Advertising Rates For Legal Notices. Tito following prices for legal ndver The Carbon Advocate, An TurRPKNl)rtJrt 1'amii.y Nrwbi-apkii lub HSUoU ovcry Saturday in lmlghton, ", Cnrboli ilounty, Pennsylvania, by Harry V. Mortliimoi', J 1. I - HANK STltHET. $10"b fPor Yoar in Advance' llbsf advertising, medium In the counly. icvory driscrlrtioit of Plain and Fancy JOB PRINTING At very low price i. Wo do not hesitate to my that we arc better o.upped than any other printing csuilillshiiicut In this section tu ilu llrsl-cluss Jnli-work, in nil Its branches, tit low prices. 112 lias teeli adopted bv tho CAltn AltVOL'ATK. Charier Xotlecs 4 Auditor s r.ptlces .... 4 Commissioner's Kotfdffii . . 4 Dly&rcu Notices - "- '- - 4 Adiiwnistrntor s Notices - - ft Sxectttor's N'olleo ' - "- V - II 1 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." i . '$1.26 when not paid in vance. Other legal advertising will Wffitorced ft by the square. , , , VOL. XV., No. 8. Lehightofi, Carbon County, Pcnna., January 8, IC37 Siiiglo Copies 5 Gents,. II. V. JlertWmtr, Jr., Fublichef, . ional & Business Cards. !' ' Horao Hoydt, JXJQ UNBY AT LAW, Omen: Tlio ltoom recently occupied by W, M, Itapjlior. BAK1C 8TREET, - LKIIIOHTON, VA May bo consumes In liusltslvitfitt Uertnnu. W.-'M. Rapshor, ATTOItNKY An COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND DISTINCT ATTOItNKY, First door above the -Mansion Homo, MaUCU CHUNK, ... - PENX'A Keal Itst-ito and "Colled Ion Aitem-y. ,-Wlll liny nttrf Matl'irpnl Vrft.-i,.,' (!mi'f licnllv limit'. Colleftlons.proinptly made.. Settling lta(nnl HmjiIciiIS a specialty. juay uu consiutcu in Hwjllsli and Herman, nnv. is-yl H. V. Morthirrtfor, Sr., XOTAKVtruntiui, OirrcB:'"Carboii Advocate" Ollico, ... BA-N'IC STREET, . Lr.lIIOIITOX. All business pertaining to t!io office will receive prompt attent ton, mar. 10 " V . "I", a Kle'intop', v " , Instructor in Music, id 8V m . . lbibhlns' American Classical llelhods n spcebd ty. Tpfflisjnuderatiy wuill-it THOMAS KEMERER, -A A CONVEYAXCElt AND Gaialflw'fr'lift Instance Aft Tl.eTcillow;li!i Gar.irbmlu's' are lieprescnted: JJmanouMutuaY l-'ito, Tica.rinKSl'atuarrirci ' '' dvft t-''s' Vlrci and tho . 1 , jTiayo.'ers Accident Insurance, AhJuTeivhirJlvalihi mil Mutual jrorscThlct Da tuotlyp.and .liuiiir.HKT C.-jnu'e'ny. mar20-yl 7f, WT'G-.1 M: Soinlo. ' '"l'lIYSiClAN1 AND st'ltOEOir. aaiJTU st'Meet, Lli'tKillTON. tI?v"lflfolVsuilfd'lliliii!r!UlI: mill (lermrlti! Or'r'icR'irouitS: l'rom liM. to 2 V, St., and iroaio 94lM' j .1 mar. Si-yl IlitAMCit Oi'i'lCK Over .1. 't. ltamlcnbusli's f ? LlijUoi; Store, BANir'STUKEr, LKItlOIITON. neftttttrrln all Iti lir'AnChea. Teelli l!tmcicd wilhout .G.nailiuliiIitctedHlieii rcij'iaftuu omso l)ay-V.-ED.Vi:siiAY of f.udi v,eel;. i: O. address, I.ITZIi.N'I'.lilid, Jifl 3- I Lchlsli eountv, l'.i. Cortright, D. D. S., Omcit! Opp. t!io " lltoadttay House," BROADWAY, - - MAUUII CHUNK l'ittcut harDtie)ciicnrv,' (- latest lmnroe menu in iirn!ianlc:ii Appliances and the lU'st Uitbods ot Treatment In nil Surgical Casen. AKurtiniiiiuaijiuiiiisiereii it uem-eii. upos- siDie, pjrs ims resmni:; ii'iisiue 01 .'.i.itten i nunu uuumTU.TKu arninsmeni.' uy m.ui. jyt-yi BYE AND IE Alt. Dr. T. POX YltlU Allenlown regularly on rilUKSDAY ot eaca wock. x racxice nnuieu tu Diseases of the ISyjejaml liar, 09l t Havdcn's American Hotel, and Oftlce Dnuri from 9 A. M. to I'. M, Aim atlonrli to KTrtlon)f tint Kj'm roftlie"riper niljuilmenl otaiitsiei, autt tor the Relief and Cure u( Uptli J Delects. May also bo consulted at his office In HATIti Wtdnesday and (Saturday of cneli wi ck, at 1IAN GO It on Monday, and at KASION' on Tucidav ot Ma wcuit. j. in y-vi , CAEON HOUSE, JONATllA'N jlvISTLKR, - - l'ROritl UT01I, Baxk Stikkt, LUHtOIITOK. Ta Carboa House otters nrst-class -accommodations to the traveling public, ltnaidluu hylhu week ou re:is.inaldetnins. Choice ClKUl', Winei'anit.I.lipiorsulHAysou Aaixt, (ioo.t Slieds and SUblci, with very iUluuUo lli'tli-r, at, taeliod. 1 apl-13-Vl PACRERTON hotel, Mtdnay between. JIaitcli Ciiuuk & l.chl;!itoii, ixoi'old JiEYi'.u, ritont, rXCkERTO.N1, - - Yr.snx. Tblt well-known llotill U Aitn-.lrably refitted, and hr Uie liet nccoiiiuiodatlons for pei nianeiil and transient boarders. Kvu-ileitt Tallies sunt the very bait I.lipiors. iHables attached. &cpu;-)1 , WtANSIO?l HOUSE, . Opposite U J 8. DelKit, BXNK STREET, - ' LEIIIOHTON, 0. 11. 11011, rnontiinoit. Thtslionso offers flrst-elas nccomiiiodatinns for transient anil permanent uo.ii'ilcr. It Iris tioen ueuly refitted In all Its dcpurtuicnUi iiml I-. hu nt vti 111 one ot tho moat iTictiiteS'iue iiorlions (f Hie boruiih. Terms moderatu. Tho 11 A it Is supplied with the cliolcet Wines, I.lipmrs and viRars. rrcsn wigrrou inn. upri.-)i AimoiiiifCs.lo Ills f 1 lends and tint public gener- ally! that he lias nmC open for tin DTiiiavue nas now nueu lor ineir acci ommodu- hail Ida new and handsomely furuMied ll ESTAUHANT, not door to tlio 1st National Bank, HANK ST., IHIchtou, and that lie Is now prepared to furn ish First-class b Jcas at Short Notice! Tho liar Is siiii.lll with the best Wines, V'rusli Jailer; Uecr and Clioicu Cigai's. You are eordial 1 1nvlKd to call; apr U-i I ...rCV ETAot D. J. K I STL Elt Itesrtfnlljr announces to thn pulillc that lie has opened u-NKW LIVERY STABLE, iiml that lie ts now preiiared to furnish Teams for l'unends, Weddlujsor HusluessTrliis 1111 the tlmrlest 110 Uou audiinost lllieial terins. Orders left at the "Carbon House" will receive prompt iitteullon. BTAULBS ON XOimi STREET, Mtfxt the Hotel, Lelilglituu. Jauti-yl T. J. BRETNEY Ifgfieetfull.Vannolmcs to the Mer'elWnisof -lilghton and others that hois now iiieparcdto do idl kinds of IlAlMNG Of FUKIGUT, EXPRESS Matter and Baggage t wry reasonable prices, lly iir.imiil ntteidiou o all orders be Immvi to merit a sl"re of iiul.iic iroars on i ace. lteil patronage, jiesiuence 1 conrerot Pini and Iron BUwits, l-h Isti ti n. Onlers left at Hwwily t, Sim I'omerSi ne act rocwlw tuomptatteiiUoii naru.m 'X J.MJhNCY D. S., W. A. Wa A PETERS jjjj V I J. 1 have just received 'u case t)T I got i to sell for paint from floors or anywlieVe else from which you wish tore- move jit .and to cleanse grease spots. It is nlKOiUsclul for many other puvppscs among which is . r. "V J' '', "il to makcsoap.' I. have' circulaVs or. distribution, call and Ret one. , , , . Have 'received 1 to-day four cases pf Barkers Horse,' Cattle & Poultry Powder, . which 1 intend to ltAX'piii connec tion with tho Blue Grass Condition Pewters. r. and recoinmenu- both makes ns exccutionnl ns to value and quality, if indeed a recom meiKiutitm is necessary. . Have circulars to spare. I have now put in four of the W. and H. DOUGLAS FORCE 1'UMPS and have sent in mv orders for four more, nil of are sold and will be plared as soon as they arrive, I am bavin" a yrand success with them. Everybody is pleased. I can please you it volt iive me a chance to put one in vour well I 'also keen in stock the CU- cuMMUi, wood ruxirs My stock of Oils of all kinds, Paints of all kinds, Tar, "Worcn Wire, Wagon Grease, -Iron Kettles, Copper Kettles, Glass, etc., etc., is as complete ns ever, and can give you good figures. I wish to add that I hav leased tho Conl yard recently built by Mr. Samuel Seilcr, and am ready to furnish you with COAL of a BUPEition quality at reasonable prices nnd will guar antee you good wt.igiit. Feed Cutters, Corn Shellers nnd the likes in the machine line being now in season, 1 would call your attention to lin stock of them. I sell noiie but the best, at prices below which it is impossible to sell and live by it. Cement, Calcined Plaster Pewter Sand Itosin, Borax, Glue, Whiting, titc. Inst but not least, nnd am con stantly adding to it- -:oi- Low Prices aufl. Honest Bealta. -:o:- A. J. Litzenberger, 1st M Below L.&S. Depot, Bank Street, LeliMoii, Peuna.J y if sly! COAI. ! CGAL ! I With Medicine Qnnlilv not Quantity is the grentest im portance, netis the knowl edge nnd experience to Correctly Prepare and Dispense the same. At T. D, THOMAS' rorui.An ' Dil & -Family Mm Store; , Bank .Street, Lchighton, Y611 can always rely upon petting STRICTLY lHiru and Unadulluruted Drugs and Medicines. THOMAS crfrrica the l.irccst stock ot Patent Medicines 111 the cinnty. THOMAS lias an decant stock of DniKSlsts Sundries, l'aney and Toilet AriUIes for tlio ladles as well us the gents. TlloMAStmiKcs Horse and t little Powders a spul.dty. Ills II years experience In the drtijj business elves him a Kii-:.t adtauUigeliilnat Hue. TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS and URACES'-ni-ways 11 l.irtie stock on Duiid. ; WINES and I.ll)l'ORS, botli fovclrn and do mestic. He has u I'lluloii (ivaiie Snt- imda Dry Citaw ba Wine, dust splendid and cheap. WALL PAPERS aml.HUllDEns- the laife'est assortment in (own. (in to THOMAS' with your prescriptions. Co to THOMAS' for your Patent llcdltliics. Co In THOM AS' foe vour 1'nnev Aitlc es anticrs and Horsemen' en to THOMAS' for your Horse and Cattle Powders. jail 17 ALL THE iEWS 1 The Carbon Advocate. 1.00 Per Year Siiigls Copies, FIVE Cents. Advertise . in the Advocate. House and Lot for Sale. One-halt Uit, 31 . isn feet, situate on Ij-lileh hlr'.'i'M neat" tho New lhiuliil if.T ' .,.1. .....1 .. . ..nut mil!'-:',, lllllll .U III. It 1, 'l irv iUl i, n1"' Two-Moll 1'raine House. Ill x " feet. A lleer f.ilIliiL' Well iif Pure Wider, and a number of choice Vrult I ices and lues mi the Lot. A nice home for a small family. I or lcnus,.e., call at me l.innoK ADViic.vrK oun-e,,ii.iu)! sueci. jaiiu -ii-i Veiaport Mm Directory. TOll HOLIDAY I'KKSKNTS (it) TO W. P. BISHY'S, Cor. "White aiul Dridgo Sis., Vei-iiort. And Inspect ids new. and lai'L-v nssiirimunt of all llie ver iiiiem uu, cities in HOLIDAY GOODS, Including the finest assottmcutof Articles in Plush, &a, Evcrbroiigli to lids town. Pnre Bmis ami Idicines ! Choice Wines, Liqiiors, Tobacco and Cigars. Perscilpllon caicfullyonipoiindcd day or night, at Aprllli. 1S85-1V. JOSEl'II F. BKX, DEALER IN Floiir, Peed and Furniture, l'obaccia and Cigars, East Weissport, Penn'a., linltes the people nf Welssporl and vicinity to can aim examine uis largo assnruurni of goods before pureliaslhg elsewhere Prioea Low ns tho Lowest, ! nprillMWi-ly. (ihNTS WASTKI) ! " TO SELL Tlill NEW j' Improved Western Washers 40,000 Now in Uso! And sales constantly increasing. It imsltlvcly can- iiieni an. imy no oiner. Hie lor leiiu AAltON F. SXYDKIt, Mfg's. Agt.. augia-ly Weissimit, Caibim Co., Pa. JAUUV ft KEWCLTij Tlio Weisspbrb Bakery, l'resh lireiid and Cakes eety day; DelUcrrd In Udilglitou and Maueli t'liunk every Tuesdaj Tlmrd.iy add Saturday. Jrl'linleS, Parties, Cniiiii-Meelhig.1, Weddings, l'uiierals supplied tit shoit notice. aiigustT.SMy JJIUASK1.IX IIOl'SFj EAST WEISSPORT, I'KXN'A. I Ids bouse offers first-class nccommndnnons to the perinaneul boarder and transient gucit. Panle prices, only One Dollar per day; augT-Iy John- ltfiitilici, Prop'lliclor, j-KATS, THE JEWEI.En. All Kinds of Jewolry ! Scliool Booh H Stationery. anssutTJVfy ITt 'dS&" rams il hmmr UstCUCf tuk rnmn .viin-i,i;ii pi..n l'ito W.i tij)Iatcs,i'icfcs uuU I'otson. SURE. JTft ' at rninoisTS xho nnxisni. run ClUl.l.r.3 i. 1 OtCLlll (0.. 1ULI1S10KE, ES. LASIE1JT OF THE IBI3H EMIORtHT. iiv 1.AI1V ni-fKni:i:c. in sltthi 011 tho ttlle, Mnry, Wlicru we sat side by side f n n bright M.iv mornlu' long ago, iicn llrsl ymi were try bride; j , , The corn was spiliisin' fresli iiml green, ' And the lark sang loud nnj lilglij And Hie red was on your lip, Mary, And tlits love-light In your ce. Titoplaci' Wijttle clinuged. Mni'ji ' Hie day Is lirl;,'hl us tnen j be link's loud rung Is in my enr,, . Ami llie. colli is frreen mralm t:t I miss thc.oft clap orjouVlia'ml, And your brcalh. naini on my check j And I HtlU keep llst'nln for the .words 1011 pcAcrmnic will sneak.' - 'T Is but a step down jonderl.iiie, And tile little church' stands near, The eiuircii wliere we were wed, Mary; I see the spire from here. - Hut the graveyard lies between, Mary, And my step might break jour lest, or I've laid" oil, darling, down to sleep, With your baby on your breast. in very lonely now, Mary, , I'or the poor make no new friends; lint, O, they lata lle beller s,UU The few our Patlier sends! And joti were all 1 Iiml, Mary, Sly blessln' and my pride: 'here's nothing left to rare for no,v, Since my iioor alary died. ' ours was the good, brave heart, JIary, Thai still kept hoping on. When the. trust In Cod bad left my soul, And my nnu's joung strength was gone I'licru us t omfort ever on your lip, And the kind look on vour '.now, bless you, Mary, for that same, Though jou caunotlicar mo now. tliauk you for the palieid smile When your heart was lit to break, When the hunger pain was gnawln' there, And you hid It for my svku; bless you for Mil'.dlcasuiil wold, When uirr hcait was Kid and sure, O, I'm thauklul you are r'nc, Maiy. Where grief can t icaeli you morel I'm blddln' you a long farewell. My Maiy-klud and tine! Hut I'll not forget you, darling, In the land I'm goln' to; They say there's bread and work for all, And the sun shines always theie, lint I'll not forget old Ireland, Were It fitly limes as fair! And otten In those grand old woods I'll sit, and shut my vyt'r And my heart will tune! back again To the place where Mary lies; And I'll think I see the little stile Wlieie we sat side by side. And the sprliiglii'coin.nndtlie bright Maymorr., Wlieh llrst jou weic my bride. The Fair One M GolOea Looks. IIV MKS. t'lIAHI.OTTi: M. BTAXI.HV. Tllcy called her so when at only seven years old, the golden fleece of sunny, slilm melius lialrfellllkeaglltterlns mantle over plump nml dimpled elioulders half way to the grtmml; nml ten years, later when the d t mm... 111:., ii crmvii muni a young ... aide's pond and r-hapely head, the woman still retained the name that had been given tho child. An only child aril heiress. At least it was so believed until th-.ll seventeenth ear. Her golden crown was thought to bo but a small portion of the wealth that should fall to Goldlo Vlnlng's portion In the due course of nature and of time, for Willow dale, her father's fino cstatu with Its ricH revenues, broad acres and fair farms whoso should It be but hers? Mr. Viulng had Inherited it (in plucc of his eldest brother, lust ntsea), three years after 0oldio's birth JJtehad been apoornnd strussllng man and wealth had fallen upon liltn, from an uncle's hands, suddenly nnd unexpectedly. Fifteen years he held and used It, and thought It secutely his own; aml'thcn Just as suddenly It took to Itself wings and lied away from him amljils forever. In oilier words tho long-lost heir came home. James Vlnlng was not dead had not been drowned. In u far-off land, among stranga scenes and strangers,hc had lived a life of struggle and adventure; nor ever heard of the for tune, that awaited him at home, until hav ing prospered and crown rich abroad, ho returned, without warning, like a ghost, from the gMvc,tocIalul his fair Inheritance of Willow dale! His return wis Ills brother's death-blow; had there been love and kindness to soften the stern reverse of fortune It would still havo been hard lb bear, but James and Henry Vlnlng, though bound by ties of blood, were never friend;; It was Into Uie hands of an enemy that hard fato hade Henry surrender his wealth tho futuie welfare of his w ife and only rhlldl The man sank down, bcnkult tho blow; hold on courage, liopc, health, life. One year aftcf Jaiiics Vlnlng took posses sion of Wllldwdale, Henry was In his grave, Then canio (fio bid, old,- sail story I His widow and Goldic, poor pet, proud, un willing to parade their altered fortunes be fore a world whoso cold pity would Insult and wound, not heal, their soriurt 1. shrank silently from knowledge and notice cf ill. ir summer-day friends, passed out of sight ami thought, and were tc.jjottoir - So utterly that, when Harold Clare came 'lionio fiom the long Hiunrean tour of near" two years' duration, which ho had tnke'n In the interests of his father's business, he souglit for tho fair one with golden loelts In vain. Tho sleeping princess of the fairy story did not disappear more completely froin the world; thn prince, her Jo'cr, did nit seek for her more faithfully, taoro gon crtnisly, more hopelessly nt last, than fur otg 'months did Harold Clare for Goldic. She, poor child I taught hy a liiirsli and ciel experience, dcetnol li'ert'clf fotgottcn Li the man she loved ns well ns'by tho rest. the knew not of lite long sojourn abroad; mws of the bright, gay V01ld In which tLry liad lived, never icachrtl Goldlo now. If he .lmd lovcil 1110, ns I loved," she tliiughl, "ho vouhl havo found me; 1 11111 fit'gottcii; life Is ctftlc'i ; love Is deadl"' Vet, so long ns tho heart hast something left to Clng to, llfo. will, last. Goldle had Jier mother left her still. How lon lliat last, nnd always true, love wotilil bo (Spared, she feared to think, for) Mrs. A'inlng faded day by day. Poverty, sorrow, disappointment, care, .weighed heavy on the mother's Ihmiu Tito lastlelly of youth wns past with her; she mil not hope. Hor Vneigy enough to rebound ml rise again, from the many, heavy, hit ,er roriows that had stricken and crushed er down. ,Yct, 'fur her dauahtcr's stilti, she stluc- iled hiavely. nut, for would nave sccmca jp her most sweet; she feared It now, how ever; clung fast to lifo as tlicy do who aid nippy, and cherished, a'nd beloved; to cave licr, so yiiuiig. so bcaUtlful, so un ptotceted, In tho world alone tho thought Was tnnlblel "We will live for each other," sho would say, smiling sadly, carresslug liic girl s bright hair. "My fair one, whose golden locks arc .lie.r only wealth. My princes?, whom a hard fae condemns logo heavy- )ieaited and often. liiitigry,Undor her golden crown!'1 .The girl stood before her mirror that nIght, thouslitful and pale. Shu took the golden hair, fairest' of all her ornaments, lastiCmhant of li'er wealth, Into her hands, and let It fall, In a glorious glittering shower, through her white ling .ejs. "Would It wsrogold Indeed 1" -she sighed For mother's sake!" .Then tears came streaming down. She tho'ngiil of 'one whose pride it oncb hud been, whose hands li4dV.iVresr.ed it often. 'Xevcr again 1 ncveragaln!" she moaned .Why should I prize and cling to It'.1 Ho has forgotten 1 And mother Is falling day by dav. And wo have no money no means to earn It even the miserable pittance 'allied bv the slavery of sewlntj, falls us now no wot k, nothing to sell for bread nothing, except this!" ; ' Tile tears had dried on her pale cheeks her face grcwlmrd and btern, she drew thu shining strands of hair through her hands slowly, thoughtfully. "Kate Lylu's was of this color but there was much on all her head ns I lc fall out of my hand! l'vo heard her say sh could not match the shade. That shu would bo glad to purehasu initio with twlco lis weight In eobb Fll go to Kate. What iloos. my 'Glided Crown of llcauty' welgl I wonder?" She went next day. Xot In tho morhtti; her painful it-solution had failed a little after tho lirst impulse passed. "Fll try llrst, once more, for work," she thought as she set out. All morning Ion sho tried. Faint, weary, heart-sick, an humbled by lfpeated rebufTs,her resolution gained tho strength her body losti "I'll go to Katel" she sighed; "A woman's glory is her long hair,1 says Holy Writ. Goldle felt all the trutl of these words-. "I airi poor, Indeed! I am poor,-Indeed!' she sighed, ns she stood nt Miss Lyle' stately door, "ot even this one poor treasure cati bo spared to me. Faruwell all." Kato Lyle was a beauty too; not so love ly as Goldlo was In her days of pride, but still a belle and an heiress. The two gltls had booh companions and fast friends i "" imnmiau, , "ItU GoM sougbt, on such a crue , """" "" Tho servant looked with scarce-dlsgulsci contempt nt her poor and lilsutliclcnt cloth lug. Sho drew her veil closely over her face. ''Tell Sllss I.yld llk-italady a person wishes to seo her," sho said ticmulously. Miss Lylo was expecting a visitor. On for whom she reserved her sweetest smiles , j,er softest glances, her most honeyoil.flat tcrlng words. He was iieh,haniUome,a brilliant match ami lie sought hcrashd souglit ho othe .Certainly, lu her soul sho knew that It wiis. Jbifuiiso she had. promuiid (o-ald him lu .",7...... 1 I- . i....,'!' aasic uiai. near ui 1113 'iieart---iii eeiiic for a long-lost ond w ell-loyeil frieild. "Hut, no matter upon what excuse 1: comes to me," she thought, "so that he. comes 1 I shall will him .In time from this idlo, vain regret; silo Is probably dead let her lest In peace, then. Probably he better oil' never td kuowj never to hear or to Iiml her; And she prepared herself with a sympa thetlc btory of thu efforts she had made, all reaJy for her visitor's car. Sho was not too well pleased when Goldle's u'icssagi 1 cached her. "Who Is the person; rind what does she want with me? Ascertain that, and tell her 1 am busy now; she must call again." The man returned to the hall. JJeforc he could fulfill his Instructions, however, a sharp peal at tlits do'or-bcll summoned hltfi. He openM the door. A gentleman tit tered, at sight of whom Goldle uttered aj strange, low; thillllug cry. Sho rose to her feet, sprung fe'rw.1rd,thcn recollecting herself suddenly,- J ielded to the overwhelming revulsion of-fcellng and pain of heart, and dropped, vtliiteand senseless, tu the ground. I What was It Iri tlfat cry that thrilled his , soul, In spite of the shabby dress and ills -iiguring veil? He raised her In his arms, he put the veil ifclde; ah, joy! the prirfco has found his Ib'vu at last. The fair one shall i not I os her golden locks; she shall keep ; them, to be once more the joy and pride of i I her. own true lover Mii awoke. iu the Sleeping Ile.iulv w.U- of . M, I,, tind I.o-. , H.iMii.ij lull.! ''v'' side In r . ouch, uiid Happiness j f.n hi ' v,a...j. Jo u-oiv uf povmy, j i.uand uie, and tho dear mother, for whom she ould have sold her last and rarest orna ment, shall live to rcjolco In her daughter's joy, ns before sho wished to share hrr sor- ov. As for Miss l.yle, she never learnt the young person's" errand? sho got neither oldie's lover norUolillo'slialr; but when, ns bilcf a time as well might be, the rich and handsome Harold Clare Invited his best and most valued friends to bo present nt a quiet wedding, tho world's surprls'6 was great. U discovering In the hapr.y, blus'hfng bildc, Its old, too-caslly forgotten favorite, The Fair Ono w lib the Golden .Locks." ONE OF THE BEST THINGS OUT. With llie adv'cnt of tho New Year there always comes to the desk of the editor something hew, useful 'or u'lilrju'o in tho lapp of some Invention or discovery, or something which will ninuso und divert hilo It etinvevs Instruction. Of such a character is the stcillng novelty which lies before us In thoshauo of a Countcr-Wrap- per-Vnd, (12x8 1-2 Inches) for the counter use of druggists and dealers In medicine. llanclng at tho sheets which to a large umber uro adhesively joined at ono end,- wo find they coniptisc humorous sketches 10m tho rich and racy pens of "1)111 NYc" nd other talented nnd well-known "funny men," finely Illustrated In the broadest style fthc tortile nrt. At onco the design Is i manifest and most pleasing. Ono can maglno with what facility and pleasure a lealer can handle such an ornament to his counter, while at tho same time It must Ivo delight to his customers, free of all xpenso to himself, As a wrapper to a parcel each bears In gtaceful lettering his. name; and pl.lco of business. It is hardly necessary to Add that It Is gotten out by The Jharles A. Yogrier Company, Baltimore, Mil., and Is being distributed freely to their patrons in trade. It is another proof of thu well-earned, reputation of the remedies manufactured by that housd nnd another of ts ingenious mcthoUVof spreading tho story the wonderful cures wrought by fat. Jacob's Oil. lit verse nnd alliterated lines another story Is told of an equally famous and enieAclotts remedy lied Star Cough Cure which has been shown by tho alialy- Is of the most distinguished chemists to be freofrom opiates antipoisons; the cost of which Is only twcnty-llvo cents, The pad will doubtless bo cry much In demand and as It deserves should justly become most popular as cn-j of the best things out. JOKNHY DISCOVERS A HAYSEED. "There's a hayseed, pa," raid a substantial looking countryman caum into the cai:s this morning. "Sec here, Johnny," said pa, with threat- nlng severity, "don't you ever let mo hear you call 'aiiyboily from the country a hay .red. Olily Ignorant persons designate country people by a term emblematic of entire crccuness.'" 'I didn't know It was wrong, pa-," ex postulated thu boy. "My son, your gi-and-parcuts, 'even down to the ground rung on tho family step-ladder, were from the country, nnd " "Country people don't know as much as city people, do they pa?" "Certainly they do. Tnko a city bred man, put him on a farm among the articles ho has in his dally diet, nnd he will ask questions fully as simple and stare about as badly as a country nlnn when ho comes to the city. Ho will want to know who churns the apple butter. IIo don't know whether potatoes grow on trees or bushes, and w hether apples crow on stalk or not. "I don't want to be green, anyhow, pa," persisted .Johnny. "Itather green than ripe, my bby, Al ways remember that extreme ripeness Is the borderland to permanent decay." And the old man leaned back, having rubbed In something Johnny would uevcr forget. A Petition. The teachers In attendance at tho county Instluttu at Wllkcs-llarrc, on Thursday of last week, signed tho following potltlon To the Honorahle,thv Slnate ami the House ! Hcprewnttitltes of the Vommontc'catlh of 1'ennsyleanla, Wc, the undersigned, teachers of'crile county, do most respectfully petition your honorable bodies to enact a law containing tho following points: First. That the school directors bf tho several districts be authorized and directed to pay the teachers for the time actually spoilt In attendance upon the Comity Insti tute1. Provided, first, that 110 traeher shall receive more than $:l per day; and provided iccond, that all teachers earning less than S3 Jier day -shall bo paid tho pro rata per day- -which ;hey could earn if actually tetiehltig. 'BVcoitd. That the Counts- Superintend entlfo authorUed! Sunf directed to make out aceumtiiy a repot t bf the nlimber'of dayi spent'by each teacher In the actual attend unco ittion the Institute; nnd that his re port shall constitute the basis upon which teachers shall he. paid. If all the w 01 hl's a stage, and men and women merely players, where arc the t'.ltdl enco.and orchestra tb come, from? HEAD THE ADVOCATE; CoKK n-vr,n,x, CptroTvJUthma, H I ifU itlO KCUU1 IT V ,rih fiwvp it MJ er' Id irAf.'s w-i', cr, fill boai s xwr rlt-trn.-l Tnwlo-iinrti to vlti fiu,-4ttnUilTtifturuof J Jtn jr. ISilt fr A. l Uetrr lTon'f. XiettltnoiS JIJ,, fwi t7 a. f. fjfcr.r c a,, dcio SALVATION IL, "The Orcat'eat Cure on Eerth for Peln," Will relieve more quickly tbtn nny o;h.r Lnow.t rcn.od, nacau.atLta, rel!:l,::vircll.n,:,KlllJ.J:s,L, irns, S-.-l-3.C"ts,Li , 3 Fc-. i.f'ioai;. ' 1 . 1 1 L he, VVo 'Js, lie-'la he, Touthai,he, bpraioa, tic bold bynll pru..iita. f rice Ccnt3 a Uottle. fenuros roug Tho 'ruckcrs on a chair never stick out half so far behind at any other time as when a man Is prowllugarouud In thu dark barefooted. Whf.t It Is- What It Does. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is made, of rarsar;a lilla, dandelion, mandrake, Viln'rYy iXtfc, uva'rirsl, dock and other valuable medlclir al agents long and favorably known for their power In eradicating disease and piulfjing the blood. It will cure, when In llie power of medicine, scrofula.sait lhcum, dyspepsia, hendiirbe, constipation, bilious ness, general debility, pains In the back, kidney complaint, catarrh, female weak ness', cancerous humors, humors of tho face, ITnfcworm, pimples, ulcers, sores, t ti ll 1 0 rs scald head, and nil diseases nrlslntr from an impure state or'a low'eondltion of tho Wood. Hood's Sarsaparllla is made I y (... i. noon iv i,o., Lowell. .Mass. bold by all druggists; $1. six for $5. An Indiana gll has been born without a niotith.lMi'o wifl soon begin to realize that she has forgotten something. F.encwi Her Youth. Mrs. Plucbo Chcsley. Petersen. Clav Co Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, incmtiii 01 e.nieii is vouched lor by the residents of the town: "I ntli 73 years old, havo been tumbled witli kldijey Complaint ami lameness lor many years: couni not dress myself without help. Now 1 am fice iroiu an pain nnu soreness, and am nine to do all my own housework. 1 owe my thanks to Electric Hitters for huV 112 Venewcd m youth, and rcinovod -completely all disease ami pain." Try a hot lie. only r0c at P. J). Thomas' trtig store. ISricks that will float are n'ow 'made in France, (htuvenlcnt for a man to wear In his hat when he's half seas over To-illcht flint Tfi.Mnrrnw Wiffht and each day and night dming the wool- you can find at lllery's, Velport, and Thomas', I.chlahton, Kemp's Siiiinos.ilo- rles acknowledged to be the most successful reatinent yet introduced fot the euro of piles. Old suffcrcrs from tills dlstrcssln complaint are at once relieved nnd In a short time a permanent cure established. uncci: the disease in limn by uslns th most cuoetlvn remp-ilv. Price fide. Keml address for pamphlet on p.lls. lids "!", i.o rtoy, n. 1. cow- -Ifow to get i head lluy a postagu stamp. llncklcn's Arnica Salve Tho best salvo In the. w'orld for cuts. bruises, sores. tileVr3,s"alt rh'uein,feersores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands. corns. and all skin eruptions, aYul positively cures piles, or 110 pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perlect aatlslactlon, or money ic- limited, riico I'.ic. per box, nt 1 nomas . -A closn call -Tho tailor's call to col lect thu bill for them. Dr. Fiazlcr's R ot Bitters'. Fra.icr's lioot Hitters are not a dram shop beverage. Hut are strictly medicinal in every sense, l hey art strongly upon the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, cleanse the blood and system of nvery Impurity, bold by dvugglsls, 91 At 1 nomas iimg store. Jet beads will give way to balls of feathers as a finish to hat brims. br.Traier's Uaertti Ointment. A sure cttreforall bolls, bttrns.sores.cuts, flesh wounds, sore nipple, hard and soft corns, cliappeil lips ami Junius., nice .A cents. Sold by druggists. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop s., Cleveland, O. Sold by T., tho druggist. Among the fashionable cdriibinalion.i black and yellow retains Its popularity. Sblloh's Vllllizor. Is what vou need for constipation, loss of appetlte,dizzitiess,and all Svinplotns of dysiiopsiu. Price 1(1 and 7.1 cenil per bottle, Sold by IF. F. Itlcry, II elssporl, nnu ur. u. Horn. Lehlglitou. For general weal- this season, cheviot. tweed and canvas good3 take the lead. TVTicn Daby was slclt, sro gsro her Caitorta, Wlien she was a Child, tlio cried for CAitorla, When she became Miss, she clan: ts Caatoril, VTfcta eho bail Children, she gave thorn CastorU In the new dresses the seams of the waist aro whalcboned. Itch, and Scratchos of every kind cured In ;JU Minutes by Woolford's Sanltnry Lo tion, use no oilier. 1111s iieer lulls, hold by T. 1). Thomas, Druggist, J.ehighton Pa. Ol;t. 2-Iy "This Is an rigo of wonders," said man as ho made it straw hat felt by touch lug it." Catnrrh cured, health arid sweet breatl secured, by Slilloh's Catarrh Itemedy, Fiico.,0 cents. Jsasal lllleelor free. So 1 by Dr. C. T. Horii, Eehlghton, and W. F. Hiery. irclssport: A lawn patty i3 pleasant enough until It begins to rain. Then It becomes a for lorn party; Slceplt's1! nights, mado miserable liy tint terrible cougli. Milloh s euro Islhe ivme. dy for you. Sold by Horn, Lchighton and lilerv, cissport. Kbcent experiments have dciiidnstrated that the greatest height CTer irachedjbr sci wavbS Is from thhty-elght to forty feet Tile average storm at sett raises waves to height of thirty feet. Hay FoVer, Asthma. Ilellef guaranteed. Fontaine's Cure. For sale by U; T; Horn. No Cure Xo l'ay. A new depaltiii e lu medical science! Fontaine's cure for throat ami lung diseases has curbd.ufter all other remedies failed. For salo n't Dr. 0. T. Horn's drug store. The mausoleum prepared by the Em press Eugenie at Farnsborough Is now almost ready for the reception of the bodies of tUe latu Emperor Slid Prince Imperial. Aycr's" Sarsaparllla Is prescribed and recommended by eminent physicians, nnd Is taken With perfect safety by bid and young, Its' cleansing and vitalizing effects aro sure and speedy, and Ills unlvcisally conceded to bo thu most cfTcctlvu of all blood purl tiers. Tiny shells of liiother-of-pcrfrl are scat tered 01 cr a handsome llehu of tulln and old point lace. From Miss Susie McCiiy, the gifted so prano, So. U Cory street, Providence, H.I., Aplll Sl, 18S5. "It affords me great pleasure In adding my testimony regarding tlio cIltcacT of Dr. belli Arnold's Cough Killer us l have used It in my family with llie most successful remits." Fqr sale by all druggists, l'rlco 23c. COc. arid $1. per bottle Physic Is necossary nt tiuu$s, for billb'iis ncss, itosjlyeness, Ac Ute Dr. Scth Am old'. HIIKnts Pills. 26c. Tan color is to bo the efegant street shade of brown, botlffor buUldo garments and costumes, Bright red will lit a" gient measure be supplante 1 by bright yellow In brightening .1.1, k -ii tuino. ' plij 11 .an sa.d: "I've trluf nil and k-,nw the llnp l'orou rtaihr is the bcut noitiade " &Kti. uaren Aro constantly exposed to dangor from Colds, 'Whooping Cough, Croup, nuJ diseases peculiar to tho throat and lartgs. For such ailments', Aycr's Cherry 1'ectornl, promptly adminis tered, affords sricody lcllcf and cure. As a rcmcdy.ior .Wliooplng Conglf, with which many ot our phlldrcn wero nfllictcd, wo used, durlne the past win tor, with much satisfaction, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. For this nffcctlon, wo consider this preparation tho most cfli rnrlona nf nil tlio mp(licinit wlilcl, l.nv. icomo tb our .knowUdgo. Mary l'ark- liitrst. Preceptress, .Homo for Little; Wanderers, DoncasfCf, Mil. . , , My children havo been pecullarly'suC Jcct to attacks of Croup, and I failed to tind any cffcctlvo remedy until I com moncod administering Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. This preparation relieves tho iliinculty of breathing and invariably ruros tho complaint. David Q. Starks, Chatham, Colpmbla Co., Jf. Y. 1 I havo used Aycr's Cherry rcctornl In iny family lor many years, nnd liavo found it especially valuablo in Wliooping Cough. This inodicino allays ,nll Irritation, provonts inflammation froni extending to tho lungs, nnd quickly suK dnos any tendency to Lung Complaint. -J. II. Wellington, Plaluvillo.Mlch. . I find no medlclno sd cffccHvo, foe Croup nnd Whooping Cough, ns Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. It saved tho life of my little boy, only six months old, carrying lilm safely through tho worst caso of. Whooping Couch I. over saw. Jano Malonc, Plncy Flats, Tcnn'. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared bv Dr. J. C. Aver t: Co., Lowell, Mt . Gold by ell Druggists. Prlco $1 ; eU botlfci, S 5. -GOTO THE CORNER STORE lftR FRESH, NEW Seedless Kuisitis, DHicsri Ilaisiiis, Oudiirtt lvtiisins, Dcniit Kitisius, l'rcsona liiisinfe, , Persian Dates, ligf1. Florida Oranges, Jamacia Oranges, Alineria-G'Va)'e's, California. lloney, Ybrk Skrc Cidor, York State 'Anpletrj, Cranberries, Cocoannts, , , . Mixed TaUlcS tTiifs, Bricks' Mihce Meat, Peanuts, l5a'nanas, Citron, &c, (Dc. C. M. Sweeny, & i9n, AT The CORNER STORE-, E. F. LtrCKENBACHj nn.Ai.Eii ih WALL PAPEBSj Borders & Decorations, Boots, Statiouefj, Fancy (Mk Window Shades t& Fixtures, latest StyVaa. Siilo and put up, If desiroa. Paints Oil, Varnish, Puttj', Brushes & gelici-al Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broaflway Hancb dniut, Fa. Hclow the Ilroadway Houjo. S WITHIN C. RH0IITLID3S'S ACADEMY Fcr Vcusrj lien and Eoys. Media, Pa, 12 miles fioui 1'lilhnbiphla. Plxetl prii-ocincrs everv expense, even boo iic. No eMra charg es. No li-.iiilental expenses. Xo cxaiiilnatloil for i ilinlsslon. Twelve expeilenccd teachers. all nnu, nnd all -graduates. Special opportunities' for ept students lo mlvaaco laphtly. Special I ill tor .dull unit backward bos. Patious or students limy select any similes or choose tut let pilar English, Scientific, llusincss, Classical or t'Ull Cimlucerlnit course, students KlU-d at Me dia Academy an- now In llmnitl. Vale, Prince, Ion and ten other Collcces jinil Polytechnic Schools, 10 students sent to college In ItK), 15 in Ml, It) tn issn, 10 In H-sfi. A (pudui tln!! class i'erv year hi tho cnnihiercUil tlei'iirtnient. A PI11slr.1l anil Chcuihal ljiborntoiy, (iyninasluni and Hall (irouuil, l.'u nils, lidded Hi Library hi issa. Physical apparatus doubled hi lssa. Media has M-ien theii-lii-K,itititii tcniperaueu cbaiter which prnhlbUs Ilu sale of till iutotlcnlluK drinks. I'nrlirw-'llluslraled circular mldi ess the, Principal anil Piopilctur, SWl'l ItlN C. MIIOKT I.IIXIE. A.JUl (llarvaid Uradtiato) Media. Pa. Aug. 7, to-iy. Subhciibc I'or the Advocate. Only $1 per Yean 1 U Utill 1 AroYou Eilioii? 11f K'fxtaUr nrve'- Hit U rwr. I moit ilKt-ifuly r".vnnitynl i,a all wlw wuffer from, V. 1 ,1 . Atu r uuy ,ftuca Vj a tlit KakUiv.Mo. C. n. f JKRN AK 10. Dd You Want Good Digosticn? tiehf, etc A nvtuWutr, who haj Ukun Simmun livr K.xulstor, M me it a ture cure fot; lay ititilri-1 The tu-vt dose 1 tJok relieved mo cr m t-h anj la one mck' tnttc I ua iu tron ml hearty evir I It it tht $tit vtUtin4 KicuiiuMi. V. It G. CfvENSIIAW. lo You Suffer from Constipation ? Ttttiiivvijr ot IIiham Waknbu, ClUcf Justice b Ga, : ht ucil Siinmoo IJver KcjuUtur fot ConHlpUon of mv UoweU.wii'cJ by a icnirAry Dfrnui;ctiiciit nf tnc (Jvcr, for llie Ut litre ur lour year, and always with Uci4t4 ttneit, Havo You Malaiia? I tuv3 baJ rxpcr'Cncc with Sftft4is itx Regu lator iince 1P65, .tvi raid it 01 tht gttattil, fWtfitViVt y tht timti or JUtustt fauUar t pititntiat tigttHi, So good a medietas Utcve univcrul oumincndiion . , Hkv M- B. WHARTON. Cor, SWf Sovtbcin lUjHut 1 hcjloical tMUiury. THERE IS BUT OitE SIMONS BST LIVCR hlGiJI RTQR i Se thin tti fl.1.1 1 J. H.ZEILIN & CO.,, rfllLADtLHIIA, PAI ur mm 1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers