71 Advertising Rates, We'desiro It to bo distinctly understood that no'advertlsemenls will be inserted in the columns of Tita Cakbok Advooiir that may bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by tho CAsn. Th following aro our oklt terms i j OSE BQUXRR (10 LISK3), One year, each Insertion 10 cts. Blx months, each Insertion IS cts. Three months, each insertion SO cts. Leu than tkreo months, first insertion $1 ) each subsequent insertion 29 cts. tLoe&l notices 10 cents per line. ' IIvV. MORT1IIMER, Publisher. f CARDS, The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Family Vvnntt Published every oATURDAx, U Lehighton, Carbon Co., Pa., Djr lIAHIty V. UOnTlflStCK. Olncn-DA.tR.WAY, a abort alia timet br Uie Leiilfih Vallo." P. D. fiepet. Tonus: $1.G0 pcrAnnnffl In Aim Kvcnr ptsoumoM or ruts isn rticT J" ob Printing: AT VETIY 1AW PR10K8. 4 IF J, H. V. MoRTniMEB, Propriof-or. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." SI. 00 n Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. IX., No 22. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1831 If not paid in advance, $1.25 Hoot ana Shoe Main" OllntonBritnay,n Uvan't building. Hank street. AHardtriprmipUyMled worfcwrron(a. Attorneys. JOHN KLINE, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, '"oBcoi Comer Susquehanna and Uaco streets MAT7CI1 CHUNK, PA. Jnly5My JOHN 1). UEItTOLKTTE, Attohnkt asp CotmMtM.oit at Law. Office I ll'xm . t!i m o 1 ' ' ln 5I.V" l o US Mir nil cnn.il .1 ii (lii.'iu n j.ii ?5 i -yy- m. it Pji;ri', ATMU.NBV AND COU.NSKbl.Oll T LAW. DAMK STBSCTiLKIIIQHTON . Pa. ' JAS. It. STKUTHEUS, ATTOKN IT AT LAW, jes-OrHse : 21 door of lihwd's Mall, Manoh OlmnU, Pa. All builo.ii entrusted to him will be piemptly ttttndtd to. JlavM, ly. Justices and Insurance. THOMAS UUilinilKR, CONVEYANCER, AND QF.NERAL INSUKANOE AGENT Tht fallowina Companies are napresoated: LErtAN )N Ml) rU AT, FIItE, IlKA 111.10 MUTUAL FI11E, t"yomii.o riitii, roTT.'iviLi.ic rir.tc. Llllliml rjltK.nnrttho VltA V Ef.EIlS AliCIDUNT ISStlJlANOU. Also renntrlvant'i and Mutual Horse Thlcl DetollTotndmuranio'i;inranv. MnrctiiJ.mt i ii os. KWMitrtTirt -gEUSAKI) I'UILMl'S, OorriTT Buildwo, MATJOII CTIUNK, Pa. Fire Insurnn CO Agent. (f POLI'JIKS In SAFE Companies only, at Reasonable Rates. Aug. 23-yl Physicians and Dentists. c. W. UOWEI!, M. I)., (IJ.l' ,) Orrica: Opposite tho Post Offlco, DAKIC STREET, LEHIU 1ITON, P.v. May bo consulted In cither tlio Kn Ish or CUrman Language. July lu-Tl D K. CHAS. 1'HAKO, Veterinary Sjirgco.u, bank arttaET Lsniiiino. pa flrKicn ) From 8 In 10 a M lluuiis: ( From 7 to Or. u. DueoiM tt loo i;cct a tiKtialty. licy ho cemaltid In Knplltlior aorau. Jtlyi: yl D It. W. A. CORTUIGHT, 8URGEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services to tllo peo ple of Mauch Chunk, Lebighton, Woisspoit, Vackerton and vicinity. OFFICE: Opposite the Broadway House, BROADWAY, SIAUCII CHUNK, Pa. Fresh Laughing Gas always on hand. All work guaranteed satisfactory. aug2-yl W. UEUElt, SI. V., PARRWILLE, Carbon Countv, Ta. miTinl Resilience,.., fiom 7 a.m. to 10a. m uuuilsl and UnoiU loio ji. in Mar be consulted In the Ceriiian Laiisusse P. O. Address Lelilcliton. mar. 3?, tf "W. A. I)i:itlIAMi:i!, 31 I),, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'IIOKON BptelalattcDtlon p lid to Chronic lilneasr. Offie: South Katt corner II on and 2nd ttx.. I.c klghton.l'a. Aprl 3. U7& N. U. UEREIt, M. O. V. B, Uxamliilng Stirgunii, PRAUTICISO PnYSIOIAN and su t:acof;. Oirici; ilmk Btiect, KtBEU'k iIloci:, Leiicli. Con, I'a. Ma beooDsnilcd In tho Gcrmon Lansnaso. j-A.TID CIlIlCitT'S Livery & Sale Stables ISANK STREET. UlCIIlailTON, Pa FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. Aad posltlTelr LOWKR riUOCS than anr Larioann hDdiome Carrlas for F.in.rl W. RAUDENUUSH prompt attention Stable on Nonh Street next the hotel, LehlKhton, jinK.j j ' , CtT VOUTH AND MIDDIE-AQ1D. Would you bo I e.tor. d to bOUND M,,,t; ' j n Heed sunio ami von ui rUt ,(. ln31inQQ'l vice In fniie.1 onve:ni. Addtoa- UUJUtl ' Frof. J. Y. WO A N. 1 lad'ii.niira N y hi, RUPTURE,'"',; '1 lm JIT-ni-.L H1U-B VM.I..I tnv.ntl.n 9 . , .. - , k ghlet. ,en, tre.r Proi. J. Y'. JJu AN oiffi Bore. N. Y. iy i7n VBIItANW, Soll.ltorr.f AmerlMn and ForelK Patonts. Waililngton, Do. All business ronneeted with. Pateuif. whether be. I?it i,SetnAt,flf0"r ouft. Promptly cured. Send lor circular. oeis-tf IU) ICatalu nd Collection Aceuce Will Hut .mil Bell Itml Utl l!onve.vanliiir .te-tllj dune Col. setioaa promptly made. i-etHlntf Kstatpt. i-f IV timit. i pelalty! SUi l. niiulli.il In xnllrl adUarinan. Ncv.; WWl J. Fnnerals, Weddings or Business Trirs, on shortpi t notice ami mn.t uka.ai . . .. orders left at tho "U.irbun llnu i ,.11 V Jr.. ..." A. !Eo M ssfl,.) Manufacturer ot and Deilrriu STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Tin ami Slicst-roii Ware and General Home FnruisMi Goods. itotimn mill SPOUTHVU dono nt short notice and a I Lowest Cash Prices. I. vcrr kind of KIOVj! OlUTES and PIUD UBIUK3 kcptcoatuntlyon In ml. Stoue on SOUTH Street, A few doorn above Hank St., LEHIGIITOX. rntronaee solicited S-tlsIac Kiiirnarnnto' it. Oct. 0-yl A. 1). lUOSSUIt Central Carnage Works, Bftiik St., Lehigliion, Pa., Aro prepared to Slanufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon," &c, Ufovcry description, In the most substantial niannor, and at l.iwtst Cu'sli Prices. Ilppalrlns rroinjitly Alt'cmlcd to. TREXLER & URi:iDLEU, April 10, 1S79 yl Proprietors. Ursnrctlullv iinntaitii l lu iiotdeof I.o- li luh ton tiiul lib vicinity, tiiai ho is now nro- n -.I- ..rill. 1l ,t...l ' M I VU LUIU1'I tllUIII itlt A1I1U9UI Household Furniture MnniitUMurcri finin the licit Seaponcd Bfato rials nt Prices fullyns lotrtis thuaincartlclc, can bu tiuuht lur tlsr-whero. Hero aro a Iuit oftlio Imluceiiioiitsuircrcd: Parlor Sets at Irom 10 to 800 lkilrnnin Sulics. 3 pieces (0lo15 Palmcil Jliiln.c.iii Milus $18 tu Ito . uiw nail', ivi ,1-lui p..., o O .uiinon hnlri', per tct of 0 $1 and all olhcr Uoods equally cheap. In tills connection, I desire In call tho at. tentlun of tho people to iiiyainplo f jollities lu THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME HEARSE, and a lull UnoofOAhKl-.TS and COFFIPiS, I am prcpatcd lo attend promptly to all tr dcrs In this Hue. ut lowest prices. Patronaito mpoctlully sullcitcd and tho most ample satlslactUn BuarantccJ. V. SCHWARTZ, oetls JlANKSt.,I.ehlliton. L'ORTANT ANNOl'NCEMENl ! l'OST OFFICE I1UII-D1NG LEHIQHTON, PA., has the Larscst and ilost Extenilve Stock of HATS, CAPS. &o. ever offered In this borough, and to which I Invite iiho apccl.il attention or my cuttoincis and tho public gcnerall), as 1 ain prepared to oiler extraordinary mduecinenn In SI'RINQ AND SUMMER, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, k, and I Invite mynumorous friends and patrons to call and cxamlno my stock beloro maklnir their purchaiea ilsowherc, as lam prepared putoiiA'si' iis'nduccn,tDW 10 a" "ASil Itctnember,' LEWIS WEISS Post.Offlco Uulldlnu-, Ltliluhtiu, Pa. sept. 20. ' JOHN F. HALBACII, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LSUIGIITON, PA. S-U airent tor tho ' J. & C. Fischer Piano ; At1 S'iVJ'1 ttlJ liln'" ( I'Iiom nd llrsms. ..ier.ra,- "T 1,nd VV- sllt. lumber, bneUs. etc., taken la oxehaoge -,,., noHh,1Iu,,B'J U,ok, fWlhd on short For inrueulais, toctas, Ae Address, JOHN P. HALmuit. ' AujJ, l7S.ly. LthlsUton, P, 13m Railroad Guide. pllll.A. ii UKAUINt! ItAll.llOAl). AnaiiBf tnunt of I'nsst-Dger Trains. SOVnMBEBtf.TII. sw. Tialiia icaro ALLEM'OWN asfullowsi (vu I'sr.Kiojuts- r.AiLuoiui. Fw riiilr.dolihla.at4!3',5.45, iMO.n.m.. and "J u p, ui 'UNDAYM, for l'Uladrlpliln at .0 0. m..S.?a u. m. ivia Mi rr.XA. uiuscn.) Vat lto.i'llUK mm ltmribUuiir, 0 3i, O.tOa m ,0 111 i ! I, ni-il II I.R n. n, l'or Lancaster uud Columbia, C 33. 0.Oia.u. and 4.50 11, in. SUNDAYS. Por llcadmi, llarrlabui c, anil way po.nls, 0.C3 0. in. . (Via BETiitXHr.M.) For Plillsilciol la fiont , V. BrpotM.it C 1. 3.i;,'i. ui .ii, 2 5.'.J Ml'. rrt. Rtlmiiiy 1 10 11.111. Por l'lilinoo.i lna tiuin L & a Uciii I ...ll z.'i-i. t.o p. 10. 1 111I111. POP. A LL13 .TOWN leave as follows! (via i'm:i;io)ir.s i:ailload.) Leave I'liilaJcluhlii. 7.o n. m. nuu 1.0:, !.:( uc 11. iu. SUKDAYm. . rcivo ruiLn-clplilii. S.'.i.- it. m., 31C and M.li (via KaMrnxxA iinixcit.i , ca'o ncuiuzioc IC.31.U. iu.,1.io 3.st.rcil S.lS !'.', ' i' 1 eavi' lraninhnrc Of. S tt r.udr.6o. a. 111., l.5 nini J. ud 11. 111. I.i nve Laiicaiiev, S.Os n. lc l.rS anil 3.M p. lu. Cetif(.o!uiubl.i ;.Ma. w 1.10 and 3 0 p. 111. SUNDAYS, cave llcnOliii:. l.to n. iu nave Huilim nm.i .l'Oa.ni. "(VIA HCTIILr.IlEM.l I oavo Phllatlcliidti 0 43, aro, QA 3.15, 4.15 3 inhi. in. Stiud iv t'.3J n. m.. shi i, m. Ti aliiH innikci. thus i) run to ami f 1 oni depot BIli nui uicoit bliects. l'lillanolplila ntnor .lnlii'loa rtlrnin liioadrtrcetilciiut. T10I1.9 Vl 1 iirl.iici.fiin run 10 ni.n noui nci.s Di'pt t. except tnoso niaikeil () '1 no 4.H'itud t.43 ii.in tinliiHfroni Allcnton anil the "1.31 ai d 5.15 imii. t run (rum Phlla drlplun, bavo through cais lo end lleui Phlla dclpnla. J. H. WOOT1KN. Geuerfft Manaacr. C. Q HANCOCK. Of n"I Pats. & -Jtclict Acent. may IS. DAKIEL WIBAND, Carriages, Wagons,Sleighs,&c CORN 11 OF BANK AND IRON STREETS, LtniKUITON, Pcnna., Respectfully announces to his friends and tho public, that he Is prepared to llulld ull des cription" of O.WtKlAOES,- . SPR1NQ WAClflNS. SLEIOIIS. &e., In the Litest and Most Approved Mtles, nt Prices fully as low as tho lamo can bo obtain, ed elsewhere. giiaianlct'ln!; thu bestSo.isonvd .Material and most substantial workmanship. Particular attiutlon given to HEP AIRING In Ml lt detntls. nt tlio vorv lowest Ir((os. ' atronax6 rcpcct fully BullcItcU and perfect satituiciion uuanvutccu, Ucc C. 1S70 yl DAN". W1UA.ND, nillE LATIGTON PLACING MILL Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATIXGTON. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Ilfn! in nil l.-imli nrtil at-AB nf n.m, ti,.i...t, ...... ... .... ....... WI4,VI 4 mr, iirmivkit Oat inn Until U of'C Luuier, ninl ir-txiivitio Bresscl) Lamb oil OP ALii KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Sluittciv, Mouldings, Cabinet Wnrc, Ac., With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. Tho Itfclilncrv Hall new ami 01 tlin best and must Inipruved kind. I cniDloy none but the beat woiKincn, 10 ncIl heaoucil ami aoo 1 111a Ui lit, and anulioieftiruiibln tuiiataiitrociitn-n taii'taetlun to all who inav lavnr inonithacall. Orders ov mail piompily nttetiilcd to. Mv clnirao. aro lno.lirut. teuus cash, or lntcictt iujieu auir tuiny oars. GIVE MA CALL. C7 Thnao rn raced In Iluild n; will find it t ilioir advuntago to ktvo Hldlmr. Floor Hoards Doora, F-as:ics, ?huticis, Ac. &e m.-dcntlhl 1 oetorv. Mn.vl JOHN riALLIKT. E. F. LUCKESBACH, Two Doors Selew tho "Broadway llouso ' MAUCH CHUNK, TA. Dealer in all Fattcrnoef Plain oLd Pcnoj WsuM S?apeps5 YINDov7 Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST OASn FltlOES. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the Loss of A LKOTUP.n; ON TITE N ATU UK.TllliAT MliM', AND HALICAL curu of Seminal 'vcalie". or --per.iia-' 'Urea induced liv SMI. Abur, Iuv .lmuary Eai amnj, Impo cncr .luiiumiiiiiimi n-u xiiiii.Miiii'einT l' .11.11. rlotj" irauernili 1 C 1 -mil liu 1 p leiiy 1 nil llloi M' 'nai rn I'll -icjl Inoi.ocitv DvtlO lEltl' 4. CI'l.Vl.t.WLLI., Jl. D., uu to ot i.io 'Ol oei iico.," fio. Tbownildierowncd oulhT. In this rdtnlr b!o Ltctuie. 0 cai'y nmc Irmn lusowiitx p'riencii taat the "wlut cons'-quenoo, of cell. Abmo mav bo tfKx'lu.v v icuniveil wltnout daiiacroiis (uiclcal (jiviatloiir, bnajlea.tiietiu niinii rlups, ori'miftnls, nn iuik tnt a isono ut cuio at out 0 cor am ne i fffctna , l.v uMcH every eutterer. no innttrr what Lis coudllinu onariS'icHlf CU' olul,aI1 ch't'ly. privately 'T'1""'!. eturo will prove a boon totS'iu esnda am Ihouiandi. Sent u.idcr .ral. mnn'aln envelnre to any adaiuu, poaf.psid mi lerointnf .lx cuts or two Sl-titio .taiini. WP. 1IAVEAL OASUltn CP.E FOIl TAPE WOttM Add osi Tlio CnlvoriTcll .Medical Co., ,41 ANN'S!.. NowYork N V P. O. Bex 4MC Jaq.l IM- yl PATENTS Vu M'sra ''euo f. ,,P.1ttlH,JHOVOI.tUftt. url'mm a lnin Dr. Nt ( ri oiued line., I'jtujil 1. utiai ed sqjii ioc tif0L r nug m ma, eioHa blulted itn. . .0 , . 1 m PENSIONS Tbou-andaof. idirrtand , . 1 orliulmoolllladbytiie late awa of Cun ir. sn I twj .tainna for law. an.l 1 nur nf t'liiaon ka i.. iamm''.-... ga nUL U b. Olaim Atto uy Uox i S V, a.h rucv.a. D.o. oeLtO-ti tf.' & vY.p,V5K '1 V0l,r town. Jj.ro klijJu'fltlfeo Noils. i" a fjj) UU ; hit insa. f Wh eh prwin of tilwres can ma greai pi alltlie UALUsrr,iico.t'ortii34,iiot juiou-ivi L?f 1 w1tm 1 MRS XUAV BM A Hy Fev.r. I'old f?BHfS3 'jZtfrvrrtir-.i ,e.ti3heallnir tho ill. ' ' -- V3t- VtSfM11 inoiobranc. For Deafness, Apply a paftlclc lato the car. I'.I.Y'S Cltli.lTI IIAI.7I HAVING italncd an cnvlablo local reputa. Hon, illsilaein;f all other preparations lu tho vicinity 01 discovery. Is. .n itsmorfs alone, recounlicd as a uundnrful ramcdy wliorevcr known. A lair trial wlil cunvino.i liiomnit skep leal of Its curative jiowcrf. It cITectiial. ly cleanses 1 ho nasal passages of Catarrhal virus, causing healthy secrrttou allays In. fl.iiiiiuatlnti and Itrltatlon, protects the mcin binnul linlnjrs of tho head Irom additional ooldf, completely heals tho sores and restores tho senso of taste and smelt. Itenellolal re sults nro realized by a few application, A thorough treatment ns directed will cure ( a tnrrh. Asa household remedy for cold In tho limit it Is utitquAlcd. 'Iho Ualm 1J easy In use and iiKioetibla Sold by druggist' lit S3 cents h receipt of CO cents will inn II a pack, aire. Send r..ri lrcubir Willi lull Information. ULY'S OllUAM HAIjAI Ut)., Uweico, N. Y FoiiHALuni A..T. Durllno;,Lchli;htiin, Pa., and by Wholcsalo Druggists generally. UiM..3,'t0.1y CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In Leuckcl's Block, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa., Dr. Charles T. Horn I'ROPRIETOR, Respectfully announces lo the pcoplnthat ho has replenished his Slock, and olfers' DRUGS AND Strictlv fresh . CHEMICALS. .and Turc, Also Horso and battle rnwilors.Patent Mcdl. clncs, llrushcs, Soaps, Combs, Pcrlumcrtes, Sjiongcs, Chumois Skins. Wines and I.ln,uors for .Medical Purposes. Oils, Lamps and Flxturcs.l)ycsiuirs,Oholco L'lunrs, Pipes and T"bacco. r-pec-taolcs, Truascs, NurslOK Ilntties, lolln Strings, and a lullJInoof W.all Piipcrnnd llor-ilefl.lt tin ' "Lowes? Prices. vPrcscrlpllons tarerully.comp6unded' and prompt attention given to every branch of tho business. A continuance hf the patronago herctolnre cxtcnileil to this establishment Is respectfully solicited, mid satisfaction guaranteed. topt.13, 18S0.-ly. Dit. U. T. HORN. Drugs and. Medicines, WHITE STREET. wblSPOr.T. PA. Removal mid ('Hango of -I'Jriti I Messrs. ll.ipsliqr & Zern Ber Icnvo to nnnouDco to tlm cit s in nVw,'Iss putniu? snrrounftiiiir nlslllrow'vtll.t Ibev lately Puichabe.1 tno ncca un'iiliuir:n.(t Di. C. V. I.eut.'H lung SloiO. nu'l liuvlnij rknen. nlieitnudt.irseli li.clo-sed llio PtMli, hivo 10 moved it ltiit. the uicoaully flttil.uiioiti lu 11.0 mil ic Dailmue. 011 wmio (ueri, tormrrly occupied by air. Fred ,!climid8i.wbeie ihrv 1 ro i.reparo'l to ftccommednt!' thctr ir't,na olid llie.jiulrfiorccuerollr lUtb Picih aul I'mb DRUGS AND MEDIOINES, of nil V'nds tiiroher with a( nil lino of alKsnch FANCY COODHaaaiv nsu.lly kepi Ja veil tupn:icd Drusstbioi.com'n.ms ' ' tli-inola, rtcrldaiery, ftnapk. rrhhC8,C0"nbs, Lainpa. Clildiiieva. riu-Bcs.- snoitAloi.. iaboiilder Dinuis i-ytlnge",; Nui(ln ucttit'3. Uyo stuffs ic., &a, Pnin WINE? anV&QUORS tor Mefliclnnl purposes, inie. 'arzoslooc 01 choice CIUARS. Tho bualncjs will lie under iho netainnl cliaifrenL'd aiiperuitoedcnco of Di. J. UiZBN. Woiuetnl 10 .ivotoll calNinci oi in ue pa. tinna in quality p.ui) prlco. GlveosaciilJ. u,yl7vi KAPnHEP. & zrrr.JJ. FORT GRAPE WINE Used In therrtncirai Chutcbes lor Comma nlon purpose. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. spin mn W I M S3 Speer's Port Grape Wini ! rout: yi:au soik. rilhli Celebrated Nstvo Wlno Is mado (rem A thejalcorf theOaorto Oraoi- raised In this Couuuv. Italnvaliiahlo Ttinic anil btieiigtlK'nlnt; Properties ro nnsnrparsed byanyntlicr Native Wine. be. lugihopur. uicu ot t to (iiano. uioduced uc o,r Mr. ooeei'a own 101-aoual .upenU'Ou, ti. narlly and fenumone a .ro Runimitecil. Tne yonnesi child mar naicakoof Us ver.on 11s Jinalltlea, anr the weahct Inva Id uo It toad vanUge. It ta nnrliciiiaiiy brnellclnl to the .iw mid ceb 1 tatetl and amtod tnlhevailous t.iuents lint iffa-i tlianoakeraex. It lain oou resfect a WINK TO llB ULLIEIJ ON. SPEER'S SB Tho P. J. SIinttUY 1s a Wino of superior rh-rnctsr ud port 'koa of Iho go feu qua (Ilea ot iho inpe irmn whion It la tu.ide. ForTur 'V. mcliiiin. Flavor niul Mcdioal 1'roi.orfes, It wltlbelounduuexco ed. SPEER'S This BRANDY stands uorirolrd lu this ouuiry, be uxfar superior for medicinal pur pokea, IT is A PURT3 dlstuiatWii from Iho grapo and coLiulns valuablo modloinal pioportlcs T ha n do'ioaio fl-.vor. almilar to that r.f tho ariiDoarroiu wlilcli 1t11.ll1u l.il. and la in treat ,u, u, hiuvue uiat'Lt ja lainuios. Keo that the ignoluro or A L I'll ED SPEr.lt, Po.saic, .V. J., is over tho corn of each bonis. SOI.U IIV IHIUGGISTS, and bvA. J Dnptlno- r T TT.rn Lenten ' I I tjnnud 0 W Lout of Vciwiwrt. Deo. tj-yi ' Mr n Yuroivoa lay tn 'km. money rl P I K whon a : niden chsn. e is off reu, ' 1 , tluacjv a 1 war a keeping poverty Iroui vopr dour. Those who alwara take au-iniiin-e el the cbw oi a lor iuak.luu ninney that pro off.. ted. aeuerallv hecomo iinaltliy, nlu-o it oav whodo not improve auch o..aore. remain "povrrv. Wo want tuauv men onieo,oova "nd irlrta tn work for ua riaht u Ihelr oivu lo em (I. a. Theba liiouvi.lpay more ta.n ten t iiioairlliiirvwaie.. Wedirni-li as tpeu ayooulfllouda'lthairon t.ed, tie. . N..onc ( win, esifa,.a f aiU lo maao moo. i erv rapta.y. , Yoacaa ilsvou. 1001 who.e tima to tho wcrt or nly your apai- ioia.o.iia uil information uum a.i tuai i. ueratQ sent r. ree. Aitiiii. OTI.N RON AL'O.. 1'ojtli.ri Watr. Oct. ,lWw.y. .MS Tho mot tiecesslul Keniede over dircover. ed, nslt la ccitalu In Ms effects end do not blister Also oxo llcnt foi tho Unman FlOih. READ PUCOF BliLOW. From a promfnent Physician. WfiKlilnfttonvlIlc, 0., Juno 17, !M Dr. 15. J fCcKDALL A Co.. Gents Ttrndlnz yoiif iMvprli-eiuct I't Turf, Fleio and Riiin, ol ICn nil's Hpavln CniT. onfl l.arnip n vnln 11U0 anil hVPCtlv tjorfo vrM(.b bail been lumo finm ppiv'n o'tlncn front tit T Kent lo vou lor n bottlo bv corps', which in nx wcPks romor t a oil Hnionest and en nrRpniPitt, oml a lirro iplint front alio her linre, mid belli ht Ttc nro to uiv a conrifl a- coir, ntip ouo liou.owaj woitU to mo on o liiuxlted do' lata. ltcpooiluJiv your. 11 A UKItTOLETT. U X). Kendall's Spavin Cure. Hatr.fibHrs, Ta., ITor. Utb,135X Ur. n. J. Kr.su all &Co. Ooutsi-rbrivon vcrvflno mAto that n.io had u no rp.ivln for n lone tiino I tri d o.rrrthlpc man con o tfovmc tu euro it bat nil tn Vft'n. pud won nutur m g yo ttup whcnafnoinl of rninn tn tai rlty cimo to morn. ircmnindert Kenduli'ip .vinCurc, wb'.cM 1 tilirt with errtitH icsuHn rciiinvinu tbftt b'no clear nn t clpnn, nml t-ntl Bent 2ir. to ton tor die ot yMir llitihttacctl IXnfrc Hooks, Md t thinx thuro no ltlur booK printed r n i bo lioitta nudliilson603. I bavo t ifetn preat Intercut In H rd bare fin.cn t-o'd i!jcomi'Sfor Ton to tny notbbor rsnd will trv and do what pood I caubt' cottlnft tMpui fur rtliprs Yours liiiiy, G. W. Millkr. Afiblacd, Scluijl. co , l'n , Jnno 3, 1S80. Dr.B. J. Kpiiditll & Co.. Gen8 A cuo ot navjn tbnt cntuo unlit my observation wns enttrelv cutPd byouo bott orf your Krnifall'd Rpivm Cnto, tin, tlio hoteo to d uiteiw aula lor Ivvohttudiid Cot r.rs. Yt.ura truly "rbc" Dtusclst. ClIAfl. TI, BAltNARl). ICE WDALL'S Spaviu Cure on Human M BakcrcfloM, Vt, Dec. :3, 1F79 B. J. Kendall & ccQputa,-! wish tc adJ my tcntiraouy In luvor of youiMavu u bio lini.ucnt; ' Kendftn'n irpavln furo" Ju tlio suriuc ot tfiSi 1 siipuetl oa tbo ten snd sprniuod my ilpnt liintinLtbo Unce Jotiit. 1 wes vciy lamo und ut tims Bnfferoi tp most oxcrncmlJn p ttn. 1 wor- a banni'fo on It lor otoi- n year, und tiled moat foivtI.Mi(r wjtbln my x-e-cb Lui coulfl find nptiiinv ibat would (jno mo periuautiit relipf Whtn I ovorw urcu. it Avotild p un mo vtr much in Apit), iU7a, I boptii to tn ns.1 &T1011M lo :i o inolu for lifp; but Imvin ecmo ct iCoLidatl' spavin Cure thmieht I wo iM trv n. I UfOd ono-ttiltd or n bottlo, auil oxjoib need toiitf at incu. Tbo i.am If it 11101111,11 lino not trouolea 1110 mnce. I ieo vi it frruiciut to you II lid would rpcommoDU Kend di'd fcipaOn Ouio to all wiio fuller wn li cnrunit or rhciiinntlnn. Your tiuly. Wis. J. Ijoutkll, ' Kendall's Spavin Cure. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUUElssuro In its rflccis ml 11 in Its iiitlnu n3lC(Ioi' nut blisttr. yoc it It penetrating and p-jueiful toruuch eve iv di'pp suaipd Tjmu or io icinovo any tiony crowili or othtr cnlarffprurnt. 9uch uh hyuun- wphiit Cnrot C Uoat, famalno. fiwelHiicn.i ny LuMtviifisn and nil UiUitiniCMrt tf Jbo Jolnt' or L1mb or i;ti'umAtl3tii iu Msn. mul foritiiv puriHiKOlorlilcii u Lluiinciit Is 11 Red for Man or Btat It m now Unowc tj bo Die bovt la! iuo.it 101 mm over u&od, tctin m lid yetcer Uin m it i ffccrf. Bend n3tirobfor IUtistrnlcd Circular wb'cb, wo th ink, fiiTC3 positlvo prrorol ltviitui' . No rciuedv' n.na pver met wilh hucU iinqiuliflen -uccoss to our Jiaov.rao.lor Ltatt as well as Man. fllco$l pt boitlPfTElrbnUtosforfd ALL B-iujU'Ib bate It or r nil wet It for sou, oral v II I bo ncnt lo t hit (uhlrdiH n rtxiamt tif 1 rte.n y tbo pio rlctciv, Vtt B. J. JtLUALL. Co. CuOAbnrsii Falls V. ', ' " , SOLD UT ALL DUU00I3TS, ' ' JfU&m5 BR. HUTCIIIESO'S WORM .'DESTROYER. Ah Olii and Tnticn Hcmedv. llemnves tlio Worms and tho secretions (hat keep lliein n live. Wo titfAnAKTKu Its vlrtuo. Wu bavo hundrcdsur I'tslluionlalj. collected In tbo last IS years, ;iovlng cono uslrely. thero Is no rc niody equal to lm. Uutciiiksok's Woiim Di:stiioi me to remove too norms (all kinds Hound, Scat, I.on;r nml I upe), that Inlest the human system. 1'hyslcl.lns buy them nnd Kivo them to their eullerliiir patients. There is iiuiiiimuuKurquacitcry uueill lllisinoroilgn. ly reliable medicine. Price,-cents per box A. W. YI11UHT it Uo W l.nlesulu DruKlart, Market und Front Mreets, Feb. 6-103 , Philadelphia. OrsatQUanco to luskonioncy We need a p-raou in ovety .town to t.ikn aubserlpllona lot- 1110 iaraer, cneaiiest ana ue.i Illusltated famllv nublicatiou in ilio'-vorld Auvonucan becorno a succeasful asent. Mx victual ivuru-, ni art kivch irce to sunaeiiuer. Tho prlco i Co low that oliuot evtr bode aub. acziota. Onoaireut rt-oorta taklo r:o kuba.-ii. hers m ad-iy. a lady ngi.ut tenor s making SJO ' clear Oruflt lit ten dava. Allivlm eurner miko iLouev last. Y'ou can icvoio all voar r mo 10 1110 uu,ine-.a, or only vour &U.110 tune. You need not be away I'om homo ovr nlnlii. You can dottas vriMlusoibora Fulldiicctlona and icrni-. frco. Elepin und exnonalvif Ootm free, it vou unit prclltatuonorL'soudus inur nuurcaa ui mice, it costs noiiuiitr 10 trv the bmlnuaa. N.i one who eiieawa fai'a to inako Bioit 1 cnv. Ad.lioss GLOIIOE 8TIN8ON i i. w.. l'i riiana. maine. juuo "il-lv. rhr OntQt sent tree to Ihosowhonlah to co catoln tho most pleaaantand profitable rr buslines unonn. I'vcrv.liiusbcw. Can italtiotleotilred. Wi, Wl'l futntuh .'.m nt.n. th ijir. ilOail.iv and upwards Is c'aaliy rnada ,. a,,., uv ,,um i.ifiuuiivri nii;it, Ionsk wltattvur slnny uaw workers lvahtod at 01.ee. .Many aro marine forluueint Iho Lus- 1UO S. J.ariloa maLo n. nmrli ii ,nn ,nrt pnn OnvsanaB.rlmaiier;ro-itii-y No one who ib i nor. inn. i uiaae mot o niwieyevcry osy than can be made In a week ot anv nrolnav rv eumioyment. Those wto encoco at onco wil find a allot t ma.l to fortune. Andreas n. JIAU.E1T & CO.. Port.oud, JIalco. Oct. 1. 1 643-1 ' To tbo Vorklni: Class tfo nro r.ow prersr ed to furnish all cUsaea wl h ronatoni oainfoy. ineot itl homu. tn.. wholo cf t.lo time ov lor tltilr spare iuoineut. Bm'iiii.ir luliiat d j'loutsolo Pwsmaof cnboi- acioiilr e m tpro w ceota toji per tv.'i.ln. n.iil a or 'pot lonaiiuui bycevotmytheirwholo iluia tj tbo bufijfs.. Hors uu situs ru n uonilr ai much as iu. 11 1 h it all wh'i co bla urn mtr (ccr, thin- nddiew anA lot lioiMiMiie.a no initio lala effar i To su. ri ns aro not, we I Mii-tten, wo urn, send oso dol nr to n iv for Iho ttouble of writlnz. Fnll witientara and outfit lien Aodrww. tlEOltaE 3TIN :O.S di CO.. Port, and, luine. July ltvi imiALTii is wcai.tiii ..Rrc-c-WMI'aJ!I!,iVB "-id UnAW TnitAT 5ir.!,T.apacino tor Ujatorla. lilitiooM. Coil vuiaioi, Narvoua aoadoho. Mental Ueorea jln,Lo.uI Mouiori. petma niihoyi, lumo. teniy. liiTniiiiitai y EoiUaioas. PreoiatuieOld Aire, coiiaeu by overci. it on. . selr abuse nr over tu.lii'cei.co, Mhiob leaca 10 misery, decav aim . tenth. One bos wdl euro recent coles. Kadi box cnnuina one raoutb'a ttoatineut. One dolnra uox oes x iioxeifoiOvedollirs, aeur bv mail pirp tin on ree.'ip' . t prjeo. Wo enar onieo six boxes too ire any ouao With eaoh ider icco.vial 1.. uafot .(x bcxea. uceomoai . leu nitu i n ilollai -.wo 4111 a-ud tho rmchiB. .. .. . . iiiroiuru ino lllnnev if iiiotreoliniuailo,-a not efl'.ciarnro iinar" od limu r.urnireiita J JI1N O WEST t I'd.'. . .-..etuis ii ira w. USOtaail SflMf ro'n'?.';0'1"- A J-n"XO AKent'lTcnleb. rhiidJiMtS1,18'1"400" Wholesale A cents. 1 h ladeiflim. 0pt. U,'M ly MONEYS. made faster than i at won for ua. make rod a week In their own town. ! they Vu ' iu nui.. i.u ii. a. a nuim rrro. Anrono otu rnu the busiuess. Captal notrc quired. All whorniiere prosper vonne fill.. Particular. IroJ. Address. II. JIALLlilT 4 CO. l'ort.ann. Malno July tor Cn HO rCan ' e inane by every airent every lMH V)ii onlii in ibo butines. no fnrnisn, V -'i-'(intthtnowilili s to work can eaal li earn adot' n dollars a Uav light in their own octlitica. Havonorooaitoexploln here. Bn-. InoM itleasant and boi. arable. Wnmeo and buva anil ert. la do fta Wutl ua men. Wn trtil inr. lsb you a i-ouipie.o Ou.at fice. a will bear expense of ataif'na: yoa. J'urhoulara free. Wr'te aul aee Farnn i . nnd raecianie. tbele roii auil daojrbiera. awl all ela-rea m liaco of pari alii, ac n.iuii. alinill.l w.ita to ua and learn an about ibo woik s,t oim& Aitorea TATji.&co Auousio lialuo. JolvKyi onmiirm bo.lnaaa now rbotoro tli public. RKSIi. H Yon . an make iiioi.ey f.ialor at H.a EL aw. lor I Ihan at ntirllimr. wi'isurtyou. I.ioda; u.iouwni,a.ioi home ov t e;mlaa-i ua lie., woman boy. t'O'l fftr.l ; waatrd evtivwlwi. lo wwx fir u Mow -th- fine. Yon cao .revai. v.m. -vhi lime tn the wot a or oulv voar itaio tooArnt.. -NoolLei bosiueMWI.i pay von l7Tw..l ' Not.ue wi Hug to woik .u tall (o ai.Vo enoi. niouapa. tivrngait i'ir at one. i oallv Ontnt 1 SSSFTwat 'it tSirW. a to, auu jvuJlo-it 4iuJLe-iy' lydia e. mmm. OF LYNN, MASS. Biscovtnin op LYDIA E. PEWKHAtVl'S VEGETABLE COMPOTOD. Por all aFemalo Complaints. ThliprcpamUon, aa its narao tlenlfici, corvslata of Yjct&Uo rroj-w.-tioi that ara Uu-mlsjs to tho taost del icatal&ralld. Upon ouo trbl tho izorlU of tLis Con pouzi win bs recoiji:d, ajroUcf l Immcdkto j uid trlii n Its U30 li continued, lu ninety-nine cases In a bux di,apcrciucr.tcurolcCcctcd.a5tbousandt will t;s tl.'y. Oa account of it3proTcnmcrlts,ltlttfir.7ro comaicndod aad prescribed by tlio best pLyfflcbxna In tho country.. It will euro entirely tho worst form of falling of the uterus, LcucorrbcLa, Irrcjidar and p&InCul UanttrunUon.allOTarlanTreublcg, IcSamxsAtloa end Ulceration, noodles, all Displacements and tho con B:qatnteplnil wcaia:c:3,rxdli ccpoclally adapted to tho Chanffe cf Life Itw'dldsclro and cxel taraors fromihautcmslnancirlystfc of dcTolopmcnt. Tha tiudcncy tacrinccroda humors thoro Is sbociaJ vary coodily lylUtso. In fsct It has prorod ta bo tho frrcat ctt ani bcii remedy thr.t Las cr bwa discover ed. It permeates CTery portion of tha cyitcai, tu- elves naw Iireond vor. ltroiasvsi faIntacK,Satulcuc7, C fc.rcys all crvlaj for cthlul&uti, and rt!!avcs caness of the s'omash ItcuriaKoaUnc, Haadachjs, Kcttcis rrestrfit'on. OoncralDeblUty.ClrcpleMEC, Bc;rt;tlen tu.d IlI ccziiov. That fccUn,? of bearing (!ov.n, cactlcc rIn. wcIchtandbactccbP.l-it.lwaTJrcrntatr.tly cured I j itsusa. Itwllatallt:n-.c3,audcadertll clrcci-tia ces, act In harmony ith tho Uw that csvoms ths female fiyctein, rcr KIdac7Cocip:aiiit3of olil.cr uqx this oowixjund Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkhamls Vegetable Compound Is preparod atS33 nnd iKS Wejm Avesue, Lynn, Mart, Prlco Cl.Cl C.3 bcfct.ss for (jJ.CD, tiui Ly waU lu il.e form 6f puis, tls t la tho lorn ofL?rcics, eu rcecf.-.t of price, C-50, yer box, for cither, llrs, frcciyar-rrcrsaan't'rjcf in;ry. Bend for poai phlct; Adt-rC3ia3no'vo' J&itlo tht paprr, I.'aTiualaTELouHSw'hout LYDIA E. riMUIAU' LIH m.13.- T..ey euro Centiatlon, CUlouiinefn, nndTorrfu ty of ti i T r. n e. Lor. JOHNSTON, HOLjLOWAY & CO.,flen crnl Aucntr, IMilln., Ta; Sold by A. J. Uur. llnp, LuhllHon, I'a. Juno 12,'lS$0-ly. Robinsoa Wagon. Co. Manufacturers of FARM & WAT SPRING WiUlJ Bug-gieB & Phaetons. $epd far designs anil prices to IIOBINSOIT 'WAGOIT CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HORSE & WAG011 A NEW BOOK ........ 'rt His hlston. atructure.' uses andtrcatmcnt. AUo jivins a itvr cf the most Important nnd Effcctlvo Uomodtoa for the cure of the diseases cf the horse. CS Valuable to every owner and lover cf the horse Published by the EOIBOT T7AJCH C3 ::!: r.tl, 0., and sent, postage paiJ, to any atldrcu. o:i icceipt cf Timcn C-ccst CT.uira. Three sheets, 19x21, heavy plate paper, contain ing elevations, plans and details f"r the above house: also book ol CO pa;es, rdvingspecuicaiions. itemized estimate and form of ciintract Invaluable to every carpenter cr p.irty proposing building, as a r;uide in n,:tkini.hii4Ar del wine rAntrart.. Price $i.00. cnt by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. n. n. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, O. Nonpatent No Pay. PATENT obtained for Inventors in the Tjiiitod States, Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal oflico located iu Washington, directly ofiposito tho United States Patent Oflicc, wo uro alio to attend to all patent business with greater liroinptnow and des patch and at lets cost than other patent at torneys who aro at ft distanro from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patcntablity, free of charge, and all who aro interested in new inventions and patents are invited to send for a oopy of our "Ouido for obtaining Patents," which is sent freo to any address, and contains oompleto instructions how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. Wo refer to tho German-American National Bank, Washington, D.C. tho Royal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations, at Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, lato Chief Justice U, S. Court of Claims; to tho Officials of the U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators and Members of Congress from overy State. Address: LOUIS BAGGER A CCSolici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LeDroit Building, WiauiMOTOK, D'C. dec23 rr YOU AUK IN NLEII OF Boots, Shoes, Hnts, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods GO TO i CLAUSS&BROTHER THE POPULAR Mci'climit Tailors, Bank, Street, Lehighton. PIlI0ES VERY LOW FOB OA5II. Th pubUo patronage tolloltrf, lB!slS?A.'jrehi pHflWao piJfiSCKfc'll. I'rrlrr. P.. (i.d ltoons. ?iiscEi,'t,ri;otis. A strapping fellow tho barber. lurcntom anil I'ntcutecy Should send for Instructions, terras, rereren. s. Ilb.. to Hdson Urcthers. Solicitors of Pat. ents, Washington, I). U., who furnish the same wituout oharne. Pdson Brothers Is a wen Known anu suoccssiui nrm ni iar.re ox. perience, having been established In 180J. A lady describing an Uhnalured man, siys ho never smiles but ho feels ashamed of it. rr5. Political Speakers do It. Lecturers and Ministers do It. Senators and Congressmen do It. Junircs and Lawyers do It. Actors and Artists do It. Merchants and Tradesmen do It. Farmers an.l Mechanics do It. In tho Forum, Uounllnir.house. Workshop, Studio, and even tn tho Editors' danclum.tho universal renlv to the Question." What do vou tako for a onuith or cold?" Is "Sines' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarhound." Should young ladles bo good oarsman btcauso thoy know how to "feather" their "sculls?" J"Yott will find It moro easier to cateh n coia at tins season or the vcar than (o iret rid of one, unless you use a bottle of Sine.' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and HoarhounU. "Has sound color?" nslts a philosopher. ' Oh, yes. Have you navcr heard yourroan voica Kind Captain, Pv Important Information, Slmr hey! tho uallant captain that you arc. About a verv certain Inclination. Of all who have oolds to buy Sines' Tar iv uu unerrynnu rioarnouiiri. Kind Captain, your young lady Is a' stalling, Slnit licyl tho iralhint captain that you aro. This vorv nlirht aho'a been loudly crying;. For a !Se. bottlo nfSlnea'Tnr Wild Cherry and Hoarhound. T.ater ond moro compact Tar secured Cold cured. When does the rain becomo lo familiar with a lady? When it begins to palter on her back. S-Every one Is acquainted with the old nursery story about the lion that hatched the ducks, nnd how ono flno day they went swim ming In the pond near by, and tho Induce, mcnts slio ollcrcd them to korp out of the watorj but It may not bo generally known that whenever poultry has anything to talk about In thexo later and moro enlightened days, their conversation always turns to the benefits their epcelea bavo derived rrntn the uso ol ,11. II. Robert's Poultry Powdor 55 cts., per package, by druggists. A now brand of cigars Is called "The lottery ticket," because only one in a thous and draws. tfcBVio were ercatly moused somo days since l.y seeing ono of our veneralilo cltlzeus. . mm mm uuen iiimtcu nown i,y rneuit.uiism. throw away his crutches and ilcolnro hlinsell iust us younK ns he used to he, and now he Is every old lady In town. Great liniment that. Sleighing item One of our fashionable tailors has a cutter that costs him fifteen hundred dollars u year. t3.'Cnglls)iinen formerly supposed that Auietlcan running horses wore very Inferior to (heirs, biitdorliiK tho last two years Pa role, Wullonsieln and other last ones that wero Bent from this country to F-nudand, havo won hundreds ofthousanilsordolliirs lurruoh Americans as tho Messrs. I.orlllar.l, James Gordon Bennett, Jko. Tho FiiKllsliincn, havo Invcstlirnted tho reasons for the frreat suco iss of American horses, and find that Ihev aro kept In such flue condltlun by tho constant use of M. U. Roberts' Horso Powder. Sperling Jl met. "How greedy you aro?" said one little girl toanother,who had taken the beat apple iu the dish; "I was going to take that." Important to Truvolcr. Spf.cul IsnuctiijRNTS uro offered you by tho iJDBUNOTOs Rocin. It will uy yun to read their advertisement to bo lounit else wbero in this issue. It is said that the very centra of tho earth Is tlio only spot where one can bo merry all tho time, and the reason is that, as science tells, us everything there loses its gravity. Miicrniiictititl Wlno. Speer's Port Grapo Wino It a pure, tinin toxirollng wine, mado frutn the finest native grown PortGrnjies. It is especially adapted to the uso of Christian Churches, und guar anteed to retain its grateful flavor and es sential qualities unimpaired for any period. Much used by Invnlids. The principal churches in New York and Brooklyn have adopted its uso. ForealobyA. J. Durllng tmd Or. C. T. Horn. Lehighton, and Zcrn & Rapshcr, Wcissport. A divlno passing a fashionable church, on which a new spiro was being erected, wasntked how much higher it was to be. "Not much; that congregation don't own very far iu that direction." I am cured of Catarrh and Dofneii, after giving Ely's Cream Balm a thorough trial. It lias on several occasions relieved me of severe cold in tho head. My aunt was troubled with deafness lo that sho could not hear ut all in one car. After using Ilia balm a few times her hearing was restored. E. D, Morse, Insurance Broker. Elizabeth, N.J. (Scoadvt.) For tlio treatment of Catarrh, Cold in tho Head, Catarrhal Dealness and Hay Fever, wocnllyoiirparlicularnttcnlii.il In a new ami valuable remedy, Ely's Cream Balm. Wo nro continually hearing mn'l favorable reports nf its curallvo edicts. It is easy and ogreeabto to apply. Wo would strongly recommend this discovery tn our patrons, and every ono suffering Irom Catarrh, etc., beiug fully convinced it will please in every rase. Vniirier Co,, Druggists, Pass.iic, N. J. Fur sale in Lehighton by A. J, Pur ling and C.T. Horn, M. D. In struggling to make a dull-brained boy understand what conscience is, a teach er finally asked, "What makes you feel un comfortable ufter you have done wrong?" "Father's leather strap," feelingly replied tho boy. Tim I'uin . of 'i!iulrci. In no way is the racer of tho press more surety suown man in tne universal kiioivi. dice that has in less than a year, been dif fused throughout fifty millions of people of tno wooucriui curative properties ol mat splendid remedy Kiduey-Wort. And the people from the Atlantic to the Pacific havo shown thelrintellleeucouud their knowledge nf what is In the pspets, by already making money-ivori tueir nousenoiu renimiy lor all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bowels. Utmld. Said a railroad engineer lo an Irishman whose cow had bwu killed ; "Bat she didn't get out of the way when I raugtli bell" "Faitli, thin," Mid Pat, "ye didn't Mhi wueu sn laug uer uii nnyiuer." Freeiwit (111 ) Bulletin I There Is now a subsUuro which is U.ili prutvtaioiiully and laipularly .uiluinxi ami I ouurern.ug which Mr. J. It. l-'oiaohwe.li , Bultenlle, Oregtui, wntoa: I havo nlu-n I read nf tho many cure ell.de.1 by SljJn.l cibs Oil and was persuadeil bt try the renin-1 ly myself. I was u tuUarci from rheuma. i tlin) and tsneiienced grout uiin, my leg I being to swolliin that I could nut move it . T nnvnnwl R(. .l.i.lu. Oil. A .1 f,A..li, nn.l was eurd. Our Puzzle Corner. TRANSPOSITIONS. 1. Transpoio a song, and havo an ani mal. 2. Transpose to ch.rish, and have wood. 3. Transpose beloved, mid have to peruse; again, and have to challenge. 4. Transposo to divide, and have ta guide again, and have tu dip; again, and hr valley. FiiM. V70P.D SQUARE. 1. Tidy. 2. Every. one separately. 3. A quantity of land. 4. A personal pronoun. Cootnr Kim. ENIOMA. Composed, of 10 letters. My 9 8 6 Is tn border. My 3 15 18 10 Is to summon. My 1 7 4 11 Is a metal. My 0 IS 19 it to work steadily. My 17 14 13 12 Is a bird. My 2 It In perpetual motion. My whole It Inconcetvabl.ness. IIutBlRTA. HIDDEN TREES. 1. To will not shoot, then ? No. 2. Givo me a pin ; enter now. 3. Will that be echoed? 4. Give mo that map, Leonard. l. b. r, ANSWERS TO THE LABTi Word Squibe. EDEN DANE .E.N 0.8 NEST. Blami. 1, Toacb, choat. 2, Stain, satin, taint. Exioua. The Moonstone Wilkio Colllnt. Diamond Puzzle. H' n i s haste HISTORY STORE ERE Y i)o. r nitiMi xo.Kiaiir. I loft my mothor at the door, Mv sister bv her aide. Their clnincdTiamls and loving looks Forbade Ihelr doubts to hide. I left, and met with comrades cay, ivnen tno moon brought out her light. And my loving mother wnliperod roe. ajon t uriiiK, my boy, to-night." Long years havo rolled away since (Ben, My jetty curls are irrav. nut, oh ! those words are with me yet And will not pass away. I soe my mother's levlng face. With goodnoss, radiant light, And hoar her wordt ring In my ears, jjon-i unnir, my boy, to-night." My mother It now resting tweet in tne xravoyard on the hill; But her kind words come baok to m. And haunt my inemorv still. I'vo often, often passed the cup, Oh I then mv heart waa rlcht. Bsciuse I've heard the warning w.rdl "Uon't drink, my boy, to-night." I'vo now passed down tho road of life, And toon my race It run; Another warning listened lo, An Immortal crown Is won. Oh, mothers, with your blessed emlle, 4,ooKon your oa; so bright. And say. as you alone can say "Don t drink, my boy, to-night." These words will prove n, warning, when, in tno tnorny path or lire, Tho toy Is In tho tomptor't wllet, And warring In the strife. Thy words will stop the morning cup, Ami revelry at night, By whispering baok a mother's voice uon i ariuic, my Doy, to-night." TIIK lliVDOFTlVc TTOni.D. James M, Swormstedt has figured li oaj that the world will coma to an end at mid night of November 12, 1881, Ho closet b,ft wonderful nnd fearful prediction at follows: "It is a very remarkable coincidence that at midnight of November 12, the seven start from whence Christ will den-end, and Jupi ter, tho earth, and the tun will bo in di rect lino with each other. Tlio comet will, I think, mmo slralght from this Una. Th. most direful effect will follow IU contact with our planet. Both bodlet traveling tt tha rate of more than a thousand miles per minute, thero can but entue the most disas trous consequences. It will produce the most awful earthquakes, volcanio eruption! whirlwinds ond tornadoes the world btt v.r witnessed. Tho mountains wjU'alovf down with luva, also with torreuts of 75 r caused by the melting of the secumolaled' snow of centuries. Whole cities ,if jtj 'lie swept away by Ihrta floodt. pther fltftf will bo thrown down by groat ttrthjualtM, and slill others will be destroyed by lye, doni and whirlwinds. Many olhert will be destroyed by fire and brimstone, like Sodom nnd Gomorrah , "Isaiah xxiv tells ut the earth will 'reel to and fro llko a drunkard' under the ralgh. ty bombardment through which It will bay. tn go. St. John rays: 'The heaven will da. part as a scroll when it it rolled together. indicates that th force nf th. great census, sion will be so dreadful and nroduc. such tempest that the cloud which surrounds the ennii win iw 'rolled together at a scroll' and earned off by the comet. "The earth will present a wretched and ruined appearance at it emerges beyond the comet's train. According lo St, John, th world will becomo panic stricken at the comet approaches the earth. Klugt will de sert their thrnnes, great men their estates rich men their wealth, the chief ranUlna and the mighty men their armlet, and all other men their occupations, and will flee to the caves and rocks of Ihe mountain. fir shelter. And after tbey reach Ihote placmf mcir terror wui uo bo great amiu tue appal Iiijt calamities that herald the anmoaeh of tho Christ they have to long rejected theyl will call Tor the mountains and rocks lo fal on them, and hide then from Ilia face of Him that 11101I1 on the throne, and from the wrath ol (hi Lamb. All wl. 1 gi Ihomsolves wholly to God iniw, .ml k in,, thel'er .ii.ud outia th.- vial lV.lm will reoolvo Hie ,u ernatur al iMi.ti'iiiniii ir..iina. in Una Paalm, ib trill bo iiu.l immortal at the coming of tha Son of Oo I." - - ' t Many Aiiiciitiniii who visit France je to Rouen. S' Tbe milk tuln docs ivt ttop at wher rtaUoo,, J3atioii 2iwiMrv r II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers