, m 'k ' g;" n i i mm m u u i i h j f - - TVe antra iUom ruitmctly understood1 dial naaTertlsmenU;wlll Uo.1nSert.iJ In IbaiolrJml&prrpipAisOj! AmAiR that way ba received from ununown parties or Srnit mileM hiiiSnrpariTdd b; Uo . ViisB. Tlia.fdllpfrlng arb oir-oyuT termsi , Oney,r,,eaUirasoriion)f5n.it)f..y)l1tl.c'-'p rhroo'mohths, eaclr iiAertttn.Xt.'.n'SO eG? Loss tbah thrpfimonlUi, firid. Insertion JS iljoaoh BubsMUtnTinprlion 2i cu:t r rfrt, -, ,rn - 1 -j...-Il..- r ATTJHN XGELLOUS.'j TTOKACK 1IKYDT, AW.' OrricKt The room rccKiiiij vtvyfuu -v si. Karjirer, BANK.dT My b connlted In EnBllih'aniltaMioan.i Jul 4, ms-iy rj a. "TTT M. KATSHEl!,' VY . i:; ATTORNEY fc(qpyN.PEI.LO lT LAW. ntT DfiAit Anovn'Tns MAnsidw'noust, MAUClt CUOKK, PEKN'A. Kal lf)Rtlatll:t"ir.lltctton.iiKericy. W"l Uuy and Sfll.ilfal KstliU. ronvf jano ng Mar be comuti x- f ATOjm EYATJTJAW. OrFlCE 2nd bUIMlnaloro tlioVarbon Ailtocato l'rlntlBitdlfloo. May 10, 1833-uiO" LF.IIiailTOM. PlITSICr.ClisiAllfi fil-NTTS. J-yt. W. AV. ItEHEH. physician an'ii tSuno:oN. BANK STKF.ET, I.EtUUUTON, I'A. OFFICE Hourd ntParryvlllo From a. in., (lay bo con'sultcain the liiiKllli ur.Qcrman " wt' c rilY.-IOIAN ANOBCIIOKON Spcclsl Attention paid to Uhronlo Dlfentel. WrFJoe- Sioutli Enrt Cjiincr Irgn arid . Si'comt SlVeetf, I.KHitlHTO.V,(I,E.1N,"A. , , " 1ST. it.' it i: i to f,S :iti!i!, .-i. e s. uxAtoisisqjuitaKajt, X'KAfnOISO'ifvmiANfc ffyflilKON urriot iiuna street, jisnKK'a iiluck. I.UIIHIUTON.J'ENN'A. JMv he runsulted In ibo UerniaHIin!ruage iUV .111. ----- HT'.SKU'LB, FHYSIOIAN.ANU.SUUdEON, . SOUTH SI'KEET, .LKJIIOIITON, I'A.' Mar do confullcd Inir I.nEllb orJOrrninn lKClal attention Mrriev llnrna Vr rem 12 M.'to'J I. M., aad from t lot) P. At iuarcn si, F. A. Rabenold, D.D.S., HRAN'On OFFIUU-liploilta Ciauss&ilru' Bank St., Lehighton, Pa eniUtry In all lt liranrtips. Tfeth ex tracted wltlieut liain. (las administered when renuMtcd tiutea Hays W E1).N ta I1A Y ul .rh week. I'. t. Address, laTZENUUUO, LelilgU i-ounty, Pa. Jan. 3, 18.3-lj. W. Oortright, D.D.S., OFFICE t 0inite tba fpromlway Houa?' Mauch Chunk, Pa. PatUnin liare the lioneflt of t lie latent Im nrnrnmuntA In tna dninlal anidlaneca ami the hett methnti ir treatment In all iurlc.il eami. ANESTUETIt' adnilnliternl it deilroi. If puulble, ieron realdlnir nutsidr of Maueli Ohunlc. thoald m.ilcu eiiKaireinenta by mill. 1-W . A BOOK ON D.eafness&JCatarrh. The above named bonk .of near I'D naife by till. SIIOKM KElt, tho wrll.knnex. lMrlBiiced Aural Suriinn, will l)'i ent Ireo tinny uddreM Every fwnlly (liould have thla Hook. 'Iliobooklt Ilium raiod, ami lul ly exclaim In nlaln lannuae all Diseases of the, EAR aM CiTApRH. and how to treat thtta allincntsececfsmil) AddreM. Dr. C E, Shoemaker, 013 Walnut Street, ItEAIUNO, Pa, Deo. v-juri j i J ' Dhole. Ulirar. wlnea and l.lauora alwuy. on baaii. iiu.a niio.ii auu taoieF. wuu alter ttye llo'tlera, al(abej. April 10-yl, p.YUKIWTO.V 110 1 I v r r' Mway between ?Iaueh Chunk & Lehighton l.EUI'pr.II MEYEK, P(uoi-butok, ' (t'aekertoii, Penn'a ' 1 Thla rrelj known hotel lauilnilrably retltied, and h M the best aecuminodarfiAui tor uerinan. ant and traniteni board en. 'Kxoulloul lal.Io. and lhaiYert bcitliqugri. Alio (ttne Ftablei attaclifdi, ('ibept. IC-yl. The htockton. AJ' fcfilti and Atlantic avenues. 1111 r ofihe fl'.e.l fn aid. tesorta in'lhe eoiintrr, isjuiw l.,r the reception of guels. Tl. luiolitiei lot biainE. .bathlne, fi'liioi;. ere iinx 1 eellial , ,TIIV l(twral. - KBLSGV J.KF-) Mill, l'(kf neloij. ftlfrqlyip (Ins pauer. J. KTSTLMU ! ItMpaetlully amomrwu ta-th nubile Ibat ha liai'openeda NEW I.1VKIIY SI'MII.t In aonn'.tlor, with bi hul,eod 14 iiranarul lo furnlih Toaiai fif FaiBrals Wuliliiis or Business Trips on tbarteit notice and moil liberal' erm A II ctdari left at the "farbm Uouio" will receive IfTOinpt attwiiloa Hub., oa rib H reel, 1 ,l- 1 " Le..gx a i..'VTl J5TS HARBON HOUSE, - A VVindow ,r,idrs KixMircs vtHAKtCjSy., tiKiiimiTON, Pa. . ft .it , ', f" ThOAaBi)K'Hoff3K'iffernrt.claiiiocnin. Pnhttf Oil r7i ritlli' Pntrv modatloni to bo Trareinir public. Hoarding lllll.s, Mil. 1I11IIMI. llllt, by the IUy or Week on Ileaaoiiatile Tenn. Urtt - line. ironornl PhiiitivR' D. flommi&lJr fuulishcr. fer-- ".'I ! IlTDEpita Live." '-' .Si.00',a'Yearif Paid "in Adjmnco. '.'a-' : r- U A 11 U HIT iitnMh i ,ewoa4iH nii miiT ni esitlsvoH !'tlltl Ol l'riiq'in H 'I'luif ol ! kl-tn , ,"iti , ii , If, f DriiEs anfl Medicines alA i JUT 7 A isioeqa 9l6mitiv be, d'toBdbivfi' ;d i, mM-wbw v , .oi si Reepeetfflly announce tollio merchants nf IjohiKhtotrandtxlivra that ho ta prepared to doall klndsor naming oi ri iciglit, ICxjHcss Matter and liaggngc at very rensonoble price. Hy prompt at Ipntfon to all orders ho hope )o merit h utiaru ol publfc piitnmau. JicsiiU-ncc. corner of Pine ami lrun Streot, Leltlght n, Ia. Orders lor linullntr left at M. sweeny U .Sun' fcitura will reculru ( rumpt attention. T; J. UltUrNhV. Oct. I'A 16513m. X OONVEYANCEIt, .AND QF.NEUAL INSURANCE AGENT LIll'.A.N )K MU I'UAL 1'IIIIC tlRADINO MUTUAL lini, . . POTTVILI.K'Fir.H, j , IJKlllOli.l'Iltr. aiiA tne 1 TUAVEI.EHts ACUIUI.NT INb'U It ANISE Also PonnMlv.inW and Mntnil Ho .h udel electro and lntiran e c.'cniiai'Vr . Uarcn:s.is:t IUOH,.MIilti:i! f.trwoTklny people. Send 10 eenta poilnae an we will nuill yu Iree, a ral. yalnalde fi,imi-le lx of Knod8that vtlll put ynu In the way of wak ing more money in n few ,lay than you iver thnuulit pnmbl'; at anv hulnvF. Capital nut reiju'red. You can live nt home ami work In fpure time only, or all tho ilmo All il iKith of all aues, urnndly furceflul. 60 c.'nta to 5.00 eaplly earned every evvnlnir I hat nil wh want work may ten tueiU8t nen., we make ihlMinpnr illeleil idler: I'atill who are 11 t well pimfled we will Fend 1 tooayfur the trouble ol wrjtl ic us. l ull parlleul'irF. dl'ecilon, ele , enl fre, 1 lm. iifn-o 1 av absolutely lure for nil wlo.ai.i t nloneo. Don't delay. Addresi bretiN & ( li . I .rr ln,l M'l.Md 1 t lice. 20 ly l,U( KEN,A H; n u v 1,1:11 iv , Wall Paphus,, Hordtis'& Decorations coots Stationery, Fancy- Gobfii 1 ' '.Stijiplirs.' 1 No, CI BroadwaY. Maacb Ciiuulc. Pa, l.liw iw IlriH'I' iw Ji (iinnn iirih'"'''''11 " 'mi W. I 1 1 !'" "VB c'i'l( i'""i"'. n,i hy VCIUU uut , j,,,, Wtl K.i freeatraekaae nf l.ooiI t i.r Inr. n -en Ine F llm t ulll HfArl tun lii work mat will at ooe'j rlna )ou In 1 faster than, aoytlilnir e( hit (ndrlon aoout tho t5uo.ooii In preFWilF wIth rue ooei'f rlrifcc jolllii money h box. Kn'x3Wlle'l eyei.vVMIr0'il Jt'O'Sty"'1. all hW'. loMHlI'MoOilitfi erTparA Hi-only, hi w tk lor us a in lor all Morkera ai-ei m 11 iioin. a roriune. line y nifttred ilon't I' delxy. II. 11 a iLtiT ji lleo)0.ly r furtiand. .Me. -1 mo ) 1 p ,y '"t 11 1 inji 11 d ' - I pi 1 .loliUi4lu L( K fuf k Mi - '1. 11 1 viv- FllERa SA Jl6 lflu, Aw Qi'avmij 1 ll Dlilt 1'liKrilll, Ji'i?-. 10 elu I101; l'l.h fcLAjtu a,x t'i aiS n.rlo. wrlli f4 OH AJdrc Eii'er rub fb , Cknvu 111, fa t iu cutis WHiat ft ;.- - Llfb.THOMAS'-'? i ! A '1 l"i t- ' - . ' " "", "- ' " " --' ' ' " - . ' ' . m n t A tottcli'i'cltizca The Wnllnc- houso steak, i , 1 i . Fish arotirforallyvclghoAlii tliclr, ,-itfScales. v- i ffTSilaucB most popular In thjt AieSalftlifse'asoiif't.Calitcan. , V AiiFflmnhft. tiTifttiTactvnrTlsPH for-b. tta fc I - - m t matL lluggy horn V'fetaSigaisomc 1 coplc hare. UUIlilUUtlCU" XI1MII hlwEvsIEctiUia! HJbtejof the-Hyrjlenistit -5 There were several dozen of Ihehy- , ITT fjl'etilst 'ln' cbuncll, each "with hU Indf- Idual hobby, Eagh thought all the thcrs were wrong. Each tvassure that his ovn holjby was the only correct otic. A gentleman present saftl he had taken ilrotvn's Iron Hitters for debility and )yspcpsta, nnrl, though he didn't want to'tnakeli ftts's ttbout It, hovknow the use of tills great tonic to be better than all tho notlous hc"ha3"heard advanced In thr council. .One practical cure Is worth thousands of'gucsscsnudnotlons. Thousands of .happy convalescents speak Bratcflly.ofjUrown's Irqu lllttcrs. it. rVhatjlsthodTircrence between trjttli and cg;s? Truth crushed to earth will lse again. Egss won'.t.' 1 he coachman s occupation Is more agreeable than that of-the' hostler; hut ihe latter Is more stable. One reasomwhy thtjpermans are so philosophical U that they are always ready for the ''wurst' Tho New Haven Register has an article on ''Wire Drawers." Should think they wouldchafo awfully". ' , , ( 1 For burns, scalds, bruises and all pain and soreness of the tlesh, the crand household remedy Is Dr. Thomas' Eclcc trlc Oil. lie sure and got the genuine. -AVe do do not know as ghost9 aro liable to disease, hut we have heard of the cholera iti-phantom. Tho militia of the different States, while they may be good soldiers, are generally set down as , G., Why docs a summer hotel in n inter resemble thcaven? Because, there's not a damned soul there. An Answer Wanted. Can anv one bring us a case of Kidney or.Idver ComplalnMhat Electrlc,Uittcrs will nbt speedily cure? Wo say they can not. as thousands of cases already ltennanently cured anil who aro dally recommending Electric Hitters, will prove, llriglit s Disease, Diabetes, eak uack. or nuv 'urinary coninialut quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate' tlie bowels, and act tllrctly on tlie ills cased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. r or sale at ouc. a , uoltlo at 1 . u, Thomas' drug store. Tho messenger hoy may develop Into a fast youns man, but lie never gives it away while he Is a messenger. W'c should think that the most cx citing time In a yacht race Is when : yacht gets out her spanker and sails it among the buoys. 1 H. A writer has discovered that person! in captivity live a very short time, This may be a rule, hut wolknow of somo married meit who have attained remarkable asc. Br. Frazier"s" Root Hitters. , Frazlcr's Hoot Hitters are' not a dram shop beverage. Hut are strictly ,medi cinal in every sense. They act stiongly upon tne liver anil kidneys, keep tb bowels open .and regular,1'. cleanse the blood and system of every Impurity Sold bv druggists, $1.0U.' At Thomas' drug store. A Western poet, it s said, thinks more of his v, Ife than ho docs of hi: poems. So does' i everyone thaVove read I1I3 poems. A piillosopner wno nail married an Ignorant girl used to call her "brown sugar," because she was sweet, but un refined, . - Bnckfin's Arnica 5alve. The hest salve fit the. world for cuts, bruises, cores, ulcers, salt rhucni, fever seres, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, corns,kand all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is suarantco.l to glva perfect satsfac tion. or money refun lod. Prico 25 cents per box,-at T. D. Thomas'. - A 'ping Island man has struck a large fortune by a recent, discovery. He ifeods Ids con s 011 hc hens, and the cow turns Tm' egs'jiogs. .VcfSihionpaper announces that low-ne(jlp drqgscs are to bellroppod at tlie oper.i uc WJntcrT TfTe Intelli gence 15 srf uionitat startling. !l)r. Iraiei'a Magic Ointment. A sure curcfor all bolls, burns, sores, cuts, flijili wounds, sore nipple,, hard and fcoft.conis, chapped lips and hands. 1'rlce cents.' Jsold by druggists. Wil liams M'f'g. o., I'rdpV, Cleveland, 0. Sold by Thomas, the druggist. ' Louisvlllej-$ports the case of a child with "hystero- epllep3y,lnclpient hydro phobia and 7tfanco complications." T. -JU1U.: J - wlih the yaatwfjmrqc tho uestcf In ,,riiiiriiii nii mviri'rfr b1 tUlv Wllll.WlViiSrw ' At but one old circus clown lias Had ,- ., , .,-:,. .' itrf ' ' Mvr an at onco mar. uer uncio was utn thc'drCflnglo try'-Ws a new i , ,,1 , ', tw.ft,-.,. .... .joke. Ac. W lce Mk up a-cla'n. Lb- thvlipjeiUniV Anhlh .t3ndsithe ci(4-Tf jjal&4n.JwrH Pnrlou to think that deskr atiu olulre.kiil beo!ile. ;inJtlhnvjlo.'i I'aRVn falal as jViW fever. We sit a. .nrfTeP ourselves away. .Sedentary liabita-pro! UMWIIUiatW'lU'lJl'.lJ''1' VWIV IUBf"ll ' riii-iiiiianMii .iii.iki.iiuw iiiitijujwm. I Uiwfc4IvM:areiattD?ikafcs and ni.th8HHilildii'tt ulttOfisaaiKbW ...1 .it. I' ...j .... ... 1... u ... ...... I irt-stwir'i'r. JVMunnHjr t 'A'af ,mfwi iutb-".Blivay 011 lmid fur thuntotuach. and brain " . s . Thtiraj i wU tobe an actios lu Huia wlwi uinar !s of one bun lied yeora ot t, and nlu liM nbt yet Ut-gim to gae lu-r f.ni'wi'ii licilorinaiii-. ' ' A Martian 1 111 inrocen lt i-tiiuiuiited tin. ,de in ui-i-i l,i. fi i,i 1' '" 1 1 ' I a .oo.l in u Mujliei Iltil.b.ud d.rss. Lou;c uefTarc too articular to live. -LEinGHTON, CAItTBON COUN'TY, PA.; ;A;rffllI3 A V, iraVEMBER 21; I860. Trc6 frvm untitles) Xmeiteianp M'oUot, SAFE. rfW SURE. .'iRiUtS. at rmrrortyrs xyv DrAt-ch. the niAitLt.M a. too li 1 u.io-11 ti.TimmE. Bh M&NREpUY a CEsr.tOur.it!sa,KMslj!s, ICafk.rlio,, II.AdatLe, Tfttllfte, pioce. vio'V. c!r.vrs. At rtrnrir!.,. anrf Tl.ller.. t ltE CHARLES A. VOOELtll CO., UALTU011E, Sin TADED LEAVE3. :'' " " " p 1 a ,lBV ai.ick i.'Ar.r.r. . VT The hills Ve'br'fi'f wltit iiiaplc's','. uuninun mo ii-u'iiaim ti nil beacb leaves iustle fli the wind s As dry anil brou'n as sand. Tlic clouds lu burs of rusty red Aioiifrine niuiops Kinwf - As Hi tho still, sbarp nlr, Ibe.fiost it, - ; Is.llkrJadreamjiftsnow.; J Tbo berries of the briar-rose 1 Have lost tlit'lrTnundcd brlilc, " 1 The bittersweet crysalitlicinuins " ' Aro. drooping, licnvy-e) ed.' ....... , .'. . uli 1 riio cricket prows'more frlemilyinov. , The tlorliiolise slvaiul lse. '' ' lll(iiiia:"lHay In the'dlrurace "' Of nature from niiu'S'ejes. ' I''1 TI16 plRcnns In black v.iverhiR lines' . re swlnclui: toward tho sun. Alul alltlie wide arid Wllbcre'd flbldi l'rocl.ilni tbo' Summer dotic His store ofntits and acorns now- - The squlrrel'llaSlcs to fjaln,- 1 . And sets Mallfttfti lu order for J' ' ' 1 'i'liu Winter's tit cary rtltni. ''"" Hw II. , , -.,ir. 'rii.tlinbtollKlittlie'crculiienre.e 1 To read cimd books,, to !dns L'1' ' Tltlrlow anil Iovrl; songs tliat'brcatlie Of the eternal aprlife: '' ' T l THE OLD DINNER HORN. .. t'c beard many a slralu that has jtlirllled 1110 with Joy,- . . , lint iidiip, 1 will say, since the day I was born, . . . lias pleased me so much as, when a small boy, I heat d on the farm the old dinner born. llio truuipet wastln.a j ard.or sr. loin:, . And was bloy.n for "tlmboyi" at nOoil and at mcru ; 'flic monotoiic strain v.as- piercing and strong, ' , But sweet, for all that, was' the old dinner hoi 11. When buHdlns the fence or tosslns.the hay, Or re'npihi; IheYralu orfpffixTlug'tlie corn. With nppetite keen, at the noon of the day, OUI s,wret to, iny soul was tho old dinner h 'in. A inotlicr's fond Hps pressed the trumpet of tin, 1 , . And blew her full soul, through the barley mid corn; 1 Oh! 1 hear even yet the 'Welcome, come In, Conic In, iny dear boys, to the sound of the horn." Those Hps are now still, and tho bosom is told. Which sent fo us boys the sound of the horn; Khe Is walling lu sleep, beneath the dark mold. The archangel's trump and eternity's niorii'.i I A QUAKERESS. in- e. lovett CAsiEito.v, in Jiel'jraxla. Kato Inglehy stood at the drawing- room wndny In Curpn street tapping the till of her llttlfi Wellington boot iiu patiently wlih herridlug whip. A sharp summer slmwerwas patte,rlng down up on the street, and Kate was waiting un til it was over to go out for bcr dally ride. .Not that a shower of rain made, as a rule, much differeiico to Jliss Inglc hy; fbf she was accustomed tb go out In all weathers. She waited to-day, sim ply because tho friend she had promised to rlda with declined to go out In a heavy thunder-storm, for which exercise of wise discretion Kato heartily despised her. She was getting very impatient. I here seemed no end to the straight wuite rain shafts that came swiftly down from tho heavy clouds. Miss Ingleby's chestnut mare.led by a groom,- was walking up and down outside, Kate loved her. .dearly, hut "there Is a limit tcVeqtiine affectloria'ntl'atlast she cot quite tired of watching her. On the '!Pll'A4P 9ttfWitQcAW ? sciie.r ana nur.irwn, to whom she was ,clu.om .ubrlbfl Tor .,. iPK -- hovels, which at odd iim.i Mia iltal ed thu.jijjfnck tier unclo was din- ,. t uSS- "7 i r,-,-,-- ning. i-0110 eatuerou tip ncrliablt pno liand;aft!l Wtllled fdrtlK'nlcJtintfher i t kirTmn ,. tha.Klek,,art,,f thnJ.nn Z r f,B,'"," ninanniuveiva uuio nuap- ui puruiUUiiyn wnicnuy piert tpgcuier' . - ., ...Q lit 1... , k . , It .1 , mti'cuy nan a tair weii-mauo .... ..... ..... . .. .. ngiire. iuih-ii lougcn us nest in a riding- i,,i,i, 1..,,. . ,'i,4,i.n7r .,1 -r-r- t'-s -v -ri- (.m-v yet hi-r iK-attty was not of the orderthat ivu.iherialfy'aijrutj-oil.' h'aa'Urlglu bwwn fj, a anwll riMrime now, a nuraUt that wa full of d'ool.lou and ,u..tJMt.. u.-it wi n iiito uji.uuiisomewnere, and quareiied wrearranaed thereupon. uih,. ir -huuUer.. Hie wureher tbirk already? What wu.hlns bad WeU! What! "And whom have vpu got staylngin' h ..mi l...i i. ..UoitullrounJJurheil, did h ay uo you? i Hie" hou.e, Adi?" " 1 I.kealot -.an1.r,a.,..Mfusi.,..;jfthi.k -..VnUitr,,;." J -f ; "Ob, not a ery amttdnj ptr'.y, I crwji cuili, uou wlu her nJIns hat "What did o. say to him, then?" fear; old Lord and Lady Sale, Mr. and now-sat-aJlttlerblMo ono tide, with a deflidedly rakfl,alri Jliss Ingleby had lnany ncconlpllshmeuts, but they were all charactcr,"i She could ride, fish apd swim; (Shut wis vgooJ actros9 nuif n clever-, julirdct jnprovcr, fifto' coulij staoke-idgarettcs, wih .enjoyment, and flhpotaraibhits.'yvith' preqislon In ad dition to all this, .she was he, actpal; liossqssor of tifty thousand ppumU com fortably Invested, In Goyprninept ecurl tics. With all these advantages, Jt was perhaps not wonderful that this young lady had a very high optmWof hetselfr Kate had heard, it aaid-that if you wish, blhurs to think, well ofjOu, you,.should lOglit by thinking1 w;ellpf yourself) Shq was- ilctQrmineduto .stand, wplhin the bplnioli of other peoule) toaho.llldand, admired ,was;a monQinanln jvlth-.hero she set a good example to mankind by. admiring and liking. herself immensely, As she stood in the far background of. Mr. Adams thebobk-seller's shop, there cntcrcditwo gentlemen, wJio came run ning in for a moment's sholter,and who stood In tho. doorway with their ,back9 turned towards her, leaning, their; drip ping umbrellas. Mr. Adams bow ed ob sequiously and addressed one of them as "My lord," .begging him to take a seat. "My lord," however, a slim young man of about twenty-eight, declined to be, seatcd'nnd went on talking to his friend. Kato glanced once at the two' figures In' the doorway, and she, noticed that my lord's f 1 lend was tall and fair, broad shouldered and decidedly good-looking. .She did not think, however, that she 'had ever seen cither of them before, so she paid no particular attention to them, hut went on turning over the novels and dipping Into third volumes to sec If shu liked the look of them. The two young men talked. It did not occur to Kato to listen, yet, suddenly she heard one of them tho tall haud somc man remark: ' "That's n goodlsh-looklng chestnut walking up aad down I wonder who It belongs to." i "Oh, I can tell you," answered the other. "It belongs to that horrid girl, Miss-Ingleby." Kate started, and shut up the book she was fingering with a snap. An ex pression of horror came into her eyes, coupled with a blank amazement that was" almost comical. She listened In very earnest to what might come next. "What makes you call her horrid?" asked the tall man laughingly; "lias she snubbed you, Kyrle?" "Not she; I don't know her, thank God. She has got fifty thousand, they say." "I sec nothing horrible In that. She ought'to suit you down to the ground, you genteel pauper!" "She'd he dear at tfte price, or at any price, in fact; why, 'sho swims like a fish, climbs trees like a- monkey, talks slang like a schoolboy, swears like a trooper,shoots like a keeper, and smokes' bah I liko a chimney 1" "What a category of crimes I" "After that, do you care to he Intro ducod to this elegant heiress, Jack?" "Not if I know' it, thank you I If 1 had a chance, I should decline the hon or." A woman of that description is re volting. I would go a long way to avoid coming across her." Tho shower was over, The two friends nodded to tho shopman and took their departure. Aftera minute or two, Kate came Into the front of the shop. "Who were thoso two gentlemen?" she asked of the man. "The slight dark one Is Viscount Kyrle, miss, Lord Greyrock's eldest son." "And the fair one?" "Mr. Dormer, a great traveler, ihlss; he has just returned from tho East." , Kato colored hotly. She mounted her horso and rode away; and it was characteristic other that sha utterly forgot to call for the friend she had promised to ride with. Instead of going anywhere near this lady's house, sho turned lier horse southward and rode (mpeluously up to a ceitatn doorway In South Helgravla with which she was familiar. "Is Lady Ellerton in?" Her ladyship was In her room dress ing for her drive, she was told. She bounded upstairs, tw o steps at a time, and burst like a whirlwind Into the front bedroom. "Good gracious, 'Kate! how you startled me!" ' Lady Ellerton, a pretty lllth? woman of some two-and-thlrty years, whose delicate pink and wh(to fairness', good temper, and prosperous clrcumstaricfs generally, had' eouTehow preserved her from Jo6kIng her full age, sat'bgforc the toilet table arranging the pale hluobowa of her bonnet-strings. "Adela, I have seen JiimT' cried Sate, sinking dovn,orilicr.knees by the side of her friend, , ' Lady Ellerton lo'okcd nervously round to. see. If her tuai was still. In the room, ' uuinnoingriuai tliaruamsel bad dis creetly rctfrod,alfc1'fnqlifred - un SQiymn I , ... Ladv liller . . TA ten pukof lit; .."il - 1 Vpood gracious I" " "Ani he hatas me," "saTd MUs Inglc- by, In a deep voice of horror, "Do you mean to teil me that you ,ccuy rciirtm.iiic inquirou i fbr four days, and then I go to the. Wig. "Seen who-,, Jtefr- ;. , JjAMX 4i. viea. j.icjc. as,, vnn m inn'n rTm l.tt-t'it. ' - 1 WS&LSfi f tJH 4K illllLU "1111 1U1J In If llllva " Cllil Mica Imvl.ilitt in linr-ealf W..Wm&ifflmWlJm U&FMW iavaiairs.pjenchlng rVBJlLlAUIY LII II Aliillll-UIiaS tilQ Wn h J lift DiScrTvaLabuisitfLaiJfc . nHnrTo Lift.iuiji:- aa iYUiiLIrjfilcl I tycek Liter J If "Nothing," she responded gloomUy. , , "Then, yvhat on earth arc you mad, Kate? for goodness, sake explain " ."I was la n.shop, they came In your, brother and a dreadful friend of his, Lor4 Kyrle." , t ' Adela dodded; the ""dreadful friend'-' was a particular crony of her own, but she let that pass. "They begatUnklng about me Lord. Kyrlesald I was a horrid. jlrl ho des cribed me as a. sort of wild animal, a tomboy who climbed trees, a .vulgar creature who, swore and talked slaujjl oh. lt w;as ehamefuU'' t "Well,, but, Kitty; people do say you' aro fast( you'ikndw,". -suggested her rJeud; 1 1 rttt-a- il , ."Wliafcdo th'ey'incaniby 'fast?' What tloes anybody mean'.'" sho 'cried pas sionately; "they don't kubw them, solves. It Is true I have high spirits, and I like bodily exercise, but I never did the dreadful things that brute said of mo." "Cigarettes," murmured her lady ship, "And .Where's the harm) there's no sin a In cigarette 1 Hut I haven't told you half. After ho had given tills delight ful and perfectly veracious sketch of ,my character to your brother, ho men tioned the amount of my fortune (that was correct enough), and asked him If ho would like to bo introduced to me; and Mr. Dormer replied that ho would go a long way to avoid coming across met. There what do you think of that?" , "Pooh! Jack will llkoyou when he knows you, Kitty, as I do." Miss Ingleby got up from her knees, arid began pacing up and down the .room; suddenly sho stopped behind her friend's chair and put botlt hands on her shoulders. "Alicia, you know you meant your brother to marry nlc hush I don't ex claim and don't deny it; I kpow exactly what you are going tb'say,.so you need not say It," Lady Ellerton had got very red. "I do not think you aro at all to blame, my dear; if I had a great friend worth fifty thousand pounds, and a nice Impecunious brother; I should do my best, too, to bring about a coalition of forces hut, Adela, let mo tell you, It won't do l" "Kate', how' you do Jump at conclus ions 1" murmured Adela confusedly, for Miss Ingleby had stated the case ex actly. "My dear, It won't do; I am not go ing to run the chance of being snubbed by any man, not oven by the brother of my greatest friend. I refuse to meet Mr. Dormer, and I am not coming to Fosborough next week. Who could have believed that su sim ple a statement could have created such a storm? i.auy j.nerton sprang to uer feet as though she had been shot; she turned hot and cold, red and white by turns; she stormed and she raved; she en treated and ih coaxed; sho declared that without Kate she would be undone her party bo a failure, her house, a howling wilderness, wherein everybody would be bored to death; and, worse than all, her private theatricals would have to be put off altogether. Finally, she burst Into a passion of angry tears, which thrcatened-ULaid In a fit of hys terics. Then, suddenly, Kate relented. "Very well, then, I'll come, and I'll act in the theatricals but on one con dition only. Ifone of tho people you have askeLforJhe week know me. shall not come in my own name, but as somebody else," "What do you mean?" "I shall come, not as Miss Ingleby, tholiclress, tho fast, si.anoy girl" she' jerked out the words spitefully "but as Miss' Hose, tlie Quakeress, tho daughter of your old governess." "Mlsi Hose? a Quakeress?" gasped Adela EU.crton. "Yes, my name Is Hose Kajhcrine Hose so that will bo truo enough." "Hut a .Quakeress how can you do it? Shall you say thee and thou?" "Xo, that Is out of date, they don't do It now; but I .shall wear drabs and greys and be demur oh, very demure your brother will think me charm ing!" "Don't be so sarcastic; but surely It can't he done somebody will recognize you." 1 . "She tossed'her hat off add seized a hairbrush! Away vanished all the crisp dark little curls Jhat -rippled all over her head, a -'straight parting, flattened locks falling back on either side, lowered eyelids, a little pcrked-up mouth that looked simplicity Itself; the whole ex pression 'of her face, almost her very features', seemed to be fibangedi Lady Ellerton burst out laughing. "My dear child, everybody says rlght ;ly; ihit you arp tjio cleverest amateur actrefs to London!" Why, I don't be HevVcycn James would recognize you." i'Sir James, must he In the scctct of cpur4e,,btit no one else; it will only be . . .. 1 1 7Z . , . . , : ior sejvuiyyuritiY 01 we 1 jnanl" ack Dormer stood In "ilAujrjTufttXluo jini white boudoir jl-'ijsproush, Cotirt in tho counjy of etiex, Jfe had just arrived and the eslns-bell had rung but still Jack lingered clu'-tin hii favorite sister JeanlngjWlth bis back against the man lltftem, to Uie po small danger of the china juepaJle of wild beasts vybleh not paid in advance, $1,25 ttlei-.miUMiuii.n , jr-m Mrs. Halket, Mrs. Ritchie and her daughter rather it loud girl, you re member." "Yes," shu'ddorlngly, "her voice Is a neTcr-to-lc.forgotte'n Item of her pres ence." . ''A cousin of James's, George An drews, a clerk In the Hoard of Trade and, let mo see, who else oh, only lit tle Miss-Rose," - ' "Who Is Miss Rose, pray?" "An Insignificant little person; a daughter of an old governess of mine." ''Rose Rose. I don't remember tho name." "N'o; It was before your time, you were a baby then," replied Lady Eller ton tranquilly; for when a woman has made up her mind to tell lies, she Is generally a thorough mistress of the art. "She Is a Quakeress," she added calmly. "A Quakeress; how amusing! I don't think I ever met one In socloty before; docs sho say thee and thou?" , "Oh, no; that is out of date now," replied Adela, quoting her friend's ln formatlon on the subject; "but you aro ,not likely to speak to her, Jack, she won't Interest you, poor little thing. And now really) my dear boy, we must go and dress for dinner; look at the time!" "By tlie, way, Ady," said tho young man, as he followed Lady Ellerton up stairs, "I hear an outrageous character of that Mend of yours, Miss Ingleby; she Is not here, X suppose?" "Oh, dear, no!" "Well, I'm glad of It, for I'm sure I shouldn't have liked her." "You will see her next week at the Wlgrams' ball." "Well I shan't dance with her, that is certain." , b "Won't you, my friend!" muttered between her lips a youngjady, who in the gathering twilight stood abovo them upon an upper 'flight p stairs. "Wo will see about that!" CONCLUDED IN OUrt UEXT. HOW TO CATCH COLD. Sit In a street car next to an open window. Leave off your heavy Underclothing on a mild October day. Take a hot drink before going out In to the cold or damp air, Let the boys romp at school during recoss time without their hats. Sit in the passage or near an entry af ter dancing for half an hour. Sit in a barber shop in your shirt sleeves while waiting to bo shaved.' AVear your light-weight summer hosi ery throhgh October and" November. Put on a pair of thin shoes In" tho eve ning when you go to call upon your gtrl. Fail to change your shoes aud stock Ing3 after coming in on a very rainy day. Have your hair cut and shampooned Just as a change takes place' lit the weather. Wear one of the new ladies' cutaway coat3 without a chamois or flannel vest underneath. Throw your overcoat open on a Idus terim winter day to show off your nice, new necktie. Send the children out In adtumn for exercise In short thin stockings and skimpy skirts. Leave off your rough overcoat when you go driving and wear your nice thin one to look swell. Go to tho front door In a'cobweb dress and linger bidding good night to your favorite" young man. Take a hot bath In the evening and set up lu your room to finish the" last pages of an exciting novel. Throw off your heavy coat when you reach your office in a hurry and put on your thin knock-about. Go down to breakfast without a wrap on 'a chilly morning before the fires have got fully started. ---Men who pry Into things burglars. You can easily tell a dogwood tree by Its barki A dentist Is Uo chicken. He Is al ways a pull-It. A charity entertainment Is generally a "poor" show. A turnip closely resembling an ele phant Is on exhibition at Key West. A man closely resembling a beat can be seen almost anywhere. A man in Osceola, M)ci., has three daughters, all of whom are mutes. He Is probably tho champion. dumb bell raiser In tho world. It takes bnt thirteen mtnutea to lead an elephant on a train, while it takes twenty for any sort of a woman to bid her friends good-by aud lose tho check for her trunk. ,:r : i:ri Vi -THE OESTTBKie. Thla modldno, combining Iron will ofri-iuble tonles, qnlrldy and env cieiy iirc iirapcpain, JiiuiKoailon, cal.nctw. , ...I.... w ..ii.uu, .liu.urjo,. u.tiaauuA1 .ml Nrurnlaln. ml Fevers, I t la au unltdllnK remedy for Dlacoaet of tbo niiiurj, ii, in idler, It la intaluabla fur TlbetMi ryienller ta I ai ,Vorru?tl. and all whn lead H-dentm-v Mvm It doe. not Injur the tetb,ctae bdielic rr - r idnee ccjuilpallon oflr lrun meditluA M,. it enncnes ana Twrirwa me mnotj.aricrm'rM' a nnnfitllp. ntU the am milAiion m fnnA BmWfflll! il 11 m 11 vm Heortbutn rrt Iklfhing, tv btrcr.i . tbo mnsfiM ami n-prt-et. ,r in'en ifiu iY'ver IUi'do, X- " v, da . u I n- un cq')'!. t7 ctoniiui-iiuLio tAt.ii. ., . The Carbon Advocate An Independent Kalnltv Not-ipni-r r-ublUbld ew; -ATtlRAI , 10 Ltehlhten, Carbon Co., l'a., by lifAltltV Vs 3IUIlTMl11 U. Ornca-dfA'SltWAT. a'ibort d'nuuao 1 t tho Lc-idai. Vi-tlb It n. Depot. Terms: $1.00 m-Oniim iii Acva.t Kntnr DitMiacito urt.m :i . J o"b T? ri n t in z AT Vj'.UV'WW I'i ('! n at JH"o ca LruTj fee lV.'. Vrmk Ci-v.-. t'j n j- v . , 1 1 , i vn rein-1. r-'v I -r;'m va.-J,ta.B n hi-, mi,.,- tint r-m?rtS. TtF'I. rrL'lstmdlrade4lsrt.ondiME fic-fln'lo tlrnetlifo. A. d. u. sir ver c; ij. boiot, l-rxAirieiorR, jpuumore, Ala, DS. BOLL'S mm SYBB? Fcrlho euro cf Coufrhs, Cold.3, Hoaree cacaiua, t.CE- f ccn- surnptlva persona In r dvar.eed r-Jafa cf tho Dbesre. Tcr Eilo L7 til LJrut gists. Price, s cents. AGENTS WANTEDHOTg "Spy ofthe Rebellion." Noivaillm- bi ibo 'itnscj tiowandtl o,oijii,tll. tlon. Only booT-.if Its Hurt Tb6"aPY"n!TeJ. ran KcrrHetiFmaruoverboforapuUlihtd, A graphlo ace.ioutcf tbo conspiracy to asiuiaidDatA Llucolu, lVribmt c xperlem ea of onr rxDGnxi. Onus In the Hob. 1 tupltol; their lieroto bravery fully roi.-ouutod in tbcio vivid, aVetches. Thu "Spy" 19 tho laoai; thillUnrr,WRe imoli fiver putaliahM Endoretd by huudrv.)a ot l'rcua ant AK'-nu' tesilnionUla A largo liand Borne 1,00k, O-Bpneee: 0 Illustration. KTAGErdTS WANTED! AGENTS 1 Tbla book ii mt-tMlnq tit ethers. Orer eisAunirfdfo'.iratdappiroatloaa for open cic-t baro been re,-i lved Wo bayo ntsny agents hj liaroaold from fieo (3 .vs hindr&i cnptci. ATF-Tbo "f-PV" la nld only by our Acrants, and ran nut lo found lu bookstore. Sella to merchants, fanners, mechanic. and ceery. led!. Abi luioly Vie catictt LmI: ti toll eeer. Jtaoion Wo want una OKentlinrrery Ornnd Arny l ost ami In every tnwni-blp andeoiiutyln IboU.M. X'or full partli-ulvra aud lennr fa ttgtntt addrera Oi W, OAELUTON tr CO., lnibllabera, NoVYort, H.V.HORTHIHEMr., 4f OTARYPUBUg j OKl'lClJi ADVOCATK SUILDl. , Bankway,ljehighton, Perm a All buitnots' pertaining lo tha olflre "ill rocoito prompt attention. Ill, I TITlTrj'n f etsdOeenla for tioilaire.andriv, A I II I A Mi l,clv" lree,aoiif Wixot u.kU aa 1 lltiJlJ,ni,iC, belp.yim tu niour money rlicht aay tlian anything le In tno world. All, of either ex,enrccod Iron But boar The broaii ttny to fortuno opeur be. lore the woilt'ere, ab.oluielv k"ura. At onca addrea, Tuuis b Co., Augusta, Hi. lieo.SJ-ly- .VY ,Mra.l n attllclad Willi biollle, 1 Oak Jtei-k. Valuable infor matlrn I-'HKK. A.I.I ie.. with alamp, F, V. COOK A CO , fci Ilo'ud St., Oied. land, 0. ,us. 15. Subscribe for the Advocate $1.00 PER' YEAR! Circulation 060. (Qatar ps M ELY'S CREAM BALM Cli:n:sei (Lu II r.d. Allnyn I II fl;i in iiml Inn Itqiton llio SOIIRPtlf Tnsto Miirllllcarinir I quick relief I posllho Cure. MRuacswvw' zmimm 10m a U.SA. A particle U applied into each noitr.Iond i) agreeable to uie. Price in rrnti bv mail or al dmitF. Send for circular. UCV IIPOTHEKS. Drusgim, Owajo, Y Jy IS, 16SJ. DANIEL WIS AND, Can'tiiges,',iioijs,SlCTghsJ5o . -coBSin or . . myK ami iros JSTtafeis? . ' :' X.inrtUHTO&&TSA.. at - -., a. k M' VajJAilVintt4jiii4nlve.n FstrMiaire. retrwai rally aollcltad antcr fact MtWr.atlaa uuaruuleMi. . . .. JabW.t. y. yAN. V'JfeANlJ. IjADIBS I Tilh lIar.oTerJrJ.ilT eyilem yoa can rut Mf e o .(Jt, viUuiul st iiiitrucUnh., Ire.-iojl,eri. pro, ounce it perieet. yJ,' f'v"'-"'!n k aii Diiuble - Tratn-n " TO INTRODUCE A 8yUm, KhiIi aud Whrl will ba tent uc. leee.i.i ,. I (111 A. l,lrm JOHN r. HAXOVtlt, Ciur.uuau.Obki. St-pi 26- 1 nt ra-rt; .lNl'UN HHfcTNt v ,..t. M, , 1 . 13 iiWT 11 1 Mt,, vim i!aBl s mm Ii
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