Advertising Rates. We desire it lo bo distinctly undcrttool that no advertisomonta will be Inserted iu the columns-of T'hk Oaroon Advooatk tliut may be received from unknown mi ties or firms unless accompanied by the cash. The following are our onlt terms i ON SQUARR (ID LINKS), One year, each insertion 3?!' Bix months, each Insertion fits. Thrco months, each Insertion -0 cts. Less than threo months, firat insertion J. each subsequent iusei lion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents iwr lino. II. V. MOrtTlIlMElt, Publisher. CARDS, . Attorneys. rp. A. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omen -Corner of Hank Street & Hankway, 2nd building abovo the Carbon Advocate Printing: Olllco. May 10, 18S3-ni5 LEtllUUTOri. M. tt.VFSilEU, AU'COItNEY AND COUNSLM.OIl AT LAW, DixiStii,LinioaioM,PA. Raatfc.tataand Collection Aiicncv Will KM ind Ball ILal Kitata. Oouveyaiie.nK .imII tuoe Col let onu promplly ini. muusi. ..' dants a .paclalty. May b. cou.ull.-d In Mulish nd Uaruian. Nit-AS Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. W.B. u tifimM find Uet.lenco frm Seeon.1 I SI. t.. SOUTH Street, It. the bulMluir lormerly occupl-.l l.y A J I!ollkniaeii, where ho wilt bo p on ami lo see his friends ?n.l pain. ...1 M-lorFIOE in HIHS I : from 0 to 8 o'clock P. 11. March si, 18S3. TV5 PHYSICIAN AND SURO EON, MAIN STREET, PAllltYVILLE Pa, May bo consullcdla th Eoitllsh or German Linauazo. March 21, 1 83. :vvr a. liEKU.lMKK, 51 1)., ' rllYSICl.VN' AND 8UItOK0!( Sjwrlal attention pild to Chronic Wrasses. OlSce: South Hast corner Iron am'.!i.d st.. l.c b I .lb loo, Pa. Apr!' 3, 1878. U. HKltKIt, SI. I). V. 9 Kxnmliiliig Snrgeoii, l'RAUTIOINa PHYSIOIAS and SU WUIIOK. OKFlCItl DaukStiect, HRUKU'b lILOCll, Lehisli- '"waj "bo eonsuiicd lu tho O .Tin n I-mKUnjre. Nov. 3'. -QIC. C. . UOWUK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. May be consulted In ilin German or English '.a nil. i no Orrtrie '.ppiulto DarllllB Urn . . ,r . . 'V. ........ ln 1111 .1 11 tlltl IKU'KlllVll. jan. lly W. A. Cortriglit, D.B.S., O.FFICEt Oi!i-s!telhe"oroadwiiy Ilnute," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. Patlonis hive tin hr-n-HUif ino Iiteftliu prpvemenla In mo hiulul appll vwes .ml the best tu-th-t ! -r ir-iitin jiu in all ( ....... n i n;.m;.oC ID:''. II di-tro'.. If pii-l de, porsins resMIni; nutMni- Of .UaU.IIl UUUI1K tfllUUIIl 111 uii.iu i . ... i , i , by mail. )'' T 17 O MAS RIUinflKR, CO.N V1J1 AMUKl! QKNERAL IW8UKAN0E AGENT The f.,llolniCompinleare Kpiefeoted: LK.IA.N )N Mt! TUAI. I'lRtS UKADINO MUTUAL Villi!. WVOMI.NO Kl:tK. rorT.ivii,r.n I'UtE. i,i-iiiiini inv IU.K115 AUClDiJNT INSUltA.NOE, Alan rranivlv.iuH and Mutual lloi-ao Thirl flee lvoaua in nrauiumj. ,,,. QARBON HOUSE, W. ltAUpENHUSU, PROPUIETOR, llAxsSr., I.BiituiiTOK, Pa. TliolUnnoN llousisotrers nrm-classaceom. mn.lnt una to ttio Travoiinit iiuim-. i.ii ii.n., by tho Diy or Week ou'lo Ioiiiik tiuoico uncari, n him ni i . . . i i ii.w.i sihn.u ah. I Stiililea. wl. h utter tin lloitlora, atuehe.l, April 10-yl, -p.voKRitrox iiorci.. Mllway botwoen Maurh Chunk S: I.ohljhton LEOPOLD MEYEIt, Puopkibtob, Packorton, Pcnn'a. This well known hotel Is admirably refuted, and has the beHaecnmuio'liilniia lor p.irtiian ,. u...l trnn.l,,ut Ito.irilera. KxcoUoIlt laMo and the very beat linujra. Alu rtno tlilce attached. Sept. 10-yl j-ytVll UUIIEIIT'S Livery & Sale Stables UANIC STUKIST.millCJIlTON, l FAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CAIIUIAOES. And positively LOWER IMIKU'.S than any other Livery in the Uoanly. Ijinoanrt hmlnomo Canlase for Kjncrnl yiirioiM d SVeildluaa. D AVI U llllUHKT , 174. wtRY STAi?tp RAUDENHUSU Jtesnoctlully announces tn tho puMlo Ih it ho has opened NEW LIVE It Y SI'XIILE In ennn, otlim with his hotel, aud Is prepared to furnish Teams for ( Faaerals, Wei-imp or Bisiaoss Trips on shortest notlcennd mnrt llbcralterim. All orders left-at thoHUrt.n IloiifH' wll! receive prenpt Attentlun Suhle in North S reel, next the hotel, hehUlumi. lan-l PATKHTS.S ANDEIl-iOV fcMiril. .illcli-rs or u. s, and Kur- ilan Patenu. No. 7iO 7ih Street, for of (I. opp. V S. Patent i UHee, WatiilnKiun, D. O. t'orrefjiiindenn .ulielt. ed. No charge for udvlci. o fro ch'iruf.,1 unleai Pa'eut Is allowiNl. Rrrrreoeet. L- wis Juhnsin Si Co., lliukra. an I Pasimanler, WashlnKton, D. U. Pamphlet or li strne. lions lree. J'ln Olfo tV VODTH AND MtDfim-AtlED, Wonld vou..eie-to UtnhOUND Mrillhnrfl 9 ! auiun and vna il t ad- lIlQilUUUl1. J VT III IM'lllHl UIIVrlUPM. Alldl.' mmmmm, Itolit.y -X ,'.'-"JUiS N V Jilit-y, J. W. RAUDENHUSU I U. V. MoRTHiMEii, Proprietor. VOL. XL, No 83. Railroad Guide. EiMelpkb &J eaaing B. B. Arrangemsnl cf Fascengcr Trains, MAY 27th, 18SS. Trains leave Allontown as follows : (Vlll I'KUKIOMKN ItAIt.ltOAD.) l-or Mill idclphla at 6.10, (.15, 11.10 a. in., and '3.10 i. tn. SUNDAYS. Tor Pliltniiclplilnnt 6 03n..m.and 4.30 p.m. (VU East 'Pckk Hiiascii.) I'or Heading and HarrUburif, BOO, 8.40a. in.. l'J.10, 4.3 ', nun V.U.I i. in. I'cr l.iiuo titer and Columbia, 0.C0, 8.10 a, in., and 45 1 p ui. SUNDAYS. For llnrrlsburg, and waypolnts, 7.35 a, in., I.I.& p. in , Traln3 for Allentovra leave as follows: (Via I'ltUlCJllMES Kaimioau ) Leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. and 1.00, 1.-6, 1C0, ami 6.15 p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 8.3) n. m , 3.30, and 4.20 p. m, (Via i:ast Pknn. IlltAKOIt.) Leave nendln.r, ".DO, 10.15 a. in., 2.00, 3.10, and ii 15 p. ni. j.cavo iiiirrisuurg, oz', ,.ou, a. id , i.ia ami 4,ii'i p. in. Leave L u. caster, (7.30 a. m., 1.0J and (3.40 1.10 and 3.4) p. ui Leave Columtiln, 7.30 a.iu, it. m. 1 T.'ln.- C,Ant SUNDAYS. Lcavn Rcnillnir, !) 00 a. in. and 6 00 p.m. Lcuvo llunl-bur, 7 OJ a. in, nud 4 ui p in. Trains via "Pcrkloinen llallruad" innrknf thus () ran to nnd Irom lli-pot. N Dull iin J Uri'oii Bircoi. Philadelphia, other tiains to ati-i from Druad street liuput. The 5.(0 and 0.(5 . in. trains from Allen lotvn, nml tho 1 35 and a 15 p. m. tr.itn Irom Philadelplilii, via I'eikUin en ltallmail, have through cars to aud Irum Philadelphia. J. l:. WOOTTt.N, (leneral Manairer. C. G. II NCOCK. Hen'l I'afs r k ncuei AKcnc. M.iy27ih, l;s3 JOHNR.G.WEYSSER, PIlOI'ItiETOIt OK THE West End Browqry, Mauch Chunk, Pa. nre Porter M Laser Beer Delivered all over the State. October 8. 1SSM1 oatral Carriage Works, Baa Jj $ it J-,., -Lei ii?!. ( oan. Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring "Wagon, &c, tJfcvcry dcier'ptlon, In tho most subslantlr.1 uiatiiior, uuu at j.otusi i;i,u t'rieca. iU'pairhi rniinptly Attended to. TKEXLKK & KMMDLKK, !J, 16S2 yl Proprietors. April V. A. IjIUIMAXN. Snllcltnr of Amcrlcnn and rorcluii I'atLiilg. U juiiliutiin, l.( Alt hu?ine8 citinuctfii with rau-nif, hi-tcr b f-iti) il.u I'n t nt Utiloo or tho ourtf. iintntly HttiMT'tnl t( Nit cli.irtto trntifo un. icria patent U iwurcd. StuA lor rlrculur, e. tnay&-tl c "'rt 1; tr.:Hont 1 omn l-y tltn . VLa,' iiutiln i?. Hi-si tiiitli c. now In'. J f l-rii I lie imliUc. Cnpttal nut 1 ni'itU'il. u (i will ptart im. Mi-n, women, buys an I lrl8 wantt-d cvrryw lit re it work fur un. vow is th' thup. You can work In Fpnry tlnio, ur kIio j our liolo i line to th tiiiritit:). N or her tMiPlncf? will pay jm ncurly mi well. No oiil- am lull t umki; enur rnous p.iy, y fn'alni; nt oncu fiiily out Ht mill limn frcu. .Minify lumlo f.iet. f,iHy an I h'M.onihly, Address I'iiuk & tV-.. An. uus.u, Ala!n dctSyi 11' n" 7 Br Un pcopln nrn n'wnys on V Y JLK-J JjL--i lo tiiere.iMi thilr iarn In;, and In tlino he. come wealthy; ihou uhutlo not Improve their opprttnilti lenuitn tn poverty. Wo i Iter a rat chance to in iko un ney V want iniiny iitcu, tti n, hoys nnd ttlrls to uoik lor u lht In then own I cilltlun. Anyone can do the work rroptTty (rem the tlnd Hurt. The tm-lnecM will pay more th:in ten Hmo ordin ary w;ijr,es l.X ii!(vo utllt ltirnlhtit Tree. No one who iii.nvii lalU lo ttukn money rapidly. Vow ran dvvoie jnnr winde time tn ; lm wurk, or fiily jemr paro tuumtnti'. Tull Inftinimtion and all thai ii need id vn tree. AddrvM .vrtixAON Co. I'urlliind hilnj. REST! not, life U KwetHtlntf liy. U'uund dure Wron ou tile. t-oiitelhliisX inluhty n nt) nuiiniiP nave nu hlnd in conquer time." Ma week In yuur iwn town, t& KUtttl fret . No lUk Kery .hum i.i'W Capital not required. We will iunili-h i.u i very' hint. Mum nro making lortunif. I'idit'S oinko an iiiueh iu men and tin nnd i'irl un-at pny lUadcr, II y- u Mant buslntnat which you cm icrcat p.iiaUll'U time, write for imrtleulara to II. llAMXTT ft lo. rortlund Ma I no. LAND, Clalmna rprclitUv. mil WAIt- K in. , it ii i r i ii ix a 1 4 miMi:vrKAi nut i ikioat. KS mid nil kinds of f.AMl aSI'IUl'T hniittht ludsuld. J,irk' Stuck, iuhI Uhihei't r rices paid. 1)0 )ru vnnt to fell or lay? II , writ" to A. A TllOJlAti, Atto ne at 1-aw, Vahingt)u, 1). Jan. 4-tre, DROP IN AT THE I Carbon Advocate f OFFICE FOR JOfJob Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly execut ed at this ofiicc. Give us a trial and be convinced. O a Zjfm epmsi- rj bD CC & -3 Of) m j CXD 1 k: O s & ssrf CD R e IT rj ..." No Patf nt Ko- Pay. patents obtained for Inventors In tho United Stite Canada and Europe, nt reduced rates, 'With our principal office located In Wac Illusion, directly opposite the United State Patent (Jiflce, wo arc able to attend to all pi tent business with greater proMptno-s and dc fpateh and at let's cst than other patent at torneys who aro at a distance from A"ntIi Jnton, and who have, therefore, to employ ' 'nsocl.ito attorneys.1 yc make prellinJn.iy' 4 rxnmtnattutia'nnd furnlfli opinions as to a- j tcittahttliy, tree of charge, nml all who aro j tntercxicd tn rn'w Inventions nnd pnrentajire j nteri to Fend for n tSipv t ur "t)ulile lor ' oU'iilnlir ratcntf,1 wi Is sent Ireo to Jiuy a-'dresf, nud contains com-leto Instruc- j tlonx liow to obtain patents and other nlua Ida inn iter. 'Vo rcrr to tho (Icrman-Amer ! tcio Nutlnnal Hank Witslih Kton, If. C; the I l'yalSffiwtlth.orwtianond I.i' LhL ia. t ti n", at U'nblnxton Vllon. Jb8 Cainy, bite Chlcl .liiftieo U. S. Court nf Ctahn tn I ha. t uuoiun(oi tnu ti, t'lttenr tiniee, nini tn rir;titturi' nnd'Tdctubcrs .of CongrciiS liom voiy State. - Address: J.OI'IM U(Oi:H CO., So llelttus ol Patents and Atinrnejs at Iaw,le Druil llultdlii. V.aiiiMnon. D. ') in bL VENIA GRAVER fForxscrlv Mrs. fUTlMltH ".TOP - STORE, from SOUTH Street, h 1 1 door to Dr. Rebcr's Block, Bank Street, 'Leliig'liton, and that has Just received from the Ully a large nnd elegant assortment of the very Latent Styles of Spring and Summer ComprlflnirllATfi. HuNNKTS, PI.l'MES all Shades. PLOWEHS. HIIIIIONS AND Mi I lUNtt which fhe is ullcrinv to the lailles at prices tully as lw as tbesatuo mt K'le can tie huiiuht for Iu the cities. Call ami exumine. Nu trouble lo thow goods. Agent foi t) o Uethlchcm Steam Dyo Works. llcincmber, Miss Next April 21, 1353 ml Spi'ing Anaoiiiicemeiit ! I &.C., &c. Our Young Ladies and Gentlemen will find It to their advantage to give him a call before pun basing elsewhere, as they Town AT 110TTO.M PIUOES. S&WZS OH Post 0!fC8 Bill, April 1, 1815 ly INDEPENDENT-" LEIIIGI1TON, CARBON COUNTY, k Marvelous Story TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE S0N:Torcktter,r " UtntUmen: My father resides at Olovor, Vt, lie has been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the Inclosed letter Mill tell you what a marvelous clfcct Ayefs Saraaparilla hs had In his caso. I think bis blood musk havo contained the humor for at least ten years ; but It did not cbow, except In the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrlet, until about Ave years ago. From a few spots which ap peared at that time, It gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly altllctcd, and oii object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily namo nfty persons who would testify to tho facts In his case. Yours truly, Vt'. M. Phillips." FROM THE FATHER: a duty for me to state to you tho benefit I havo derived from tho uso of Ayer s Sarsaparilla. Six montln ago I was completely covered with n terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tim humor caused an Incessant and Intolerable itchliij, and tho akin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow In many places whenever 1 moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of tho S Alts ATARI LLA in April last, and hare used It regularly slnco that tlmo. My condition began to Improve at once. Tho sores havo all healed, anil I feci perfectly well In every1 respect boing now ablo to do a good day's work, although 73 years of ago. Many Inquire what has wrought such a cure In my case, and I tell them, as I havo hero trlod to tell you, Avr.r.'a Sajisapamlla. Glover, Vt, Oct 21, 1332. Yours gratefully, IIieaji Phillips." AVER'S SArtSAPAniLLA cures Scrofula nnd all Scrofulous Complaints, erysip elas, Eczema, Klngworm, ltlotches, Sores, Hollp, Tumors, nntl Eruptions of Ilia Skin. It clears tho blood of all Impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of tho bowels, and thud restores vitality and" Ltrcngthens tho whole system. PBxrAnED BY Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all Druggists; 51, six bottles for 35. t PlrVI'H wnnicd.loscll Edlson'sMus. SJ IjiN I O C., Telephone nml Edison's Instantaneous I'lnno Organ Mudc. En close slump lor e.taloKUo and teru.s. EDIsuN MUSIC CO., Phlliidel) Ma. Pa , dec. 2I-U.6. I1 HAS BEEN PROVED Tho SUREST CURE for KEDMEY DISEASES. Docs a lama back, or a disordered urine IndtcatotLatyouoxoavtctlmP TIECUTO, NCTIirSITATEj use KIDXSY-WOKTat ..STieedilv overoorna llio dlECi.ra and restore H'hPtiVJiv action la a.11 thoo-rfl-a. ol R ar83irsG rorcoapUlctopecullnr r. iwai-a'i-ct, toyourrcx,cuout3pain and weaknesses. K1L WETAVOUT tauzur- U'paaccd, as it will act promptly and eoft. aI UHicr S:x. Iacontincsco, retsntion d Iurl2e(brIcU dost cp ropy drpoelt, and dull X ;ara,TCins pauia, ou epcoy yicwi to its cur. Toe COLD JLI ALL ZJlluQOIsTS. IrlcOtl. jj c i Wchr & SisterJ ft ""Pcctrully nnneiinees ' TO menus unci uie ladies ccnenulv. time she lias removed her into the new building next ALVENIA Gil AVER, to Rcber's Block, Bank St. Tho undersigned calls tho attention of his manyfrlends and patrons to his Largo and fashionable Slock of Spring Goods, Consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES Or every dcierlpilon and itylo In the Market, Incluillug a pcchil Hue of Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a full line of Umbrellas, Sun Sha:!es, Hats, Caps, will find the II EST SELECTED STOCK In W & Notion Wfilg& BARK SM, LEHIGHTON Live and Let Live." PA., SATURDAY, JULY THE OLD FRONT D00II. I remember Hie time when I used to sit, A happy nu. thoughtless boy, When lather caino homo from his work at last. And 1 was llred of my tov i I remember the lime, atii noiio more sweet Shall t know foi evermore, When 1 sat at the eve by my mother's side, On the sill of the old Trout dour. ! rPIUAIn lior 1M ail. fill t full n.l.nn --" -w.. ..-.V. ,., Aud list to their toying talk, While the crickets chirjied aud the firo (Ilea bright Flew oyer the'garden wall, And often would lather tell the ta!ox uf the lime, lonj years before. When he led Ins bride to a hnppy home, Over tho till of tho old front door. I remember when graudfutber failed and died, And eighty years old wos be, And well I knew that never ngnln IIo would riiloine upon his knee; And though but a gay and thoughtless boy I wept, and my heart was soro Vhetf I saw them bear lit six slowly out O'er the sill of the old front door. It Is mony a weary day since then, And I, too, am old and gray: But the tears mine croivdikg into my eyes When I think of the long past (lav : And 1 only hope that whatever end Fate may have for mo in store, I shall puss unco more, ere 1 pass away, O cr the sill of the old front duor. The Two T)!i,wns I was completely worn out, over-woik- e3, tho doctor said, uml decided to take a much needed vaottion. I Rlauced around with n, dissatisfied air. ut tho ar ticles of yirlu I had prised 1,0 highly, inuiyof which lind cokt me more than -oue meal, thinking how stupid I had been working and Btarving myself merelv to gratify an ubsurd (uuey for rare bits ol 'cbica ant musty eld books. Every piece of wrk i'bt'Bm with so much enthnsi asm bad proved tin utter fulluro. I could cnuctive beautiful idtai, but bad uifVer succicdcd iu placing them ou So far I bad iked out a miserable) ex- hteuce; dreaming v.iin dreams about my lincreated works; ftediug my too vvid iinngiu,iiion and starving my corporeal g-'lf until my mi.sernhlu body was 1,0 thiu that it could scarcely lifleot n nbadow. I cursed late alter the orthodox fa&biou, doolaring I would abandon my nrl, give up all 1'ooliiU aspirations mid lum boot. black. Au hour later I was slandiug iu the Erio deput, without liny definite ide. cs to wberUJlfdiould go, whun a geulleinaii. holding alltlloglrl liy'the inimll'citnio along and purchased licktts fur a station about eighty miles dUtaut. Ium unable 1 1 say why I concluded to go to the same place, but Mippoao the "destiny that sh ipes our ends" sent mo there. I took a seat iu the car, and anon fell into ouo of my old reveries, from which 1 did not nwakeu until I reached my des. ttn.illon. Hastily picking tip my (raps, I oiitt.d tho car, nud saw the gfulcmau nud child hlunding on the platform. There was not ft vebielo of nnv kind in sight; nothing but n loug Mrelch of dus ty roads and perhaps half a dcziu farm uuuim so.mereo wiueiy apart 1 ap proached tho strauger to inqnira if there was a hole! within walking distauce, and wa-i informed that the nearest nluce wloie I could obtain lodgings was ubout ten miles away. I slated that my stopping at tho bla tliitf was due to au idiotic habit of miuo trusting to chnuce "The bubit has fre- ipieully led mo into unpleasant predict. ineuts.nnd this is only one more instance. However, I "m glad to Hod n companion la miaery, I concluded, with u lugubri mis smile. "I expected some oue to meet us, but I Suppose tboy did not rec.-ive my letter, ho observed, "I could tnsily walk to the farm, but it U too far lor tbo child, and I do not like to leave her alono while 1 go in srarcb of a wagou." "You can appoint mo ber fjuordhui rno irsi., nud perhaps jour Jehu will drivo me to the village." He billowed my suggestion, nnd n few m imcnts Inter was plodding along the Itiity road, wbilo the child aud I were sailed contentedly uuder a tree looking ut nn illustrated paper I bad stuck iu my pocket. I have a knack of making friends with children and dogs, and iu a short tlmo wo were dialling ns familiarly as if we were old acquaintances. The little duiuxel informed me that ber name was Llda Allynr, and the gentlunau was Inr papa. She had been at school iu tl c city, nnd was going to spend the sum mer with cr.indtna and Aunt Mat I in. She hadn't any innmm lenst papa always said so when she naked nboutlur. 1'irbaps sbo was dead, but she dilu't know, becaiiKo Ihey would never let her talk about ber mamma. Nearly two hours elapsed before Mr Allyn? came back iu a farm wngou; tbeu be explained that when beriuobut the farm be found bis sitter bad goue to the Tillage .for the null, and bo was obliged to await btr return "Jfow, Mr. Conway, since fate has ihrotu us together, acd yea lmvercn dered ine a real airvice, I beg you will go with us and spend Hie night nt my mother's. To-morrow I will drivo you to the village." The imitation was tendered with heirty earnestness and beiug both tired nnd hungry, I gladly avail-d in self ol it. During Iho drim lie told me that be was book-keeper in u Urge importing i. . i , . a nouse. wuere ne nau e.uere., Ba bnt sotni tweuty years before. Aud expUinta that I was an nrtistr with more aspirations than talent, Hying in a state of chronio discouragement, and dreaming dreams that would never become real!- 1 ties. "The Ufe of an artist and one dtvoted S1..00 7, 1883. If to tnercautile pursuits nre ho widely di vergent that it would be difileult for me to I ully Rjinpalhizj wilbyuu," be paid, thoughtfully "yet wo all havo our am bitions droarus some of fume, sumo nt riches and I havo otteu thought tin r-Is mnro cuioynuiit in anticipating tho I ill fillment of thiin than iu their nctinl consummation. When I was errand bey it seemed as if I would roach the wr; plunicle of success cuiil.l I but r.b'.aln u clerk's posltlun nud so on thrnuuh each grade.' My ambition is still it.-ipiriug.iind happlneai Is oh, so much further oil than It was filtosn years ago. Tbit dour old horriJ Is the only spot where I can find peace, if not for-jetfiilloeav." he eon eluded, ns wo stopped before tho low, vine-covered poroli, whoro his mother, a sweot-faced old lady was waiting to greet us. I say us, for her welcome of mo was very cordial, Mattie was not visible, nnd I did not see ber until she camo to nnnouuco sup per. Site impressed me its beiug n Un voiced, sbj -looking, i;irl, not prettj, ac cording to the general acceptation of the term. Yet, I soon found myself ndnilr iu the pure s,weet faco und earntst blue oyes. Tne nest morning Mr. Allyno told me bis man could not possibly t-pnre Ibe horses that day, as they would bo re- q-iired to bring iu. the bay, nnd proposed we bbould set out on n bunting expe- litiou, which we did immediately idler breakfast. was the beginuingof nu unchang ing frieii ship between Hector Al.lyne nnd myself. As lime pasted our friend ship strengthened; and although I gave him my entire histoiy, I fell instinctive ly that there were events iu his life which bo kept concealed. When hU vacation days were over bo returned to his dutiis, but came back every Saturday, and I can saftly i.Bseri. that no mcm'.erof the household looked lorn aril to his coming with more gladutss than I did. I hardly know when I first learned to love Mattie, 'or its growth was so subtle that it burst upon mo full Hedged almoit before I wns nwnre of lis existence, nud strange ns it may seem, it was into Hec tor's cars I first poured tho story of my love for bis sister. He did not, npptnr surprised only glad, very glad when he wruug my hand, saying: "If ou have won her heart, lialpb, have ft jowel beyond prict," I had w on her heart tbo purest, best heart that ever throbbed iu woman s breast, and shortly after she Occiuio my betrothed wife. Summer waned, and October came, changing tho bright green foliage into rich crlu'ison end gold. Jijviry week I determined to return to my studio, yet stayed on tly after day, bee, uuu ouet1 mere destiny willed it so. While I wns planning my own future, fnto was block ing out an enterly different path lor me, Oue night I lit n cigar aud started for a stroll I usually took while Mattie was engagid U some household duties. There was ft frosty crispniss iu the nir, which tempted mo to proloug my stny beyond the customary hour, nnd it was nearly nine o'ebek when I stepped upon the porch, where I saw a.woman crouch ing in Iront ofono or my Kitting rom windows, evidently soabgrnibed in gazing at tho scene within as not to be conscious of my approach, "Are yon ill, Mndam?'1 I asked. She staggered to ber feet, nml stood fur a moment like a stag nt bay, nud shading her eyes with ber hands, ques tioned in n low, frightened tout; "Is it yon. Hector?" then swayed from sido to side, nud fell with ft beaiy thud upon the porch belore I could reach out my nrms to sive ber. Mittie. bcariug tho fall, opened the door hastily. "A strauge woman hns fainted, dear, I explained; go quickly and bring suuw rtstoratives, while I carry her into the ball. She returned with seme brandy nnd water. Catching n glimpse of the dead whlto lace she uttered a cry of anguish that echoed thiougb the old bouse, Mrs Ally nt: came forward, but Multie sprang before her. "You shall not see her. niotbtr." th said, excitedly. "If you can bear the sight snrtly I can, dear, llriug lur to II o sitting room, Ralph. I obojed, nnd after placing her on the littnge, wo applied restoratives. Pief eutly the nuiin opened her eicsnnd looked around iu a dazed sort of way. She wns n blooduesj creature, with pathetic dark ejes, and a face aged wi' suffitiog. I wanted to sco my little I.Ida. 1 Hector hen? Tell him I am dtiug. A.ik biui, ob, for God's sake, atk biin to for give me." Tho appeal was addressid to me, for Mtltio aud her mother bad stepped aside, aid she was not conscious of their pus "He quiet now," I nuswered gently, "you shall see Una to-morrow, J cr b ips." "Too late; there will bo uo lo-niomw for me," she murmured wearily. Sbo appeared to be completely ex hausted, nud Irom her iucchereiit ui'tt lerings we learned that she bad bteii walking many dais, but could nut dis cover win ro she came from. Whin she was comfortably placed lu the bed. which was btoucbt into the silling rcoiu, I went for tho doctor, aud sjut the follow ing ditpatcli to Hcctoi: ' Silvia, is here. Cume." I asked 110 questions concerning her, but readily conjuctured she was Htctoi's truant wife. The pbjsician pronounced her bevoud nil human aid, Tho lullow. ud couuUIou ri.mulu. I , , , ed unchanged, Ilsctor arrived nbout five o'clock Thursday morning. He did not spesk when I admitted him, bnt Ids haggard ftoa told of his mental snfTcrlug. I VlMed to the rosm I had ja.l left, ud a Year if Paid in Advance. not paid iu advance, $1..2fi lie entered ll, e;l ,sing tho door -.llintly-Mittieiiud In r luolber wen: lestirg nf tr thtir long lgll, hiul a, deftt,i.lil.o ilill nest reignid thintiihuut the bouse. I reinalmd in the kitelliu lur ptlhnps nn boar, then I sltpntil sultly to the silling nn. in duor and opened it. Tm- 8vu Unit nut my iyK was slrik- l.igly pathetic uieu Irnulc. The old trtn near the porch, with its. ricl ly tl'ited, wns i.i u lis?.,! of glory. The first crimson bviuiis ol tVe sing sun, glimuuring tbinugh its branches, upon thu low, niupy-pared wiudiw', cist ttec-i-baugikg iatitiistio tlguies up nu thu walls and over I lie w bilo uovtilet. M ii siui.U table near tin' l id caudle was lVektiing leelly ns if iisb inud of its attempt In give Vght ulti r thu god of d.'V bud auui'iiuced hit pnsv liee. ili-etut kliel.1 btsido the bed wllb his face buried ill his bunt's, which rest ed upon the pi'.hnv. The po-iliuu lie had uncniiHcinns'y o- Mimed e.tpnssed the oiy ubutduuiiKi t ofgriif. The vnnlour ol bis noble heud ud tho gracelul, a;-y posluie of his iiiinly loim ttiuchtd my nttUtio f.u(y. Death had remitted the mask of sail ling from tl e woman's lvn, and it uppuired young almost giilisb ngnin. 'ihtle M is u smile of itu-Sable peaco ou the cold white lips, nud. tbv nimble lids with their lushes, wuo closed nsifin slctp. I stood, lost in admiration, tuv-. gating all else save tbo picture bsioio me, which, when traced upon cauvap, brought mo nine and Iho wealth I prizid for MatUe's sike. At last I npproicbed the bed, and 1. icing my urui artiiLd his neck aud said; ' Come, Hector's let us go out into the ure morning uir." He st'irted und grasped my band. His eyes were tenrhss, bnt bis genial, hand some fice wns almost ns pallidas the dead woman's. Q'J, lt,alpb," ho whispered, iu (ones of siucere regret, 'ihat a terrible end ing of a life that was once so brigtt and joyous. Wowint out into the morning suu- llght. and w(tb his arm linked iu mine, he tulil mo tho story of his marriage with Sylvia, nud the three years of per fect bnppiuesH which fi.lloaed; of the bliud devotion and iulluifo tiust so heartlessly betrajed by the womau he loved and tho mau be c died bis friend. He generously covered up thcslill smait iug woiluds, nnd naught save wolds of pityfeli frorit his lips. "She opened biycje-s just befora the last high esoiped, and she knew mi, ltalph," he said, ns ii finding comfort in the (bought; "for a smilu just ns she used to greet rue with vearsagcvcnuie to bur face, whtu she saw mo bending over her." "I am glad sho recognized you," I re plied, bootblngli; "loritwas very touch ing lo hear her plead for your forgive ness," Ah, yes, she know I forgave, oh I hope to ba forgiven," lie answered, with heartfelt (motion. The lollowiug day we laid her to reit: "iorgr.tliug btr weakness aud evil behavior, nud having iu uitekntss btr sins (o hir Savior." year slier 1 finished the picture, in which I eudeavorod to delineate the dawn of a new day npou earth, as I sin cerity hoped, thu dawn of eternal life for Sylvia. Foisaaod Watir to Drink. When the fish died in the liver, forty miles auove the water works, many people were aliumed le.t the dctileineut of the water might extend ail the way down Happily I lii-re was uutliiu but what cuul.1 bo leinedicd by tho uce nt something that every body could procure at a few minutes notice. This lilllo '.ometliliig" was Tikuv Davis's Pain Kii.lku. A young Ntbrusku luriuer refused to mirry his betiothed because sho used powder. Uu evidently thought it unsale to havo a match whero there was so much paw dir. Mr-Tneiily-fi.ur beautiful colors of the Diamond Dyes, fur Silk, Wool, Cotton, .ti-., 10 cts. A child cm use with pertect success. A scientist suv s thitt u discord struck so violently uu u piano will kill a lizard. It may be, Lulol.e cau't ulwavsgttn piano so easily as Lo cau gtali a stick, w hich is just as good. Dr. Graves' Heart Iteguhitnr cures all (onus ol Ileuit Diseate, nervuutr.esa aud sjeepleaslleaa. "Never euguge iu anything you would not open with prajer, talu a stncl orthodex preaihtr. llu did imt say what be woul I do v.ithudizeu ofuvs ters. It has bteli nsserted u young lady who ba? bieu "li-rb.ikeu by her luv. cr wss like a cut-la a." Evidently Iho lovir vunled tu sabre Irom uu uubappy m.iitijge. Dackhaniiiui, W. Va Dm. .S'ewlon ,V fllair rep rl that Iliii.rn'. lion Uiliera a.e giviiij; general satialartlm. Iu N Y'irk City 120.000 wnm,n miiulaiu Iheiuselvis and in a ay of I: eir hiisbauda, l.y ilu-ir own labor. New York must bo tho hindquarters of lm groat A'utriiaii tramp. Of great uieu uNujs In fore the pub lic, the Utters passing lo and ln should bo bur.od; at lenst each Spring wteu the tiu.o lur houscleauiug has fully cume. Iu nu other medicinal preparation Lava the reoiills uf tho Hio.t lulellij-eiitiliiily ainl teleulillc il ijilire heco s i steadily au.l pro r,reively utlhzid sa in Ayei't Saraaparilla. ll h-ailt llio ll.t at a truly scientlfio prep aration for all blolnl diseuea. i i foot, und be w.iaout of sight before the ' -G.orgiftboastsofttdtvoiitelthen65yt,l,8ulaIlf''':0t''lu'Bclently to call years old, whose was 101 when be j .llnnle, did I kill him?" was uoru. iioiu Miner and son were 1 habitual goober-eaters from iherYiurancy. which speak, volumes for that Jaicy . httT7, The Carbon. Advocate An Indeiiendent Family. Newspaper, Published every AXtHlDAX, lo, Lehlghlon, Carbon. 0o-,.Pa-, by ICAItltV V., IIIOiri'M.IMEH.. Orncii-DA liV'AV. a ahoit UHtauqq ahoi tl,q Lciilc'a Vulley It. It. UcpoU, Terms:: $1.00. perAimnia in. Mvanci nVLiiy nmuiniox or rt-iii, rVcr JoTd Printing AT VEli LOW i'Ul.VEh. pr.OllIllEIIT PEOPLE nj-.M- -livll, lha telephone man, is, worth s(J ( 0 ),0C0, I'olt. Tbu house at Fordhatu. N once oiTUpitd by Kdjjar, A. Voe, poet, wng M,h recently ut auction.. Con. vik.- Ex SfMtor, d mover. Florida, is practicing medicine n,t Maiinu hospital lu Pbihaielphia, J.l.uiru iLUi. llirthdldiV colossal stat ue, of liberty for Idlye'ti isbitid New;. V' tk harbor, will be completed, Va viiuber. Yocnu.- Ann Eliz,i Young, uiutteenth, digree wiiHmr of t,le Ut Urighsm,, ra, rtctiitty murried to W. 1$. VtJU.iDlJ,.. tjf Michigan.. 1'itiKCK Lei volDi I'rince. Leopold ig. by lur the most iircoiuplished nnd high-I- eduaittd of (J.-en Victoria's, sons, H is an elleelivo t r,.itor. ADMiiiaL PunTKiL Admiral Por,ter. has etilinly uct.ved Irom bis, recent; lints, anj U utivy cniyhig better, lienllh than Lu hns fornuumberof years WaItk.. "I have uoojiinion bltios, Iu my sttualinu that subj.'ct is out of t,he iiutstlmi," said Chief Justice ,tt), to a Chicago reporter ILaolhe ay Mackay. It is reported that Mi Sluekuy, lie millionaire, contempaten thu election iu New York of a, gigautip, hutit. It is lo bo, eight times the size, of the Filth .venuo hotel, and tp, con tain almost everything under Its roof. MonniKi. Kx-O 'Veruor Aiwu. Pt Morrill cefebrated bis eightieth biitl day nnniversary rceullynt his LoVUe in Augusta, Me. Sit;. Mortiii; i yet a, worker, nud be is out of bed every morning just before 5 o'clock- Dor'i iog bla long and. h,usy life hi has. hardly been sick n day. Packed. lJarncs, tho "mountain, evangelist," writes from London cJ" a recent visit which ho paid, will, bis, daughter to the Mev, Dr. Parker, tkq great puncher. Mr. Durucs thinks, ha ono who "knows n sweeter Gospel, han, any other minister iu this grea( metro polis." Ppicn Ex-Qovernor A. fl. Hice, o( M.usachusttls, has been unfortunate iu, his love. His first wife died early, Hiet wedding day was appointed with n secoi 4 l.uly, but she died shortly before, Ha became engaged to a third lady, whciu) ho murritd, but she became (utane short, ly ultervyard GLVDSTQKp. A ucphevy of Oladat,one) wns asked in New York the other day if the rumor of the premier'" retirement nt the end Ol the prtsent session was likely lo be realized? "To this I can tinswtr emphatically, no; my uncle, although very old, Is still hale nnd hearty, and uu full of work. as ever; his niiudis us, active nud his brain as vigorous as they were: in bis palmiest days. He iuteuda. tq servo his countiy as long as he is able, and hopts to die in harness. Work lq him is recreation, laborapastjiue, Lamar. Senator L-.mar'H mode of life is simple. He has genorully a large suite of room:, strewn with books and papers. He liws alone, He eats when b it hungry, nud at thu nearest hotel or restaur ml wherever he may happeu lo b He used to have his wife wife him, biit low, pour lady, she has become a hope, less iuvalid through much; sorrow from, domestic griefs. Lamar is as. careless as a child in money matters. Ha never knows haw much he baa. nud often pujs tho tumo bill twice lo dishonest trades, men. THE YOUNG- UAH WHO SHOWED 0r?i Tho otlur day u young man about twenty years of nge, accompanied by ft girl two or three years younger, reached the city by n B.iy Cily tiuiu, and alter looking around ior n lew hour) returned to the depot and bought some sandwiches for lunch. The fellow was heard brag. ging a good deal as to what he had done und could do and cities b bsd Visited, by.aud-by ho walked up to tbo depot ponccuiun ana Lauded biin four flvc-ceuv cigars nud sai l; "Tuat's toy girl In them." "Yes." "She just tbluks her evis of me." "Sf" "I've never had a chauce lu show her how I'l die lor her if nectssary, and it seems to me Wo might put up a little job right here." "Howr "Well, suppose rueuiid her walk out to see the river. I leave her for u moment. Sjine cbap comes along und begins to chia her. I rush back and knock bint into tbo middle of next week. She'd want to marry me within n wprk. Girls of her n;e just dote on herojs. son kuowl' ' ,u" "Yes, they do." "Well, you help me, Yon pick out so m i" cUap around here and tell iiiin what I'm up to, and I won't inind standing treat lur ull hands. When I rush in on him hu belter run," Five minutes later the girl stood on mo wuari apiui'. a lellow big enough to pitch a bairel ol'il'ur over a freight ear nppruaobed iu u careltss way aud ob served; "Futo day. mis.?" "Ye.x, sir." "Nice vt.iw of tho Canada shore?" Y s. inriee-d " "May I otter you some peppermint 1 z ?" Just tren tho voung man came rutbins d'lau. Wjii ho onus within ton feel of the piir be riled out: "Yillainl takd your leave cr I'll toss you iiitu tl e river!" "Ol, I guess not," eareleralj replied tl o ntbi r. "11.88 soonudrell I am here to rsscu this imug gill Irom your cl'itcbest' 'D.iu'i bust uuy buttous off, my young Too young mau made a dash. Ha rushed at the big ohap with bis arm UD- ..I...I I.. 1.1. . . i minmi mm wBiwii-iu tu ma eye, unq tne I next uiluulo he was picked up and tossed I ui er uinnug a lot of gieeu bidea as care I luily as if be bad been glass. Then the , big mau raised his cap to the girl, smiled sweetly as he bowed and scraped his i "No. Jleury. "Thauk haaven. that I buj not Bnllt y-i U. I LtSi U V.Trt sirua myttii ! i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers