthen the vocal organs. Ayer's Almanacs are free to all. Ask for one. On Thanksgiving Day Bishop Potter tlio new American Tilnlty Church, which was erected at the expense of the principal American citizens residing in Paris. Don't bo swindled, lion Ptantrra are Ihubest. Hops, Gums and Burgundy Pitch united. 23cts. Fur elderly ladles gray watered silk Is combined willi black cashemere In gowns. The most stubborn cases of dyspepsia and sick headache yield to the trgulatiiig and toning lutltieuccs of Hood's Sarsapa rllla. Try It. Bed-room slippers covered with feathers aro an extravagant fancy with some ladles. If you feel as though water was gather ing around the heart (heart-dropsy) or have lieartrhetimatlsin, palpitation of tlio heart Willi sutfocntlon, sympathetic heart-trouble Dr, Kilmer's Ocean-Weed regulates, eor rects and cures. A watchmaker says that tho multiplic ity of telegraph, telephone and electric wires In largo cities magnetlzo watches and prevent there keeping good time. Aver's Cherry Pectoral Is recommend, ed by eminent uhysicianr, on both sides of tlio Atlantic, nt tlm most reliable, remedy for coughs, colds and all pulmonary dlsor dors. Inquire of your druggist for Ayer's Almanac. ANDREW BAYER, ri:AMcn in Wall Papor and Dcoorationa. WJndcw Bhoits k Painters SujplUs, Paper Hanging, House and Gign Fainting, Calsomlnf; and Qralnlng. Hank Street, I.chlhton, l'cnlt'a. Oct. Sn-Cm WANT .U Slock. Jili cdl'lrs WANTK1) to sell Nursery k. All noods mirrant- pleasant, prolltabtn poslllnns fur the rlitht men. Uood Salaries and expenses paid. Liberal In ducements to new nien. No pievloiisouerlenco neeesMiry. Outfit freo. Wtlio TttlfinTriTlT sn&rg0- l,'nc,osc iifiijulnr CIIAltl.KS II. CHASE, Nurseryman. Ilocht ter, N. V. Mention this paper. oct2n $100 A WEEK, ladles or irentlemcn deslrltiR pleasant prndt ablo employment wrltn nt once. Wowni.tscu tnhsndliMin nrllcleof domcsllc use that recom mend. Itself tn every one nt sight, STAl'I.II AS 1'I.OUH' Sells llko hotenkes. I'rontsWX) iier cent, rntnllles wlhlti(r to practhe reennmy should for their o n henent write Tor particulars. Used everyday tho jear round In everv house hold. I'rlcn within tho reach of all. circulars freo. Atreuts reecho satniile .free. Address DOJIESlIc M'F'O CO, Marlon, 0. octao-cm HEDiCAL OFFICE: 206 JJ. Second St., Phllada., Formcilr &3.J.N.&J.B.H03ENSA0K. IMnbiKheit 40 jrnrs. Forthe cure of all Special Discatcs, Including XlemiKs of Youthful Jm prinltriiff, Vnrtcorrln, i;to. Callorwrlteandb c.tred by a Graduate of TcfTcnon College, with Hospital Hour, to 0 W 0. Clciel C'cnityJt Subscribe for Advocate. ttHntf (I rfOm tmnil tvrl llhon IflHIil MflilAl- I'liit.iutritnlni A 11 ecu o ton or tlio lEO?clI!on. A toUtcllnri of Imftioivtii. tat.ini.-,a tiirllilugnii rnt I vkn vi thwrtKt.rInoi Livoiit nttl-(lcl(1,rnrxb und picket, mlritituii f nouuU nml rpl noiWt of prison 1K, of tl. Krmt Ooiurit. Mr, Lhimln. tp. The 1.1 To of General V. H. (Jruat. Ky W. A. rstBitd. i uu p in run enn ouiur i.iHH'iKttnnt. I'fli'W, by John 1. WMlllor. Thfrnlr ehfnp edition puKltantiJ 'iortl I Imi la frery Jtrtu-u-ltold. IlhtttenteiL l wmii-v by lltnry . Lunirtelloir. N j one ci.a ffora to t lliiottt tl.Ia tluo (.oHcai-W. JhuitrnteJ. Poeiu Iir Alfrrd TrniiTn.iii. l!tt orlt tniitatna inmd oflht llnBt enmfH'iltlon ol itid Knt pno. I.iircnt. lRrIoi Amtrtac!it. A Utk ciiUufiloti tf jlctlr.? Clw rilas, l'urlor Driimnii. hliow t'atilntiilinvH, Cniiu, I'uisUk, etc, tor noeliil iT4lli(irIti)C8. nnblto and Lrlv.l euturUlumentH mid evcnliiita nt liunte. ittmlrate.t, MhiihaI ol'KIiirIfiittirn..1Vrhen tho i.M mtrtnrl o'r.rot- KKtlnR nil ths-Slflir.'iit t'lantii, teUslmw locius tll-tKuniutfrsif- lCKto lrweci, Kit airtcnmit nr tnitklDK veAUtlriil Coril tnietlirtlvTi.'in, fr Ir.ilmv (turiluitns. tte. Jlluttrattd, OnMo Iu Xocdlcforh. KnUtlrr mi.l CrtcUcf. Ton UtnlPK'ti nh;rib and dlrertinim (of nil klmliorFitiry N'nvilUwnrK. Artistic l.mbr tidi rjr, Lc Work, JCulllIux, Tdltlug, Croclut J Krt Woi lu llljtrated. Ftniit:i Pctteotlvo Rtorlen. A c!Iettan nt trllltn v nN fatlvea of i)t.tcth eTrrcrUuce uiftny of tUm vrlttcu by mclunl tat tnlwii vt Ihn pnfeMlon. Ynnkt'O Wit nnd Humor. A collection f rntfioxcm RtorKn, Uetche, pnenin an I rtrtjli, ty tb Itnjini launy nmn dI tlttt American (hpb, HlntttnU I, in jjjrBierr lit itiacnuoa urangt, a kowi. Er !r. MAY AAsihi TtKliT3 Tho Kll C!riilti. Atirovth R M. r. CLroiu XhcNturofaMoriiu A Kovl. Jtltr. JaxkG. Arsri; r-Wov;lllfMi'la.riT,)Tii,o',hhorf JSCcutsit k-nftwiU'tve turZtfi Ceati tboonttre ll-t (ii) 1M chuli iiat k, for 31.1 . Tii-o ar tha ch-ap.U h joVt money jiKeaioriiicm. aaiixaction pvniawm or wojv r as toourimiamntj, woiritrto wjyitwM'Vr'rpuiiit.hinl Ofit;Ol.i J UJKSUif 1 tr rli.ii ft, DHIuf ratlci'ni,to be iieloctedhy roursolf frmniictnlmcuo which lrir 16 t)itro, Cl-eoimualllustrataiilitrat-r pr.p Aildress all lottet iuutiftwiu iii-ri-T piifp-. m- r. 3 3 0 EJ3 18 I have "made away" with my prepared era BOOESa THSiiS DENTS iSAQH P H D D KI K H with one ol the most FASHIONABLE as well STANTIAL hncs of Ladies', Gent's and satr9 F.fiiae. Ladies American & Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes,-' All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Latest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST PRICES, A.t The se COHlSrEnR, STOIRE." LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. fflra XttlO !0 UMACOUA1MTED WlVlI THC SUE UV nXAt.HMlKQ WSP ' 1N "turn Jji'iSSrt raj' la--SiSrAVatorvl IcrtS eVAfSw; CKICAQO, ROGSC ISLAND & H'Y Ev Tettcon ami tiouuaucnii: oatv truo Cr-llo, tin, Molr Cei.ti Kfcnus City, in IS is: -vim f..j,ffrrWf,.lh SIuuieapoliB.AnJ. Q:. X'a'.tl, In illnneonta; of IU c'entral position, clp?a nCiittou ti principal lltifa of CWcrjro, ucm lia s t."iU-.tut'r Ji-t J w'eas, Ito-tUitot toA Oo-rtbsveut-la tSiJ , Kttacuq-jtak n uiat ti-j.r.sof.i'.tJiiiMycot syetcaa wtica,ir.vjiyq rit itcu-' 10 iioti: Alar-a maliv cjaasnfp UracaOiJoUcr, otmA, lia-" eoy!.-),, OotiOopo, Kolbj.j riock Islaucl, in Tll-acb; TJaTc-nport, tVmaaafjton, rnrHcld, Ottvum;a. Qko-oca, ost Uhnfty. ICV.-n, Clfy,Se3 so, Incliau';:, Wlntzinat. Atlantic,' Kooiville. Ao'tu'ioTi. Jl.'orlan, Outlirlo a n .) I ' - . I -u,.. -V. I . . . ..II. j -. r- .... . ... 1.. .i.iThuu. ...... of iaturauxUats eltlta, townn and villacjo. THE" GREAT 11QCK ISLMtD ROUTE pucranteoa Hpsaa, Comfort and Safjtr to tttosa who travel ovsr it. It3radbod is tliorsuitaljr Ijillastod. It" Wck la of hoavy st-s-i. It-s bvldew ara solid rtrustui f s of ct"; and Iron. it. It llB.3 all tha Hn.fetr? r.-n niuiforc;-;a3anairon. lt-i roain 11 nai au t.10 mrety t-ppliancea that oryarlanQe wmv...i vnl.,r. 1a ical-itj dUoipUi.0 tloaa in luieotialo.! in th "ffAat-it.Hiii-r.nAHsd Aijjii js-acusos T-l: All's Tjetwsen mw uiLLo, eiefrani Ui,Hii OTTAIfi CASS. THE FAmOUQ ALBERT LEA ROUTS Is tho dtroot. favprlts lino btwoa:i Chloao and Minneapolis and Ht Paul. Over this :juto colld i ast Exnrosa Traiaa run tU'dy to tha euia-nsr roj;rta, ptctorocqno looal-ujf aad l.unt.a;r ai'.d fisUinr rrptxnilii of Iowa uiul Jiinnosota. 1xo ilcli vrnaat flallo and rrmzius ltads oi lutar.or Dakota aro roachod via Wctortown. Jx Bhprt aeslrubla J-ontu, via Si'nooa andrCankaliee, olera sminrlor induceTJectJ to travolcrj between Oinclnnatt, Indlana-jaUi, Lafiyctta and Council Biiitrs, lit. uosopli, AtcnlBon, Lenvcawcitn, Ianoas' C.ty, Kinuuapolis, Ct. Paul Kid lntcr m8(Uat9 points. All cla3Jj of patrona, especially fitnlllos, ladlsa and cMldran, rci-.olvo from pfflolals nnd oanloyoa of Cools Island trains protection, respectful courtaoy and kindly attention. Unitsd E tat ea and ur 4uai3, jjoiuera ootamaDie at mi principal 'Aioiiec uiucca m uia R. R. CADLE, Prej't&Qen'lH'c'r.Chltago, thonua'tcii... thoy acd broken .down raon lutlio iult j.,., -J.thoiewllosuiiurfroi.itSe --ny ol, .P ui Dir. nu-Il rna t I j 5jJi,.A"i&oi 1-CliCwHi.oonl.nvuFRtiE PHOP. PCMimiii ninru i fn WvV 3mj&4iAy! HAft.rjl3 OCI1I TiJlL l'flJ!!l.Lth.VK;.r jiry A lt.dlciil Cnroiop s.rn m. l i&in 11. . , t run .rflVl.'a tt. a.o.i u.n. r.rt f i'l.i .v::.i t".. 3f!rrt-?.rj'iiiit Dr. G. T. HORN, AT THK Central Drug Store, Ol'P. TIIH PUHIJIC S0.UAHH, Hank Street, Leliighton, Pa., Is prepared for the Fall and Winter Trade with n fresh niipply ol Drugs and Medicines, Choice Wines & Liquors, Cigars, etc. All tho latest novelties In l'nll and Winter bhades nnd patterns of Wall Papers, A N 1) Decorations, Library Stand Lamps, in allstyles, and atall prices. SPECTACLES fittedgto the eycand satisfaction guaranteed. Sale Bills Printed Here. tha list nil start If vnn itn tiM flml lliaralti mm. 1 1, at wnn Out ftfttipRpii A NovH. BrCi.An Aim cut , Ajrnlhu UUtorr.' A Novel, lijr Mabuarkt Btowr. Tun 3Ioi'rleU J-tiro Mystery. A Novel, By WiLKti Co tux. JlUisitflitJ. 'lhej.ctortheituthveiis. i Novel. Dy Miss Mitlock. Xlliuti -utd, A Iepl Hcnrt. AXovr! Y.f Atilhor of M Dnm Thorn' Oittt.ftho tloplhn. A NftWt. Uy If roil Conwat. Tho Itointiiitlu Adventure or it AlHLmultl. A. Novel Cj lll'iUAM UaHHT. J ii the Ilollduy. X Novpt. Uy JUhy Cxnt Hat. '1 ho Heir to Ashley. A Vuvtt. Ity Mn. Uutav Wonn. Atlijat or 3Im.l A North 1W Wax ik Tallin. IlluttntttcL Moro Illttrr thuii 2tatUi A Novtl. r t! uutiir ol "Din T'mrin." fwrrUtun Mlfh, ANovel, Ey nreil Cdxwat, ZlVt. The rntfil I. tile. AXmH. Uy Anlliorol " a 1 1tnrr. AMimitmoit tUsjThrCJthoM. A N'nvl. ll Ult Mat, The jtir?ji'CrriT. A Kovol. J5 milirl ul T.n 'I Ixiritu." Tho ItluLchfurUlicaucttt. A tntllJ Uy JIl'uji Cu1vat, riliiuraied. A iucen Amonct Wotucn AS-ovl. Ey thi Ay.thor ol' l)ir Thorns." Tho l'r.tnl Marrtiurr. A Novrh V tttw II. R GALno; A TuleofKln. A oTet. Ily Mm. Hxnu Vhpi, A ItHtlcaul'l.oX. ANtl, Hynl!(iorIurTlirtIl.,, A l'tilre Crlino. A Novel. Ity "Tiik Ilrciinn." lnclCi'ir Hoc. A NnvI, Eyfltlioi of " Huts Ultimo." Ktilhtbrlico Alyhtcry. A Houl Ty CHAjiLKt Ckaic Idvt',TJtt'i, , . ' WprfdHd r.ud VnrtfiH A Vovrl. rrn-fthrtrnf "Tlnf aTlmrnp." A i'uituiiv il Hitler, A N'r.l, Itn-isiti iRos-m I Wit. Au.oiic the UlIiik. A N'irttl Vv Kiltrf'kClMUV. HVd, if n pott paid upon receipt of t.nW TmvJto C'Uttanyffti fot LwkkKnr ?aCentfi thpuin.i lit UmiU In homli nvr puhlUIh'J rmi fu.u.tnitttl t tree Unipn he ri ntirn, rmtitre Mntni'i? tAKfn fur lmpt:nrti bf vdolihf. U.fw York, liken-.1 to the fnmt.i'T''int A:enoict. yxtr Cfiilu'wonh cf tt o liiycrIT alinil rniier will 1j uSrit jah. or rI'li iVojile's Siomc Journal, iiTio j nar aii rner i fllh-il hv rliii n tutll. B S! im nm vuu nam old stock and am now fully for the Children's Shoes. Sa Upf French Kid $2. to $4. Shoes, $1.25 Up ! OaOOnAPIP O? THIS COUKTHY. VVH.L THIS MAP, THAT TH3 as SUB- 1 Mine, tfjuiaiui, xii-.uuh, .-(. v--v;'.., .mvu uw. f.T,rl A'';. 1 K ti nr 1! AnITt J.Q. W'atcitown ia Dakota, and Lundrods atosn is porreot as nuuiaii dkju can mta:? ccocliaidcal go.-.t'3 lu.s invented and Its practical orcratiea ie eonecrvulivo tkwx rethud- j. no luxury ci i3 paectn;sr atfccm.muua.- in tlio ,-ail.i. a. Obic4omna tlio jilwoxirt itivor cona-E - proviaxo-e?' cxcfciiei-cratiiLs, n-iiu. or any desired Information, addraio, E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HQLDROOK, Ais't Gaa'l ti'u'r, Chicago. Gcn'l Tit. h Pass. Ajt., Chlcara mil t u ...Liaitlnn .1 iuvi.iilL.iii n aU- furiarM tmutilvl. .a I allQuarlf., MuwfluQir iuri in mtiMS tour tic tun.. l.ltu.hH CI tu:ii thouiAlAl,, nbnuM'I II1.I ill. J.. Ur n.1 with utetnUiiii tts Luuui. n, uu.uti f r .n epr wit. rui-Ji4 Lillrctiun In tii. w.i it I dl.iu.ut It. .muI. ImilCUll f. II Wilhiit .1. tv. ThubsluMl vi ..Jil.alii.nlinacWinp.liijf nt. .n-ni.Mi nek. tir iifttfmt t.-..u.i.Cc.rfl.lwlri.p.ujTpi1ui.ratf;f.i;.ui;irt..4 HARRIS RSMI-or to.. Ufa CKtaiiT E.Xji ir.TntbSlrrt. '-T-IUja, MO, Trial o( our Appliunwj. tor Yerntel Z-f' I.I OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. War Airalnit Injscta. From llio Aitieilcati Anilciilturlst Wlioevor undertakes to grow house plants enlists for a war against a dry atmosphere, dust and insects, and tlio greatest of tlicsn is insects. Tho most injurious insects nro not thoso largo enough to Lo removed by hand, but tho minute plant-lice or Aphides, called by tho gardener Green fly. Nosooncr docs a new and tender shoot, two or three inches long, push forth, than it is beset all over, round and round, with these innocent looking inbcels, as close together ns they can stand, each with ils little snout (proboscis, if you like It better), stuck Into tho tender shoot, and all sticking away for dear life. mo Inserts grow, nut Ilia snoot does. not. Tobacco in some formdust, tea or stnoko ;is sura death to these liltlo creatures, Smoke is best, as it is most penetrating, or 'tarchin, as theoldfashloned folkssay. In tlio greenhouse this is the most readily applied from of tobacco, wliiloin the window garden the most difficult. Still, if ono is really fond of plants, and smoking is a con dition of succcbs, ways nnd means -will be found to ttpply it. If ono can have tho uso tiFVclottef; or the exclusive Use of the bath rofn for over night, smoking bocoaies eaty III smoking, we wish to burn tobacco, and do not wish to burn tho house. It will be Well to make a shallow box or tray, Bay four feet square, with sides foNr or five inches highj (ill tVu with coal ahes, and it Will make a hearth upon which a lire .may be built with safety. A handful of pine kindlings is placed in tho middlo of this hearth ; when fairly ablaze, a lot of dam; tobacco stems aro laid upon this fire, and the operator, shuold retire and' eloso the door behind him. Of course, it is supposed that the plants havo been removed from the window to the bath-rooin before this smoking is given. ' . i OoodKoanUs in Every Cass- ,T). A. Jiiadford,' wholesale p.'iper dealer of Citutthnoogit, Tenn.,-wr.ilps that ho was seri ously tilllletoa with a severe cold that settled on his Iiiiirs ; had tried many ruioeiliesuith out bouelit. Ileinor induced lo Irv Dr. Kitt'i iS'ow Discovery lor GuiMimptii.n, did so and was entirely cured bv tho ur.e of a few bot tles. Hintc which time helms used it in his familv forall coughs nnd eii'.ds with the best results. Thi-j is the experience of lliotiNinds wlirwe. lives have-been saved by this wonderful discovery. Trial bottle3 freo at T. D. Thomas' drug store. Winter In City and Country. Because there is little open air life every in-door attraction in winter, of a social na ture is promoted. This is all fine, but tho horrors of btorms in the city mttat not bo over-looked ; the btrects filled with snow.tho struggling horse car and truck horses, the spectacle evety few rods of honjes falling.and then the chilly air, the result frequently of salt and snow mingled, and the worse than arlic condition when tlio snow is melting on ono side of the btroet and frozen on the oth er, the biinlcssnrss of oneridcof nearly every street if bright font littlo while in the morning, then dark and cold in the aflei noon and in many streets, owing, to the i. !.'.' t"!...' i...!..M ,.r i ..It lll'llll ill lliu uilllllllls, uctum ill sun ii. mi timcsj fronf i!u4,samo cause ihe wind seem ing to blow from all quarters. i havo been in the coldest parts of Maine and Kew Hampshire and in Northern Xl'tliigan in the depth of winter, and Have seen more men and women, and children ex posed to a very low lemperaturoj but the real type of a shivering wretch, with head drawn down into his coat collar, faco pale, teeth chattering. I must draw from re spectable gentlemen whom I havo seen turn ing the corner out of a street running east and west into ono running north and south, when the wind, laden, with fmo needles' of ice, was rushing us through agrooraat the rate nf liftv miles an hour. A blizzard is undoubtedly worse, but nothing clsois. In the country one has the wind from one quarter ; if it is a northwester, a npithwcst crit is, and the citizen can adjust himself to it. lie can walk with it if it suits his con venience, or if competent ho can propel against It even if ho has to tack. If, how ever, he remains indoors he has what to every healthy mind and body is astimtilcut of tho highest order, the view of the storm. Du. lll'CKI.KV, You will never succeed in finding pcr- , tt..r r t t. :i Ill.Mlllll It-llU! Until 1 iiviiiii.i.iaiii itiiiii juii have used fc't. Jacobs Oil, the great pain euro 1'rieo 50 cents. Feeding Wheat Bran. Feeding corn meal nnd hay will keep calves and colts fat j but tho animal will not grow rapidly unless fed oats, wheat bran or oil-cake in addition. I!y many wheat bran is preferred to oil-cakoi for young ani mals, because it is not so concentrated, mil) does not tax tho digetivoorgatu so severely. Calves grow very rapidly when fe.l corn meal, oats, wheat bran and clovpr liny, be causo spch feed furnishes them with mtisgltH forming matter they need. If wheat bran is kept in the s!i.p-barrol, the pigs will grow faster. A good slop for pigs is. njado by muring hot' witter over wheat bran, ind ieedlugJSTliile yet tfarm. Sir jTolinTiiwcs Matesjiiu'l tho manure tnado by the(i'frtmi bran is.vnrth more thitn-the bran origirfclHv costs. Maturo s4eep do immMiilly -well when fed bran, and young sheep make a greater gain fiom it. Young ntiunnls can masticate bran before they can grain or buy, nnd ut this early period of lifo it furnishes them carbohydielo and albuminoids .in the proportion needed, llran in h cheap n stoel; food as moit larmers rap use. There are several distinct grades of bran olTored in tho markot, vntying considerably in quality and price. Tho coarsest, known f "com mon bran," weighs thirty liotuuls perbtishel "ship stufl" weighs ihiilv pounds, "mld dlinye" weigh forty pounds, and the finest, called "sharps," (illy imundj. Under 'mill feed" is understood nil tho various grades of bran of country mills mixed together. Tf you have a cough or colt do not doo yourself with poisonous nareoltcR, hut laku lted Star Cough Cure, which ei.ntuius no opiates, and is s.ifc, prompt and sure. Price, twenty-five cents a bottle. Of- Silrcr-Jilated dishos aro taking the place of china In many regulated house holds. Game plates are square, and have hand painted birds on them iu quite natur al color. Tall candles on tho dinner table are now replaced by the swinging lamp from the ceiling. In clocks, something new Is the old Dutch hall clock, Euflluieuth small for the mantle. We want every farmer, mechanic and merchant to subscribe for the ADVOPATW. ' Wc nro publishing the fheapist, largest and Host paper in the Itthigh Valley. Try I iU Only f 1. tier year. Scrofula In Otin i f t'ic i t i' i. i yri r1ileh ntThVt It n i in i.ilirrired, lmtraay be tlie t n 'proper accl nnlloo, laVn iii i .l pmson, r.r.i'tiiiuiiueas, ami vnrlotui other eutisi t'lin.nif Sores, Ulcers, Absccssc!!, Canrcror.3 Itnniors, arid, hi some i a.t-nniucmllon and Con sumption, result f.-i-m it scrofulous condl tlon ot tho blood. This c'lranso can bo cured-by t'.io uso ot Ayer's fiftmapsfllla. 1 Inherited nucroftilons condition of tho blooihwliirlicausi'iladorangeitiuutof my whole s.vstom. Aflur taking hist tbnn four bottles of Ayur's Sarsuwtlilal am Entiroly Cured nnd, for the nl year, hat o not found It necessary li use any tin-ilii-iiio whatever. 1 nm linw In linttnr Jiralih, nml stronger, than eyer b.-r.uv. () A WlllarU, S!18 Tremoutst., lloston, Mass. I vrat troubled with Scrofuloua Gorca for llvo years; but, nfter using a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparlllu, tho sores heali il, nml I havo now good health. Ell.a1iotIi Wnruock, CI Apiileton street, Lowell, Mass. Somo nionlli.i nco T w.n tronbled with Brrortilotii Hnrc. on my leg Tho limb was biully iiwiillnti mul inrlamcd, nnd tho son;(ilsi-lmrgil largu (piautitiesof often, slvu' mnttfcr. Every ri-tiu-ily failed until I used Ayer's S.irsaparllla l! taking thrco bottlos of this medicine tlio sores havo been hen'eil, anil my health Is ro dtoied. J sungni'efiil forthogroil it lias doim mo -Mi-s. Ann O'Urian, 1S3 SulU van bt., Now Yoik. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rri-paroit t.r ttr J. C. Aver J:ro.,T.!)'rrll,'!,ta.. Soltt l.y all JhuMUla, I rh ojl ; til l fiitloa.SiO. I WSISEB7 K?!?.. Spclnllr IllMillftl for ZKp atoitlelnnt Use. WASTiP'Q DISEASES end CCNEPiAL DE3ILITY. PcRFESsS D!SST!0iJ. Hit. EDW. T". WAIjLTNO. Fur F,oon in Cl.Icf, Naltuual Gmvril of N. J.,Mlili'81 "flv tiltttiilon vat cnlletl to lite vnur utnno jjiiit MiM.ny ly ).lr. I.tnr, "t Tifiitmi, ! Aii'I I hiro tti n fpxt !( tloi , with far btttnr eftcct lima nnv I Intvn I am nct'iuiueudliifl 1 your article In my FrncticOfUtu flutl It viiy tftll-fttClny,M (TT'lht rjiiiiln hn tti Plrnntitreol i:iSRU t UKMiKLSUN mi Uiq .utl. V. ,)S.'&iiM'i25j (Sol. Asitiiufl'rth.U. S.) ) 816, 018 and S20 Ham St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale nt Dr. Horn FOR PITCHER' S Coatorla promotow RlccstJon, nnd overcomes i'latnlcney, Constipation, Bour Stomach, Diairhoea, and l''cvcrls!:nes. Thus tho child is rendered healthy nnd Its sleep natural. Cattorla contains no Jlorphhio or other imi notio property. " Castorla Is so Well ruUpled to children that I recommrad It as superior to nny pntcrlptlon known to mo." 11. A. Ancuui, M.I).. 8J I'ortland Aie., Urooklyu, K. Y, " I uso CnBtorta in my practice, and dad it specially adapted to nlTectlona of cnlliti en." Aus. litiwiiiTao;:, M. D., J08T !.'d Ave., Kew Yorlc. The CratAcn. Co., 183 Fulton St., K. "Y, nnr ts fict'1' Rr biit tb vriti t C 9 8 I ( E '"'"" tL'o..t'iullmi.l,Mtlat1i;lrtct1jf . T S i I IE rve nirorniMion Altaut work whlcti i S I 9 9 1 1 1 ihj- c:i do. ail ii.tml h iti.,lil will p.y li UUXJ ikem ftom M to If IS Iwr d.ty. Son. b.o eanioi over $v.inu day Kllber -ex. younirurHd. Crtl.l Bill rctjiilr.d Vtu ttrckl.rt.d ftee. TIiom, wtioatfrt t vuc. .r aliiolutely .uro tf tau iiuU tonaatis. Alii. Lr. i fllCtE Ttil'L cn-i lncet tn. mtxt htNPMPK.,. - . -. .. . . ... 1 kjeiTecU cum bftrb all uttur nui(dit fjii'I w uiiB icr ri'tauiiii. iitt nctuni turel effected tn all 1 t'lCAlil .C CAM'S - it yeraaaeouy carta tut. Ktht la tan sny lime." Tfati B. lull Mt t'..l 1 ... ZameQUrclrcttorel U bcUih by Ctraiui liUituaf '"" Tot, ti't-, Jj teuton fAie r uoiuii-u Aiuim uro n au you ciaiei v.t 1L it Dual Mil " J';. K Km fingrtttu, Crtthul', A H .T jwia,foMtiTicDJa ucrmui A ML nit lute I CUrwdtUtt." Jr, J Tltlltk, Aoudu, tttti I An, ?&cuunlvf tL.lUr Lcttf n m Lit. ii,L m; dructLtji klhmL It. If trtt t OOc. niitl . 1 or Rent by lunil t u r(mi ,Oi price. luiclutrd fftw to toy addma J f uryv-iiir I Jl..l.,, tt,r TO COHSUHPTIYES. Tho underslirnotl liavinp; boon re Btomlto liailtli by Dimple means, aftet Buffering for fcevorul years -with a tovero lungr alTootion, and that drend diwiuio CoiMuiiiption, is anxious to mako known to his fellow sulTorera tho means of ouro. To thoso who dosdro it, ho -will cheerfully send (freo of charge) a copr of t!'o proscription ueod, which they ivIU flndasuroouro for Consumption. Asthma, Catarrh, Uronchitia and all throat and hine MnladloH. Ho hopes till sutTorora v.ill try hU Iteincdy, aa it will coat them nothing and may provo a bleHsing. Thow de siring tho prefeHptlon, will pleoso ad drwi, Kiev. Udwawj A. 'Wii-sua, AVillUunsburt", lilng Co., IScw York. tvR want B,rvoo i:oats riaoic AOKN'la'XUMIil.IiOUJt Mis XV UOUKi ' t. ty r. n. ttooswaib, uu Tl Kief ttr.O. rcttctlveCcrpt. OP TUB TNI o POST-OFFICE 3S(f!"BrCj A New Biok .Ids rmusmtrj lir an official of over 15 years' ciiKTlcnoo In tuo Recrct Service, In ono Macrtilficcut Jlovil t'rtava Voliiti-.o of over 600 pnios an 1 elegantly lilastrutwl by tuo Itxl artlils In Ihoconntry v. tt'i aor oi'PRsn i3ffin,iviG9. A tlirllllng record uf letectio: In tl-o U. 8. Potti Ollcol) 'tmrtmcnt: ombraclan skrtchi-aof )l''tdrr ful UriilMmt I'ost-OlUce liwitctora la tho Di tto tlon, l'timiilt, end Capturo of Uolibera of tho V. S Malls) tii,;ether with nmmi'lsto description of tha ni'iny tiiini nnd conipllciitiel cnnlrhanees of taa wily nnd unscrupulous to defraui tho public; alaO fin accural acconnt of thfl , XABIQVS STilt BOOT CKAUDB,! In which t!iouMrlud rai re ch.-irgo ut tlio pf. paratloa of tlio cvldcnco for tho government t2raOEKT3 WANTED. In erery town tlicro aro IVrttmtf tors, Mwchaata, Mechanics, l-V.-nun, l'rcfesitnal Wen, and lmn. drcdeof poopb hn wilt lnQlaltoyU lids thtiUinj look. ltl-mowlMilngan uiip.ralledsalo; UutiscU Hjht to all. Mm an 1 1 ir-B, n Agents m-iKinj from t lOd to ft unnlli o.i.lj-. Wo want aa nit la every township lu tl.olt. H. and Canada. ttr"Vo lveliwrcio-j fo tli.'tt Asr l'sriN wltn Ihla plus aoin"iniU;'lii .1 ,v c.i.i twai.A3UcfjittAoant, Ko Com, 'i'fin uhnierer. Auents aio nioeting; 1lh unjurnMr-l tureen. l'JHtJc no Mnd' ranee, as wo (,lra tfprc'utl Ttrmi to jxty Freights. ltein.''nber, Wo givo v..n thc.ixclrlilvo nr.lo ot this Sook In U rritory R"?tEi-.t yon. W' for onr lurirn Ill''d Clir.aliira, containlni f.ill junlcttlarst Siclal Ttrm t-i Am-nt. ctr., f "lit &co to til. Ad. iritis lmnieillr.uiy tha PrlblUlici., Ji tTIKl'EIlA(,C.,r-t,iiIN"OFn?r.B,MASS, Fonnerly of llanfrd. Conn. ....... .. i. mi unb iii.L:. Himp.o, j:i, rollalile nhil nterfnelminlni-r. i. t no- a Truer). otn Dur ami kiKi,t .ml lM t., .W'. 4vi J"."8 Conlral Medical ond Surmoll bSi.l.'ol trentntont clvra nil klitdn of tniWal J?.ri?iS .i . "" ,o!nin tllMiatva ondprl- uwuuitailcafroo and Invited ADVERTISERS ' can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newapapor Advertising DurcaU, lO fepruoo St., Now Yorlc Dond ICots. for 10O-Parjo Pamphlet. 7rlgJTOTtj-'''rL;.T.''j to any peraon who will show it to their, rik-uda audaend ua orders. 6 iv Month H BOiaiyiinn rxpences paia tuoi-u who pre fer salary lo commission, andttielr eul iry rulec i to pca Month tlio third, and S51 per Month the sixth month they aro Willi' us, It the; prove proficient sal. Bmen. Fnll lDformatlnn will bo sonl you free about woikthntjou can ilontiililvo at home, whereveryon araaltuaird,tliat will payyon from S5 to $10 per day. A nnmber have earnod over $15 la a day. Both r extra, all ages. The clunco of a life lime. Now la tho time. Fortunes aro absolutely euro for tbo workers. Give yonr l'uit Ofllco and Ktprcrs address, and aratowhat pater yor saw this advertisement In', Address, Standard Silver Ware Co., 86 Washington St., BOSTON, TiTJlSS. HafwiyBtfi hwlrM himhnl Works, York, Fi; Innt.ii.tK reheVBH thn.muct violent Attack, tni m f inwn tomfurtiXlo tJoap. M WMIfAU far UK. H !NLl,l.Cna us, br tn.1iJiUi.tL itu Abt i&a if lav moiiUit, dinict ami rertnliuimd ftoura la uia tvhiHt in all carUo cwm, A tdpgla trial ron vlv.. tt,n ,. nil il PHndbtlc FnA 191 Ofl E of auy druK- -t, or h mail. , Haurla Ki en for n (Btamp. ilr. It-Sr'.IIH-.MVNN.U rl, MlrbU I f l fl J ' -'tT wm TCT'ilVrl TT AFFLIGTED UNFORTUNATE After all others fall consult H.lGthSt,, below CallowWU, PhlU..Pa. SO yean experience in all Krr.CI A I. disease. Vr manemiy rcxiorci inoit wtHKcncu oy cany i no it ere tiontt, ftc Call or write. Advice fits and strictly con Cdcntial, Hours t u a. m. till a, and f to la cvenlrfin llti fUllu-l -" tNMlly SHERIDAN'S COHIOil POWDER I. nti.ilntljr pur. and Mcblv rnnwntratfil. Oneornre Is wi ih a'p.HMitl ot ttvy i.tlitr Kilitt. It I. llittlly xn.-.ll. t- toj.irlv(-ii lrh n..l. Joihlrirnnrferttinl lit ti. lay like it. It run a Hiii-k.n cboK 'a un! aU ili.t-tt.i-g of l-o'i. worth Hi In rM. llruaw ti.'t-UtH ,k 1 v mail fvi. SiiM pvi rywbt ri-. or rrnt i.i Ml Ii. ecu. in .ttrn. rv-lb tin ran., 91 1 bjr 1, I h'X iiiti. I i . irr... rriMltt. lur t -Id, U... I. ,i. JoII.NaON .Vi CO., llo-slon, llau. fl PCBJTI CRflAM 1 H Ut.ll I L-uiiiH iB, cured of Ner vous Prostration, Beuiinnl Weakness, rrouiaturo Decay, and all tho ovil ef fects of early indtscrotionnnd youthful fully, is anxious to mako known to others tho sltnnlo modo of self-euro. To those who wish and will ttlvo him their symptoms, ho will send (froo) by ro. turn mail a copy of tho recipo bo sue ccbgfullv used In his cusfl. AddrfsB in contiduiien JASIli.3 f, Pi;.iU!SY. 13 CcdwT lit., 3. , I ll'.iyi.'HJiCT.''.1 a.,"nsii.ti'Ajytnn.'i'ini..lnili,l isPKt TstisH n"( i 'uiiaii-iz'is jrtj3..l !C) Wf'.iJ I IIEJ tbo lugL J,ui).l..hp(l.(i t-ki.oi.ii.icrM.rien l iftiecmrj--t.r. Hot k liberal terna. Uniailotl larlbtlo., Hal's mm mimmwim L,r. . l!iE, , .0CUHA1E AND h i'j hrta-a, T-l-flrtiani, ft - V: r. i Ai.tT'arjirTL-Ti -iflt.ST" H li KflSKfe f ti bsitsSBGVfefl1'- e.aaniir.i.i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers