Only Temperance Bitters Known, I ..u oiur mritlrtno known no effects, dllv jurees the blood ot dci'p-ncated diseases. I ilIIIllo:ii bear toxtliuour toita won C?rta curatlm eHects. It la si purely Vosctnble Preparation, t toad from lbs naure herb aadrootaot Call ftirula, tha medldnal propertlcfl of which are crtracted UierefNm wl IliOnt the nee of Alcohol. It nmores tho cauao ot distaao, and tiie paUnt orott'rs his bMltli. It latbn crcnt Ulood PnrI tier and Ute-tfiring Principle ! a O. ntlo Purgatlro and Tonic a perfect Konorator and Inrifc-orator ot the aratem. Never hfnni In the lil.Nir ih. worldhaaaioMidneryiencornponndcdpoascea- log tha ftower ot Vurioin BiTTXna In healing ion eiui ni orerj aiseaeo man neir to. i Vbo Allcmtlro, Aperient, Diaphoretic I Carminative, Nutritions. Laxative. Sedative, w,uwpirrnm aunortan, Anifuiuons, Or Voat, niuretto nnd Tonlo propertine of VtHcois utrrxxi exceed thosj o( auy other tnodiUne la the worl I. No noraon fan Uilte thaDiTTSRs accord ing to dnvcUoua and remain long nnwull, provl tlcil their tHiuin are not dastrorcd by mineral IioIsoh or other moan, and the vital organs wnAlral tKrondthe point ot repair. Illllous, Retnlttentf Intermittent and Malarial Fevers, are prevalent throughout the I nltad States, partlcnlarly In the vslh-ys of onr treat rlvera and their vest trihntarlre daring tho hummer and Antaran, eaioclaUy daring eo&sona of tumnAl hest and dryncrs. XI loan Ferera are Invariably accompanied by exlentlvederangeinenta of tba atomacii. llvir and bowcla, la tlu-ir treatment, a puripu,ve, exerting a powerful Influence npon those o gana. U abeolutry neceesary. Xhero la no catUnrtlc forthepnrpoea njnilloDr. J, WALKHa'a ViNKaan Uitteiu, as It will spoedlly cmOvo the iUrkolored viscid mstter with wtUch the bowcla are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions, o the liver, and generally rerlorlng the healthy func tion nf tho ulesilvo organs. Forllly the body against dlscaso hy pn rltylng all lie Dolus with vixxoAn Uittcbs. No epidemic can tak hold of a erstcni thus farrannwU It IiiTlrforatp tlia Stomncli and litlmiilatca tba torpid IJvw and BovmU, cleans ing tho blood of all impurities. Imparting lli'o and vigor to tho frame, and carrying oft with out the aid ot Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from the system. Ilyajicpsln or llidltrcatlnn, iread ache. Pain In tho Shoulders, Coughe, Tight neas ot the Uiost, Pneumonia, Dlszlnem. llad Taste tu the Mouth, fil.lous Attacks. I'nlplta Uonof the Heart, and a hundred other pain ful symptoms, are at onoe relieved by vixa oar ItrrxKita. for Inllnmmnlory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, KeuralriA, 1 UseoEoa of the Blood, Utvt, Kidneys nnd Bladder, tb? Bitten havo no equal. In these, aa In all constitu tional Diseases, WAtxxn'a Vixr-aAn Bitteiii has shown Its great curative powers In the most ohatlna&j and Introctahla cases. Ulerhmiical ntactuvs, Persons en gagtl In Patnta and Mtnarals, Euch as l'lumb ira. Type-setters, CloUl-beaters. and Miners, as they advance In life, are subject to Paralysis ot the Bowels. To guard omlnet this, take occasional doses of VDrxainBirrxr.s. Mklu DNrnaoa, Scrofula, t att Rheum, ncers, SwelllnKS Ilmplee, Iustules, BoUs, Carbuncles, lthig-worifis, Gcnld-head, Sore Eyes, Eryslnela, Itch, Scurfs. Discolors tloos, Humors and diseases ot tba Skm, of whatever some or nature, arc literally dug up and car ried out of the system iu a short time by the line of the Bitters. l'ln, Tape and otltcrTVnrmti lurk ing In the system ot so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of niedlclne, no vermifuges, no anthel mintics, will free the system from worms like Vrxaaia BiTTkca. nienalce, Scarlet Fovcr, Mumps, 'Whooping Cough, and all children's dUeascs may be made less r.o by keeping tha bowels open with mild doses of the Utters. For l'cmnlo Complntnts, In young or old, married or single, at tho dnivn of ltd manhood, or the turn of life, this Bitters has no equal. Cleanse tlio Vltlntod UlooiT whst Its Impurities burst through tho sldu In Erup tions or pores ; clcanso It when obstructed and sluggish in the ruins ; cleanse It when it Is foul ; your feelings will tell you when, and the health of the system wttl follow, - In conclusion i Ulvo tho Bitters atrial. It nil vpeak for Itself. Ono bottle la a better cuarantce ot Us merits tluui a lengthy adver tisement. Around ench bottlo nre full directions prftitod In duTureut lauguages. R. II. ItlcDonnld Drue; Co., Proprietors, Ean Tranclncn, Cat., and 628. Ssa h 633 TCasluncton Hi., Cor. Char.ton til., Kow York. old bjr all Scalers and Druggists. John D. Bortolotto Post, 484, G. A. K., meets 2nil it 4tli Thursday cacli month, at 7:30 p.m., in Ilebcr's Hall, until further notice. A full attendance of comrades is requested as business of Importance will bobroughthcforethcl'ost. liv order, Jos. B. Wemi,'P. C. A I. WlIITTIKQIIAM, Adj. ninstrated American AiS't?r"5i0.r,J.,(; STOCK B00Ka3!.c fait horsfis; how lo train them, itc. rhnus anils of them sold In the West. No farmer ean afford to be without It. ltonRRT Don. nib. ih;i : "It Is Ihe best work of the kind 1 arer saw." Price. Oloth, ti : Umber, li ft. Sent prepaid. Aitents Wanted. Exclu sive l'errftory Olven. Knickerbocker Subscription Agency, P. O. Box . 13J Hanaa St., hew York. Oct. 2.HM. IFYOO ARE INTERESTED IN THE SUNNY SO TJTJI, Or if jou think of Chancing your Location, it will repay you many thousand fold To Invost Five, Cents In a bam pie Copy of The Southern Colonist, One of the prettiest, brightest, and most entertaining publications In the Southern Stales. It is full of timely information. Address, SOUTHER!, COLOXIST. Jyllcor. Southern Pines, N. C. WE WILL PAY 2 00 A DAY to a reliable parly, lady oi gentleman, to receive orders for nur pub licalions. Any person a plying lor thiu position, who cannot call on us person illy, must send photograph (whirh will lie returned), and alio names ol J rripon bible business men as reference. Address! Elder Publishing Co., SM Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. July II, 1884, LEWIS H. REHRIG, Slate Hoofer. ItEPAIRINQ promptly attended to at short notice and on reasonable terras. "WORK GUARANTEED. Address: riUKCE'3 P. 0., Carbon County, Tenn'a. augW-ly, T I 1TTI I fllalms a SDeslaltv. Warrants 1 1 A Nil 1 nd AIlDlf UINVL, HOME- mbu tiCKTIr IUATES and alt kinds of LAND 8CIIIP booalit and sold. nuartn ur.u r-n i KitH. J.AI). PAT. KNT and PENSION eases attended to. Uorreipondenoe roiletted. A. A. THOMAS, Attorney at Irftw, ltoom 21 St. Uload Ualld log, Washington, 1). o. cor. STOCK MARKETS. Biported up lo 12 o'clock, by Do Hares, i Townsend,Bankers,Ko. 39 S Third Street, Philadelphia. Blocks, bought and sold either for cash or on msrjtm, . Hiiladehhia, Nor. 18, ISM. bid asked iJN'i.Kxt 101 - U 8 Currency 6's .1301 - UB4j, nsw U31 1131 USa'a 1231 1231 rtnniylvanta k k ti JM Fbilsdalphia A Reading U II...... 12 Lehigh Valley R R 47 471 Lehigh Coal i Narigation Co..... 411 471 Buff. N Y. A Phils. R R Co 1J S Waw Jersey Central - 411 4fl Northern Pacific dm 1 3d " " PrM A4 M Oregon Transcontinental St 331 Union PaclHa n21 : Western Ur.l-in Ml Knj 'West Shore Ills....... 4l LiuiiTill" A Kihrllle .... M) Jl) aniTcrlirtaaf),nM..Mi t 'Original Cheap Cash Store' We are Ready far Holiday TYafie" With i hantlfil KtTk r KUPKHIOR QUADRUPLE silver plated wake. Itynuarrln smich ot chmi Mul unsrrvli able R""1' caidxit aiii'T Jfniir wants, as we i not aril Ihsl klml nl wsrs, Dm IT jr. hi want ginnlii that trill wear lift-tlmr, guwls tbst will give anuslm-linn in rvrty respect, then wb arc trail .In ,?ffV r, All our ware la HEAVILY PlLVEIl l'LATKD ON HAItD WHITE M ETA ti anil NICKEL SILVER. Wr putrlm-e ll our wa-e H licet Irnm the inniiiirHi-titrrr", who employ nnlv xnrliiiicn aid use iininivril lnnchlnrf, which ennhlca 1 1 In olfVr Taalrful, ll-iltful anil Durahle Quods. We are constantly In receipt if new designs, anil are selling the ery hest and nmtt re'iable sllverwsrn si the lnwrst p sslhle price. Our store will he closed all Jay Nov. 26 (Thsnitsitivliij; Dsv). J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. 1'uhllo Hijaars, Hank Street, Lchlirl. ton. Pa. Jnna T. ISSMy. SATUKDAY, KOVEMDER 21, 1830. SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making payments tu this i.flioa by money orders nr postal notes will ulcere make them st the WtissroRT Post Orricr, as Ihe Le- nignton omce is mit a money order office Our Noiffliborhood In Brief. Too much cmnhasls cannot linrdvon tO tllO fact that Dr. Hllll'a llnltlmnro nils have no sunerlnr n n fun I lv m, it. cine. Price 23 cents. When you sen a bright baby, pleased - . . J J . , , JUU lllit, knovr Dr. Hull's Hnliv Svnm 1 rT used. It costs onlv 25 cents. For domestic animals suiferinir from general debility, loss of appetite, ifcc. Day's Horse Powder effects a speedy cure. Thursday next (20th) ThanksclvlneJ uay. Tho car-shops at Milton and Ber wick are full of orders. Our lesdlni; business houses will be closed on Thanksgiving day. -The 1 oung Men's Christian Assoc 1- ation of Reading will erect a building to cost $50,000. Pryf.n tfl Pn,. ,..... -"' I,UU1LI 1 1 1 , 1 1 I ll, c ExchanfR TTntol fnr n e,.,n.ll, .1...,. ' - -, .v. , ,ll'U,,t SIM,. and a fasionable hair cut. Already some of our.iinilarolinni are making preparations for their Christ mas colourations. P".Tonas nndliotm will rAm.n January next, to the Star Clothing nail, thereforn lin nfforj liU 1 .r., ,! tcr stock of clothing at much less than cost price, l ou will Uo well to cal at !.. .l.1 ......I 1 , , . . -ii uiu i.iiiu mm my m your inter clothing as the goods must bo sold at any price. First clothing store above tne Mansion House, Jlauch Chunk. It Is estimated that Chester countv has $0,000,000 of mortgages subject to taxation under the new revenue law. -The new collieries of Reed & Steel;- cr on Rig Mountain, near Mount Car- rael, commenced operations this week. Hanks will be c bsed on Thanks giving day. All notes falling due on that day must bo fixed on tho day previous. Wanted A girl lo do housework and cooking, to so to the city, Will pay good wag.s. Address A. Rukd, :mu orin liiiii at., Philadelphia, a The better-half of Will SItler sented him with a bouncing daughter a row evenings ago, whereat Will smileth immensely. William Stockcr, a conductor on the Lehlgli Valley Railroad.was crushed to death between car3 at Mauch Chunk on Friday night. K7f VCIR SAT.P" irnA .,i t . situated on tho corner of Second ami iron streets, lu tills borough. Apply to Charles Froehllch, on the premises, tf. -Don't forget tho fair and festival at Bowman's for the benefit of the How- man's Cornet Hand, this Friday and Saturday evenings. There are over two hundred men employed In tho shops and round houses of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany at Wllkesbarre. Smith Fleming, formerly of town now residing at Seattle. W. T.. will please accept our thanks for Pott-Intel- ugencer, of November 0th. When an nrltpl U li no pay," why not try it? That Is th WaV .I.lllll Ill's tnr iv.r. f.. .,n,.r,i.B colds ami croup, Is sold at Thonra' -Saturday mornlns Xo. 2 stack of the Saucon Iron and Hall road Company at llellcrtown, which has beenidltrfor two years, was put In blast. The fair nnd festival, for the bene fit of Washington Camp, 122, I. O. S. of A., of Wclssport, will onen In the school hall, In that borough, next Tues day, nut n instant. Xa Wnmlor tbnl Mnntn MAmnl.l. . hard times when they pay 50c font bot- nu oi luujju ayrun, no larger man a i0c bottle of .ladwln s tar syrup, which Is sold "no cure, no pay." Thomas sells It. llio Uetlilehem Hoard of Trade having received a proposition to build a silk utill In the borough has accented It and promised to try to raise $50,000 by subscription. A. K. McClure. editor of the Plilln. delphla Times, was indicted by the granu jury at Wllkesbarre Saturday on the charge of libel. J. C. Coon Is the prosecutor. S.i v n linlf win. .,-, r.l, . i ! i . uit , , - -.wi,,,,, ,iiiui-llin uilis UV UlirllllT ft !..(- hnltlii nt Tn.l...l.l- .... syrup, which contains 3 ounces, while ' "ni" tuuguBjTupcoutains oven 1-2. Sold at Thomas' drug store. Charles Ruckalow. ncreil si .pun nf Tamaqtta, a brakeman on the riiiladcl- pnta anu lieadlng railroad, was run over and instantly killed by thecals at Phila. delphla, Saturday. It Is the poor man's friend, but the rich man iiii, it nlen. i,..a..CA i. t best quality and largest bottle for the ft. 11 no cre, no pay," V o refer to Jad win's tar syrup. Sold at Thomas'. The Moravian Church, of which Bethlehem Is the seat In this country, celebrated la.t Sundav one of Iu nrlncl- pal festival days, natnely.thatof Christ, mo uooa onepncrti. The festival dates back to the year 1741. WANTED, an Agent to sell our a bis ana iouees in this place. Liberal InducmenU given to Agents, an dcorre SDondance Invito,! fipun.i rTntn t.. Co., No. 25 South Main Street, Wilkes- -....,!. or,7. W4 The. Schuylkill county grand Jury Saturday found a true bill ae-alnstl .m. -McGratb, Poor Director, for Issuing inegai orders for outdoor relief. The WH of Indlctmont sets forth In detail the orders drawn In favor of certain store keepers and the grounds of their Illegal and fraudulent character. Mr. J. B. -Iaucr last week sol ! his school elate failory at Trelclile.'s , Station, to Mr. O, Knecht. Thei mschlnn shoj of tha Allen town Rollln? Mill aro ru -win? nigh an I day, full nan la.I, on orders of consider- i able Itnjiortaaoa. "I havo thee on tho hip," cried rheumatism, seizing his victim and toss ing him on n sulfering bed, "Not so," ho cried, "not sol Wait inv ancient foe, just five minutes, until tho boy brings a bottle ot Salvation Oil, then we'll see who wins tho day." Paul, It Is said guards herself careful ly against cold. She evidently docs not believe In free concerts, but dors be lieve In the free use of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, as it has cured her several times. Thieves broko Into the Shulti resi dence on Third street, last Thursday night and carried oft a suit of clothes, a t overcoat and a gold watch belonging to George Shulii. Entrance was gained through the cellar. After ransacking the first floor the thieves made a meal of pics and cakes and departed. ftST Campbell, the jeweler, has lust received a handsome line of all kinds ot jewelry, which he Is offering at very low prices. Call and see the stock Store, next door to Clauss & Bro't., Hank street, Lehlghton. Our young people will certainly not forget that the second annual ball of the Bessemer Club will take place in Llndcrman's flail, on Wednesday even ing, (Thanksgiving eve); music will be furnished by the Marion orchestra, of Mauch Chunk. Tills promises to bo the ball of the season. (.:inuss iDBto., The Tail ors, still have n lew of those justly celebrated $10 suitings on hand. The Mahanoy City Tri-WeMy Re cord, says of a former resident of Ma honing Valley: "J. J. Dllcher has made extensive improvements on the old Whetstone property, corner Pine and Sixth streets, putting In a store room, enlarging the house and erecting a stable and will hercaflcr conduct his grocery business at that location." C3T"Just received 25 pieces of stylish suiting! and overcoating., which will be made to order In the latest styles at the low price of S10, S12. S14, Sit). S18 and $20, and upwards. You will savo mon ey by ordering yonr suits and overcoats for tho holidays at the One Price Star uiotiiitig nan, below L. V. It. it. otllce, Mauch Chunk. Burglars pried open the cellar win dow of Frank Olmcr & Son's store, at Locust Gap, on Sunday night, and car ried off a thousand dollars' worth of goods, consisting of firearms, dress goods and provisions. The only cash they obtained was found In tho desk. A large sum was lu the safe, but the burglars failed to break open tho doors. HSjTH. IT. Peters, nt tiie Post-office building, Lehigh ton, will make you an all wool suit lor only $10 cash, if you order now. Wednesday morning of last week a serious fire occurred at Coal Dale, a mining town, between Summit Ilill and Tamaqtta. Tho conflagration com menced In Uobcrt's shoe store, totally destroying It and an adjacent dwelling occupied by David Jones, the book keeper, Mr. Fellows, lived over the store and narrowly escaped perishing in the flames. Both families lost all their worldly possessions. The loss Is esti mated at 155,000. After a thorough test Dr. T. Horn C. Lehlghton and W. F. Biery Weissport most positively assert that Acker's English Remedy Is tho best medicine for Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Whooping Cough, and all Lung Troubles that can be found. Ask them about It, for they fully guarantee It. The lire that was discovered in the old workings at No. 2 Colliery, Lost Creek, some three months ago, has be come very threatening and every effort is being put forth to extinguish It or cut it off. The three hundred hands who were employed at the colliery have been Idlo ever since the firo was discovered and many thousands of dollars have al ready been expended in trying to put it out. The colliery Is owned by the Le high Valley Coal Company. C3T"K. F. Luckenbach, 01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk, Is in tho field with his handsome new cataloguo of new publi cations and goods forthe Holidays. Ills stock embraces all the latest new Hooks, Games, Ornaments, Stationery, and Novelties of foreign and domestic designs. When you go to Jlauch Chunk visit his store and see his Immense stock of goods. He w ill greet you kindly. During a heavy fog Saturday morn ing the local passenger train on tho Le high and Susquehanna Roadv bound noith, collided at Hazzard's with the engine of a coal train. The Dassentror train was running thirty miles an hour and the engineer only had time to turn the air-brake valve and reverse his en gine, lie jumped and was seriously, if not fatally, Injured by falling on his head. Ills name Is Charles Wert, of Easton. Both engines were wrecked and the baggage car badly damaged. Trains were delayed for three hours. Over ono million boxes of Ackers' Dyspepsia Tablets sold In the past twelve months.purely upon their merits. Why suffer with Chronic Constipation, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, and Female Troubles, when Dr. C. T. Horn Lehlghton nnd W. F. Hlery Weissport, offer you relief and positive cure In the Dyspepsia Tablets. They sell them on a guarantee. Cherry Valley M. E. Church, Mon roe county, seven miles west of tho Delaware Water Gap, was dedicated on Sunday by the Rev. T. A. Fernley, cor responding secretary of the Thlladel. phla Sabbath Association, who preached in the morning nnd evening, and the Rev. J. Dyson, of Stroudsburg, In the afternoon. The church has been bnilt though the efforts of tho pastor, Rev. W. F. Slieppard.und, outside of Strouds burg, is the handsomest church in Mon roe county. Its cost was $4,000, all of which was paid before Its dedication. Dr. C. T. Horn Lehlghton and W. F. Biery Weissport, wish to make an assertion, which they can back with a positive guarantee. It Is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. They claim for it superior menuovcraii other remedies of Its kind, and guarantee for it a posi tive and sure cure for Rheumatism, byphlllls, and all blood disorders. It trees tne sicin irom spots and disease, and leaves the complexion clear. Ask tbem about it. John Custador, a Hungarian labor er at Buck Mountain, who had been spending Saturday In Mahanoy City with some of his countrymen, on hit way home with them In the evening was shot. John Yonito, one of the men with him, was charged with the murder and ilonday was lodged In jail. lie claims that Custador shot himself ace! de .tally. The autopsy reveals a wound ' su ih as no man roul l Inflict on himself. Yonllo denies that they hail any quarrel anl cl.imi that he was very friendly with the dead man an I had loaned him m jney u iii' ii was o U ivc h 'en nal 1 this urea ut"ior, neiore lie die I, ac- cuj-vi i omu) ci uouij the sbooang. Mowing buckwheat by moonlight Is the latest. Pennsylvania has more post-ofUces than any other Stale viz., 8,805. SST-Don't fU to see E. II. Ilohl'g elegant now line of gold watches. A new time tablo went into effect on tho Lehigh Volley railroad on Sun day last. The corner-stone of Scranton's new Polish Catholic church will be laid nest SundaT. William Schadlo Is putting up a largo porch In front of his house on Bank street. Don't min the grand musical enter tainment, In School flail, to-night (Saturday). See programme in another column. "Where cn I hlro a horse and bug gy?" Why at the popular llverr of Dv- Id Ebbcrt, on North street. Terms moderate and teams flrst-dtss. ffft I have on hand, a full -line of , - , , . , . , .,. 1 1 !. ....,. uorso uiauaeis, jau suuca, ugu, uiu heavy harness, collars, whips, Ac. 'all of which l am selling ai very lowpncoe. MILTON FI.ORY, Weissport, Pa. Cards are out announcing the mar liage of George Pos and Miss Laura S. Focht, of Allentown, to be solemnized on Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day tho Tost Of fice will bo closed from 8:30 to 10:30 a. m., and front 1 to 2.45 p. m. and from 3.15 to 5 p. tn. ' J. P. Smith, P. M. The Bethlehem board of trade has purchased an acre and a half of ground on est Gocpp street for a site for. a silk mill. The prlco paid was SI, 500. Mr. J. Bartholomew, residing" at Slatcdalc, recently sold 'his interest in the Philadelphia Slato Quarry,ncar that place, to Messrs. Kramer, Albertson & Co., for $2000 cash. Mrs. Thomas Siegfried,' of East Mauch Chunk, died Sunday morning. She was highly rospected In that com munity, and tho leaves a husband and a largo family to mourn her loss. John F. Link prosecuted Wallace Roth, of Slatington, for selling liquors on Sunday. Roth was acquitted, because of the prosecution having been brought out of sptto, and Link had to go to Jail in default of payment of the costs. j3lrAn all-wool import ed Corkscrew Suit for only $22, at the popular tailoring establishment of II II Peters Jeremiah Bartholomew, of Slate dale, recontly purchased ten acres of land at Rockdale, A valuable deposit of roofing stale has since been found on tho land, and a quarry Is to be opened next week. For the week ending Nov. 14, there were 108,900 tons of coal shipped over the L. V. RR., making a total for the year of 5,017,021 tons, showing an in crease, as compared with the same time last year, of 250,737 tons. J2TWhen In Mauch Chunk step in at E. IT. Hold's and sec the elegant as sortment of Christmas presents received this week it will pay you even if you don't buy. A rumor is now afloat that a party of capitalists have purchased between 200 and 300 acres of land, in the neigh borhood of the L. & S. tunnel, directly opposite Glen Onoko depot, of the Le high Valley R. R., for the purpose of erecting a mammoth hotel for summer tourists. One of the pioneer furnaces of the Pottsvlllc Iron and Steel Company has been temporarily thrown Idle by a scaf fold of cinder, which formed in the stack and which Is being blown out. The repairs will take several weeks. A largo force of men will bo idle in the meantime. Frank Strlttmattcr, of Lehlghton, a brakeman on tho coal train drawn by engine No. 317, on the Eastern and Amboy Railroad, had Ills right leg in jured by being struck by a derrick on tho wreck car at Hampden, on the Eas ton and Amboy Rallroad.Tuesday.whllo assisting In raising several coal cars that had accidentally gotten ofT the track, At five o'clock Sunday morning, Mr. Robert Harlan, died at his home on West Broadway, Mauch Chunk, of ty phoid fever, from which sickness he has been suffering for three weeks. He was in his 28th He leaves a wid owed mother, sister and brother, to mourn his loss, who depended mostly upon him for their support. D&-The Mauch Chunk One Price Star Clothing Hall offers a good child's suit age from 4 to 13 years at $2.60, S2.75, $3.75, S5 and up ards. A line of boys overcoats, age 4 to 13 years, from S2, $2.50, $3.75 and upwards. A full line of Kilt suits and overcoats, nge from 2 1-2 to 0 years. Men's suits and overcoats at prices low enough to suit everybody. Call and get your winter clothing at the One Price Star Clothing nail, Mauch Chunk. Judge Albright In referring to the tramp question In the course of his charge to the grand jury at tho opening of court last week, suggested that the citizens of each township organize and designate one of their number whoso duty it shall be to have the vagrants arrested and committed to Jail. The tramp nuisance is a growing evil In rural districts, aud will continue to be so until such movement as Judge Albright sug gests is orgintiod to abate It. Tho la w is ample, and those who would enjoy its protection must see to its enforcement, Let our borough dads move In this direction. Thanksgiving Sav. The following merchants will close their places of business on Thanksgiv ing Day, Nov. 6tb: J. T. Nusbanm, I Mehrkarn & Son, Sweeny & Son, I Clauss Bros. E. H. Snyder. Beaver Baa Cpllntert- Mr. and Mrs. John Horning of East Maueb Chunk, spent Sunday with John Exner. Rev. G. W. Gross, of Lehlghton, was visiting friends here during the week. Last Friday two young men of Weissport, passed through this rlw on a bunting expedition. Miss Elita .Smethcre, of this place, was Tisitlng friends in Nesqnehonlng during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Sheckler, of Lehlgh ton, were visiting friends In this place on Sunday, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Samuel Levan, of Le hlghton, spent Sun lay In this place. Jfr. and Jfrs. August Copp, of Haz ardsvllle, were visiting relalltes and friends here over Sunday, -Vr. Henry Tucker, of thlsnli- J is working at Nesiuc honing ' his tra le, 1 1 rt t , i ! -i . s Mahoning Items. Mr. A. Arner lately cut a log 14 feet long, tho contents ot which measured CSi feet. A raffle nutcn for turkeys, the first oho of the season, came oil at Fcnster Micher's hotel last Saturday. Nelson Kothsteln and family, of Beaver Meadow, were on a visit to Mr. 2?otbsteIu's parents last week. A scries of protractod meetings are at present being held In the Evangelical church. Francis Brohst, of Summit- Hill, was viiltlng friends In the Valley over Sunday. We are glad to ssy tiAt Hebwn Miller, our now blacksmith,! is doing cheap and good work. Wilson Weriey, of Pleasant Come. Lehigh county, ' spent Sunday,, with l)avld Kothsteln. A. surprlso party, ' In honor of bis wlfe.tame off at the residence of Nathin 'Dej-i.Jf., last Saturday evening. .r-Msny of out- farthers aro engaged In threshing.. . . x Alvin Frantz and family, were vis iting friends in Rush, Schuylkill county, daring the1 week. Dennis Kothsteln is building quite x large. bouse for storing un his engine over winter.-. Daniel Rex's family are eating up their chickens. Mr, Rex says ho In tends to make away with thom before thieves get a chance at them, A good idea. Mr,- James Webr and Miss Ellen Troxel were united In the holy bonds of inAtrlmony.. last Sunday. We'll take s6da,.Jinj,:' ' Mines Zellner goes to market at Summit-Hill. Last week while he car ried some things Into a bouse his horses ran away and upset the.wagon. The tongue of tho wagon was broken off and tin. body smashed. , On Sunday afternoon Rov. Stauffcr, of Easton, will preach In the Evangeli cal church. English services will bo held In St, John's church to-morrow (Sunday) af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Rov. A. Bar tholomew will preach. All arc invited. Dash. Programme-Musical Festival Under the management of Mrs. Chas. W. Bower, In School flail, Lehlghton, Saturday evening, November 21st, '85: I'AltT FIItST. March Pratt. Come Whore the Utiles Bloom... Thompson. Tarn o 'Shunter Warren. Mttlo Fairy Waltz Streabog. My Queen i ,, Coote, Salllug Marks. Bella Bocco rolk.i Waldleulel. liny Matters, Gallop Urlggs. Wnrbllngs at.Evo Blchards. Listen to tiie Wood-birds Songs Glover. Even on the Lake Eddy. Come In and Shut tho Door Comic Solo. Regimental March Cornet nnd risno. Fedora Waltze. , Buculossl. See-Saw Waltzes Crowe. FABT SKCOyD. Vlctolre. J. . . .-. Ascher. -Slack Hawk Waltzes Walsh, Frolle.of thfe Frogs Watson. Under the Weeptn' Willows Clllton. 11 TrovatotT, .Horn. Tearis-andXaccs Ludovlc. A Bay of.Sunslilne La Due. Student's f&y A Brlclgeol Fancies '.. Frlcker. Grand Centenulal March Zuerner. 'Auld Langsync Barnes. Dense Kspagtiolc Ascher. Itacquet '. Gerson. Moonlight on the Lake White. Doors qpcn at 7 o'clock; entertainment will commences at 7:30 sharp. Admis sion 15, 25 and 35 cents. The Coal Trade. Monday's Philadelphia Ledger: The anthracite coal trade Is In a healthy con dition, the market continuing to absorb the entire production of the domestic sizes. While the line and city trade Is not so active as heretofore noted the in creased demand and great importunities of Eastern dealers, who are anxious to "stock up" before tho close of naviga tion, have enabled operators to dispose of their coal and avoid accumulation. The inquiry from Southern ports is. good, and what coal can be spared from tho markets nearer home is being shipped to them. Egg and stovo coals are scarce, and for them the prices are stiff, circular prices being obtained, and for the latter size orders for immediate delivery are refused. Vessels aro very scarce at Port Richmond and freights to Boston have been advanced to $1 30 to SI 40. Notwithstanding the scarcity of vessels there Is Utile anthracite at Port Richmond, the total stock of the Reading Company at that point ou Sat urday being less than 00,000 tons, much of which Is awaiting vessels, and of the remainder the greater part is of Inactive sizes. Weissport I tans. Thomas Koons received two car loads of winter apples on Monday. Charles uoiuber, who has been clerking for M. A. Laury, left last week for Ohio to learn telegraphy. William Eggc, son of Rev. Egge, has taken his place as clerk. Mr. C. G. Deats, the postmaster, has purchased the property of Samuel Arner, dec d for 61,206. Rev. C. H. Egge, who has been holding protracted meetings in the Chapel near Tblfer's store, for the lost tbree weeks, has been crowned with success. Fifteen converts have ben made. Rev. W. F. Suuffer, of South Easton, will preach In tho Evangelical church on Sunday evening,- Nov. 22d. Solomon Young, of Scranton, wa buried here last Saturday. Rev, Egge conducted the harial services. John Tla has rented the Serfsss store room, and will open a dry goods and grocery store in a few days. RxiiiM. A Big Cavs-ln near Hi-jUton. At an early hour Saturday morning an immense cave-In ocenrred ovrr the second lift of the Laurel Bill slot, half a mils east of Haileton, alongside ihb tracks of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Two of the eide tracks went dows to- jgtther, with a number of coal cars standing on them. A large donbli bonM and an adjoining stable also went down. The occupants of the house had moved ont only a few days previous. The ground In .the vicinity Is seamed and cracked for many yards and further caving-lc is expected. A large force of men wero put at work turning he course of u stream that ran over tho pUcelnprJertopre-.en'.fwihertrouhlo .fpojslble. , arnruv ..Tt.y Uve prisoners oiuUntxl 111 I'm Lum )nU TALK OF A OREAT STB1KE, DISSATISFACTION AMOXG THE Il!fEB6 AND Z.ABORCJ-S OF TUli AKTIHU-C1TZ COAL BEOIONS. A despatch dated flazleton, the 10th Inst, says: The feeling of dissatisfac tion among the miners and laborers ot tho anthracite region over the question of wages appears to bo growing and fears are entertained that It will culmi nate In ii general strike. President Harris, of the Miners and Laborers' Amalgamated Association, has been In tho Lehigh rcclon for the past week, holding large meetings nightly.and urg ing the men to organize snJ .elect dclo gates to the convention which meets at Pottsvlllc on theitth of this month for the purpose of considering the wages question aaJ other Important matters. This convention will be composed of delegates from every district in the anthracite region. What will be the ontcoitjo of It cannot be forvsecn. President flinis says', however, thit a d-flnit'e plan of nctton, especially wlh reference to wagcs,will be decided upon,, and that if the operator J.aro uot dis posed to grant tho Increase which tho men think they aro Justly entitled to in accordance with the agreement entered into in . 1875 between them and thy operators, some.mcthbd will be taken to compel them to do so', fle sajs that the two great labor organizations the Amalgamated Association .and the Knights of Labor, aro acting together iu this, matter and that they mean to make their power felt. On the other hand, the operators have no fear that the men will enter Into an organized strike. Tboysay that there Is no real cause for complaint and that the condition of the men at tho present is far better in regard to wages than It has been for months, owing to the Increased demand for coal, which great ly Increases the number of working days. Ever since the beginning of the present year the majority of the men havo been working on half time and verv many of them on one-quarter time. At present most of them aro working full time and a strike now, after so long a period of depression, would he most disastrous to them. The miners In the Schuylkill region think they arc entitled to an advanco in wages from the fact that there has beeu an advance In the price of coal at Schuyl kill Haven of from fifteen to twenty cents per ton, their agreement with the operators being that they shonld be paid according as tho price of coal should rise or fall at that point, $2.50 being taken as the basis price. This cause for dissatisfaction would not apply to the .Lehigh region, whore wages are paid with 5 as the basis price of coal at New York tidal points. The ODcrators here say that according to this arrange ment tno men are now receiving even higher wages than the price of coal warrants. A Birthday Surprise Party. Mrs. Cook, wife ot our well known townsman, Rev. O. R. Cook of the M. E. church,wlll have reason to remember Monday Nov. 16, not only because it was th occasion of her birthday, but that her neighbors and friends to the number of about thirty-five quietly "stormed" the house while Mr. Cook (who had been let Into the secret) and Mrs. Cook found some "business" to attend to down street, and when they returned Mrs. Cook was taken com pletely aback to find the house filled with her friends, and not upon her special invitation. Some one explained matters by quietly telling her that it was her birthday, and her friends had taken this method to show their good will,and offer their congratulations. The evening was spent pleasantly in social Intercourse, while tho musical members of the party favored the com pany with some choice vocal and Instru mcutal selectlons,and last, hut not least, came the "flow of soul" In the shape of cake, lemonade, oranges, bananas and other fruit, which the ever thoughtful ladies had not neglected to bring with thctn. Short Impromptu speeches pertinent to the occasion were made by Prof. Barr, Rev. Stlbltz, Rev. Cook, and Miss Belle Nusbanm, after which Mrs Cook being called upon sang several nice selections, playing her own accompaniment upon the guitar. After spending a very pleas ant evening the party broke up at a seasonable hour, all wishing Mrs. Cook many happy returns of tho day. M. Pennsylvania Dnteh. Mit. Drookeb, Dear Sir! Shriva rnus ich, Ich kon mcr net lielfa. Ich blnksunt un hob gutcr obldlt for haw sa, yes, for hawse bin ich hungrich.owcr ich konkenagreega. De hunter shicka's see oil nocb der grosa athed Boston, Philadelphia un Mackcrltown, Der onner dog war der S un der Y un der H un der Michel hunta gonga, un hen 37C5 minus 3705 hawsa kshosa. Fawsanta hen se kenna ksalna-shunst betta's sc aw noch kot. 'Buffalo war net mit, see eawka s wer gacondemned for zu lawa uf brotkrushta nn uxajwentt, 's lite de mensbt zelt hlnnlch 'm uffa un shelnts cons dingphllosophlsb zu nema. Wons ois mit gate hunta lands oftmols In da grubs un dorna, yes ns ficegt nl, es kon net flerg unless mer toucbed's mil em shoe, un no cukts zu da hecka rous os wons wnneraaate wos's gadrufa bet, esguktowernet long for es sthatl gll nfunnsmpt farsaeeld. Dukfinsbt's Snblisha woo du wit dos de leit ous una wo do fecit, hawsa he kumma. M People in and oat of Town. Our peoplo who may have relatives or friends vlslllnp: them will crtatly obllce os by s ndlns tn their names and rtsldenra lor publication nndar this bead. EntTon. Mils Lizzie Aeb spent Sunday at 61tttngon. Dr. J. O. Kramer. Tf Millport, dropped In tq see as on Tuesday. Our young friends Al. Monti, Les. Scbocb, Jake Klstler- and Peter Kreee ler spent Sunday at MontzVUlr. ' Our young friends T. J. Nnsbaura, T. Webster Clanss sod Charles Obert, spent Sunday .' among 'Catosauqaa friends. ' .-Miss Laura Clansx. nf tiwn and Idlss Emma Bower, of Catasauqtu, left lor ureal rena, en jaonasy, en a visit to Jrierds. nutting .'or aminos. Franklin B. '.Gowajj tni Seklty B. Cose werain.Wilkcsbarre Wednesday, looking np old tax titles in the County Commissioner's office. The tftarch ft tn connection with the famous eject ment eases of the Derringers versus the Coxes, which will coma np for trial Monday next. Mr, Go wen will repre sent Mr. Coste. Tha property Involved Is worth $1,001,000 aud the matter has been before the courts several times. A. . - ,1 , -T 1 - . tin, ...... M..nM .l.a Trrinr. hm n, smv-mn rmirtm. verseil lt. On tb second trial bv th' lower win the D?rri.Tjc-n verv acam ,-rii.-t i,t thn n mn retctybd by the bu, ruuo JuUgo. Danger from Catarrh That cxceedlnc". . .tgrcsaUo Mid very pravalect disease, catarrh, Is.causcd Ly scrof dons taint la the blood. Ilood'sSanaiiarllla, by Its powerful pntlfylnc and ntsllzlng action ttpca tha blood, rpccully tcmorcs tho cause, and thus effects n radlcnl end pcrmrront enro ot catarrh. Those who suffer truri Us railed symptoms ttneomtort-blo flow f ruin the hose, offensive breath, rlnjln; nnd buntlns noises tn tho cars, swelling of the toft pr.rts of the throat, nervocs prostration, etc. should tal:o Hood's Sarsapori-la and to cured. Tho Bost Modiclno ' I bSTs kuflcml wllh catarrh In my head " llinjd-,s H.iMnpftrrna lm l:pcd o xooH tcr years, and paid out 1 ur.drcdscf dollars fi r 1 fir tuul impure lluod tllhn snythlnf tuodlctnee, hot have heretofore received only ! c'- I cut xm iS." A. luix, SjracoKi, tf. Y. temporary relict. 1 Lvcr.ii t j t ,I;o Uuod's " 1 suffered thrco yvars with camrrti, (, , BaisapatHlft nr.d now iry c-tlatrh M i.ciily , my cvtiernl l.caltti vrpoir la Wicqtree. cured, tlin weakness ef luy Ux.y h t..t cone, , When 1 IihiIi HmmTs 8rtapur)Bn t focftd X nyoppctttolacowl-hiL-.t t, Itvcl---tar.iuitl.fT ; had the rlRht remedy. Tl.e.itar;lilJ yleklln. person, llocd's Bor;aiqrlll-V ii llio txtl hkhV i t.i Hixxl't SAr.viiurinalcIcnmilncrxrybl. I cine 1 have ever t.ilcn.". .Mua. A. r.i.d the genctr.) toncol toy system Is unprotm t-A-f, rrovldcncc, P. I. ' lo:." riusit Wz-snnun-f, ltuchet'ter, 8. T. Hoo'dPs Sairsaparilla ' Bold by 11 droscirts. P.; s'. tir M. It only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, .M.-ss. tide IOO Dooo3 Ono Dollar, Our Motto i " Big; Saloa and Small Profits! OUR STORE will be CLOSED ou Thanksgiving Day, .Not. 2Gxn. We do not exaggerate when we say that we have, unques tionably, the largest and cheapest line of Roods in this section. A few reasons why we can afford to sell cheap er than other houses: 1st. We buy nnd sell for cash. 2d. We buy direct from first-hands. 3rd. We buy in such large quantities as secures us a reduction on our goods, and ice give our customers (he benefit nf this reduction. Wc do not wish to mislead the public by presenting false statements. We make no assertions winch are not positively "backed by tiie TR UTH!" We invite you to call and inspect our im mense stock of goods, comprising, Boots, Shoes & Rubbers ! (ASK FOR OUR S DOUBLE UPPER, RUBBER LINED BOOT TnE BEST.) DRESS & DRY GOODS, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c ! and be convinced that xce not onh sell cheaper than any otJi er CASH or CREDIT HOUSE in this section, but thai our goods arc of a superior quality. Respectfully, ADAM MEHRKAM & SON, !Baiik Street, Leh.igb.tbii. Wraps, Jackets, - SEAL PLUSH COATS. Cites' Coats, Hew MarMs & Havelocks IMITATION INDIAN SHAWLS ! A VERT LARCH LINE. ELEGANT STYLES. SEAL CLOTH, BY THE YARD. EIG UT GllADES ! H. Girth & Son, 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. t A GREAT BAB&Anm 1 have now on hand one of the CELEBRATED DYER & HUGHES' ORGANS ! BASS. DIAPASOJJ. PRINCIPAL. DIAPASON FORT, PIANO, BUB-BASS, BASS COUPLER, TWA .ricrtt frtrr.T Ths bsek ef tha ess is csrrlad high te-mtrl irt with msssiya onrnlca and eap.slsb' crsUIjr ioltbsd Id tha chcicrst Frsuoh Wnlnnt. TI eataloeua Drifts of this Instrnmant is SKt. X will sail It for Only $125 Spot Gash. Suitable, for Parlor, Small Church or Sunday School. H. V. MORTHIMER, Sr., Carton Advocate Biding. H if mm q Just received a fine lot of York State ml tJLu) uUU Usiiuiies , Serious cosseauenccs arc UabM ta cMMH catarrh Is cot attended to la setsoh. di;ene frequently destroys th eEMf)tjSt, end onen derelopcs Into bronchitis ti fca!A lary conctimption, CrKlpnmedif many wM , ot cuircmoiitlbn originate ICi catarrh. -8.064" Bnnrtptirllla cures catarrh (Old tm tWl rtTcetcd rt-markntle cores ot coBfta$tio& itself, In Its tarty f lare. A bock troMaalac flalcmrms cf many cures by'llood's Bawsf rllla, win bo rent free to nil win send BddftM la C. I. Houd & Co., Lowell, Maes. I Catarrh nnd lmour-o BicHMI , S..U 17 aU dmrjrftt?. Cl slXTor 3. XM only I y C I. HOOD 6 CO, LowcH, Maes. loo Dosoo Ono Dollar j New Markets, AND - ACTION 25, Twelve Stops. -WITII- powerfuf set of Sub Bass and Divided Octave Couplier ; Five Octnvi's ; Five Sets of Reeds, two sets oi twenty-three Notes each, two sets of t w e n t y - e i ght Notes each, nDd ono set of thirteen Note each. TREBLE. MZLODIA, FLUTE, ECHO. TRKM0LO. PRINCIPAL FORTH TREBLJ5 COWLER? Itehighton, Ponn'a. AT 4:,
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