tl.V. MOtlTIIIMKR, KUITOIl LKIIIOI1TON. PA.t SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 18S3.' Editorial Mention. An association of gentlemen Jias beeu formed in Ctilcsgo, u bo retuso to pay hi eura If compelled to slnnil. Tnn PenusjlvanU railroad is nbont to rslablishbosnltnl cars at intervals on the Hun for mainicil employees pending re moval. Hon. J. J. GJiJ.Aoncn, of IhN county, on Friday last, in the L-JRUldtiire, Intro laced an net to securo to laborer! in mines and manufactories their pay at stated intervals in lawful money of tho United States. We bavo recelvod tbo I'hilailtlphln Times Almrtnao for 18S3, and find it Ut ,er and better than ever, in fact tbere is no better aumial itsned. It is special, ly valuable) for tVo v-lnralnou-j and trustworthy political information wbich it contains anil is entitle d to be called the politicians' baud-book. Alonzo CnniiNDES, I'll. D., president oftho Packer Colleijiato Institute, died in Naw York Tuesday ruorniiiR. lie was elgbtv yeais old and began life as n teacher in the Albany I'emilo Academy. In 1816 ho became- president of thelicli- tr Institute- and held tbo petition up to the time of bis death. Profewir Orittcn den graduated from Union Cullego in 3821. He bad been Buffering frum nerv ous pro-itrntlon fur several months, which w til other ailments, Undid to hasteiihib death. Three wemen ara making more money this seasoj ou tbo American stage than any ten men. It is impossible to get at tbo preciso figures, as the pay of per formers Is to exaggerated, but it it as serted that I'.itti receives $1,000 a iiighf A? she is to slug thirty times during 1 er tour through the State's, sho will thcie- furo receivo S120.0CO. J.Nilssou will get nbont $100,000 fcr filty concert. Mrs. Langtry U said to receivo one-third of tbo gross receipts, tiutVwill get alont $75,000. The cotton manufacturing industry, long a Northern monopoly, is un-ving toward the neighborhood of the cct'ou fields, aud Southern newspapers coiill dently say that the erection of Southern cotton mills has already made itself sen sibly felt in thc'jNortbern; that tbo manufacturers of coarse yarns find themselves unable to withstand the pres sure ot Southern competition, and that Southern manufacturers are declaring handsome dividends, while the. Northern jnilbi tire running on short timo and re duced wages. A Berlin dispatch of the 21st iust., says: P-riuco Frederick Charles Alexan der, brothtrof the Emperor of Germany, died Suuday, aged eighty-two years, lie bad been indisposed for some time, but .became seriously ill Saturday. His .(.yinploms. which nssum-sd an aggravat ed character toward evening, abated somewhat Sunday morning, but ufter noon he sank rapidly until shortly before two o'clock, when be expired. The Em peror remained somn timo in thti fore noa with the Prince, who was also Is- itedbytbo Empress,' Prices Fredeikk "William and tho other Princes. The Emperor and Empress partook of the sacrament with the dying mau at 1.S0 o'clock. &The last words of Prince Charlos wore: "Long livo.the Emperor!" ILwon T. V. Powdcely, of Scranton, has resigned Ibo position of Grand Mas ter Vforkmau of the Kuights of Labor, whicb be bss fill-id for several years, no will bs succeeded by the Grand Worthy Foreman oftho order, Kalph lleaumont, of Elrutra. Mr. Powderly told a reporter Sunday night that lie.was forced to re sign becauso of ovcrwerk. His duties as -Grand Master Workman took up a great ileal of bis time, dy and night, to the lieclect of other important work. His correspondence averages a hundred let ters a day, and hts sight has becu greatly impaired by night work. His resigna tion will be acted upon at tbo meeting of the Executive Board in Pittsburg. Mayor 1'owderly joined tho Knights of Labor in 1875, Ho was elected Grand Master Workmau of the Order nt Chicago, iu 1870, at Pittsburg in 1830, ot Detroit iu 1881 and in New York iu 1882. When be joined tbo order it had 222 branches, and now Its braichcs number 2135. He it-ports tbo order iu n flourishing con ditlou. Our Washington Lotter. f Frou oca Srncui. Coiirksi-osdent. Washington, D. 0., Jau. 20, 1883. As day follows day without substantial progress iu tariff legislation tbo cban;e. vf any comprehcEsivo bill becoming a law at Ibis session grow less. Tho zsil with which Congress attacked this sub ject has cooled tu face of the practical difficulties in tho path of any ehiuge In oxisting schedules. Even If Coujjrus-s is iu earncbt iu desiring reform it is going to bs hard to make nlter.itinni which must involve such disturbance iu busi ness, nnd there i a general belief that Congress is uot moved by a bincere dc sire to obaug'i the tariff in lbs direction iu whicb the present movement points, Mr. Blackburn, of Kentucky, appears (o bo pushiug his Speakership canvass with a good deal of cuergy. He is ask ing support from bis Southern frif-nds because of his favorable uttituda touaids the Mississippi river improvement scheme. Hu is conducting his own cam paign, besides making serious opposition to the candidacy of bis colleague, Mr. Carlisle. What with overcomiug those objections to himself which will natural ly arise, carrying on a personal coutest with a fellow-member from bis own Stato nud looklug alter tbo interests of the Mississippi river in the existing oondit iou of cpiuiou ou that question, it seems that Mr. Blackbnrn bad laid out considerable busiuess for tho uext recess. Mr. Kuox, Comptroller oi Currency, and Treasurer Gllfillau have been repri manded by the Chief Clerk of the Treas nry.lltile Mr. Webster. Uuder tho army like discipline established by Mr. Web- sUr, tbo employees iu tho Treasury Do partmut are now afraid to say their souls sra their own. Spies and inform en bang around tho building, nud the l,t lnfracttou of bis potty rules is cuctf wjwrtcd to tbsUr, who seems lovo to reprimand better than liu does to A day ot two ago Mr. Webster sent for Mr. Gllfillau, and for tbo first timo in bis service of twenty years Mr. Gll fillau was reprimanded. His offenco consisted In the fact (bat bis wife bad called on him for n moment during busi ness hours. Comptroller Knox was alio infotmod by Mr. Webster that bis pres ence was desired iu the Chief Clerk's of fice. Mr. Kuox sent word that tho Chief Clerk would find him iu the Comptrol ler's ofllse. Thorcupou Mr. Webster went to tho oElce ami rebuked Mr. Kuox for permitting a lady visitor iu bis cilice. Tbo balls of the Treasury bull Jlua now prtseut tho quiet nud Htlllucss of njiil where only the watchmen nnl guards cau bo seen, nud Mr. Folgor is looked upon as tbo warden nud Webster holding the h.iugman'ii noose. Tbo sme ill fueling exists in tbo War Department between certain ductals ana clerks, 'lucre is n great lack of discrimination and judg ment displayed by sonio of tho potty of ficials iu our Government Depaitments here, and bow long the suffering subgrd iuate.i will stand tho nonsense is now simply a matter of conjecture. It is eti lain that it. Mill not bo long before tha trouble is brought before Congress for needed reforms. Some important changes ro soon to Uko place in the Pateut OJSco. Tho As kutnnt Commissioner bavlug rnslgned,- there is as lutial it large number of ofllsei seekers making still buuts for tho place, which by the way is ono of tbo most im poilant iu that branch of tbo Govern ment service, and no mau, unlets tbor oughly posted should be appr.uiled tber to. Mr. Robert Mason is the choice eil Coiumisaioucr Marble, and union politi cal iufluence ins'.ind of actual worth, 1 brought to bear in filling tbo place, this gentleman will be tho coming man. Thu be U eminently fitted for tbo repoubible position no ono inside of tho Pateut Of fico doubts, having passed through all tbo various stages of training and experi euce since tbo first day of bis appoint ment, nlteeu years ago. He now is ruo of th-i mobt energetic nud prompt of the Principal Examining Corps, aud if thtre were more nan of bis class, bss com plaints iu regard to tedious deluyH, now quite common, would certainly be wad njniinst the Talent Office. Other change- will follow, somo of tho sIoa-, lazy, nud careless eximiners who are more than two months behiud iu their examinations will be shelved und new blood iofusid iu their places. Arausi. Feoii oue r.caoi.Ait ConnnsroKDENT. Wjisuixoios Jan. 22. 1SS3. The iork of legislation or trying to legislate is pursued with cnmrnendabl diligence in both wings ol the Capitol though the Semite still deserves th pulm. Considerable dissatisfaction wm for a timo expressed with tho bill lately passed by that body relative to the line of succession to tho duties of the Presi deutial office in caso of death, disability or removal. Thero existed a prejudice in favor of the old law which made the President of the Seuate and next th Speaker of tho House follow alter th Vice-President, but on further consider- ation tho new plan making the Secretary of btato follow tbo Vice-President, at after him tha other members of the C.ibi net, is received with moro favor. It takes tho matter more out of the geLcral scramble and uncertainty of politics Bjiidei there is always a possibility of thero being neither a presiding officer of the Senate nor a Speaker of the House, aud tbo chances are nbont even ns to suob official beiDg or not being in politi cal harmony with the party that elected tho President; whereas the Stcretary of State and the other members of tbo Cabi uer would be most likely to bo identifiwd with and inclined to carry ont tho policy oftho Administration wbich they thus succeeded to. Iu one respect, however. the new law is defective. It fails to de fine what shall constitute "inability." It will bo remembered that this question painfully nnd forcibly presented itself during tho illness of President Garfield, when a large elcmont iu the llepublicau parly held that Vice-President Arthur should at once assume the reins of gov ernment. Thero ii said to be a set of men in Washiugtou second-class newspaper corrcspendeuts, women clerks in the de partments, nnd soon who make a regu lar business of supplying members of Congress with written speeches. If that bo tiuo they certainly turn out someui oommonly poor work. Two-thirds of tho set speeches iu Cougrebs would bo wort about 50 cents a column in type. The bhort, sharp, buappy debates nro good enough, but when somo of thete old Ioug-wlndod nnd bair-spllttiug iudi iduali begin-tn nrgiio the diffsrenco b twecn tweedledum and tweedlcdee it is immensely tryiug. They always bceouio so interested in their own oratory that they thnuder awny as if they wero trjiug to wako the dead, so that evcu tho acting V ice-Prestdint cau only get an occasion al cat-nap, It seems tu be the iuvurl iblu rula Iu Coogross that tbo less a man lias to suy the louder bo says it aud tbo tuoic bo prances around and kicks np tbo dust generally. Uncle ltufas Hatch flies back and furlh between New York und Wish ington with some occult idea iu bis brain, aud several other gentlemen Lae likewira vibrated like Mabomel'i, cclfiu between Manlnttan I touiao marsh Unds, laud and the P. - Thcra is laucb mysterious talk going ou aboat tho Yel luwstono Park, nnd Unit frightful bogie kuowa as Giaut Monopoly is said to be boviring if gl.iuls can bover arouud Uncle lttifus aud the gentlamm whom ho buttonholes in the dim corridors of tho Capitol. Ojugrobs has been ns interesting as usual during the past week, and niauv persons bavo attended tho sessions of the Senate to watch Judge Edmunds poking holes lu tuel'resldcntial Buccetslou bill. For once, too, tho public almost felt sor ry for Mr. Hoar when be mado bis uu- fortmiale allusion the other day to San. ator,Edinuuda' prolongtd absences from tho S.-mile Chamber. Its grcs-tutts was acknowledged, but Senator Edmunds' emotion i, as partly due to Iho implied accusation that he had neglected bis du- ties. Senator Edmunds does not asscci. ate very much with bis brother Senators Irom New England. As long as Judge Tburiuan was iu the Senate he aud tLo YermotH Seuatar were as iustparabU ns Smuturs Burntlde aud Authouy, who though twain were of one flesh. Don I Cameron and Senator Butler, of South at j Crolma, are uuottur pair cf chums. tu SoniejHcpbj in Whiugton sish that old Simon Cameron wero 'around' Washington now. His pithy sayings uud bis ninuting lrecdoiu of laugungo in re gird to tho big wigs were very entertain- ng. When be waa asked, at tho time of the last census, his trade, profession, calling, etc., tho old gentleman boldly announced "printer." Nothing diverted him moro than the anxiety of some of bis fellow Senators to have their former occupation sunk iu tho titlo of Senator. Ho was pretty certain to begin somo am about "when I, was felting type, somewhoro or other," whenever bo bad n cfaauce, in order to let them kuow that be was not ashamed of having uado his living at a printer's case. We bavo bad snow n fool deep for more than a week, which is a raro thing tor Washington. Perhaps somo bulr-split- tcr will rise up and say that it is only oUvcu inches or ilx kilometers, but for tho pnrposo of a general assertion I run near enough to tho truth. Sleigh bells h.ivo been jiugllng about our streets dur- lug nil thero days until wo have become piite used to them. Tbo local supply of sleighs is very email aud it is customary among thu livery men to tend to New Yoik f-nd Philadelphia for a temporary supply iu tho enso of n prolonged snow sr.uh as wo bad twoyeais ago, when good sleighing was had for two weeks. The fir.-l day alter tho snow btopped falling everybody who coul 1 ruiso Sj for an hour's fua was out on tLo Avenue. Among those who wero not appalled nt tho jrospect of pajlug 8 cents and 3 mills a miuuto f -r ii high old time was Chief Justico Waite, who welit down the Avenue like n streak of lightning behind n pair of spanking bayBthat did not take tho snow Ironi nuybody. The Chief Jns- tica looked like a Gcrmau S.inta Chu s. wi h his rosy old faca peering over the lurs iu which he was wrapt. Mr. Gjort,o M. ltobesou droye u donblo team nnd flew up and down tho Avtuuo with a great flourish. General Itnfus Iugalls was out, nnd Itipresentativo Archie Bliss gave us a touch of New York ttylo iu nu elegant cutter that was just the very latebt fling iu cutters. Hut speed, not style, wns tbo distinguishing feature of W.-.bbiugton turnouts. A big yawl boat tilled with n crowd of shrieking, merry makers sped np and down tho Avenue, aud all manner of grotetquo contrivances on runners made tho town lively until 12 o'clock at night. Don Pedeo. Our New York Letter. Regular correspondence of Abtocate. N&w York, Jan. 23, 1883 Our sister city, Brooklyn, is at present Rctively entraged seeking n solution o tho xtapid Transit problem, which is growing to bo a very iraportnnt question An Elevated Road connecting tbo Eest ltiver Bridge with tho more distant purls of Brooklyn is inevitable, but, after th cxptrieucoNow York has had and is still having with her elevated rnadj, it i qmto natural that the authorities are looking very carefully before they leap. Mayor Law is at present contideiii g sov eral propositions. One of them is that the city should own ull the rapid traus: linfji nud lease tbem to iudividunls or corporations for operation. Mr. Corbin, of Manhattan Bench fame, the President of tho Loug Iilauel Hailroad, has sub milted a plau, the most prominent fea ture of which is tint it acknowledges prim i facie right of property on tiers -whoso lauds may suffer, to lay claim to damages. The objictiou to this project is tho extreme difficulty of propel ly ap praising nnd adjusting the damages that will bo claimed. Several other tehemes nnd propositions nro under consideration but these two are tho leadiug ones. Mayor Low who is a very active and clear hendod man is devoting nil his spare timo to this question, uud he seems determined not to be bubtled into a de cision by the urgent necessity of estab lishing some means of quick transporta tion. Investors nnd speculators who pcod large sums of mouey in tho bauds of builders for tbo purpose of erecting vast apartment houses, aro beginning to feel uueasy. A reaction has set in iu the universal desire to livo in tbem, nud should this tutu out to bo moro than a momentary feeling, tbo crash wbich will bring down largo speculators will be heavier than the awful real estate col lapse of some years ngo. When first these bouses wero started they proved n good investment. Peoplo were glad to have nil their rooms on ouo floor, to bavo accommodations nud conveniences wbieb they could nut enjoy iu n privuto bouco uithout additional servants, and to en joy tbo novelty ofjuiuiug the comforts ofrs homo withbome of the advantages of a hotel. Then everybody with money to invest put it iu apartment houses, and speculative builders run cuoimous tisks iu building such caraausarics by tens nud twt-r.ties nud iu ouo or two cabos by i Cities. But the risk was crowned with success, these houses wt-ro bum to a height of five, six and hevt-n stt'rius;they were fnruibhe-d in the most elaborate btyle, provided with every modern con venience, nnd given high soundiug at tractive i.ames. A; aliment bousos be came the fashion, and tho rwits asked and given wero cnirnuns. Tho build ing of bo many of them, rents dowu, bnt even nu.v iuru-v i:,yest- 1 C1 Iu llltm bin ijs from sev u to liltJen i l'cr ccut- l"r onuum, an tunriuouu iu- terest whin ono enn obtain but five pi r cent, or money loaned ou first thus bonds and mortgages. Aud is all this to ba changed? It is a well known fact that frequently tha smallest causes bring about the greatest results. I met n prominent real estate man the other day in Broadway. He seemed to bo very depressed. Slid be, "that destruction of tbo New-hall nouso Milwaukee by fire, nnd the hu'3vquent hotel tires have had a bad, a very bad ef fect. lnplo who live in tail bouses and pnrticnbiily those who occupy upper flits have got scared. Our j miters say so, uud I kuow hotel clerks can burdly get gicsts to go above tbo secoud floor. Ifoulytbls thing bad cot happened so near May," uud be walked away iu a vry thoughtful mood. Alter all. this may I... mk- n mnmi-ntiirv Hnnro. lint slmnl.l n few moro fires of tbo kind alluded to oc cur tbero will be n geueral exodns to suburban places and property on Lang Island, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Wostobe. ter County nnd other contiguous places will advnuoo accordingly, Like a dntifal ohronioUr of mnlronoli. Uneve.ts.Iutteelec! theaunu.,1 m mie ball ol th. CuoU Franeais r HaT monle, "the French ball," ns it is gener ally termed, at the Academy ofMusio last ovcnliig. As usual tbo mMi.iolnc! Nilsson and Irving II ills were pressed into servlco to accommodate (bo throng. As was to bo expected tho crowd wns great but everybody was moro or less bored. There wero tbo usual hordes of giddy women mostly French iu tbo fleshiest of fleshly (to uso nn Oscar Wildeism) costume, but somehow there was but llttlo lifo iu tbem. Perhaps they were willing to bo lively, but our policemen nro perfect cciberi of morality and propriety, nnd therefore the wild weird abandon which the consumptiyo oulboftbo yurdstick nnd the curious' old boy Ironi the rural district cxpecled to find, wero shorn by its nbseuce. Thero was less ornamentation of tha ball room, a sad nbseucj of caruivnllstiu pagennts. nud n depl irablo nbsei co of novel nud pretty fancy costumes. Tho domino seemed to ba all pruvaleut. Tbo nit-st no- tnuio ccbtumes were incso ot two iung- ui'k'ent women who Ejrabcl:zed night nnd morning. Night woioa black silk bodice and tights, nnd Jovcr this a black laco tunic, short iu front nud trailing be bind. Tho lady bad black hair nud this was trimmed with strings of pearls, Above her forehead stio wore a large massive gold crescent set with pearls Morning was similarly attired, except that tho materials of which her costume was composed wero pure whito through out and her ornaments were diamonds. Thess women created a genuine sensa tion, and they deserved to, for n band some.picturodei.intasle wits seldom seen in n ball rcom, To-morrow evening the Charily Ball takes place. This U3td to bo tho great event for New York's upper society, but its place has been taken by -the Pair! aro'a's, Iho Family Circle Dancing Class, and tho.Matriarch's balls, all of these, are very closo corporutious.J Tho Patriarch's oonsist of fifty leadiug gentlemen. They sulscrlbo each $100, fur the threo balls anuually given by them, ..This entitles tbem to nine invitations, fivo gentlemen's aud four ladies. Tho F. C. D. O. has a membership of about two hundred. Each of tho members subscribes $12, which entitles him or ber to admission to three balls. Well introduced visitors may ob tain cards of admission nt four dollars for each ball. The Matriarch's bulls were organized this winter by n number of leading suciety ladies to repay th compliments of tho Patriarch's. This body is similarly managed to thnt of the Patriarch's, except that tho ladies pay S1.25 iustend of S1.G0. All' these balls arj held iu Dclmouico's nnd, ns might be expected, tbo creme de la creme of "so ciety" fights for ndmissionto them. Iusuranco business of alt kinds has beeupajiug so pocrly that speculativ parties nro branching ont into now fields Among tho applicants to the Stato de partment for incorporation, are a party of women who pioposeto organize uuder the uutuo of "Tho Women' Insurance Company." What they propose to in sure is not stilted. The presumption however is that thu now company will be composed of and managed by women who will do agoueinl insuranco business, thinking that they can succeed where men at present nro failing. Let us bone for tbo sake of tho fair ones that the, will not give us another instance of lb consequence "when lovely woman stoopi to folly." Women have hied to be brok era, nnd tried to run block exchanges, but mouey bus thus far becu so little attract ad by their charms in tho realms ot bus! ness that both projectors and supporters have generally buen left high nnd dry. A party of insurance men t-re tit picsent discussing the advisability of forming nn iusuranco company to take risks on the lives of horses. There is n horse Insur ance company iu Loudon, which takes risks up to five hundred dollars at teiuis not exceedlug ouo ) ear, aud it is doing a good business. T'btra is no reason why n bimilar concern, moro libctally tn.iunged, should not succeed here. DEATH 1IET IN THE IXAUES. Los Anoeixj, Cal , January 21. Twcuty-ono persons lost their lives in tbo railway accitleut near Tehichipa, on the Southern Pacific lUilrcad. Tho ac cident occurred shortly alter midnight on Friday. The train was thn overland exprss. .Near Tehichipu is a heavy grade, nud nu extra engine bnd been at tached to thotraiu ut Sumuer to assist in pulling up this grade. Tho accident oc curred while the extra engine was btiug taken off. Tbo traiu broko looso cud dashed down the grade. The uir-brakes bad becu taken off aud the meu who tended the baud-brake? were away from their posts. One was attending to switching the extra engine and tho other was engaged iu relightiugnue xtiuguished lamp. Tbo train atheied headway quickly nud wis soou dashing dowu tho grade nt tbo rato of u mite u minute. At ii sharp curve i f tbo toad the coach nud sunkcr, which wero ahead, broke the coupling nud sc-puintcd lii-m the rebt of the irmu, making tbo turu salely. The sleepers uud tbo mail, express uud bag- gage cars wire aasueii iigalust n high bunk und then throw u back, lolling dowu uu embankment. The lumps und stove at once set tire to tbo wreck, wbich was Instautly iu u blaze. Harry Connors, news agent, who was sleeping lu the liaggige car, wasiiwukeuud by the move ment ol the cur nud aroused James Woodhull, master, just ns thu curs made tie jump. The root oft he or wassplitnpeu uud both men wvte thrown oni nud severely brnbed. Cm -els, while Ijiug on the ground nimble to reud r ni.y i.bstsiauce, uuv the train enveloped iu flames uml luur-l tho strieLs of tho djiug victims aud saw Ihmi vainly endenvoring to struggle from tbo burning tuiuo. Porter Ashu uud wife, who occupied n drawing room in erne of tho sleepers, wsro nwiikeuod by tho crash. Tney biiccetdcd lu getting out without injury, but of sixteen other occupants of the csr nut ouo is btliuved to liuye escaped, Meunlime, the e cciip ants of Iho car which kept ou tho down grade succeeded in stopping it, thereby saving tbo lie of some forty occupants of thnt nnd tho Muokinu cuacb. Thev immediately wnlked back to Iho scene of the accident, but ftiund only the smould ering remains oi u.e untu iukI tlie few who bad escaped with their lives lying bruised nnd bleeding In tbo darkness and shivering in the piercing cold night nir, or remit Hue nssistunce to oioh niln-r Belief soon arrived from TYblubipn, fonr lulli-s diblnut, and as sunn as possible luedioal atteudiuca was sent from Sum ner nnd u-deerstlejd, nnd tubsequeutly Irom Lis Aiinrles, A search for the dad soon showed that twenty-one persons nnd nciUbed. HI, en were burned beyond nil rtwnguiiioi I nnd only headless bodies and rbaried limbs wera fouud. Ono of the killed was Mw- lpvuw, wife of ex Omeruor Do - '"y"'! "iiou. a "vtfrmir xja - ! "iiXfflni,. f. unci fiu.l.y. IU ... too - uey o-ly the hea.l anil bust twlneji ' r -or to ry b .s fines and c st, hence b which ffere recoguized by the jnwclrp. All the bodies nnd fragments of bodies were placed iu coffins. Tho wounded were removed to tho baggage car, nnd on the arrival of tbo relief train from Los Angeles wero brought to this city. Wright, the colored porter of ono of tbo sleepers, was crushed; Express Messen ger Charles Plersou bad his bend shat tered, nud the following livo were burned, nit not beyond recoanltlon: Miss Jlanilo uulrrtH, Mrs. II, O. Oliver. Mrs. Downey, M. Wetbcrtd nud Mrs. James Cissell. Two men, names nnkuowu.hul supposed to be discharged soldiers, wero lounu dead tun not bnuied. uno other "Oily, that of a larco man, badly charred wns found and is supposed to bo thnt of Colonel Ijarrnbcc. c-x-Uansresinau Irom Wisconsin. Et-Governor Downev siyi thnt Mr. Lirrabea wns nn tbo train nnd lasbeeu rnisbiucsiocn tbo accident. The remnluiug eleven bodies ore btlll uniden tified. THE IOCS OF THE CIMBBIA. IlAMBUr.o, January 21, Of the 177 souls on board tbo Ham burg-American Line stei.mer Cimbria, sunk iu the German Ocenn ou Friday morning, but 72 persons are so far known to have been tnved. It is thought that tho loss of life must bo very great. The Cimbria bad 23 cabin passengers, 3C2 steerago passengers, aud the officers and crew numbered 02, So fur, 39 passengers bavo been landed at Ctixbaven, 17 at the Weser Lighthouse nnd 10 at Bremcubaven. Captain Hen- Ben, tbo chief engineer aud the surgeon are nmcng the missing. The steamer Cimbria, oftho Hamburg- American Line, sailed on Thursday. Sho was a vessel of 3,000 tons, wus built iu 18C7 nnd was uuder the command of Captain Hansen, who has beeu in the company's employ for eight jeais. He wus considered u tuoroiigniy competent aud reliable mau. Thu Ctuibriu ran ugrouud before leaving tbo EUe, but got ou with tho Hood tide with tho assistance of thu bteumer Hausa, of tho Kama line. without having sustained dnuiuge, and bhe put to sea at J JU o clock luthoul teruoou. Uul'riuuy mornlui! bho cimti into collision, during a thick leg, oil' Dorsum, witu the liritlsu bteumer Sul tan. Tho Uimbria sank iu a short lime. Aboat with thirty-nine passengers nr riied ut Cuxhnven yesterday e veiling and as boou ns thu news was known, the company bent out tho steamer HaUbU and the lour largest available steamers nt Cuxbaven to beareh for other boats. Tho West Indian bteumer Bavnria also lelt during tbo night with a similar object From Ihoso who aro saved it is burned that tbo Cimbria sustained such severe injuries that it became apparent she would sink almost immediately. The oulcers lliereloro did ull in their power to bave livts. Without n moment s loss of tiiun tho passengers were assigned to the life-boats nud an order was given to lower tue boats, 'llils, however, in con sequence of the vcesel heeling over on her bido was found to bo very difficult on one side aud absolutely impossible on tno otutr. luo second otllccr was en gaged iu cutting tbo spars loose, so that thero should be ns much driftwood ns possible for the passcugers to cling to, when tho inevitable fi uuderiug occurred, The vessel went down under their Icet. He seized n spar, several other per sons clung to it, was obliged to let go and no swam to n boat. This boat w subsequently picked up by the Thetn, The second officer steered tho Tbetu to Cuxbayen arriving there at C o'clock last evening. A survivor from the Oimbrin Fnvs that tbo weatherwasclcor uu to 11.15 o clock, but a fog thou set iu, which contiuueel nnd increased in density. The engines ortl'O Cimbria were kept at lull speed until 1 30, then nt Hall speed until 2 o' clock, alter which thev were l.cnt ntslow speed. About ten minutes past two o' clock tbo whistle ot another steamer was lienrd nud the engine of the Cimbii.i were stopped instantly. The Sultan's green light wns, owing to tho log. not ob served until she was only one hundred and fifty feet off from the Cimbria. Tho latter was struck abaft the first collision bulkhead on tho port side nud she heeled over to staibnard and speedily fnnk. Tho steamer Sultan, which sustained heavy damage, has arrived in thn Elbe. A reporter bearded tbc Rullau, but both captain nud crew nbsolntelv relused to eiye him any inlortnntion. The captain has made a statement before thu British fnnsiil, but this is inace.sssilde. The Sultan bus n large hole in her bow,sevcn feet above tbo water-line. JO.fiO P. M. No reports bave yet hefii received from the six stenmers sent in search of tho missing boats of the Cim bria. Lateh Since the nbove wns in type, tbo ships have returned without any trnco of tho missing boats. "Ono of tho most reliable nnd pleasant advertising agencies that we have ever bnd any dealings with is tha firm of Gko. 1. Howell ic Co., No. ID Sprues Street, New York. We ha-o" never bnd nny trnuhle In closing contracts with these gentlemen, nnd we have yet to ask them tlio eecoud time for money. Those of our readers w hu would like tn advertise through an agent cau find no moio responsible firm than Gnu, 1'. Rowk.i.i, & d. This is nu paid for notice, but is a gratuitous, unasked-for expression of our opinion, becauso we think they de- servo it." Xie Uhmaclilc and Timuand Planter, Sjiarta, (7a., Jan. 3, 1SS3. Weean honestly endorse every word of theaboio statement. ITE1I0 OF I1ITEEEST. A coasting eurfuro a uiila long affords sport tu thousands of Montreal men, women and childien every evening. Moody's success among tho students al Oxford anil Cambridge is confirmed by ro ports of conversions by thu hundred. Two very eminent Europeans have died In tha past six: months whose end is in volved lu mvstery Skobelcfl' aud Cam- bcttu. A ltomnn Catholic priest has returned sloleu watch to its owner at Vineiennei, Ind. It canio Into hls" from the thief In the confessional Tho yillsgo officials of Stillwater, Wlr demanded 5.20 uud thirty tickets in pay ment lor theliceusoof a travclliigshowaiud tho inonagcr occrdedj but when, after tho pcrfoi ma rice, they ueked him to ledcein with e-aih reyeral of the passes that had U'A becu used, he declined. Two tramps wero making a tour in Mil murl toguther, and their agreement was to thole nunlolts uud duonin forts cqua'Iy. One nsuei a farmer for a chew f tnbucrn, Mild got it. The other demanded half, and ws told tha'-theie was uot enough t di vide. Eurafied by lb:s act, be murdered the oft"ndcr. A Costly Prosecution. Tho uuditors ol Northampton county ore at work un lust year's m-cnunli, and some interesting figures bavo been devsloped. Tho topic which excites the most generbl interest is that which relates tn the con yictiou of coal thieves, au Item ofexK!Uso which has caused a very great deal of com plaint from taxpayers. The most promi nent caso was that uf u loy named Trjhriie, who was convicted on seventeen dilfereiit charges of dealing cusl. On ono other charge Iho bill was ignored, and this una bill cott tin county tU.ti. Tmiime wis wntoiiced to iwv $1 fincoU,aml uiidtfrgo . . ., ,,, .i, .... only served three months. The county footed the bills, mid the total cost in all the cases was $413 35. Tenpte claim thut there was no use In p.iyiog over $400 fur sending a boy to Jail fur ninety days tor stealing coal. NEW AI)Vi:UTISKMKSTS. ALMOST AS BAD. What tbo Perplexed Fhycclana do in Cases of Emergency. 'I'll tell you tho honest truth," answered tlio doctor. "I1rl!ht' Ulicnio bothers the medical men almost as badly ns cancsr docs. Having lusted a coitaln stage, both point straight to eternity. It may bo unprofession al to let out the iccrot.but whenever n patient comes to mo with Bright' llltcaio, or any kidney troublo acting liko It, I toll him to put on UKNSON'S UA l'UINU l'OliOlTS t'LASTlilt without delay." Tlio doctor enoko t y the card. Tlio Cnpclne Koe-s right to tho snut. Jfynu enn ho helpcil, m t;.ipcino will unit, i.ook out torlrauils. Is the wont (JAPUINU cut In tlio mld.lloor tlio piaslcrt llsu. ynu nro all rluht. I'rlco !.' cents, Scnl.ury iclohiisoii, Ulicudsts.Neir ork. Highest awards. 1an.2;,.18sa.lm Auditor's Notice. In tlio Orphans' Court of Carbon County, uciooor lorm, 1H77, Ettate of Otorge and Barbara Btek, dee'd. Tho umlcrslirncd auditor ntmntntcil Lvtlis Court January aitli. 1SS3, to distribute tlio funds In tho bunds of Daniel Deck, Admlnls- trutor oiutotjo neck and narbara Heck, bis wllo. dceoasod, Into ol Mahoning Township, furbon county. Pa., will hold a meeting for tbo Miritnso of bis ntmotiitmcnt nn WIMi. NI.S11A Y, tho S8ih day of Fcbiuarv, 1883, nt ur I. o'clock r- III., nt his cilice, omioMto tne Urnadway House. JIaucli Chunk. 1'n.. when nnd niiero all parties Interested will bo re quired to muko their claim or bo debarred Irom comlmr In upon said fund. UIlAItliS OUION STKOH, Andltiir. Wm. O. FniivMAN, Attorney. Jan. 'Si. 188J wl. Divorce Notice. Mahala V. Wells, by herl In tho Court of iicxiirlentijiierniau W. Cnnunon Picas Ebirt, Lihellaul, I of Carbon Co, vs. f Nn. 0. Oct. T.. Leo K. Wells, Rcspon 18S2. Proceed- uent. j luesin Divorce. 70 Lee K. Wcllt, the above named Retpondenlt Silt. You aio hcrobv notified Hue thn i.n. dcrslirncd has bcou a pointed by tlio Court of Common I'lcas ol i;urbon county-, a Com- nnsninner to inso Testimony ol wjtnosesln tho above namoit Procccrfini;! in Divorce, and that bo will meet, lor tho purpose of his ap pointment, nil persons concerned, on JHOfV 1IAY, tbo Mtbdny or FlillltUAHY. A. I. 18W, at T Wi I o'clock 1". HI., at lilt (Illico. ol . puslte tlio llroailwny House, Mauch Chunk, l'a., when and where jou aro riqucsied to ut tend witli jour witwsscs. UlIAltbliS OUION STIMIII. . Commissioner. E. 31. JlDtHHATiN, Attorney. Jnn. !i7, .SS3-W4 iES-AGENTS WANTED, jt RUSSIAN NIHIUSM AND Exile Life in Sibehia. BY J. W BUEL. This splendid new bookprcsenls a thrtlltnu panorama ol Life In Russia nnd Siberia, It lurnisnos inn only lull and reliable bls-o y ol thnt msierlau and wonderful organization known as Nihilism. It glies the unwritten nisiory oi i no itussinn r.mpire. it tells ol mysterious ndienturcs with mysierlous nco plo. It describes rlcspcrnta baud to-baial com on u witn pistols and knives In closed rooms between tho nollce ami Ibo Nihilists. It p ilnts liXltjK LIFE IN SIIIIUIIA In vivid nnd sturlllnte cnlo-s. It relates Inmoiis bunts and ndventures with with wild anlmulu on tho idalns of tlio fur North. It for tbo llrst ttmo exposes tho rial horrors ofrx. Isieiice nmonix tbo eunvlcis. Ii des crlbes tlio bnrrlblo lnsirnmcntii of toriuro snnotloneil nnd usod by tho Kusslan (loicrn- menr. ii roiniea 1110 i-irsonni LXerienee ol Iho author dunni; his I ravels, it tells nil that ouo could wish tn know about Itussln nnd Siberia. It Is iho most thrilllnic record oi iraiol und ndveuiuro over written; not re told stn'lif. but FACTS witnessed hv tbo nuibor Inprisi-nand sanctioned by tho united States tJovcrument. 600 l.iri;o pncs and over -uj nuuiiroii nno uiusir.iiions. i'rlco. t'tO. No book like Hon enrlh. tlulscllsnl! othcrboaks. AGENTS WANTED. Wrlto utoncn for Hi-lorlnl t)lrcu'nr and full par. ticulnrp, or send 10 cents tn money nr stumps lor llomidcto CanvntsliiK (JiilHt. Act quick uini ,ruuru nrsi viiuice ui icrriiory. Address. IU.-TOIilOAL Pt'BIJSIUNO CO. US N. Third btnet. St. Louis, Mo. FARMS and HOMES Tho best In tbo world, aro cn'lly obtained In llakota, Minnesota uud Northern Iowa Oct ready tu move tu tbo bprlnje. First come.bcst served. County lnnns descrlutlon of lands. rates ol pussauo and Ircltrbt, turntsbed tree byJOIlV H. J'OTT, Auent. Clileairo, Mil wnuuee k M. i-niii it'y, iviiuaiusiiurt, l'a, No trouble to answer qucsltcns. OEYMOUH. HUNT & CO., (Krtnl.llsiil In 1S73.1 3 Hxebanso Court, ts. Y. 123 LaSallo St. uiiicajrn. IlANKIinS AND imoicuus. Special facilities lor tbo purcbato and salo of fitocks, Bonds, Grain, Frovislons. liefer lo Mechanics' National llnnk, Ken York; Filth Nntlonul Hank,, and llermnn Security think. I.onlsvilli. lit. J. ill Skvmouii. Member New York Stock Eichanice. J. A. HuxT.McmbcrClilcago Hoard of Trade. A. 14. CLYUUUIl. 1 bavo a posltlvo remedy for tlio nbore ills ense: bv Its iisulhoustiudstif eases of thu wnrsl kind nnd of Innie tundtuu: bavo been cured, Indeed, s strong Is my tnltli In Its cllicaey, that I will send TWO HOl'Tl.ES I'll UK, tou'Ctber with a VALUAIILl: TKEAT1S1 nn thlmllscnsu.lo any sutlerer. Ulvo Exiircss and i: o. address, uu. r A. si.ot;u.ii. 181 l'earl St., New iork PABMS- Ilofore locating, consult our c.iln louaio and map,s?nt free. ISLbit & M bhK s, Uainbrldj-c, Md. Juni7.l. -pUBLIO SALE of VAI.UA15LE BEATj estate. Tbero will be offered at Public. by the undersiKiicd, ut inu Hotel ol l'enroso viirick. Inrmerlytllnkoy's old stand, In EAST l'ENN luwusuip, i;uroon uouniy, i-.i., ou Saturday, February 24, 1883 nt ONE o'clock P. M., nil thoso certain des erlbed 1'arm Tracts nr Pieces Land, situated In said Tnwnslilu. nnd bounded bv lands of William lleluirdoiiian. Wins. Nlinson. Anna Dinkey, John Il.illlct, Jacuh Frl linger. e.. conlRlnlnu l'U'l V-i:HlllT AOIIE.s, moro or less, 14 Acres of wblcli uro lino Wuodlaud with a number ol Cliulco Fruit Trees. Terms will bo made known at tbo time and place ol talc, by IXTZAUETU O. UIESS, January SO, 1ESM "OEl'ORT (IF THE COXDITIOh' of JLl) tho KIKST NATIONAL HANK, nt lobUhtr-u, iu llm Statn of hVunsvhnnlat the jicmi o; Lusiuei-g, ueceuincr wiu, i:s i RESOUBCXS. I oans ni discounts (OO.SSI 60 llier.lraflii 1IJ.IR) U. S. liiiids to secure elrralsllnn . . 7S.imi.ik Olber htocks.bonds.Hn-t niurtKAtfi. , 109 000 Vaa M'U arprnied leserre ieuts 0.20S 03 Pualrouiltber National Hunks . . , J 9 0.(18 Due from Sul. llnnkaand Hunkers, . l,Udl.T9 lleileslati,. furniture, ami tixlurea. , 8,472.3 i Current expenses and Uxeipald, l.S'.'Vl'O l'lemluuii paid r.'.SOO.tS Llic--ka aud i-lller cisb Items . , A'i ,2fl IUIU fiatitr I anks 1,710.10 Irarll ai p'percurreDO', nickels, aad nbl, 160 f0 fOM-ta S,teu.7i Le4-l lender ucdra ....... S 10J.UO U.JvUH'llon Fund w 11 la U. S, Tri-.itu. ry (J uerceut, of clituuiiuu) . :i.3;5fo Total srj,c.'j.7i Opltat tk pild In rurplliifund .., I) li.ll 1 1.1 .l i.n.P.I r-all nal Dank rotes ou'Jtaudlnj llltldeudi Unjuld, , I nib Waal (I 4llisubiect toebwk. t7S.'O0 0i S 1 W IKI S.?J3 S3 , 01 .'"MX) IP 51 , 70U67.20 . '.',etu.eo 41 0J liulnoinr Jinii'inai mima I)uo to Stato lJanki and Hankers . Total Kl:,o:o.;2 Hii'.i o VnaJi'Hiuta, CVuulv ej Carbon, u t I, W. tl lloxmin, Ca.ld.r of iln abuTe-ruie4 bank, di mmmii1 aWMir Uut lb aU,iltsuieul U liu t lb bl ot uir kifcow I, iIkm and tllf. W. IV. l.lltl JU.V Ou.LIer. SuWnrltavl siid rn bvfore ruo t bis lltll day A January, ! 3 . .... TIIOS 8. HICK, Nntarr,-. (rrr-l Atet Tina Ktruwer, C. , Sei lte snJ J ej Zero, n,rreiorx Jn a), i S3. OSta.THE GREAT Mltf$4 FOR XjfJLHT- CURES Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica. LumDago, uacKacne, neaaacne, loomacno, fioro Tii nt nt, Hwclllns. 8pmln. HruIncfH llitrti. HcnliU, Vrt lliicr AND ALL U11IER IIUIIILY FA1AH ASD Atlirs. SoM bj brticlti nft Dentrra errrrwhere. Fifty Centa t. Utwort i A. TOUELkH k CO.) llllijrt MeJ., I', S. A Wintry Blasts WINTRY BLASTS BRING COUGHS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA Perry Davis's PainKilhr CUBITS COUGHS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA Proudfc-agaimt the cil effects of Win try Blasts by procming It.kry Davis's Tain EVCRY GOOD 0 T.UG0 1ST KCCPS IT. E. A. HORN, Successor to Messrs. Rapsher Jfc Zcm. DKAIiEU IN Pare Brains, WEISSPOUT, rENN'A. Kpspectfully announces to tho publlo that ho Is prcpired to supply thcin with nil tho Pop ular I'ATE.VT JIEDIUINES, HOUSE and IJATTLE POWDEIIS, Fancy and Tollolte Articles, WAIjL PAPERS fc UOUUEIiS, UHOIUr, OIQAUS, nnd, In (act, crory thing usually found In a first class Drug Store. PANGY- ARTICLES ! a laru;o and beautiful assortment, sultablo ftr HOLIDAY PltfcSE.N'TS. Oall and sco thcra. Lowest Pi Icet. PURE WINES and LlftUOHS for Medl clnat purposes. G3r Prescriptions carefully compounded, dny or nluht. Patronage Invited. E A. 1IOHN, Wclssport, Pa. November 25, 18S -jX THE GRAND NEW BOOK THE ATRICAL& CffiGUS LIFE OR THE SECRETS or Tnn STAGE, (AGENTS Ghkkx Rcou, AND Saw Pcst ARENA. WautcD, r.ovcallng tho mysteries of the Tbeatro Circus, Variety Show. Concert' Dive, i.c J.0. HOME AND PRIVATE LIFE AOTOItS AND AOTRES5ES. Most ir ilcrful nnd interesting book ever published. EipoMnic the secret doiugs of Giddy llallet tllrls. Hack Door Mashors. Matinees, Mid nls lit Suppers, Sto., i.o. Tho i ell lifted from tbo DLAOK ART. How Women are fired from cannons; Men oat tire; Heads arc cut olf and hundreds of other misterlcs performed. 150 UEAUTIrUL ILLUSTRATIONS. AND ELEGANT UOLOIIED PLATES. POSITIVELY tho lastest selling iKjole ever published, Agent's oanmsslogoutllt, to cents. Illustrated cir cular and full particulars FREE. Agents act quick and secure territory by addressing SUN PUIILISIWNO CO., & 21'J Pine St., St Louis, Mo. PATENTS.?; ANDEIiJfON & SMITH. Ilclturs-ot V. and Kor- lun 1'utenls. Nn. 700 7th Street, cor of G. opp. U. S. Patent tllnoe. Waslunirtiin. D. II. corrcsiiomienco milieu. ed. No chariie lur ndilco. No fee charged uulen l'jicnt Is allowed. References. Lewis .r.ihrison & Co.. HaLkers. nnd Postmaster. Wuslilngton, D. U. I'amplilot of Instruc tions Iroo. janc-uo DISSOLUTION OFCO-PARTNERSHIP. NOTIOEIS HEREBY GIVEN, Hint the co-nnrtnersblh liereiofurn existing between I. S. KOL'll und W. S. KOOH. doing bust- ncs In tbo llorouub of Lcblubion, Uurbon Countr. Ponovlv.iiil.i. under tbo firm name of KOOH Ufilll'llEilS, ns Manufacturers und Dealers In tUnam, l Oil day (December 201 li, Wl.) ilinnolred by muiual consent. '1 ho business will bo continued by 1 ri. KOUII, who Is autlioriicd 10 settle all accounts duo to ur by tno uto nrm. 1. S. KOUH. W. S. KOUH, Lehlghton, December CO, US.'. NOTICE Persons Indebted to tho late Arm will plcaso settle wltbuut dclny, and nil tbrso having ctatma will present tbem to tho un-lcriluiicd lor luiuicdiato seiiiemcni. Dec. SJ. 1. S. KOUH WISEHsii re nlwnvs on out Inr chances .no their i urn- Imrs. and In time be come wealthy; thoso whndonoi Improve their opportunities remain lu poverty. Wo offer n g eat chance tuinuko money. Wewant tunny men. women, buy ami girls to work fur us right In their own 1-ralltles. Any oni can do the-work properly froru the first Hurt. The tuulnen will pay more than ten timet urdlu. ury wages. Expenilvo i-utllt furnlihed free. No ouo who cu-roges (alls to make money r.iptdly. You can devolo yourwnolo time to thu work, or enly your spare moments. Full Information and all that Is needed rcntlreo. Address Stixsoh &. Uu., Portland, Maine, Dividend Notice. At a Regular Meeting oftho Directors of the First Kntiouul Rink nf I.elilgliton, a Seini Aunual Diviilcnil nfTHREE -rcent. nn the Capital Stork was declared, payable on aud after Jau. ISth. 18S.1. W. W. BOWMAS, Cashier. Jan. A, ISS3 ir3. Porsonal Notioo. John Hlstler, of Tnwamenslng Township, Curiam County, Pa., Is hereby notified not to cuter the Miiip ur Premises of the undersign ed during my absence, under penalty or the law. ALFIIEI) K I 111. Lit. Towamccslng Twp , .Inn. 0, 1SS .-2 D it. a. w. iioiVki., PHYSIUIAN AND SUItUEON. Slay be consulted In iho German or English language. Orvirit: Opnnilto Durllng't Prog store, II AN K St., Lelilgbton. Pa. Jan. li-yl PATENTS. $l PATT-NT, NO Is our tuottn. e have hail U ears cjrperlenee In iirocurlng Patenis. I aieui. Trude-Miirks, Ueinyrlghtt, etc. In this nn.l other countries, lluriinnd Ilouk glrlng lull Instruetiiiiit In Patents (ree Address. R H fc A P I.M'EY. Patent Attorneys, f-oi F bt , Washington, U. U laneite Wl & GiiGiuicals New Advertisements. TI-IE Carbon Advocate IS THE REST MEDIUM.FOIt Local Advertising IN CARBON COUNTY. Send for Rates, which will be found very moderate. Job Printing ey or every description, Illustrated Sale Bills A SPECIALTY. At Low Prices! HO, THE HOLIDAYS ! ! I Mrs. C. BbTSGHIRSCHSKY Rentier! fully announces to her friends and the public Kcucrully, that chela now receiving ami openlnit lor their Inspection i larner stock tbau over of the very latest noveltlea In Toys &. Fancy Goods, Snltnblo fur HOLIDAY PRESENTS for Yuuiiic and Old. Itleli und Poor., llon't fU tu cull curly nnd seeuro first choleo and best barirnln. Sho also calls tholr attention to her New, Lursc and Elegant ariorlmem o NOTIONS, eomprWnir Underwear, llcrlln nnd Oerraan town Wools. Hotlery, Iioimiinl and Do. sicstlo Itiliboiis Oloves, Flowers and a fi'in esortment of New Designs IN FANCY ARTIOLtS Also, In connection with the above, a fall and complete stuck of (lEHJIAK FRUITS, LIMDUROER CIlKEsa Cuinlii'H & ronrcelfnn, topether with a variety of Goods not reenernl. ly kept In nny mlior stnreln town. If yon do. not reo what you want, ask for It. A share of public patronage solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed In price and quality of Koods. Second St., 2 floors aliove Iroo, Nov. lb. lSK-mS. LEHiaUTONP. A Lecture to Youi In ON THE LOSS OF A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cur of Seminal wcaknew, or Sperm, utorrhoa Imluecd by Sull-Abuae, Involuntary Emissions, Iinpotency, Nevous Debility, and Impediments la MarrliK uenerally ; Cod sumptlon;. Epilepsy and Fits; Menial and Physical Ino.ipnclty. ttc-Uy ROUEIIT J. ) I'LYEHWELL, M. D., author ef it 'Qreen Hook,"io. The world-renownad author, in this admlr abln Lecture, eleuriy proves Irom bit own ex perlfiice tbat the awful consequences ef Sell-. A bono may lie effectually removed wltboul dancruue surKlcal oporatloi.s, bon(les. In struments, rings or cordials; pulnllnir out mode ol euro in once certain und eletual, bx which every sullerer, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately end radically, CtrTlilt lecture will prove a boon to Meui and and thoutandt. Sent under seul. In a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of tlx cents, or two post ago stamps. Address Tlio Ciilvorm-ll Medical Co., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y ; Post Offic Rox-loo. Oct,", 18S2,'yr. --U LINTON H n ETN KY, farhlonaLl lUrS lluerrnnd SuoK Makkr, llank St., LeMaliton. All work warranted. MONEY IS MADE by judletoua Investment! In Wall Street. W tend FREE, to any address, full Inlormattvn of n system of oierullrg by wbich suoiaet sin. K9H. Sinn orinoru often return lame nrofils. Street, New York nov.St-me IV VOUTH AND MiriDIE-AOED, Woutd vou be re-tor. d to bOUND If nnhnnrl 0 Semi uinip and voil mil s-cl ud- llldllllUUll . vle4,tuan4led eovelope. Add rest, 1-tot- J.Y. KHAN, ettfdfnaoura N.Y. jalyiryi RESTS? nor, life Is iweenlnc by. nun uare Deiore you . rometblns lulsntv and sublime leave be hind to conquer time," $eSaweek In your nwn town, (i outfit fret. Nn risk. Every, think new Capital nut required. We will furnlh you cierythlntr. Many are inaklnic fortunes. Ladles make as much as men, nail boys und ulrla make irrent pay Reader.lf ynu want business nt which you enn make, ureat pay all the lime, write fur particular! tu 11. 11 allxtt & Co., Portland, Maine,1 Private Sale. The undersigned will tell at Private Sale, the Mlnwini article! tf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, vix i 1 Maumi A Hamlin Parlor Orfran, 1 Walnut rek Case aud Writing Dcslr, rtunbinetl, 2 Cuphoanls, 1 Wulxirt Extension DinlDj Title, I Marble-tup Table, 1 Tetr-a-Tete, I Double II on tcr, aud oilier valuable articles. Apply to F- E. WHITNET, (.2 tf LAS. depot, Irehlghton, Tt, 61 . K1 cua:s wkeh kH BeatOougUb IM Usolntttua.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers