Advertising Rates. We desire t to be distinctly understood I at no advertisements will lie inserted in the columns of Title Oak don Adtooitk that lay be received from unknown parties or I etuis unless accompanied by the fusil. The following are our o.itr tcrmsi OKIE HQ.UABIS (10 MXKS), One year, each Insertion 10 cts. Sit months, each insertion 'Sets. Three months, each insertion 20 cts. L than three months, first insertion it i each subsequent Insertion 2i cts. Local notices 10 cents lir line. II. V. MourHiuicn.Jr., Publisher. The Carbon Advocate An Independent Family tTewnau Published every KAT&BDAY, In Lehighton, Carbon Oo.,ra-, by KAIIIIY V. noBTHIISEli. OWB-BASKWAT. a abert dCetswfa cVit the LehlAh Valley X. B. Cog, Tens: $1.00 perAmn it AiTcs btut DCBcnrtrTioa o rua Am rajtT Job Printing AT VEHT LOW PsUW " TI. V. Moktiiimer, Jr Publisher. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Yenr if Paid in Advance VOL. X III., No 17. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH H, 1885. If not pnid in advance, $1.25. Attorneys & Counsellors. ATTORNBY AND COD.NSKLLOU AT LAW, DiJi3tsiit,t.inloatoj,ri. teal kstate and Collection Acenev VflUEayand fell Kitate. Oonvejanrina; .leatly done Col tellona promptly mad. Settling fcntatee of I) Ideate tpaelalty. May til eoneulted In Knllih ndUeroiaa. Ncv.K. r A. SNYDER, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Urie-Comcr of Bunk Street & Ilankvra y SnJ butldlna; above the Oarbon Advocate Printing OlBco. May m, i8!in6 r,r:uiaHTOM: Physicians find Dentists. jQB. W. W. KEHEIt PHYSIC'IA ANIJ 8URQE0N, BANK STREET, LEHMUTON. orVlCtllourint Parryvlllo Prom a.m., te 12 tu, dally. May bo eoniultod In the English or Oerman Language. May IT. '84. -y- A. DERHAMEK, M 1)., NIYSICIAN AND 9UHGK0N f pedal attention paid te Cbronle Pleeaeee. Ofllee: South Katt corner Iron and '.lu.l at., I.o hlc.hton,Pa. Aprils. 1876. 11. HEISEK, M. 0. U. I. Examining Biirfieon, rBAUTICIMO PHVBIOIAN and BUHOCON. Oinclt: iJsukStroet, HKUBK'a ULOOK, Lenica ton, re. May beeonaalledln tUoOermm Lanscuofre. Nov. 3 REMOVED. W. G. M. Seiple, Physiciau & SnreGii, Has ltemsved hli omen and lleildcneo from Second SOUTH Slroet.ln tho l.ull lliiir formerly occupied by A. J IIou.kmmater, where bo will he pleased to soo.hls friends andpatr.ns. -OrPIUK IliillltS: rrom 6 te 9 o'clock P. H. March 31, 1SSJ. T. A. Rabenold, D.D.S., IIRAKCU orriOE-OpiioilteOlausJJtUro's Bank St., Lohighton, Pa. TJanilstry tn all lit liraneriai. Tcalli tx traetad without lain. (lai admlnlatoreil whau riuilcd. nmee llaya V EUN tS IJAY of e.oh week. I', tl. Address, I.ITZENIIEKU, I.ehlgheouBty, I'a. Jan.l, ll'a-ly. W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : Opposite the "iiroadway House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. ratlaats have tha benfflt of tlio Uteatlm. proyaments in meiuannai apriiu: u.i asat. AKyF.STUETIO admlnl.tereil It 4ailra t. If pesalkle, parsons residing outside at Maaah Chunk, ikould m.iko engat;menla by Mall. 1 Ti A BOOK ON Deafness & Catarrh. Tba abnve named honk of near lr0 pasrs by lilt. SHOEM AKEII, the nr ll-known ox ...iMail a ural Snriraun. will bo Hint tree laany address. Evary fmlly should Imye thla lloak. Tu, voox is iiiuiiraieu, aim iui ly aiilalnsln plain laaicuage all Diseases of the EAR aud CATARRH, aad kew to treat time ailments iceesMfally Addrm, Dr. C, E. Shoomakor, 613 IValnul Street, HEADING, Pa. Sea. e, - QARBON HOUSE, J. W. EAUDENHUSH, PflOPRlETOn, IIaxkSt., LsmanTO!!, Pa. Tke Oasbok llonsii offers flrst.elais aeenm. madatlans to tLt Trarollni publle. tloardlnit by the IWy er Weak on Keasoualile Terms. halaa Clears, Wlnos and l.lnuors alnayeon kaad. Head Shads ami Stables, with attao lira llaatlars, altashed. April to-yl, TDACKEUTOS HOTEL. X laway batwaaa Miuoh Chunk k X,thls;hton LEOPOLD MEYER, PaorMTO, Packarten, rann'a. Tkli wall kanwn hotel Is admirably refitted, aid has tba beitseeoimnndations lor oerman eat aad transient hoarder.. Excellent table) and tke very bsit llquori. Also tine (tables allaskad. Sept. H-yl. "Maucli Chunk House, Sasa.aehanna Street, Mauch Chunk, Tenna., T. F. FEU It, I'ronrlctor. TTkea rllltlnir at tho County Seat this lintel rrlll found to he tint-clan In avory re., neat. Wine.. Liquors, I. alter llaer. Clear. aaS etker HelreiUmenta of purest quality at the Har Term, very moderate. Patronage elleltec tie, it. M. mi Beer Saloon and Restanrant 1113 Vln St., rWUdelphia. Donnia Gilbert, Proprietor. Tke Far Is faarlsked with choice Cigars, rreak Laaer, aad other rafreshinenta. Per. sans from the Lehigh Valley Tleitlnn I'htla alalpkla are raineellully Invited to Rive me a eall. IitNxte Uilucrt. Marak is. 113-1 tf. 11AUDENBUSH K-Mfwtfally anoouno to tha public that b hu uninoiift NKW LIVEllY STA HLK tn tttioQ with hi houl, una Is jTopired to rirnun itun igr Faasrals VfBtliiflp or Mm Trips aa aharleat notleaand raest lluoraHerms. All orders left at tho ''Oarl.u Ileum" will rreelre proatpi attention. Stable on North t-'reet eat the hotel, Lehighton. au-Tl ATlTiTflD Sendjoents for potaRe,ndrf VHl AH. celvo Iree.aeustly Nix nt o.l D. I XllUUiajhich all! help yon to more ssoaay right away than auylhlnR else In I till i world. All.of either sex. socace I Irom first aeur. Tb broad way to fortuae opens b. I fh.a the workers. ablulely sure. Atoaee v&tres Tatrt k Uo., AsgusU, Me. Pea. Mtr ""CLINTON nRETNETf.tsahlonabU Uur,T tna .suos ntsu. nana an, J. w. Thomas' Drug Store. GREAT Just received a large stock of the very latest paterns of Wall Papers AND Borders, which I offer at the fol lowing reduced prices: Gilts, 25 & 3Qc. White Blanks,10& 12c. Brown B's 7, 8 & 10c. All must be sold in a few months. Call at DRUG STORE for bargains. Durlings' Old Stand, Eank Street, LEHIGHTON. T. J. BRETNEY, Keepeelfully announrei to the merchants of L.elilKli'on nnl others that he Is prepared to do all kinds ol Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at rerv reasonable prices. My prompt at tention to all orders be hopes In merit a iliare ol public patrnnaco. Ilesldeneo. corner of Pine and Iron Street, LelilKhten, Pa. Orders lor hanllnir left at (1. M. sweeny fe Son's Storo will receive prompt attention. T. J. BP.ETNEY. Oct. 11, lWIJm. X. CONVEVANCEIl, AND GKNEEAL INSURANCE AGENT Tbe folio Ina Companies are Represented: LRU AN )N MB rUAI, riBH. nSADINO MUTUAL 1111 E, Wyoming vir.i:. roTTsviLi.E nure, LCHIOIl nnK.nnrttke TRAVELERS ACOIIII-NT INtr'UR ANUE Alan 1'ennsjlvjnli and Mutual Home Thlct eteetlreanil In.aranic (,'cmnauv. Uarch21.1S;3 T1103. KEMERER. TT TIT nf..r N II I .KitnitHse. an.i we will mail vt.n Iree, liULlL a rrial, nlnnble samilo box of goods that will put you in the way or i-inlc Ins; moro money in n fiw day than you ivci thnuuhr. i o-aibl? at nnv tui.lnrif. t'unlta notrtnn'reil. You can live at homo and work In snare time only, or all the lime All ( both sours, orall aires, irrandly sneeesslul, it) ennls to (5.C0 easily earned every evrnliiK I hat nit who want work may test thebusl. n.t. w mnWn this uni.artilleleil oiler: lonll who are n ,t vrcll satisfleil we will send tl to iay for the lioublo i t writ!' K us. Pull panleulars, directions, etc , rent free. Im mense pav ab.nlutalr sura for all who stmt atoaee. Don't deljy. Address S'msos u. Co. p.irtlan 1, Maine. (ieo.SO-Jy Dr. C. T. Horn, Central Drug Store, Opposite the " Carbon Home," Bank Strcot, Lehighton, Pa., Keeps a full seppiy ef Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery & Choice Cigars. Choice Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purKwrs. Prcrriptions very carefully com pouuded, day or night. ALSO, Just received, an Immense stock el Ncneit and most Popular Designs In Wall Papers AND Borders, whleh he Is oHerlng at Pi Ices fully as low as the same qualities and Patterns can bo got In the Cities. If )ou are about redecorating your hone, call and see styles and learn the prices before pnrchaslng elsewhere. Ren.ember.lUE CENTRAL DltUO Store, Peb.x.yl Dn.O. T. IIOUN. dnpresen's Riven away, Cent us live cents port n it e, and by lUUUmati ,ou will eet frien tmrkniio of t'onds of larjo value, that lll start)en In work that will at once l.rlrjg jouln money faster than anyihlnn else In America Ail about the n).uuo In prcsnnls with eachbix. ARents wantud everj'Hhere.of either sex, nf all ages, for all the lime, cr spare time only, tn w. rk fur us ai their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. II. IU'.leit & Co., Portland, Me. DeoHMy "Suhscribe for tho Ad vocate, only $1 per year. lWstUau:b6yrun. Taataacood. I Uao In luaa. bv dnutclata. Hires Cmts-M, Cold", ITonifsf net. CVmip, Mtlirori, Uiojichltl, Wlioopdur Coiiph, Jntii'lcr.tCuiifctinip- tion, riki iviicain con ufiiijuto mi son! In Bihnnrril itaffc of I ho dlTfua, li If e 3 rti. CVtu Hon, 'iho Gcm.lno Vt Full's Cmtnh Siitm li nolil orlr In Conp fc';n'P lJ roM orlj la uhtit vriiPjifM, fltnl bcflig our r(F''trcl T!n.u-!!nrki to viti VjSKi A Hull'MlUa.l in a vtixlt,alted fioilmtloi.Jffmtuptjsof K, JtttU t A, V. teiier ifr Co., 80I0 Prop'a, Calttmoi-o, MO., U. B. A. Ul.'Ji-'i-'l Thew Lnnce'a I'lnsa Tho treat Tobnrro All' THE CITY Of LOVEBS TRUE. ST J 11. 8RAOAX. A freth wind blew at the close of day; Lrnr lances of light on the landscape lay; Tho red sun strode from tho flaming sky Llko a wrathful monarch, with roles awry, And the cloudy lords of his retlnuo Bowed to the earth ss he wjthutow. Now dear little ilsmiel, what do you see, That steals your bewilchinr eyes from met" A city I see, most strange and fair, That hung, in the vault ol Iho sunset air; Chariots glitter along its slrrct, And la lies fair rido far and ileet. A cddcndiist from the travel blows, Where a silver rippled river Uowj, ,V ml ships, goudolss, shallops and sloops, . Like the pictures vu mother's wedding cups. Sail out of ill port and drop from suht; I think Ihey are bound for the Isles of NiHlil.'" Ilnw glad I am ynu are wingless, dear; I would pine to a shade If you left me here. Dut I, Ion, know of a city fair, It is yet it is not anywhere, It is .-ailed thx'City of Lovers True,' And how I do wish I was there now with you I" There's a magical word would transport ui itralghtwny, 11 only that word some kind msiden would say. And what Is it? Shy liltta lorcereai, guest; You cannot, now truly t Well, then, it is 'yes.' 0, speak it for me, lovel Ah! now wc are there. In the clly tliet is, yet is not anywhere.' Prom fJoDKT'i Ladt'b Book. ONLY TWENTY MINUTES A Washington Narrative) cf Actual Eyent In Ihe winter of 1683-84. there fell linnl frost In tbe Inltltude of WaahiiiK ton, and a glitleriue sluetof ico spanned tbe Potomac from nliore to abate. Sucl an event is of somewhat rare occurrence Iu a climate bo distinctively southern in Us general ch'arncleristica, and tbe youth of the city made tbe tnont of it. So long ns tbo sport listed tbe glisten inc Btirlnce of tke Btrcntu reflected the graceful movements of n throng of akat ers. not the lenKtnpry and agile of whom was tbe imrr.itor of thin story. Bnrn in the inhospitable North, where nil tbe winter Iour Hie rivers are Ice-locked and Ihj rot di piled l.iwli with drifted snow this spectacle rekindled in me tonitlliiug of tho entbti,astn wilb which, na a atrip liug, I had always entered into the win ter pnslimta of Bk.itiug nnd cnasting.nnd I bciutily welcome! thla opportunity to display my nccomplist menu. The easo with which I described tbe figure 8, nnd cnt my initials on the glossy plain, w. s thd ndmlrntion of everr young lad l:i that merry compauy, and prnlified my si'lf lovo to a degree that, considering how Inug R titn i) had elapsed uinco I bad indulged iu such boyish pleasure, was really RUrprUing. Fortunately, the frost held for sevsrU days, oud every afttruooti tbe whit' bosom of the l'otomno waa the acno ol it gathering that embryo d much of tb fn-bttiii aud beauty of tbe Capital, nnd occupying, ns I did, tbe post of arslstaut physician In a government institution near by, with more leisure at my com ttianil than I Always know what to d with, I was frequently able to purticipat in these gjj'lifs. Unusually I had fo toy companUm a young eltctriciau, who was an accomplUbed skater aud devotee of the sport. One name is as good as nuotber I culled him ''Tom." "Well, Tom and I had many an txcil iug race up and down the river during ihat memorable ice caruival, until, en the lust night, ooourred tho hazardous adventure which I am about to relato, Auil in order that von may arrive at a proper understanding, of It, I must pause in my narrative long enough to give you tn idea of tbe locality. If you have ever, Irom tbe terrace of the Cupitol, looked dona on tbe Botan ical GardeiiK aud across the unkempt Government reservation to tbe flats wboro the dredgers are so busily at work you must buve noticed that the Foto nuc, utter flowing lazily tinder the "Long Bridge," across which rumbles tbe train fur Alexaudria, seems lo btrtlch out au arm to the eastward, and then, turulug suddenly about tales its wuy southward towards tbo Chesapeake. This arm, which is called the "Eastern branch the Pntomao," really tue outlet oi au- aooslla Cfeek, aud the creek, taking i s rueiiillie M iryland bllN, udt far from iue,- uisiqrio uuueuauurg uueinug ground, peaudera along between green meauowa tumi It reacuts tue ou navy yarn, ami lorius me aouiuern uwunuary ,i, iu. n.j. the Potomao, a point of laud proieots Horn thovbore line and foim ilei-ite of tie Agonal, garrisoned at the tim of bleb I ante by a ccmDany or two of artillery, vim hamsouie bouse aseieni areoiteoioio tor me ometrs, F3 I sung quarters for tho men. Upon tbe opposite side of the stretim, crowning a tioblo height, standi tbe institution with which I am connected, IIh ivy-mantled towers realizing tbe popular Idea or an old English castte. At tbe foot of tbo hill, which, is circled by a substantial wall, a wharf prnjsols into tbe water und a winding rond leads to it from tbe sum mit. It is perhaps a mite from the wharf to the arsenal opposite and nuotb er nitla to tbs city front proper, and it was by this route that! usually made my daily trips to ton a. It wai on tbe last night of the cam!' val, aa I have said, that tbe adventure in qiit.ition befell .me. The weather had becomo perceptibly milder nnd the glar ing sunsbiuo bad materially cofteued tbe Ice, so that it was necessary to exetcite soma caution in crossing the white ex panse I bad diued that day with my friend Tom, at tbe Arlington, and, ns we knew that tbe ice could not last much longer, it bad been agreed between ns tbitt be should go over and spend ILe evening with me, and that night niter mooutise wo should shale back together. It nss already dusk, nnd tbo stars shone but dimly through the baze, that seemed to be gathering like n veil be- weeu heaven and eatth. When we rencbed tbe river side, therefore, I light- d a small bull's-eye lauleru which 1 bad taken tbe precaution to briug along with me, and by Its frieudly ylenra we clamped on our silver-plated skiitea. A moment spent in rummaging through our pockets for nuotber match with which lo light our cigars and we were ni Clipl clipl clip! with long, easy strokes nith that delicious swaying motion which gives wings to the pace with light hearts aud occasionally a mer ry tthiHlle, piercing tbo flilluess of the evening air, wu bent to tbo work! Wo bad left tbo Washington monu ment a towering spectre, faintly out lined In the darkness far lo shoreward; hnd ahnt like an nrrnw under the dingy trackway ut the Long Bridge, and bad list sighted the rtflectton of the arsenal light, streaming full upon our coursr, when crack! boom! a succession of un earthly sounds tbs meaning of which we both well knew, fell upon ears and startled us from our fancied fsrourily. "Look out," I shouted to Tom. "Oh, It's nolbiug,'1 he replied cheerily. But tbe very next moment Ibe ice groaned again, bent, cracked and sank uuder us we were in tbe waterl As the icy flood closed over my head, a shiver r.tu through mo. It was indeed the Itiver of Death! But, instantly, there cimo a revnlsiou of feeliug, with that swiftness of thought which is ctnracter islic of tbe mind in times of supreme danger. I reflected that I was a strong Hwimmer, that tho edgo of the ico could not be far off, and that even if I did not succeed in reacbiug it, Tom would doublltsi come to my rescue, ro that by tho time I hnd risen again to tbn surface I had formed n dc&uite resolution. Strik ing out boldly, I soou reached tbe ice field, aud, exerting my wholo strength. eudeavnrcd to mount upon it. But the treacherous cakes broke off again aud again In my frantic grasp and then sank beuonlb me! At last I found one that seemed sufUcienlly strong to bear my weight, but by tbts lime my bauds bad become benr.mbed and bruised by tbe rongh edges of the floe, and I felt my Rtrengtb leaving me. By n supreme ef fort, however, I succeeded In drawing myself partly out of tha water, so that uiy breast rested upon tbo extremity of tbn cuke, nnd using the leverage thus af. forded, I erndunlly got my body oyer en tirely, I now felt secure, but was power less to move or cry for help. When my strength bad sufficiently rc vived.I cautiously rose to my fret nnd shouted at the top of my voice lor Tom, Breathlessly I waited for au answer! It came preutly in a hoarse cry, far away dowu tbe stream. "I'm nil right; how are yon?" I replied to this welcome bail by di recting Tom to work bis way along care fully until be rencbed tbe place where I then stood, It was a slow nnd painful proof ss, but at at last be was within hand-reacb. "If you can hold on a bit longer, I can give you n leg," said I, as I groped about iu tba dark for a convenient crack into which I could thrust my fingers and secure a tight grip. Having fouud one, I lay down flat ou my stomach, with my legs banging over edge of tbe ice, and as Tom c-tugbtbold of those useful preheu siles, I drew him nut of bis predicament. For an instant we flittered ourselves that we were safe, but hardly bad the first words of congratulation passed our lips ere down again down into that dark and chilly stream we sank together. How loug we floundered about tbtra I cannot tell. We called anxiously to each otber; we shouted, we yelled like maniacs, but no help came. On tbe ar unl point we eonld seo lights moving but they cams no nearer. Across the river tbe windows of the Institution aeemctl to us to be fairly blazing uilh light. Over there, I knew, were friend ly hands and strong arms in plenty but uone were reached out to us. Good God! were we then to bs left to perish in the midst of that grinding ice; in tbe awful solitude ot the starless uight? Were wo to fee! our grasps relax of ing our Augers slipping tho water ria i0g, rising to our shoulders, our necks I clo.iug, closing alas, over our beads ing, rising to our shoulders, our necks clo.iug, closing alas, over our beads while there so near, oh, so distressingly whilu there so near, oh, so distressingly neir! our dear one, might be pressing ne.rl our dear ones might be pressing 1 tUcir pale fccs against those very win - their pale ft)ces against those very win-' dow panes, perhaps, and pterin? out dow panes, perhaps, and peering out WouderlngIy Into tbe dark, uncanny wouderingly iuto the dark, uncanny night. Tuank God, it was not to be! nigui. Tuank God, it was not to be! We bad alraist glveu np in despair wn,u th, etlftlig tide brought down npou ng nj).i 0f tblclc . solid ic. I or 0a4 ju.t strength enough left lo ctutcU no j, t, ,t p g,sd, and emcU ntcosvsriiig be pleased, we bolb succeeded in gelling a foothold. Aud now we were bailed from the nearest shore. The Ilegulars had heard our frantlo cries, nnd surmising tbo cause, bad hastened to our rescue With lauterns and ropes. With their timely nid we were soon on terra firm, ouco more, nnd wrapped Iu blankets in front of a blazing fire, we soou lost all sense of discomfort. I bethobght me to look at my watch. It bad slopped at nine. We bad been only twenty minutes in the water only twenty! It seemed as many years! SOME OBSERVATIONS. "That Is the editor, is ill" "Yes. sir, it is." "Well, now, Mr. Editor, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm introducing tbe 'Morning Star' brand of coffee among your merchants here, and if you'll give me your address, I'll send two pounds of the 'Morning Star' tn your bouse, I want your wife to servo you with n cup of i', and after you've tried it, yon may just say what you please about it in your paper." Tbe editor, of course, beams with bapplutss. The prospect Ive donation of two pounds of choice coffee is enough to make nuy editor happy. Unfortnnntely, however, his family is a way for the sea son, nnd he replies: "If you had just ns Boon, suppose you send that coffee up to tbe business manager's house. Here he comrs, I'll introduce yoa," and having done so.the observer settled down to bard work. He would have introduced the philanthrop ists to tbe business manager anyhow. It is a rule iu tbo mail office Ihat all philanthropists shall be introduced to tho business manager. Tbo representative of tbo 'Morning Star' coffee tell hi story veiy gracelully to tbe business manager. "I'm going to send two pounds of our superb coffee up to your house. Tbe business manager has met phi lanthropists before.' Two pounds of coffee,'' bo replies; "bow much is Ibe coffee a pound?" "Tblrty.flve eeuts." "All right ; my bouse is number 2,232 Blank street. Send up yonr coffc. Here's seventy cents." "I beg your pardon," says the phi lanthropist ; "I'm going to give you Ibe coffeec, nnd" "But I don't want you to give me tho coffee. I'm able to pay for it." "Yes, yes, I know that ; but you know I expect you to reciprocate by saying what you think about tbe 'Morning Star' in your paper," "Then yon want me to give you some thlug, do you?" "O, no ; I simply expect you to say whatever you think tbo coffee deserves," "We usually trade ou a cash basis," the business manager respond, "but let's see, two pounds of coffee will be worth seventy cents ; three Hues of local seventy-five cents ; von owe mo a bal ance of five cents ; It will "be very hard work to get vtry much of a notice iuto three liuee,but we'll close the deul if you ay so." Tbe philanthropist, for some reason conldn't dispute tho newspaper finnn cler a business logic, but still be coulu hardly comprehend jrby bis generosity was looked upou iu such a coldly prac (leal manner as tbo business man applied to it. He succumbed, bowever,tnd con cluded that be wouldn't send the coffee at all, but wonld make a contract for advertising in casb. The philanthropic scheme of the coffee man, analjzod in a business mauner.was every wit as business-like as it would be on tbo part of a newspaper man to step iuto a mercantile establishment aud say to the proprietor: "Here, I am going to send you my paper for three months ; after you have read it you may give mt just as many dollcrs' worlb of dry goods in return as you think us deserving of." Feculiar ideas are entertained regard ing tbs newspaper business. More rldi-. culons propositions are made to news paper publishers tbah to any other class of business men existing. Not long ago a Texas man wrote the Mm, a letter saying that be would appreciate tbe publication of the "inclosed item of general interest'" and that if tbo publish er woul i send blm a marked copy of tbe paper and advertising rates, be would be pleased to send them cash cash adver tising when be needed it. Tbe "item of general interest'' was an advertisement. Tbe publishers replied that if be would kindly send fifteen dollars iu cash as a gift and tbe rates on any money be might have to loan, tbey would be pleased to borrow of Mm whenever tbe occasion arose. And why should suca absurd popositions be made? Simply because tbs newspsper prolession has educated a good proportion of tbe public into the idea that a donation to an editor of fifteen cent, box strawberries, or n peck of fresh vegetables, is as acceptable as u thousand dollar gold pleoa would be to an ordiuary man. Tbe coffee man above referred to, after tbe conversation bad concluded, laughingly aud fraukly added : "That's all right it's business but we catch lots em!'' Dxi Morxu bu.vDir Mill. - TAKE IT THIS MONTH- Spring rapidly approaches, and it is Important that every out, should be pre- pared for the depressing effects of the I cbauglog Benson. This is tbe time lo t purify the blood aud streugtheu tbe Uyatem, by taking Hood's Sarsaprilla, whioh stands unequalled n i spriug i medicine, aud has endorsements or a charaoter seldom glveu any proprietary j medicln. A book containing statements of many wonderful cures it has accom- , pJUhed, will be sent upon application to 0. 1.Huod iCo,, AputljaoariM, Lowell, u Hois. 100 Dcste Os JWlar. LI l-J , .- A ' 1-- ABSEHT-MIKDEDNE63 AND SMILES. A popular hotel man of this city bas determined to abandon tbe temptations of single blessedness in March and settle down to the enjoyment of married life. Tuesday evening a Commercial Angel stepped up to tbo office desk and ad dressing tbe mauager, who was writing on delicate note paper, naked. "What time docs Ihe next train go south to Nor wich on tho Central?" Manager (promptly) March 11. Tbe next question was: "Is tbero a 'drawing-room' on the train?" Manager There will be no drawing- room about it, it will be in tbe ohnrcb! The laughter which followed aroused tbe manager from bis reverie and after a moment's refleotlon he too smiled and was obliged to make the Commercial Angel 'smile' in return. tncdiscrprttourprosidont ncilisorpruoBou r "p rosidan c dlscrpruo sisour preside discrprtiosid isoucprosid isorpruosidn disourp resi serpruosidnandisourpres orpruosidnalandisourprc rpruosid nalelandisourpr pruosidnalovolnndisourp ruosidnnlcvevolnndisour uosidnnlevolovolnndisou ob idnalevolClovolandlso uos idnnlovelovelnndisou ruosi dniilovovclandisour pruosidnalcrclandlsourp rpruosid nalelandisourpr crpruosidnnlandisnurpro cr p ruosi d nan disourp res tso r p ruosi tin disourp rcsi dis erpruosid isour presid i ; : . i uuiscrpr uueiBuurp rusiua ncdiscrpruosour presid on tnodisorpruourprosidont Cau be read upward of Ave tbousaud differeut ways by starting with tbe centre letter C aud taking the most zigzag course to any of the four cerners, viz, 'Cleveland Is our Fresident." SHE WAS DISAPPOINTED. Au English lord who visited this coun try was at a dinner given in bis honor at a privato residence. A little daughter of bis host, who was too well bred to stare, but wbo eyed him covertly as the occa sion presented itself, finally ventured to remark: "Are you really and truly an English lord?" "Yes," he respondod pleasantly, "real ly and truly." "I have often thought that I would like to see an English lord," she went on, "and and" "And you are satisfied at last," be in terrupted, laughingly, "N-no," replied tho truthful little girl, "I am not satisfied. I'm a good dtal disappointed.'" FOLAB-LIKE PEDALS. "It was fearfully cold last night," said Smith to Jones one mornine recently, ''I bad to gtt up iu the night and warm a brick to put at my wife's feet," "Why didn't you try my plan? I slept by myself last night and put tha cat at my feet. The cat kept them perfectly comfortable. Tell your wife to try the experimeut. ' "She bas tried it, but it won't work." 'Why? Didn't the cat keep quiet at her feet" "Ob, yes; the cat kept quiet. It froze to death in five minutes.' PRACTICAL CONCORD. "! tbero harmony in your church?" asked tho presiding elder. "There Is, there is," replied Deacon Ramsgate, ''perfeot harmony; w have dismissed the pastor, discharged the or ganist, compelled tbo choir to resign, discontioned tbe Sabbath and week day meetings, discharged ths sexton and ex pelled about one-half the members and white-winged peace now broods softly wilbin tbe wills of this branch of tl.e earthly Zion. Harmony? I believe tbe very angels envy us." A SMART BOY. A minister forgot to tak his sermon with him to cburoh.and bis wife dlsoov. erlng tbe mistake, sent it to bim In charge of a small boy, wbo was to receive ten cents for tbe job. Fresently be returned for tbe money. "You delivered tbe sermon, did you?" she asked. "No, mum," be replied, "I just gnril to bim; be's n deliverln' of it himself." THE WRONG GIRL. On a large farm nearly in sight of tbe quiet little town of Frederalsbnrg, Md resides a blooming young girl of 22 sum mers, nlo her cousin, two years her se nior. Both of them have beans, whom tbeir stern old father and uncle does not approve of, Tbe lover Ko. 1 and his sweetheart, unknown to the otber par ties, bad made all their arrangements to steal of in tbe still cf the night and get married. This was also the plsn of tbe contracting parties No. 3. Tbe liddsr was bidden back of the garden for tb purpose of scaling tbe walls at tba prop er time. Iu the bewltebing bonrs of tbe night lover No, 1 placed the ladder to the window of girl No. 2. Tbe night was dark just at tbat timo. She made her exit out of tbe windiw and Into tbe arms of ber supposed knlgbt, and was hurried off to Ibe carriage near by. Not a word was spoken. The carriage was gained and tbo lash was applied to the horses. When they arrived at the bonse nf the preacher, wbo was waiting to tie the knot, the gallant knight then dlsoov ered tbat be bad got the wrong girl. Of course there was some salts and inward cuss words, and the tug of war cams bow to get tbe weeping girl back undis covered. Lover No. 2 met with an acci dent by running bis VaZRT against a post and carrying away his poit wheel, i aud failed that night to arrive at tb bouse. The old man bad bought a $13 gun, and is nightly iu ambuah for tbe raiders. Faith is tha medium twlwecn dss- pair and preemption, -rSo'UoiJbe foi the Cuoo Apvoclnt Bnekleu's Arnica Balve. The best salve in the world for cuts, brtltaes, sores, ulcere. Silt rhuem.fever tores, teller, chapped hsnds, chilblsnds, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cure piles, or no py required. 11 is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, nr money re funded. Tries 25 cents per box. Truth is mighty scarce. A baby-carriage is pretly sure to be struck by a squall He Who feels for the poor shoutd mako the poor feel tbe felt, William McKnew, 124 Fnyetls s'reet, Baltimore, Md.,snys: " I belisvo Favorite Remedy' Is a good medicine. It is doing ine more good than anything t ever tried, nnd I have tried almost everything for I am a sufferer from dyspepsia." While, "Favorite Remedy" is a specific in stomaeh and bladder, It is equally valuable In eases of bilious disorders, constipation of the bowels ami all clasiiirilis apparently in sepsrable from tha constitutions of woman. Few things are Impossib'lo to dili gence nnd skill. A little kindness goes a good ways. God pitlsj where mortals only blame. It is foolish to be obstinate over trifles. Tha Boot of the Evil. To thoroughly cure semfula it is neces sary to strike directly at the root of the evil. This isexsctly w hat Hood 's 8a rsap i ri lladoes, by acting upon the blood, thoroughly cleanslug it ofall impurities, aud leaviug not even a taint of scrofula In the yitul fluid. Thousands who havo been cured ol scrolula by Hood's Snraaparilla, testify to its wonderful blood-purifying qualities. Sold by all rlrugj-iats. Subscribe for the Cabodn Advocate only il.00 a year. It is not so difficult ts know ono'a self, ns to confess the knowledge. Each departed friend is n magnet that attracts us to tbo next world. Tho serene, silent beauty of n holy life Ib the most powerful influenoo in the world. Tho Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind', sas: "Both myself and wife owe our llyes to Shiloh's Consumption Cure." Sold bv W F lliery, Wsiaaport, and C T Horn, Lehighton, Are you made miserable br inrlieastion. constipation, dissiness, loss of appetite, yel low saini onuon a vitamer is a posttiy cure. Bald by W T Btsry, Weissport, and CT Horn, Lehighton. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cnt will give immediate relief. Prir 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold bv W F Bisry, Weisaporlj C T Horn, Lohighton. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a poiitir cur for catarrh, diphtheria, and canker mouth. 8old bv W F Bisry, Wisiport,and C T Horn, Lsbiihton. "Hackmatack" a lasting and fragrant periume. rnea 3J and so cents. Bold by W V Blery, Weisaport, and 0 T Horn, Le highton. Bhlbh's Cur will imraedistoly relieve croup, wnooping cough and broneuins. 8oId by W F Bisry, Wisspor; C T Horn, Lienigiiion. For dyspepsta and liver aomplaint, you hay a printed gusrantes on every bottle of Bhiloh's Vitalitsr. It never fails to euro. 8old by W F Bisry, Weissport; O T Horn, jjcmgnton. A nssal injector free with each bottla ef Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Fries iu eonts. Sold by W F lliery, Weissport, 0 T Horn, Liemgoion. Blind pleople cannot be carpenters, because tbey never saw. "Poets are born," says a writer. 8a are other men, but when they get old enough they generally reform. A Madison street girl's auswer to the current conundrum : "Will the coming man work?" is "He will if I get him.' "It is said that a goose drinks water one hundred times a day. Soma geese don't drink water at all. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, cm be cured by administering Dr. Hainti' Golden Specific-. II can be given In a cup of coffee or tea without tb knowledge of tbs person tailing-, It, flectlng a speedy and permanent euro, whether tbs patient is a moderate drinksr or an alcoholic wreex. Tboussnds of drunkards hay been mad temperate man wbo have taken tbe Golden Speeiflo In their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful allaeta laiult Irom its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Addrsss,GoLsx Srsoiric Co., 1S5 Race St, Cincinnati, O. We should never wed an opinion for better or for worse ; what we take upon good ground we should lay down upon better A ohserfnl way a talking will soon abase away gloomy feelings in oar own minds, and we all know how inspiring to ns are snob words from another. "Anna, what must yoa do, before anything else to have your sins forgiven?' "Commit tbe sins." It is spring. A resurrection of nature's latant foreas Is taking plae. Llka the world around you, renew yoar complexion invigorat your powers, cleans tb ohan nels of III. Avar's Ssrsaparilla is the means to us for this purpose. No iault cau be as bad as tbe feeling whioh is quick to sea, aud speak of tb faults of others. -One of the bsst rules In couversation is never to say anything tbat any oue present cau wish unsaid. Fully tl understand a grand and beautiful thought, requires p;rhnps as tuueU time as to conceive it. Vary Remarkable Recovery. Mr. George V. Willing, ol Manehsiter, Idieh., writes i "My il lias been alinns helpless lor live years, so helpless Ihat Sh could not turn over in bed a'one. She use two bottles ol Electric li:tler, aud is sn much improved, that she Is able now to ber i.wn wirk. Eleclrio bitters will d all that Is cla'med for thain. Hundreds of testimonials attest their great curativ powers. Only fitly rents a bottle by T. D. Thomas. "There are good aud bid points about tbU enffse," ald the biar.ler in n iudicial ion. "Tba oood uolnt is that 1 I then is no el icksry in It ; the bad, tl at there is no cofft i I it." Subscribe for tbs Cinox Acvooatb I only 11.00 a ywr, i the .kat mm REMKDY FOR PAIN. lUUeval e4 easts IU1EUKATISM, Nouralgflft, Sclatlea, UmbeeA BACKAeax, niiioii, nratm SORE TRRMT; QCLvsr.swrxuxos, SjrRAIXS, briatss, We, Irthes, ntotTsrntai ns7KS,scjLt,Ml ia a! Se yi eaM mnnniMBi ftoUVf aMtMwttrie-eM Dttbrt. Bin ihll aa IS ioa. Tit CauUi A. Tiffin Ca, (S naa.TaHea j!!5MIUH!JliS lill!effllKtu KaaMaMMIleUaflbHaSSCflB For Something Very Klce Irs th Wsf ef Ladies', Gsnt'a a&4 Caildrwil BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS OU TO Peter Heim, ppetlle tha Public Sasare, BARK Stmt, Lelihrhton, where you will flat a Laura- essrl 'aahlonable Stock lo selaet from at lowest Cash Prices. Alio Ladles' an4 (Hat's Boots ana Shoes Mads to Order ob she notice. Dost Material aad Week raanablp guaranteed. Prices ar fally Low as elsewhere. Tear catreisg Is ver cordially Invited. y U-tsI JET. H. Peters, THE TAILOR, 3 a o 73 SUITINGS! Very Moderate Prises sad Per Kt 1ts U tt motto or this Eitaellihnnat. YOU are ta vltsd te Inspeot foods. if. h. rrrEEi, Post Offles Btlldlng, BARS Straw , April 34, it LUf ktoe, T Rev. Father Wilds1 EXPERIENCE. Tbe Her. . T. TU4s, rrelt-tae-sra eJ missions tn New York, sa4 ttrwtt of Use lata eminent Judge Wilds, of (h Massaehusetta Snprema CoszK ealllae as follows i "TO B. Ulk SI Kim Tori, Uag 1, lot Musns. J. C AVER & Co., GentlonMa I Last winter I wu troubled with a tasst uncomfortable Itching humor atfettaf mora especially my limbs, which I toned s3 rntolerauy at nlgui, and burned so lctasso ly. that I ooojd searorly bear any clothing ever shorn. I was also a srn7rr frooa a severe catarrh and catarrhal eorifh; arry appetlta was poor, and my system, a gostt dat ran down. Knotting the rsla ef Avon's SAasarAtULLA, by obcervatton' of many ether cases, and from personal se In former yoars, I began taking It for tb abovo-uamod disorders. My Appetlta tav proved almost from the first aoa. jtteajr a short time the fever and Itching wr allayed, and all slims of Irritation ef ttut skin dlft.iprto.tred. Mv catarrh, and aotjfftt were auo cureu uy tne aarna : my general health greatly Improved, turttl It Is now excellent. I feel a nundred per cent ttroocor. and I attribute lliess laselta to the use at tho SABSxrAKitLA, which I roeommoad wnh all eonadene es m burnt blood Ufdlclce ever devised. X leek h in small doe three time a dasr. d, lo all, lea than two bottles, i slaca r. tn eiKwo iw. a jour ecrrioa, poHU ateaar publication may do good. Years respeoUu lly, X. T. WlLM." Tbe aboro Instance la bat on of the taacry eoastantty coming to our notice, whioh stove the porfoct adaptability of Avca's BASAU n IULL4, to tie our o( all diseases artalnji trout lniporo or Impoverished blood, cist weakened vitality, Ayer's Sarsaparilla sleansea, oorlebes, and strengthens ths bleed, ,tltuulalA the notion of tbe stomach and bowels, and thoreby enables the systwa to) roalat and overcome thu attaeks of all rreW lous Dlttatcj, h'ruttllom cf f SH, .IAms. jtu-,'"OUijTh, Cturml DtlUltg, and all lloordors resulting from poor or corraptad b'tood and a low state nf the system. i-nri-anxD nv Dr. J. C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Matt. iold by all Pruciistj; price SI, six bottki' for $S. AYER'S CATHARTIC PJLLS. BOSt PUfgntlVO Modlclno ! WrjCor-stipatlori i Indlfestlon,lIeadaclsand M iniwiM iawiihh, BoM OYcarwbvre, Alwwj-s tellafc, , UeWa-tter. Af work warraetttf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers