SATURDAY, JANUAIlY 27, 1883. Our Neishborhood in Brief. For tho week cmllngon UielOth inst, them war 73,(130 loni of coal shlipil over the Lehigh Sc Susquehanna RIl., making n total for the .year lo that daloof 217,424 tons, a decrease as compared with sanio limolast year of 4,240 tons. For the week ending on the 20th inst., 61,123 tons of coal was transported over the h. V. Uil., making a total of 8(50,782 tons to that dale, and showing a ilccrcnto of 2,555 as compared with saino time last year. arMrs. Mamlo J. Mullen, fashionable dressmaker, corner of Second and South itreets, this borough. Pcr'ect tils and work liianship guaranteed. Wax Flowers of all designs at lowest prices. White Flowers for luucrals a specially. A raflle for a etcer weighing 2055 pounds will be bold at Wm. Mantz'a hotel, West Penn.on March 2Cth and 27th. Mrs. Matilda, wlfo of W P. Long, and daughter of the lato David Clouts, dee'd, died in this borough, on Sunday ovcnlng last, of consumption. The funeral took on Wednesday afternoon, and was very largely attended by relatives and frituds. Deceased was 40 years of ago. SDVhn wants to exchange Town prop erty lir a Farm of 142 acres, with good new buildings and fine Iruit trees on it. Address, W. M. IUrsiicu, this borough. On Saturday miming tho friends of Mrs. Eliuzabeth W., wilo of John Marlyn, of Beaver Meadow, were slnrlled on hear ing of her suddnn death. Deceased linger ed only a fow days of cardiac paralysis. She reached the ago of 5B years. Her re mains wero taken lo Philadelphia on the 9:45 train on Tuesday. The Slalo Encampment ot the Grand Army of tho Republic will meet in Willies harre on January 30 and will be in session for two days Preparations are being uiarfo by Ely Post, No. 117, to entertain ouo tlious jind delegates and visitors. SB-Tliero was sold on Saturday, 25th, ilt.,at Hagaman's store, I,ehlghlon, seven-1y-ouo dollars wortli ol watches and jewel ly, lor ono family. Tho people of Giradylllo, Schuylkill fountv, are indignant over tho fact that te vcial Girardville ladies wele struck and 0 Tcrely injured with snow balls in Potts ville. Girardvillo says quite plainly thai Pottsyllla ought lo huvo a police force that will protect ladies in tho publio streets. The houses of Joseph Allen, Andrew Miller, John Bridegoom, Uriah Eicbclbcrg r and Mrs. McBrido and the office of C. W. Brown, lumber dealer, In South Bethle hem, wero entered by burglars on Saturday night and Sunday morning. The thieves got only $8 in money and two articles of jewelry hy the raid. 5ulf you wanta nice smooth,cnsy shave Y ur hair cut or shampooing, go to l'r.uiz ..oodercr a Saloon, under tiic bxclmnge Ho tel. He will fix you right, and don't you lorgot It. Mm. Brodhead, mnlhcr of A, G Brodhead, suneWulcndcnt of tha Beaver Meadow division of the Lehigh Vallov Railroad, died at her son's residence, at Maueh Chunk, Sunday night. Her age was eighiy-fivo yc-irs. Tho Phoenix Iron Company's iron mines at Uoyerlnwn, Berks rou my, which have been idle for mora than a year, were pulin working order this week. Rev. Robert Weightman, oflhe Metho dist Episcopal Church, Sheiiadoah, died at Ills residence Sunday innrnint:. He wits Deputy Grand Master of Ilia Odd Follows al the lime of his death. CrM. Flnrey, of Weisport, has now on hand and for bale a large stock of Horto Blankets, Lt and IluII.iin Robe-). Bells, Whips, and Double and Single Iluriicss, aultablo for winter use, all of which he will dis.vjsaofot very reas"iijblo prices. The people of MMlianny City were shocked by a horrible nliair shortly bi'foro midnight Monday night. A sleighing party pi 'cd through tho town at that time, and in driving down tiie principal street diop ped or threw nut of the sleigh a small box. The box was picked up by persons who saw it lull, ami on examining it they were hor rified to find that it coiilalned Hie mutilated corpse of a new born lube. Its head was severed from its body aud it was otherwise, mangled. Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Surgeon Deutist, of Broadway, Mauch Chunk, bus had a practice ol over 20 ears, and is prob ably tho oldest resident dentist in this val ley. Tha Dr'a work -speaks for itself, anil the fact that all critical work ill tliu region is given hi in is a bulfieient guarantee of bis sup nor ability as a Surgeon Dentist. The engine MV. C. Alderioo," which took the 3:25 train from this place Friday, while detached from its train at at Weather ly, and being turned on the turn table, was run iuto by the passenger traiu coining from AudenrUd, which runs from Wealh crly to Black Creek Junction without un engine. Tho train in rpicsliou was ill charge of John A. Lyman, who was unable to control it on account of the ice and snow which had accumulated on the track during tha storm. The engino wai knocked en tirely oiTthe track, delaying trams thirty minutes. Jfazlcton Plaik Speaker. The cigar store of Francis Hunsicker.of Alleutowu, was robbed Friday niglrtof six thousand cigars. Several days ago the shop of T, D. Kemercr was eutered aud robbed of J ,600 cigars. Mr. James Cole, a prominent ealoon keeperof Hazleton,died on Saturday even ing at about half-past eleven o'clock. De ceased was well-known in Luzeine ajd Carbon rauuties. He bad been complain. jng fur some time, but was competent to at tend to hU business Until a few days before Ills death. The remains wero taken to UurlKvill-s, Berks county for interment. Tha sweet sleigh bells I tho sweet sleigh bells I How cheerfully the music swells, Iteverlwtinc; through the dells, By Cyuthea's palo lieums lighted. While the lovers in their youthful pride j Bit in the cutler siduby side; And o'er the snowy surface glide. With "Love's young dream," delighted. specially is this so, when tho teams sre procured at the papular livery of David Robert, nu Iorlh street, this boroujh. There are entirely loa many child ran run ning around the streets till 9 and III o'clock every evening. Parents should keep the young ones In the house alter dark. There re too tnanv bad habits lobe learned on the street. Gsorgie, a bright little by of shout four years, son of Daniel Bach nun, Weatherly, died of typhoid fever un Saturday. A two-year-old child ul James Brady, of Colrraiu'e, died suddenly ou Friday i-f last week. The- railroad war, between the New jw itgi,HUgwuiiiii ,Uglallil UUI I Toad Company and Ihe hehlgh uud Lacka wauna Railroad Company in the sl.ilu n giun of Korlhauiplon muuiy tlil I ooiiilniirs. Tin) IroubU seems to huvo been caused by Loth parties eUimiug the right of way, Mrs. Charles AlUuton, an aged resi dent of Beaver Meadow mines, died sud denly -n V'uday morning Tho funeral on Bandar was Isrjey sUfndcd. rcople who- cannot spend the season ol winds and cold rains In sunny Florida should keep Dr. Bull's Cough 8yrup In tho house. It Is the best remedy fur colds and ouglnnnd will relievo sufferers atenco. Tho well known Rov. Moses Dissliiger, the Methodist rovlvalisl,ls reported serious ly III in Kansas. Xcw counterfeit quarter dollar) of the date of 18711 are In circulation.. Gen. James h. Selfrldgc, a native of Allenlown, for some years past a resident ol Philadelphia, has been mado Heallh Officer of the last named city. Forcpaugh's big show will be in Allen town on Wednesday, May 9, Easton, May 5, Wllkesbarrc, May 7, aud Scranlon, May 8th. Mr. Gideon Stnul, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Catasauqua, died on tho lOlh inst., altera brief illness with deadly typhoid fever, at the alvanced ago of 71 years. Tho Secretory of tho Treasury has au idolized tho coinage of a now five-cent nickel piece. The coin Is lo be a little thin ner than tho present fiyo cent nickel. On ihc face Is n lemalo head, surrounded wilh n filler, upon which Is Inscribed tho woid "Liberty," the whole being surrounded by thirteen slars. The reverse sidecoutains a wveath surrounding a Roman numeral. If you want to go to Dakota read the advertisement relative to Fur ins and II lines in another column. This year's State Temperance Convcn- tl in will ba held al Ilarrisburg on Thursday aid Friday, February 8th and 9th. John P. St. John, ex Governor of Kansas, will deliver tbo opening address. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Compauy will soon light its shops in South Easlon, Delano, Weulherly, Hazleton, and Wilkes barrc wilh electricity. Tuesday morning while Mrs. Howard Arnold, of Easton, wos In the yard of her dwelling her little daughter, 14 months old, played wilh the firo and was soon nbaze. The mother returned just aa tho flumes reached their height. She threw a bucket of water over tho child, but, though the flames wero extinguished, tho burns were to serious that tho little girl died within an hour alter the disaster. Tho Hazleton 1'lain Speaker and the DaiTy Bulletin ore nt loggerheads. Result: llulklin knocked out; of lime, and looking up for hard wordsto annihilate Speaker. Better stop it now I Remember Little Child ren's hands were never mado to tear out each other's eyes out I Tho number of sleighing parties pass ing through town during tho week were in deed numerous. A very lively and pleasurable occasion was tho hop, at J. W. Ruudeubusb's Carbon House, on Friday evening last, upon which occasion about Zt) couples ol our young folks met to trip the light faulaslic mid enjoy Jake's well-known hospitality. We have had tho coldest weather of tho season during tho past week, the ther mometer going as low as 8 to 12 degrees bo low zero. Whew. Borough and lowushlji elections on the third Tuesday of February. Is it not about lime to trot out your candidates ? Tho pavements in some parts of our borough aro in a wretched condition tlioso belonging to the borough ns well as to pri vate citizens. The Council should huvo the pavements in Iront of borough properly nicely cleaned, and then make tho citizens lollow suit. Tho walking on soino of then is dangerous. In compliance wilh Iho request of a number of our leaders in Mahoning Valley, wo this neck print dry's "Elegy Written in a Country Cl.urchyuiii," uu our first page. Elmer Ziegenfues, a lad employed in Goorgo Fiey's store, Allcntown, robbed the till of $23 and then coolly asked Mr. Frey for thirty cents to buy a ticket I le. He got away before llio tlioll was discovered Harvey B. Smith, of the ,Veatherlv Jliiahl, and Mr. Roberts, the barber, weio in town attending the Sullivan Miley raic, on Thursday lasl,nnd wliilaiu town drop cd in to see us. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Witt ern Railroad Compauy has pun-luind lnij.0 and valuable tracts of coal lauds in II over Township, Luzerne county. J. Roberts, Jr , ami M. ' . Dieibbch,f Wilkcsbarre, limn secured a perpetual lease of the propel ly of W. R. Mullet, at Sugar Notch, which include some valuable cial measures, fur the development ofwhiihn breaker will bo erected and a slope sunk. The coal is understood to bo 400 Icetdeip the lirsi team being nino leet thick and ol com! quality. It is intended to put things in shape for milling coal at tho earliest pus siblo moment. Tho 6ixly third session of tho rhila delphia Annual Conference of Iho Metho dist Episcopal Church will be held on the 14lh ol March In Laucaster, Pa, Bishoi Bowman will preside. The Conference was held in Lancaster in 1855, It is now com posed of 26S members, for whom ample ac commodatious will hi made. Dominick Coll, of Jeanesville, buried a son aged about 8 years ou Sunday, who hod been sullen tig from injuries received when an Infant. In Allenlown Saturday night Mrs Julius Buesch was struck in tho face by a snowball saturated with vitiiol, Two wo men were anested on a charge brought by Mrs. Ilueseh, but at a hearing Tuesday night lliey were discharged. Agangol burglars, whose operations Iiavo been chieJIy confined lu towns in the eastern end of Schuy,kill county, are work lug their way westward. Monday night the safes at Hour mills ul Schuylkill Iluycn and Cressona wero blown mien, but fortu nately oult contained small umounls Tuesday night the Philadelphia and Read iug station at Now Philadelphia was euter ed but uo money was found, Tho lumber yard of W, D. Raber, at Port Carbon, was also visited, tho r.tliee entered an an unsuc cessful attempt made to blow open the safe Thero will be an adjourned meeting of our citizens held at the Exchauge Hotel on Friday evening next, Feb. 2nd, lor th further consideration of introducing water into the borough, Ihe meeting will convene at 7:30 o'clock, aud all our citizens who can should beuresent. A good water supply will do more to advance the iuteresls of the town than anything else that can be doue at this time. Keep the ball rolling. A GREAT CAVE-IH I Nearly Forty Acros of Land Sinking In Wilkesbarro. At about 8:30 o'clock Wednesday morn ing a serious cayo-ln occurred In tho neigh borhood of Scott and Kidder streets, in tha Second Ward of Wilkcsbarre. The ground for a space of twenty acres or more wascnv ered with cracks and seams, and tho report of the earth giving away was something similiar to a loud explosion. The disaster occurred before many of the rcs'deuls In the locality had risen, and for awhile the great est consternation prevailed. Men, women and children rushed out of their houses Into the cold, freezing atmospheie half clad and terror-stricken with fright, and thoir fear was quite natural, ns many of tho houses showed signs of dropping oyer any minute, tho ceilings of many of them having fallen lo the floor, and the buildings were other wlso injured. Tho streets wire soon crowded, with peo ple and u search was begun to ascertain the causo of all the disturbance. Lanterns and miners' lamps wero brought into requisition and it was not long before the nxact situa tion of u Ha Irs was learned. Along Scolt Street was discovered numerous zig-zag flips, from two to four and five Inches in widlh, running diagonally aeross the thor oughfare and under tho houses that line Scott street, in the vicinity of tho Baltimore, Boyd's and Barney Boyle's stored. Theao seams wero threatening in character, aud naturally (ended lo greatly increase the alarm that was lolt. Those carrying Ian terns In Ihe search were followed by excited crowds, many ol them children, aud some women, who, upon tho discovery of each uew team, would cry out iu tho greatest agony of distrccs. When daybreak dawned the excitement was somewhat allayed, but not to any. ex tent. The news spread rapidly, and in less than two hours alter the cave-in, thousands were ou tho spot or in tho immediate vi- cinily. Too must conflicting reports were afloat, which only went to add to the al ready excited feeling existing among the property owners, who feared another shock at any moment which would leave them homeless and penniless. The greatest d. im age was lound to bavo been dotio on Scott ttreet. Hero scams run across the street every fow leet, some of them measuring four or five indies in width. Tho pave ments had been filled up iu some places to the height of several feet. The houses on each side of the way had nearly all beeu more or less seriously In jured, ceilings anil plaslcr work had been shaken dowu,doors jammed to, or the frame work forced apart, floors had been split and tne foundations of many structures seriously lamaged. Tho residence of Frederick Laudmesser was greatly damaged. Tho flours are split und tho foundation walls cracked and thrown out of place in such a manner that it seem almost Impossible for tho house to remain standing. Further lown tho street are the buildings owned by Mrs. Haines and tho residenco of Peter 0' Donncll, which are ulmost ruined. The seams run across thestrcetand under mauy of the buildings. Tho foundation walls of nearly all of tho structures ou Scolt street are more or less injured. Tho school house built of brick, although ilself almost unin j il red, isf inrounJed by gapii.g earlh cracks. one of which runs completely under the building, aud no school was held in conse quenco. Tho ground in many places has sunk ful ly a foot below the surtaco level. The ter ritory Unit has thus caved in la situated over the old ubandoiied woikiugs once worlel by the Delaware and Hudson Ca nal Company. !t is supposed that the props iu th fifteen loot Baltimore vein, situated about 2S0 feef bclew the surface, have lotted and given way, thus causing Iho disaster, though old uud reliable miners contend that the accident is the result of pillar robbing The entire extent of tho cave-in comprises n space of nearly forty acres, most ol which is covered with dwellings and other build ings. During Iho day many people moved anav from the tee no ol the disaster as it il thoii4ht that this is but the beginning of a more serious trouble. 3I1I1I.AH ACCIDENTS. Three poisons were killed by the cavil g in of acojl mine, December 19, 1809, at Stockton, Pa, A cave in of a mine at Wil- liainstown, pa , killed three men January 24, 1873. The roofof tho Diamond Mine,at rautnn, Pa., loll In un November '.'J, 1877, killing two miners. Bellevtie, Pa,, caved in November 24, IS7S. Diamond Mine, ul Scranlon, Pa , fell in December 4, 1877. Pittston Mine caved inal Pittstou, January 10, 1877. A mine at Wllkesbarrc, Pa., fell iu April 24, 1879, entombing seven men,af terward rescued. A mino at Ox lord, Pa., caved iu January 12, 1880. Mine No. 4, of tho Philadelphia Company. near Shenadoah, Pa., caved in May 19, 1S80. MinestBalti more, ra., caved m .".larch 11, IKS.!. Mahoning- Twinklings. Sunday a week ago Messrs. David M. Balliet and Jacob II. Jjongacra wereufl'to Beltzvllle, sleighing. They enjoyed their ride ever so much, David wasout on Thurs day last; ho called It only "a revicir of tbo ono he and his Wend Juke took." The only diirercnce was, that on tho rovlew ho had a lemalo and on the first a malo companion. Miss Snyder, ol Lehigh county, is the guest of Miss Soidie aud Mrs. Hoppcs. The weather hits boon very cold during the past week, exaclly ns prophcsyid by Iho noted weather prophet of Centre Square. Who says Juke does not understand it? Some of our people ask the question, "Why are Iho Mahoning Item, not more Interesting 7" Others iisk ('Who repjrte.l this ugnlti 7" In this case two things ba e to bo viewed at Iho same time, first, who can I please; second, who can I displease by repotting. Another thing it that the pcopto must act mora Interesting. C. II. Seidln was In Philadelphia dur ing the first part of tho week. The Pleasant Corner High School Is in a flourishing condition. It is recognized as ono of the highest in Carbon county. The class of '83 o insists of five imilu ami ono lu male, viz : G. P. Freyman, who is leading the class, David Ilalliet,Jonathan Freyman, II. P. Painter. A. G. Musselman and Mary M. Klstlcr. They are at preont translat ing Written Arithmetic, demonstrating Latin, Greek and Algebrn,aiid next term they will read Geometry and Aluiaiinc. There was no Institute last Saturday on account of the unpleasant weather. Tl.o next Institute will bo held ot the New Ma honing School House, in tho morning ut 9 o'clock, ou tho 3rd of February. The pro gramme will be Grammar and History, a debate, and a lecture on "The Development of tbo Mental Faculties," by II. A. Kelser. F 2.1 18 89 Packorton Schools Report of tho schools of Paclierton for tho mouth ending Jan. 20, 1883 : QltAUMAR SCHOOL. M No. of pupils enrolled 20 Averago attendance 17 Per rant, ol attendance b5 Tho following named pupils attended every day during tho month Robert Sny der, Charles Mertz, Calvin Frederic, Win. Zimmerman, Lizzie Davis, Lizzie Trelhc way, Susan Walp, Lizzio Everett, Carriu Yohe aud Allco Ditterlinc. Charles Yohe, Daisy Koons, Grace Hamp ton and Ida McKclvey each lost ouo day. ritlllARY SCHOOL. M F T No. of pupils enrolled 31 31 02 Average attendance 27 24 51 Per ceul. ol attendance 87 75 81 The following named pupils attended every day during the mouth Willie Halm, Edgar Frilzinger, Harry Zellner, Elmer Ho mely, Thomas Wnrge, Harry Harleiiian, Bernard Bogduuskl, George Sanders, Andy Snyder. Georgo Hahn, Eddie Kooris, Oscar Frederic, Alyin Johnson, Huriy Ditterlinc, Barbara Kinsel, Susan Soil, Emma Everett, Ida SehaeiTcr, Mary Walek, Alma Trelhe way, Mattie Wulp, Bellle Bogdanski aud Ida ShoUcnlierger. Elmer Calfiey, W'li. nnntz,Jnhn Sanders, Harry Horn, Harry Burns.Aduiii Solt, Chas, Horn, Eugeno Collins, Carrie Iloutz, Ellie Cnll'rey, Annie Reinaly und Gertie Weidaw, each misted one day. Tho new American Arilhmeticaud Mitch ell' series of Geographies lately introduced in the tchools give perfect satisfaction to teachers and pupils. C. A. Rittkr, Principal. fng Ihe lest two years 673 persons wero kill j cd and 2,024 wero Injured In and about the anthracite collieries of Pentny Ivanln. This has cauecd great distress and misery In many humble homes, and if It Is possible tnpri ylde some plan by which tho business could ba robbed of Its perils,!! is tho part of states manship lo do so. Ii. V. E. R. Report. Thn report of tho Board of Managers of the Lohlgh Valley Railroad Company, pre sented to the stockholders Tuesday, Ifith inst, ot the annual meeting, showed that thero had been a slight falling nil- in the net earnings ol the roarl last year, owlug to lit expenditures for Improvements. Not withstanding this lact tho earnings suffice to pay two nr cent, more dividend than was paid for the preceed lug year. Tho re Jmii t shows an iiicrenso of coal tonnage, which was as lollows: Anlracile. 0,257,1 511 toni; bituminous, 73,982 tons; total, 0,331V 141 tons. And for each of the past five ycursi 1S78,3,4S9,593 tons; 1879, 4,113,285 lous; 1S80, 4,072,724 lotisj Wl, 5,870,701 tons. The Increase from all rources, Including Interest received from investments, etc," ntiinuntod to $11 ,239,312.78; spending ex penses of tho road f 5,833,077.34 leaving a balance of $5,405,035.42. Against this bal ance thero has been charged : Interest on bonds (including interest and dividends on cuurauteed bonds and stoeks) $2,019,733.72 im'meuus ou pre lerred and common stocks 2,330,515.50 General expenses, inleiest nu floating debt, Pennsylvania anil New Jersey Slate taxes, loss on Morris Canol, etc... 375,490.43 Amnuiilcharged for estimated accumu lated depreciations. 554,348.93 -5,300,088.51 Balance lo be car ried to the credit of the profit and loss account $105,046.01 The capital account at the closeof the fis cal year was as follow : Preferred stock $ 100,300 Common stock, in cluding scrip not yet converted 27,490,895 Tola I First mortgage 0 per cent bonds (coupon ond registered) due In IMS Sec-md Mortgage 7 per cent boudii, reg istercd.iluein 1911). Consolidated mort gage 0 per cent bonds, duo in 1923, except sterling bonds : Sterling ?4,013,300 Cupc .- 1,952.(100 Registered .-. 7,498.000 Annuity . 350,000 527,003,193 5,000,000 6,000,000 14,013,000 i uaismuMiwaiiaabMiiiMg.Ji.Hsiifiana Orphans' Conrt. lviil tlnnnf Annabel Simnler.mlnnr child nf Julia B. Simpler, dee'd, for guardian. Fied. llerbdetto was appointed. Estate nf Pelcr S. M vers, deo'd I petition nf W, V. Slleeter, ndmrlilstiator, lor salu ol real estate. Petition granted. In the matter of the eslato nf Renin n Merkham, return to enter ol sale. Report rend and sale confirmed nisi. In real eslato of Jacob Snyder, dee d ; motion for appointment ofHUdltor W, G. I reyiiian was appointed auditor. In real eslato of Oliver Breiuiscr, deo'di motion lor nil appointment id ail Auditor. Suinuel R. Gilham was iippotnleil auditor. STOCK MARKETS. Closing prices of Do llavcu Sc Town'end, Hankers, Xt. 40 Snulli Tiilril Street, mil' ailelphia. SIocks bought and bold oilhcr lor cash ur on margin. Thilaielphia, January 25, 188.1. hid asked UfiS'i.nxr 101 llllt U S CuiU'licv Oil 130 U S 3' Ext.'. 11133 Ho US 41, now 1 1 Hi 113 U S4- I IKS Pennsylvania li It filii f.OJ Philadelphia i- Heiidliis R I! 27.3 27i Lehigh Valley It It I!4J r,5 bi-lilgli I'oul at rtaviiiHiiim (;. Z'Ji .Vi Unire.l N J It R A- Cniial Co IS8 190 Northern Central It R Co 34) 33 Hestoiivlllo 1' It 11 C 15 13) Buff. Pilltburg & West. R R Co... 18V 11-2 Ccnlfal Triiiispoitation Co 331 .".4 .loflhern l'ji-iln: Com 49 J;J " " Picfd M4J K Norlh Penti'vlvmiia It li CO M Philaito!phiH.t Erie R 1! 21 214 Silver, (Trades) 99j 99J siAiti:ii::. REF.DER-GEOROE.-On tho 13lh Inst, by Rov. J. If Ilailiiian, William Lewis Reeder and Miss Lucy Amanda George, all of Lc-highton, Pa. SI'I'CIAL NOT UHS. A CARD. .To all who are suffering from Ihe errors and Imllscrottons 0 outh. nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &o , 1 will send a reclno that will euro jou, FHEK Of (ill A III) II. This ureal remedy was ili-cov. crcd tiy a missionary In South America. Send a scir-addressed envelope to the Jtuv. Juscpu T. Is man, Station 1, New York lllty. aug. ly. PIMPLES. A Stop Taken to Start a Wetor Company, A meeting of the citizens was held al the Exchauge Hole), this borough, on Wednes day evening last, lor the purposo of devis ing means to procure water to supply the growing wants of the people. II. F. Hoflbrd was choseu Chairman, and A.J, Durling Secretary. After considerable discussiou on tho subject, on motion, a committee con sisting of R. F. HniTord, A.J. Durling, J. L. Gabel, Dr. W. G. M. Seiple and L. E- Wills were apiHiinted to ascertain where the waUr could be prncutedoiud as near as pi sible the cost and such other inhumation bearing ujkiii tho subject as the committee may deem imjmrtan!; the committee to re port at the next meeting to be held at the Exchange Hotel on Friday evening, Feb ruary 2nd, at 7:30 o'clock. At which time and place all persons feeling an interest In the matter ure iuvited to attend. Adjourned. Weissport Picture Gallery. M. D. Rishel, has ovoucd his Portable Gallery, near the Square, WcisHirt. Do not miss this splendid opportunity of get ting pictures at low prices. 4 Fine Pearl Pictures 25 ceuls 2 lion Ton Pictures 23 ceuls 1 8x10 Largo Pictures... 1.00 Old pictures copied aud eularged st low prices u specially. Tho Porils of Mining. We reproduce the 'following letter from the columns of our esteemed cotemiorary the Philadelphia Timet; Ihe letter is daled Scranlon, January 21, 1883: During ll.o year 18S2 no less lliiin llireo hundred per sons were Killed and one thousand serious Ir injured in und ub-'til tho anihraciUco 1 min -s of Pennsylvania. Most of Iho acci dents wero occasioned by lulls of roof and explosions of fire-damp. Tho former were esecially fatal and they Iiavo recently be come a frequent occurrenco owing to t lie grrat rush iu the collieries whenever the work of mining la brisk. Thero wero twen- tvm even more deaths from accidents in the mines lost yeui-.than in 1881, Muny of those injured never recover. Some have arms and legs torn ull'aud others are manned aud crippled in various ways. Tiie eaddestcaso that has recently come to notice is that of 11 miner who was badly crushed by a fall ot roof. This occurred six mouths ago. lie was hurt internally. His head was squeezed. Tho sinews in the wrist of his right baud were cut, and alto gether he was badly damaged. The best medical caro that could be had was secured, To all appearances iie recovered. His wounds healed, but ho could not bear to be left iu the room alone. If his wife went to nn adjoining room lie suddenly became ner vous ami called her. He was constantly under the Impression that the roofof tho room was about, to full lu and often ho is startled from steep by a sensation similar to j that which oppressed him when thn acci dent happened. He says that he has lived the whnla sceueoYcr again a hundred times in his sleep since It occurred. There is a swilt gust of wind, a blinding darkness, a crash like that of thunder and a cllapsool tho superrncumbent mats of rock and slate. Then hu can hear the voices nt liis comrades and the Bound of Ihe pick working ut the mass beneath which it seems lu liim be is burird and so all thiough tho expetieno until he is extricated and Ihe relief of wak ing conies. He is well able physically lo go about, but is haunted by a great fear, and he must be uccompjnicd by some one if ho goes any distance from the door. His life is a miser' anil he is distressed by the thought lhal ho cannot rtcover his former strength and vigor. Ho is about Ihe age when mast men are coneidered iu U o prima of lile and be lias a wife und a large family of littlo ones to caro for. This is but a specimen of tho results that follow miuo accidents, 111. d in the olficial re ports this man is described as liav.114 been "slightly injuied." The Iuige number of accidents caused by lha "fall of roof" areal- ?32,fll5,195 One hundred and fifty nino of tho sterling bonds wero drawn, pnyablo December 1, 1882, leaving 2,S54,000 bearing interest from that dale. The second mortgage bonds of Iho Southern Central Railroad Company, of New York, amounting to $400,0(10',- on dotscd and guaranteed by this company, as approved by (lie stockholders iu January, 1873, fell due un March 1 last, ami were taken un und paid for uuder un agreement with that company and tho holders of tho greater part of its first rtimtgoge bondsun der which both the existing mortgages were to be canceled and a new ono created at a reduced rate of interest of sufficient amoun to include all their indebtedness and pro vide means for additional business. This agreement 1 4 now being curried nut and will be completed as soon as it is assented to by the holders of u few of their first mortgage bonds. The line of steamers on the lakes between Biill'alo and Chicago is proving quite suc cessful and is becoming a paying imm inent independent or its advantage as an outlet ond a leeder. Tho improvements at Buffalo uud the various other interests at tho North and West ore in excellent con dition and no doubt will ultimately be of great advantage toward increasing and facilitating the business of the entire route. The officers elected were; President, Ilirry E. Packer; Vice-President, Charles Harlshorne; Treasurer, L. Chamberlain Secretary, J. R. Fanshawa; Directors, Chas. Hartshorne,R. Asa Packer.Wm. L. Conyng him, Ario Pardee, William A. Ingham, George B. Mnrkle, Robert II. Sayre, James I. Biakslee, Elibha P. Wilbur, Joseph Pat terson, Garrett B. Linderinan and John R. Fell. SwaUowoi His Teeth. Henry Beck, a bartender, at Trembath's Hotel, Wilkcsbarre, while eating oysleis Friday night had Ihe niislortuiie to swullow two of his tielh, together with the plate lo which thev were attached. Four nhvsiciaral Fall and Wintev Styles. Our gentlemen readers will no doubt bo pleased to learn that II. II. Peters, the p- ulur merchant tailor, at the Post-idllce, is now receiving all immense su-ck of cloths, o.ifalmercs aud all wool suiting lor Hie lull and winter trade, and Hint hois fully pro pared lo make up those goods iu the mot tashinnable-and lastelul manner, ut prices wnieh cannot be disputed. Remember per- leet Ills una low prices, is tils motto. Call 1 w inspect goods. A New and Valuable,Book, For more than a year past Ihe Historical Publishing Company ofSt. Louis.Mo., with an enterprise almost equal to Bennett's of the New York Herald, lias had Ihe well known author, Mr. J. W. Buel, traveling through Russia and frozen regionsol Siberia, lo study and wrile upon the institutions of thoso countries The results of the expedi tion havo just been published In "RUSSIAN NIHILISM AND EXILE LIFE IN SI BERIA," a volume of 600 large pages and over 200 Illustrations, forming ouo ol the most thrilling and valuable records of tray el and adventurelhe world haseverknown. This work resembles accounts of the adven tures ami dUcoveries of Livingstone and blanley 111 Ceutial Africa, but it surpasses even these in many lespects. Mr. Buel went to Russia under the sanction of our Government, carrying wilh him tellers of recoiiimemlallou Iroin the State Depart ment and influential Government olliclali. which secured him admission lo thehigl cit diplomatic, elides 111 Russia, and give linn n.tess to the State records, by which iinans hn nbtaineit e vast amount of information never before made public. His travels ami adventures In Siberia aro of Iho moil ihritllnnclmr.ieler. II. inves ligatiHl N.hllrsm, and furnlshrs a oomplelo it-r.nii 111 mo tibiounaing uceos 01 Dial ler nhle secret orgnnzaiion which has shaken tln Ihiono of Russia In its rent re. This book is a valuable addition to Ameri can literature, and we understand that ihe sales me unprrcedeutly laiue. It is the sort of book tn h read around the winter fireii'le. It is Sold hi- mil,,.rliti.,t, i.d live ageuts should'inakf hale In ieeu"re ttioir nulfiu. See advertisement elsewhere iu this palter. I will mall (Free) the reclno for a flrnnlo VUUUfAULH BALM that will remove TAN. KKkMKLES, P 1 M P h K S and 1)1.(1 fOIiKS, leaving the skin salt .clear and Ucautllul; also Inst 1 ucl Ions lor producing a luxuriant growth of hair uo a luild bead or suiuolh face. Address Inclosing 3c. stump, is UN. VANDELF, 12 Barclay S-., N. Y. mar. 26-yl. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, hy a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his follow sullercrs the means of euro. To all who desire it, he will scud copy of the prescription used, (free ol charac), with the directions lor preparing and uslnir the same, which they will Hnd n sure 1)1111 U for (JOUOIIS, COLDS. CONSUMPTION, AS THMA. U11ON0HIT1S. &c. Parties wlshlngthe Prescription. will please, address, Rev. E A. WILSON, 104 PennSt., Williamsburg, N. Y. mar. S3-yl. "eriiors of youth. A GENTLEMAN who sufTered for years from Nervous DEUIL1TY. PR EM A. TIIIlE DEUAV, and all thocHectsot youth lu. Indiscretion, will for the sake ofsulfcrlnir humanity, send tree to all who need It, the recipe aud direction for making the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Sufferers wlsliimr. to profit by Iho advertiser's experi ence can do so by addroistnjr In perlect oon ndcuce. JOHN I). Oil II EN, uiur.25.yl 42 Cedar It't. Now York. The Secret cf the .universal success ot Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, and does just what is claimed for it no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 79 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nor, 7. I have been a great sufferer from a very weak stomach, heartburn-, and dyspepsia in Its worst form. Nearly cvcrytlilne I ate pave me distress, sad I could eat but little. I have tried every thlngrecommcnded, havo taken the prescriptions of a dozen physicians, but cot no relief until I took Brown's Iron Bitters. I feel noae of the old troubles, aad am a mew man, I am celling much atrpnger, and feel first-rate. I am a railroad engineer, and now make my trips regularly, I can not say 100 much In praise of your wonder, ful mediclae. D. C. Mack. Brown's Iron -Bitter3 does not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or caus: headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Brown's Ircn Eitters made iy T.Tom Oied:il Co., Eilitmore. Crossed rwl Uuct aad tride-tiark oa wrapper. wero immediately sunimoued, but their e . . o foru to remove tbo -cell, were, j J, ltrunc,llcd for ln the wtup0Tl as liiu proper fnslrumeuU wero not procu able. In the mcuiitimo tho teeth had worl el downward toward the stutnacti, and the uuforlunate man eiiflered great pain, He went to Philadelphia, Saturday, and was placed under the treatment of Dr. D. Hayes Aguw, who succeeded in removing the! teelh, wlnrh hud got ilangernm'y near ilia ' stomach, uel) post office, Jail. 2Mb, 1685 ; Whie Shrieves, I Prank Hahn. Bteph. Behler, 1 Mrs- L. Ilouden, Edward Walk, 1 Benj. Zimmerman, 2 Miss Ella Shriber I Mrlviu Shatter, Alfred llclit, 1 Alex- Lreiibacb, A-TreUbach. Persons calling f..r any of the abovo let- At last accounts' Beck was doing u" w I'1"80 "-r """""rliwd." I Wti-U- Kmcpt, P. M. Iribuled iu great measure lo the inadequate propping up oflhe mines as the cork pro. Miners Wages. grcsses. S011.0 lime, tl.ria is a scarcity of Wages In ihe Lehigh region have been limber ut the mines and tho men lake adjusted on the basis as during five years c'lancrsin tlivirowulivisby going mi with past, vizi When Lhigh coal averages 15 the wnlk without making tl.o place about Ihem secure. Koch colliery thould have a gang of men to attend to Ihe work of tun keiiug alone uud Iosco that the rool is prop erly tupHirled. Nothing l.x.kl moru decep tive than n mine roof. The apicrauce of solidity and strength i often the Ibat hides a fearful danger frvm view. Mine companies should provide 0 sufficient num ber of props at all limes, but they do not, aud the work of obtaining such props la of ten attended with so much trouble and loss o' tiino to the miner Ibat be Is compelled to work without them and take the chances which end ill death. Now that there is talk of revising Ihe mine ventilation act all these things should I b taken inloronsideration. Thdfalh ride is ton great in the atitbrsciie industry. Pur ler ton on boopl vessels in New York waters, the prices paid for insido work is at lollows 1 Fur mining Mammoth vein coal per Ion of forty eight cubic feet, forty-two ano: a half cents; miners wages tier week t SI2 CO; laborers wages ic r week, i'J vu to $10 CO. As coal advances ur declines In from $5, so shall the price vary at the rate of 1 0 per cent ol each dolls r of such decli or advance. On all oulsida work prices are filed monthly, about Ihe lllh, and vary to a certain extent with iho price of coal, al S - V v. 'f ..... Ml .... " . SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c. Please call and roe for yourselves, before bit) ii els, where. dicJ- r & POSITIVE CURE FOB FERALE COMPUlIlTC f:iUmndviTillftftio hirnioiiT with Ilia l'c- jialo eyetem fit nil tScies, Mid aluo immediately upouiuoftouoraiaai aau menu? uiurvrcr, mwni' itnra(nmfnilKiui1l)tV ftTwl i.tlfiTif f-nnilit.Gn. Dr. MarcHJsi'a Utcriuo CaU.ohcoa will cure fall- !nr rf 4I1M Txtirrtrrhnfta. PI,rnnicInflaniTna ,lor una LlCl'rannji vi iuo muiuu( inuuruiw Special to the Ladies! Aiticctal Invitation Is ex'ended lo the Lad lis of Lchlahton ntid turn u-lilln neighbor hood to c.1-1 and examine Iho Immense s'oek ul FALL AND IfTIXK rem aels JUST UttoniVEO AT E. H. SNYDER'S A NEW AND KLHOANT LINK OP locks. Watches anil Jewelry Just Received, at- HAGAMAN'S STORE, Bank St., Lehighton, SUITAULK FOlt Holiday Presents, All of which Is bclni; sold at such extraordin ary Low l'ifcui"thatnll can buy. Look for Yourselves ! ! Gold and Silver Wntchisfrom ii 00 to (CO 00 Gent's Chains " 12 to Out Ladles' Chains " 85 to 0 W Lockets " 1 00 lo SO CO lilngts tl to 12 00 llracclcts. Ucnts'nnd Ladles' Chains, llreast I Ins, l'.ar Jewels, and 11 varlcy of other aril. elcs loo numerous to mention, Including nsesacssS5HdBl n,.,i. ,1 1 ! Ucraorrhayo or l'loodlos;, Taioful, Suppressed though there will be no reUiar xrcentat.o lA IrregulirMenaiiu.itloD, Kidney Complaint, for an a Ivance or decline, SHE! M (bsmc h raacscsJs Vo corititmo to nctaepolicitorofor" H.itcnta. Caveat.. m tr.n? i-riarkfl. coovTleMo, etc.. for- J tlioUnltod Btatca,anilioobtaiapst' H cr.ta Iff C sticla, Enrianrl, Franco Gcrmiay, end LU other countries, 'f hli'ty-al jrutV nrartioo. Nor1 chirijn fj? cram-Tifltion of modela or draw la. A lv!:s by iroil froo. I'atctitt outline! tlirnuph s (ironotlcodiTt" tfco GCISVritJ A31E1UCAN, which has tha lirgwt circulation, rnd la tliowost Influ ential uowgp.ipcr of Its kind rmblishod ln tha' vrorld. Tho ndvantr-gcoof cachauottco overy pi;ntco tlndc.-Ftands. Tliia larfj.i end fcrdentlidly illustrated howb-' piporlspublir.hcd VEF.riLYntf3.20nyear.. an lis admitted toliollio bent-paper devoted ta ocicnco.nnchanicij.luventionB.i'ngineorina; vrorks, r... 1 ct'ier departments of industrial prc-rc??, pr.Misl'Oib in nny country. Rinplo cc;-..i-.! K nail. 10 cccU. Sold by all news--du!vr. Altticasfrura & Co., publishers of Bclen- li.1i Atnc: '.Cia, lot Uroafiwov, New York. Handbook about patents mailed free- PAYNE'S IO Elorco SparEcArroatlng: Tortablo Enalne has cut 10.000 ft, of l.lnhlgsa' Tine Hoard la 10 hours, burains slabs from Ibv saw in eiguuooi ivugius. BanhL, LeliMoa, Pa, comprising all the Litest Novel lie J in Illack ond Colored SlfS., Velvets, I'lalds, Cash meres,, a.II-Vool Suiting;, Grltiu; hams, Prints. &.c. Also, a full lino of Dhtnkctr,lictucsllcs..Shawl.Mu!dlns', NOTIONS, TIIIMMI.NOS, Uc, all of which he Is oiTerlug at very Lowest Prices. A nlcj line of Silver-Plated Ware, Do call and tco It. Sly stock-of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, ClUEENS1VARE,.GLAM5WAnii, &c Is full and complete. Cheap as the Cheapest, and Good as tha Best. sepl.t-yl DANIEL WIEAND, Carriages, Wagos,Sleiglis,&c DASK AX1) IKON STI5EETS, LEIIIGIITON. Ponna., Particular attention given to REPAIRING in nil Us details, at the very Lowest Prices. Patronairo respectfully solicited and perfect satisfaction iiuarautccd. UC0 6. 1870.yl DAN, WICAND, E. F. LtCICENBAClI.j Two Doors Below tbo' "Uroadway House MAUCII CHUNK, PA. Coaler in all Tattcrns of Plain SLd Faucj Wall 1?ibfs5 Window Shades, Paints & Paintesr' Supplies. LOWEST CASH P1.ICP.U. IIUIUUAI & CO., BANK STET5ET. Lehishton, Pa., Ittl.r.UIt'-i aud Denier a to "EST UKmd of O HA IN lIOCOHTnptl SOLI) A UtfUULsAi; 3IAKJCJL.T itATliS. Wo would, nlfco. ioofctIn!lT Inlorra otircltt sella Hi at we ait) uow fully prej-urtd to.toUl I'roin rny M!n rtcsliefl at VCIIT LOWEST t:U. if. IIEILMAK & CO. Julrs:. Uuu't fall to buy your Champaigne Pear Cider, Lager Beer, Root Iieor, Nrctav, or Porter, &c., C, B0ETTGER, Au.w.issi-Iy. TAMAQIU, Pa, r3 Our 10 Jlorst TVs duarantts to fuulsh' poweir to caw G.000 feet of Hemlock boards in 10 honrs Our IS Hone Kilt cut 10,000 fat ln sama llm. uur jmirines aro cuAiumiexu' to furnish a horao-povfrer on' H lcaa fuel and watef than any other r.nrdne Hot flttel with uu Autoniatla Cnt-Off.-If jon wsnt a Stationary of" l'ortablo lupine, Boiler. Clr--cular Eaw Mill, Bhaftinir or Puillei, elthor cast or MeddsrtV Pitcnt Wroueht Iron l'ulloy, cou.l for onr lllnstratcd Csbu- loc1", " " for Information -id prices, U. W. PAVliE t ZOXSr Cornuis, If. 7, Box.... KM Williams Sawing Macnkes ARC ACK.VOWtEDOED TO BE THK BEST IK THE WORLD They havo received highest Awards at th Centennial ami at all other leading Exhibitions- hold in Europo rnd America, S7E37 HACnSS UASIAKTED 27 IBS HAttSi Tactorics located at Montreal, Canada, and Plattsburs, Now York. THE WILLIAMS raJFACTDEISG CO., 817 l'ota) Sa.T,o Sirceti Montreal. M IIS &rm n VH tm CAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT ? Send a roujih klch or (If yon can ) a mode! f.f fimt 1 iventton toOUOiMJH s:.i.kjhin, Wuaiiliirj ton, X. Cand a Krt-llml'iury i;xuiluullou will beruadoof all Untied Mates I'nlcms ot tlia same claai of luveiitloriaand you will ueaavuta wneluer or not a patent ecu be obtalaed. rOK TniS PHEI.T5I INATIY KX ,T tHA 1'IUM CliAKUJ; la M.UJi;. What will a Patent Cost 1 If you arendvlcpd that yo;irln ventlon Is patent able, sen. to pay (u i-rnment hipl I cut Ion fro ot I3, and 5 for the draulnps rriuircd by tha Government. TiiK Hpuyal)luwIii-nppllriu.on' made, nnd h all of tlift uspeiiSO unlcsn a patrnt is iu -lowed. WhennllOAfd. the ptroiiify'sfeeffcaa nrnt the ilnalOovernment feeisaiOia pnynble. Thus yon know before!, m l,.yrt.wiAiitc,whctheryouro coins to KM r pliant nf not, ond no uttorney's fei hnhanrpa unlpsyu rtortt ftrnti.t. Analtorney xvhoHflei dentitids on Idi Ei:ccfj;s In obtaining i Patent wilt not arU'iso you that your Invention h Ratentable. nnl it reilly W pfttentnble, so far aai Ubtti Jnlgmcnteau nld In cUtfrminlnp thequfv tlun : henco. you cat rely c n thndvl;e given Mtcn n preliminary snlnfttlo'i ishr.d Ilrlc" rt-. rni-'i(l the RczUlP'tlion r Cun ls. 'I nules ."ir.rH; and irvlsis 6ttT-td. r.tenU rre-t parM and tilct. .Vp'teiMoni In revivor of K lerted.Armii luii(3.or l oiTcltrtlCunrAUiPdew Very often valu.xbU mventior.sutFn In then elates of cw If yo i h tvo ur.dcrtflKrn to secure roar own pilenl a'.d failed, n sklllliil hnndlingoC thocast! may In tiaRneee. fcndreaIlttcnrl, nuetndJrts31 ti thf OnninisMcmr of rafntK that he reooiir.oflv:onoifl r. I.t-voK.uf WnehlEsr ton, D.C.. as your nttorney In thpcrp.rlvlutrtl..i title of the Invention und rboutthedateof fillre your appllcarlon. An exnminnttonand report will CJ vou nothing. Heirehei mcde for title to inven- tlom, in fact any information lelaiuif; to I'Htenta promotlv furnWnei. Copies t.f l'nirnts mallwl at the regular (iovrnment ratta. 'isTSc. ench. lie tnpmb'''thlofticelunbeon Insitcrufuloj'eriilon jlnee 1851 and yon therefore r'np toe benefit ot experience,, besides vnn beclvm tone tualrllentt InnlmtWt evtrv roimty iu tle v S Pamphlet relating in I'uIgiiU free upon leqtieet GEO. !2. LsHON, 015 15th St., WASHINGTON. D. C. Atturney-at-T.nvr nn,1 Rnllcltorof Amerl uu uiui li'urcicn i'utauts. An.Vff5! AGESTS! AGEXTSJ TV-r OHN. VOVr.V'S bra-i' new looi, Iatit:cl Tibivty-TnvcQ Years Among our wild wmm The Miley Sullivan ilasli nf UO yards lor 300 ft si.lo at llio Lehigton F.,lr, Thursday arternnon, vs iron by Miley, nl Summit IMI,by abou' t-vo feet, 11 irrvenoss and Is cspoclallv adapted tm Ira chaago otLUo. Senil lor pamubtat t.-ee. Alllcltsraof inculry frwclv nns.vcrcd. Au-trcss os loom, j or :lo by r-'l d-'ntr'lsis. Hew 1.I10 P I pcrbottlc, OMcb-o 8t-J ""- n-'Usk fnrEi.ltor uteiiaot.'atfcoii.'on. Vtiouoot'. For Sale uy A, J, Purllmr, Diuftl t, 1, .ughton, 'j. Uy a wet Ir txa.lo at 1 omo l.ytliefn. .Ill.lrl.lll. It..l I.I..I. ... .... KV) B r t're lire Jiublle Onllal put 1 nenUil. Vi e will start Mm. .Vi-n. women, boys and Ktrls wauteU vertwhere to worl, for us. fuw Is the time. You can work In rparu time, or iriie your whole iluio lu tin busiuess. ctn oilier business will pay you nearly so well. Nu one can lull to make vnnr. loons pay. by imcalui: at ouce V,tl out lit ur.u terms tree Money made li,,t. m.iiy un'l iiunoriutij -t auukii shuck f "o jMj.i gusta, Jlalne. rtcc2-yl ' IITIIRTITJII. T,Tc ----- -7 - - - ...!. jui, .null -sue rrratost Invention ct tlia ae I hei-our nam nblet. sun lioo. rtt. J. V. UuAJT. Urrena. 1 burs. .N'-V. aly iti 1 ' PENSIONS o'ur;Ai 1 1 , w 1 v 1 s w uty fee,, ,l0 oa Ilountv, Hark ray, I)l!charr for Jlrserlers, I etc.. nroenrei). Hyeara csperlenca AnVrrss' V. M MT1.8 4. CO, 0 11' Street. V ft! '1 B I ton, LI.O. Jjn.f.tfo A lne moM ot UisiutWs Thh tv-Tiir YcartPmmnl Km u- cv.y uui Uumu. W11U ut bUe lauwlucluai By Gen0 Sherman. Thli attr nmi ras tt ence mbscriVd for by TVoMctS uruio nJ m:.rt C.iVsiT. saj Ij Ceu. f.'.ermajs ta. O.-aar, Om. r.srMm, C. it. Kmcoct, taj ijouanul, ct tm-UfiitMf-l. Cn, GiuXTl!T.f-'.n(,i0twtutosiIua Xl'. tier icruca." xiisnoe Wiur (MtlloSUt.) iij, t"a U a tool 0 In luaiM iWic I: Is th ok-V sutientlo account if onr lallans mr fiUlii-e', idly rtrttltni tldr "laasy U. secret l!4n;s, cxiloi, etc. III. rr?lcUj wUh ChrilUsS) eirrienci-s o! Iho AttMar, Sf. I of tunous EcoaU. Trsppeis, Cow-Wi, Jl'l-t-s. iMinlcr IhifJor,, eto.,,lrl;iyporlrsjlD IX) la i'io (J.-tit W: cs It r u. 4Si (a ;rcs With Etccl rnlTiif, 6or-! Cirnmo-LKhoTrsnls VUiti la 15 oJoia, irom raotorsrhs raas ty tia U. ft. Gsverniicnt trfnttljJbrt'Umat worl. A0F..VT3I 1 hi. rmi bock u son ont-scnint n ethen SOtol. S.'a vTVi,9a. ?eutl arrntft 10 to SOonlrrs dJV. We v-snt 100a ranrs snis st nee Xxrorjis T-r.t'toTj ttwt fftetnl Term gtrrn. Onr Isr elrenUis wlai lull rutcuUri Kit .r.K. A f.ns Speelnvn rUie seat Im mtJuhn fir a a rent rtoran. Aitdrtu las sal. pitblLOien. a. u woarmxoTox t co, lUMyoae. co. RUPTURE, AW S!liAiCEV Id-l .C M1 'inj Winter Mt uATU-uUrt. 4uMrts lw III se.l.iia(4...l,ctlrjefrywli!:, liberal lenns. Ufhtl 1. trrr Iwa 4. w 1 wurili r .uljiiclans, 1 na, jrrabai .j. titiRAL Cmtoaa Uws, j-"i-i it a, oai;,uj jvj tttfw'.. 19 lilt wL M-a4 twa id rj:r tMa.p for estUn b4 AK.iH-Llnm-. 12itl.n Ihl, sli 23lc. 3. fcisuar a co., new xnu I A M n r.,J,s5f J1 T e,c.1?.",vi...,: 'An- HANTS. A It II IT I II Ma r' HSI ISTI.A II ChllTlUl'A 1 FS anil all kinds nf LAND Sriui'T b.-mtit an-ll 11. Lain stm-k, ami llili t i'im-i-s I nlJ I'ojon ant to te'lnrl.iirf jj a wrtletnA A. Tlltl.H A, Attorn. vi.,w VBItil.ilvn. P. I', Jano-'fo .1:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers