Intrr,eJjU itlieI.eluRbtoni pofll-oilife n - -Seconil G' Mull Matter. U.1J-J f. 4 . 'THE CABINET. 81 re'n-y of sjta'o Thom.s FiA'cih BxVinD, of Dell war?. Sioretfery qf the Treisurj Diniel Man .nix j, of Nw York. Se$re.(arv of War William Ch-wkix. sniuj) Undid of Massachusetts. Scrclary of Ibe N ivy William 0. .Wiftf&v, of New Turk. sBoeretny ijfiho'Iolorior -LrciB-i Q C. -' "ilvMVn Of'jliSf,lMiIpll. rotun8r 0 'imrnl -William Fkkeman Tt a i 6 Wl cookin. Allot' e.r General Aboiktvj II. Gab lInd, of Arkr'unAs, Tbe now Cabinet, sirs. Iho FblMet. pbls Times, is one of tbe ablest selected In mo lern times mid there is not a ebaile of las Hciou attaching to 111 integrity. il ;ftr is the embodiment of llio most oh'nlr.ius honor and imrlty lu states m ius'il,, aud Lamar nnd Garland, Ms Boa'hera nas toinles. nre as stainless ns blmself anl f.iirly nfl-ot tbe exceptional .standard of imblio honesty Hint was so long a characteristic of lending Southern Btat'smiu. J'n are" nfll brii g to tbo Sta'e Department not only ripa expert enceud n broad eoni.rebcr.sion of the high duties of his office, but bia causer TSlive nomocracy, si ncrnpnlnusly maintained in tbe Mirses pf iacltoa nnd expediency in politico, will greatly as sure the commercial, biwufss and iiv dnstrln) iitersUM tho 'country. Ha is not ah expert 1iolitiolon in the present acceptation of tbe term, nnd tbo more rigorous and aggressive elemonts of tbo pirty fear that U-tynnl, Iiirnar; nnd Gar 1 nd'will'riot put themselves in accord vilih tbo Democratic commonality. Ltoar is. uulried in administrative portion aud it is not claimed that be is likely to make 11 igorons Secretary of Interior by bis own personal labors; but it is expected that be will organizs Li 'niparlmeul wisely and practically and t at ben II be to tbe fore iu all great emergencies and especially when tbo Eovirnment is culled upon (0 grapple Itb Ibe colossal speculative combitin tions' w!lldh have nude tbe Iulerior their objective point. Garland is very generally regarded by elfpartiea as one of tbo best-equipped weu in the whole conutry for the Attorn ey G UKrad'hip.nml the wisdom of the 0 lolcef'is a liuitted on every ' side. Doth Lamar nnd Garlaud wero soldiers aud statesmen in the Confederacy aud Lamar bad been in Congress beforo tbo war ; (but the coruplcta' dethronement of sec tionalism br rxhiblled in the general welcome accorded to those thoroughly iire-.enlative Southern men coining -into the Cabinet,:"- True, Grant bad set tbe exaniplo byoalllug'tbo Ex-Coufeder-cto'Aokermau to 'Garland' place n dozen , Jjea'rs AgiJ an! Hayes bud repeated the lisou by tho appointment of Ex-Con-fed. rnteKey to tbe, Cabinet eight years 0 0 ; but it was not pretended that ,Aolernin nnd Key voiced the (.etitinient 1 fthe"ijutb,in the govenimeut, while Lunar and Garland admittedly ufl-ct the Muoera convjetionu of tbe largo majority of tbo recons'ructcil States in favor ofpntnotio nnd honest ndminlstia tian of ibe government of, tbe Utiii n. Of the Northern members of the new Cabinet, Manuiog is the "broadest ami most practical. His great resources are 'bin central intelligence, bis uufuiliug common sense and hi') cool, clear judg ement, that always asser Is itself under the most trying circumstances, He is a trained bnslufssman, a practical banker, mil ho bas uo crank notions of patent inventions about finance. He uudor. stands that tho las ht finance and trade a old as the world aud irri'sistible, re q tiring only re s'.ble adaptation to res- ul beojkities, and ho will keep n steady eye aud a strong band on the business tranquility of the oounlry. Ho will at tempt nothing brilliant and be will there torj be mfe. s Whittiey, bis colleague from New York, Js ouc pf tbo .able men of bis tjtate, but like H.iuuiDg untried in the broad field of rational btalesmansbip. He is more mercurial than Manning, but is a bre'.vd rud resoluto Render, and will ntake a lepntntioM that be highly values upon n HtytoijUy. pr-nd.ut progre).sive ad luiuistrstinii of the Navy. lJjlh JI111. uing"and Whitney are close personal nnd political friends or President Cleveland; they know much pf both public men nodi political affairs tint be must lentn frcm 1 ntbera, aud be naturally wants them to there Ibo. responsibility before tbe world th' they would be onlied on to assume 1C tint rffiejally connected with tbo gov ornmeit. 0 donel Yilas Is tbo youngest member cftbe Cabinet, being only forty.five nnd ouo year the junior of Whitney. He was u gallant soldier aud is regarded as the inoit promising yoHug Democrat of tbe Northwest. Tbe Urge ndverse political ronj irityof Wisconsin was not calculated to inspire political ambition and bo bas devoted himself assiduously to bU pro fesilon riBcejbe retired fioru tbe nruiy. Uo wan forced to tbe front at tbe Chicago Convention, of which he was male per uianeut president, and bis ability and ndniirp.ll bearing in Hint body gavu Llm national fume. He is an accom j liabed and .go-abead Western man and It Is -hot doubted that b will make a uiasf creditable Postmaster General and a terror to tbe whole pestiferous btood cf, rente thieves. Jadge Eudieolt is tbe embodiment of Ibfrlwit fitment fcfNew EnKl.iud Dem ocracy. His kelcellou will not be wel-e-jowd ty the debauched Duller frag xueula that bang .arouud the. edges of , tbe pirtyiu Mtssaehaietta, bit it will em phasize tbe purpose of the admlulstra- lion to bare honest govirument and hon e.( politics iu eyjry part of tbe oonntry. He is a practical Democrat in faith, but bis appointment Is specially acceptable to tbe Ilepnbllcau ludrpeudeuts who M'jpported Cleveland's election. Bach ate tbe ohlef (jmlities whioh dis. tingulib tbi new rului.try,nnc! its uu. disputed futegritv and ability will be gritefqlly apprrciatod by tho whole cinulry, regardlebs of dividing parly lines. .- .j,.. . Tux bill rctirii g Gn Gr.iut bas been llgurd by Ihe Pmldeut. l'liijUkUpLfiiU Ximih Julaviewfs.-ftu ou tr.amirticliireri ' Y-s. I thiuk tho irou pric?s fur Irou have timchcd bottom and lint nnv rtl.llicM Ihnf nrn Itlrolv in nnlir In the near future will bo for tbo belter? said Andri-w Wheeler, of Morrls,Whf eRr t Co., of ! ilidslphii. Mouday. "The nti iMoic 1 r ttia spring Irade Is ery. cheirlug, 1111 1 tbo stnrtlng up of tho furnaces in tho West, as Indloated by tbe increase In tbe production of coke, is encouraging. Manufacturers here and in tbe WfRt agree, that we are ou tbe eve of a much better trade in iron. Ho far a I see can there is nothing in bq present condition of the country to prevent an airly rcviyal of bnsiucss. OuRt before jou came in I wos visited by two of our leading local manufacturers, who told me that they were in dally receipt of large orders and that buelne s was at last looking up, Undoubtedly there It an increase of business lu tbo market for manufactured iron, and flblle tbefo baa been no npprecinblo ndyanco in prices, save in nails, there is nothing to iudicxte tbat there will be a decline." Georoi: JI, Dallas, spcolal master under tbo receivership of the Phlladel pbla and Reading IUIlrond and Ccal aud Iron Companies .Morday filed tbe eighth report of his audit of the accounts of Hi receiver?. Tbe report covers tbo mouth of January. Tbe receipts from trave', fremht mid tolN on coal nnd meroknn aiso ny mo rattroncl company were $;.200,12G, nud the receipts from tuis- oalUntoin sources, 311,072. The balance on baud Felruiry 1 was $82,431. The receipts of tho .coal and iron coiupnt-j iroin coai f,aies irr llio month wrre Sl,2.i2.Sil. The balance 011 hand Feb ruary 1 wa $2 783. t Aijuauam Isaao, and Jacob Kilo ol Richmond, P,i , nre triplets, 72 yeaia of age. Is,ino is lilteen miuutes older than Jacob, nnd fifteen minutes tbe junior of Abraham. Their mother died recently, aged 98. Besides those three cbildron sho left nine others, with eighty-lwo grandchildren, 120 great-graiidcbildreu, tweutv-eight sreat-great-graudcbildreu, and two prent-grent-great-graudcbildren. Tnc commilteo oqllnrray Hill Church reported to tho Now York Presbytery, Sunday, that they bad proposed to retire Ibe ltov'.'Dr.'Iliirchard as nastor emeritus on a salary of $500 n yenr, to mabo room for n younger nnd mord cnergetio pastor, nnd tbat both Dr. Dnrcbard nnd the congregntlou of tho Murray Hill Chtircb had accented tho proposition. Exit tbe three It'a. " A heavy rumbling, supposed to bavo been an etrtbqnako shock, was desllnctly felt in Lancaster city and county Suuday evening shortly after 8 o'clock. Build ings uerj shaken and in somo instances plates wero shaken from stove's. Iu several instances services which were going on iu various churches wero sus pended until the sensation subiided. Tnr. TJ. S, Court nt Chicago has decid ed that the Lehigh Valley Coal Company must apply, to the Illinois authorities for relief against tbo usurpers of i'j title. FROM WASHINGTON Special to tho OAnnos AovocfATE Washington, March 7, 1885. The unanimous verdict anMho'liieugura lion il that It was the rpnsl brilliant, enjoy ableaud generally mceessful occasion uflhe hind in tlio history of the government. More peoplo were hero, and they enjoyed themselvoj- belter than ever before. Tho festivities proceeded without a hitch or dis appointment.from beginning to cud. But the chief sight was not what Iho people raw, but the people themselves. Keyer wai there such a notable gathering on this continent. And in mere numbers, the crowds exrolled anything Isnown outsio'e of a few exceptional gatherings, eueh ns tlio Philadelphia Centennial, The multitude which faced President Clovcland to heir bis yiews and be witnesses to his covenant with the nation, was perhaps the largi-st body orcltlzens eyer collected In one spot. Experts dlfTer widely as to the number, hut many judges of crowds estimated it as high as ono hundred . tlum'aiid, or even higher. Fully a- quarter ol a million in. pie (linked the proccuion, and at night the same vast crowd oliokr.l llm broad acres ul llm While IM io see the flrewerlis. The ImIi was n popular s well " arlWtidri uinpli. Here again the pple crowded by IhinHands in an unpicei-donied'jiiin. rresjilent. Cleveland's Inaucurol nddrn was cine that might have beep, vvritu-n by the champion ot either ps(ty, n,ndyi-t it wss.jn Iho Inirct tense, n psriy document It was. a plain, tlionj decjaraticm id princi 1 p!ff to which nil good eititeus inlfl.t f uh scribe, and ill be accepted everywhere cs a proof Hint the President. has dedicated hlmrelf to the execution cf the constitution' and las at he rods them. He declaret lo a scrupulous rejnrd for the spirit of our government policy; for economy In admin istration, rural light taxation. si Is consist ent with Ida needs of the government: for a rigid adhesion to our historic, neutrality in foreign pohlicij for euch a regulation of internal affairs as ajiall protect labor and the pnblio land's; ho insists on an honest and clcvotlug policy towards Ilia In, linns; lis urges that polygamy Is an intolerable evil that mint be banlihed; he eays the Chinese must go, and that the negro citizen hai come In ttay and must be fully protect ed in all hia rights. Ills expressions on finance are not as explicit as had been ex-, pscled. Tho members of President Cleveland' cabinet have been known for some days, isvo as a uncertainty clouded one or t vo names, and as now published, the list ocsasiom, ineretore, Jiltlu surprise. The enoien naniea have been accepted by the country as quite ntisfactory, except that the Westii disposed to think it bas received too lil'.la purely geographical consideration. There Is objection, too, In other sources to the prominence given to New York: The fltnesi of Seuaton Bayard and Grrland for their reijwcttva dealts is universally as k'nnsrledgad. Senator Lamar has 110 special adaptation to his allotted deiurtment work, but his presenco at the President's council board will be yery valusblo. Of the men less known 111 Washington, Mr. Manning canies with a high reputation-for executive ability ns well as fur good Judgment as a pollilclau. Mr. Vilas Is known rather si an orslor .than a itslesnian, but will no d mbt make all efficient Postmaster General. .Mr, Whitney has shown great energy and tart as a lawyer and politician, and will brio; these ujnici 10 besr In bis new d . lotst Ilia head Of tho Xsw dtlLirlmtnl I Jjdije Kudioott, of Muasjthutelia, tiaoiU. weli Iu bis pjultisioii and Is the parly He will no iloubt nroye a worthy successor li . Secralarv Mnoilii. Ohe Ot thp hrlrtiL atnlflnn It. .m,.I ftf the Eflrty fighthi Congress wss tbe passage at lljS!silWninJnl!'of1Tue biff'puttinS'Gratit sn the retired-list with the r'abk'and pay ul Keneral.'Iho'demiicrsts are to te prajsed for Sins log' tfi el r party spirit and their dis appdntmont at the failure of the Porter bill In order lo recognise tho claims of Gen, Grant lo Iht homage of the country. It Is painful to think that Grant may not be nolo lo long enjoy the benefits of yeatorday'i act, but its spirit will bo nono tho less op predated. BroaflMin's Hew York Letter. Special to llie CARnoH Advocate t Ou Tuesday the town was cmply, Nsver in Iho memory of tho present gen. eratlon bas tbcrobeen such a Democratic begira from New Yotk, Democratic presidents have been elected before Mr. Cleveland; but when tbolast Demooratlo President waa elected Mr. Cleveland was only a country boy, whose servioes were well requited by three dollars n week. New Turk, whose narrow'mnjority turned tbo scale in bis favor, resolved to do him honor, nnd the Democracy turned out by thousnuds. For tbo time nil fAdion fights and bitterness were suuk In tbe trlnnipb of tbo hour; and Iryiug Hall, Tammany and tbo County Democracy joined iu tho universal hurrah for Grover Cleveland.Prehideut of Ibe United Slate." Hubert 0. Thompson did not fall Into the arms of John Kelly, nor did Sheriff Davidon ombrnoo General Spiuolaj nev- ertheles the hatchet wAs burled and scalps were safe. The Tnmuiiuj- con tingent to the inauguration numbered eight biiudred; but I missed tbe silver tauguod O'Grady, who bad borne olofl tbe standard of Uemocraoy for years, in tbe darkest hours of disaster aud defeat. Tbero were other well known fices ab sent too. I could well imagine what a proud day It would have been for Itaiab Ryndcrsj bow grandly bo would have led tho BOO un'lerrified down Pennsyl vania Aentie. Perhaps be Baw it all from tho otbur side of Jordon. who knows? In ono particular there was the most delightful harmony among Iho dif ferent delegations, and tbat in providing against tho possible contingency of fain- me or drought; especially dronght. Bar rels, kegs, deuiijjbus, battles, baskets, hampers, boxes and bales attested tbat watchful care had been given io tbe com missary, nnd an tvidcut. belief iu the Bible d-clurntion, tbat "man cannot live by bread uloue."' A further wise pre caution was that every brave should have bis name and nddres? sewed on to the bick of bis waistcoat, while his ward as sociation and the name of tbo captain of bis company was fastened with safety pius in tbe lining of bis bat. Tbe braves, to precnt accident, carried nil spare iillls.aml loose change in tbo lets of their boots, and all of Ihem carried Wnterbury watches, leaving their own valuable tickers in charge of My Uncle, who bad advanced money tj most of them to make the excursion to tho National Capital, expecting redemption three days n'lter convenience. Amid tremendous excite ment they got off, uud for three days all the great political centres in the city looked us though a cyciono bad swept ov.r them. . Barkecncrs bung idiv over tbtir bars, yft sadly v flictiug that when tho. boys came home every one ol lbm would bo dead broke for a couple of minthsnt least, Thoy were n gay and gallant body when thoy departed; but as they returned iu scattered detachments, it was evident tbat Rome of them bad eu- countered hariT weather; the shiny he's looked as though they had oten struck by a Maliitibt blizzird, nnd Ibe swell ulsters which wero the distinguishing mark of tbe Brooklyn contingent looked like the wrappings of an Egyptian mum my, just exhumed at Thebes, after 3,000 yoars of solid wear. Many of tho bojs declared that tbey were glad tbat nresi dints were chosen ouly once in four )ears, nud one old grey-bended Demo crat, out of whom all enthusiasm bad been knocked by four .days bitter experi ence at tbe'Cupital, during two nights of which he walked tbe streets till morning. swore it wus thirty years since bo bad attended a presidi n'.ial inauguration, and if tbo Lord spared bis life it wont J be tairly years before he went to auolber. Art circles nre moved to then ceutrcs by tho coming Mile of the Seiiey collec tion of ploiiiitw. which was taken by n city bank lor Mr. S-'Uoy's obliuation of $375.000. - Tho eolecliou is vari.-usly mimaU'd to oe wprtli from SiOO,- IlliO lo a million, nnd it is expected that notwithstanding tbo bard times.they will fulfil under tbe hammer nt least SIOO,- 0)0. Tbo gentleman who preceded Mr. Seaey as President of the Motrnpolitsn Bank, Mr. Williams, was a discrimlunt- iug lover of ait, and bad a small but beiutilul collection iu bis palatial resi dence on thu Hudson. He never ven tured Into tho lavish outlay which dis tinguished his successor, Mr. Seuoy, nor did be, timing bis long and honorable llfe.ever sanction any of tbe wild schemes or questionable methods which lured Mr. Seney to ruin, lu a few weeks tbe Seuey collection, which was oue of the finest In the country, will be a'tbing of the past. It will bean interesting souvenir of the ovil time when tbe firm of Grant aud Ward precipitated the terrible financial collapse wpicb dragged down headlong to ruin home ol tbeoldtst houses in the city. Spe'ukiug ol Grant and Ward, re minds me that while tbe great Comman der, whose life is going out in darkness a-id sorrow, standi waverlog at lbs gates ol deatli, Perdiuand Ward, the ttrbor of his ruin, smokes bis Arty cent lieies iu Ludlow street jil, and enjoys every lux ury that raouoy can procure, trntiiidof workiug iu a striped suit in Siog bine or Dounemara. Tbe news of General Grant's deadly peril bas awakened a response deep and heartfelt, such as could have been called forth by uo other citizen in this laud, past enmities are burled and lorgotteuin tbo face of bis ttriible suffrriugs aud sor row. Among the press, ve with oue siugle exception, there bas been an un. quahfiod outburst of grief. Not even troui bis dearest aud life-loug friends has be leceived more cordial or bearllelt. sympathy tbau from tbe men whom lu luet Iu tbe death grapple on Ibe most tremendous battlefields that ibe world bis ever seen. The men of Ibe South do not lorget bis generous conduct to tin jr Plv,t iNiiiiiiiinitffr at Annnmilr-r - w.ll the scarred veleraus Irttn lllt i . p, or Loui.Iaua lojgt t.e man who iu I tbe d.iik and painful bnurof- surrender I b lAe tbcm take their horses borne as Uuy j would need tbeln for tbtir spring plow ing. Ever since the. announcement of the General's extreme peril, nil classes of our citizens, Irrespective of politlos. have evinced the most painful anxiety for bis reoovery, and heartfelt prayers nre given dally lor bis apeedy restoration to boilth, coupled with tbe hope tbat tbe years tbat yet remain may be among the happiest of his life. Business bas not bton very lively in tbo Stock Board or in either of the Ex changes. A respectable delegation, if not a majority of tbo Board, for tbo last five days could have been found iu the cily of Washington, Iu all of them tbero ore tnthusialio Democrats, nnd us busi ness was dull about election limes the boys look a little flyer on Grover. Tho Blaiuo men gave heavy odds; of course tho Democrats wou new clothes, slduy bats and grand oasb, which last week tbey exhibited at tbe Capital. It required money to carry yoh through tbo perils of Washington this weik Seventy-Ave cents for a codfish ball, and pigs' leet a dollar aud and a quarter eacb. It is rumored tbat tbo liquid kiipplies of the New York delegation out 011 the rooming of Ibe. inauguration. If Ibis is true it must have eulalled terrible sufl'sr. iug, and Ibis nccouuts for t'be xpeedy re,, turn of many of the bravs to New' York. The news that the treat and pious philautbropiHt George Scuey ban -been called on to account for S3.000,000 se qui Rtered from n pool of Southern roads, has tiksun lew by surprise. Mr. S.-uey, a few yers since, a poor man; alt of a sudden bp blossomed out as a million aire, like Fisk nud Hatch and Wnrd. Ho collected pictures' aud statuary, bo built churches, subscribed largely lo Mlstiou- ary funds nud Young Men's Christian Associations; he was powerful lu prayer, too, nnd was regarded as oue of tbe pil lars of tbo church, He oven started n hospital iu.Brooklyn which was to per petuate bio fame to alter ages. Then came tbo collapse.' He had been using other pr-ople'ii money, and bo he stepped down aud out. The question arises, were his charitable and pious donations made out of llics five millions, or where did the mouoy come from? Will tbe day ever return to us ogaln when mcu will be nble to distinguish between smartness aud rnsenlltj? Wo havo confounded tbe terms for many years, now let us cry a bait. For a dramatio season supposed to be somewhat disastrous, Henry Irving and Hlen Terry have pulled through with remarkable success. Mr. Irving Las bsen fortunate iu bis social recognitions," aud the fact of his endorsement by Henry Ward Bieoher has given him a staudiug in Brooklyu which has never been nc corded lo any nctor before. There is nothing tbiu-skiuued about tbe Plymouth pastor; if he likes a good play he is not a 'raid to say so, and ibe fact tbat a pri vate box bas been accorded to his use has brought hundreds out to see the pro fane player, who never put a foot Inside of a thealro before. Whatover may be thought about Mr. living's, greatness, there can bo uo two opinions about their general excellence.- No such stage' mounting nnd generally good actino bas been seen in auy company of tragediaos here. Wo have' some good comedy com paulesbut no company that can produce a tragedy or drama like Mr. living's. It is this fact that has borne him with sue- ce.-.s and profit through oue of tbe most disastrous seasons that tbe country has seen for years. Our couutry towns.from Maino to California ere stiewn with tbo Wrecks of ruined cntnpanics, while Mr. Irving rctnrus lo Albion's Isle, bla cof fers liued with good Yaukee eagles, and himself' nnd compauy having received as geuerous a welcome 113 tbey could possi bly bavo received at home. The txciti 11ft nt is cooling down among our politicians, and uuder all tbo cir cumstances tbey appear to have come to the conclusion that tbo couutry is not eutirely ruined by tbe change of admin istration. Whether tboy like it or wheth er tbey do not, Grover will bold the Fort at Washington for tho next four years. So like a good citizen 1 join in Ibe tri umphant shout. Hail to ti e Rising Suu! Your truly, , BBOADBIUM. New Orleans Letter. Fan 11 out Srscur, CiiuittsrnNnxKT. New Orleans, March 8, 1885. Interest like llm alteudauca Incrtascs with the Exposition, Ever since the opeulug of Mardi Gras, which of itsell brought many vUltors to Ibe city, tbe Fair has been receiving a daily Increase of patronage as, evidenced by the funds which have grown into tbe thousands of dollars eyery day. The management Is consequently greatly encouraged, aud every body being better pleased with the exhibition are ot course happy. In fuct uo reasonably liberal person can well be otherwise. Il s true the public were deprived of visit ing tbo Art gallery uutil last week ou ac oouutoflbe delayed arrival of tbe pic tures, and the di.sappolulment likely to occur if tbe contents of the gallery were not nil bung and tastily displayed before tbe doors are thrown open. Bat while sucb is the case there was enough to eu tertnlu and instruct within tbe other buildtugs. INDIANA. Thi Hoosler State, Prof, W.E. Chaver, commissioner, Is yery attractive and catches the eyes of tbo visitor as be or she goes along its labyrinths. Tbo grain and vegetable displays are first-class, as well as tbe manufactured articles on ex hibition. Minerals receive attention as au industry of Iudlana and coal is tbe cbitf. Several specimens cf native woods are sbowu. U. S. Eacaustlc Tile Co's. exhibit is good. Missotm. Prof. F. F. Hilder, is one tbe young est commissioners wltbiu tbo Govern ment building, but makes a very pleas ing display of tbe effects of bis State. Corn is king in Missouri and tbe speci mens cent among tbe grains oompire -very favorably to any "staff of Ufa' Slates, There Is a handsome little pa goda trimmed wib broom corn wbicb ilmm nf? Wftlt Tn llntlnra tf(t Ami t : .11.- ... I' . . . . I Leer, eapcuiuiiy iua inner, iuu ouiie pro duces many Hue brands. Manufacturing f Is to some 1 xteut-carrleil 011, ouUide of ; fl urlng mills with whlo'a it ab nods. St- L'juW lowcver supplies many U Ibe IJl'J. L !IJJLL.iiHUiiJ!,5- articles on eiblblllon In this department both agricultural and manufactured, NEWT ItAMIMHtllS. This State go far to tho corthwest, In being represented by O. C, Bryant.seen s to have a commissioner whose every e ful is jn behalf of New Hampshire. As a manufncturlng State of much Import ance its npeoimeus of goods attest. Some 200 varieties of uatlvo woods aro ou ex btbition, aud some samples of fine gran- ilo aud other building stones aro sent all tho way from tbe quarries to tbe Expos illon. An adjustable invalid bed, nud fino steel cutlery oombine to make n dis play not to be excelled. A shearing machine for clipping sheep, horses nnd mules is n most useful nnd ingeulous in strument. Au excellent profilo map of the State carved from and painted ou wood Is to be seen. NOTES, Eyery day at tbe grounds looks more spring liko than ever. It is consequent. ly enjoyed by visitors from tho north more than all others, and oan hardly be realized. There Is no lack for lanob counters and nut stands, and such refreshments while In Ibo grouuds, aud one cau be accom modated at very reasonable rates. It is nice to take it ride on tbe river by steamer cither to" or from the Fair .Grounds. Theu n better view of the oity, Exposition grouuds aud surround iug couutry cau be had. The cot.tre or strict "United States de partment" iu the Government buildit.g is one of the strongest features ot Ibe exhibit. It reminds oue of n vidt to Washington city to go through here. Tho various national departments nre admirably presented to tbe public for inspection. A little girl on leaving tbo Main build iug tbo other day remarked, "Oil, my, 1 really think I'll have to purchase a new truuk to hold alt my Exposition goods." She had been loaded down with pretty oirds, pamphlets and other souvenlersof her visit to the Cotton Centennial, Tho bamboo store of tbe He-no Hong Toa compauy is visited by thousands ol people daily nnd many gallons of tsa daalt out freo iu little cup.s, are served lo the world of visitors. Tho foreign deportments now about complete iu every respect, will have as it deserves a descriptive notice in the next letter, as will also other special ex hibits. Work docs not ceaso on and about tbe grounds, but workmen nre constantly adding to the beauties of Ibe Fork which lo'oais up to view prettier day by day. Daring March ,tho. influx of visltois will doubtless be greater than any previous mouth. our harrWr&Tetter. Special to tbe Cam in Advccate. IlABnisBDKci, Pa., March 10, '85. In previous letterj I have made men tion of Ibo appropriation committee making visits to different institutions of tlio State. Once they were at Hunting don, then in a few weeks tbey were in I'hiliiik'lpliia anil last Friday they were at Ashland, Schuylkill county, there to inspect the liner's Hospital. Now, last week tho members and senators were nt the inauguration, the IIouso was quiet, tho Senate likewise, and 110 one but a few employees were moving about the Hill. No news there, nnd very little in the city, so if the readers will indulge me for a little time I will speak about the trip to Ashlund, iho condition of the Hoi-pit- a!, its needs aud what it is accomplish ing. 'Whenever the committee go or. s ich a mission they always go in style, is we nre accustomed to fay, so they did this time. They Jiad a special train, composed of two of tho finest cars owned by the Philadelphia ami Reading Rail road Company. Provisions wero provid c 1 suflicient in quantity and. quality to suit tlio tiibtc of the most fastidious. Tl 0 start was made at 7 o'clock in the morn- 1113. From Harrisburg tho train sped on to Dauphin, where we took the Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna brancli to Pincgrove, thence to Tremont and from tbero to Tamaqua. A short stop was made there nnd a few officials ol the road were tnkenaboard. From Tamaqua we went up the main lino of tho Rending road nud soon arrived nt Mithanoy Cily and Mnhnnoy Plains, where tho -train was stopped and backed up to a coal mine. The word was passed around, that any one who wished to go down into the mine could do so. Tho mine is a fine one, nvcry thing about it is in the best of order. . The AwncrsiireMctisnt. Lawrence nnd Brown. Tho depth is 4o0 yards. Tho vein of coal on which thoy work is fifty feet thick. The coal is tho purest mined in that region. Few of tho member and senators had tho courage to take a trip to thu bottom, but tiio.-,e that did go say that a coal inino is "fearfully and won derfully made." No 0110 can conceivo of tho intricate nnd dangerous methods pursued by the miners in obtaining tlio coal. Mules, stcum-eiigincs and rnilway cars aro running, pulling and braying over 1300 feet under ground. Tho stop rnado here was about an hour nud as boon as the last car load was at the top of the pit 11 scramble was made to reach the train, which In another half hour lauded the party safely nt Aehland. From tbe station the paity wus taken to the Hospital in sleds. The building is aboiit a milo from the, station, situated on a hill, at once suggesting that it must bo a very healthy place. The building is large, well arranged, clean, commodious and perfectly adapted for the good work it is doing. The front part of it is a large building reminding one of a summer hotel, back of, and attached to the front building arc two wards, about 20 by 75 fets, in which were, ut the lime of the visit, seventy, two mainicdjinjiircd and crippled mincru, men whoso homes could not furnish tbcm the attention tbey are receiving iu this place. This building was built m tirely by State appropriations, no private iiuliv.ilual ever gave any money toward its erection, in fact, if any philanthropic individual should desire fo contiibutc to this worthy cause thcro would lo no one legally nuthoriiod to receive it. They need money now. The wards in which the injured are kept aro much too cold, which is owing lo the incapacity of the heating apparatus. They are uakiug for iQifiOO to inaiiltuiu tho jpMitutiou, i lld j t-12,000 to repair Iho building, making rt total of $102,000. This seems like J largusum, but my kind and christian! 1 t . ... . . ... . 1 rcuuerr, 11 you COlllU tsOC tllC StlllCrillg Unit is here alleviated and know tho r'i- lent prayers of thanks to tho Shito that go up from tho hearts oftho unfortunate, persons there your hearts would bo full of gratitude to tho State and tho sum asked for would seem insignificant in comparison to the wealth of this great State. This institution is n success and the money received is well applied, Tho trip homo was mnde in four hours, by way of Tamaqua, Port Clinton, Reading and up the Lebanon Valley. It is necessary for these committees to bco the institutions that nsk for aid, bo ns to know by personal observation what tbo needs of these places nre. Our suc cess, our glory nnd our pride as n Stato consists in the philanthropic spirit we manifest in the caro and protection of tho unfortunate, the .poor and distressed within our Commonwealth. The salons met again on "Monday eve ning of this week for tho first timo since tho inauguration. They contented themselves by doing nice tilings, rucIi as passing resolutions congratulating Gen eral Grant on his success, and thanking Randall for the part he took in securing the passage of Iho bill. Threo oftl.o members of the Hnuso will P1VO nil rn. tertainmentoii ThuisdiiT evening ! 1. Representative Hull, it is to consist of sieging, reading and sncakinrr. Pctituns, any quantity, are read every ay, and on nil iniasinnblc subiocts. New bills are read everv dav. most nf winch will never be heard of again. The underground telegraph men are still nt work and arc niakins a stromr fiirlit tn get tho bill on tho calandcr regardless 01 the negative rctrart of the committee, They may succeed. JUST WHAT DEMOCRATS HEED. iienry 11. wipp, 1110 L,nni ami I'enM n Attorney of Wasldnetun. D. C . srnda 1 t'U. 8. Hilary List and Ciui Seryiie Law," price 50 cents. All Government salaries above S-jtlo are given inclll.line tlio txecuuye Departments, Army and Navy, Internal Hcvciitu", Custom Houses, Indian Agencies, Diplomatic mi.) Consular Service, 1 nsi ouices. ac. mere nri- fully 120,0011 Federal offices for President Cluveliunt'e administration to fill. Twenty pages 0' specimen exHtniontl iii questions aro given, with the Civil Service nud regulations Tl.l- la ....I..I.I. .1.- -I . p. -a 19 iMounuij. wit, cuenpes. form in which this desired Information has been published. Th's manual may save candidates irom refusing "fat places" through wrong infor mation. The book docs not profess strict accuracy on postm asters' salaries which ?o upor down with eyery reailjiistniont.bul is near enough for practical purposes. Mr. Copp wishes to correspond with parties who know the address of any Mexican war suryiyor or widow. "Nunlio," Weatlierly Letter to late for this week's Auvocatk. Trains due at this place at eleven and twelvo o'clock on Thursday wero do layed several hours by a wreck a short distance below Parryvillo on llio Lehigh Valley Railroad. A gravilcar drawn by euglue 'No. 93 jumped tbe track causing seventeen other cars to follow it causing a delay in trains aa above stated. New Advertisements. m. 8 Will tJ twsiii Ksssm mca x tstrs1 003VQ01 isxxsathjast, MM mliMnMin tMSE&.HSiUSS NVHUna una rraB&a t&whz fKsRM IT V.Y V 5333E5ffiC 32 f&SCiJEiSS, J&KSIKfK'V WJOnr BujOWS jrr ji"tr 'M'"i'ia u prnioi si ooujoa suaq anoX'rta ii. una pp si)uoa euip; uoitw 1 OArn RiopJOP nv tmrt otn jo mxbui-optj t cm jnoinui ouin -usSouom -putuq oin 502joj i.uocr. atipiotus joj Kiiounxnt puu oind oa Suiuion tsoupnni snotoiiop si jo oin H liai.b -JKI om oisoimiin.iiadna i.uop uaioi3 s osrreqoi tpi; iiamiiujUuiioiBaiiiJOM joaioii uopioiiotiwo lios on t, TOJtqo.t, urnqinn linti; U ewjiiu jo oocji u Mno B.woiis 'pitniSuji Xiopos njjniinouav iBAOit isrmaun Jtutmis U03 -u n vt jo.iojoo.v v JCI Jl S3-VlUV Pictures! Pictures ! Pictnrs!! PICTURES Copied nnd Enlarged in nil sizes from card to hie- size, viz: Oil Portraits, Water Colors, Pastels, Crayon, India Ink and Photos. All work guaranteed or no pay. All we aaK is a trial. Hive in a call stnd be convinced. No. 105 North Eifjhth Street. ALlsENTOWN, Pa. FRANKLIN S.VNTKC, JInuagcr. J. S.KREIIiLUR, Agent. ORDKltS left ut tbe fUnnou Advocate Office will receive prompt attention. Feb. 28-Jy F. P. BOYER, Parryvillo, Carbon Co., Pn., Respectfully announces that he will have coastantly on hand a large drove of choice I BREEDS OF SIIOATS, j which lia will dlspese or at very LOWlin MAflKKr 1M1IIH.S lie lnvllM n ln.,,.. I tlon of his sleek belero you purchase else. Ml.a- . I.UO SCvMBWH m Is iiraiured'o alter and attead to dla.asea "JZWW"- ' uu"' I R. PENN SMITH & C( Avo prepared to sell to Denlers, Lime Burners mid Con iur ers, nt their HliEAKER nt LE11IGHTON, Pa , At Msiwala Oisaeak Prices, Delivered into wagons nt the following rates, 2240 lbs. to the ton : Lehigh Egg, " Stove, - it ri ' . i m i uiesinut ino. Chestnut No. Buckwheat, Culm Is il TERMS July 1, ..mC.- f"5- H"r,YonK I-acllcs- and Ocntleinen W li Old Post 01G8 Building:, Aprl 4, Fail and W Ho! For New , . Mo SWE1IY a SOI Have received an enormous stock of OIIOICE GOODS comprising llBSESSS AMU) IBBSfX" CS-OOBB, ' Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighlot? POPIIAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC FOR THE CURE OF ASTHMA. i Establisheil 1EC0. Trial Paehajje Free. INSrAis'lLt RELIEVED. T. l'oiiliam .Oii, rreprletnra. riilladtluhU. r nnt fall totry this solondlil preprri tlon Irjou haio dllllciilt l.riaihlna troni Aj'lima, llay IVvcr. or Chronic Hrunehllla II la a lilcas.tiit Inhallni; ri uiedr. K'lne at oneo to Hi aa.u T the disease ; reinorinir Ilia lauaas or nhlesrm, rolaxlnir tho .llnmss ul the chest, roiiioihiir ciiwclorallon and irlvlna- linmeillale and luslllve relief In cvary ease, l'utuiiln Large llexts and aald by T. 1). 'iliomas L litshton, l'a. BWT Mm WHO IS UNACQ'JAIIITD WITH TH2 UEU UV GHAMIH1NC l'oj5s,ms ivr "?e,o n M t. r. CHICAGO, ROCK B8LAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Bv ro.iion of ti cantral position and close relation to nil prlnclpcl lines Taet onct Vo3t, nt anil terminal pola's, constiuitoj tbo moot Important rald-cocti-nontallmli In that ovstom orthrou7'i trnnsnortntlon which jnvitoo and laclll tn.t03tr.ivel ana tralllo botwosn cltia3 of tho Atlantic nnd Pacific ConEte. It to n-l3o tbo favorlto and bost routa to r.nd from points Ecot, Northeast and Southeast, and corrcspondinj points V est. Northwest and Southwest. Tho Itook laland as'etnm Includoa in Hi main lino and branches, Chlcnpo. Jollot. Ottawa, LaBillo, I'oorla. Uanesao. Mollno end Kocar Island. In Illinois: Davonport, Uusoatlno, Wnsliliiifton, Falrfleld, ottumwo, OEkalooEo, Wesu Llborty, Iowa City, D03 Molnos, Indlanola, Wlntertet. Atlantic, Knoxvlllo. Audubon, Harlan, Guthrla Cantro r.nd Council Blutls, In Iowa? Gallatin, Trontan, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albort Lea, Minneapolis nnd St. Paul, in Minnesota; Writer-town la Danoto, aud hundrods or lntcrmodlato cities, towr.e, villages and otattons, THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarante?s ita patrons that sonso of porsonal security ofTordod by a solid, thoroughly bi Hasted road-bed; smooth tracks of continuous steel rail; sub stantlally built culverts and brid?aa; rolllns Steele as near perfection as human skill oan moUo it; tho safety appllancos of patent buiroraplnttorma and alr-bri!ce3j nnd that oxactln? dlsclnllno which governs tlio practical operation of all Its trains. Otnsr epoclaltlos of this route oro Trcnstero at all connectinsr points in Union Depots, and tbo unaurpafecd comforts and lusurlos of ita Passonnjer Eqnlpmont. Tho Fast Express Trains botwoen Chicago and tho Missouri River aro com posed of well ventilated, flnoly upholstered Day Coaches. MaBnlfloont Pullman. Palaco Bloeporo of tho latost design, and sumptuous Drainer Cars, in which elaborately coolcod moals aro leisurely oaten. "Kood Digestion waiting on Appqtlto, and Iloalth on both." Botwoen Chicago and Kansas City and Atchlaan, aro also run tho Celebrated Itocllnlng; Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Is tho direct and favorite lino botweon ChicarfO and Minneapolis, nnd 6t Paul, whore connections rtro mado in Union DoDots for nil points in tno Torritorios. and British Provinces. Over this routo. Fast Express Trains are run to tho watsrinT places. oummr resorts, nlcturewiuo localities, rjid huntlrarond iLfeh. hotwosn Notvport Howo. Richmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, r nd Lafayette- and Couiio.l IJlufls. Kansas Citv.Iain-ioanoU3 and St. Paul and intermediate points. For dat-ilod lntormation boo Mupa and Folders, obtainable, as well no Tlclceto. at 1 11 principal Ticket OtUceo lu tho Unttod States, and Csncda; or R. R. CABLE. - tj President and Ccncnl Manarjtr, Chlcage. Xa'l 11 Tl fl 1' (V U U X 1 lii UJ COM $3.15 3.00 2.80 1.65 1.05 50 i 2, CASH. InUi Trade! The undersigned calls the attentlaa cf his many friends and patrons to his Large aud I'aslilonnblo Utock of Fall and Winter Goods, Censljtlnic ot BOOTS AND SHOES Of every description and Stjle In the Market, including a special Una of Lady's Fine Shoes Alto, a fall lint of Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Caps will nnd It ti their advantage to srlre-hlta w BANK Street, LEHIBHTOH OCOCRAPHY CF THIS CCUNTRV, WILL1 TKI3 IBAH, THAT THE T.r$M ... .... ? m oxciraDis rauto to tno rfnnl-nlfflA. linn hn.n manwl E. ST. JOHN, Ccncral Ticket and Passcnrjcr Agent, Chicago. Wr - tell cs Material an I p))c,llt -Honest Pri!
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