0SS. lOnpal dual M Store:1 Amen the'most attractive things-tor this Boorehtng Weathr are the WASH GOODS. American and Imported Seersuckers, X.ltht Prints. Medium Prints, Dark Prints, Indigo Dlue Prints, juournlnit Prints, Secohd Mourntntc Prlnts Cambrics, rercales. Dress Ulngbams, Ohambrny HIiigiiamB. Ooodreo.- Purchase, We can far l ,'ttt carehlnn for a riNB MUUltNlNO SHAWI,. that they should call and eiamlno our stock of Shawls, us It ctnhot be matched In quality and uilco ty any Credit house. Odd. Poblh Square. Hank St., Usnlghton, June 9, 1883 jr I U.TJOSBADM. SATURDAY. JULY T, 1883. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Confined to He bed -The Iiehittli river, Daniel Graver, of Mountain Top, was In tswn Saturday. , The grass In the pnUlfi square wos sold )ast Thursday eTeuing for $15.50. Miss Gussie Clauss.of town, Is spending several days in Allentown and Catasauqua. Will Al formerly it" ployed nn 1,1,8 psiier but late of New York, is visiting in town. B. J. Kunls and fami'.y, oflown.lclt last Saturday evening on a yislt to various places. Several of our yonng folks attended the commencement at Catasauqua last Friday evening. Hon. A. J. Burling and his family left for a few days at the seashore, ou the noon traiu Tuesday. Best make of Horse Shoe Nails for 20cts a pound by the box at J. L. Gabel's. Miss Km ma J. Reber. who lias been In attendance at the Stale Normal Schoui, is home oo a vacation. The street railway company in Allen town has revoked all Its free lasses ami has raised the fare from five to seven cents. 'SS-ROSEBERY'S Boss Barber Shop, In Obcrfs building. Bank street. Give him a call. Sstisraction guaranteed. It is rumored that the Reformed Sun day school will liavo au excursion to Fair mount Park, Philadelphia, In a short time. 0. M. Sweeny Sc Son shipped between 00 and 500 quarts of strawberries to tlio coa! regions, during the season just closing. SHARPERS BAZARR PATTERNS at Half Price. E F. LUTKRNBACH. 61 Broadway, Mnuch Chunk. Charley Lentr, of Mauch Chunk, was practicing on his bycicle in this place last (Saturday, and has conquered tho "hufty" old thing pretty well. Lewis' Best White Lead at $7.00 a hundred at J. L. Gabel's, for cash. SfirAn Increase of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry at Hacainau'a store ami a decline in prices. Please rail and see as wa make im.faUe statements in advertising. Our young and popular friends W. T. Clausa and John Kuti left last Saturday for .Great Bend. They expect to be gone several Weeks. ' feO-For Sale, an illustrated edition of the llisuiry of tho United States, four large octavo volumes, will be sold cheap. For particulars call at the Aovocatk office. Mr. E. II. Rhodes and his daughter Blanche formerly of town, but now ol Ithaca, N. ,ha e ' eea visiting In town fur the past several days. SguFtjli SALE, Several choice build ing lots, one in tho botnugh nf Iichichton. Good location. Apply at J. F. Hai.bacu's, Jlufic more. Marry Stransberry, a fourteen year old boy, Was around the new round house, ol the h. V. II. R. Co., last Saturbay, when he stepped" oo a slone and fell breaking his righf forearm. Sulf you wanta nice araootb.casy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz ifoeacrer a Baiooti, uiuicr me uxenaugo Ho tel, lib will fix you right, and don't you orget it. The American Aqriiultuii.il (English oi German cditioii),and the Camion Auvocaik will be sent tu any addrces on receiptoftwo dollars. The price of the Agriculturiit is $1.50. bOGa to Ha cn man's store, Lehigh ton, l"a., In get the lead me genuine American matches; as ho deals in unnn nf the foreign imitation trash with which the people hae ueeu so extensively awinnieu. Charles Yenser, the well-known "igent for the Magnum Uunum wash ruachlnc.whp has been in York State for the past couple nf months, returned home last Saturday Charley looks good. 5E5-E. F. Luckcnbach, Broadwav,Mauch Chunk. Is now unenine for the insnec.tinj ol his friends, tho largest stock of new designs in WAL.U l Al LKa ever seen In lliiacoun ty, and is selling at verv lowest prices. It is said the Bethlehem Steel Mill will be started next Monday. Union men who refuse to sever their connection with the Amalgamated Association will not bo cm ployed. jECfJnhn D. Miller, at Ills saloon, nearly opposite the 1st National B.ink, will set up a free lunrh every Baturl.iv evening, at 0 o'clock. The bar Is supplied with prime fresh betr and other refreshments. Give him a call. ar-Mrs. Mamie J. Mullen, fashionable dressmaker, at the Catibok Advocatk of fioe, this borough. Per'eet fits and work inanship guaranteed. Wax Flowers of all designs at lowest prices. Wkite Flowers for funerals a specialty. X3F I have now on hand a lot nf lileht Single and Double Buggy Harney and Heavy Team Harness, which I will sell at very reasonable price. Any style made to order un short notice. Yours, Ac , Mii.tos Flobt, Weissport, Fa. For the 7 days ending on the 30th ult., there were 77,534 tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh & Susquehanna RR.. makinc a total for the vear to that date ol 2,31 0.4S5T tons, an Increase as compared with ssmal lime last rear nf 208,149 tons Land Plaster for sale bv the barrel or ton fit J. L. Gabel's. "lire quern dudum dixeram" Ii Plau- tusfur"he whom I called a Jude," and there is nothing new under the sun, unless it is the fart that our popular liveryman1 David Ebbert, ou North street, Is furnish. lug teams to tho jwople at very low rates. The filth cclabratiiju nf the Wyoming Caminemoratlon Association took place Tvesday at Ihe monument which marks the spot where the massacre occured. Steu benJenks presided. The regilar address was delivered by Rev. David Craft. Revs. Welles and Barker and Colvin Parsons, C. t. Chapman and Dr. Hakes also delivered Ipeornee. A poem by Su'an E Dkkenson nrvughl tu Merei.es to a close. Considerable excitement Waa manifested In this plaoe,.last Saturday afternoon, when It became generally known that the silver trade dollars wero only worth elglityflve cents, and aa a consequence, everybody was trying to dispose of them. AtuTxntEnosi!. "Hollol hello II Who la It Mary?" "Jennie, I did use Horn's Telephone Liniment for my headache, it cured it in less than tea minutes. I would not be without it. It Is the king or all liniments, and thank vou. Jennie, for recommending me such a good medicine. Good bye I" For the week ending on the 30tli ult., 81,042 tons of coal was transported over the L. V. RR., making a total of 3,181,570 tons to that date, and showing an Increase of 107,000 as compared with same lima last year. - At a meeting of the school slate tnanu ufaclurcrs, at Easton, Thursday afternoon of last week, it was resolved tn Increase tho prlco ol school slate 5 per cent on July 15. This alTectsall school slalo made In North ampton and Lehigh counties. Ready mixed paints at J. L. Gabel's for $1.2o per rrnllnn An alarm of fire Tuesday morning In Veis eissporl, created for a time considerable excitement. It was caused by tho roof nf lha summer kitchen of Rev. Becker's resi dence taking fire from the stovo pipe. Tho flames weie quickly subdued by n bucket brigade which spcodily assembled after the alarm was grvon. FOR SALE. A one- horse Phaeton, in first class order, will be sold cheap for cash. May be seen at W. S. Wintermute's store, on Bank street. The Rcy. Dr. George W. Smiley, for 14 years pastor of the Becoml rresoytcrian church, nf Poltsville, died of paralysis Frl day morning, In his sixty-fifth year. He hod a wide reputation, nut only aa a theo logian and a pulpit nrator, but also as a popular lecturer. Funeral services were held at Puttsvllle the same afternoon, after which the remains were removed to Lexing ton, Kentucky, for burial. Pure Linseed Oil, at J. L. Gabel's, C8 cents per gal lon for cash. " Judge Rice, of Wllkesbsrre, Saturday sentenced tho following personB tn imprison ment In the Eastern Penitentlnn-1 Luke Kelley and Thomas Handley, for highway robbery, each nine y ears; John I'ocnnn.fiir, murder in tho second degree, cloven yeurs j William Murphy, for murder in the second degree, scven"yearsj Dermis Mqlley, for manslaughter seyen years; William Phil Hps, for manslaughter, Beven years ; George Edwards, for burglary , two years. SSf-Gct E. It. Hnhl's latest reduced prices nn Elirln, Wallhum, llockfnrd mid llamilen dust proof watches. Remember, a dollar saved is two earned John Nolcott, of Minnie; David Mc- Clnwan, of West Pittston, and William Dares, of Hyde Park, wero sulliicated with black damp Saturday morning ota well near Lackawanna. Nolcott looked into the well and became insensible and fell to the bottom, forty feet. McClowan anil Barnes missing Nolcott, looked into the well to see what hail become of him and weronUo oyerpowcrcd. Bellows were tued in.forcing the foul uir out of the well and at noon the same day the bodies were-recovered. 10d. to 40d. nails ot Jr L. Gabel's for only $3.10 per keg. Locks $2. "5 per dojs. Tljnk checks no louJjiVnei-d any stamps. Tho law went into to'reo-on Mou- d-iy The fall session of the State Normal School at Kutztown will commence on the 30th of july. President Clark, of tho Thomns IrjnJ Company, says that the Iron trade is hit proving, and that iron pr, yniees to be srarf1 during the I e t three, I'.liliths. Tho Tin ma cuupany has advanced prices 42 per ton on Nu. l,uinl $1 on No. 2 pig iron. B-One of tlio most wonderful cluck miiiie ts tho Meteor hUi in i-lncl.s, Luminous dial shines ail night. Time can tie seen as well by night without uu arnfioial light u in the'lirigliteet sun light. Prices oi low. Call and seu them at E. H. llolil'a Mauch Chunk. Tho Arion Society of New York city, considered the strongest Gerhiao musical association nn this side of tho Atlantic, will visit Glen Uuokn on the 20lh of July, when in the evening, in honor ot the event' the Glen will ho illuminated by calcium lights, and u grand display of tire-wnrka given. Ou Friday week Harry Jones, a son of Air. D D. Jones, ol Slallngion, had one ol his thumbs sbcrtened to the extent of an inch by .having it clipped oir by the knife of a feed cutter. The Kutztown Fair will this year be held on September ISlli, 10th, 20th and 21st. lly a recent act of the Legislature the practicing dentists of the Slate are com pelted to legitter in tho Pruthonotary'e otllce same as are physicians. Zauder Snyder, uf the Mauch Chunk Times, was iu tuwu on last Tuesday eyen- Ing- During the storm Tuesday afternoon e lightning struck the residence of Mr. Ed? Suit, in Franklin, and running noun the chimney partily paiulyzed Mrs. Soli who was in the roem. Thomss Johnson, for a number ol years a trusted employee of the Philadel phia and Reading Express Company at Puttsvllle, was arrested Tuesday on a charge of stealing a purkage ccutHiuiiig $100 Ho war held under $500 ball for triu), Our esteemed coloinpirary the Allen town Dtmocrct this week enters upon its Sith year. "SSUlfynu went in get a handsome and entirely new design lu jewelry call and tee ti. it. iiuii i, aiaucn inuua: uew amen. A case ot small i)X is reported at Wcisiport. Geo. MacDaniel, of Scrantnn, formerly of town, is visiting relatives and friends here. He looks well, and says he is doing LS11 A severe rain etirm, accompanied by 1,8 V.v wind, thunder and lightning passVd over mis section on luesuay aiternoon lull. Mr. F, E. Whitney returned home from Minnesota ou Wednesday eyenine, looking well anl hesrly. He will dispose of his household furiilturethls (Suluiday) evening at publio sale, and on Monday, with his family .leavefor their new home in Warren, Minn. Tbo best wishes of a host of friends gi with them. Lilt of Letters Remaitilug uncalled for in tho Lehighton post office June 30th, 1833 i Dlackwetl. Johu Klstler, Jacob Bird, S. M Kuhusman, Denj., DntMlwalters, P.J., Ringland, George Carhnll', Nathan Rex, Fietta David Charles Snyder, 8. A., Ecru, Win., Warner, George Foerg, Paul. Persons calling for any of the above let ters will pleat-e say "advertised." H. II. PiTUr, P. M. Faokorton,Itam9v Mr. John Koons, boss In the lumber yord, had or.o of his fingers badly crushed by o heavy stick of timber n few days ago. A uew double dwelling Is being finished, nn Summer Hill, opposite Leopold Myers' hotel. If the suit between Dolou and Farren was settled thete is no doubt, quite a town would spring up. Beaver Run overflowed. Its banks on Wednesday of last week, causing consider able inconvenience totha residents at the town end. Mr. M. Lanahan, for a long time chief day operator hero, has been, transferred ts the Bethlehem office, as night operator and train runner. Mike, as he is better knnwni wi" be missed j a very pleasant and agree able gcnlteman,tbe genial Lewis Harleinan, succeeds hint hero. Win. Long taking Lewia' place, p. Wallers assumes the po sition of night operator. ThoL. V.RR Co., have contracted for a new scale at this point, one of Fairbanks latest improved. This make of the acalo is undoubtedly tho best iu tba country. It will bo necessary now for our great Attorney General Brewster tn explain some things. Conk and Dorscy make sotilo ugly stolements, but perhaps the powers that be will object, the Garfield campaign willi its attending cylls would, If written, be a dark chapter In the history of our nation. E. It. Levering, formerly of Packerlon scale office, passed through here the other day on his way from a visit to relations at Wilk'sbarre. Would it not be a good idea to ro elect Ju lgo Meemhon. A good.safo and reliable associate. Mr. A. II. Bowman hos charge of the. Electric Lights in the Packeiton Yard. A change will be mude soon In the mode of hanging, instead of on a line across the track, they will bo placed on poles, thus saving expense, insuring greater safety to the lamp and giving fully as much light. Tne many friends of the Rey. Jno. Car rlngton, formerly partor of the Lehighton Presbyterian church, will be pleased to know that he Is pleasantly located iu Sail Francisco, California. Tuu congregation of which he is pastor aro building a new and elegant edifice. Are our Representatives at Harrisburg? We don't hear of them perhaps they ure given no opportunity. Harry Halniiiati, assistant to General Supt. Goodwin, was hereon business Thurt, .lay. Mr. Humtnan Is u thorough railroad man, having been Train Dispatcher for a number of yeurs for the N. P. R. R. at Bethlehem. The two Sunday schools of this place I'clebmteti the glorious 4lh In the Park. It is thought llut a neat chapel, o'en for all druomiuatloliB, will bo built here. 'There is a iiioveiiieut among tho members ol the Episcopal church tu that eti'vet, Leopold Myers, proprietor of the Pack eiton Hotel, has made many improvements, not only ou the interior but exteiior; tho largo gitiumls HtUched are thoroughly cul tivated, airiirdiug a good supply, of vegct ables; he will have un ubiimlanco of grapes, some very choice yariciicsghis peach orchard looks well. The enterprise muni tested by Mr.-Myers hasjiad a good eUect on the residents of Summer Hill. Were It. not for the seyere illnt-ssuf his wife, he Would h'avequlto a numberof ruiiimcr boarders. E. H. Rhodes, ctq., of Ilhaca, New York, paid us a social visit on Tuesday, bo speaks in glowing terms uf that section. He is evidently very pleasantly located. Dayld Beil and ' wife, of. Soigfiied'a Bridge, were yisjfing Leopold Myrra last veek- ' -i. ' j What a wondnrful'iiojir man's govrrnj incut we hayel -How our Statesmen .latnj" for them; how they legislate. . For exampfV; the trade dollar: why didn't Ihey leave it a legel tender? Ask eohio ol them. A.io.i. Base Ball. Last Saturday afternoon a rumor was revulenlon our streets Itatjilhere was to bo un exciting contest come olf in the oirly part of tho eyi'niiig, on the old fair grounds. At about 0 u't lock email crovds of young fellows could be seen meandering towatdsllio Jilaco appointed; and thoilly niter the sides being picked, the game com. menced. The first nine composed of ihe following well known players; Clias. Brink i , George Morlhimer, George Rciehnid, Nehou Reichard, John E. Miller, Wm. Yenser; we could not learn the names nf the other players. Nine No. 2. Cult Koons, tThos. C. Deck, Cla reuce Weiss, Fred Water bor, Wm. Scbi.ch, David Kleinlop, O, Derr and several others. Considerable wild playing was indulged in for the first few in nings, when the game settled tn hard play ing. Some of the finest batting ever seen was done by Brinkman and Mnrthlmer, of Ihe first nine, and Derr and Beck ot the 2nd nine. At the clofe of the game Ihorcoie stood, 1st nine, 1 1; 2nd nine, 3. Taking in all, this gamo is said to have been one of the most exciting of the season. SlUllTSEKB. Freight Thieves Nabbed. Detective Smith, ol Allentown, and De- tectives Somers and Simous.of Easton,haye, lifter several weeks' work succeeded in cap- luring a gang of freight car robbers, who for faur or five months plied their vocation ajong the line of the Lehigh Valley Rail- tool. Tnera were four men in tho gang and three are iu custody. They have been recognised by the officers as old nllendris, ho were committed at Mauch Chunk about five years ago for freight robbing The three under arrest are Frank Wood, Charles Raymond and George Atnsh, all Pliiladrlphians. Wood has several aliases. among which aro '-Frank Moore" and Frank Harvard." He was arrested In New 'lork a few days ago, wnile in the act ol disjiosing nf$000 worth of silk stolen nut nl a Pennsylvania flaitriiad Ireightcar at New Brunswick, N. J. He was very much np posed to being removed to New Jersey, and fought the requisition with all the Ingenuity and skill he could command, but without avail, and Friday ho was taken tn New Brunswick. Charles Raymond's aliases are "Charles Bowland" and "II. Coleman." Packing House. Charles Etmisch, of town, has secured from Joseph Oberl, of Lehighton, tho con tract for the digging nf the cellar and laying Ui foundation of a building, which, when completed, will bo used by Mr. Obert ut a packinghouse. Ground was broken upon Ihe lot on Mine street, between Wyoming aid Liurel, esrly yesterday morning. The bu Idlug Is to be erected as quickly as pis siblr. It will be ul brick, nud two nr three stories high, in site will be 40x80 feet. A siding will bo run in from the Lehigh Val ley railroad. With the Increased faolilles for trado, Mr. Obert expects to detrmoTa greater attention tn his cutomrrs in Uiis re gion. llathlon Plain SpcaUr, 29th ult. Farmers, Attention I There will be a trial of Champion Self- Binder Machines, nu Tuemlay, July 10th, on the farms of Daniel Rally and Charles Nimson, esq s, at East Peno. Tho Coal Trndo, The coal combination has been brought to faco the situation aud make the advance which was threatened ou the 1st of tho month, Forawhllo It looked as If Ihey won hi not be iblo (crew their couroge to the slicking point, for purchasers had lie dined to be hurried by their threats, and tho orders hod hot been prcccptlbly in creased, but they felt that it would, be a sign of weakness to recede fiom their propositi advansc, and so It was agreed to put up tlio prlco of hard egg fifteeu cents, and stove and chestnut twenty-five cente. No advance. in tolls has yet been announced. It cannbt bo denied that tho trado Is In a conditioii to stand the rise and that tlio companies can well afford to make it. The policy of re strictlon has resulted in the tale nf the largest amount of coal over produced lu any half year, and stocks on band are really tow, full time working does not add to them and yet dealers are taking the silua tlon very quietly aud are not stocking 'up in any largo amounts. It is pretty sa To to say that seldom has the stock of coal above. ground borne bo small proportion to the weekly output, in fact sales at current rates would exhaust the stcck In ten days. The scarcity is most folt in egg, stove and chestnut, and so far Hie falling oil' In the iron trade seems not to hove affectpdjthe trade. Tho deliveries lu the West will bo much larger than ever belore. The fact that the price has been advnnccil at Buffalo, Just as tho Reading is getting ready to put 100,000 tons a month, if need be, Into that market is proof that the companies have little fears of overdoing the thing. Infant there is a lark of curs for use in the trade, owing to tho small shipments of grain, which restrict the offerings of box cars for return loads. The retail trade is quiet and steady. Wo aro now entering upon a month in which It has bees agreed to have six days suspension at least, but 03 the first week will be 3 very short one, on account nf the mid-week holiday few peoplo look for a suspension during the eccpnd week, and many say, coiifidcntally, that once the middle of July is past, the suspensions for the year will be over. Thero is reason to be lieve that tbe damage by Ihe Quods has. been overestimated, and that nearly uli the collieries will be In working order by Mon day morning. Travel ou the Jersey Shore And l'ino Creelt was worst afleclcd, the washouts causing au almost total eusTicnsion nl travel lor three or fourduys. It isthought howcycr, that when the Shamoklii, Sun- bury and Lewisbiirg opens, which will bo on Monday, tho Jeieey Sboro rood will le clear to take its traffic. The damage to the luilcr road has been not less than $30,000 rhila ,1'Teia 301 h ult. iuuuumug AwiKjtunKa. B Miss Emma KUtler, of West Tenn, was f-1 .' T- 1 , 1 1 visiting friends ut this place 011 last Sun day. And from here Miss Kistler went to Allentown, whore she expects to stay u lew days, and then will go to Millersvillc' to at tend the commencement. Tho Intimate friend of Mr. Flexor, lrfl the Valley on duturday last. He went to his home to enjoy haying and harvesting with his father, and after that Is over hoi will return again Boas to attend tho fill term of tho Centre Square Select School. Mr. N. M. Balliet who has been n stu dent nt Ihe Keystone Slalo Normal School, relumed homo on lust Friday night. He exnects to stay homo about one week when he will leave 011 Uujinesy. " Mr. and Mrs. Frcyman, of Mauch Chunk, drove through the Vullcy on last Sunday. Rev. Wm. Strauss wos to Lehigh coun ty last week, but returned home again on Tuesday last. '''It d Rev. F. W. Smith, recently a student of. tho Thcologieul Seminary, at Lancaster,, is home at present. But will soon leave for Monroo county, where he has accepted a cuarge. We sincerely uelieve,and we have good reason to do so, that Mr. Smith will meet witli success. The festival, of which mention was made last week, In tho "Twinklings," Was well attended. It will be made a memor able one through the act of Mr. Kciser in currying u "bosket" home fir the flirt time iu his life. Mr. Keiser proved n successand wo all hopo ho will continue. June 28, ItSSa. . July 5th, 1HK3. Tho Lord's Supper was celebrated in the Evangelical church last Sunday after noon, Tho attendance was very large. Rev. Human, of Allentown, and Rev. W7 K. Wieand, the pastor of the congregation, officiated. Mr. A.J. Billiet attended the com meiicemei.t exercises of the Franklin and Marshall college, at Lancaster. Mr. E. S. Hoppes bus bought a new horse. Tho ice cream festival which was held at the New Mahoning school house teveial weeks ago, was a grand success. The .New Mahoning Sunday school for whoso benefit Ilia lestival was, held, is grateful to Ihe young folks of Pleasant Corner and Centre Square lor their very liberal attendance. Nelson Nothstein, of Weathcrly paid a visit to his parents last Sunday. Tho mowing machine aeentsaro doing a brisk business iu selling machiiies to our; lanners. me nay crop uever was uetier unit help is scarcer thisyear, so some ot our tanners that never had machines belore are compelled tn purchase. them,uud others that' had old machines bought new ones. Mr. Kenele'ltiaeher bought uue lately called the "Cnainpiou." Nathan Ralliet left for Hasleton this week. He is engaged as canyasser for a Philadelphia book firm. C. T. Ynungspeut a few weeks nilh his Iriemls at Mahoning. G. K. Miisaelman arijl Til. M. Balliet are back from Lancaster, buviug fiuulud their college course. Our boys celebrated their Fourth of July In thV hay field. It isn't quite right that Ihey 6houId work an hard on ueh a lay. But never mind. bins, vou 'I mt a nuiinay too oue 01 tneso clays. Jake had his Gems lukeu. Jake dors not intend to fall "behind the lime)." The Sunday School at Bendal's has purchueed an organ. We are glad to hear 11. Welcome to the new correspondents ol me anycciTE. Ehopliftinr;. Two young women, resident over the river, visited Lehighton last Saturday, and called at two or three ol our stores where they priced jewelry, and it appears that while lha attention nf the storekeepers was directed another way, tbe ladies 1) man a cod to secret a cumber of valuable articles, which they carried off. At the lust (tore visited, the property was missed Immediate ly, and Ihey were followed and Ihe proper. ty recovered, together with a perlion of lint taken from the other stores, which led la the discovery that other goods were missing, and which were nearly all recovered, '.he two or three articles tint found being paid for by the husbands. The reason that tbe parlies have not prosecutrd in the rase Is on account of the respectability nf the hus bands of the (wo women, whom we are assured are honest, hardworking young men, and hence, we aim, this lime omit the publication 0 their namei, hoping thit tbe women will take warning, and (In no more! RE-INVKSTIOATED. A Bomarkablo Statement Tolly Confirmed by Three Important Inter views An unusual article from tho Rochester, N. Y., Dcmscrtii ontf Chroniclt was nub rllshcd u this paper recently and has been the subject of much conversation both iu professional circles and 011 the street. Af porenlly It caused more commotion In Rochester, as tbe fullonlofl from tho same paper shows; Dr. J. B. Hen Ion, who Is well knowli not only tn Rochester, but In nearly every pat t of America, sent on extended article in mis poper, a lew days since, which was duly published, detailing his remarxablo experience rind reesuo front what secmd tobeceilein death, ft would be Impos sible tu enumerate the personal enquiries which have heu mado atoilr Jilfice as to tbe validity ofthoartlclo.but they have been so numerous that lurlher investigation ol uie suujec wasueeuieu an editorial heces sity. With this end in view a representative ofthls pajier called on Dr. Hniiion at his residence, when Ihe folluwlug Interview occurred: "That artlolo of yours, dnclor, has creat ed qultu a whirlwind. Aro the statements about Ihe terriblo condition you were in, anil ine way you were rescued such us you can susiaini "Every one of them and many additis; al ones. Few tieonle ever i,,.t .n m.... the gravo as I did und then return, and 1 am not surprised that tbe public think It was marvelous." "How. in tho world did you, a physician, come 10 oe uroucni so lowr ' "By negleclini the first and most simple symptoms. I diil.nnt think I was sick. It is true I hod frequent headaches;-Mt llred most of the time; could cat nothing one clay and was ravenous the next; lelt dull, Indefinite paniB, anil my stomach was out 01 onler, but 1 did not think ft meant any thing seriom." "llut have these common ailments any thing to do with Ihe fearful Brighfs cii sease which, took so firm a hold on you?'' "Anything? Why, they are the sure In dications of the firiit Btages of that dreadful mulndy. The fact is, few peoplo know or realize what alls them, and I am sorry to ray that too lew physicians do either." "That is a struiigo statement, doctor." uiii 11 is n uuoone. The moil leal pro fession have b en treating syn-pt msinit-ad nf diseases for years, and 11 is high time it ceased. We doctors hav bee.n clipping nt! the twigs when e should strike at the root. The symptoms I haye just mentioned or any unusual action nr irritation nf tbe wuler channels indicate tho eppnuch of Ungui s disease even more thtiti a cough announces the coming of consumption We do not treat the cough, b.'t try to help the lungs. Wo should not waste our time try ing tn relieve the lieu loche, stomach, pains HDoui, me oouy nr nmor symptoms, out go directly tn the Kidneys, theeouico nf most of these ailments." "This, them, is what vnu meant when you said more than one half the deaths which occur arise from Bright's disease, Is it lloclol?" "Precisely. Thousands nf sii-callcd dis eases ore torturing people lo-dav, when in 'reality it is Brlght'mlis.oas In pome one ol (its nmiy forms. It is a Hydra headed monpler 11 ml the slightest s mptoms should triko.terror to everv rno who has them. lean look back and recall hundreds of 'deaths which physicians declared at the time wpre caused by piralysis. njoplexy heart diseare, pneumonia, m.ilariul fever ami other coininnii oomnhiinls which I see now were can sod by Bright's disease." "Ami did all these cases have simple symptoms at first?" "Every ono of them, and might have been 'cured a I win by the timely use of tho same remedy Wa'rner's Snfn Ouro. I am getting my eves thoroughly open in this matter and think I nm helping others In sen the facts and their possible danger also. Why, there aro no end ol Irutlis hearing on this (abject. If yen want to know more about it go and see Mr. Warner himself. He was sick tho somo as I, and IS Ihe healthiest man in Rochester to day. He has made a sillily nf this subject and can give vnu more facts than I can. Go. too, and see Dr. Lattimnre. the chemist, o.t the University. If vou want faHs there are any quantity of them showing the alarm. Ing Increa.e'of Bright's discos, it simple and ileoeptivo sympliini', and there i..but one way by which it' can he escaped."1'.' Fullv satisfied ofthe truth and force of the Doctor's word, the reporter bade him good day and callsd on Mr. Warner ut his eonhlishincnt on exchange street. At first lUr. Warner was inclined to lie reticent, but learning that tho information desired was about the alarming increase nf Bright's disease, his monner changed instantly and tie spoke yerv earnestly. "It Is true that Bright's diease has in creased wonderfully, and wo find, by relia ble sintisiics, thai In the past ten years lis growth has been 250 per cent. Look at Ihe jrominent men it has carried nil: Everett, Sumner, Chase, Wilson, Carpenter, Bihnpi Haven end Perk, olid others. This is terrible, and shows a greater growth than that of a y other known complaint. It should be pliiin to everv one that - some thing must ho done tn check this increase nr there no knowing where it may end." "Do ymi think many people ore afflicted with it tn-day who do net realize It, Mr. Warner?" ''Hundreds nt thousands. I have a striking example nf this truth which has justcome to my notice. A prominent pro itessor in a New Orleans medical college was lecturing before his clnss on the sub- lector Bright s disease. He had various fluids under microscopic analysis, and was shnwiuj the students what tho Indications of this terrlb'o muladv were. In order In show the contrast between healthy and un- nealtliy muds, he hail provided a vial, the contents nf which were drawn from his own iiersnn. 'And now, gentlemen, he said. as we haye seen the unhealthy indications, I will shnw vnu hnw it appears in a stutp of perfect health,' and ho submitted his own tin nl to the usual test. Ashewalcheit the remit! his countenance suddenly changed his color and command both left him, and In a trembling voic he said; Gentlemen, I have made a painful dis covery ( I have Bright's disease ol the kid neys, ' and In less than a year he was lead." "You believe, Ihen, that it has no symp toms of lis own and is frennonliy unkunwn even by the person who is afllicted with til- "It has nn symptoms nl its own and very nlten unne at all. Usually no two people hayn the same symplnms, and frequently ueatn is ine nrsl rymptnm. the sllcmesl indication of any kidney difficulty should he enough tn atrikft terror lo any one. I know what I am talking about, for I. have been through all tne stages of kidney dl sease " . 'You know of Dr. Ifenlon'a case?" "Yes, I have loth read and heard of It,' "It is vary wonderful, is it not?" "A very prominent case but no more so than a great many others that have come in my notice as having been cured ny the sam means." "You believe then that Bright'! disease can be curetir" I know it can. I know it from the ex perlemenf hundreds of prominent person who were given up 10 me by bom tueir physicians and friends." "iou speak of your own experience, whst wos it?" "A fearful one. I had felt lauguld and unfitt'd for buslnes. for years. But I did not know what ailed me. When, however, I found it was kidney difficulty, I thought there was llttla hope, and so did the doc tors. I haye since learned that one of tbe physicians of this city pointed ine out lo gentleman on Ihe street one dav, saving, there goes a mn who will bo dead oi.hln a year. ' I believe his words would hove prnven true if I had not fortunately secured ami line. 1 inn remedy now itnuwn as war ner sSafe Cure." "Aud this caused you lo manufacture l?'( "Nn, It caused me to juvretfgste. I went to the principal cities, raw physicians pre scribinc and uiidk Hand I the'refnre deter mined, at a duty i nwed humanity and the uuering, to bring 11 wittnn tneir rearii una now ft Is known in every part nf America, Is sold in every dru,' stnro and has become a hnttsehoM necessity," The lennrler left M r. Warner, much Im. pressed with the earnestness and- sincerity ifLi. .1.1. 1. 1 - : 1 o'aieiiivut noil ii-a. ,-fiii ti.iii tu Dr. S. A, Lattimnre at his residence cn Prince Street. Dr. Lattimnre, eltnnugb busily encaged upon anme matters con nected with the Stale Board of Health, of whleh beds nne nf the analysts, cnurtenusly answered the questions that were propound da him 1 ''Did you sake acbemieilsoilysliof th pi wiiiMf.iirttifWMEUBjjhrOTBfmrwtoW'yae cue of Mr. 11. H . Warner some three years ago, Doctor?' "Yes, nr." "What -'id this onolysls show you?" ' Tho biesence of albumen and tube casts In great abundance." "And what did the symptoms indicate ?" "A serious disease nf th kidneys." "Did you tblnk Mr. Warner would ro covci?" "No, sir. I did not think It possible. It wns seldom, Indeed, that 10 pinnonnceil a cose had up to that tlmo, eycr been cured." "Do you know anything about tho rem edy which cured hlin?" "Yes, I have chemically analyzed It and um critical examination, find il entirely Tree fiom any poisonous or deleterious sub stances." We publish tho foregoing statements in view of the cnniinntlon which tho publicity nf Dr. Hcnlm'a article has caiied nml It meet the prulestutluns which haVo been mude. Tim sUndlni: ol Dr. Hcninu. Mr. Warner and Dr. Latllhiore in tho commun ity le bivmd nue'lion ,md the statements they moke cannot for a moment be doubted They rnnt luMyely show that Bright' disenso 01 me moneys is nne or the most, deceptive and dangero'usnt all diseases, that it is ex ccrdlngly common, alarmingly Increatlug ami mat Itcun be cured. Short in Ills Accounta- A Wilkesbarre dl'patcll, of Ihe 20th ult., says Court House cl'des were considerably agitated this morning by theittiii'iiincemriit that a deficiency of over 57000 hod been discovered in lha accounts of- ex. County Treasurer Grifiith. Much ayuiiulhy is ex pressed for H10 cx-lrcnsurcr, ns It is betived he Is entirely Innocent. Ho bus alwuys borne a good character ond Is much re spected by men of all parties. The gullly party is believed tn bo by inuny his drputy, ifohn I'. Pollock, who is now in the West Pollock, white in the employ of Mr Griffiths,!! is stilted, lived a fast life here ami soent more money than his salary would warrant. He had the entire confidence of Mr. Griffiths and managed tho offico to suit himself. It is alleged by some that he took nd antaga nf the confidence reposed in him, Mr. Griffiths has been coll fled by the Coun ty Commissioners that he must nuke good the discrepancy. This he will do, although it will leave bim bankrupt. The County Auditors, who examined Pollock's hooks and verified them as all right, are now bo Ing loudly blamed. Lansford Items. Mrs. Svlyla Steigerwatl, of Tamaqua was tho guest of her mother, Mrs. J. F, Werner, on last Saturday. Last Saturday Condy Elliot, a miner working at No. 0, was slightly Injured by a fall of coal. Mr. George Heister, who has been verv 111 for several weeks, is convaloesing. The Fourth was passed very quietly in th's place; the majority of our people spent the day in Tumaqua, also their money. Miss Louisa Stelgerwalt, ol Riverton, N. J., is visiting her mother. Sho will Ve tirn 111 three weeks. ' Worthy Presiding Elder, Rev. Janni O. Lohr, preached a vory Interesting sermon to a large cungregntinn in tho Evangelical church on Sunday; Tuxtj Prny. 4 IS. "Bu1 tho path of the just is as ri shining light that sliinolli moroand more unto the perfect lay." Misses Ida Arner and Ella Shoemaker are visiting friends in Shenandoah. Ossifkr. Lower Towamensing Items. Daniel Biir departed Ihis life after much sufl'eringon Friday nf last week. He was interred on Monday; Rev. Freeman officiating. Dallas Blose and Peter Ycck aro the happiest persons; because each received a little boy, The hay crop will he abundant. Rev. Breugelon lastSnnday,anncunced that his salary was due near tho end of the month. He soul that his pay car would Co. lie and all should be prepucd. F. E. Frederick and wife.of Sayre, wcrr (.-lending last Sunday nt Fire Line. Ihej' were the guests of Jacob Bloso. Win. Blose realized $04 from Ihe ealo o his strawberries this season. -St. John's Sunday school, at Lentz'e, was poorly attended last.Sunday.nn account of the cdorjd camp meeting at Trachsville The long coutlnued rain of last week produced quite a freshet, and flowed over the banks of tho streams and damaged a the grass considerably. The Pipe Co., nf Parry ville, suspended operations fur a few days last weekowirg to high water which backed into the fouu dry. Con. A Steamer Blown Up. The boilers of the 6tcamer Susquehanna, owned by Ihe Plymouth Navigation Com pany, blew up Tuesday morning at hertf ock in the Susquehanna river Wilkesbarre. Tho boat waa torn to pieces. There wore no passengers on board at the time. Tbe following implnyes wore injured: John P. Detwiller, fireman, bad un arm broken and experienced a concussion of the biain; be cannot recover; Perry Hughes, engineer. had his hands and lace burned; Charhs Miller, the pilot, was cut and bruised about the body; Edward Rlchurdson, a traveln g agent, had just dropped upon tbe gang. nlank when the explosion occurred. Hi was hurled several feet into the air, land ing nn tho shore uninjured. The boat hod a capacity for carrying five hundred pessen cers, and was plying between Wilkesbarre and Nanticoke. A Blow That May prove Fatal- Monday night about 12 o clock three policemen in the Slxlh ward Allentown at tempted to arreat six men and during 1 (1 ht that ensued Johu Breslin, one of the officers, was hit on thu head with a stone an I sustained Injuries which may remit in his death. Subsequently tho entire police force went to the Sixth ward and arrested all the rioters. Their names are John MnCoHertv, John McGee, Jnbn Dugau El ward Sweeney, James Gallagher and Patrick Harklna. Th"y were committed to Jail to await th result of the injury to the policeman. Thoy are all young men. The Fourth in Lehighton and vicinity passed off very quietly there wos about the usual amount of firing ofrofcrjekers Aa, that was all. MAURI IIP. ANGLE SMITH.-On the 11th lilt., by Iter. Bartholomew, William M. Ancle,' f Dlnginau's Ferry, Pike county, and Miss Lucretitt V. Smith, of Packsrton, this i-r.untv. MOSEIl 1IOPPI9. On June 30th. by the ltev. James Little, Elmer E. Moser, nf Pottstown, and Emma A. Huppls, of Ful lerton, near Allentown. nElNSMITII.-On the 1st ult.. in Msoon ing. Tiniolby.son nf Reuben and Lnuisa Reiinrnitb.aged 25 years, 2 months and 11 rliiys. riERBER On the (iih nil., in Wet Tenn Anins. husband nf Kate Cerber, used 18 years, t lunnlbsand 22 days. DENGLER.-On Ihe 23rd ult., In East lVnn,6aiah, wife nf Isssc Peojler, sel 73 yeurs. 7 months and ft days. REICHA11D. On the 21th ult.. In East IVnn, Genr;e,'ni6bind ofLydlo Reichard seed 73 vears, 4 inontns ami iruuyi. WUSD -In this borough, on the 29fb ult., . . , n . 1 . -I r-i T . , j' V. ' Tu s Ve A. Wund, ag4 5 yaira, S months and 22 d.ya. STOCK MARKETS. Closing prices of Do Haven k Tnwnsend, itamiets, fin. aa Boiuli. ililrd etrr-ct, 1'lnl adelphln, Btocu bought ami aoldolthir for cash, or on Inargln. 1'ltihJclphia, July 3, IS!5". bid ukrd H8.V.Exl 103J 103J U S Currency O's....'. 12'J - U9 n't Ext 1024 U S 4J, new '., 1 11JJ US4' .. lltl Pennsylvania 11 1! 5VJ Philadelphia A Reading R It 21'j Lehigh Vallev RR , 71 Lehigh Coal A- Navigation Co ih United N J R II Cniml Ci ...102 Noitheiii Central II R On 6S Hestiuiville Pas-. R R C.u 121 Buff. P;itburg A West. R R Co... 14J (Yul'iil Transportation Co 39J Northern Pacific Com,, 51$ " Prof .1 till North Pennsylvania It R 07". PhllmlelDhla'i Eric R It 214 113 5"S 2VJ TIJ 4S1 IM iR 1.1J m in 51 S 60s Rt 2I 95 Silver, (Trades) 00 svm.Ui SOTUKS. A CAltD. To 11 11 vthn nro e u fi"n r I nii from 1 tin error nml lnMticrfitlon4 o voutTi. nervous wrMotcse, rnrly it-renc. lfS nrumnhoud, &e, 1 will ttfti'l ii rcoii.Q nixr wm euro on, i-ui-if; ut Oil A It I IK. HiIk irrrnt roinnlv uns tilfcov- oral itv a nilPt(tniry lnSouth Atnertra. Snrul T8f'ir-aildr(i?eil cnroloiuitotho Wkv. Jogftrii . litAw. station l, Wow York I It?, urn;. 1 iy. ftcsncctfullv announces to tlio T.imnle nr T.e- hlghtgn and Us vicinity, that ho Is now pre pared to supply them with all kinds uf Household Furniture Manufae'urcd rrom the host Seasoned Mate rials at Prices fully in lowns tho Mime article, cau bo bought, lop elsewhere. Hero are a few of tho Inducements offered Parlor Sets at from , ,Kto$ Wntnnt Idarhle-top Tlrclng Csso llcilroom Suites. 3 nieces Aro to iter. Painted Ileitronm Suites JlStoSll) Dane Seated t'hatr", persetofB.... to Common i 'hairs, per ect of 0 $1 "iin an omer uoous equally cneap. In this connection. I cteslro to call tho at. toMlon nf Ihn people to mvnmple fefllttea tn THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS wlthaNKW and HANDSOME UlIAIiSE and a lull IliioofOAt-KKTS und (Jt)KFl,NS, I am prepared to attend promptly to all or ders In this lino, at lowest prices. Patronaire rerpectlully solicited and tho most ample satlsfaotl .n guaranteed. v. arnwAitTz, oct!2 HANK St., I.ehlKhton. Florence Etching Silk. i-r epnrrii expressly for art tlcslicns lu out 1 1 n e. This silk nlll not Fplli or rray In w' Mnir.indJ silorable both In color and lex tnro. Sold by cnterrrloJnK dealers In a ijrijiit va-rlt-iy nl cllors. For heavy outlines use No. ior uner wora uso 100 Tim cob rs larnilnntid fr worU w h I c h will requite wash nir oro I) I n o k, llltic llrown.i ll Unlit, Unlit, Yellow and Pink s a in p l cs. with coir latest Knitting lionk (No 4 pent on receipt of three 2 cent stamps. Nouotitcn. Silk Co., Flnrrr.ee. Itlnss. June so w ii. New set iur out and rata loi(uo.3o. stamp 7 nenilll. IJukw M'f'ci Oo.. ll.il'l Juno lCwt CaMCjMors. icrcnl celB, l&o. more Mi. Spring Styles H. H. Petebs' Merchant - Tailoring KSTADLISHllENT, Post Omee Bulldlni, opp. Tubllo Srjuare,' Brink Street, Lehighton. A fall lino of (1ENTS FURNISH1NO GOODS, at Lowest Prices. mar.3-tf The American Antiquarian ORIENTAL JOURNAL ! ! Published by Jur.sox A Monar., Chicsci. III. $3 per year. Edited by KTi;rnr.! D. Pf KT, devoted to Classical, Oriental Eu ropean and Aruerirar Aichtoology. 11 lustrated. This Jnnrnal (tlves Information nn discover ies and explorations in all lands, and is very valuable to (bote wbn are following Anti quarian subjects as well as to the common eader, apr8-tf RUPTURE The TllUfB lintyou want Hie p if mVZ&Sf' in: 3 S ET IS D I IS priatest Invention ct the a.e I bee-oue panM ! hea, tie. rcl J. Y. EM?f. Ort eua bors. S.TT or "jrl man BITTEBS will cure dyjpcpsla.heattburi!, mala ria, kidnty disease, liver complitintv and other waiiitiif diseases. GXiiLV&PTttM BROWN'S IROM BITTERS emiches the blood and purifies the. system j cures, weakness, lack off energy, clc. Try a bottle,, BROWN'S h the only Iron preparation that, docs not eolorthe teeth, and will not catiie headache or constipation, other Iron preparations wut, mm Ladies and all sufferers from nca-. raljpa, hysteiia, and kindred cpm plaints, will (mil it, without an, equal, THE BE3T OF ALL 3703 7Jm AKD EHAST. For noro ihnu n third of a century tho r.Icsiir.iiMf.Niiiiisr.iita-.ientliaobcen l.-onwn tnTTillllnnfi nil nvir thn world na satho only ealo i-ollnnco for tho roller of irs nrciuciu3 nnct pam. n in a medicine Klnbovo urica nntf nrrtlco tlie beat or lia ;q u lull, i'os every fciia ot cstcrnal pain Z lay Si J tt jJo.ivlmU-1 Hosiit anil muscle to fidil.o x-ciy tt3io making tbo contlnu Witiivu in i; fa mui iiijjiMtiiii.'Auuii jiupa Atpltjo. Its piitclaimoii Hainan lleshmntl 3 IHT.fnlmcnt Is iiocdotl hv EOme'ilodv In A eere lirmiio. T.r,nr clnv nt-lno-ri Tinwfl of 43 fctiumicu, ot riinunnuo innryrs xo ciistnrrtl. or n a1llabIo I.arso or ox jg nuvea by tba licallug power of tils which sjwdily cures cmclt ttllracnts of fium nm an iiJiMJ. na 3 Itlictimatlam, Hrvclltngs, BtlfTl tl)L'ii.3?, 5 omrucicti. j'siicc;rrf. osiiriiB .iniia frcaldn. Cr.tf IsrulHoo ontl XMiiritliiSf l'nlionons Ultra nnil -4miinf;, tii;ii-hs. j.nruncns. uiupj jl'iovc, Ulcus. Frostbttcn.C'htlmaliia.fB Thore nipplra, Cnl.cil Itreast. nndlB .-Jii'uncil every form or cxteruai cua X ec.se. It Iicals without scars, d or tho lr.UTjj Cnctxios Jt cures ); iu-r.l:ia, fjrvliuiy. t'tl.T Jofnta, B-'uuM.ler, tlnrncm tforea. Hoof IHs-yri-.in, foot Hot, Screw Avovm, Scbj ICollatr Iioni, frratchea, WUiA SsHlla, Snnvln, Tlini-Ii, ItlaetbosS, J.l:l Hnrx. lnll IHIl. F'lllll nnoM !lio f;tr;!it nnil every cllirr allsucnt (o ivfiicH llio oconpanta of tlic aiJfnfcie nml IMocU ynl nro liable. ?J alio Bleslcnn iiXustullg X,Iulment !lnlia73 enroa nml never disappoint! :.u unait 12, po&iuvciy, THE OF ALL A Common-sense Remedy, No more Rheumatism, Gout, or Neuinlgia. Five ycarttitabtiihed entt nevir known to fail tnaiwgU cateacuttor ckronie. Iltftrfa.ll pronlnml phytlcltint end drufjUlt fur tht (Uniting uf Stillcytiea. Secret ! TflK ONLY lI8SOI.Vi:R OF TflB l'disoNiit's uttiu acii wimuiux- IS'IS 1NTIIU lli.i'OI) OF Iltlt-UJIATIU AMJUUU'lV l'ATIU.VJti, SAIJCYLICA Is known as a common-tense remedy, heeiuse It strikes rllreeilr nt the ciust nt KheimatHin (hut and Keuralxfa, while so many so-called specifics and sup poiied panaceas only treat I i-aily the effects. Il tush, en ccncedoil t.y eminent scientists that natwanl applli ailonr, sncb as rubbing wilholls, ointments, Ifnlments, hb,i soothtnir. lotion will not oradlcjle tbese diseases whleh aro the result or tba polsonlUK of the blood with I'rie Acid. 8ALICYLICA works with manelous effect nn this mid, and so rvrajves the disorder. It Is now etcinflvel) used hv all oel'brated ph)Slclans of Ainer.ca and Enroi e, HUheit taml 0 I Aindoiny ol I'aris reports Pi pr cent oleares tn three dayr , Remember that SALICYLICA is a 0 nam enre for llhonnatUin, Oout and Hepiafgia. Tbo uiosc Intense piiai are laWuod almost In stantly. Qlro It a trial Relief guaranteed or money refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent ' nappllc Uon. 81 aZoz 0 Boies for 85. Sent by mn l on receipt of money, AS i XOVll OjIKQOIST FOR IT. Rat do not, he deluded Into tKtnj Imiti. lions or subsimtjes, or sumethlaK rtoom lanoilo l n "just as Kod I" Insist on the., cenulnewflh Hie naiuo VVASIIUl liNE s Ui 1.. on each bexiwiileri Is uruaraiitteri ehemr. eallypureunderour sljrnMure. an Indlrpeei tnicroqul-lle to Insure sucoaja la the treat ment. Talca no other, or send to us. Waslibiirno .lr rioprletnra, 3-7 Broadway, for. KeadeSt., NtrlfMly NEW YORK Biff g ENTS SBBflEHTM I IIT 03 BUMS, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers