Society meetings, miuo oa'itli, mo. T3, a. 0. K. or HIE M. c 2ad aud 4th Monday of eaob raontn. In Ho ber's Hall. Lohigbtin, at 7i3J o'c.ock r. u. JobnOagen, 8. K. CI Sara. It. ailuam. h. K. II. . Oxades HUTTEs Lodge, Jfo.oss, 1.0. o.f. meet every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, Id iteaer'a Hall, II. Kustcuuadcr, a.cj.i . 0. llsber, secretary. jUlTUCUIH TBIOI. No, M2. Irtp. O. Of It M meets In neoer's Hall ovey RnlnnlaV. W. 1, Fetcis. sachem i A.W, tuclios, u ot It. reao POCA TEIDE, No. 171. Imp. O, 11. Mm meet on Wednesday evening or ench weelf, lit 7:30 o'clock in 1'ubilo School llnll, Welsspilt !, O. W. Schwub, H.i Jao. Broog, c ol It X.EJI10QT0N LODOR, No. 231 K. of P.. mcela on Friday evculngv In Holier' llnll. at7-.:0 n'ciocH. W.H. uachmao, CO t L. A. filler, K.ol 11. and b. Advertising Hates. We dciiro it to bo distinctly understood that no advertisements will bo inserted in the columns of The Carrox Advocate that way be received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by the casu. The following are our only terms: ONE SQUARR (10 LINES), One year, each insertion 10 eta. Eix mouths, each insertion 15 cts. Three months, each insertion 20 cts. Less than three months, first insertion $1 ; each subsequent insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents per line. II. V. MORTH1 MKR, Publisher. E. II. SIKWILKS, MsTltlCr A.TTOICJF.Y A COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Olrlce, Krots's llrulnlnir n:ortaway, MAUCIIOIIUNK, PA Hettllne Estates, l'lllim Accounts and Orphans Conn Pr tctire n specialty. Trial ot censes carefnlir attended to. I.eiri traosactloHa la ttuzush and Uerin in. Jan u. Wit ftmUn &vmie. SATURDAY, OCTOOKR 5, 1878. Local and Personal. West's liver pills euro liver complaint. Sale bills are turned out at this office at the shortest notice. Read Tilghman Arner'e new advertise ment in another column. Head all the new and old advertisements In to-day's paper. It will pay you for the trouble. If you want a fashionable hator cap,eall t T. D. Clauss', and buy one for a small amount of money. Charles ICipp has opened a butcher shop In Lruckel's frame building, on Bank street, end solicits patronage. Our friend T. D. Clauss Esq., has been In attendance at the meetingof Congression al Conferces,atStrondiburg,during the week. Fresh Oysters, in every style, at P. T. Brady's. Mrs. M.Guth, the popular miliner of Veissport, announces in to-day's paper the nrnvai oi lau goods, itcau ana men can. Get your prescriptions, and Familv Re cipes Compounded, at A, J. Durling's Fam ily Drug and Medicine Store. Richard Thorp, of Franklin, died on Tuesday morning, aged about 75 years. He was an uncle, of S. It. Gilliam Mr. Elias Moser, farmer near New Tri poli, has a potato crop of 1300 bushels this season, all housed ana ready for marketing. The malarious intermittent fever for ome weeks past prevelent in this borough is now debating in its severity aud frequen cy of attack. Tho "Railroad Hal Holder" is one of the latest novelties to bo fouud at E. F. Luekenbaeh's popular store, at Maueh Chunk. It is a neat little affair, and has only to be seen to be appreciated. Price 25 cents. If you want shirts, neck wear, or anv other article in gent's furnishing goods, cull on T. 1). Clauss, and he will supply you at extraordinary low prices. About 250 men and boys employed in tho New Boston Mines, ncarMahanoy City, have struck for an advance of ten per cent, in their wages. Dr. N. B. Rebcr lias been confined to his bed for sovcaal days by indisposition, but we aro pleased to sUto that, at this writ lug, h is rapidly convalescing. For boots, shoes or rubbers, of tho finest make), call on T. 1), Clauss. You will find an immense stock to select from, at lower pricas than ever before offered, Thero will be a public instillation of tho newly elected officers of the Mcluchcn Tribe, No. 232, Imp. 0. of R. M., of this borough, in the M. E. church, on this (Saturday) evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. F. P. Longstreet Km., has removed his oftice from next door to the"Carbon House," to Samuel Lovan's building, in tho room recently occupied by Clinton Ilrctney, on Bank street. All medicines warranted fresh, genuine and unadulterated atthe People's Drug and Family Medicine, store. A. J. Purling, Proprietor. Work iH the Schuylkill collieries resum ed Monday and will continue fortwo Weeks. Another, resumption will tako placo on November 1st, when, it is hojicd, work may continue for a full month. Do you need a fall and winter suit of cinines, made up In the latest and most dur able manner? then go to T. D. Clauss, the merchant tailor, on Bank strcct.and bo "fit ted." Prices lower than ever. An organ dedication and children's meeting will take place in Leuckel's 6chool House, ortn weisaport, on rrirtay evening, October 11th at 7 o'clock. Prominent (leak ers will bo present. All art invited to at tend, Clocks and Watches carefully repaired, and work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at Hageman's cheap cash store, opiosite public suaro, WcissporL 30-13. See cherubims in another column hold ing a bunchofgrapesfrom which Sneer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is 6o highly es teemed by tho medical profession fur the use of invalids, weakly persons, and tho aged. It isasserted that tho tannin found in oak trees has much tu do with the produc tion of truffles, which grow near their roots. Tho best truffles in the world aro sow found in the basin of the Rhone, be tween Avignon and Valence. Tney are raised on sunny slopes, partially protected by oaks. The best teams in thiscounty aro to bo found at David Ebbort's popular livery, on North Street Terms low. A man, about 27 years of age, about 5 feet 7 inches in height, with a Roman nose, sandy hair, and a "pleasant address," is re ported to bo making a tour of the United States under the name of William Dishy Seymour, Jr. He claims to be u tou ol an English counsellor of tho same name, aud borrows money from coufidlng people when ever he gets an opportunity. Mr. Seymour, whom ho calls his father, has no so'n, and the Impostor, nam is supposed to bo Fer ris. Kt. Universal bargains in Fall and Winter Dry Goods at J. T. Nu6baum & Son's. Schuylkill county's local talent in legs. John Dugon of Girardvllle,and Terry Qulnu of Mlnersville, have signed articles ofngrec ment to ruti a foot raco for tho champion ship olid $250 a side. Tho raco will enmo olTat Crcssona, on the first of next month. Jacob Krcssley and Elias Lentz.farmcrs of Heidelberg township, near Allciituwn, quarrelled on Sunday nltcrnoon, and Krcts ley struck Lcntz in the face with a club,caus ing his antagonist to fall dead. Physicians who linvc viewed the body think tho blow Itself could not have caused death. -1r. Bernard Phillips, the popular Demo cratic candidate for Register and Recorder, was ol) a visit through ililsscctiou Thursday last. Barney is a good fellow and during his first term has given perfect satisfaction to our people. Ho will undoubtedly bo re elected. The Catasauqua and Fogelsville Rail road Company has contracted for a railinad track scale 112 leet long and 250,000 pounds capacity, similar to those in use by the Penn sylvania, Philadelphia and Heading and Lehigh Valley Railroads, for weighing trains of coal cars while in motion. E. 11. Snyder is now re- ceivinpr an immense stock of fall and winter dress goods, dry goods, &c., which he is selling at , prices much lower than ever before offered. Up to the hour of our going to press tills (Friday) morning, no nomination has been made for Congress by the conferees in session at Stroudsburg since Wcdnesdnv last. The result of their deliberations is anxiously awaited. The Hon. Allen Craig was nominated for Senator in this district by the Democrats on Wednesday. Mr. Craig is a respectable Democrat, and will mako an honest anil capable Senator if he is elected. Wc believe he is sound on the financial question. Cual Gazette. Young America Cornet Band, of Weiss port, announces n grand Moonlight Hop, in the grovo nmr tho Lehigiiton siovo works, fur Wednesday evening next. It will no doubt bo a very pleasant nll'air. Refresh ments will be furnished ot reasonablo charges. They ok the patronage of our citizens on this occasion. Tho right, title and interest of William H. Blumer A Co., in 2000 acres of limber lands and saw mill properties in Luzerne county, known as the Ilarvev's akc proper ty, was on Friday the 20th tilt, sold at bank rupt's sale in the city of Wilkcsbarre, to Mr. Ephrium Tioxcll, ol thu latter named place, fur $01, subject to all liclis resting thereon. The display of Fancy Dress Gooods and Shawls al Nusbaum & Son's arc attract ing large crowds of customers daily. Mr. Rap6her's connection with several bills in tho taut Legislature was fully ex plained in hist week's Curion Advocate, There has been soino talk against him, but the explanation is so tatisl'iutory that ho ought not to loso a single vote. He has mado a good Representative, and ho ought to bo ic-electcd by a large majority. Coal Gazelle. A Reliable Wise. Mr. A.Specr, of Now Jersey, whose Port tlrapo Wlno lias such a wide reputation, and which Physicians pre scribe so generally was the first in this country to ititroduoe tho art of making wino from tho Oiorto Grape, which is now the wine to be had, and has bcootno a great favorite among the most fashionable in New York and Philadelphia. Daniel Graver, of the Bee Hive Store, has just returned from the cily with an immense stock of ladies' fall and winter dress goods, dry goods, &c, which he will sell at veiy low prices for cash. Call early for best bargains. 1'n.Kt Prim IltitN. Fall sowing is now over. Fanners are now engaged threshing buckwheat, People In the vicinity of the farm of .Tos. Ratt will slay oil- his land, because he will make it sharp for trc3us-irs. I am happy tostatethat Mrs. Freyman is rapidly improving, and will soon be around again. I am pleased to state that the daughter of Jonas Kolii, who a short liineago had her leg smashed by a stone falling off a wall, is able to walk again, Friend Schallcr is said to bo doing a thriving business. Tho Sunday School at tho Brick church is largely attended, and the singing of the choir is vastly improved, sinco the advent of D. Nothstem as singing master. Uncle Sam, Summit Hill Silhils. On Tuesday of last week, Joseph Patter son and Miss Slay B non were united in tho bonds of matrimony by Rev. J. H. Doremus, of the First Presbyterian church. Tho hap py pair have tho best wishes of our people tor their happiness. Prof. S. II. Hollinger has been rc-ap. pointed as principal of oilr schools, and tho jieople and scholars are happy. T. W. Renshaw, our popular druggist, is doing the lion's share of business in his line. Tho reason for which is the remark- ouiv low prices lor which ue lurnisiies goods in his line. Business generally hereabouts Is very dull at this time. 'Tis" hopo on hope ever with us in the coal regions. jack. MoritrnRo Cnuccllcil The Central Railroad Company of New Jersey, to secure the iayment of 5000 bonds of iJluilO each on September 1, 187H, mort gaged to Samuel Knox and John Kean, as trustees for the benefit of bondholders, nil their franchises, rolling stock, depots, Ac, Av-i also 15,000 shares of the capital stock of the New York nd Long Branch Railroad Company, jiar value 51,500,000; also 132,000 shares of tho capital stock of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company, lur value fo, 000,000; also 8000 shares ol the High Bridge Railroad Company, par value $800,000; also 2000 sharesof the Ijongwood Vulley Railroad Cimjuny , par value if 200,000; and also 30,000 shares o( the capital slock of the American Dock and Improvement Cnmpiinyiar value 3,000,000. The mortgage, which was re corded at the Register's Olfieo on February 15, 1877, was on Friday of last week cancell ed or record. The effect of this notion was n advance in the price of the stock oa Sat urday of f, selling up to 37J-. Ills Creek Items. Cold weather Is coming on. Tho greater part of tho corn is cut. Good apples aro scarce this year. Corn husking will bo next in order. Potatoes havo advanced considerable in price the past few weeks. Farmers are just about done with their fall seeding. Cider and apples arc very senrco in this section this year. Mj. Robert Klolz, ofMailch Chunk,was at this place, on Monday last. Messrs. B. Kuntz. and llower, of Lc higliton, were nt this place on Tuesday, Timothy seed Is said to be plenty, and is selling at"$1.50 and $2.00 per bushel. Our farmers have cut considerable buck wheat. The grain Is largo and well filled. A severe frost occurred at this place on Sunday night, September 22. Mr. John Gildner, of this place, so re ported, Intends to leavo yet this fall for Kansas. Prof. J. P. Rowland and wife, of Parry vllie, and Dr. W. G. M. Seiple, of Lehigii ton, were at this place on Sunday, 22d ult. Henry Boyer, Esq., of Weissport, sur veyed n read from R. Strohl's to Wild Creek, on Thuiedoy, 10th ult. Ho speaks quite favorably of tho Democratic ticket, and is hopeful of its succors. The trustees of Soil's church havo put up signs In ths church forbidding persons from spitting tobacco juiceon thclloor under penalty. Two W illtes-Barreans were recently fin ed $50 and ifiO resiectively for shooting pheasants out of season. Our sportsmen will please make n note of this, as our game laws mut bo respected. Don't forget that tho Cauhon Advoche is only 25 cents for three months, or $1 a year, and tho Editor says ho will take the trade dollar at Its full value. Mr. Richftrd Thorp, an old citizen of Franklin, departed this life on Monday af ternoon ot this Week, of consumption, of which he was n sufferer fur some time, lie was interred on Thursday. Died, on the 16th ult., Chas. Harrison, n ron of Edwin Koch, of Hokcndauqiia, of diphtheria. Ho was interred et tho Solt's church, of this place, on Friday of last Week. Aged 4 years,!) tno!itliaiul IHilays. Funeral services by Rev. J. L. Werner, of Parry ville. Thebarnof John Harmon, of Pine Run, was entirely consumed by fire mi Thursday night of last week. Everything was con sumed with tho single exception of 2 horses and the hum cattle. The tire is supmscd to have been tho work oi an incendinry. In sured h. the Lower Towiimensing cotnpiuiv, of MillHirt, furfctCO. However,! learn, that he is making prcparationsto rebuilt nt once. I would call the attention ofsjiortmen to an advertisement which appeared in the Aiiviioatf, under date of April 27, caution ing "porlincn fiom tresspassing upon lands of a lew farmers of Big Creek, as the law will be enforced if violated. Revkhe. Iklioi s from Heaver Itlcrutotr. The people of the mountains aro suffer in? lor the want of rain. Several collieries arc idle on account of naving no water to feed the boilers. Diphtheria is raging severely at Beaver Meadow mines. Tho population of Beaver Meadow is slowly, but constantly decreasing. Mr. Ohns. Scrimshaw has decided not to go to Detroit, (Michigan), for tho winter. It 13 hard to tell how men aro going to vote this fall. It isthe general opinion that the tickets will be badly cut up. The Odd Fellows arc having new shut ters put on tho windows of their new hull, and seats into the public department. Mr. Michael North, at Beaver Meadow mines, has lost two children by tho diph theria this week, and has three others very tick. Mr. Henry Russel, a highly respected citizen of this place, is going to Freidcnsvillo zinc mines, near Bethlehem, ns a boss dresser of the zinc ore. Tho Grcenbackers wonder why Mr. Finciier didn't say something in his Orccn backer about tho great greenback meeting, lifld Hero on tlio evening ot the 23rd ult. There were n gieat many potatoes tilled in this neighborhood thisyoar, but not more than half n crop is being'harvcsied. They are sold at 05 cents per bushel by the farm ers. Mr. romeroy, of Tarnouqua, is in town with his wife anil child. Thevaro stopping with Mr. Wm. It. Wilson. Mr. P. would liko to blow a littlo on the greenback ques tion, but finds its no go in this town. The actions of tho Hon. W. M. Rapsher, the Republican Representative of Carbon County in tho Legislature, pertaining to those bills, mentioned in tho article of last week's C'aroon Advocate, is hichlv approved of by nil intelligent workmen, who ore not more uiascu by politics, than gooit common sense. OnannvEii. I.clilgli Hlllvfrf.ll)- I.uw Lecture!.. The Law Lectures commenced on Thurs day. Oelotier 3d. nt !ll n. in Gen. V. E. Doster delivered tho first of his course of leclures on ' Practice in tho Courts of Pennsylvania." Prof. Henry Coppee, I.LD., on the follow ing Tuesday, Oct., bth,at 01 a. m will com. menco his lectures on "Constitutional and International Law." Robert E. Wright, Sr., Esq., of Allentown, has ransomed to deliver a course of lectures on " Tho Low of Contracts." Henry Gicen,Esq.,of 10J a.m., Thuifday, October 3d, will organize iv Moot Court, and hold its first session at 10J a. m., October 17th. Tho following gentlemen will preside at the Moot Court : Hon. J. W. Maynard, Willlamsport. " Ulysses Mercur, Towanda. " lifinund I,. Dana, Wilkesbarre. " Edward Harvey, Allentown, " Samuel A. Bridges, Allentown. Henry Green, Esq., Easton. Robert E. Wright, Sr., Esq., Allentown. M. II. Jones, Esq., Easton. Gen. Charles Albiight, Mauch Chunk. Gen. Frank Reeiler, Easton. Allen Craig, Esq., Mauch Chunk. Tho Lectures of Gen. Doster will bo de livered on Thursdays, and those of Dr. Cop iec on Tuesdays of each week, at 01a. in., vacations excepted, until tho beginning of next April. All the privileges of the University aro free. Jons M. Leavitt, President. Coul Price Ailiiiiitcil. The coal operators in tho Lehigh region met at tho oflico of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Philadelphia, Mon day, and, as was generally expected, advanc ed the prices for October on line deliveries 10 cents per ton and 15 cents to tho citv trade. This will make tho line prices $2 85 for lump, $2 75 for broken and cge, $3 for stove and $2 00 for chestnut. Tho city prices for lumn. broken and rev will ta&?ftA. l Pll for ItOVA find SV AO fnr .rtn,-t From tin; Coimij- Sonl. ltKrcnLiCAH JtfKEiiso. The Republicans held n meeting m the Court House here on Afonday evening, which was largely attend ed and enthusiastic. The (pdik'crs wero Gen. CI1113. Albright, Col. Thus. Fitzgerald, proprietor i)aijfiifm,Phlladelphiajiiiil Hon. Win. Rapsher. lliey each made stirring speeches, and put the party on an honest money basis in opposition to tho so-called Greenback doctrine. NatuualizatioxCoukt. A special session of Court, before tho Asiociato Judges, was held on Tuesday, for tho purpose of hearing petitions for naturalization. Thirty three jietitious were heard, as follows : Moses Jenkins Hen). Watklns Wales: Tatrlclc lieveu, I'eter McDclnh, Janies Oulliiglicr, Cii nelius 1 O'Dr.ntiell. Hnir Mcl'eMi, Ireland Jolui Mi'.Miilitb. bcot niiil; Josei'h fcinl him, Jiiines siiiiitliiin,Jo&cpti Key,lliunius a, lllotcn, Knuiand: Uusluvo VVietiL. lli-rinun llratlu's. 1-iaiicls iltt-08, I'eter llroccli, Xnvlcr MoMcr, JosejUi Mo-er, Juscoti Iteesir. ricil. Kcntz.P. hclioti, llenrv Hclintt, Mcnrv strode. Ilemv clioit, Joseph -ut.12 t-r, Ji.tin Votiluiucr. 'red. A'.eyer, L.nwrence Zeiircr, Joliu Koliltiop, l-nU l-'uiiidc. Contlniit l-'ictniua, Uciuiauf. Stsi-ExsK. Thostispcnseomong the prom inent Democrats here to know what is being done this Week at Stroudsburg lias been at times alarming. The news that Hon. Allen Craig had received tho nomination for the State Senate by acclamation brought some relief, but the prominent news is yet to come. At this Writing it is believed here that Col. Klotz wilt reccivo the nomination. Jixoa JAiTEna. Tho Cornet Band's new unilorms will ho here on Tuesday. They propose to " wet" it at the Lehigiiton fair. Charles Webster lectured to railroad men, in the Second Ward Tuesday evening, to a crowded audience. His subject was the"Bib!e nsabook." Much interest is Icing mani fested in these etlbrts by the Y. M. C. A. An oxcursion,nuinbering250, from Plain field, N. J., visited thisplaceon Wednesday. It was given fur the benefit of the Muhlen berg Hospital. Col. Fitznatrii'k, of Philadelphia, has been a guest of the Mansion House, during the week, and will address the M. E. Sunday school on Sunday. The Borough Council hold a regular meet ing on Saturday evening. Mauch (.'hunk now boasts of a spiritual medium, a handsome brunette, who reveals the past, present and future. She alsu dis penses " vital magnetism" to the afflicted. What was nearly a case of assault and haltery took place in front of the post office, on Wednesday evening, between two young men, Irwin Cunimiugsaiid Henry Wcyhen mcycr. A young lady and a slanderous let ter is the e.i'use of the trouble. It is said to be unsettle J. VoUfxort B(riri. Eva Eddinger of Stroudsburg, is visiting her sister, .Mrs. J. G. Zern. J.ihn H. Kronier expects to take charge of the F.iirview Rcntautont in East Weiss port, on Tuesday the bth mst. A. W. Jarsh, pioiirietor of the Weiss port House, I, as opened a restaurant in the baftni'iit of the above named house where refreshments of all hinds can be found at any hour ol the day. Political talk is becoming to be the "or der of tho day." Some exciting discussions have taken place during the past week. Onn of our Band' play for tho Fair next week for tho enormous sum of $25 for three days ro we are informed. The Young America Cornet Band ad vertise a Grand Jtooulight Hop, to come oil' on Wednesday ,tho Vth fust. A good time is anticipated. Dr. J. G. Zern.the Democratic candidate for the legislature, is gaining strength every day, notwithstanding lit. Y's,vicwsand in fluence to the contrary. The Lehigh Slate Co's. boiler explosion nt blalington, last week, ought to bo a warn ing to icisoils who have in use old boilers. The moulding department of .Viuer Bros, foundry was obliged to lay idle several days this weijl., on account of necccssary re pairs to the cupola. "Autumn Leaves upon the Lehigh, where to go and what to see" isthetilloot n beautiful book, published by tho Lehigh Vullev lt.ailrnad Co., iuwhieh is given si de scriptive articlo on Weisjpoit, aud more es pecially iiion the Lehigh Valley Emery Wheel Co's. Works. Jakk Peace. I'ulillc tinlc. The following sales aro advertised in tho Ciitnox Advocate, or bills have been print ed at this office: October 5th, at 2 p. m., In Lehigiiton, real and personal piopeily of Adam Buckniau, deceased. Oct. 10, al 10 a. in., on tho premises, in Le higiiton, assignee's pale of the real estate of Jos. S. Webb and wife. Oct. 12th, ot 2 p. m., in Beaver Run Valley, real estate and jiersonal projieity of M. Tucker. Oct. 2(lth, at 2:00 p. m., on the, premises, In Franklin twp., Executor's sale of the real estate of Mrs. Eve Solt, dee'd, Mm of I, mors Remaining uncalled for in the Lehigiiton T. O. up to October 4, 187S, C. Walter fitilcs. Wm. Shaffer. Jonas Rehiig. Jjitin Rehiig, -Vailzel Naftez. Thomas Shaffer. Hurry Slams. Gaed Rehiig. Anna L. Kistler. Afonrne Hciser, J. k R. Beisel. Nathan Haupt. Persons calling for any of the above, will please say " Advertised." II. II. Peters, Postmaster. Ilenubllcnu ?Icrtlnr;. A meeting of the Republicans of Lehigii ton and vicinity was held in the School Hall, on Thursday evening. Thus. Kemerer, Esq., was chosen Prerident, and G. W. Bauniu'.i, ami II. 1' . Kuntz, bsqr:, Vice-rresiilcati. Addresses wero made by Hon. Charles Albright, of Jauch Chunk, and Col. l'itz geruld, of Philadelphia. The hall wasabout two-thirds full, ami tho fcecl'.cs of the orators were enthusiastically applauded. Ladies, do not fail to call at E. II. Snyder's, and sec the beautiful styles of fall and win ter dress goods, and, O, so very cheap ! Tho IV.wards ring of tho Carbon county Greenback party will hold a meeting at tho Iiroadwoy House, Afaiich Chunk to day (Saturday), Oct. 6th, at 11 o'clock a. in., to put their ticket in "good shape" for tho election. Tho Chairman of the County Committee, II. C. Stager, of Audcnried, says " Our men will support the ticket to a man, and hojw yours will do the same." The 7:45 a. in. Leliigh Valley train (Fri day) was delayed about 1 hours by the burning of two or thiccoil ears In the neigh. borhooilof Catasauqua. We have been un able to Icarn the articulars of the acouleui, although it Is retorted that oue man' va kiltM tflunlcr In Heidelberg I On Monday morning ilia upper end of tho county was considerably startled by the in IHllgcneo of a murder In Heidelberg town ship, near Pleasant Corner. Tho "parties M-ere Jacob Kressly and Elios Lcntz, the latter being the unfoituiialo participant. Their lands adjoin each other, and on Sunday nltcrnoon, about four o'clock, some hogs be longing to Kressly broko into Lcntz's coin field and did cousidciablo damage. Uion making the discovciy, Lenlz immediately went over to Kressly s farm, and Informed loin of tho occuirctice. It seems that nngry words passed between them, and 03 Kressly further fays: " Lcntz camo to mo and run his fist under my nose mid I did the same to him. Ho then struck me Willi a club, nnd I got a club and struck him also. Tho first stroke ho fell on his faco ulidin n shorttimo was dead." Tho body was found lying some distance from Krosdy's ham, and the nose of the man was discovered to havo been broken by tho blow. The community is greatly excited over tho unfortunate occur rence, although all Hint know the parties aro loth to believe that Kressly contemplated homicide. Both men were always friendly towards each other, and heretofore never had any angry words or disputes. They were both held in high esteem by their neighbors and acquaintances, and havo rver been regarded as peaceful and law abiding. Lcntz was 00 years of ago and Kressly 08 A jury was sworn in on Sunday evening by 'Squire Samuel J. Kistler, of Seagcrs ville, and on Monday evening the jury ren dered the following verdict : "Wc, tho jury of the inquest, find that Elias Lcntz camo to his death by u blow from a stick or club on his neck or nose; the said stick or club being In tho hands of Jacob KrcsslyJ and "ia' after the said Elias Lentz Was stricken down lie fell on his face nnd then and there asphyxiated or smothered to death. Wo further find that thero was no premeditation un tho part of the said Jacob Krcsslr in ' commission of this act, nor vindictlveness expressed further than was engendered ot tho time and place." Hon. John D. Stiles has been engaged as counsel fur Kressly. Kressly was taken to Allentown on Mon "iv o i ning by Constable Lobach, who kept him at tho Centennial Hotel until yesterday afternoon, when Peter Miller, ot Seagers viilc, entered bail in thesum of $5000 for Ills appearance at the Nov. term of '-"ourt, the prisoner having had a habeas corpus hearing yesterday afternoon. Slatington Acicf, Oct. 2nd. ' I. utlicrnti. A second free diet of the Lutheran Church will be held ill St. Mark's church, Philadel phia, beginning Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1678. All members, of the Lutheran Church are invit ed to be present and to take pail in the pro ceedings. Rev. E. Greenwald, 1). D., of Lancaster, Pa., will preside, and Rev. Dr. II. E. Jacobs and W in. M, B.ium are the secretin ies. A series of rules has been adopt ed to govern the diet, and tho essayists aud bpeaU-is announced as follows: 1. The Grounds of Hope for the Lutheran Church in America Rev. Dr. S. W. Har kev; speaker?, Rev. Dr. J. 0. Butler aud Rev. A. J. Weddcll. 2. The Conservatism of tho Lutheran Church in Doctrine and Cultus Rev. S. A. Repass, D. D.j speakers, Rev. Dr. J. F. Rcin mund and Rev. R. Hill. ?,. The Valuo to the Lutheran Church of Her ConfcBsions Rev. Dr. II. Zeiglerj speak ers, Rev. Dr. C. P. Krauth and Rev. Dr. J. A. Brown. 4. What is Embraced in a Truo and Rea sonable Subscription to the Confession? Jtov. I'roi. A. juartin; speaiters, uev. i)r. t . W. Conrad and Rev. Dr. II. B. Jacobs, 5. Art as Related to Worship in the Luth eran Uhurch Rev. Dr. W. D.Strobel;speak ers, Rev. Prof. M. H. Richards and Rov. Dr. L. A. Gotwald. G. Tho Causes and Remedies of the Losses of Her Population by the Lutheran Church in America Rev. Dr. B, Sadtien speakers, Rev. Dr. J. G. Morris and Rev. S. Laird. 7. The Desirableness aud Feasibility of Having one Complete Service for tho Entire Lutheran Chu'ch in English Rev. Dr. I. Magee: speakers, Rev. J. A. Kunklemau and' Rev. Dr. C. A. Stork. S. Tho polity of tho Lutheran Church as Signified in the Confessions Rev. Dr. G. F. Krotcl; speakers, Rev. Dr. G. Diehland Rev. J. Kohler. 0 Confirmation in the Lutheran Church Rev. Prof. E. V. Gicse; speakers, Rev. Dr. V. J. Mann and Rev. Dr. A. H. Lochman. 10. What should bo the attitude of the Lutheran Church to tho So-called Reforms of the day? Rev. Dr. C. W. Pchaefier ; speakers, Rev. Dr. D. Steele and Rev. Prof. II. W. Roth. 11. Pietism in the Lutheran Church) Its Manifestations end Us Worth Rev. Dr. C. A. Hay; sK alters, Rev. C. F. Waldeu and Rev. D. P. Roscnmiller. 12. Conditions and Prospects of the Lu theran Church in Germany Rov. Dr. A. Saeth ; siieakers, Rev. Dr. A. C. Wcdekiud and Rcv.illjGrahn. 1". The Reliirious Conditions of the Color ed roople, and what ought to be dono '.n their behalf by the Lutheran Church vev. Dr. T. W. Dosh ; speukcrs, Rev. Dr. S. Hen kel and Rev. I). M. Gilbert. 1 J. Immigrntionns Affecting theReligious Interests ol this Country, aril how to bo made Eerviccablo to tho Church Rev. J. W. Hassler ; speakers, Rev. G. U. Wenncr aud J. B. Rath. 15. Worth and Defects of the Sunday School System Rev. Dr. W. M. Buuin ; speakers ltcv. Dr. J. Fry nnd Rev. M. Shee leigh. 10. The Pubi c School System Viewed with Reference to Religion and Higher Education Tiev. Dr. F. A. Muhlenberg; speakers, lcv. Dr. M. Valentino and Rev. Dr. J. A. Seiss. Woti ilolcnca Tlir nl'ln'c!. WiLKES-BARnE, Oct. 1. Nanticoke, a bor ough of several thousand inhabitants in Lu lerce countv. is exneriencins a local sensa tion of a mostperilouscharaeter. Tho ques tion at issue is tho management of thu pub lic schools. The labor )rty elected a new School Board lust spring hy Iinudsomo ma jorities, but, owing to tho omission of tjieei lying the length of term to which each man was elected to county courts havo decided that tho board is unqualified to act. Tho other board have been endeavoring to tako possession of the school property, but have met with ill success. The officers of the coal and iron police havo been diiven Irom the town anil hundreds of frenzied citisens parado tho streets. Tho Sherilf has sworn in 150 piiecial deputies, who urnitd wuh muskets, under the commaiid of Deputy Sherilf Conniff.aru charged with lhereswii sibilily of maintaining jieace, The purties to the dispute are worked np to tho greatest pitch of excitement. Any moment the citi zens may find themselves involved in a bloody riot. Only by the prompt measures of the Deputy Sheriff last evening was this averted. As it was, a prominent and weal thy citizen of lliehoroiigh,Thcmas McNeesh, was stabbed. The sight of tho bloful pro duced great agitation. Ho liclongs to the labor jirty and is considered by them a leader. One word from him for un attack would have plunged the tow n into a merci less liuht. As it was, his ndt ice and plead- in is tor lienre were hooded. At this hour there is no disturbance, but gatherings of titan mv.n fl.A mritfvrk ra thu man- ' leut and df6jn to the &hnft" deputies Our Count r I'alr. Tho fourth nnnuul Valf of tlu (Inrbon County Industrial Society Is tho last on thu list for I his section, opening on 'A'iicMy noxt, Oct. f-th, and continuing until Friday even ing following. Its exhibitions hate always been popular, and the attraction fTcsented fully up to the standard of the best county agricultural displays. Tho msnagtfnent have been unremitting in their efforts this year, and they expect to fill all the depart" menta and rendsr the fair one of tho load-1 ing local events At the sale ofstandsand privileges on Issi Saturday afternoon, tho following persons wero tho successful bidders at tho sums set to their names: No. 1. Hillman ?"0 00 No. 2. David Miller..,..., 35 00 No. 3. Jacob Strausberger .hi. 32 00 No. 4. James McGinty 37 00 No. 5. John Eachen 37 00 No. 0. Adam Henry 37 50 No. 7. James Flcmining m 35 00 No. 8. Augustus Miller 20 00 Boardjig House, Fred. Miller 25 00 Total amount $303 50 OFFICERS ArrOIXTFD. Ticket Agents (Thursday puly) Drake II. Long, J. P. Smith. Entry Clerks -A. W. Eaches( Alfred Whit tingham. Upper Gate-keeper N. G. Rex. Lower Gate-keeper Godfn-y Peter. HostlcM Wilson Evcit, Daniel Rex. Cottle nnd Poultry Tenders J. Houaarand Joshua Graver. Carpenter, Ac Daniel Shoemaker. Outside Police K. 11. Albright, T. Smoth ers, Gid. Nothstein, Chas. Nolhstein. Night Police A. Kemerer, W. Oommery. Fair Houso Police Thomas Lentz, Charles Fronhciser, F. Worth, Charles Hiskey. Marshal Edwin Sensitiger. Policemen Frs. Blocker, Jos. S. Webb. Fair Houso Manager W. A. Graven Tlio Coul Trade. Tlic tollo vine table stiotos inn uttantuV ot cbal Bhlpticit over the Lehigh Vulley JtailrLat! lot tae week ouflngejcpt, 28, 1878. and fortbu ) cat us cainparca me "nine umu in-i yenr. Regions l'rolii t Week. Year 7.3.129 II 1,11.(1, 'i ID Its 15 S42 7S. 11 4 -,3: ii . 14 IMS! IS Wyoming , Unzmtou Upper i.t-hlgh Iloaver Meadow... Mahnnov Aland Chunk l'ort llolaware II.S33 13 is r, io s.ors 17 1,214 13 Total Last Year lncre.3to.,... T5 3C8 10 2,J!7,C80 II 1I7.C3J IS 3,B ,H'i IS Occrcarr f2,;71 15 "I7 7J5M P.uroUT O F OOAT, traniiiorted ottr l.etileh & Misqu liainn Division. Central H. H. ol New Jcre.,f r i. it iv. ending Kent -33 I1S78 blnppeii Hum I Total vcoa. To dale. Wyoirin.-.- 23,020 13 C07.762 0J ISvt-lhartU. Co. IV. 16 2 2,771 13 " Pll 1 i . -'o 577 10 S9.223 0J " " 1). 0. 11. C. J.... HC3 Upper LalilKll I.C84 10 1M5HIII .M.s.K.iCo. 3,1.7 10 68.4:6 14 Hearer Meadow.... 17M74 ID Maucll l liunu ... 1.50 CO 2844ST 10 ClOHClf"-' 7.770 17 148,333 11) Council Ilhtito 4,181) M 18.379 01 I..V. It. 1'... l'ockeitOJ.. 114 11 4,114 01 UnzintvMc 4.71S (8 Bmitll iS On 81" C4 48.811 19 Total i 49.716 OS T.CC4.40O 01 rr0V.0lllvlCl.ii. lelli.. I C55.743 1J i Total to fare I,6"4,4ii0 07 Saaio lime la-1 rem.... 1 ,"67,978 13 .... Increase .... i. Decittso 363.510 t n,uutii:i, HuNStciir.R Baluf.t. On the 20th ult., by Rev. A. Dai tholomew, Edwin Hunsieker, and Miss Susan Iiailiet, both of Mahon ing twp. " 1)1 ZV, Hoffman. On the 11th nit., in East Penn, Nathan liranvill,son of Nathan aud Cath arine Hoffman, aged 7 months 18 days. Lctz. On the 13th ult., West Penn, Jcriai, son of Jacob nnd Hannah Lutz.agcd 3 yra. 4 mo. and 2 days. rrXSTniiuACUKR. On the Win ult., In Ma honing twp., William Oscar,son of Steph en and Catharine Fenslermachcr, aged 7 months 2 days. GuLtiXEU. On tho 24lh ult., in East Tenn, William Henry, son of Levi and Sarah Amanda Uuhlner, aged 1 year, 4 days. S.vvnrr.. On the 2th ult., in West Penn, Elmer Reuben, ton of John and Rebeee Snyder, aged 4 yrs.,3 mos. 11 days. Closing Trices of Df.Havem k Towxsisn, Stock Government and Gold, 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,Scpt. 25,1876: V S.C'b. IStl lC7i O'd 1C7". .I8kf4 U. R. c-:o'n. i3 J . i 3 .... lO' l. Mil ltH askeil !. s.'s. !Sii7 lias tud ut akid u. h. .-.ja's, isus 107k i"d ns asieo U.S. 1''n l.C lild Ull a.Ked ir. H. cnrreiicv.o'a u.liV Old 1W mined T)'Missi, new la-U l'td lOb" asked U.H. 4V new K3i Old ICSh asked 1) s 4' .iow I""1 W' l'" asked Pennsylvania 11. It i.. 31W bid 3I, asked l'lnla a ItendliiR 11. It 'id l Leli'.sn VAlliy It. B 42H lild i'.tj asked i caiSncoiieav. Co.... is tud isl, iseedjj l'Dltd Companies oIN. J.l29a bit . faked" H...tlicrn Central uia ijs, ,,Fa ..n.......,nin ii li n Hi. tud 1C. asked dolrt n rs old Hfl'i asked si.vor,(Ci.ana.5') ...... MS tud f'J. a;ke' " iDimes am im ineoj. vo i-m Special Notices. E F. Kunitcl's Bitter Wino bf Iron Ttil' trnlr valnalitB tonic lias been so trior. (iutIiIv teset.l try nil classesol llio corauiuiy thit It ia now Hcotnea tiuluoensable as a Tooio medicine. It costs nut ilitlo, pur flea the blood aeu eivcs tone to tlio stuiuacti, renovates tt system unit inolenn life, livervbod sli"iiM liavo II. For tlio euro of weak uto.unnli". Gen eral Delil lty. ludnrestion. DlseaeouIlbeBiom. all cases noulrinir alonlc. Tils win" tuo.udes the most nfreeaale nnd eiacitnt .-ultol Iionwoiios.ess Cilliiteof Mnpnetic Ox. ide coinblnn' with tao raost euerir no ol veget. ali.e tonic YdliAV 1'eiuvlnn llait. Do you want soiietlilnir lo strengthen joul ijo ion want a f cod iietitel Ho vou want to ret i Id of uetvousnesil Dojo'i wunteuerRil Di vou want lofleeowclll )'o jcu wunt to D'l id no lour constitution! Do ui want to fctl wel f Do vou want lirUk and Igorou lectins! It vou no tiy KUKKM,'b Ml run MINIS OF IltON. 1 only ask trltl of tills valuable tonic llowa'o or counteircus, as Kuni.f-1'ri GUt-r Wmo of lreu is the inly sure and efilclent reme dy in tho snuviu worm lor the ncruiuuent cui of impeiisla uud Debility ai.u i.s iheie cie nuinberol liultatiuua i&eiod to tho liuolie, I would cnuuou iho coiuuiiiiil.v lo puicuase nouo butihecenulneaiilcle, uinnulactaud bvli. K Kaoki.l.und having nUftciup ou the cork ot i.erv loitic. Hie viy nu-t that oihera sre at'ouiptlug to imitate tills vjluaolo remedy nroienuwo'tli uud spi-aks volumes IMtit -vor. Hol.ioni' lut' lot In or m Loitiesnr 85. Trv tuts valuable medicine aim Ho cmllur. id of it ineiti.. Hold by UiujiKl'H ud deaurs oitrj'Wliiie 'lape Warm Ki'movcil Alho. Hon) ana all ci niplete, la two hours. Kot't til lie-d oan-ts. rsCBt.i'lusudM'Mi.RchWollns mnoiclbv Ur. Koutel 25l)orllllUlhsllIeu rinuvtKH.lii. l't. llcDdfurn cmuar wliu a tn'a!ie on all kilidn of wiiims, ajvico tre. A ur umlaut for a bottioof Kuokel's toim Snev. hl do the worK. 1'ilce H VX It never fulls to icuiove all lluiln fiom cbUarcn or yi own pcro.u. Direel Ions y, i til it. Health and Happiness. Health una ITorplneiw nre piicelcM Wejiltlito tlieir iHistftiorn, orl yet Xhoy are wit bid iU icuuli u! ovcr out wlio will liso Wright's Liver IMlls, Tae onir sore CV ItK I' r Tori'ld IJver Dynyef tvi. UoadAcho Hout t-ioiuacli. Coi't-ttoatKm, lio. bi nr. Nausea, aim all iiulious couudalutu aud IttKid ilifeoiils:s. Notio g iiume uulf-ta frlrned "Wm u nxht riula." llyourl)iUBpstll'not supply rrtia I) reuis lor uue bos to Iiartltc fodei tu ,;ty . et . Vbl'.a. Peo. ?i yl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers