11 VTORPIDUVER. ''Y.nf.aoftlDlloutC'a llu-n-clsofitlt c. Pnl.1 111 "th licaJovrltli a dull Bcnaatloajn the -f naev Pan i-nin uuucr cuo auouiuer blade. Fullness after catlncr, wltlindle. .Inclination to exertion of tody or mind. Irritability of temper, Low aplrlta, vrlth nfcellnrof haVlnBncaloctL'il r.omcdiitr, e WearlnriSi Dlzzlneaarl'lulterlntr at tho flenrt, lota liofaro thd cyca, Headache oVcrCtllol2ut ctc. BcallesetieM, Ti lth Otrul drcrtmm lllKbly colored I'rlncrnnd . :C0NSTIlATSOW. i OTrrPfl i'lMCiSMcebpfciiiUj-uatiploa toieucli cMesr pro liso riie-at won a thing" offaolinsit . toa-tinl.'lituofiutfvrcr.- TbCrJtierrrisettr Arprtlte.ntilcnnetlii r bodTit.-v TnliO till i Irjli t n Ilia n t"m tl notiriOieiUtiM hy i . T'H-.lo ctloi oa ' the IligcitlvcO-fitirtttrnilnPfitootitro rrfl'tSsl. I'fl"" -t tylti'rrar fct-iy.T . .HAIR 3ra.t ftAtn or V iihueus 6hnt,er-a to a IttWY linCJC ny n siiirio (ippnoiitton cr tliU DTE. Itr Imparts a natural color, nets tnatantanentMly. Knlil ky Dnifrglsts, or Borituvojipf'ion receipt 01 91, OTco3C4 Murray at., Mow Ysrfc. IV?A!iTAKSrf3T8J5EU. ' inn STEAK! &f XT Sil-trUF rkHK' i3a. l .dLTi. Jlen and Womon trf pood chnwrhir 4 lrjt4UtKet , Mtlafruiory. A. thou hov lurudct at, "tar cxppr3 if the'torld, nnd p' i tcHtinbla turenta BIfJ mory. Ii triacli merit mtmmltn pbonoroicol moreu wer? whtu 1 or lUiutratefi f.mikram terms cu nepvoy address, J, WO 51 i H,Ot. l.ou(3, Tf.o- iounnri rerent-tmhctUMhcr i ivXTpro orer WO v!cnt irofaic!t ivHluttthii Family treat domeotlo i tLUtr. wijtofpr circular. , FUULY CUFFhc.nOASU ILK bJ., LOUIS. UOt RAINBOW RUPTURE 'H8tfff blnjl.lo..fafe, ttllaflii nnd n rrft rMincr. I la not a Trurs. Vorn U.y and Nipht imrfta mnT.T. Tt: cirrunr nn lull. jnlaUfrom rrateful (t,L'.'icr unxl l ihisi.i). fllltul trHtncnt lioa all kinJ of rtircilriit ana meJ len I cj).. s U tuio WJunjw jji nwuo (tin I I'miL on: inaw in nwUo ima f.'iuM our epeciaUy. Bo eryeiiie mm - 3K. IZJ S 'E' O jELEJ S3 . ThU cut. shows tho Howard Electric MnsitoMc Shield s applied over tho ICId. lie) sor.d NcrTo- vital tenters. Tuo only an- iillance made that l every part of the boOy, i.nd tho only ono i.ecdi.'d to fOfilTlVELV eunn i Ixlliu'yIleiiAo i!ic:niintUtii OF THE II y & t o j si a 1 Ihe worn cnca of Minlnnl Wonlc- llotit IlllllOI.'Il- cy, end 1.11 131s Raen 11 nd Weiik tir8 0t tho I'rlno Gcnltnl oruans 1 ratonU"a reli. S3. J279. TOUNO J1KN', f-v.i en-iy Indiscretion, bcls nervo forco en I full In r.tijla tlron;:ii. MIDDLTI-ACIK!) UVKotUa lack Ijor, cttribat. log It to Uio programs of fitrs. Tho HOTlIKn, V'lVItnnd MAID, alle.-lngfrom rotnule Weakno?, outi l?bllily and othur oil rnenta. will find It tho only cure. Tn one mid a!l w c p:iy that li.o J hlM.l r;lvoo i nat ural nld In a n.miml w.iy WITHOUT lmUOOlNM Tim KTOMACH. Warranted Oi:o Vear, anl tlio best aiipltane) luatle. UlartraVd ramnhlot. TIIUKUTTTHS OF MEN. also Vaniphlvt for Lndlii only, rcut oil receipt of ot, eaien; unaoaiou, riEi.u. American Galvanic ,Go., OFFICESiup: ! Clu-auiiit St., Ivinln. rcrd rcr Croup, ' ' ' for t.'curalsia. '-For Rhctmatkm. ' 0 t r ' ' ' Doctor nomas' Eclocln'o 07. 4 5- ".'. f . 12 t . "fnsntFinynoHnrs In ooetrrln o- theumitiim befora I tiled liemiu r.dtctric Oil. Ud si s-eciit bottle of tluj inedicmc. and KOloiit in one week. Tor bomi iiii.l ip.ain. 11 i. cxccl'.enl.-' Ja. Duliam, Ltll rtiiDiuke, N, V. ' OJ Oti Can Ilopcn.I On It. r-r tevcre Tpeihch and Jwiraigia of tho head I wrljj.-rt- IffefriV 0,r ThU Is fiiu nV its' Mf tiling iTver knew fcr ihe re hel 01 i;.ini uf nnoi kmd. 'Hie house i never with L'"4Ll?. A- l,''k' 'Irpef Street; . 100 RpcRtr Itlsht Op. Hive itid yv.ai' gilulrie Oil for croop nd eddj, aad lind 11 ibe bt i,medy I hive A.afla,e.y.'''''' ,, .", . U'orlira WoniloM, If fiwhitr wai erv fa-: e 00 r tcoant of ? .L i?l J her Iwia. tti T.cmtu' Jic- ItClrltOtl curtd lur mt..wy.' . As;,), On( Cf l, - b3j- incuroil of iote funal. Thomadl. bills ll.lAl.ri.CCI I Vih P..-.r!?n ender if, m.r .....t..' Al- 9i -it for tho t-Rrvd. Jhttoa k nimn . '' i i Urv that u Monnu .eillilon In the ci i 1- irrome lmp...tv. 10'pol require One ga ti. i 1 iirh tonlntra. IkiVfUi the pioalllsg vr T. i'--tfni. Conniit CntiUocueaf r-e. 1 s ,i..f ii.o,,f:2utjKr(Jrcaj!1i:7 Maion & Harnliji Organ and Piano Co.. M W TTflaiCi W.IWBf-t rillKlAr.O. ' 1 L 1 (rif " li 1 1 11 ' " ' 1 1 TIIPi'ADVO'CATE""-,' job i'itinp-iioy&E,,n Bf.st Work,! v'Qi'S Low T X BANKTJlETLciiighton, .ta Flour aud Feed. We Ot.w3rti (Ueiiul)iifa.k,roi.nr cut. t ' ibat weau iianfulir tMwaid lo hU rYtueulVjtb ' The Best qf Goal l".tfilt ictecat fEti LOT I5ST t'RICKH. r nm v w & no u 1 BtMint.xfi seiu af6fveiftW-to litj;1j2ea ( 04 bV a ' her to ulope, . Ttj olij, miyjfvy'rUj (VS 5tfc7ti guaruea iicrso Mtrcfulir tl8UowilfMrrfimlIleraasilhrtiola PllAfc y pvi i'iik oiiti iiiiiiiiiuuvi iu J B&l4iri)HI1 j ul tcnii ;iiui a iilckc lmiktrjMfili. ThoflfleiijUWiU'llft " "ca.utqIoi)u." tonlLiw JUUliifcinivfrJirv elopd,.t r ., - J - -sTIlo sknll Is-bcStcrr llljlcj (oiwlth'-ji)r stAnd'lhe rivagoJ-Uf "Mistfiy UllTf lAyf other bone. J'or a baotcn dowri conStlttI(lft',tlio first thing that an American rcsfirts'to Is what Is generally known as a. 'gcntla nleoholle stimulant." Tho onlv iallvfsJwluiS my ttiniisrli,; Niy,Mjiicn. reliable "bitters." known not to itossoss nloul.l blmt and I wb4'II1 olwUnlmirtU-oikJ i.n..r..t An.H.in.(A..i ...-H-.L i.xv..ii.j-J.-i-ii. :..r.i. t.-..i..iu'.v T...rr.-i.frr.. n v incsnr Ulttew. ltr is'llic tiestTeniCilv-ltHK fotlmptlro blood, or fbr-ix torpid HvcrfiiAVIll KKNNKOY'B i'Ji VOIllTlSHliM. over yet discovered. - wWtDyvlyii : h whi njjijiiliuiiojj'Hi 1nt -.1 -...tiki 1 rleir anil , , . , 4 " - MS ting our conduct by aomo"flxcd',-elaiulj nrd, a schoolmaster asked a pupil wiatJ 1 . . 1 ... . , .. .. .1 sometimes too fast and sometimes .top slow. ".Sell it," was the irumcdlatanf. Bponso. ' - A black PllRrlm of tbo Ilcbrew aith wa3 toon fit .Tcrtisalem'latcly. Ilo rai fruci'Coclitn7 India. J ' ' ; ; r t r Catarrh k . Uia vrrviprcvalent and 'excocdlnirlv dls- agrcwiilo disease, UaVlpj iiiififjcfledi to develop into si'riascbusttmptfgn. lie trig a cohstltutional'dlsease, It reriuires a-constitutional mildly Ilko-Hood's arsaparillavthlch, acting.tlnqugh the' blood, reached fcvery pftrt Of the' system, oft'cutlnB.'a radle.1l and ptrpiancnt cure of catauli lu evfn its most severe forms. Made only by Cr I. Ilood & Co., Low ell, Mats. - ' -Lightning wreiichcd a cornet from tho hand of an amateur performer the other da at Lancaster, P.a., Yet there are aiumber of people v ho,do not like ligntmng. An old besffaf at Stirling,' Scotland, linew tlie'cntlre bible by. heart.- Tho Hcv. AVm'. Stout, nhorton.Ont'., tates: ''After bplnslnolfectuallv treated by b6vcnteen 'different doclt)rifor'scro- 1111a anu Diooa diseases, 1 was curen ny liillllock iJlood Hitters.", Write, him for proof. 1 Prof. Proctor describes how the earth will looksixty milllonyears hence. It is very Interesting, but does not com pare with the burning question: "How will we look?" Beaconsfield's 'grave, it Is reported, has fallen into a condition of neglect. Files I riles"!! riles! II . Sure cure for blind,, blecdinc and itching piles. One hdx has cured the worst case of 20 years standing. No one need tulfer five minutes after usine William s Indian Pile Ointment. Itau- sorbs tumors, allays itching of thn pri vate parts, nothing else. Sold by drug gists and mailed on receipt of price, SI. William's Mfg. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, 0. Sold at Thomas' drug store. A stock-yards hog thief is certainly a pork-rcacher. A sharp-talking lady was reproved by her husband, who requested her to keep her toncno in her mouth. "My dear," she said, "it Is against the law to carry concealed weapons." To Yoang.Ladio:. If your life is made a burden owing to blackheads, pimples and other eruptions on the face niArrini? vour heantv and causing s.o much chagrin, it is 110 longer necessary to enuuro it. Dr. ilagg s Family Ointment will ccrtaiuly remove all such blemishes and leave your skin soft, smooth ami beautiful. Sold by all drugjlsts and mailed on receipt of price, 20c. Williams Mfg. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, O. Sold at Thomas' tl: :lrug store. - Tho locks on fectiy plain. .It a door are worn per is the door that Is banged. Customer Havoyou some good, imported clgare?" N'ew Clerk Xot just now, but wo shall have in about an hour. This printer around tho corner Is at worlfon Uie'Ubeli now. Arjao-Shakon Snlforers who resort to nostetrer's Stomach Bit torsT cxperlerico spepdle'r and more com plete relict than they can hone to do bv the uso of quinine. This well authenti cated tact Is of itself sulllcient to have established a high reputation for the Hitlers. Rut the article, is not a specific merely for the various forms of malari al diseases, it endows the system with a degree of vigor, and reforms Its irregu larities with a certainty that constitutes its best dofenco against disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, specially rife where the atmosphere and water are miasma tainted. Fovcr and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague cake are remedied and prevented by it, and it also removes dyspepsia, constipa tion, rheumatism, Ac. Take this medi cine on the first Indication that the sys tem is out of order, and rest assured that yott will bo grateful for tho hint. -If one dog can bo placed on a scont, how njM.Y dogs can be placed on a trade dollar? -The cholera germ is said to be shaped like a comma. Can't It Iris brought to a full stop by' cutting off Ifo tall. There must be an onen road betweeit the food wo eat and the substance of which our bodleanrft cnmnnftil..Titl,J, road Is-fllocted orvclbsoj jyaslrken.falnt ind die. Tul-ro.'i!!Ik1s made un of the .organs of digestion and assimilation. ut tnese the stomach and HVer arc chief. Most peoplehave had more - or less ex perience of the horrors of constipation. Prevent It and all '-itsfearfulkcquence by using Dr. Kennedy's Favorite lleme dy. It Is the flrsi ste-.'thatVo3t's. ,f IHio says that fish donot cry aloud. Llttlej Paul says his coqkt makes a coa (lsb.ball every Suuday'mornTng, ' The sea aldfttis a noodideal to a man pblind 00000 1 ' " f rrrmcm'Monts Amclfa with the atuo df llbertty, and'ove put!up the statue pedestal- -a sort' of base Ingratitude! ..TJ)ejnoVjjli4tinte, cases. t)(, catarrh are curt-d by the use of ISly's Cream Balm, the only airerable remedy. It is nofaiiimtia or-snuu-aiui it easily np- piuj. tor coia in tiiencia jl is magi cal. It gives Vciferat once. N Price 6( cents. For fifteen years I have beam creatlv annoveil with this disgusting disease, whlco caused severe pain In ray head, continual dropping 'Into rav throat and Oinpleaeantbreath. -JIy tense of amcll was mucu tmpairci. uy n thorough tun for six months ortlv's Cream Balm way.X Y. . - I Little girl at breakfast table: "Ma, 1 Uili U very old butter;! have found a cray catr in it. XtfiJaan muit be thick-headed who i will row with a double itnll. -JfonneETerhemanyicnipJilutcf a nrisfit when an old hcuse tries en a j' i r'.i.n' THEll FEj LESSON Jjf'ARM E-RS' CO LU M N . ZTurzjk. fMSR MlM Aft AW1?Mi iniiDW. ltplltiehurth MyiT "I riovUbltiU vriciunlhtstlrfs In Huilnn'ualtKbw - W iiirotr'ffOln iljliprpji .icit'jbitrrfi Ucpnnln(v)lU,,tiii)iKe4- I'fnu.ouraionijili ini.l lat,ulM)'8I bream e So wi al tlmt. iiij- ba4fcjb9tliU0.il. bivitlrji too l.itfvyi to c,j('.rj'Jtylniy hilti(lf xyjii. ,wctglmlsliOv;Vl:,jKl,"')l!ij).'!,l,,)fPiai' rte alinJ,,lll:,jf -.1 -lia.l a Ull 4 " my i'"inmi -o. mirifrtHinMn tucnit. -.. - .itimki ifc.uaii uiiiiii iiirrnnu iiiiicrg wooni mir k'lirwr 1 lifEnn tnkini; itilHWljmrl fft'rT- oj AnuitomI,uMt h itucptfarerODnW aHn?rt uomvSf.wmju m 111 wuullorful Jm'pmv nclitevvd ti tho most veinunt. 1 imy o. 11 u w ';" foel fnS'jWttrMH imi'pieK tltttn Ihtive lit iMi'yrj FA" -VOKITE. IlKMKDV cured niy friowl, )!, t'1 lrennritip. nl O liH.it. nfh llnVrintr m niHii'tit' nularfaV (ever an.i-uf bllnitHiiNK.'i .Mr.iunrvy annum, -lira gfiwr.im ur len Hrtel. ju.t Ixluw tho Wnrtb llousoj tuyWthHl l lina hail wonilrrfully i;onil' re" tulituphn hfm. 8corriiif my -ifrnilalnlan-rti si(y,,thathaViiiB Imeatrlrd.ft thVy.rouM 11 Ifr asHiH bo without it. -Ijliaye given 1. M Miv clillrfreu niiil funnd it tbo lieit liir.tu-ine ThaVB' Tver'Wnw "for'rVtilatlffit' their uiAvelr, .'a'nd: (Ulrlfyiiig 'Ihelf- yinml J The biinwleiiga cf llils ineilu'iga 1 detm iiieTteaiesi imnri 01 piiTsieai me." AMftitlo aml lts Vntorv. "Fiiafrfnl the luirdtn ill il vV.ipsii (1 b.lut .nil Jiiiyhfe," said Mrs. 1'ieicf, bid eiltMy Ai'ard .ild, rei tiiiz at Kirlit-?ter, K .V.Vunfil about three ears a ro f bei!3n tiiklmr Hi" U.t vif KeimtfdT'atiFtvantu- Itenlrdv'. h llfimU out. vuuknnwj-and it bus giyep no inoru Hinbilioq ami "ttrfngiU flian l Uavi iia'd ince I was jouiiff.''-."1--' ' ': r ,.r Si 2 j r. . t, "r .'.71. jai; TJrr-rr: .Vi 1 ui J in.1 Tho.rOt.ICK GAZETTI3 will be mailed. securely wrapped, hi any uddsi In the United Stiil'cii lor(nrVo'r.iViilh'sriiirrei'e!it lit - i v 1 ; ii.ci ,, 1 1: ONE &OXLAE. Liberal ttieeount Allowed to pnittnasters agents ami rlubi Sample copies mailed. Ireo. - .Address all timers In . , .' illCMARDJv. FOX, I'r.iXKi.ix Eqcare, N. Y. .May .",0, ISSS ly A Great Cause of Hnmau Misery On Tho Los3 of A A I't-ture rti the nature. Itmiinctit niiii radical cure ot ar-ntlnitl WeaHiie.s, 'nr 5ir tatorrhoia, inilucetl hy Self Ahufle, In volunury Emi'Mnnii, Iinti'itenev, Nervnui Debility, nnd Impediments to Murriaur Renerallyj Cmisumptiiin, Kiley nail Filfj .Menial ami rnvncni ineiipaeny, .vc uy korkutj. cuiiVniiwnhh, m. n. The world renowned author, in thi nd tnirablo lecture, clearly proves from his wn experience thiitllieawful conyeiiuencefi ot bell Abvfe iiihv lis elleetually icmnved withnut dHiigernua surstial operntinn, hoHgies, InstrumeiiU, rings or cordial6; pnllilinK out a inoile nl cure al .inee certain mid eirectiial, by which every sufferer, no matter what his cnmlitinn may be, muv euro himself cheaply, privately nnd radl 1 ally. SBTllils leelura will prove a boon to llinu.auiU Hiid thousand.. Sent under teal, in 11 plain envelope, lo any adilnsi, on receipt nl lour ceuls, or two postage stamps. Aii'irc.s The cni.Yi:itH:ij. j,i:i)ir.i,co.t 41 Ann St., New .ork.S.Y, rest Ofliee rf,lx, 450. mav23 ly For Keweet Designs and Mos't Fashionable atyiesoi DRESS- GOODS, - ... -MY GOODS, - GROCERIES, ' " PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c., &c. 4 ' GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lohighton. Goods Guaranteed and prices or low es else where for the mine quality of'eoodi. July 18, ISSi-lyJ TEACHERS?,1,", nke itO to I50 nrr month Htm: our .-t4nuahd llouits nKTl'nm it. .lluiLES. Steads t urn tor SirlnK"and Minimtr Addr'rrs J. (J. Mc Oonov k Io I'hlladelpkla.' WANTED SOT.f.lUn1 IrVrSl A rp rTVTrVT1 Hiromrh ('arboaroun Viiltv wltli VAUUAULE wmiKft ran bywcHi. v't.ASBVR or itrsmps MtN ikd MKfif anics wlm uhderi Html tint, nenl llictn, utvttitr ihrlr ontcr nt niRht: profits liberal, eioyund quick; Ait relej lu ifontlenmi rlrnrttiK 25 lotp h wevk who nr plfMp'l with the work; only 4M CApllnl r qnlred; write for particulars if you mean butU Df n; u1v an, trmlo or prvloui rmj.ty mtnt and rt lerencci 1'jil.Kcr, I'alllttr & OoM Vftncrtllt Ao..JenYc lk. toKOterco, uiet,liauictJUini' riRK iln wrfK,1a jentlona and ptUntt ovvrpn.i'itlird. LTerymira. uor iiiuniauti viiil piencia c cTaTiii. juts puMlcntcn furnbhiaauioiTflluabVencjrclopcd'a oCiQfcrukttouulix bixiirosrhnulcl ibc M.tljout. Th rvvn&Atr the iciLN unr AMWJti J-J Mica t hat its cirulstloTi iiWT-e'iiiii tlitf-M tUo VJtnt no:vl tafw .pwvl pnd 5pptTsunnT"rrt' pptTSUnnf"rrtwiti in 111 c.srr.-vt. rrEii iifirk. Cum-ricrr1 ui tiM irtir 0i aniu'j, A?c,ir;in:(n1t. urd nil ihr ltit'r fur rciirinc to m? en tarn ttlr ri4ilit4n tu . u n i lea rwiir-, i antui. .i-vuimrw. . tpvu InfoniikLi n a: fr l'at.p: oliLtUU throactf Muru X n- fl'O r t .cr l m ih t ciinlif Aracnc&n Jioi. . 'ita nrjffHy(a,'f eqtjhpi ' veil und. r t oil If a.i peiTgm Vo i-U tuC; Addr'tf L.. A CCL . -7 mm KEnVUOrrUISILITi IDTT 111:. II lu J lil'.lsj 'thr. ULiiUIIXIINn iyitnll.fi.llnf.i- ret.. AnAoicALCuncron liERVOUS t i ! -'n irnriort-! mrr f! crbtrs. ,Tji O urn weffiess, o DlttftY. ' pauvcr unttwuix InYcuniriMltlilli ESdJSI r- iced Men. totMst-.iM.iMtnio TtSTCOFOB Gevci JST!. fSTOSS! in3DTUSiiMH I not'SAwn Oases. rAUmUut'JHt'L I OuUnutli. - ( O irndVipwVs?f"te l iotlmUil, . It.no .WW fnOIWB.. 1 jjt. j.-xboiuM., rti i(. u we I m (am ItARnia JIKMEpY CO.. H"fCCxn!.'JTa(cdfee and r"ed out tarrfully. The rtlJP'"l,'P HERSOMolMofiiTrutii, 1 . - I A.fcifir. 'inrt 1 a- AvoltvniA. roll , j -T.rppfiijirccaJjlejfothqTablo. -Asparagus should bo freshly cut. if necessary ,to kejp. Ita J I ty 0 .tirao before cooklri". stand the stalks unrtuht In a uisli containing a little water, iu .a cooL 5f34-JlliIFw.l.6reSRUg fftft alone,. about Iwcnlj' 'ufe4Hfrj lax,thatalkui lion of the p thin shavitii cr all. Ijie port! preparation greens that ,t needs the,, most careful Jittcntjon, is tho preliminary. Washing. Jlany a dish lias Dcen siioilcij bj. jrl(ll- 11 n iiess. Willi spinach, or ; dandelions, for tnstpriceiiaKp eacn cmsicr, yvitnout uts .turbing the connec.tlng root, pick otit stmy.blts oftgrass, .then soucp 'tip auil .down 'in .pailful ofold watcr until, iiic(s,oii is ail rinscit .onjjinaiiy qqt pit, tllerootV It Is, l,ho most, satisfactory, way. P10 umit 01 time, can ue given tor cooking greens, as that depends upon' tliofr nfn. nnif frpl.nn Snft wn.di- ihouij boused, saUeu. Soute a(ja tittle soua, thinking that it preserves the green, color. Dandelolns especially. tire considered wholesome Inthesprln; as having a , uiMical effect upon the system, l outig licots and turnips, vjith wo tops ot cacn, norse-rauish topsj young milk-Vceii', "cowslips"' o'r marh marigolds, chicory and. many others are good as greens. . Greon peas, to be good, inustbo fresh'. Co6k.pcas tvhqn shelled, in barley water onougji to. cover tucm. inoy should cook in, about twenty; minutes, but .if not quftp fresh, it will take longer. ,Sonip. bojlt.he clean young pods first, then remove them and use that water to cook Hie peas. Bub two tablespooh- fttls of butter smoothly w ith the tame quantity df flotor and add to the pea's when nearly doiic, letting it coot foV a few minutes. Mauy N inciIesTuh jn Am. Agriculturist. - Startling Experience. " ' !' Next to scarlet fuver, there Is no (Its case.among children tnpre dreaded by parents than whooping cough. It Is liable to come at all seasons of thcyear; it exhausts the strength of tho little ones, and phjslcians arc often unabl' to check it. Mr. I' . W. Harbausb, of the lrlvgram. Baltimore, Maryland, had six of his children, aged from six to thirteen years, piostrated .witli this malady at one and the samo .titi'ie. A complete cure was, however,' effected hy Bed Star Cough CtfVefatid Mr. Har baush writes that the couch, which generally lasts nine weeks, left" Ih four weeks, and he is confident it would have disappeared sooner If ho had been aivnre of the existence of such nn Invaluable remedy. i:k large and Email Swmc; . Large'vvhite pigs havo always' been very popular in Kngland, where. bacon and hams are largely consumed. We havo imported into this country-ood pigi of some of thejy breeds, w hieli have mado a good reputation, .and among them the best known Is perhaps., the Largo Yorkshire. This name however, h not absolutely distinctive, for the largo white breed is not pcculiarlo any special county in England, whorij the Large Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Lin colnshire pigs are all classed asthelarge white breed. These three counties ad join each other, and there is really no essential difference between the' pigs of the several localiticj.e.xcept as Individual breeders take pains wjtli their herd This race of swine, which Is popular in that part of England, has been much improved of late years, although the writer, when fn that country as long as thirty years ngo.met wilh many animals which weighed from seven hundred to nino hundred pounds, and these were considered as nothlngunusual astotlze. A good deal has been said and written of late of early maturing pies; animals which 'will reach a profitable weight at nine months old. I)ut it Is altogether a matter of fancy, -whether an animal phould wcigli three hundred pounds in nino or ten months, or three times that weight at three times the'agc. Certnlniv there is something in the uses 'to bo made of the pork, which has influence upon the" manner of feeding the animals and Jt would not do to have all the pigs of a, very large size. lfhr tpme usfi'j, large sides and hams are desirable, and it Is beyond question that the'jnfat of a full matured pig lias eohie qualities, whieii make it preferable to that pf a pig forced, Jo great weight before Its muscles have been matured. Tor tome purposes fat' is more Valuable than lean, but generally 'a streak of Jean' an J a' streak of faf.'in pork, 'tnaWes It most desirable for food: . The" lartre. Kn"llsh ,T'rcods ha,vo this pfculiarltj, and on tl)at accquntare pr'eferrod By'nianyTjrc'cders. -.j... ....'ns.;. - it.. .1 it-. - . t 'AuiEnterFrtting, i'.cllable.ncujb.. 5"T. D.TIiomas.,i!rueeist. can alwavs rbcrellcd upoft,-hbt enly to carry Jn'.'stock hs hesbif eVi'ej thiilg-.bitt to secure tho -ygency tor sucu nrticies as nave wen. known merit, nndjti-c nomilar with tha people, thereby sjislajpfpatjie rfpiUU'tn, oi uejng atvvnyj inierprising.,anu ever icuiiuie. xiiiviii; bc-iirvu ino .agenr Tor the celebrated Dr. Klne's'New- I)i t) 71 covcrj' for Consumption, will sell it on a posjtiyq.guaraptcej h sujfly ora. any .ana eycry aycctjoii of 'throat, Luncs. and ChesK. and tu show'fiur'ciiri. tJdcncc, we invite- j5ir toali ahll get:nw i 1 iai uottiu;n;e. w .Wash mil&Hn nnd ifllinne. -thakriVrt them, and latha stalks upon tlicm.wltli liabln w fH,r lrfittwr wfAr Hr,m-r, "H0. ii'l vl Uuodrqdoof inwrmedl rta citlep, tovr.s. villages and oti M i'.'fS ;:Br"nri the great rock island route llncn.ioltUI)leeiednndrin.s.e'dilri1 nayJTttirt! s 'ml -u'.- J U ..lie-i.-iiuiiu.'uwiueiii.nnnnnseu.in.fe1 ii j Th'ereatjj'olfi'ealVfccoriolny? In pur- cb,aiiigeheap VNufTu. .'iltJ'sooli' Vears into hbUartfahd' becomd 4Itcoorcl In washing; ,4 Charc&al -powder Bill b foliifd Toaitof vrellventllatad,1lrialy upholstered DbV oncheB. Uaernllloent Pullmm , hIaa ,r.th..MA-wiV.i I . -X-lYtfiiCo Bler-mir? or tha l-itaat lafciwi, aact sumptuous Dining Care, In which hTory, 0ddthlbgtfC8iV67(lirllv6 ? nrIgJiy "d meate r lelsilroly qaten. ' " eood Dlgcstlou wqltlnc on I rate, polish. . j-' j; kjippatlto. nnd Hoitlth on -boOi.'! iCotween Chldagp nnd Kaosna City and l.tea.t.'orWlll-hla - " Tcl"(i Ffl l.P nwi'Wu10.dlnx-t and favorltp Hno .between aaoinm'Aijg covenng ootu with dark I muslin or .ilk. i-uiuromer tne lopAvun A pretty evening hit was made out an 0 ulacK 'ace taeque that had not ukii usim tu uair. sv was uippcu in alecves nude tbe itrlngs and a c utter I . .... irks 'll.C iTaviY 7t I o- Ait JV rjv. m-u rtuvuwti rut kj 11 Jrb)w I p To nil wc invml rxJl tvl.-il Mtpt VJlTDlf tj A " Announces bv hi' eu.lntuers and the rttiipn , crjierally , that Ve U '0N DEOlf With oho ' ,T thd LVrerfiVifl ( iiiiiit'FallitiroabldiBtunispt-tii,. ' ' ' lis Fall' and' Winter' 9 gtS'fj -iV.t- DOMESTIC msnmarture.1 CLOTHS, CASS I ME RES., SUIT tNCSr, AN.D. OViERCOATINCS. i.ivti. ltfiil-it Ihiiwtl ill llti. ciuiliiatiliiin re?Sfi;i.ed:heii! aiiieMtiftttVcTyieorfenAISiVfriif AM ,3 ,mw --....- ' 1 "lrawoIrtT ;yr-i--.otncJvtHtvliB upjiarstuiTS, iecK - H.H.BETEKS Tlie Tailor, , ' , " 1 M'CftATJGE iiOTEL j3UIL'DING, 'Bank' Street,-; -r y . ' L.ehighton. Penn'a. prills', 16-45 iy 'I.': f.-- . i l' -3 . , , i' . . .. 0 ff IJ BIS QhyiVd"anAd',cnl4i'o'fl,iii' all sizefe from card to life sizo, viz: - o!l:r.ortraitsv Water colors, J?aglayonA -I ndia 0- 1 .1 All work'guaiantecd.or no payi ,1-Vll wd'nSkis a "trial. - :.niifii iuo"-iiis it ca'Uaild be convinced,'. iu Hlf 10t J 1 1 ' wji' sjjiu , ft 1 -, ' . t i ' l ,1 T .-"';,,Nl6.1105--N. 8th St. Allentown, Pa. l; -EmiiMill; 'Sail-tee Manageiv ' ::' iJr S: RREIDLER, AG-T. .Orders lolT at attention. the AovhcaTE m t. LEWIS respectfully-informs his manv ' has removed his BOOT LEWIS WEISS, Arup. I, UBJ-ly WHO IS lJ;iACQ JAKJT D WITH THE ' nt s . DWALnlailu i' L. t li I rin vi I liEr' ? ST ' GHiuM30, ijlOGK ISLAND & PACIFSC RA8LWAY ijv ro-.Tm or vMit. :-.t inlt T Virmt il link lntb. ltVteot'.tVCLlll t la also tbo'favprlto'nna lxt routs tn thaist, cud cor.oopo La t; ill-, i-Oviriv UBnosoo. Mollno end Hock i.iitla7 Wasrdnitjn. PeliUcld. Cttumwo. 01ly,-D38-1iin5, Indiar.tflu, Wtntertet. I -uavonajr,. f.i LA'xirt lowo a ...... IT.... If. . ... n.li.ln l..nrn '. sr i SptitoouTUlV b niataa road-bad; BmootU uuoTfmu??a iw ij .ru.io wri. Miiiw . ftuuian bHIU on roaUo It; tho safetrhpphanoos fit pr-tent butters, plctlorma puna alf-UrAkatv i.r nwafin. Htr Loporatlon of IVs tram" Ot'tT-r pperwlttaaof this routo nrq Trnnstora ot hrl;4"..T.. in Tt. iv.rrfaVrHrt lmmirnMBcd comforts and I ' 11 , H -, 1 J ijuiubs i .J i . J . . . .ww, 'nzjirioa or 'tiii' sua.TTOc.ii.1 jo'erit'hlcn5p end aiy upholstered Dny C Phn least l!mr,B? Trains 'vn3 'Vlwro opiinantlopB nxo rhid-i in Union tvatorlm nlaoen. eumm'T resorts, plcturesouo locauttes, and uununtj unci nsu. intr cupuncis or lowa una natnnoBoia. srpunds or Iowa nnd Minnesota, HMiaat flolds ond pastor 1 lands suit : nnhhsr ivnKaT I.INE. via i rl bstwean TJ--vport New. Eichmond. Ctaclnnatl. Indiana pollB, j nd LutayoMe cnjl Oounn 1 ni"fU. ICansna Citv.Iiln oonoTTs and St Paul and Intcru)' itOo point. Tor d-r -.tied mlormation itoo Llapa and Foldpro. ohtnlnablo u? well on Tlri'tets. nt i It nrficipol Ticket OOc: U the L'nltod Wutea und Ccn&Ca; or by udiree -s R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, rretldenlmlGtr'r'l"siHT- rv.-,., CjefUi;' t M Pj:;:-.-f r CM . Stills MlJ32 ' fair ad' tai oii n i 11 ' ut si Ll it ; t'' .i.l, aaf.li.it. af tiltA ' t U I ST JLLi JL jLUJiAjKJ A l i 1 1 U II "ii ii-Mii. inn nept hi wnrKltcn Ulc' ifVilw B&rWorkmanshlh attdTit f'Kdi'r "" bond n lull ami F.shlonilble Ih , , . inifludrne - 1 les, - nose, &c, &c- Ink and Photographs. Give , b .f , - O ',!'' Office will rccoiye prompt Feb M-tyr WEISS friends and cnstomcis that he AND SHOE STOI B Into tho HEW BUIIDIHO, nearly opposite his Old Stand, and that he It now receiving nnd openltiir up for their Inspection a very large and fashlunablo lino ut well-selected Boots, Shoes, Gaiteks, Hats, Caps, UMBRELLAS.&c., tultahlo for FALL AND WINTER YEAR, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ! and Invltetynu to call and examine Ooods and Irarn prices before pur- chntlnc elsewhere. SATISFAC TION In all cites fully jtuHruiilced Iteinotnbjr, TIIK NKW SlOItUoii poslte the hot of Ut STItKFT. BANK Street, LEHIGHTH. CCOORAPHY CF THIS COUNTRY, WILL t U 1 0 D.lft f THAT- TUT riiu i" t in rnd Irom points Ei et..Norr.hccst end x , s-j rzgmm .itlia.? nolnts West. Korthwostcnd lioutnwcsh tt ratio, lino nnd trenches, Clilcneo, Ktnllnn pud liock Iplond. in lillnoi: Jin, o. usuoicoca wosi Atlantic. Knoxvlllo. nnd qouncll 131uJl's, In Iowa; Gallatin, C -Dm! (n MlnnaCAtnt "X7n l-VTITM In -...r.i. r,rriH hv. im i" l. J ,, ' ' ; . ., 1 1 . . tracka or continuous eteel itdli eub- - lnHnn .'TulilrJi rroirGrrM tho nraotii - tl.n MlFRotni ntvoraro com- CTilcA."1!1?! Denota for nil Pouhh in ino -iermcnoa ax le ntso wjo mem. ucniws iw of Interior untota. Baneoa and ICankaliee, hajs.boen opened ir an ... . .1 . v.l . . n . n V. .. Beauty aiExcelleDce;; , , i.'iUatlctp(iiacdpcr. , Many persons havo tho notion that bcautyls something entlrcly'ftpart from excellence or tisefulncss. itovyevcrdc fdralile it may bo In itself considered to rcflno aud softcti mankind, It is usually thought of hot as ait liihercnt necessity tb oitr nature, and not as an essential part of sound and sterling value, but ratller as a felicitous appendago only to he sought after all useful qualities have been secured. Yet a truer Idea of beauty would give It a deeper place both In na ture and lu art. It Is not, on after thought, to be taken up or laid aside as opportunity or accident suggcsis;not a luxury to be pbstponed until all fancied needs aro supplied. It is Intimately connected with excellence, and Is fre quently a token ot its presence. Tliero is nothing really beautiful that Is whol ly useless; nothing perfect of its kind Which has not also a beauty of Its own. Nature, It Is true, teems with beauty, which, as It appears to our limited vision, has no other purpose than to de light the eye of man. Yet all research es into her secrets show us how thor oughly her beauty enters into and forms a part of her perfection. Mountain ami sea, valley and lake, river and foiest,all have their own character and destiny, and It Is these that aro revealing them selves to us through the emotions which sublimity or lovllucss; always excites. A tree that bears neither fruit nor foli age, that suggests no idea of shade for man or shelter for bird, does not im press us with a sense of beauty. Nei ther would a fish that could not swim, a bird that could not fly, or a horse that showed no marks bf strength or llcctncss. So In man's productions, there must be fitness before there can be beauty. We cannot admire the edifice that Is ill- built and tottering, or tho ship that can not breast the waves, or the. machinery that lacks smoothness and power. The dress that exposes the wearer to the cold of winter or the heat of summer can not by any adornment bu made truly beautiful. Whatever. In fact, impairs the value or usefulness of an article im pairs also its beauty, and the more sur passing tho performance tha more claim it lias to be considered beautiful. Beauty is far more than mere ornament or embellishment; it belongs, first of all, to the intrinsic fitness of things and to their real value. No one, therefore, who does thoroughly good, honest work of any kind need feel that ho can con tribute nothing to tho beauty of the world, for he is doing it in the most ef fective and permanent manner. We do not mean that this excellence exhausts all the beauty in natuto and In art. There aro laws of beauty which It Is well to study and observe, apart from what we call simply useful. Thcrq ate shadings of color and graces of form and delicacy of texture which wo all agree to he beautiful, yet of which we cannot discover other practical use than the pleasure they afford. Even these, however, must have their foundations laid in real worth if the beauty is too survive. All shams, all shallow and Imperfect work, done without earnest ness or for gain and show, must event ually bo as destitute of real beauty as they arc of practical use. Hut just as a true diamond gains in lustre by polish ing that would wear away a false stone, so superior work honorably performed Is capable of taking ou it moicand more beauty with every fresh effort. So with character, it cannot bo beau tiful until it is good and true, for in that very goodness and truth does its beauty reside. It is when virtue becomes spontaneous, when right-thinking and right-doing aro the natural out-brcak-Ings of the soul, that we recognize and admire the beauty of character. This Is, however, the rich fruit that grows only upon the strong tree of earnest striving and virtuous endeavor. It Is well, then over to bear tn mind that, while beauty has many off-shoots In which we may justly delight, it must, to bo worthy of its name, have Its roots deeply planted in the soil of goodness, truth and excellence. When this Is so then "The tbhiR of beauty Is a Joy forever; Its lovllness inrrsases; It will never Pass Into nothingness." Headaehs. Torpid Liver ani Cottlveness Simmons Liver Regulator, by Its mild cathartic properties, relieves the bowels from obstructions and cleanses the sys" tern of all impurities without sickening or weakening. Cures headache, ind! gestion and liver complaint oven the most confirmed chronic cases. Everyone who would rise must bo a thinker and worker. Not cliielly by a study or reading will a man become the first: thcro is often much knowledge with few ideas; there aro very learned men without lofty thoughts of their own. Everyone, whatever his oppor tunities, can exert his own mental pow ers upon what Is near to him, and force will increase with exercise. He can ob serve, and compare, and reason for him self ; and, though his knowledge may be limited, his idea will grow. There Is no elovatjon for humanity without toll, none without active thought, feeling and purpose. Scratch the green rind of a sapling, or wantonly twist it In the soil, and a scarred or crooked oak will tell the act for years to come. How forcibly does this figuro show the necessity of giving right tendencies to tho minds and heaiu of the young. , An hour of suffering Is worth years of happiness for bringing out a man's true, good nature. A good name implies a reputation founded on a'good character making It salf felt. In a good 'life. Tills or that particular power or special virtue may or may not be prominent; but the roots o( character must bo growing, the vital principle of the moral life 'must be "ac tive. Just as a good nanie among plants would Imply that they w:ere steadily unfoldliig each1 Into Ks'natiiral 'and proper condition, front the lordli est oak of the forest to the tiumblest daisy of the field, so a good name among men Implies a perfect reliance that tho bates of character are strong1 and vital within them, developing each one ae contiug te hit own nature and condition; THE CARBON ADVOCATE, o:;e dollar rr.n teas isujbvxcil. t'tscepior -v.r- 1 ij. 1 H f7 LIVER REGIIIiATOR' T Fordl 6'te.wj of t). ' J X&rer, HdnoStomc'h' and Spleen., Thit'puroly'veijetalilfipn;- 4F?f 'oni 1mm 10 eelebrated aa a pifamuy Medicine, originated In lhe. South In 1838. It act -T pontly on the llo well and Vyiuiineyi! and correct tha and correct tha ff action of the Llrer, and Ii, thcre- fortVthe lioat preparntnry tncdlcliir. whatever' die' tr. tne'iick. .";i1of:,,,?.?.,ii cine, cueoi n njierajr cure The Ttectilntor Ii safe to id mi n 'iter 10 tor '.Wditiot. br the lysiem.and ttndor tin cit-oum nlniiccK can It tin harm. It will lnvirorto MV a cIaii cf wine, but I no IrUOxitAtinc htytf. ORe t3 lead to Intemperance ; will promote di gestion, dUstpato hcaUachfi, and g6iier nllv tonn up tllo nyittcm. The date U imIL tiui'tuiiiloanantj and its virtues undoubted, , No loss of Umo. no liitor ri4iton or utoppufce of biiKln44 while ukinx tb ChlUren complaining of Cello, lloailnehr or KlcU' Stoinaott. a le.-uipoonfut of more will give relief. . If taVen ciasionally by Jx ' ; tlents exposed to .MALARIA, wtl expel Uit polsou and protect "them from attack. A lHY8ICIAVft OPIKIOK. I have been practicing medicine for twenty jrcart and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmon Liver Recu UtoT, promptly and cflectively move the Uver to action, and at the same time aid finttead of weaV enlng. the dteettive and aislraiUilve powers of the syiicm. L. M. Hintoh, M. D.,Waihtngtla, Aric. SEE THAT YOU GET THE GCIfCXfiE. TKCFAItDD ST J. H Zeilin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. REMOVAL! Dr. C. T. Horn, Rcspeetfully aunouneea to his customer snS the people nenerally lLalhe hat reroered lilt Iir.UG STUUEfroni Lcuelfel'a Bulldhis; to his new store room opposite tha Public Square Bank Street, Lohighton, Pa., whern ho will he pleased to receive friend and tho public, and supply them with Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Lamps and Lanip Fixtures, Stationery & Choice Cigars: together with a fine Hoe of latest designs tu " Wall . Paper . . . it AND " DecorationB, at Lowest Prices, Pcrtont can aleo obtato Cye-t. lasses 11 ml Npcctaclcr, properly ad justed to their slxht atf reasonable prlcct, Prescrlplluds ,evinpimndoil with cais 'day' or night. ' ;., . nctiember, Till! OENTItAI. 1JKUU Btor, Keb..s. yl Do. O. T. HOltN. I A lir Claims a specialty, a'nd WART A IN I J RAV IS. A 1) 1) IT I trN KU Lnl ' L'!lt)JJE.tTI-;AII CKIITIFIUAT. KSand alTklnrtsori.AMrst;nil'T bnaeht and euld. Lnrijo SlocS,' hud HfKfutl'-'I'rlcea' paid. . J)o ynu -rant 10 tell or'.bu'yt If in, write to A, A. TltllM AS? Altonev at Law, Washington. D. U. Ian. 5-tfe. Central Carriage Works IJiiiik St., Lcliigliton, Pn., Are reiared to JIanafaoture Carriages, IiUggics) Sleighs, Spring AVagon, &c, Of every description, tn the most substantl.I manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices Itepalting Promptly Altoiided lo. r ii -TKEXLEU,& KUEIDLEH, April :, 18S2 yl Proprietors. WM. DUFFY & SON. of East Jilauclr Chunk, are prepared to dn an kinds of Plaster). & Ornamental Wort, at shortest notice. Orders hy mall will r eeive prompt attention. Tertm uioderste or good work. ' teolatf MANHOOD Restored. A yentlrinan harinir Innecsntly contracted the habit ol tell abuse In hit youth, and In consequence suffered ill the hnrrort nf Hernial Incapacity, V tt Man hn'Hl, J'hjsleal liecav. tteneral Proslratlnn. to , will, nut ot ayini'alhh fur his fellow sufferers, mall Iree the reolpe hy whloh he was finally cured. Addrett 111 confidence Jf W. PJNKCY,4I CdarSt., New York. dc.SMr TTTTT.nnro money than at anythlDsT alt tr W I NtaVlnir n n Hireney for thebtti ttlllDC 1 1 lit book not 'lUitlnners sueeeed yrand ly. None tall. Teriutfree, IIallett Il.-Mit Co.. Portland, Maine. v "' decio-lr fN. ,0 Patrnt No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada ODd Kurope, at reduced rtet,. With, oar prloclpal office located la Wajblpiton, dlrcetly bpposltt the United States fat.ot Ufflce, we are able to attend to alt PtBt hutlneti with greater promptness nod d lateh and at lets coti than other patent at tornett who are ai a distance ftom-Wath-nglon. and who bate, therefore, to einrdoy .asiocUto attorneys." We mak. preliminary eiamlnatloni and furnish opinions at to pa tentability, free of charae. and all who are . Interested in new InTcnllons and ratents sr. ' Invllrd 10 send for a copy ol our "tluld for oqiainmK t-atentf,- wnico it test trte to any addrett. and contain! coatplete Iqltru.. HOna bow to obtain patents and other value, tie matter. Wereforlo the Oerman-Ataer. lean National Hank Wathlnglen, D. O. the 1 ...ia. snui.taii, iivin.Ki.D luq usniis lrsra liens, at Washington t Hon. Jos. Casey, lata Chief Jiittioe U. s Court of Claims; to tha Jlitlclals.of the V H Patent Om.e. and to Senators' and Members or Congress from 1 etory Slate. I Addreta: l.OtTia UAOOEIIfc CO., licltof t of lijtentt and AttorneyittLan Le-4 I Droit, Ilitlldlng Waiauarnx, 1). C, if'," OTTtarTiTTTJXteureirbT our astrlcent J u ""ClIxitlnn Powder. K.I.. sure, cure tl.00 Hy mall with full dire. Ilopt. .took lor a oent .lamp. PKLTtCU, soi,ouiu Avenue, .- vort. dtcHI-lr MERCHANTS IXifc'Wt pr.ifltt by Inirodutlnkfa Hot of new a-oois. la. dUpenlihl. .0 all famlll.t. will addr.lt for .toll .rtuulan,rt tALTll Ft)Ot OoJiT W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers