fyg Ajlvgrfiscmeuts. PUBLIC SALE ' Or VjU.tAnl.lt i r t 4 nn m . The uhderiliiicd "III sell at public sale.nn tbo premises late of Jum Herman, dco'd, In luwatricnMns; twp , Carbon coun'y, l'a on -SATUHDAY, MAllCli Hill, 1886. nt one o'clock )'. M, the following Hcitl and j errettai I tup.rir, lo-wii i i onc-nnrso -Aratten, truck sled, i1oit, harrow, lannlnic inlll..hav ladder, uralri cradle, cnuntre Machine and Stuiror, crowbar, ttrublduii hoe, sbuvela, forks, scythes, rtnlns, lot of Masons' tool, iron koine, lot ol fence su, imu bushel anil 1 peck meusure, bedstead nnd bad diner. (Ink. Hand, chairs, lot ol enrnet. couklnit ituve, poll, lulu, barrels, nnd oilier artlclei too numerous In mention; Also a Small Farm of 35 AUK KS, nearly allclunr nmiunttera unou state ol cultivation. I no Improvements tnorcon are a tlood House. Hank Ilarn 30 SO feet, good as new, a iroiul wen ncar-tne nouro, nn orcnaru ol pcnciies blunts, n rones and uther choice fruit treea. Terms will be made known ui time of salo by rAi'ij iiuiJK. ( Aam ' Towameuslng twp., Feb. SS. '88. 3tv Excoutor's Salo Of ValiinbloJLenl Estate. There will he sold at public sale on tho preml'ri lale r 'I konms Soil, decV, In the Township ol Franklin, ttathon Co., I'."., on Saturday, March 2 1st, lytiu, mt ONKo'clotk P. M., ft certain Tit AUT OF I.AM), a-tjulnlnir land of. Ion. Schwelhlns, Jacob Sponn, Mepht-n Suit and tho 1'oco 1'ecn Creek, containing Fourtoen Acres nnd allowances, all under wood rultlVAtieu The Improvements nre a lllilClv UWULLlrfl) IKJL'SK'. -it xvah-et; liank Ham. ' x in ft., other outbuildings. &c. 't erms mil bo nude known at time and dnee or sale, by AS1AN1IAS W. tiOLT. rear." Survltlnic Iixtcutor. Exooutors' Notice. Estate or lll'.NRY AHNE11. laic of Mi hnnlnirTWi.,Cibon County r.i., tluceatod Lotters testamentary up.tn the above r.'a. alate have been granted to tho undersigned, all persons Indibted In raid estate ti e ro qursted to make payment, ami those havlnir claims r demands to present tho eattie wlih out delay to AMMON AflNKR, Executor. Jan. 31, l.5-0n Auditor's Notice. In tbc Orpbans' Court lor the Co. of Carbon, Janaary Term, 1S3. In the matter of the Kslateof LILIAN Ii JOSKPlI, llcccarcd. The Auditor appointed by iho said Court tn make distribution of the lunds In Ihehiiids of Uenrgo Ruddle. Administrator of Mid . tate. and urlsttiK from the sale ur it-aloMiatn of sill decedent, will meet the p.irlles Inter, asted for tho purpoio of his appointment on THURSDAY, At'UIb 2ku. I8S5, t NINE o'clock A. M , at his Office In the Ilurouich or Mauch Chunk, when nnd nlitro all parlies Interested are required to uiiiko and pruro their claims or be debarred from coming In upon said lund. 1. 11. BAHIIKH, Auditor. Fcb.sri.mS.-wi' TEACHERS"; DltL'fi (TO In HF.ft r.ir mnntli uialllnicour Ktaxihud Huuks R&-. lllnr.rv Xla.-tilv wnric lor rprlns; and C'fitDV k Co and Sprlnn and bummer. Address J. 6. Mc CfitDV k Co., Philadelphia. Claims a specialty, a nd WATI R A IS. A 1) 1) IT I II N A I. 'HOMESTEAD ttF.IITIFICAT. Ba and all kinds of I, AND SCRIPT bnuKh! Mdsild. I.irK Stock, and Ulithett l'llcci pMd. , Do rnu want to rail or bui ? It Sd, wile to A. A. TI1UMJK, Attorney at Law, Waihlnmon, I), C. lAn.l tl c. MERCHANTS Si"''wr prMllts by Introducing a line of iimw ooils. In Jlspenslble la all fjinlllcs. will addrisnlor fall partlcutars.il KAIrn FOOD Coil pa a v, Nn. ii 4th Aveaoo, New York dteSJl MANHOOD Biftortd. A rentlnnnn having Inncccntly ontracteit th tiublt of f)f nttueo In Ins Joutti, nd In eonfequcno MiflenM oil the rrori tf Sexual lneapueily. Lift Inn hooJ, I'hyilcftl Decfty, (Hncrnl i'n.Ftrnihm. in , iM, uut of ij-inj athy lor liU U-Uuvr nfTitreri uiall Ircu I lie riclpo hy nliloli he tvai finally rurod. Ad-lrcs in cciifiitonco J. w I'lNKIiY, i'l i.'eilnrSt.. New ork. TTJTTTinnro inonjr than nt anylltlnif eli'i y If 1 httlklnK an Ccncl' '"I" ,,CL X'Ulnic l,boukut IU'Klnncra incccul ir'nml- If. Noat ln. Trmi free. IIallitt tin tic Oe, fortlaiKl, Maine . B. V. HORTHIMER, Sr., Notary puBLifi OKl'lCK: AHVOCATI! I1UI1.UINU, Bankway, Lohighton, Penna All business pcrlnmlnR In the office will roecjre inmpt altrntinii. 1A. New Liquor Store Tho undersigned rciprclfullr nnnouaeas U the public tint ho has opened a Wine and Liquo'- Store, In the Balldlne; next to the "Carbon House," Bank St., Lehighton, and Is prepared to supply Choice Ilinnds of WINKS and I.1QUOII.S, BYE WIIISKIUS, IIUAND1KS. HUM. UIN, AIJOIIOL, MIXT, JlirrKliS, KI.M.MEL, ie., Ac, Sjte'cl'fe ,,0,TLIa " William G. Hcilig, Mareh I.yl Irfhlghton, I'a. Health andjlappiness. ySP. DO AS OTHERS VCf $ HAVE DONE. Aro your Kidneys disordered? myr Wort tuvushs sue ficia i:iy crave, it Peirell." Jt W. Itrui, ilclmnlc, Ienia.lllih. Are your nerves -weak? TUmt TTorl cured me fnni fterrnnt wakte Silf ",r LT" si-ted lo l!c."-Mra. II. U. U. q-jiul, la. CmtUn Xonttor aaelind,t). Have you Bright'a Disease'1 'XMfjTiorl enred iM when itj water rujuh. tike etodk Uil umb like Uood." fl ank Wilson, Teaeod jr. Vosa. Buff erlnp from Diabetoa ? Idnr.wort Is the moa tuccwrul ronedj I tre "r SMt. Olree ajmotl tmme.llali rellrt." Dr. Phillip C. IWlou, UenLten, Yt. Hayo you Livor Complaint? "CVlMy-Wort cujd me et hronll UvcrUliceKS tswr nud, Ute CeL Ola ::(. Gnanl, N. Y. Inyour Back loi Uluj.Yrert.ll boltle) suae I haA le red cut lomo and achiner? 3 vurca me vara a '-iio a M. Ttllaiafe, UllwDBkee, TTls. Have you Kidney Disease? Kl7-nfvtl!tt4neSuuntlla!lTtrajlt!kldncya MUr vnsucrtesxul dtwtorlnc. lis Worth WttwMu'l UkU. IVUUtmttMwc, ;ea v. Are you Constipated? nCMaeT-TTerl eeaiee mt eracuatloue and eared See after U sera ( o.ber mrdlrlneiL" WtUoa ralfcUUd, BL Albans, Tt . Have you Malaria? "VMsw-Wort hu done better Ihie any ether raed I fcTf rer need lo mj pracllrr." Dr. IUK. dart, Bouth litre, Tt. . . Are you Bilious? uaMtrieorth doaeme more rood than any 4aer remedy 1 fuee erer teken." Xre. f. T. (lalloway, Bk JUt, Oretjen. Are you tormented -with Piles? 'UdaeyWorl MretoMeniiir KM. lie. w. C Kllae reectoTo Oee. U. UerssaVhlerlt, HMimiv rerea mo cc Llu.tuus' reectomtiultd II to me." w. jMax, n) emown, ra. Are you Rheumatism racked? "VWarjvWort eurcu me, afler I wae len up te StSe sJiTskiens end I bul s arferrd lalriy reara." xbrUf UsicoLa, Wcet Dili, UaUie. Ladles, are you nuf fering? Xtdny.wri eiired me f pccuUer trtuUfe ef eerelrterasUn.lln7. Many frleruls lire and nralw It." tlrs.U.uuiurcaai,lJeLallol(c, tt. If you "would Banish Disease ana gam iieaitn, xaico x ana, gam xteano, xano "Original Cheap Cash Store." An Immense Bargain IN Warren Cassimeres! We have placed on tate this week a line ef 11I.AOK mid DROWN CHECK OASSI. MKKES at 10 CENTS per Hard. Tbo real value Is 4 cents, Wo havo nlao received another larpe lot ol I1EHT SLI.UOTED STEAJM UJ1EI1 XXX Live Geese Feathers This grade Is Clean and Odorless, nnd Ii ac knowledged to bo the bolt In the mavket, J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. I'ubllo Siunre, liank Street, ..chlnh. ton, Pa. Juno 7v188t-lr. SATanDAY. MAHCir U, ISS5 SI'KCIAI. NOTICE. rrwui Inaklnn pnyinrnla In this i fTico by minify orders or pnslnl nntcs will pirate make tliem payabli' at the Vki6i-iict IVst OrriCK, as tho I.e. hlslibm ollico is mit a money order officio Our Neighborhood in Brief. TltK I'Sfir.Al.r.D ri'Tl'RK. We know not w lint dancers ore wnilinc;, What tmulile Inr us ure n hrewin'; The mold t.i IIih rink went n sKiilinf; And came back Willi her builie ill ruin. .. ;o; Easier Sunday, April Slh. St. l'utrick'a Day in tho morning next Tuesday. -Now see your lallor and order ycur Sprinj suit. "Hope for a reason bids Die world fare well," when n man finds himself in (ho rolcnllofs grasp of n.nirnlci.i, but ho smiles and lakra lunrl and courag" when tils wile b iugtn bolllo of Salvation Oil the yreatcst cure on rarlh fcr jain. There liavo been 22 snnw falls thli season. - During the year 1881 the Lutherans f the Unilod Slates built 214 new churches. If you want the address of your paper cha iccJ this spring pleasa nulify us In timo new lntol CLOCKS, WATCHES ami JEWELUV Just tcreived ulS. 1IAUA MAN'S Sturu, Lehiditon. I'a. Alum Unuscr, will tike chergD of El. Ra'ier's farm, In Tranklin Townsbi p, next Wjf k. Wigcjns announces Ihot the next great a .ow storm will occur on Iho 1 Bib and 211 ol this month. Leonard filcisncr. a mariied man, with a large family, was fa'ally Iniured Tuesday by a fall of coal at North Ashland Colliery. ulfyou wnnta ntce.sinnoth,ca8y tliavo your half cut or sliampooine, go to Kraiu Koedcrer's Saloon, umlcr tlio Exchange Ho tel. He will lix you light, and don't you forget it. A seven-year old son of Alex Snyder, of tuiin, died Friday alteriiuun of lust week. A block o( frame burincss hnusea at N.i n tin ke, wrie d"flio)eil by lire Monday mulling. L'11 $15,001). llo'cl, fuloou unil liquor sloro ke?pcrs should get tlicir applicationi rejdy for the A p il term of Couil, hlcli convenes nn tbo 1:1th proximo. Blinded hulr is colne out of slvle. and soarolMiiijed up lung, by using Jdvvih's Tar Svrup. Only 2) vuia and $1 a boltlu. Sold by T. I) Tiioiiias, L'hiiliton. ' Maunco Ruljnway, a Lehigh Valley brakeuun, was killed nt Coxtnn oil Mou. dny iii .rning, by falling under u moving train. George Sandlierr, of this borough, had the linger oT his left hand severely crushed while coupling curs at I'uckerloii, lust Wed nesday itlleTiioou. Thixn.is 11. Crellin ntd Charles Harri son Ilower luive beou draun to serve as jun.rs in the U. S Cirei.lt Court, lor April t.'i in, coining on Monday, April 8. Croup can be ni'ed in twenty minutes by uting dinlwiu'e Tar Syrup us directed 1'iiee, 25 cents and $1 per bottle. Suld by T. U. Thomas, Lohighton. James O'DonncI, of Deayer Meadow, had one of the members of his right l.mt verv successfully uiiipulaltd by Or. Cole on .Monday. WANTED. A girl for general house work; mut beagool washer and irouur. Apply at I. S. Knob's Cigar Store, Bank atleet. J. W. Clurkol Soranton, has depnjited $25 in the hands nt the editor ol the Scan- ton Truth, nnd calls on Hilly Jones, of Sum. mil Hill to put up a like uuimiul In dance Tony Kciincdv, of rarhont. Pleasure, ratififjetii.il. hnnnlnoc tnv and delight, by using Jadwin'a 1'ilioTar S;IU. , a.ild by T. I). Thumaa, Li-hi:htou M. 0. Krr.mer, of Wojther ly, utMitanl l!t ni her of t'ie Il'rycr Meudnw dlvifion ol tVe Iiliigh Valley Railroad, slinneil whi e crossing thelraik last Saturday mornins.aud fraitned his leg, Joliu J. Gallagher, ex reprrsentali7ein the Leguluture Iroin Carbon county, wnl ou the first uf next mouth tako "S.-c!Si. ii oflho hotel at Colcraine, at present occu pied by II. H . McB.-lda. Avolil illiturbinjr tho congregation af ler eiilcriiig i huri-h (ly hacking and cough ing. by imiig Juilivin'a Tur Syrup. Sold by T. II. 'fhoiiias, Lohiglilon. Diphtheria and scarlet fever prevail in nearly every family in and ubout Kemp ton, on Hie line ol tlm Ilcrkj and Lehigh railroad. lu the family of Mr. William Slump seven persons are ill, Daniel Eastman will be at the Ex change Hotel, this borough, ou or about the 20lh Inst., with a druye of fine horses which he will disuse 0f at rrojonuble prices. Don't forget the dale, March 20. Wc don't cive away trial bnltlee of J ml win's TarSvrup, for If we did, eorv body would lie cured, and business would bo at a slaudttill. Sold by T. D. Thomas, Lehighlon. Benjamin V. ButUr fays theCaoinet ofl'retideul Cleveland meets bit approval, Aud so, the leama loaned nut at David Eu belt's popular liyery meet the approval of our citizens. Terma very low. The Lehigh Coal Company bat just completed negotiations fir the lease of the Wyoming colliery, at I'ort Biwkley, near Wllkesbarre, from the Wyoming Valley Coal Company. It employs about COO men aod boys, and last rear siijiped 201,000 toct of coal. Thrra will be. a Missionary meeting held at the Parkerlon M. E. Church, to morrow (Sunday) aflerunan at 2 o'clock p. m. Speakers Hev It. 1). Ntylor, Kav. O. R. Cook ami others. All are iuylled to altend, 11. F. TowittL, I'astor. I Patrick and John Wbalen, father aod 'on, in tier., employed at Packer Colliery, No. 2, at Sher.andojh, owned and operated by tlx Phibidelpbia Coal Uimpany, were 1 hurued Wondiy by an citdision of ras. . The ga was fir.d by tho u a ap.Mariog in the b t nith a uaketl light. -Toe ftlh er' I v'Jr.es are uiJ to be fatal. A ciCeen of lie Quaker Clly, Mf. K.I Freed, living at 122 Vine St., .recently uke as folldws: Delnc aflllcleJ with a dietressing coufli, ilr. Hull's Cdugli Syrup was recommended to mo for roller. I am happy lo say that a few doses not only gavo me Inclunt rc)ief,but effrct a complete oure " Look out for tho JTuiiru Sunday Tiditijtt to morrow (Sunday) morning rich, rare and newsy. Only & cents from carrier. Jihn Richards, living In Allentnwn, but in employ at Ralasanqua, attempted to board k moving coal train on Saturday aflernnon, but misted tilt foot-hold and lei with his right leg under the wheels. Ho was taken lo St. Luke's hospital, where Iho Injured member was amputated above tho Lneo. U3i"lT. IT. Peters, nt the Post-office building, Leliigli ton, will mnkc you nn nil wool suit lor only $10 cash, if you order now. An linnoittttit eclipse of the buq, nf tha annular or ring form, will ncojron Mon lay next, Mareh 111th. It will begin In Ibis latitude at 10 57 in the. illuming and end nt 1.1(1 in the iillrrno.m. Is will be yitille partially all through tb United Slates, mi I observer o.i its path will behold a bcautliul phenomenon, A meeting was held at While Haven last week between the Carbon and Luaarna co inly iiffinials In the in tercet ol tlm pro posed bridgn which la tn be erected at that p'aco. It wn ngrecl tliot tho p"oplo ol Whilo and East Haven shall do the filling ul each approach and between tho spans of the bridgo ii nd Luzerne ami Carbon coun ties will ba expected to do the balance of the work. Olnuss c&Bro., Tho Tail ors, still have n lew of those justly celebrated 10 suitings on liana. A Hungarian, bound for Iho old coun try, and desirous of reaching New York without paying his fare, nltemptod to Jump on a coal train ou I he Lehigh Valley Rwail ul Munch Chunk Saturday night, but Ml under tho wheels ami was fatally Injured, having bnlh legs rut oil'. Tiik use of Iodoform or mercurials In (lie treatment of catarrh whollir In tho form ol suppositories or ointments should be ayoided, us they am both injurious and dangerous. lodolorm is easily dolerted hy ils ofTensivo odor. The only reliable ca tarrh remoly on tho market tn day is E y's 'ream Balm, being Ireo Irani all pnisnuous drugs, t has cured thoutands of chronic and aruto catea, where all other remedies have failed, A particle ir applied intocach nostril; nn palnj agraeablo to uso. Prico 50 conts; of druggists. The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company has reduced tho price of whilo och coal, to bo delivered on board vessels at Port Richmond, to $3.90 for lump, steamboat, broke 1 and egg; $4.15 for stove and small stove; $1 for chestnutand $2.10 lor pea. This is it reduction of thirty cents n Ion lor all sizes except pea; which is ro duced eighty five cents- BJ3T Only $10,00 cash fop an all-wool Suit at TI. II. Peters', Post-office buildin '5' l.ehighton. Don't forget thrco little words "if you please." Life is' mode up not of great lacrlllees or dulies, but of lillle things, of which smiles and kindness nm small obli gations, given habitually are what win nnd preserve the heart and aecuro cimtort. Thus ono of thosj handsome IIUlu "gems" taken ht Holly' gallery, on Bmkwoy, IS for 2i mils may fill an aching' void Photos npd large pictures at low prices. fJT'X have now in simple a complete lino of Lit, Crusta Walton, Wall Papers, Border, Di-corallon' and line Hand Cools, to nn in i no which you are cordially invited tn visit my stole, V oir custom is solicited lor thu purchase of theso goods, as aUo for Puintinj, Paper Hanging uml Dn-orating, which is gusiantetd tqual to the !cl ,-itv woric at the rum price. Prompt attention given tn mill; mi! up and hanging all chute of Shade. Plain Shading. Roady-Mude, mid a fine linunl Dado Shades. Suede Fix tores and Tiimmins nlwava iu slck. E, F. Lukeuoacli. 01 Brnaduuy, Maurh Chunk. A Centralis despatch saysi The vein of coal struck at Reno colliery, Montana, a few weeks ago is still holding good, The colliery is owned and operated by the Le high Coal Company, Tho furiiiian claims thut Iho vein la equal tn any in the district The tunnel driven ul Bellmure colliery did not prove a rurrritlul ono, as the vein is compo.'cd chitfly of dirt and slate. It Is said the enmpnny will continue the tunnel until they strike tho other vein. The lun nol wos driven 110 hot through solid rock, taking but fiyo ivucks. Clauss & Bro., Tho Tail ors, arc making up elegant suitings, in tho very latest styles and best workmanship, for Si(i, sold last j ear for 24. Call and see them. A despatch' dated Hazlttnn, 7th Inst., ayr; 'Theio i a widespread and growing lading of dissatisfaction existing umong the miller and laborer throughout lliia region at preutnt, and there uru pojillvo iudica. lions that u general demand will shortly be inado mi iho operators for a restoration of tha 10 per cent ol wages cut oil' on tho first of the year. Receutly several lodees of Ibe Knights of Labor have been instituted aud tho reorganization of the fraternity i rap idly going forward. The eight-hour sys tem is also under dtscusiiou " Henry Mack,ol Catasauqua, presented a check ul Ihs bank in said place and ro reiye.it the cash. It was learned subn quetilly that the check was a torgery. A warrant was gotten out aud given tn de tective Somers, who learned Saturday that Mack wui at Gouldsboro, a town near Wllkesbarre, and ou Sunday he wai taken in custody. iter For TwenlyVive Ceuts.Tbe Wadej boro Publishing Company, of Wadiuboro, N. C., will eud a (uickaga of Southern Curiosities, consiiling ul "Mineral World" -the minerals of N. C, in small tarllcles, including gold, Bilver, garnet, mica, asbes tos, .to , A-j a full open bale of notion, col ton seed, long leaf pine needle, persimmon seed , unbullrd rico, and many other Inter est Ing articles. With tlm will be s-nt a pamphlet describing the resources of North Carolina. Joseph Bellz, for many yeara section boss for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company at Mabanny Plane, was instantly killed Tuesday afternoon. 11a stepped out of tho way of a south-bound train when another one going north struck him, killing bim instantly. Ho was forty yuars ol age and leayes a wife aud four children. For the week ending on Mar. 7, 1881, there was 137,008 tons of coal shipped uyer the Lehigh Vulley Railroad, tnakiug a total or 1,329,028 tans lodat and showing increase or 10,051 as compared with same-iime last year. George Hnbl wai shockingly turned V,, I n en! ay by an rxplos.on of sulnhur at I the PennsyiyjDu Colliery near Jit. Carmtl. Mlkel Mucyur, a llutisarlan, ws In Itantly klllaii ou the Lelilh Valley Xlai t mail, at lloiVrlalo, Weilticarlar, his skuil being crushed nnd bis bouy sliocklnflly mansle.1. Four young men, who attacked the hotel of Malilon Lulz, Ett Mabanny Juno lion, on Tuesday nlghgt, smashed the doors and windowa because the were refused admission to tho bar room, wero held Wednesday nn n charge, of dot. t2f Persons desiring Iosco tho portraits of the famous South Carolina Cash Family of Duelisls and their Victims, Including hii-hardf, n Union (old ler. should send Ten 2 rent slumps lo Wudeaboru Publishing Co , .vaiirsboro, a. u. Lewis Winters, of Allentnwn, has carried the mail between Allenlnwn and Kulilown three, limes a week for thirty year, and during Ihfll tlnio has traveled 421,150 miles. In Iho recent letting of nu.troots he was underbid, an.! he will be superseded hy the smvos-ful bidder. LADIES WANTED. A lady acent is watiled in every clly aim village uiso miles to travel uu l so licit nrd.'M I t Mnsiit Wood' Corsets and Corded Corset Waists Agents are making irom ureniv lo liny dollars a week. Send lor rircntars and price-list to II. Wood, 01 South Saltua Street Syruoitte, N Y. Mur. Ii 2in. Card of Thanks- The ludies of Iho Reformed church of this place, quirk lo find out llielr pastors Llitlnlay, cotnpletly surprised him by com Ing in targe numbers to him on Tuesday evening last. Considering tho popular saving that "women can not keep a secret," I ha surprise was still greater. Oifts, pleas ant faces, and merry hearls were in nbund. once. Their kindness is duly oppreelaled and hearty thanks returned lor the same. Stattstloj of tha Uiddlo Anthracite Field. Mine Itispictor Williams' report lor tho mMdlc anthracite coal district for loH4 was mado public Wednesday. Tho nyerage nuinbor of days worked during the year was 203.57, against 223 09 In 18S3; persons nmpluyed, 23,'JU7, against 20.0J7 in 183.1; number ul Ions of coal mined, 7,831 ,'J85, against 7,007.243 in I8S3. In 1R83 SO per sons ere killed uud 1.S0 furiously Injured, while in 1SS1 the futul accidents numbered 07 and the serious 101. Dividend Reduced. A reduction lu the quarterly dividend Irotn 8 per cent, as heretofore, tu C per cent, was made Tuesday afieruoon by the direc tors of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany. They declored a dividend for the ourrent quarter of 11 per rent, Instead of 2 per cent, as has been usual, and when the noiva reached Third 8lret,ln Philadelphia, the etiek ol tho road was depressed from 58 to 571. The payment uf the dividend will be muda on and after the 5lh of next month, tho Utli being reserved especially for the payment of women huldora only, Sayo Eothoraa Neck Edwin llotheras, who was aentencad tc bo liaugo.l nt Wilkesbarre, on April ", will appeal to tho Board of I'urdons on the etrcnglh nf the evidence of niece and ward, Beatrice Helena Lugg. Rolhelas killed Miss Lugg's paramour, William Nichols, and Iho defense was tliot he was mado temporarily inrano by discovering tho rriminul intimacy of the couplo. Miss Lugg has heietofora denied haying been Intimate with Nichols, but the has n-iw conlessed lind District Attorney Erans has taken her heiv statoniaat tinder oath fur use iu Bullierut' behalf. oiry Carbon Coant7, is; Delore me, lint suhscribor.a Justice of Iho Trueo in and lor said county, personally cania Peter 11 cker, of Ino Township ol Ma honing, in ihe county aforesaid, and, being duly sworn acoMiding to law, depose!!) and sailh that ho, on Monday lust, being Ihe 23rd dny ol February, A D. 1885. in the township afori-faid, tuid certain things ur words in regurd In Iho ri-.iidilioii and char oeterol tho lale Issui: Bellz, ol said town ship, which wero not truo and which ho ruiinoi prove. He further promised and agreed In publish Ihla nflldavit in the Cau no. Aiivucate of Mun-h Uth.IRSS. PF,TEll UCCKEIl. Stvom ond subscribed Wlort me this 27th day ol Februury, 1KS5. II. A. I3m,tz, J. P. Big Ned Monoghan Burled. Dig Ned Monoghan, well known in this section, and ono time Chief of Police, High Constable aiidTox Collector of Shenandoah, who .lied in a Philadelphia hospital on Sunday, was burled at Shenandoah Wed nesday. '-Ned" at one time was a leader of the Mtdllej. He was arrested and tried as an accessory aflcr I ho murder ol Comer Jamej and sentenced to seyen year' im prisonment. Whilo in prison ho was a constant auircrer Irom physical ills and family bereavements. He was liken by two different wardens to attend fuueralsul his children, List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in Ihe Post Of 6in al this luco, March 11, 1S35, Iiettiucer. I) Benifj, Mrs. Ida ifeode, Hennvilla E. Cloiith, Jamas Oerhur, Ida H. Hartmaii, Miss Ella Sail, Andrew Smith, Miss Emma Smith, John A. Silvers, 0. llrt-nsingeriCo. Win. Cliri.lly, Lriia Kritiinuer. Jacob llulllllail, Crrtlg S, j Kruin, K I 13. j Suuit, Thomas Sou, net, Mi4 Mary Smith, John I Weus, Wm. Walk, A A. Whllacre, It J2. 'Persons calling for any uf iho aboye let ttrs will pleaso say "advertised." II. H. PitTiaj.r. M. PleadoJ Guilty of Emb;zzl:mcat- Wlieu Elgar K. Rhoadrs, of Mahanny Cily, was arrestol charged with embezzling fund nf Ibe Lihlgh Valley Itillroad Com liany he attempted to shield himself by pulling blame on D. S .tS. II. Iloppes.and entered a criminal prosecution against them. They wer present term after term ol court, but could nol get tha case la trial, Tuesday Rhutdes pleads! guilty, and the Commaaweilth offered to enter a nolle prosequi in the Iloppaacai. The defeni ants refused to accept this, and demanded a trial, and.uoder instruction! af Judge Green, the Jury tendered a verdict of nut guilty as tu the Messrs. Hojipe. Ra n las was not sontencod, but will pay tho routs. A Bethlehem Brewery Burned. Fenner'a brewery, Benlz & Eckerti lessees, on uld York road, Bethlehem, waa destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon. The building, which was a large frame, contain ed eight hundred barrels or beor. The entire loss la estimated at $l,000;inuranee, $12,000. The brewera were at work in the building an hour before the fire. It origin ated In close proximity to the boiler house. Charles Reed, a brewer, who was asleep In the building at the time or the lire, had a narrow rieaie. He was carried from the building by a fellow-workman just as-tbe roof w falling. The Volunteer Fire D. partmcnt fayed neighboring prswrly, in clull"K Eagle Hcle! aud ila a'trround- ics frame buildings and Luckenbaeh'j flouring mills, tu the )alueol half a million of dollars. The burned brewery escwd destruction by an incendiary in October last. Gold embroidered Turkish muslin will ha una ,1, r.hm...ct nr ... r-i r.. sumaier wsar- , i ' - - ' 1 n..ht. i . a euvie in ana out oi,iown. We Vfudhl'be pleased to have pur citizen end us Items unr!er this head as tt is Im possible for ui to secure them nil Ed. o Our old friend, Win. A, Graver, ol Peuubscot, Liuerno county, waa visiting his relatives and friends in town latt Friday. Hu looks well. Our popular Irlend Wm. Thompson, of tho "Swllchbaok" Saloon, Uppr Mauch Chunk, and Philip Rider, of East Muuch Chuuk,were In town Monday, and made us a pleasant call. Come again. A. C. llroadhead, ivho has b:en In New York city for tho past three or lour necks, relumed home last Friday. Misa Ida Miller, of Tarnarpia, was the guest nf Mitt Sophie Ilaudeubutu, the lat ter part of last week. M. 0. Kunlz, has relumed from a three weeks' visit in New York city. Mr. John Douglass, of town, who has bcnn sojourning In Philadelphia for I lie past four or liye weeks, has returned. Xliss Ilaltle Depue, of Hailelon, who has been Ihe guest uf Miss Ida Trmucr, ol town, loll for home on Monday last. Ou." genial young friend Clem Kun'z, hit for hi homo at Allentunn, on Monday. He will leave that place in Ihe near future to attend some busiucs college. May sue ocss attend you, Clem. Our young friend El. A. Horn, will leave for Chicago, III , on Sunday. Our genial friend Will Ash and wife. ufNew York City, spent a few days with his luthor, Mr. Thomas Ash, nn Dank St. John T. Semmel, spa tWeducsJoy In Wilkesbarre. ' T. D. Claurs was on a buslnesa trip through Ibe upper cud of the county dar ing the week. Our popular friend SheriffC W. Lcnlz, will please accept thanks fur favors shown during tbo week. -Mr. C. 0. Cock, cl Hazletnn, is In town visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Devralt and daughter, of Reading, are stoppipg at Rev. Cbubb's, Weissport Items. -eliurl Camp, No, 1 22: P. 0. S. ol A., I doing good work and gradually Iu creasing in membership. The sleighing party to Bellz't on Die 25th ult. wai a nicceis. The fixtures lurchased at Biery'sdrug llore by Geu. Horn, will be placed In the itoro near the post ofiioo, which will be occupiod by W. F. Biery, about April 1st. Frank Koons, and family will shortly remove to Alburlis, at which place he will commence the butchering business. The Bowmiusyille Cornet Band- film- lihcd our citizens lomo choice inusio on Saturday avening, 28th ult. Our young friend John Nusbautn has b-en appointed assistant pusttnisler or Bawmansville (Prince's). Snow and sleighing ii about played out. -On the 5th Inst., a number tbo friends or Mrs. O. Moyer, leudered her a very pleasant surprise visit. Wm. Niasley and Charles Slyker were linme on a visit over Sunday from N'W York Dr. J. O. Zern and P. J. Kistler loft fir Now Orleans nn tho early train last Satur day morning, for tho purpose of vfewiug tho World'! Etpisition. Dr. Kutz, of Parryville, is attending to Dr. Ztrn'a pall cuts timing Is is absenoi. A. V. Marsh was homo on a visit from Jcsey Shore last week, High hats nro all the rage. loa cream for two, ifyou please! A slight fire orcttred in Frank Laury'e place aboul 8 n'rltuk on Sunday evening last. Fortunately disooverrd in tinis. W. C. Weiss Is about tu open a now boatyard ul the gray el hole. Miss Sadie Zicgenfuss ts agan in at toudanco ns assistant oslmasler. Mr. T. h. Wenlz and sister, of Mill port, wero In town last Thursday. Henry Campbell' new store house is advaucing fust to completion. Mr. Daniel Ivreige has again rented for the coming year, Pucn Pnco Hotel. Dan U a genial fellow and is wortny of patronage. J. W. Campbell, of Allentnwn, was the guest of Henry Campbell ou Tuesday. Fossil Mahoning Items. Mis Carrie Sleadmnyer, of Lowlston, spent Suuday with Miss Lizzie Kisl'er. Joe Arner hurt himself severely while out coasting, last Saturday. -Mr. Till Balliet, -of West Penn, and Miss Levlnn Herring, of this place, were married last Sunday. Masu. iioppes shot an cposjunt one day last week. Rev. G W .Gross, the newly appointed minister of the Evangelical church, preached Sun lay afieruoon. On March 1th, Inauguration Day, Mr. El. Rex raised a hickory palaou his farm in honor ol Cleveland. Mr. Charles R lib, Sr , has been awapl ed tho contract for carrying Ihe mail between New Mahoning and Lebighton for the next four years. On Saturday tho farm of the late David Kistler, deceased, was suld at public sale. It was purchased by Jacob Kistler ; con sideration $5,100. An exhibition will be given by the scholars of the New Mahouing school, in the eclinol-house, on Saturday evening, March 2Slb. Exblbttinni havo been held at Ibe close of school for the last two years, aim wero a great success and Ibe one to be held this year will undoubtedly be no ex ception tu tbe rule. No one should fall to attend. Dasu. Faihioa Notts The topaz is again revived by Ihe fashionable world, White yelvet ii much used for Ibe crowns of eytning hala. Fancy aprons are new ornamented with heraldic devices. It J said that Worth has given an edict that hoopakirls shall again be worn. A snake of rough gold coiled about a leng pin Is worn for an ornament for Ibe hair. Elegantly embroidered Japanese robes are affected by upper tendim for neglige wear. Plaited skirls, and long plaited red Ingoter over which a belt is worn, are fashionable for young ladies. A handsome cloak clasp consists of a head of an .Ebglish pug carved in brown ivory and set in oxidised silver. Ae rashiooable as alligators have Urn far pels, it is rather singular thai they have bceu au little copied lu Jewelry. Satchel muir are atill carried. These are made in very fauciful atylm to mstch the suns worn when sealsktus are laid aside. The atlenipt to Introduce lownecked ana abuil sleeved froea (or babies ia nut j succeuful, Tbe fulues is gttbered Into a I .... ... , , 1 , 1 attu luijeu j ' jJC Grand ct Jnrgrs, Drawu lu serve at Ihe April Term of Court : anAMD Jcnons Arner Douglas, carpenter, Franklin Arndt, Win., oxprcss agent, K. M.Ohunk Annbruiter, I.ewU, gentleman, M Chunk Hook, Daniel, laborer, Townmcnlna: Cunfer, Jocob, farmer, Mahoning Corby, Thomas, tncrshant. Nesquehnnlng Callen, Patrick, miner, Ncsiueht-nlntf Ururoliellcr, Nathan, machinist, L milord Meter, John, farmer, Towninensinjr 1'urtwcnglcr, Edward, clerk, Weathcrly Uallaaher, J. J , miner, Denver Meadow lllnkte, John, machinist, Weatherly llersch, (leo. T. J., plasterer, Pnckerton Kruni, Joseph, carpenter. Franklin Miller. Daniel, lioirgage mailer, M. Chunk Plckfurd. Lleytollyn, machinist, Parryville Kehrlir. Lafayette, Maokfinlth, Mahunlnic Hex, Mnsof, mnson, Mahoning t-nydir, Tho, H..hnlcl kcepcr.Towamenslpg utroiii, Joel, tanner, Towamenslna; Sneisle', Joseph, laborer, Kidder Tcirol, lunatics, ncntletnan, K. M. Chunk Weisel, Uinjainln, laborer, Weathcrly Williams, T, I!., butcher. Heaver .Meadow rKTIT 4CKOR8. Cherdon. Daniel clerk, Mauch Chunk t.'arr, John, laborer, Lan'ford Chapman. J It., uentleman, II. M. Chunk Chrlstman, I... hotel t.aepar.1, Towamenalng Iirelstiacli, AI.elerk, Fast Mf.uen Chunk Drolsbich, O. W carpenter, Waattterly Davis, Murann, miner, I.anaford llugan, John, merchant, Lfinsfurd Emanuel, John, minor. Yorktoern Ktser, John, uentleman, Mauch Chunk tllllcsple, Michael. conduotnr.Maujh Chunk fletz, fcniory, lurabenoan, Kidder Hnrlun, Joalah. farmer. Penn Forest Hlnes, John, hotel keeper, Weatherly Hull, Thoina', machinist, Weatherly llinkle, August, foreman, Lehlghlnn llortzog, Julm, laborer, I.. Towatncnslng Johnson. William, merchant, parryrllle Jafpcr, Reuben, moulder, Weatherly Kolser, Ferdinand, butcher, Audonrled, Kelder, Wm. II. r-r., laborer, Weatherly Lcnlz, Btevcn, fanner, I.. Torrnmenslng Lanier, Nathan, merchant, FrunWIn Lauiy, Uoorgo 11., agent, l'ratiklln Lau lerburn, A. H., mcrohant, Weatherly Meyers, W. H laborer, Kidder Mushlltz, (Irant, teacher, I.. Totyamentlng Moyer, David, watchman, Parryville JUnrljn, John, clerk, lluaver Mradnw McUornilck, tleo., carpenter, Kidder MeCulllster, John, carpenter, M. Chunk McKelvy, Charles, clerk, Paokerton' Mcdarvey, Hugh, J. of I'., Ueaver IJeadety Putters, John farmer, Lausanne Richards, S, 1 blaeksmltb, Weatherly lilnker, Jonas L., laborer, Packer Rex, Joseph, mcrahant, Franklin Rhone, August, carpenter, Mauch Chunk .Shea, Win., merchant, Summit Hill Schmidt, Frod.i rarmcr, L. Tonanionslug Spanglcr, Irirln, clerk, Mauch Chunk Stcmler, Nathan, Uotol kceper,Towainensln); Herman, Hugh, miner, lloaycr Meadow Trlnkle, Anthony, laborer, K. M, Chunk Washburn, John, blacksmith. Vorktotvn Werner, Lewis, carpenter, Lehighlon Weiss, Chas. P., blacksmith, Packerton crpet. Frank, lumberman, Kidder TitAVKiiais Junona. Ilrlslln, John, carpenter, Summit Hill Burton, Frank, moulder. Lansfnrd Dutot, Thomas, clerk, Mauch Chunk Dugan, J. II., teacher, Audonrled Ferry, Harper, miner, Audcnrled Uangncre, Sr., Sam., oarpontor. Weatherly Ulllesple, Henry, gentleman. Maneh Chunk Uerber, Frank, carpenter, Lehighlon Gallagher, It. F,, laborer, Reaver Meadow Iloffeckcr, Uoo farmer. TowainenlnK Hunter. Wesley, moulder, Weatherly Horn, Levi, laruicr, Franklin Hudson, S, W., farmer, Packer Ilincs, Juines, laborer, Nosqitehonlng Johnson, Henry, conductor, Mauoh Chunk Keuhncr, August, uiaBon, TQirttincnsIng J.tinti, Chas. T., fatmer, Franklin Martheluicr, A, M , minister, Weatherly Mullory, Thomas, miner, Tresekow McDonald, James, miner, Jeans. llo MoAntee, Peter, laborer, Packerton Mctieady, Ednard, laborer, E. 31. Chunk IMcClarrerly, Deniils.tlnsiulth.Mauch Chunk Osboine, John, blaeksmltb, Mauoh Chuak Patterson, Jvo., brakemati, Wcalherly Peiiruic, J. II., agent, Reaver Meadow Reed, Wm., butcher, Weltsport Reese, John, lnbort r, Trosckow Rapp, Chilli Inn, shoemaker, Parryville Utclgerwalt, Lewis, farmer, Packer Straup, Jacob, farmer, Franklin S'.clillng, Kllllan, laborer. Lehlghton Serfoss, Henry W., laborer, Penn Forest Sadloe, Joo. farmer, Packer Siller, Win., hrom.in, Lihlhton Sharp, Coudy, laborer, Lansloid Straup, Wesley, rarmcr, U. Towamenslng Shalfcr, Joseph, clerk, Muucli Chunk Wetzle, Samnol, laburer, Wcalherly Young, Lenls, fireman, Wcalherly rcbllo Sales- iJilli lor Ibe following isles have baen printed at this office or the same are adver Used iu ihe Carbo:. Advccatk , Saturday, March 14, at 1 o'clock.-Fa rm ing nee, iiuuseuom lurullure, .13 acre arm, &c, pruierty of Julm llarman aec d,iu Aowumensing twp. March 19, al 10 o'clock a. tn Hones 'bull aud farming implements, pr-perly oi uweu ouoenuerger, In Loner Towa mcnsiiig. Friday, March 20, at 10 o'clock. -Horse cow, faruiiug sloric and household fiirni lure, property of Solomon Komeicr, near uu uric cnurcu, L-jsi renn iwp. Satunlay, March 21, at 1 o'clock. Horses, corra, pigs, lannlng imiilrinents, house hold lurnililie, iu., pnerty of David wrcsuacft, Waltiutporl, Northoinptoii co March 21, at I o'clock p. in. 14 acre farm with improvement, property ol Thomas sou, hoc il, in franklin twp. March 20. at 1 p. in. Horses. cow. Tannine implements and household luruiluro, llir properly ul wtr. llarlman, 1 mile north oi tveuspvrl, In rruuklin twp. March 27, at 1 o'clock Horre, cpws, ond farming implements, properly of David Auge, in nil iionow, .Mahoning twp. Aiirii 4, at 1 o'clock p. m. Valuable Im proved Farm of 130 Acres, the properly oi ununei ureisoacn, in upper Iowa mensing township. Coflla Opened on the way to the Grave. On Thursday afieruoon or last week Tbomas PutTy. of Wilkesbarre, was killed in the mines. The next morning Coroner O'Mallry notified tbe family that he would hold an inrpietton Saturday afternoon and that tbe body must not be removed from tbe house until he came. Tbe family of the dsd man waited until 2 30 n'cJnck,an4 the Coroner nol coming tbe lid ol the coffin was fastened and the funeral cortege left the house. On the way tn the cemetery Coroner O Mellcy, bis Deputy, J. F. Dooo hue, and the Jury ramo up. The Coroner ordered Ibe driver of Ihe hearse to stnp.and pulling the co ill n out of the hearse took the lid offend showed the remains to thejurv. Tbe body was lifted up egain and tha funeral cortege resumed its journey. The whole affair look place In ten minutes, and its occurrence was not known until soma time aflcr. When it did become generally known considerable excitement prevailed among the friends of the dead man, who denounced il as an outrage and tbiestenej to attack the Coroner. A Lady's Perfect Companion. Paiklkss Cmr.DUiaTU. a new book bv Dr. Johu II. Dye, one or New York's ino.t skillful physicians, show that pain is not nrcesiury in Childbirth, but results from causes easily understood and overcome It clearly proves that any woman mar ba ronie mother without sutlerim? aur iiuin whatever. It also tells how lu oyeromue anil prevent nioruing siraness, swelled limbs, and all other evil attending preg nancy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by phytlciuua every hero us a wile' true private companion Cut this nut j II will save iou ereat nam. and inusiblv vonrl.u Send two ceut lainp lor iirscriiniva uuci- 1 era. icaiiui miai una louu.ietinai loiter Wul m Mllei Kuv.,11h.. ,j,irM Fak Juvrn l Co., I'ubll-'ccrs. liiluuurv, Md. Our Pn,bUo Schools. The following is the report ol the puttie schools of Ibis borough for Ihe month ol February t PntMARV, No. 1, Jt. F. T. Whole uumber in attendance.,, 31 21 67 Average altendnna 28 2i 52 Trr rent of allendance tJ, 02 VI 9 Names ef those vplls who attended every doy-Tlllle Stansbary, Alice Weldaw, Mine nlo Walk, Ida Fry, Mary ltohtlg, Allen Al bright, Robert Lenlz, Allen lluirord, Walter Hontt, Thomas Newhart, Willie Ollbert, John Rtfchard. Willie Klpp, Harry Friend, Primary, No. 2. M. I". T, Whole number In attendance,.. 28 40 08 Averuge ntlemlnnce 22 32 54 Per rent of attendance K2 82 t2 Names of pupils In attendance cvory day Henry Drowumlllcr. Waller Wels, John Sanders. Kmina Acker, Lena Lopgkamer, l.lisle tla(igus, Emma othiicln, Sarah Sutler, Nilll Uaggtts Ella Heck, PmitAKV. No. 3, M. F, T. Whole number In attendance... ,10 31 -fil Average allemtunre 24 21 4.1 Per cent of allrndatic- 87 70 62 Names of pupils In stlendanee every da (K-nrue Klrp, John Klpp, Harry Ohl, JUdlo Albright, Harry Niisbuuin, Wllmcr Stana berry, Daniel ScliocK Heen Xander, Lilly Sponhclmer, Szoonharv, Nn. 1. Whole number in attendance ,, 112 Average attendance 51 Per cunt nf tittendahce , ,',. 83 Names or pupils In attendance ttery flay Franlt Chubb, Jpfeph Froelleb, Al.Urcoua,. wald, ilarvey Oombrrt, t'hurln Koons, Ed. Peters, Atlaliabay Shultf, Willie Wagner, Thomas Webb, Mary Fcnslormnchcr, Matllo Horn, Ella Hontt, Jllanehe Kramer, Allot McUornilck, Resile Noll, Ada Rlts, Emma Kline, Lllllo Froehllch. Szcoxiiaay, No. ?, M. T, T. Whola tlliliiber in attendant,,, 22 29 61 Average allendantm 20 2(1 40 Per cent of attendance., 1)1 03 ui Names of pupils in attendance every day WIHIp Uoltz, Lester Smith, (legrge Slrohm, Eugme Walck, Harry Wolr, Ilobt. Trainer. Oscar Miller, Jda Nothsteln, Wllpnn Walck, Eddie SpMihetrner, (Irunvlllo Uehrlg, I,lllo Suyilur, Luella llehrlg Nora Trainer, Jan. nlo Trexler, Llrtlo Albrldit, Llftlo Scboch, Delia llpptz, Annabel Drocallc. ltlcca Lent. kamtnercr.AllceUllbert, Ella Walrk. Mabel hcatley, Flora Sillier, Mlnqle Nenhard, limaa Until, Eutma Fortwanglcr. IxiZOUFDlATg. M. F. T, Whole number in attendance... 23 in Al Averagn atlondance ,,,25 31 4'J Per cent of alten.lanee gt (ju mi' Names of pupils In attendaneo evervdar onio A,enir, John Ilebcrllnjc, Willie Uck, Jtddle Relchard, Thomas Trainer. Hairv Uerber, Willie Nothsteln, Homrd Acker, uouwoanyuor, jjmma Koont, Ella Albright, Emma Fuehrer, Clara Uuggus, Ida William. son, Klla Trainer, Delia Defrelm and Clant uuiuiciier, G&AUUAn M. F. T Whole number iu attendance.., 29 24 53 Average attendance in 51 ii Per cent nf attendance.,..,, 91 (12 u2 Names of pupils tn attumlaiiee overr dar Al, Ncwhard, tlla Ilolchard, Carrie Hourh. Mar Albright, Ircfio Fenstermachcr, Kattl Graver, Amend Koons, Emma Seller, Etta Drlssell, Maud Whrnfley, Emma Mertz, Eya Mertz, Frank Mttsbaura, Qranv. Clausr. Wilson Xander. Oioar Schultz, Edwin Ohl, Abraham Wolf, Edward Strauss, Jap. Acker, Harry Painter, JI1011. M. F, 9 8 SO Whole number in stlendanee.., 15 Average attend, tuna ..,...... It Per cent of utlendancc 04 Wholo number in attendance in au me sciiuoie.,, uj 207 410 C. A. RITTER, Principal. The t'rrofessor," the Sink,- nnd a Weman. A despatch tuillio Philadehihia Time. dated thnSih lust., as lolloys: An indiyld. ual signed himsell "Professor" Haddi Cun reryotory of Music, registered at a hotel iu Wilkesbarre, about five weeks ago. H appeared to be a moil of cdiidsliiiH, dresed well and had plenty of money. Ho made friends fast and seemed to be a great favor ite with tho genllo sex. He otlendod tha aktling rink eyery eyenmg ond whilo ihere mado the orrjuainlance of Mrs. Robert Albcrtson.tho wifeofa well-known carriage manufacturer doing Lu.inPii nn South Main street, Raddi and Mrs. Albcitson was seen qulto ofleu skating together and tills fact coming la Ihe ears or the husband he asked his wife not to frequent the rink. Sheoonlinutd lo gn, however. One sight last week Ihe husband followed his. wife and found her at the rtnk in Raddi' com pany. He requested her lo go homo with him, but she refused. That night there was a quarrel leiween mm an I wile. On Thursday morning Raddi lit for New York. On Friday, vrhlla Mr. Alberlson was at his place of business, M.rs. Alberlson packed her trunk and at night left on one of the trains going East. She leaves one child behind. An Office for Each of Them. The following is a Hilion of the ticket elected at the recent town tneclmg lu Park er township, Piko county: For Justice oflhe Peace, Philip Clar1" Supervisor, Philip Clark j Overseer of the Poor, Philip Clark; School Director, Philip Clark, Assistaut Assessor, Tlilllp Clark Tbo vole for Thlllp Clark and William Roke for Assessor was lie. Philip Clark did not choose to have all these offices. Parker township hss not malo adults enough to fill all the offices un less several of them are taken bv one citizen. Tbe above wero apportioned to Philip Clark, but William Uoke thnueh t he ought tn be Assessor, ai'd 10 he ran with the result stated. There wero eight voles cast in Iho township, not quite half Ihe wnoie pou nst. mere are nineteen vi.les in tb township, a gain of ten in sixty ycaii. auo wduib nineteen votes were out on Ihe day ol Ihe Presidential eleclion They were rest solid for Clevoland. It is saia that Iran a ecu r a to canyais of the town were to be mado to-dav the report would be that there are ten beats to every person. MAUItlED. SERFO'S-MILLER.-On Thurrdav Feb 2-n, Ituu.hy Urv. J II. ICuder. Mr. Aarmt 8erfoss and Ellen E. Miller, both of Lc. nignton. WHITE HECKMAN. In thia hornuch. on in mn mi., oy itev. u, w, Btibilr, Gen, II. While of New Tripoli, Lebich rn'inty, and Miss Kora Ucckmsn. of weaiueriy, tins county. ft A DEL On Friday March 4th, Louiia Florence, child of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. tiabel, aged, nine years, eight months acd icn uays. SNYDER In this horons-h. on Ihe Slh 1 nst., neroeri it., son nf Alex. Fsyrier. ugtxi six years, two monins ana eight aaya. -I J a i' 1 lu STOCK HARKSTI. Reported up in 12 o'clock, by Da Haven k Tuwuend,Maukers,(io. ail a Third Street, t'hlladelphla. tsiooxs bought aud sold either for cash ur on margin. MkJcbtea, Msreh, 11th 1885. bid asked HS3's, Ext 101 S Currency 0 -IS7 US 41, new Mlllj 113 U 8 4's.., 1221 1221 'eunsylvaiiia It R . 55 634 hlladolplil A' lleadiu; 11 II,..., 0 Lehi?h Vol lev It R 571 , 401 21 40i IBJ 43 131 481 5VJ SI 3! o 571 401 2t 40 Lehigh Coal .t Navigation Cn Hull. N. Y. .t Phlla. 11 It Co. Newjertey Central Northern I'aoihc Com " " Prefd , Oregon Transcontinental L'liioii Paeiilu Worru Uti-m Wet riitn Isis . L-iunviil-.V N'uihvii.a SHver, Trda... 181 i 431, I3J 4S 40 321 to A Great Victory A TQrrlblo Caao of Sgrofuln. Curoc! by Hood's Sarsaparilla " la tho winter of 1870 1 yras nttack'ctl v 1 Scroiul.t In ono at tho most aggravating f u At eno time I had no less than thirteen 1 abscesses over and around my neck and tl continually exuding an oflcnslvo mas Hoody matter Cisgustlng to behold, almost Intolerable to enduro. It Is lmpo; to fully descrlbo iny suffering?, ns tho c was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. A thrco years cl misery, Laving been treated ' thrco physicians, 1 vas vcorso than c Tlnally, cn U10 recommendation of W. Huntley, dru?gl st, 0! Lockport, I was Indue a to try IIootl'3 Sarsaparilla. And now, ntu havlns taken twclvo bottles, y(thln tho 1 , twclvo months, tho Fcrofulmis eruptions I1.1. 1 entirely ccascrt, and tl-.o nlscesscs havo 1. I tHaaprotitcd, except tho unsightly scirs.whi Ii nro ilblly licrcniliig ' smaller by degrcca, una heatitlltilly less.' I do not kin w v,h.it It m.i havo Uouo lor ethers, tut I tin l.now Hut I t my case, Hood a Karsai arlila has riovcd an cffcctlvo, Bpcclflo lntleei!. As att evlilrnce 1 1 my gratitude 1 tend tl cso lads unsolicited, null am ready t-i verify Iho authenticity of lliia ctiic, by iicifrt.nl correspom'.cnco tlth r.ny cue, v.l.o touLls It." Cuaii(.lii A. Et, ertij, East V'llscti, N. Y. This ttalciM-.t 3 ccDrmed ly W. J. IPtnt ley.ilrtrslst.c! Lockrert, N.Y., v. to cnUo euro a trrcat victcrj for Hood's Earsap;... 1. Send f cr took ntvisu statements ef many cu Hootf's Sarsapar!!!a Sold by all drujElst.1. tl ; she for 83. M.tda oalyhyai.HOOO ft CO,, Lowell, Mass, OO D0303 Ono Dollar. E, F. LUCKENBACU, DRALER IN Wall I$BpFr39 borders & Dccointioiis, Ms, Stationery, Fancy Goods. "Window Slmdca & Fixtures, Latest Styles, made and put up, f desired, Points, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. Ho. 61 Broadway. Hindi CM, Pa,, Ilelotr the Jlroadwoy Ilonso. ELY'S CREAMBALH Cleanses tho Ilcna. Allays liifliini malloit HmlstbeSoros Itcstorcs t li 0 ScnscNitTnisto r usj-ISmr-ll. llotr. VT. I -t - FEVER I,,. Anuiok Ut llpf. A I'osltlvn Cure. A particle Is applied Into each noslrll and lsanreeabte teuse. 1'rljo 63 cents b tiiali oral UniKcl.ls 'Send for circular. ELY llHUl'UKKS, Pru.nlsts, Oyrsao, Jf.Y may lit. Administrator'a Notioo. IIBVATE OK 5IA1IY J. OLAUSa, Let. ters at Administration un the tslateor JUry ). Olniiss, late qrtlie borouli'nr Lehlxhi.w. Uarttun county, r.i., tleceased, have beei itranted to W. 1'. LOU, residing In said tiaruuKli, to whom all persons Indebted la sild esmtoaro requested to raalco payment, and those hailex claims or demand:, trill make knenn the same nltliout delay. W. P. LONO. Admlnlsiralru Feb. H, 65 n0 Lelilghton, I'a. DiSaOlnlioii of Ca-Fartuersliip. Notlco Is hereby alvon that the co-partner, ship heretarore eslitlnir between Nathan I.atller end Juseph F. Ilex, doing Luiluci, 1,4 Furniture, flour and Feed Iloulers, und.r the tlrm name nrLiOlsr & Ilex, In Franklin twp., llarbtm Counly, la.. was dissnlvinl by mulual conssol 011 Ihe 2-il tlay rifjniunrv 1685. NATHAN LAFrLEl;. JOSKI'II F.UEX. The baslness will he 'eonllnued nt the old staad hy the undersigned, who will settle all bills due by or to tils si hi nrm. , .... JOSKfll F. HEX. February 71b, llJlwl. Magnetic Cures. lu Is the Hist man todltnovcr the phllusuplilral prlnolplethat all nervous pains, athtt, ami (lability should bo treated from tho "brain bittory," from whence emanates all norvnaa force and will power. All other forma f treatment for nervous disorders ara IrUlurc, Kvery periuu who lulTcrs from ncrvnu,vcn knows thls.nnd that inedlelneaenly pai jU but never cure. Theio appliances are laatc nctlo. and ttltTvr from all others' In the ii.r. ket which aro eleetrle. IMasnetlAii Is taia lileorinan. Their curative iiualitiet aro nonlerful in all unions eoniplalnts, I hu lt'tnian plitrlelans praotleid minetlo trial, lucnl 1,010 years at;e In nervous diau ires, l.u. did 1101 treat Irom the "brain battery " llr II 11, 1, has made this jireit (lli.vcrv Uih only sure euro lor Nervous lleadaebe. l'lhu. inatliin, Neuralnla. Ltvorand Kidney Com. Plaints, I'aralyils. Qont, plal weaknats. Iiyrpcpsla, Unnstlpalton. Cold I.ltnls and reel, and Ucntral lleldllty. MPaetloua cures neted every day. The Mnsr.etlo UrurU lifts nails, aud the only article ol the kind Invented. Ills the tircatest rurallve actus known and uard In a"brnsb bath" Inii-arl. tone, replenishes Ihe debilitated system, ut.4 creates warmth. Inehrnnlo eases mr Mau. nolle Hands. Ilelts and Fads should Ihi n.,.l. Ihe bruihes are warranteiltodo the wi.i or money refunded. Send for circular and tea. tlmoDlala ily jivlna; a description of t..r yous trttuble. we will lve advice aud ill eo tlons haw to mo our appliance, lltl f-'iR 'lia'ftO MAO?KTIOl Ari'J.tANCli COill,Ay, Look lloreS. Washlnutnn. (j. j Jsn.at, iiua-tr. vv ko.k1 address to Iravvl AT O1rr!'F!"'r0u!h:,l"l0ei'ii' vokk rort srscitt. (ii.assea or puii men asu Mtcuamcs who undersiaud ui,u d them, nlvln thetr enter at slabt. profits liberal, easy and quloki van reler t trrntlemen elearlUKiM lotMa week who u pleaiod wlih the wark.1 only l capliali.. quired j write far particulars Ifyou meanlm. neisi stive ate, Im.Io or t.rrvluua eniplA, mtni and relerenees I'alllJcr, Fliscr ca Co., Vanierblt ve., w oii,. M VS WAST I00O aero TJ00S A0EUT3 tat tbe jrardnt apd fastest selllcaf bw.Ii .Tcr published, OUR FAMOUS WOMEN. Tbls Is an entirely nawand original ork last publlsbail, and Is lb joint production ot Jo of our greatest llvlnir authors, Inelu-llnJ KllsaUth Stuart Pbalbi. Jlose Terr? llooL Harriet Frcscuit Spoflord, Marlon Harlan Mary A. Llvsruore. Harriet .leeeber cIiumi Leu lie Chandler Moulton, Mary Clammcr I.uey Larcom. an-1 11 other well known au tbore. These TwrTT dlsllnsulsbed writer hare give forth Orit time, the complete his tory or the Lives and Deeds ef 30 latnous Amsrlean women, most or whom are now 1.,. lag, whose Uvea have never before been wrl . t.n. aod they tsll how tbry have won Ihe r way Tom obseurlty in lame and iilory, v. r Thrllllnir Interest, liomaotln Kiory, Stjirv llnmnr and Tender I'athos, tkls strand bn. Is without a pear. 7 Cariiioa Aiit says 1 "This iplecdld book eerUluly Is 000 ,.( Ihe very best atd choicest suhserlptlnn-bu..L we have ever seen." It Is splendidly Ilia- -Irated with full page enjravlniri beai.lrj i-rapls"11 lurlr'll,, '""n speolalph.. AGENTS WANTED ! AOKNTS I This urand kooV ..... selllnirallotharslOlo). ministers, laiiinr-' Orlllrs. etc, unqualifiedly enduriD itun.lxi ' Il tl(vlipe I . VV e have many ls,dy wg . who hive sold ever SO lu I heir rlii"t t. lowuslilpe. Wo want a lew r.oh i..i Men and women In this vleinny "t Wenva Extra Terma anit pay rr.-iah. .,w Is lit. Iline lu make tnomy. tsuur t , , lars. nivlna: Speilal Terms, Fii.ac s .1 stktlree. Uorrespondeneeiavlicd Ait A H. WoaTJllNOTiiN dm nov s-siw Hsriio.'i ..), sjasjsargsraji a-u-ni'M.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers