II- V. MORTIIIMKR, I'DlTOIl LKIIIOIITON. I'A.; SATUUDAY, JUIA' 23, 1881. HOSt'i: CUNKMIN'C The protracted Senatorial contest at Al bany, hss engendered Riiiinositics among Repulilicalis ull liver the country, which cannot be easily allayed. At one time It looked ns If Mr. Onklltig and tho Antl-Ad ministration faction had the best of the figU but OorficlJ and ISInlne backed by the lin mouse patronage al their command, linvo succeeded in gelling the upper hand. At the ciutaet we felt that this result could be but a question of limei that though Ib.scoo Conk linjf had a great following Slid wielded an Immeuse Influence, he must speedily suc cumb when the adroit Mr. Garfield and the wily Mr. Blaine got down to business and becau to deal out their official fuyore. Nor wero we mistaken. Mr. Conkling has been deserted hv the men whom he had a Tho July issue of the Illustritkd qualities, aa Is fully attested by tho thous-1 ScHmirio Nkws teems with Interesting ill ustrated article? few of which is aa follows: The Doblear Telephone; Glass Grinding Machine; Ancient Tottery from Cypusj Mechanical Larynx) Tleasure Car of the Days or Louis XIV) Amateur Mochantcaj The renmrkoblo Palmyra Talnu Curious Fishes ( lllutrallnns, explaining tho burst ing of Fly Wheels) A Velocipede Carriage. In addition to tho numerous engravings, tlicro is u large number ol interesting, useful and practical papers, relating to various de partments of popular science. This is one of tho most elegently printed and valuable periodicals. Sold by all newsdealers. Pub lished by Mean & Co., 37 Tark Row, New York. Warner Miller was elected U. S. Sena tor by the New York Legislature on Sulur day;lo sucooed Thomas C. Piatt for the term ending in 16S7. The rote stood: Miller, 7fl Kcrnan, 47; Fish, 9; Wbceler, 4; scattering,?, Necessary to a choice 73. Senator Window and Assemblymen Bingham, Coppcll, J. P, right I Carpenter, Cullen, Dickey, Kurd, Jackson . .,..i.i In i.r .W,tln hlnml. fln" &narpe, ispeaKor; went over to Miner. l.l,,Li. , it,!. Itn ha. mado these In tlie 10' for ccoor to Conkling . it,.., ,..,. II n,n from oh- was no choice, the vote Btanding: .,niv in imminence, and sustained them Lap"", 08) Totter, 47) Conkling, 20, and in tlie positious they obtained through his .nf1..n..a lit flrmnpaa n a friend", has ..-l. t, hv l.ls nurilv aa a tmbllo -Prof- Swirt Di'clnr nf W"n ' man, end although through the perfidy ol friends, whoto fealty has been purchased with office, he may be relegated to private Evarts, 1. life, he has tho proud consciousness ofknow ing, that he never accepted a bribe, nor did one unmanly or dishonest tiling in his ca pacity of public legislator. And the people appreciate this fact as well ns ho docs him self. No Credit Mobilicr bribe has ever crossed his palm, nor dishonest subsidy act received his support. Ho has been true to himself as an honest man and faithful to his constituency as an honorable representative In nil jiosilions he has been called upon to fill. Would that we could say as much lor his opponent. But we cannot. Their re cords uro black witli unparalleled venality, reeking with the slime tliey have drugged up from the lo.itbsome depths Into which they plunged lu their unhallowed and in famous search fur power and wealth. We admiro manhood, we appreciate true nobility, und though we have not agreed with ex -Senator Conkling on political ques tions, wo would not witliold from him tho praino to which bo is justly entitled as a rep- rcseulalivo American, whoso conspicuous ability nurt purity, have won tho admiration of the worldi Teu years ago Roseoo CouMing eclipsed ands of invalid) who havo tried, them and I found relief. Their medicinal virtues wcro I accidentally discovered on tho 4th of July, 1879. A lamlly went Into camp there st- WASHINGTON. OCR SrKCIAl, LETT KB W-ISHICQTO, D. C, July 10, 1881, Although the condition of the President with-a vim, vigor andjjrushhat Says, "thle country is good cnough.fpr u,we have come to stay." . . From what I have seen, I am fully con I vli'ced in my mind that ,lne Ban Juan and . ...... .. .1 AILUUUUII LIIOUHIUIl Ull U1LUU I TB31 1GUL . . ..... . II ll I. .. t I ... iraclwl'oy tho picturesque surroundings anu , .7 i uunnuon country is mo rpjimst in ueposns the delightfully clear and cool water that f lb, ,Unllcd S,Ule,s fs S" Improved, yet tnd wm b lhe mpst prospcrous ecclou gushed forth from tho rocks. The man of tho Interest In Ins health continues unabal- of Colorado) It nocds railroads and cheap tho family was a confirmed rheumatic, and Th8 excitement has passed away, add "freight,, mills and smo tiqg furnaces, which to his astonishment he began to Improve luu aro rapidly being completed. Tho ores are before he was there a week. At the end of elMJ of lhs WhlU lru,- The daily news- lherc ar6 Tery seem Inexhaustible. . n,ih 1.. . ti,i. papers however are eagerly perused lor. tho xi.-. mounLatha nnii mountain wonderful discovery was not long !n being b1u,llel'D' wblcl, rfl "Urjl,,,U,,d15y,lb! rw7 U oan ln BllU,! lho noised abroad, In a short time hundreds "V,,"'' .( iV , . M"E"Hl Pcalf8 rl!e anow-clafl, proudly and from all directfons wended their way to this af?unt4 rrc' d.cnl G"r,f M ' " -out defiantly In the clear blue sky, their gray Mecca of life-giving waters. It is not claim 01 ff.f; "iigrauiyine; news ails every 8Mcs ad white crests being visible In the ed that these waters will cure all tho His PWoo heart with Joy, for it Is nnlrersal)y cIeir atmosp1icro for many,.many miles. In (i.i. i. i t,,.t .i,t i: ll. conceded that It would have becnogrcat ,,, n,,. ntr nr.i,i,mnlrvnhWiji1ltiii IIimo tics are many and varied. The following calamity bad the shot of the assassin caused nr0 visiU0 for a great distance, so groat that Isnn analysis made of the walrs by Pro- lctU of the Chief Ruler of the Nation. wcro ! lo name it, those who havo never feasors Patted and Wgg, of St. Louis . Tbo cl!" ve1bIot ,whc!hc1r wl''ch h"s bce' been In these regions I fear.would doubt tho Each l!un of 231 cubic inches contain. Wshlngton daring the pirt wk 8lalcmcnt. Mt. Blanc0 ), lo ba l1l8 the following: Chloride ofSodium 0.19 grs. Sulphate Soda Jh.M " Bi-Carbnnato Soda .......0.15 ' Sulphato Potash 0.12 ' lli-Ciiibonale Lime 4.43 " Bi-Carbonato Magnesia 0.47 " Iron and Alumina 0.08 " Silica . 0.31 " nas nov oeen prejuu.ciai u rresiaem uar- j,, pfak) ,t being um feel ,n hc,Rht fieRPa recovery owing to the measures which ou. of 41 that raniro between that figure and have been laked to reduce the temperature. , J()00 , tho,p3 L do not boll6 Mn , eervatory, Rochester, Jf. Y., has just verified the discovery of another comet, in the Con stellatioh of Auriga, made July IStb, by Prof. J. M. Schaeberle, of Ann Arbor, Mich. This uew comet is apparently comtngdircct ly toward tlie earth, and, for a telescopic comet, Is very bright J indeed, It can readily be seen with a good opera glass. It is quite rcmarkabto that it should be In Just the spot whero tho prebcut large comet was first seen by tho naked eye In this latitude, and it shows that the two bodies must havo cross ed each other's paths. This maires the fourth comet discovered wittiin ten weeks, a cir cumstance heretofore unknown in history. Trof. Schaeberle has duly filed his applica tion for tho Warner prize of $200, and as yet no is me only claimant: FROM THE WEST. Southwestern Missouri Somktiiikq about a Promisixo Country Emiorants who ao too Far Wkst is Search of Farms. Total solids 5. 8 J Free Ammonia 0.14 ) Parts in a Albuminoid Atnmonia.0.07 J million. At Pierce City the company have built and equipped a road running west and tap ping the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe at Wichita, Kansas, giving it a direct and through line lo all places ln Colorado, New Mexico, and other western states and lerrl of tho Wblto IIouso. A machine has been Introduced whereby a supply of fresh dry air of about 75 degrees by the thermometer has been furnished, which makes tho rooms of the invalid very comfortable. It may be some months yet,before n complete recovery may beallected. Vlce-i'residcnt Arlhurlias Si'BiKGFiEt.D, Mo., July 18, 1881. Editor Carron Artocatk Dkar Sir: No State in tho Union offers moro or better inducements to the eastern emigrant than docs the Stalo of Missouri, more partlcular- torles. Before reaching the Kansas line It ln Washington on Bunday eveningMarch runs through the great mineral-bearing belt of Missouri, with the city of Joplin as its center. Moro galena add zinc is mined in and around Joplin than in any other sec'.ion the United States. Southwest Missouri also well adapted to the raising of all tho fruits and cereals, and being blessed with a ild and pleasant climato it is one ot the most healthful garden spots in America. Emigration, which for tbo last ten or fifteen years, apparently ignored Missouri, and passed on to Kansas and Texas, is now wending its way back to Missouri, and a large and enterprising class of people from e snow and ico bound states of the north ara now here seeking homes and adding wealth and intelligence Ut this section. New buildings are going up at overy station and ouosequcnuy no aoggeo me looisteps ot,tl)0 improvements appearing all oyer tho coun- rmi on several occasions, uutcoutonot trv. This fuluro of this section 1. bnVhr? 6ct an opportunity to use his pistol. On the and Its arms open wide to tho emigrant from mornlD8f Ju,y 2 1,8 went 10 ,1,0.d!. ps'ro with these mountain? In scenes of beau. ty and grandeur) from tho top of Gray s Peak, a morning scene of glorious beauty is unfolded to the visitor, such as Is rerely seen In any clime; nowhere in the old, world do we,a.spend so high, from no point is the view nwirtn lirn fl.n nvn falls In runM. I li a Tnll returned to New York, as, in th. opinion 6f fxl.lit f an(, ,he far horizon the Cabinet, it was unnecessary for him to. . . Vnnln n . llr. remain in Washington any longer. ,t " ,- frin, Tfi, ,,., m. . . ; .. n ..'.1 I hihiIa n ...r... I . " Alia noouNiu uuuinu uh uuuo u buuita- sion in which he states that lho murder ol tho President was coolly and deliberately planned by bim. It appera that ho arrived peaks and vast plains In far distant portious of the State. I will not take too much of your valuable spaca now, but may write again. Respectfully, C. W. Lkstz New Advertisements. the cast; north, and south. 01 ... .... i.,. ,. r .t i ...l lon.,.l ,n..ti.lh-lltlltillfln " iwniuii oii, uiruuK.. o , - ... ... ,. ..... . 'il nf New York VI'" 11 uua uihuiiuii ine oi. jjuuis ouu FROM TEXAS. in the Republican counci Ho has ever since stood m (.he front rank and been recognized by his xIltical associ ates as llicir loading orator ami chief man ager. During tho last six years ofGrant'a Admitiistrathiii, no man except the Presi dent himself, exerted more Inllucnco in shaping tho policy of the porty. He always remained Hue to his odors. In 1872, when hosts of influential meu deserted, he 6tood firm and bore the heat aud burden ot tho Jay, in support- of the regular Republican .ticket. He saved Hayes in 1870 add pro vented Garfield's overwhelming defeat in 1SS0 niid his reward for all this devotion, is to bo ignored and betrayed Garficld.and Blaluo nnd their coterie ol Francisco Railroad, or as it is now known, "the Frisco line." Along tho entire line of this mad and its branches, the farmer, the mechanic, the nrtizan and tho miner can find pleasant locations and remunerative employment. Tho road some distance from St. Louis strikes the Ozark range of moun tainsmountains only In name -and fol lows olong their crest as far as Springficld,a distance of 241 miles. Until that point is reached the country is brokon,but lho great er portion is well adapted to agriculture and grazing. Tlio entire country is well water ed, the climate genial, and the open wood land produces native and tame grasses in luxuriance. No section of tlie country is " It is only a Cold" has Sent thousands tft iirenmturn frrarei. "A rnlcl ilnnM tin the Thi rerLninlv rlnen tint I nronuna of the system, nnd dlseiLa mtiiit re. IM,o In- .-la nf on ln.t, man .IIK. If meuiej inu.l "i i " - no useu to removo.ino oDstruotion. xauen er does it go to snow that he possessed an timely, a icw uoxs or Fort Ci.irk. Texas. Julv 7.1S81. accomplice. It is hopod that some means J nrrnill'S tiOIIrer ApcnCllt II. V. MoRTitiMKR Sir. Tho Aovooatr will be found whereby, under the sanction- y carry on namraiiy the cause or the sur. I .... I fprlnir. nnil tare ilitvs. mnntln nr nTn viir has arrived. Thanks. I now send you I o! the law, ho may be hanged. From pre Ufsullcrinlr. Sot.n bv all Uauoaisrs. nother letter, which may prove of Ieis in- ent appearances it looks as though ho would ( I want' ONE arent In every town to sell a terestthan my previous one, but I leavc.it get off with his Jifo. "'I jw.nj.. A$fHSE ... . i ..... 'j'it n.r . . to your judgment, l'ossibly 1 may go on an I There has been a wholesale diSchanr.of I .rJli"'.! . ji.cj.wi kindred sttin-le-mav fanav thev have shelved beller n""Pled to heep-ralsinS, on Industry Mr. Couklintr. but wo mistake the lomiier of w,lic1' ll!ls cea 60 'Jr adly neglected. tho mon, If ho does nut.carry lps case before the people this fall for a hearing. The Ad initiietratinn may think Conklin" dead, but they will find him the liveliest. kind of a -corjise. After leaving St. Louis, the first pluca of iinjiortance is Franklin, or raeific Hero tho Missouri Pacific and the "Frisco" lines diverge the Missouri Pacific continuing on n a westerly direction to.Kansas Citv and tho "Frisco" southwesterly to Vinla, Indian Territory. At Cuba is a branch road run ning soutli as far as the town of Salem,whlch will be continued to Little Rock, Arkansas. At Rolla, a beautitully situated city, 114 Gov. Lous, of Massochusetts, is level Jieaded. He disapproves of the gift of $250, O00 which the New-York Chamber of Com merce is eudeavdriug to raise, for President Oarfield's family. In a speech tho other day miles from St. Louis, and until tbo closo of he wisely remarked"that no Chief Executive, the war tho terminus of tlie road, is located whether of tho Nation or of a Stale, should tho S'jito School of Mines. The next place .accept a gift from a favored few, because it of Interest is Lebanon, Lacledo Couuty, a would have a tendency to place tho Exccu- sprightly town 185 miles from St. Louis tivo under some obligation to the giver." All and 31 miles further on we reach Marsh jonslblo persons will concur in this opinion- Geld, the Ceunly seat. This place was al. ien. Grant set the fashion for this sort ol a most totally destroyed by a cyclone about a tiling, when lie too eagerly acceplcd every year ago. Nearly tho entire place was laid thing of value that was tendered him by m ruins, nnd a large portion of its Inbabi rilaco hunters. We havo seen tin result in tants either killed or maimed. It is now exploring expedition shortly, and if so, I clerks, 100 in number, from tho Pension Of. shall note down for vour benefit whatevef fice. This has been done hv the new Com.-1 mov deem of interest. Now I will tell missloner of Pensions, solelv for the mimosa J UUBI llr Ulh LIjaJIU 10.1 Ol - I ' i r i. i ninuw i mimr . f . t . tt i 1 r . .... ... . ... ... ...... . , , . t -1- KJ UIU I I llUiAU IJAiMIi.. ..kwu. u. unnging u expcmmuiea wunm luu , v..,.,,,- . ,h,stt of P.nn l,..t ,hl Fourth at a Frontier Military Post, appropriations for the ensuing yiar. He, closij of Luslnew, June soth, issi : nrm nr;.n ii,. ...,i.n .... ,,. . found that with the number of clerks em-. . 1 ncsocacss. thereeimentalbandoftheSthCavalrv.the Ployed on the 1st of July. 1881, that hb Orci-dralH... . . .n i. ... i . .... ..jUa,,U Utl mh clmrt nn il.n i ct'nf T t. S. JJonds to secure rlrcubtlnn nem music, tne una inianiry colors, ona v--, other sto4k,'bond.ani mortrairwi. the standard or tbo Btn Cavalry, with their '"iji uiji;iioiiig iiu una inigu.ii.ua mini ai.provpu rf8ertoni;fin . ' It r il.. pnn.ml..i..,.. i i. j .l- Pile from rthtfr Nntlunal Hittiki . proper guards, " fell in " at tho Adjuunfs ' """1 i fiut m St,e ba,lk, u,Bi,t ofiico and marched around the post, play- roive uierns 01 vaou imuvmuui enijuoycq ing the national airs: at the same time a m mo 1'cnsion oinco caretui y scanned, ani solute of thirteen guns was fired under tbo lho best men have been retained, rpgardless direction of the post ordnance sergeant The of the length of time employed.- In addition. earrison " fell in " in frontof the r resneo- the salaries or some B0 clerks have Men re1- va mmnnnv hnrrflclcfl. nnd. fl nassed. eavo three rouslnu cheers. The be expedited with as little hardship, as pos-. ry lw rent. ,r circulation) band was then dismissed, the colors nnd U'ble to tha employees of tho office j aot,) af.l.,l ll.t. .er...ftv. I T t. .nnn.inu 1 Ih.t ll.. nH,,(.:,L , It . LIABILITIES. menial neaaquariors, anu tue ueia music eur-route cases nas preparea suiiicicni cvwi-arpiu. uina . . . .. ... ..i...i.it.. lis ..ti.li ..... . . I.i... . 1 uimiTiiiwu l.rui-is ounueu revuie ana -staoies.-- Alter staois uence upon which to secure muiciuicnu v.ti. nat lni,1c notes ontitand'n' upon call the cavalry marched to stables to groom against four or fivo of the most prominent in -OliMend. Unpaid,, f. .i... . h.ir i.. i.ti. ii.. !r.i. ii,..ii...j r.,j. -r,.. Tw.nir:.. ..m:i t Jlyul'Hlts subject to check. iwi owu. i iiuui, " "ll" MW iuwu.tr ws miu liauu. i....u.ivuniiMjtTlaWCttCW I . . . retired to their quarters lo await the call to say that their evidenco is not only of a; ""n -'Othr Aatlouol Banks breakfast. Urcakfast eaten, the men amus- character to Indict the conspirators, but that V Total. ' (-li.dS3.85 od themselves with old-fashioned tricks, lit Is ample to secure conviction as well. Tiiolvjlateoftiiiiivlroiita-. Countyol Carbon, si: I , . u llovrnian, ualiIor or the aUiTe-rainvd hank, d solciotily swiar tltt thti abure stateoient IS true lutoa wst 01 lilj KUtmlraca alia pellet . .. . . UUWJIAH, fathler. Snlncrlhed and sworn before nio'lhh Sth dar of JUiy, 1631. , . " 1 TIKIS. B. llEdlT. Nntarv l'llhllf. Correct A'ttustt Thes. Kemerer. K. F. llelTord aod A.J, Ourlinit, Directors. ' Julvlo, It-81 Jus case. Men whom fortune bad favored with thousands of dollars, which they could toss about promiscuously, cheerfully added theirubt$riptions to increase the gratuities that Grant cheerfully received, and were re- being rebuilt and the people are fast gaining their former prosperity. Springfield, 211 miles from St. Louis, is the "queen city of tlie Ozarks," and is tho largest and most populous on the lino of the road. It is warded by him with official positions, for beautifully situated on Wilson's Crcok, 1,400 which they wero about as -well fitted as a feet above the sea level, and in the near fu -chestnut burr is for on eyestone. turo will he one of tho railroad centre.) of Missouri. At present it has a population of -It is notorious, despite tha regulation 10,000 and is ropidly Increasing. The city nrhidding mare than one member of a fami- ' beautifully laid out, lit by gaa and its ly to hold office, that there are scattered buildings are of solid and substantial struct. Ihrough the various DepaTtments at Wash- ure. Street railroads are now being built on ington as many as three, four, five and even I its principal streets and tho town is fast as- ix members ol a family disguised under suming Metropolitan airs. different names. It is a shame and an out- Springfield Is the huslncsscentre of south jage. But they aro protected by mysterious west Missouri. Merchants from the sur influences and no effort is made to oust them, rounding country and the northern counties All Ihrough tlie public service this system of Arkansas find here a market for their pro of nepotism is taking deep root. Secretary duce, and replenish thelrstocksof merchan Hunt has three sons handsomely provided dise. lho principle part ofthe cotton raised for, while Mr. Blaine's son is Third Assist- in northern Arkansas finds hero a market. aint Secretary of Slate. These aro conspicu- giving to the place the oppearanco of a South ms examples. It Is about time this sort of em city. Willi largo wholesale and retail thing should be stopped. Billeting a whole business houses, Springfield has three hotels, family on the public may bo a good tiling three banks, an opera house, cotton factory, lir the familv, but it is something the coun. machine shops, foundries, etc It Is the try at largo protests against. centra of one of the finest agricultural dis tricts of Missouri, which is fast settling up AMant District Attorney Bcecher, of with onorgetic- go-ahead northern and east New York, is a son of Rev. Henrv Ward "" f"T'c' lteeeher, tho distinguished divine, end he seems to inherit, soma of tlie susceptibility of his father. On Tuemlay a charming young lady, accompanied by two men, visited his office and offered bail for a notorious swind' ler, whom she claimed was ber father. Slit, was winsome of manners and shed many tears. Mr. Bcecher was moved. Whether it-was tha tears or the woman's beauty that moved him, we cannot say, but he accepted as bondsman ona of the coniauions of the alleged daughter, and the awindlertVas re leased. Tha bond proved lo bo worthless. An impressionable young man, like Mr. IWcher, would hardly eome up to the re quired ilaudard for District Attorney of this muntry, though he may All the bill in New York. Sprinfigcld, In more than one sense, is a historic city. During the civil war it passed through many vicissitudes, being one day occupied by the Confederate and the next by the Union forces. Within the present lim its ofthe city, Major Zagoyni, of .-General rrcmont's body-guard, made his brilliant but reckless charge A few miles down Wilson's Creek, was fought -for the num ber engaged one of the bloodiest battles of the war. Upon this bloody field the gallant Lyon offered his life as a sacrifice upon the altar of his country ,and others whoso names are now cherished as heroes on both sides. here received their "baptismal fire." The dismantled forts and almost obliterated rifle pita still remind the visitor of wars' dread scourge, and tho National and Confederate cemeteries near the city mark the last rest ing place of gallant dead. Two hours ride from Springfield brings the traveller to Plymouth. The "Frisoa" Com uny are herd building a branch road to Fayettville, Arkansas, ultimately to be con The cutting of freight rates from prln ripol points is spreading rapidly and threat uus to result in a general war of all the rail .road. Passenger rates aro also being cut. The Pennsylvania Railroad issellincticketsfrom Philadelphia to Chicago for $15. the regular iiuaeA 10 Pallas, Texas. At Sellgroan, 52 price being 20. Tiie rupturo among rail- milca fr'"" Plymouth, we reach the nearest road managers has oesumcd the largest pro- P"'"' tu tlia celebrate1 Eureka Springs, lo- portious. It Is believM that the price of o cated in Carroll County, Arkansas. The fare from Now York lo Chicago will drop to city of Eureka has sprung Into existence ss $5. if by magic. A little more than a year ago there was not a habitation near the present site ofthe city now it has a population over 15,000. It is not compactly built, but is scattered for mllej up and down the nar row valley, and upon the mountain sides, and preseuts a picturesque and pleasing ap The city has an organized and The speaker of the New York Legisla ture who owes all that he Is as a publie man to ex Seuatoc Conkling, has gone back on Ilia benefactor. The-prlce of bis treason is said to be the Belgian Mission. When poli ticians lose the power to dUnw patronage, I pearanoe, all they can expect is desertion by the men ( well regulated government, .and is a quiet J , 6, 1881. On Monday, May 10, hedeUr inincd to murder tho President. On Wed nesday, June 8, he borrowod somo money, ostensibly to pay his board, ten dollars of TpXECUTOUS' NOTICE. which he used to purchase tho pistol, and Immediately he began to pracctico with it. KM"?S. On Sunday, June 12, ho saw the President County, Ta., deo'd, have been granted lo the attend church, and immediately ho enter- iTLTXLmV. lumeu iuo iueu 01 Killing una mere, out I merit Trunin iixwbcks, nna an persons iiht fnnnd limine rnM nl do an without ,nJ.lng Claims or demands will make known the ... 1 ajimn without U01RV (O daneerinc tho life of soinebodv else, lie ' ' D. HOFFMAN. , j 11 .t . t. , i . . . uuiJi llwlilti iiiiiii uearu mat. iuo rresiuent was to visu uong LehliMon, July 23-w6 Executors. Urancli with Mrs. Uarneld, on the 18th of June. He wont to the depot, but, as' be states, saw Mrs. Garfield looking so frail and weak after her illness that ho refrained from shooting tho President in her presence.' D. O. C. had his. boots blacked, examined his pistol carefully and as soon as the President ap peared, shot him. Pflmnlllpt for advertisers. 100 pages, 25 cts. I A UllljlUlUl U. 1 . UUVY JC1jU.CC UU. , ft. X. More Roiil Shoulders ! TlieAMERICAN BRACE PATENT. 1. This brace In Its peculiar construction has all the adrantaites of a suspender for the pantaloons, Shoulder Brace and Uhest Ex pander combined. 2. It does not disarrange the shirt besom. 3. It cannot slip olf the shoulder. 4. There Is less strain on the buttons ofthe pantaloons. 6. Each section of tho pantaloons can be ad. justed Independently. 0. Ily means or tho adjustable back strap, a gentle or powerful brace may be obtained, T. In rnlny weather the pantaloons may be raised from the heels without Interfering with the front. 1. This brace In Its peculiar construction has all the advantages of a Uhest Expander aim cKiri nupponer coiQDineu. 2. It expands tho chest and gives free re. spiratlon to tho lungs. 3. It keeps the shoulders perfectly straight A. It relieves back, bin and abdominal or gans by supporting the entire weight of the eiotning irom mo snouiuers 5. It Is worn without any Inconvenience whatever, and Imparts new 11 fo to the wearer. 6. It Is Invaluable to children while at their studies, obliging them to nlways sit erect. In Ordering by Post, Send Chest Measure, Sent Post Free Throughout the United States. Price, 75c, 31.09 41.50, t2.ii0. SOLE AO ENT H. II. PETERS, gt., . MERCHANT TAILOll AND DEALER IN DENT'S FUKNISH1NO GOODS. MenMsson Piano Comp'y Will make; for tlie next 60 days only, a Grand Offer of JPIAMOS AIO ORGANS. 850 Square Grand Piano for only $245 1 ST VTF. 31 Magnificent rosowood case elegantly finished,) btmhos, m Ootavm. fait - 1-,-LJ u" patent cantanta airrarTefl. our new n&tent nTAratrtimr n..u H.iit.f carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy moaldlnaf round ease.rull Iron Frame. French Urand Action, Grand Hammers, ln fact every Improvement which can In any way KUU W IUO pVIICVllUU Ul ll lUlirUUlGUb UUS UC; bu auuou. -Otm rrticx on this ikstdvikt boxed ahd dbxivxrid ox no a an oin fimirr nv AT NKW YOBK, WIT1I TINS PlAMO UOVn, STOOL AUD llOOE, OSLT P-iJ.Ul i ais i'lano win D9 seni on icsc iriai. i-iease senu raiereneo iryou ao not send money with order. Oash sent with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both wars If Piano Is nut Just as represented In this Advertisement. Thousands In use. Mend for Oatau logue. Every Instrument fully Warranted for fire years. TT A "XTfeCJ t to t00 (with Stool, Dover and nook). All strictly TinsT-eiAta JTlAll and sold at WiioLisALsrAOTOitr prices. These Pianos made one of tkv , , " finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously r. commended for the HioiixaT Honcuts. The Squares, contain our New Patent Stale, th greatest improvement In the hlstorv of Piano making. Tbo new patent scale Uprights axe me rinii n ankhica. i-osuireiy we maite me nncil upngnt 1'lanos, ot the rleatst ton and grsaiqsi durability. TLey are recommended by the hlxhest aualeal anlhorltlej In thw oontry. rer 14,000 ln uso, and sot ona uissATuriauruncnAasn. All Pianos and Urgae sent on It days' test trial frtighl free if umattifactory. Don't Tall to write ns before buv Ing. Positively we offer the best bargains I'lano Uatalozue mailed free. Handsome Illa trated and Descriptive I'lano Ualalogne of DO pages mailed for Oo. stamp, Every I'lano folly warranteu lur o jeari. JUBILEE ORGANS ??.JoB5yEWi " JAAAiJAJ vj.siwaa.aiu lhe han(i,0II1t. ustlast and sweetest toned Parlor Organ ever offered the musical public. It contains Five Ootavks. Fivb sals vi nncui, Tj lUDivum, uaiviiv, uiiiiiiauu, uu-i..s. uu yi,ii;iiii. aiiu fyniH Jirflmf ful Slope, as follows, vlt S Mtlodia, Oaleste, (a charming stop,) Diapason, Sut-Beie,- Eeh, Dulcet, Melodla-Forte, Ueleste-Forte, Expression, Treble-Uoupfar, Ctltitinc. Ilass-Uonpler, Or and Organ, (which throws on the entire power ofthe Instrument.) lllght Knee Stop ana awou, ieii nnee atop anu ursna aweu. itoigiu. iw in. Aflngin, i ui. wiam, WIQ. f Wetiht, boxed. :t0 lbs. The case Is of solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and Is or an entirely new and beautiful design, elaborately carved, with panels, muilo closet, lamp stand. ric, sc. an elegantly nnisneo. rossesaes an ine latest ana ool improvements-,, with power, depth, brllllanev and symnathetle nualltv of tone. Bcautllul aolo aOeetaand perfect stop action, negnlar retail price $711. Our vholeetle net caih price to have It intre. ductd, with stool and book, only S7- tiok in rniuB. no payment requirea until j-ou nave limy tested the organ In yourownf home. We send all Organs on IS days Irtl (rial and pay freight both ways If Instrument Is not as represented. Positively, our Organs contain no '-llogus" sets of Heeds, or '-Dummy" stops, as do n any others. We make no misrepresentations, and guarantee honsst and fair dealinu, or no sale, i'ully warranted for 6 years. Other styles SIS, (60, 57, S5, (TO, (7, ftstj. etc. OVKR 34.1HK) SOLD, Ar.D KVKnTOnOAN II AS OIVKHTUlt VCLLEST SATISVAOTIOK. OTgaV Catalogue mailed free. Factory ard WABKitocMS, 57th St., amd loth Ave. C! WTi'Ti'T TtfTTSTP at one-third price. Catalogue of SiOO choice pleoes sent for lev OXJ-ajajX MUOltj stamp. This Oataloguo Includes most of the popular musle f the day and every variety of musical composition, by the best authors. Address, JiENDELSSHON TIANO CO., P. O. Box 2058, Ncvr York City. July i-emo. 8 oss may 7-Jl A Be mi assist May 2S-yl. Lehlghton, Pa. Iletd estate, turolture, atnl fixtures. Current eipeuftes and taxes palu . unecas and other CRsn Items . . . Mills of other llnnkl '. . . r'racth ual piperrurreorfnlckels, and njii.co, .......... jiecie the colors duoed, so.tbat the business of thebfiice din lMemptn'fuiuT witu'u.'s.'Treaiu. JT4.288.27 22300 7S.OI tUiO 21250 00 15.DS3 89 1,456.45 2.312.09 8.18A48' 3,7:i2 32 228 V 4,718.00 245 23 ' 2,429.ti0 4.5JU.UU l. 3,375 fl) .-(215,083.83 $75.'(IOOO 7 600 IH! 6.7C8 13 S7,tXHi.OO 79 60 45,8 0 46 21.00 12,321.81) games, etc., to improve their appetites for delay in preparing tlie evidence was due to dinner which was to be set before them. A the ilesire, on the part ofthe Government, Fourth of July dinner is to the army what to do no injustice to the parties accused. It Thanksgiving dinnerwas toourNew Eng- lis claimed that no indictments would have land ancestors of SO years ago. At twelve been asked bad not the evidence been deeirf 'clock a salute of. 38 guns was fired. The ed ample to convict. This, however, lias fternoon was passed, by a large portion of not always been the case with Post Office the garrison in sleep, while many beguiled detectives, as I am aware of cases in which the hours with some spicy novel from the indictments bavo been served by them upon post library. Stable cull was sounded at their oaths and testimony and which when three instead of four o'clock, to enable the brought to trial have been dismissed by the men to take supper before the sports began, courts. . August. At four o'clock the crowd began to gather soldiers and civilians, white and colored, American and Mexican, all formed one eager mass ol spectators. Shortly after four 'clock tho sport was inaugurated by a 3- legged race, which was followed by a ISO ard race. Thero were about 15 runners, and tho contest was close. The sack race afforded many a hearty laugh, as did also 1,18 stato of Colotado, and also what can bo -jJ- II EH,!.! AN & CO., BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa., MH.LEUH and Dealers" In .VUKnul of O RAIN nOUOJTTininl fcOLU at JIjUU UliAK XUAIHvUT ItAT-fcti.., Wa vonld. Mro. lesopcttutlv Inform onrciti son lUat wonie now fully tiropared to bUP 'jjj mum wnii From ny Jtlue. dcli ed at VERT JLOWI3ST 1'lilCES. COLORADO. Mo. II. V. JIoutiiiuku, Dxin Si it: I herewith hand you a few lines in answer to Vennor's Predictions ! For this Month's Weather, prepared express ly for BTODDAItT'S HEVIEW. Samp'o copy mailed for 30. fetomp. J. M. STODDAKT, Publishers, jyis-w3 Neie York, Pblla., or Uhlcago. S' TftAY HOUSE. a great many inquiries, by letter, lo iue lit jtra-yh reference to the climate, health and crops of J'J the wheelbarrow race and the pig chase. Throwing the shot and the running leap were witnessed with much interest; but tho greatest excitement raged when the " tug of-war" came off. The (rial was between 20 chosen infantrymen And 20 picked cav alrymen. When the word was given, the rope was stretched till it cracked; gradually the cavalry, for the first few minutes gained ground. The crowd, which bad been cleared away, now pressed close upon the contestants, and with cheers and excla mations encouraged them, the officer of the claimed for the Centennial State. About one-third ofthe 103,912 square miles this state contains is prairie lands, lying east of I the base of the Ilocky .Mountains, the other two-thirds are mountainous, with parks and small yallevs sandwiched In between, the mountain ranges; this State has vast re sources; Inexhaustible mines of gold, silver, iron, coal, copper, etc The broad plains,! upon which roam millions of cattle, sheep and horses,her dense forests and lofty moun tains, mineral and medicinal springs, grand canon and magnificent tcenery, genial ell- Came to the premises of the understated on -the. evening of the. 71I1 of July,-1881, a light HOrSD. Xilu UHllvf IB IClU1Jlll)U lu cuiug rove property, pay citurges ami taKe anay. jusbi'ii uriu U)UCr lUHXIUCllllUK, X M. July 18, 1881.-3W KING OF THE SINGERS. day, with drawn sabre, and the members of mate and whole-souled people, these cannot - L. J T 1 . 1 - ., . I. i .1 the committee of arrangements rushing a- be described in a short letter but must be The above Is the exact representation of the eeWlna- machine we sell fur twenty dollars. It Is in every respect the very best of the rouud frantically ordering and pressing the 10 u8 appreciates crowd back. After a pull which seemed to The climate is dry and very healthy ; last half an hour, but which probably did diseases common in the older States are un not continue more than fiyo or six minutes, known here, l'ulmonary complaints aro the cavalry faltered; the infautry were either eradicated from the system of invalids getting the advantage ; they gained slowly who resort to this country, or lhe disease be- but surely, and when the marker n cared comes so modified that the sufferer enjoys a the stake, tbey mado ono grand effort and marked improvement in health; within the wnn Rtiii ih Tuiiniinn Minn last few years numerous hot sprliicshave and men whooped and halloed , cap. were 0660 discovered in various parts f 'ne State, j 'J'r'jtl1J1c'jjlIjJJ impfoveme'nts''fr llvinz throuch the air: infautrv ouiceri wmcu ure emniutniu wtgri-awneuiciui widuidk tiie uouuia,uioinu3tcuiiyiu:uvijio J ' ' I . .... ..... I Ariai,u with tTlsm1nn leaf, larifn ilranen shook hands witli one another exchanging quaillles,particuiany lor me cure oi rncu. congratulations, and with cavalry officers in matism and kindred diseases. I haye seen sympathy for their defeat people come to Poncho Springs helpless with The long race threo times around the rheumatism, anu leave periectiy cured in s parade ground, almost a mile and a quarter weeks, m some counties oi sne biate irri ngrossed nearly as much interest, though gating canais,carryiDg jargo streamsoi water the excitement was leas. Twenty-eight taken out of the mountain rivers near the mountain bases, have been built, extending for SO miles or more over the plains, from which small ditches conduct the water over the fields of the farmer, thus Insuring good names were entered, and all started. The first round was made by all in good stylet the second round proved more severe, and many dropped out. About teu started on the third round ; tho exoitetnent was great, crops. Irrigation Is necessary ou nearly all and when the champion came In the ap plause which greeted bim could be heard over all the reservation. The day ' (ports were done, and the regu lar routine of army life was once more tak en un. Ifum-drum,"hsy-foot, straw-foot,' so goes the soldier, on the frontier, in time of peace. A JjtuiouTOX Dor. tillable land in the State. Wheat yields front 30 to SO bushels per acre, vegetables of all kinds do well in most parts of the State where the land is supplied with water; coal is abundant all over the State, at Durango, on the Aniuias Kiver, In La l'lsla county, a coal vein crops out near the town ninety feet in thickness. nrtsliie with extension leaf, larice drawers and beautiful gothlo cover. It stands with out a rivai. Kins of Siflpr Machines. iv' An not asx veu to par for It until you seewliat'you are. buying. We only wish to know that you reauy want to Duy a maenioe and are willing to pay 120 for tbeoest in tha market. Writs to us sending- the name of your near. est railroad station. We will Send the ma chine and give Instructions to allow you to examine It uciore you pay lur iu wir-LSiAnni & co., ' 729 Filbert street. 1'hlladelphta, I'a, July O.-ly. T I'MYATE SALE. Tha nnderslirned offers at Private Sale, the rollewfng valuable properties, to wit i All that ecrtaln valuable lot. with the build. inu. th.reon. altuate en the corner of Iron The coal found is moatl y and Lhlgh streets. In the borough of Lehigh. bltuminoui and is harder and brighter thau ono lot wUu foundation walU already moetot the coal founil In other regioui: a erected, situate on tUo upper end ol Iron At Warren on Saturday 200 Swedes, en (MLtraA oft raiirn'l lalmrAr-fitrnrlr for an nrl a . . I ' t .l.l.rhttSn vititivt nl Ji fanlM. lv in waia. 1 lira WAl J...lt nrlAw Hunllu JienAu.MJ I iietu ijvHiun a strike, mong railroad I.bor.r...t Erie the ' , i,.. ' j. ma rnL ...HSOTJSia Iron almost pure metal ( this' ore Is now Uankway, sjjmgnton, sime day and for the same advance. Louise Miller, of Ilamburg, a very hand- ;S. S, i,liitlli.l.it. steel works near Pueblo. k A"0"." l."u5 "IV' TZZJSSSW.Xl- ly by was given for the act. No cause 1 1 have made quite a tour through the San Juan and Guunison districts, and found ....., , 6- "" " Iverson. a newly arrived Swede, shot wuowereoniy too proumo no mem uoroage auo ieawaoie piace, u na waters ol iuo Mjf through the bead In the streets of I'itU Id their days vf power. tarings undoubtedly couUiu many curatiye burg on tjaturday. Driven lo desperation i by poverty. Lsrl people scattered all over the country, pros- -iiA .hAi iiini i - ... peeling, mining, stock raising, eta., and rep resenting all kinds of business coterjirices nubile road leading to Jlarla t'urnaee, And,lso, a lot of carriages, harness, &c. AIlplJ IU ' y It. F. JCnCPPINQEn Lehlghlon Hotel, Cor. Iron and Irflilgh streets. July J, 185l-,lf. Jnlras. Jf. IIEILMAN Jb CO. Central Carriage Works, Dank St., Lcliigliton, Fa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, In the most substantial manner, ana at j.owest uasn x-riccs. Ucpalrlny I'romptljr Attended to. TKEXLEU & KltEIDLEK, April 20, 1878 yl Proprietors. JJirOUTANT AN.NOUKCEMENT! latewls Weiss, l'OST OFFICK UUILD1NQ LEHiailTON, PA., has the Largest and juoit retentive otocK oi ISoots, lioes. HATS, CAPS, &c. ever ofTered In this borough, and to which I Invite the special attention of my customers and the publie generally, aa I am prepared to otler extraordinary inducements lu SPRING AND SUMMER, Boots, Sloes, Hats, Caps, k, and I Invite my numerous friends and patrons to can ana examine my stocx oeiore maaiDi their nurehases elsewhere, as lam prepare- to give special Inducements to all OAS it UltoilASEita. Remember, LEWIS WEISS Post-OJSce llulldlng, Lehlthton, Pa. Sept. SO. Revised New Testament, A Laige Typo Edition at a Low Price I Every family In lhe land will want a copy of I.a I .... I .... I K'.T.I.Tn.nl . -1 H. .,1,. I. eall yor attention to ) PfSl'M'PQ our edition. Vlt r large, L O elea r pew type; good paper I good printing and binding; tne lowest price ana satisiaction iruarunleod, or money returned PillUES Hoand In heavy paper cover, 30 cents I In limp cloth, with red edgs, 10 cents i ln heavy silk cloth, 45 cents i In French moocco, with gilt edges, 11.25 1 In real I uraey morocco, witn gut eo or the beat books mde. s.2.00 post-iiatd toany address.upon receipt Poataee alamns taken as cash. Special lerms given to Sunday-schools and Ohurchci fur Quantities. we want an Agent in every town, village bamiei in this whole una to sen this Sent by mall, ul price. and book, The best terms are ottered lo an; who will take hold and eanrass for It. for particulars. xr Aslryour bookseller to let you see "The American Oilord Edition," or sand direct to t r nnt.vtv . im, ti..i.ii.i... 0. WVJ 4. 1.1' l'i.,uu,lilh J5-10W is Hoax Stuxst. New York. V YOU AUE IS NEED OF ciiOTBLinrr, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' PurniBhing Goods ao to CLAUSS BROTHER TIIE POPULAR Merchant Tailors; Bank Street, Lehighton. PRIOES VERY LOW TOIL OASIT. The publio paironage solicited. Jnlyl-tf E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Doora Below the "Broadway nouse MAUCH cnuNK, PA. Dealer la all rattemaef Flaln aad ranej Wall Papers? Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH fltlCES. 'a SuSs 1C Ha sis 3 9 i. iZiXsZSiS'a ss:. m a "SS DANIEL WIEAND, Carriages,Wagona,Sleiglis,&c OOBNIB OF BANK AND IRON STREETS, LElIIOHTOrf. Fenna., Particular attention given to KEPAIRING In all lis details, at the very Lowest Price. Patronage respectfully solicited and perreet satisfaction guaranteed. uco e, iB7-yi xjak. w ie Anu. "plOR FASHIONABLE DllESS GOODS, Dress and Trimming Silks, Dress Trimmings, Dry Goods, NOTIONS, Groceries, Provisions, Glass & Quccnsware. Standard Silver Ware, &c, CM at the Popular ONE PRIUE Store of E. H. SNYDER, HANK St., Lehighton, aptS-ral CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In Leuckel's Block, Bank St., Lehighton, Piv., Dr. Charles T. Horni phopbietok, Kcspectfnlly announces to the peopla that he has replenished his stock, and oBtrs DRUBS AUD Strictlv fresh CHEMICALS and Pure, Also Horse and Cattle powitersj'atent Medt elncs, lirushes. Soaps, Combs, Perluraerla jjiKingii. Chamois Skins. Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils, Lamps and PIxturea.)yestuffs,OheIoe Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco. Spec tnclos. Trusses, Nursing llottiel, Violin Strings, and a lull Una of Wall Papor and llordersattbe Lewest Prices. Prescriptions carefully compounded and Crompt attention given to every branch ofthe mlncii. . A conttcuanoe of the patronage heretofore extended to thla establishment Is respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. sept.13, lt60.-ly. DC O. T. IIOBN. Drugs and Medicines, WHITE 8TBEET. WEIBSPORT. r. Rcruornl and Clinngc of Firm I Messrs. Rnpslier & Zern Jlet? leare to annomc to tbe cit'ien- ot WrU. uortaui anrroundiDs? nf lghbnrhond, that thr la t fir nuit'tiatcJ tlio stock anri flxtura of Dr O. W, intx'A Otua; StOie, and ba,rlnr rcplen tnhnl nud iJtTRelv liicre?aod th utock, hT r. moved it Into ihn eiecAntly-fllted np room lo the l.ili c lluildluiT. on Whtto ftroot, lorraarlr fcruiirrt iiy Mr. Fred Kclimid vtUmn thr i ro vrf parol to uccorumndatp their trtectl aud I ii publ.c centrally vrltli Fieh and i'nie DRUGS AND MEDICINES, of nit kind together witn all line of all meat KANUT UOODH a ar Ubtiallr kept la waif mppiiod Drue Stores, comrninjc t limoU, rerf umerx, Snpi. Brnhea, Comb Lam hr, Cbimneya. Trueea. HnotKirteis, uhouldrr Breeea Byrtnte-.t ffnrtlnjr Bottles, Dje Stuffs to., Ae. mr WINES and LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes, and a larjco ioc of cbotee CIUAR3. Tho nutlnrxs will he under the personal cliarare and supertn tendance ot Dr. J Q. Zxrx We metal to tire lull nailsjfaction lo our pa troos in nastily and price. QIt usacail. Jaiyl7jl IU.PSIIEU H rKH.T. EARSfoutiieIVIILLION! rFoo Ghoo's Balsam or SM's Oil rOSITlVILY nKSTORES TUI HIABIHO, jtllD l TIIK OKLT AUBULUTK CUB for DIArXU Kew, This Oil Is extracted from a peculiar specie of WittTK Siiauk. caught In the Yellow Uea, known aa Carcharodon Rondeletll. Krery Chinese fisherman knons It. Its virtues as at restorative of hearing wire discovered by a. Uuddist Priest about the year WO. Its euret were so numerous and UAvr so shmikolt' NlKAOULoua, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire Its use became so universal that for ovbb 800 Tills NO Dkatnxbs has biistxd amobo tub UuiHitsKrBort.B. Kent, charges prepaid, to any address at SI. 00 per bottle. Only Imported by HAY LOOK fc CO , Dar Street, New York. Sole Agents for America. Its virtues are unquestionable and Its curs' tlrorhracier absolute, as the writer can pr sonally testify, both from eierlenoe and ptw servailon. Among the many readers of the Review la one part andanotherof thecountry, It Is prob able thatnumbers are aflltcted with deafness, and to such It may be said : " Write at ones to llavlock i. Co., 7 Dey street, New York, enclosing SI, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to bear like any. Lody else, and whose curative e fleets will be permanent. You will never regret doing so." Editor of Mercantile Bevlew, JyMSwo. GOLD. Great chance to raskemoner We nee.1 a Drson In avair elown tolakeaubacnDllona for Illustrated lam llr publication In (he worl4. Aarone ran become a anceeasrol scent. Qlx elegant worn nf art given free to subscriber,. The price la so low that almoat everrbodr anb. acriota. On, agent rroorU taatnic i:o tubacrl. bera in a dar. A ladv ageut reports niaklnr r-W clear profit In ten dire. All who esrag mane uonev last. You can davole all vour tlm, to the buatneaa, or onlr vour snare line. You aeed not be awar from home over sight. x ou can ao it as wen aa otnera. run directions aud lenna free. free. 11 vou want I Klerant and expansive OetSt cro address at once. 11 ceata nothing to try th rofltable work send ua rear buatneaa. CO.. Portland. Maine. No ona who enaaffea falla to loaka irreat pav. Addieaa aEOUOJf BTIN80N janezs-iv. $5! Outfit aent tree to those who wtah to aa gave In the moat pleasant ana prollabls bnalueaa KQewn. a.vervlhliia' new. rtv. Ital not ree aired. We will (urnlUi roa everr. thing. llOadajaDd onwards la taallr mM wtmoni atariog away rrora nome over mcfttv No nak whataver. tianr new workers wantea at once. M sot ara making fortunes at the baa lneas. Ladles make aa much aa men,aAa younir bora and girls make great pay. Noons who la willini to won (alia to make more monsvevwr dar than can tie moe In a week at anr erdlaar rr emniojment. Tboae who engage at onss wd flnrf A V r.r I ....... n . n ... . . . . ' XX. XX & LtltA IT C uot.z, jsao-iy ' A CO.. rortiand, Main, (fr C ( A" ' e made by every areat everr UUUnootaui the buameas we rurslth, yJJJtm, those willing to work eaa eaal' lr aarn a do sen dollars a dar right In their own locMillea. llavenoroomtoexplaln here. Bu. loeaa pleaaant and houorable. Woman ana b"ra and girls do as wall aa men. We will for. nlah you a complete Oalflt fr. We will bur expeaae ot suiting you. Partieulara fre. Write and aee, JTarmers and meebanlea. (hair aon aad daugbtera, and all clxt. ln ned et fiartng work at home. ahould write tone and. urn all about tha work at one. Addreaa TJlDfi A CO., Augvsto. Uam. Jmlrla ly BEST baalneaa now be to re the nubile. You can make money faster at worst tor ua than at anything Alan. Camtal not reonlrfid. Wa will start yon. Sll a dar and upvarde nivle at home by the lodaatrtoua. Vma, women, beys aodgtria wanted everywhere to work for na. Now la the time. You can devote your wbol time to the work, or only your spare momenta. No other buatneaa will pay yoa pearly as well. No one willing to work can tall to make emor. moua pay bv engaclng at one. Coetly OatQt and terms free. A great opportunity for mek. ler money asally sad booerablr- Adds TBUU & t-O., Augarta oaiUAt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers