J. T. NUSBAUM, OF THE " Orisinal Cheap Cash Store," respectfully announces to hli Jrlenda and the puhllo that be hai jutt received hli Spring tnd Summer stock of Dress Goods, .Comprising among other Noveltlet Black Cashmeres & Alpacas, Silks and Satins, Jfopancse Silks, Mohair Suitings, Dcbige Suitings. Cahpets and Oil Clotds, lIoof9 foes, CHINA, GLASS and QUEEMARE! Ac, Ac which, at usual, are all offering at knock down prices. Respectfully, J. T. NUSHAUM, Opposite the Public Square, lithlghten, Pa, , sept.18.yl SATURDAY. ArKIIj 23, 1881. Local and Personal. fSS-Kendall'e Spavin Curo Is the best liniment on human flesh In the world try it and be convluced. Head the advertisement. SfflPost Office Building, Lehighton, Ta. Now is your chance, ana I make bold to ear that It Is the best you ever had, to buy Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac I am lully quipped for the spring trade, and can offer you a greater variety, a better article, and a lower price than any house in this section. Ladies, if you want nice fitting shoes for yourselves or your little girls, 1 can please you In every respect. I mean busines, and am prepared to back my assertions. itespeciiuny, jjkwib itkis. 'feS&.Uundreds of clergymen, doctors and others have used Kendall's Spavin Cure with the best success. Kead the advertise ment. fca- Dr. C. T. Horn, at the Central Drug store, sells warranted vegetable and flower seeds. Buy only such, aud ovoid vexation from failure of crops. feDuIfyou wanta nice smooth.onsy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Fr.inz Roederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. He will fix you right, and dou'tyou forget it. tea-Great opportunities often give rise to great responsililtlcs. You alnue nro re sponsible if you miss the opportunities to cure that cough by using Dr. Cnxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka. SErFor fine stationery, envelopes, ae count books, memorandum books, pens.pen cils, school books, wall paper, and In fait anything that you want outside ofdry goods, groceries and provisions, cull at Liifken bach't, 2 doors below the Broadway House, Alaueh Chunk, and you can gt it, cheap and good. fell. Housekeepers deslriug to decorate iheir hrimcs, should not fail to call on Dr. .C.T.Horn, at the popular Central Drue store, Lehlghton.and examine his lienutiful rteck of WALL I'Al'EK, before making pur chases elsewhere. 3Ye sons of. toil, accumulate a little year by year and you may yet be numbered with the capitalists of our country: cepeci ally If you guard against the serious results of neglected colds by using Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherrv and Seneka. E. II. Snyder has just returned from New York city with a large and elegant line of fashionable Spring and Summer Dress Gotds. EJeolol attention is invited to it very large assortment of the opular new Bunting dress goo.! and lutiiuurg Edgings. Trices fully as low as at any other store in town. Now receivinK and owning a very large and lasliionable aswulinentol merch ant tailoring goods, c iniirising a full lino of the" very iatest styles ol cloths, casiiineres ana suitings, n tho best foreign anil domes tm manufacture, suitable fortnringnnd sum mer wear, which I am iirriiarcd to make up fashionably and substantially at prices fullv as low as at anv other cbtablisliment in the cnuntrv. Call and be convinced of the truth ol my statements. Respectfully, II. II. Pktkhs, Agent, P. 0. Building, Lehighton, l'cnn'a ErThe largest Livery owner in Maine uses Kendall's apavin (Jure wun tno ueti success, see tne advertisement. Mrs. Fath, the milliner, two doors from the M. E. church, Bank street, has just returned from tho city with a large, new and fashionable stock of fine millinery goods, comprising all the latest novelties, and invites the ladies to call and see them. The bonded debt of the Borough of Hailston is $28,000. Aug. K. Miller has bought out the li quor store, In this borough, hitherto kept by. Mr. II. E. Bohlen. White dress goods of the latest styles at Vf. P. Long's Ladies' FurnishingStore,Bank street. Lieut. Harry T. Monohan, U. 8. Ji., arrived at his mother's residence in this bor ough, on Friday evening last, accompanied by his wife and child, on a short visit. The Lieutenant is looking remarkably well, which fact we are pleased to note. John McIIalo, aged Iff, was killed at the Union Stovo Works, in Pittston, Friday, by the bursting of an emery wheel. Mrs. Michael Flanagan, nged 52 years, was found burned to death, in her house Dear Pittston, on Thursday, Hlh inst. She was alone, and it Is supposed her clothes Ig nited while she was sleeping near the fire. W. P. Long has the finest line of foreign and domestic laces in town, next to Clause & Bro's clothing store. Letter from his well beloved to a young gummy: Finally, my ownest own, under stand that I love you more for your defects thau lor your moral qualities, and thus Judge of tha boundlessness for my love for you, and always hire your teams at the popular livery of David Ebhert, on North street, Lehlgh'ton, where you can always have first class teams at low prices. Prof. F. IC. Bernd has beeu at home on a visit during the past week. He looks well, Philadelphia evidently agrees with him. The following are the newly elected officers of the Carbon County Industrial So ciety: President, E. II. Snyder; Secretary, Elwln Bauer; Treasurer, J. A. Horn; Ge.Il. ogitt, Lewis Arinbrusterj Librarian, Max Sehweibinc Chemist. G. A. Frey. Direc tors, Thomas Manlz, N. O. Rax, Thomas Koons, Elwin Bauer, Ed. Sensinger, Charles Beiferl and u. A. rrey. Jerome Wilson, brother of a Hew York physician, and of llenry Wilson, proprietor of tha Honenlale Ciliitx. lelt Carbondale, this State, fourteen years ago, and nothing was heard of bim until bis return there Sun day. Ha wss given up as dead several j ears ago by all except his wife, who believed him Still living. A daughter, who was two years old wten he left, has sine grown to woman hood. Wilson, it appears, spent tha years pf hii absence "among the Indians iu tho vilu or Tew, ml uu mtat lortune." Colonel William Johnn,a well known citizen of Pottavllle, died there Monday night, aged TS years. He was the Crier of the several Courts of Schuylkill oounty, for the past fifteen years. Jane Buehler, a well-known colored wo man of Pottsvllle, died on Thursday night, 14th inst., at the alleged age of 114 years. She leaves two daughters, the eldest said to be over 80 years of ago. Maucli Chunk wants a new market house; an opera house and a silk factory. Don't get loo many irons in the firo at one time, gentlemen, or some one may get his fingers burned. A now departure, W. P. Long's Ladies' Furnishing Store, next to Clauss Bros., Bank 8t., this borough. The receivers of the Lehigh and Wilkes barre Coal Company give notice that 3 per cent, interest will be paid May 16, on the registered Income bonds of the company, is sued for funding the coupons detached from the consolidated mortgage bonds. 'S.Sweet repose Is enjoyed by thoo who la ke. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Itsoothes disturbed feelings brought on by a cold, and positively cures coughs, sore throat, etc. Price 2S cents a bottle Win. H. Johnson, John E. Green", John Milnes and It. C. Thomas, committee of tho Schuylkill Coal Exchange, addressing the coal operators or Schuylkill county, say that the anthracite coal interests have agreed to the stoppage f coal mining the last three days this week, that is to stay, stop work on April 21st, 22d and 23d. Benjamin II. Roso, a Wealthy farmer of Pike county, this state, was killed Monday afternoon, near Mllford, by being thrown from his wagon down a steep embankment by an unruly horse. Gottechall, Butterick and Eyler, arrest ed in Reading on Saturday night on the charge of bavingcommitted a murder fifteen years ago, had a bearing Monday on a writ of habeas corpus and we to discharged, there being no evidence against them. Ario Pardee has purchased the Ripton Mill, on Loyalsock" Creek, Lycoming eouh ty, and is putting it in condition to cut 10, 000,000 feet of lumber during the season. Mrs. Daniel Thomas, of Hollywood, Luzerne county, while shopping in a Hazle ton dry goods store on Frday gave birth to four children. They were all dead. So re ports ono ol our exchanges. For the week ending on tho 10th inst., there were 87,273 tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total for the year to that date of 1,859,230 tons, showing an increase for the season, us com pared with same time last year, of 328,080 tons. The school directors of the county will meet iu' triennial convention in the court house in Mauch Chunk on Tuesday, May 3d, for the purpose of electing a County Superintendent of Common Schools to serve for three years. The candidates ore the present incumbent, R. F. Hollbrd, of this borough; T. M. Balliet,of Mahoning Valley, and Prof. J. P. Rowland, principal of the Wealherly public schools. Frank Roederer, the popular barber, under the Exchange Hotel, -lias just put up a new aud handsome sign post On Monday niight Mrs. Longstreet took her departure for Unionville, Michigan. A lurgo number of friends were uttho 'depot to wish her God-speed toimd iu her heW home in the "Wolvereen State." John Rees, aged 13, of Eaton, was killed by cars on Mouday. Curo lk'idciman, a child, drank corn cum by mistake, in Enstun,' on Saturday, and died in terrible airou'v An explosion of gaaoccurred attlie.Mlll Creek slope.uear WilkesbarieTuesday night, by which Win. Steel, Win. Ringsdorl and John Burns were badly burned. Rihgsdorf diol Wednesday morning. For the week ending on the 15th inst. there were 74,500 tons of coal transported over the L. A S. railroad, mukiug total ,fiir the season of 1,131,043 tons, an iucreaseus ompjred with same time last year ol 158,' 6117 tons, Fred Urluliinau, of the Wealherly Her aid, was Fxrtiug himself among Jus old friends here last Sunday. Thero are thirty-five cases of small pox at the Dork County Poor House. Tho Lehigh Valley railroad company ule having their switches and signal targets reaiutcd. Mr. L. McDanlel, at the Boarding House, Ptckerton, has 20 very fine live trout, measuring Irom 14 to 16 niches long, which he oilers for sale. Call soon il you wish to buy. A loaded coal train coming tlown the grade at Wealherly iu two sections on Tues day evening made a smash up in front of the telegraph officii there, and some of the cue running into another train on a switch turted them off aud were wrecked at Black Creek Junction, which caused considerable delay to trains, but we are pleased to state no person was injured. On account of the absence of Rev. J. II Hartman, pastor of the Reformed church, ol this place, thero will bo no regular services held in that church to-morrow Suuday Sunday school at 2 p. in., as usual. Is our new Burgess going to look after the "stinking ditch" between the Lehlgli Valley railroad and Bank street I From thBCounty Seat, Quite a sensation wis created here on Wednesday evening by the arrival of a liva aligator, said to be about 10 feet In length, sent from Florida by Robert Packer to La Fayette Lentil the amphibious creature has been honored by the visits of many of the prominent citizens and nearly all or the boys. The Good Templars are holding a series of temperance meetings in the ladies room oT St. Paul's M. E. Church, of this place, which have been earnestly and ably ad dressed by Rev. C. O.IIart and Miss Parting Inn. Their principal desire is to give new lifb to said association and thereby unitedly, If possible, to effect a reformation In the cursed license system of our State and ad vance the causa of temperance. Our enterprising and popular builder, Josiah Sendel, hes rented the old stone church, to be occupied as a carpenter shop and lumber yard. Success to him. OBtTIHRT. Col. John D. Bertolette died at his rei denco In Mauch Chunk on Sunday morn ing. April 17th. He had been confined to his house with erysipelas of the veins, for a lieried of three months. Deceased was born In Reading, Berks county, Pa., June llth, 1839, and was therefore in his 42d year. He began the study of law in Reading, and shortly alter moved to Aiaucn cnutik, and o then enlisted in tho late wnr, and serv- I exblb't, do not show as much reduction as with distinction, attai Colonel. Deceased April 21 st, 1861, as 2nd Lieutenant ol Weissport Select School Will open MONDAY, MAY 9, 1881 Continuing for ten weeks, in the PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING, WEI.NSrORT, Car bon Co., Penna. The aim of tha School is to givo Teachers an opportunity of review ing the common branches, and to afford th more advanced pupils in adjoining dis tricts the facility of continuing their stu dies. If desired classes will be s:arled In Latin Geometry, Natural Philosophy, Botany, Ac For further Information, address J. F. SNYDER, WEISSPORT, Carbon Co., Pa, April 23 w2 editions Mulct. Lhiiiohtom EYANoaucALUnuRcn H. Smoyer pastor. Preaching to-morrow (Sun lay) at 10 a. m and 7.15 p. in. Sunday school at Z p. m. Morning subject: "ltcsu recthm Wonders," Evening Subject : ' Ke surrectlvn Comforts." flro that shall never go out." Evening sub ject: ' Christ Charged with Insanity." All are cordially welcome. EVAMUKLICACUUBCB.WxtaarORT. E. J Miller, Pastor. Oerman preaching at 10 o'clock a. m., by the Pastor, Sunday School at 2 p. in. English preaching a 7.30 p.m. A. Tint Unto Article. Messrs. Trexlrr A Kreidler.at the Central Carriage Works. Lehighton, Pa., have pur chased the right of Carbon county, for the use or UiKulel 'a Patent Axle Cutting M chine, to takauphwt motion inboxesof bug gies. carriages and other waenns. Butchers hucksters and all owners of wagons will do well to call on the above name.) gentlemen at their works, and have their wagons made like new, as far as lost motion or worn box es are concerned. Call aud give il a tbor ougu examination. Attention, Firemen I Every member of Lehigh Hook A Ladder Co., No. I, of this borough, is requested to be at the Truck House on Tuesday evening next, April 26, 1881, at 7.S0 o'clock sharp, uuiiuees ui imjjurianc ia mi oe iraosacieq. pyerucroi u. v. juosthixki, President. ConlTrnilo. The anthracite coal trade, lays Monday's Phlla. Ltigtr, wears a more cheerful aspect than far some weeks past. There Is a mark ed Improvement In the demand for coll, the supply of which Is much lighter than at this time last year. The stock or coal on hand at tide water shipping points, March II, 1881, was 163,083 tons; on February 28, 1881, 893,286 tons; Increase, 167,777 tons. It Is announced that all the Interests In the anthracite coal trade have agreed to a suspension of three days this week and full work the week fol lowing. The Schuylkill operators upon the request or the New York Interests, have agreed to a suspension ot work three days iexl week, provided they can work lull time the week following. The outlook of the trade Is steadily brighter Irom week to week, and Is confirmed in the foot that there Is a more perfect accord In action now than ever belore. Sotueot the companies preler work hall time and others desire working alt the time. While this Is so there Is no possibility ol a rupture In the trade. Whatever course Is concluded upon by the companies will command the assent of all. There will be no rivalry or undercutting. The advantages from an) line of policy resulting to any party will be enjojod by alf. THUS Is harlnoay In vited i. nn general success to the trade ren dered most profitable. There has been tome little debate among parties whether there shall be another three dars' suspension at the mines Mill week or whetlur such suspen sion shall he deferred until next week Tno differences arise from two causes; a larger al leged amount oi orders received by some companies than others Is one cause why some companies desire to work steadily on. An oiner cuuijiiaim oi nan lime wuraing is mai some or the parties, as their weekly returns was lor a short time with Charles Albright. Ha then enlisted In tho late wnr. and serv- taitiing to the rank oil working Hie same length or time show at entered the service other mines or like capacity. This fact Indl- H. ri...,.R.... , ' caios mat mere is lumo " snenanegao Company A, fith Reg't. Poun'a. Vols. Pro moted to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, May 1,1861. Mustered out with the Regiment ulv 28, 1KGI. Re-enlisted August 20. 1861, as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant or tbo 48th Regiment, Penna. Vols. Served with ins regiment until April xm, mm,- wnen e was appointed A. A. A. G. on Gen. Jas. Nagle's staff, commanding First Brigade, 2d Division, Dcpartmcntof North Carolina. On the 25th orrjeplember, 1862, he was ap pointed by President Lincoln Assistant Ad jutant General of Volunteers, with the rank ol captain, rromoiea Major oy brevet, December 2d, 1864, "for gallant and distin guished services at the battles of Poplar Grove Church, Hatcher's Run, and during Hie campaign before Richmond, Va." Pro moted to Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet, March 25, 1865, "for gallant and distin guished services in too assault upon the enemy's lines iu front of Fort Sedgwick, Vn." Col. Bertolette was severely wound- it in the battle of Bull Run. August 29. 1862, then serving on Gen. Nagle's Staff. After the war he completed his studies with Gen. Charles Albright, and wis admit ted to the bar. For a number or years he practiced with Gen. Albright as a purtner, nd tben oiicned an ollice lor nimeeil. At lawyer he was highly successful. Ho was offered the position or Adjutant General nder Uov. uartranlt, but declined, and was fiubseouentlv annointed Inspector Gen eral or the National Guard or Pa., which of- licc he accepted and lailbfully hi led. tie was noted throughout the Valley as one of the most careful awyers In the preparation I uneis ana papers. The luneral services took place on Wed nesday at 2 o'clock p. m., at his late resi- once on West Urnadway, ltev. 11. llntl- man, pastor of the M. E. Church, officiating, Iter which his remains were loiiowed by nianv friends to Lehlchton and interred in the Liehlghton cemetery, Miss Raisley 8nohn. oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spohn, departed this life on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, her death was sudden and unexpected. The com munity deeply sympathize with her sorrow ing friends in their sad bereavement. WRltmpiirl Item. Mr. Joseph Rex hns moved his family ium his new residence, purchased of Samuel Seiler, of Eist Weissport- The Miner Br. paid their employees n Sotnril.-iv last. The Imivs pniovwii the. tws 'asion us may reasonably lie supposed. -A lour year old child or George Mover was buried ou Thursday ir last week. Fu neral services were conducted by ltev. J. b. Erb, or Slatiugton. : John S. Wright, canvassing and col- lecting" agent for tlii" Philadelphia litcord, wag'fn towti during tho week. 'hK. number or-nallves rrom Hungary p.i.seil this place, footing .their way to the ml regions. Mrs. E. .!( Milter and dangnler Carrie are sojourning witli friends at Shenandoah. Mcsfrs.'Kd. Frederick and Win Biery. of Cntasauqii.i, spent Sunday wilh friends here. One of the. twin bovs nf Win. Koons died on Monday looming last and was buried on Wednesday. Hereallcr the Evangelicals will hold heir singing sehool on Monday eveuing in stead of Saturday evening as herelorore. Mrs. I'M. Zero, oT Coal Dale, visitol friends here over Sunday. Horatio Selioch purchased and look possession of the saloon lormerly owned by 0?ear Amer, n lew davs ngo. Unknown parties entered the residence n Hiram llickert, lale on Thursday night, line alarm was given nnn the rascals were disturbed and compelled In tice belore sue 'eeding in gaining their desire. A series ol singing lessons are being given in the public tchool hull by John F. uauiHcn. Rev. D. F. Unangst. of Packertnn moved his family to this place last week. lie addressed the evangelical tiundav School last Sunday. His remarks were considered very acceptable. Our young townsman, John D. Kistler. will open a (tore aud engage in business at Parryville. John was employed in the store of P. J. Kistler, and was liked by all. We certainly wish him success. Mr. A. D. Rishel succeeds John Kistler as clerk in the store of P. J, Kistler. Mr. Rishel isun enterprising young man and is highly appreciated by nil who know him. lioist. nijr Creole Iii-nik. Our farmers have been very busv the past week, everything ou the farm is late this year. Considerable oats has been sown, but very few potatoes planted. Planting ol corn will soon be in order. Mr. C. A. Buck, formerly of this nlace. opened his select school at North-east Weiss- port on .Monday last. Mr. N. II. Kramer, of East Weissport, was on a visit to our Sunday School last Sabbath. We were pleased to meet him. Cull soon again. Mr. William Harpel. of Mauch Chunk. was on a visit to his parents, who reside ot this place, on Sunday last. W. E. Kemerer. of this nlace. has a number ol bushels of Excelsior feed oats lor sale. Apply early. Mr. C. S. Weiss, or Lehighton, was at ahenaneiran' somewhere that results to the advantago or some ana loine prejuuice or others, not withstanding iliese points have given rise to dobate. It has In no instance worked a break In cardial co-operation. All continue to work together, and will probably so continue un til the end or the year. Tiie l'oturllle Mi ners' Journal makes this reference to the buying part or the coal trade: "Buyers who are not compelled to stock up earn In the spring naturally hold ou from purchasing as long as possible, with the purpose ot loro ing prices aown ro me lowest noicn. -rnis is their game, and they have a right to play It. The producers, on their part, know exaotly the orlce at which thev can afford to sell coal to make a fair business profit. They made a reduction from winter rates or twen. ty tents a ton, and felt that was all the con cession they could make. lint tho buyers were not satisfied; they wanted still lower prices. The operators relused, and put their men on half llmo, letting It be known that this was the programme agreed upon Tortbo year. This has the required etiect. The buyers seeing they have forced the operators to the lowest point or compromise, nnd It Just as convenient to boy now as later In the season, and there Is a fair prospect of a regular trade during the whole of the year. Instead of par tial suspension now and over-workdurlng the latter portion of the year." this place on Tuesday last. Win. Leves recently purchased u horse or Paul Buck for $60. A letter has been received from Win. Shoenberger, who left lor Kansas a short time since, stating that they arrived there saie, which nis menus no uouut will be glad to hear. The firm of W. E. Kemerer k "Bro. has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books are In the hands of Lewis Kemerer; persons bavmg claims against the firm will please present them for settlement, and those knowing themselves to be Indebted will pleae make prompt payment. The business will be continued by W. E. Kem erer on a cash plan. He has just received a new stock oi goods, wnicn lie nas marked down very low, and therefore invites pur chasers to call at hit store before purchssing eisewuere. itiviai. Board of I'nrdoiiv. The Board of Pardons Wednesday recom mended the following cases fol Executive clemency: Sam.P. II uhn, Philadelphia, forg ery; Thomas Stehle, Butler oounty, selling liquor to miuors and keeping a disorderly house; J. A. Pennington, Fayette county, forgery; Patrick Clsrke, Wayne county, sell ing liquor without a license; Martin Arm strong, Philadelphia, assault and battery with intent to kill; Charles E. Brubaker, ot Northampton county, forgery, and Joteph Harlsboust, of Philadelphia, larceny and receiving stolen goods. The "original" Garfield man has got his reward. He Is to be made Tkird Auutant Jolmaler, Avery poor acknowledgment for bit untiring efforts in rotlog for James A. Tlio r.clllgh Ircbytcry. The Lehigh.Presbytery met' in the South' Fifth Street Presbyterian Church; Reading, Wednesday evening. It occupies the territory ol uerks,norinainpton,uonign,Aionroe,uar bon and Schuylkill counties and port of Lu zerne county, and is composed of 50' minis ters and tho same "number or laymen, em braces fortv-one churches, fire thousand communicants and about ten " thousand children under Sabbath school instruction, and, during the past year, has contributed upwards ol seyenty thousand dollars lor re liaious and benevolent operations. Rev. David James, ol Bulb, was elected Moderator. A petition from Stroudsburc, asking for the organization ofa'church ut thal'puint. was relerred to the Committee. J. is. Adams, of J"ew Castle Presbytery,- was" re ceived and his name enrolled.- Itev.-J. Ew- iug was dismissed to Philadelphia Prcsbyi lerv. E. P. Morris, and James M. Long were upimiuted to audit the account of the Treasurer, ltev. jur. urowu was appointed moderator of Shawnee Church. A resolu tion omitting the following churches was passed: Lehighton. Heaver Meadow, i.ckley aud Wouielsdorf, and the trustees of the I'resbytery instructed to inquire into tne pro(arly affairs of said churches. Rev. Drs. Miley and Fcrrier were elected Con.iiiissioiicis, aud Judge Muckey ami Dr. Zero as Elders to thVUeucral Anscililjly. the churches at Audeuried and Slatiugton were granted leaye to till their pulpils-until flu fall meetintr nf Llin PrnMltvlei-v. Rev. Dr. Wood.oi Allentown, offered1 -the following 49 an overture to the ,Gencrnlof?s"-' KCiuuiyi rirsi, aiiu uuuuiuy ui- ieruicriv ...i ..... i i.-'.St ru or uiojiiu.itiJig witii-B u.Kti all mo ltnl'R Rninier. A Im.iiL ""2IIII ham-la nrHfHerl annually bv our own church. Mid wfiat'fs' used by other churches swells the whole amount lo several thousand. Second, This necessitates the appearance of ovjl, by com-- I icily with the maiiulucturo, tale am) use of intoxicating drinks. Third, Some .able orators hold that intoxicating wine is neces sary to the pioer observance of the' Holy'' SupH:r. Others, nf equal abilfty,aver that our Saviour could not have used nt the Su per a wine which Ins wont denounces us a "mocker," but that he did uso.the natural, anil nutritious juice of the grape, which was not intoxicating and which is olleu cum meiidcl in Ins won). Fourth, Former rie liverunces of the Assembly seem too vague and indirect to coinjiosti pietent and grow ing difficulties. Reformed men are ufiaid to use tho wine ulfere.1, lest a vicious appe tite be revived, and ill many churches this stale of things produces strife and tends, to division. This Presbytery respeellully asks the General Assembly to auswer'tho follow ing questions, viz: First, Is the use of in toxicating wine essential In the profier cele bration ol the Lird'aSupierT Secoiid, Are onv ol our churches at liberty to use "the fruit ol the vine" that will not intoxicate if they can get it? Quite a discussion was gone into by the dillerent members on the statements and questions in (lie overture, alter which it was laid over and made the special order lor iiiursuay morning at iu n ciocu. The Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society met in the church in the alteruonu, and Mrs. Hendricks, who has lately relumed from Africa, where she had labored as a missionary ,gave an outline of the work done. and also a graphic description of that coun try, airs. it. it. Alien ana Aire. vr. urown, ol 1'biladclpbia, also addressed the audience. The evening session was devoted to the reading ot a paper on the state of religion, ordination services, and the administering ot the Lord's Supper to the members of the rresoyiery. Hotli President of llio Ilcndlug to bo in Fowcrv In the United States Circuit Court. Pbila- dclihia,Tuesday the counsel for the Messrs, McCalmont called their petitiou asking the Judges V) grant an order compelling the Keceivers ol the Heading Railroad Compa ny to recognize Msjor Frank S. Bond as rresident ol the 1'hiladelphia and Reading Railroad Company, and to grant him and his Board of Directors a place of meeting in the building. Alter short siieechrs by Messrs. Bullitt and Johnson. Judge Mc- Kcnnan said that the Court did not propose to say that one or the other set of Managers should have exclusive use ol the property, but that both should be accorded like privi leges. Mr. Johnson said that he did not object to this, but Mr. James E. Gowen ut tered an emphatic protest against it, and ucciareu luat uo woum miner uaye air. Bond and his Directors declared the Mana gers defneto than there should be anr such contusion as the proposition intimated by the Court would cause. It would result, he said, in one Board sitting in one room and another Board in another room. Mr. Gow en pursued a line of argument in which be took me case to ihebupreme Court or Penn sylvania, when Judge Butler reminded him that that was something with which they had nothing to do. Mr. Asbhurst, repre senting the Receivers, handed up a decree that had been prepared under their super vision. Both Judges read it over, and Judge McKennan said that a competent Court had declared certain persons elected Presideut and Managers of the Company, and In respect to that Court they should not be be excluded from the building of tho company. At the same time this action is not lo exclude from the property persons who hold over from the last election. They shall both stand upon the same footing, and both shall have tree access to the books. There was no meetine or lha new Board held Tuesday. Major Frank S. Bond, the Presideut ol the road, stated that he did not contemplate taking any artion under the order of the Court lor two or three days yet, thus giving the Receivers ainnle time to communicate with him and to tender the facilities of the office. Then was no meet- ngorthe Receivers held Tuesday. Court Ptocecdliifra- The April Term of onr County Courts Court! convened at the Court House, at Mauch Chunk, on Mondoy, the llth Inst. Present, 8. B. Drelier, Present Judge, and Leonard Meendsen, associates. QuAnTKB Sessioxs The Or and Jnrora appsared and were duly sworn Henry Bow man appointed fortman. The following cases were tried! Commonwealth ys. Edward McOabe. Lar ceny, riead not guilty. Verdict guilty. sentenced to pay as and costs, and to six months Imprisonment In the county jail. Commonwealth vs. James Clafertv. lie. celvlng stolen goods. Plead not guilty. Ver dict guilty, bentenced to pay J One and cost, and to six months' Imprisonment In the couatyjall. Commonwealth vs. Wllllsm Tioth. Assault and battery. Vordict not uullty, defendant to pay two-thirds or the costs. Commonwealth vs. John Mcllugh. For nlratlon and bastardy. Verdict guilty. The following Indictments weso round! Mary llelker, selling liquor on Sunday and to miners. Charles iloxim Icr, selling liquor on Suuday. .Tsmcs I'urcull, soiling liquor to minors, uonunutd to next term. In tho matter or petition for a bridge over Lizard Creek, between the lands ol Joseph ltueh and rttihn Hurler. L?ol. John Cruhr. Henry llelnenian and Charles Lenla were appointed viewers. me transier or tavern license irom j. a. Kelser to Nmhon hlotz. ami of restaurant li cense from Oscar Arner to 11. h Scuoch were allowed. UaritAns' Court. The following ac counts were confirmed absolutely I or Ellen and Levi Zlegenfuse,;execntors or estate or John Zlegenfuss, deo d. in oiary Junes, aumx. ciiaio oi iuargurat Edwards, dee'd. UfObas. W. Swank, adrar. estate of Ame lia Swank, dee'd or William Lewis, executor estate or Her bert L-wis, dco'd. Tho following accounts were confirmed nisi: or w. o. Freyman, admr. estate or jonn Stein, dee'd. til .Alary iirogan, adinx. estate ot t rans Brogan, dee'd. Or John E. McUce, admr, estate of Thos. Duncan, dee'd. UI Jacob Snvder. admr. estate or Harrison Snyder, dee'd. Or win. Shaffer, admr. estate or Daniel Shaffer, dee'd. ui i-aui ivresge, aamr. estate o: uamei Eokert, dee'd. Audllor'sroport distributing funds In hands or E. F. Ldckenbacb, assignee ol Moser H. armmei, conurmeu nisi. Auditor's-report distributing funds In hand of Joseph Q. Moore, executor cstato of Geo. kusscii, dee'd., confirmed nisi. Itcturn to order or sale In tho estate or Francis Ochcrhauser, deo'd., confirmed nisi. Return to order of salo In the estate of Ed ward Kelchner, dee'd., confirmed nisi. wiaow-s appraisement in tne estates oi Lewis Horn, dee'd.. and Ohas. Albright. deo'd., conSrmed absolutely. Widows' annralsement In the estates of Frank Iirogan, dee'd., Thomas John, dee'd., Malblas Straussburger. dee'd,, Solomon Drelsbach, dee'd., Roger O. Snyder, deo'd., E. K. Brown, d-ie'd.. confirmed nisi. John U. Longshore appolnteed guardian or wnigumr. wuiiami. . Return or sale of real estate ofPeter Kuntz dee'd., confirmed absolutely. Return or sale orreal estate orCanlel Buck, deo'd., confirmed nisi.' ooumok flkab. Benjamin Walters, an Insolvent, dlscharu-ed from lmnrtsonment. Auditor's report distributing funds arising from sale ol real estate or David and Matilda Weiss, confirmed nisi. Application for charter or the English uongregauonaiunuren or ianiioru, granted, Salt for lli-TIiront. A correspondent writing to one of our ex. ekanges, says: In these days when dis eases of the throat are so universally pror alent, and so many cases fatal, we feel it our duty to say a word in behalf of a most effectual, If not positive cure for tore fhroat. For many years past, indeed we may say during the whole of a life of more than forty years we have been subject to sore (liroat, and more particularly to a dry hocking cough which is not only distressing to, ourselves, but to our friends and those with whom . we are brought into business contact. Last fall we were Induced to try what virtue thero was in common salt. We commenced bv using it three times a day Ribrning, noon and. night. We dissolved large tablcsiKxuil'ul of pure table salt In shout a hull' small tumbler full or water. .With this wo gargle the throat most Ihor (lifghly just before meal time. The result iis been that during the entire winter we tjvfre not only free Irom coughs. and -colds, Out the dry Hacking cougn lias entirely dis. kflaj ScMBepartat Bt 0. 8. W. LESSON IvilAprll U. Luke xll, 13-21. Title. Coyrtousness. Topic. Worldly Lusts neproted. Golden Texts. Take heed and beware of covetousnesa. Luke xll, 15. of living for self. P.PWABP or forgetting Uod. DJjWilllJj or neglecting the soul. or lorgettlng death. Thtitvig. Rctts akd Anvica roa IxrAXT Class TiAcntxo. 1. See that the scholars sit comfortably, In order to have the attention of the youth ful mind, il Is almost pesitlvely necessary to take rare of their physical comfort. Do not eat them too close, and avoid the custom of crowding as many into a single bench as possible. This rule Is especially necessary to be observed during the warm aummer months of the year, when everybody feels like having plenty of elbow room. Some Infant classes are so crowded, tbat you will be led to believe tbat the Infant class works on the stage .coach "alwaya room for one more." Give the little ones plenty of room, and bo sure to see that all are happy and comfortable before commencing to teach. When the time for teaching Is long, and there are signs of restlessness iu the class, It is good to let them arise and change their position. 2, Stand In a position so that you can sec el) your pupils, and they can see you. Some persons sit to teach scholars, but from ex perience wo believe when you have more than one or two scholars, It Is better to stand. Some stand back of tho scholars while teach ing them, this we think must bo Very un pleasant to the scholars for they like to see their teacher, and if there Is no other way, they will be surd lo turn their heads and occasionally take a good look at their in structor. I have occasionally seen primary class teachers tit In the middle of their classes, and thus literally divide their class into two parts; of course the teacher could only give his attention to one part of tho class at a time, and one-half of the class was doubtless thinking or something lor eign to the lesson. In our opinion this is altogether the worst position for any teach er to assume for teaching. It is almost impossible to hold tbe attention of in fant scholars, unless they are within arm's length and literally under tbe eye. The teacher ot iniantsmust nave wuat joun Vincent, the Suuday School man of Ameri ca, calls "A firm purpose and an emancipa ted eye." Tne eye is in laci a greater gov erning power than the voice, if it is rightly understood. 3. Having placed yourself in a position to see and bo seen by all in the class, kindly and smilingly call for order, and obtain tbe attention ot the wbole class belore com mencing to teach. There is no use to try to get order by loud, boisterous talking, or even by fast talking; but you will get it by patiently waiting lor it, and using your eyes as if you meant that your call should be obeyed by all. Never speak loud, scold, or snow impatience oeiore tne class, wnen they do not obey your call immediately The infant class needs tho order of life, not the order or death; yet be sure to insist upon having attention from the whole class. When attention lags after you have commenced teaching, stop a minute or two, ana wait until it is regained; tins is a mucn better way than complaining about the noiso and confusion in tho class. 4. Having obseryed the above you are ready to commence teaching the lesson. And it is well to commence teaching by first telling something that will excite in terest and curiosity. In our" next we will give the mediums or Means used to convey instruction. Eminem l'liyalclnnv. are prescribing that tried and true remedy, Kidney-Wort Tor the worst casts of bljlious ness end constipation, as well as for kidney complaints. There is scarcely a perwm to be found that will not be" greatly benefitted by a thorough cours'e, of Kidney Wort every spring. If you feel out of sorts and don't know why. trr a package of Kidney Wort . ... Z . .1. - and you win leei ilka a new creature. dianapolii Sentintl, speared. r W ,Vo attribute these satisfactory results solely to the use of salt gargle, and most iqonlially recommend a trial or it to those wnn are subject to diseases oi tne throat. : Manv tK-rsons who have never tried the salt gargle have the impression that it is unpleasant. Such is not the case, On the contrary it is pleasant, and after a few days use no person wno loves a nice clean mmith and a first-rale sharpener of the ap petite will abandon it. (Louisville Home and Farm.) Frank O. Herring, Esq., of tbe Champion Safe Works. 251 and 262 Broadway. New York, reports the use of St Jacobs Oil for a stiffness and soreness of the shoulder, with most j leasanl and effleaeious eoecta. There are 600 hands employed In the Erie car wuras. statu n Ktva. All (he mills in Sharon, Mercer county, are running on full time. About 8,000.000 bushels of coal per week 19 ueuig Biiipiieu iruui i iitsuurg uy river. Desmond Donahue, aged 12, was acciden tally drowned at liradlurd on bunday. : Jrseph Coleski, coal miner, was killed by a tail oi coal near Johnstown on Saturday. The freight shipments from Pittsburg via the Ohio river last week amounted to 326,- ouo tons. Jacob Eby. aged 76, of Chamberaburg, committed suicide on Tuesday while tempo rarily insane. The Pottsvllle Iron and Steel Company' rolling mill is turning out 3000 tuns of rails per mnniu. The Jackson Hotel and two adjoining ouiiaings were destroyed oy lire at Hunt ingaon on r riuay. ioss, rouuv. William Folmer, a German, fell from wagon at Bird in-Hand, Lancaster county, on Saturday and broke nis neck. John Fulton, aged 39 years, was killed by a fall of ore near Flourtown, Montgomery county, on Wednesday ol last week. Cook Hall has been convicted of murder in the second degree for shooting Lsmor ros ier in a house or in lame In riltsburg. Sneak thieves robbed tho bouse of O. II, Allcrton, of Pittsburg, on Sunday, whllo the lamiiy were at supper, o: tout! worm. A pistol accidentally exploded in the hands of Franklin Bechtel, aged 17 years,at .Lebanon on Friday, killing In in Instantly, Father Maloney, a priest of Erie, who i accredited with performing a number or miracles, is now credited wun curing ,iames uurns or paralysis. The Williamspnrt Gautle and Bulletin says tbat timber Is coming down the river in such quantities that it is feared the boom will not be able to accomodate it. Mrs. Smellz. wife or a coal miner living in Plum township. Allegheny county. Sun day committal suicide by jumping into a well. Domestic infelicity was tbe cause, Police Officer Samuel Hoffman Tuesday mornlnff shot and killed a vounr man named John Bledehl in McKeesport, under tne mistaken impression mat bledem was burglar. A wood-ruin paper mill has been put ii operation t Lock Haven which utilizes the slabs and edgings of the lumber mills. A neavy paper is maauiaclured, suitable lor iiour sacks, wnicn is turned out at the rale of a carload a day. Frank Bechtnld. aged 16 vears. residing with bis parents at Lebanon, was round in a room Friday evening with a pistol shot wounu in nis ueaa,irom ineenecuoi wnicn be died shortly after. It Is not known whether the shooting was Intentional or not. C. B. Allen, of Leesburg, Mercer county, has received a letter from his son C. B. Al len, in Texas, slating tbat he ia to be bung for defending himself against an attack from ins prospective lalber-ln-law. Allen asks his father to have his body taken home for uuriai. Colouel E. A. L. Roberts, the torpedo In ventor, of Titusville.who died not long since, left nothing to his two children. They were living wun tneir mother, wnn separated irom tne lather some years ago, lo nn nephew, Owen M. Roberts, he left, (23,000, aud tbls young man magnanimously offers to divide it with tbe chiioren. The hulk of Colonel Roberts' fortuos was left to bis sisters and brothers and their children. Advloes from Pittston. Pittabura-. Potts ville, Wllkesbarre. Williamsnort.Erie.Titns- ville, Altoona, Chester and Easton say that spring trade has begun in earnest In all those Places, t-urcnasea are being msdo with a freedom Indicative of a plenty of money. Lumbermen are infusing a new life Into pisces along the Susquehanna. Tba Ma rietta Timu says tbat monev ia nlontv. and the merchants Iu good humor all along that F.TVI Prckeiiunent of tlio Urnuil Jury, 7b the Honorable the Judget of Quartet Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Carbon, April Sessions, 1881 The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Inquiring for the County of Carbon In all plotters relating to the same ao respectiuny report, That thev have acted upon elehteen bills of Indictment, of which twelve (12) were iouna "irue unii, ana six were ignored. We beg leave further to report, That wa haye visited and inspected the county buildings, and found them jn good order and repair. Wo further report that a petition, signed by sundry citizens of Summit Hill, was presented, praying for the Incorporation of a Borough in Mauch Chunk Township to be known as the Borough of Summit 11111; that wo heard petitioners for and opponents to the measure, and examined drafts, Ac, and after due consideration a majority of the Grand Jurors are in favor ot its incorpo ration We rcsDcctfull t tender our thanks to the Honorable Judges and District Attorney for the eourleiv and assistance rendered tia during our deliberations. Hoar liowiiAH. Dated April 14, 16S1. CotTcisponilcntK Head XJUiss. We shall be pleased to receive local news each week from every neighborhood in tbe county, which should be sent to us not later than Thursday forenoon. Send news of public meetings, social gatherings, mar riages, deaths, accidents, fires, schools, churches, secret societies, business changes, transfors of property, publio improvmcnts, and everything of public interest. Givo us thooct, without any expression of opinion, n as lew Words as possible, and send noth ing but news. If you have but two or three terns each week, send them; do not wait to write a long letter, some of the news In which may bo old when received at this office, If delayed. Write on but one cido ol the paper, and send your name, not for pub lication, but for the reason tbat it is not our custom to print communications of any na ture without wo know tho name of the writ- Paste this up for reference. ST AX 12 kEtilSI.ATUitU. In the Senate Thursday, 14th inst, the bill regulating thei payment of tUe poor tax In Roxborough was reported favorably. A joint resolution, (subsequently concurred in by the House) was adopted appointing a committee to investigate the Pennsylvania n... n ,, ml. Ltd. . l r . I Diau? Allege, me uiiib irttusierriug vuo mineral specimens of the'Gcological Survey of the State to the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, supplementary to the Limited l'artnersnips act oi lau, and punishing tbo pasting ol show bills on walls and fences were pussed finally, and sent to the House. Adjourned until Tuesday. In the House a number nf bills passed second reading; aud a committee was ap pointed to inquire into the commissions of the Attorney uenerai The Senate was not in session on Friday, In tbe House, a resolution was adopted ,eall ing upon the Senate Treasurer to inform the Hons whether ho has recently published statements showing the amount of moneys held as a reserve, where deposited, etc., as required by the Constitution. The bill au thorizing Common Pleas Courts to issue mandamuses against Stato officers was pass edyeas 120, nays 4. A resolution for the appointment of a committee or five to visit Allegheny county ana examine the work ings oi tue license system mere ana aeicr- ring, until after this Committee shall have repotted, all action on the pcuding license bill, was called up, and the mam question demanded on its second reading. A roll call showed that less than a quorum was prssent, and tbe House adjourned. In the Senate, Tuesday, the resolution for a final adjournment of the session on May Sth was amended by making the date May 10th, passed finally, and sent to the House for concurrence. The bill punishing per sons who dofaca walls and fences "by paint ing, posting or otherwise" was also passed and sent to the House. A communication was received from tbe Governor of Ohio, re questing tbe proper marking of the bound ary between that State and Pennsylvania 11 was reierrea to meiummuteeon reaerai Relations. Pending consideration of the bill fur tbe establishment of new counties, the Senate adjourned, In tbe House, the bill givingoil pipe com panies the right of way for their pipe lines was passed 110 to 40 and tent to tbe Sen ate. The bill regulatingrates of freight and storage on railroads was considered, amend ed by requiting railroad companies to givo public notice of change of rates, and laid over to be printed. It will come up next Tuesday. The Senate resolution lor a final adjournment on May 19th was read once mittee. In the Senate Wednesday, the Judiciary Apportionment bill was recommitted for amendment. A concurrent resolution was adopted recalling from the Governor the bill authorizing Common Pleat Courts to issue mandamuses against State officers. Tbe Senate bill to establish new counties was lost on final passage for want ot a con stitutional majority. The Judicial Appro priation bill was reportei back in evening session, with a few amendmenti, one of which gives Montgomery county an addi tional Judge. Tbe Senate bills establishing a State Hoard or Health and regulating "campaign expenses ' passed third reading, Adjourned. In tbe House tbe bill making it tbe iuty of School Boards lo sea that all children be. tween tbe ages of tlx and sixteen shall re ce!e a common school education was In definitely postponed by a vole of SO to 71 The bill to prevent gambling passed second reading. Tbe Eight-Hour bill was defeat ed, 45 ayes, 111 noes, but reconsidered and postponed lor tne present. Tbe Benate re solution recalling the bill allowing Com mon Pleas Courts to issue mandamuses against State officers was received, but not concurred in. Mr, Jamison moved to re consider tbe vote of last Matiday evening, indefinitely postponing the resolution for tbe consideration of the Delinquent Tax bill and two other bills. Agreed to, yeas 103, nays SB. A motion fixing special act- sioai lor the consideration of the Dclin -In- New Aflvertiscriiehtg. J-,VIIONING TOWNSHIP. Annual Statement of Mahoning Township,' tor the year ending March llth, 1 JU SAMtTEL EBERT, one or tho Suirvlsora or Mahoning Township, In account with said Township t DR. To tax" duplicate for the year 1880 l!!a H " Cash motived from 1; I.effler ,,,, lit o alios so on. Salary as per self, 189)4 dsjs at $1 w ?0S T Cash p'd lor repairing roads A bridges. 100 tt Exonerations. Paid Trexler fc Kreldler tor SO linger boards...., Paid J L. Osble, forpl.iuks & splUs. lifljd T. H. Ikck, .1, P., for notice, lo Obert Paid cash to U. Xandcr, Supervisor . . lly error In dupltcite Ily commission on sl2to.&3 S per et., Uy balauca due the Tunnrlilp J 44 11 TIL 8 Vf to 76 (V c to (.! ! ( va SU83 SO Balance due from N. Leffler, 1st Supervisor $ t; If CHARLES LENTZ, Oollec or otTax ai.d - Overseer or tbe Poor, or Mahoi l'g Town ship, in account with said Township: 1IR. To tat duplicate Tor the year 1RS0 $ 86 Oi " balance from last settlement 172 OS Reallz'dir'msaloorg'diort'.Frhlday 16 IT t70 23 cn. Paid for maintenance or Poor as per receipts Paid orders or roller. .4.. Making returns T. S. Beck r.Iaklnir Duplicate O. A. Weiss Tor llckets for Mrs. Fri day and family... O. lllskev nnctloneerlnir.... Stephen Fcnstermacher tor hauling. . S57 8 1 to te 2 09 83 OO 60 lb T 2 7 sa 6i W id it 12 12 T. ft. Kemerer tor coffin. Exonerations By services as per self IB days ffi 11.60. Auditors Commission on 382S3)S (percent... Commission on M03.8J ii 3 nor cent... Cash paid.. 101 41 f (70 ii OHAIlLnS XANDEII, .rmonf tho Hnpervls. ors or manoning l ownsnip, in account wun said Township: nn. To tax duplicate for the year 1880 US It uain rec u irom es jooriaupcrv r- is vv OH. Salary as per eoireiji days tf5 $1.(0. iiepairlmr roads and bridges Flanks, do .. Krror in duplicate . Exonerations Attending settlement.... . Auditors Commission on t&?3.(tt a per cent. ., liaiance uuo xownsmp , i en oi Audited and approved this lith day or March, 1881, by JOSIAH MTJSSBLJIAN, ) J. T. McDANIEI.. Auditors. F. E. FREDERICK. opr. S.-wS. Icklr!rtvn JlXarketa ConnxoTKD Wkeklt. Flour, p tack $3 SO Buckwheat flour ccr sack a oo Corn, per bushel 70 Cats, per bushel 6 mixed unop, per cwt 140 Middlings, per cwt 1 60 Corn Chop 1 to uran, per cwt , 1 21 Butter . per pound so Ettas, per dozen 10 Ham, per ponud 13 Lard, per pound 14 Shoulders, per pound s Potatoes, per bushel 60 Stock Itlni-Kct. Closing prices of DeUaten Sc Towmsekd, block, government ana uoia 40 Mouth Third Street. Pbila., April 14, USI. U. S. 's 1881 102 bid 103U asked U. S. Currenoy, 8 ISO bid 131 asked U- S. O's.lSSl, new VTJyi bid 1 2 asked U. S. OA, new U2M bid 113 asked U. S.4'snew 1132 bid 114 asked Penntyanla It. R 68 bid 68K asked Phlla. & Reading It. R. 31 bid 3l asked Lehigh Valley It. it.... tlti bid 01 asked LehlKh Oual&Nav. Co.. 46-? bid tiU asked united uo s 01 n. J lsa diu askeu Northern Central It. It. 49U bid 19U asked Ilestonvllle Pass. It.H. 22 bid Pitts. Tit. & Bull", it. R. 22 bid Central Transportation. 46 bid .luriuoru aciuuuuin... a mu " " Prcl'd.. TSV bid North Penna. R. It 69 bid Phlla. & Erla R. R 27 U bid Silver, (Trades,) 0914 bid 22)4 asked 22y. asked 46 asked asked 73? asked 112 asked 28 asked W? asked MAUIUEU. GILBERT KISTHART. On the 17th Inst. at tne reidence ot tbe bride's parents, by iter. 1. x. f.yer, xur. joun 11. uiioeri, 01 lienver, Colorado, and Miss Elizabeth Cx, Klsthart, or Weatherly, Pa. PORTER DUNBAR. On the 16th Inst., at too i-resovtenan parsonage, nejcenuauqua, Lelilirh county, bv tho Rev. Ji mes A. Lit tle, iicnry James Potter aim Miss Eliza Lmnuar. KKSCUED FUOM DEATH. Thft fnllnf tntr stntement nf Ww. T flAnvl.- lln, ofsomerviile, Mass., Is soron arkabla that we beg to ask lor it tbe attention or our read, ers lie savs : " In the fall or 1178 I was tak, en with a violent nLEEDina ok the lungs, luuuneu u savers couku, 1 non Degau to lose uy annctlto and ficsn. I wi. s so weak at one time that 1 could not leave mv bed. In tue summer 01 is 1 was aumiitea 10 tne uity Hospital. While there the doctoi 1 said I had a bole In my left lung as big as a bail uollur. I expended over a hundred dollars In dootors and medicine. I was so far gono at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a triend told me or Hit. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNOS. I lauxhed at my friends, thinking that my case wh luouriiuie, uui x gut u uottie to eatisiy ineui, wnen, to my surprise ana graiincation, dead, began to revive, and to-day I reel In bet ter spirits than I have tho past three years. "I write this hoping you will publish It, so that everyone afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be Induced to take lilt. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNQS, and bocon vniced that CUNhUMPllON Can be Cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively lav that It haiflnnf, mora uncu than all Hi. other medicines 1 have taken since my slck- iie.9. ij cuuqii i,aa annual entirely uisap. peared and I shall soon be ableto go to work.'1 Sold by A, J. Dublixo, Lehighton, and all uruggisis. ueo. is, issu-yioow HENKY'S (rATUIOI.IC SALYE. The BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts AJiuiruD, tsutvo, uivci,, o.tb jiucuui, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds or fSkln Erunllons. Freckles nnd I'lm. pies. The Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction In every case or money rotunded. lie sure you got HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are but Imitations. Price 26 cents. For sale by all Druggist everywnere. iieo. jo, isso-yieow ERRORS OF YOUTH A Gentleman "who snfTorM for years from Nerroua DKIlILlTY.VItKM ATIIllK IJKOA V and ail me nfrocisor vouthlul lndesoietlou.lll for the take ot ufferltiff buiuaulty tend free to alt who credit, the recipe aud direcitoua tor roakliijr tbe simple remedy bv which lie was CU'DU. I vertucr' ui perfect coufldeuce. JOHN B OQDEN B'ifferers wlfhinic to pro tit br the ad' T'a experience can do o by adilrewtng iiCadirHtreet, N. V. fa 11.29-m 8 PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) tbe recipe tor a simple VHiniDLB UALU lUBb Will ri-KBOVO IAR Fltu.UKLd.M. J'l.MPLEH aad BLOTCHES, lenv. lna tbeakln sort, clear and beaa.linli alsuiu stroctions for producing" a luxuriant growth of uair on a oaiu ucaa or auiroin ia''e, Aoaress, luclo-lmrJc. sUiiid. I1EM. Vaxdzlf & Co.. No 6 Beekmtn Si.. N. Y. JanttmS HDD HOUSE POWDERS Are the only Horse and Poultry Powders that Klre universal satisfaction. If the Powders do not give satisfaction, the Druggist will re. turn your money. ueo. is, myj yieow To Consumptives. The advertiser, havlna been rjermanentlr enr, eu ot that dri-ad disease, Consumption, bv a aunplo remedy, la anxious to make known to bia te low-sufferera the means ot cure. To all who desire it. ha wilt aend a coov ot the are- senptlon uted, tiree ot cbirgel, wita the dlrec- uoubiur yrou.riiuc mu usiuk iu. mtvo, waicn Jbev win Hod a suae cubs for coasuxrilo.v. A81UM. BHOSCums. Ac Parties wisblmr the rroftcripuon. win piease aaare-s, hey is. a. WILSON, 194 fENN Street, Wllliamsi nr.b, new yore jinzatm Aftttl Wuttl, Blc Tay. Light Work Htendv BniDlovioeDt Hamnlea free. Ad dren, M. L. llVltN, Ho. it NASSAU street Iew York. Jan.2(ltu til 01 I P2 ei ,. tu to . 79(2 1 99 a 99 1 60 IH 29 tf sa et INSUHE YOUR LIFE IN.THE JSC AH Off Mutual Assessment Life Association, Selinsguove, Pa. Kuw issuing policies to lha amouut of f2,- uuu.uuu mommy. aSyExtra Inducements offered for "ood active and responsible agents in Wayne. Pike, Monroe, Luzerne and Carbon counties. Address, II. E. McCARTY, Gen'l Agt., Mar. 19-Sw Solmsgrove, Ta &t' dropdT atthe I J Carbon Advocate I OFFICE FOR THE BEST0F COAL The undersigned Is now prepared to supply the very best LATT1MER COAL at the fol lowing LOW.PR1CES FOR CASH: Dsllv'd. No. s Chestnut, by the cir RTt No. 1 Chestnut, by the car . ill Sidvo, by the car 4 oa Ry the singleton, 25 cents per ton additional J. L. GAB EL, Sealer )u General Hardware, &cm Opposite the Fubllc Square, HANK STUEET, LB11IQIIION, PA. UOV, 10,1171 -j- UKIXRIAN & CO., BANK STREET, lehiffhton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In All Kind-of a RAIN llOirnilTaud SOLD at REGULAR MARKET RATES. We would, also, icspccttully Inform ourcltl, tens that waare now fully prepared to UVP PLY taem with He&t of Coal i'rein auy Mine desired at VEItT LOWEST PRICES. jr. iieilman Jfc co. JUU 21. MILTON A. WEISS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. HEPMR1NG Of all description promptly attended to at the most rersonsble prices. 3- AH Work- guaranteed, and petrous It respectfully solicited. Jn.2S-jl A New Trcntmuut. Tht Gelden Elixtr of Life. Wonitrful Curst. If vou have Consumption, and would know that your cough can be made loose and easy Hectlo I- ever and Night Sweat! checked In 24 hours; Inflammation taken out or the Lanes and air patssa.es at oneei that you can be made to gain t to 4 poands or healthy flesh per week : if vou have anv Chronic Disease. llroncliltlt, Asthma, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Heart Disease. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility. Semlnol Weakness or Hper. matorrbosa. loss or sexual power in either sex from any cause 1 II you have any rorra ol nerv ous weakness, lotion Beth or waiting away, and would know or an Immedlat roller ana eertaln cure for many ot the severest cases In a short time, a new method with new agents $10 otflt furulklietl frra. ullti fnli iiit,tint. ttoua furc;iiduriiDaiiieruostpru(lut)H baHluf ft t lit anv 011a ran iiirvi in The bjslue o ruv Iu leam.atid our iuftrac Hou a ore n aimolo aud rlaln tlui nrD6 oan make groat iirotlia from the very unit. Hoot, can tall who is willing to work. Women ere ju euccuafal men. lion and am can earn largo aunii. Many Hare made OTer one nuodrwl do lar In a Bin fie w. ek. NoUudjc Uke It ever known before. AH wtoer.;aiir a4ftQipri-df tbe ease and raviditv wtth which rbe aie no'e to moke moiiej. "V ou o a eujro la thle butl. ntMdur.Qttruurtiiatetiiue ut xirat prodi Yon uo not baro to tnvi't anj iitiltal lu it Wa tako ait the risk Those who nea rettlv money iliould wr'to to ui at onoe. All urnlhod tree. Aiwlie THE L. at CO., AUAUtta, Maine OcUt, JSSO-?0 WATCHES, Ia f.ttn trvhfa1v 1 n vl tri-tra t tn1 ftitttrat QuentTaz bill watlott. on a division, for ttrongand healthy the tnott hopeless eases. i'iiiiJranrt'M .... Kaln. inn th. si Tha Way. H.fb w,sl HSiBXUTt, MsrHen ; bprlngt, j - - - n 1 - - - - .- -v - iuicii. and Meant conimiuoe bat agreed to report tneoenata resolution lor a nnet adjourn luly'lTyl lock.. Novelties. Eta' bend loriirtcH s- AUKNTHlnallnarta O. f. DUUI.l f A Iuiporier. and Manufacturers. 1 errieo lilr l?yt A0IKT3 V71HTSS tor the Bast and Fastest rnent, with amendment making, the date rjuei sj p,, e,nt, National J-ulllthleg PILES Co., PUluuielphbt, Pa. tnart-oil OlallUnda.TUUOU9.dl cbar.- treaoi iuoqd or mners rst' all distsiea of tba nKCCl'U Quickly end perfectly ouied by a ttsip: v seeUilnjt ItEJfKDY. Inrinforraaluuree'i'a,' j. a j. yxuJUi co. m As tx . .... 1 - - - .. '. - . - . ajfet. -"kV- -
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