Advertising Rates. Wo desire It to lo distinctly understood that no ndverlfsemonts will bo Inserted In llio columns of Tiu Carsoh Advooatb Hint may bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by tho usu. The following aro our oxtY terms i OMR SQUAW! (10 LINES), One year, cacli insertion 10 cts- Bix months, each Insertion J cts- Three months, each insertion 20 cts. Loss thai! thrco months, first insertion $1) each subsequent Insertion, 25 cts. Local notices 10 tents per lino. If, V,. MORT1IIMKR, Publisher. CARDS, Attorneys. ATTORNEY AND CODN8ELLOH AT LAW, BASK StEtET,TjEnIQHTON,PA R.alfcstst. and Collection Airencv Will "wsnd Bell IUI Kstate. "l'V,ln'f if' sctlons promptly inade. Hettllnp ltMe nf Do .o.ntsa specialty. May bs consulted In l.n jllsb idOetniD. Physicians and Dentists. A. DKUIIAMER, M !., I'lIYSICIAN AND 8CHGEON Spap'lHi sttention pW to Chronic Diseases, finice! South Unt comer Iron ami 2nd "I'"'-' blirhloD.l'a. -i 3ST. U. ltKUEU, M. I). U. S BxmnlnliiB Surgeon, rlUUTICINU I'lIYSICIAN and SU F.OCoN. onrics: Hank street,'s hlock, Jjchiali. t0S'ay""e consulted In tlio Ocrm m Language. Nov. 30. W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : Oppositotho"iroadwny Houso," Mauch Chunk, Pa. i.. I,,., dm i,ni-nt of tiio latest Im provements In appliances and the best motliods rtr-ntuu'tii In all cases. NITHOUS-OXIIIK admlnl'tornl ir desired. IT possible, persons residing outside of Mnuch. Chunk, should m ike cusnn'mcius by mall. JJ3 T AKD GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The MIo IniJiMnpsnlM are Represented! liSAA.N )N ilir-VUAI. FIHB. UlJA UNU UtJrUAT. l'UKE, W iOAlI.NO iUltB. 1,1,11 HI . I i I ilE. and TEA V F.LEU AfCIDNT INHUUASOK. Alao l'mnmlvmiH and .Mutual Tulit etee ivonml In uraii,-ol,"iiU'v, ;.,.,...,, 3IHICM2MSI1 HUia. M-.MI.ltLIl. QARBON HOUSE, J. W. llAUHRNBUSH, PROPRIETOR, Dank Sr., L'jnioiiTOX, Pa. Tho Gaboon Ho -scullers flrst-elassaceom-niujatlons to thu I'ravoilnir public. Jiojrdliu by tho H.iv or week un Ucis m iiilo rorins. llhoirjo Cu'itr, Winus nnd i.lrpiurs alway on hand. Cvid iilicla and Stahiei. wlih nitci' tlra Hostlers, attaohcl. April 10-yl, P1 Midway hetuccn Jlauch Chunk K irtiiisiuon i.Edl'OM) JlEYElt, PuonukTOK, l'ackorton, Pcnna. This well knnvrn hotel Is itdinlrablv refitted, niiu h ii the h.'ct j.e tniuiolailniis lor licrinan. t'utaii'l tMin'i-nr lumleri. Kxcellrnt lalden uwl Hi very bet liquors. Also tlnasUliles alu.iJ. Sept. 16-yl. t. v i a a m ss b ut 5 s Livory & Sale Stables UAKK STItKUT.LlOIlIOUTON, l'n FAST TROT I'ING HORSES, KLEGANT CAUUIAGES. And pooltlvely LOWnn I'lttcitS than any other Livery Hi me coanty. Larcnaud liiniUmuo Cartlaics lor Paneral btr ioif.1 and Weildlnss. 1) AVI I) UllUKUT Nqv. 12 l7i Kspeotlully announces to the public that ho has onenod a NEW I.IVEIIY SI'AULE In oaanection vrltli his hotel, aud Is prepared to rurnisu i earns lor Funerals, Wcliiass or Business Trips on Slnrlrit notice and mot liberal terms. AH orilers trt at tlio't;arb tn lluuo" will receive prompt attention Stable on North S'reet, next thejioiel, Lohlirhlim. lauM-yl nrMOIftalO f"r Solillcrs, Widows. Hr NSH I M S Paront. and Children ' LMUlUMUny dlscasr, wound or lnury entitle.. Millions appropriated and workluif Inrce doubled. Prompt work and homes made happy. Ko 110 Apply now. Widows, rc-nnrrled. now enlltleil ilnrlnv wldonhood. LI roil, sueeess In IHCSEA5E caie. llotrTYand llaclc Pay an 1 l)lfcharu procured. Deierlcn entitled to all dues under new liwsf P A IftPrJTi! ,ur Inventors, .and IVarranJl 1 M 1 flit tu procured, hmmtit aud old. Tho iroitLI) i- SOLIUVll," (wcokly paper), namplu ropy Iree, Send slump for lull lntructtii. blanks and bounty table. H. W. FITZOKRALa & CO., Pension, Patnt and l.aud Ail'yi, AVaihlngton, D.C, Al-mv DROP IN AT THE Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOR Chftnn Printing ! 1 o 13 lg?F"Tiie Caudok Advocate one year for $1, and Kendall's Horse 13ook ns a premium. J. W. RAUDENBUSE II. V. MouTnniEn, Proprietor. VOL. XL, No 10. Railroad Guide. Ymm 0 B. B. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. NOVEMI1ER, 12th, 182. Trains loavo Allentown as follows: (Via I'EltKIOMRN 11A1L110AD.) For Philadelphia at 6.WI, 8.43, 11.40 a. m., and 3.10 p. tn. SUNDAYS. For Phtladelphlaat 5.O0n.m. and 3.35p.m. (Via East Penn HaAticn.) For Rcadlnir and HarrlsbuOg, 0.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.16, 4.3 and 0.05 p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 6.00, 8.40 a. m., and 4 3'jp, in. SUNDAYS. For Harrlsburg, and waypolnts, 0.05 p. m. Trains for Allentown leave as follows i (Via Pkhkiomem Railroad.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. and 1.00, l.o6, and 6.15 p. in. SUNDAYS. Iavo Philadelphia, 8.C0 a. m., 3.16, and 4.20 p. m. (Via East Penn. BnAscn.) I.cavo Heading, 7.30, 10 16 a. in., 2.00, 3.65, and 15 p. m. Leave llarrlsburg, 6.21, 7.00, 9.50 a. m., 1,45 nnd 4 .in) n. in. Leave Lancaster, 17.30 a. m., 1,00 and (3.40 p m.) Leavo Columbia,; 30 a. m.,1 10and3.40p.m. tr'roin Klnn Street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leavo Reaillmr, TfiO a. m. Leavo llnrilsburir. 6 20 a. tn. TralrB via "I'crklomen Kallroad" marked thus () run to nnd Irom Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia, other trains to and Trniii lliuad street Depot. The '600 and 6.45ft. m. trains from Allen, town, and the M 35 and A.15 p. m. train Irom Philadelphia, via Pcrklomon Kallroad, havo through cars tu and Irom Philadelphia. J. K. WOOTTliN, General Manager. CO. HANCOCK. Gcn'l I'.vs'r Si Ticket Agent. November 6th J0HNR.G.WEYSSER, rnorniKTon of the West End Brewery, Maucii Chunk, Pa. Pure Porter anil Lap Beer Delivered all over the State. October 8, 1881 yl jr. YOU AKE is sunn OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods GO TO CLAUSS& BROTHER T11K poruLAn Merchant Tailors, Bank Street, Lohighton. PItlOES VETiY LOW FOU (1ASH. Tho public patronauo solicited. Central Caniasre Works, Unnk St., Loliiglitoii, Pa., Aro prepared to JIanufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, tn tho most substantial manner, aud at I,owest Cash Prices. Ucpalrlng Promptly Attomleil to. TItKXT.KIt & KREIDI.F.rt, April :s, 1882 yl Proprietors. BANK RTUEET, first storn above Iron, calls utteution In his new aud fusli lonablo stock All of which lie is Scllinn at VHUY LOW EST CASH TRICES. 43- An Inspecllon Invited and satisfaction guaianlcsd In all eases. Life and Eire ! E. K. Stroh, General Apt, AT MAD0U CHUNK. Vx. Only gooil nn'l reliable Companies rspre ftn'ed. Also, A-nt 'or tho ITALIAN and I KOTTEKD.VM lilKKOFSTEAMEns. jr V5 CARBON ADVOCATE TI.AIN AND FANCY BOOKS JOB PRfflMG HOUSE BANKWAY, a short dlstanoo abovo the LehlKh Valley Ii.R. Depot, LEHIGHTON, PA. Wo are now fully proparod to execute ovory description of PRINTING, Irom a Visiting Cart to aLarge Poster! Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars Shipping Tags Cards, Dill Heads, Letter Heads, Koto Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Programmes, Pamphlets, ke., &e., tn Best Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! T HE N. T. SUN. NEW YORK, 1833. Moro people havo read Tun Sitn Unrlnjr I no yearjust now pas-in limn cvr ticioro r-mco it was nrsi iiriutt'ti. an., oilier nens liiniiT nubllsheil on t Ititt side ul tho earth has been bought and any year by so many men nun women. Wo aro creditably Informed that people buy, read, and like TnufUN (or l ho lolloiv IriK reasons, amoitu others: Iteciiue Its news columns present In at. tiautlio form mid with the iireatest tKisiblo li'onracr whalcver lias Merest for human kind ; thoi'Veiits, the deeds. and rolsdeeiis.tho wisiotii, too iiinosoj)uy. tno noianie tony, the solid cense, the Improving nonsense all tho news ot Ihe busiest world at present re volving In space. lteenuso people havo learned that In Its re. marks coneerninir ierson and airiirs Tiik Sum makes a praclieo of lulllui; tliem tho ex act t null to the lies! of ability thrco hundred and slxty-l'.ve days In tho, beloro elee tlon at, well as after, about tho whales as well as tho small bsh, In the facool dissent as 1 plainly and fearlessly as when supported bv Kt'uur.u upiirovai. litis nus ituttttitiioiy no purposes lo serve, tnvo 1 lie iniormation oi Its readers and tho turthorunco of the com. inon i;ood. Ileeuuse It is everybody s newspaper ivo man Is so humble that TiikSun Is lndlflerent to his welfare and ills rluhts. ls'o iMMicLillon of men, Is pnworlul enough to bo exempt irom ino suict application oi us principles ol rlxht and wrong. Ileojuso In politics It has jouitht for a dozen years, without Intermission and someilmes almost alone nmouK newspapers, the (Wlit that has resulted In the rcrent overwhelming iiopulnr vcrdletaitalnst Kobcsonlsin nnd for honest Kovcrnineut, No innttcr what party lain power. This Sun stands and will con. tlnuo m stand like a rock lor the Interests of the people against the ambition oflwses.iho encroachments of mnnoollsts. aud tho Ulf. honest schemes of puulio robbers. All this Is what we are told almost dally by our Irlcuds, One innn holds that Tin: Sun Is the best rcllalousnewsnjiier ever min. llshed, becauso lis Christianity Is tiiulllutcd wlthcanl. Another holds that It Is the best Itepubllcan newspaper printed, because It hns already whippet half of Ihe rascals out or that party, and the proceedings against tho other halt with undemlnlshcd vigor. A third believes It to bo the best uiagailnc ofgenernl lllcraturo In existence, becauso lis readers iuiis nothing worlhy of notice that Is current in the world of thuught. So every friend of 'I II b SDN dlseuvers ono of Its many sldts that appeals with particular lorce to hlsludivldu alllMnv. If you already know Tiik Sum, you will ob. servo that In 1883 It Is a little better thnn over before. If ou do not already know Tub Sun, ou wlllllndltto bo a mirror of all hu man activity, a storehouse of tho choicest productsof nominon senso and Imagination, a mainstay lor ino cause oi nonesi government, sentinel lor genuinu .iciiersonian Demo cracy, a sconrHQ for wickedness of every si ecles, nn aud uncommonly good investuteut lur too toming year. Terms to Mail Subscribers. Tho several editions of Tiik Sum a o sent by mall, postpaid, as follows : IlAII.Y 55 cents a month, SO 50 a year Willi ."Sun. lay edition, 87.70 SUN I) AY Eight pages, 81.20 a yenr. V KKKkY 81 a year. I.lxht pages of the best matter ot the daily issues t an Agricul. tural Department ofunequalled merlt.mnr kct reports, ami literary, scientific, and do. ! it'fsilo fntcltlicenco make 1'hk Wuickly Sun the newspaper for the farmer's house, t hold. To clubs of tell with tlo, nn extra copy free Address I. V. ENGLAND. Publisher, TiikSun, New lurk Ulty November VS-wO No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained ft-r Inventors In tho United States Oanada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal nlRco located In Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent O.Uce, wo aro able to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and de spatch ami at less cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance from Wash ington, and who hare, therefore, to employ " assoel no attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to r-a-tentitbllliy, free of charge, and nil who aro Inleresicd In new Inventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy o( our "Uuldo for obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any address, and contains complete Instruc tions how to obtain patents and other valua ble mattcKWo refer to the Ocrman-Amer-lean National Dank Washington, D, O. I the Itoyat Swedish. Norwegian and Danish I.'ira. tlons, at Washington! Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chlel Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to ths Ulllelals of the V. H Patent ORlce. and to Senators and Members or Congress from every State. Address t 1.0IMS 1100 Eft fc CO., So- lienors or Patents and Attorneys at Lw,l Droit Building, Wm9TOi, D. O, INDEPENDENT" LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, The creat siiDcrioritv of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough rcmcd ics Ss attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whooping Couch, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons m advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Drujrrristi. Price, 25 cents. Willi Medicine Quality not Quantity is tuegei-atestifflprtaiice; next is toe Knowledge and Experience to Cor rectly PrDfiare and Dispense the same At A. J. DURLING'S POPULAR Brag & Family Mine Store, Bank Stree Lchighton, You can nlwnys rely upon gfttlng STRICT L.Y Puro and unadulterated Drugs and Medicines. nurtl.INt. carries tho largest stock PAThNT .11KIJU INI.S In tho county. IlUItLINO hasanelegiint stock or IIRUQ (1IKT.I SITMIKll-.S, EANUY and Till I.ET AliTIULl.S ior tho ladies as well as tho uenls. DUIil.INO makes HORSE and CATTLE PUWDKKS a specialty. lllsMyoirs exper lenoe in tho drug business gives him a great advantage In th it line. Tlll'SSKS, SUPPOKTEfiS nnd 1IRAUES always a laipu slock cu hand. v'INi:S nnd I.IQt'OltS, both foreign and dume8tle. He has ti ClliiionUriipe Wluo nml n Dry Caiawba Wine, Just splendid and cheap. WALL PAPERS and "ORDERS the largest assortment In tMvn. do to DUItljINti'S with vour prescrip tions Goto DLJIIEINU'S lor your Patent medicines. Oo to DllltLING'S for your rancyart'clcs. Farmers nnd horsemen gu to DURI.INU'S for your Horse and Cattle Powders, au g. 6-yt. A r-ili''M'l,Q wanted.toscll Edlson'sMu--ivTj 'i 1 J icil Telephone nnd Edison's Instantaneous IMaun nnd Organ Music. En close stamp lor cttalogue aiuflerms. EDISON MUSIC CO., Philadelphia, Pa. dec. 'JI-m0. J DEfiFJ PROVED Ti-3CbRC3T CUR2 for KHOkJSY DSGIiAGEG. Wocu a lamo baaTi c? a dLsordcwd urine ihiuim: n 1 1 you are a vietum TiiEif i;OVIiZSirJATl! use KIDirEY-WOIlTot jonco(iruc-,:t3i'occnincuaii) end IfuiU srccully oveL'osnifi tho iHscar-o cii rcctoxc c 9 orl3(T'- Porcompliintapecullar c Latttaks)a tayouriei.tuditapaln ti paswl, uj it will act promptly aaC ealcly. l-.ti.wr 0:x. Inccutiucsco, l'stcutlon ot -!ta:Iao. lrli dart cp ro5."7 dcrocit. and dull !dro73nrr'iii3,eHupc;dlly yield toltocur poL.3irAS.ii2)ziT7aorrrs. smcogi. WMM Respectfully announces tnthe people of I.e hlghton and Its vicinity, that ho Is now pre pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from the best Season" 1 Mate, rials at Prices fully as low as tliosoni'-artlcl, con Ito I oil u hi. for elst-wliero. Here aro a few ul tho inducements offered Parlor Sets nt Irom $S0 to $00 Walnut Dressing Case lledroom Supes. a pieces M0!o3 Painted Hedroom Suites tlStotW Cann Seated Chairs, pore -toro.... 48 Common i hulrf, per ret of 0 M and all other Goods equally cheap. In this connection, I deslro to rail tho at. tnntlnii or the to invnntide f iclllties in THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME HEARSE, and a lull llnoonUhlvl-.TS and COTEINS, lam prepared to uttend promptly to all or ders In this Hue. at Ion est prices. Patronage r'rpectlully Soll"!tcd and the most ample latlsiactt ,u guaranteed, V, SCHWARTZ, 0CU3 IlANKSULeblgbton. Jgf Job Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly execut ed at tins ollice. unve us a - rrInl nTI(l lin rnnvmrrrl anu u" CUIiWHCOU. HA5 i tiPlPr - o ipfli; - Live and Let Live." PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1883. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard BV THOMAS GRAY. Tho curfew lolls the knell of parting ilay ) Tho lowing Itord winds slowlyo'er the lea, Tho plougliiuan koniewanl plods his weary way, And leaves tho world to darkness and to - inc. Now fanes tho glimmering landscape on the sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds, Sayo where tho beetlo wheels his droning fllgbt, And drowsy tinkling? lull tho distant fold Sovo that, from yonder ivy-mantled tower, The moping owl docs to the moon com. plain Of such ns, wanieringnear her secret bower, Molest her ancient, solitary reign. Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade, Where heaves tho lurt in many n mould ering heap, Each in li is narrow cell forever laid. The rude forefathers of tho linmlet sleep The breezy call of inrenso-breathlng morn, Tho swallow twittering from tho straw built shed, The cock's shrill clarion ,orthe echoing horn, No mure shall rouse them from their low ly bed. For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn, Or busy housewife ply her evening care ; Nor children run to lisp their siro's return, Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share. Oft did the harvest lo their sickle yield, Their furrow oft the stubborn glebo hns broke j How jocund did they drive their loom afield I How bowed tho woods beneath their stur dy stroke I Let not ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely jojs, and destiny obscuro ; Nor grandeur hear with disdainful smile The short and Biniple annals of Ihe poor. The boast of heraldry, tho pomp of power, And all that beauty, nil that wealth o'er gave, Await alike the Inevitable hour ; Tho paths of glory lenl but to tho grave. Nor you, ye proud,lmpnte lo these Ihe fault If memory o'er their tomb no trophies rolse, Where, through tho long-drawn aisle and freUcd vault, The pealing anthem swells tho note of praise. Can sloried urn, or animated bust, Rack lo itsmansion call the hVetlngbrcath? Can honor's volco provoko the silent dust, Or flattery soothe the dull, cold ear of death? rerhops in this neglected spot is laid Some heart onco pregnant with celestial fire j Hands that the rod of empire might havo swayed, Or waked to ecstasy tho living lyre ; But knowledge tolheireyes heramplo page Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll ; Chill penury repressod their noble rage, And frozo tho genial current of the soul. Full many a gem of purest ray serene The ilar!:,uiifatlinmed caves of ocean bearj Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waslo its sweetness on the desert air. Some village Ifumden, that, with dauntless breast, The little tyrant of his fields withstood ; Some mute,!nslorious Milton hero may rest; Some Cromwell, guiltless of his country's blood. Tho applause of listening senates to com inand, The threats of pain nnd ruin tn despise, To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read thoir history in a nation's eyes, Their lot forbade; nor ciicumscrihed alone Their growing virtues, but tbclr crimes confined ; Torbade to wade through slaughter to throne, And shut tho gates of mercy on mankind; The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide, To quench the blusliesnfingenuous shame, Or heap the sbrlue of luxury and pritlo With iuceuse kindled at the muse's flame, Far from tho madding crowd's ignoble strife. Their sober wishes never learned to stray; Along the cool, sequestered vnlo of lifo They kept the noiseless tenor of their way Yet even these bones from insult tn piotccl, Some frail memorial still erected nigh, With uncouth rhymes ami shapeless sculp- turo decked, Implores tho passing tribute of a sigh. Their name, their years, spelt by Ihe unlet tered muse, The place of f.imo nnd elegy supply ; And many a holv text around she strews, That teach tho rustic moralist to die. For who, to dumb forgctfiilucs a prey, This peaslng,anxmus bcingo're resigned, Left the warm precincts of a cheerful day, Nor cast one longing, lingering look bo hind T On some fond breast tho parting soul relies, Some pious drops the closing eye requires; E'en from the tomb the yoiceof Nature cries, E'en In our ashes live their wonted fires. For the;, who mindful of the uiilionoretl dead, Dost in these lines their artless tale relate; If chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred spirit shall inquire thy fate. Haply soinehcary-hetilril swain may says 'Oft have we seen him, at the peep of tlaiio, Brushing with hasty steps the dews away, To meet the sun upon the upland lawn. "There at the foot of yonder nodding beech, That wreathes its old, fdutattlo roots so high, Ills listless length at noontide would he stretch, Ami pore upon the brook that babbles by. "Hard by yon wood.nowsinillngss In scorn, Muttering his wayward fancies be would rove, Now drooping, woful-wan, like one forlorn, Orcrsiedwithcsre.nrcrossed In hopeless lore, $1.00 If "Ono morn I missed lilm on the customed hill, Along the lieath.nnd near his favorilo tree; Another came, nor yet beside Hie rill, Nor up the lawn, nor at tho wood was he; 'The next, with dirges due, In sad array, Slow through tho church way path wo saw him bourne; Approach and read (for thou caust read) the lay Graved on the stone beneath yon aged thorn." tiik EflTArn. Ucre rests his head upon tho lap of earlh A youth to fortune and to fame unknown1 Fair sclenre frowned not on his humble birth, Ami melancholy marked him for her own. Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere. Heaven did a recompense ns largely erud: He gave to misery (ull he hod) a tear, Ho gained from heaven ('t was ull he wished) a friend. No further feck his merits lo discloo, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, (There thoy alike In trembling hope repose,) The bosom of his Father and his God. Love and'Business. Iu Hie cosy little private office con nected to thflr tiusinecs lionso sat Ilalli- day nnd son. Halliday was a bluff, heavy old fellow of fifty or thereabouts, with n prirjof keen, bright eyes, which twinkled incessantly, nnd was Rented in bis cbair with bis heels upon bis desk. Tbo son was a young man of tweuty-flve, tall, dark and handsome, clad in n slit of navy blua flannel, nnd wns seated on n corner of tbo desk looking down spoil bin father. Who is tho object of your nll-devonr- ing passion, eh, Dick, my boy'" the old gentleman asked. Somo chit of a sebcol girl?" "ITer nam? is Wilkin,' replied Ibe young tnnu. "bho is a widow a double widow,! will say for she has been married twice, nnd is come, don't let your chin drop to such au nbrming extent, for out- bido of all sh9 is worth 450,000, although that, in my case, is a feather's weight in Ihe scales. She is nctuallv thirty-six.but looks ten years yonnger, and is ns pretty ns n picture. She lins one child, n daughter, who is nt sobool iu Tarls, bnt she is heiress to a cool $100,000, she is not nn incumberance by nny means." "Dick nnllidny, you're n fooll" ex claimed the old gentlemin. "The wo man is nlmo8t old cue ugh to be your mother." 'Not quite ns bad ns that," I ny, sir, she's almost old cnonsh to bi jour mother! Havo you committed yourself has she ensnared yon?" "Don't you remember your old Agree ment, father, that when I thought of marrying I would consnlt with yon be fore tnkiog tbo step? I will therefore ln trodncj vo'i to Mrs. Wilkini, let jou study her character, nnd tben nbiilo by your decision; for I hnve no doubt ns to what it will be." AhT'sttd tbo old gentlemie, "that's better. Yon may introduce me, Dick, aud I pro nise yon my unbiased opiulon. of the bewitching creature. "All right. When will you go?" "To-night, to-morrow, nny time you please; but see here,' Dick, to change the subject, bow about this London busi ness? It's goiug to ruin." Well I suppose we will bave to send a man to look after it" 'Send!" cried tho old man. "That won't do nt nil; one or the other of us mnst go. We've trusted entirely too much of late, and our homo interests nre nlmost ns bad ns our foreign. Now, Dick, I'll tell you what I'll do, If yon will go to Loudon aud straighten things np, I'll give yon my answer concerniu your llauio the moment you rot urn. I've been over so often Unit tho very thought of going makes too sick- Come, what do you say. Dick?" "If you desire it, father. Ill go, cer tatuly." "Tbcu that's settled. Where are yon off to now?" "I wns goiuj! np to th Astor. but I'll wait until evening, and tben you cau ac company me," "All rig'it, Diok, n'l right; only don' commit yourstlf. Hi, ware of widows yon know." Tint evening Halliday and son repair ed to tho Axtor House and were una dueled to one nt tho private j nrlors. In a few uiitiiittH Mrs. Wilkius entered, mid It was plaiu to be sjen that tho old gen tlom.ui wph Bumzod, II) did not wonder nt bis son's inf-.tu ilinn uud nfterwnrdnc- knowledged Ur tu lo the most beautiful worn in be h.vl e ver seeu. When nt length they took their deparlure, after spending u dtlightiul evening, the son said; "What do yon say, father?" "Give mo time, my boy, jive me time."' was the reply. The next day but ono DIek started for London. The weather was fair, tun pa. sage n prosperous one, nna uo reacnea his detinalioiit,afo nnd sound, lie found tho hnfiiH8s li a terrible stato and had hii binds aud lulud fully occupied, nnd a week slipped by. Oae morning lio re ceived a letter from bis father, n portion of which rau ns follows; "Concerning the widow. I nm well pleaied with your choice. She is n good vomm ns good as beautiful. A trifle too old for you is my only objectiou." Another week weut by, and another letter came, in which, speaking of the widow, the old man said: "I am astonished otyour extraodinary good judgmeut in such n matter. The more I Bee the lady tbo better I am pleased. She is a rooit excellent lady in every respeot. A triflo too old for you is my only objection." "Good!" i-aid Dick to himself. ' I KV 1 wl1' Btav a we!k on mv "wu ojnnt, now that the business Is cleared ' up, aud do Liudoa, The old gentlem a Year if Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1.25. seems to be well pleased, nnd I gutsi by the time I got homo lib only objection will havo been overcome, Not that I otro a straw for bis ppiuiou one way or the other, but peace is preferable to war nt nny lime." And, Inking n pictnro of the widow from his pockt, ho embraced it most af fectionately. So be rcui-iiuoJ ai-o'ber week nnd did Loudon thoroughly. On the tlay beforo be wns to havu s.ulsd for home he re o. ived another letter from hit futLcr, saying: 'My Dear. Ilor. I never was more pleased with n wonnu in nil my life. She i an angel, I dou't woi djr at your lov ing her. She is pnre.boues1, everything ,u lmaglue lur to be, but sue ciia nev er mirryytut, It is impossible. I don't Jilt) lo bu severe, but it can never be. Tlio truth is, Dick, sho his lcmne my wire. Unit t be u fool now, but come nt one--. A trine to old was my only ob jection. 'Your nlleclionnto inlbcr, HicHAitD Halliday." To say that Dick was enrigul would but faintly describe his feelings; he fair ly boiled. He wrote immediately to hi lather, tUUus bloi: Iu Ibe future your foreign business may go to tho d 1 nud your home in terests too." Then, ufler ornwlng n good sum of money, he depart! d for tho continent. Fur two years he wandered from place to pi ice, nnd at the end of that time ho found himself in 1 rii. Here ho fortu nately fell iu with nn n"qnatutaucQ he hnd made whilo in London, and who had Bince married andjnas theul doing busi ness in Paris. At bis friend's house one- evening ho was introduced to a young American ady, of wbomho becamo enamored nt first sight. Trie young lady, Miss Julia Kenlridgo by name, was to start for Now York in n few days, and on hearing this Dick en gaged passage ou tho same Bteamer. Tho voypgo wns a pleasant'one, nnd before thoy arrived'at Snndy Hook Miss Julia bnd promised that, with her mother's consent, she would become Dick's wife. When they reached' the city tho young lady found n carriage injwniting for her, nnd Dick, having determined en ter his father's bouse, for the time be ing at least, went direct to an obscure hotel. Tho next day ho mounted the steps of the Madison avenue mnnxion nnd rang tho bell. A scrvaut ushered him into tho parlor, nnd shortly afterward entered Miss Kenlridgo. When they bad greeted each other after the usual manner ofovers, Julia said. "If you will excuse mo for n moment, Itiohard.I will go nnd inform my mother that you have come. Dick was seated under n window.Iook- ing out, nnd did not notice her return till she said: "Mr. Hulliday, allow me to -" Dick had turned nt tho sound of her voice, ready to appear nt his best, 'tit lie staggered back fairly thunderstruck, for there'behiud her stood tho late widow his father's wife. 'I really " ho gasped, "I that is, I did not " Of course yon did not," said the lady helping him out. "How could you? But here is yonr lather." "Yes, here I nm, Dick, my boy," said the old gentleman, rushing in, "How are you, lad, how nre you J" They shook hands cordially, nnd the old man said: "Dick, my Ud, you'ro trapped you're ensnared. My wife nnd I were iu Pari to bring Julia home, nnd when she told us of hermeetiug with you wo just put uur heads together to mako n in itch of it. Wi ciuio over with you.ou the samo steamer." "Keally, though," said Dick, address iug his step-mother, "when I heard you sp -nking of your daughter beiug ntoohool I imagined her to be a little girl, Lot n young In-y." "Ob, no! I was married to Mr. Kent ridge when qnlto on njr, nud Julia is now 19." , "I've mo obj otion tbis timo,lad,noue at all, A triflj too old was my only objec tion bofure, you know, bu! ha!" and bo weut off in a lit of laughter that nearly choked hint. After dinner the old gentleman said "Well, Dick, our foreign business is goiug to tbo bad, sure enough, and think the best thing you can do is to marry at tnceand take your bride abroad and look after it. I did not sell the old bouse wheti I bought this one, and upon your return I will have it ready for jou to occupy." And thus it was arranged. The house or Halliday ,t Son still flourishes, and tho children, grsud chil dren, and what-not bearing that name, for their relationship is ratLer mixed,aie numerous. K0W TOE SALA3IK3 WERE PAID. lletween 1777 aud 1781 Iho Territory of Tennessee (ren'ly part of Norlb Carolina) maintained a State government under the name of "Frauklyn." Iuthe oldrtoords quoted once by Daniel Webster in a Congressional speech staud the follow ing curious statements of the way pay ments were inadd in h time the pto pie hid uo current mouey: "Ha it enacted by the Gcnoral Assem bly of tho State of Frauklyn, that Iri.m the first day of January, 177'J. the salur ies of the oHlccrs of this Conimouwoullh be ns follows, to wit: "His Eteellency the Governor, per nn-J niun, 1,000 deer shins; "His Honor the Chief Jnstice.COO deir skins, or C00 racoon skins; rbeTreubutir of the State, 450 rne coou skii.s; "Cb ik of tbo House of CommonB, 200 raccoou skius; "Member of Assembly, per diem, three racor.ou skius; "Entered Into n law the 18th day of October, 1771), under the great seal ot tbo State." The wcJl-Torn burlesque of the "lenth- ermedal snggeslsnvagaerererfncetotbe n times when skins were the only money. The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Family Nowrpiiiwr Published nvcry A3 UHDAY, In Lehlghton, Carbon l'v.,ra., by IIAltKY V. OTOUTIIlinim. orncE-nAXKWAY. a short rlistanco abcr the Lehigh Valley It. R, Depot. Terms: $1.00 pertain in Advance RVEnv Ditscnirrios op rurx niter J ob Printing AT VllltV LOW TRICKS, MAKING FACES AT MY D0X In the early day, of wlntis now very rich nnd wldily circulated Michigan weekly newspaper, the editor bad occas ion to b;stow some ndvice on n rich nml iiiflnciillal I'itiz-n. Tlio advico was not very kindly takit. On tho contrary. Wind mis sent to tho nfli-io that iu cast tho olTnse was repeated somebody would l e nmlo lo s'lff.r for it. It was prompt ly repeated, of cnirse, and the influential citizen soon appealed stud bgan: "Sir! yon have sseu fit to attack ma through the colilmusnf your papT, Yu hnve declared war. I accept it. From tbis on it shall be war to the knife. My j brother will withdraw his advertising. " "Never advertised a line with us," re plied the stlilor. "I will ask my friends to refuse yon all job work " "This whole town doesn't hs.Ve tlO worth n year." "You shall hayo uo more legjl adver tising." "Never had a tquare of it yet.nud don't exptct nny." "Sirl" nxclaimed influential, ns ho piusx-d ii.Jbis walk, "I will ride throned the ccuiitiv and stop your sutiscripiiiu.s; yes, sir, I will loso yon 400 subscriber between this anil winter!" 'How many?" , "Four hundred, sir." ' Oolouc-1 I'lankl" shouted the editir, as he rose up in his wrath, "yon nre the biggest fool in Americnt How on earth are ynu gnm to take lOOJsnbscribers off my bouks when Hio'iGazettk fcns only 353, counting in nil the dead-heads nnd djn'-Va's? Go awnv, sir! Go and take yonr revenge by throwing stones at u y cow nuit making np faces nt my dog." Old Boreas on tlio Rampage The wind whistled ninund tno ehtmnov toss and steeples, and blow bricks down In to tlio stlcet scaring the people who walked below. Snow.sleel ond hail drove Into Iho faces of thoso who Harcd expose themselves and niBilo them billion their coats tight around their tltroals. Of course there wes sore throats ami colds and coughs and rheu matism the next day. But what worn theo to men and women whocoubl s'ep Into any drug store anil buy a botllo of Pkhry Dav is's Pais Kii.lkr? HAPPILY HE-UNITED. An exchange gives the billowing interest ing item : J. D. Bunnell, ol ono timo n resident of Toil Jervis, N. Y. says that about two years ago his wife began proceedings for a divorce. It wns tbo old story on impulsive courtship, a happy marriogo and a gradual estrangement. Mr. Bunnell made no opposition to tho proceed ings and soon aflerwarda the divorce was' granted, Mrs. Bunnell kept the only child, a bright boy of seven, and opened a hair dressing establishment in Port Jcrvis and this fall went to Philadelphia to llvo with a sister. Mr. Bunnell, had been employed ns a commercial traveler by a Curbondala firm. Tho little boy proved a bond of union between the two and a correspondence was opened between them in relation to tho child, in which many messoges were ex changed. Finally Mr. Bunnell proposed to telieve his late wife of the "expense of edu cating the boy by taking the lad tn tho home of his grandmother, in Carbondate. From that place lie weut to Philadelphia. This of course brought fulhor and mother together. The result of the interview was the rekindling of the old love flames. A reconciliation took place and they resolyod to again unllo fortunes. Mr. Bunnell re turned toCarbondalewith tho hoy end a few days ago his wife followed and they were ugaln married. "BUCHUPAIBA." Quick, complete cure, all unnoylng Kid ney, Bladder and brnluary Diseases. $1. Druggists. A qnack doctor wunld look with dis gust upon a present of n cane with a duck's head carved upon it. A soft answer turnoth nway wralb, but nothiugshnrt of a pike-toed boot will turn nway n book-peddler. Sometimes when the doclor orders you to a warmer cliu nto be docs not re fer to tho other world. Tho l.isi"lra bat may be strong enough to break a cauirl's ba-k, bnt it would bo too wmk too raim a cobbler. W. Goodrich. Wnglilsville, Ph., saysi "Brown's lion Uitlers entirely cured mo of loss of appetite and lack of energy." Yon, asks n burlier which wny he shnyes.up or down. The barber quickly answers, down. There is n woman in Tyrone so ru"an that she LoiU s.iuer kraut iu nn iron safe to keep lur neighbors Irom getting a smell. The latest claimant for n pension puts his caso ou thegrouud that bis fnlh er seut out a substitute who wns shot pr ba'dv for desertion. "There Is no arguing a coward In'o courige." But eyn the coward may be brave after Irving Kidney Wort, that medi cine of wnndt-rftil elliei.ey in all diseases of tin liver and kidneys. It is prepared in unui i ito il rv rimi liqiuil loriu anil ran ai. ways bo relied on hs an elective cathartic nud diuretic. Try it. When you fret uud Dime t the petty1 ills of lifo remembtr that Ibe wheels which go round without cracking last longest, Out in Ohio Ihey revive a fainting mau by putting n piece of liniburgrr cheese to his nose. If th re's ny life in him be gets tip and travels. Important Proclamation. The Ifoii. Peler d"we is Bherirfof lh City ond County of New York. JtecenUy in conversation with nneof our reporters, Mr. Bttwo proclaimed Iho following lacti "I consider St. Jacob's Oil an excellent rein edy, and one that ought certainly find its way into every household. Mrs. Bowe al ways has a bottle of it there, and makes a family remedy of It." -Vew I'ortt Ertmnq TUeqram. '. . . i The fashion of short sleeves neyer made pretty arms, but it is mora than probable that pretty arms made short sleeves fashionable. Profaaily never did any roan the least good. No man Is ricbeheppier or wiser for It It rreorcmends no ono to society. it it diseniUni! to refined people, end. abominable, to tbe good,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers