EDITOR LEIIIOllTON. 1'A.: BATunnAY, Armii 23, isst. 5- The annual election of Tammany Hull, ITeWt YtofW,VaS held Monday night. Thcro T'firPul opnosltlon to tho Kelly tick' etbbtit succeeded by JO majority Id a total tote ot 11U Beet-clary Wfnilom has called In all tlio utatiiudlr.;? sixes of 1S81 amounting to Sl&'J.MO.lOO which mature" In-July next, unci has offered bvliolders the option of tak ing 31 per renV. interest oi their bonds. tu frs known s the Oregon War Debt hsre atso been railed. The twelfth annual reunion of llio So ciety of the Army of the Totomao will be hold Itr-llartford, Connecticut, on the 8th o! June. Major General Hurntlo G. Wright will-preside, Daniel Dougherty will deliver tie oratlou, and Captain 8. B. Sumner rood the poem." It la expected that President Garfield and Generals Sherman and Sheri dan will bo among the officers present. Messrs. N. W. Ayer Ic Son, well and Favorably known advertising agent of Philadelphia, have recentlv purchased the Philadelphia business of Messrs. S. M. Pet- tengill A- Co., of New York, and now take rank as tho leading agency in the State, pos sibly equalled, but certainly not surpassed, by any. similar .concern in the country In the anlount of advertising patronage distrib uted to American newspapers. The Mauch Chunk Democrat of two Svcek's'ago, charged Hons. Zern and Cassi dy of voting In the Stale Legislature for a "salary grub" bill. Uiion strict inquiry we learn that no such bill has been before tho House. A bill touching the salary question of members has been discussed in the Sen ate, but up to a few d iijsn 30 it had not been reached In the limine; should it pass and become aMtrw, it would not benefit tho pres ent members, they not being competent to change their own salaries, and would only app'y to th'e members of tho next House. So much for .Bast Mr. Ilanicr, who served as Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina, and subsequent ly represented that State In Congress, is now workiugin-Charleston as a common laborer on the streets. While busily engaged in handling his pick one day last week, an In cldent occurred which must have vividly reminded the statesman of the wonderful changes fortuhe sometimes wrought in one's teraperal affairs. A garbage cart backed up to where ex-Lieutenant Governor Ranier was at work, and dumped a load of dirt on .the street, among the rubbish of which was a copy of the Congressional Record, contain ing a speech mado by himself on tha Civil nights bill whilo a member of Congress. Ruoicr is not ashamed of doing manual la bor although at one time wealthy. Having taken a good look at some of the newer Senators, Mary Clcmmer reports to tho X: T. Independent that Eugene Hale has a patrician look and talks through his nose; that Frye is boyish looking, with are' treatingchln ubder the nose of a fighter; that Joe Hawley haaa pugnacious look and is not always affable in his manners; that Miller, of California,has a worldly but not unpleas ant face, a heavy gold watch chain, an air of success and far-reaching oyes; that Phi letus Sawyer, of Wisconsin, has a big body, big head, red face, and snowy hair; that Angus Cameron, his mileage, is a tall, thin fellow, with deep, dark, Dashing eyes; that the Now York Senator, Tlatt, is "the con ventional gentleman," and that Conger, ol Michigan, though shrill and ascetic in his public capacity, is a very good fellow in private life. There arrived at the various ports of the United Slates during the month ended March SI, 1681, 48,234 passengers, of whom 44.12S were Immigrants, 3,236 citizens of the United States, returned from abroad, and 1,824 aliens not intending to remain in the United States. Of this total there came from England and Wales, 3,480; Scotland, 913; Ireland, 3,173; Germany, 10,397; Aus tria, 1,050; Sweden, 285; Norway, 397; Denmark, 415; Belgium, 65; France, 371; Switzerland, 1,363; Netherlands, C43; Italy, 1,019; Russia, 435; Poland, 4B4; Hungary, 57; Dominion of Canada, 8,612; China, 996, and from all other countries, 174. The number of immigrants during tho nine months ended March 31, 1881, was as lol lowsr From Germany, 102,097; Domlulon of Canada, 88,887; England and Wales, 39,- 772; Ireland, 33,334; Scotland, 8,991; Chiua, 4,718; all other countries, 75,825. Total, S51.422. Our raaders will learn by the following -which we clip from the Breckenridge (Colo.) Journal of the 4th, that J. C. Fincher'a wife and family have reached that place in safe ty and that they are permanently domiciled in tbat far off region: "nco More on Deck. Having been called Iroin office duties for ieveral days past, to attend to escorting over the range and housing the wife of our youth and our bairns, we return to work with the will of one who feels that no divided allegi- . anco distracts our efforts. While the state of "our former rosidonce, we hold in kindly , .remembrance, we feel that our fortunes are cast with Colorado. During our temporary absence we find our "sub" has run a free pen, but as he has not murdered anything but the king s English,we shall deal lenient ly with him. From bis past history it is known that he will gyrate in the vicinity of tha truth, but never becomes over familiar with it. We hone hereafter to be always at. home with our friends, be they few or many. Gem. BenJ. F. Butler has just returned from a trip to the West Indies in his yacht the America. He appears to be in excellent health, says be feels first rate, and is ready for any amount of work. To interrogatories as to bis views on politics, by a reporter for the N Y. Sun, the General said that he had do views to give. He had been off having a good time' and had not hten reading the papers, "t don't see why," he said, "the Administration should wish to attack Mr! Conkling,nor why there should bo any quar rel at all.. But I don't know enough about th pending deadlock and affair sine Gen Garfield went Into office to express anopinlon on the subject After all the only real issues are the struggle with the powers of corpora tions and the financial question. The control which rich corporations are obtaining must be resitted, and so also the attempts of tha banks to get rd of the greenback national currency. I bave no fear of any panic re sulting from any finmcial rfo-ungemcntt at p-esent. In fact, panics do not come from movements of currency, but from over in vestmeoUand reckless trading. The amount f currency in circulation bears a very small pro)ort)uo to the volume of trade. As to the difkoCprt politics, I can say nothing because 1 know nothing. One ide say they are for a ftw ballet, i-fuH ..vntt.-iuid' an tana A count Tha other side say they art V' V MllH.THIMKIl, for the same thing, so that there is no lime in that. Up in Massachusetts ther say they want that in tha So-ith. Well, I happen to know that there has not been a free ballot in Massachusetts. And then I hear a great deal about tissue ballots In tha South. Well, tbat is denied, but I suspect there must be some truth in it. For my own part, I think that tho American cillten ought to be pro tected by his Government In the exercise of the most valuablo of all rights. If the State power doesn't do it, the Federal power ought to. But, as I said before, the real issues are the rule, of the great corporations and the financial question." The financial policy of Secretary Win- dom, especially that relating to the matur ing bonds of the Government, is an absorb ing subject in financial and political circles at present. Undoubtedly tha great majori ty of all parties approve the course he has adopted, and it unquestionably, so far as It goes, accords with the views of a majority of both houses of Congress, as expressed through the enactment of the Funding bill. But there is a gravo legal or constitutional question involved, which suffices to throw a cloud over an otherwise satisfactory situa tion. It is a question whether the Secreta ry has power to extend or continue the bonds called in at a lower rate of iuteiest or at any other rate of interest. If he has the power to continue a six per cent, bond at three and one-half per cent., he would have equal power to continue the same bond at ton per cent. In other words, if it is in ills discretion to reduce the rate of In terest, it is equally in his power to increase it, and there are serious doubts whether any such exercise of discretion rests with the Secretary. What would bo the ecuse of Congress spending three months in dis cussing the subject of interest and refund ing if, after all, the discretion rested with the Administration of the Treasury Depart ment? In this case the action taken is generally approved, and works to the ad vantage of tbo Government; but in some other case the exercise of this discretion might produce very different results. From advices so far received, it is evident that nearly all holders of the six per cent, bonds called in will accept tho offer to continue them at three and one-balf per cent., and it is expected that a call for the five per cents, accruing will be mado upon the same terms. Lord Baconsfield, the distinguished English statesman, died at his residence in London, at about 5 o'clock on Tuesday morning last. We append the following brief sketch of the deceased! Benjamin Disraeli, the distinguished English states man and author, was born in London in December, 1805, and was the son of Isaac Disraeli, an English literateur, who, also born near London, Inherited a large fortune from his father, a Venetian merchant of Jewish extraction. In 1826 Benjamin pro duced his first work, "Vivian Grey," n fashionable novel which met with great fa vor; this was followed in 1830 by "The Young Duke," and two years later " Conta rina Fleming" was published. The life of Disraeli reads like a romance. A success ful author at 20 years, he early looked for ward to political distinction. In 1831 he was a candidato on the Radical side for the borough of Wycombe, and he lost the elec tion in two contests. Ho was a candidate in 1835 as a Conservative in the borough of launlon, and fared nojjctter than,.before; mil in 18.17 he was returned to Parliament as a candidate for the borough of Maid stone. Upon the formation nf Lord Derby's Ministry in 1852 Disraeli became Chancel lor of tho Exchequer. He filled the same office in 1858, and in 1859, brought forward an elaborate bill for electoral reform, which was dcleated in tho House of Commons March 31, and Pailiament was dissolved April 23. It wus not until 1860 that the Derby Ministryagain came in power, with Disraeli in the same capacity. On the re signation of the Eail of Derby in 1868 Dis raeli became Prime Minister, but on the dissolution of Parliament, owing to a dis agreement as to the establishment of the Irish Church, the Ministry in the new elec tions found, themselves in a minority, and were forced to resign. A Liberal Ministry was then in power until 1873, when it made an appeal to the country and was de feated. Disraeli was again called to the helm, and remained for a full Parliamen tary term seven years when tho Liberals in 18S0 again triumphed at theelectionsnd Disraeli retired, having entered the Honso of Lords as Earl of Beacomfield in 1877. He had, however, previouily refused the peerage, but made his wife a Countess in stead. It wasduring'hlslastadministration that tho Queen assumed the title of Empress of India. In 1870 he published "Lothair," a politlco-religious noyel, which attained a great circulation, and only last year "Endy- mion" was given to the world bv its distin guished author. It was probably his most profitable novel. Disraeli's name is associ ated with many prominent events in the modern history of England, and it is doubt ful if the romance of his career will ever be eclipsed by that of any British Premier. WASHINGTON. OCR SPF.CIAI. LKTTKR. WAsnixoTox, D. C, April 16, 1881. Every year adds something to the metro politan character of Washington. One of the greatest projects of improvsment for the present year is tho erection of a grand opera house, which will be in keeping with the general character of the Capital and with the spirit of the times. For several years there has been talk about the possibility of such an opera-house being erected, and a proposition has been made to build one by subscription. A number of gentlemen have now interested themselves in the matter, and there is a prnbabllty that something will be accomplished stieedily. The cntiro cost of the structure as proposed will be be tween $300,000 and $400,000. Max Stra kosh, it is stated, proposes, in case the opera house is built, to establish a regular season nf opera heieto last six weaksortwo months in the midst of the social season. During the rest of the year the theatro will be available for other purposes. Among other schemes of Improvement on foot is the erec tion of a large hotel, on the style of the' Hoff man House iu Now York, to cost $50,000 or $60,000. New York capitalists are interest ed on the enterprise, and it is proboble that a sue win soon no purcnaseu ana tne work of construction commenced. A great ilea) of non-pulitlcal pressure is brought to bear on the Senate to get it to go inio executive session aua take up certain nominations. The present dead lock is iar- ticularly felt in the courts, and some of the Vacancies inero certainly should be filled at ouce. Tha Supreme Court has barely a quorum, so that it has had to adjourn several times owing to the unavoidable absence of a single justice. The Fifth Circuit also, for which Julgo Pa die, of Louulina, has been nomln ited, is witnout a judge, and butinets has been completely bloc lie 1 for three months. The District oT Columbia's busi ngs is In a bad shape, owing to the fnct mat then is 110 Marshal the writ or the ha beas corpis is practically suspended. No warrants can be served, and the Diet let n praa'.ically without adminUtrative inachlu cry. There are also scores of Postmasle It' sud Marshals' appointments which should be acted upon. Another important subject, now neglected, which is particularly Intel esting to the Pacific coast, is tho ratification of the Chines treaties. To some belligerent minds there Isnapj I- ness In store, for duilntr the discussion of the everlasting question In the Senate yesterday Aianone called wen 11111 a vcowara. 11 is stated that there is some probability of La mars duelling pistols being required upon the historic field of Bladensburg, which is the favorite duelling ground of members of the National Congress. Senator Hill retort ed by asserting that Senator Mahone was a "bully" and that he (Hill) would not take an insult Irom mat distinguished represen tative of the State of Virginia. There are however always enough fire eaters around to fan thla beginning into quito a respecta ble conflagration if they are let alone. Senator Harris has informed the Republi can side that the Democrats know what they are about, and am perfectly aware that the thiily-elght Republican Senatorsaro ut terly tiowerters under the constitution to perform any act which would be binding unon anv individual in the land. This SenatorDawos charactoiizes as revolutionary and as the war or the rebellion under a new form. And so they go and when it Is going to end no one is rash enough to predict. The Secretary of the Treasury bas, it is said, assurances from large holders ol regis tered six and hve per cent government bonds that there will be but little if any difficulty in refunding nearly the entire amount of redeemable bonds at three and one nan per rent interest, the government sllll retaining tne option ot rodempnon ana in no way committlng the Treasury to such rate when Conirrpss shall take un the funding bill dur ing its next sessions. The savins to the country by this operation will be very great, and should be viewed with great satisfaction. The Postmaster General will issuo an or der declaring all publications Issued in vio lation of copyrights grjnted by the United stales unmuiiabia matter. The question was brought to tho attention of the depart ment by "Mark Twain," who complained that publishers in Canada were reprinting ono of his works there and selling it in this country at a cheap price. August. NEWY0RK. fOU OCR REGULAR CORRKSrOMDKXT. Nkw York, April 18, 1881 All lovers of Dickens will remember how in Bleak House, that oily and blatant Bean- ages of the Conventicle, Mr. Chadband, improved the occasion at Mr. Suagsby's and addressing lo, tho forlorn outcast of Tom-All-Alone's, said : "If the master of this house was to go forth into the city and was to see an elephant, and returniug should say to the mistress of this bouse, ' Lo, Salrey, the city is barren; I have seen but an eel,' wousd that be trewith? No, my brethren I" At present, however, in New York, save the seeker after sights, vis ited Mr. Barnum's show he could with "trewith" say just this. There Is literally nothing of interest going on. Theatrical business is at n stand still, revivals are "played out;" thero are no murders, and the furore over municipal mismanagement has availed little. Easter week alcne with its devotions, and eggs, that, unlike Pando ra's box, when opened reveal goodly and rare gifts, together with all the attractions of "Spring openings" give acceptation to 10 me icminme part 01 ureation, and leave to the sterner sex nothlne but strict atten tion to business and dutiful payment of uins. until, wun uvron. uier ivr orce ex claim, "How deeply painful is all pay ment i" luo weainer, 11 is true, has im proved wonderfully during the past lew days, so as to beget visions of prospective in 1 a to voney island, juanuattan lieacn a lid the various adjacent sea-side resorts, which, are rapidly.ruaktne New York a de sirable residence in summer. Soon, too, we will be enabled to walk over to Brooklyn, lor mis euu 01 me ureal briuce is approach- ing completion, and near City Hall the via duct can now bo seen. There has been some commotion in certain literarv circles over tho projected "poets' festival" to which 1 last week alluded. It would seem that Mr. w. i. Gill, the prime mover in the af fair, used the names of certain noets.amone- others Richard H. dtoddard, R. W. Gilder, vr. Holland and others wuhout their sanc tion. Mr. Gill and the chairman of the iestival committee sav that thav onlv sitokn of these gentlemen as having been 'invited 10 participate, a lie Jecnwg d'ou assails Mr, Gill somewhat crotslv. and accuses him of advertising himself, and in a communi cation to the Evening Mail, the aforesaid chairman states that Mr. Edmund 0. Sted- man, Mr. Alzcrnou S. Sullivan and others are in active sympathy with tho festival. jur. Duniiaru is reioriea 10 naveaatd at the Century Club to a Tribune reporter that he did not consider Foe worthy of posthumeous honor; but better poets and belter critics so consider him, and it may safely bo left to posterity ana me nierary judgment 01 otuer lands lo determine which man is the great er Poo or Stoddard. On April 12th and 13th the pictures of the late Sanford R. Glifford. N. A., were sold. One hundred and tiftv-oue works bv the most distinctive and distinguished ar tists realized $28,810. Those who are fa miliar with Glifford's beautiful aerial ef fects in connection with the scenery on the Hudson, Venice and elsewhere will have little difficulty in sceine that this is no ex orbitant total for such work. Tho current number of the Art Interchange, among much excellent matter, contains a portrait nw l,lmaatr r ,t. ... ....?. w. Douglass Volk, as well as a reproduction of Ills nmucuiy fJIUbUIO Ul illlS Uir. MT. J). F. Reinbart, the historical and portrait painter, has just executed in black and white, a sketch lor a picture representing Washington and Rochambeau in Yorktown. The composition aud grouping of figures is very wefl managed and effective, this being a specialty of the artist, and the picture bids fair to be of high and permanent value. Mr. Fiost Johnson's large portrait of Cardi nal McCloskey approaches completion. The Cardinal, who lately called at the studio to see it, expresses himself as much pleased, and Mr. Johnson has expended much con scientiousness and skilled labor on the work. The architectural features of the Ca thedral In which the Cardinal Archbishop in his sacerdotal robes stands are faithfully rendered, as are the various portions of the priestly dress, and in attitude and nxpres sion the figure and face are imposing and excellent. Mr. Constant Mager bas just finished a nicture of "Evaneeline." illus trating the lines of Longfellow; "Hall way down the hill Krangellne waited In silence. Not overcome with grief, bat strong la the hour ol affliction." She is seated on a rock at twilight on the shores of the basin of Minas. In lender sentiment, accuracy of treatment and finish me picture 1 very good. A number of cuesta were on Friday even ing last invited 10 No. 65 Fiftb Avenue, at present occupied by the Eddson Electric Light Co., in order that the feasibility of tue ngni as a domestic institution migni be exempiibed and tested. Something resem bling an ordinary gas-fixtures was suspend ed liom the centre of the ceiling and from this the light radiated, the result being the production of a light whiter than ordinary gasugut, but not much more brilliant, fir, pies involved and unfolded his pfans for iiguting a certain aistrici 01 tne city. It is estimated that the losses ol Metro olitan theatrical managers during the past week amount in the aggregate to about zu,. 000, owing to bad business. The only im portant eveuts, in addition to the expected return of Sulvina and Bernhardt, beinc the announced production of Jlaymonde Miss Clara Morris' version of Dutnas.yiVj "Mon sieur Alphonso" at the Union Square The atre in which the great tragedienne herself and Mr. Jarnei u Weill will take the lead ing roles, on-tba following week Camilla will be produmd; the substitution for the "jsiacn 000" or Hartley ijampbeirs very popular play "ifv Partner-." the return ol Lotta as Little Nell and TU ilarcKioneu to the Park-, and tha ereat spectacular melo drama, "The World," at Wal lack's. The Old Globe Theatre on Broadway is being milled down and on its site the Stewart iJlate. to which the property ketones, will erect an elegant and commodious buildiug or Messrs. lurrigan X uart, 0: "Mulligan surprise" lame. The Harrisbur.: TtltorapK savi that Thomas McCamont, chief clerk of the Sta't Department, will take thncnlerclerksniniu the Auditor Gon.ral't office. Major S. A. ! Lrnev'h will be promoted to chief clerk in the I State Denartroeiit. and the vacancy, it is , Mid will bo filled by J, Eri Myers, rf v .nan jo county. LIST OF PATENTS Granted by the United States to citizens orthts State, for the week ending April 19, 1111, Tarn ished for the aiRBOit Adtooatb, from the Iaw and Patent offlee of J. MeO. Pxnaint, IM t, street, Washington, D. O. J. G. Uaader, Pittsburg, car coupling. O. O. Bower, Heading, case for coffins. S. Drown, Philadelphia, paper cutting ma. chine. M. J. Dougherty, Oarbondale, car coupling. P. U. Flick, Carrolton, sleigh brake. W. W. Orler, llallon, side bar vehicle. II, llowson, Philadelphia, telephonto ap paratus. A. Iske, Lancaster, atomizer. M. I.. Keen, Experiment Mills, paper pnlp apparatus. A. Krlcder, Annvllle, wood pulp machlns, L. Kyser and A. O. Rex, Philadelphia, toys. 3 patents. B. U,.Laulb, Philadelphia, puddling and bsatlng furnace. M. W. Marsdsn, Oonncllivllle, spool, J. O'Urady, Philadelphia, wool combing machlae. A. P. OJell, Bradlord, pitman rod. a. II. Perkins, Philadelphia, nailing ma chine. 2 patents. U.H.Perkins. Philadelphia, sheet metal work I Da press leedlng machlae M. Power, Conaeaatvllle, band support for keg board Instruments. W. Ii. Hotnlg, Bethlehem, platform gtnr for wagons. I Schutte, Philadelphia, liquid elevator. (J. J. and I,. J. Shlmer, Milton, emery wheel tool. U. IC. Shoemaker,Fhlladelphla, pen holder S. Trrthoway,4llie valve. H. II. Wesilngbouse, Pittsburg, steam en- K'ne, Frank Bearer, a rabinetmakeT, aged 60 was Sunday arrested at Pittsburg, charged with a felonious assault upon a 6 year-old niece of George Neihausen, whom he en ticed into bis shop. New Advertisements. Inrentori will Advance their Interests hr Employing an Experienced Attorney resident In ttashlnftton. F. A. Lehmann, Solicltor.of American ana f oreign raiemj, wasHing ton. D. UM has had years of cuccciiful Prac tice, and was formerly an Exemlner of Pa tents In the Patent Ufflcr. AH business be fore the Court! or the Department promptly attended to. Feo contingent upon success. oenu ior uiixuiar. April za-u-cor A. A. THOMAS, Corner Ninth and P Streets. Washington, l), O., attends to Pen sion and Back Pay. Bounty Claims collect ea. uomesiea iiiuu uiairas, mineral ana a Qncuiturai; auenueu 10 Deioro tne depart ment of the Interior and Supreme Court. Ajtina scrip ana Auaiutnai iiomesieaus pur chased ana sold. April 23-tf-cor. NEW REVISION AOENTS WANTED NEW TESTAMENT, As made by the most eminent scholars or England and America. Half the price cf eorreaponaing cngnsn edition, uirife type, linen super-caienuerea paper, elegant oinu Inur. A separate "Comprehensive History of tho Bible and Its Translations," Including a full account of the New Revision, given to sucscriDers. Best ohnnce for agents ever offered. Send stamp ror n irticniars at once, Till; HEN RY UlLIi PUBLISHING CO., April 23-W0. Norwich, Conn. JDUBLIC SALE of YALUAHLE Real Estate, &c. en. The nnderstaned will offer at Pnbllc dale, on the nn-mlnM. In IJllVKItTdWAMKN. emu luvvaauir, uarnon uo., i-a., on TUESDAY, May 10, 1881, commencing at Twelve o'clock P. SI., the fol. lowing described Ileal E.tate and Personal Property. lata ofllFNRY RAMALY. deo'd. to-wl t : all that een aln Tract or Plecs orLmd, Buuitis in mnHDioiuiDK lownanip moro sald. about half a mile from Parrvville Hnr. ouithi Bounded ry lands of Bel ford. Aloses Ilamaly, Reuben Blose, Pettlt ana otners, containing 180 ACRES, more or less s about 100 acre' of which are cleared and under a hlich state of cultivation, the balance being valuable Timber Tnnd, The Improvements thereon aro a Two-story DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn. Watron Shed. Summer fTouse and all necesnary outtmlldlna-s. ALSO, at the fame lime the following ar tlclejofllOUSKIlOI.I) Ft'RNirURE and r AlttMInir lOU'I.KMKNTS, ice. ! Red , Redsteads. Tables. Chairs. Rureaus. Stores. Tubs. Rarrels, PATENT GlDElt PREsS, Carriage, 2 horse Farm Wagon, los of Hay, Straw, Uraln and Poiatoes,wlth other articles too numerous to mention. Terms will be made knawn al tlnriA tinA place f sale, by J. O. KREAMER. Airentforthe heirs of said Henri l!imli. deo'd. aprll23,H8l.-w3. Axle Urease. Best In the world. Iata lonaer than inr other. Always In good condition. Cures sores, eats, bruiser, and corns. Costs but lit tle more tban the Imitations. Every package has the trade mark. Call for the genuine, and take no other. 50; Cbromo Cards. 10c: or 26 larsre. neir Cbromo cards. Llrds and flowam ni-s. lovelr Qold and Silver (Ihromm. with 10e. Nassap rnia-rmo Uo, Nassau, N. Y. a year to aeents. and expenses. O Outfit tree. Address 1". BWxlx A Co.. Anausta, Maine. AGENTS WANTED QUICK to take orders lor the cheapest, and most com plete and accurate edition of the REVISED NEW TESTAMENT And full History of Its lleilslon. Vow Btinr fnr Aint line - f UMMBbl edition, LOW TRICED, and wanted by THOUSANDS EVERYWHERE. RARE CHANCE for men or ladies to moke mnnnv FAST. Particulars rata. Outfit 30c. ACT QUICK. Address HUBBARD BR03., 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, apri! 16,-wi. JpOU FASUIOIUBLE DllESS GOODS, Dress and Trimming Silks, Dress Trimmings, Dry Goods, NOTIONS, Groceries, Provisions, Glass & Queen8vare. Standard Silver Ware, &c, Call at th. Popular ONE PKIUE Mora of E. H. SNYDER, HANK St., Lshlahloa. eplJ-nso liifTlie Carbon Advocate one year for Si. and Kendall's i Horse Book as a premium. g 4 i'tntuzmt ii-a Br-!J22E3 .sea s '-y- m 1 ? ! Z .-5i-P & Sill Sasf:a!&5lS Mil mmm jiii CERKlltilY FOB RHEUMATISM Neuralaia. Sciatica. Lumbaoo. Backache, Soronoss of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals 8t, Jacoim Oil as a aafe, mire, simple and cheap External Itemed. A trial entails but the compnratlrelj trifling outlay of SO Cents, and erery on. iiifftr Ins with pain can hav. cheap and posltlr. proof of its claims. Directions la Eleven iAngnagv. BOLD BY ALL DBUOQISTS ANDDEALEB8 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, JliU, XT. S. March 8, USLU FOR SOLOS AND price: $tS W V) W Wi O 25 c50nts. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FORII W. CHAMPION BROWKINQ.M.D. SOLK FEOPBIrTOn, 1321 Arch Street, Philadelphia. THE ONLY MEDICINE n E1TIIEP. LIQUID OK DRV FOIUI Thnt Acta nt tho sninc time on Uf EE LIVER, IBS BOWELS, n A irn mtrn trrruTotrfr WHY ARE WE SICK? Because rve allow these areat omant to become clogged or torpid, and jtolsonout humors are therefore forced into the blood that shouldbe erjielled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, I PILES, COMSTIP.VTIO.V, UltlNAItV DISEASES, FEHAIX WEAKNESSES, AND NEHVOUB DISOIEDEnS, I by causing free action of these organs and restoring their rower to throw off disease. Yf hr suff.T nillouK paint and arhesl I Why tormented with Plies, Constipation! Thy frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure ncrrons orslek headaches! I Use KIDNEV-WOUTand rejoice In health. It Is put un in lrr Ycrei.ble F.rm. In tin 9 cans ono pack.ff. of which makes six quarts of S medicine. Also in uqnia f orra, rerr Concen trated, for thoso that cannot readily preparo It. UTIt acts with equal efficiency in cither form. I GET IT OP YOUR DltUdClST. TRICE, 01.00 WELLS, ItlCIIinDSOX A Co., Trop's, I (Will send tho dry port-raid.) BuamCTOJ, Tr. FARMERS, LOOK to TOUT INTERESTS ANU PURCHASE TtaMl Machines anil Agri- cultnral Implements, The Best tn the Market, at J. L. GABEL'S. Purshastrs, UIIEAP FOH CASH, LO.OOO feet Georgia Yellow Pine Flooring, White Pine Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. AT HIS HARDWARE STOKE. April l-mo LeIIIGHTON, Pa. 0ARBON HOUSE, J. W. BATJDENBUSH, PROPKIETOH, Hakk St., Lehioutok, Vx. The Oabboh House offers tint-clan accom modations to the Travellntr public. Hoarding bv the Dav or Week on Reasonable Terms. Uhoice Ulnar'. Wines and l.lnuors alwayf on hand, uooasneus arm stanies. vrun atten tive Hostlers, attached. April 10-yl rXi "muK0 MANNING'S ILLUSTRATED STOCK BOOK liecansa every Fakkkb actually heeds it. It Is the Latest and roost Complete work ever Issued In America treatlnsrof Hors es, UUtle, Sheep, etc their brceds.breedlng, training, causes of disease, symptoms, and rem. dies. 1003 panes 400 Illustrations. Hlau l.T endorsed by such eminent authorities as tha President. Vlce-Pres.. and lire' v. of Pa. Oolleire of Veterinary Sureery, Hon. J W. uausuen, anq oiucrs. u jruu uesire proniaoia work, semi at one. for Full particulars. HUBHAItl) lirtUS., IS8 Chestnut St., Phil adelphia, Pa. aprlj 18.-n4. -QISSOLOTIOX NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore existing b. tw.en W . E. Kem.rer and Lewis K. merer, dolnit business in franklin twp under the firm name of W. E. K.m.r.r h Ilro., has been dissolved by mutual consent. Tha busin.ss will hereafter ba carried on by the under signed, an a strictly cash basis. W. K. KEMEREK. Franklin twp., apr. lo.-ws. wiTOn false gods, ToSsll I By F. S. DOBBINS, late of Yokohama, J a. pan. A New work ol siATCHLEaa Interest, describing lb. Strange Superstitions of Hea then Nations In ll parts and aires ol the world. The onlt volume ever Issued cover UK this great subjeet. Domains a Ibousand facts btbamoek tiiah fictiom the wild Imaginations of Idolators concerning Dkitt nd Kpihit.. the Debtim? of Mak. with all Mranic Beliefs, lKandj, Customs. Forms of Worship, icmpiri, oarines, menaces, via., mnneetcd therewith. Is iLLCSTttATED and bound lo cmo.CE style. A Thclt WoxniB VOL Book, certain to sell ihmukshlt. For sample pa s, terini.eto., add it ssllUBBAUD UKOs., ra chestnut ot ,a'lil!s4lplil. aprllie.-i. Ban Drugs and The People's'Drug & If vou want anvtliiner in tlio go to tho Old and ltoliablo Rober's Block, near tho Post A. J. DUB. ING, Proprietor, Where von will And a full and c.mplete stock ol Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. ISSTABLISIIED 1807. LphlctUon, Nov"niuT2 A PERFECT STRENGTHErlER.A. SURE REVIVER, IKON" lilTTBKS are Jimhlr recommended for nil diseases re qiiirinj a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indirjcslicm, Dyspepsia, Inter mxttcnt Fcicrs, Want cf Appetite. Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, elc. Enriches the blood, eircngtlicns the mUEclcs, mill givc3 new lifo to tlio nerves. Tlicy act liUo a charm on the digestive orgnns, removing r.ll dyspeptic symptoms, snch ns Tasting the Food, Belching, Ilcnt in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tho only Iron Preparation that trill not blacken tho toeth or glvo headache. Bold by nil druggists. 'Write for tlio ABC Book, 32 pp. of U3cful and amusing reading sent free. BHOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. Mo. BfSJnTLEBOflO, OT. Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World I ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AMD TUB HANUPACTUBEaS ARE ItESPONBlBlB. 8" Be snro to Send for Illnstratea Cataloaue More Pnrcliasii. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS or X-iiglit ! JStylialx t Warrnntod t SAVE your H0NE7, writs for Catalog ani PRICE LIST to Also SOLE Msoufacturar ef tlio celebrated Vosrux BUCKBOABP or K5JSEAX VT&aOIT. B00EWALTER EN&IIj SEND FOR A. DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. James Leffel &o Co., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. S TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tic lira of youthful Imprudence causing Premsture Decsy, Nervous Debility. Lost iUn. fcood, elc , luting tried In viln every known remedy,bas dlscoreretl a simple self cure, which be will send FREE to bis fellow. sufferers. i4 dieu J. II. REEVES, t J Chalbsm bt, H. T, January 29, 1681-jl Cheap farms IN MISSISSIPPI, For SALE and EXCHANOEat (10 and till uaukl. Aaureis, A. BF.ERS Dec 2S.mT Ubooklyv , N. . S2 .WaUA.nmBdtrimfl.TniUMIUtUsllBC tad Wal far um icaUll( sinnMi. Vl uaU ostilttju tn, TtMfiM 4 Co iU VAMMtftX. Y Medicines ! ! Family Medicine Store Drur? lino at bottom nriena. Drug Store, in Dr. N. B. Office, A. J. DUliLING. Gio, Tho Boston Blackboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN Effective, Simple, Durable anfl. Cheap. Compacti Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed, Guaranteed to -work -well and giro fall pownr claimed. JUST TEE THING FOB A FEINTING OFFICE Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Com Mill or Wood Saw, should havo ono. r SEE OUR LOW PRICES. 3 HorBo Power Engino and Boiler. .......$340 4, " " " 880 0j " " " 385 6 " " " 440 PENSIONS ARE. PAID tTtrr ioldlir dluUtlht U"- Mrd0trtliiwiM. A or cj. uuirtJiiH if trnt iiiAlVu. piloB, Untltr nwiiw lboBitadir n lduWI.BrnTiaBa sliiumdeit falkua cr motbtr f loNitrf vh 4IMljith , nnr get a rBiioi. BOUNTY Dli- i cbtrft for would, tRjarsaa or ruptar. fircafBllboantr, fiBd8ilUBplfrtpr !(. nd Buaitr Atf. Addrt , , warn v'r.!?' ?Kn.4r, Pr.-t Ctrl! Hnk, both tt lailluAptUa, Uuu uo dmlnlstrator's Xollco. Notice Is hereby glren that letters of ad ministration bare been granted the under signed on the estate or Henry Uaualy. late or Lower TowaaieDtlnirTownshlp, Oartwn evun ty, l'a., dee'd. All persons Imlebted to said estate will make pa) men t within SO days, and those having claims will present them duly tnthentloaled for settlement to J. a KltEAllKK, Administrator. txmtr T-ewaoxesliyr, 11 a? ah It, lMl-ev, AGENTS WANTED TOB JOHIISOH EEVOLVniG BOOS CASH., WBa ImixurDun Srrctm Asjustabus to Booxa OF AKT I1EIOUX. AN ELEGANT PRESENTS INVALUABLE TO Xjiivycrs, ClcrsfTnicn, rhrlclainv A.ultons, llrLiiiLcre, xoncuere ITIcrclimit. Stadcats: And all who read Books. CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, BEST. Send for descrlpttTO circular and Trice list; CORRESPONDENCE SOUOITED Address, UAItEII, FIUIT & CO., DOIldVI r unuiucrs. niiu uv. a a v vaj tua h Book And BUttonery luiea 10 Bond St., Now Yorlt. OAtiri UK Mnfti fnr nnr Nfi-w Illustrated C&ta loguo, with over 300 Illustrations oC oducaUonaj aud uaeiul ortlclos OrSZLE! TUB THE GREAT BURLINGTON BOVIE. tWKo other lino runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Dnlly between Chicago, Des Moines, Council muffs, Omaha, Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Tnpclin nnd Knnsna City. Direct connections for nil points In Knnsas, Nebrnslcn, Colorado, Wj-omlnp. Jlontana, Ne 'ada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon nnd California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta bio llouto via Ilaunlbai to I-'ort Scott, Denlsnn, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points In Teins. Tho unciualoU Inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers and Tourists, are ns follows: Tuo colobratcd Pullman (10-wliccl) Pnlaco Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C. II. Ss O.Palaco Drawing-Iloom Cars. Tlth Hot-ton's ltccllnlnn; Chairs. Nu extra cbarrjofor Seats In ltccllnlng Chairs. Tlio famous C It. & Q. Palace DlnlnsrCars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Racked Itnttan Itc volvlng Chairs for the cxcluslvo uso of first class pi"onrrers. , Steel Track nnd Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, nbove all others', tliofnrorito Route to tho South, South-West, and tbo Far West. Try It. nnd you will find traveling; a luxury Instead of a diswmfort. ,. ... Through Tickets via this Cclfbrntw! Lino for Rtilontnll olllceslu tho United States and Canada. . All Information nbnnt Ilates of Fare, Slccp Intr Car Accommodations, Tlmo Tables, so., will ho cheerfully given lv npplrlng to , J. Q. A. I1KAN, Or-n't B"6tern Afi-ent, 1 SOS WBhlnctott St., Ui.'Ston, Mess. nnd KIT llroidwny. New Voik. JAMES n. WOOD. (Ion. Pass. Agt., Chloiffo.. T. J. rOTTElt, Uen. Mauagor, Chlvoco. HOLIAN'S PADS CURE p simn! MIL THE ONLY TRUE BY h f7 mmwi ma . I Aiisorniii MiHo&itj Antidote. Ilolmau'a Atip, I.lvrr nml Stomncls Ia.l-Por MM..V1HA. MCK, LIVUR and srOilACU TlWUi ULIJi Trlci $5.00. SToIman's Hpcrlnl Pad Adapted to ola chronic cases. Price 5J.00. Iloltuau'a Spleen Kelt l'or stubborn car.i'a of EnUrped Splwn and tinjr'-ld.ni; I.lvrr and Stomach troubles. PrlCB ?3.0fl. IIoImnn'H Inrniit'i Pad Por ailments of lurants nn.l children. l'rlcl IIoIman'N Kenul Pnd-For Kidney and Bladder Coiniilnlnts. Price $3.0O. riolman'3 Uterluo Pad or rmal troutles. Prlc ti.00. Iloliuan'a Abvorpt'vo Icdlrlnnl TtoAj Plaster Tlio I est plaster made porous on rublior basis. FrlcnJSo. Ilolmau's AbHorptlvo Itledlt-lnal Voot PlaMtcrn Fornumbfeetandslng (rlsh rlrcolatlon. Prlcn per pair SS& Abaorptlon Sail Medicated Foot Baths For Colds, Obstructions ana all rases whero a foot bath is needed. Per half lb. package, S5. For sale by all drnc-Rlsts or sent by mall, postpaid, on recnlpt of price. The Absorption Salt Is not "mailable" and must be sent by Kxpress at purchaser's expense. The success of IIolmnii'M Pads has In spired lmltatorB who oiTer Puds similar la form and ODon to tho tbcb IIouiaits, saylnir, "They aro the same, &c." IJeware of all Boara Pads, only golteu up to sell on tha repu tation of tho genuine. See that each Pad tiears tho green raiTATS ItEVENCR STAsip of tlio llolman Pad Company with abovo Trade-Mark. If afflicted with chronla aliments wnd a con cise description of symptoms, which will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Dn. IIoluan's advlco Is free. Full treatise) sent free on application. Address, XIOI.7IAN PAD CO.. (P. O. Box S.1I2) w William Street, NawTork HAIR DTEls the safes and best ; acts instaa taueously, producing thH most natural ahado of black orbrownidoe RISTADOROJ?;,??..!!! iruiarmion ; isror.us unon ererr well an- polnted lollet for lady orirpntlemsn. Sold by ssa i ,t 1 1 1 all druinrlHia and an-. piled by ail hair ilrewrs. J CUifTADOKp.f tU William a-rx-vt. t -w Vur. L2im-.. ....... .iu.Lr.i, kl& l.j.y Fove:'. mom Scottish p, THISTLE Medicinal P umers! PATENTED DEC. SCth, The Electric Light wmj a ere it dtcnvir, bvt I cUlm thnt the Scottish TkhiU Mihhii w. tr Ua greater one, owinj? lo the grvat mnt ef suneriiif they have relieved, and the cere they have ctTrfcteJ, 1 nufUriHl from Aethtme fo fifteen yc in in Si )tl tnJ pnU America an I am now completely t. ir t, I havo been UiuWIre the Inhaling proe nr e ts. nnd as a result l naur give the world i-ie Mcdt.t'uat J mmtrt tha Mst effective, and by fnr I .u motl coMttuient prcfras tion ever uJured tai.u (u.Mic, fcr Aithma and Hay Fever, alt? S.re T..ront, Ilrancneis frvra Coughs, Catarrh, llrcnclu: t, Ntnirnlrla and Dnb thtru. Cure your aorc T..ru-t wlththcie FvMca and yrt'i will near no mo ; c( f'iphlheria, TfccV are invaluable for p ihl.c (p. iktr and atnert, " They are put up hi fimv lost a, and can carried in the pocket, and tiaed at convenience If you cannot fret them from )ir etor, DmtfUta send dirert tn H e manufacturer, wh will send them to all parts of lha world, poaUf A child ran vto thr-ie Fume ra. aa the 4 pfJt bave to amukrd. Vf, Oi iWr fr .frW, morri;ov & smr'soK. Prop'raand Mannfarturera, For Sale by K. J, DUBLIXd, DBticMmt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers