MiWi m- H V. UOHTltlMKU, LHIIinilTON. PA.i 8A.TUlirAY. JULY T, 1883. COUNTY MEETIHO. tlit annual Deinocmtio Cuunty Melt ing will bo held nt Ibe Court House In the Borough of MjucIi filimik ou Mon tUt. AwmrI 20 b, 1863, nt one o'clook 1'. n. It will be the doty of this nice tb 1! to nurae persons to hold the DeW'Knt -Elcellous, fix the lime of holding tl o county tiomttmtlug convention nod select r comity committee for the ensnlng cnin naton. aud tronsnct Ri X other btislucts n ' upon which It ban power to net. It. If. BeODHKAD, Ch.uumas, JroxonTaots About ApporttonmenH' rniuU)ii.ntiA Times: The protcut IjeaixUtare e.t five mouthu th9 full (period" It could dr.iw pay in rcgul r session, and failed to perform one of the important pnbllo duties that Is nnidi mandatory by the Colistltntlmi every lsnlslator It sworn to obey. That iin nbttaot oubl'o duty U the apportionment of the State in Congrehsional,gislalive and Jodtclul distrfcts, HavluB. tailed to perform that Impor taut duly, Governor l'altlson has con oned the LecUlaturo in ixtraordinary bossion for thespecinl purpose of passing the RDnorttoumeut bills, and it is freely olveu out thitt while the Jn HchJ bill llltely io pass, tho Congrcssltnid bill is in great peril nud the LegisUlivo bill is foredoomed to defeat. Upon wnm grounds aro these possible or prob.iLle failures baled? If the Democrats had partisan control of tho henale, an they have of the House and the OoVernor, they would pat regu Inr Democratic gerrymaudiring appcr tlimmenla. of courje. They all do It; And when cither criticize tho other by nfirue!S. it is simply pot calling kettle l.taalt. But the Dtoiocrata have the House and Governor nnd the ltepubli canflbaro tLo Senate, and there can be ho partisan gerrymander for either eido In other words, both parties aro com pelled by necessity and not by choice to m ke reasonably f.iir apportionments, it ihT ra to ba made. Tho one vaulnge vi ,und held by the l'.eputilicana la in tuelrolci iwpuuncu . K.,u... ,.... ..,, tonrtionmeuts. wblcu continue m case ui poruonmeum, un. unureioF"""'"' . . 1 .1 1 ..1 nvnea In I 'i'ne liepuoiicaua uu.ii.., i'"""' favor fair apportionment, uo weyieiu- lymeanli? If they do tbey uill take the-rresiaenui" " ... ... i. t 1nf !j tinrfv clvfirnlVi divide the quota of -voters by the numb . r nnn(,tessioual districts, and HuH ..n.rintn bv raathcmellcal certaint what would bo a fair division of O. n oressmeu. Tested by that iufallible mlo. the Republicans would be entitled to n friction less than 15 Congressmen and the Democrats would bo lully entitled to 1 J Bnt there are insuperable geogrnpbi- ol obstacles to au absolnto fair appor- n.,.,.ni nn the Democrats have 70,000 in Philadelphia, and no sort ol gerrymandering couiu give vuo-i rnngtutmrn. wnilO peTiecuv uiuuiai districts could ho mads whlou would giv them none fit nil. Indeed, the Uemo- cretin ward must bo buuch'ed to give il,.m nn certain district. In like map. ,r. AllfPhenv has 22.000 Democrati. Toters, and any apportionment mm snake them voiceless. The Democrats must, in any fair ap portionment, leas one Congressman to which thtlr vote faltiy enimes mvm.uu. there common lalrness would call n bull in reducing their Congressmen below their just ratio on population auil votes. A fair apportionment with natural Ur- graphical Hues, could be made giving the Democrats 12 uud the Uepuklicm s lOi or, what would bebelUr, 11 Diinn ralio, 12 Ilepublicau anil J aeuaiuun districts; but the tact that H-ptceuiu- tive Lowrey, of Indiaua, was Jeereii nui, hissed by bis Republican collegui s m m. House, wuen ne proposeu u, t. Dl.n finnnressmeu. or two " i-. - .im less tnau ine.r to to, nBujiuuib".". - publican siucerity The same nucrring rule applied to S material districts, would give the Democrats 23 or the 50 Senators, alter allowing the Republicans een more lhn the benefit of fractions. Tho same Insuperable obstacles apply in that cp Djrtlonment. however, because of the overwhelmed Democratic vote iu l'hihv .)nl..t,l, awA Allnnl.pnv. hnt lliere should "T"" " - " be no uesiiauou in concerns iuo we.uu. umUer shipped on thosteamsblp Furn crnts 22 distrlc's with reafonnbl- Demo- e,alB tte coiictor is iU6tructl.a to lBt. erallo majorities. Au thing less than we have herein indicated, would falsify every Aiepiiuucuu .u.iiluu tTlue Deuiocrnls lu tuo congressional aniuegiMauveiii'uiwuuu..uu,, uu xfn.sal to eoncede so mneii io me ntmo- I ..... mrtn n rfolcmt nfi till , lldtu via.. either to reluseotatru.uoiouoi dis ncis1llj0llt &ily ten)porary ela,)Ioves ,u ,h or to d. f. at all nppcrtloumcut hiih be ia(cruai revCuuB bnr..an. in, n, . use of llm Republican partisan gerry- rniuder which would then remain in force. Bnuh aro the fiozou facts about $l apportionrienls. oaQturcB don't lu. THE BOYCOTTED DOLLAR- rniLAnELrim Times: Tba trado dollar is about to go, aud tbd loss of about four teen cents on each must be borue by somebody. As the banks, railways and leading ohauneU of busiuess have boy. cotted tho twpopular coin, it is n ques tion pf only a lew days when trade dol lars will Ik accepted by all us only 420 jrrnlns of til rer builiou. The government cuu't afford relief to tbvholderaof the trade dollur, It Istiue .that the government received dillar lor dollas Iu issuing it home years ngn, but the dollar the government received was -worth leu than the short dollar paid out. 'There is therefore no more iqnitythau there is law fordtmaudlng the redtmp- - lion of the trade dollar by the treasury. Jt Is true, also, (bat the legal tender ' tollat i of leas lutilnslo Value thau the trd dollar, but that goes for uothlng. The government has dishonored Itself by oeeianoga iew vuniaoie vom lusu ii.e trade dollar ta be n dollar, and that jmVe It a. dollar In trade. Had it by ihruelawiltC'.redtlietiadd(.ll.rlolpiar )u bc.hiv.r ..i . ... Vi ' be a dollar, t would usw be r.ecepted na gucb Bud-past Iti ordlimty buslveti tmin. actions; but the govt riiineid didn't do to, anit that ends the prkctical part nf the dispute. liieiy min, woman and child who has . i, . , , utrulo ili'lht In piiKem.inii, is aimi'i; foutk'ru relit out ill picket, inn! tlju liiet wftv Is to nccciil Hie loss an surefnlly as , iiohstblo. Here mill there duller will be found who accept the tmde dollur, but that must ucervi that elglity.six cents in goods Millie iven Inr HRlilj-six.ceulu in silver. It will be hrond as long any wny holders of the now boycotted dollnr dipo8 of it, nud the philosopher will zu;et tho loss nud (struct wtnt comfort can bo extracted from a contribution of fourteen cents to tboKoverumcnt. TnE d( bt statement Miow the drcrcaso of the public debt during the month rf Jl-uj to be SI8.0S18.201. Cash In the Trwitmry. S.1 ir,,26'J.t02; KoM ccrtlfioatia, SJ2.378 (J10:l.ver cm t tl eaten, $S3 CIC, 8)1; Cfrtificatox of ilepo.lts outstanding, i!3 375 OOUj n Inndiugc rtifieati. S355.- 900: Inn' tenders otilstnuillus, i310,C8l, Out ; Iruoliornl cllrrmiry nilt,tuiidlug, $7, 030 COO; ilfcn-i.R.i nf publlu debt for the year, S137.823 253. TitE 11 pjblLftja of N( rlhimpton ouinly, in coiivn.lion nt Iialh, on Satur- diy elected Ifoiuk Reeiler, df E.inton Seuitnrinl lUlefjnle and William I'olloek ami D. M. Kevin, of Ifistou, nnd Mnrrii C. Liieltenbacli, cf Itethlehcm Eeprcsen titive delegates. J. 1C. Dawes was elect olmifuuin of the bounty committee. Our Washington Letter. Ouit llmULAIt LETTER.j WAsrtistiroN, D. 0., June 30, 1883. The dsvilopmeut of tho new residence portion of tho city is komcthing needing to be seen ta be seen op"reeiited. It ib unique. Alter false starts in various di rectious, some of them engineered by anxiont speculatora who had big plots ot ground to sell os the ulto for the new White House, the residence part of the city has taken n definite direction of growth along Connecticut Avcuuo, which follows an obliquo lino drnwn Iroru lb White House to Washington Heights, This section has been rapidly built at nith hnndtoine bouses and building con tiuues steadily. Fortncalely the move. ment began within a few yenrs nfter the arohilects had made tho surprisicg dif covery that there couhl be bright colors in dwelling houses nnd beauty of form loo. The bouses are mostly of brick P.uMt I mien liuo llo r,..-.. Bli-ln vll!ua,It 8toml, npart from is D(i,,ulot - , - ... uud 4 surroutldet) i,- 6r,.en tutr wiii, nretlT beds ori1 l.vrn nnd tlwr, . . Tbe result Is broad street after street oi hoU6cs nU VatyluK and manv rflhtm beautifi, treuting marked contrast to lue monotony of the streets-of tLe clnso built citiis. If there isnnycriti cism to be made here ou that score, it i that there is a little too much ol Queer, Anne, though any criticism seems almost ungracious. One weiiltLy gentleman, who like many other-, is coming to Wash ington simply lor the pleasure of liviog here, says the Queen Anne si j le has been overdone, aul he has given his architect orders lor a plutu George, tho Third house, wilh a portico. This movement mto ys,hiuglou of people of wealth nnd cullure, who are attracted simply by the lifei BOciety nud cllmftto lIl(,y tilirt bere, uns apparently only begun. Every ft days some new- name Is mentioned of i; mnu1 of money nud leisure whodriver throug'i these broad shmled nveunes.sefh hi people, and breathes the nir, nnd forlhultn buysn lot and orders btick t'eople who have been n unud deal abroad nd have lerued to like the vnriety) Uaropean society, seuin specially dniwi, io WusLiuglon, wli.re the diplonialt .urnish a foreign element of cultivated hmople, nnd the concentration hero o rrpuseutallvo men and women Irom nb ,atl8 0f ibu Uulon, gives society som ,iiotursq'ie contrasts, and a iliverit which is agreeable, 'i'bere is a, good deal f wetl, 1,, out jt is poiut ot i.riil I witli the rieLut, as, ull iisnith thou i iq aro u.,t so rich, that the bo.-iely i v,lt,,iugiou is er deuucrali, , and ihu u wm counts for what he is. rather lha 10f wLat l(J Ulufi The considered at IU ... ' i"uiutraiuu u',wnet U"B yesterday as the al leged shipment of pauper immigrants to tins country from Irel.in.i by the British authorities. The Stcretrv of the Treas ury, subM qnently telegraphed instriic li jns to tho collectors of customs at New Yotk, toco-operate with thocommls.icn- ersof immigr.ttlon at that port to prevent the laudidg of all immigrants found to be paupers, within the weaning of the law. In the event that such pauper im migrants may huvo already lauded, nsU I - . i. . ' (iuiwu iu in iue case ttiiu the large an practicable measures to have them re. ahivpea to the port whenco they came The reduction of the tax on tnli.ienn aml tUo abolition of tho tax on bank cheeks, as provided for iu tho iutcrunl revellue buli wbcU fioe8 iuo cffe I . . .... - ,lt uns necessitated tbo appointment ol r.ce,d the nm.mvnl f t.. I , . ------ - - .uw .tmuiuk there was in existence several millious of tobacco stamps, of the 10 ceut per pound deuomiuntiou. These bad to be chauged to correspond with tho provisions of the uew law, which fixes the tax on tobacco at 6 cents per pound. That work has been completed, ami the additional em. phyes of the bureau nre now engaged iu cauciliug the stamps tVnt were nrlnted on bank check, belonging to the vnrions baLkH throughout the country. When ever a bauk untitles the burenn that it wtnts the blinks on which lb tueensare printed returned, thennmler in slumps in enuh book is counted, nnd with a hand stamp the word "cancehd" is printed across the face of tho stnmp nun me uiHunsreiurueit tolbe Lauk that isiueu uieui. It Is estimated that tiiere will be work enough to keen the fifty temporary employes at work for two or ttreo wee l.s longer. Arouvr. fi'aoii ooa Srtcui. CiiksuniiiiiKxT.l Waiunoton, D. 0., Juue 29. 1B83. About ibe busieat appearing Govern mout effice iu Washington now is the i'enslcu Bareau. The buildings which its sixteen hun.lre,! ni.,i. quarteted. r s tcick ns ihrp I,, r, .... , .- .lit u clerks stmding arouud ou the outside at tuncli-ttme reminds oue ot an ohl.fasu luueu ion n.meuug. Hut as n matter of Not I lib office, docs not ptrforru as mnrh work in proiwrlloii to the iiimb.r of lis upryeiisi oxikt uuyof the other de ptrlmctita. It la pretty well understood now Hint the neven or tight liun-Ueil fid- dltloual clttka Voted to tlili bureau h year ngo were not needed, aud have nev er beeu used to any advantage. A his tory of the Pension Office, Its workings, nud the peculiar cases that havo come before it would be quilo an interesting chapter. It Is estimated that consider ably over half the pensions granted now aro for chronic diarrbco.1 nnd dUcises arising therefrom. Case belonging (o this elms are nmong the worst the Pen sion Bureau has tohnhdle, nnd they hate bceu allowed to nccuniulato for a long time, until they constitute n majority cf tuo applications yet undisposed ol. In speaking of this phase of the worknn old examiner, now In othet business, snidi. "I have every reasou to believe that there Is one ngrncy, nt Ie.itl, nnd perhaps others in this city, where dishonest ap plicants who have doubtful claims against the Government In Ibis class are put through n regular courso of training and reduced Io any stage of tmaclatiou that may be deemed essential to suceesr. To such perfection has the business been studied that an applicant who has been lu training for a few weeks can deceive the shrewdest examiners, strong, healthy men being quickly reduced In weight amaslngly, nnd given tho appearance ol hopeless invalids of yenrs standing. To bo sure the training is liable to bo fol lowed by serious sickness and even per manent disability, but men are found who will tako the risk of that for the $2,000 or $3 000 nnd the monthly sti pends that are nt stake. It is practically Impossible for the burenu people to guard against deception of this sort unless thev should oorae Into possession of Informs. Hon bearing on a particular case by ac cident, nnd Interested parties nro vert careful to cover their tracks skillfully. Of all the ways of money this is tho most peculiar I ever heard of, and thus far one of tho most sucoessful in a small way." Ibe new Commissioner of Internal Revenue is in hot water, but his frieuds say he does not mind that that ho is used to it. Whether Mr. Evans is satis Ded with bis own work or not, it is pret ty certain that President Arthur nnd the Administration people geuerally do not feel very well pleased, though there will be no interference at present,' Mr Evans succeeded to a thoroughly well orgnuizid and efficient brauch of the publio ser vice, and all that he had to do was to bee that the machinery of the bureau was kept in perfect running order. But it eems that that simple performance of duty did not at nil suit his views. was not with any such old-fashioned iden that he tool: the office. What he wanted aa, not to hnve the revenues of tl Government co'lected with, the greatest ouesty and ifflciency, but to hnve the pleasure Of dis ributiug pntronago. He. seems to hnve followed In tbo footstep 'it the late hpeaker Kiefer, nnd his fin- movement was the removal of four of the most skilled special agents of internal revenue aud the appointment iu their places of four men from his own State of iventucliy, two of whom had been previ m-iy dismissed -for cause" Irom like positions, the other two being untried, iuexperienced, nud presumably, unquali lied men. wnen mo newspapers coni uieuted upon this latest outrage ngaiust pulilic decency, aud ngaiust the priuci i1'""'""' ..win.!, jcuiiji, mr. isvaus iffectcd to see In that condemnation o' uis course merely the spltefulnets of the newspapers aud a proof of the bauelul influence of sectionalism.' He has often hid, he said, "tilts with tbo preBs, und una always come outnbead." 'Keiilncky bad not had her t'airshare.of biich offices. uud he was determined that she should have. "That wns the sort of man he was." Besides, ho had the President's authority ihr what be did. These were the considerations which he assigned li r his uction. The last of them is ibe only o ie, of course, whiuh hud any proper r levaucy L the matter, nnd it appears that Ihu hud no just foundation in tact. He had merely obtuiued the President's general approval to a suggestion that he intended to remove some of his subordi nates for inefficiency. Aud he has by this time learned that that was very far from au express or implied sanction to play duck aud drakes with tho heads of experienced aud faithful officials. That is not the sort of a man the President is. Mr. Evans should realize and net upon that conviction. Don Pernio. Our Now York Letter. Regular corretponaence of Advocate. New YonK, July 3, 1883. The exodus to the watering places has begun, anil wherever one goes along the riverfront or iu the y iciuity of Forty second Street, carriages filled with trav elers aud wagons and vans laden with baggage meet one. Long Branch will this year gain a big point over Saratoga. Thebe two places have for the last fife years been baviog a pretty stifl" race for publlo favor. Up to the present Saratoga has always managed to beat the Branch, although the year before last and last year particularly it was noticed that the winner did not huve much to spare at the fiuisb. This year ou the contrary the New Jersey seaside resorts, such as Long Brauch proper, Red Bauk. Seu brigbt. Ocean Grove and Asbury Park will get the cream of patronage. The improvements at these places are many ami varied. Charming drives, pictur esque walks, large aud commodious ho tels, cosey cottages aud uulimited facili ties for bathiug, fishing, rowing aud yachting make them extremely desirable places to go to. Western and Southern people btill prefer Stratoga, but the yor trx will soon draw thm into Long l) ranch. A dealer in fireworks tells me that not since the Centennial year has the trade in these combustibles been so heavy ks it is this year. The' public it seems has takeuthe hlnt'tliut tbe'polico mean to wink at the violation of the ordinance forbidding the setting oft of fireworks, aud Invested heavily. The oinouut of crackers, Romau caudbs.. wheels, etc., that will have been consumed by July Stb in this city alone, will be nearer oue than half a million. The cfflcial report of the Building Bureau far the six months endlugJiiLe 33lh, will bo published iu a few days. Frounsbort talk with Inspector Este brook, anticipatory of its contents I gather that plana for 1,113 uew buildings have been fib? J, representing a total value of SIB C08.970. Of ttirto buildings 1 0 wero ko.cdIImI flrt class (structured val I tied at $3,030,000; 132 were tencnnts reprseutInE$2.057.C00, nndUS wirellils or apartment booses, valued at $0,434,000. Four new holds ate to bo built, valued at (318.000 and twelye factories whoso estimated cost will be $3'C 000. In the Bime time two pious for now chnrchis valued at 180,000 were filed. As nu In dication of how few wooden buildings a o now being constructed It will be suf ficient to stnte thnt bnt SG plans for frame structures wero filed, to cost $202, 030. The total amount tl8,C08.070 ex ceeds tho sums expended during the snie period last year by $3,883,495. This bhowB how fast the city is spread ing. Tho members of tho returning militia regiments which have been in cr.mp at Peeksklll, according to the military law;, talk of scarcely nnylhing else than of tbo conquests they have made of the fair maidens who turned the ccld shoulder on the rustio swains and worahipptd at the shriue of the amateur Mars. It is strange what an effect brass buttons hate oa the average female mind. At West Poiut arouud coinmeucemeut week a male being has not the ghost of n chance of capturing the heart of even nn tiuio- mautlo girl. He may be handsome, well mannered, rioh and dutiful. All these perfections fade lu presenco of polished bras;. Apollo himself would bo beaten before he started unless he took the pre-O-Uillon of having his tailor change the cut of his coat, nnd provide it with a fnir supply of shining buttons. The goings m camp of the New York Regiments me of course severe trials on the hearts of the Peekskill maidens, for ces deatjx militaries aro as a rule not nenrly as faithful as they nre gay. They get even with them Iu the winter, however, by bringing suits for breaches of promise. Last summer's campaign cost halfadozen young fellows their peace of mind when the leaves began to fall. There were fewer drinks, fewer and less expensive cigars, and scarcely ary balls during the winter, while at the same time there was increased wealth at Peekskill. Ono of the most amusing characters at Manhattan Beach is Judge Wilth-.tua. He is in nnd nbout the beach all day l ing nud is always ren y to open court. The place is tfflcered by Loug Island City policemen, nud the eagerness with which they pounce down upon some poor New Yorker who may have violat. d some lit tie regulation is amusing. They ore al ways careful however, to pick out some man who looks a3 if ho ban no Irlends, Judge Williams Is always at hand und the flues which he infl'cts gnn great -way towards swelling the fiuaticis of bank rupt Long Island City. The Jiidgx is a typical Long I-lander, tall and spire, gray aud bronzed, wrinkled and lithe, Ills' clothts were. never made by n fash-. louuhle t'lilor, and his linen is not al ways immaculate. His ability to "eat" tobacco is equal I'd only by his capacity of1 standing by his many friends when they ask him up to the bar. There is not a better judge of gain" cocks on thr Island, aud thay say too that he makes a capital referee at a cocking .main. Hi enemies say that ou one oc'cnsiou when bo presided at one of there eucnnnti rs in the pit, the police raided the plico. TLe judge managed with difficulty to escape. The next mnrniug nil. the prisoners were arraigned before blm, and he was Brutus enough to flue thtmall ten dollars. much though it pained him. Although llii story is evidently untrue, the judge is very popular and theBiuch would not ' itself were he absent. The racing season has developed the dreaming faculties of people immensely. There is not a more superstitious lot of men than tiioso who follow the horses. Tbey nre perpetually on the lookout for signs and porteufa. As regards owners nud trainers, they would as soounuve their stables Irom oue truck to another ou n Friday as to ulhiw u valuuble h jrsl- to be drivu oyer a heavy rondt, L Bt Siturduy I was very much amused ni Sbeepsheud Bay. Two meu were stand lug together lu the paddock, discussing what to back in the third race, a dush of three-quarters of a mile for two-year olds: "I had a funny dream last night," suid oue. "It seemed to me that I was in on orchard when I approached n chirry tree. I thought I'd climb up aud get some cf them, when a black man came out and waved me back with a red, white aud blue Aig. Now what slmll I do. Shall I back the 'cherry und black' ot Pierre Lorillard's who starts Bloisoin, or shall I go for Mr. Kelso's red, white and bluo colors on Equipose?" Alter some cousullntjon the two decid ed to back Blossom, because her colors were teen first. Equipose won, Blossom coming in second. "Huug it," said the dreamer. "I read the dream wrong, I was waved off with the red. white and blue flag, aud I ought to have backed that color." New Advertisements. Dividend Notice. Atnlteuular Mertlnu of the Directors of lite nrl .uuo, ni nans 01 i.eniulilun. r.v a Semi Annual Dlviileml ol Til It KE per cent en tho Caplt-il Vtock whs declared, payublo on and after July Ulh, 163. - W. W. UUWaiAN, Caehler. July7tb, 1883. BEPOKT UK TIIH niXDlTIOX oi tho FIRST NATIONAL HANK, at bhlirliton, In IIih 8tntt nf IViin)haii(u,it the clow of toiluen, J ono Und, 13: ftcaosacss. lfnund dlaeounta (K.U0 47 Offerdmn 17&.HU U. S. lloudH lowure rlreulallon , , TSJhjii o-l Other lockii,tMDda.an,t mortirarea. . 190 000 Due froia apiroTi-d ref.erv agents . 9,.efl SO llua from fiber National lank. , . 7U.41 llua fnm State llankaand Hanker, - r3l.'f IImI eatatH, furniture, and flxlnrva. , 8,&55.2l Current expenaej anil tun palj . 1,8-1 v 19 l'remiuma paid ....... 9,00s ou I'lim-ka and ulhrr eaih Itemi 1.&73 47 llllliolbr llanki l.-.'aj.lO iratll'iialppereurrency,nlcke), and puuler, 19t,15 spocia i;.&,7.:. liral tender ortea 3 10J1XJ lleJru.llou l'uud.lth U. 9. Treaiu. , ry (5 Jar cent, ot circulation) , 3.376 00 Total . t:31,6t0 li lutittrui. Capital atoek paid lu . . . . . . t7S.en0vU Surplua fund . ......... 8tooi t'tiditldt-d profila . . &.26S6S hath nul Hank notes oa'atandin ; , C7 M M tUeidcuda Uupald, , ....... lnJlflduaHI.'piltaaubjeet tocbrck. . 4,0 047 1lntnolhr .National Ualika , , , 0,7193 Due to Slate Uinta and Hankers . - 41 .tu Total tJ1.80.l SiaUo rvnnsjteania. County 0 Carbon, 11 1 J I, W. V llowiuan, Cai,lilr rr ih alTttrand Ubk, d.i ai'leiuuly awrar I bat thauttaleuieiit t tilM UiUia Uat Of toy knimUdzaaiid lhrf. W. M.UUrtJl.VN.Ca.bWr. utril4and woruboferamalbUSith day of uuv, iwa II. A. UI LTZ, J. P, Ckarrcl AltmliTboa Ktiuarer, A. J. Purltn and T. J. Ulnlef, uuuwi. July 7. '3. New Advertisements. n.,1 a RmnH nn Him TUL O. DlallU UI I NHII. "Womefi are a ncceriarf evil," he raid, bringing down his Oat hard on tlio counter to ouijiliailie tho henrtlcta remark. It was lu the village store at Weit Milton, Saratoga County, and tho spoakor was the con'ral figaro Ma group of buchollo philosophers. He was honiely, slovenly and sixty. "Thcr' where I differ from you alto, gethor," Said Mr. Ooorgo r. Oraliani, of the same place. "Women are mostly what men make 'em. When husbands aro brutos nlica will tail Into submission ur make home hot fur-the men; and they're unnatural In cither character. Irfive. them, nnd cspeetally bo good to tliem when they're slek, and you'll have no trouble. There's my own wife, now Sho's lurlcrcd a good deal with djepepsln, nervous prostration and other ailments that took the bloom off her checks and tho spring out of her steps. Well, she saw an adver. tlttmcnt of I'AnKxn's Tonic, and thought It would be Just the thins; In her cato. UcntU men, I sent Are miles altor n bottle. She took It. I sunt niriiln after mi re. Sosevernl times. Trouble? why, iryuu could fee how much iruo.1 It has ilono tier )ou would say that women are the ureal c(t or Oud'a Mess lniii, and pAifKKR's I'onio Is the next." This tirenuratloti. which has bcenkuown ns Parkkii's UlNOkli Tonic, will hereafter be on I led simply Paiikkk's Tonic. This change has been rendered neceaaary by auliatltuies Imputed upon their cuatomots by unprlnciplid dealers under the mime or KhiKer; and as teliiptcr IS really an unimportant llavurlng In gredient, we d op l he nilaleadln)- word. There la no clianuc, however, In tho pro parutlon Haell, and all bottles remaining In the hands 'of dealers, wropp. d under tho namo ot Parkkk's (lisnEit loxic, contain the genuine medlclneirtiie Tar Blinlle elifnuture ol Hiecux &Uo, la ni the bottom ot tho outside wrapper. July 7-83 lu, Subpoena In Divorce, flary J. Mullen. ) In tho Court nf Common vb. j-ieuB 01 uaruon county. Tntin I' Mnllan t 1n 1 T..Hn-..M Its, in mvonuE. To Jonx F. Mullen. Retpo dent: Sin. You nro hereby notified to bo nml ameitr at a I ourt cf Common Plcni or Cr. bon (Jountv. to be held In tho Ouurt Hnnte. al IMauch Chunk, on Mornlny, the 8lh (Uy of uo inner, a. u, i5u, ni iuu ciock in mo iorc noon, to ntifvfer tho above comnlatnL. i eraon ai Bcrvice oi ruujocna nnu aims suunoena nnvinir iai iu ou nccuuiii, ui you uusenco irom una uaniwicK. O LO. W. ESSEll. I'rotnonotary. Mauch Chunk, .Tuly 7, 16S3 n4 T. A. Snydkh, attorney kr Pl'T. How Lost, How Restored ! Jot nnbliHufHl, u iww edition ot Dr. CUT tUiliidli'aicnrool bruEMAionunoEA or heoi tial Weiknetis Iiivuuntaiy &ouunal Lopicp, sukiirriuN.IiliLCrsY nml fit. inducrti bvee.t- i uiufuitiieiiL in itiuri iiiitb. uic. i n g . t u Tim celobroted nntbor In tins pdmir.ible Kr fay.o enily ilemoi Mruie. fioji a iniity oart,' qu"iiei'8iIi?M-abu(t may bo rn lea ivcuietlj ui liitinc nut a nimlf ol i urc nt one a-iniilccer t ni njul off 'dual, by mo ns ol winch ivery it-ffcrer no matter wlini coiKtitioii ma i r. imrv vui0 luujbuii vuunniy. l-riv-lOiT, uiiu iaui cally. Thls Lictnro slionb' bo In tho bandsof ovRy jouui oun every man in me land. Rentuirtor ural, in a plain cnveloie.to any a0niei vot piul ou receipt of blx cents or two uosrajro uiampe. Auu:ess Tho Oulvenvoll Medlcnl Co., 41 ANN St How York N ' i P. O. Box 453 Oct. 7. 1S8S Spring and Summer A Special Invitation Is extended to the T.ad les of I.ehhihton and aurroundln neighbor. hood to call and examine tho Imineneo stock of .Sl'IUNU AND SUfllllEU JUST 11KOE1VED AT E. H. SNYDER'S ' M14 LeliiiMoii, Fa comprlaln); nil the latest Novelties In Illack and Colored .Silks, Velvets, I'lalds, Ca;h- racrcs, SerneS, all-Wool Suiting', Orlnt; h.ims, I'rlnn, he. Alto, a full lino of l)lnnketi,!iomestlcs,Shuwl,MUFllns, NUllONS, THIJIMINOS, 4ie., all or which ha Is ollcrltiK at very Lowest Prlccf. A nlco line of "Silver-Plated Ware, Do call and seo It. My slock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Carpets, Oil Cloths, ounnNswArtE, oLAt-swAnL1,. .c, ii full and complete. Cheap as the Cheapest, nnd Good as the Heat. !C.4-Yl For wounilllarnso or other dla.Uiillty. Wlcliiw, minor children and dcpctnliiiit nnroniaeutltled whendcnthreaultcd. Ulnlina ,reopt-ncu, leaioration. ir,cr.oaes, nounty, nncK pay nna ui'cnnraes ootnincu. Apply 111 once, delay premd ices your rlKhls. Vo flxwl !y inw. Aiioreas, wun ata.np, me 0111 eatiiDiian. eit tlrmol KHSD.N It OO., Attorneys & Olalm ABeuis, 917 h SI., VVashloKton, 1). (J. cor Grand Opening'! The undersigned, havlnnr enlarirert and otherwise linprnved Ida Store, announces to hta frlenda and tbo ponplnof 7.ehluhlon that no haa just Ki-xirENEii me aauio wun lull supply of everything In the GREEN GROCERY line, Including PINE APPLE. 11ANANNAS. . OltANDKS, LD1UVS, ua 11 in nr. IHIOII.MIIKHS nnd all other FKUITS nnd V EU ETA I1I.I.S In Senaon. all of which he Is lurnlahlng al the vr.ux ujuui miur.9, . Frank Leibenguth, June S3, 18 3. LEHiailTON. Pa. Grand Spriua: & SnmniBr Openinp: Tho unaral;nQ'1 reaped fully announce the Ladles of l.ehluhton and vlrlnl'y. that sne la now receiving a very Large and Lie. gam Aaaoriuient 01 Spring and Summer MILLINERY GOODS, coronrlalngHATS. 110NNETS. ItinntlNS, iLOWfttM. fco.. ot tho very NEWKVT BTVI. EH. aullahlo for I.AIIIES. ItltSHES and UlIll.liUEN'S WEAK. All at Prices folly as l.iw n the aaine quality of gotida rnniie bought lor elaowhere. Mrs. E. Eatii. Slore-a-Two Donrs HelowtUeM, K rhurch, 11ANKSU Lchluhton. o.ir.U ni3 The Complete Bone Pliospliate ! MANUPAOTUnED UY THE ALLENTOWN MT'G GOMPANY, One of the Best Fertilizers for all kinds of FARM - Crops and GARDEN Vegetables, can bo bought in large or small in quan tities of M, HEILMAN, IsEilIOllTQN, PA. March Sl-m Spring Announcement, 1883! AVe desire to say to our friends nnd the public in general, that wo have on uanu the Largest Complete Stock of Goods -OP TailorinQ- EstcifelisImionT in this section of the County, comprising Cloths, Cassimercs, Plain and Fancy Suiting's, - ,i, block 88.00 FOR ONLY AiOt IfM I LVlTOHl II WSSSJ1 S i laiIl45iOTs. Tia ana Sheet Iron Ware, House taisMi Goofe, &c, k Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash ! Ho ta tbo only Agent In town for tbo aale or tbo Bossemor, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo Ranges: Montour, lighthouse, Excelsior Perm, and Eclipse Cook Stoves; tho Prinoeton, Early Dawn, Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a var i-iof.v nf nt.hor Rnunro and Round Heaters, J 111 n v i. l. rr : All OI WHICH 110 1SS HOW UllUHliy ill- nu -J Alo.nn hand every kind ol STOVE OltATU and riRE IIRIOKS. Dealer In all tb. beat makeaur I'UMl'ti. Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store ou SOUTH Street, a few doors above Bank Street. ratronnge InWIedi aatlifaotlon guaranteed. J""0 30 Charles Bapx Iteapeclfully announeea to tbo cltlzena of Leblgbton and vicinity that be liaa opened a FRESH Meat Market, IN IaEVAS'S I1U1I.U1NO, Bank Street, Lchigliton, Pa where be may bo found every weekday from C-.00 o'clock A. M. tn:0 I". W with u full aupply flfl'ltlME FltKSll MEAT. 1'rlcea na low a tbe luneat. I'atronnKO la reapect fully aollclted. June 2 ni3 Administrators' Notioo, Eatato ol Jokab Focht, Deceaaed. letter! til Arlmlnlatratlon on Ibe lUlata of Jnnaa Focht, late or tbe llorouitb or I'arry. vllle. t'arbon oiiuniy, IVnnu.,il-ccaal, bavn beo Krnnte.) to the undernlurnd. to wbnm all lu rniul lnrlcl.tr.1 Io I ho raid rrlnle uro re iiutatM to make Immediate ayuienl. and Itioie bavin cl'lma or drmanda Kill make know,, the 'Vl!!!s-Sd'ur',K and UAUIAIIINE FU'MT. June J, 1S8U-K 0 Admlulalralura. and. most ANY- Which wo will put up for you in our usual FIRST-CLASS STYLE, Thereby giving you, as no always, do Best Fitting;, Best Trimffled and Best lade CLOTHING IN LEHIGHTON. ?ln" reeeivo-i rrom the Manufacturers a Large 01 N.wcat styles of Ladlea, dents and Uhlldren's HATS AMP CAPS, 1 All of wlitch we are B3T TJnprecedently Very Respectfully, '11 JIarcli 21, 1BS5-J1 EATTY'S PARLOR ORGANS ONLY $59 Regular Price, $83.00 """".IfAHSSS; "" yL i'VClT l-Cello. (t ft. tone. t-Metodia. U. toot, 3-CUribellt, ft ft. tont. 4-MftDQkl SaVBtM. II fl z jgJ a tone. I-llourdoD. It ft. tnne. S-Sxar liune, ft. tone, l-Viol di Utinba. s ft. tone, f-DIp- ion, Mt. ivne.yTV ioU i Jo tec. 4 ft, time. in-Omnd Kxpreision. Ill-rcbch llurn.S ft. Um, lIli.rn Kolian. 11-Vs Ilumani. H-Co'.o. n ft. to in, IS-DulcUn. 8 ft. ttm. U-CUriouct.8 fi. tone. llVoIi Cv'nte. n. tout. lVlohns toutj. i?-vqx jHbiunte, g rt. tone, vn-ncroio. 4 n-v fa. i. (.'- i . - . r i. . t ti desorrrnr nf a d1&c in th lnUlionniro!! parlor, and would ornament tho tinnrlnlr of nnncfii. PIVP SITS Htb OcUre. lundfoniB ari'rnn. It wfll not Uk- the ifrt tf ? . HtCUO.rin.t ItconUini thebwtt VUIX CCLKS1 E Step.th Famnat trtiicii tlurtt. oo.w cuibinaiitii, tNww Grand uritan, iCtprhC and Left Knee hlrni, to rnntrol tb tntlr mouon by tho knee, if neciuarr. Pi re J) itJM of OlILDUN TONOL'li JUIKD-, as followpt A tt of rrful ynbllai Kcetlii set of 3 Octaves of VOIX ChLMTE; one Bet of MtRNCIl noUN UKKDS. andVOeUreeachof Uejrular OULUKN TON UUU HUHDS. Utildei all tliU. it will be fltttd r with an OUrAVUCOUrLClC. which d.ablei tho power of the lnrtrtinient. Lamp Standi, Pocket for iluiic. Uttj'i V.nvul &wp Action, alio sounding lioard, &e. It liai aHlldinr Ud and eon Ten ten tlr ajTungad Handles fur mnrini, '1 ht Bellow, which are of tho upri ht pattrrn. are made from the but nuautr oi nn oner uiobn, !?( an ilirj I'eJiil Strdpt. Metil of neat design, nnd COOTONg ress lrvpaid, or ho date hereof. I n tnv eelehrate.1 rece ntel bill In full Term ni, inn j warmnicu ior ei jcni. FREICHT area oj aorrcpotincne. HOWTO ORDER. ono-andiunn thatitiunK prove xae shall return it at the Interest frnm the rery what Itnftroait. fwlte this marmfcent v an,) f.n.it h ana remit oy .nelffht.721ns.DeDth.2Hni Jv: ..u-'rXtV",.F' UOVIUINO OKI) Wti6utlb5xeu,.wuv.ib avHjMia' James Walp, Succcaaor to A. D. MOSSEK, Manufacturer ef an4 Dealer In all kind! of Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, . , I rwvnvr I'Vims J- IICIL,3IA.' & CO., BANK STREET, Lehiehton, Pa., MI1.LERH and Dealers in AllKiudior a RAIN IIOUtltlTand eOLtla UKUU1.AU JIAItKKT 11ATKS. ' Wo would, also, icspccllullylnrorm ourclli it oi lliat weaie now lully ireiiircd to bill' 1'I.V tiiem with BBcist f Cosil I'rom rny MIu dcalied at VER LOW EST I'll I C US. if. HEILMAN & CO. Julvtt Caution to Trespassers. .Tnaeph Klbler, Henry Kibler and Samuel KllJeroro hereby furbld IreainaaalnKon the land of lha underalaned. In Towaiueiialnv Towuahip, Uarbon County, Pa.. aRtr this nolle, under penalty ol the law. JOHN llISTX.ua. JunolCtb, 15tiS..w3 i.eiLer. ixrree nrenata. or ni now offering at Loir Prices I J$k MERCHANT TAILORS, Bank St., Eehigliton, Pa. it. toat.ti uoupur iiRtmoai(tue(n-urLiiittu rte,ii-Cjrtai n 'nnlUa.i. i ll io rrn tifi r.tnm t tn a , Tl.a l!ni ia .if K..lt.l M'stti.nr nr....l. ....n... J itK. niunq mutt ihoi in Dibit Dean tin rv ni pro t power, anu are niieu up witn al eel PprtiiR n4 tne Tho 1'etUls. lattvad of being coTervd with carpel, nre l'ollibt& nercrgetoot of repair or worn If you will rrintt ms 59 tho annexed Coupon wltMa 10 tjoyo from the date or thl Kewspopcr I will box anJablp you tbla Orffttn, vrlth Orft llcncht ltook, t. oxoctlj tb ante ao I nell for Ton should order Immediate! anA In no cnac later, than 10 dajo One jearV teat trial cfven aad a rull warrantee for Six Tear. G lvea under my II tad and Sf On receipt of thtirvinpon and tH.6o eftah hy Hank Draft. lot Offlee ty Checlc oaour Iiauk, If herohj s(tV."fPt5-, our imuR, ii inrwarau wimin i v umjm irom 14 Mton M3 larlor OrtTftn. with Renth, l(o.k M,lil,....l,l,.l.aa..r ii,'.n nPrnninanUf till CAllTfHt Klid I will CCnrl VOU a, etc. pro for H8. and box and ship u the Oririin jnet as it li ad I finer rt funded with interest from the mi u rcur I.Slgntid. Nir.i, f. TtnATTr PREPAID. As a further indeuemtnt for tov iprtrided I rre to pre par frclffht on (ha ahore organ to jrur nearest rauroaa ireini Vf any point eatt of tho Mltsiiilppi Iliver. or that far on anr rio wett of It. This It o ram opportunity to ptaoo an imtnimfnt. aa Here. at your "strj door, alt freight prcp4id. inonufrteturei-'e wholesale prleea. Order now I nothlasf . ;".nin mii...-...1n..M, ......... Kneloietl find fBOfororM". I htto . yr inie inrfriifmni, inn i vmar end statement in etlv a represented In this advertisement, or I ' ue and demand the return of my money .with moment 1 forward ft. at ! percent, afeordine- ft oor offer, OI o f ooe year1 am. l'ot OJflrf, ('tiuitlyJStnte Frtlgkt Station, oJ to remit b Hank Itrsft. P.O. Money Order. Kettistt by Uunk Check. Vou mty aeecpt by telerrapu oa sore to Innlmment (ntrridoeed without te1ay, benco this special pries, mail nn thftt d. which will treat illit snacial Offer. 1 C4 roan on mi Kit H (IIVKN IMMKlHATKI.y. 1 V.1" Wtt in t . t HANitL r. HtAi t.wasn nnon.n. J E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Doora Itclow tbo " IlroaJwav tfouae'd MAUCH CHUNK. PA. Dealer in all I'attcrna el flolu and rancr "Window Shadks, Paints & Paintcsr' Supplies, LOWfcST CAsn rillCES. WANTEn IiADIEa TO TAKE OOU Neir fancy u ork at tbelr lioraea, In city or country, nml corn J6 to 212 Ier week, making uocila for our hammer and Fall irailo. Send 16o for aainple and partlcnlara. Hudson Mf?;. Co , '-OSSlxib Arc, New York. ' TiIVORGES. NpriWIfltTireaWentf ofanr J hinib. ucfcrinin, nun luniion. jjuTi niI appiipatlnna for alamo. W. tl. I.E I.Eli. 1 All'y. '.SO Uroadnay, N. Y. June23 wl TO ADVEKTISEK8 Ijoweat Italea for ad. vorlUIni; lnOT7unnDncwaiaiieraaenlfree. A ddreaa U hi I. P. It U W EL.L, & CO.. 10 Spruca St., New York. Juni2i-w Estate Notioo. Ertate of John W. Heborllnir, late ot the II irouiih of t.ehlghton. Carbon (lounty. Pa., deceased. All raona Indeblcd Io aald eatato aie requraieu loinaite imtne,iiaio paymeni, and th,,a harlnir legal clnlnia aaalnit llio same will present them, without delay, la proper order for settlement, tu AMANUA I). HEIIEItl.INO, Executrix, kelilghlon, JunoS, lte3-wo HEALTH IS WEALTH nu. r, t. nuirH rkutk ai iisiiv tbkatikst, vxatrnu l(rl0cfsr II vat -rU.D tin Otnula4ui,F1lt hrw u cs.lcU It.Ucb, Krvaia frolrtitlB raiti lyt ! of Icnltol kt o'oco. Walk of ill ), UMI V UauHaxtotnlawn, tft4f b4 dtli IVreiklvr Old Aifl IUn-uitM, (aOMof '-r I ItlMr tMi. ulisutary ItiaiM uJ FlavtllMt rih CUlal b BtfrIaM I,.B tkf llui Lravlti. all wwtri'yMiJQ ctnM, rhlvix tvatUtBaona mBU'af Irtstmtnl $ tv U or Uboti (ur If UUpt- pU ou ' rrajifl of pi lr . W2 CUARAHTEE 6IX DOXE3 TMMrff. W li onWp -If. 4 It iW'il ih. -owmutf ( wilt, ft, r wttl . n pwiriMMr mi writ i it iMfaiutw it rc'uai.i ) luaory U Ulrtiun OoaM Tl- iWf-t x.ivlsl 1UM I'wilrr. UHrn4Uttlr rtWTtllMtlaiCkc.UtUllMUM. I'HriSttlB gkla. Ua01d cw",, EISNER 6 MENDEL80N. 320 Raoo Stroat. Philadelphia, Pa. Kettistered IB laei detiro I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers