ClALL AT NUSBAUM'S, ALL AT NUSBAUM'S, 'ALL' AT NUSBAUM'S, 'r Original- Cheap Cask Store," Ohposltethe Pdblle Square, HANK Stroet, and mako your purchases ot DRY GOODS, &c, WHleh Mo la offerlm; at Prices Lower than the lowest.' Ills Stock comprises MOURNING GOODS, A' SPECIALTY. Silks aild' Satins, in all Colors. I Mormir and JJebige buttings, lOVCiy SlYlCS. Gingham Suitings, all styles. t v tj .t 2 J ' , Laces and Embroideries, every description. Corsets I COrSCtSl CorSetSl Carpets and Oil Cloths, in the VariOUS grades. China and Glassware. BOOTQ ootO AND AND SIIOEQ Respectfully, J. r. NTJSOAtJM, Opposite tho Ptrulls Square, Leblghton, P, sept. 18-yl SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1881. Local and Personal. ZD- Another lot of WALL rAPEIt, new end beautiful designs, just received at A. J. Durling's drug store. A good ond neat Buggy Harness or Lap Dusters, Sheets, screen covers, 1 1 ri eta, ve T n. Sec can bo hod at a reasonable price of M. Florey, Weissport, l'a. 26tf .m Tlonth In Pnlaln IHlffJ. 6 10 tmUllflS alrictl v pure Taris Green, Just received at A. J. uuriwgs urug stnre. irTt- Pnst OIllMi BulMlnir. Nmf ll VHIir r.linitce. and l mtlke boIdtolAinl ihmvtiifr nt, lnirM.i in aMtim.tnta ?,ai1t'lsl,b"trvy0UV'Cr 'tfnnJ Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Cai3, Ac I am fully Miilnnea for the sorlni! trade, and can ollVr you a greater variety, a ueuer uiuiie, iu u lower price than any house in this section. T.-in!es. if von want nice flit inn shoes for , . . , ., , . . . " ... - .t i yoursdlyes or your little girls, I can please you In every resect. I mean bdfinos, ond am projiarea w uock my asperuuuo. Respectfully, Lewis Wictss. yon wants nice smootb,easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to From Iloederer's Saloon, under the ivxcliange Ho tel. He will fix you right, and don't you forget jU . SEO, Pure Tcrsian Insect Powder kilts hues and. vermin of all kinds. Sold at A. J. Durling's drag store. pO Now receiving and opening a very lariro and lashionoblo assortment ot merch ant tailorinz eooda, o mprising a full line of the verv latest styles of cloths, cassimeres and suitings, of the best foreign and domes " , I"' " 1 r e, ' S r 'make Up fashionably and substantially at priees luiiy as.owas ai any mner esuiuii5iiim;Hi in me country. ,uu uu'i uo uimiuwu w i tho truth ol my statements. Kespeciiiiuy, , II. H. Pktkks, Acent, U. O. Building, Lehlghloni l'cnn'a. .Tit j M'.n if 4 a The stock bf wall iianerihouso Turn- IshinirJHrttcles, fancy good. Ac, at Lueken bach's.,ilr6adway, Mnuch Chunk, is simply linmonse, whllo his prices .are the Jowest, Uall in see mm. tiESuClocks, Watehes. JeWelry and silver Ware lor sale, and repairing done at liaga. man's Stora, Weissport. 25-yl. ;zHrPtfre Powdered White Hellebore Is rlealli lo the currant nn cooscuerry worm, Bold at.Duxlini; s-urng store. tSSiPArfilt n.G3 a specialty at the Jaii bus ADTixtir. omce. tej.8nrke "Tho Round Head Cigarss. the best 5 j-nt ci?ir In town. Try them. For salo by J. W. Raudenbush, at the "Car- Iran 1IOIMO." ' Jl II. Read J. T. Nusbaum'snew adveithe mcnt in'.to-'day's paper, then call and ex amine his new. and beautiful slock of dress goods, diy goods,, boots, shoes, Ac. All of Which are sellins at prices lower lhan ever before. . r or tho wceic ending on tne lain inst., 112,166 tousofcoal wero shipped over the L. i- 8. R. R., making a total of 2,25058 ions lor tne season to mat ante, and mow- log an increase bf 455,376 tons Tor the year to that date. -JanAV Hill, who at one time kcnl the Centennial hotel on Second street, this bor , , , . , . '. . .. . . ough, is now keeping Hotel at Miner's Sta tion, above. Wilkesbarre, on the lino of the L. A 8. R, U. A driver boy named Charley Sweeney In the employ of G. II. Meyers Co., of York town, was instantly killed on Wednes day afternoon, 13th Intl., while bringing a trip of cars out of the gangway, by a falling prop. The lad wat about sixteen years old, and was buried Saturday "afternoon in the Frenchtown cemetary. Jitr- Come ond see tho Wilcox k White Organ, at the Exchange lintel, Lehlghton, and you will say that it is the best that you have ovtr.soen or heard. L. Ockenlandcr, agent. Lewis Rockwell, ex-SborifTand Treasur er of Pike county, died In Milford on Thurs day night, 14th inst., at the alleged age of 103 years, -Michael Heller, of Seidersvllle, Lehigh conuly, aged 79 years, and Jacob Mertz, of Upper Sauoon, the same county, 81 years of age, frequently take a hand in tbb harvest field. Messrs. John 8. Lentz and William H. Monti handed us half a dozen stalks of eats pulled from-the Lehigh Valley Co's Packer- ton farm, which measures an average 5 fee1 6 inches in heighth. Now, "Revere," step in with something to beat this, if you can. Philip Schmidt, a miner, was killed in Plsnk Ridge colliery, at Shenandoah, on Saturday by a fall of coal. "Big Mike." aswitchman on the Lehlch Valley Railroad near White Haven, claimB to have killed ninety-two snakes on July 2. - - The liquor is evidently not good in that vi- cinity. An unknown colored man having in his possession pawn tickets made out in the name of A. Boycr or M. Boyer, and dated Philadelphia, was killed by cars at Laury'a Station, on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, on Thursday, HUt inst. A Wilkesbarre dispatch says there strong evidence that John Boston, whose, body was found In the river near there on Monday night 11th lost., was murdered, A miner named Reese and a step-son of the latter named Phillips are said to be implica. led. Henry Bpellbauui, who .lost a leg about two months ago by an accident on the L. V. R. R., bad occasion to go off on the car on Monday last, and on his return home on getting off the cars at the Lchighlon do rot, he fell upon his injured limb, hurting him o severely that he died Tuesday morn r . Ing, after suffering excruciating pain dur- log Iho uliht. An engine on the Lehigh Valley Rall mad. ran Into- a freight train on the Long Bridge at White Haven, Saturday morning making a bad wreck. James Mulligan, of Mauch Chunk, and William E. Fleming, of White Haven, Were seriously Injured. Thomas Mooney was run over br a train of loaded coal cars and killed In the Dia mond Mines, at AVIIkesbarro, on Saturday evening. It Is supposed he was asleep on the track. The fire In the Stanton shaft, at Wilkes barre, has Just been extinguished after two years of labor, and it Is hoped the mine will be ready to resume operations within three months. It will employ over 500 persons. George Ilartman, of Parsons, was run over and kilted by a train at Wllkesdarro gumlay morning. John Barr was run over and killed by a r"e" train on the Lehigh Valley Rail- A party of drunlfen rough, becoming disorderly at a ball at Judge's Hotel, near Cenlral RllroaJ dePt Friday night, were ejected from the hotel, and Je, m riddle it with stone.. They also attacked a circus company about to leave on a train for Mauch Chunk, but were JZZ first shot had entered the hotel and killed John Mangan, who was sitting at a window, and that the second had severely wounded 4 woman named Murphy in one of her arms- No arrests were made. The coroner's jury Thursday evening rendered a verdict, that deceased met his death at the hands of a person unknown. Sixty-five liquor dealers of Wllkcsbarre were arrested Wednesday for keeping upon bar on Sunday. A case of small-pox has appeared in ritUlon, a few days ago. Tho victim has a family of eight children, all of whom, it is feared may contract the disease. Martin Law lor, the delinquent clerk of the Schuylkill County Commissioners, was convicted of false pretences and forgery on Monday. He was remanded for sentence. Mary Clevcnstinc, aged 15, Was struck by a locomotive at Lorberry, Schuylkill Co.i on Saturday, and although thrown as high , tIje l)f tbo ,llloka tlack was nol eri. . . f ' '"J"'. """"S i"B fnsi., ia,l24 tons or coal were shipped over me infgu Valley railroad, making a total of 3,313,632 ton fur tho season to that dnloi WS compared with same ti ' l year. .... . ...... . , , iuu can get iiuuuje ur Biugio carnages, or the new and elegant omnibus for pleasure parties, ot the popular livery of David Eb bett's oil North street, on very reasonable term;. 0. M. Sweeny Eon havo Telnoved their sUiro bulncss Into the new room in Levnn'a bitlM'tni;, nn -ctrcet. And now Charley is full of suiilcsjuml dou't you forget It The State Cnunril Junior Order United American .Mechanics met at Lancaster on Tuesday and adjourned the someday. Dele- gales to the National Council were Instructed nol to vote fur a chango in the namo of the order. The order numbers 6057 members ml there arc fu3,210.-i8 in tho treasuries of .uboh!ln.l. councils. Resolution, of sym patliy with President Garfield were adopted anil lorwarucd lo Altornoy General .Mac. Voq,,!, The Glrard Mammbth Colliery at na ven Run, Schuylkill conuly, which has been idle for a year, was put in. operation by tho Philadelphia and tUeading Company on Monday.' HgiTThose of our subscrib ers (retting tlie AdvoCatf. through the mail will please refer to the direction tab, note their indebtedness, and remit the amount. In all cases where we have to send bills $1.25 will be charged to cover expenses of postage, etc. John Mangan, whose dead body Wasrc" contly found near PitUton, is now known by tho authorities to have been murdered, and several imiortatit arrests will be made In a few days Tho Stato Teachers' Association will hold Its annual meeting at Washington, Pa July 28lh, 27th and 28th. Mr. F. J. Stettler has been re-appoint ed teacher of Iho High School at Slatington for the coming term jj- The Wilcox t Whito Organ Co. has withdrawn tho agency fur Carbon county 0:m".M!j A' ?lol!e' anA Riven the same to Mr. ii. ucnenla nder, of LehighUm Mr. David Erb, father of Rev. J. S. Erb of Slatington, died at his residence in Boy ertown, of paralysis, on. Saturday, 25th ult., at tno age ol 75 years,o months and 11 days, The new Methodist Church at Slate- dale is almost ready for the roof. The trout season Will close on Ibe first ol August. Tho piscatorially Inclined will govern themselves aceordlDgly, und catch their trout in season. Tho Presbytery of Lehigh will meet in the First Presbyterian Church, Catasauqua, in September next. The Reading railroad receivers will ray dividends of one dollar per share on tho pro- lerred stock, and fifty rents ier share on the common stock of the Schuylkill Navigation Company, on August 1st. The surveying party of tho New Jersey Midland Railroad Compauy, is engaged in runuing the line between Pottsvillo and I Tamaqua. For a while the lino will connect at the latter place with tho Jersey Central and a new outlet giveu to the Schuylkill county coal fields. The registration and money-order clerk at the Easton Post Office, one Shouse, was arrested Tuesday by t'ostal Inspector Thorn as B. 8hallcross, of Washington, for robbing registered letters. A marked $10 gold piece was taken from a letter by him. Commis sioner Kirkpatrick held Shouso in $3000 bail. Last Friday Mr. W. C. Keck, of Weiss port, formerly of Philadelphia, had a tana i . . j : . . . - - - worm 21 leet 0 Inches long removed from him, by Prof. Forrest's simple remedy, in one hour and fifteen minutes time. Mr, Keck bos been troubled with the worm for upwards of two yeara; he says thot it is the simplest and pleasantest medicine to take that is known, as he has taken medicines from several other doctors but always with out any effect, and advises all persons afllio- ted with tape worms lo try Prof. Forrest'i Is I simple remedy. The Prof, can be consulted personally or by letter at E. Mauch Chunk Rev. James A. Little, of Uokendauqua has been yacationlzlng for a few days at Upper Lehigh. Mr. Little preached to large apd fashionable audlenees, morning and I evening, last Sabbath in tho Presbyterian church of Upper Lehigh, the principal house of worship at that summer resort. Sylvester Mills was killed on Iho 14th InsU, by a fall of coal in the Diamond Mine, - 1 at wilkesbarre, Pa. Dr. Cuxe, of Schuylkill Haven, accom- - ! panied by bis wirer passed through lovm . . . on Wednesday arternoon, and smiled I lupouus. Silver Wr 1il In p. On Friday last, the 15th Inst., Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weiss, ol this boroujrb, had been united In the bonds of holy matrimony 25 years. The silver wedding of tho oged couple was celebrated In the usual joyovs manner, their children, grand-clnldeen and great-grand-child being present and taking part in the festivities of the occasion. Mr. Lewis Weiss is one of our most aged arid respected rilizetisj he was born In Weiss port In the year 1611, and is therefore about 70 years of age. At the tirto of his birth. this section of country was a very wild and sparsely settled region to give an idea of the wild, condition of the country, it will only bo necessary lo state that there was no canal, railroad or telegraph lino running in this valley. Weissport was then called "Gnaden Heutten," a Oerinan namo given lo it by tho Moravians, (from whom Mr. Thomas Weiss, the father of Lewis, bought 700 aeres of land,) the namo means "Tents of Grace j" It was also called Fori Allen, in remembrance of the fort formerly standing on the site of tho Fort Allen House. The nearest post ofllco was at Mauch Chunk, and the postage on a letter was 25 cents, Instead of 3 cents as now. This valley was then a barren wilderness, and the Red Man of the forest roamed around in his glory. Mr. Weiss, or as ho Is often called Father Weiss, had much to do In bringing prosper ity to this neighborhood) for a number of years he was extensively engaged in the iron manufacture, boat building and other indus tries; beiug both industrious and enter prising, he did much to push forward the inarch of civilisation and prosperity; always ready to undertake any enterprise which promised an advance of prosperity. Mrs. Lewis Weiss, whose maiden name was Matilda Brotberline, was born ill Jones town, Lebanon county, 1818, and is there fore 63 years of age Mr. Weiss being her senior by about seven yer They were married In Philadelphia in 185G, by one of the oldest preachers of the Evangelical church, named Jesse Yeakel, a brother of Reuben Yeakel, who was afterwards elected bishop of the Evangelical church. The celebration of tho silver wedding was quite a happy and joyous event; prepara tions wero mado lor its celebration some days previous, and the doors Were thrown wide open to onca more reunite the family circlo. Tba festal board was extended to many times its usual size, and the talking, smiting and merry laughter told Us plainly that the occasion was one not soon to be for gotten. The aged couple received a num ber of very handsome presents, some very costly; among them we noticed a handsome butter dish for Mrs. Weiss, and a beautiful pair of gold mounted spectacles fur Mr. L. Weiss. The hours of the afternoon passed away very merrily and speedily In each others company, ond most of the party re turned to their homes in tho evening. I saw two clouds at morning, Timced by the morntnr; sun, And In tho dawn they floated on And mingled Into one. I thought that morning cloud was bleat, It moved so sweetly to tho west, ho be your irontte motion. Till life's last pul,e shall beat, And you float on In Joy lo meet A calmer sea, where storms shall cease, A purer sky, where all Is peaoe. 'I'lio Conl 'I'rmlc, Tho onthrnellc coal trado 'rules nearly steady, says the Philadelphia LeJgcr, ofthe 18th, on a fair amount of btialncss for this seoson of the year. Tho managers of tho sov era) companies are still discussing tho situa. tion and outloolfof llie'trode.but flBVethavo como to no conclusion that they havo made public as to what their policy wilfho hence to the end of the year. Looking lo the week" ly reports of coal production and Iho pros pects to the end of the year the outlook is decidely good for tho trade. Seme little of production may be decided piitt for the last of this month, but beyond that any further suspension Ihisyearla not probable. The'fecling In the coal regions is good, and all the indications now argue bar- mnnlnns. working h the end of tho year. This will make a heavy annual production! ml if prices are maintained, which it now seems probable they will bo, 1881 will prove one of the very best coal seasons lu several years past. A large production at lairly re munerative prices will put the trade in a )Ksitlh to live through any probable trouble that might otherwise be leered. Another favorablo outlook that lends o assure tbo future is the kliowlcdgc'uf the f.ct as to hnw this favorable; situation Was brought about. namely, hy simply adhering to tho policy of not placing more coal in the market than theie ure buyers lo take it otll at prices' that will cover the cost of production. It is the worst of folly to take the coal out of the mines before ills wauled. It not only wastes when oh tho surface but it deteriorates in Value. Besides this, is carried most cheaply In the mines; every dollar that is put upon a Ion of coal in advance of its de mand adds to its cost, which the consumer must pay. All that the coal costs to pile it on tho wharves carries interest and must bo paid by consumers. It is, therefore, wise that as little as possible of this cost shall come from interest by loug carrying while wait ing fur purchasrrs and a market. True econ omy in the coal trade is best cultivated by keeping production and consumption as nearly together as possible. This truth, It is believed, has been more practicably demon strated ths current year than ever before. The tendency to monopoly and excessive prices hat some fear from combination and control of the market is probably true in the abstract, but does not apply with anv furco to the coal trade, which is a -very heavy business, requiring a large amount of capital and a great deal it time to put in o;eration. Coal is ever afforded lowest lo consumers when operators have the most liberal profits and are best able lo carry on business on the most advantsgcous terms. As we remarked In our last weekly review pursuit is ever Ihore advantageously carried on than when all loe parties to It share equitably of the profits, as, in me aniuracite coai iraue, me owners of the mines, the oerators, the miners, the shippers, the transporters and consumers I when on tnese several parlies are lalrlv re warded for the interest they have in the production the trade Is best cared for and the public well and economically served. It is a well know fact in the coal business that season of failures among operators take three of four years to recover from, and in the end the productive capacity of the mine is materially lessened ana tne price ol coal increased. Tho total tonnaze of anthracite roal from all the regions for the wee it ending July 9, as reported by tho several carrying compan ies, amounted to 361,889 tons, acainst 363.- 081 tons in the corresunding week last year a decrease of 31,195 tons. The total amount of anthracite mined for the Year is 13.058.. 175 tons, against 10,776,392 tons for the same period last year, an increase or z,2 063 tons. A death from smallpox was reported at Pittston, Luterne county, on Wednesday. No. 4 Colliery, at Summit Hill, ha been started up afUr an Idleness of three years. John Oyumber, the famous sleeper at the Lehigh County Almshause,keepe awake during the day lime, but refuses lo spesk, f-Yotl don't have larota Alltitnwn to bu rhean. If you go to Mauch Chuok, and ee E. II, HohVs new stock of watches, t nil's ui in.l (aural rv vmi will mnwInJ ulH M.ueh Chuuk f ahead of AUeotawn In regard low prices. County Officer In Conrentlon. Tho Slate Officer' Association met In ln formal session In tho court house Wllke Barra at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. The President, W. W. Greenland, of Clarion, county, wa In the chair. The communica tion were attended to by the Executive Committee, Jame P. Stewart and Thoina Monroe. James R. Khert was Secretary. The following-named officials from this county Were In attendance i Carbon county George W. Esser, Tro thonolaryi Bernard Phillips', Register of Wills and Recorder; J. J. Gallagher; Joslah Andreas and James Ash, Commissioners; fit. Schwelheriz, Treasurer! S. F. Pealor, County Detective. A number of Interesting addresses were made by members of the Convention. On motion all the officer of the association wero re-elected for another year as follows i Presi dent, W. W. Greenland ; Vice President. W. S. Settle, Pierce Hoopes, Jr; Secretaries, Fred. Schoening, James R. Ehrot; Corres ponding Secretary; W. MeK. Williamson) Troasurer, L. J. Morgan ; Eexccutive and Finance Committee, Jame P. Stewart, A. B, Sleyens, Thomas Monroe; Committee on Constitution and By-Law, George W.Essep L. J. Morgan, Samuel It. Irvln. Argument ensued upon the time for hold ing the meeting. Mr. Crary moved that it be held on the first Tuesday after tho 4th of July. This wa oconded by Mr. Stewart Tno motion was adopted and tho coaveution will meet on Tuesday, July 11th, 1832. On Wednesday the members made an ex cursion to Mauch Chunk and over the Switch Back, after which they dined at the Mansion Houso.and returned to Wilkesbarre I in the evening. The Conrentlon adjourned Thursdoy. Itciuornl of Tiipo WorllU. Prof. Forrest' treatment for removing all kind of worms from the human system Is the mildest and most simple known to the profession. In treating for tape worm, no fasting is require!, nor Is it necessary that the patient should stop from following his regular daily occupation, and if the head and worm complete is not removed, the Professor takes no fee. The Professor holds many certificate of his success In the remov al of this pest fram the human body, but deems the following from well know citizens ot Carbon county, all that is necessary to convince the most skeptical of the efficacy of bss wonderful remedies I Wxissroat, Pa, July 16, 1881. To tchom it may Concern This Is to cer tify, that I had (Ibis day) a tape worm, 24 feet 6 inches in length, expelled from my person, in the remarkably snort time of one hour and fifteen minutes, without any sick ness or inconvenience, through Prof. For rest's treatment, and now feel like a new man. I am only too happy to recommend bis remedies to those similarly afflicted. W. C. KrCK. Carbon Oeunty, On the 19th day of July, A. v. IKBI, personally appeared ueiore me, W. C. Keck, who being duly sworn, says that the above statement is true and correct. Henry Boykx, J. P. Julv 17th 1SS1. 7b tdhom it mav Concern : This is to cer tify, that I bed a tapo worm 31 feet long, expelled from my person, in the short time of 2 hours, through Frpf. Forrest's treatment and now feel like a new man. I'm now only too happy to recommend his remedies to those similarly aluiclrd. Jons Hanxoak, Ncsquehonlng, Carbon Co., Pa. Tho Professor's Sweet Worm Tablets for tho removal of stomach and scat Worms are the very best known remedy. Address, Prof. Forrest, East Mauch Chunk, Pa, School tlonrd Proceedings, At. meetings of our School Board held Tuesday and Wednesday oyenings of this week, the following appointments of teach crs wera mado for the school term commenc ing Sept, 5th, 1881, with thesalary fixed for each grade per month : James Keifer, Prlnclpalu.nn, llattio Koons, Grammar ISello Xosbaum, Secondary Emma Dnllcnmayer, Intermediate, Laura Holford, Pritnarv No. 1 Accie Ilauk. Primary No. 2 ,.$60 00 .. 35 00 30 00 30 00 25 00 25 00 Thns. L. Wents,Mixed,toopen about Dec, 1st ior a 4,or 6 months term... 25 00 Philip Wcrltnan was oppolnted janitor of the school building, salary $12 per month during the school term, and house rent and fuel freo during the year. Tlio Board also granted the free use ofthe school hall, for rehearsals, to the Dramatic Association. We congratulate rrur people on the Increase uf the school term from 6 to 8 months. The term last year (6 months) was decidedly too short to accomplish any fruitful result or lasting benefit to our children. .Ilccilnn; ol Sin. to Opemtura, A meeting of Slate operators Was held Friday at tho office of O, W. Matikey, Esq., of Bangor, Secretary of the Bangor Union. It was largely attended by prominent altte men ofthe Lehlgb Valley and Bangor re gions. Hon Samuel B. Chase, of Great Bend, New York, presided. Preliminaries were arranged for formation of an Operators' Union, and a geneial adtanefc. in prices averaging thirty-five cents per square, wss agreed upon, to take effect on August 1st. A committee Was appointed to draft a eonsti tutlon and by-laws, to report at the Central Hotel, Easton, to-day (23rd itiit.,) nben a permanent organization will bo effcrted ana a resolution offered to ratify the advanced ratoi agreed upon. The advance is made In consequence of au increased demand forcer tain qualities of slate, and iucreasod Wages ana quarry expenses. I.i'IliBliinti Erang. CnmrMMeetlrlc; The Northern portion ofAllentowu Dis trict, Evangelical Association, comprising ParryvlIIe Circuit, Weissport and Harletoo Stations, Lnhightrm, Maucb Chunk and Wilkesbarre Missions, Will bold a Union Camp meeting, in Linderman'a OroVS, situ ato within (he botough of Lehigbton, frotn Wednesday evening, July 27, to Wednesday evening, August 3rd, 1881. The Olove Is rich In foliage, and beautifully add con yen lenity located. There Is a spring of good water only a short distance from ths teat circle Tent can be rented at tbe follow. log low rates, by applying before July 20lb to Rev, B. J. Slnoyer, Lehlghton, Pa Tents 12x12 without floor, $J.S0 tent lit 12 with floor, $3.25; tenU, 12x12 with floor and bunk, $3,76. Good boarding can be had at the following reasonable rates: Sea son tickets, 23 meals, $3.75. 11 meals. $2.00. Day tickets and single meals will be about the same as last year. CoKUITIIt. Ourycung friends Calvin Bartholomew and Albert Leurkel, are home spending their summer vacations. Miss Sallie Hofibrd returned homo from West Chester, to spend her vacation. Captain Charles Bmilbera was employ ed about ten years ago In Albright A Stroh Iron works, Mauch Chunk, and married Miss Emma Stroh, of that borough, who now reside there with her parent. Last week, says tbe Mauch Chunk Democrat, she learned that her husband, who was captal ofthe whaling berk "Vigilant," wa found dead with two other eorpae on hi Tease which was fust in tbe ice sear East Cape, The finding of tbe bodies by the Indians was reported at Bars Franelsco by the whaler ! , i Thomas Pope just arrived from the Artio re- 1 -Ooverner Henry M. Hnyt returned Harritburg on Wednesday afternoon. From thejMty Seat Died of diphtheria, on Sunday last, Maltle Collins, daughter or 6. F. Collies, of West Broadway, and on Tuesdey afternoon Douglas Butler, one of the youngest sons, of R.Q. Butler. Seven carrier pigeon Wero bdxed and shipped to F H. Moser, of this place, by express from Jenkinlown.l'enn'a., instruct ing him to start them all at precisely 8 o' clock on Saturday morning last, which was done, In presence of a large crowd of people. The pigeon started off together, and after sailing around for a ibort time disappeared before it could be seen what direction they look and havo not, as we know of, been heard of si dm. The contract for arching 195 feet of tho borough creek, reaching from the Market House to While' Corner, ha been awanled Jo Henry Bowman and Thomo Weaver. They expect to commence work as soon as the lumber arrlver. We have been Informed that the family of A. "W. Butler are making preparations to spend o month or two In their cottage at the sea shore. F. R. Sayro and family, are spending a few weeks at Ocean Gruve. Shelby, Pullman A Hamilton's circus' that exhibited here on last Saturday after noon and evening, was well attended ami the performance is said to have been pretty good, James MacMulligan, of the 2nd ward, ah employe of tho L. V. R.R., met with an accident on last. Saturday morning, by which one of bis legs wa so badly crushed that amputation was necessary. He has since died from (he effects, and was buried on Wednesday afternoon, in the Catholic ceme tery, East Mauch Chunk. Jvstice. WelDtiport Hem. The Sunday school of tho Lutheran and Reformed church, of this borough, partici pated in a day's pleasuro on Saturday lat, at the famous summer resort Glen Onoko. The old folks as well as the young wero de- ngutcd wim tbo trip and enjoyed themselves Immensely, Surveyor Were ene.ieed the latter nort of last week surveying and staking otr lots in tho Union cemetery grounds. The Union View and Corvine Co.. of Rochester, N. Y., havo been In town during the week, taking photographio views. Miss Nora Faust, an accomplished young lady, of Wcatherly, is stopping with friends here at present. She is tho guest of Miss Effie Fcnncr. The rumor set afloat by some of our town gossi ps, that Prof. Snyder, of th is place, was to have the piiucipalsuipof the Lehigh ton echouls the coming term, is entirely false) and the professor desires to havo it contradicted. A child of John Rabcr's died on Thurs day of last week, The funeral services took place on Sunday last, Kov. J-.. J. Minor of ficiating. The body was deposited in the Union cemetery, and was tho first burial on the ground. Prof. Ballict, County Superintendent, will hold a teachers' examination in tho public school, to-day (Saturday). Quito a number expect lo bo examined, and we hope an win oe successiuii Miss Kmraa Kistler returned home from Westchester on vacation last Satuaday. . Tho Fort Allen' Foundrv resumed work tin Monday lost, after a two week's stoppage ivi (epulis. Another Nusbaum In town, and Charlio wears ms best smile ever since. On Thursday evening, July 7th, the loiinwing oincers were installed in frank lin Lodge, No. 2087, Knights of Honor, for tho term endiug Dec. 31, 18S1 : Past Dicta tor, Hiram Lcsh ; Dictator, Solomon Brey fogle i Assistant Dictator. Chas. McDanicl : Treasurer, Reuben Musselinsn; Reporter, John 8. Miller. The object of this lodge is 1st. To unite fraternally alt acceptable while men of every profession, business or orcnpatiou. ziid. 4 0 give an moral arid material aid in its power to member ol the order, by holding moral, instructive lectures, bv cn- ciuraging each other in business, and by assisting one another to obtain employment. Jrd.,Xo establish a Denent luud, Irom which a sum not exceoding .$2000 shall be paid at I no death ol n member, to ms lumi ly, or to bo disposed of as ho may direct. 4th. To establish a fund for tho relief of sick or distressed members. This is an affair of mure than ordinary importance and affects every provident man. Should auv lieriuins deslro to nVBll tiiGfii. selves of the opportunity to Join this order or to obtain any further information call on the Reporter, J. 8. Miller. Tho Lodge mcetc in the Public School Hall every 1st ana oin tuursday oi eacn mourn. John 8. Miller, will keen and have charge ot tho boarding tent ut the camp meeting to ue neid in unuerman s urnye,io begin on' Wednesday, 27lh inst. Ql'Int. EattWcUaport Fulfills. Prof. E. ri. Dieter, teacher of mathemnl les and general English in Muhlenberg Col lege, visited this place on Monday. Mr. D, has accept ed his old position again at on in creased salary. Ho is a very fine scholar and au efficient teacher. An East Weissport ladv remarked to another some days ago, "I don't expect to go aoroaa tnis summer, 1 in reading -twenty-five continued stories and it would be a ri diculous expenditure to hate all those sei ials mailed to me awav from home. Oh, I am of an aristocratic family and only move in iristocralic society." Hum I I hear tbe echo. For a change, snms of onr vnnn men enjoyed last Sunday by taking n short drivo vo pimpon. jjy tne way iney looxeu on their return, they must have been well sat isfied with the tilp. "I only move in aris tocratic society and can afford lo do so." The "Braying Jackass" who represents the Mahch Chunk jHmocrat, as correspond ent from Weissport, has the impudence of an Unconquerable inula and the stupidity ot sn ass. His would-be, masterly productions are misrepresentations in their entirety and are only noticeable for their vulgarity and "lying stamps." If be cannot do better than misrepresent ana iry in oe witty, wnicu, ill his case, Is silliness of the first order, we would advisa him to relinquish his claim as correspondent to a mure reliable arid com petent person. Focus. Ills; Creek Itciua. Teacher will be scarce this fall. Some oats will be cut next Week. We are still haying cool night which Is Dot good forcorti. We think our friend PaOl Buck, of this place, is the "boss" farmer of Carbon co. If our informant is correct, thtcamp meeting at Kresgeyjlle will open on the 15th of August, iu the grove of James Berlin. The child of John Rebcr, who died of aipninena la-t week, was Interred iu tbe East Weissport cemetery, on Sunday. Edward Reber, of tbe Franklin Holef, East Weissport, is having his dam on the Big Creek, at Mtria Furnace repaircd,whirh was damaged by tbe ico freshet. The loose stones shoujd be removed from our public highways. Let the prop er authorities attend to this matter and oblige tbe traveling public. We learn that the directors of Franklin have decided to raise the salary of their teachers. A move in the right direction, genuemen I Wo should Uo pleased to hear from our Western friends, who are subscribers to tbe Advocate. It will soon bo time for candidate to annonnco themselves throogb the columns oi me county papers, llivsai. Coiintr Detect! vca. Furty-two counties wore represented by delsgates aud letters at themeetingTuesday evening in the District Attorney's office, at Wilkesbarre, to form a Stale Association of County Detectives. Temporary orgaulia lion wos effected by the election of Samuel T. revler, ol Carbon, as President W A. Swan, Wilkesbarre, Secretary and Treasurer William W. Yobe aud Jacob Johnson, of Nort!ampton,aud Jatnes O'Brien, of Ln terne, Committee on Arrangement for the next meeting, which Mill be held at Allen town. The eigarmakera" strike at AlltntowB will probably be prolonged for some time, The participants arc receiving aid froma.l! J0.""' f.arUofthtouali, 'mirir, iiTATn new. All the Industrial establishment ofHar- risburg arc short of help. Tho oil tank maker ofPJtUbufg have all the business that tbey can attend to. William Hall, tcntoncod for larceny, es caped from the Lancaster jail on Tuesday, Sixteen car loads of Immigrants passed through Hsrrisburg on Tuesday going West, Charles Bruce, of Beaver, was accidental ly drowned at Rochester, Beaver county, on Tuesday. Thomo Kuse.of Oil City, was killed at Parker, Armstrong couuty, on Tuesday, by a falling stone. John McClurc,of Summit townshlp.Craw ford county, aged 70 years, was killed by a fall on Tuesday. Topton furnace, in Berks county, has been purchased by William M. Kaufman & Co., of Reading, for $00,000. Fifty thousand dollars have been sub scribed in Pittsburg for a Young Men's Christian Association building. Billingsley Morgan, of Canonsburg,Wash ing county, lost $1300 on Monday whilo on his way to Washington. The rolling mill and Charlotte furnace, at Scottdale, Westmorland county, bavo been too busy to stop for hot weather. The residence of J. P. Irwin, at Rochester, Beaver couuty, was burned down mi Tues day. Loss, $3500 J insurance, $2500. Tho Mayor of Oil City has called upon tbe citizens to volunteer in a search for the boy Kennedy, of that place, who bss dis appeared. Charles Bennethum, of Womlsdorf,Berks county, wounded himself on the Fourth of July with a toy pistol and died last week of locitjaw. The 3-year-old dauehter of Abraham H. Nissley, living at Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., was accidentally drowned in a cistern on rnuay. A majority of the members ofthe famous Knapp's Battery nt Piltsburn have resiencd. and the organizatlan has been virtually dis solved. John Thomas, of Hummelstown, Dauphin countr, died on Saturday of lock-jaw caused I... uf...i i r ; !,. I...... . . . i ujr injuries neii lumcveu Willi a iuj pistol. John Huston, of New London township, Chester county, recently found a hedge hog and two miuks domiciled in ono holo. Moloney, the ex-priest of Erie, who pro fessed to preform miracles, has sued tho Dis patch, of that city, for libel. District Attorney John 8. Robb, of Alle gheny county, is dangerously low from the effects of sunstroke. Frank Will and Anthony Heil, 0-yenrs-old cousins, living at Pottstown, played with a horso pistol on Sunday when their parents were at church, and Hell was baillv injured by the accidental dischsrgo of tho weapon. Mr. C Horan, Stato delegate of tbe An cient Order of Hibernians, rrsiding at Pitts burg, denies emphatically thut tbo murder ers of Captain Healey at Dunbar bad any connection with thai Order. An unknown German was killed by cars near Coatesville, Chester counlvin Monday. inercmaina wera taken to linwninglown for indentification. Messrs. Watson Sc Morgan will erect a paper mill in Erie at cost of $00,000. John Shafcr, a German furm hand in the employ pr Jacob Kneedlcr, in Upper Gwy nedd township, Montgomery couuty, died ou Thursday last of sunstroke. The Philadelphia and ReadinzCoal and Iron Company is preparine lo work all its collieries to their utmost capacity. Many of tno uld collieries aro to he reopened. Robert B. Pearson, formerly of Chester, but latterly a broker in New York, was killed by an accidental fall in Chestcr,where he was visiting, on .Monday. The 6-year-old son of Mr. Kennedy .living ut Oil City, mysteriously disapiearcil nearly a week ago and has nol been seen since. George Norwood, rtf Philadelphia, was drowned accidentally in Darby Creek, near Chester depot, on Sunday. James Black, a notorious counterfeiter, has been arrested at Erie. There will be a Prohibition ticket iu. tbe field in Butler county. Father Kuthinan, of Lebanon, has severe ly denounced speculative insurance from hs pulpit. There is a Cainp of trampa at Leoman'e Flaccvou the Pennsylvania Railroad,in Lan caster county. Henry SherTer, of Hopewell township, York connlr,' Was killed by Hghtuing on Thursday of last week. Thomas Mc'Jhesney, of Bis Beaver town ship, Lawrence county, was killed by cars last Week, i Christian rJuhnly aged 62 years, dropped dedd from opoploxy in Lancaster on Satur day. It is estimated that Pennsylvania-lumber is cut at tbo rate of 6M,000,00(7 feel yearly. Tbe Bridgeport Creamery has been seised by the Sheriffof Montgomery county, Michael Crow, of Uniontown, Fayette county, lost $1500 on Thursday of last week with bunko men who was following Robin son's circus. The loss has to preyed upon his mind that he is almost insane. The bun ko men have since been captured ami tbe money recovered. John McOrnlh, aged 18 years, son of Jesso McGrath, of Coushobockcn, Was dangerous ly shot on Sunday by Michael Trainor, of I'lymouth township, JUnnigomery county. Trainor, who was arrested, claims that Mc Grath was poj ching on bis property. The encampment of the several brlgrdcs ofthe National Guard havo been arranged, and are as follows : Tbe First Brigade, ben. Snowden commanding, will begin its en campment at Pottstown on the 30th instant The Sopond Brigade, General Beaver com manding, at Baltsburg, Indiana county, about Iho 12th of August. The third Urigade General bigfrlerl commanding, at Wilkes barre, anon after the close of the encamp ment oi me second Drigaue, The head of a' colored woman found float Inn in the canal' near llielisnire. Dauphin county, on Tuesday night, is supposed to bo llwt ol Nary Andrews, who was mougni to have been killed and burned by her nus band. The test Welt of the Nlarara Oil Company on Mount Pleasant township, Washington, county, has been abandoned owing lo tno tools becoming stuck lu the bole. Another well is to b sunk. .SOnlclliiiii; AVorth Kcnilliin;, If you havo Catarrh iu any form, no mat. ter how severe, a fifty cent bottlo of D: Evnrv'a Diamond Catarrh Reinedv. will lilively cure you. It never falls. It is mild and pleasant to use and cleansea,scolhes ami Deals at once, uonoi ncqita lorcaa ine Adtertiiemtnt. llellc-ltfUai Nolca. First PrtESftYTEttiAft Ctltmcn, no Pastor, Sabbath School at e-.OO o'clock a. m, Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8:b9 p. in. Zioh's ltEi-oKJliD UnoitCH, J, II. Hartman pastor. Preaching at 10 a. In., Sermon, Jn German, J p. m., Sunday school. 7:30 p. m sermon, in English. A cordial welcome to all Lclilirluoii Itlrtrketii CoaaecTcD Weekly. Hoar, pa sack Huckwheat flour per sack ,. Corn, perbushel Oals, per bushel ,., ,,,, Mixed Chop, per cwt MlJdllngs, per crrt,.,,, , Corn Chop.............. Ilran, per cwt Duller, per ifoand Eggs, per doien. 11am, per poaml i Lard, per pound ........,...., shuuiders, r pound Potatoes, per boshel.,, S3 15 3 00 70 to 1 Si 1 3' 1 00 is It It It e to Mock IlnrHc Closine prices of DilliTix A Toirxsritp Stuck, (Jovernment and Gold -11 rioulh Third Street, rhila., July 1J, Ul II. S. L'lt. a U'i imU bid lu-lU aiked IJ. S. (Jurreucy, 0's 130 bid 13 aiked 0- a. i'.18Sl. new 10IW bid 1M asked U. 8. 4H, new..., bM uyt aiked V. S. i'suew Mii bid HWg aiked fennsyania 11. Ji ti bid ed! asked l'hlla. fc Readley II. II. bid 20U aiked I.ahtKh Valley It. 11.... SIU bid ei)i asked Lehigh Ooal&NaV. Co. . tbfri bid 40-2 alkeil UnltSd Co's ol N. J. , .m bid lie asked Nort hern Central 11. 11. t3 bid UK alkwl HeitontllUl'aH. It.ll. !1 bid S1U asked Pitts. Tit. U Hutf. K. H. S2 bld 22 asked Dentml Transuortatlon. 41 bid U'.i asked Northern raclflstiem .40 MJ 40 aiked 40 blJ 77K bid ii ai North PafJna, It. It l-roi u.. tu bid i arkea fc r;ria K. it ITrad.i.) .. il bid 74 afk.a Wf bid W,4 aikcJ MAimilM). BOWER -HIlIHLER.-At Iho Lutheran parssnsa-e, In Cherryvlllo, Northampton county, l'a., on the lit Inst,! by Rev. t-K A. llrcugel, Charles w. Donor, M.D., and Mils Clara II. Illbbler, both of ibis tioroiih. LAUUHNER-EOK. In East Pent), on th 14th Instant, by E. S. lletnttleroari, J, V William Lauchner and Miss Eva ECk both of East Penn township. ltltiLYERD WAI-.GK, On the 4th Ult, at UatasaUqua, by Her. J. J. (Jhrlit..O. O. nillyord and Miss Sarah Walck, all ur that borough. ItKSCUEI) I'ltO.H DEATH. The follortlnit statetnont of Wmi J'. Oonith lln.of Soinervllle, Mats., isso remarkable that we beg to ask ror It the attention or our read, era Ho savs I " ln the rail of ISTe) I was tak en With R VIOLKHT HLKKDIKO OF THE LUKOP, followed by a severo cough. I soon began to lose my appetite and nosh. I was so weak nv one time that 1 could not leare uiy Uedi In' the summer or 1877 I wasndmltted tothtl Ult Hospital. While thcro tho doetorrsuld I hail a holo ln mv left lumr as- lh as a liairdolhih I expended over a hundred dollars In doctors- anu medicine, i was so lar icone at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up nope, but a Irlend Uild me ur lilt. WI . If ALL'S BALSAM FOR THE liUKOS. 1' laughed at my rrlenils, thinking; that my case was Incurable, but I got a bottle to satisfy them, when, to toy surprise and Krallfleatlon,. T MltnM.nM.1 In Ins, 1 .. I... ..a dead, began to revlvo. and to-day I reel In bet ter (pints man i navo tne past inree years; " 1 write this hoping you will publish It, so that every ono aflllcted wllh Diseased Lungs will bo Induced to take Dlt. WM. HAblrf BALSAM FOR THE I.VNGS, and bocon Vnlced that CONSUMPTION Can be Cured. 1 have taken tno bottles and can positively say that It has dona more good llmtvall til other uicdlelnes lhavo taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely disap peared and 1 shall soon be oblo lo go to world " Sold by A, J. Dcnuao. Lohlghton, and all' druggists. Dec. 18. 1880iyloow "iTKNitY's'cAniionc salyeT- The BEST SALVE In the wof hi for Cuts; Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Malt Kheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, chilblains. Corns, and nil kinds or Rkln Eruptions, Freckles and Pim ple. The Salve Is guaranteed to give pcrroet satisfaction In every caso or money rtlumlcd. Ho (tiro you get HENRY'S OAUI30I.IU SALVE, as all others are but Imitations. Price i!S cents. For sale by oil Druggist everywhere, Ueo. 18,-1680-yleow KE1 HOUSE POWDERS Aro tho only Horso ond Poultry Powders tliat Slvo universal satisfaction. If tho Powders o not give satisfaction, tho Druggist will re turn your money. Dec. 18, 1880'yleow To Consumptives. Tho advertiser, having been permanently citr. ed or that drt-att, Coiisuminlou, by a simple leincdv. Is anxious to niako known lo his le low-suireiera tho uiians ut cute. To' all who dosiro it, ho will send a toiiy ol tho pre seilptlon nsed, (Ircoot charge), w.ta the dliec tionnror preparing and using the fan.e, which thev will Hud a bure Cuuk for CONHUJinioN. Asiuma. IllioNciiiTIs. ttc. laitie wiarduK the PiOKcitntlou. wi.l please addro-v Itnv K. A. WILKON, 1M PEKN Btroct, Williams nrih, NowYoik. JiiiilJtjiu AjsstJ Wwtsl. Big Pay. Light Work Steady Emplornieiit Baniulea fno. AU drea, M. L. IlVltN, No. 49 NASSAU etroct cw Voik. Cui To tho Worklne CL-ima We nrrv nn ni-nn ed to furnish all classes wlih constant etnuoy.- nient nt numo. me wnoio oi tno time or ior their ij-aru moment'". ItunMieaanew hpfll and nroUtrulo. l'eisonaof oilbor eit on,iv oiru rruni 5J coats to 85 per cvenlnc ntid n pr pot-, tlonal sum by Cevotiag their wnole tluto to tho burluesi. llove and ghla eam ntai ry ai mnch as men. That ult who co this notioo niav hdii thou dtlreM. aud tot'lliobutniioua ve mne this offer : To such aa are nol well nail-tied, we wilt aund ono dollar to pay for tho trouble of wntlnr. Fall partleuiara and outfit nee. .Address. OF.or.G13 S'HNSOIi OO.. Port. nd. Maine. July iCvi. nn.Mru is AVKAi.Tiir Dr.E. C. WKST'gjiituvK and' iipjhn tbpat MKNT, a f pernio ior Hysteria, lll:nrsa, Con vulaiims, Nervous llcadaclio, MeliUil Denrea alon, I,oas of Moinorv. t-pctiua otilicea, Tiniir. teucy. Involuntary Jhnlaaioaa, l'rematuio olil Ago, caused by ovcrcseitcn'. BCtr abuse: or ovor.Uidntgercp, nliicli leaca to misery, decay and ileath. Ouo box will enro' recent eiirR. Kach box cniittting ouo niontli'H,e. dopnr a oox. or a.x buxfl-i fo flvo dolUfa t aenr uy man picpaio on receipt 1 1 price.- we itnar anlee six boxes to oure any cae With caeh older leeoivedln us fornix boxen, accOntoaii led with live dollar--, a 4 111 s,-nd thO'pm-chas-er our Written gnarautne toroturli tho mnnev 11 ineireaimenanoi-B not eixta euro. Hnnr HiilecstsMiid only When the treatment isoril-r-nd Irom our icrntl- JOHN C WBST CO., Bole Pri-prtelors.JSl A IU W. Vndiaou stroet. (-hlcago.IU. A. J. IJUItl-INO, Agent, Lehigh, ton l'a. fcNiTJi KL.IN1S SCO. Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia. aept. ls,'sa-1y $10 i Outfit fnrntehM frrc.vlth foil ltistruo tloD3 for conducting the must lirofltaltte bubiuess tlint anv ouo ran ontrniro lu '1 hob JslncAii Is bo casv to leiirn.nml our liiAiruo lujUsarofcORiinpieauu w.tlu timt atinne unu ninfce great roftf from Ue very (tart. No one can tail wnu U willing to woib. Wouibii are as successful iii num. Jiovs mid prln au earn lanre 'iiiiil Mnuv Lava ranrto over onfl h tin droit ilo'lum In a uliitVle wi ek. Nothing liKo It ever known rororo. am wnocf-Kicpflronuiprutaat tho case unit rapl-lttj with w'jxo. Hie. aro able to make money. Yon cn eu:i;o In IliU biml. iif.inunnK YiiurenrirciJuje oi creur prons You do not lnve t Invest any cuoltatlu It. We tako nil tlio rise. Tlioo tha dcihI ronrtv money slut uld vrr to to n nt onc. All mmlshod free. AUiliO'HTltTli & CO., Anunta, Maine. PILES Of all klnrta, TU MOUS, dtchr p3 of JUOOD or inncua, ni nil tlifidasca ofthe ItKCTUil Gincklv nnd nnrferllv cmed br a atmoi and BOQthlnp itKMEUY. l'oi'lnforniatlon addifu lut j, rAUUH is i'u. 1 Ann x.,r, i. Should address KUSt)N DUOS., Attorneys at Law and Patent .Solicitors. 017 7th Street, Washington, 1). (J., for circulars. or tnltruc-tlort",- Hofercnees and advlco sent riiiE. We attend exsloslrely to Patent business. lle- Issues, Interrerenees and eases rejected in other hands a specially, Trade-Murks and Caveats rolltcted. Upon receiptor model 6t sketch and description wo itlre onr opinion as to patentability, vbek OF-CHAntm, We rarer to the Commissioner or 1'atentsj also to ex Uotnmiesloners. .stablfshed 1S00. St-cor D 1VIHENU JfOTlCB. .At o rca-ttlat mcctlni; of thedlre6ttrfof the First National Hank or I.ehlxhton. a semi annual dividend ufTllKUt; per cent, on the oapital stock was declared, payable on and alter July IS, 1811. W. W. BOWMAN, Cashier. July 8, 1681-wS. T 0 Whom II Mot Concern. All persons are hereby forMil liarborlrir, or trustlnir my wire, D1MA DIlKISIIAUIl, on my account after this date, us I will not par any debts contracted by her. MPSKS IIHEISHAUU, Mahoning Twp., l'a, JalylMSSl-wS. AK only daughteu cuhed of CONSUMPTION. When dea'h was honrly expected, afl remed. les harlnic fullo.1, and Ilr. fl. James was ex perlmentlnK wllh the many herbs ofCalcutta, ho aechlentully made 11 fireparatlon which cured his only child of c-omu-ui'tio. Ills child Is now In this country, and enjoying Iho best or health, lie has prored to the world that COiMiiMf-TiON can he. poiltttely and per. raanentlr cured. Tho Doctor now sires this lleclpe free, only asklni; two Ihreecent stamps 0 pay expenses, Tho Uerh also cures Night Sweats, Nauieii at the Stomach, and will break op n fruli Cold In ti hours. Address CraddocK it Co.. H02 llace street) l'hlladel phla, iiamliig this paper. Jjl3m FllEU HY MAL. " WO NDERFUL CURES iV HOPELESS CA'SES OF CONSUMPTION Bronchitis, Asthrda, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Ue blllty and All Chronic Diseases. 39 years of (treat experience. 3,0.0 Hopeless eases cured. AstonlshlDK dlieorery of new treatment to quickly bitten, make blood and batldDiithe BStero, xaiAiiu chuiqu iu cab .iiu uijC.l enormouiiy nnu gain o v pounu. per weea. lieanni; mrce is r.iuuir ana pow reasfd. Row life and vlgur Im parled the nrtl lew nays. ocTercst cases 01a Consumption, bed fart and xlrcn up to die, I cured In 2 to 3 months, Inllainmatlon Intlug J.unns removed. Hectic r'evcr and nixlu Sweats, and Couith iudo loose, ami easy, or cheeked In M hours. The treatment exoner ates, exalts, arouses all oruans Into healthy and TlKOrous operation. It Is also thoKreat-T est cure ou earin tor i.ircr, nuiney, iieari. Head, Mood, Skin. Female und Nervous lllirases. Seminal Weakness, all diseases ol children, and the Upturn Habit. Wear hen est In our oiler, and earnestly Invite you lo come before It Is too lute, no matter what yeur disease, even If atandoned by lh. ablest physicians. Describe your case. Trial free to all who come here. Atrial package or our medicines worth t'J to ft sent hy mall to all who send us the luinci and addresses of all aullclcd lu their vicinity and is eonls lj pay pontage. JJ. H. DISI'ENSAKY. I anrao-lr Mar-'-n ilnrinxs, Mich. , &iWBS& ! 1'rocured ror all soldiers disabled In tbe U. S. service from any cause, alio ror heirs of de ceased sokllers The sIlKhteit dliablllty en- titles to pennon. I'KNHIONS INOHl'aS KD. llounty and new discharges procured. Those In doubt as to wh.ttier entitled to any thing, should send two 3 e.nt stamps for nur "eiri-ular ol information. ' Aildress, with stamp. Stodpart at to, Sidleltors of tnaiinsaod I'alcnts, Washington. 11 I I.k Ui t'A. juiy U.-WS. rpim SLATMiUTOJI- PLAffltfO Mills. A'NU' CaBInet Wars Factofcf,, at. si-Atrixcnoru. JOBUP BALLiElTj, Fropf.,, DffflB lh all Virt'U niKtWt at' I'jtfr. JlViMtK-V Otk Htitl Hard Wckii tuinocr, ftinl Uljowpt) pait)d to uxbvulv iiujAiount of otfltiR iiii DresseD LumfceR tlV A't.11 tf INliSi. Door,- SdsliM) niitiuV Silutltrvj, Mouldings, Caliliipf Wates, JJc With' i'ttMiT-thoer!,. Brackets Made to QMer.. The Machinery-in all nelV-ahdtil tlml-MHr-d' must Improved Hindi-. I employ lifilie btll lb' beat workmen, tine welbseaaoncil and gm, 1 ni tetisl, and amthtri of Ore able to irua'antrr cntlrri' atmlaetlun to all who mar farormowtth srealfi. Ordcro bv mail piommly Attended th.-. Mr' ctiargea are moderate! term e4ibj or- interest cliaigtd alter thirty Qavm QtVU ME A CA'Lil, CVIliose engaged In Ilniltlihg wiirnndltt thuir advantage to have Hiding, flmr Jlhariti Doora, xashes;.huticrB, 0., Ac, iltrde at lot' Fartorw Mayl JOHN llA'tEIHf,. THE BEST OF COAL Tho undersign od'lrnow preparcd'tb inppiy the very best I.ATTlMER COAL at'tbe fol lowing HOW PlllCKS KOll CASH DellvM.. Ko. 3'Cliestriut; tiy th'cetr.. ....... 12 TV No. 1 Chestnut, by the car... ,.. ,. s ! Steve, by the cap. ,,.......,., og' l)y the singleton, 16'centrpef ttm addltlbnalt J .. L- G A 15 E L r Dealer im GENUltAn H-AUDTVAHE, (fcciy, OpfOslie tho rubllc Sfjiiure.-SAX Pf STHKE-f;. I iiK'.iiairrosr,.PAk novig.iB7tr milton: a. wetss, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Bank- Street',. ILcMgntoiu EEPAiltTNG Or.ill'descrlptlbn promptly atlenilWI'to'at ttil molt reasonable Prices-. ej-AII Work guaranteed,- and patronage' Is respectfully solicited. 1 w K .c;y;twg,J';vfj;;,B,.7lV5f'""".',t a Stands pre.einfient afiftnsrrtie RreitTrhnt tines of tStf Weit rofoefa too' most direct, onlckcir, aiursaretfjtmr eoaLtetlne the great M-'tniwl's-.- GnTOAQty "d ho Kis-fxfts,- jToarn-KAarxus, SnOfritnjf and SoOTn tasTiaS ListtSf which lerlnmaie theroiWItlrKaiis Citt, LaiVKSworrrii, ATriimoji, Cocseit ntrrra aud OmKA, tno conaimirAf. cx.vtik. Oom. whlchi Radiate EVERY LIME- OP ROAD (hat penetrates Hie Continent front thrMUioartluTef to the Pacific Elope Tho Cbicaso, RocK Island k MU Railway Is tho onfy line from nfilrasNmrnM Ifu IMiiHansas. or width, by Its own runt, rcifre llie ijjiuh almve) naineil. W 'iur v exdalxoal So MWHO foSMrerioXsriVo kuiMUng In Ill tinltMtlt or imh eleim eor. n tetrif patuftr U aml'tl ronnift ejeaa ana UHttlaud eoac, po Jan Zw Day Cxfis nf unrtvaMd mr.lfcse-, ftimaar SiiKiNo ae. onoh Wlilch mtuU aro.served of utv "'r'deiwfi'tirv' fC.r.'lwVw'iM ml Ilisaourl Klvi r not HI aol cte fuaiiCttoa at tolnta of lotericctlofl wllh. other Mai, , , MVetfckelfrt notlm-utt law dtreeify to every j4m or Importance: lt)jan;, jeuria, Vyomfnir, Ut'h IdaiiOv NeVatfa, Calllbrtits, Oregoa Waihlngtofi Territory, Colorado, ArlKrna add he ilcxlco. Ai llbe liberal arranifemeafs fertfaK triassir as any line, and rateaor " aiways aa Iow"mcouiu tors, no lurnntn piamiinniu ihu iwhwim Domiand tackle of spirtainen free. .,,,ut.,, 1 lckeff( inapa and folders at all Brtacljml Ikktt oOcef In the United blatca and Caasaa. R. R. CABLE, let rtw l Oca. Ut(i, E. ST. JOHN, 0. Tkt. U4 run IfV DIAMOND CATARRH REMEDY, A. Poaltlve Onre far Catatth of all kind. It la Instantatneau la klUtl and l'ermanent In Itesult. Curea at any eiaeo of the disease. II aa cured cuca to terrtbM thai bones came from the hose. Ir. Erory'e Ilamoiid Catatrrfi Best ed jr Is mild and piesiant, auordlng Imraedlat. llcllef and prompt cure In all easea urCBtatrrti Iiifluenica, Hay Fever, lironehltl. It will remove Polypna and etiectnally enrs watery and Purulent Dischargea from the Head and Throat, and Foetid. Sickening Ureathl Per fcotly restore tmyatred Smell, Taate and llearinj) relieve Headache, Break up Colds ln lha Head) btrenitthen the Voice and byes) Purify, ItejnlauS and Render cleat and Active every Organ or tba Head and Throat. Iriee, 60 cents, Dr. Btory'a Dlatmontt Invtcorator la a I'erfect Blood I'ttrlfler, A ppe timer and Nerve. Toulc, It makes a dellzlitfiil, vrhokv some drink, which Intlcorates. ParTHea anu osrensxHena tne entire ayatem. Vnp flenAiAt IVIillitv tlvflnnM MtttntHtr. Torpid Liver. Indlcestmn. Keuralzto and Sh.n-. and Sh.n-. mails Arrectlona, Jaundice, Malaria, riatolency, Kausea, Blck Headache and Kidney ComplalfiU, it is luvumaoic. rncei w ccnta. Dri Evory Diamond Sal's Is a sovef. elj-TJ cure lor Burns, Bruises, Sorea of all kind., Palt Rheum, Tetter, Ktngworm and Cutaneooa Eruptions, rrlce, 24 cents. . A alt your DrtlKElst fdf tfi.a fetne lea aud take 110 oilier 1 or Will he aeat Free on receipt of price. PescrlpUre Famphleti Free. Address Dr. Evory'S Dlamedd Bemedlea Co , I'. O. Box SMC 104 John Street, Kew York. TT&nted AGENTS r ACK.VTSI AGEKTS1 JOUN C. COUCH'S bran new book, entitled SUNLIGHTand SHADOW & tho hit chance offered to you. Its Series are drawn from the bright and shady sides of lift, portrayed as oohj John B. Gough tan portray ttierri. Thi gfaiM work MM ft? he JSrA iimt futuAfJH the " booiu'tnci! teak for ieti$, tk outKllmg all tAhcn ttm t t. Th tktrtjtktrd thousand how in pres. Us tmment mIc Iuu bi trade entirely by active canVasiers. Kd olher book com pares iih it lor quick and proAiable retarns. We artf starting tnort agent now than ever before, and wc b lieyrJ tne aal of this book will reach Ond Humdrtd Thauuxnd Cpi$ im tk utxtftvt xntk We want 1000 more agenta at 6nce4 tfl ftipriiy Uu4 (rand book to the thouands ho are wairine for k Kcmernber the aaie Is mh mw ctmmttUiM. The book Is entirely new and msf 6f tk territory it mi fitmr. Agents, $iruf U tour1 iiml t i4k ttrjt and at ih turn time circulate tkr4uk!f jtrtifyti W4. Ea duiTeTerntrc7aodWi7!rwAnetitUCfen Sendlof our large circulars containing full juriiCvJin. Addit4
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