iir Yuon svtfvsjitt, Broairiiii's Hew York Letter. aATURDAT, NOVEMBEtt21, 1835. Entered at the LrtiiRlitoa jiosl-ollice ns Seooud ClKts' Mail Matter. --4-"-- VOLtJME-XtV. NO. L With this Issue of tho CXntioN Ad vocate we cornuifwe our fourteenth volume. Wc, thretore, take .4hls oc casion to thank our-.many patrons for favors of the past anJ a'sklns for a con tinuance of the sanip In liip future. Wo start out this year better equipped than ever to furalsh the people with a flrst-cl&ss fainlljr newspaper at 61.00 a year. Every Issue-" contains a choice synopsis of the happenings of tho week, with spicy correspondence ftom New York and TVashinstoii and a select as cortment of miscellaneous matter which rnalces tho Advocate a wc,rcpnobitor In overy home. Our columns arc al ways open for the discussion of matters of Importance to our pcoplo which makes It more generally the "pcoplo's paper." Lehighton ha; possibilities and, wc believe, that wo have citizens who can make thssa possibilities facts if th'cv would onlv put their shoulder to the wheel and push. Tho growth of our borough lu ths past thirteen years has been wonderful, but let this only be Indicative of greater things In the fn turo and all join and- work amicably to gether. Independent In all thing', we reserve tho right to advocate the prin ciples which wo deem to tho Interest of our people. Fearless and vigorous In denouncing wrong; free and liberal In lauding what Is right, we ask you for a contlnuauce of your patronage feeling sure that tho Advocate will keep up Its well-earned popularity as tho best advertising inodlum anJ only paper "wholly printed at homo' In Carbon pountY. The possibilities of a general Euro pesn conflict have been immensely In creased by the declaration of war against Bulgaria by Sei via. The Russian Gov ernment has not ouly-dlsgraced Prince Alexander, of Bulgaria, b? depriving him of bis colonelcy of a Russian regl tnent, but has stopped its annual sub vention of 150,000 roubles. It also has nader advisement the withdrawal of its consuls, and the cessation of diplomatic relations an act generally deemed equivalent to a declaration of war. Frlnco Alexan.ior has proved so much loss subservient to Russian control than was expected that Russia desires above all things his dcpoittlun. While no overt act may bo taken In this direction Russia will look with complacency on any loss that Bulgaria may suffer from Scrvla. It Is not believed that Greece can bo restrained from war now that Servla has led the way, and before the Conference can do anything towards sHtlement of the questions they may ba settled on the battlefield. Tho great danger Is not from tho war of these smtller principalities with each other bat that the largor nations may be drawn into tho conflict. In which case lbs map of Europo might bo rccon structed again. Spe.clal to the Camion Advqcate. Judge Cardoza Is dead; ho Is the last of the Ring Judzes whose memories ere very much execrated by most of the citizens of Jfew Tork. Twelve years have passed since the close of the rlnc ' tulor one by one the members of the ' gang have passed away, tho 'death of ! Judge Cardoza closes the recount of tho ring judges John McCuliough, who left us only a few months before. The man who stood "before thousands In the arena asa model gladiator, was bent and thin and shrivelled. The . temper that was gen erous and open as the snfiitght, bccarr.o morbid and sour, and so after a few Second Rhode Island District, and Herd Hot Implicated. against Romers. Tenth or Toledo DIs- The report has been going tho rounds trlct of Ohio. Besides these documents of the press for some time that Selgf rled protests have been received from cltl- It? his statement of the Kcster murder zens of California, urging the n6n scat- Implicated the brothers of Chrlstman Ing of the Congressional delegation from as being participator In the tragedy. that State, on tho ground that they . 100 'ollowtug alUdavit expiarns lucu: r. i nm ritmn in in m ... ... tory of the world, that n great and opt , d t0 ,Me a controj of tcXx lent city has been legaI1y,captured by a .d ...... ... h.. .a , ' mof0 1 1 nr ilrt rf lii mitt T larva 11 v (nr all . L" ' of these men came Into their positions under tho forms of law. Now Tork months lie passes away In the' very were not legally elected to represent Xuzerne County . bloom of his raanhoodand the zenith of the districts for which they were given ' On the third day of November, A. D., hi, fame. WhiU strong men wept- Whites. In one case from Jf there was hundreds of women, who' .fornla the protest declares that Barclay ead County, personally appeared W. II. viewed the remains, and sobbed As If . Henley, of the First District, is not a bclgfried and after being duly sworn citizen of the -United Stoles. In sup-1 according to law, says trial law uiucrent . t rumors were in circuiauuu wini. , mc said W. M. Sclgrrlcd, should Iiavo made port of this allegation the opponents of Mr. Ilcnley savthat In 1804 be became I say legally; for all ginMrely, If j,ad a:Jpther. 6rja"''u'y hls own petition afiatWallicd cltl- husband... The delegation . from UiH rzen Of Mexico, Sjaxlmlltan signing tne city to the funeral was the largest that' 'documenV 'Subsequently he returned .1.. I - f 1 1 1 f A W.V ,1 1 A Wk 1.4 Ml ... had justly felt proud of her Supreme,-,rft herfl ,0 R..-fn(,- funeal2f Court; on that bench had sat Jay and ,vate Mtc whj,e he wu rfiStea Locis Ricl, the loader of the North west rebellion, was hansel MonJaj morning at Rezitn, In tho Northwcsi Territory. IIo met his death with ap putnt com'posurc, and made no speed upon tho scaffold. Tho nowa of his execution caused intense feeling amoni tho I'rccch Canadians la the l'lovlno 0! onro&c. m Montreal llagi wen half.ruuted in many parts of the city and a procession of about SOOotudent: paraded the streets, displaying thotrl color, and cheering for Kiel and dc notinclnj Sir John Mac3onald. The City Council adopted a resolution to adjourn as "a protest agiins'. the odious violation of tho Laws of justice and luv manity In tho execution of Itiel." In the city of Quebec flags wcro draped In mourning anl many men wore crape on tli. lr hats and sleeves. At night several hundred students paraded, making , demonstration similar to that In Mon treat. Tland-bllls were, distributed call Ing for public meetings and crowd gathered near Sir llcctor I.angevln' Mouse, "ihe police, however, were on the alert, and patrolling tho streets in large numbers. It hss been decided by the British authorities that nothing can be done to wards a peaceful settlement of tbc dlftl cullies with King Thcbaw, of Ilumiah lord DulTerln.the Viceroy of India, who rva ilnly has nothlnc of tho Jingo In his nature or political principles, ha ordtrat General rrndcrgsst to Invade Burmah at onee and en-turf Maudalay, There have liee-n re rrt to the effect that Tln-bili bits or.lered a general instsacre nf Uritltti uhjicts In Upper Tmrmab. There Is no question that this monarch Is bloodthirsty anlcnie enough for suvh a ded, but there room for doubt w hut her he lias so tuteilj lost his diseretltm as to begin a policy of massacre, for which his own life woul bare to pay the forfeit. It will be great gain to ehilisation, and to nils slonary operations in Upper Ilurmab, ths country U brought uader BrlUtb admlnUtrattos. We hare received from George Stln 103 & Co ,of 1'ortlanJ, Maine, the well ki'own Art rubliihers, a nu;nlflcent (all ltogtb, stel engraving of General Oraot. It Is after Anderson's celebrated yhotogrsph, which was made while the Gkneral was still In full vigor, and rep- rteu bits In els sturdy.manly strength as ths people wish to remiuiUr blui Is, nadotibttdly, the lest portrait ever said c! the OaneraL Messrs. tMluton A Co. are to seed of agent for set era! larortant, popular, sew rWveulont, anl oCtr lu.tucBveBts tbst sltooMbe bdd by these In e4 ef preliabk work, tbse who write to tbem will re ceive free, fall panicnlsrs. An tavcsUfstlM l &it4y labor by CtrrUI VTncbt b Usat-ubOs Ikt displaresoeat ol rt by ramauua bas vutly metsied im Asatrtea, iIism task, log wvtk for tho oosMvnte-1 la timsMtt and otbr smm at f, m Imri n ilt jvo-Iirv,! is. tuimn tlx na: rfnttballht ifiuJi rr'.u any nvr ". va buaiajs than U tUd a ttsliu? ago. Clinton and Livingston, and a host of others whose name wcro tho symbol cf all that was pure or holy In justice. In her- hours of stormiest trial, her Su preme Court had been her ark of the covenant, and on its ermine lay no blot or stain. Before Its unquestioned de cisions, faction stood appaled and dumb and to the honor of Its upright juJgcs, ho It recorded, their honesty was never questioned either by friend or foe. This was tho condition of affairs hen William M. Tweed got possession of tho political organization known as Tammany Hall. It had been in exist ence since ni'0, and had always, exer cised a paramount power In the politics of New York. For years previous to the time I speak of, it had been sus tained by the volunteer fire department, hich was thoroughly organized in every portion of tho city; and enrolled among its members thousands of the most dcspciato and unscrupulous men In New Vcrk. Prize fighters, gamblers and thieves, held rich and responsible otliccs. The membership to Tammany was jealously guarded, anil was only ac corded after long and tried service in tho party. When William M. Tweed ;ot control of tills tremendous engine, whose edicts wcro law as Irrevocable as the laws of the Medes and the. Persians tilts Supremo Court stood bctuccn him and his prey, and ho Immediately ict himself to work to re-urganlzo the oupreme Court, and tints by tho form3 of law control the two thousand mil lions of property, v. hleh represented the Ity's wealth. Three men wcro quickly found among the lawyers of Now Tori these were George L. Barnard, Albeit Cardoza and Judge McCunn. At the behest of whoever desired them, writs of mandamus and injunction flew like li ill. and those saend writs which weic supposed to bo the citizen's protection and shield wcro ln oked to his disaster and ruin. At the instance of tho no torious Jim Fisk, the safes of the Union Pacific Railroad were broken open with sledge hammers by a pack of ruffians an I thieves, anil iil.'cd of their contents In open day. The officers of the com pany fled affrighted to New Jersey to ivoid the corrupt process of the Court ind a few days after removed the otliccs of the company to Boion, nLoro they remain to this day. lid. Stokes robbed Fisk of his mis tress, and Fisk invokod tho aid of the Court to ruin Stokes, and aided by the Court they seized on Stokes' Olluorks at Grccnpoiut and ruine.d him. Stokes snowing tho Impossibility of getting justice in the courts against Fisk, took i ho law In his own hands and killed tiiui. At last the robberies and out rages became so alarming and oppres- iHotliatno man outside the ring felt ltis life and property were safe. A citi .uns' meeting was called at the Cooper Institute, and self-preservation brought ogether the wealthiest men in the city. Millions of money had been stolen, and he robbery was still going on at the rate of millions a week. In a slngl morning Oakcy Hal!, the mayor, signed bills to the amount of three m.lliunsand ,lvo hundred thousand dollars. At last halt was called and the Supreme JuJgcs were Indicted; just before the .ndictmcnt, Cardoza, who saw the com ng storm, resigned, and bo escaped im cachment, but Bamard and McCunn were hurled from their imperial height, ind fell like Lucifer never to rise again. Barnard, who was a man of fine gener ous Instincts, and who had married the laughter of the millionaire tobacconist, John Anderson, died of a broken heart, McCunn, as soou as ho realized the terrible position in which he had placed himself, sat deliberately down and drank himself to death. Cardoza was a Jew,and was related to the rich Nathan, who was murdered on 23rd Street. Sus picion fell on Nathan's eldest son, but by Cardoza's influence he escaped In dictment. From the hour of his fall, Judge. Cardoza never took an active part In public affairs. lie conlined himself to his aw business, and having an extensive clientage among the Jews, made money and dies rich. Ho was man of excellent legal ability and Cue social qualities; had he chosen to do so, he wight have orcupied an enviable position among the honored jurists of the land, but his evil associations led hlui down to ruin, and his terrible fall w 111 servo for years to come, to point moral and adorn a tale. The death of John McCuliough, the actor, though It occurred In PhlUdel phia, has created quite as much of i sensation here, as It does In the city ot Brotherly Love, lie was ono of our best known and best liked dramatic ar lists. The profession he belonged to it subject to very violent antagonisms and jealousies. Many star actors are tbor oughly detested by the ptofesslon. Mr. Forroit was hated by every companj that he had anything to do with for tin lasl twenty years of his life. Mr. Booth Is thoroughly disliked by those who are brought Into professional association Kith hlin, and the same may be said of Lawrence Barrett and many others; but John McCuliough died as he lived, with ine kindly regards 0Tall who knew him. It was In this city that he achieved his (rrateil triumph, and It was here on his departure for Europe, that the liter ary elite of our city assembled at Del woolee's, to give him a Godspeed, Jeba McCuliough was then at the zsotlh ot bis success, he had completed tbc loafvtt and tsost brilliant engage meat ef bis life, and stood ou the pin- aael of (ante at tbe Metropolis of ibi i t. .1... . .. i . . ; 4m( iUy Wis life. England was i dlaaolHtHU'iit to IiIhi, neither the fiat tvrr p( b.- Piinee of Wales, nor the us ftlie Uarri.-k liib could com nertsate (he aUrnee of tho rubl.c bu be returned be was col tbe tame and rospected by the general public who knew him only as an actor, he was lored and honored by the profession of his adoption, of which he was ono ot the most distinguished ornaments. Mary Anderson smansger.Mr. Abbey, Informs us that the cash receipts of that lady have averaged ' nearly (2,000 a nii;ht not bad foV Our Mary. Miss Margaret Mather's manager lias not yet favored us with a' peep' Into' bis cah' box, but If Miss Mather Is not drawing $2,000 a night, It Is because the house won't hold It. Miss Mather .,1s testing the capacity of her house; "and' sho has made" such a hlt In Juliet that It promises to bo tho standing' attraction for weeks. But If, as many good pcoplo, doclarc, llin gentleman with tho cloven' h(5bf Is tho especial patron of theaters',. It Is evi dent that he Is not going to havo It all his own way this winter, for the Episco pal Mission, of which I spoko some months ago, has begun and is already a grand success. Till recently the EpiscO' pal Church has never favored theso to- called religious revivals, nor does the present mission partake of the character of the old fashioned camp meeting. It seems to be patterned after the Catholic Missions, and characterized by deep rcllglom favor, more than loud spas modlc utterances. The ministers having the missions In charge have come ever from England, and are gentlemen .of great experience among tho poorer classes. Tho Idea seems to be to get rid of the Impression that the Episcopal Church is the church of tho aristocracy; but it is the church alike of rich and poor. ' All the resident clergy aic lending the good work their heartiest co-operation, and up to the present tlmo the result has been most gratifying and satisfactory thousands of people filling tho missions who have rarely been seen inside of achurch. The ministers In chaige arc live men men of tho people, who could run a foot race, or preach a sermon and win both. One was the stroke oar of tho Cambridge crew for years, and the other during his senior term at Oxford, was the most wonderful athlete of his class. Robust in health, strong In faith, earnest In their glorious work among tho poor, the Episcopal Church Is proud of them, as they are proud of their grand old mother. Before the winter is past, we expect great results from the work now going on, and il certainly marks a new era in Episcopacy In America. No event has stirred politicians in this vicinity more than the case of Mr. Sterling, who was appointed welgheri and then suspended by the President. On every corner, If you see a knot of men In conversation, If not discussing tho probable chances of Warner Fred. Ward's pal, you may be sine they are talking about Sterling. Mr. Ileddcn did not like the Idea of having his man bounced, and Is determined, if possible to get him back. He Is a bigger elephant on the hands of the administration than Kelly. The swallow-tails say he Is an outrage on the civil service, and the horny handed say, civil service be blowed. It would be an act of mercy to tho ndmistratlon to elect Steiling a Brooklyn alderman. That is the way out of a painful national dilamma for which I make no charge. BROADBRIM. WasMii&tou fc anil Gossip. From our Special Correspondent. Wasuisotok. D, C. Nov. 14, '85. Representatives In Congress are now busying themselves with matters relat ing to the reorganization of the House. Speaker Carlisle has noyct arrived in the city, but lie is looked for every day. As there Is no contest over the speaker ship tho excitement of a cauvass Is avoided and there Is no special necessity for his presence on the scene so soon, but some of his friends arc watching for him very anxiously. It is not expected that theie will be any important legls; I itlon attempted before the holiday re- cess, but there will be plenty of matter of Interest, to demand tho attention of tho law makers meanwhile, The first thing to be taken up in-the House after the President's, message Is received will be tho question pf.rules. About tho close of last session .Messrs. Adams, of New Yolk. Collins, of Mass. and Hatch, of Missouri, were unoffici ally appointed a committee Jo. devise some plan taking the rower from the appropriation connnlttei-'and hurrying up the business of the House. ,Thete gentlemen have got the signatures of. sixty-eight Democratic members of in fluence in the House to! a petition de claring that one of two .things must be done either all legislation 'on tbe ap pro! r'.atlon bills must be prohibited and he bills lie required to be reported the session, or else all bills except the deficiency the sundry, civil, the.legfsV latlve and the District of Colombia; and probably tbe fortifications, shall, be taken from tbe approprIatloCs.commft tee and distributed amo'n'i'the varloVs' committees having charge of Uje legjs latlon bearing upon tbe subject .ox .tbe bills. Of course Mr. Randall's friends and all the members of the approprla ilons committee will resist this, and a iiretty ihely fight Is exoeeted, which will -take up all the lirne' before the holidays. After tbat there will be enough Important matters to keep both branches of Congiess actively employed until late in the summer. Papers havo been received bv the Clerk of the House of Representatives giving notice of contests for four seats In the next Congress as follows: Camp bell against Weaver, for the Sixth Iowa District; Kldd agslnsl Steele, Eleventh Indiana district; Page agiinst Pleroe, to CalffoTnlarmtt" dld-'ntttahUku-appllca- uon tor naturalization. anta;tiiis-or porfents tifyt rentiers him still and alien. They huoto iF'tlVclt'ibtest the caseof toe caniisinna iriniaaaYGeciuea in laji bj'pIiicf.jjtiTliteilarshall. , Every n'oW alia then there aro pub fished reports about tho promised bril liancy of the coming winter. Thcre.ia no reason, why this winter should be more brilliant 'tfian any other. A pros perous business seasoa always brings a largo number of visitors to Washington. The Improvement In business this fall will certainly help tho situation here. A long session always brings a larger crowd than a short one Tho members of tho new administration are disposed to do their part. Mr. Bayard will not take a new bouse, but will remain in the modest one tbat ho occupied upon Highland terrace. Ho said to a friend the other day that his means would not permit his living In a larger house. IIo bas a large family and several children grown who arc dependent upon him. His wif a will 'not be able to go in society this winter, but will he represented .by her very energetic daughter, Miss Cath arine. Mr; Manning's houso.Is a very large one. It is the .property of- Mrs. Utis Blgeiow. It is suitable for large entertainments. Mrs. Manning is very fond of society, so they will probably entertain largely. The other New York member of the cabinet Is making pre: parations for entertaining, Mr. Whit ney will not be able to get Into llio Frc- llnghuysen house, which he has rented, until about the 1st of January charges or said that Edwin Chrlstman and all his brothers were concerned In tho Kcster brothers murder case. Now 1 openly deny having ever, nor do IhOw rbareo'-" Henry ChrTstman, who Is a ' brother' to 'Udwin Chrisrman, of evet ! l.Atn.lm1lf.ntnr1 It. itii. mimlnp. np.inv. "Vlfii lllll'IIW.M .W ......... ... thing concerning tha mailer, but qn tho cShtraty sa"y to tire pbblib that ', Henry Chrlstman, now proprietor of tlib Fort Allen House -at XVelst'port, Ca'rben county, is a gentleman and, not a mur derer. WsnlI.rSEiarniKn. I, Wm. II. -Selgfr led, -lurther say :mo same for James Chrlstman, Uscar Chrlstman and Wilson Ohristinam , WI. H. StUOFMED W. M. Jonesa witness. The Bethlehem Iron campany la shipping forty cars of steel rails dally to Buffalo, ITEMS OF IHTEItRT.E The Duke of Abercorn.who died the other day, was the senior Knight of the Order of the Garter, a position now held by Lord Grauvlllc. The vacant stall will probably bo given to tho lato Duko's son-in-law, the Duke of Buc clench. Plilllppe Daryl, a French essayist and critic, says of Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Everybody- who speaks Eng lish on the. planet has been enjoying for the past thirty years the superior pro ductlons of this Boston Frenchman And yet the Latin world remains Ignor ant of hlra." Tho Greeks devoured the flesh of the hedgehog. When It has been well fod it is sweet and well flavored, and tho flesh Is eaten in many places in England and on the Continent. An American gentleman who partook of this dainty, stewed, on the other side, says it reminded him a good deal of quail. Bisulphide of carbon, M. Pasteur thinks, will become the most efficacious of all antiseptics, as it Is also the cheap. est, costing hut a fraction of a penny per pound in large quantity. It is like wise the best insecticide, known, and for this purpose may, it is thought, be use fill for proscrvlng woodwork In tropical countries. Some idea of the use It Is already put to may be gathered from the fact, as stated, that more than clht million pounds of the substance are used annually to cheek the ravages of phylloxera. Carbon bisulphide, as produced, though an extremely offensive coir pound in respect to odor, is capable oi complete punneauon. Dr. Carlos Finley, of Havana, has been experimenting on the Inoeulabillly of yellow fever. The disease was found to be transmissible only from the third to the sixth day. Out of eleven Inocu lations, six were successful, one doubt ful, and four negative. The Inocula tions were brought about by the use of mosquitoes, which were, first caused to sling patients suffering from the fever, and afterward allowed to stinc the per sons whom it was intended to Inoculate. Whatever may be the result of Dr. Fin ley's inoeulatory experiments as against yellow fever, tho ease with which a di sease may be transmuted by the mere sting of a small insect Is an Important addition to the history of how zymotic diseases are sprcau. The best famllyweeklv newspaper In .the United States Is the Toledo Jllade (Nasby's Paper). They Invite every reader of this paper to send for a free specimen copy. It Is the largest and best dollar paper published. See adver tisement, elsewhere. New Advertisements. Assignee's Account. In the matter of tlje Second th the Court of nnu rinai Account m n.im i i common i iraa iiopniaun, Assignee ot i ni v-aruon vn. William Horn. ' I'cnn'a. The iHM'onnt of R.imupl T.elhenmith. As. slunecot William Horn, will be prtufiitert nt jHnunry-unun. irou, nexr, lor connrmaumi unless exceptions are men ueinrp men. GEO. W. h8SF.lt, . , rroinonoiary. Mauch Chunk. Nov. 9, issj-wt A Gift.; Ernd lC cents poslnjr'.onH we will mU vou lie rnval, valuable, tstnpl Imx nf roods that will tiiil you In the w v of making mnre money at once, than anything el' in America. Bnlh ecxranf all aces can live at home and-woric in scare time, or all the .time. Capital not required. We will atari voir. Immense nay mr for' thofr, h tart atoiire. 8TINSON 4 CO.. Portland Maine. uov.Zl.l8Si, PUBLIC SALVE Of 'mm Real Estate ! Tha tinderaliftiwl wi I sell at public aalr. a the ExrliHcge lloiei, in ine uorougn m uo hinhiou, Uartx'L uoumy, I'etin a., on atTWOii'rloek V M-, the ..llnin ile uribed valuable Real Estate, vis : 1st. Al that certain tractor iiec of land altnotnin lite Tiwnshit Mahoning, Cmmy ol Uir Lxm.nml-Ststenf IVun'n , bounded and de scribwi as followa, to wit : Beginning al totie.theiiCB by land ol Win. ftehrig liorll 15 degrees, west 128 perches to a. tant tnenee by land of Stephen Dalliet east B2 prichr'atoa xst ; thence south 15 degree ran lZS'rvrchra to a ; tbetira by laml nf Jaeub'fjenlz we t B3 perchea loth pine of beginning, containing, 'IEFTY ACRES lrtct.maeure, one Hall ol wntcu i clean and the balance good Timber lami. li Iranroveiiieiiia 1 hereon ' la one g""d Swis liartu nb"ut. 30x411 feet ; a never tailing lriiig (it water, aud a stream running through the land. 2nd. A'll that certain tract or piece WOODLAND, ailuit in tald Mahonln Totrtiship aloreMid, designated aa No 40. railed; the W nation Tract, bounded and de fcrit-ed' as lollows, to wil : li? lamia Jucob-iWri.a TlmniHa Ktihna. John Bowman. Nielio'aa U'liz, JhcoU L.uiz Mo-cvlleliiMBD, No 42 and by the Lhigl River, fwilli a reservation ol 2a BCre hi ready, aoldj, containing I2i ACRES, be the salnn more or I. a', ol bile uiciluut Timber Lanu. Terms id Sale. nf Ihe purchase m.inev down. 4 tu six months and the balance I one yrarjnr tnav be paid down atop Ion n nutruaser. Intending purchaser ma. view Ihe lanl by aipl ing I" Mosea Rehrig Lahiehlon .or Ihe umiersignen AARON REM RIG, Mauch Chunk, November 21, 18si. Teachers' Institute. Thonext session nf the Carbon County Teachers' Institute will be held at Lc- hlghton, Dec. 7th 1 1th. The following noted Lecturers and Instructors have been cngaKcd.for'the week. "Prlnccof Orators.," Cot' It. F. Copeland. Harris- burg; Col. G. W. Bain, "the. Kentucky Orator"; Dr.' Edward Berks, Pres. of School of Oratory, Philadelphia, sJllss Matilda Bnss -of Chicago, Jirof..K. O, 'Lyteof .be".Mlliersvllle .State; Noriml Kr,'...l,"tiM "pv y nitt t?.,ii..n The recent Act .'of Ajjcinbly mskes.lt compulsory for Ml teachers to .close their schools 'the entire week of the Connty Instituto.therefore a full attend ance of the teachers o(tba County will be expected. at all the sessions of the Insti tute.' AYeryintercstingand Instructive Yirogramme will be presented for the wees wiijcp win oe -maiieu in ine ipnrhpr nnrf directors a. ueelc or twn before the Institute, i. U .U also hoped that all friends'. -of education .will give Ihe cause their hearty support. Xook Oat for Hlnw . s.A trickster-named J. A. Spencer wh'ij epurt sfcouplb of weeks la.towjt sollclt lng,a'dVmlser4i;ri;tqJV'e'f'ced, ou the insjde covers of" files, o'f . the, Illustrated wmlefnswsjMMK.Pu'cfci' tte'tUes to be left at the Mansion and Derrick Houses. Je(t town last weekafierspfBdlUigqulte a uumorxoi our mercnanu.N jus pian Tfis to" place advertisements on the cover, and give a Teat's suoserlptlon to luck .11.1 - .1 c. succeeded- in raising .be.tw.een ts ana W0 by the game. Of course the adver tisers will never get the paper. Mr. Trewella.nf the Opera House restaurant, loses the most money, however, as Snen- cer, owing to a bad habit of absentmind- AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Common Pleas of Cardan County Sheriff's Sale of Personal Properly of W II Slrauss-Distribulion of proeefds ol Bale. The nnderr cued Auditor appointed by Ihe Cnnrt of Common Picas In make 1i, iril.ntt.in ofilie ttinila artsinr front said mIi to the pattien le-allv etitifed therein, wd meet to ihe purMMea ol nia HPiimiimtn on 1US Al. UllCTl.llilW 111 o'clock A M . ill Iho Oliiee of vv M Itutoher. Em.. PuMiuehniiija Siren, Man, Chunk, Pa., when and where all those In leieMed inav appear nnd make claim, or I iledaned from coining in tnion said lun Tor diftribullnn. E. R. RIEWERS; Auditor Nov IS. 1886 w PATENTS. OMainrd for lnvenlor. Send model oi akelrli and e will iiiuke a run-ful exami nation, end report in vol Ide' paten'nMlil of the device Iree All bitfitiesa Iratiracled lor nioderaie leej, and no churn" mile alent la allowed. Rsrsaasca Poslina Sup't Mm Outer Division, and Olficera of the U, Patent OtliiT. Send for citrular of advice Sc. II. S. SNOW A CO , 82.1 F Stnel .Washington, P. C, Nov, U cor. Auditors Notice. tii Re Fir.l and Final Ac 1 In Ihe Con riinnt of Thomas Keii.fr I of Oontmn er. Tniflee ol Ihe E-iale f 1 1 e k s. vt Tli. Adiier..le.M. I C.tb.nC. OctMar 20. le8J. ihe undersigned atip. luted Auditor !n Ihe alor nained c. I v ihe l ouil 1 1 ri'iiimon' Pleas, idCarl commit. II. make distiibu'inn ol ide fism in Hit. .hand. .f Ihe raid Trustee, hereby .gitra IKiu-f Halle will n eel an paril, Inlere'tetl lor the Purl-oa ,l ins eto. mei.t on MONDAY. TI'E Hat DY OK IIKPEMIlEn. IM. al NINE O'CI.Ol A M., allhe . Ilic-eof Kreymn A R""Her, AltoMieia at Law. In-the It-TOigh il Mllc Itliuiik.' Ph . when and where nil parte tuie.eried may atleed II tdev think pro. .r le jteliarreil 'r, in roihlof.ln uo, n. Iiti.d. n R Oil. II AM Anon t; t.alilehtoir.Ta " NV. II. IV New Advertisements. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlt pow.ter never varies. Amarvrlnf Mtrilr alrensllt sun wholeanmenea. More enitiioitical lhan the ordinary kinds, and cannot tie sold in rotnielilon with tit mulllliide of low test, short weirhl, alum 4,r phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Koral Uaking I'uwuer uompany, loa wall St.", N. auK21-mll FALL & WINTER MILLINERY. Miss Aivenia Graver takes pleasure in an nouncing to her lady friends and Indies pen ernlly that she is now receiving and opening ror tneir inspection one or tic largest lines of EW atf FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS ever hrought into Lehighton, embracing all Ihe very latest designs in TIUMM.EO and UNTR1MMED BONNETS AND HATS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, Novelties in Trimmings, Notions, &c, &c.r which 6hc is prepared to furnish at the very lowest prices. Call and examine goods before purchasing elsewhere, Very Respectfully, . . Miss ALYEMA GRAYER, ISTew York .Millinery Store, Opp. Thomas' Drug Store, Bank Street. Lehighton, Sept. ID, 1H8S IllJ NASBY'S PAPER. THE Toledo Blade. 1885-6. Durlne the past year th WmiT Budi. has baen a regular visitor in mora than 200,000 FAMILIES nf Ihe United Stales. It now slamls at the head ol the long list ot weekly newaie rs imblithcd in this coudUt. At the low I rice nf ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR the ni.Aun gives more reading, heller de IMrinients, and later news than any ef lis rouiieiiin's. It is the only paper that publishes Ihe world renowned NASBY'S LETTERS. The Ihe suhrriber tha ilLARit nflers the most valuable premiums, and to the agent lays the largest cash commission. Its departments are specially Interesting to all classes -Ihe father, n. other, son, daiitchteror children, the farmer, aohlier, citisen, in fact, erervlaviv will find exact ly what Ihey want In Ihe Hun. A SPECIMEN COPY will tell more lhan we can (ive In this ad .erilpeinenl We therefore invile every body to send their mlilnsj on a postal card Icr a specimen copy. Send the niltlrpssof nil your frfrnilM nt tno r.iiiio titne. The Ri.adr la only One Dollar a Year, w.shc paid Cluli raisers are invilrd to wrile for Agents' terms Address THE TOLRIIO m.IF. Xov.7. Toledo, Onlo. NEWS AGENT, AX D DEALER IX Books, Periodicals, &.c Next Door to Wain's .stoto Slore, Bant Street, LelilitOE Fenn'a. o 1 Y. & Phila., Horaiii Papers delivere.1 in Ihe li.in.ngh on arrival of 7:40 A. M., tram al regular city rates. Books, Magaziues, Periodi cals & Wekiy Papers Supplict at ruhli'iicrs Krgular Prirts. I'ATItONAIJF. S(llilCITKI). PAUL WAGNER The Store is open 7 to u o'clock on Sunday moriiioir for th. sale ol Bnuday Paper -Elinira 2'iinnes, Tcltgram, de. Scplemher 2ll. I8"&. o i O 3 PUBLIC .SILE OF VALUAULE .. . PERSONAL PROPERTY! The ur.deHsnc.1 wills-II at ,.iil,lle ae. nn the premises in ErauWIn Township. Carbon county. ra.,on flAl OHDAY, DECEMBER 12, 18.S5, Land rollowlns; week 1. omimeneins il (IDS U riles t , 1 e1 m'Hm vrjvv-M. TAi.e.- J KG SlOCKaad 1MI-LEMENT3, ylf. Horaefli Cows, Carriages, Wa irons, U fllvesol JJes, riowa. Harrows, Cultivators and., lot of i.lhar Iniplei-auis ud Tools) a Isria YsrletT ot ; .Household Furniture, mrd other artlrlt too numtrous to msnllon. Turns will b .tuad kuown si lima sua place ot sal by CHARLES RADETZ. TitDkllu Twwnibtp.XoT. 1I.1BSJ. pm2 JJJ v. ' r. - IP w p d o c i-3 9? Q 3 GUN S! GUNS!! GUNS!! Guns were never sold so cheap as they are this year. I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tbesdrtrttstr tiavtnit been perasnsttlj ..llhal. dread iltsase. U4lulJlUllon. bv ! a sliMtde retardv. Is anlloas la wake kouau ,.. t ii i.llua sattaiars l ha means ol care. T all wlo.Ullrelt. ka will send a eunroflha Guns anil Sporting Goods IN THE LEHIGH YALLEY, and will make special effort to suit every one that has any idea of buying anything in my line. Remember the sign of the BIG GUN. M. C. EBBECKE, 606 HAMILTON STREET, Aucti't 22 - -I m t? mm FALL AND WINTER -MILLINEEY- Pretty, Stylish Elegant, Cheap edness, no doubt, forgot to pay tils board ..rescrlhtlun ('re), wlik iktdlmiWua lur bill, amounting to about $17 befcre prar-rlaa; aoansiu ika mm whtrU .key leaving. The same trlek ha.been played -ttl i"VaaV:.?VuW-;r..U. oy lue snarper inanenanaoan, lamsqua Vishlia tha pr.eeeipii-o.wil. plaa.a adnrtM, ami uviirr juarca iu .m? tcKiuu.. HkT. C A wjuMia, . 4TBn Jlahanry TrhWttkly Retord. WIUlriaub, M. Y. Kire otsi-ly XXVL Tho Best Newspaper in America, and by far tho Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere t earn money in distributing' the Sun't Premiums. The most interesting and advanta geous oilers ever made by any Newt-pap-er. .' ' Moubseribcr ignored or neglected. Somothing for alt JlMQDfal asrl 3btsntisl Premiums In BUndird Oolil ana olhsrWalchos.ValusbU Sonka, tho Best Family Sawing II.cIIds krxrwa to tha trade, and an uncalled list of objeeta of real utlllly and lustruotlon. Rates tv TJil. Postpaid: DAILY, per Yocr (wtthoat Bandsv) S6 00 DULY, per Month iwlthoatSunita;) SO SUHOAY. per Year ... 1 00 FOR rVERY DAY IN THE YCAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Yosr ... I 00 Urru, tile CCS, Xtf Toii, Itljr. NOTIONS & FANCY GOODS CALL ONUS. PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST. First-Class City Trimmer. Miss BELLE NUSBAUM, Per1- 10. llniik Street, Leliighton, Fenn'a. !8SS-3in. FALL AND WINTER 1885-6 ! :o: Jnvin now received our FALL and W1XTKU STOCK of the Latest Designs in FOHEIGN AND DOMESTIC SUITINGS k OVERCOATINGS, we are prepared li fill your nnlers fir amis nr parts nf suits tnada up In llie ni 'SI fatliinnalle slvles, bjr the bert werktnau, nt the reiiiarkalile Ine price t $10. per Suit rjJ We aim Invile special attention to cur iimnensa stuck of Fashinnabla Slyles of Hats, Caps, Boots, Stos ana Gaiters li-r 0 d A Y.unn. Hub 4 IW at JWCK BOTTOM riUCEBI Gents' Furnishing' Goods. Our stuck In llua deairlinenl hs never been oimpM. aa it is at present. It enmrnses all Ihe netvest norrllies and da signs. Vi'r hava everything lhal Is new in Ties, Collars and CufFo. II jnu desire anrihlng in lids line you .in And libers. Trunks and Valises in Great Variety! CLAITSS & BROTHER, Bank Street, Lehigh.on, Penn'a. April 18. 18 S-lv NSUMERS OF GOAL. 'I he undersigned is piepnrcd to furnish the best Lehigh Coal, from HfU'lc gh Colliery, at the iollowing low prices, by the Car, fok casu only. Credit ten cents per ton extra: In Vara. Vol. in Town TO CO Egg - - " Move - - Chestnut No. 1 Chestnut Mo. 2 $3.25 3.35 - 3.25 2.15 $3.50 3.60 3.50 2.40 Prices at the Mines 25ots. per ton Less. J. L. GAJBEL, DEALER IN HARDWARE LUMBER, COAL, &c.f &c, Opp. PUBLIC SQUARE, LEHIGHTON, PENN-'A Go to Biery's Drug Store WEISSPORT, - PA., For PUKR JUUGS nnd MEDICINE?, FANCY nnd TOILET AUTlCLKS, Choice Wines and I iqnorn for Mediciiiiil ''ui po e . Choice Hrnnds of Cigars and Toboccos, StatioT5ery, Wall Paper and Borders, ficc, txo fnsRi:l(llrlllSearerulli eon nonnded. Fiar.rrllzht l'.irnny lleliel an.' talls'actluu auaranieoain i r e.ao.1 musiiij iiuiwi twia. at I.OWKST PBUMS. w p BLR'f, GjfHei' wbite w Bficge sireeis. weisspon. a AptUU. ISSJ-l'. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers