1 New Advertisements, The Carbon Advocate LEHIUHTON, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1837. KNi Enni) at Tint i tnuairron roBiornon as rrooNH ct.'.sw mail jiAmin. :otJH:u:s:i. Tlic CAntiow Adtocatu ranks first and foremost In tlio Uno if cheap country news papers. Starting out.i lltt'.o mora than fourteen years r.150 wltli the publication of n twenty-four column paper, at ono dollar per year, we have steadily advanced, In tlio faco of severe opposlt'on, and to-day we bear tlie proud distinction of being the CHEAPEST, I.AHOEtlT AND iJKST LOCAL WEf-ICLY IN Tim LKUIOn VALLEY. Wo wear are laurels lightly, end without .Ibat puffed upconcelt which characterless many of Iho patcnt-outsldc and plate constructed journals of this as well a of nelfihbjrlnj: counties. It 1ms Mv."ys been our tlm to give from week ti week a fair, linnaitlal re:uinc of the h.'-ppculngi both locr.l and general ; tlit to have been successful In our ifiorts our lares and constantly grotr ln" escalation conclusively pravco. As In the past, so In the future, j shall spare no clToit cr exponas to hold our own as the bejt co-.i.:try r.etv:7.tiar !n the vallsy. One j.-r, S1.C3; lis Months, CO cents; three tt-iths, 5 '?nts; avntle copy free. In cc mectlon with iur newspapir establish ment we have ori of the C-.est equipped job offices in the county. .Vrlcas lo". as the lowest. Orders by jrMl preraptly attended to. Tni: attention of our readers Is called to tho fact that the F.-tAKKLix Institute, Is taking steps looking to the format' n of State Weather Scivica. This wsrk should bo heartily co-operated In by those of our citizens who have the time and opportune ty. Even the dally recording f.f the tem perature and rainfall In n systematic men ner will be ef great value, and at a very small expense our agriculturists and others can arrange for duplicating the weather signals, llbleied at different points, so that anticipated weather changes can be read from every home throughout our State,and tho value of -weather forecasts practically utilized In the harvesting, and protection of crops affected by climatic changes. Those of our repders who are MifEclently interested in this work to volunteer their services are Invited to address, Sgt. T. F, Townscnd, Pennsrlvania State Weather Service, Philadelphia, Pa. GovERifon Pattison In his last mcs sago to the State Legislature reviews at great length the condition of State affairs and recommends certain changes In State legislation which should receive the 1m mediate attention of our law-makers. Gov eruor Pattison retires froni oflice with the satisfaction of having won many admirers by the straightforward course pursued by him during his four years In office Loqan's journey through life would have been somewhat more pleasant If it had not been for the rascally and bigoted party journals who poured their bitter Inuendoes upon him; however as the shadow of the great beyond closes about him, party mal Ice fadzs and he stands forth as the great and generous man he really was. Prouadly raiser Payne, late of New York City, would have saved the lawyers considerable trouble if he liad had tho fore sight to make a will. As It Is the lawyers will be fighting among themselves regarding the distribution of spoils that were accuin nlatcd through years of abject misery, piiv- atlon and want. Joiw McNulty represents fully th "Rise and Fall of Man." From poverty ho rose to power and wealth, and from wealth he descended to poverty and want, and now occupies a cell in a New Jersey prison Verily, fickle fortune plays sad havoc with man. Is the course of a few weeks W. U, Hcnsel will retire from the chairmanship of the Democratic party and resume the practice of law at Lancaster, his former homo. On the first page of Blaine's diary written: "January 1st, the presidential boom of the past Is not what It might have been." Ox Tuesday, Jan. IS, Governor Beaver will be inaugurated and State Treasurer M S. Quay will be elected United States Sin ator. To reverse the ordar of things Rev, Waldo Mciaros will now sua the Coulstons for conspiracy and blackmail. TFe mlht remark that 18S0 was prodl; ous for the booms that didn't boom. BroailMni's Eew York Letter. Special to the CAituost Advocate. Holiday wee's by common consent giyen up to festivity and feasting, and in England the carnival lasts till the twelfth day after tho nativity cf Christ, thoug throughout the United States the day after New Year's wo put on our every-day clothes, prepared to flht fortune and keeii the wolf from the door for another 303 days. Although this Is supposed to be season of joy and thanksgiving, the faith of tho two great titles of New York and Brooklyn In the eia of universal brother hood and peace, was severely shocked by the railroad tlo-up which occurred two days before Christmas. It tho Mayor of the city or the Governor of the State, or the President of the United States had Issued a proclamation suspending public travel at such a time, I should have looked for revolution. Yet three or four car drivers and conductors, calling themselves the Executive Committee, met In a dirty hall near a low rumholc, and three hours before daylight on Thursday morning Issued proclamation which threw live thousand men out of work, and virtually suspended public travel for seven hundred thousand people and injured the mercantile interests of tho city more than a million of dullars, It was a rude awakening from our dream of peace; blood was shed, life was taken property destroyed and travel was only re sumed, not by bloody retribution to the rioters, but by compromises which virtual ly left them masters of the field and ready to seek the same mode of redress whenever the Executive Committee may order It. the peace and security ;of this great city In the hands of an Irresponsible oligarchy the sooner wo find out tho better, and the sooner It Is settled the better, even thou that settlement should be a bloody arbltra nient In which one side or the other should pods il. I uls pl60de?jarrcil wliat would 'nve been ono of the most glori otherwise . 'olldays that New York has ous Christmas who crowded the ,tlet; .,,obere. iWs was so beautiful, that It -g,. gretd there was anything to man Ifa $ al harmony, " " Not in my memory have so many dis tinguished marriages taken place in a week havo occurred bctweon Christmas and Now Year's, and singularly enough many of tho most marked marriages have been among our rich Hebrews. The marriage rite with them Is no everyday affair; It Is tho event of their lives, an affair to be re membered to their latest day. On the oc casion of a wealthy Hebrew marrl.igo lilt week, tho housa was a solid bank of costly flowers and tare plants, from tha kitchen to tho roof, and eyery ono knows that uch display at mitt winter is exceedingly cost- A little bouquet of fine roies for the opera, such aa a lacy would wear at ncr corsage, costs five dollars, and her wera lmmcnso vases full of them, they hurj in festoons and strings across the rooms everywhere; they were banked against the wall where tha brldo and bridegroom stood under a beautiful floral bell. The best man and other groomsmen were each presented with a magnificent diamond pin, find each of the bridesmaids was presented with her rcss hi full and & magnificent pair of soll- ttlre car-rings. The father of tho brldo Is many times a millionaire, and the bride groom Is able to keep house. The supper cost $1,G00, t.-cluslve of the wines which were exprsssly Impeitcd for the occasion. mention this as one of the weddings, bat there have been a number this winter that bring back V.:e visions of tho Arabian Nights. It seems as if there was a rivalry among the vi calthy classes lo try and outdo each other, though I am free to confess that one of our richest mon set all the others an ex ample by which the whole cf them might profit. That was young George Gould, the son of Jay Gould. He found a beautltnl and virtuous woman whom he loved and he told her so; tin offered her his hand and married her; he took her to his home like a d:ccnl man; there was no fun and feath- rs about It, no attempt at display, though If h: desired It ho could have done It wltl out counting the cost. All the parties were satisfied who wero Immediately concerned, and if Mrs. Grundy did not like it she could lump It. Mr. Gould and his beautiful wife acted in a particularly sensible way,' and in this. age of snobs and shoddy we cheerfully accord him all praise. A shock, Indeed, to the town was the announcement of General John A. Logan's death. It only seems the other day that he was the cynefeurc of all eyes In the grandest funeral procession that this continent has cyer seen, as he pronounced his loving eulogy over his dead cemmandor a scrvico which tender and loving hearts will not for get to pay him. In New York, we knew ldm well, and tiad he been at the head of the Republican ticket, Instead of the second place, there was little doubt cf his ability to carry the State ef New "V ork for the Re publicans. Ho was fortunate In one thing In the possession of a wife whs Is the model of an American wife and mother never man tiad truer, more devoted, untir ing and self-sacrificing friend than John A. Logan had In his wife. JITille tho sweetest and gentlest wife and mother that eyer blessed a household, she could shine as a queen In the grandest company ever seen In this land. I have seen her in the quiet of her home, quite an humble one In Washington, and I have seen her surround cd by a brilliant throng at a Piesldent's levee, and she filled every position more completely than any other woman it has ever been my good fortune to know. It will bo a sad New Year to her her life was so completely bound up in that of tier gal lant husband and she has the sincere com miseratlon and sympathy of evory one who can appreciate wifely honor and wifely devotion. As all roads lead to Rome, so all sensa tions of any consequence are traceable to New York. A man kills himself In an ob scure town In Connecticut, and his death involves an insurance of nearly half a mil lion of dollars. Of course, he belonged In New York. Payne, the miser, who ldd away a couple of million dollars somewhere, lived in New York for twenty years, If anybody's wife runs away with anybody else they rush right to New York, and the consequence Is that we have to shoulder the sins of half the world, In addition to our own, and we Cud It no light load, A man turaed up tiers about- two years ago, who was christened at once, The Count of Monte Chrlsto. He was a splendid look ing fellow, spoke a half dozen languages with the fluency of a native. He had money, plenty; he paid his bills like Prince, and It was whispered that he was a Prince, but whether he was a Russian or a Pole, a Hungarian or an Anstrlan, an Ital ian or a German, no fellow could find out, He could box like Sullivan, and ftnee Ilka D'Artalgnan, he could ride like a jockey, he could draw and paint, play on tho plan and violin, in fact It seemed there was noth lng he could not do and do well. He was not pretentious or loud, he Sought se one. and If people sought him they found him a capital fellow, and a royal entertainer, which made him a desirable person to know. The waiters at all the cafes and hotels adored him, for tils largess was most generous, and It was his custom to give littlo dinners to a dozon or so at the Hoff man, Pshnonleo's and the Brunswick, and from the lavish manner In which they were got up, It was pretty evident that there must be a bonanza somewhere or the bank would break. But money never seemed scarce, and his diamonds were the admira tion of all his friends. TThere tie came from or what he was doing, or where lie was going nobody knew. While Hying on the best of eveiythlng he was no roysterer, alwajs a gentleman, apparently sans peiir et san reproach. There was no woman In In the caso absolutely, nothing to hang a doubt on, but last week he disappeared as a comet, and no man knows where he lias gone; but to his credit, be it recorded, he leaves no creditors behind him. I dan' know exactly that It will do to put this aud that together; but just about two years ago, a royal princess of Russia, lost jewels wliich were valued at two millions of roubles, The lady had been reckless, and on a cer tain occasion at Moscow, took of herd la mond bracelets and necklace, exchanged them for chips, and gambled off a fortune before breakfast. But while In thn Era peror's palace at St. Petersburg, her jewels disappeared, and a valet disappeared at the same time. Some Russian detectives arrived last week, reaching New York-on tho very day that our Count of Monte Chrlsto dis appoared. Tho detectives have nothing to say they ara not looking for anybody they are not detectives, but merely Russian gentlemen anxious to sea the country, They ate smart but not much smarter tliau an average New York reporter. Wo will find out In a day er two, If It really was the distinguished foreigner who stolo the Princess' jewels. If he ever returns New York the reporter Is just the boy to ask him if he Is the man. Vr. Hewitt Is Major of New York, and Fatty Walsh Is Warden af the Tombs, lie is to take care of criminals who will look out for Fatty? Evidently the uilllenlum of civil service reform Is yet fur off. With the January payments of dividends on slocks and bonds, we may look for a bull market, and a general riso in stocks; verythlng looks that way. The New Year, notwithstanding soma drawbacks, opens auspiciously. To show our rapid growth, over 60,000 has been added to tlio population of New York and Brooklyn, and the street railroads of both Itlcs havo carried nearly a hundred millions of passengers, or equal to tnoro than double tho population of tho entire United States. Tha reduction of faie on th i elevated roadj, instead of reduclns the recslpts haVs la crossed them orer two thousand dollars a day without, adding materially to the ox penst. Bnlldlnj is i'oing on everywhere. Old buildings once considered beautiful and costly are being torn down ta make room for new ones mora beautiful and cos'.. still. Rich men from other States ara con"tntrrt Ing here, and capital 'Incraascs every day. As opulence Increases, society nsolvss it self Into rings, and here In New Ycrk we now have an Imperial Court, cur Lords and our Commons. But tha waning yr warncth us that then ciiaeth a time Wtn the Lord and tha Commoner shall lie down together, and tho crown cf tha King shall count no mere than the ragged shroud of the beggar. Tha ehlinss that announce tha death of 1883 and the birth of 1887 ara ringing In my ears, and the watchers for the New dawn send up a ehont of joy. Welcome, welcomo, new torn year, though, perchance I may not see the end; and With kindly greeting and wi:blng you all ,VA nappy New Year." lSKUAIJIJKIM, Waskhiehm lews and Gossip. From our Special Correspondent. Washington-, D. C, Jan. 1, '87. Mr. Editor: Although It was generally known that Senator Logan had for several days been somewhat Indisposed and hi con sequence unable lo attend to hU otliclal duties, It was not thought that his- illness was of a serious nature, and It was expect ed that he would soon be out agaiu. Such being the case, the people wera little pre pared for tha announcement which ap peared In the Sunday morning papers, to tho effect that the Senator was "lu a very crltlcat condition," followvid as It was by the notice of his death which appeared In alto papers of the following day. Tha an nouncement was a complete surprise, and was received with universal sorrow, and probably no ono aside from, the personal relatives of Mr. Logan, was more sincere In his expressions of regret than whs Pres ident Cleveland. Since the commence ment of the present administration Mr. Logan had been a frequent caller at the Whit House, and a warm personal friend ship had grown up between Mr. Cleveland and himself. Although differing from him In political opinion, the President admired him for the bold and fearless manner lu which he expressed his views, ard the hon est candor with which he treated questions under discussion. Before his recent illness Mr. Logan was frequently closeted with the President for hours at a time, and it is said that he frequently discussed with him ques tions of great importance before deciding upon his course of action. Th rotunda of tlio Capitol, during the time that the re mains were lying In state, was transformed for the time belnc; Into a vast tomb for the nation's honored dead. Thi walls were heavily draped in mourning emblems. The biar on which rested the remains of Presi dent Lincoln, Chief Justice Chase, Presi dent Garfield and Thaddeus Stevens was used for tha occasion. At tlio conclusion of the funeral services, which were held In the Senate Chamber, the remains were fol lowed to their temporary resting place In Rock Creak Cemetery, where a guard of honor will be maintained until arrange ments have bean perfected for final inter ment In the South Side Park In Chicago, The President's condition continues to improve, and although he has remained quietly in his apartments most of the time during the past week and has received few callers, it has been solely out of respect to the wishes of his physicians and friends. He has been considerably amused at the sensational accounts of his condltloB.whlch havo appeared in the papers of late, which have compared the symptoms of his attack with the3o which proved fatal to General Logan. He was also surprised to learn through certain papers that he does riot take exercise enough. The fact Is betakes much more exercise than is generally sup posed. H. Onr State Capital CorrespoEtence. Special to the Cahuox Advocate. Januaky Gth, 18S0. Everything has been exceedingly quiet during this week. The convening of the State Legislature, while it brought to town many familiar faces as well as a large num ber of Assemblymen who will pass their first winter at the State Capital and partlci pate in making the laws that are to goyern tlie Commonwealth, had no other effect than to cause a flutter of excitement throughout the State buildings. The Re publican House caucus hold Monday even lng In the Supreme court room, disposed of matters on hand In a hurried manner. Ex-Sheriff Leeds, of Philadelphia, was the principal actor. He proposed Speaker Graham as chairman, which proposition was unanimously ratified. A number of resalutions were offered and passed with out objection. Henry K. Boyer, of Phtla- delphla, received the unanimous nomination for Speaker, Gcorgo Pearson, was nomi nated for Chief Clerk; Loach, of Schuylkill county, was to have received the nomina tion but owing to some hitch his name was not mentioned. Upon the adjournment of the Republian caucus the State Committee went into session and almost Immediately several hundred names weie handed In for consideration. This commlttte referred the list of applicants to a sub-committee of seven who were kpt struggling with an array of hungry place hunters up to a late hour Monday night. Tho stata committee of the Senate was engaged In a lively tiusel Monday with an unusually largs batcli of aspirants for positions In that body. The Republican members from Schuylkill are about as Indignant as they can possibly be without boiling over completely. Aud all on account af Losch having been promised tho Chief Clerkship by Quay, Magee and Rutan, There Is no question bnt what the Schuyl kill statesman was promised the position, but Pearson's popularity prevented the ful lilment of the saute, Pearson who was connected with the Orphan School scandal has been showing a letter during the week purporting to ceme from Attorney General Cassldy which in a measure relieves him of the stigma attached to his name In con uectlon with that Institutions. Both branches of the Legislature met at noon, Tuesday, Lieut. Gov. Black pre sided In the Senate, where the recent elec tion returns were read and approved by C liluf I'lerk T. II. Cochran, who Is now serving his seventh term, and the newly elected Senators wera sworn in. Georgo Handy Smith of Philadelphia, was elected president pro tern. In taking the chair he made a neat address dwelling paitlcularly upon the revival of tho industres of the State. In conclusion he said that tho busi ness session of tho House would lncludo important laglslatlon relating to shippers and producers, to the carrying corporations and tho prohibitory liquor amendment. A concurent resolution w."s adopted directing .ho ln.mgural caremcalcs of tho induction of Governor Beaver into office to be held on thn 18th instant, en tho South portico of the Capitol, should tho weather permit. Tho president pro lem was authorized tc appoint spechl committees on arrange ments. Rev. William Felsht cpened the Crst session cf the House, Tue:day, with prayBr after which tho reeding of tho election returns -,nd tha enrollment of merabirs elcct followed. In regards to the contested jcat of tha Waves county members' McCarty anil Hajer the Xormtr was re-1 corded. After the members were oath-bcund to serve tho best Interosts of cur -Comcaon-wsilth, Henry K. Boyer wis nominated and elected Speaker cf that body by a yote 1Z2 to C3 for John E. Fauace. The newly ilcctod Cptaktr returned thanks far the hucor conferred upon him, and cpokc of tha necessity of ilia prompt passage of, mcasuus for tha submission of a consult) tlonal amendment prohibiting the manu A A l. li 1i..,. within tha State, and urged special attention to the present, llquar laws which are.Jp.ade quate to control the .traffic. He spoke of othsr matteN demanding the immediate attention of the Legislature and hoped they would act promptly and with decision. George Pearson, was elected Chief Clerk over Elwell by a vote of 131 to 67. A com mittee was appointed to notify the Governor that the House was ready for business. After reading the Governor's message' and ordering that the sessions be from 11 m. to 1 p. ra. except on Monday's and Friday's the body adjourt.ed. Quay caught ontotheSanato.lal pudding Wednesday, at the Rcmih'.ic n cr."eus,w!tb- ont the least exertion on his part. It was a walk over from the very start. Tho vote stood Quay, 121; Grow, 9. Following tho nomination Qu iy iiide nn address in which ho touched ou railroad discrimination and the prohibition question. In the Senate the Governor's Hit of 153 newly appointed notarits was received and laid over. Several communications were recclyed and laid over for future considera tion. When tha nouse f Representatives convened at 11 o'clock speaker Boyer was in the chair. Mr. Robertson, of Allegheny, moved to suspend the rules, In order to consider, his resolution providing for the consolidation of the committees on mines, of coal and iron, of manufacturers and la bor and industries. The motion was lost by a yote of 107 to 04. Tho resolution f the Senate to adjourn until tho loth Inst., was concurred adjourned. Stanlay Quay's nomination was received with hearty applause by the majority of Republican leaders who have been stopping here'durlng the week. That we can look for some quick work by the present Sena torial and Legislative bodies Is the opinion of all owing to the salary of legislators having been made $1,500, with no extra in caso of tho calling of an extra session. From present Indications things around the State buildings will soon become Interest ing. Paxton. Our Letter from tlie Snsny South. Southern Pinks, N. C, Jan. 1, '87. "The Improvements at Southern Pines ate very notable. A visiter there the past week was very greatly impressed hy the air of progress and the general Improvement." We gather the above from the Raleigh. N. C, Daily A'etos emu" Observer. No a great many of our residents have ever heard of Sonthern Pines and that stctlon of the South, and a run to the Pines would be of great Interest to them, especially dur ing th winter months. The location of this special place Is the highest known polrt in what Is termed tlie Long Leaf Pin Bait. This Is a narrow ridge running In a South-westerly direction through the States of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. The pines are vary tall and stately and as straight as an arrow; very little underbrush; with ahorse and carriage any one can driye for miles through an un broken forest of pines. The soil is of a light sand on account of which no water eier remains on th top sell. The atmos phere Is very dry and pure. So far a great many Invalids suffering with every variety of ttiroat and lung troubles, malaria and general debility, have visited the place and net a single person but what lias been greatly benefited, if not entirely cured. Not a single deatti has occurred at the place among the many invalids. It seems to have an almost miraculous power In healing lung troubles. A gentleman from Niagara Co., N. Y., went to the Pines five years since, expecting to die In three months, having lost the right lung entirely and the left ene was badly diseased, but to-day he Is enjoying very good health and Is engaged in business at th Pines. He says he will never risk leaving the place.for In his opinion he could not live but a short time at any other point. He Is an eminent physician, Dr. G. U. Saddleson. The hotel accommodations are now very good. Wo take from tho Pine Knot, a paper published at Southern Pines by a Massa chusetts gentleman, the following items. Temperature at Southern Pines for Christmas week: 10 a. m. . HI. 4 p. m. 52 63 41 63 03 60 Dec. 10 58 no !!S 40 55 CO 20 21 22 23 21 an 45 04 72 70 For the first three or foar days the inva lids who come t Southern Pines are not quite sure about It. Then thay think they feel a little better, A few days later they step on tho scales and find that they have gained flesh. They look In the mirror and see that they havo lost their pallor; they sleep a great deal and eat well tho less said about that tlio better, and the con clusion of tho whole matter Is they are get ting well. l'NE. Malloy Evidently Wants Something, Prom tho Lausford liccnnl. Certain leading Democratic Statesmen of Carlton county should begin the Now Year by withdrawing their support from Republi cans holding offices that belong to Demo crats according to the revised edition of Jiieksonlan principles. Either do this or mako public their reasons. They owo this much to Democracy. However, Blaine is ttill With Us. From tho Mahonoy Tribune. Death is nmking sad havoc of the Prasi dential candidates for 1888, On Wednesday evening Michael McUuIre, of Wllkes-iurre Township Willo in a drunken spree attempted to cut his throat with a broken bottle, but ouly sueeeeded in scratching lilui self. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesoniene. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and capoot he sold In (competltlc weight, al on with the multitude of Ion test, short um or phosphate powders. Sold onl; only ', ice In runs, nova Royal naklnE Powder Company, .iui Btreei, n. i, au 24-mll S3 H nmH i Ealt WcIssEort Garfesa Gorcutr, Pa., Is the ilace to purchase, at tho rcot reasor.abli prlcesj DKESSED LUMBKH, of all kinds, viz: Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, Moijldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, &c. BRACKETS MADE TO ORDER. Tlie Mivlilnpv Is all new. and onlv tho best me- clinnu-i emnloveil. All articles are imarunteed of best seasoned material. Orders by Kail re- cciveprompumenue-u. iimr pairouauu luviieu. Vr'e have, also, In connection with tho above business a COMMODIOUS STOKE, where can alwiys be found one of the largest and best as sortments of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, OKOOERIKS; PHO VISIONS, CARPETS, OIL OLOTJJS QUEENS WAltE, yVOODVf ARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HAT' J AND CAPS, Hay, Straw, Flour and Feed, And In fact any and everything usually to be found hi a strictly flrst-elass Conutry Store. No nutter what you want, aU for It and we can sun- mv you at prices itiai win kwk-k an eoinpeiuiou fur Into the shade. Call and see us, aud we will convince you of the truthfulness ot our assertion, i;eiiienuer me riace. N. SNYDER & SON, East Weissport, Penna January l, isst. The Cosmopolitan The handsomest, most entertaining, low price, illustrated family magazine in the world. ($2.50 per year, with a $2.25 premium iree.) Sixty-four beautifully printed pages in each number, filled with short stories, sketches, travels, adventures, bright and brief scientific i and literary articles, by diitlnguUhrd American Harriet Fresco tt Spo fiord, George ltrsons, Laihrop. Louise Chandler Moulton, J. Mac donald Oxley, Ella Wheeler Wtlcox, il. II. Boyesen, Catherine Owen, Rev. K, Hebcr Newton, Alphonse Daudet, Paul llevse. Count Tolstoi, Th. Dostoivsky, William westall and many others. Also entertaining J 17 VliN IlK and invaluable HOUSEHOLD departments. OoeormorciUustrated articles and several full, page engravings in every number. A Shannon Letter and Bill File or a Shannon Sheet-Music Binder Free to every Subscriber. These premiums se everywhere for $2.35 each. The File is the most perfect device ever invent ed for the preservation and classification (alphabetic ally and according to date) of all letters, bills, etc. Any paper can be referred to, taken out and put back without disturbing the others. With the Binder one can insert or take out any piece of music without disturbing anv other sheet. Get SAMPLE COPY at NEWS STAND or end 20 Cents to publishers. A3S1IT3 WllITID. SIQ C0ii'JI33I01T3 PAID, Schllcht & Field Co., Rochester, N.Y. DSlNES Syrup , CURES OUGHS COLDS, -r?0U Information about The South addreis J JOll.N 1-ATttlLK. ltalelsh, N- "OUR STORE CAMPBELL LEADS IN PRICES I THE 11KST MAKES OF WATCHES k CLOCKS At Prices marked down so low as to como with in tliorcacuol ever) body. Novelties in Jeweiry! Jutlienbovo llneot Ooodswo have an elepint assortment, and are constantly mukliig additions of all tlio very latest novelties as the season ad vnnces. You aro respectfully requested to call and examine Iny lino of kockIs. You aro bound 10 uo picaseu wun inc soous, aim mo prices they are down to Hock Bottom, ami can't bo beat. All Kinds of Repairing Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly attended to, and saiisiacuon Kimnuueeu. i auve cunciutii'u, w u means ot extending Hilt branch of mv builiiesn, to he at MNYUKU'S llOTKI, PAUUYVIU.H, WEDNESDAY of each week, between tho hours of 8 a. m., and G p. m. All favors shown me hy tho peopte of Parryvllle will he much appreciat ed. Ynu are invited to call and Inspect my line ot coods when In I.ehigliton. Kext to Clauss Dto. Central Carriage Works, 'tiatil'St., Lehigliton, Pa;j Am praiared te Manfotmra Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring TTagon, &c, Of avory discretion, la tha most mbstantlrl nwntr, and at I.OmCH Ciak Prlsw Repairing Frtaptlj Attended to. TREXLER k KRKIDLER, April 29, 1182 ,i Prcprlstor. LADIES! Do 'Seer Own Dyeine, at Home, with. ;?2BXESS DYES ThCT will Hv evil-, lL,,i"f. Tliv are sold ov.rv. wnure. A lice irz. n y "nz ,e !'j colors, iney have no equal loc Strei'th, llJ.,Mii5sa. Amount In 1'ackaga or for Fastness of Color, or Non-fading Qualities. They do not eiovknr s'niit. For lie by T . 1). THOMAS, i.v.l3-tv Drusalst. Estate Notice Kstnte of .TON'AS ITTUt, late of the Township All persons Indebted to xfild estats nrft rennest- ed to make Immediate pa input, and those hav ing claims against the same i 111 present them, without delay, lu proper order for settlement, to Uec.S5-W6 Administrator. WONDERFUL -AT- GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE. OTJRgBTJSINESS IS AT PRESENT IN Full Bloom! Filled from morn until late at Night with Buyers. You can see neoolo on our floor olivine tho f:reat hargaina we are olTcritiil, hullini; from lxv ilfih, Bucks, Carbon, llerks, Northampton and Montgomery counties. They aro tho class who arc 1110 reuueraui uuwsiiapurs uuu uru aiucnu enough tti take things hy tho forelock, and know limv ti, liivpst. tlinlr mnimv wliirn thpv i:ui irpt the most Roods for the least money. Ve say It is rigni ami so wonin we w nen unj ins. it is me bright, active and Intelligent class who take the lead now-a-days, the Clams are pushed to oue side. Don't delay shopping, come now, ovoid the crowds, and lm e a large assortment to select 110111. Respectfully yours, CORNER STORE, Cor. 6th and Hamilton Sts., ALLENTOWN, PA. October 10, tew m3 PUMPS ! Red Jaoket Force Pump for any Depth of well. Single Cylinder, ... Doublo - lis m 21 00 no racKing-iiox rump. Buckeye Foroe Pump up Seventy-flvo Feet. to Single Cylinder. - M 00 Double " - 1 60 Rumsey Force Pump, $13.50, Depth up to seventv-nAe feet. Rumsey Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty feet, S8.00. Iron Cistern Pump from 3 upwards. Also WOODEN PUMPS AUD CHAIN PUMPS. 1'IVK per cent, off for Cash. JOHN H. 11. ACICr.ll. Agent, Well Sixkkii and Cistf.iin IIijiuip.r, llanlc way, lehigliton, opiiosite tho old 1'rintlng Oinee, iiov.t3,Te,-yl 31. JIJEILMAN, Bank Stbeet, Leiiighton, Pa., Miller and Dealer In Flour and Feed. All kinds of CHAIN 1IOUOIIT AND SOU) at KUOUIJ.Il MAltKET HATES. I would respectfully Inform the fillens ef this piaco aim vnnniy uiui 1 uui iiuiy nreiureti to supply them with all kinds ot The Best of Coal From any mine, at ery LOWEST PRICES. jyZlyl. M. UKILUAIT. Cramer & Gos jjmiAJUJu ri sulky For Sale by A. J. The Carbon Advocate Takes the Lead in Country Newspapers. Only $1.00 a Year. The Philadelphia The Daily Times. Tns Phil vdelphia Times is delivered by carriers in all the cities, townsj and villages sur rounding Philadelphia at SIX CENTS a week, and is sold by boys and newsdealers for ONE CENT a copy. It is universal ly conceded to be the Best News paper in the World for the price, publishing all the Associated Press News, Quotations of Pro duce and Monev Markets and All the News of the World in a compact and readable form. It is not excelled in Quality or Quantity by any paper at any price, By mail lour months, One Dollar. One Year, Three Dollars, postpaid. One month, Thirty Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES 12 Pages 96 Columns 5 Cents $2.00 a Year. Address THE TIMES, Times Building. -HY CALLING. OX- . JAMES "WALP, .Agent, First door below the First National Bank, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., ,raV which are constantly kept ou hand thero to select from. The best place in IlielCounlr tctl y.ar HOT AIK IIUATEltS and ' iThe WALP STEAM HEATER tiZS&y&i OgiTUse TIN HOOFING AND SPOUTING.f Tin Booting Is cheaper than Slate or Shingles, and will last a lifetime A fin Let ef Cutlery and Househfarnisisg Goods alay on hand. Sept. tl, lSSMjrr. HANDKERCHIEFS AND We reapeotfblly call attention jjinen iianaiteromeis LOT1. An elegant line of Ladles' Ilera-Stltclicd, Colored Borders and White, at 12 l-2c. LOT 2. A rery large line of Ladles Linen LTaud Icerclilefs, Colored, Tucked, Embroid ered and Wain Borders. LOT 3. Children's Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, , , T. ,., 1 item niiicueu ami r.iiiuruiueiuu. H. GUTH & SON. 634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a, October 30, ISM TO CONSUMERS OF The undersigned is prepared to furnish the best Lehigh Coal, from llarleigh Colliery, at tho following low prices, by the Car, for cash onlv. Credit ten cents per ton extra : In Yard. Del. in Town Effo;, - $3.25 $3.50 Stove, - - - 3.35 3.60 Chestnut No. 1 - - - 3.25 3.50 Chestnut No. 2 - - 2.15 2.40 Prices at the Mines 25cts. per ton Less. J. L. GAJBEL, DEALER IN HARDWARE, LUMBER, COAL, &c, &c., Opp. PUBLIC SQUAKE, LEIIIGHTON, PENN'A Carbon Advocate Job Office, New Type, New Presses and Lowest Price for good work. Call and See Us. mU, WOI1K EQCAU.YAB WELT ON HO 0(111 STONY AH UM TUB WESTERN rilAIUIE. IT M UNLIKE ANY OTUElt BULKY IN TIIE WOULD. CANBEATOAOrlED TO ANY COMMON t WALKtNO PLOW IN FIVE MINOThS TIME, AND 18 WARRANTED NOT TO INOl'EASE TUB DIlAtT ONE POUND. SO SIMPLE A CHILD STRONG ENOUGH TO DPJVK A TEAM CAN OPmtATE IT. WILIi TURN A BQUAHB CORNUt WITH OUT RAISING THE PLOW. TUB QNLY PLOW MDE WITH A FOOT LEVER TO START THE POINT OP PLOW ABRUPTLY IN MB GROUND OR ELEVATE IT TO simi ovrn the top of fast STONES, AROUND ROOTS, ETC Wo want pood, llreni.n to ctu igtnl In rre ry town In tho U. S. Writoui for our liberal term, aad prlcefl. E, 3. DANIELS & CO., HAVANA. N. T. Litzenberger TsiTSBSs The Weekly Times. Sixty - Four Columns of magazine - newspaper reading matter, crisp, attractive, inter esting, instructive. The An nals" of the War, by active participants, illustrated ; wo man's world, contributed to by some of the best "women writers in America ; The Latest Fash ons ; Times Young People by themselves ; Original Stories, both short and continued ; Top ics of the Time ; Pointed Edi torial Comment; Special Ar ticles on thousands of subject b, and all the news are among its attractions. Terms, $2 per an num ; clubs of ten, $15. and an extra copy to the person getting up the club. Philadelphia, Pa. MUFFLERS ! to our large lino a of Silk ana siik mumora. LOT 4. A large line ef Wliite Fontee Silk H.ia ia!a.med Handkerchiefs at 36c j LOT 5. Gents' Linen Ilcui-StUched Colored bord ered Ilandkeichiefi at 12 l-2c K-A large Hue of Plain and Brocaded Silk Mufflers, white and colored. Colcred and triilte Silk Handkerchiefs In great varicty.2 GOAL! Heaters anil Ranges,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers