itiiaciiMiiNiiiiiiN, The gintlemiin, aftnr tlio nirnmsr or M. Tiirvryillvp, (wro, tins sn abselle Utile wile, whom lie teats nndcnustrinlly limdsnallic nuclei nf cnmrmtilonS. "She Is n niodrl wo Hmn.slr." lie says "tho very rrr-nm of lv.' 'Whljipwl cream," rctnnrki-fl ono of ttio company. HV Do pnro nml 6lni mill stt foi" t)r. llnmnicrt's Oermati Wp-laMn Worm Medl cni. Warranted to euro or mi pay. A.J. IliirlniKi Umk '( "lo "S', f"' I""lii:hton, lViiim. 2C, I3w "I (ay, when dors this Irnln lenvc?" "What tire you asking me for?" Go In tho r.nrlurtori I'm (lie oiiliierr. "I know y mrVr llio rtiRliiepri but you might give a limn i civil nnsncr." "Yes, but I'm no civil cn, ln'er," Inipiirliilil rnv'trrr. IsniTr.MENTS nro nd'erod yon by tbo uunMnqTiw Hiii'Tr. It. HI pay ywi to rend their mlverlisrmeiil to u khiiiu eie whera in this issue. Summer Borne men linfe n faculty of lookliiR on Hie brielit eid"o of things. A South End men who was refused by a girl didn't weep over n missing bride, but congratulated him fell" on escaping n mother-In law. - llrttrr llinn I'orcljjn Port. Ewer's Tort Oropo Wine is better than lmiiortrd I'ort, midince the adulteration of the latter, ii-musr. man im iuhi-v. to ,.u..-, nnd really exrellent and hcallh giving Troy 7YmM Members of tho Hoard of IlraUli, of hew Tfork, und other prominent nhysii'hins, use thin wine fur their patient nnd in their own funnies. For tale by A. J. Dulling and 0. p. Horn. M. 1). Lehiehtuti, nnd crn i- It.tpilier, Wei-spoiL Out in Durancn. Col., recently, n rnnr r'lifie took place and tho untlco 61 It in the daily paper said : "Cards." livery person iu the room bougbt a pack and sonio u couple of them. i-The wJler ol one Saratoga spring coun leracts the effect of another, onil It takes a very learned person to dunk Saratoga water intelligently. I have been alll.eted with nervousness nnd dyspepsia, flatus in tho stomaeii ami bowels, wakeful nights, etc., for years, until 1 look D. R. V. 0.; tliat lias cured mo. Clias. E. Stevens, Attorney, Syracuse, N. Ii It is not sui prising that there is a great deal of pride at our seaside watering places fir there every wave lias its crest. The comet Is expanding Its star route, My mother resides at Laming. Michigan Two veura aen she was attacked with dys- ...... .im l,vfmn reduced from 1B0 to 111) lbs, Tho doctors save her up to die. Tree bottles ll. H: V. U. has cured her J you are at lib eny to use my name Tor the henelit ol olii cm. Ij- 1j. Ui uee, Syracuse, N. Y. It is a mean temperature that makes a man sick. 'Ti easier to wait than to worry ; Mil -ruostof us got In a hurry when after thedu cits we sciiriy. Itny Fever. For Iwenly.fivo years I hftye been severe ly nftlicted wili Hay Fever, anil have tried many remodies-withoiit relief. While suf Iflrlng iuienscly I was induced to try your op imenseiv firkin B.ilin. Tho immediate effect wa marvelous. 1 have bcerfinabled to preform mv pnptorml duties without tne slightest in--convenience, llnve bon exposed to heat, ilraunlita and dust, and 'have escaped n re. turn attack. I pronounce Ely's Cream Ralm Jtriire Pr Hay Fever. William T.ujrr, i res bytorian 1'astor, liiu-iucui, n.o, Iluvlngbeen alllicieil with Hay Fever for years Igayo Ely's Cream Halm a trial, was much lieueliti-u ll not permanently cureu. have bad no real allack'ti since lisinir it. li U. Itnuch, E lltor Carbon Cuuut Dcmo:rat, JldUch Chunk, l'a. rncosti cents. A new kind of berry is being grown called "Telesianh." An electric current probably. A school mistress should bo up to urchin in knowledge. At thh reason, various diseases of the xmoli uro prevalent, and many liva are M t irutisli'K 01 Knowteijce oi a eaie tml Mum reinnilv. 1'KltrtY IMVIS' 1'AIN tii.i.t:it it a t'cciire for Uinvrhrcn, Dys ntory, Vhuleni, Cholera Morbus, bummer .'i:npl.iint,ctc., nntl U perfectty me. Itcuil the following: Jliiviunii'iE.N.Y., March 55,1ft liunnv r,.v..Mxw U , r I m tttt-rr t'niln to a fiord (mliinl .lie lor ciai'iip and pain tn the if tomnch. Joi:vn lIumurT. Ktrno1.vit.tB, N. Y, IM). a. . ,li ir,.irl,it. n'irl rr.niiiM to t'ja Ftoinflch. ltaie aS 11 tor yuu-j, end It ti '""" , nn. T.Mn.t Tni... Mnri.1i 17.IUO. I titve ued mar l'u.i "Killer in rejere rajes of .rnnin. colle all 1 Cnnler.l IaJ. U11..DHIIH naw uiuiuB. i.i n i imiii . II 1.0 iwal It inanr tlnn s for bowi't c"tnvl1 il, illlito'i-iyirrr. Mouldli tlr.lfalo wllhjiUalMtlolntUeliimie. ,lk,liirr Hwaimdrr.niDvvii'lixKi'.LrnJertwcUe rt-nr. It lit tola, r, t"i' rrimjic u iumum Elioula allow it U bo o at or tlio f auJ1 y. Osi-int. V. Y .Itu. 11', 1M1 Manufacturer of nnd Dealer fn STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Fill and Sheet-Iron Ware and General House Fnrnisnins Goods. itoot'itfn nnd srnirTIMJ dono nt hort liolico aud at Ijowc-t uastt l'riccs. IVb lieir-.n mini It our h rev soar-cko. and It always k!m .or.l'ef. Hwi'dliunuyuare i, i, (i CoKWAYnoao.8 Cl'iu. in.rni ,i.. ii m.itn iu, I nin ntft iinnin. NearV pvf rv lu tMs kcIIo.i I.cijv U. S. OOHStJUTK, 1.1. boue DR. ucuioa. iu tbo house. CnEfELn. ifJENliil I'm r.b. S. T Invo known l'KKJIV U VIb' VMX K''lllOl t from Iba day It win nifroduce i.nad iftir Jia" o ob'rrtatinn and U" 1 r "am l iraoiw iu w bousibo'.daian '"'Y n'p'tAr "iT'S Ce-rpt, iMiT(iv.n.i.TiikKT.rvo. rtHn.ii.i.neciini.Bli o I wll"! 1 tm'0 tun I lr.o.l our 1'Aia KiLixr, cad tcun I r:rnrj la tar rolicf. ."'icJH- nnrleyarcr'deno.irf tiutj-.t'arc3j-e"rliilr.dla, 1 U.lVOftVTl IU" 111.11111 i7"i "V. . if i-'JJ len', mid cholera, O.IU never icon-It tofe'l Mplw ftlf.'f. 1L Clabiuub. No f.unilv can safcly Vc wilhotit. tlii- invnluablo ictnedy. Its pi ice brings i within the reneli of nil. Tor snlo by nil drugguls ct 23c., 50a and $1.00. per bottle. rEKHY DAVI3 & OV, rroprietorc, l'roviilcncc, il. l Juno 18 to sept. 1-nrm FOB FARMERS' COLUMN. I'vcrvklndot S10VK (ItlATF.S and FI11K unit K kept constantly on num. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Bank tit., LE1110IITON I'atronniro solid ted Satletae'lnn Kuarantenl. Oi t. s-yi iv. ji. mija,-i..ii. wn. tl.LO der it von porsona of nav all tho tloin tbcv work, t'it Diirtitnior, io JI. II Li.KTr. it (JO .I'oiil.ind. Me. Jnneai-I ni A VJ!i31v in Tour own ton S!b(4 Ontlltlroo. Korlsl;. Itemle QjUW nautabn mem at which pt " either nex can pinko arear k S2i WntfltpK. f lemSVin'IfH M.50. WIiltoMat Hiintlnt Cwrt'. tmltttmpoMK. 8oHJitltiII.Owrt uri'l licftfot nei vviiUtlvonrH" Vln bl cutulrtpncfrc). T!ioaijMja January 2a,188Ujl RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet ana tars, ana an otner Pains and Achest No Prirnratlon on earth eipuds Bt. Jacohs Oil i a m ft; turr, thitc anil rienj) Kxlernal Kerned?. A trial entails but tlie romiwratlvHy ntiiinv nr .".n rpnf. and erery one (iirler- Iiir nltli nlh can havo cheap and pudtlve pruuf oi lie claims. Directum tn Heran LnngiingM. BOLD EYALLDRU0QI8TS AHD DEALEEB IN MEDIOINE. A. VOGELER & CO., JJoWmorr, JtrJ., XT. S. A March 6, 1881-Vl OF SPRING AND SUMMER 'liMfcs.jflkWlffli MISS I S. SHYDER, Respectfully announces to her lady iiiends that she has just received a full line of the latest novelties in Spring & Summer Purtnblo (3nrlciin. Tho JVoin'e llarmcr telli city folks how Ihcy may grow vegetables In eplto of small yards. It sayo i Take barrels and boro holes urco enough to admit tlio noso of n water ing pot. VllI tho hirfcls with stones as high asthd rows of holes, and fill in with rood rich, fine earth to Iho tp, in -which "plant cucumbers, melons, nnd tomatoes. One bar rel will be enough for each kind. He sure Id havo oho flat stone lea n over tho la rgo hole whore Vou will pour In water until it runs nnt of tho holes you havo made, arid which will prevent the earth from filling this large hole up. Range the barrels around tho yard ntrd'plant the seeds. Keep tho barrels filled with water up to tne holes, and you havo all the requisites for rapid, healthy growth, ntr,'heat moisture. You can raiso all the vce'etatfes you will need, in the greatest per fcction, and tbBy will lost until Inte in the .autumn, as they cau easily be covered on frosty nights. Cucumbers and tomatoes may hong over the barrels, cutting them off when they reach tho bottom. Melons mat bo tied to the wall or fence The stones have tin important service in holding Up the eartL and in absorbing tho beat during the dav which they give out at night, keeping the wider at an even temperature MILLIISSY Including lints, llonncts, Klowcrs, nibbons, Fentbors, Notions, and DRESS TIUMMINQS These goods I have a Rood assort CONSISTING OP Plain and Lace Buntings, reduced from 1G cents to 10 and 12 cents LAWNS, reduced from 14 cents to 12 and b cents, ment of yet. Porcale Chintzs. reduced from 1-1 cents to IU cents Double and Single Widths CASHMERE, Spring and Summer Shades, Reduced from" 23c. to 22c, 27c. to 22c, 20c. to 16c, 19c to 15c, 16c. to 12JC, &c. These goods .. are seasonable for 3 or 4 months yet, and the-price is reduced merely because our line of colors are broken, and we wish to clear our counters and make room. ' , " ck.' Tlio Seventeen Ycnr I.ocutt. Trof. C. V. niley, some months ngo,"mode a report on the seventeen year locust, pre dieting their appbarance this year in certain parts ol Wisconsin, Horth Carolina, Virgin la, Northern Ohio, aud a low In Lancaste count", Tennsylvania, and Westchester Co. New York, where broods were duo to ma lure. I'romptly on timo the insects have -kept their npjwlntnicut, and havo turned ti In profusion just when they wero expecttd The brood known as the thirl een-year locust. which,1t was predicted, would appear this year in several parts ol the Southern States. lias llkewiso justified tho anticipation of the 1'rofessor,. and come up promptly to time. Tho two brotds show little or no 'specific inference, but divide on-geographleal line" the seventeen-year brood belonging to tin Northern and tho thirteen year to iho South ern States, the dividing line being latitude thirty-cighl, though in some' places the sevpnleon-year brood extend below thislii.c wliile in Illinois Hie .ihlrteen-ycar brood runs up considerably beyond it. I' AIt3I NOTES. We have just received from the Memlels olin l'iann 0., New York, their new cata logues lr 1831 ,iiviiiE n very lull description jiClheir Pianos and .Organs, und ulisn Ibeir Manufactory, which is o'na of tho largest nnd most complete ill the world, a descrip tion uf which, and the process of manufac ture of musical inptiumeiits of tlio highest qrder. and will bo lound very Interesting. VJ heir Hands ami Organs, besides ln'iug unanimously lemminendeit for the highest houor of tho great Centfiinial cxhibition,are indorBfd in the slronirest pissdile terms by the greatest musical urtisis aud liix1' authorities now living, as well as the leading newspaper pre.9 of the country. Tliiooniiniiy is destined to occupy a high place as manufactures ol musical instru ments, and from the ehaiacter of its produc tion, and their honorable and fair manner nf'deallng, should secure tho patronage of portions who desire reliable goods at facbiry prices. For further Information, send stamp f ir eatulogue of Fiauos or Oigauc, as you mav detire. I have a small lot of them on hand yet. The people of Lehighton have really apjird" ciatcd this bargain, as they sold very lively, an'd every Shirt has given satisnicti'oii"as illljjY as heard from. And a full line of the M0 19 nt tlae WLgiDa.3 flPrfice of HO ceiais i rt I have just received a lot of Masoaa UeDaproveil W. asD3a9s Fruit which will bo sold at the right price. Remember the place may 2S-ylr ul- imiirpiiiiM.. CARBON ADVOCATE riiAIN AND FANCY BOOK' JOB PRMM HOUSE HANICWAY, a short distanco above tho Lehigh Valley Derot, LEHIGHTON, PA. America is ihe cradle of liberty, and we rocket on the Fourth, If a muu cannot be cured by smoking he is less susceptible than a ham.' A 'mii. Ilnpllot 1 ele.rjr.ymsn of Deren, N. Y., a strong tern neraneo ninn.sull'i-reil with kilnev trouble, neuralgia, nnd d'zzinc almovt tn hlin Incus, over two years alter ha was told that Hop Hitlers would cure him, because bo w nfrald nf any' nreiudiced against "Bitten, Since his cure he says none need fear but trust fn JiopJMtcrs. Instinct leads alien astrny when it in duces her to waste valuable timo sitting on a china egg. . (St. IjouIs Chronicle.) Advice is cheap, dreadfully chep. But we must be true to uurinitlucla nf humanity apd tell our suffering friends lo use kl.Iacobn Ul, and curpriso their rucumatuiii ami tliemsolvra also at Ihe result. J. I. Ii. liar. vv, Ksq., of Chicago, wvs : 1 would be ro- arvaut to my duty to those nlllictcd, did 1 not raise my voico in its praise. A medical writer says children need mure wraps than adults. They generally gel more. A llvltllll)- Mute. People are constantly changing their homes from East U West and from North to South or vice verta, in search of a healthy Suite. If lliey would learn to be contented und to Ufa the eelebrsted Kidney-Wort -when sick they wou.,1 be luuclt better nil. The whole system can be kept iu a healthy flute1 oy mis simple uut ciuctuai remedy It Is called the bay-window because lovers like to sit in its recesses and "bay the moon." Opera singers are remarkrbly healthy considering the amount of male arie in the basin ms. Little .Inhnny had boon caught by hi aunt teoninir a fly, "Johnny," said she sunrtoaiftg annie great beast a thousand limes biifCiT than yourself should tease yoi and perhaps est you all up?" "I lepe," laid JohniijV'he'd feel as bad as I do when J swalluw a fly." It was the first night uhoard the steam r. "At last," he said, teuderly, "we are all alone upon Ihe deep waters of the dark blue tea and your heart will always beat for m as it beat id the paIV- "My heart's a) right," she answerei. Iaonnllr, Inn mv tliuiiach feel awful, Wc arc now fully prepared to execute every description of riiJNTINQ, from a Visiting; Card to aLane Poster! l'osters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Shipping Tags, Cards, 1)111 Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Programmes, Pamphlets, &c, t.e., In Itcst Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! Inventors will Advance their Interests by Employing an Uinerlenced Attorney resident In viashlnxton. t A. I.ehinann. Solicitor of Amerlcin nnd Forelirn Patents, Waslilng. ton, I). U , has had years of successful Prac tice, and was lurmtrly nn lliemlner of Pa tents In the Patent Utllee, All tiuslneis be fore the ttourts or tho Department promptly attended to. Pee contingent upon success. Send lor Circular. April V3 tf-cor. THE GREAT CURE ' ' J?0B RHEUMATISM Aa It la for all diaoascs of tho KIDNEYS) LIVER AND DOWELS. It cleanses the system of tho acrid poUoa that oanaas the dreadful Buffering whlab only the vlotlms of Uheamatlsm can rsallce, THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forma of this terrible cuseaae have been quickly relieved, In a short time PERFECTLY CURED. hat had wonderful KUCceM, and an lmmenno aJ6 iaevory part of tha Country' la bun droda of casaa It haa cured whero all cIbo bad filled. It is mild, but eUlcterit, CHUTAIX IS ITS ACTION, but barmless In all cues. tirlttlcantci.Strencthcna and KTCft7'cv UTo toallth Important orcani or tho body. The natural action of tbo Sidneys is restored. The Liver la cleansed of all dlaeaae. and the A Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases are eradicated from the system. As it has been proved by thousands that la tho most effectual remedy for cleansing tho system of all morbid secretions. It should bo usea in every aouacuuiu a SPRING MEDICINE. A.weys oures UILIOUSNEas, CON3TT7A. TION. riXE3 And all rEUALE Slacoaea. Is pat up lnDry Vt tol.le Form, In tin nas, ooe pockaire of whtcliiuakca Cqufcrta lucdlcliu. Alun In I.lnnlil.rornl. err Conocntratcdfor the convenience of Viose ho cannot rcadUr pre- parelu (twtiirnftniiai tjpeienciinnintrjurm. GET IIOFVOCll DRUGQ1ST. riUCE,1.00 TOW, IllCHAliDStlX A Co.. Prop's, (Will lend the itrr po-rt-nald.l nt nuXOTOV, T. s'havjncUSE RAZORINE ! i MADE TARTLIMG DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vWim of youthful imprudence causing Prematura Perar. Nervous UcbiUty, Lost Man bood.eto, batuu tried in vain every Inowu remedr.bas discovered a simple aelf cure.which bo will send CUE 12 to his fellow sufferer, ad dreaa J. U. IltXYKS, iJ Chatham CU, X. Y, January Cs, 1681-yl IN MISSISSIPPI, For SAT.K and I'XCII AN(1E at (10 and til t Ai u t.. Aaaress, a. nF.nns Allanite Arenne, Her 2JmT IIrookitx. N EASY ! NO MORE DULL RAZORS ! Hespectfully announees to Hie people of I.e. hliclitou and Its vicinity, tliat he Is now pre. pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from tho host Seasoned SfaTe. rials nt I'rlecsfullvas lowns the same article: can lie bought for elsewhere. Here are ajf O.I oi tne inuucemenis onereu ; Parlor Bets at from -. 50 to $60 Walnut Mnrhle-top Dreslnt Caie lleitroom Suites, 3 pieces tlototw Painted lledruom Suites $IR tujio (lane Seated lllmlrn, persctof 6..,. $g Uulnmon I'hslrs, per set of 6 ana ail flinerttooua cquuuy cneap. In this connection. I desire, to call the at. tentlon of the people to ray ample facilities In A late discovery, which has nt once trained a de served nroinlneuce froin.ltS own merit. As an aid to sharing. It has nover been equalled. It Is Invaluable to every one who uses a Kaxor or desires n saarp iff n.tnilru mrnt lor any purpose. RAZORINE. Ily use of this wonderTuI wwder, the edge of the (eencstrator uay bj lm- Iproved. The most wiry beard may be removed from the most'tonder skin without pain or Incon. venttnee. RAZORINE. Itcinorcs all dread ol the Individual use of the raior. Any man possessing; a beard, can by the use of this remarkable diicoviry on his strap, remoro his beard with ease, comfort and celerity. Agtnlt wanted In every town and county. Ssnd (or circular with terms, &e. Ily mall pott-paid lor (0 cents. Sample boxes, 25 oeuts. Address mv7 m3 II ATM ON 1 & CO., 37 1'ark How, NTW illK 1TV THE UNDERTAKE BUSINESS- with a NEW and HANDSOME 11KAH8E, and a full line of (JACKETS and OOK11NB, i am preparea to attenu promptly to all t ders In this line, at lowest prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and the most ample satisuctun guaranteed. octlZ V. SOHWA.r.TZ, HANK St., LeblEbton. . JOHN P. IIALBACH, Instructor of ilusic, (I'iauo, Organ, Voleo and Theory.) LEIIIQIITON, I'A. Sole agent for the J. & C. Fischer Piano ; And dealer In all kinds or Pianos and Orirans, term iu. Bun vusjr, mate, lumber, bricks. VIV., IB&V11 ,u VAVUUI1K. rlhset Muilc and books furnished on short uuuve. For particulars, terms, fee., Address, JOHN T UAI.llM'H. Aug i, 1119 ly. Irfhilit'.ti, IV NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. All work dono In the latest stylo, and most durable manner, nt tho lowest cash prices. STORE: at tho Intersection of DANK STREET and HANKWAY, EEHIOItTON, PA, nprll 80, 1181-yl. Novel overloa'd a' (cam nor discourage it by n too heavy pull nt first stnrting-rior start from n bad jilaco ,ii it is possiblo to avoid it. In thinning apples . whilo small, we hove experimented long enough to ).now that It is very profitable,. Heal' Report. Bud Farming It is exceedingly bad Husbandry. bi lmrrpwup the feelings of your wife, to rule up old qiurrcls, to hoe (owe) a grudge, and sow ilUconl. The following is said lo be an antidote fur blight in pear: One quart of slaked II mi. oho quart of.bone phosphate anil one ounce of sulphcr sprinkled, under each tree. .., Sparrqws ore so numerous nnd bellig erent at Vienniath'at they hnvoilriren oth er birds from tho eity, und now the aullior- lies nre having them destroyed with n'r- guns, n ,r.hassenr peramhtilating the paiks nnd nvr'n'nes for this (pri-hil purniso. In some parts of tbo city of New York tl ey havo become n post almost intorable, end thcsrc'ls no known method of of abating it, '"Many Cirmorg' wives lead a -dreary sort of life. They work fmm early morn till lot di night with noiline for.Terretillon or'iead- lig. They can find very'littlc linic'lo read he family newspaperv This hard life they fiuluro with elieerfullness ond are well satis- fieddflheir labors are appreciate!) which, ld to'say; is rot always the case. There arc sdiiio very unreasonable, selfish, and un thinking men who'fiml )io word ofapfro lintion'or apprcrintinn of the labors of their faithful wives. A few words of hearty np preciatlon nro sometimes' mortS precious than gold to the weary and discouraged. Zacia ton Journal. There is no crop raised that yields so largo an amount of,ood and with io little liiruor as imuan corn. An exchange tells of a farmer who ploughed an acre pfrutbor poor soil and in llip furrow ho laid corn stalks lraghtwl'(' nnd soon till tlio whole was ploughed. Ou another ncro ho burnt the same umnu'ut of cornstalks and spread the ashes, over the wholo field then being planted with corn. The latter portiou.stai ted much better than tne uruif onii iiuriug too eany part oi tue season was a good deal ahead, but tbo latter part of tho seasm the first jwrtion wei t ahead, the result being that the cornstalks brought off the best crop. Towdcred shellac is softened in ten times its weight of strong water of ammonia, whereby a transparent mass is obtained whirh becomes fluid after keeping for some little lime, without the use ol hot water, In th'reo or four weeks the mixture .is perfectly liquid, aud when applied it will bo found to soften the rubber. As soon as Ihe ammonia evaporates the rubber hardens again it is said quite firmly nnd thus becomes imper vious both to gases and liquids. For cement in.g sheet r ibber or rubber materials in any shape to metal, glass and other smoothesur faces tho cement Is highly reoimmendsd. Great activity prevails at the Muedou Aeronautical School, where the French Gov. eminent has established extensive works fur the construction of war balloons. Each ol these, ten intjters in diameter,' will be made of silk, varnished by a process invented in 1T94. The valvo Is to be made of metal, and the sliano will be quite spherical. Not less than forlv of them will bo sent to Ihe sever al French armies for tho purpose of making captive or free ascents when required. Of these more than half have been already con structed. The construction of furnaces for the preparation of puro hydrogen has not begun yet. The warehouse Is large enough ta contain Inflated balloons, which can find exit by the roof. A-glue ready for use Is made by adding to any quantity of glue, common whiskey in stead of water. Vat both together iu a bot tle, cork it tight and set t for three or four days, wheu it will be fit Tor use without the application of heat. Glue thus prepared will keep for years, and is at all times fit for use, except in very cold weather, when it should be set in warm water before using ToobvisU the difficulty of the stopper gel ting tight by the glue drying in the mouth ol the yessel, use a tin yrssel with tho rover fitting tight on the outside to prevent th escape of the spirit by evaporization. J strong solution of isinglass made lathe same manner is an excellent cement for leather. p m A TRUZ roriic l PERFECT 37R5fGTHEMER.A fURE REVIVER. an hu.ily jecouv.ncivlcd fr nil rilcvrt3 AC EN WANTED. o o i G rmirir.rr a certain i:r.n cl'icbnt tonics crnx-lnny Jit'l. :-! u, hut .km'h, Inter- Ji'itcrs, ll-' Appetite, Jtim of S'nvy.t, I r ,';J i injj, ev. I.mifhcs tlnLIoo-1,Uni.,r:iieti tins mnsclo, mi' I r-ivt jr.e'" l,i tl.o tut its. They net "ka il di.irm i n tho il;,:rs.Ivo crmia, rcii'ovitljj v ' I i',yp p::c i-y;iiptPi:i i, snrli i 'x.rJiii'i the I'.fvU TJrf.-4ij, Ifr it i'.i (As Sten-w.'i, it ,': 'i'!;c only -i'o:i I'rcpr.vfitlon that will not !!ac!:or tiso tfth or ?Iv :ic;itl.lfhc. 8uU by a'.l drujrr is!. Vyiito fur la ABC Look, pp. ol useful and cnnt3:n rcaCilv; sait free. niiOWIT CIIliiillCAIj CO., Baltimore, 3I1. TOE J0HHB01I EEVOLVIlia EOOS CASU. Wrin IsuirrsDEin Snrr.vr Adjustable ro Books or xsr Hciuiit, AN EtrGANT PnESCAT. INYALUAMXTO I.a-rj-crs, Clcrsyincii, IMiyIelnns, Editors, JJanStcm, XcncHoTi), DIcrcIiauts. Mudout!.: And all who read Boots. CHEAPEST, STRONCEST, BEST. Bond for dcacrlpllvo circular and Trlco list. CORRESPONtlENOE SOUCCITED Addross, JJAICMI, miACT & C., Bchool Parnlnhers, and dealers la cverythlni In tko BooU and btaUounry luie. 19 Hand. St., Now "Voile. Bend 2J cents for our Now Illustrated Cota Ioruo, with over 800 Illustrations o: oduciUonal and usctul articles. fSsS Pff Wi&Mh 1wmwmwmsjsss nmnm rrm wr. VJMri "n iib mmmii i Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World ! ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AND THE KANUrACTUaEE3 AltE HE3P0NSIBLE. sure to Send for Illnstrateil Catalogue before Pnrcliasiiii FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS or tt :sr i if1 op2,:m: ESioisT-iiijEisroEi. SAVE your H0HE7, writo for Catalogue and PllICE LIST to The Boston Buelclbonrd Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN Also SOLE Manufacturers of tlio celebrated lloaruN BuccBOinn or BOOKW ALTER ENCHNEI Effective, Simple, Durable mi Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Guaranteed to work -well and srlvo flill powor claimed. JUST THE THING TOE A PRINTING OPTIOB Every Farmer -who runs a Cotton Gin, Cora Mill or Wood Saw, should havo one. SEE Olllt LOW I'ltlCES. Ilorso Power Encmo aud Boiler $240 " ' 280 " 355 " ' " ........ 440 SEND FOn A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPIILET. HiG el & Co.3 SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. A. A. THOMAS, Oorner Nlntli and Streets. Washlnjton, 11. U., attends to Pen. slon and Hack I'ay. llounty Claims collect. ed. Contested Iitnd Claims, Mineral and Aurlculiural; attended lo uclorotlie Depart meat of the Interior nnd Supremo Court. Land Scrip and Additional Homesteads pur. chased and sold. April 53-lf-cor. II S3S i s? s? s 8 s s5.;- a t! 9V Jtv'flir!:! vie . CO aJ"SuWriUe for tUe Aototstk only $1 a rear and Ir Kendall's Ilvse lijnk as t (ireiuium. 10IMT3 WAttTIS lor the llest and rasiest 1 Selline l'lcturlal llivks onit llibles Prlres iwlueed M 1' cent Nnnal I'uMismns DROP IN AT THE Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOR , Cheap Printing iy THE CREAT BUBLIXGTOIf ROVTJ2. othor line runs Three Thrfluirh rs Eencer Trains Daily botween ChlcflBO, Ilea Moines, Council Ulnffs, Omnha, Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topckri nnd Kansns City. Direct connections for nil points lu hatvui, Ncbrasltn, Colorado, Wyomlnp. Montnua, Ne vada, Now Moxloo, Arizona, ldaho.Orrsou and California. . A , Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd MosfCnmforta. bio lloute vlallaunlbi-J to Fort Beott.Dcnlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin. Dan Actoulo, Calves ton and all points In Texas. Tho unmiualed ludiiecments olicrcd by this Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, nro ns follows! Tho celebrated Pullman (10-wlirol) I'ajacp Sleeping Cars. run only on this I.lnc.C. II. U Q. Palace Drawlne-Iloora Cars, with Uorton s llccllnlntrChaiis. No extra charge i tor beats In Iteclinlnff Chairs. Tho famous C. II. a 0. Palace DlnlntrCars. Oorffoous Iimnklnir Cars flttcil with nicirant IlU-h-Ilacltcd Rattan Itc volvlnsr Chairs for tho cxclusivo uso or first class pa'engcrs. Steel Track nnd Superior Enulnment, ijom blncd Willi their Great Through CarArrniurB ment, makes this, above allot hers, thofavorlto Itouto to tho South, South-Wcst.jind tho Far West y Try It, nnd you will find traveline n luinry In'tcad of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for sale at all olliccs In tho United Statcs-and Canada. . All Information about Rates of Fare. Sleep inir Car Accommodations, 'lime Tables, sc., will bo cheerfully given by npplylnu to J. Q. A. HEAN. Oon'l Kastcrn Agont, OOd WahlnL'ton St., Ih-stmi, Mass, nnd 1117 llrondwny. Now orlt. JAMES R. WOOD. (Ion. Pas. Agt.. t'hlesiro. T. J. POTTElt, ban, Iuuager, Chloago- Co., J'iiiUdeli'bla I' (oar-uj 1 ITlie Cahiion Auvooate ono ycnr for 1, anil Kendall's Horse JJook as a premium. II flfc il -Ktrf-llUI4 V. riitfueo an-j Uct Tr(nW. to DEN VEn. COLOHADO 8P7IING3. anJ ruKBLO, and ncTunsr, i.tmi fully Iomt Thrtio tJrWt will l ttrooil 1'omar wpst uithln Priaori fin dnyitfmniVltitcof mIc, und to return I until October 3 1 ft foi low I nj. I llillnian Ial"n Con nro inn hy I Iht csmpnnr fmm ClirCAOO u I UittHThfinareirrAni InDENVBH mid irUJSiiLO. innniB enn in t taliMl io ait Ihronstii tmlns inwlilel. nwal can iw olttrttnoil at ihrj reaon price of acTMity-tlTC rcnti. and olcRftut Miip uf United I J. Q. A BEAK. Otn'lEutem Art.. 317 HroadTviiy.Nowyork,artl DCtf I a. D. R.V. CURES Dyspciisia. Indigestion And Jill trcublei arising therefrom, Sick Headache, V. Eatinc, Acidity of tlit FJatuIeacy, Ltvtr and Complaint, Torrid i Con t ipat ton. IM , he Hack and Limbs, Purifier In ' LTvi.ti?.ITV 21 r-sa such trcsc Stomach, Kidney l. Ivor rrjf Ac!. i m It is ilia UiogJ the World. Guars Drucsiili lo clvc per- Uctton or money Try It. Our Vltal Tonic Hilleri, lh pctixcr la Ihe World. Call for Uem. D.R.V.C.Mfg. Co., Prep's, SYRACUSE. N. Y. New York Depot, 0.y.CriMKias, 115 rtllci Otiut. Kay Fevor. SCOTTISH sf THISTLE Medicinal burners! PATENTED DUC. ICtli, 1S79. The Electric l icht was a Rreat dlscoverr, hut I claim Ihe S oiliih Tuisllt MtJC'iual A. trt Is) 'frcali-r one.iiiviia: to the great amount of suDenuff they nlievcd, and the cults they lute offccle J, I sutltri-d from Asthma for fifteen years in ScntUn 1 and America and I am now completely cure I. I lime been uudwng Ihe inhaling proi-ets fur vears, and as a rcbiilt 1 now five tbr world HJ .liM'a ', Ihe mort LlTertIie,and by fir t'u nto.l conienient prepara. linn ever odered to t'ie 1 utdic, fcr Akthma nd lljv l ever, also Sore T'iiat,.llr.arcness Irom CotWhs, Catarrh. ItronrliUia. Niuroli!iaand Dlph thtm. Core raurb.ire 'I heoat with these Potucre and yon will hiri.nmo i rl fiipl.theria. They are invaluable for p iid.o .pi nkera and kingers. They are put up m. f tni-v boxes, nnd can ho carried In lliu pm kci, anil lised at convenience. If yrm cannot ct them from your Ooii.r, or Pruvifi, atl tnreit tn Ihe manufacturer, who will send thtm tn all p.irta of the war Id, postage free. Ajch'Jd " 1 F "-. as thev no not have lo Im aamkin. Vet.t. Vm fiollar ftr JJcx. MOHltlMlN SDIPSOV. I'lup', und Miiiuti'.wTtirrrs O, rorleby AJ.DT'IILIKU, UltraOIST lblghten, J'ft Hepl -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers