TJY is where JETJi Lr aets a BOIjIjAR9 worth ' Cooil8 for a DOIA AR. off course P WIOT ffi? sat You kiw where that place is, Si Mis sioelves counters &c9 are just packed full and orerflowlu, etc with every 3S? IPat terns, g- WICJ11 he has all the S mm 5SPH DS and sonae of them are just lovely 9 ranging- to price from ?T cents per yard upward A nice Hue of AM O0IB 10 IT price aud quality to suit all, eveu the most fastidious taste, aud &mMms9 lls9 Wrimges9 W&elttg Trimmings, fcc, ALL AT BOTTOM Have you seeu the Wew Mne of MARSJSIIiMHS COTHTUKPAHTES ? They, are cxeelled Biy saoine aitowmeiie in price, quality, fec, they are certainly very low, as every one says? aud his stock of OA all widths and qualities, are selected with great care. the Men aud .BPETO and OIL CLOTHS, Mow here is something that Interests every one, especially at is Mi he has two qualities of it, one is made of good tM9mg MMemeMesi JMwsiin9 with B-piigJiMe Liiaeu IBosona, with strong Hutcher linen hack (to make it take the starch well), linen Wristbands, cut with yoke, and is as nicely and neatly made as the most expert can make them, and he sells lots of them for just evetotgffiwe eemts Then he has anoth er which is a specialty, it is made of -)l:o Hebix Waisbutta Miijsmm, Sine 3-ply Ma&en 2&ososm9 with strong linen hack and Wristbands, and the SBosonas staid on either side hy tseiitg made douhie, it Is aJRJ'au$8foeS-Mo huttons or seams to sew up, hut just ready to do up, and they are only MMNMTW JENT& They are certainly a hargain as the material costs just about what tlae Shirt sells for all made up, and mothers and wives you steed not bother and and worry about making it Sit, as every one of them are wami&amtejib to Wix or wtmsws EMironsraiB. He has also a nice line of OALIOO SHIRTS with Collars, Hoy's SB cents and Men's. 5"' cents cache lie has also a nice lot of Iron Stone China, C C and Queens Ware, Glass Flickers Glass Sets &c, Decorated Gbamber Sets a Speciality ! Groceries, Seeds. Provisions, k, all at Boi Prices .4 R erne usher this is i 1101 HUH SMJ Opposite the lichigh Susquehanna Depot, BMIi 'Street, JLXIJUXG-MTOJV, JPa 01110 m& i a? ITow&elf ami ft' oiwl&eefil f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers