J. F. HALBACH, MusiC DealeR AND Instructor in Music LEHIGHTON, Ponna. A fnlf line of allklndsof MUSICAL 1HSTRUMESTS Sheet Music, MUSIC BOOKS, Sec, IV. constantly kept on band al tbe Ware Uoom, near lliu L. A S. Dpot. Sole Agent In the Lehigh Valley for Rehiring Pianos ! Call Bin! ace Ihcin J they have no superior. Also, Agent for Wobor, Decker, Connor and J. P. Halo Piano3, Instruction given at Pupil's residence on Tiann, Organ, Voice on.l Theory. nc28 Great Gauss of Hniaan Misory IS THE LOSS OV HlllllIHT .1. nutliur of tLo kTi A lecture on the Nature, Trcaiuunt and ItniH-al euro urSumlnnl weakness, or bperm Morrhna Induced by Soll Aimso. Involuntary Kinisslons, Impoteney, Nevons llclilllty, ami Iwradlmoiits to Marri imvuenorallv ! oa. iiinntiim: Knllcnsv aud I-its menial aim a nysiciw ihuiimiui u.u j ) III.VKItwur.L., 1U. u., 'ureea UookV'iiO. The world-renowned author. In tills admir able Iieetureclear.y proves Iroui Ills own ci iiurlimce that awful consequences of bclt Abmo may lie effectually roinoveil without tlangorous surgical operations, boulcs. In struments, rms or eorcll lis s pointing out a jnode ol oure oil once caita'n und e lotual, by wlilch overy sufleror, no m Uior whit Ills con clltloo uuy be, may euro himself cheaply, privately ,,nd radically. eg-Thit lecture wilt proved boon to tftous andt and laousandj. Sent under sj il. In a plain cnvolopo.to any address, on receipt ol six cents, or two post age stamps. Address The Oulvcrni'll Medical Co., il Ann St., Now York, N. Y j Pont Offlco JJ0X46U. Oct. 7, lb82,lT. FROM THE PRESIDENT OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY. " Independence, Texas, Sept. 28, 18S2. Centtcmcnt Ayer's Hair Vigor Has boon used In my household lor three reasons i 1st. To prcrcnt falling out of the hair. 2d. To prevent too rapid chaugo of color. 3d. Asndiesslng. It has given entire satisfaction In every Instance. Yours respectfully, Wis. C.utcv CrtASE." AYKK'S JIAIIl VICOIl Is entirely freo from uncleanly, dangerous, or Injurious sub stances. It prevents the hair from turning gray, restores gray lialr to Its original color, prevents baldness, preserves the hair and promotes Its growth, cures dandruff and nil diseases of tlio hair nnd scalp, and Is, at the same time, a very superior and desirable dressing. rnKi'Aiicu nv Dr. J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. MIBCELtAHEODS. livery farmer should at least hove one -nty paper, and that paper should bo tlio Advucatk, which contains nil the latest lo cal Hews. Only $1.00 a year. A ton too glove Ol yelhw lute j A Stovepipe hat A toothpick shoo i A stylish mat) A languid drawl A watch so big A ra tie so small ; A "sweet" muslncho ( A minpadour'; A "dudu' Is this, And nothing mnro. WHO IS U4ACO.UM TEO V'1M TM- OtOCHAPHV Of 1N9 DOOM T"V ILL 3CC QY E:AM1MN1 THIS f.'AP THAT THE mmmm C'jntS WHERE AIL ElSl f&Ili b5ja Kent Cwiirh Bynip. T;iki cood. LISOiniiniC. WimUfUIUeKto. I iKS'OblNTIIM nit BTV1SY, fashionable ISooTand SmiK SlAKKit, lUnU St., telilithton. Alt work warranted. Subset ibe for and read the Camion Advocate. It contains nil tlio latest local news up to the time ol going to press. CQICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIC R'Y Py the central position of Its line, ccncocta tho Kfast aud tho WcjI by ihbehoriest route, and car rion pasiens'ta, Willi out ch&rce of cam, between Clijcasa mii Kuuaaa City, Uouucll duiIa-Leaven-wurth, Atchleon, Uinneapolls aud fit. Paul. It con"ctp la Unicu Depot with cU the principal lines of road beiwecn tho AtUutio aud. tho tacitta Oceans. Its eoulpment is imrivolod and magnifl rcat, beinff composed of fclott Cotufottabla and Beautiful Day Coaches, MRcnillcf-ut Ilorton lle cliuiDi; Chair Caro, Pullmuna PretticBt Palaca Dleepint Cars, nnd tho Host Lino of Uininjr Cars In the World. 'IhrcoTiTiiiB between Chicago and Zliatiouii Itiver Points, Two Trains between Chi cagu and Minneapolis and Bt. via the ramoaa "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.'- A TTew and DlroaS Linn, vii SenfAd rm TTftrtWn.- koe.Uai recently b-ca opjncd between Richmond, Norfolk. Kewnort Newa. Cliattanoo?a. Atlaniu. An- 5 uta, Nashville, liouisvills, Lexington, Cincinnati ndlaur.polis and Litayette, and Oin.th i, Llmaeap olts and lit. VauI and intermedin. nalnis. All Throufih i'n3ti,jn;cr3 Tavl ou i'at Erpresa Tickets for salo at all principal Ticket Offices In tho United States nnd Gnu a da. Uaxcaara checked thrmiirh nnd r.iten of fr Al ways aa lowaa competitors that cltcr Ion advan- For detailed Information, get the lIapd and Fold ora of tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTS, At your nearest Ticket Oiliae, or address 17. R. CABLE, E. ST. JJlUi, j Vke-l'rcs. Qea'l 1! VT, Gca'l TkU & Pus. Agt. CHICAGO- ,TTTr.TV S lOY ViFt ' rrivq e i-i.ttt m wt Tfrtrr iiulisir-Vfx! frrciii'u-miMi ia-iui.i:.u At ' OUSinr.OOPAOrtDLADlLS. Jn Fi f Aits of 1-017 Il U tuvtxit prrnrra-tuti f"t Ar'i'r-vV.V,,yrk, ' pwlml-i . Only f-i t rs-r. t LLiJ t TS"Tfc tV. Li i E ''' 11 l"tn ftrt mm Buy Your' Spring and Summer Groceries, Queensware, etc., AT SWlM'f & SOI'S ADVICE TO Momrm. Am you iliftiirbuil at night and hrnVen of your rest by a sick child suircring anil crj ing wllh puin of cutting teeth? II so, send at unci' and get a bottle ol Mas. Winsi.ow'h SooTitt.NO Sritui rna Ciiiluui-.n Tkmiiino. Its value Is incalculable. It will relieve the noor little sufferers immediately. Di-peud upon it, mothers, llicro Is nu inlstuko about It. It cures dysentery anil illarrhoea.tegn tales Ihc stoui.teh and kdwe!s, curis wind collc.softeus Ilia giiiiis,rcdurps liiflaiitniation nud gives (one and energy In the wbiiln svt tcin. Mn.i. Wt.vst.tny's Soothino Syaur koh Cnlt.iiiiiN Tfrtiiixo is pliuslil to the taste, nnd i - tlio priscrlptlon nf one ol the olde.it and best female physicians aud mines in the Un'teil States, aud is for sale by all drutfdsts throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. mm mm m Mart mm iwmm INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP I Cures all diseases of tho Stomach, Liver, Bow- sis, Kidneya, Ski l and Blood. Millions testi Vt o its efficacy in healing the above named Ji diseases, and pronounce it to ho tho BEST HKM'EDY It OWN TO MAN. Guaranteed to Care Dyspepsia. flggT A. G E N T S W A N T E Djfl Laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists Fell it. J.YKENS, monilH Co.. I'A. Dr. Clauk Johnson: My Wlv was lPf rally ruvrred vrllh Tetter, lor wlilrh I could (ret no relief until I took your INDIAN lil-UOU SYltlU', which l.ai i-IUetually lurid m . 1 rt'coinntrnd it lilt lily. KNOCII HUiOElt. C52ii8e-il fsa Unsays Uy the Coinbined Ticatmcnt of EXCELSIOR 1 RUPTURE PLASTER AND HEALING COMPOUND ! roiitive evidence of Wonderful Cuiet wnton receipt of 3c. stamp. July IS-yl Address, F. II. HEItlilCK, Ogdeusbure, X. Y. PliilGilTIVE i TiiWf The wiser a nun is tho' more silly his love letters appear. The elect! le incandescent pocket-booh is tlio latest; it is always light. Three years constant study In Italy will make un Atuericaii gill know ton much to sing in church, and too little to be useful in opera. On Thirty Days Trial. TrtK Voltaic Urlt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro Vol- tiao Belts and Electric Appliances on trial lor thirty days to men (young or old) who areufflicled with nervous debility, lost vi tality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health ind manly viiror. N. 13. No risk is incur red, as thirty days' trial is allowed. S.ly -Ou an estate in England, raising the lid of a pheasant coop fires a gun, a device wlii.jh this month led to the capture ol three prachets. Work Given Out. On rcceint of vnni address wo will tnslin an nfiiir by which you can earn s to 5,7 evenings, al ymii home. Men, Women, lima or Girls cri do it. II. 0. WILKINSON "A CO.. lltrt u,i 107 Eu.ton Street, New Ymk. From the way In which tho bruisers' slick to their business,!! is evident that this Is the muscle age. I Two million dollars' worth of opium, In neat 40-pound boxes, is now In San Frauctsci) bank vaults, as collateral for loans of three qttatters its value to Chinese Importers. The qualities we possess never make us S'l rid culous us those tee pretend to have. rig headed people are generally bores. A judicious silence is better than truth spoken without charily. No principle Is mote noble, as there .Is none more holy, than that of true obcdl ence. Ungratefulness Is tho very poison ol manhood. Prosperity Is no Jusl scato j adversity Is the only balance to weigh frienca. lie benefits himself that docth good to others. Never Judge by appearance A seedy coat may coyer a heart in full bloom. --Hunger scarce kills any, but gluttony and drunkenness multitudes. Eternity is long enough to tnako up for the ills of our brlel troubled life here. Too great refinement Is false delicacy, and true dullcacy is solid refinement. The reproaches of enemies should quicken us to duty and not keep us from It, Nothing will so increase anil strength en tho virtues as practice and experience in them. It slander be a snake, it is a winged one; it flies as well as it creeps. We rught nottn be proud of wel -doing, for the judgment of God is far different from tho judgment ol men. A Nnilli Carolina trout dragged a boy under water. The man who shw the calas ihrope shows the rescued boy aud the water in evidence. The truth is tnlghly and will prevail although it has more than once been twisted so that George Washington would not know it. No matter how hard it Is to find a rock ing chair during the day, a In a 11 is sure t. lull over one when he is in scaVch ol the match box alter dark. We arc told that tho fool anil his men ey are" soon parted; but the fool must have ad money to tie parted from. Score one (or the fool. A young Nebraska farmer refused to marry 1 1 is betrothed because she used pow ler. He evidently thought it unsafe to haye a match nhcro there was" so much p twder. FARMERS' COLUMN. Mni'nl JFAua is now to have a railroai vhich will go a considerable w.iy up it, .ind connect mjuy villages lying aruumi its base. A New Conception of Hamlet. When the melancholy Dane exclaimed I havo that within tne which passetli how," he was undoubtedly siill'ering Iron, a severe attack ol H'leuin.itisin or Neural gia. He said: "It passeth show." because it could not be seen; but had he been aware oftho well known renicdv lor these trou ble!, be would have purchased Saliiylica. the greatest discovery in materia mciticit. According to an English paper, Mr. Langtry is rusticating in Wales' on n week ly stipend oi Sift 75 'ro n Mrf. Langtry "From tho woist stages of'IIearl Disea 0 f consider myself cured by the use of I)t. Ijraves tlcirt Itegulator. T. M. Towns. .111.11,,.,. j,, inl years naye prnyeit the II e.it Itegulator a sure remedy. Suld b'v Iriigguts ul $1 per bottle. Tho French Government owns a- i-iocr i.oiu nines 01 rauiouu, which, as a whole, p.iy very badlv. Women do not marr.r for love, 01 money, or dry goods. They marry in tin hope that they may have spring house, cleaning to do. --Woodberry, Mil. Rev W. J. .Tohnsot eays: "I have used Brown's Iron Hitters in my family and they have proyen a splcn did health invigoratnr." About COO lieJ weie saved last rear try the Urilish National Lifeboat Institution. Mr. Muiidy, whose wile levanted witl Lord Shrewsbury, has just married a Mitt Ilartopp. No injurious ellects cau follow the use 1 Ajer's Ague C ire in the treatment or ma larial diseases. It contains, besides a speci no and unfiling nntidole fur miasmatic liaison, other remedial agents which unile to expel tho poisonous humors, purily the system, and leave it in a healthy aLd reiL ylgoiated condition. And will tooip'eutr .tncMtitli1 .nittnthtcntl-cfyitcDiinlhresiAeiK!. Anv re -n who will ut LINK f TI.I. r.4vuniuiii imiMuiihlullul.lbiil.l.ha.i.'.irNMMi.l ubu nraun. II Mrn i t'.n.f I. linbSIDif It t . I II r it run Mmslf O DipIitnti thfst PUlihtTiieiail Phjiicit tl m n Hi -rur ci.k. . id . ..okUre I uorfco, but lie generally rtialb7Buurcrmtrouiubt&Uii. tStBdfarpauipMt.. I. O. JOUHSON & CO., llJUoxi. J&uu strikes the keen note. mi i m Eai233Ej3,e3!; I The newest and finest bridge in Fitts- burg is receiving a coat nf skv-blue pain1 A bridge, to be solid, of course ought to b. azure thing. " 'It Is easier to convince a man against nis semes than against his will." When sick man lias given Kiduey-Worta thoroncl triul, both will and senses join in uuquali lied approval nl its enrativu qualities 111 ul uistascs ui tue liver, Ki.iueys aud Uoivcls, Glass shingleB ure now being made in Pittsburg They are very handy for the mother, us she can just see how It tells on the boy. Polishins the Wronsr End. Many men duily polish their boots who never give a thought to the condition of their hair, except to harrow It casually with b-usb and comb, or subiit it to the paraly iiug attentions of the average barber. What hainviis? Why. tins: From nejlect. men tal anxiety, or any ol a scora ofciuses, the hair turns prematurely cray and becina in tall nut. Parker's Hair lt.1ls.1111 will at once lop the latter process and restore the orici ual color. Au elegant dressing, free frum grouse. Jcems says bis hoarding house is too low. He remarked to the old lady yester day tlmt lurealter he'd like to dynamite earlier. An editor's capacity nowadays is large ly measured by the number of fraudr, po litical dead beats, and rowdiea he can get mad at him. A Partially Dead Man. Tho Morniny JhrulJ, Italliinore, Md states 1 Major 'U. S. While, of this city, des cribes bis miraculous ni'o m follows! nave neeu a pnrlially ilrad man for ten years. Doctors attribute I my sufferings to the enlargement of certain glands. The quantity of medicine I took without relief would be suffieieiit to set, up a first clasa apothecary shop. Finally St. Jacob's Oil was recoinmei.ilcil. I hud mv spinal col iimn thoroughly rubbed with it. All those knots, klukiand stiffness have passed away ttuu 1 Ulll llljtuu UgUHl, nuns are like some pretentious mer chants. They swell at first only to burst aud leave soon after. The keeper of a boarding house Is nev er too beforehand about introducing straw urrin. There may not be much music In knows when I aill.lll,UI:il..-.ll.tl4!ilUIIJ' lliiiiljipiDMicinni' Miit.ii rtmninn "J1' 'm mi i:!!!!:!!!l!!:!;!ili; 1 Warm: ti ' 1: . ff "''Iilii i felii!i.:iiiinnii! ;i!!r;i;pi''w:i!jj. tlUilUIIHIIilllTMir 11 ii'iin slsinifl't, 1 . Ull.U.I.Mrf..- H !te;n:.mrrtii:!!i' e .i. .i..i- m I . ',1 1. .1.- . 'H!!lii:::iiiill!'i:i!lli.:mi; illlli l:l:l'lllii!!!lil' l!!!!i''fe ,i:li! I" .elllllil!',. , 1 ti tti .( ' ' r . ' 1R IT j iJilh.Z-.-rflilli'C THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. llulioxes and curei ItlirUMATlSM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, rjAVKAt'ir.::, B'.iriCHE, 100TE1C7E, SORE THr.ORT, QIISSV, SWKLI.IMJS, I'KAI.S, Soreness, Cats, Bruises, FROSTBI 1X3, . i:i:it?:fi,s'As.m;. AuJ fill fill.cr !n-lll 0cl1t.11 uuu 1'SIII. HHT CEKTS A BOTTLE Fvt by nil nnprlli ' iHnkiP". Uliuctiousi )u It Iilii tUt gL'H. The Ch:r!e3 A.Voccler Cfl. (Cuccti-oii l A. Vl r io.) Il-Iliiuure, MdM L',8.1 BS A SURE CURE 3 for all dlseasoa of tho Kidneys and i h orean, enablinar it to throvr off torpidity and g L Inaction, stimulating tha healtliy eecretlon 3 01 mo jjuct ana ay seeping ins ooweia in zrca d condition. eObctlnir 1U l-cirular dlncnartrc. a r ClfBofB IXyou arc BuGtrlnc from M tUJCaBcSriclii malarla,havetliachlllB, 4 r are HllouB. dvsnenUa. op eonaUTmtcti-TClrl. iicy-Wortvill surely p;lloTOS: quickly care In tills ceaoon to cleanso tho Bystcm. every ona eIiotiM tAke a thnroutrh. coutbq of it. ffiil b SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price $1. with from e 8 3 ID m i y oi f 3 5 t?. w -Si00! f S Si -ri Co 5 t r v r v-S.Sf35 S2.5P" in n fsm i HI PS i"3 3Zn 05 II iE3 Imprudences ARE SURE TO BRING ON SUMMER DISEASES INDIGESTION, DIAKRIICEA, DYSENTEHY, COLIC, CUAMrS, 110WEL COMrLAlNTS, FEVERS, &c, &c. BUT Perry Dam's Pain Killer Drives Turar Atvay. Diuvis Tiiem Away. Dnivra Tiieji Away. DON'T BE WITHOUT PAIN KILLED. BUY OF ANT DRUGGIST. Farm and Clarion Rotes. The use nf cos I ashes ill the lilt) seed potatoes is said to prevent them growing scabby. One of the hest costings for tree wounds Is gum shellac in alcohol. !t effectually excludes air,and the wound quickly heals over. A New York gardener believes that to bacco tea, occasionally syringed nver infeit- el plants us a far better lusecticide than to bacco smoke. It is not only necessary to select the plumpest seed of wheat for seed, but In miking sucli selections the largest and most perfect beads should also be observed- Thero is no doubt that, with good crops of fruit here, our export of evaporated ap tiles can be Immensely increased. In to country is f'uit so scarce and dear as iu England. Soot is one of tlio best manures for house plants and, If it can be bad In qtian- tl ies large enough, it is ejtcelh nt for out-of-door use. For the latter it is best mixed with one tenth its bulk of salt. Corn can be perlected by going through tlio fields and cutting out the stalks that do not exhibit the proper form in stalk slid ur,and the seeil now rrndy In the barn i an also be assorted with benefit. A butter maker, writing to the Iowa II mcstcad, says the best butter color is a pailful of corn meal mush, fed warm once n day. the corn to bo ol tho yellow variety, a iding that It will increase tlio milk and batter us well as give a good color. An ingenious Virginia woman has dis- c 'vereil that saturating mo uag couiaiiuut: her seed beans wilii coal oil uttererlv ex terminated the weevil inside and ufil o tue beans, but did not harm the seed in tl e least. Probably the same treatment wuuld serve with infested pens. Don't follow in tho same rut this sea smi that you did lull. Do something dif ferenlly. Try experiment of some tori. Give the boj s a chance to grow a crop on their own account. Saye time, money and labor by using your brains and having your plans lor each day's work well matured the night befme. Sir Humphrey D.iyy found that the uiost fertile foils, among those which wen lit for plowing and tillage, would absorl iiji most moisture fiom the air, and woiilu also retain tlie most moisluio when stirred and exposed to the sun. This may t o I guide in sell-cling fields for cirtain crop when the gardener wishes to selett n sjol on which to grow a premium crop, or on especially good place for some ehoite tici ul plant. Care should be tulen, liiwevir til In mistaken field that Is wet for lur! iTsuffieiei.t drainage for one such as is le ti lled to above. Agoodiout of paint upon lurmini jilsiso- printable investment, whetlm fiey are put In tin-sheds every night, o they shouM be, or whether they aie stublei In fence cornels or under tipple tie.-a. li me latter case the painting iniif lint utn oi imp .tauce. Five l.ut.died ibdlatb' rtl of calls, sleds, wheelbarrows, u uc .Ines, hoiserukes, plows, harrows, laddeis and other tools can be paintCd'uith les'Sthan J5. rtorili of p-iiut, and it cau bo put on in a rainy day.oriu any convenient tine, aud sich precaution will double the period ol thoir useliilness. Scabby leg in poultry is caused by t minute insect that butr ws beneath scalet upon the leg. An oecasi nal wasting ol tha roosts with kerosene oil is un o.cellenl pre 'cnlie,os it is also against othtr ycr min. Iftbo disease has stalled It. the il ck theu wash the turkeys .with a mixture 61 one hulf wutiraud one ball kerosene. Re peat the u pi. cam n III a week if n con- is not olli-cled by the tirtt wash. Do not use ijio wash loo strong lest il causo svellil.g oflholegSiOr even paialyzo them, in a very bad case separute the diseased fowl from the others, use the solution weukei than above and teneat in three days. I will now give the people of Leliighton and vicinity a chance they never had before ; that is to BUY THEIR CARPETS at from 25 to 40 per cent. Cheaper than they were ever offered for. I will sell you for cash prices and for cash, a nice Cottage Carpet, 1 yard wide, for 23cts. and a g'oocl, neat, heavy Ingrain Carpet for 35cts., now being sold elsewhere at 40 and 50 cents, and a fine, heavy, extra-super Tn g'rain for 73c, sold elsewhere by cash houses for 80 to 05c. per yard, and a, (louble extra super, every thread wool (guaranteed), for 83c, sold elsewhere for 95c. and $1 ; also, a . nice lot of STAIR and Home-made RAG: -CARPET at equally low prices. Remember this is at Bco Notes for Jtiy. Aniariits are now in the midst of lie fioney harvest. Tne white clover is baldly one, the incomp.iiable sweet clover is el iu bloom, and the busswoud flnwcis arc iipouiug stores of enticing nectar. Dei keep era who uie working for comb honey sluuld furnish ubundunt sections, that the bees will not lack room. Crowding at this scaton means swurmlne. and loss. If the finest .honey is desiied, the sections must be re moved as soon as tilled and capped over. If xtiacted honey is ihe aim, it should be ex traded fiequeutlv. In un case Bhould this be deferred longer than when the bees begin lo can over the hoiiev. Extruded honey should bo kept in a dry. warm utmost, here aid tbeu even thin honey will ripen and be eq tal lo that which was cupped over by Ihe bees. Tho different grades of extracted honey sboullbe kept separate. Clour, rasp'ierry, and basswood honey are all to inuc i alite that, to mix then, will do no harm ; but never should the dark nectar of autumn be mixed with the light honey of summer. Higher prices will be obtained by keeping each kind of honey by itself. Ag rkulturiit. HIS OPINION, la Cloar Sentences an Authority adds bis own to the Popular Judgment. W West Tenth Street, I Nfcw YouK, Aux, 11, HSO. J Messrs. Seaiicuv & JoiiKeoxg; I am slow to pin my Alth to any new cura tive axen. HENSO.VS OAPOINK I'OIt OUS PX.ASTKH iad won ray good oplulon, I tlnd It an exceptionally cleanly plaster lo use and raiifii In ill arian. Many tests of Its qualities In lay own family, and among my p i'lrnt'.liiive convinced me I list there li no other HiikIo article so valuable for papu lar us, nonu si helptul In cases of l.ime ii. rvcuralata. Con. Tubes and X.untrs Honsoholi KOtes. Never let Ihe lea 0-ul. For rough ban 's use lemon juice. St-ong lyocbuiis tainted purk barrrls, Tepid milk nnd water cleans oil i loth without soap. Puint splashed upon window gluscan by easily removed by a very strong solul.tu o soda. To give stoves a.joul polish, rub them with a piece of llrusseis carpet after blacken I ing them. I If you wish to make a cake that will keep well, use the yolks ol eggt only they keep it much more u.oitt aud ure less liable to dry than the whites. . To crystaliio grasses, one imuiid best alum, powdered 1 half a gallon of silt water; boil uulil dissolved; dip the grass Iu the so lution, and allow It to remain six or seven bourf; remove and dry in the sun, This is a reliable recipe. t estniii of I ho llrcuchlal alio j.uiuiiuxo. 1011 may loot tree lo use my r . Very Irulv Miurs. II. HANK. M. U., I'hyilclau.ln-uhUf of he lie OuUcy'ltotne. I'rfi-e of the O A lOI N K 2.1 cnti. beabury Si Juhutou, Chemists, New York, juij i .ti Come early and examine before purchasing elsewhere. I will guaran tee satisfaction or money refunded. All Carpet will be Cut and Matched if so desired. ol" fTOSh via lit mm mm Opposite Carl") on House, BANK Street Opening of Spring and Summer Goods, v. -AT- -vr 1 1 Mil A full and complete assortment of nil the Newest and most Fashionable i?ress Goods, Notions, Trimmings, &c. Look at the following Prices : CALICOES, . at 4 1-2 cts. and the very best, 6 1-2 cts per yard. GINGHAMS . at 7 1-2 cts. and the very best, 8 1-2 cts per yard. In the Ready-Made Clothing' Department will be found an immense stock of the most lashionable styles for Men, Youths and Children, and every article is guaranteed to be just as represented, while prices are lower than you can buy elsewhere. Call, examine, buy and you are sure to'be pleased. Obert's Building, Bank Street, Lehig'hton, Pa. ED. W. FSXST, Manager. n2 No matter nlmtyour ailment ls,Drown's Irou Hitters will surely benefit you. r Mrs. Anadibai Jusbee, a Brahmin ol good social sition, has embarked at Cal i-ulta, in company with several mlssonary iv, .men. lor America, with Ihe purpose ol entering he Philadelphia Women's Medical tollejie.' She neccniarily violates many iiijnucunus ol tnr jiraumin clean, sucu as these which prohibit crntiug (he water, tuilnglood not iiieiwrwl by llrahmins, and many others, bhe says that her object in coming lo this couiilry is lo vieno her sell to aid rltii eiilly iu tha clevutiua of her sex In her u .live lu 1. r "Weissport, Penna., Keeps a full lino of all the most popular Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Powders, Fancy Stationery, Toilette Articles, School Supplies, ITIOLJIMP nnnP AMH TAPII C iticlmllug Trout Files for all Seasons, Carlisle and rlorillNu liUUO AINU IAvlLL. Limerick Hooks. OiUmlltw Silk, Liuen and CoU ton Liuts, &., very cheap. ,Uo, a large i.nsortmtut of D. SI, Perry .t Co' Celebrated Fresh Garden Seeds. Choice Cigars, and afine stock of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Igjf3 Prescriptions very carelully compounded, day or night. Patronage invited. ItEMEMBEH Till! FJjAQE, Jfi. A. HUitJN, Weissport, J?a. May ttu, IKS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers