MALL'S HW ; ALL S0RTS' Hair Renewer. Seldom does a popular rcincJy win sncli a strouz hold upon tliu iuMIu eoiifldonco ns baa Hall's II.VIU Itn.xLwr.l!. The caios In which ll li&a aceomullslioil n oowylete restoration of color to tlio balr, ami vlguruua health to tho ioalp, tire luuunieraule. Old ireople ll!;e It lor Its Tronderf i po or to restore to their uMIuiiIiib locks their orlgltml color ami beauty. Middle-aged jjlo like It Iwoauae It prcrcnU them (roiii EOttliij bald, kKpj daudrutl away, anil males tho hair jror thick an.l strwij. Young ladlaa like It u n lUcasing Iwcause It giro tho lialr a Uoau tif nl glossy luatro, Mil eiiahlos them to drcei It In whatever form theywliU. Thus It li llo J.iTorlto cl all, and It .has become to simply Ktsiuj'i U .'-sappclnta no c.-.c. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE TOR TnE WHISICEE3 Hat br-eomo one of the r.wet Imrottar.t TK-pn-lariilletartlrles for gentlemen's use. Vhci the beard Is gray "f naturally of an tnnli rrallo Uid), Bi'cxisuiiAX'a Dili Is tho remedy. TB.crAr.nD BY JR. P. llall & Co., XasliuivN.n. Sold ly All Druggists. Jj- & CO., BANK STREET. Lehigliton, Pa., MUXlir. and rxaleie tn ,Iour& Feed. AIIKlDllief QT.AIN UOUGIiTonil SOLD REQULAn MARKET .BA.TK3. TVd wnalil. also, lespietlully talorm etircllt Etna that we are now fully prepared to aU LV tiicin irith rromfnyjrla eceltcd at VEtl LOWEST 1'KIOF.II, Hi IIEILMAK & CO. ynli For Bargains in Dry Goods, Dress Goo 3s, Priest " Pat, I believe J saw jou asleep in church last Sunday," Put "No; in clude, your riv'rimcc didn't: you might a seen 1110 with nis oics shut, but dicll a bito' sleep could J get nnyhov,vid your scrcochin' and your thunipiu, oi" the poor cushions long life to ye. Uc was a Ynlo student. Likewise ho was close to I key j Ilnrlcnstom's. Wrinkles mark ed his full dress suit. "Ah. j yes. yes,"liR exclaimed. "It's I quite the proper thing now, you know, to have your best 1 clothes rumple; 'hows you're popular; snows you can a good deal, you know. Mose Schaumburg; ".Dot schwallow tail goat vas schoost's splendid to go dot bardy to and make mashes dose girls on" Customer, Yes, vutoneofthe tails of the coat is missing.'' Sctaumburg; "Never n ini dot. For dot tail what wa3 gone dot grat from, 1 gives you for noddings a bair of India mbbcr shoes. A Madison country girl wrote to her cousin in Brook lyn to come up and spend a month on the farm; thry were going to luive husking bees and dead loads of fun. The Brooklyn girl replied that she would not come, as the last time she was there she was stung by a horrid bee, and did't want any more of it. Silverware, Caipeta, Queens ware, Groceries, fce. OOTO E. H. Snyder's Bank St. Lchighton. A- DROP IN AT TUB J maroon Advocate , OFFICE FOR I Cheap Printing ! ADVERTISE YOUR VENDUES IX THE Carl) on Advocate ? mmmm ESl'ECIAL'.Y IF TOU HAVE 8 T II , JOSEPH SAVITZ, Boot and Shoe Maker, Offoslte CLAUS3 fc DUO'S, J!&nk Stroot, Lohighton. Repairing neatly dono at low prices. Patronage solicited. Ool, 31, mi .3! ;" 'it r "".JR..,!. ' ' M g K O ia9.Z3 i: caiaisj, mm reikis:, r, AUV F;KT1nKs.1,iitc rate, for ad 1 vcrtlllnir lu ttt icood nvwiiimncrs sent frr AilJrei. Uayrx I', Kuwell k Uo., 10 xpruee 1. lbU2, DANIEL WIEAND, Carriages, Wngoiw.Slelghs, &c coiista or , BASK ASI) IltUN STIir.CTS, LEHIUUTON, PesK., " FarUeutar atteatlon (Iren to . REPAIRING la all lis dttalli, at the Tery Lowest Triees 1'atreasa' reipeelfully loUcucd and ) t ffl ssilifietlon gnaranteed. Jsn.lf.Mly. HAN. WIKANP, Farming Utensils, 8tc, TO DISPOSE OF. Charges, Reasonalle. Orders by mail promptly ai ended to- Central Carriage Works Bank St., LchiglUon, Fn. Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c., Of erery description, In the moil subatantlr rnaaner, and at I.enest Usih Prices Rcjtalrhiff I'romiitly Attended to TREXLEK & KHEIDLER, April 34, 1SS3 yl Proprietors. WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mauch Chunk, are prejuireil In iln all kinds of Plastering & Oruamental Wort at shortet notion. Orders Iit mall will r eeiro prompt attention. Terms mnderal or sooitwi.rx. jculiW $500,000A YEAR. Statement of tli6 American, National and Untied Slntcs nnd Canada Express Companies, Troy, Kow York. The strenulli nf Home ley not In her mult!. Hide, nor In tier urain-lmlrn fleeir. Iliese worn element? ol str.niith, hut her never fa Una resource lay In the tell-co"tol and illerlpllneor Kinnaii suldlere. ilcldln ll la the v ry suul to all the nandcrral in. nnltiff to,sofsed hy the word 'roiornn. Mr. Hen mlljl, nf Tior, Isaretcran in tho express hns'ncM "Thirty-three years " he enld to y. sir ruporlcr, "I'e etoo'l at this desk." It Is Die discipline ul jeura ol est erlenre nhlch alr.s li tut tho i d,ll Ion he holds In the Iru't end esteem ol tin to ihreniirent cntporilMi ns. e h no a business oi VJ'.uOia year, and I've i.ecn absent I rum this olllce hardly a month In all Hint tlnio. nltl onah 1 must eon. fi' that many limes l'v worked heru when tiinerliiicKrent lialn. fori have keen troubled nil my 11 to with l.lilousnce and dyspepsia. My system had l.tcniuo so leduerd imii weak tint 1 bud no appetite, and my dlitrstloa whollv illsiirderen. I'rv tried virlous reme dies lint almost two years duo 1 happened to hit upon Hr. Kenned; 't KAVOllirii 11KM. i;l)Y Alter utt only one I on In or so I beirtin to leel stronger In every nay. The trrcatiHfficiilly h lorn "llh iny .IlifHI n, hut till" seems torcnulnte ll pi rlcotlt I hare, sir. itreni fnllh In lir Kennedy's ( AvnuiTK HruKDV. 1 li ivo hcuirht amluiren n xreat deal or It lo tho nor around hero; their, you ktiuw. who havo no money to buy medicine iT tiny kind, (or t hero ar a ttrcat many troubled with bilious dleapet Mnd nifler un ntihont a i'. I alwujs keep KA VOIU r K KK.MtDY In t lis hnute. 1 eiinslder It the bill tacdlcloa lor tho bloud In the market Wei , t must attend to this matter lor the western part of tho cl y. Say. you tell tho Houtor lam com. Inx down to Kondout lo aeo him In August. I want to know hi in." I left tho veteran, still at his I'i'ft, reJolclnln health and urate ful to Dr. Kennedy, niarlt uil sure, euro tl.00. lly mall with lull dlree. tluni. nook lor ! cent slump. l'tCTkCU., (ul Klxth Arcnue, New York. ilui2I-ly FARMERS' COLUMN. restiltnir throughout tho United States and Oanada (or desertion, nun-support, Intemper ance, cruelty, Incompatibility, etc. Advice ree. State your eate and address ATThIINKV WA1II), World Kulldlnj, US! llroadwoy, New Yotk. July UMy I REMEDY THE UttKAT I.T.001) pnuiFIEH nPTIII-M(OltLl). Catarrh Uaaboconio bo provAlent that injarccly a lamil Is exempt, nnd U U truly tho b&no of tho American Koraaay prcpamtlnnsaro in the market tliet Jo t rr that &I'Ulr, 8ra, and FAILIMC CURE C'ntnrrli ltrinritr itml Illouil in- rincrnai rJeVj;it ma single cieo wnera airocuocsare n.noiroa. n ctriiic at tU4 root ox me amue, ana rlirat nates tho pulion frum the blood. Its nucccsa has been womlrful and aaUi immense. AU that Is as Led fur it li a trial Iftemnst obtitimto and lmjt-it(ndlnff cases yield readily V this remedy. It t bottles for 95 jpon receipt of j&H r SinVl F. Kcilor A Co., lUrrUbuu, r.t aiz bottle j will be sent by ex firfcEB, prepflid. JiiXt t other, for it s tho only preparation that rtnthtttl at f M4 tiltmui ttuil Cures. Bend Lfnr rtrrtilfir tnr nok roup drufftrlut fur ona) concern In Owno Naturn Sj-mptoms and Cm o of Catnrrli. H contains testtnirmialdnf anthmtio anl ccnuinoi-nro. It i3 also the Host niootl Pii llllor in tho xnnrket. 1'or naln by lrtir;fiintn Fniernlly. Wholesale by biM'L 1MCeltj-.ii A (Jo., llirrubarr alMby JonsaTOw Hollo, wit i Co . nd Smith, Kxjme & Co., PlUUd'a. l'a, nov. S, 1f38-lyn r. Fonltrr EnffRostloni. Iftliejrsre cared for, uud nlnayi liaya clean, and wholesome quarters ami not crowded, poultry will alwava be healthy. If a fowl merely acts a littlo "cranky," do not lineglne that It is sick, and cuminence stufliug it with drugs; simply remove it In a pen sonio distance from the lloclt, and let 1 1 atone a few days. Kit proves In he very sick, chop oir Us .head and burn It. For cholera, a strong solution of hvisulphlto nl soda, given three times a day, In teaspoon ful doses. Is probably thn best remedy tie have. For Rapes, dip a feather In turpen tine, and Insert It into thn wiudpipe. Ono application will generally cure; two are sometimes necessary. Dip scaly legs lu kermenn two nr three times. A 1 1 It lo ')! pher mixed with (lie food once a week in winter, prevents packing of the, and Irreju lantirs of the lowcli,coueiI by over eating, and the conttant production ol eggs. Gruvel and coarre sand tro necessary for the digestion of food Crushed boucs,old plaster, time, etc , are necessary lor the formation of egg shells. Cayenne pepper in small quantities, mixed with tho fend occasion ally during the wlntr,promoles egg loying. fitly liens win eat ana nample down half as m lib grass, If yarded upon it, as will kiep a cere. A coop of (moll chicks In tho garden will destroy an enormous number of bux and worms. So not ptr mit your poultry to forago upon your neighbor's furm ; It is a mean, contemptible trick, and often ptacticed be men who would recent It if accused of petty tbieyery. Duiks nnd geere prefer to havo their nests on ground ; some will sot lay anywhere olso Place their nests In rows along one ai le of Ilia bouse, and seperate them with thin board partitions. Pucltst KRtrKE in Am. Asriculluritt. CUI.I.HU1!, MiWAHIt, NKYV JEltSEY. Oocuptei three B'llldlnm. f .arapst and More position,, for srHdunb's than all other ectiool's cum blned. I.tfe so'.o'ftmldo. s-io. Write fir circulars. i'uimaii, i-Auis CO., rroprletors. leo 'Jo-ly. Stock Farm- C rosso lis, Vayno Co., Mich. SAVAGE & l-'AUNUM, I'aoraiETOltS. PstreelfI.o.5ta)01S7). IMPORTED Pevcbevon IHorses. All stock selected from th- r-et nf ,lres and dernn of csublhhed reputation and registered In tns Preaoh anl American stud bocks. ISLAND HOME Is beautifully situated at the head of Grown Ile li the Detroit Uiver, ten miles below the City, and laacces.ibls by railroad and iteambott. Visiters not fimillar with the location rosy call at city office. i. uiuiji.u jjuiiuuiK. nnu n etcou win accompany hem to the farm. Send far cataleptic. frM hv mkll. Address, Savasz ft Yjuutvu, Dstrttt, Ulch. Nerve-Life and Vigor 1 OF THE Thls cut ehows the Howard Klcctrlc Magnetic Shield as applied over the Kid no) nam! Nervo-vltul centers. Tne only ap pliance msdo that Ills every part of tho body, and tho only one needed to l'OSlTlVKLT CUBB KldlicyUUcuso It lioiillliitUin, O y a li o p a 1 u . tho worst cases of Kcniliiul Weak lien, XS&Iiaua lion, Iitiiiotcn cy, and all UI cu sea and TVonk- SJciiltul Oriruua Tatentod Feb. 23, 1879, YOl'SO MEf, from cany Indiscretion, lack nervo forco and fail to attain strength. M1DDI.E-AOED JIKN of ton lack vigor, attribnt Ingtt to the progress of years. Tho, and MAID, suffering frora Female Weaknees, JJcvvmis Debility and other all menu, will find It tho only cure. To one and all wo ray that the Shield gives a nat ural aid In a natural wuy WITHOUT DHUOGINO THE STOMACH. Warranted Otto Yoar, anil tho boat oiipllnnco made. HluHrntod Tamphlct. Tnnnrt TXVT.S OF MEN. also Pamphlet for Ladles only, sent on receipt of 6c, aealod; unsealed, KHKK. American Galvanic Co., OFFICESii.o:, Clintnnt St., ftilla. to mvsrnrPTTVK.s t ue aiivrusr navinv uern pcrnianoaiiy eured.'f that dread rflseis-. l.'oiiininpllon, by a .tuple renvdr. Is anxious to make known le Ll, fttlow sufferers th means ot care. To a I wlio ,leilr, II. ho w.ll.enda eoovciftliu Iiretcttdiin (Kre). with the dlreMlnas lor .t.,.rlr; nnd ualinr Urn sa inn which I hey wu no I a en eur t r t -'iiii,, t'u.i 'un autpi!on. sslIiiiib. llroni'hii a. Ae. I'aitli'i wlihisi the prefer, pttbu, win i lease a,btrvsi, Hv K A WII.HO.V, ivl I'ettit iireei, VTUltiu3,Wr,ti, . Y JtC .y No Patent Ko Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United Statea Canada md Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal office located In Washington directly, opposite the United States 1'nlcut Uincc, wo at able to attend to all patent business with ujrestrr prninptne.s and de. siatch and at lets cost than other patent al ternate who are at n distance from Wash ington, nnd who hav. therefore. M employ " aawelto attorneys " We uuke prellmlnaiy examlnatlona and luriii,h opliiions as to la. teaublllty, Iree ofrharKe. mid ull nm ore Interested tn new Inventions and ratenia are t.1 irril It. .n.l (nr rnt.v .,1 .itp .... btalnlni; ltentr," nhlcli la rent free tc ' Buy uMiireaa, nun eenian.a co'tilluie llisituc Hons how to obtain patents and other vnlua- bio mailer, -l oreierio me uerman-Amer-lean National Hank Washli iiinn, II, t).i io Itoyal Swetllth, Norwegian and DanUh Lrait, 1 Mont, at Waihlnitton t Hon. .It.s. I'asey, lito ; I'hlel Jiullc V, . I'ourt ol IMalma; lo tl.e tHllela!! t.r ,i4J it u j-a,,.t ejjjj.c, and lu ' Senator! and Member. ti jjrets Koui ovrry Nlate. Addrere l.Ot'W UAdOKII k TO., 8a Helton r Patents anrt ftiorne) a at Law, Le Dteii (Iv ldicg WAaisaitiv, U 0, Paynes' Auteiaiie Eugmss 6 Gjw-HIU. C. .1 I.KAPEIt. "o offer an r to 10 II V. AntMatlc,Rprk-Arreat. a.t., Ttounic. lii, in i l.r i.,vtt. mn,16ft, H'J ft tre.- " d ve, i, 2 eituultancous kivcr et-t hcul bint I . liv'rxh aibtf. 3 chmsea hnil : Mivryer eoni ola lo U-h'Vi r r.ud l-ptid-itloeka ttnu .NJI.IUIHI. tt, tilt; I r.titt, eaw, .'. ft 8 hit i I nl U-lUvfr, f I t.t it', cauM'ii' k, sKNittf, t ttliuiTr.cU. It.ftcw'i.pletr (or otctai ii, f llim tui ci-io. En piiiu . it t l.i.ta, tit Oless, liuirluo Vl i li I'l ll .iiilh . tttni itii n Mf in v 1 1 , it lii ( -i and kcrp urs le l i t- 'nl fur i-atui ttrtto lit. II. V,. IMlNK.iS; PII.N!-, .1, t'Hil.I nil tttllra ..ntrt- :.. lM : nc'li. ali'nn'JI.ii.l'OlI.K1. tua-'tii. ' ji'il'. .i tl I in Tra. r.l.ulr.:, N.V., XPI EWSH1VK Ban b Lelijhtouandiliai rtdHeun i.i a I WSCEIXAMEOVI, Short, tod to tho point . A dagger No good lawyer will takes'' Will lo' deed. Kind Words for a Ono.1 Thine Dr. David Kennedy Mr wife has used vour "Favorite Remedy" for general deblllly arjd liver complaint, and la grume atrangaml well. I can cheerfully reoimnnrnd ita use In every lamlly an lamilymedlclnc. Yours, will, gratitude, Win. Lundy, Dalllmoro,Md. Ode lo a man gelling bald t "There'll te no more parting there." Mot(o for Chicago Diveroo courts: Change Parlnera all round. Is your hair turning gray and gradually falling out? Hull's llnlr Renewer will re store Ittn Ita original color and sllmittale the follicles to produce a new and luxurl ant growth. It also cleanses the scalp, eradicates dandruir, and Is a most harmless and agreeable dressing. General Grant gave up the use of the weed, so that his wife need not wear weeds yet. The wages of Anl Sin are getting loo high for San Francisco donlzeni: The Chinese must go. Take Warning. At this .season nf the year when so many people become subject to altacka of bilious nesi, kidney troubles, constipation odd all the list of troubles that arise from being nniiieii up, nr mat are uroucnt on by colds and exposure, it is tho part of prudence lo take wnmlnc from the experience uf others ami provide ourselves will) the means of escape (ruin similar troubles. So wide is the I'mneiif Kidney Wort, that great rem edy for alt kidney-asd liver troubles, thai almost every one knows of its great virtue for such rases. It should bo kept in eyery household ready lor an emergency. ll She complained thot the turkey for dinner did not set well. Sarcastic companion: Probably it was the wring sex. -Young lady: I am down on roller skatej. Bystander: I saw you were yeiter day, at the rink down nearly all the time. An Editor's Tribnto. Thcrnn T. Kfutnr, Kdilnr of Ft. Wavno. Intl., "Gazelle," writes: "Fur the pst five yojrs hove always used Dr. Kings New Ducovery, for roughs of the moot tevere t:haracter, as well mb for those of a milder tj ;io. It never fails to cirect a speedy cure. My friends In whom I have recommended it ipeak nf it in same high terms. Having been cured by it nl every ctuli I havehnd fur five years,! consider it the only relisblo and euro euro lor C.nmhr, Coins, etc." Call .it T. D. Thnniua' Drug Store, autl get a free 'rial buttle, liargn biz-l. An Old Farmer's Experience with Cattle The farmer wants to know, not so much what ii a sdittrly the belt feed, but what is moil economical something gtod and substantial, uml not Ion expensive, which he can raiie on tha farm. Cum lodder, when properly cured ami elmed, makes good feed, but il it is left In the field, or loiiiz exposed to the weather, it is scarcely worth, tho labor of culling and shocking, pjrticularly if Ibe weather lias been wit. Wheat slraw if not very nutritious lew! for ciltle, but as most farmers raise wheat, It is a go id plan tn have plenty uf elraw well .tacked, to which cattle, du-ing winler.may have free access, and let them eat what they will. About Hit" Leat ami cheapest eed fur cattle is good Timothy hay, with vccasioml leetla of corn. Clover hay mny be f d to cattle willi good advantage. Tur nips ami pumpkins, where I hey ran be urcessfully railed, make good feed fur fall jnl early winter. Potatoes, either raw or Dokcd, make good feed, and the small nitra iMiiunt be uietl lu better advantage than by eitling them to rattle. Totalo and apple p'cliuiis mixed with brun ur meal, make i;ooil feed, pi.rlicuUrly for milch cow . Cattle, as well as other farm animal", .ippreciute good treatment, milch coifs in inrtieular do so, end should always be r utetl kindly ,and uven petlriK Tliev will ve.'y soon learn to recognize those wlm ate a l ml to them, will take Irom tho hand jliin.jt everything in l.e wuv uf ftx-i), and .-.fin In relish whatever is oll'eretl, , imply lecause it is given by a known fricu I. Tl.e vnWt bus ulleti seen iet cows eat bread liii4, lettuce, tuinalnes, ami otjier thin i Irom the table, anil even drink sour milk, hen ullVred by a recognized Iriend. Cow I oiild always be milked by some one who is niturally kind and gentle, and, so fji as may be, by the lame person never by any one who Is excitsbic, peoyuh nr impilieul Old Faruir In --li". tncufurist. "nOBOIt OK 0000118." Ask tor "Ilounh on Ouunhs." for eonirhs colds, sore throAtroarseness. Troches, lie., Liquid, 25 J "uncoil ON ttATS-" Clears out rats, mice, rotches, me,, ants, bed-buKS, skunks, chip inunks, gophers, lie Druggists. KRAUT rAINS. . Palpitation, dropsical swelllnei, dlizlness. uiuiK'iiou, nentiarue, sleeplessness curcu by-Well's Henltli Kcnower." "nouoti OH CORKS." Aak for Wells' "Koueh on Corns." ltc. tl" Ic k, .cuniplete care. Hard or sott corns, waria, ouniuus. "nouon ox rAta" torocseo rt,A stex, Strcnifthenliis:, linprovcd, the belt for backache, ptilns In elicit or side, rheuma Him, neuralgia. thin r KorLB, "Wells' Health Kcnower" reltnres health and vuor, cures dyspepsia, headache, Ncr vousuess, detlllty. Si.oo. wuooriKO cocorr, affection of children pruuipiiy, pieasaniiy nun kiueiy relieved uy Houirh un (Jouirhs. ' Troches. lSc. lialiani. IIOTMhllS, If you are falllnir. broken, worn out and nervous, uie "wens' Health lluncwer. 41.00. Drugglits. LirErncsERVm. - .If tou are loslnit vour irrln on life trv .'Wells' Health Uentwer." Uoes direct to weak spots. "nouon OK TOOTIIACHK." Initnnt relief for nrurnlirja, toothache. iiiceiirnti. ask ior nouu on looiuiicue. li nnd 23 cents. rnr.TTV womek. Ladles who would retain freshness and rl. vacltyi don't f.ill to try 'Well's lloalth Ke newer.' CATARRHAL TtinoAT AmfCTIOKS, Itacklncr, Irritating couifU,, coltls, lore throat, cured by "nouirli on Coughs.' Troches, lie. Liquid, 25c "ROCOH UN iTcn." "rtenah on Itch" cures humors, erup Hons, rlnir-wnnn, tetter, latt rheuiu, frosted iuci, ciiiuoiaiui. Til s nor k or the katiok. (Thlldren, sluw In development, puny, seuwiiv, undt delicate, use "Wells' Health Ilencwcr." . WIDE AWAKE three or four hours every nleht couuhlna: (Jet linuieilluto relief nnd sound reit by usliu Wells' "ltouuh un Coughs," Truches, la cuius, uaisaiu, eeuis. "KOUOII OK VAIN" 1'OIIIIUSKO rLASTKR, Sircnthenln;;, Improved, tho beet for baekHclie, jiuln in chest or side, rheumatism, uuuruiKia. All for JO Cents. Mr. K. C. Walk.-r, Ktlitnr "Tiack and Ruad," Tlte Spirit oj the 'Jtmct. New Yurk, liter an rxiiiiusttvu tiiirryirw, Willi all lending hiiraeiiieu, stitbleineu, spnitiiuen, drivers iitid breeders til Imrses uf thn coun try, stntea that Si. Jacobs Oil. the great pntu-cuie, will tin all that Is cuimm! tor 11 hi the cure ut chts, paius aud aull'ering in man and brail. Oyer production every where in gro'n and olhcr crops, and to cup the climax now we have an over-production of .cold weather. Corn plaster peddler: Hayo you corns mister?. Farmer: Yes, plenty; hut I el hold fur belter price,; you can't make any coutracl with me. Feeding and Caro of Swlno. Kone ul uur larm animals answer intre quickly tn, ur yields mure profit truni good treatment', than swiuo ami, fit many localities, none are mute neglected Ihun Iheio homely, but uselul animals. In the West, where hogs run at large anil follow the tl roves ol bed in steers their mauagi ment after they are weaned Is very simple, but nherj hog are kept in yards or pens am! are rxpei'led to subnet Mainly un akimtiied milk, ur tha reluse from the kite it n, Inure cme fs necessary and their wants must be caralully attended tu,'rfliey will nut thrive ui limy might. The limit iiiiii ttjiii thing tu remember lu fe-diug hugs is, that thu're Is Uo such thiug as "stork order," the pig that is nut to ftd that It gains in weight rontinusllr'auil rapidly, Is uol a pn fiuble animal, and tm eats mure feed that it la worth'. Many 'farmers keep a pen uf itore hogs In low condition through tbe'wintcr, at a deal Inst ; the pigs do not grow, and yet eat almbil ns much fattening bogs. Here, again wt cmne to iho'Tio'l uf support." The larger part of the pig's fool is needed to keep lilin alive, and prevent him from gtng backward; sad a very little food, Judiciously applied, will usually make all the ditlorence between profit and lou In keeping pigs". -The cheaiiest poik is1 tint made from I Iga which Lave been fed all that they would cil. II it dues not pay to n:ukiKirk by liberal feeding, It does not pay to iiiako it at ull, and it had' tetter Le given. The ears uf pig should begin at soon at they are born , sou-elliues the sows are very lavage aud, if not preyeiited, will eat the pigs as Ibey will appear. If a tow shorn thiiili.. Ksitinn sbr should be watched and the PUS uaen irom liar, uuen ner lauor I. ..,,,,,. , hi. r.n.. .nd If h. finl.hed, they should be eare.ully put dnn I W(S))(i.Hi, lI1t ttt,0M , y( JUUT ADVICE TO MOTHER!. Are you ilitlur.hed at night and broken of your rest bv a sirk child siillering and crv ing with p.tin of rutting Urth? If so, semi -it liuroaiitl get a Udtle uf Mas. WinsIiw's BIIOTI1ISO SrKlT FOR CllII.IIUKN TkETIII0 Ita t nine l' iuiMlciiable. It will relieve the pour liltle sullerer immediately. Depend Uhjii It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu lates the stomach anil bowels, cures wind mlir, lolh-ns the cuius, reduces Inllatniua linn ond givea tune and energy to the whole yeiein, ilka. Wtsai.ow's Suotiiixo Srncr ruK Ciilt.nitax Tkktiiino is pleuaunt to the luite, Hiid is tho reicripliuii uf one nf the oldest ami l"sl leuiale nurses ami pnytl cuius in IhoiJiiileil Stutes.utid is lur rain In nil drugglits throughout the world. Price 26 rents a bottle. 30-ly There are said tu bo S3 kinds of sheep in the world. Dues this include the lambs that get shorn in Wall street, ami in -llio speculative Chicago grain murketi? Miilrris In new nur.e deeply absorbed in a dime novel: Why, Annie, how can ynli read so steaililly and mind the baby too? Oh, mum, the baby don't disturb me a bit. The compositor made a wretched typographical blunder. He meant to prjnt Tne reyiyal meeting will be held at the First Chinch l night but be got an 1 in place nf the d. -An old Kentucky darkey signs bit name Col. Henry Clay Jones On being told that he hail no right to do this, as he Wtis nut a colonel, he answered that "Cut.' simply meant "rolured." The men made and won a wager that he could ask a question to which fifty people would all give the same answer, lie asked; Have you beard Smith baa committed suicide? The uniform answer was: WliUh Smith? We notice that our Eastern papers all apeak nf eyery Mtle cold wind as 'hilzard." Let me come up Noilbweit and learn that blizzard only applies to. lour feet uf snow, all up in the air, with the her.momeUr IT) degrees balorr i)ro A young man having got Into limbo fur a barroom fight, Ibe landlord was called as a witness ; ami of being asked if tie had beside her ami she will geurrally lake up with them at once. The pen fur breeding tows should U i.iomy sst warm, the 11 r nearly live), to that the weight ul her tody w.ll not settle down an.) crush tha pits drori sattDia In An. Aqriculturitt. j -Ealitribe Jor the CAaj Aerooaii. honor, aud the most of this court I A charming young miss accompanied by her aged grandmother, asked a spuire eleik the price ol sJine ribboo. He replied that he would let her have jt for one kl t lor each yatd. Very well, she said, cut un leq yard, end grandma will pay yoa ; the tlwiiTt settles my bills. MAY mm YOU 1 - IX J Ai fine nnd ns clicnp Comforts and Eed Covers ns you like As line nnd ns cheap Bed Blankets as can bo got anywhere. As fine and as cheap IIorseBlankets as can be got anywhere. As full and as cheap a line of Hosiery as vou will find in town. As fancy and ns good n line of Hosiery as you will find in town. As fancy and as cheap Velvets as are sold anywhere. The completcst line of Qucensware in town, fancy or common. The newest line of Shoes in town, Children's, Misses', Wowmen's and Men's. ' The newest line of Rubber Goods in town, Children's, Misses', Women's and Men's. Fnncy, Common, Cheap, 'Novel and Elegant, either one, if you please, in Notioni and everything in the line. Then, lastly we will meiitiou Groceries and let you know we haye the stock and at the right price. x , Very respectfully, If Asl MI. 111 I jt8 IJLJ:'; I Jt . 1 1 an M ave receiV' FAXIi AMISi WINfTBK and SUITINGS, Are now prepared to furnish their customers and the people with the Newest nnd most Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings, which they will make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually. Low Prices. With a iorcc ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to select' from, re arc prepared to offer inducement unexcelled by any other ESTABLISHMENT in the COUNTY. Wc cordially invito YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices before. making your purchases elsewhere. In all cases we guarantee Best TForkmanship, Best Material, the Lowest Prices and Perfect Fits.' Respectfully, .rrY' Clauss & BrOi, The Tailors, BANK STRET LEHIGHTON,TA ' March 22, 1834-yl o t! 4 j rfi S&ei 6TT".4h ,'" . 2 2 8 It s P-J I'A hi .rl t " - S-S I tol-SS .S-n$4l.2 bit,-,, ilium i?il5l!l I pr , i , - - - - i i.ii wma m v oli-lli jjgSrfl niii -si. .--JS., discs'2 sSisii risls is gt'tx In 0 VJ Illlflilfilf-Silll IfMlli- w -s a SS5S5ieSl83&S H5Sa 'r try o'saja o o a S g. & S '" ? , t.o s oS usS3 -S r 1 3 .a Jb- s s ?5a sin s.b tr.o, i !. nl mn hi si. y mim m tr& r u. u a r .5 3 ji - - - .3 . " vr" 5 "3 . V Nil G .T.e. o 8 8uS'-iiK ;sa ..s'S' ,- o o'' '5A ' c.7. 'fiJ '"" Subscribe For The
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